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MIKIKO x Rhizomatiks x Daichi Miura x SP Dancers x ELEVENPLAY x Perfume - Yuugatou x Le Penseur Mix (MUSIC STATION SUPER LIVE 2023.12.22)
#2023#video clip#daichi miura#prfm#perfume#a-chan#kashiyuka#nocchi#rhizomatiks#elevenplay#mikiko#Yuugatou#Le Penseur
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Yuugatou /Light Trap oneshot
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Yuugatou (ASANO Inio)
#yuugatou#manga#mangacap#screencap#light trap#myedit#my edit#asano#inio#black and white#manga edit#edit
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Dokuhaku / Gogotea (Romaji Lyrics)
Vocal : KAFU Music/Lyrics : Gogotea Illust : 涼夜ちも
ここんとこずっと満たされない kokon toko zutto mitasarenai
依然、創作も振るわない izen, sousaku mo furuwanai
ここが居場所��んて信じない koko ga ibasho nante shinjinai
朝はまだ来ない asa wa mada konai
綴る言葉は毒になれども薬にはならない tsuzuru kotoba wa doku ni naredo mo kusuri ni wa naranai
「続ける意味がない」 "tsuzukeru imi ga nai"
過らなかった日はない yogira nakatta hi wa nai
流行りの音楽が聴けない hayari no ongaku ga kikenai
比べて卑下してが止まない kurabete higeshite ga yamanai
「多分、僕はもう音楽が好きじゃない」 "tabun, boku wa mou ongaku ga suki janai"
それを吐き出す術は音楽しか知らない sore o hakidasu sube wa ongaku shika shiranai
だから dakara
またこうして歌に縋って愚かな"毒"を吐いた mata koushite uta ni sugatte orokana "doku" o haita
月夜の下、尚更無様だ tsuki yo no shita, naosara buzama da
どんな言葉を歌ったらこんな僕とさよならできんだ donna kotoba o utattara konna boku to sayonara dekinda
答えが出るまで止まぬ独白 kotae ga deru made yamanu dokuhaku
悩みに贅沢もクソもない nayami ni zeitaku mo kuso mo nai
当事者以外知り得ない傷の痛みに優劣はない toujisha igai shirienai kizu no itami ni yuuretsu wa nai
暗示は絶え間ない anji wa taemanai
日陰じゃ涙は乾かない higake ja namida wa kawakanai
涙じゃ花なんて芽吹かない namida ja hana nante mebukanai
「明かりの射さない人生に価値はない」 "akari no sasanai jinsei ni kachi wa nai"
そんなのは信じない sonna no wa shinjinai
信じていいわけない shinjite ii wakenai
だけど dakedo
僕が歌った歌でくらいは主役で在りたかった boku ga utatta uta de kurai wa shuyaku de aritakatta
スポットライトは誘蛾灯でいいから supotto raito wa yuugatou de ii kara
かつて純粋を極めた僕は焦燥の餌になった katsute junsui o kiwameta boku wa shousou no esa ni natta
綺麗な言葉も今や吐瀉物 kirei na kotoba mo ima ya tosha butsu
時に創作は自傷行為 toki ni sousaku wa jishoukou'i
と同時に自分を定義するただ一つの武器 to douji ni jibun o teigi suru datta hitotsu no buki
諸刃の剣でこれを書いてる moroba no tsurugi de kore o kaiteru
「まだだ、まだだ」って息も絶え絶え "mada da, mada da" tte iki mo tae tae
なのに nano ni
またこうして傷��抉って恥ずべき自分を吐いた mata koushite kizu o egutte hazubeki jibun o haita
それが僕の価値になるのなら sore ga boku no kachi ni naru no nara
どんな醜態晒しても歌い続けるほかないんだろうな donna shuutai sarashite mo utai tsuzukeru hoka nai ndarou na
これは死ぬまで続く束縛 kore wa shinu made tsuzuku sokubaku
答えが出るまで止まぬ独白 kotae ga deru made yamanu dokuhaku
これを聴いてくれたあなたが kore o kiite kureta anata ga
まだ純粋なあなたが mada junsui na anata ga
僕みたいにならぬようにと願って止まない boku mitai ni naranu you ni to negatte yamanai
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The Clouds and The Ghost (雲と幽霊) - Lyrics and English Translation
ヨルシカ - 雲と幽霊 / Yorushika - Kumo to Yuurei (The Clouds and the Ghost ) Lyrics, composition, arrangement: n-buna/ ナブナ Vocal: suis From the album「夏草が邪魔をする」/ “The Summer Grass Is Getting in My Way” Translation by EJ/Bluepenguin (https://ejtranslations.wordpress.com/)
The last song of the album! With this, the whole album is finally translated! Yay! This one is connected to “Say it.”, from the perspective of the other person. This one literally made me bawl, just try listening to the song while reading the lyrics after watching “Say it.” The name “Yorushika” comes from this song, according to this interview. It’s from this line in particular
夜しかもう眠れずに yoru shika mou nemurezu ni Now at night I only sleep
This song is my #1 favorite song of the album. It’s so good, and I don’t think n-buna has made something like this before. It’s a slow and serene song with ambient sounds like water drops and telephone ringings incorporated in it. You can hear n-buna’s signature guitar in the chorus but it doesn’t detract from the “different” feel of the song at all. It’s there to remind you that this is still a n-buna song, even with the different tone and style. A perfect song to end the album, in my opinion. Ah, I’m making this post while listening to the song and I feel like crying again....
幽霊になった僕は、明日遠くの君を見に行くんだ その後は��うしよう きっと君には言えない yuurei ni natta boku wa, asu tooku no kimi o mi ni yuku n’da sono ato wa dou shiyou kitto kimi ni wa ienai I’ve become a ghost, and tomorrow I’ll go to see you, far away where you are And then what shall I do? I definitely can’t tell you that
幽霊になった僕は、夏の終わり方を見に行くんだ 六畳の地球で 浅い木陰のバス停で yuurei ni natta boku wa natsu no owarikata o mi ni yuku n’da rokujou no chikyuu de asai kokage no BASUtei de I’ve become a ghost, and I’m going to see the way the summer ends On this studio-apartment-sized earth*, at a bus stop in the pale shadows of the trees
夜に涼む君の手 誘蛾灯に沿って石を蹴った 街の薄明かりが揺れている yoru ni suzumu kimi no te yuugatou ni sotte ishi o ketta machi no usuakari ga yurete iru You kicked pebbles alongside the light trap** in the cool night air The faint lights of the town waver
何も見えなくたって 何も言わなくたって 誰も気付かなくたって それでもわか��から nani mo mienakutatte nani mo iwanakutatte daremo kidzukanakutatte sore demo wakaru kara Because even without seeing anything, Even without saying anything, Even without anyone noticing, I still know
君と座って バス停見上げた空が青いことしかわからずに kimi to suwatte basutei miageta sora ga aoi koto shika wakarazu ni I only know that at the bus stop where I was sitting with you, the sky I looked up at was blue
雲が遠いね ねぇ 夜の雲が高いこと、本当不思議だよ kumo ga tooi ne nee yoru no kumo ga takai koto, hontou fushigi da yo The clouds are far away, see? See? It really is unbelievable that the clouds at night are so high
だからさ、もういいんだよ dakara sa, mou ii n’da yo So you see, it’s all right now
幽霊になった僕は、あの頃の景色を見に行くんだ 遠い街の海辺 子供のとき見た露店街 yuurei ni natta boku wa, ano koro no keshiki o mi ni yuku n’da tooi machi no umibe kodomo no toki mita rotengai I’ve become a ghost, and I’m going to see places from my past The beach in a distant town, the shopping stalls I saw as a child
歩き疲れた脚でそこらのベンチでバスを待って その後はどうしよう 何で歩いてたんだろう arukitsukareta ashi de sokora no BENCHI de BASU o matte sono ato wa dou shiyou nande aruite’ta n’darou With feet tired from walking, I’ll sit on a bench nearby to wait for the bus And then what shall I do? Why was I walking?
何も知らなくたって 何も聞けなくたって いつか君が忘れても それでも見ているから nani mo shiranakutatte nani mo kikenakutatte itsuka kimi ga wasurete mo sore demo mite iru kara Even if someday you forget Without knowing anything Without hearing anything Even so, I’ll be watching you
夏の陰に座って 入道雲を眺めるだけでどこか苦しくて 空が高いよ ねぇ natsu no kage ni suwatte nyuudougumo o nagameru dake de dokoka kurushikute sora ga takai yo nee Just sitting in the summer shadows, staring at the storm clouds, is somehow painful The sky is so high
このままずっと遠くに行けたらいいのにな 夜しかもう眠れずに kono mama zutto tooku ni iketara ii no ni na yoru shika mou nemurezu ni I wish I could go far away just like this Now at night I only sleep
君と座って バス停見上げた空が青いことしかわからずに kimi to suwatte BASUtei miageta sora ga aoi koto shika wakarazu ni I only know that at the bus stop where I was sitting with you, the sky I looked up at was blue
雲が遠いね ねぇ 夜の雲が高いこと、本当不思議だよ kumo ga tooi ne nee yoru no kumo ga takai koto, hontou fushigi da yo The clouds are far away, see? See? It really is unbelievable that the clouds at night are so high
だからさ、だからさ 君もさ、もういいんだよ dakara sa, dakara sa kimi mo sa, mou ii n’da yo So you see, so you see Even for you, it’s all right now
幽霊になった僕は、明日遠くの 君を見に行くんだ その後はどうだろう きっと君には見えない yuurei ni natta boku wa, asu tooku no kimi o mi ni yuku n’da sono ato wa dou darou kitto kimi ni wa mienai I’ve become a ghost, and tomorrow I’ll go to see you, far away where you are And then I wonder what I’ll do I definitely won’t be able to see you
[*] Literally “six-tatami-mat-sized earth”–the number of tatami mats it takes or would take to cover the floor is an alternate measure of room/apartment size in Japan, used in apartment listings and such. Six tatami mats is not terribly large.
[**] A light that attracts nocturnal bugs and, in commercial uses, generally kills them. Where I grew up we called these “bug zappers,” but that’s not terribly poetic, is it?
#nabuna#nbuna#n-buna#n buna#yorushika#ヨルシカ#ナブナ#suis#雲と幽霊#Kumo to Yuurei#The Clouds and the Ghost#natsu kusa ga jama o suru#夏草が邪魔をする#ejtranslations#japanese song#Japanese Translation#japanese song translation#translation
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[translation+lyrics] Morphobia by Sennzai
Pretty awesome track from Sennzai’s latest album. Kabocha really hit a home run with these EDM beats, definitely one you can listen to over and over. Lyrics down below and see you all next time.
[Music]かぼちゃ [Vocal]Sennzai
yami ni mae aoi hane chou no yume utsusu okase
blue wings fluttering in the darkness, the butterflies' dream becomes reality
tenbin sae azamuku hodo ni oukoku wa katamuki sara kara koboreta kinka de kegare no omosa mo hakare you
the kingdom slid away from it's balance due to deceit the gold spilled from the plates tells of it’s impurities
ah, toki wa michita hajimeyou futatabi sekai ga yomigaeru utsukushiku maiagare
ah, time's up, let's start let's begin this world anew, with a beautiful dance
kami sae misuteta kono karada ai nado utaeru hazu mo naku nodo wo hiki saki afureru koe ga aoi hane wo ete amaneku
this body abandoned by god that can't even sing of love with it's voice emerging from a torn up throat as it attains it's blue wings
kami sae koroshita sono mimi ni watashi no uta ga kikoeru ka? komaku wo hande wa nou ni sukui sanagi to natte uka wo motsu
in those ears killed by god can you still hear my song? the nest in your head eats away your eardrums now become a chrysalis and grow out your wings
yami ni mae aoi hane chou no yume utsusu okase
blue wings fluttering in the darkness, the butterflies' dream becomes reality
monogoi kizoku ni douke mo hedatezu michibikou kegare mo shiranai botai ga arata na ou wo haramu darou
leading the aristocrats in a united front a new king shall emerge from an untainted womb
ah, mon wa, koko ni kitareri adamu no hone kara tsukurareta ware koso kagi wo nasu
ah, the gate is finally here and the key to open it crafted from Adam's bone
kami sae misuteta kono karada ai nado utaeru hazu mo naku yagate kisamara mo kuchizusameba tachimachi noroi wa amaneku
this body abandoned by god that can't even sing of love if you can hum along with it you'll also be accursed
kami sae koroshita sono mimi ni warera no uta ga kikoeru ka? gekka ni chou no mure ga saite kyoufu mo kanki ni kawaru darou
in those ears killed by god can you still hear my song? under the moonlight the butterflies blossom trading away their fear for joy
yami ni mae aoi hane chou no yume utsusu okase
blue wings fluttering in the darkness, the butterflies' dream becomes reality
kami sae uragiru kono chijou ni ukabu rakuen no shinkirou yuugatou to shirazu ni yobareru mama muge ni kuberare noroshi to nare
in this land betrayed by god a mirage of paradise emerges one with no traps to speak of they've all been burned up
kami sae misuteta kono karada ai nado utaeru hazu mo naku nodo wo hiki saki afureru koe ga aoi hane wo ete amaneku
this body abandoned by god that can't even sing of love with it's voice emerging from a torn up throat as it attains it's blue wings
kami sae koroshita sono mi ni watashi no uta ga kikoeru ka? chiniku wo hande wa tamashii sukui sanagi to natte uka wo motsu
in those ears killed by god can you still hear my song? eating this flesh and blood will save our soul now become a chrysalis and grow out your wings
yami ni mae aoi hane chou no yume utsusu okase
blue wings fluttering in the darkness, the butterflies' dream becomes reality
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Kono Mune no Barcode (“My Heart’s Barcode”)
“The fashion mag I read while standing, and an unsweetened can of coffee. Beep, beep, beep, each time the scanner beeps, it’s as if it’s reading my love for you too.”
OR: A girl who’s hopelessly in love with a classmate she can’t bring herself to confess to makes a midnight run to the convenience store.
nemurenakute yoru no KONBINI e CHARI de okonatta aoi yuugatou
Unable to sleep, I rode my bike through the night To the convenience store, Like a giant blue bug light
hoshii mono wa nani mo nai kuse ni moshi kashitara aeru kamo ne…
There isn’t even Anything I want But just maybe, I might be able to see you…
chikaku ni sumu KURASUMEITO guuzen no kitaichi I miss you
The odds of coincidentally running into You, the classmate that lives nearby I miss you
itoshisa wo SUKYAN shiteru REJI no BAAKOODO tachiyomi shita FASSHON zasshi mutou no kan KOOHII PIPPIPPI oto ga suru tabi koi wo shiteru koto mo yomitoraresou ne
They scan my love At the cash-register barcode The fashion mag I read while standing, And an unsweetened can of coffee Beep, beep, beep, each time the scanner beeps It’s as if it’s reading My love for you too
FAMIRESU nara mukai ni aru kedo KAPPURUtachi UZAIdake da yo ne
If I wanted a family-style diner There’s one open across the street But the couples there are only annoying
KONBINI nara fushizen ja nai wa hitorikiri mo jikan tsubusu no mo…
It’s not weird If I’m at the convenience store And I can kill time here Even if I’m alone…
aratamatte kokurenai shi sarigenaku wakatte Fall in love
It’s gotten so bad I can’t tell you how I feel I casually realize Fall in love
BAAKOODO ga SUKYAN dekizu te de uchinaoshita SUTOREETO ni tsutawaranai tejun ga setsunai semete bouhan KAMERA utsushiteite hoshii watashi ga kita koto
They couldn’t scan the barcode And typed in the code again by hand The message couldn’t go straight through The process is heartbreaking I want for at least The security cam To record the fact I was here
mune no oku ni kiroku sareta nanbon mo no RAIN wa Hard to say…
The many barcode lines Engraved On my heart, Are hard to say…
itoshisa wo SUKYAN shiteru REJI no BAAKOODO tachiyomi shita FASSHON zasshi mutou no kan KOOHII BAAKOODO ga SUKYAN dekizu te de uchinaoshita SUTOREETO ni tsutawaranai tejun ga setsunai semete bouhan KAMERA utsushite ite hoshii watashi ga kita koto
They scan my love At the cash-register barcode The fashion mag I read while standing, And an unsweetened can of coffee They couldn’t scan the barcode And typed in the code again by hand The message couldn’t go straight through The process is heartbreaking I want for at least The security cam To record the fact I was here
#Kono Mune no Barcode#SKE48 Team S#stage song#stage: S2 'Te wo Tsunaginagara'#lyrics#translation#Lyricist: Akimoto Yasushi#Composer: Aoki Shin'ichi#Arrangement: Nonaka 'Masa' Yuichi#00s aidoru#aidoru songs referencing convenience stores#aidoru songs about crushing on a classmate#first stage performance: 02/14/2009
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雲と幽霊 / Clouds and a Ghost (english lyrics)
By the 2-person band Yorushika (ヨルシカ) (website) Lyrics, music: n-buna Vocals: suis MV: ぽぷりか
One of those songs where the video adds so much more to the story.
Also: This is an answer song to 言って / Say It, from the boy’s perspective. Footnotes at the bottom!
幽霊になった僕は、明日遠くの君を見に行くんだ yuurei ni natta boku wa, asu tooku no kimi wo mi ni ikunda その後はどうしよう so no ato wa dou shiyou きっと君には言えない kitto kimi ni wa ienai
I, who have become a ghost, am going on a journey tomorrow to see the far-away you What should I do after that? I definitely can’t tell you
幽霊になった僕は、夏の終わり方を見に行くんだ yuurei ni natta boku wa, natsu no owarigata wo mi ni ikunda 六畳の地球で 浅い木陰のバス停で rokujyou no chikyuu de asai kokage no basutei de 夜に涼む君の手 誘蛾灯に沿って石を蹴った yoru ni suzumu kimi no te yuugatou ni sotte ishi wo ketta 街の薄明かりが揺れている machi no usuakari ga yureteiru
I, who have become a ghost, travelled to see the end of summer In the small world of a flat* At a bus stop, lightly shaded by trees Your hands, as we rested in the cool of the night Following the light traps**, we kicked stones and the faint glow of the town lights was quivering
(*六畳 : lit. six mats, where 畳 is a unit used to convey the size of an apartment. One 畳 is the standard size of a tatami mat. So six of them is pretty small for a flat indeed.) (**誘蛾灯: light traps used for exterminating insects in summer)
何も見えなくたって nani mo mienakuta tte 何も言わなくたって nani mo iwanakuta tte 誰も気付かなくたって dare mo kizukanakuta tte それでもわかるから sore demo wakaru kara
Even if you can’t see anything, even if you won’t say anything, even if no one notices, even then, I understand
君と座って バス停見上げた空が青いことしかわからずに kimi to suwatte basutei miageta sora ga aoi koto shika wakarazu ni 雲が遠いね ねぇ kumo ga tooi ne nee 夜の雲が高いこと、本当不思議だよ yoru no kumo ga takai koto, hontou fushigi da yo
Sitting together with you, knowing nothing more than the blue sky we saw from the bus stop The clouds are far away, aren’t they? It’s a real mystery how the clouds at night are so high up
だからさ、もういいんだよ dakara sa, mou iindayo
That’s why, it’s really alright now^
幽霊になった僕は、あの頃の景色を見に行くんだ yuurei ni natta boku wa, a no koro no keshiki wo mi ni ikunda 遠い街の海辺 子供のとき見た露店街 tooi machi no umibe kodomo no toki mita rotengai 歩き疲れた脚でそこらのベンチでバスを待って aruki tsukareta ashi de sokora no benchi de basu wo matte その後はどうしよう so no ato wa dou shiyou 何で歩いてたんだろう nande aruitetan darou
I, who have become a ghost, travelled to see the scenery from that time Beaches of far-away towns The open-air shopping streets I saw as a child Legs tired from walking, I sat on the benches over there, waiting for the bus What should I do next? Why am I walking so far, I wonder?
何も知らなくたって nani mo shiranakuta tte 何も聞けなくたって nani mo kikenakuta tte いつか君が忘れても itsuka kimi ga wasurete mo それでも見ているから sore demo miteiru kara
Even if I know nothing, even if I can’t hear anything, even if someday, I forget you — even then, I’ll watch over you and that's why
夏の陰に座って 入道雲を眺めるだけでどこか苦しくて natsu no kage ni suwatte nyuudougumo wo nagameru dake de doko ka kurushikute 空が高いよ ねぇ sora ga takai yo nee このままずっと遠くに行けたらいいのにな ko no mama zutto tooku ni iketara ii no ni na 夜しかもう眠れずに yoru shika mou nemurezu ni
Sitting in the the tail end of summer, just by looking at thunderstorms, pain wells up somewhere within me The sky is really high, you know? Hey Even though I’d like it better if I could go far, far away, just like that Now, I’m only able to sleep at night
君と座って バス停見上げた空が青いことしかわからずに kimi to suwatte basutei miageta sora ga aoi koto shika wakarazu ni 雲が遠いね ねぇ kumo ga tooi ne nee 夜の雲が高いこと、本当不思議だよ yoru no kumo ga takai koto, hontou fushigi da yo
Sitting together with you, knowing nothing more than the blue sky we saw from the bus stop The clouds are far away, aren’t they? It’s a real mystery how the clouds at night are so high up
だからさ、だからさ dakara sa, dakara sa 君もさ、もういいんだよ kimi mo sa, mou iinda yo
That's why, that's why — for you too, it’s really alright now^ (^to forget about me)
幽霊になった僕は、明日遠くの君を見に行くんだ yuurei ni natta boku wa, asu tooku no kimi wo mi ni ikunda その後はどうだろう so no ato wa dou darou きっと君には見えない kitto kimi wa mienai
I, who have become a ghost, am going on a journey tomorrow to see the far-away you What will it be like after that? I definitely won’t be seen by you
Some observations from the video: (*Some of these are translated off the Japanese Youtube comments, and I thought I’d share them here too)
The tree could represent how his memories are returning
The mango tree appears 3 times — the first time, the boy stops to look at it, and when it’s behind him, he turns around and keeps looking at it as he walks. Also, right before this, you see a plate with a mango returning back to it in the foreground.
As a ghost, the boy is in a different plane of reality
Towards the end of the song, when the pictures show places in Japan, the pedestrian lane on the floor is reflected in the sky
The boy looks up at the sky during the lines ‘even if no one notices’ and ‘for you too, it’s really alright now’ — perhaps emphasising that he’s trying to convey these to the girl
There are times when the boy leaves the frame — this could mean him visiting the real world
At the end, the boy sits with the girl at the bus stop
In the boy’s reality, this could be when the boy sits on a white line to gaze at the summer sky
At the very end of the song, the girl looks up slightly — she could have felt his presence
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