#Yusei gets an adopted son
griffincastle · 2 years
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New OC
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yugirl-with-dragons · 2 years
I saw your Atlantis AU and wanted to know if you ever saw Treasure Planet or Meet The Robinsons, and if so, I could see those two with the 5Ds gang for obvious reasons.
Treasure Planet was a BIG fav, but I never (fully) watched Meet the Robinsons ^^"
--Treasure Planet though!! Pretty sure there are some asks about that AU here, I can totally see Yusei as Jim (rebellion phase? trouble with the police? loving and gentle heart? sign me the f up), but I can't think of a canon father figure for him... I would reshape this AU in a veeery different direction. Yusei would still be the one saving the day, but every other character would get a different "role". No father figure, more of an "adventure team" thing, all of Martha's adopted sons tying to survive a pirate mutiny (led by Kiryu in my head. He might be a good cyborg hahah), all while running away with the lady captain of the ship (Aki, of course).
It wouldn't be a matching AU, but it would be A GOOD AU.
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oddchirithy · 2 years
Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds Next Gen: Blow My Brains Out
Note: Also posted on my Quotev. Does not take place in the same universe as "Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds Next Gen: Ghost". Alternate concept for characters and a what-if. Title comes from the song "Blow My Brains Out" because I it's what inspired me to write this. Typed this out without reviewing. It's not finished, but I wasn't sure how to end it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Sumire laughed at the TV as a shadow ran past the characters. Inés glanced at Seiji,the younger of the twins, who stared just above the screen.
The three were in the twin's living room, watching a horror movie that Inés couldn't even remember the name of.
'I should go home' she thought. She could already feel a familiar dull ache somewhere deep in her head.
A screech was heard to Inés' right and she felt Sumire's weight shift onto her arm while Seiji seemed to stiffen.
The red-headed girl clung to Inés' arm as she insisted that 'no she wasn't scared, just surprised'.
Inés could feel the headache coming as she awkwardly patted the girl's shoulder.
The credits rolled.
Seiji left to get something from the kitchen.
Honestly, it was just to calm himself down.
By the time the younger twin returned (in 5 minuets or so, Inés wasn't surprised. Seiji was always one to compose himself quickly compared to his older sister) Sumire had stopped clinging to Inés' arm and was sitting straight up.
"Already?" Sumire questioned. Inés nodded, she had just told her she was leaving.
'Better now, than later'
Seiji furrowed a dark brow.
"You're going to leave this late?"
Inés looked just by his shoulder.
"Yes, I should be going already, before it's gets darker. Have a good evening you two,".
"Now hold on,"Sumire stood up from the couch.
"Won't your guardians be worried if you walk alone?".
Inés walked to the door.
"No, I've walked home later than this. Don't worry, I'll text you when I get there,".
She opened the door, waved bye to the twins, and left without another word.
'I'm home'
As she'd said, Inés sent Sumire and Seiji the message that she'd arrived home.  
She didn't bother to look for their response, which they no doubt had.
She collapsed halfway on a kitchen chair, her head laying on the table. The lights were on. Inés didn't bother to turn them off. She stayed in the kitchen, not moving, and went to sleep.
Out of the 3 or so years that Inés knew Seiji (she technically knew him longer than she'd known Sumire and they technically weren't even friends), she'd never actually met their parents. (They never met hers. They never asked. Even if they did, it's not like they could.)
Inés had seen them. She knew who they were. By name, not personally.
(Seiji just had to get into a fight with some wannabe gang, two high school students and one adult, he just had to keep going and not back down. Which lead to a physical fight and then a trip to the hospital. Inés had been asked by Sumire to call their parents because she couldn't do it herself.)
The first meeting was brief, in a hospital, not even half a minute. Inés walked by and left before they even knew she was the one that called.
Fudo Yusei and his wife, (formerly Izayoi) Fudo Aki.
It wasn't hard to see the see the resemblance between them and the twins. (Both physically and in terms of personality).
They were wonderful, kind, and there. Inés couldn't help but look and listen to them talk to their son and daughter.
The same could be said with Mr and Mrs Fudo's friends and their children.
The second meeting was because Sumire, never one to shy away, had called out Inés' name as Inés walked down a street.
Atlas Jack and Atlas (née Nagisa) Carly and their children Freida, Leroy, and Regina.
Hogan Crow and his officially and unofficially adopted kids (too many for Inés to name), oldest being Yagi Osamu and Ike Sora.  
(Mr Fudo seemed to be the least bothered by her stoic face, rather more concerned as he then knew it was Inés who had called)
And their many other friends who she'd meet later.
And they were all so happy. Got along so well.
Even when the kids inevitably had arguments with their mothers or fathers, they could always come right back home, knowing their parents loved them and would talk it out.
So of course Inés avoided the parents. It was disgusting how happy, how well, and how they truly loved each other. (She didn't even have to look at their thoughts to know that.)
They were all so lucky. Their parents were home, loved them and could spend time with them. Meanwhile Inés had an empty home and an monthly (if she was lucky) 20 minute monitored visit through a glass plane.  
And it hurt.
It just killed Inés walking back from a visit, only to see Sumire and Seiji with their father and mother.
And it just felt so awkward seeing that goddamn Sector Security member occasionally drop by.  
Inés just wanted to take a hammer and bash it into her skull to stop all the thoughts and aches that seemed to grow with her. (But it was a connection with her dad, and Inés valued that.)
Sumire and Seiji were nice, they really were. Seiji was grumpy and rather introverted, but he always checked up with everyone. Sumire was all smiles and clingy, but it was clear she just wanted everyone to be happy.
And yet, Inés knew they wouldn't really understand her feelings. They could understand her missing her father, her being unable to look one in the eyes, her being stolid, and her being neutral in opinions. (She sometimes wondered their reaction if they ever found who he was.)
They couldn't understand her missing a man who was a monster. Her being stolid wasn't her being shy, she just really couldn't be expressive if she tried. And if she wanted to, there was always a risk of injury to others. (Like that one time in her middle school, not that she cared.) And really, if she defended the leader of an organization that tortured children and manipulated Mrs. Fudo and killed Mrs Atlas, there'd be questions.
It stung.
Inés wished she cared enough to apologize.
(But it wasn't her fault, so what would be the point?)
If there was ever a person to switch bodies with, one would probably say Sumire.
Pretty red haired and brown eyed Sumire.
Sumire who was always happy and outgoing and open (and so ignorant of what she had).
Blithe, uninhibited, and dense.
How would it feel to be like that? Inés had wondered about it.
It probably felt so freeing, so refreshing, and so enlivening to not be burdened by problems like she had. If Inés were more ignorant at least.
(Because in honest truth, she's disgusted that would it take being someone other than herself to be happy, so there was no point in imagining what it would be like).
(Because all she wanted was to be able to actually have her family, even if it wasn't right nor true.)
And while Sumire and Seiji had all the love and support from their parents and family, Inés had all the hate and rage waiting to lash out whenever she would inevitably snap. (Like middle school)
And maybe Mr and Mrs Fudo had a feeling something was wrong (Carly seemed to sense something also, but it was more fear than concern), because they seemed to be more interested in Inés' well being. (Inés technically told nothing of her home situation, but the adults seem to pick up on parts of it)
And Inés just knew that they were going find out sooner or later if it kept up.
So she slipped out a few details. Nothing too specific. Her mom was long gone, her dad couldn't be present, (Not a lie, technically) and she was under custody of one his friends.
That seemed to settle their concerns, somewhat. (But Inés knew she'd have to tell sooner or later)
(But that could wait, just a little longer)
The aching in her head only got worse when she worried about it, so Inés stopped worrying about it and just breathed.
And it would work for a time. Until she left her home, then the aches would come back. And all the thoughts of others (and she'd always shiver internally and deal with her nausea alone) and their emotions would rush and jam themselves into her skull and god Inés wished they could all just shut up.
Inés wished she could just die already. If she couldn't be happy as herself in this life, maybe she'll be better off in the next one.
(Technically, it would still be her, same soul and a body she was born into)
"Sorry about your mom" Seiji had said to her that day. His hands awkwardly in his pockets as he looked at Inés' side.
She hadn't given a verbal response, choosing to nod. Silent, the two watched as Regina and Sora dueled.
To others, Inés was a lonely, meek, girl with a absent father and negligent caretaker. And who's to say they're wrong?
Her point of view wasn't always the truth, just as others views also weren't.
Her view was that she was a self aware, horrible girl with an even worse father and cautious caretaker.
Team 5ds may have taken down Divine, Inés' father, the leader of the Arcadia Movement, but they never took down the Arcadia Movement's followers. Why would it be surprising that they were striking back with a vengeance?
(With all the recent incidents occurring, it was only a matter of time before her truth was revealed)
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Someone took Jaden, maybe they work for the Light of Destruction maybe they wish to gain access to the Gentle Darkness, Seto don't know and frankly he doesn't care. He just know whoever it was they were smart about it, sending millions if not all of their pawns in attempt to stop Seto and others from reaching where they kept Jaden. Yugi might be the kings of games and Seto is deadly with Blue Eyes Dragon, not to mention Jaden’s friends and husband are  all formidable on their own. Still even when all of their allies were gathered they lack the numbers to deal with this obstacle quickly.
Good thing they don’t have to.
Whoever planed this failed to taken to account about Jaden’s children (Seto’s grandbabies!). The place was a mess when they got there. There are duel runner tracks all over the stone floor, peeking out of the rubbles on the west side is Astral’s Different Dimension Airship, and even from the courtyard he could hear Zarc’s roar.
Racing through the wrecked hall with sharp vines protruding from them, Seto quietly hoped that the younger ones (Yuga and the newly adopted Leo and Luna) weren’t caught up in this mess but knew that it was unlikely.  They all took after Jaden in terms of finding trouble after all. Zane and Echo slammed through the last door to revealed the form of Leo Akaba hooked up to some sort of machine, his body glowing white.
“That asshole again?” Mokuba hiss beside him.
Against him is Zarc, half dragon and growling. Fortunately Yugo and Yuto and Yuya, shield by Crow and Akiza, appear to fine if a little bit bruised. Astral take to the air as he summoned another Number monster while Jack rain down hell fire on their opponent. Seto’s eyes trailed up and he could feel his heart stop.
His body move before his mind could comprehend and before he knew it he was on top of the balcony. Jaden is stuck in some sort of pod, withering and letting out noiseless scream. Yubel, although outside of the dreaded machine, did not fare any better. White strings curled around Yubel causing them to let out painful howl. They barely held still enough for Yuma to free them with a glowing knife. Yusaku and Yusei are typing furiously on the nearby computer while from behind the machine Yuga and Leo are trying just at hard to disable it. Yuri and Luna stood guard with their dragons, shaken but deflecting any incoming debris. Even Pharaoh the cat was valiantly scratching at the metal
It was Yuma who notice Seto running toward them. “Grampa!”
“What's progress on getting your dad out of there?” Seto ask as he began running through a computer next to Yusaku.
“Nothing.” Yusei answered him. “Ai found a dozen lead within the system but none of it shuts the machine down.”
“Same here on this end.” Yuga called out. “ No matter what we do the thing just rearranged itself.”
Seto frown at the information. Magic, god he hated magic.
“Leo Akaba is using the Light of Destruction.” Yubel whispered once they were free from their bindings, flickering in and out of sight. “ I have enough strength left in me to temporary stop its influence but after that I’ll need a few days to recover.”
“ We’ll take what chances we can.” Moving Yuga and Leo away from the machine, Seto accepted a ZW from Yuma and he and Yusei stood by for Yubel. They disappeared into thin air after letting out a blast energy and wasting no time Seto worked with grandson to pry open the pods. Jaden slumped into Seto arms once he got hold of him. Jaden sobbed as he buried his face into his father’s shoulder and Seto tried his best to ease his son from the pain.
Giving Jaden over to Yusei, Seto placed a hand on Luna and Yuri telling them that he’ll take it from here.  “ Go take you dad out of here, okay? Take Yuga and Leo with you. Roland is waiting on thejet outside with medical help.”
Nodding, Yuri guide his sister to join Yusei’s group. Together they made their way off the balcony but of course Leo (Seto was going to make sure to eradicate any traces of the scum in the universe once his kids are safe) refuse to let Jaden go. Yuma blocked the attack with his Utopic monster as Yusaku prepared to retaliate with his own to open the path for his siblings to get their dad out.
Leo Akaba screams as a stream of destruction rained down on him. Looking up he could see the three Blue Eyes White Dragon snapping their fangs at him but Leo isn’t afraid of them. No the true monster was behind them. Shadows spread like dragons wings on the wall as Seto Kaiba stared down at him with cold blue eyes and promise of unending wrath.
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zer0-10 · 3 years
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Welcome home, Jiro.
Yuki Morino (30)
Inconvenient Quirk : Tremors
Her quirk causes her to quite literally shake a lot, but it doesn’t affect any of her environment. Just herself. Things only get affected when she’s in direct contact with it (eg. when she picks up anything at all) She’s basically a walking internal earthquake. She can thankfully control how much she shakes but the lowest she can go is that of a dull rumble. So even if it looks like she’s standing still, she’s really still kinda shaking.
She’s already gotten used to it.
On the up side, it does wonders when it comes to massaging her husband’s shoulders and getting Jiro to sleep when he was a kid.
Occupation : Journalist
Due to her quirk, she does a lot better out in the field than sitting at a desk, writing.
Breadwinner of the family. (She is THE girlboss in this family)
Murasaki Yusei (29)
Inconvenient Quirk : Slip & Slide
He produces soap from his hands and feet. No he also cannot stop it from happening. He wears gloves and socks everywhere he goes. Even into bed. The good thing is that they save a lot of money on dish washing detergent and Jiro has the best bubblebaths when he was younger.
It’s also surprisingly the counter to Jiro’s extremely sticky slime pranks.
That was like, half the reason they adopted him.
 Jiro tried to prank them on interview day and it was just, wiped away just like that.
Dad thankfully has a sense of humor and they both decided they might as well take him in because probably no one else would at this point. (they’ve been told that Jiro pranks ALL his potential parents like this. As much as the caretakers tried to stop him)
Occupation : Writer
He writes mostly non-fiction and thriller books
Actually quite a well-known publisher in the city but keeps his private life separate from his work life.
People know that he’s married and also has a son but nothing truly beyond that.
Dad used to be an ex-delinquent and rode around in a biker gang. He’s long given up that life for family but refuses to drop the biker aesthetic. (He looks good though so no one complains)
His old bike is still in the garage and he brings it out every so often to fix it up. He’s brought Jiro on rides before much to Morino’s disapproval.
Both of them met during college. Mom was a senior. And Dad was the one who started wondering how he could get senpai to notice him.
Mom wasn’t exactly a straight A student (Dad was a straight A for Average) but she did have a reputation to keep.
Dad decided to clean up his act for her and she eventually accepted his invitation for a date and now they married for 10+ years
They don’t share last names though and they’re fine with that, which is why they decided to let Jiro pick out his last name as well. Which as we all know, is a mix of both their names. YukiMura.
They never really intended on trying for a baby, they simply decided that they wanted to adopt.
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talesofsonicasura · 3 years
Random Scenarios
May include pairings from this, self inserts or random, parental/sibling relationships between characters(not the sexual kind, bloody sickos), fluff, angst or shenanigans. Anyone can write these in any type of form or with any character.
Tony altering doorways, furniture, and etc to suit Corazon's ridiculous height. (The dude is 9' 7 1/2 in height.)
Eddie, and Venom being introduced to their s/o's Rapidash, Venom's amazed about touching fire that doesn't hurt.
Katakuri comforting a kid!Giorno after a horrible nightmare related to his parents.
Daxter ends up getting third wheel when Jak and Jolyne start talking about their awful prison experiences.
Kid!Josuke follows Macaque around asking to be taught how to fight.
Balan is concerned about Ichigo's questionable relationship between his friends, family and Soul Society's nature.
Luffy and MK go on a pranking spree much to everyone's distaste/misfortune
Kid! Ben realizes how much Haven City and some of Jak's associates suck. Plans to overthrow everyone else's plans for Jak and Daxter's sake.
Venom and Eddie end up crashing (literally) the Phantom Thieves road trip. Somehow ends up adopting a gaggle of super powered teens and hits on the cop following said group. Local cop questions his preferences in partners.
Sanji and Pigsy team up for a cooking contest. Zoro becomes a reluctant judge for said contest.
Terrorist group realizes their folly for kidnapping Tony Stark, Macaque wants his smartass 'Merchant of Death' back.
Sojiro somehow ends up adopting a gaggle of kids/teenagers with superpowers or aren't human. Ren ends up with Spyro, Sora, Yuuji, Giorno, Jak, Daxter, and Danny as siblings.
Balan teaches Ulquiorra about kindness. Goes better than expected.
Yusei wonders how he end up having a 10 ft eldritch entity of negativity attached to him. Lance is a possessive tsundere that refuses to leave local duelist alone.
Kid!Sanji befriends a Elecmon as a kid. Said Elecmon returns years later as a BanchoLeomon which proceeds to curbstomp Judge and the rest of Sanji's shitty family members.
Bayonetta encounters Kid! Rin. Son of Satan gets badass witch mother and tons of unconditional love.
Post-JTTW! Sun Wukong indulges in an urge to kidnap a lost stranger from nearby modern city. Said stranger being a Digimon Tamer who thinks kidnapper is a Digimon and not a godly entity.
Skylander Wallop adopts a Kid!MK. Everyone wonders why local delivery boy carries a crystal hammer on his back at all times.
Teen!Mei finds herself a sibling in the form of a confused Kid! Yuya.
Ichigo accidentally becomes a Portal Master instead of a Soul Reaper. His room ends up being filled with talking figurines that can come to life.
Phantom Thieves and their Personas explore Wonderworld. Balan happily watches as Costume, Tim, Persona and Human have fun positive interactions with each other.
Crazy Diamond restores Macaque's blind eye and vision. Shadow monkey cries while hugging his human son and Stand responsible.
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I know he doesn't have any family to speak of prior to Crash Town, but I really like thinking of Kiryu having an adoptive mom like Yusei did with Martha, if only for the potential humor that comes with him dying in prison. Like just imagine this woman getting a call that her son is no longer alive, and having to cope with that information for however long it takes him to revive, then one day he just shows up at her door like
Kiryu: Hey mom, I'm-
Mother: What the fuck- I thought you were dead?
Kiryu: I got better
Mother: ????? What does that MEAN?
Kiryu: It means I got better, now can I come in? I'm hungry
Mother: ...Yeah. Sure. Come inside. I'm sure you must be starving after DYING.
Kiryu: Thanks
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miraivelgear · 3 years
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The third effect could have been better but Yugo just made it into the accel synchro club with Yusei and Bruno and I am living for it. Mostly because I am a sucker for Yusei x Bruno with Yugo as adopted son and this makes for such great headcanon in that regard.
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Just gonna send in a bunch of 5ds asks don't mind me lol. How about headcanons for Jack, Yusei, and Crow with an s/o that has a huge and very affectionate family? And by affectionate I mean their parents and grandparents basically treat the boys like their own son and their younger siblings are constantly trying to get attention from them. Things are chaotic, but it's a loving and comfortable kind of chaotic.
Jack? Basks in it. When he first met your family, he was a bit overwhelmed— he’s used to getting attention, not necessarily affection— but he quickly grows to adore it. He does love Martha and wouldn’t trade her for any other mothers in the world, but when your parents are always inviting him to stay for dinner? Your grandparents invest in getting him a [very ugly] winter coat? Good luck getting him outta your house now.
He pretends he doesn’t like kids, but he’s pretty good with them; at his stature, he’s practically a jungle gym for children. Whenever your siblings come tumbling in to start pestering him, he huffs and puffs and act like they’re bugging him— but he’ll also pick them up and swoop them around the room to make them laugh. Sometimes you’ll get caught up helping your family while he plays with the kids; when you come back, he’s sprawled on the floor telling old stories, the kids draped over his legs snoozing. He’s stuck there.
Admittedly, Jack isn’t the best houseguest; he’s used to having other people picking up after him, and he just never learned a lot of domestic things. He’d be amazed if anyone in your family would be willing to teach him. He dislikes anything that could be perceived as failure, which makes learning things difficult— your family being so welcoming and affectionate would really quell his anxieties about things like that.
Yusei’s a bit overwhelmed at first; he’s pretty introverted and isn’t used to getting so much positive attention at once. It takes him a while to warm up— but he’s a perfect houseguest, always offering to help with things like cleaning after dinner, so he’ll settle in with your family eventually. He’ll have to; I doubt your family would just let such a polite man go so easily.
He treats kids like mini-adults instead of children, so he always talks to your siblings and cousins like they’re all his age. If your parents are fine with it, he’d be more than willing to take the kids for a ride on his d-wheel, or let them help him tinkering with machines; he loves seeing kids interact with things that interest them, so he’d think your siblings are adorable.
Yusei would end up really attached to your family tbh, both as a new family of his own, but also as friends. He can get along with all kinds of people, and he’d think the dynamics you guys have going on is really interesting; he especially enjoys interacting with your parents, since he was missing out on a lot of that in his own life. He’s really happy to know that the person he loves has such a good family.
Crow also loves it. He’s a pretty affectionate man when it comes to the people he loves; he’d fit in with your family just fine. Like the other boys, he’s had Martha as an adoptive mother— but he’s never had grandparents, so he ends up really liking yours. Even if they don’t have any typically interesting stories, he’d have fun talking to them anyways, because his life has been so different from theirs.
He would be fantastic with your siblings, no doubt. Like Jack, he roughouses and swings them around a lot, but Crow is also good at quieter things if any girls want tea parties or their hair done. The only real lines he draws are if they want to play with makeup— he’s not wearing eyeshadow, but anything else is fair game.
Crow adores the chaotic atmosphere in general, because it’s very reminiscent of how he grew up too. He really wasn’t too afraid of meeting your family to begin with, but once it becomes clear that he fits in so well, he gets really excited whenever you invite him to swing by your place for awhile. You’ve gotta be careful— he fits in so well, your family might not want to give him back to you.
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lazella · 5 years
Infinity Stones AU: In Which They Met Spiderman...And Venom
I finally finished this one, just in time to relieve your Coronavirus blues. I really hope you enjoy. :)
Yuya and Yuma were having duel, no holograms as they were still working on making the Duel Disks compatible, trying to iron out the difference in rules and card types so that they could do a battle royal later. Yusaku was rather helpful in figuring out how the make the game fair between all the different playstyles. Though no one defeated Yugi, he won every time. But for now he was just watching enjoying the show. Yuma was pretty good but sometimes he would try to ask Astral for help who rather sarcastically reminded Yuma he needed to play on his own. Who knew spirits could be sassy? Yusei was in the lab with Tony working on something, they had been rather secretive about it. Judai was also spectating the match.
“Wait…how do Pendulum Monsters work again?” Yuma asked for the fifth time.
Yuya sighed and prepared to explain again only to be interrupted by a loud thump on the window followed by a voice.
“Oh hey there…loving the hair dye.”
Judai blinked few times, then yelled out back towards the labs, “Tony! There’s a guy in red spandex on the window! Not sure how he got there!”
There was some loud crash noise before Tony and Yusei entered the main room, Tony gave a look at the spandex person, and sighed, “How many times have I told you to call ahead and use the door?”
“But it’s a lot more fun to go swinging around the New York skyline!” The red figure argued back.
“Just go use the door!” Tony sighed, “Boys…meet Spiderman. And yes…he does what a spider does.”
“I’m am also very friendly!” Spiderman insisted as he enter the ‘proper’ way, “And also Mr. Stark why do they have their hair dyed! You wouldn’t let me dye my hair!”
“Believe it or not that is their natural color and no this is not permission to dye your hair.” Tony responded
“But I wear a full face mask! No one would know it was me!”
“You wanted to dye your hair RAINBOW!!!”
“It was going to be for a good cause!”
Yusei whispered to Yugi, “Do they sound like father and son?”
“They do but I don’t think Tony-san has any children.” Yugi said.
“His father tendencies are strong…” Judai added.
“He does a poor job of hiding it…” Yusaku said.
“You think he has other kids he may have ‘adopted’?” Yuya asked.
“I think it’s likely….” Astral said, “I believe he has adopted all of you.”
“Wha?” Yuma was perplexed, “But I still have parents!”
“Oh…he has noticed me.” The sass was back with Astral.
“Kid calm down….” Tony sighed, “That’s not a ghost…the short one can tell you the full details later.”
“I’m not short!” Yuma protested.
“But why are they here? They don’t look like heroes…” Spiderman asked.
“They have the Infinity Stones.”
“Ooooooooohhhhh…..that makes sense.” Spiderman said, “Think they can help me out?”
Tony arched an eyebrow, “What sort of problem do you have that might need the power of the Infinity Stones for?”
“I think I spotted Venom running amok earlier.”
“What?” Tony froze, “What you mean that you think you saw Venom today?! He’s in lock up!”
“That why I came here! To be sure!”
“Okay fine….” Tony sighed, “JARVIS…can you contact…”
Actually sir….I just received a message stating that Venom has escaped confinement.
Four hours ago.
“AND THEY DIDN’T THINK IT WAS IMPORTANT TO CALL ME?!” Tony stormed over to a wall, pushed a button, and a compartment containing six gauntlets popped out. He tossed on to each of the boys, “Put these on, they are designed to help channel the power of the Infinity Stones, they are prototypes so be careful, now let’s hunt an alien symbiote.” He then stormed off to get suited up.
Judai turned to Spiderman, “So…what’s going on?”
“I’ll explain as we head out…” Spiderman let out a sigh.
“So we’re are dealing with an alien…”
“That’s also a parasite.”
“And it has favorite people it likes to attach to…including yourself.”
“Pretty much.”
“It’s not cool!” Spiderman rubbed his temples, “It can corrupt and or kill the host!”
“So we still get to fight it right?” Nothing seemed to be fazing Judai at the moment. Spiderman wondered why he was left alone with this kid while Mr. Stark had the others spread out around town with scanners trying to find Venom.
“I rather just bottle it up and not touch it…” Spiderman sighed, “Just thinking about it touching me gives me shivers.”
Judai’s face turned serious, “How so?”
“It gets in your head…tells you things that sound appealing…” Spiderman explained, “But it makes you do stuff you normally don’t do…not to mention it kills most people it tries to attach too.”
“Oooohhhhh…I see…” Judai’s face turned to what Spiderman thought was understanding, “I can see why you didn’t want to deal with it by yourself.”
“It usually doesn’t end well facing Venom alone.” Spiderman said, “Mr. Stark always insists that I now call him up anytime I need to deal with him.”
Judai, can you hear me? Yugi’s voice came over the commlink.
“What is it Yugi-san?”
We spotted Venom. Three blocks east of your location and he’s heading your way fast.
“Got it!” Spiderman was on alert.
We’ll rendezvous as soon as we can. Please don’t do anything stupid please…Tony’s pleading voice came over the commlink.
“No promises…” Judai replied looking over to the direction that Venom was reported to be coming from. In the distance he could see a black figure coming towards them fast. He could see that the silhouette looked like a bulkier version of Spiderman but seemed to be having trouble keeping form.
That thing looks disgusting…. Yubel muttered.
“Looks like a sentient blob trying to copy you Spiderman.” Judai said.
“I guess he doesn’t have a host yet…which is why he’s gunning for me…” Spiderman gulped as Venom leaped for them.
“I’ve got your back!” Judai activated his duel disk and summoned Neos who punched the symbiote disrupting its form making it rain alien goop.
“It’s not going to be that easy…” Spiderman looked around wearingly as the blobs worked back towards each other.
“Neos! Keep the parts separated!” Judai ordered while he ran with Spiderman trying to keep distance between them and Venom jumping down the fire escape two steps at a time.
“Judai!” The brown-haired duelist looked up to see Yusei being dropped off by Tony carrying some equipment. “Mr. Stark has a plan to recapture Venom! Lure him to the nearby park so we can trap him!”
Spiderman seemed to recognize the equipment that Yusei is carrying, “Are those the high frequency disruptors?”
“Part of the plan,” Yusei explained, “Mr. Stark explain Venom’s weakness to me…” He handed Judai and Spiderman what looked like hand held cannons, “I can see you have Neos fighting Venom right now Judai but this is in case he tries attaching to anyone. Now get Neos to bring it to the park.”
“You heard him Neos!” Judai yelled out to his warrior. Neos gave a nod and began taunting the pieces of Venom into following him. The blobs let out a garbled shriek but took the bait. Spiderman grabbed Judai under the shoulders and began web slinging towards the park.
Yuma, Yuya, don’t take this wrong way but I need you two to stay back. Tony’s voice crackled over the commlink.
WHAT?! WHY?! Yuma screech nearly made everyone deaf.
Because dad said so!
“He admitted it finally!” Judai laughed.
W-What I meant was……that I don’t want Venom to be eating you two as a snack….Tony unconvincingly corrected himself.
You know they are going to get involved anyway. Yusei chimed in.
I think this is a proven point by now. Yugi chimed in next.
“Is this normal for you guys?” Spiderman asked Judai.
“Pretty much…” Judai shrugged, “I don’t think Tony is used to the fact that us kids saved our worlds a few times over, so we have little fear of anything.”
“I want to hear that story later.” Spiderman said as they touched down in the park with the Venom blobs hot on their tails.
“Can’t wait to test this out…” Judai grinned as he placed the Power Stone in the prototype gauntlet, the metal gaining a purple hue as it charged up with power. He ran towards the nearest blob and gave it a good punch turning the blob into something that had the consistency of black tar, but it did stop moving.
“Just do that again!” Spiderman cried out as tried to web down the incoming blobs. He spied Yusei setting up a perimeter with the equipment Mr. Stark had given him so he knew that he had to keep Venom’s attention away from him. Ironman himself had made an appearance himself blasting chunks of Venom with hypersonic frequencies. Overall, it was looking like they were having a handle on the situation. That is until Spiderman felt something shove him hard sending him flying across the park. When the world stopped spinning, he sat up and saw Judai trying to pull something black off his arm.
Black…on his arm….
Oh crap….
“MR. STARK! VENOM’S ON JUDAI!!!!!!” Spiderman yelled as loud as he could.
Within an instant, Ironman was on the scene trying to blast Venom off Judai. A task that was proving to be difficult as the other Venom blobs were darting for Judai and the glob that was on him was spreading fast.
“Get away Tony! I’M STARTING TO LOSE CONTROL!!!” Judai’s voice had already started distorting.
“Venom or Haou?” Ironman asked.
Spiderman had no idea what was going on but judging by the fact Mr. Stark immediately jumped back from Judai was a sign that it was not good. Wind started kicking up around Judai as he let out an inhumane growl and Spiderman could of sworn his eyes changed to a gold color.
“What’s going on!!!!” Yugi had arrived with the rest of the boys all looking shocked.
“Venom’s got Judai and it seems to be in an argument with that dark side of him you guys told me about.” Ironman explained, “Yusei’s almost done setting up the destabilizers and containment but we need to keep Vemon here and not hijack Judai’s body.”
“The Mind Stone trick is not going to work this time is it…” Yusaku glumly stated.
“Probably not…” Yugi frowned, “Yuma, can you do that fusion thing? You may need the extra protection.”
“Astral says if Yuya get set up the field we’ll be all set.” Yuma explained.
“I’ll add a barrier as well just in case…” Yuya focused on his gauntlet with the Reality Stone as a golden field surrounded the park.
Now Spiderman really had no idea what was going on. Even more so when it seemed that Yuma started glowing all sorts of colors and transformed into a really cool looking warrior with plated wings wielding two swords. He was so totally asking for details about that later.
“Yuma, you and I are on close combat!” Ironman started barking orders, “Yugi, Yuya, and Spiderman are on ranged attacks. Yusaku, you fall back with Yusei to make sure the equipment is ready to go on my signal!”
The team immediately acted on the orders. Spiderman watched as Yugi and Yuya used those cards they had to summon more things, a magician in purple armor and a red dragon attacking Judai/Venom when they could. Yuma and Ironman were keeping close slicing any stray bits of Venom that tried to attack or try to attach to a tree in hopes of escape. Spiderman himself was focusing on trapping any limbs that look close to striking anyone.
“Judai! Fight it off!” Yugi cried out.
“I’M TrYINg!!!! IT FeELS LIkE NaiLS IN MY heAD!!” Judai was switching between his own voice, an eerie echo of his own, and Venom’s voice.
“Hang on for one more minute!” Yusei yelled out, “We’re just about ready!”
Judai let out a growl that sounded like an okay and managed to get his uncover side of his body closer to the ground holding the Venom covered arm up.
“Everyone fall back!” Ironman yelled out as everyone got to a safe distance.
When everyone was clear, Yusei activated the sonic disruptors. The effect was instantaneous Venom shrieking, trying in vain to stay attached to Judai. The brown hair boy has having none of it. Judai’s golden eyes met Venom’s.
“If you do not wish to be disintegrated into sand…release me at once!”
With that, Venom finally released Judai. Yusaku immediately activated the containment field trapping the black blob.
Spiderman collapsed in relief; it was finally over.
Ironman helped Judai up and steadied him on his feet, “How did Venom even latch on to you?”
“It was gunning for Spiderman and I just shoved him out of the way.”
Spiderman was shocked, “You…you didn’t have to do that…I could have handled Venom.”
“You told me about your experience and trust me…I have personal experience and I’m sure you didn’t want to go through that again.” Judai just gave him a grin.
“B-But why?”
“It’s what we do for friends.” Was the reply.
“But we just met!”
“Get used to it,” Yugi said, “If Judai has named you a friend then you are a friend.”
“No point in fighting it.” Yusei added.
Spiderman decided to just roll with it. These guys seemed fun to hang out with anyway. It was tough being the youngest member of the Avengers. Finally, he had someone he can nerd with.
“Alright…I’m going to get Venom all bagged up and back into containment. You all head back to the tower and make Judai get looked over by medical. I am not in the mood for surprise side effects.” Tony said between a sigh and a groan.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine….” Judai said in a joking manner.
Tony just gave him a look, “You’ve got a superpowered, dark, alter ego in your head. I am not taking a chance that he picked up a thing or two from Venom”
Judai sighed in defeat, no point in arguing with Tony now.
“Don’t worry Mr. Stark, I’ll get him back to the tower and to medical,” Spiderman offered, “I’ll even web him to the bed if I need to!”
Tony grinned, “I knew I can count on you kid, we’ll catch up as soon as we’re done here.”
Spiderman gave a salute, scooped up Judai before he could make any sort of protest, and immediately began web slinging back to the tower.
“Do we really have to travel this way!?” Judai yelled over the wind.
“But it’s the route with the best views!”
“If you’re right side up! You’ve got me over your shoulders like a sack of potatoes!”
“It will just be a few minutes and I’ll keep you company while you get checked out by the doctor. Maybe you can show me that card game you were playing.”
That immediately brightened Judai’s mood, “You bet!”
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Can you do a break down on Yusei Fudo?
How I feel about this character
I feel nothing but pure love for this boy; I don’t know where to start. He’s the reason why I actually started getting into YGO, I saw a bit of 5D’s growing up, but it wasn’t until this year that I thought to go and actually watch any of it. (Thank you, friends who let me use their Hulu and Crunchyroll.) Everybody just loves a cool guy on a motorcycle; so YGO just taking that and adding Duel Monsters is pretty hilarious as concept, but it was well done and that’s why everyone loves 5D’s. Even people who didn’t watch any of the YGO will say 5D’s was top tier. 
So there’s that, but what cemented my love for Yūsei was his name. I love astronomy, so when I found out his name pretty much translates to “star that play” or “playing star,” it was love from that point on. I’m easy, don’t shame me.  That was when I started noticing stars being his motif—Stardust Dragon, Satellite's Shooting/Falling Star—which got even better when you find out that his father named him after the Yūsei Gear because he wanted to his son to connect people together just like the Gear connected particles together. The Romanticism makes me weep. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) Whoever worked on Yūsei’s creation were geniuses because he was made with love.  
That being said, I have always loved Yūsei, and one of the best things I love about him is his love for Stardust Dragon—one of my favorite cards because Yūsei loves it. That’s one of the most defining characteristic about that they made a whole movie about it. (Yes, I’m talking about BBT; no, you can’t change my mind.) Dubbed or subbed, Yūsei’s love for his dragon is touching and beautiful, and that’s why Yūsei is my favorite Yūtagonist.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Like with my Crow post, Kizunashipping. I think Faithshipping is pretty cute though, but season 2 really focused on Yūsei, Jack, and Crow so it’s a stronger ship for me. 
Angsty, post-series Toolshipping conceptually is interesting too.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Again, Kizuna. I love the fact that they’re adopted brothers! Babies!
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t have any; I haven’t been around this fandom long enough so send me your unpopular opinions and I’ll tell you whether you’re big brained or making a worst take!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. My headcanon:
Post-series, YŪsei has a daughter with Crow and Jack, and the name he suggested was Hoshino. He really loves his card, okay? As a project, instead of just working on a nursery, he started on creating a personalized AI that would grow and learn with his child as she grows up, and it’s one of the first leading steps AI technology in his time which would one day go on to create the Ignis (VRAINS). Thus, among the titles he gains in his lifetime, Yūsei also gets Father of Contemporary AI Technology. He names his program PROJECT POLARIS. Again, with the stars. Yūsei is input as an admin, but his daughter changes some details so Polaris refers to Yūsei as Dad [ADMIN]. Yūsei indirectly created himself a second child. 
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duelpolis · 4 years
So, on Day 6 I wrote about my GX Rivalshipping Future AU, and I said I would write more today (because I can’t draw motorcycles ._.). So here it is!
Kirito has polychoria, AKA he has two pupils in his right eye
He also gets a prosthetic leg sometime when he’s 4, to stop an infection in a wound from spreading to the rest of his body
I have yet to decide how he gets injured
Kirito and Yusei get along well, even with the two-and-a-half-year age gap
Kirito gets glasses when he’s seven
Slade has a son who’s two years older than Kirito, named Romeo
He lives with his mother Victoria in America
He and Kirito get along much better than Chazz ever did with his brothers
When Kirito is nine and Yusei’s six, they, Chazz and Jaden are in a plane crash
Yusei is the only survivor of the four
He’s placed in an orphanage, and he runs away with several other children when he’s ten
One of the children is four-old Sect Injuin, who’s in the orphanage for the second time after his adoptive parents become unable to take care of him
The rest is pretty much history, just look up his wiki page for the manga (because this has nothing to do with the anime)
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queenmina37 · 5 years
#166: Partners
Yusei was 12 years old when his parents died.
It was a tragic accident, people said, sending pitying looks to him. He had spent most of the time between hearing of their deaths and the funeral just… numb. Looking in front of himself, but never seeing anything.
He was just 12 years old. How could his parents be dead? How could he survive, from here on out?
He was lucky, he knew that. He had his uncles, Rudger and Rex, and their sons Jack and Crow, who were both more like brothers to him. He was lucky that Rudger and his wife, Martha, had taken him in and he didn’t need to go into an orphanage, or worse yet, into the foster care system. He was lucky that even when his parents were dead, he had a safety net, a family who helped him through it all.
But then, barely a year later… the infamous hacker, Playmaker, released the information.
Yusei was mad. He was so mad. Jack was more vocal about his anger, but that didn’t mean that Yusei was less angry than him. Martha was horrified. Rudger was on the phone for most of that day, shouting and trying to get a hold of Rex.
Rex disappeared, like ashes to wind. Crow came to live with them, too. Crow, who was subdued, but angry, so very angry at the world and his father.
Yusei never blamed him. Only Rex.
As time went on, Rex wasn’t found. They never forgot, but they… started accepting it.
But they were still angry, all three of them. And at some point, that turned into going out and trying to get rid of that anger.
That’s how they met Kiryu. They all became quick friends. They hung out together.
It started with duels. They took part in unofficial duels in downtown. From there, they discovered the underground dueling circles. And then it was gambling, then it was smoking, thievery, alcohol, drugs, even an assault… By the time Yusei turned 14 years old, they were pretty much a gang with a reputation in the underground dueling circles. No, not just the underground dueling circles. They were a gang with a reputation, though not so big that people were after them.
Then Kiryu started falling. They didn’t realize until he hit Crow when he disagreed with him on something, though. Jack, the oldest of them, managed to get all three of them out of the toxic situation rather fast.
But Kiryu was still their friend. And with no one else to go to, they told Rudger. They told him everything.
He wasn’t proud. He was quite disappointed in all three of them, actually. But he made some calls, and only a few days later, Kiryu was admitted into a mental hospital. A few days later, he nearly killed himself. He was saved, but he fell into a coma he still hadn’t woken up from, years later.
Meanwhile, Jack, Yusei and Crow confessed everything to Security. After a trial that was kept completely hushed up from the media and everyone not involved in it, the three were forced to do just a few months’ worth of community service, and they were all made to go to therapy. Jack had issues with anger management, and Yusei and Crow had a lot of issues that hadn’t been dealt with, purely because they had stuffed them inside them and ignored them for years by then.
Yusei noted that Jack became calmer, over time. Crow became relaxed, somehow. They both went to therapy less.
He didn’t. He still felt like he was holding the world on his shoulders, like he did when his parents died, and he continued to go to therapy.
It was during one of those visits that he met her.
Considering that he was a Fudo, that he had been born and lived his whole life in the Tops, he knew of the Izayois. His father had been the lead scientist for M.I.D.S. until his death, and he had attended more than a few parties over the years. Yusei and his mother had been dragged along most often, too. Obviously, he knew of the Izayois. He had met them, too, if only briefly.
However, he had thought they only had a daughter.
“I’m adopted”, the boy with dark blue hair, light blue bangs with pink accents, Yusaku, said. “The Izayois aren’t my real family.”
Huh. He, too? “… Do you mind me asking…?”
“My family?” Clearly, he heard the question often enough. Yusei didn’t, and he hadn’t realized that until then. Everyone knew of the tragedy that was the murder of the Fudo couple, nowadays, so no one thought to bring it up with him. Only his therapist did, but… “They died sometime when I was six. I don’t know when.”
How odd. “You don’t know?”
He shrugged his shoulders, giving him a dry look. “There’s a reason I’m at the therapist’s, and it has nothing to do with my family.”
“… Does it work, though?”
“To some, it does.” Yusaku sat down next to him in the waiting area. “I know it helped some. But I’ve been coming to therapy for almost ten years now.”
Yusei tensed up. Ten years? “… That’s… I don’t even know what to say. I’d go crazy.”
“You can’t go crazy if you already are crazy.” Yusaku closed his eyes briefly.
Yusei couldn’t help but think of Kiryu. “… What happened?”
“Are you a therapist now?”
“No.” Yusei crossed his arms behind his head and leaned back. “But neither of us actually gets anything out of these therapy sessions, and I’m curious.”
Yusaku stared at him for a while. “Then it’s polite to tell before asking others to.”
Yusei cringed. “My uncle murdered my parents when I was 12, then I got pulled into some bad circles, did some crimes and got my best friend sent to a mental institution where he tried to kill himself. He’s still in a coma, and the doctors don’t think he’ll wake up.”
Yusaku hummed. Nodding, he spoke. “I was kidnapped when I was 6 years old. I was locked up and forced to duel. If I won, I got to eat. If I lost, I was electrocuted. I was saved 6 months later alongside the other 5 kids. My parents died during those 6 months and I was put into an orphanage, where the Izayois found me when I was around 10 years old.”
Yusei’s eyes widened. His story made his own problems seem small. Kidnapped and tortured, at age 6? What kind of sick monster did something like that?
For a while, they sat there, in silence. Then, Yusaku continued. “I’ve found… a lot of the times, it’s because the culprit wasn’t caught, which causes the problems.”
Yusei tensed up.
“They never caught who did it. Who kidnapped and tortured us.” Yusaku curled his hands into fists. “… Just like they never caught Rex Goodwin.”
Yusei hadn’t thought of it like that. Never before had he thought that that was the root of his problems. That they never caught his uncle, who had murdered his parents and very nearly gotten away with it. He would have gotten away with it, if not for Playmaker. But even when he had been exposed… he hadn’t been caught. Even years later, no one could find him. He was still out there… and now that he thought of it, the knowledge fueled the fire, the problems inside his head.
“… Does it ever get better?” Yusei looked up at the ceiling and ran a hand through his hair.
Yusaku was silent for a moment. “… Not really. But it becomes bearable after a while.”
“… And about catching the culprits?”
“Not an easy job. Trust me.”
Yusei wasn’t stupid. He was, in fact, very intelligent and perceptive. Little things about him, like how he tensed up every time Rex was mentioned, how he looked almost guilty when he spoke of his parents’ murder… “Playmaker?”
“… I found the information by accident. Didn’t feel like I should withhold it.”
“Why were you there to begin with?”
“The incident where I got kidnapped was called the Hanoi Project. There were hints that suggested Rex Goodwin was involved.”
Yusei closed his eyes and thought of that for a while. Hanoi Project. Rex Goodwin, who he had thought of as an uncle for most of his life, being involved with that. Rex Goodwin, who had murdered his parents.
“… He’s not dead.”
“He isn’t caught, either.”
“Which means he’s hiding and avoiding the Security.”
“He’s good at it, too, to have stayed hidden so long.”
Turning his upper body towards him, Yusei spoke. “Wanna try finding him?”
Yusaku looked at him. Turning his own body to him, he spoke. “I’m good with technology. Hacking Security is pretty easy. But I can just barely do any push-ups.”
“I’m pretty good with technology, though hacking Security hasn’t been an objective before.” Yusei smiled. “And I pack quite a mean punch.”
“I figured.” The smallest of smiles appeared on Yusaku’s lips. “You know the clown?”
The clown? “You mean Jaeger?”
“Rex Goodwin’s assistant.” Yusaku nodded. “From what I’ve gathered, he’s been seen in Den City, and has been referenced to being pretty high up in the local company, SOL Technologies.”
Oh. Yusei knew Jaeger. Jaeger had disappeared with Rex, and there was no doubt that he was still sticking close to his parents’ murderer. “Den City, you said?”
Yusaku nodded. He seemed to hesitate for a moment before talking. “So… are you in?”
Yusei smirked. “If it means getting to punch Rex Goodwin before Security gets to him? Absolutely.”
He blinked. Then, turning his head a little to hide an amused smile, he said. “… Get a good hit in for me as well.”
Leaning back on his seat, Yusei felt himself relax. For the first time in a long time, since his parents’ deaths, he felt like he could breathe. He felt like he could see. He felt like he could feel. He looked forward to something. “Maybe I’ll get two hits in for both of us.”
Sharing a look and smiles, they became silent. But from then on, whenever they ended up at the therapist’s office at the same time, until they both were cleared… they sat side-by-side.
And when Yusei turned 18 years old and Yusaku turned 16 years old… They disappeared.
Only for Yusei to make a reappearance when Security ran into the office of Rex Goodwin within SOL Technologies, only to find the man begging on his knees, with Yusei above him, his gloved hands dirtied with the blood of the man who had killed his parents and who had been the true mastermind behind the Hanoi Project.
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kira-hayashi · 4 years
Zexal Week Day 5: Rarepair Hell! “How to introduce your boyfriend”
Vector took a deep breath. And then another one. And another one. God, they were nervous. Because today was the day, today they would introduce their boyfriend to their fathers. His name was Daisuke Katagiri and they were a couple for a good two months now. But till now, Vector hadn’t told their parents yet. The couple stood at the front door to the garage, Vector visible nervous.  
“Shouldn’t I be the nervous one?”, Daisuke joked a bit to try and get Vector to relax a bit.  
“Shut up”, the shorter one replied and finally opened the door and both entered the house. Jacks Wheel of Fortune and Crows Blackbird parked next to each other in the garage. Yuseis D-Wheel wasn’t there, as they had asked Yusei and Bruno to leave the house for the day. Vector looked around nervously, Crow and Jack seemed to be in the upper floors. They took their boyfriend by the hand and walked up the stair that lead to the apartment above. They carefully peaked up the upper stairs, Daisuke had to grin the entire time, finding his partners behavior very cute.  Crow stood at the kitchen unit doing the dishes, Jack wasn’t in the room that was used as living room, dining room and kitchen.  Apparently, he was in the floor above where the bedrooms were. Vector took another deep breath.
“Vector, how long do you plan to hid on the stairs? I know that you’re there. I can hear you breathing”, Crow spoke without looking up from what he was doing. That startled Vector. Slowly and carefully they peaked over the small wall that was by the stairs and looked at Crow.
“...Hello, dad”, they spoke almost sheepishly. Crow turned around to face Vector, he couldn’t see Daisuke as he was behind the wall down the stairs. Crow skeptically raised an eyebrow, since he could only see Vectors upper head from behind the small wall they were crouched behind.  
“What did you do?”, he almost asked accusingly. It wouldn’t be the first time that Vector got into trouble.  
“Um... define that” Crow didn’t miss the small blush creeping over their face. Just as the adult opened his mouth, Daisuke stepped next to Vector.
“Hello. My na-”, and he was immediately interrupted by a small screech from Vector and pushed back downstairs by them.  
“Idiot! What are you doing!?”, Vector hissed behind clenched teeth. Crows eyebrow rose a bit higher, a bit confused by the unusual behavior of his adoptive child and the stranger, but he could guess what was going on. With an amused sigh he walked over to the stairs and leaned onto the wall and looked down at the two. Vector was holding Daisukes mouth shut and their cheeks were a burning red. Crow had couldn’t help but grin and looked over to Daisuke.
“Sorry, didn’t quite catch your name. You are?”, he smiled friendly at him, who, despite Vectors protests, took their hands off himself and got up to shake Crows hand.
“I’m Daisuke Katagiri. It’s a pleasure meeting you, Sir”
“Name’s Crow Hogan, nice meeting you too. And you don’t need to be so formal. I’m not that old”, he joked a bit and the pair got off the stairs and joined Crow. Vector kept staring at the floor the entire time, which made Crow grin again.
“So, in what kind of relationship to you stand to my kid?”
“D-Daisuke is my boyfriend”, Vector replied and held Daisukes hand. Crow had to smile.
“Hold on a moment!”, came Jacks voice from the floor above and then he came jumping down the ladder that leads upstairs, “Who said something about a boyfriend?”, Jacks eyes immediately fell on Daisuke.
“Pops, this is Daisuke Katagiri, my boyfriend”, Vector introduced him.
“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Sir”, Daisuke bowed slightly but Jack wasn’t looking too amused.
“No”, he just replied.
“What do you mean no?”, Crow looked at his husband with his hands on his hips.
“Vector will not have a lover! They are too young!”, Jack declared with his arms crossed.
“They are 16”, Crow countered, “And do I need to remained you that we too were younger than them when we got together”  
“That’s different”, Jacked huffed.
“And how is that?”, Crow wasn’t happy with how much Jack was against Vector having a relationship.  
Saddened, Vector looked at the floor while his dads had a little ‘discussion’. Daisuke wrapped his arm around them and kissed their head: “Don’t worry, we can change your pops mind” After a few minutes, Jack and Crow has calmed down.
“Still, Vector will not have a relationship”, Jack was stubborn. Annoyed by this, Crow grabbed Daisuke by the collar and dragged him over to the kitchen.
“You’ll help me make dinner now”, he ordered and Daisuke just nodded. Jack frowned while Vector stared at him a bit angrily. They already knew that it would be harder to tell Jack that they had a partner, but that their pops was so much against it hurt. They went over to his dad and Daisuke, wrapped their arms around the latter and nuzzled against his back while the two cooked.  
Around 20 minutes later they all sat down at the dinner table, Crow and Jack next to each other and Daisuke and Vector on the other side, while Daisuke sat opposite from Jack. They had noodle soup for dinner. They ate in silence at first until Crow decided to break the ice.
“So, tell us, how did you two met?”
“It was around six months ago”, Daisuke began, “Vector and their friends had backstage passes for a tournament I participated in”
“Ah yes, I remember”, Crow shortly commented. Vector nodded and Daisuke continued.
“Vector and I started talking and we ended up meeting a lot of times”, he had to grin a bit, “And a few weeks ago Vector declared their love to me”
“After you said it first!”, Vector screeched with a red face. Crow had to laugh while Jack looked skeptical.
“Tournament, huh. What league?”, the blond asked. As the King of Turbo Duels, he has to know, in what league the guy is, who wants to have his Vector.
“Pro League. But I’m not a Turbo Duelist”, Daisuke replied friendly.  
Jack snorted as if that was a bad thing. Vector threw him a short, angry look and Crow wasn’t all that happy with Jacks attitude either and turned his attention back to the couple.
“Do you have an apartment or so?”, he asked and Dasiuke nodded.
“I live in an apartment but I’m saving up to buy a house someday”
“That’s a wise decision”, Crow replied.
“Wouldn’t surprise me if he still lives with his mother”, Jack scoffed and Vector frowned in anger.
“Jack! Be nice to our guest! He’s Vectors partner so be nice to him!”, Crow scolded his husband.
“If it were to me, Vector wouldn’t have a partner”, Jack was as stubborn as ever. Crow groaned in annoyance and they fell into silence again. He knew his husband long enough, but that he was this much against Daisuke was nerve-wrecking.
“Oh, and by the way, Jack. Daisuke made the noodle soup”, Crow said off hand and glanced over to Jack. The blond stopped for a moment and looked at the noodles he was holding with his chopsticks. The other three looked at him almost anxious. After a few seconds of hesitation, Jack kept eating and Crow sighed in relief. Shortly afterwards they were done eating. Crow looked over to Jack, eager to see what he had to say. Jack looked over to his husband and then to Vector and Daisuke and back to Crow and crossed his arms.
“Well, at least our future-son-in-law can cook”, he said and Crow threw up his arms in delight and screamed happily. Crow knew that his husband can easily be convinced to anything with some tasty noodles. So, he knew Jack would come around if Daisuke made a good noodle soup. Daisuke however looked at the two dumbfounded before turning around to Vector: “Did your parents just give me the permission to marry you?” Vector, who was now lying on the floor, embarrassed and hiding their bright red face behind their hands, just squeaked very awkwardly: “Shut up!”
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zeravmeta · 5 years
Imagine if the Yu-Gi-Oh protagonists accidentally summoned servants who do you think they would get Yugi is obviously getting a pharoh because reasons (pretty sure he would count as a catalyst for that)
I was actually gonna answer another ask explaining my convoluted AU on where all the protags wind up at Chaldea but on the topic of Yugi specifically, he wouldn't really be a catalyst for Atem since its the Millenium Puzzle that housed Atems soul.
It really was just a coincidence that they looked alike (especially since Atem made his form similar to Yugi solely bc he didn't remember his own form so he just adopted Yugi's)
Edit: tumblr mobile is garbage and i completely missed your question but to ACTUALLY answer it-
Yugi- You mentioned a Pharoah but Im actually gonna say Scathach by sole virtue of her getting extremely competitive with the King of Games. "Maybe you can spear 10 men in 10 seconds but I still won Jenga"
Judai- Actually wouldnt need one since Yubel is literally just like a Heroic Spirit in alot of ways (id give him Cu)
Yusei- I WANT to say Helena for the Jack Atlas memes but in all honestly hed be chill af with Babbage
Yuma- Francis Drake since theyre both explorers of new worlds. Also she is gonna be the adventure parent Yuma was denied
Yuya- Siegfried (the dragon boys are similar especially with their suicidal sacrifice tendancies. Siegfried now has 4 more sons)
Yusaku- BB (she reminds him WAY too much of Ai and it annoys him)
listen most of these ancient heroes would see these kids struggling to save the world and default to Parent Mode the same way they do with Guda
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Maybe Judai for the ask thing? (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) if that hasn't been done of course ^^
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Why I like them/why I don’t
To be honest I didn’t like Judai that much at first. He was cute but other than that he was just an average overpowered character to me and his outgoing persona didn’t really help. The first time I watched GX it was in my native language dub and Judai happened to have the same voice as a character from another show that was extremely annoying, so I wasn’t that fond of him at all. Around the end of the first season, the airing stopped and I continued with English dub and while he was slightly likeable with a different voice I still didn’t like his character at all. But then season 3 happened… and it changed my mind. He felt like an entirely different person and the plot finally started getting interesting. It was like the new season made him start taking things seriously and with each new episode, it felt like he slowly started revealing his true self. And at that point, it finally started making sense why he was so happy and outgoing the first two seasons - he was lonely as a child and card games was the only thing that made him happy, so it makes sense that once he got accepted to school all about card games where he met new friends made him all excited. This was already hinted once in season 2, after his loss to Edo where he could no longer see cards and was convinced he has nothing else to do in Duel Academy so he just left. From all protagonists, Judai has by far the most unique development and from where VRAINS is now, Yusaku is likely to follow Judai’s journey of self-discovery. In a way, both of them are complex characters that are dealing with their breaking points in their own way. 
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One other thing that I really love about Judai is his ability to talk with Duel Spirits. There have been several characters in other series with the same ability, but no one had as much focus as Judai had. I absolutely loved his connection to Yubel, about how obsessed she became with him to the point of hurting other people and how much she wanted to protect him at the same time. The fact that Judai uses Super Fusion in order to merge them together was a really nice conclusion and in a way, it symbolized the fact that Judai matured.
What I like about their appearance
The fact how normal he looks compared to other protagonists XD. Like seriously all protagonists are either embodiment of rainbows (Yuya and Yuma) or edginess (Yugi, Yusei, Yusaku) and Judai is just an ordinary teenager in a simple school uniform and a puffy hairdo that looks like a Kuriboh.
Do I prefer their dub names or original names?
Judai and Jaden sound very similar so I tend to switch them depending on the situation because some of my friends are not familiar with his original name. In my fanfics I use his original name most of the time, but honestly, both versions sound okay and are not that different compared to some other dub names.
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Spiritshipping all the way! Judai X Johan is not only my favourite GX OTP but my second favourite OTP of all Yugioh series! (they are just a little behind Keyshipping and Puzzleshipping). From the first episode where Johan showed up when Ruby and Winged Kuriboh played together and when Judai welcomed Johan to the Duel Academy, I knew there was something special about to happen. And boy was I not ready for this! The way those two dorks interacted with each other, how others described Johan as “Judai with a southern accent” and just every scene where they showed up together - it was a blessing! And when Judai went to look for him and how he sank deeper and deeper in depression while trying to find him was absolutely heartbreaking. And when Johan came back and Judai was instantly better was just so wholesome to watch. In my headcanon they really are more than friends, they just don’t show it that obviously and I’m completely fine with it. Their personal lives shouldn’t interfere with the plot and deep down I believe that they settled down once Judai returned from his travels. In my perfect reality, they founded a school for people who can also talk with the Duel Spirits and the two of them help others control their abilities.
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I’m not really sure about Fusionshipping… It just doesn’t feel like a ship at all. I already hate Ryou’s overall character since really, he duels just for power. To him, Judai is not even a rival, just a mere opponent that might pique his interest if he is strong enough. Even in the show, he appeared only when the plot demanded him to do so and had little to none motivations other than power. I completely lost respect for him when he said he wanted to duel Supreme King aka. Judai’s alter ego ALL WHILE JUDAI WAS UNCONSCIOUS AND SUFFERING FROM TRAUMA INDUCED FEVER JUST A FEW METERS AWAY FROM HIM. Like dude chill out, not everything is about power. I was so glad Edo called him out on it cuz seriously this dude would be the worst possible boyfriend. It was even worse when he tried to “help” Judai overcome his trauma cuz really he had zero empathy to help someone as traumatized as Judai. If those two were to date, it would either be over fast or would result in a really unhealthy relationship. 
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Competitorshipping or Jun X Judai X Johan is actually something I didn’t know I liked. I do ship Judai with both Jun and Johan, but I’ve never really seen all three of them together. This all changed when I got a request as a secret santa to make a story with three of them as a functioning relationship. I wanted to change a request at first since I’m not keen on writing threesomes, but the more I thought about it more I thought it could work. So in my story, I made Jun and Judai into childhood friends that befriend a transfer student Johan and together they become roommates during their college years. After graduation, they separate for a few years, Judai travelling overseas to pursue his career in acting and coming book illustrating, Jun marrying and getting a son and Johan opening his own clinic. Eventually, they all live together again since Judai gets a new job nearby and Jun divorces and gets custody of his son. Johan and Judai help him raise his son and the story continues with Johan and Judai adopting a child (my OC). If you’re interested you can read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16790146/chapters/39405268 I still have three more chapters to go. While I was writing it, I realized just how much the three of them interact in the anime, especially with all bonding over the fact that they can talk to Duel Spirits. It’s a relationship that could as well work and I’m sure they feel the same way about it.
The favourite card they use
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It might be useless, but Winged Kuriboh is by far my favourite monster in the whole GX. It’s simple but gives away just enough nostalgia to make it work. I love how much Judai interacts with it and in a way Winged Kuriboh is his constant companion, providing him comfort whenever it can. I also love how it used to belong to Yugi and was given to Judai because “something was telling him it belongs with him” like Yugi could hear its voice. In my headcanon, Yugi knew Judai was a reincarnation of the Supreme King and gave him Winged Kuriboh so the spirit could help him control his power. Winged Kuriboh is not just a spirit, it is Judai’s partner.
The favourite moment they were in
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When Judai merged with Yubel it was like Judai made a huge step in his life. For the first two seasons, he approached his problems with confidence and a grin on his face. He was having fun, not really thinking about his actions. This was all a mask to run away from his past of loneliness and fear. With season 3 the past finally caught up with him and he was forced to face it. Yubel wanted him back after she was discarded and Judai knew it, afraid she would find him again. After seeing his friends fading away, succumbing to Supreme’s King power and being scared of using Fusion, Judai is literally lost of what is he supposed to do. In the end, he finally faces Yubel, claiming all responsibility on himself. It may seem like Judai succumbed to his yandere stalker when he played Super Fusion, but from what I’ve seen it, he did it as a way to apologize. It’s true that it was his parents who sent Yubel to space and he couldn’t do anything about it, but for someone who has a superhero deck, this was Judai’s heroic sacrifice. He was scared and unsure of what could happen, but in that single moment, he made a very mature decision. He knew Yubel would only stop once the two of them are together again and he did it so his friends would be saved. This was when he truly acted as a hero, giving everything up to save someone who has been putting him in so many dangerous situations, because when he forgave Yubel he was ready for the true battle.
Least favourite moment
A basically entire first and second season when he acted like the way overpowered character. I know this was necessary for his later character development, but some episodic plotlines and duels were just plain stupid and completely unnecessary considering how many of them were there already. 
Would I fuck, marry or kill them
How about if he adopts my child OC? XD Yeah I would definitely marry this dork. He is sweet, childish and full of energy and at the same time he is mature and knows how to handle the situation. In my slice-of-life headcanon he is an actor and comic book artist, living with his partner Johan and together they raise their shy adoptive son. I think he would make a great dad and would be great with kids in general, like organizing birthday parties, babysitting and having art workshops with children. 
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(Here’s Judai with my OC from my fanfic Safe in Your Arms ;) I used several references for this drawing )
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