vio-starzz · 3 months
It was weird. Weird to watch Vio be… Happy again.
Shadow had watched, watched every day, every moment as a ‘shadow—‘ he did nothing but watch the others.
He kept close to Vio, in hopes of watching his ‘friend’ go back to being okay, yet that’s not what he watched…. Because right now, soaking in the duskful rain, laughing sickly at the world around them; This was the first time in four years— Four YEARS that he’s seen their violet laid friend, show any sort of happiness.
Or, whatever this sick happiness was.
This just didn’t feel right, it felt like a painful spiteful laugh. A despising happiness, seeped in deep clutches of the mental battles and state they’d maintained since his death…
Shadow had thought for so long that Vio actually hated them from the start, and he held that grudge through death: For one year, another— And then it slowly dawned on him what Vio was doing.
The magic, tainted with their own blood— Was evil. They were sacrificing their own body, mind, blood, and soul towards trying to bring a shadow into life.
Giving their life; To born something, from nothing.
The grudge and hate was still there, it was still there! Yet… You can hate, and feel pity towards anyone: Empathy isn’t something Shadow gets- But it isn’t something he lacks.
Yet now? Vio just sat there laughing, almost maniacally, at nothing. They were loosing themself to the darkness they were playing with, and even then after the lectures from friends, concerns from family, they still dipped further into.
Like a bird, made from wax, flying too close to the sun— Yet Vio was that bird, flying too low by the abyss: Something that either way, the outcome is miserable.
Even their Shadow form wraps around Vio, as if a way to try and hug them, as the laughter broke into sobs and curses. A fake facade of happiness dripping in insanity breaking, to reveal just that.
A broken soul.
Someone who feathered too close to the abyss, and in turn—
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oblivious-memorials · 3 months
The world wasn’t quite not existing, but it was weak. Falling apart, destroying every bit of land and memory ever made. It wouldn’t last, and they- weren’t going to make it. There was no way out.
The creator struggled to keep the world in grasps, trying to fix what was too late. They didn’t want to let go.
But they couldn’t succeed in holding the world together. It’s too weak. Too broken, unable to be fixed.
The last thing they were about to do was give up, but it wasn’t the end.
If the world couldn’t be saved, then they’d let it go. They’d let it fall.
But at least, they can save the people.
They can save the ones who deserve more.
Haven wasn’t sure what the hell happened. Watching the world fade to black, only to wake up in a field of flowers.
Were they dead?
What…. Was happening?
[Redacted] woke…. Woke up?
It hurt, everything hurt- but, the view was pretty. A sunset, soon the stars would be out.
They couldn’t remember much, or well, anything. What…. Was there name again?
They weren’t sure.
But, this felt nice. Maybe, maybe they should ignore the pain.
Everything looked pretty anyways, it’s not like… they forgot anyone.
Cas opened their eyes in a panic, looking around at the view around them with confusion.
They knew these clouded skies from anywhere, Heaven.
A place they were banished, and thrown out of. A place they swore to never go back to, a place-
That….. now welcomes them back.
This wasn’t right. This couldn’t be true, we’re they dreaming?
What even happened-
How are they-
Are they alive?
Lunar looked around in spite. Hoping, praying- to a god they don’t believe in- that please. Please…
Their eyes froze on the form slightly away from them, but close enough-
Lunar quickly ran over in desperation. Checking on them quickly, sighing in relief as they find a pulse.
Aspen suddenly shifts, waking up- confused.
“Am I…. Dead”
They ask, probably a little out of it still.
“No silly, something or someone portaled us out.”
They turn over to Lunar, processing for a moment-
Lunar chuckles in response, before looking around-
“Where… are we?”
The world, reduced to nothing.
By fate, not all souls lost.
Across worlds of other, left to find a new life.
Some remembered, some forgotten. But still, alive.
Fate entwined together, a pathway to each other- to hopes of a new beginning. To a continuation of an old story.
A creator, lost to time. Just as the world before was. They saved others, but failed to save themselves.
Perhaps one day, they may be found again.
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zavbees · 1 year
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Here is my take on Zane Ro'Meave for my au of Minecraft Diaries. I think I may post here and Twitter about the fic. Link things I don't necessarily want in the fic proper but still make my brain happy lol
ANYWAY this is Zane! He's pretty much the same (from what I remember of him anyway). He's still moody, he's a control freak, and he's a manipulative fucker. And I love him.
Writing a fanfic centered on the Jury of Nine and the Shadow Knights is surprisingly fun lmao
Here's the fic if anyone is interested:
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zackmartin · 1 year
alright i might be a little too obsessed with this thought
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weakzen · 2 years
alright, gonna ramble a little about the IF under the cut, yeah??
hell yeah
it's a slow-burn, cosmic horror mystery (with potential romance!!) set in 1967-68 alaska, a few years after the '64 earthquake & tsunami that wrecked anchorage and destroyed numerous coastal communities. the speck on the map where this story takes place--a highly-isolated seaside town nestled within the fjords and protective islands of southeastern alaska’s inside passage--was not one of those communities.
but they’ll wish they were.
...that said, i started writing this thing because, well, i love horror and i love scaring the shit out of people lmao. i'd been dying to run a call of cthulhu campaign for offline friends, with full costume, props and flickering candles, but, y'know, covid. so i started thinking about how to adapt those mechanics and vibe to interactive fiction and, heh. i think it's gonna work fantastically. <3333
(and for those who've never played call of cthulhu, it's basically the complete opposite of dungeons & dragons--an anti-power fantasy, where your characters are weak, fragile, die frequently in horrible ways, and when they do score a victory, it's often pyrrhic and ultimately hollow, on a cosmic timeline.)
so yeah. the vibe.
the story also deals with labor rights, indigenous rights, environmentalism and greed, amongst other things, and i'd say the major theme underlying everything is loss and change, catastrophic, life-altering loss and change, and how people and places move forward from that--or don't.
that theme extends to all of the romance options too, as survivors of '64. they might share their stories eventually, if you earn their trust. in the meantime, they are:
a botanical illustrator. charming, flirty, dismissively flippant. may or may not have already slept with the ROs, amongst other people in town.
a geologist. friendly, earnest, obsessively determined. may or may not have angrily thrown rocks at people on different occasions.
a hunter. dry, giving, elusively detached. may or may not have taken a stupid dare once and ended up with parts stuck to glacial ice.
all three are present in the town and story, but only one romance is available per playthrough (determined by which of them is on the ferry with the MC at the beginning of the game). and the romance is entirely optional. you can be friends, acquaintances, or just plain ol' bitch eating crackers i can't fucking stand this person lmao. i won’t punish jerk or indifferent MCs with less content, just different paths forward--along with logical consequences for their choices.
anyway, this is kinda long, so i’ll end with some more things you can do in the first chapter:
get seasick and vomit on the ferry, earn a perma ‘seasick’ flag to ensure it probably happens in the future
pet the ROs dog before it goes missing, and offer to help find it!
get a job at the salmon cannery, smell like fish for the rest of the game
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Chapter 7!
I'm thinking of starting a comment game to get me to write more. See the end of chapter notes for more info!
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alesbianwithabook · 3 years
Me, whenever I write anything
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zickd · 4 years
04. butterfly, pinned to cutting board
It itches, and she can’t scratch it.
She wonders when Father started collecting dead butterflies and putting them on display in his study. She barely makes a noise when walking on the carpet, bare feet taking her from a wall to the other – from a death to another. Would they fly again if she broke the glass and unnailed them.
Rivers of warm tears down her cheeks, and it still isn’t enough.
Fingers rap on a golden frame, making a ticking sound like clocks or drizzle. On the board, the blue and white butterfly shudders. Its wings hold tightly onto the smallest breath of life. If she tried to fix it, would it work?
There is something in the back of her head, begging for attention.
She knows better than ignoring it.
She knows she can’t ignore it.
There’s a child tied to the kitchen table, and she is screaming.
Her whole body pauses for just a second. Her index finger crooks, scratches the glass but leaving it pristine. Skin burning. Soul reclaiming what’s locked.
When she walks out of the room, the aftertaste of rusted iron keys still lingers in her mouth.
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joonieshoelace · 4 years
You're startled awake in the middle of the night, but you cant figure out what by. You sit and try to calm yourself down, and you're in the middle of taking some deep breaths when you hear it.
"Aaaaaaaaarrrmyyyyyyyyyy..." a whisper on the wind blowing through the open window. Everything inside of you tenses and tells you not to look outside, but you've never been good at trusting your instincts. You slowly, silently creep off of your bed and towards the window, the moonlight casting shadows around the- wait.
Didn't you close the curtains?
You pause in your movements and hold your breath, straining to hear... something? You're not sure if hearing or not hearing something would be better at this point. Regardless, no noise reaches your waiting ears, so you continue your slow tiptoeing across the floor.
You're right by the window now. You talk to yourself, saying that theres nothing to be afraid of. You hadn't heard anything anyways and you were probably just being silly-
It was louder this time. You stand shock still, the only sounds being the light breeze from outside and the loud beating of your pounding heart.
You shouldn't have to be this afraid in your own home, you think. This was your place. Your space to live and breathe and feel safe. Whoever - or what ever - was making this sound was trespassing, and had disturbed your sleep. You were angry.
"H-hello?" The anger did not carry to your voice, which shook with fear as you called out to the empty room. "Who's there?"
You wait, one moment, two, three, but no reply answers your question. You decide to look out the window.
Counting down, you take deep breaths as you prepare yourself for whatever you may or may not see awaiting you in the garden.
You close your eyes, shielding yourself from the ghoulish shadows created by the moonlight that twisted and changed to look like creatures of the night and danced around your room.
You inhale and steel yourself against intrusive thoughts running wild in your head, producing gruesome images of the horrors you were convinced you were about to see.
Your eyes open, and you are confused.
You feel the grass under your toes and the chill of the air on your skin where before you felt the comforting warmth of indoors. The moonlight that once fell through the window to hit the floor now bounces off your bare skin. You are in the garden.
Your eyes open wide and you look around wildly, your breathing coming in harsh, heavy pants as questions hurl through your mind at light speed.
How did you get here?
Is the thing that made the noise out here with you?
Are you alone?
At this last thought, you gasp and look up to the window where you believed you stood just moments ago, where you remembered counting down but never taking that final step to actually look at the thing outside.
You look... only to see seven sets of eyes staring out at you.
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Lmao idk my brain tried to tell a joke and it ended up like this. I dont really write, like ever, so please be nice 🙃
This is all my writing so please dont steal it
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vio-starzz · 3 months
Perhaps allowing Shadow to get somehow drunk on evil root beer, wasn’t the smartest decision.
Before Vio even realized it, he was being dragged outside, around the top of the tower to look out above.
In the moonlit sky, the view from above was beautiful. The way everything was set from a high, the lack of clouds revealing the thousands of stars across the sky. The slight glow from the full moon. The way everything aligned so perfectly.
How the moon flowed upon Shadow’s face. How…. Perfect he looked. Sitting there, at the edge laughing away, and just- looking beautiful-
His trail of thoughts blurred as he looked at Shadow. He could feel his face flush a slight crimson color. He knew he was staring, hard. But, no matter where his gaze started, it always wound back up to him.
Someone so misunderstood. He could understand it, just wanting someone- just wanting a friend.
Yet, the way Shadow slowly started to cloud his thoughts as the day went on, changed him. He wanted nothing more than to admit to Shadow what he’d done, how Green is still alive, how he betrayed him, how he wants to help Shadow.
But it all feels so wrong. Why? Why does he want to help the enemy so bad? Why can’t he look away- what’s… this feeling he has?
The warm and overwhelming feeling in his chest, how he thinks of him- what… is this sense of feeling he has? Why can’t he… make sense of it?
He snaps out of it instantly, looking up, back into Shadows eyes- instantly going red, from embarrassment, considering he’d been staring at Shadow the whole time he zoned out.
“Let’s go back innnnnn~ I’m sooooooo tired!”
Rigggggght… He’s basically drunk. Somehow.
The whole situation is honestly odd, Vio still doesn’t understand how he consumes so much ‘evil rootbeer’ and then just turns out completely wasted. But, he’s not one to judge. (He truly is, but this is Shadow he’s thinking about.)
As Shadow gets down from the ledge, he quickly staggers around, before Vio comes to his side, holding him upright. He stays oddly embarrassed. Or, red.
The feeling deep within them burns and feels… so strong. He’s so confused, this feeling is so odd to him.
It’s new, but, he can’t understand it. Normally there’s always some explanation for such a strong emotion. Yet, he can’t find one. He can’t understand it- and he hates that….
But as he leads Shadow back inside, his thoughts wander again. Back to Shadow, back to him.
He doesn’t get it… but, he doesn’t hate the feeling.
He doesn’t hate it at all.
Something about Shadow is… different. Then others. Something… that draws him in further.
As Shadow drifts to sleep, he can’t help but feel a painful bitter feeling deep within him.
Something about Shadow makes him feel good, something the others don’t make him feel.
But he’s a hero, he’s a part of Link.
He has to do this, he has to break the mirror…
He has to say goodbye to Shadow…
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zavbees · 1 year
In this episode, Arthur decides to try something different: not be a dumbass. It doesn't work out for too long.
He finds out some stuff about some people though!
And learns more about Blackberry - before getting distracted, as usual.
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zackmartin · 11 months
Trick or Treat! I hope you have a super-duper wonderful Halloween! I love you too! 💜
ahh, thank you, bestie!!! I hope you're having a fun Halloween too!!! 💕💕
ask box trick-or-treating: fic writer edition!
This snippet is from the same halloween fic as this excerpt. I apologize, this is really long, but I liked it and I couldn't bring myself to cut it off 😅 (also, like i said before, please forgive the fact that this is kinda messy since it's still a first draft)
Henry shrugged and sank lower in his chair, absentmindedly picking at the peeling label of his root beer bottle. “Who knows? He started complaining about remakes and how they don’t do the originals justice, so I stopped listening.” Jasper snorted. “We could always do something else,” he suggested. “Like…?” “Party?” “You mean the parties we weren’t invited to?” Jasper rifled through the bowl of candy on the table. “Maybe you weren’t invited to,” he mumbled under his breath. Henry rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to argue but stopped himself when there was a knock at the front door. He was barely out of his seat before Piper came flying down the stairs, screeching, “IT’S FOR ME!” as she went. The three of them instinctively glanced toward the door as she pulled it open, Henry resisting the urge to flinch at her harsh, grating voice. He took a swig of his root beer, almost swallowing his tongue in the process, when he caught sight of who was standing on the other side of the threshold. Jasper whirled around to look at him at an almost neck-breaking speed, eyes wide, as Henry leaned across the table towards Charlotte. “Why is Zack Martin at my house?” he whispered. Charlotte peered at him, brows furrowed. “How should I know?” “Did you bring it? Did you bring it?!” Piper gushed, practically bouncing on her heels. Zack nodded as he stepped through the door, using his foot to nudge it shut after him. Henry tried to force himself to look anywhere but at Zack, but it was no use. His eyes always ended up traveling back in spite of himself. Zack was already in costume: a ’50s greaser-style outfit, complete with cuffed jeans, black Converse high-tops, and a leather jacket that made Henry’s heart rattle around his ribcage. “Hey, Swellview,” Zack chirped as he caught Henry’s gaze while following Piper to the counter. Henry’s pretty sure Zack also said hello to his friends, but he was too busy trying to remember what words were to really know for sure. He had to settle on giving Zack some awkward chin nod in lieu of a verbal greeting. “Here it is!” Zack announced, setting down the scroll-like object in his hand before he unfurled it across the countertop. Henry craned his neck to get a better view. “A map of all the best trick-or-treat spots, including all the places with full-size candy bars.” Piper stared down at it with a greedy smile, looking like a little kid who had just been let loose in a candy store with an unlimited budget (although Henry supposed that really wasn’t that far from the actual situation). Henry’s so focused on the fact that Zack Martin’s currently standing in his kitchen, smelling like stale cigarettes and cheap cologne and making his teenage hormones go absolutely haywire, that he forgets to ask how Piper even knew he had such a map.
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jinyoungied · 7 years
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weakzen · 2 years
lmao starting off my IF strong, with options to steal from people, fail job interviews, and lock yourself out of the (sole) romance by being a jerk about the RO’s missing dog
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Chapter 2 is out people!!! It's been a hot second, but it's here:
Hope you enjoy!
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alesbianwithabook · 3 years
Send Me Writing Prompts!
Send me prompts! I'm bored, and it'll be a fun challenge. Send me something, I'll write you a drabble. I need to get the creativity flowing.
How It Works
Prompts can be anything - songs, emojis, characters, writing prompts, colours, aesthetics, pictures, mood boards, whatever you want! I don't care, as long as it's something I can write about.
I will do fandom stuff, so long as I know the material.
Absolutely nothing NSFW. I'll write horror though, but the results may vary
Send me an ask or comment on this post.
I will tag you in the post, or use your ask
Will be cross-posting on my side blog, @alesbianwithanotebook
Thank you!
~ Z
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