#sect injuin
duelpolis · 4 years
So, on Day 6 I wrote about my GX Rivalshipping Future AU, and I said I would write more today (because I can’t draw motorcycles ._.). So here it is!
Kirito has polychoria, AKA he has two pupils in his right eye
He also gets a prosthetic leg sometime when he’s 4, to stop an infection in a wound from spreading to the rest of his body
I have yet to decide how he gets injured
Kirito and Yusei get along well, even with the two-and-a-half-year age gap
Kirito gets glasses when he’s seven
Slade has a son who’s two years older than Kirito, named Romeo
He lives with his mother Victoria in America
He and Kirito get along much better than Chazz ever did with his brothers
When Kirito is nine and Yusei’s six, they, Chazz and Jaden are in a plane crash
Yusei is the only survivor of the four
He’s placed in an orphanage, and he runs away with several other children when he’s ten
One of the children is four-old Sect Injuin, who’s in the orphanage for the second time after his adoptive parents become unable to take care of him
The rest is pretty much history, just look up his wiki page for the manga (because this has nothing to do with the anime)
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