#Yui just does what they do and kinda better
ratlesshonret · 2 years
Yui is maybe the best danganronpa protag. that’s it. send post.
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fangsforiris · 3 months
Ask for sakamaki bros (just Shu if you can't do all)
I've been going through so much recently. One of my closest friends left me for her boyfriend after everything I have done for her.
Some other girl who dates my ex crush was a fake friend the entire time and she was just trying to make me jealous about the fact that she's with him when i don't even like him anymore.
I seriously don't know what I can do anymore bc so many people have switched up on me and now it feels as if everyone is against me. I don't feel like going to school and it's giving me depression. Is there any advice I could get?
Advice for Anon #1
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“Hm… that seems tiresome. I’d suggest not wasting your energy on those who don’t give a damn about you. People will come and go, so it’s better to have respect for yourself and your boundaries… and never let those sorts of people back into your life again. Don’t allow their actions to dictate your happiness. Maybe find a hobby…? I enjoy music… just this once I’ll let you listen with me, how’s that?”
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“My, I hope you are prioritizing your health, especially that of mental. If there is anyone you are able to talk to, I’d start from there. Finding a support system of any kind will prove to be beneficial, even with the stress piling up. Perhaps you should attempt self-soothing methods, anything that can provide a distraction, whilst serving as a remedy to your aches.”
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“Tch. What idiots! You shouldn’t be caring about those guys anyways! They sound like real assholes, and are probably bored…! So don’t go wasting your time with people like that. Maybe play some sports? They always let me blow off some extra steam. Just focus on yourself, and then you’ll come out on top! Hehe, that’s what Ore-sama always does, and look, aren’t I the best?”
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“Eh? How dare they treat you this way!? They don’t deserve anymore of your attention, or your kindness! You should only reserve it for those special to you. Hmph, you’ll find others who will be worth it. But Teddy and I both agree that you should separate yourself and cut all ties immediately! Just this once I’ll share some of my sweets with you, okay? So smile for me, Dolly.”
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“Jeez… with friends like that who needs enemies? Fufu, kidding, kidding. If I were you, I wouldn’t bother with them again. People shall play their games to suit their own idea of entertainment. It’s better to leave them yearning for a reaction than giving in, right? Focus on what you love, perhaps even take a spa day! I hear those are quite enjoyable.”
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“I ain’t the best with this sort of stuff… But I’ve been through my own fair share of fake friends, kinda the reason why I keep to myself… So take it from me, you shouldn’t let ‘em win by separating yourself away from school… even if it is boring…! Keep finding motivation or somethin to keep you here. Maybe try some meditation? I’ve heard from Yui that it makes a difference… ‘specially if you’re super stressed out. But just remember you’re tougher than this!”
Admin/Iris: Hi hun!! I hope you seriously are ensuring that you prioritize yourself during this time. As someone who’s been through fake people coming in and out of my life, along with experiencing many thoughts linked towards depression— I’ll say that it will get easier. Time is really a remedy, and it may seem as though it’s hard right now, but you need to let it run its course because there’s always going to be something after it. Hope everything will turn out for the better <33
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pretty-idol-hell · 8 months
Speaking of chanko and other forgotten characters, I feel like eiko, nao, and nanami (since aira's hair in prichan in the cgi is the same) should be in a surprise team like what happened in season 3. (Like for some weird reason I thought when non sugar silhouettes first leaked I thought it was nao and eiko was going to be a part of her team since an idol can change appearances from different jewel types). I also remember we first had a MARS lookalike team in a prototype before dressing parfe.
Okay listen.
Justice for Nao.
(But maybe not in the way you think.)
Because yeah, she had a CG model too! And she even performed Make It with Laala in the Kirarin Star Live movie! Only to, of course, fade into obscurity after season 3...
In this case though, I wonder why they even bothered.
Because I think it's pretty clear from her character design that they never intended for Nao to become a main character from the start. So I don't see the point. Actually, I honestly don't even know why characters like her need to exist at all! (She reminds me of Naru Osaka from Sailor Moon.) Like, do they want to teach kids it's OK to drift away from your old friends when you get a new hobby or join a new club? Yeah, that does happen, but still... Whenever I think about Nao, I just feel sad. She kinda gave up on her idol dreams just because Laala debuted first and became popular?
Because thing is, if they wanted, she could have been someone! Imagine how much more interesting it would have been if she didn't forgive Laala in season one, and she did fade away for a while only to return in a later season on a surprise team in order to briefly attempt to get revenge on Laala (only for them to make up and become friendly rivals).
Like, imagine if they rewrote the series to replace Nao with Aroma. Or better yet, Chili! Imagine if Nao joined Non to try and surpass Laala only for Laala to be like WOW THAT'S GREAT I'm so happy for U! :D Hahah. What if instead of Non, it was Nao who made Triangle!?!
Or, like you suggested, she could still join with Eiko and Nanami too haha. Because yeah, since Eiko has a model too, and Nanami wouldn't be too hard to make, they could totally put something together still. Surely they will be the ones to awaken Yui.
So much wasted potential...
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heyyallitsbeth · 6 months
so i let the hyperfixation win.
over the past several hours i rewatched Sword Art Online and SAO 2.
(this time dubbed, last time i watched it subbed)
here are my thoughts:
-anyone who said the dub was bad is just wrong. Kirito's VA really shines in the more comedic or sweet moments (like when first meeting Yui), he reminds me of like a Peter Parker. and oh my lord, the breakdown by Suguha's VA was just a masterpiece. Still have chills from watching it.
-i have such a big appreciation for every character. This time it really shined through how good of characters Kirito, Asuna, and Suguha actually are.
Kirito's internal conflict throughout SAO2 is so good, grappling with their actions they needed to take in SAO to survive. and throughout all of it you can tell how much they truly loves their friends and family, and how kind hearted they really are. Asuna definitely fits into that role as well, being so ready to take care of Yui and so desperately wanting her to be safe and loved and cared for.
And oh my gosh Suguha. I remember people absolutely hated her arc because it is problematic, but the fact is, it's played entirely serious, her feelings arent taken as a joke. She has a genuine and real internal struggle for feeling things she feels she shouldnt, and how she feels those feelings arent reciprocated or cant be reciprocated, and having her heart broken twice by someone who she loves and someone who also does still genuinely love her. Its absolutely heartbreaking to watch.
Man, Sinon is still fantastic. She's still my absolute favorite, and I think she is one of the best characters in the show, and pretty much steals the show from her introduction. Her arc ties in so seamlessly with Kirito's and how they help eachother heal and grow is fantastic. Only complaint is we never got a scene of the rest of the Gals being jealous about the grenade hug she gave Kirito. After Kirito and Sinon nearly died, wouldve been some nice relief so you didnt feel like you yourself were dying.
-Speaking of, while there was definitely a ton of fanservice, the pseudo-harem aspect with the jokes were kinda cute, between characters seeing flirting happen around them, getting embarassed over it, its fun. Especially when people got jealous of Sinon flirting with Kirito over Excalibur. That part was very fun, since they did that infront of everyone else, almost like they were trying to get a rise out of them. Theyre not exactly the pinnacle of comedy, its definitely a trope, but theres something nostalgic about it that makes it kinda enjoyable.
-Speaking of the psuedo-harem, guys if all of you are constantly flirting with eachother (not just Kirito surprisingly, happens between the other girls frequently) and jealous of any affection with that, just start a polycule. You're a group of gamer girls playing MMOs together and all of you have slept in the same bed with eachother. Stop snipping at eachother and start dating eachother. Polyamory is pretty cool. Kirito and Asuna can still be the main duo and be the parents to Yui and Strea; but yall gotta work on the jealousy or just do what every other group of girl gamers does, polyamory. Lisbeth you should not be angrily drinking while watching Kirito and Asuna talk. (this is mostly a joke, im not actually saying they *have* to do a polycule, its more of a joke because of how tropey a lot of the flirting and jealousy is, and yknow, gay girls do polyamory, so dont take this part toooooo seriously.)
-Speaking of girls dating girls, the LGBT rep aint half bad. Argo canonically using both male and female pronouns is really cool! Most of the girls flirt with eachother a lot too, which is nice. Between the female avatar, the willingness to pretend to be a girl, the introversion, the desire to be an avatar in a virtual world more than irl, Kirito might be transgender. All good stuff here.
Overall, SAO is honestly way better than I remembered, even if some parts definitely show its age. You gotta piece it together a little bit with headcanons, but i do that with every show, nothing is perfect. Except Sinon. And a world where trans Kirito is canon. Those are perfect.
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dia-souls · 1 year
I wanna request all the Diaboys reaction
Sakamaki, Mukami, Tsukinami, Kino and Yui what they think about my oc Fiona?
Fiona is a 17 year old Woman, she is 148 cm and her blood type is A+
Fiona is at the same class as Kanato and Ayato, and Yui too.
Surprisingly Fiona dosen’t have a last name like Kino.
Fiona is kind of a special human, the reason is because she is wearing a unique necklace, and the necklace can do time travel, and the necklace only works on Fiona, Fiona goes time travel in the past and future.
Fiona’s personality is cheerful, bubbly Friendly and a introverted one little human, she is INFP, she likes to see the best in everyone, she has a little child-like personality and is very shy Meeting other students she don’t know and she has social aniexty too, she can get annoyed by people’s strange behaviors. To close people she is really open for talking with them and for other people like the Sakamaki Brothers, she prefers to stay calm and is kinda a little nervous when she is around one of them.
She is VERY scared of wolves and that’s why she os trying to avoid Shin Tsukinami.
Fiona’s facts
She does takes Jokes very serious and dosen’t understand why people laugh at it, and about a meme joke she just get confused.
She hates her own height size, she doesn't like the idea of ​​people mistaking her as a kid.
She is not a fan of sweets, she prefers healthy food like she loves to eat salad the most.
Fiona Is way to gullible (poor her :,)) )
Fiona dosen’t understand at pervy jokes, her mind is full of innocence.
She can get flustered /bashful easily
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🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Yui Komori: I think Fiona-san is a very good and kind girl. But it seems that she is a little shy. We haven't talked yet but I really want to get to know her better. Maybe we can become good friends.
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Shu Sakamaki: Who cares what kind of girl she is. I really do not care. But fortunately, unlike my brothers, she is not noisy and does not disturb me.
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Reiji Sakamaki: As a girl of her age, she behaves very childishly. Honestly, I don't like this inappropriate behavior and I prefer not to hang out with her. I will never accept behavior that is not worthy of a lady from a girl.
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Ayato Sakamaki: She is just a stupid girl. When I joke with her, she quickly gets angry and cries. Hehe, joking around with her is very enjoyable.
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Kanato Sakamaki: She is very annoying. I don't want her to get close to me or Teddy at all. Right teddy?
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Laito Sakamaki: She is a very cute girl Nfu~ and very innocent. She gets very embarrassed when I joke with her. Fufu, I would like to spend more time with her, but she is very simple and avoids the charming Laito-kun.
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Subaru Sakamaki: I don't know her very well and I don't care. Honestly, I prefer not to get too close to her. She looks like a very weak and stupid girl. I don't want to hurt her.
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🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Ruki Mukami: She is a human being and very simple and stupid. So what can I expect from her? She is very simple and easily fooled, and it bothers me a lot to see the Sakamaki brothers taking advantage of her simplicity.
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Kou Mukami: She is very cute and lovable and very shy. But at the same time, she is very stupid. She doesn't even care about me as a famous model. Fufu, the poor girl has no idea how famous I am.
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Yuma Mukami: I don't know her well and I don't care. She is an ordinary girl in school, nothing else.
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Azusa Mukami: Fiona-chan is a very kind and gentle girl. I don't know if she likes pain like me or not. Fufu, maybe I can show her my knife collection.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Carla Tsukinami: I don't know that girl well, but there are some strange things about her that I better understand. If this girl is in a relationship with that half-founder, it might cause trouble for us later.
Shin Tsukinami: Haha, that girl is very stupid. I don't care about her, but Nii-san seems to be concerned about her. I don't know what is so strange about that girl.
Kino: She's just a normal girl. She is very tiny for her age. She looks like a little girl. I really like to tease her hehe.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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diabolikpersonals · 3 months
okay YAY 🎉🌸🧡🌸🌌🌸🌌🧡🎉🧡🌌🧡🎉 I'm gonna write all about it :]
it's yui x tomoko kuroki from watamote/it's your guys fault im not popular
tomoko is the exact weirdgirl thatd make yui go 'oh no, I'm in love with her' and I think yui would genuinely help tomoko become a better person. she's my little failgirl whomst I love an appreciate
reasons to ship them!
tomoko is a fan of {in her universe} diabolik lovers and would get really attached to yui after getting out her initial bitching since I know tomoko would do that about her video games. think like the people who complain about fem mc's then get attached and become big fans or something
I believe that yui could genuinely help tomoko become a better person. and it's the perfect 'I can make her better/oh no I made her worse' type of situation but yui just loosens up and has fun gf time <2 like showing yui games and the stuff she didn't grow up with and then it becomes a bonding activity!
if they both were at the sakamaki mansion at the same time {just pretend with me} tomoko would like yell at yui/push her away, then her fantasies would be like obliterated before her about the brothers, then it'd be a 'you and me against the world' because I love them. and yui would totally try to help tomoko if yui has been there longer, like hiding tomoko in another room when the brothers try some shit
if they were classmates in the watamote universe {pretend with me again} I think it'd kinda be like yuu and tomoko where they're friends, but if tomoko did... tomoko things I think yui would smack some sense into her, then they stop talking for a while, and yui would probably apologize and then they'd be friends again
yui is exactly the type of girl tomoko would complain about then realize that she's attracted to. tomoko hates on the cute, nice, pretty popular girl who surely has alternate intentions and totally wouldn't just be nice to her for no reason whatsoever. no way no how. why does tomoko want to hold her hand?--
they'd both be weirded out by one another and make wrong footed first impressions, yui thinking tomoko is a bit odd and tomoko being a hater for no reason, then they realize the other is kinda cute and they'd both get too shy to say anything {moreso scared in tomoko's case and yui having to realize that she likes girls {really they'd both have to realize they like girls}}, and I feel like yui would be the first to confess and tomoko would do the anime thing where she'd go all red and her ghost would fly out her mouth {please tell me you know what im talking about}
I have so much art of them together and they're so cute! like the way I've been showing tomoko growing is that she wears more of yui's hair flowers and it's so CUTE and like yui kinda incorporates tomoko's clothes a little idk how to explain it but they start sharing more and it's adorable <2 also tomoko's hair gets shorter because I think it's nice on her :)
the way things expanded is how I just started adding tomie from junji ito. just stick with me. I had a tomie idea of 'tomie like tomoko' so she just stays at home all the time and since my tomie doesn't go outside she doesn't have to worry about being killed
so in my weird jumbled-up stuff it has my tomie {mt}, tomie-accurate tomie {tat}, my tomie's friend {tf}, yui, and tomoko and they're all friends who hang out. it starts with tat coming back to class like in the original story and everyone is uncomfortable, but tf was home sick during the field trip events so she gets tat to skip classes for the day and go hang out at mt's house! tat has that instinctual tomie sense of 'I can be the only one i have to kill her' but then mt doesn't have that reaction so they just go upstairs to lend tat some non-uniform clothes and then tat realizes she can relax for once and then just. be a person
SO the way this connects back to yui and tomoko. all of them are friends who hang out, mt and tomoko always play games together since they share a lot of interests, tat still hangs off to the side since she's still a bit nervous and then opens up and let's herself have fun, tf usually tries to pry tomoko and mt away from the tv screen to play social games like cards or sleepover stuff, and YUI AND TOMOKO ARE DATING IN THIS ONE!!! I think this just boils down to girls being girls and just having fun together as teens lol
I know a lot of this is me just saying 'I love them' but like your honor. I adore them!!!!! also sorry for the long ask/tangent, I have a lot of things to share all of the time and feel the need to explain myself fully ^^;; I love drawing all of them together since they're so cutesy 🧡🧡🧡 I love my wife and her cringefail girlfriend
what a beautiful world you've made here!! I'm down for the yui/tomoko ship!!! I think that's so sweet, and yui's genuine kindness would absolutely get through to her ;-;
I feel so dreamy talking about yui with other girls, whether it's ships (especially ships lol) or female friends she might have, it always makes me so happy. I've played plenty of otome games that have kind of a female sidekick/friend character and I really wish yui could have one. I wanna see her with another girl so bad. tomoko is totally the type of girl I would ship yui with too!!!! augh!!!!
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Be best friends with Ayato(platonic friendship without romance) please
pov: you're Ayato's mortal bff / female equivalent
Prepare for trouble, and always make it double
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A/N: I am actually having multiple requests of Ayato having a female bff but this one is platonic so might as well start off with this one.
you and Ayato actually didn't have a great start
and it all started when this bratty ore-sama was like pranking you during class (e.g. throwing papers at you which are meant for Kanato or trying to ruin your hair when he passes by your seat)
even switched out his name for yours so he could skip cleaning duty
it was a pain for you like you wish you could just throttle him
until you were in a basketball practice game with him
well since you're a member of Ryoutei's female basketball team, your captain decided to ask for Ayato and some male members for assistance with the gameplay
but turns out the game between you and Ayato turned serious
like the players are freaking worried the practice game would turn into bloodshed
and tbh you find him quite great in his basketball skills
but you still wanna throttle him tho
afterwards the relationship between you two went... okay?
like he doesn't prank you as much (but he still does cmon this is Ayato)
he actually didn't feel your murderous intent during the practice game and soon he became friends with you bcos he found out you listen to the same songs
even hangs out with you after school aside from club activities
you even found out he's a vampire and he thought your opinion of him would change
you were just "I don't care if you're a vampire. I will still throw the ball at you during the game."
"So you're not worried about me drinking your blood or something?"
"Ayato, vampires can't drink their prey's blood while playing a basketball game. Well, unless that's how you do things."
I swear Ayato was dumbfounded at your statement but it made him kinda relieved
then it took you like a few weeks??? before you noticed how this one blonde girl looked at you
but it's not like she looks at you with contempt, it was more like she is confused and curious abt your relationship with Ayato
and you always see this particular girl around Ayato bcos he kept calling her by this stupid nickname "Chichinashi"
yep he likes this girl no doubt
so one time she approached you abt homework then when the two of you were left alone, she asked you if you like Ayato
"Do I like him like what?"
"Like... a boyfriend."
*cue vomiting sounds*
istg you just wanna ask her where she got that idea but since she was so curious and this looked like an important moment, you answered her
"*snorts* Please. I would rather kill myself than date him."
you found out this girl was Yui Komori and she likes the redheaded idiot
I swear you became their wingman
you even indulge on those days when you are around these two, watching them bicker like an old married couple
"I swear one of these days I'm just gonna see you two French kissing."
you have never seen them that embarrassed like Yui wanted the ground to swallow her whole while Ayato tried to retort like a sputtering child
you even shamelessly flirt with Yui to rile him up
like forget beating him in basketball cause the fvcker made your life miserable
might as well tease him for being head over heels for his blonde crush
Ayato even asks your opinion abt what Yui would like
"Can't you just ask her?"
"But girls like surprises!"
"Yeah, but they don't like stupid surprises so get your sht going."
you even defend Yui from other girls who diss her bcos she's always around Ayato
like Yui's just way better for you in your opinion
Yui even confides to you abt Ayato sometimes, like this one time he invited you to watch 50 shades of Grey movie cause he heard girls like Christian Grey but it just traumatized Yui
"I don't know what to say after that, Y/N-chan."
"Ah, just let it be. Man probably just thought you would like it."
but deep inside you're judging Ayato's poor decision-making skills
and for some reason, you just see them finally hitting off
but yeah nothing has changed
Ayato still comes to you when he wanna talk abt Yui
you just wait for the moment they're gonna hand you a wedding invitation
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Who do you think of the boys 'deserves' yui the most or fits with yui best?
thank you anon! now this is an interesting question because who deserves yui the most and who fits with yui the best are different things. and i have two different answers which i’ll explain below. under the tag will be general spoilers for all the games. 
who deserves yui the most? 
azusa. definitely azusa. of all the guys, i’d say he’s the only one who has never had any malicious intent. all the other characters have, at one point or another, believed they were better than yui and/or wanted to see her suffer simply for her to suffer. because they wanted to watch her in pain for their enjoyment. 
now, azusa was never really like this. sure, he’s kinda creepy at first. and he does hurt yui, that’s true, but his reasoning is because he likes pain and he enjoys it, and he wants to make yui feel GOOD, so he hurts her. he’s unable to relate to her not wanting pain due to his childhood trauma. and obviously that’s not an excuse for hurting her, but i think it’s better than the others because his intentions WERE good. none of the other guys hurt or humiliated her because they wanted her to feel good. they did it to hurt her. 
azusa also never really insulted or demeaned yui. most of the other guys, some more than others, very intentionally put yui down just to make themselves feel better (again, childhood trauma caused this, but they still did it). i feel like azusa is the only character who ever saw himself as equal to yui. 
as the games progress, azusa obviously has his downfalls and he continues hurting others (lost eden, especially) but he always apologises. azusa is generally very good at recognising when his actions have hurt others and this is one of the reasons i think azusa stands out from the others. he always tries to make things right when he messes up and when he does, he shows very obvious remorse (crying, for example, which he does a lot) which again, the others don’t really do. 
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so yeah, i think azusa deserves yui the most. is he my FAVOURITE ship dynamic with yui? no. 
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who fits with yui the best?
ayato. i know. ayato? he’s an asshole. unlike azusa, he’s very obviously hurt yui for his own enjoyment, put her down and humiliated her, and in general was not good to her for the whole of HDB, most of MB and he falls back into those bad patterns in LE again. 
but there’s just... something about their dynamic which i love. ayato spent his entire childhood being put down, called worthless, never thinking he was good enough. and he grows up as a narcissist because of it, deep down he’s vulnerable as shit. 
and i think the one thing ayato needed in his life was someone the opposite of that. someone who saw good in him even when he was a piece of shit. someone who stuck by his side, was always there for him no matter what, and repeatedly told him he’s not bad. the moment for me where i really realised ayato and yui were meant to be was in ayato’s lost eden when yui finds ayato in the rain after reiji was mean to him. and she hugs him, tells him he’s a worthy king. and you know what? he cries. my man deadass cries. 
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there’s other scenes too. like, ayato’s chaos lineage is great. when he apologises to her for how he acted when he didn’t have his memories. and for someone who comes across as quite emotionally immature, ayato is fucking good at heart-felt apologies. 
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and then when he tells her he can do anything as long as he’s with her? gah. i was sobbing. 
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and in MB after story, he goes to university for her! ayato would do anything for yui. and i mean, all of them would, but i just feel like ayato and yui are meant for each other. he’s goofy, he’s a dork, he’s stupid, he just wants attention, and yui will give him that. he needed someone with such a good heart to soothe his broken heart. 
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honestly the development ayato makes from more blood, through dark fate, then to lost eden is my favourite development. and how yui brings him closer to his brothers too. aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. she always looks so happy around him too and the fact they can make each other smile like that...
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i just love ayayui. they’re perfect. 
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castor-romeo · 1 year
crcom: kamigami no asobi
episode 1 
- what the fuck is the opening scene 
- no seriously what the fuck?!
- please put on pants
- everyone needs a break from serious stuff and this was my choice, i do not regret it at all
- sword portkey!!
- ~pretty boys with flowers~
- pleasantly surprised by the different mythologies being represented/used 
- i think i found the main love interest, spoiler alert he’s blond 
episode 2 
- do you get on the pegasus with the pretty boy you just met? of course you do this is a romance! 
- can you fuck the teacher? asking for a friend
episode 3 
- beach episode? 
- stripping! because everyone wants to see shirtless anime boys! 
- ah yes fireworks make everything better
- the more i hear apollon’s voice the more it annoys me 
episode 4 
- “going home club” i would join that lol 
- hades is a drama queen 
- something tells me the boys™ don’t want you talking to hades, that was too many accidents to be a coincidence 
- oh my god he likes making puns 
episode 5 
- thoth has some great nicknames for the boys™
- mmmmm plot induced sword fights 
- i spy a tsundere 
- it seems we have entered the one episode per character focus segment 
- why does she have to be in mortal danger so often 
- we made it to the unlocking tragic backstories part
episode 6 
- i’m all for the “physically stuck together until emotions happen” trope, but handcuffs (deathnote style) are more fun than rings 
- haha thoth just,,,kabedon’ed yui while Tsukito was kneeling on the floor
- let me just cross off “stalking friends while they are on a date” cliche 
episode 7
- how did loki miss the entire premise of the show? of course yui is human 
- loki you gotta stop being jealous and flirting with balder by talking about meat
- someone tell loki that seducing your ex’s current crush is not a good idea   
episode 8 
- those are the biggest and creepiest candles ever apollon 
- thoth...is a good business man but what is his obsession with red bean soup 
- of all the characters to have a yandere side, i was not expecting balder 
- ...maybe not ex’s with the amount of be together forever talk between loki and balder 
- wait what??!! cliff hanger much??!! 
episode 9 
- haha the comments on crunchyroll for this episode (and most of the others) are talking about thoth and his wall slams 
closing remarks
- not my favorite reverse harem/romance anime (it’s kinda bland?) but it has funny and cute moments 
- if you like pretty boy fanservice, you will probably like this  
- the op and ed are pretty too 
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waiting-on-a-dream · 9 months
𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝟹 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚜
Prisoner 006: Sasaki Yui
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General info
Physical changes: Her hair remains at a light grey shade, having paled after her guilty verdict for the first trial. She's taking care of herself now and styles her hair more often. Her eyebags aren't as prominent and her face looks better due to her resumed skincare.
Behavioral changes: Due to her innocent verdict, she's more cheerful and friendly, returning to her trial 1 demeanor with a hint of tiredness. Himiko's presence has made her simultaneously happier and more anxious, causing her to have some occasional mood swings.
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– Third trial trailer
Maybe milgram admits people who believe they were responsible for someone's death instead of actual involvement.
– Character voice trailer
Himiko, MOVE!
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Once Upon a Me ("This song comes off as happy but it’s kinda sad you see… The me in the mirror I looked at yesterday, though she wanted to change, somehow she looks the same today.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Kanjou deceive by Loar ("The smallest happiness → jealousy・inferiority complex, through a series of bad events." This line describes her so well I'm gonna cry)
Prisoner 007: Shigeru Rin
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General info
Physical changes: He's grown his hair out long enough for his dark purple streak to return. He's also dyed the tip of his longer lock of hair dark purple as well for fun. His eyebags aren't as prominent anymore.
Behavioral changes: He's finally getting more sleep now that he doesn't get nightmares anymore, and is more friendly towards the innocent prisoners when he leaves his room. He mostly stays in his room now to talk to Renho... Perhaps to an unhealthy degree. He's accidentally skipped a few meals because of this, causing Noa to have to visit his room and remind him to eat.
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– Third trial trailer
I don't feel like eating when I'm around her. She doesn't need to eat, so I don't either.
– Character voice trailer
Renho, no! RENHO!
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Love Words Ⅱ ("Right now I want to thank you for all that has happened, I want to thank you for what the future holds as well. Though that’s all I’m really trying to say here, not able to say it all that well, I’m sorry for hurting you and then bursting into tears." I changed up his crime a bit to solidify his motive and now just thinking about him makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Shinitai chan by Switch ("I don’t wanna disappear while my feelings still haven't reached you.")
Prisoner 008: Watanabe Noa
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General info
Physical changes: Her appearance remains unchanged.
Behavioral changes: With Benjiro's presence, she's gotten happier, to the point where she's stopped drinking. She continues to be friendly and helps the rest of the prisoners.
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– Third trial trailer
He would have wanted me to live happily.
– Character voice trailer
*heavy gasp, wet gurgle*
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Neo-Neon ("E.g. I don’t know everything about you. E.g. I can’t be your ideal person. Does that surprise you? Didn’t you expect that?" Just had the thought that she might have feeling guilty often during her time with Benjiro... Why do I this to myself.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Haine to kleine by Niru kajitsu ("May this world become far dirtier than it is now, forever. I wonder if I’ll be able to get used to it then." There's a theory that the hotel in this song is a metaphor for depression. There's alcohol in it too.)
Prisoner 009: Miyahara Kiyoshi
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General info
Verdict: GUILTY
Physical changes: His hair has grown longer and he has eyebags now. His left eye was injured after the fight with Daisuke, causing him to have to wear an eyepatch. Other prisoners have remarked that he often looks exhausted now, staring off into space blankly.
Behavioral changes: He ignores everyone's attempts to talk to him and stays in his room all day. Mayumi treats his eye and brings him his meals, but her attempts at conversation remain unsuccessful.
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– Third trial trailer
He just wouldn't stop talking.
– Character voice trailer
That's what scum like you get.
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Winter cleaning ("These memories that start bursting forth...where the heck do they come from!? I clean and clean but just can’t stop remembering." The lyrics...aren't so nice when you put them into the context of murder.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Fixer by nuyuri ("I just can’t help but wish that someone would take my place living this life from tomorrow on." All the lyrics of this song fit him so well. omg like Daisuke! /j The colour scheme of the MV is so guiltycore too <3)
Prisoner 010: Okura Mayumi
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General info
Physical changes: She cut her hair short and tends to wear it in a bun nowadays. The rest of her appearance remains unchanged.
Behavioral changes: She isn't as silently angry as she was during the second trial. She's allowed to help out with meals now and goes out of her way to treat Kiyoshi's eye. She is strangely the only innocent prisoner that doesn't see her victim in her room. She also hasn't given up on trying to find out more about milgram.
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– Third trial trailer
I can't fathom why someone would want to hurt innocent people.
– Character voice trailer
You'll fit right in with the rest of them in hell.
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Dummy Dummy ("Yet the longer I search for that answer, the more I want to kill the version of myself who laughs with others." DECO*27 songs that aren't about love are few and far between.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: C’mon, Just Praise Me for Living, Please! by 100kai Outo ("I wanna be someone stable. Why is it just so hard everyday?" This song may not give off her vibe, but damn do the lyrics fit her way of thinking for the past few years.)
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜:
The song Keep out by mafumafu really suits Rin. The same goes for Suicide by suisoh for Noa.
Haruto's non-DECO*27 song cover for trial 3 is A Living Hell Within A Dream.
𝙿𝚒𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚠 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜:
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cyborg-squid · 9 months
For the previously inevitable, now upcoming, Fate Samurai Remnant collab event with FGO, there were three Servants I was really hoping would NOT be added to FGO: FSR Saber, Berserker Musashi, and Miyamoto Iori. And they've already added the first one. Sigh...
As for Berserker Musashi, if she's added to FGO, it would 1) undermine Musashi's erasure at the end of Olympus, 2) we already have Berserker Musashi with her summer version, it would be so much more confusion to add another Berserker Musashi, and 3) it feels, to me, that Berserker Musashi works so much better as... a unique encounter, a singular experience, just for Iori, to be able to see and fight his Sensei again, and for Musashi to see her pupil, at least one version of him, both similar and different to the one she knew. I feel like that Musashi, that version of her, should be something uniquely singular, a once in a lifetime chance for a once in a lifetime reunion, and adding her to FGO would undermine that.
It's very similar for Iori, like Shuttershocky's post said, Iori is a man born in the wrong time, born not in war but also unable to live fully in peace, he is a swordsman with skill, yes, but no name besides that of his adoptive father and no true claim to fame and Servanthood. And I personally fear, and would rather not have it happen, that he'd be the welfare Servant in the FSR event, cuz that does tend to be the way with FGOs collabs, the protagonist characters (Ryougi Shiki, Gray, Sieg, Erice) tend to be the Welfare ones.
All that being said......... you could do something really interesting if he's still in the event, just hopefully not as a Servant. HELL! It would be very exciting to have him somehow be the antagonist! "To serve as an upheaval for all eternity", right?!
As for the other FSR originating Servants: I personally feel that Samson and Zhou Yu personally work better in FSR, the way their stories are tied to that Grail War and their Masters (for Samson, it's those he connected, if not contracted, with), that I'd rather not have them be summonable in FGO, but it's more alright than the ones above. Toss FSR Caster in there too, I guess, I have no problem with him being in FGO but most of his nature and role is tied to him facing Saber in that specific Grail War, what the fuck is he gonna do in FGO? I also don't see much of a point to adding FSR Rider to FGO either, because she's kinda already been there and I dunno if she'd be adding anything new? I'm welcome to being surprised though.
Rogue Saber, I'm completely fine with him jumping into FGO, he already has connections to characters there and he's not super dependent on the nature of FSRs HGW and plot, he could fit in easily. Same with Assassin too, mostly. (I originally wasn't a fan of his True Name reveal but his Lanky Kong-ass has grown on me)
A couple of the Masters, actually, you could stretch into Servants (I say stretch because they're not super prominent or well known, kinda below standard Servant quality levels, but FGO has made 'weaker' ones work). Koei Tecmo does their research well, Zheng Chenggong, Yui Shosetsu, and Takao Dayu were all real people, and Dorothea is the fictional daughter of the real Frederik Coyette (who actually unsuccessfully fought Chenggong when the latter took Taiwan from the Dutch). Chiemon, well, I don't know if I'd want to see him as a Servant, but I would LOVE to see some interaction between him and Amakusa. Also, Tsuchimikado gets a criminally low amount of attention with how he was built up as the ritual's mastermind. I'd welcome the event expanding more on him!
Ultimately, though, what I do think could work and might actually want to see as the welfare... would be Kaya+Ototachibanahime. That was a moment in FSR that I felt really didn't get enough screentime and explanation, having them as a welfare Caster in FGO could help with explaining that, and they do already fit the pseudo-Servantness that other crossed over characters have.
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kirua9 · 2 years
Makoto's route. Prologue
Characters mentioned: Makoto Aomine, Yui Komori, Ruki Mukami
Data: 2013
Location: Ryotei Academy
*The scene shifts to the classroom*
Yui: (finally the lessons are over... This time I have to head straight to the limousine, but I barely can stay on my feet...)
*The scene shifts to the school's hallway *
Yui: (It's so deserted here, seems like Ayato and others have already gone away. Now i really can breath in relief... )
???: Hey, you! Yui, stop where you're standing!
*Yui stops*
Yui: Eh?
Yui: (Some girl is calling me?.. Who's that could be?)
???: Listen, I'm in hurry just like you, so I only wanna have a small talk. Where's my chemistry notebook? Remember, teacher asked me to let you borrow my notes?
* Yui looks at the girl but can't recognize her. *
???: Why are you staring at me with a such confused face? Don't tell me you're mute! Or... Does this mean, I've called you with a wrong name?
*The girl grabs her head in despair*
Yui: (Jeez, she is so dramatic!)
No, no! You've called me right, but... It feels awkward, but I can't remember your name...
???: Ah, you've should just say so. I'm Aomine Makoto, from 2-B class. We had chemistry with your class on Wednesday.
Yui: (Makoto Aomine-san... Aomine sounds very familiar, although that's not because she says her name the second time... Where could I hear this? Aomine... )
* Makoto steps closer *
Makoto: You're kinda tired? Seems like you haven't been listening to me at all.
Yui: S-sorry, Aomine-san... Actually, your notebook is at home...
Makoto: Oh, I see. It doesn't matter, let's head to your home immediately!
Yui: ?!.. (No way!)
Makoto: Ah?.. What's wrong? I thought you live somewhere nearby... Am I wrong?
Yui: (No, that's no good... She doesn't have to be there.)
Yui: Oh, actually... I'm late to the family dinner and we have guests, so.. I'm really sorry, but I can't give your notebook back today. Maybe tomorrow in school?
Makoto: Ah, no! Please, please I need it back now! There's a test on Friday!
Yui: (Gosh, that's too hard to lie) Sorry again... By the way, aren't your parents waiting your at home too?
Makoto: !
Makoto: No, they're not. Nobody waits me there actually.
Yui: (How awkward... Did I say something wrong? She suddenly looks hesitant.)
Yui: Well, um... Please take my apologies, but I have to go.
*She runs away*
Makoto: Pwuaaah.
Makoto: Huh. And what have you got from this performance?
*Ruki steps out from the shadowed corner*
Ruki: Not impressing at all, I'd say. As was expected from a coward like you.
Makoto: Coward, you say? I'd rather say that girl is a coward, not me!
Ruki: Stop shouting and listen for once, you coward. Eve is terrified by something we don't know, that's why she doesn't want to talk back. She's not ready for our plan...
Makoto: Our plan, how funny. I genuinely have no idea, why did I do this scene in front of you.
Ruki: Good grief. Your brain truly is pitiful, I should've sent you to Hell's mother even before...
Makoto: !!!
Ruki: But very soon Eve has to understand that I'm better than those filthy aristocrats, otherwise everything is meaningless.
Makoto: (He is so selfish, thinks only about becoming Adam, or whatever it's called.)
Makoto: I see, I'd say everything is already meaningless.
Makoto: ...
Makoto: Say, what would be if I went to those Sakamakis? My role there stops?
Ruki: No. You'd remain with them for some time instead of Eve... And after that time your fate would've been rather uncertain.
Makoto: I see... Honestlt, it really doesn't matter to me.
Ruki: ?
Ruki: I thought you were just stupid, but now I assume you're hopeless thing, aren't you?
Ruki: Well, as you've said it doesn't matter. Well, good for us.
Makoto: Good for you, tho I still exist, don't think how you'll throw me away in several months.
Makoto: The only thing I need is the truth, remember? Do you remember you've promised to show me it?
Ruki: Don't worry, one way or another it'll come to you itself. You don't even need to try. That's how the things work...
* Ruki walks away *
Makoto: A?.. Hey, Ruki?.. He's gone...
Makoto: ( He's the one who promised to explain what has been going on in my life, because he knows some mysterious "Him". "He" is the person who once helped Ruki and his family, so now they're kinda owing Him.
Maybe I'm a fool to trust this Ruki guy, but when you have no hope in life, isn't it obvious you try to catch anything, which looks like a salvation?..)
Admin's note: Lmao I decided that all DL events are going in 2013, if I'm not wrong MB game was released then, so thats why I chose this data. I don't wanna make it modern, I just don't see it like this (in 2022 or smth, feels wrong).
And this route doesn't have a structure like OC×canon, I mean all the time isn't devoted to Makoto and her love interest. It's more extended, where the main aim — to develop my Original character.
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madraleen · 1 year
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Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku - Yuji Kaku Volumes 8-13: A running commentary. This was fun!
-eyyy hybrid gabimaru
-what in the sibling telepathy... still cool panel, toma and chobe simultaneous attack vs the tensen
-i hope fuchi survives
-am i to assume chobe said chotto matte mid-battle to redo his braid
-"my enthusiasm for the manga feels suffocating" :O mine doesn't, but this feeling put into such words! so true!
-yeah, my favorites are chobe, toma and fuchi i think.
-shion and tenza's relationship is lovely
-damn nurugai made me tear up
-gosh i hope shion can keep his word and be with nurugai on the mainland. the sensei usually perish along the way
-the iwagakure shinobi took one look at the convicts and their asaemon allies and went "WHEEEEEEE MURDER!"
-i kinda think poor gabimaru got a little short-changed; sagiri, too, for the exact same reasons, but i'll focus on gabimaru as he's the face of hell's paradise. i think he got his epiphany and change of heart too soon and he's been emotionally static since then, whereas most of the side-characters have been on a personal journey from the beginning, slowly learning and evolving, and it makes them so much more compelling to observe.
-er. yuzuriha? what kind of takesies-backsies death was that. i mean, yeah, she didn't get a certificate of death or anything, but still. eh, whatever.
-i really like shugen, he's the hero of his own story and an antagonist in the main story, and he could easily be the righteous protag of his own manga, but he happens to be in this manga where he's a hindrance
-i'd missed grumbling gabimaru
-aaand fuchi is dead. but that's a better death than dropping down dead
-i think banko-tao-affected chobe and gabimaru look visually great
-you cannot convince me sagiri doesn't have a crush on gabimaru. she blushes too much.
-i understand the situation is dire, but little chibi gabimaru with that damn flower on his head...
-nooo not chobeeee
-whose is that hand on baby ghost chobe, is he coming back, don't give me hope.
-i hope the anime gives shugen this pinch of ridiculousness that he has, aside all else
-shugen the tao avatar
-sooo... rien was grand master's... wife?
-two men and one woman? like 90% of the cast will die? nahhhh
-dude, shut up, gabimaru and sagiri are so in sync, why are u doing this, text? and with mei they're literally family-coded
-oooh gantetsusai must decide what to do with shugen, nice
-okay but a skeleton is hugging shugen in his flashbacks with fuchi. who put it in that position?
-eeeey last volume, letssssgooo
-wait, where are the brothers? chobe dead maybe, where's toma, i forgot toma lol what
-gabimaru my man, yes, we all know you have a wife, but it's literally either rien or your entire country here - INCLUDING MRS WIFE, what are we discussing
-yeah see, i think this is more of a me-problem, but i never connected to the gabimaru-yui bond. i'm on the 'sure if you say so' side of things
-rien the super healer
-okay but now i want his yui to be an actual villain, that would be really interesting
-i don't understand, is that shadow chobe, with toma?
-okay i didn't except the sagiri-yui meeting to be this cute but it's so cute
-aaaand gabimaru turned into a house cat. i'm sure as part-plant he'll enjoy his sunbeams doubly
-nice glimpse of the tensen in the far future
-OKAY this was sweet, the ending was sweet
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
ok now that i stopped screaming let me try to form a coherent opinion 😫
ig it goes without saying that i really liked ryuuto's route♥ ik i've been screaming throughout it all BUT there's one particular thing that made me appreciate it so much more, simpery aside-
reaching the end specially, i liked the fact that ryuuto started to realize by himself that cordelia isn't what he's after, with little intervention from yui and the power of love (?) i mean, yes, there is some of that, but i feel like ryuuto's realization wasn't only due to yui's intervention when it comes to accept that as a fact, especially when she's literally not there 😭. but yui's kindness naturally got to him, he was just so focused on what he planned; if i were to dig deeper, it's like ryuuto realized that his wants were driven by his childhood/younger mentality only, which is why i'm so glad that he realized that it wasn't going to be any different now that he's grown up, after seeing the patterns and the pain he went through. i love that he realized by himself and undid things himself and killed and !!! yes !!! go off king!!!!! 🛐🛐🛐
i was wondering almost from the start if it was going to be that way or like kanato's vamp end levels of toxic instead (?? i would've enjoyed it regardless probably, i like how it was written so i would've believed it (?) dfhgdj but in all seriousness, i think you did a great job ava!! ♥♥ doing rejet's work better than them as usual 😤💕
also i LOVE the cgs so much 😭 !! my favs may be the kiss at the gazebo (love the lighting), the one of the train and the vampire end one is lovely too ♥♥ and the one w ryuuto going 🤺 @ richter DFGD i just love cordelia!yui being like >:) so much kfgjdfh and yui in general being so sassy tbh i love her 😭
side note; i admit richter is/can be a good father but my appreciation for him kinda ends there i'm sorry 🗿 djfslg
the only thing i'm still curious about is one thing about ryuuto's heartbeat? maybe i'm missing something from hdb bc it's been a while, but does he/sakamakis have a heartbeat or was cordie just messing around as usual? 😭
all in all, i loved it and i'm so ready to read the bad endings too now because i feed off angst and im hungry 👀🍽 Dkgjd AND ofc i'm patiently waiting for the heavens and after story and everything else 🛐🛐
ramble over STAN AVA 🥳🥳💕
// ILYYY ROX ♥️♥️♥️ im a huge slut for you throwing your analysis/thoughts at me, so don't mind me rereading your message fifty times over 🫂♥️♥️
Im really glad you noticed that! I didn't want it to too heavily focused on Yui "falling in love and fixing Ryuuto", especially not over one single route >< Instead, it works so much nicer for him imo if his character development comes from within moreso. The shift between being solely focused on Cordelia in his Dark, then his transition into getting to know Yui on a deeper level that really challenges all he knows with Cordelia in Maniac, and his internal decisions between whether he wants a repeat of his past where he feels comfortable, or a fresh albeit scary start with Yui in Ecstasy is HUGE 😩😭
Thank you so much, you're so so sweet!! 😭♥️♥️ and !!!!! Im so glad you liked the CGs too, they were ROUGH to figure out what i wanted to do and show off, but thank you for being so supportive always ><♥️♥️
also i see that richter slander. just wait until i (hopefully) post his route 🙄 im dragging you down to richter hell whether you like it or not sksk.
As for the heartbeat, omggg. I'm being consistent about rejet's inconsistency 🧍‍♀️ It's up to you to decide, really. Like, Cordie could def be just messing around but also?? I think the vamps have heartbeats in later drama cds/routes that are mentioned so 😤 whatever you'd like to believe, that's the canon sfjslh
BUT AAA !!! Yes yes yes im so excited to next post the other angsty endings (which are my favourite endings) and the afterstory and heaven. ofc, there is also the mini chapters that will be posted right after too which show ryuuto in the other boys' routes. Both more intensely and more of a passing by/background character 😩 BUT im getting ahead of myself because i have only halfway finished those mini chapters ><><
BUT AAA MWAH, BIG KISSES ILY ROX. You're so so sweet 🥺💕 and i cannot wait to read more of your girl's route, too. I am INVESTED !!
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ruki-mukami-dl · 2 years
Admin,which song do you think describes Ruki's relationship with his wife/girlfriend? I thought the song lolita by the veronicas describes well what Ruki would be like in a relationship because the song talks about possession and obsession. 🖤
(( Hello my love~
First, I would like to explain something regarding obsession and possessiveness and my way to portray Ruki.
In Ruki's More Blood Vampire Ending, he said the following words to Yui:
"I'm a Vampire after all. I don't plan on spouting words 'I love you' like humans do, nor do I feel that way."
"I won't deny it if you were to call this pure obsession and possessiveness."
"I want to choose you even over that man who saved my life. That is one thing I can say for sure."
"I will betray that man."
Later in his More Blood After Story, he gained new views on 'love' and explained the following:
"Back then...When I lost my family, when I lost everything. I thought I'd never be able to believe in anything ever again."
"I couldn't fathom ever feeling love for another human being again."
"But these feelings are undoubtably love."
Only at the very end and in other games, Ruki said the words 'I love you' to Yui.
The vampire who did not want to use the words 'I love you' made a development and changed his mind and also his behavior. He understood that he was able to love and that it was not just obsession and possessiveness.
I like to portray Ruki as the sadistic vampire who thinks he cannot feel emotions like 'love'. That is why my Ruki so often is talking about obsession and possessiveness when it comes to the topic 'love'.
Now about your question. 😤
I did not know the song before, but I listened to it and translated it exactly for better understanding. 🙈
The following lyrics immediately caught my eye.
I'm your Lolita
La Femme Nikita
When we're together
You'll love me forever
You're my possession
I'm your obsession
Don't tell me never
I'll love you forever
Related to Ruki... If I understand the line of the lyrics ('You're my possession') right, he would be the possession of the woman here. That fact would be wrong because the woman is always his possession. 🤔
So far, that is the only thing that does not fit. Other than that, I do not think your choice is bad.
And of course, I apologize just in case I misunderstood the song. 🙏🏻
Oh! And I like the song very much~ 😏😍
Well, now to the choice of my songs.
I have two songs in mind that remind me of Ruki.
'Call Me Master' from Blood on the Dance Floor 😏
What you need is just a little discipline
And I got a heavy dose of a right medicine
I'm dominant by definition
I'm turned on by your submission
The dark side is how
We′ve been living
Let me show you
What you′ve been missing
You, you, you are
You are my slave
My little fucking disaster
I, I, I am
I am your god
Call me
Call me
Call me your master
The song 'Call Me Master' is kinda my picture of Ruki in a 'Master-Livestock' relationship. Of course, without deeper feelings. Here we are back to obsession and possessiveness.
'Save Me' from Morandi 🥰
When I'm with you
Everything seems better
Now I know
I see it all today
We were ment to be together
I'm in pain when you're away
Come on and save me
I'm loosing my touch
Day after day
Cause I miss you so much
Come on and save me
I'm loosing my mind
Waiting and waiting
For you to be mine
This song is pretty much about 'Ruki in love' for me. He wishes to be saved and loved. I think the lyrics describe his thoughts and feelings towards his wife/girlfriend very well. 🥺❤️
But that is just my opinion. I am open for new song ideas. I would like to know other opinions as well. 😊💕 ))
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Translations More Blood: @dialovers-translations
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Girls Remix 1:
Hana thinks Sakura doesn't want her.
As much as she'll like to know where she came from, she prefers her Family of Choice.
Her Girlfriend, her Brother, her friends.
Sakura Seeing Reika as an Older sister is adorable.
But I can see why Hana would be Jealous.
Since when could kamen rider Aguilera do Restyles?
It's funny how the only thing that needs to be changed to remove toei's Homophobic sisterhood thing is just change Reika's lines.
"Not the time for a lover's spat."
"Reminds me a bit of Magine and I when we channel our anger."
Wow, Riot in Bloom's magnificent.
Sakura would swoon if she heard it.
Girls Remix 2:
Yuriko is Gaslighting Hana.
Fake Demon Hana is really Pretty.
But Hana's always Pretty.
The Girls Remix team succesfully inflitrate a Mansion.
Sawa and Kanon are here.
Sawa has done Investigations about Black Satan and Ganma World before. Sounds like we missed some adventures.
SakuHana are a Family the way Rintaro wanted to be Family with Mei.
Riot in Bloom is even better this time.
Girls Remix 3:
The Transformation Scene was so cool.
I get why they couldn't let Kanon transform, and honestly I was never a fan of the Kanon Specter suit, but it still would've been nice if they filmed a fight scene for her prior to the suit's scrapping.
Tsukuyomi was great, even if the Jacket contradicted her usual Colour scheme.
The Girls' fight scene was so cool.
The old musical cues and background music, and Cherry-ish!!
KR Aguilera restyling is still strange.
Miss Titan's backstory is almost a 'blink and you miss it' thing.
Hana deciding to basically Adopt Yuriko was sweet.
The Photoshoot scene was nice.
Loved Izu's joke. Not that it was funny.
Honestly, other than the dialogue calling them sisters, everything here otherwise felt in character to their subtle gay relarionship in the show.
Sakura also literally went "look at my girl, she's so cute".
The actual photoshoot itself wasn't that in character, but that's not a simple thing to do.
This whole special was pretty good.
Though could've ditched the attempted straightification.
I swear, if either of the girls gets a boyfriend in the VCinema.....
Girls Remix or: Lady Riders and Companions Get More Screentime, to Everyone's Delight
I don't think Hana's feelings were just jealousy per se. I think part of her resents Sakura seemingly placing more importance on blood family as one's "actual family". With how Sakura acted over her finding a possible blood relative, it kinda looked like Sakura didn't think found family was just as important, even though that was all Hana had.
Hana could always do Restyles- her Driver's just same as Sakura's, just modified slightly to fit her aesthetic better. They were both designed by Masumi after all.
Honestly Riot in Bloom MV made me a bit uncomfy in light of some of the stuff that since came out about Yui Asakura. Apparently she's not very comfortable doing gravure-type things, and the MV comes off as very gravure-like to me. The song itself is pretty good though, and if it doesn't confirm SakuHana as canon then I don't know what does.
Ironically, Kanon Spectre was apparently scrapped and reused as parts for Aguilera. So yeah there was no way those two suits were appearing together. Hence Kanon not transforming.
My favorite bit was all the civilian fights though. Koichi Sakamoto, who directed the movie, seems to like them quite a bit. I love that they went out of their way to use the main fight themes for the ladies' respective main Riders- for example, when Akiko was slippering those mooks to submission, the BGM was Hard-boiled. (Yes, that really is the title for that specific BGM.)
I need a photobook for that photoshoot. I won't mind spending money on it because they all look so beautiful goddamnit.
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