#Zelda x Reader
mytemporarycomfort · 2 years
Dearly Devoted
A/N: Thank you all for being patient with me while I was away. I hope you all enjoy
Summary: The Champions reminisce their time with you and they know for sure you are their end game.
Champion x Reader
The cup of tea managed to refill itself once again.
Zelda was in her study for another long evening and you could tell how drained she was.
No matter how many times she apologized for not spending enough time with you or that you must be stressed from being around her in this state more than anyone else, you always stated "Its my pleasure to help you Zelda. I will be by your side, you are not a burden, you are doing your best. "
She cried when you said that. It felt like a mountain was lifted off her shoulders.
Seeing you asleep in the chaise in the study always left a blush on her face.
Another night of studying means less personal time with you, but she was always grateful to have you near.
After this was all over, she plans to travel with you. She makes that clear to you. Just the both of you, no knights, no books.
Link was behind you on the horse. He held you tight like you might slip away if he loosened up a bit.
You let him rest his head on your chest and your heart beat slows his mind right down.
His duty to Zelda means he isn't always with you. So he gave you one of his shirts.
You wear it whenever you miss him deeply. He came home early one evening and found you cooking some dinner in his shirt.
BOOM bright red.
He snuck behind you and hugged you with a quirked eyebrow.
"I missed you Link, I happened to cook some extra dinner just in case. Want some?"
His heart bursted right out of his chest. Ugh, he is simping.
As you two ate dinner, he noticed, your left hand seems a little empty.
If you would accept, a ring on that hand would suit you nicely,
She saw you getting attacked by some Yiga members and who is she to not help, until she noticed...
You fought back with fire and fury in your eyes.
Despite that, she was not one to let any warrior fight alone if she can help it.
You thanked her. You spoke to her as a person who helped you, not as chief of Gerudo.
She saw you as another Zelda, but also different. You were strong, full of heart, but you were also innocent, naive.
She wanted to help you grow, and grow under her care you did.
Urbosa's softer side became clear to you when she was training with you and her hands guided you unlike the others.
You have grown to be seen as equals yo Urbosa. You can truely handle your own.
Even if it ment you would venture out for your own journey now, you was grateful that you were apart of her story and her yours.
"You have helped me Urbosa. You helped me grow and I hope to continue to be by your side."
She smiled one full of relief. Of course you can stay.
You always protected her much like her brother. But you were not her brother so why did you fight so fiercely to protect her.
She always found it strange that you didn't mind all the fighting despite the wounds you got by the end.
She always healed you with no hesitation.
Mipha worried about you quite a bit, and it showed how often she was with you.
She found safety and comfort in your presence. A kind of feeling that made her want to be by your side for as long as fate would allow.
It was common to find you two together. A princess and her protector.
She didn't like not being by your side for long stretched of time. She's afraid of not being there to heal you fast enough if anything happened.
"I will be there for you, like I know you will be there for me. We got this."
You two held each other. This is what safety and comfort is. You two keep each other grounded.
He looks down at his hammock as you laid there reading your newest book.
Revali is a bit of a brat sometimes and yet here you are still here.
2 years.
You stood by him for two whole years and you're still here.
He was so dedicated to his bow, when you held his hands fot the first time, he stopped breathing.
He looked like he turned into a statue.
Then his feathers puffed up and he frowned.
Whenever you show him affection his feathers would puff up,
He would hide his face in his wings then hug you as tight as possible.
He's still learning to show his emotions in a less agressive way, but you know he means well.
Sometimes he thinks hes too much, he'll accidently push you away.
"I don't regret a thing 'Vali. I love you regardless of your little quirks, you know that right?." You told him after a long day of making you watch him in the target range.
He loves you so much. He puts his beak on the top of your head. This was the most gentle he's been with you.
You are so soft, this man is crying
He remembers his first sleep over at your house, boy was nervous! Your house is so cozy!
He enjoyed his time at your place, hopefully like you enjoyed his.
He was so happy when he saw that you kept all the little gems he gave you, but why wouldn't you?
He wants to spend so much time at your place. He might as well move all the Gorons over to your little town. JK....but what if?
He just doesnt want to hurt you by being so big.
"I feel so safe around you" You told him after you two returned. to death mountain after his stay at your place.
He's keeping you safe then. He decided.
He doesn't know all the details yet but that is sure.
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spicyicetea · 1 year
My Forest spirit
A legend of Zelda BOTW/TOTK Yandere x Reader. This is obviously cannon divergent. Fem!Y/N is short and Curvy in this, and is often described with long hair. This story will contain NSFW!scenes, violence and profanity. MDNI
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Chapter 1: My knight in shinning armour
“Yahaha you found me!” A little Korok laughed as I stared down at him.
My ears twitched excitedly as it jumped up into my arms. The little forest spirits loved me. They always have. I grew up in this forest after my mother left me here. The clothes on my back are woven from fronds the Koroks brought me and I just ran around barefoot. I’ve only ever seen anyone like me once. He wore a cloak and was muttering about stopping the “princess” whatever that means.
A group of Koroks ran past my legs as the shaking of maracas grew closer. Their behaviour startled me, they shouldn’t fear Hestu… they’re a close friend of all of us.
“Sister Y/N! There are people, we must hide!”
I was dragged behind a tree as Hestu’s humming grew louder. Strange clacking noises grew closer, as well as other voices.
“I can’t believe you of all people will wield the Master Sword!”
“Revali ease up on Link, he’s a wonderful knight to me!” A feminine voice called back.
My eyes widened at the voices! No one ever enters the forest, what are they here for? What is a… Master Sword? I watched from behind the tree and the silent man in the middle of the group glanced in my direction. My large frond mask was still covering my face, so I scurried behind the tree with the other Koroks. They continued further into the forest and I ran between trees to watch them. As they approached the centre of the forest, I realised what they had come for, the strange thing in the ground. So that’s what it’s called, the Master Sword.
The silent one stepped forward and grabbed the hilt of the ancient blade. He grunted in pain as he pulled it up out of the ground and held it above his head proudly. I watched him from atop a tree, eyes wide and excited. Based off of Hestu’s cheers, this must be an amazing accomplishment. I should cheer too.
I clapped excitedly as the Koroks beside me seemed confused but then joined me in celebration. The group gasped and looked up to where we were, drawing these strange objects from their backs. Hestu gasped and ran in front of them.
“NO NO! Weapons down, you can’t hurt Sister Y/N!”
Weapons? My eyes widened beneath the mask as I slid to be hidden by the leaves. One of the women step forward, her tan skin and deep crimson hair complimented by the deep green of the Forrest. She placed her curved blade on the floor and held her hands up beside her head.
“Please don’t run dear, we had no idea you were friend not foe. The war has everyone incredibly stressed.”
“War?” I mutter, poking my head out of the leaves.
Hestu looks up at me and laughs gesturing for me to jump down. I slid off of the tree and landed on the stone beside Hestu. They shake their maracas happily as I smile at them beneath my mask. The woman who had spoken to me seemed shocked, I’m unsure why though.
“Ah… my apologies for staring, that was rude. My name is Urbosa, I’m assuming you’re Y/N.”
I nod as a few Koroks come and stand beside my legs, watching the group closely and protectively.
“This is Sister Y/N! She’s a spirit of the forest like the Koroks and I!” Hestu happily said.
“Sister? She’s clearly not anything like you all! She looks like your average Hylian!” The strange bird person yelled.
The large man behind him slapped him on the back. He winced but stayed quiet as the blonde woman stepped forward.
“I’m so sorry for us startling you Y/N. We had to retrieve the Master Sword to help win the war against Ganon. Do you… live here? What are you wearing?”
“Ah, so you do speak. I suppose you’re like Link then, he only speaks around his friends.”
“Yes, he’s my knight, the one with the Master Sword.”
“Master… I used to..”
“Did you guard the sword?” She asked.
“No, I used to use the zappies it made to start my campfires! How am I meant to start fires now?” I frown, jabbing the man beside her.
He just pulled a strange rock from his pocket and place it in my hand. I raised a brow and he pulled out a second, striking it against the stone on the floor and lighting a stick on fire nearby.
“Whoa! Pocket campfire! Fair trade fair trade!” I hold the rock in my hand in wonder, removing my mask to get a better look at it.
The man before me just stared straight at my face before grabbing my wrist.
“Huh? You can’t have it back, it was a trade!”
He just grunted and pulled me up off the ground and held me over his shoulder. One hand held the Master Sword while the other rested on the bump of my behind. The breeze ran right through me as his hand rhythmically squeezed. Is this how people interact? The Koroks don’t really have hands… maybe it’s to make sure I wouldn’t fall.
“Link! That’s inappropriate!”
“Hyaa!” He began to run, his grip becoming tighter as began to slip and held him in fear.
“SISTER Y/N! Awww, maybe it’s good she sees the outside world, look after her.” Hestu sighed.
“Of course, we will,” Urbosa answered. Running to catch up with the others who were chasing Link.
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New Yandere gained, Link.
Hey look at you, you managed to capture the knights heart! Now time for some facts about your new Yandere. (basically head cannons)
It's no surprise that Link is incredibly protective over you, he would let Zelda die if it meant he could ensure your safety.
He's also very physically affectionate. He must always have at least one hand on you and when he hasn't for a long time... He tends to get very handsy.
He gives you plenty of kisses the moment that people stop looking. If he feels like someone is moving in on his “territory” he will just begin groping you from behind until they get the message.
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Yo can I request something kinda like the post I had with the reader as the light dragon but for whoever you want to write for and their reaction? And their reaction when the reader turns back? I can just imagine so much fluffy stuff when they hold the reader in their arms again!
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This was the only way the only way to make sure everyone you cared for was safe.Tears were streaming down your cheeks as you swallowed the stone, the sword clutched tightly to your chest. A bright light engulfing your body you vaguely heard Zelda’s voice then nothing.
Your last thought of being the one you loved most.
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Couldn’t believe it at first, refused to believe it but seeing the tears watching what you went through. It made him sick.
He hated that he couldn’t have done something to protect you, He should have protected you because you should have never had to do something like that in the first place.
Link try’s to find comfort knowing you’re still alive, that you’re okay since it’s the only way he can move on.
He has too because it’s the only way he can fight to get you back.
Seeing you sleeping in the fields, it took a moment for him to realize that you were finally back, that you were back. He kept chanting in his head as he rushed to your side. He held you close, breathing in your scent praying that this was real. That it wasn’t some dream that he’d soon wake up from.
Your voice was soft as you held him, it finally hit him that he was crying in your arms.
“Thank you Link.”
But nothing mattered because you were back in his arms and he was never going to let you go again.
Pulling back for a moment you let your thumb brush his tears away, Link did his best to press his palm in your hand. He didn’t need to say anything, it just felt good to hold you again.
Leaning in he then placed his lips against yours keeping you tight against his chest. Returning the kiss you nearly melted in the man’s arms, you were finally home.
+ Zelda +
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She blamed herself, it should have been her! Why wasn’t it her. She couldn’t even look Link in the eyes, she felt so weak. She buries herself into research finding anyway to get you back. She keeps thinking that it should have been her, hates how people keep taking about you.
Zelda is determined to get you back, she will get you back!
Immediately tackles you in for a hug, it’s a little suffocating and you’re a little dazed and tired but you’re here and you’re back.
She’s scared to let you go so you just let her hold you, your fingers gently patting her back to reassure her.
“I’m sorry Zelda…I couldn’t.”
“It doesn’t matter! You’re here now y/n.” Zelda smiled softly, tear sliding down her cheeks as she rested her head against yours.
Laughing softly you cupped her cheeks drawing her in for a soft kiss. Breaking the kiss, Zelda let out a soft laugh she let herself relax in your arms. “I am so happy that you are okay.”
+ Sidon +
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Takes him much longer to find out, he heard rumors about you vanishing along with the Princess and Link and yet he refused to believe it. You couldn’t just vanish with out him knowing. Not when you both had a wedding to plan.
But when he sees a dragon flying over the Zora's Domain he couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity tugging at his heart strings but it wasn’t until Link and Zelda came he finally found out what happened.
He nearly broke down, his love changed to protect everyone. You were so close yet so far away, so out of reach from him. He was going to do anything in his power to get you back to him.
You were so tired, you didn’t remember much but it finally felt so good to be back in your lovers arms. Even though the man dwarfed you in height it did not stop him from lifting you off the ground to hold you as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
“I am so happy to have you home my love.”
Blinking back your own tears you smiled hiding your face into his neck. “I am happy to be home to.”
+ Teba +
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Teba couldn’t help but feel troubled hearing of your disappearance. He scolded himself for even letting you go along with the two. It made him feel worse knowing finding out what really happened to you but of course he would have to keep that information to himself.
He would often find himself flying next to you, it gave him some comfort even though you might not recognize him at least you were still here.
Easily caught you as soon as you started to fall, he chuckled at your flushing face. He did not realize how much he missed it. It felt good to hold you again and know matter how much you protested about being put down he knew that was not going to happen anytime soon.
He felt warm, he felt like home and it felt good to see him again. Sighing you shook her head pressing her face into the crook of his neck.
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frickingnerd · 3 months
yandere zelda
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pairing: zelda x gn!reader
tags: botw!zelda, abuse of power, mentions of killing & kidnapping, charming yandere, henchman!link, slowburn
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zelda looks very sweet, but she has the potential to be quite dangerous!
after all, she's the princess of hyrule and she can and will abuse her power to get everything she wants – including you!
nobody refuses any of the orders of the princess and so zelda doesn't even have to get her own hands dirty to get what she wants!
especially link would do anything for the princess! he'll kill her romantic rivals, your friends, your family and even kidnap you, if necessary!
zelda plays the long game and she tries to slowly make you accept her and fall in love with her
and trust me, you WILL fall in love with her! even if you don't want to at first…
zelda is very convincing and charming, making it seem so effortless too!
everybody loves zelda, so it's not like you can simply reject her either. you'd never hear the end of it, from everyone in the kingdom, if you'd dare break her heart with a rejection!
so as long as you're obedient and reciprocate zelda's feelings, you'll be able to live the best possible life!
zelda can fulfill every wish you have and you'll be loved and spoiled until the end of your days!
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wayfayrr · 4 months
The Menace Anon is back but with a Self Aware ask because I got an idea as I tried to mod my Switch. How about that Zelda is aware in the Game? There is already Zelda's Ballade a Mod for BotW so Zelda replaced Link/ Wild. So what about Zelda being the one who is aware and works together with her Link as in Age of Calamity it's possible to play as Zelda. And now there are two Zeldas and maybe one Link/Calamity as he is probably aware of Reader with all the DLCs and if Reader is anything like me they get 100%. I did that to BotW and am working on it in TotK. Zelda would be extremely clingy especially Flora, BotW Zelda, as she lost everyone who is important to her. Maybe she gets Wild to help her. Fauna and Calamity have Terrako and this little thing shoots through the screen with his laser. TAKE COVER READER!
this is gonna be a funny thing to answer as someone who isn't the fondest of zelda in botw/totk (she had the potential to be really good I just don't vibe with how she was written lmao - so many missed opportunities)
but that also has the potential of introducing the fact of what if you didn't like the characters story when they were aware - because that would be awful for her wouldn't it?
she loves you more than anything but because of the way her story was written you don't like her? Even going as far as to apologise to link about what he got put through in the story? so she's stuck hearing you give him your pity as she's trying her HARDEST to get you to see her in another light, while link is either looking on smugly at your blatant favouritism or staring on blankly as he is simply a puppet of the game who isn't even alive either one being a good spark to why she'd be more willing to work with the aoc pair.
I think they'd have more potential to work together in aoc as compared to either botw/totk (also time to give cal some time in the spotlight like you mentioned) seeing as he has the most "history" with zelda, whereas wild/tears have no incentive to (they're the only playable character so what does she have on them?)
Zelda from her actions alone at the opening also seems to be more reckless in her safety than link, so her hopping into another game earlier than when she'd have a good grasp on how to do it without many issues seems in character for her. hence, now there's two different zeldas in your aoc file? That shouldn't be something that happens right? you've watched the cutscene many times and she never appeared with the other botw characters - so why is she here now? But the other members seem to acknowledge her so maybe you're just misremembering? They'll make sure to keep a note of anyone who might try to convince you otherwise as well.
when the three of them finally do get out - and probably after apologising for scorching a wall or something, then they have the perfect place to start winning you over properly <3 trying to prove to you that they're more than simply the character that Nintendo wrote them as, that you should give them a chance to show you how much they care for you!!!
just, just don't choose link over them, else you may not see much of him anymore - as while they can work together, they aren't exactly willing to work with a threat, but as long as you treat them equally there's no issue right?
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thequietkid-moonie · 7 months
Saria, Hilda, Mipha, Zelda and Link e. relationship with the reader who possesses the healing power. However, this gift carries collateral damage: whenever the reader performs a cure, he himself ends up getting sick and feeling bad. (Zelda and Link from Breath of the Wild)
S/O's healing power has bad side effects
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Hilda, Mipha, Zelda, Link ]
[ A Link Between Worlds ] [ Breath of the wild ]
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Cuteeee I loved writing this a lot!! It gives me some comfort too so thank you A-chan ❤️
I had to left Saria out, so sorry for it but I hope you like the ones i wrote!
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Lorule is a really hostile land, not only the monsters and world itself but also the people tent to be aggresive, and Hilda is the one on charge of taking care of the kingdom, even if most people don't care about the royal family that doesn't stop her from wanting the best for her people
Having to rule a kingdom infested with dangers and that most of the time doesn't respect her title it isn't easy, the weight she has to carry on her shoulders is inmense that is why she rely on you and Ravio in her more vulnerable moments, only you two are able to see all of her, and that is why she despises your hability
Honestly, having the power to heal all kind of injuries are a really good one, and she wouldn't blame you if you want to use that power to help others, something like that could bring a little bit of light to everyone's life and thats good, the problem is the collateral damage, everytime you use your power you are the one feeling bad, either just feeling bad or really getting sick equivalent to the wound you've healed
Hilda despise the fact that you are the one feeling bad, you become someone so precious for her and she hates seeing you suffer like this, she will totally understand your wish to help, she feels the same but she rather take that pain herself than watching you suffer by trying to help
Lorule is suffering a lot, everyone lives with the fear of being attacked, they are just try surviving before the inminent collapse of the kingdom, destruction is in Lorule fate and Hilda can't help to cling onto the little hope she has, and you are part of that hope, because of that she is terrified by the idea of losing you
Hilda had asked you more than once to don't use your powers, but is probably that she doesn't fully explain her reasoning and just ask it as a favor, but if you insist on using your power to help other she will become more angry and will be more agressive, demanding you to stop, what lead the two of you to argue because she just don't tell you why. Still, at some point she will explain how terrified she is, how much it hurt her seeing you feeling so bad because of your power
Even after, thanks to Zelda and Link, Lorule has it's own triforce again she will still be uncomfortable with you using your power, it would take a long time before she feels more comfortable with it, but will never like it (but at least this time she can take the time to take care of you herself, and won't accept a no as answer)
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Mipha is a really caring and loving person, she is always looking after the well-being of her kingdom and specially for those who she loves, and that includes you
At first she found quite funny and even a little cute the fact that you have a healing powers just as her, but soon she will undestand the side effects that you have to carry with yours she will grow really worried imediatly. She wants to ask you about it but is nervous, so she'll just end up learning about it by watching you and asking you as much as she can, but will do it gently and assuring you that you don't have to tell her everything if you don't want, in case is something that you don't like talking about
Mipha finds herself worring a lot about you for this side effect but won't really stop you from using your power if that is really what you want, she can understand that feeling of wanting to help since she feels the same, besides she doesn't feel with the right to tell you to don't put yourself at risk with your power since she usually does put herself in danger for being a champion
Despide how worried Mipha is about you, whenever you use your power she can't help but also feel proud of you, wanting to help even if you are the one who end up feeling sick, she can't stop smiling at you whenever she sees you or she gets to heard about you helping others, but always make sure to ask you how do you feel afterwards
Everytime you use your power Mipha always tries to be there for you, asking you how do you feel and if there is anything she can do for you, even if you don't feel too bad she is still worried about you, it would take her a while to get used to the side effects and to learn to identify when it has affected you too much, and when the effects are too bad she offers to heal you herself
As much as worry her she will let you continue using your power if you really want, she will only ask you to please stop when it start to affect you too much, either by you getting seriously sick or hurt by using it or that you been using your hability too much, also if you don't let yourself have a proper rest to recover, even if is just when it causes you small discomforts she will try to be more stern and ask you to please stop, at least for a while to let your body recover, she is just really worried for you, she loves you and hates seeing you in pain
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Zelda is a really caring person but the idea of failing at her duties as the princess stop her from opening with others, most of the time she shows herself only to the most closest ones and even when she tries to keep her composture with the champions (her friends) and you, you can easily see through her
Thats is why pretty much all of them can see how bothered she is with the side effect of your hability, Zelda does admire your healing power and think is really useful but the fact that you have to suffer from it makes her feel uneasy, she tries to say that its okay, is your hability and you must use it as you please but you can see that she is just lying
For Zelda is difficult to feel comfortable enough to open her heart to someone, even when she isn't the best to keep a facade when she starts to feel more comfortable she doesn't say it directly, but since you two are dating she feels like she can actually show you her true self, and that carries a insecurity, fearing that you either leave her or something happen to you and the side effect of your hability only trigger her insecurities
Honestly, she would be jealous of you if it wasn't because of the side effect, you can use your healing power so naturally that would make her feel even more as a failure if it wasn't because you have to carry a collateral damage everytime you use it, having to suffer instead of the other person, she finds it completely unfair and she would prefer if you don't use your hability anymore because of it, but she won't say it right away
Everytime you use your power on her she feels really guilty, even if she never is the one asking for help and is you who insist on doing it she feels like if, somehow, it were her fault, feeling impotent since now you have to suffer the consecuenses of her inexperience and foolishness, and even when she doesn't say how she feels you can tell from the look on her face
Despide being busy Zelda always tries to make time for you two or keep you close, so everytime she sees you using your power she ask you how do you feel afterwards and always makes sure you take proper care of yourself, and whenever the damage it causes you is worst than the usual pain she will force you to stop and take time to rest, trying to be herself who takes care of you, and you can see how anxious she feels about all of this
Sometimes she thanks you for your hard work, thanking you for being selfless and helping people even if that means you carry with the pain, she just wants you to know that despite how much it bothers her seeing you in pain she does appreciate the sacrifice you are doing
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Link express himself better by actions rather than with words, so, despite being busy or in the danger, he tries to keep you close to him, it is kinda comforting for him to have you around and he always tries to let you know how much he loves your presence
Link finds fascinating your healing power, it really can come in handy sometimes, and finds admirable the fact that you decide to just endure the pain it causes you having to use your power, however that doesn't make him less worried
He is in the disjunctive of being worried for you and your own safety (since puts at risk for trying to help others) but also finding admirable that you are willing to endure that to help others, even if you don't use your power frequently still the few times you do it you still have to endure pain
Link hates seeing you in pain but doesn't think that he has the right to ask you to don't use your power, is your hability and you must use it if you want, so he decide to help you in other ways, making sure you are always safe and taking care of yourself, as well as protect you from anything else
Even when he doesn't say anything you can see how much Link actually worries about you for the way he look at you everytime you have to suffer from the side effect of your hability, how he holds you close to him or how all his attention in on you, trying to come with a way to help you out but without wanting to take his eyes out of you
He feels bad everytime you use you power on him, it makes him feel slighly guilty, thinking that maybe if he wasn't so reckless, if he payed more attention or reacted faster, maybe you wouldn't being here healing his wounds, even when it isn't the case he feels like if he was the one inflicting you that pain, even if is just a little bit (he sometimes insist on you not helping him when he has bigger wounds because he doesn't want to inflicting you so much pain, but most of the time just give up when you insist)
However, this whole situation will affect him more if it is after the cataclism, after waking up Link feels like a stranger in the world, he doesn't have anything because all he once knew is far long ago, and worst because he doesn't even remember it, so right now he just cling a little to the comfort your presence brings him, having someone to love and who love him in return despite everything helps him feel less like an stranger, that is why it makes him really anxious everytime he sees you in pain because of your power (or in general)
In that case he would prefer if you don't use your power because it makes him fear that something will happen to you and take you away from him, and at some point he will tell you all his worries, he knows he is stronge but he doesn't has the same confidence on himself as he used to, so he just fears that someday maybe he won't be able to protect you
In this case he feel even more bad about you using your power on him but never fails in thanking you, but grows more clingy afterwards, wanting nothing but hold you close to him to reasure him that nothing bad will happen to you (and he makes sure to take good care of you, sometimes over react a little but he does it with the best intention)
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yandereunsolved · 4 months
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ღ Yandere BOTW Zelda ღ
"Darling, darling, don't you just love my present?"
"My fiancé is dead. Did you expect me to be happy?"
"Oh, are you not pleased? We can finally be lovers now. You may not be royal, but we can marry in secret! You can help me with my studies, as you always have."
"H-How did you...?"
"My knight helped me. See? We are lovers now. Nobody will ever hurt you. Nobody will ever touch you. Nobody will ever get near you. Only I allowed to do that.
"No. I-I'm your research partner, nothing more."
"You love me. Don't worry about it. I know you're just nervous about the commitment. My father won't find out. If he does, then I'll have him killed. I do it all for you!"
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mushroomwoods · 11 months
Love me, Love me not
For the hero that you once thought that you knew, was never who he portrayed himself as, but really, did you expect that if the chains that bound him to good were to break, he would stay as the same old him?
character — Sky (and a hint of Zelda), romantic.
cw — a tadbit of self-aware!sky+zelda, +yandereish behaviour, homicide attempt..?
what a little chat about the absolutely terrifying self aware sky with the dearest @wayfayrr did iaksjdksnd. sky being the good n little ol' him is good, but sky being an absolute menace just because he knows he can? oh dear... (also tagging @yourlocaltreesimp, since they're one of the biggest sky simps I've ever seen).
edit 1: i don't condone unhealthy behaviour or toxic relationships, but i thought it'd be interesting to note that the feelings i portray in my yandere content are usually more love related than in this one. for this short I'm not sure, but i wouldn't call sky feelings “love”, but something more akin to... the desire you feel for something rare. yeah, i guess it fits.
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It hadn't been long since you arrived at the skyloftian Hyrule and of course Sky was excited, you thought it was strange that Sky would totally disregard his best friend, possibly a past lover, presence to run straight to his loft, but from what he had told you what a skyloftian had with their loft was something akin to a soul bond, and from the woman's nonchalant reaction, maybe it wasn't that strange.
“Link is really attached to Crimson, as Crimson is as attached to him.” Zelda said, distant, while you watched him making a few rounds above the city.
You nodded, eyes fixated on the performance, though you could feel the woman soft eyes turning to you, you said nothing on her behaviour even as she smiled, shaking her head slightly and then going away.
It was only a few minutes after Zelda left, that Sky came back to the ground, his smile saccharine sweet as he naturally let his arms fall around your shoulders.
“It's too bad you didn't want to come with me... I'm sure Crimson would like you too.” He sighed contently against your neck, before looking into your eyes.
“Still, I'd rather not go. But I'm not against meeting her.” He agreed at the idea, quickly talking about how the both of you could go tomorrow to preen her since it had been a long time since he did it.
You followed behind his steps as he lead you to the meeting spot at the central plaza, quiet as you tried to push away the thoughts intruding on your peaceful mind.
The way his smile seemed so strained when near his friends, the way the other knights avoided his gaze, the way even the shopkeepers would never against his offers.
It wasn't until way past midnight that your suspicions were confirmed.
Everyone was already sleeping, vacating a few empty lodgings they had for the knights in training.
The air up in the Skyloft was too thin and cool for your liking and you could barely close your eyes without getting uncomfortable, so you went for a breather down the halls.
You could hear voices by the end of the dark corridor, recognising Sky soft tone you were about to call him out, but a loud thud resounding at quiet ambience.
You stopped.
A hitched breath and a low growl. You could see the ashen blonde back turned to you, a familiar figure knelt on the floor in front of him, vivid red hair far more disheveled than when you had seen earlier that day. Groose.
“It was too bad what happened to Zelda...” Sky started, a certain lilt to his voice that made Groose tremble, eyes falling to the floor. “I really expected you'd know better than to talk like that after what happened.” His voice was eerily calm.
“I didn't—” The red-haired started, but his breath was caught in his throat as the sole of Sky's boot made contact with his chest, no real impact. A threat.
“Groose. I gave you a warning before going away. I know you're stupid, but you should at least try to remember what other people say, shouldn't you?” No answer, but it seemed exactly what Sky was expecting as he huffed, getting his foot out of the man's chest.
“This is my last warning, next time you look at something of mine I will really let you free fall out of the isle without your dear companion to save you. Don't you ever think of looking at my deity if you want to keep those foul eyes of yours.” The... hero, continued, voice sweet as always and that was your cue to leave.
You turned on your heels, not looking back. That wasn't real, this was just a joke, he would never be like that, a monster, but even then, you could swear you saw him looking back at you, the hint of a smile playing on his lips.
You ran to your room, locking the door behind you and hiding inside the mattresses.
It wasn't real, it wasn't real, it wasn't real, it—
Knock knock.
He was at your door. You stayed quiet, not moving a muscle in fear the person outside would hear. Another knock. You didn't move. And then you heard steps fading away, only then sighing in relief.
The door unlocked and you frooze in place, shutting your eyes to feign sleep. You couldn't even notice how much you were trembling.
“[Name]..?” You heard his voice, steps approaching the bed until it stopped beside you. “Poor thing. Must've been so tired.” The mattress dipped and his hand brushed against your cheeks, leaving a trail of goosebumps on your skin. “My sweet little [name], so frail...” His voice grew closer and you could feel his breath fanning over your face “I know you're awake, my dear.”
Your eyes shot open, but before you could scramble away from him, his hands locked on your forearms, pressing you tightly against the bed, a twisted smile spreading across his face, manic gaze focused on you, you, you.
“Did you—” You gasped for air, not even noticing how you had stopped breathing. “Did you push Zelda..?” You voice died, and his looked melted into something comforting.
He didn't, did he? It was a misunderstanding. He was just mad earlier. You held your hopes while staring at him.
“It was needed, my dear.” He slowly sunk into your space, arms wrapping around you a little too tightly for comfort. “She understood me, she accepted it, she knows that fake is not our goddess. But you...” His darkened eyes looked up to you, from the shoulder he rested his head on. “Our deity, so supreme above us, foolishly egoistical being”
It was strange seeing Sky, the pure image of calmness so... frantic, as if his mind was elsewhere. It was an alien feeling, uncomfortable and making your throat clog with something heavy.
You slowly moved your hands to try and rub at his back in a form of comfort, he easily accepted the touch, closing his eyes, but before you could question him on his behaviour, he started talking again.
“My deity, please, please, don't ever say you'll leave me. Never again, please, allow me to be selfish this once.” His grip tightened. “I don't know what I will do if you say something like that again.”
It all clicked when he said that. The last time you picked it up, too tired to pass through even the turorial. You thought it was strange that things had proceded too quickly, but maybe your memory was faulty. You shuddered when he huffed a laugh, too dark in comparison to his usual, as his hands ran up your back.
“Wait, Sky— I mean, Link, I never meant it like that, I—” A sharp inhale of breath forced you to cut your own words. “W- What's this?”
You could feel warm blood oozing from your right ear, a new earring attached to it. He finally let you from his hold, and your hands instantly flew to the newest addition, feeling a soft brush against your hands. A bloody red feather.
You shot a sharp glare to him, to which he shrugged, letting another earring hang on his hands. This one a vibrant tone of blue, that equally hung from one of his pierced ears. He smiled in mock compassion.
“Come on, dear, I have to finish putting it on you.” Our claim on you.
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snowbunny-png · 4 months
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𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓗𝔂𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮.
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faroreskiss · 1 year
The Power of Understanding / Pilot (Part 1 v2)
Rewritten to v2 on: 2023/09/10
Cheat Sheet
Read of Ao3
Chapters: Pilot, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Summary: You have been with the Chain for a while now, as their "scholar" and translator. You know everything about them, because you are from our world. But do *they *know the truth about how you can understand everyone?
A little introduction and world building concept for the Translator!Reader and her adventures. Check notes below for more info!
Non-linear fic.
AU fic, prior to TotK (instead of TotK, chain events happen).
Loosely based on the same reader in my NSFW fic, which is a very loose prequel to this one, and a work in progress.
More background info to come, if I feel like it :D
Warnings: None, maybe some cussing, but nothing is censored. SFW content.
Points of interest: This is your thing if you are into the mystery of chain being able to talk to each other. I am an actual trained linguist IRL, hence this HAD to be written!
You were daydreaming in the middle of the day about him again, amidst the smell of horse shit around you, when you're supposed to be finishing the work you have until the end of the day. Or until a new portal pops up to swallow you all to Goddess knows which Hyrule this time. Damned black-blooded monsters. At least, this gave you some break.
You, coming from our own era, have been acting as the scholar of the Chain for the last couple of years, while hopping from world to world with them. Knowing this, Malon put you to work on the books of the ranch, instead of letting you deal with the cows or the horses, even though you really didn’t have anything specific to do with maths. You thought she was being kind to you, not letting you deal with dirty ranch work, you guessed? She was a sweetheart either way.
You wanted to hang out with Twilight at the same time, so instead of using the little study Malon offered, you took the books and went down to the stables. You continued with your own stuff, while he was taking care of the horses.
There was also this little thing: you were the only one who understood every single one of them, (almost) very clearly, comparatively speaking. Sure they could communicate without you just as well, but due to a bunch of coincidences, you were the closest thing to the “translation magic”, if you can call it that. Maybe it was your Hoshi Sato gene*. Maybe it was the fact that you actually stayed with Link & Zelda in the post-Calamity world, around two years prior meeting the Chain**, maybe a bit of magic was also involved. Hylia works in mysterious ways! Did it almost cost you your brain? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. 
Some Links, of course, understood each other better than the others, especially when their eras were, linguistically speaking, not that far. Time and Twilight were just fine. Legend and Hyrule were already able to understand each other, even a little bit better than Time and Twilight. Sky was a bit further away and had a “funny way of saying things” (according to the Sailor), almost gibberish, but when you listened and when he spoke slowly enough, you could at least get the gist of what he was trying to say. Wind, Time, and Warriors already knew each other from other “incidents” before the Chain, so they already had a way of communicating. 
These worlds also did not have many invasions and wars by “outsiders”, if you don’t count things like the Triforce War, Imprisoning War, Sealing War, and of course, anything that had to do with Demise, Ganon & co. and their horrible reincarnations. This meant, not a lot of language change.
In the end, what happened was that over the two years you have been together with the group, you helped them understand each other better. They adjusted their accents, and somehow warped the Hylian they speak in a way that the group would understand (and especially you), when the dialogue was still within the group. Of course, the Old Man would speak more “naturally” with Malon and vice versa, and some of the chain would adjust better (e.g. Twilight or Smithy) to the language of the era they are in. After some point, communication was not that much of a problem. You learnt it all in the end. 
Funny enough, Wild, Sky, and Twilight had similar scripts. Time and Wind had more similar writing systems. Wild, Wars, Legend, Time, and Rulie were also better at understanding the scripts of their respective eras. Overall, other than a couple of hiccups, most understood the others’ script to an extent. 
And then there was Wild. Also known as “The Cook” nowadays. The rest of the chain didn’t know you called them the Chain in your mind, and had your little nicknames for them. The nicknames most likely revealed a bit too much, and even though most of the secrets were out nowadays… You knew better than to risk more. You have caused enough damage, you would think sometimes. Even though you just couldn’t resist the urge. 
Anyway… Wild, his case and communication issues… were complicated.
According to the rest of the chain when you guys first met, whatever he was saying (and vice versa) was almost complete gibberish at first. Some terms and special names like “deku,” “korok,” “Hylia,” “Hyrule,” “rupee,” and such were still there, albeit with a different accent, and they helped, but it was not enough. You only found out later that it was kind of… your fault. 
In the end, he was also able to communicate with them just fine. Each Link had their own… language variation and accents, so to say. Some of them did not even have the difference enough to call it a “dialect” comparatively. As you thought, language change is a slow enough process, and with the lack of ‘conflicts’ (for lack of a better word) compared to your world, no wonder they were still somehow able to understand each other. . 
The Goddesses work in mysterious ways indeed.
How did it work for you, though? There was this little secret that… First time around, when you first dropped into Wild's Hyrule, “Hylian” was basically a weird mesh-up of English and Japanese to your ears, after the enchantment from the Great Fairies you have received. It was “so you could slowly understand and grasp and communicate”, you were told. 
Oh boy, it really felt like a genie granting you a wish, but in its own twisted way. You found that out later though. 
Second time around when you first met the rest of Links, though? The first enchantment… kind of messed everything up. Second time around, you actually ended up learning real Hylian. At least, the Hylian that was used as a lingua franca between you guys. 
Of course, some learning skill enchantment was definitely not out of the deal this time as well, thanks to Rulie & Time and their fairy friends, and of course the Smithy. But what a disaster it had been! Well, it wasn’t your fault that the first time the enchantment was made, nobody calculated that you would meet the Links from other eras.
You also naturally know the reason behind why Links in kind of irrelevant eras could decipher each other's texts, even when they didn’t understand the words all the time. Some were based on the Latin alphabet, and some were on Japanese kana. No way you could clearly explain it to them.
“Oh, by the way, you are made by a game company called Nintendo, and this guy is called Miyamoto…”
Yeah, no. That didn’t go well last time. Nobody even understood what you meant. 
That was a battle to fight for another day… Now, you need to focus on the budget of the Lon Lon Ranch. And not be distracted by Twilight’s statue.
Fanciest and most OP translator you will ever know. Star Trek Universe. 
"You” already spent three years with Link and Zelda in Wild’s world and were enchanted by the Great Fairies (with Zelda’s involvement) for the improvement of learning abilities.
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
Symbols Key:
💖- Series
🥰- Completed Series
🥵- Smut
✨- Personal Favorites
💧- Contains eventual warnings/possibly sensitive content (the specific warnings will always be listed at top of the story and/or the exact chapter they occur in)
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The Chain
Happy New Year!
When Another Finds Out About His Crush: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
You Sacrifice Yourself for Him: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
He Meets an Evil Version of You: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
He Becomes a Dad: Part 1, Part 2
The Chain Meets Your Baby: Part 1, Part 2
Body Swap!: Part 1, Part 2
The Chain Meets You, His Partner: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Tiny Details
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While the Night is Young
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Twilight's Calling
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spicyicetea · 1 year
My Forest Spirit
A legend of Zelda BOTW/TOTK Yandere x Reader. This is obviously cannon divergent. Fem!Y/N is short and Curvy in this, and is often described with long hair. This story will contain NSFW! scenes, violence and profanity. MDNI
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Chapter 3: Will you be my betrothed?
I woke as I was shaken awake. Groggily, I opened my eyes to look up at the man beside me. Link grinned at me and ran a hand through my hair. My ear twitched as one of his fingers grazed the back of my ear, his hand retreating to his side quickly.
"Morning Y/N, did you sleep well?" Link asked, running his hand through my hair.
I smile up at him and nod. His grin only grew once our eyes met and he hunkered next to me, practically encasing me with his large frame. The blue tunic bunched in my hands as I toyed with his sleeves. A shadow loomed over us and Link grunted, glaring up at whoever was there.
"We need to leave knight. The princess wants to get to the castle as soon as possible." Revali sighed, putting his bow on his back and packing up his tent.
I look around, realising we had been asleep on the ground. Dirt fell from my skirt as I stood and pried myself away from Link's grasp. All the others were busy packing their things to get back on the road and I looked down at the pouting Hylian I had just been sitting with. He was clearly upset by something yet I had no idea what it could have been. His eyes met mine and softened immediately before standing up.
"Y/N, you can walk ahead with me. I'll keep you safe from all the monsters!" He confidently declared, wrapping an arm around my waist.
I thanked him but was yanked away by Zelda. Her soft hand wrapped around my wrist as she pulled me to her side, smiling at me. Blonde hair hung, framing her face as she intertwined our fingers. The birds seemed to sing as our eyes met and the world stopped spinning. She rubbed a hand over my back, her hand sliding down to rest on my behind. A faint flush rested over my face as her hands' grip just became firmer and ushered me along with her.
"Ignore my knight, you can walk with me! My father will love you Y/N, he might even allow you to stay as a close servant or maid! Or, maybe a concubine… until I can be crowned and married," She muttered.
I raised a brow at her, unsure of what half of those words meant. Compared to the Koroks, these people know much fancier words than they ever taught me. Their clothes looked nicer, accents strange and varied. It was truly extravagant in my eyes!
"Concubine? What does that mean?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.
Urbosa raised a brow and walked beside us, Zelda's posture stiffening as she approached.
"Why do you want to know about something like that little cactus?" "Oh, well Zelda said something about asking her father for me to be her… concubine I think it was." "Ah well, I'm sure the princess was just joking! Don't worry about all that," Urbosa sighed, shooting Zelda a strange look.
The rest of the long walk was quiet and awkward. I was more than used to silence, but this one was heavy and dense. Suffocating silently, we approached the Castle as guards began escorting us all in. Zelda held me close to her as we entered through the loud entryway. A white-haired man turned to meet Zelda's gaze and he smiled softly at us.
"Zelda, you've returned. Has the Master Sword been retrieved?" He asks, striding confidently towards us.
Zelda smiled back and held her hand over her chest, nodding. "Yes, Father! Link managed to pull the legendary sword from the ground. But, we have far more important matters to speak about. Privately," She stated.
The man nodded and walked away with Zelda by his side. The moment the princess had left, Link went leapt forwards but was intercepted by Urbosa. The tall, honeyed skin woman grinned down at me and offered her hand. Gently I grabbed her fingers, my hand too small to fully hold hers. My sleeve slid down my forearm to my elbow as she leaned down and pressed her lips to the back of my hand. The emerald eyes met my own as a singly crimson strand slid over her forehead and danced over my wrist before she stood up. Blue lipstick had smudged onto my hand and I used my thumb to try and rub it away.
"Hello dear, come with me to my private chambers. Your beautiful little body deserves a nice bath and some nice clothes. You there," She waves over a knight and looks down at him while pulling me to her chest. "Please bring some Hylian clothes to my chambers as soon as possible."
The knight nodded before running off. Urbosa smiled and took my hand, striding with purpose through the halls. Her warm hands held me close to her, my forehead bumping against her chest with each step. With a smile, she pushed open a large double door that led into a grand room, something I had never believed could ever exist. The cold marble beneath my feet shot shivers up my spine. Chuckling at my reaction, she led me to a large cushioned circle. I raised a brow as I looked around the room, never having seen anything like it anymore. A warm laugh rang out as Urbosa looked down at me.
"You have never left that forest have you?" "Huh? Oh no, I haven't. The Koroks and the spirits that visit the forest raised me. I did sometimes venture out of the forest to visit the nearby fairy fountain!" I smile at her and ran a hand through my hair.
She smiled at me and rubbed my back before parting a curtain to an adjacent room. I raised a brow but she ushered me to follow her. A deep tub was front and centre in the room, a large window looking out onto the surrounding fields of the Castle. She used a strange object at her hip to activate a device near the tub. Water began rising and she grabbed my shoulders.
"Why don't you get out of those clothes and into the bath? You can tell me about all the spirits you've met while I wash your hair." "Okay, that sounds nice!"
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kaitsawamura · 8 months
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Calamity Ganon has finally been vanquished for good, Link and Zelda have finally managed to break the wheel. But things are not as either of them had hoped they would be. Zelda is soon to be Queen with all the duties of such a position. Link would remain her knight and yet, he is restless. When he hears of the restoration efforts in Lurelin Village, he decides that he must go. He can’t stay cooped up within the castle walls, not after so long in the wild. Zelda and Link are unsure of the new direction their lives are taking but maybe they’ll find that their true north is you.
Pairing: TotK!Link x Reader x TotK!Zelda
Rating: M for Mature, 18+ only minors do not interact
Warnings: Fantasy violence/gore, sexual content, angst
Tags: aged up characters, multiple pov’s (maybe possibly kinda), friends to lovers, semi-slice of life, semi-canon divergent, h/c (more to be added)
Projected Word Count: 15K
Author's Note: I have been tossing around a Link x Reader fic FOREVER but it felt right as soon as I started writing and the idea naturally morphed into a poly fic. I know I've been telling myself not to post any parts of a multi part fic until I've written the whole thing but ya know what, I need some dopamine and maybe y'all do to so I'll be posting the parts/chapters as I write them. Hope you enjoy (and even if you don't, that's fine too because mostly my fics are for me XD)
Other Fandoms Masterlist
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Playlist (TBL)
Part 1 (TBW)
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frickingnerd · 5 months
love at first fight
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pairing: urbosa x gn!reader
summary: you propose a duel to the queen of gerudo – and if you win, you get to marry her!
a/n: the title of the oneshot was just a typo at first, but i figured this really fits and went with it haha
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“you have no chance with urbosa! she's the queen of the gerudo and completely out of your league! you better forget about her!”
you've been told countless times that you had no chance with urbosa. everyone you knew had advised you to find someone else. but you knew what you wanted! and you wanted urbosa.
“you're saying you have a proposal for me?”
you had managed to make it all the way into gerudo town and be allowed an audience with her. perhaps that was due to the two of you having crossed paths in hyrule castle before and being acquainted with each other already. or perhaps urbosa had simply taken pity of you, after hearing the rumors.
“a proposal, a bet, a duel… call it what you may!”
you smiled confidently, as urbosa's subordinates whispered something. they didn't seem too impressed by you, but that didn't bother you.
“tell me more about it then! i can hardly agree to anything i know nothing about”
“it's simple, really” you grinned. “we duel! if you win, i'll never enter gerudo town again”
“and if i lose?”
“you'll become my bride!”
the whispers got louder. urbosa sat quietly on her throne, as the people around her lost it. they looked at you, disgusted at the mere suggestion. to even assume that urbosa would lose against you! and to even suggest that she'd become your bride!
“i accept.”
urbosa rose from her throne. the room went quiet. nobody dared to speak, when the queen did.
“but don't expect me to go easy on you”
“i wouldn't dream of it, your highness~!”
urbosa reached out her hand, one of her subordinates quickly bringing her her blade. as soon as she had her hands on it, the fight had begun and urbosa rushed forward.
you drew your blade, dodging her first attack. she had a lot of distance to close at first, so it was too obvious what her first move would be. but the next few wouldn't be as easy.
your blades crossed, again and again. the two of you seemed to be in perfect sync. it looked almost like a dance, with how swiftly you moved. the scenery around you seemed to fade away, as all you could focus on was each other.
and then finally, after what felt like an eternity of passionately dancing with one another, one of you was cornered.
“you're a good fighter…”
urbosa was out of breath, but clearly enjoying herself. she hasn't fought like this in ages!
“but you're still no match for me”
urbosa's blade had been resting against your neck, but now she pulled away and took a step back. you were out of breath too and despite losing, you were still smiling.
“this was fun…”
you slid your blade back in its sheath, watching as urbosa sat back down on her throne. you remained in your position for a moment, watching her in awe, before straightening your clothes and stepping in front of the throne again.
“it's a shame we won't get to duel like this again… now that i'm banished from gerudo town”
urbosa huffed amused.
“as the victor, shouldn't i get to choose what my reward is? i fear this one won't do…”
“oh? then do tell, your highness… what do you wish for?”
you, as well as everyone else in the room, seemed eager to hear what it would be.
“you'll never get good enough to win a fight against me, if you don't practice. i'll make you my personal guard, so you'll have plenty more chances to spar with me and improve”
“and what about our little bet, your highness?”
urbosa leaned back on her throne and smiled.
“if you manage to win a battle against me, i'll allow you to take me as your bride.”
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zeldas-dagger · 3 months
Tloz Masterlist 𓆩♡𓆪
(Ao3/other tumblr: bloodlustngore)
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❤️️- fluff 🖤- Angst
Always (❤️️🖤) - Whilst Zelda is home and things seem to be going back to normal, everyone tries to move on, but Zelda cannot. Link gets her to confide in him, even if she struggles with that.
Look at me like that (❤️️) - Link loves Zelda' smile and laugh, so much that he gets flustered.
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thequietkid-moonie · 14 days
"if I die first you have to find someone else"
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Link, Zelda, Hilda, Ravio ]
[ Skyword Sword ] [ A Link Between Worlds ]
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A bittersweet prompt! Perfect for my melancholic state <3
by the moment im writing this it has being more than a year that my father died and I still think about that, I still miss him and I know my mother does too, those are quite messy mixed feelings but at least are helping me to come up with interesting prompts!
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Link is a really loving and caring boyfriend, he can be quite flustered at times by your relationship but that doesn't stop him from expressing his love by indirect ways and sometimes directly too (mostly whenever is just the two of you since he can get flustered by it)
Link normally doesn't think much on the future, but if you ask him Link will admit that he definetly loves the idea of spending his life with you, the idea of being together for the rest of your lives no matter what happen is really appeling to him and wouldn't mind telling you if you ask him
Thats why hearing you say this definetly shock him, he loves you so much that he doesn't see why not fighting for that love, but even when he can understand that asking him to find someone else is also a demostration of love, not wanting him to be alone, he just doesn't want to find someone else
He doesn't answer imediatly because he is trying to process what you have just told him, he is trying to imagine that posibility, imagine how he would be if he loses you and him having to find someone else, but he doesn't like it, he doesn't want to think about that nor that you are thinking about that
Link feel a little bad for it but he will tell you that he can't promise you something like that, even if the worst happen and he lose you he doesn't know if he will be able to find someone else, heck, he doesn't even know if he will be able to even get over losing you. He isn't sure if would be able to find someone else but he is sure that no matter how much time pass he will always love you and will never forget you (and he probably tell you right away that too)
It doesn't matter if you tell him when you two are just students or when he start his journey as the hero, it wont chance his reaction nor his feelings, what will actually chance it will be the intensity of his determination, if there is danger he will even promise you that he will do everything in his power to make sure nothing bad happen, to you or him
He isn't too affected by your words afterward but he does remember it sometimes and is something that really keep him up at night, he just doesn't understand why would you think or even request him something like that, but he doesn't want you to think in that, and he will be determinated to prove you that something like that will not happen
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Zelda is totally the type to be friends with her partner and she like it that way, she is far from being flustered enough to become shy so she has no problem with being close to you and act all friendly, actually she is quite playfuly and teasing with you just as how affectionate and loving she is, there isn't the slighest doubt about her love
Sometimes, when Zelda feels specially affectionate and loving she end up thinking about you and the future, about how amazing it would be have a peaceful life together, working together and having a domestic life in a future, although is a thought that can actually make her flustered so she doesn't talk much about it unless you two are alone
Before being dragged out of the sea of clouds there is no much danger or not anything that could be a real threaten so when she heard you say this, how you wish for her to continue if someday something happens to you is something quite shocking, she take a moment to process your words and still ask you to repeat yourself, trying to treat it as a joke to dont let the weight of your words hit
Even if it is after she had fulfilled her duty and is now out of the sea of clouds she will react similar, not wanting to take it too serious because she doesn't want to lose you, but now that she have faced such threat she is more confident to tell you that something like that will not happen because you have her to protect you
But even if she tries to brush it of with a joke she will have to face your words soon are later because those are stuck in her head, thinking further about it she is flattered that you are thinking on her and that you love her so much that you are thinking on her happiness, but at the same time she feels quite troubled that you think on the posibility of your decease
At the end, Zelda will feel a little anxious about this, is that you are hiding something from her? Why are you even thinking on this? It would even become a little obvious how is she feeling about this, sometimes even staring at you a little as if she were trying to find out what are you hiding from her but at the end she will just bring the topic and directly ask you if there is something wrong, asking why have you even being thinking on something like that
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Hilda is painfully aware of the conditions of the world all of you are living on, she is constantly trying to find ways to help her people survive so she end up relying on you to have at least a moment where she doesn't carry the weight of the world in her shoulders
Hilda's feeling for you are pure and sincere, she loves you with all her heart and that same love makes her wish things where diferent, if only the world wouldn't so dangerous maybe you two could have a better life. She constantly think on the future due her responsability and her title, but when it comes to you she just hopes that you won't fall out of love with her
Hearing you say such thing definetly make her stop in shock and stare at you, her expression slowly changing from shock to anger, she doesn't want you to talk about something like that and is quick to tell you, she is definetly not happy about what you have said and will even scold you for thinking on something like that
It will take Hilda a while to be able to calm down and think better on this, since you said those words they haven't left her mind, and while those words run around her mind making her anxious and scare she doesn't want to face you (what at the end is counterproductive since it just make her feel even more anxious)
The moment she finally calms down and is able to put her thoughts in order she will try to talk to you again, apologize for her previous reaction before explaining that she is already scare of losing you and you talking about this things makes her think that you already accepted that is something that will happen, wich just become a reminder of how bad this world state is
Hilda apreciate that you try to think on her and her own happiness but she also admits that she can't promise you to find someone else because she doesn't even believe that such thing would happen, if you are gone she won't be able to deal too well on her grief and will end up getting too focused on her rule and to find a solution (and if she does manage to find a solution she will feel guilt forever for not finding the solution when you were still here with her)
At the end Hilda ask you to please dont think about those things again, she knows is a posibility but while is just that she will make everything in her power to make it stay like that, just a posibility
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Ravio is quite playful and teasing with his partner, what helps to cover up his own flustered state most of the time, he is affectionate and loving, telling you how much he loves you without hesitantion or shame but when you return the affection he is easily take off guard, wich end up making him flustered
Ravio is a fearful, he doesn't like thinking about the present, let alone about the future, he is scare of talking in a serious manner so most of the time he tries to joke to light up the mood and make you forget at least for a moment about the danger around, if he manage to make you laugh at least just once he feels realiced
Ravio is painfuly aware of the situation but he is too coward to aknowledge it, thats why he always jokes around and even cover his face with his hood, but hearing you say something that even just suggest the posibility of him losing you is a big hit of reality for him, he quickly panics but tries to brush it off, trying to treat it as a joke before trying to change the subject
Ravio doesn't want to talk about such saddening thing, sadly, now that you have spoke about it he just can't stop thinking about it, no matter how much he tries to distract himself, his mind take him back at your words, repeating them over and over again and even make him start to feel in the state of grief already
Ravio feel in the verge of tears the more he thinks about it, he is a coward who sometimes hide his face from even you, how he would even at least try to protect you against the danger when he constantly just hide, honestly, the more he thinks about it the more he just grow to hate himself, while you tried to face reality and accept it as it is, even accepting the posibility of not surviving he is trying to avoid even just thinking about it
Ravio would not have the strength to bring up the topic again to the conversation and probably would act as if you haven't say it, but at some point he would make up his mind and promise to himself to find a way to fix things with Hilda so you won't have to think about something like that again
If you actually brought it up again and say it again or ask for an answer Ravio will feel troubled but at the end he would just promise you that he would do it, trying to gain courage from anywhere inside of him to ask you to please promise him the same, to promise him that no matter what happen you will be happy and will continue living
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