amarinthesdrafts · 3 months
Dearest Gentle Reader,
It is no surprise to the ton about the announcements of engagements left and right. After the beguiling spectacle of the Smythe's ball evening, (and the most successful one yet), it had, truly, smitten the ladies and urged the gentlemen to budge through the crowds and find a match.
Although, as you are aware, This author's match to oneself is not so vicarious, it is certain that the next one would be such the talk of the ton, matter of fact, the country.
His Highness, in all his robes and jewels, had been seen dancing with the diamond of the first waters in multiple balls, to be frank, the most recent being at the Smythe's musicale.
Despite pleasurable gossip spreading weeks earlier about the two's true relationship of rage and duelship, it was evident that in between these waters, both bask in each other's company. One cannot say what truly is the appropriate excuse for the two to reside in secret, as both are current in high standings, it is no laughing matter of their positions and any scandal could arise. But despite all this author has meddled in, the truth is that even I, find it a rather lovely pairing. So devious, like they had been putting off a secret towards each other.
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Surely, you understand, dearest patreon, that the most interesting match are those you least expect. A shame how Ms. Dealia was unable to convince the prince towards her direction nor Ms. Yalveil able to indulge her pleasure for listening to symphony.
Indeed, it seems that whatever how, and whatever why had been shared by the duo, had been theirs to keep. And so, dearest reader, it is with most joy that after your lengthy read on the column, it does not go pass by myself about the news of the debutant and the prince's relations.
Despite mamas having been requesting and enamoring the highness, he only had set his sights on her. The love one cannot suppress, waiting for the heart to burst and inch those words to her and find a way for them to come back, with a positive notion, to boot.
In the time, I shall have no choice but to accept that the great charades of society is soon to be over. Soon, I hope, we receive in high spirits a royal wedding engagement if this love blossoms into a great deal of a courtship.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown
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kira-hayashi · 4 years
Zexal Week Day 5: Rarepair Hell! “How to introduce your boyfriend”
Vector took a deep breath. And then another one. And another one. God, they were nervous. Because today was the day, today they would introduce their boyfriend to their fathers. His name was Daisuke Katagiri and they were a couple for a good two months now. But till now, Vector hadn’t told their parents yet. The couple stood at the front door to the garage, Vector visible nervous.  
“Shouldn’t I be the nervous one?”, Daisuke joked a bit to try and get Vector to relax a bit.  
“Shut up”, the shorter one replied and finally opened the door and both entered the house. Jacks Wheel of Fortune and Crows Blackbird parked next to each other in the garage. Yuseis D-Wheel wasn’t there, as they had asked Yusei and Bruno to leave the house for the day. Vector looked around nervously, Crow and Jack seemed to be in the upper floors. They took their boyfriend by the hand and walked up the stair that lead to the apartment above. They carefully peaked up the upper stairs, Daisuke had to grin the entire time, finding his partners behavior very cute.  Crow stood at the kitchen unit doing the dishes, Jack wasn’t in the room that was used as living room, dining room and kitchen.  Apparently, he was in the floor above where the bedrooms were. Vector took another deep breath.
“Vector, how long do you plan to hid on the stairs? I know that you’re there. I can hear you breathing”, Crow spoke without looking up from what he was doing. That startled Vector. Slowly and carefully they peaked over the small wall that was by the stairs and looked at Crow.
“...Hello, dad”, they spoke almost sheepishly. Crow turned around to face Vector, he couldn’t see Daisuke as he was behind the wall down the stairs. Crow skeptically raised an eyebrow, since he could only see Vectors upper head from behind the small wall they were crouched behind.  
“What did you do?”, he almost asked accusingly. It wouldn’t be the first time that Vector got into trouble.  
“Um... define that” Crow didn’t miss the small blush creeping over their face. Just as the adult opened his mouth, Daisuke stepped next to Vector.
“Hello. My na-”, and he was immediately interrupted by a small screech from Vector and pushed back downstairs by them.  
“Idiot! What are you doing!?”, Vector hissed behind clenched teeth. Crows eyebrow rose a bit higher, a bit confused by the unusual behavior of his adoptive child and the stranger, but he could guess what was going on. With an amused sigh he walked over to the stairs and leaned onto the wall and looked down at the two. Vector was holding Daisukes mouth shut and their cheeks were a burning red. Crow had couldn’t help but grin and looked over to Daisuke.
“Sorry, didn’t quite catch your name. You are?”, he smiled friendly at him, who, despite Vectors protests, took their hands off himself and got up to shake Crows hand.
“I’m Daisuke Katagiri. It’s a pleasure meeting you, Sir”
“Name’s Crow Hogan, nice meeting you too. And you don’t need to be so formal. I’m not that old”, he joked a bit and the pair got off the stairs and joined Crow. Vector kept staring at the floor the entire time, which made Crow grin again.
“So, in what kind of relationship to you stand to my kid?”
“D-Daisuke is my boyfriend”, Vector replied and held Daisukes hand. Crow had to smile.
“Hold on a moment!”, came Jacks voice from the floor above and then he came jumping down the ladder that leads upstairs, “Who said something about a boyfriend?”, Jacks eyes immediately fell on Daisuke.
“Pops, this is Daisuke Katagiri, my boyfriend”, Vector introduced him.
“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Sir”, Daisuke bowed slightly but Jack wasn’t looking too amused.
“No”, he just replied.
“What do you mean no?”, Crow looked at his husband with his hands on his hips.
“Vector will not have a lover! They are too young!”, Jack declared with his arms crossed.
“They are 16”, Crow countered, “And do I need to remained you that we too were younger than them when we got together”  
“That’s different”, Jacked huffed.
“And how is that?”, Crow wasn’t happy with how much Jack was against Vector having a relationship.  
Saddened, Vector looked at the floor while his dads had a little ‘discussion’. Daisuke wrapped his arm around them and kissed their head: “Don’t worry, we can change your pops mind” After a few minutes, Jack and Crow has calmed down.
“Still, Vector will not have a relationship”, Jack was stubborn. Annoyed by this, Crow grabbed Daisuke by the collar and dragged him over to the kitchen.
“You’ll help me make dinner now”, he ordered and Daisuke just nodded. Jack frowned while Vector stared at him a bit angrily. They already knew that it would be harder to tell Jack that they had a partner, but that their pops was so much against it hurt. They went over to his dad and Daisuke, wrapped their arms around the latter and nuzzled against his back while the two cooked.  
Around 20 minutes later they all sat down at the dinner table, Crow and Jack next to each other and Daisuke and Vector on the other side, while Daisuke sat opposite from Jack. They had noodle soup for dinner. They ate in silence at first until Crow decided to break the ice.
“So, tell us, how did you two met?”
“It was around six months ago”, Daisuke began, “Vector and their friends had backstage passes for a tournament I participated in”
“Ah yes, I remember”, Crow shortly commented. Vector nodded and Daisuke continued.
“Vector and I started talking and we ended up meeting a lot of times”, he had to grin a bit, “And a few weeks ago Vector declared their love to me”
“After you said it first!”, Vector screeched with a red face. Crow had to laugh while Jack looked skeptical.
“Tournament, huh. What league?”, the blond asked. As the King of Turbo Duels, he has to know, in what league the guy is, who wants to have his Vector.
“Pro League. But I’m not a Turbo Duelist”, Daisuke replied friendly.  
Jack snorted as if that was a bad thing. Vector threw him a short, angry look and Crow wasn’t all that happy with Jacks attitude either and turned his attention back to the couple.
“Do you have an apartment or so?”, he asked and Dasiuke nodded.
“I live in an apartment but I’m saving up to buy a house someday”
“That’s a wise decision”, Crow replied.
“Wouldn’t surprise me if he still lives with his mother”, Jack scoffed and Vector frowned in anger.
“Jack! Be nice to our guest! He’s Vectors partner so be nice to him!”, Crow scolded his husband.
“If it were to me, Vector wouldn’t have a partner”, Jack was as stubborn as ever. Crow groaned in annoyance and they fell into silence again. He knew his husband long enough, but that he was this much against Daisuke was nerve-wrecking.
“Oh, and by the way, Jack. Daisuke made the noodle soup”, Crow said off hand and glanced over to Jack. The blond stopped for a moment and looked at the noodles he was holding with his chopsticks. The other three looked at him almost anxious. After a few seconds of hesitation, Jack kept eating and Crow sighed in relief. Shortly afterwards they were done eating. Crow looked over to Jack, eager to see what he had to say. Jack looked over to his husband and then to Vector and Daisuke and back to Crow and crossed his arms.
“Well, at least our future-son-in-law can cook”, he said and Crow threw up his arms in delight and screamed happily. Crow knew that his husband can easily be convinced to anything with some tasty noodles. So, he knew Jack would come around if Daisuke made a good noodle soup. Daisuke however looked at the two dumbfounded before turning around to Vector: “Did your parents just give me the permission to marry you?” Vector, who was now lying on the floor, embarrassed and hiding their bright red face behind their hands, just squeaked very awkwardly: “Shut up!”
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kalityrantdragon · 7 years
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Week 4 day 1 from the “Zexal Month”
WEHEE!! I DID IT! GOD DAMN! I sat the last three day on the f***ing coloration! Well I know it looks a little bit strange, that’s because I scan the character seperatly and draw then the shadow in Photoshop. I noticed that I’m so much faster when I draw first the characters, coloring then the background (of course a little lazy ^^°) and then set the shadows. Well I never drew a night picture before, so I’m a little proud of me ;P  But I think I need an other drawing programm. Photoshop is okay but I hate the brush wich I have. Either I create by miself or I download one (but where is the question ;))
And so yes, the most of the short comic is improvised. (as you can see) But it was a good exercice to draw a colored comic (normaly I did in black/white or gray)
The thought of this little comic is, that Vector and Daisuke had a meeting point in the park to watch the silvester firework. For Vector it is the first winter, after his new reborn, so he didn’t know that the winter can be cold. So he catch a cold and has fever (the red blush thing on his face should show this -.-) The big hero in the new year is Daisuke because he hold him warm ^///^  
I like this piar! I like it so much! They are so frecking cute together!
So duelshipping is my OTP in the Zexal universe **__**
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yugihell · 8 years
Fic (3 Things Series, Part 3): Furoshiki
Writing Prompts
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! DM
 Rating: T
 Pairing: Dark Magician x Blue Eyes White Dragon (Signatureshipping)
Series: 3 Things
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8)
3) A scarf, a present wrapped very poorly, a kiss
A frustrated howl echoes through the cave.
The magician runs in, staff held high, and the white dragon pounces on something to hide it. He makes a small noise of apology and flicks his head at him - you can leave. The magician loosens his grip on the staff letting the bottom of it hit the floor with a clunk, rolls his eyes, and goes exasperatedly back to his books. The small sound of a repeated apology echoing down the branch.
He put his claw through it again. It took hours to dye the paper - getting the dye all over him in the process and necessitating some difficult scrubbing at great haste so the magician wouldn’t suspect anything. But now it’s mostly in tatters, and he’s not sure it will even cover his gifts any more. He lets himself wallow on the floor for a moment. There are very few moments where he wishes he was a five-finger, but this is one of them.
Pulling himself together, he looks around his sleeping cave for another idea. There are chests, but the pile of ‘chests that contain treasure and could be emptied’, has slid into the pile of ‘probably cursed, do not open’ chests in a landslide situation, and getting the wrong one would put a bit of a damper on the evening.
There is however, some nice cloth peaking out from the pile of treasure he got from that floating castle. He thinks they may have been curtains, but they caught his eye, and turned out to be excellent for helping bring things back to the cave. Maybe they can do that again.
He pulls the edge of the fabric with his teeth, using his claws and tail to try and keep the pile from collapsing. When it gives an alarming tilt, he drops the cloth and pushes his nose to the top of it to steady it. He really hopes his magician doesn’t come in and see him pressed up to his treasure hoard like this - he’s not that sort of dragon.
A few accidents and quite a lot of wiggling later, the pile is sturdy again, with a fair length of curtain peeking out. Getting on two feet, he uses his front ones to try and estimate the size of his present. Should be enough for two - just in case he breaks the first one. With great care he uses his teeth and claws to tear a square of the fabric.
He drops it in the centre of the room so he has room to work, and fetches his presents - carrying them awkwardly on two legs, his front ones cupped together. Depositing them gently in the middle of the cloth, he moves them into position with the tip of his claws. Three vials of potions - contents unknown, and a purple toy Fluffal Bear. He picked during a flight soon after they met.  He thought his magician would like the purple fur, and it had wings like him - his magician always smiled when he happily flapped them and he thought he might like the idea of flying. There’s a small flicker of worry though. This was from before his transformation - what if he thinks that he’s trying to tell him that he doesn’t like him now that he’s changed, he knows his magician worries about that a lot. Maybe he should dye it black, there’s still some left over, and if he mixes them together… It will probably be brown. And he does still like purple - he uses the goblet with the amethysts in it.
He tries to stop worrying and focus on wrapping the present. It’s a tricky business of holding down material with claws, and pulling with teeth, but it’s nowhere near as difficult as the paper. By the time he’s knotted it, the corners are quite ragged, loose threads trailing everywhere, but he hopes he’ll understand.
The stolen clock he wound yesterday says it’s a few hours until the high moon. Mid-point of the longest night has always been his favourite time, and he’s excited to share this one with the magician. He’s not sure if they celebrate it, but it seems magical. He gently carries both it and the present out into the library.
When everything’s prepared he pokes his head into the cave branch and calls out for his magician. A head leans out of a side cavern to look at him, white hair and pale face ghostly in the dark. The dragon pulls his head back and gets into position, nearly knocking over a bookshelf in his haste, with wings raising and flittering a little. The magician comes through the entrance, smiling curiously.
In his teeth he carefully lifts the gift by its knot, then balancing on two legs, rests it in his claws so he can present it as his magician did with the blue stone. He holds it up and meets his eyes. The magician looks shaken, staring at the gift, and for a moment he wonders if he has made some mistake, and pulls the present back. But the magician reaches out and wraps a gloved hand around his claw, stopping him.  He doesn’t make a move to take the gift, just looks at it, breathing strangely, jaw clenched. The only movement he makes is a slight stroke of his thumb against his claw. Finally he raises his eyes and smiles, which makes him feel something so much that he has to fight his wings down again.
The magician does not take the present, but reaches past it with his free hand to slide along his nose, under his eye, curling round the back of his head. The hand on his claw tightens as the magician leans forward, and floating off the ground, presses a kiss to the tip of his nose.
Then he really does knock the bookcase over.
The magician, now back on land, puts everything back to rights with a wave of his staff and finally opens the present. Well, he struggles with the tattered knot for a while before giving that a dose of staff magic too. He laughs at the bear, and inspects the potions - giving him a questioning look. He replies with something approximating a shrug. How would he know? He’s not a wizard.
The wizard gets up from their mat on the floor, and beckons for him to follow. They make their way into his cavern - somehow covered in all manner of scrolls and crystals, bookcases and magician-sized tubes against the wall, despite the fact that he’s sure that he’d have noticed the magician bringing in some sort of vertical cannon. He’s about to stick his nose inside for a sniff, when the magician coughs and gestures towards what looks like a very full desk. It’s so crammed with things, even his new potions now put neatly in some wooden container, that he doesn’t notice his gift until the magician picks it up for him.
Knitting! His second favourite kind of magic - after the magician’s of course. He lets him hold it while he peers at it closely. Sure enough, all sorts of strings tied together, quite closely in a pattern, in a way that can be both warming and stylish. It’s perfect. He gently puts his claw out, letting the end drape over it. A shade of blue that looks handsome against him. And set in a gold ring in the centre, weighing it down, is his special blue stone - smoothed and round and gleaming. The magician hooks it around his neck, pulling the end through the loop and making it secure. His hands linger on his neck for a moment, warm against his scales. He is not built for these five-finger displays of affection, but then he isn’t really built for scarf wearing either, and it hasn’t stopped him. So with a soft trill of pleasure, he dips down and softly presses his nose to the magician’s lips.
The magician does not knock the bookcase over.
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weeping-petals · 5 years
i have this dynamic planned out for Garnet and Spinel in my au, and I just want to write the two fighting it out. two rocks, fighting
For Garnet, she can’t use future vision to get an accurate detail of Spinel’s antics and eventual’s. She’s gotta protect Steven. She’s competent enough solo against Spinel. She’s pressured by some history and intense feels to insure lil Steven stays safe.
And Spinel’s fueled by her irritation and spite for what happened to her, there’s some borderline revenge in there too. She and Garnet were close during the whole war, since Rose and Pearl always had their responsibilities and duelship, Spinel usually hung around Garnet - Garnet being one of the few gems that wasn’t unnerved by Spinel’s presence and inclusion throughout the war.
But when Rose was gone, everybody has feelings. Spinel took it hard, and Garnet was shifted into the role of leader and making decisions. Garnet is kind of working under Rose’s last request, that Spinel may no longer be safe to leave unsupervised.
The reasoning behind that is a story for another day. 
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Sorry to pester you but I recently stumbled upon your blog and I saw a post from approximately 3 weeks ago. You were talking with someone involving a possible ship name for Ryou, Jou, Yugi, and Yami. I agree that duelshipping (one of the suggested names) wouldn't work as Ryou doesn't duel. But you also said DNDshipping wouldn't work because "DND is not a general game, it’s a specific game and one that Jou doesn’t actually enjoy..." Which is not true, as Jou gets very into the Monster World (1/2)
game they play in the manga. Maybe DNDshipping isn’t the best name, so…something having to do with the fact that it’s an RPG (RPGshipping?) or just use the name Monster World (MonsterWorldshipping???). I am not good with ship names. Sorry to bother you! (2/2)            
Not the same mod who answered the question, but since DnD is a specific game that’s not actually played in the series at all, it isn’t relevant to the characters, regardless of whether they would enjoy it or not.
RPGshipping is currently a suggestion for the rename of Yami Bakura x Yuugi Mutou. On that grounds, I hesitate to accept it for this ship until after those suggestions have been put to vote.
Other characters were involved in the Monster World campaign, as well.
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cloudstation · 7 years
hey! i'm ashe, and the other day, my boyfriend asked you about help with pairing names for jou/yugi/atem/ryou and jou/yugi/ryou! what do you think of duelshipping for the former and dndshipping for the latter? (i'm being argued with about it by others, and i'm looking for a second opinion.)
Yeah I remember! I mean I’m pretty sure duelshipping is already taken, otherwise it would’ve been a good name. Like I said I’m not really good at coming up with ship names, but the bar for ygo ship names is pretty low so I’m sure whatever you decide will be okay tbh. Not really the kind of thing worth arguing over though. They’re both pretty rare pairs so if you pick a name you and a few other people agree on (that’s not already taken) and start tagging it consistently, then eventually it will just catch on. 
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the-evil-authoress · 10 years
So...that Duelship post of mine got more response than I thought it would. Maybe I should start posting more of my collection?
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doujinscans · 6 years
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憧憬のバースデイ by 椎名
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doujinscans · 7 years
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片桐さんとベクターちゃん×4 by 椎名
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doujinscans · 7 years
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君との恋はバルバロス by 黒衣ななな
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kira-hayashi · 7 years
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Zexal Month week 4 day 1: OTP day
Duelshipping and Sargassoshipping with female Zexal II because these two ships are so freaking cute and wonderful and I draw what I want and no one can stop me
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doujinscans · 7 years
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I’m so happy by 椎名
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Please contact me if you wish to translate.
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kira-hayashi · 7 years
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Zexal Month Week 1 Day 2: imagine non Barian and Astral characters as Astral or Barian beings
‘cause duelshipping
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kalityrantdragon · 7 years
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Here is it! That was my first picture / drawing to this motherfuckingsweet pair! duelshipping forever!
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kalityrantdragon · 7 years
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A little duelshipping, because there are to less from them TT--TT
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