elizabethlucchase · 11 years
'I've known your parents far longer than you have my dear boy!' She lit a cigarette and exhaled it 'Now...besides my husband and daughter integrating your life these past few months...what has you in such a hateful mood?' She placed her clutch under her arm and shook her head 'And don't piss me off again...next I'll grab your ear and drag you home!'
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Great start to the New Year
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
'You haven't done anything' She answered naturally 'I was referring to just the hustle and bustle of men in general, no harm' She took a sip of her drink and folded her hands to her chin. She was in a good mood, probably because of her new found company. 'Because I'm use to seeing you in the company of your beautiful wife. Where is Juliana tonight?' She really didn't mean any harm, she was just asking a question. She had learnt how be be civil over the years, and to be honest she rather did enjoy Juliana. 'Please, sit.' She offered.
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Joseph thought for a moment, “No…considering those that are close to you..” He didn’t really spare Elizabeth another look until she mentioned him, or it seemed she did, grouping all the men together. To which Joseph smirked at her annoyance and finished off his drink. “I must have missed something, but what have I done to you Elizabeth…” He was highly amused. If anything they were dealing with a Lucchase infestation, not the other way around. He nodded at her words, correct in her observation, but it was not boring to him, but peaceful, and so needed or he would have potentially killed them, well maybe not, or..
"Why is this surprising…me being alone…"
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
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Great start to the New Year
Is there, Mrs. Lucchase?
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
'As am I...as I'm also looking foreword to the day you receive chlamydia! One day at a time Tiffany.'
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Great start to the New Year
'I should say so….I'm looking so forward to Vito's event and the birth of the…little one.'
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and looked at her grandson's unreasonable father to be. She took her large black Gucci clutch and smacked him over the head. 'Jackson...' She started 'Putting every little thing aside...YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER DID NOT RAISE YOU TO BE ARROGANT!' She inhaled and exhaled brushing the long hair away from her face. 
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Great start to the New Year
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
'Mhhhmmm, yes dear you're quite right.' Elizabeth tucked her hair behind her ear and returned the smile. Although it was a touchy subject, it was best to be honest about it. 'You don't seem nervous about being an Aunt, a lot calmer than I had hoped being a Grandmother this early.' 
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Buying presents for others always ends up with buying even more presents for myself.
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
Great start to the New Year
'So much to look foreword to!'
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
'You haven't done anything' She answered naturally 'I was referring to just the hustle and bustle of men in general, no harm' She took a sip of her drink and folded her hands to her chin. She was in a good mood, probably because of her new found company. 'Because I'm use to seeing you in the company of your beautiful wife. Where is Juliana tonight?' She really didn't mean any harm, she was just asking a question. She had learnt how be be civil over the years, and to be honest she rather did enjoy Juliana. 'Please, sit.' She offered.
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Joseph thought for a moment, “No…considering those that are close to you..” He didn’t really spare Elizabeth another look until she mentioned him, or it seemed she did, grouping all the men together. To which Joseph smirked at her annoyance and finished off his drink. “I must have missed something, but what have I done to you Elizabeth…” He was highly amused. If anything they were dealing with a Lucchase infestation, not the other way around. He nodded at her words, correct in her observation, but it was not boring to him, but peaceful, and so needed or he would have potentially killed them, well maybe not, or..
"Why is this surprising…me being alone…"
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
'Hmmm' She smiled 'Would you care to join me? Miss...?'
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 ”Without sounding conceited — I thoroughly enjoy my own company.”
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
Elizabeth let out a noise of disgust and waved her long black painted nails in the air. 'Check please!' She called out, but she didn't wait for the waitress she laid a $100 bill on the table and stood up. 'Goodnight Miss Patriaca! Please, tell your sister I wish her well!' She grabbed her clutch and walked away from the protestant  brat.
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Oh…to be threatened by you — now I’m really in trouble aren’t I? I’ll take my chances. Now, why are we alone…
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
'Is it? Is it truly surprising that I require alone time? Considering everything you men put me through! Between the games you (meaning all men) play and the full circle love story our children play...' Elizabeth took a deep breath and exhaled in a relaxing way 'I think I deserve some 'boring' yet peaceful alone time. But I'm looking around Joesph and I see just as familiar sight as any...you are alone as well.' She looked at him with a faint smile.
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"That is a better way to put it…but even I must admit..it’s strange to see you without that mad king of yours…even those children.." He didn’t really feel like sparing a moment for Elizabeth, but to see her without Vito, when they were probably celebrating. 
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
Out of all the places in the city to eat, they both would end up in the same restaurant. Actually it wasn't all that surprising...they shared some what of the same taste.  'I necessarily shouldn't have said boring but remotely peaceful...Joseph.'
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To each its own..Elizabeth..
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
'Watch your tongue Miss Patariaca. Or it won't be just my husband I get a hold of tonight... '
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Oh, can’t get a hold of that husband of yours….
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
'No?' Elizabeth didn't smile but her pure interest in this girl was present. 'And why is that?' she drank from her half empty glass of champagne.
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"I don’t think so."
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elizabethlucchase · 11 years
Single dinner reservations...how boring.
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