#Zora midna
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grooviestsadpapaya · 10 months ago
Some zorafied babs <3
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claymarrows · 2 years ago
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Been playing a lot of twilight princess lately
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groundrunner100 · 5 months ago
Miphna, Zora Princess of Twilight
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Fusion art of princesses Mipha & Midna from The Legend of Zelda franchise. I’m pretty proud of this one.
Check out the rest of my art at groundrunner100.deviantart.com
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eeveeextreme · 4 months ago
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Prompts for Days 21 and 25. Not necessarily drawn on those days.
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thecoolertails · 2 years ago
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assortment of zelda doodles from over the years
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incorrectly-quoted-queers · 2 years ago
Link and Zelda momentously get together as a couple:
Me, the player, still mentally trapped underwater: Okay, cool, but why has my fish husband cheated on me
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ordon-pumpkin · 2 years ago
I’ve added several chapters to A Zora Heart since I last posted about it here on tumblr. Thought I’d share the story again here.
Fic Summary: Now that a new era of peace has begun, Zelda decides both she and Link need some time away from their responsibilities. Meanwhile, the Zora’s Domain plans on having a royal wedding, but things don’t quite go as expected. Sidon questions the eternal skies. Yona thinks she may have an idea on why things are going the way they are. Link finds himself on a peculiar quest, and the Hero of Twilight wonders why he, of all people, was sent to help.
Ships: Sidlink (mutual pining, feeling realizations, idiots in love etc.) and Midlink (established)
(This isn’t a Yona or Zelda bashing fic we love both of those lovely ladies here. Zelda and Link’s friendship as well as Sidon and Yona’s are important to the story.)
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gayanarchistaesthetics · 11 months ago
Midtela - Bury My Love
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kiwibirb1 · 1 year ago
Part three! Last post is here (Link to first post it there)
My thoughts as I play Twilight Princess for the first time Pt 3
No thoughts, only focus for this dungeon
Okay finally back
Ooh miniboss
Fucking finally
Pew pew
Okay sprint to the boss fight
Wow that was easier then THAT FUCKING GUARD
Lol Midna sounds so gay for zelda right now
Oh right ilia
Zelda's lullaby? Uh wrong love intrest
Hah Malo in the background just like -_-
Haha I can by anything I want because I'm fucking rich
Wow this kid is really judgy
Aww I love how the mailman sings the little item get song
Not the bridge
Oh wait I can't beat them because midna won't help
Welp wolf time again
Wait this is the last wolfie time? :(
Castle = Zelda = Hot lady
Lol I just ran past all of them
That's a lot of glowy orbs
Ooh crazy chicken guy? I'm in.
Oh I can't go cause I'm a wolf
Aww no water
Look at his little doggy paddles
Uh maybe something in Kakariko?
Ooh death mountain is hot
Ooh hot rock
How can someone see me?
Oh midna you can pretend to be tough all you want we know your a little softie at heart
Well, this is where I stop for now, have a good day!
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shochmonster · 1 year ago
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I have some extra pins from my Kickstarter . Grab them in my Etsy store while they last!
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frie-ice · 2 years ago
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The top images are the Sacred Flames of Farore, Nayru and Din from LoZ Skyward Sword. While the bottom images are of Link from LoZ Twilight Princess, after winning each boss temple fight and getting each of the three parts of the Fused Shadow. (I think that Link looks good in his Zora Armor.)
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omgtatercat · 5 months ago
Prince Ralis and Zora's River [12] Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
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oowouwuowoo · 9 months ago
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like Maybe if her comments weren't repeating EXACTLY WHAT YOU CAME HERE FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE THAT SHE HERSELF DIRECTED YOU TO she would be f i n e . . .
teehee afternote from the tags below lmao
i maxxed out the tags by accident but it ended up being the last one i wanted to put in there anyways... but then i got sad i couldnt add more so that would've been another tag to add but then it wouldn't have been necessary? love that
i do like the posting ui. u can save drafts and it actually keeps ur tags, add the post to the post queue, also can set to post at a specific time/date very cool! there's good colors to choose from too! u can super easily add pictures gifs links audioclips make polls and you can make a break in the page for optional more content for the readers. that could negate the tag thing but we all know there's the shows and book and movies etc. that have a million characters and 30 wouldn't be enough for all the characters LMAOOO
ANYWHOOOOO time to learn how to fix this and get hired at tumblr to sort out the tag situation
also also first post that isn't a repost i think? omg mom look im doing it am i doing it right?
#loz skyward sword#skyward sword link#skyward sword fi#please nintendo why#teehee extra rant xPP#its not fine actually#she Also repeats exactly what you just learned Two Seconds Ago#she actually for real does that and its so aggravating#she makes this game so hard to play#its not a Difficult game its just So Hard to go through it and not want to chuck the wii remote at her face when she says stupid shit#AUGHHHHHH#im still forever obsessed with skyward sword its just so silly and goofy pilled#shout to my boy groose#the silliest and goofiest of guys#be like groose learn from your mistakes and change your ways#but seriously why is fi here#starting a gofundme to remaster the game Without fi or like idk maybe give her helpful dialogue or witty jokes like midna????!!!!!#man i love twilight princess#except for the stupid hard chase scene with Ilia and the sick zora prince in the cart going across hyrule field#shit suckkkkkeeeddddd and i did it with a gamepad for the gamecube its even Worse on the wii#but nonetheless twilight princess is so slay#im in love with the entire loz franchise tho so i cant say anything about favorites#i could Get Into That Shit And Talk All Damn Day if you let me cuz there are so many good ones and bad ones and nostalgic ones and blah bla#this shit took me like an hour to make#the picture was the easy part but DAMN the tagging ui on the tumblr mobile app is So Bad#why cant i edit tags after i see they're misspelled when i add them too quickly#AND WHY IS IS IMPOSSIBLE TO REARRANGE THE TAGS AFTER ADDING THEM#i try and move a tag up One and it goes All The Way To The Top then i try to move one down and it just Doesnt Move#WHY IS IT ALSO SO QUICK TO DELETE THE TAGS WITH THE BACKSPACE BUTTON WHYYYYY#discovering the pain of this app as we go but we go anyways 🤪
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groundrunner100 · 6 months ago
Unheard Love
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My 1st time drawing Princesses Midna & Mipha.
Out of the 2, Midna was the most difficult to draw.
Upon completion, I realized I botched up Mipha’s inner body color, but in my defense, I couldn’t find my colored pencils.
Midna x Mipha, y’all! 2 of the most BEAUTIFUL women in The Legend of Zelda franchise getting freaky with each other!
It’s given me ideas for what to draw next!
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midonamiqui · 1 year ago
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The Twili Gang as merfolk! (Yes it is Link's beast mode)
Also since moray eels have two set of jaws and teeth Zant was born to be a moray because... Creepy mouth. And since moray are living in coral reefs it is also an excuse to instead make him live in his giant helm like in his boss battle.
Kinda looks like a SpongeBob house now that I think of it but oh well.
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m5or · 11 months ago
So, in Twilight Princess Link is only called a divine beast by Midna and other twili/dark world beings during his era. In the light world, he is called cursed and a monster. The exact farthest thing from "divine". However. I love that the divine beasts in Botw/Tolk are inspired by Twi. I think that little chuckle from Twi is him laughing that it took until Botw to get the divine beast title by fellow light dwellers.
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I have to wonder if the ones who made the divine beast ever knew that Twi's "divine" form was a wolf. I can see them going into catalogs of history to look up ancient beasts/animals to guess which one the hero could have been. Understandingly each tribe had its own biases on what a divine beast was. Goron did a Dodongo, Rito did a Helmaroc, Zora did Elephant, and the Gerudo did a lama. (just possible thoughts) None even thought a "Devine Beast" being a wolf, since wolves are considered enemies/monsters in both games and are commonly found. This has brought my attention to one thought that has never left my mind since. "They just can't get my beast form right!"
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