#You better believe I'm gonna be a bitch the whole way through
oifaaa · 2 years
fics that take like all agency from Tim or make him a master of communication and self reflection are like. where is my snarky slightly fucked up boy who's too smart for his own good
Like I know technically Tim was originally designed as a self insert for the audience but writing him like that now when he has so much character of his own really does him a disservice I'd love to see more fics with Tim actually being his snarky never listens to anyone purposely self sabotaging self
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amymbona · 2 months
I think that people who hate on the Challengers main three really forget that no human is perfect, that people are flawed and you can't expect everyone to always make the best decision.
As much as it may offend someone, you can't always be the good guy. People tend to overreact or act irrationally when something crashes with their plans or just causes some issues. I myself am very aware of this and know I am a bitch in certain situations, that I have hurt some people before or done something that may not have been the best decision at the moment. But things happen, have happened and as much as you regret something, you can't really change your decision.
Tashi, who's probably the most hated out of the three (which is really fucking odd, considering that she's literally the main character of the movie), has gone through something really fucking hard. She lost her whole goddamn career, the thing that was her fuel, the main purpose of her life, and she never even made the decision to end it. It simply ended mid way, before she could become the world champion and call herself the best. She was so young and healthy and successful and then lost it all because of one goddamn injury.
It's obvious that at first she blamed Patrick because of their argument before that match. She must have been so fucking stressed not to see her boyfriend at the match, knowing that he's gonna be gone for the next few months. At that moment, she needed to blame someone and Patrick was the right one. Though I agree it was unfair that she was that rude to him in 2019 too, but then again when I think about it, the interaction probably reminded her of the injury once again. But then, when she slept with him, in my eyes it was because he reminded her of the peak of tennis. Because he was better than Art. And the better the tennis is, the more Tashi is tempted to grasp it.
Patrick, poor guy, is seen as this sex obsessed bad boy who only find pleasure in fucking women. And while his movie personality is concerned about those things, he is much more. I believe he really genuinely loved both Tashi and Art and then when they left him found himself totally lost. They were his compass, his safe space, each of them offering something different but something he very much needed. He was hurt by them too, first Tashi after Atlanta 2011 when she just went on living with Art, and then when he hoped she'd fuck him in his car in 2019, but she only did it to save her marriage with Art. (That's also why I believed she truly loved Art. I think she wanted to sleep with Patrick at that time, but she could have done it without asking Patrick to lose.) And then by Art, in the sauna, telling him he doesn't matter. It's obvious that Patrick was seeking revenge against Art, hrnce performing the ball gesture during the final match.
In my opinion, Patrick is the most "innocent" one, having not sinned as much. But he's not flawless either. Using his tinder dates to find a place to sleep, flirting with women to earn what he needs. As I'm writing this, honestly, I can't think of many more bad things that he's done. And that only shows the dishonesty, how we were almost showed that he is the bad guy, only because two successful people have decided that they hate him. What happened wasn't really his fault, but the mutual hate he received from Art and Tashi convinced us as well that he deserved it.
Art is honestly a bit of bitch, too victimized and babied, but then again on the other side, he's the prime example of someone who stands up for himself and then gets hated for it. He got too fed up with his own best friend for constantly casting a shadow over him. Went so fucking far to spread rumors over Patrick, how he's a womanizer and all that stuff, just to eventually play the good guy with Tashi, take care of her and then marry his way into her life. (He went a bit overboard with that, but good fucking job, plotting such a thing.) Poor Art, people say, how Tashi responds that she knows to the fact that he loves her. But once I read somewhere that she responded this way because she was aware that Art can't really verbally display his feelings, and she just wanted to make sure that she knows he loves her. And that's what I believe.
It's obvious that Art fell into depression, the combination of his injury and non fulfilling tennis career. This probably caused him to be almdor indifferent, perhaps rude and bitchy too Tashi, getting fed up with the career he has built for her. Oh, he definitely loved tennis, I'm sure of it, but not as much as Tashi did. And because he loved her, he allowed her to mold him into her good tennis boy. But he was a human with free will too, and didn't really need to ask for Tashi's approval, despite her being his coach. Doing all that back arch, sad expression thing, he was just trying to manipulate her to feel bad for him, probably a form of self defense or response caused by his depression. Again, not a flawless human.
All three of them lost something. Tashi lost tennis, her biggest passion. Patrick lost Art and Tashi, the people be loved. Art lost all the enjoyment of life, becoming miserable. Many things have caused them to behave the way they behaved and showed us that nobody can be fucking perfect, that sometimes people just are bitchy and you really can't find them being all sunshine and rainbows. But we also know that all three of them are tender, capable of love and giggles, we know that they can be nice and kind and loving and that's okay too. People are colourful and full of emotions, each one of them different and made not to be perfect.
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deadpool15 · 11 months
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You think you got a chance?
I decided to go to the store, the fridge is looking mad empty right now. Which is extremely difficult for me, with the whole being a mom of a 1 year old boy. Yea, I said a boy, I gave birth to a male specimen. Boys, moms truly don't get enough credit because the shit my son puts me through is just wild. This is what happens when you don't want kids but decide to go out there being a honey freaky fuck yall. Better learn.
I walk into my bedroom, trying to nativgate my closet for an outfit. You see the thing about being a mom means that you need to make sure you child looks so fucking good. Spoiler alert, no one gives a single fuck about you if your child is walking around here looking like dog shit. "Yall know exactly who I'm talking about. I'm not calling you out baby, I'm simply calling you out though. Fight your issues not me." I said to the camera, completely forgetting I'm supposed to be vlogging with my son today.
Speaking of son, I should totally go walk him up. I managed to get him all ready for the day. And then he fucked around and went to sleep, you see some parents try not to let there kids go to sleep because of naps not really being the best for a busy day. "So, yall Cameron is rocking this cozy hoodie that says cookie monster and just some slighty baby jeans with his lil uggs. It's cold out here in Korea, so I'm gonna grab his puffer jacket to make sure he doesn't get cold. But yqll know Cameron does not like that fucking jacket so I always carry his on the go blanket cuz he expects to be picked up and carried around with that blanket thrown on him. The struggle is real. Now as yall can see I look like shit I haven't gotten ready. So I'm gonna wear this crop long sleeve with these pattern-like pants.
I walk into the closet, grabbing the camera to show off the fit(the one above). "Listen, I know I said it was cold, but if you think about it, it's not like really cold, is it? You know what? Don't answer that. I'm wearing the fit because it makes the curves pop. For the girls that question about confidence, I low-key feel like that as backhand ass compliment. Because trust and believe if I was a smaller pretty petite ass bitch no one would ask. I am my own beauty standard representing all the thick girls in Korea. For example, if you are sitting in front of your phone watching this video talking about how you didn't have a stomach until this happened or this happened, stop lying. Yall I've always been a big girl, my son didn't have anything to do that, if anything he taught me how to embrace my body."
"Yall will truly not know love until your kid starts drawing pictures of you, like how you really look. Because kids are honest as fuck. But my baby has seen beauty in different forms, though he is used to my form. It gets a little awkward when he sees skinny girls and ask why they look like that." I said looking at the camera laughing while adding a little jewelry to the fit. "The moral is everyone is beautiful. It's ok to be insecure at times. But remember your a beautiful ass bitch. Younger me would've never walked outside in this crop, but I'm so glad I've been able to see myself how I should."I walk out the room grabbing my keys.
I am making my way to the front of my apartment to grab my diaper bag and get snacks. "Cameron likes to wake craving these pocky things and will literally whoop my ass I'd they aren't there." I reach for my jacket and grab my son and walk out the door. I place Cameron inside od his car seat and place the diaper bag right next to him. He placed his blanket on top of him. It's amazing that he is still sleeping. Before I go to the grocery store, I drive to a pop up Cafe. I need some caffeine to survive this day. I get there looking outside to see that the sky is getting dark, hinting that it will rain soon. So I sit in the car waiting for a while. "So yall I stopped by a Cafe, we are waiting cuz it looks like it's about to fucking pour. I don't know why I said we, cam, is still knocked out. I remember watching some girl talking about how she gave her kids melatonin to sleep. Isn't that like drugging your kids, though? Like ahit I want mine to sleep too, but imagine giving them a gummy snack, and that shit is laced. That is wild."
I look out the window, noticing my dumbass should enter this cafe now before it starts raining or gets crowded. I turn off the car and grab my keys while looking into the rear view mirror at Cam. "Yea, so I thought this part was gonna be easy. I just like to gaslight myself." I step out of the car and open the backseat door and try to carefully grab my son without waking him up. I successfully achieved my goal , grabbed his blanket, and threw it over his body, just in case it started to go to rain. I walk into the shop and get in line while looking at the menu. The line is pretty long. I might be here for a while.
"She is adorable." I hear a voice say behind me, and turn around and see a woman. She is beautiful, I can't tell her age. What I am able to tell is her obvious attraction, with her continuing to bite her lower lips while staring at me. She is giving off an aura of pure confidence while I do enjoy it. It would be quite fun to play with her. "Well, thank you, but she is actually a male," I state and watch her eyes go wide, and she becomes embarrassed. "I'm so sorry. I just thought he was a girl." "No it's cool. Most people assume he is a girl, I don't know if it's cause of the curly hair or the fact that he looks like me." I say slightly, laughing to make sure she doesn't get too anxious.
"You're right. He truly does look like his gorgeous mother. Looks run in the family, I can tell." I make eyes at her. Wow, it seemed I've found a bold one. "Awe, that cute, I'll let you have that one." She smiles it off before I realize that line has shortened. Making me the next person in line. I order a chocolate chip muffin, one of Cam's favorite just in case he wakes up and wants some of it. And ice vanilla latte. I smile at the batista and wait for her to tell me the price. When she does, I move to grab my card before the mysterious women behind me speak up. "Could you add an iced tea with that, and I'll be playing. Thanks." I turned around making eye contact with her, and now I didn't expect that to be her next move. She gestures me to a table. And I look her up and down before deciding to take a seat. I'm checking on Cam to see if he is still resting well. He is.
"You didn't have to pay for that." "Oo I know, but I thought it would leave a lasting impression." She states while smirking, I laugh managing to keep my volume to a minimum. "So you think you can buy me?" Before she can answer, the waiter comes up and gives us both our orders. We both bow slightly and say thank you. Managing to say it at the same time and laughing as the women walks away.
I'm Tiana, by the way, and the little man that you mistook for a girl is Cameron. As you can see, he is so tired, guess that what happens when Mama extends bedtime." She smiles before saying, "Well, like I said, I'm sorry about the whole gender thing."It's like 2023, I could get you canceled for that. You know." We both laugh again. Before I take a sip of my latte. "I'm Monika Shin. Nice to meet you." I move over to shake her hand. "Well, you've never heard of me," I look at her puzzled. I smirk. "Does that always work for you?"
She laughs, "I am quite famous and known around these parts, so usually ma'am." I stare her down before looking at her lips. "You know most people see the baby and then lose interest." She chuckled while finally taking a sip of her drink. "And most people would know who I am, so i guess I'm not most people, "So what I'm hearing is you think you got a chance, that's cute. Well then, let's see, huh?"
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mysticstarlightduck · 1 month
Character Aesthetic Deep Dive Tag!
I created this tag in this post, and I want to do it again for another Scrapyard Boys OC of mine so here we go!
Rules: Make a moodboard with your character's aesthetic, a playlist that fits their vibe, "badly summarize them" (like, talk about their personality, but funnily), etc. It absolutely does not need to be super detailed!!!!!
✦ Character Aesthetic: Maxwell Cymbelline, WIP -Scrapyard Boys
♡ Moodboard ♡
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♡ Playlist ♡
Not All Heroes Wear Capes - Owl City
He doesn't fight crime Or wear a cape He doesn't read minds Or levitate But every time my world needs saving He's my Superman Some folks don't believe in heroes 'Cause they haven't met my dad He loves his workshop And rock 'n roll He's got a hot rod And a heart of gold And you could say he's a man of few words But he talks a lot within And even though I'm a little taller I still look up to him
Could Have Been Me - The Struts
Don't wanna live as an untold story Rather go out in a blaze of glory I can't hear you, I don't fear you I'll live now 'cause the bad die last Dodging bullets with your broken past Well, I can't hear you, I don't fear you now Wrapped in your regret What a waste of blood and sweat Oh oh-oh I wanna taste love and pain Wanna feel pride and shame I don't wanna take my time Don't wanna waste one line I wanna live better days Never look back and say It could have been me It could have been me, yeah
Burn The House Down - AJR
Used to keep it cool Used to be a fool All about the bounce in my step Watch it on the news Whatcha gonna do? I could hit refresh and forget Used to keep it cool Should I keep it light? Stay out of the fight? No one's gonna listen to me If I write a song Preaching what is wrong Will they let me sing on TV? Should I keep it light? Is that right? Way up way up we go Been up and down that road Way up way up, oh no We gon' burn the whole house down
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - Taylor Swift
'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did Lights, camera, bitch smile, even when you wanna die He said he'd love me all his life But that life was too short Breaking down, I hit the floor All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting, "More" I was grinning like I'm winning, I was hitting my marks 'Cause I can do it with a broken heart (one, two, three, four) I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day I'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art You know you're good when you can even do it With a broken heart
Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips
When life leaves you high and dry I'll be at your door tonight If you need help, if you need help I'll shut down the city lights I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe To make you well, to make you well When enemies are at your door I'll carry you way from war If you need help, if you need help Your hope dangling by a string I'll share in your suffering To make you well, to make you well Give me reasons to believe That you would do the same for me And I would do it for you, for you Baby, I'm not moving on I'll love you long after you're gone For you, for you You will never sleep alone I'll love you long after you're gone And long after you're gone, gone, gone
♡ Badly Summarized OC ♡
Seemingly delicate, polite teenager who loves vintage stuff but can actually pack a punch and is not afraid of a fight - in fact... she rather likes a good bit of chaos
Certified Daddy's Little Girl
That one friend that strangers think is the "Responsible One" but is actually a main Source Of Chaos in the friend group
Feral gremlin of a girl and unashamed, will watch the goriest and intense horror movies while having a girl's night with her friends and painting her nails different colors
Enabler of Bad Decisions who never thinks things through and then gets like "well, went horrifyingly out of control.... LET'S DO IT AGAIN!"
Worst driver in the history of drivers but is trying her best <3
Human embodiment of both an orange cat and a hyperactive border collie in one body
Would practically collect stray puppies and kittens like Pokémons if her current doggo wasn't jealous of every other animal in the world
Likes cereal without the milk. This has nothing to do with anything, but I think its a relevant fact of her personality lol
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@topazadine, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes
Taglist for Scrapyard Boys below the cut 🧪
Scrapyard Boys Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@thecomfywriter, @the-letterbox-archives, @differentnighttale
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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readingwiththestars · 4 months
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["whatever our souls are made of hers and mine are the same"]
| ✮ 3.5 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers for ihhbwm + some spoliers for ioihth]
ok so lemme tell you i had the BIGGEST reading slump ever just as i started to read this. so this review may be a little choppy at some points because i've just pointblank forgotten some parts and don't wanna go back and re-read finny's pov just yet.
i was so on the fence about reading this because on one hand i really wanted to read finny's pov and on the other, complete and utter heartbreak.... yeah....... so anyway i read it.
when i tell you that this book had me ugly crying in the middle of the night. like seriously finny's pov?? fucking broke me. are you kidding me? the way he speaks about autumn? ugh when am i gonna find a guy like finny fr? but seriously this book had me on a rollercoaster of emotions just from the heartbreak knowing whats already gonna happen to finny as he describes how happy he is and how he can't believe autumn loves him back, to the smile i had on my face reading about 'the moms' bickering over baby stuff for autumn.
i will say this now i did expect a little more (hence the rating). i wanted idk more closure at the end there. idk rlly know how to describe it better since its 10 o'clock at night and ive had zero sleep for the past four nights in a row. but yeah i wanted something more. (bitch u wanted finny to be alive)
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
finny -
*sobbing noises* i could go on a damn rant abt this boy. holy shit. he's just perfect. if i see one person ONE PERSON coming after him istg- he was such a caring sweet person like the pencil??? and always going to the sketchy gas station (i nearly called it a servo then lmao) to get the candy autumn likes?? and always making sure people were safe when he drives?? *cough* apparently not you though sylvie *cough* just ahhh laura when i get you. cause like why'd you have to make him get out of the car, hmmm? lets just compromise and you give me an alternate universe where finny misses the puddle or better yet where sylvie kept her damn seatbelt on.
jack -
tbh i wasn't all that excited to read about jack. (also to be fair i was still sobbing from finny's pov so that probably didn't help) like i seriously just thought it'd be some jock trying to process finny's death by hooking up with alexis (who by the way can go jump up her own ass and die) but we got the whole other side of him where he was genuinely affected by finny's death and really was his best friend. but the way he didn't like autumn way just- yeah. also i saw him and sylvie coming from a mile away like seriously it wasn't very subtle.
autumn -
*sobbing noises increase* autumn my baby girl. i just wanted to jump through the pages and give her a hug. seriously i feel robbed that we didn't get to see a happy autumn. angie and her's friend ship was so precious tho. and i love love LOVE that they bonded over being moms/soon-to-be-moms. im also just gonna say the way we didn't see an ounce of jamie or sasha this entire book made me so happy! i also lowkey wanted to see more of when she was an actual mom? like what would she name the baby? i wanted to see domestic autumn a little more. but i still love her so much and it was so lovely to see her heal <3
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers]
"my love for her is the closest thing i have to religion. but it's okay that she doesn't feel the same. i'm fine. i can handle it" - finny
"my devotion to autumn is engraved on my very being. i am in awe of her. i will sit in the stands and cheer her on in life as her most ardent admirer. i know i'll always love her in the same way i know i'll always need oxygen" - finny
"it's all done. finn's story is over. his whole life. that was it. not even nineteen years, and he'll never, ever do anything else ever again. finn won't go off to college or celebrate his birthday. he won't get another hair cut or get the oiled changed in his car. he won't bite a hangnail on his thumb or buy another CD. finn smith has done everything he will ever do. he won't get to be with autumn." - jack
“this baby isn't what's left over from our love story. this baby is our story's continuation.” - autumn
"if only i'd told her that i loved her years ago, i wouldn't be here now." - finny
all in all laura you can pay for my therapy mkay?
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moonspirit · 5 months
Do you think annie have some like jealousy issues? Like idk
Do I *think* Annie has jealousy issues?!
Boi, anon.
I've got some news for you.
(I'm gonna assume you're an AruAni shipper since... Since *I* am, and you chose to ask me I guess?)
I made a few posts about this last year but I can't find them now so I'll reblog them later maybe, if you want, but see, the thing is, both Armin and Annie are jealous people.
It's just that this jealousy doesn't show up in the ways we're most often exposed to in media. You're not likely to find Annie making big accusations, pointing fingers, or gritting her teeth with a snarled "back off bitch". Nope.
Annie's jealousy (like Armin's) stems from a place of insecurity over her own image and self worth. Given her closed off childhood and dehumanisation by way of Warrior life and the titan power, she has known nothing of what love really is. Moreover she doesn't consider herself worth any of it; this is evident from how she doesn't believe Armin at first on the boat when he confesses his feelings.
Annie hasn't lived anything of what a normal, ordinary girl's life would've been like. So imagine then, that she sees a potential... Let's say, "competitor"? vying for Armin's attention and this new person is so different from her - all smiles, outgoing, easy to talk to, open heart. What do you think is going through her head then? "Oh this person is better than me... Ofc, why would Armin want to be with me after something like that? I'm incredibly boring, I don't smile, I don't open up; surely, he's better off with someone more cheerful like that." -> thus resulting in a mixture of sadness and jealousy.
At the same time, she's dependent on Armin's love for her now. She's actively seeking it out, verbally or otherwise, finding great comfort and solace in his acts of caring and affection. It's not going to be easy for her to just "let go" and maybe "walk away" the way she's probably telling herself to.
Putting both together, we can simply say that her jealousy is going to be expressed in a very quiet, withdrawn manner, with Armin unlikely to even know of it unless he notices a change in her behaviour and coaxes it out of her. Cue; plenty of cuddling, kisses, reassurances and teasing (from him, because she's adorable in jealousy).
That's all on jealousy. On a related note, Annie being possessive? That's a whole other issue!
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katyawriteswhump · 7 months
Bed of Roses (steddie love month, day 17)
For @steddielovemonth, Day 17 prompt: Love is about a hand reaching out to you so you don't get lost (@yournowheregirl ) Thank you <3
Rating: M. CW: prostitution, unwanted kink/abuse/pet-names (NOT between Steddie) alcoholism, substance abuse. Tags: rockstar Eddie, rent-boy Steve, make-up fic, angst, shameless perversion of Bon Jovi lyrics. WC: 2,000.
“'Cause a bottle of vodka's still lodged in my head…”
In his dressing room, pre-show, Eddie grasped his second bottle of vodka in an unsteady hand.
“…and some blonde gave me nightmares; I think that she’s still in my bed.”
This was NOT GOOD. Eddie had gotten sap-fest Bon Jovi lyrics slithering around his brain. He couldn’t for the life of him remember his own lyrics.
“Hey, Amigo,” he announced to the vodka. “I got a venue of ten thousand to entertain, and you’re literally my Obi-Wan—my only hope.” He caressed the bottle’s label. “80% proof, huh, Baby?” 
I’m serious, Eddie, you’ve had enough. You WANT to follow Kurt Cobain into the 27-Club?
Riiiight. That was not a Bon Jovi lyric. That sounded more like Steve Harrington, in sensible-parent mode, hands planted on his slender hips.
The tears struck fast. Eddie clonked the bottle onto the dressing table then followed it, pressing his heavy head to the glass.
He seriously didn’t want to die. However, he was so through with this life. Of any life, without Steve. The cavity where his heart once lay veered between grating emptiness and an unbearable pain. 
His fingers twitched toward the bottle. Screw it, the show must go on, and he’d lost his only light in the darkness…
“… as I dream about movies, they won't make of me when I'm dead.” 
That still wasn’t one of his own darn lyrics. In fact, he couldn’t remember a single goddamn word of any of Corroded Coffin’s songs.
A sharp knock on the dressing-room door had him squealing like a little piggy. An old guy poked his head in.
“Who the hell are you?”
“You hired me, Mr Munson. Dirk Gordon—Private Dick?” 
“Ah… Yeah, so I did.” Eddie’s rotten heart hammered way too fast. “Have you..?"
“Yes, Mr Munson. I believe I’ve found him.”
“What do you mean, you're not gonna pay me?” Steve wrapped his arms tight around himself. The only heating in his boss’s rundown office came from the guy’s endless chain of cigarettes. “I spent the whole evening simpering at that old dragon. You told me she liked music—I talked music endlessly.”
“You yammered on about some death-metal garbage. She likes Wagner.”
Steve wrinkled his nose. “What’s Wagner? That crusty old film-star?”
“Oh, Steve, Steve, Steve. What am I gonna do with you?” His boss sauntered around the desk and hooked an arm around him.
Jesus, you stink.
“You’re good-looking, kid, you’re charming, but you simply can’t cut it with that kind of high-end client.”
“She seemed happy.” Steve shrugged his shoulders, failing to shake the guy off him. “She paid you, right?”
“Not the full whack, and you got a fancy meal out of the bitch. Look, I’ll give you your cut, if you do better tonight.”
He squeezed the back of Steve’s neck. Steve tried not to shudder. When his boss produced a piece of paper and wedged it down the back of Steve’s skin-tight jeans, he stopped trying to hide his revulsion.
“Details are all there. He’s a banking exec, early forties—no more dinners and dances with Doris, you’re spending the night at his house.”
A dry lump clogged Steve’s throat. “Is he gonna want..?”
“Sex? Christ on a bike, what trade do you think you’re in?” He squeezed Steve’s butt.
“Jesus fu—” Steve bit his lip, fixed on his damp sneakers. 
“Believe me, Steve, your hair ain’t your best asset. You’re gonna have to sell that plump lil’ ass for real, sooner or later.”
Steve flinched, then schooled his features as blankly as he could. 
“This guy’s got a few kinks, but as Johns go, he’s a pussycat.” He lifted Steve’s drooping chin with his knuckles. “Show him what ya got, Sport.”
Steve couldn’t get out into the drab morning fast enough. He retrieved the paper from his underwear, shoved it in a pocket unread, then stumbled, zombie-like, into a diner. “Black coffee, please? It’s an emergency.” 
The waitress smiled. “You want breakfast, Steve?”
He shook his head, though his stomach grumbled.
He ended up slumped on the table, his face pillowed in his arms. Christ, ‘male escort’ had never seemed like a great idea, but he’d figured the pay would beat waiting tables. So how come he was still behind on his rent, and that he still couldn’t afford to eat some days, let alone buy his pain meds?
He muffled a miserable laugh in his elbow. He genuinely wished he could afford to get smashed, get high, because nothing could fill that gaping black hole of pain. Even worse, one of his fave Bon Jovi songs was playing on the radio, and SO not helping:
“Tonight I won't be alone, but you know that don't mean I'm not lonely.” Shit! He was fighting back dumbass tears already. “I got nothing to prove, for it’s you I’d die to defend.”
Why the hell did he run away? He can’t recall any reason that mattered anymore. “I’m sorry, Eddie,” he mumbled. “I miss you so much.”
Somebody touched his elbow, and he jolted up. “Sorry, hon,’” said the waitress, “we need this table for dine-in customers.”
“Right.” Steve swiped any tell-tale moisture from his cheekbones.  “I’ll clear outta your way.”
“Ready for playtime, Bunny Rabbit?”
Steve’s skin crawled, and his face burned. He’d gotten his head in the client’s lap, and the guy was playing with his hair. It would be tolerable, he guessed, if he’d not so often laid in Eddie’s lap like this, and… Christ, Eddie! Steve shut out the unwanted touching and began to drift. He was so beyond tired. And that song from the diner crept back:
“Now as you close your eyes, know I'll be thinking about you. While my mistress—she calls me to stand in her spotlight again…”
The pinch on his cheek startled Steve back to the present. “You kipping there, Bunny Rabbit?”
“Uh… er, sorry, Daddy.” Uuuuuuurgh! “Whatever you want, Daddy.” He dared sit up. “I’ll grab a condom and, uh… stuff.”
“Hey, hey, hey.” When Steve went to rise, his arm was grabbed, and he was held in place. “I don’t like rubbers, Cutie.”
“You heard of this thing called AIDS?” Dipshit!
Steve wrenched his arm free. The guy raised his hand and slapped him. Which wasn’t exactly out-of-the-blue, because face-slapping had been listed among this repellent son-of-a-bitch’s kinks.
“I’m paying top whack for you.” He leaned over Steve, suddenly kinda huge and scary, not least because Steve now saw double. “Your pimp said you were clean, so I’m gonna have you any way I like.”
“I… uh…” Steve kicked the bastard’s shin and shoved him hard. “Go to hell, asshole.” 
He fled out into the night, still dizzy from the blow. He pulled his mesh vest back on over his head. The icy wind bit, and he realised he’d left his only jacket behind.
“Jesus Christ! JESUS CHRIST!” He kicked a lamppost, holding back on venting the true force of his feelings. Still hurt.
He limped off up the street, fast as he could. The ache in his toes at least distracted him from the ringing in his ears. An hour later, he stumbled around the corner of his block, thinking only of throwing himself into his bed, while he still had one.
He was so close, when the hairs on the back of his neck stood suddenly on end. Through the haze of his exhaustion, he realised a car crawled up the gutter behind him.
Had Mr Happy-Slappy-Sleazebag come after him? Then again, Steve’s pursuer could be anybody. After all, he was walking through a red-light district, shivering his ass off.  Dressed like the whore I am. Hahaha!
The car pulled up right beside him. A blacked-out window rolled down.
Steve ran, turning sharp up a dark alley, then… Shit, shit, SHIT AGAIN! He was only a hundred yards from his digs, and yet he was so messed-up that he’d sprinted up a dead-end.
He nearly kicked the bricks. Instead, he punched them, as if that would blast through the solid wall. He turned about, bit his grazed fist, and sank slowly onto his haunches. 
Two figures approached up the alley, silhouetted against the lights of the street behind. Get up, Harrington! GET UP! His legs wouldn’t obey, and his breaths came only as rapid gasps. Nothing felt real anymore. Am I gonna die..? I’m gonna die!
A hand stretched out of the gloom.
Steve stared at it—at the familiar chunky silver rings, which couldn’t be real. He glanced up, and… wtf? It was Eddie, apart from it wasn’t Eddie. This dude looked more like Eddie’s ghost. Steve’s eyes fluttered closed.
Maybe I scored some Benzos after all, and totally ODd.
No mistaking that voice. If this was a trip, it was a good one. Steve pried an eye open, and Eddie’s hand was still there. Steve took it, let it help him to his feet, because… Why not? Suddenly, they were in each other’s arms, clasping each other tightly. This is real. You’re real!  Eddie reeked of booze, and also of something devastatingly comforting and familiar. Somebody’s wretched sobs shook through them both.
“I’m s-sorry.” Steve sounded broken. “I-I honestly don't know why I left anymore. I was such an idiot.”
“No. I was the idiot. I’m sorry, too. So very fucking sorry.” Eddie sniffed hard, lifted his tear stained cheek from Steve’s shoulder. “I’ve not been doing so good without you.”
Steve blinked the moisture from his vision. He wondered if he looked as wrecked as Eddie—red-eyed and waxy pale, under the distant glimmer of the streetlamps. Probably. If he hadn't leaned against Eddie, his legs would’ve given out again.
He laughed, without knowing why. Eddie laughed too, and it warmed Steve’s soul. “Gonna be honest, Eddie—not been doing so good without you, either.”
When Eddie got out of rehab, Steve waited on the steps of the clinic, hand stretched out to take his. He pulled Eddie close, and then into a sweet, lingering kiss that renewed Eddie more thoroughly than even a lengthy booze-free sleep.
“I’m never going through that again,” said Eddie, his lips still brushing against Steve’s.
Not least because I never ever want to be parted from you again, even for a fortnight.
“Yeah, but you’re dry, Eddie, and you’re alive. I’d say that’s goddamn metal of you.”
They started back to the car, hands still clasped tightly. “Not gonna take credit, Stevie. You’re what got me through.”
“You might’ve got me out of a fix, so we’re even.” Steve’s sigh rode on a wistful sadness. “I mean, I was so lost. Thinking of you was all that kept me… I dunno, alive, I guess. You know, I kept on thinking about that Bon Jovi song.”
“Uh, you know how I feel about Bon J—"
Too late. Steve burst into song: “Well, I'm so far away, each step that I take is on my way home. A king's ransom in dimes I'd give each night to see through this pay-phone—”
Eddie pressed fingers to his boyfriend’s parted lips. “As much as I hate cutting you off in your prime—two teensy-weensy issues. Firstly, I had no idea where you were, and you never called! Second, what’s wrong with my blood-and-death drenched lyrics?”
Steve took Eddie’s fingers and kissed them: “Hurt too much to think about them.”
“You know what, Sweetheart? Hurt too much to sing them, without you around. Even though none of them are actually love songs.” Eddie raised his gaze to the heavens, and looped his arms around Steve. “Go figure.”
“You sure they’re not love songs? C’mon—they’re all secretly about me, right? Only coded or something. I’ll crack it one day.”
Steve’s gently mocking smile destroyed him, in the best possible way. They tumbled into a French kiss, and he resigned himself willingly to the only thing that mattered: 
“And the truth is… Baby, you’re all that I need.”
Thanks for reading <3 Likes, comments and reblogs always much appreciated :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on ao3).
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fullstcp · 5 months
"Lover" by Taylor Swift Sentence Starters
"I lived in the shade you were throwing until all of my sunshine was gone."
"I couldn't get away from ya."
"I forgot that you existed."
"I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't."
"It isn't love, it isn't hate, it's just indifference."
"I would've stuck around for ya."
"Would've been right there, front row, even if nobody came to your show."
"I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below."
"Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes."
"What doesn't kill me makes me want you more."
"It's a cruel summer with you."
"I'm not dying."
"We say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times."
"We're not trying."
"I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone."
"If I bleed, you'll be the last to know."
"I'm drunk in the back of the car."
"I cried like a baby coming home from the bar."
"Said, 'I'm fine,' but it wasn't true."
"I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you."
"I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
"We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January."
"This is our place, we make the rules."
"There's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear."
"Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?"
"Can I go where you go?"
"Can we always be this close?"
"I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you."
"My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue."
"All's well that ends well to end up with you."
"When everyone believes ya, what's that like?"
"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can."
"I'm so sick of them coming at me again."
"If I was out flashing my dollars, I'd be a bitch not a baller."
"If I was a man, then I'd be the man."
"I say I don't want that, but what if I do?"
"I've got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you."
"I never grew up, it's getting so old."
"Help me hold onto you."
"Who could ever leave me, darling, but who could stay?"
"All of my heroes die all alone."
"They see right through me."
"Can you see right through me?"
"All the king's horses, and all the king's men couldn't put me together again."
"All my enemies started out friends."
"I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans."
"It's like I'm 17, nobody understands."
"He/she/they got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue."
"I wanna see what's under that attitude."
"I want you, bless my soul."
"He'd/she'd/they'd better lock it down or I won't stick around."
"Good ones never wait."
"You know I adore you."
"It's you and me, that's my whole world."
"You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes."
"It's you and me, there's nothing like this."
"We're so sad, we paint the town blue."
"Voted most likely to run away with you."
"Now I wake up in the middle of the night and watch you breathe."
"Kiss me once cause you know I've had a long night."
"Kiss me twice cause it's gonna be alright."
"I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings."
"You're the one I want."
"I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this."
"I'm with you even if it makes me blue."
"We were a fresh page on the desk filling in the blanks as we go."
"I hope I never lose you, I hope it never ends."
"That's the kinda heartbreak time could never mend."
"I get mystified by how this city screams your name."
"I thought you were leading me on."
"Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts."
"I get drunk, but it's not enough."
"The morning comes and you're not my baby."
"I look through the windows of this love even though we boarded them up."
"I can't pretend it's okay when it's not."
"What once was ours is no one's now."
"The only thing we share is this small town."
"You said it was a great love, one for the ages."
"If the story's over, why am I still writing pages?"
"But something happened, I heard him/her/them laughing."
"They say home is where the heart is, but that's not where my mine lives."
"Darling, I fancy you."
"I guess all the rumors are true."
"Babe, don't threaten me with a good time."
"Just wanna be with you."
"I didn't tell you I was scared."
"Desperate people find faith."
"I know delusion when I see it in the mirror."
"You make the best of a bad deal."
"I just pretend it isn't real."
"I know I'll never get it, there's not a day that I won't try."
"I hate to make this all about me."
"Who am I supposed to talk to, what am I supposed to do, if there's no you?"
"This won't go back to normal, if it ever was."
"We were crazy to think that this could work."
"Remember when I said I'd die for you?"
"I can't talk to you when you're like this."
"I still do it for you, babe."
"We might just get away with it."
"Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god."
"I know heaven's a thing, I go there when you touch me."
"Hell is when I fight with you."
"We'd still worship this love even if it's a false god."
"You are somebody that I don't know."
"You need to calm down, you're being too loud."
"You're coming at my friends like a missile."
"I blew things out of proportion, now you're blue."
"Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves."
"Why'd I have to break what I love so much?"
"I don't wanna do this to you."
"I don't wanna lose this with you."
"It's so excruciating to see you low."
"Tell me that you're still mine."
"Tell me that we'll be just fine."
"Tell me that it's not my fault."
"Tell me that I'm all you want."
"I promise that you'll never find another like me."
"I know I never think before I jump."
"I know that I went psycho on the phone."
"I never leave well enough alone."
"Trouble's gonna follow where I go."
"I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me."
"I know I tend to make it about me."
"I never wanna see you walk away."
"Wanna hang out?"
"Yeah, sounds like fun."
"It's nice to have a friend."
"You've been stressed out lately, yeah, me too."
"My love was as cruel as the cities that I lived in."
"There are so many lines I've crossed unforgiven."
"I'll tell you the truth but never goodbye."
"I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you."
"I don't wanna think about anything else now that I thought of you."
"Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky."
"I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked."
"I once believed love would be black and white, but it's golden."
"Your past and mine are parallel lines."
"Every dead-end street led you straight to me."
"Now you're all I need."
"Teenage love taught you there's good in goodbye."
"I wanna teach you how forever feels."
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I am honestly disappointed in this fandom as someone who is a fan of Timothee Chalamet and Armie Hammer. I'm going to speak my mind as I have from day one since I allowed myself to float within this fandom.
This entire Timmy thing is completely bullshit I can't believe you guys. The second you hear that Timmy is doing something you don't like you think it's the end of the goddamn world and you jump ship and start talking shit about him. Really?!!! 🙄
"oh my god Timmy's smoking at a Beyonce concert!!!"
"oh my god Timmys hanging out with a Jenner. he isn't the Timmy I thought I knew?" YOU DON'T KNOW HIM PERSONALLY! all you know is what he decides to show you on social media and through whatever the media decides to feed you.
If you actually met him in person then I'm happy for you..but you still don't know him.
this poor guy can't just live his life and do his own thing because everyone and their dog is judging him for every little thing he does like it's this fandoms business when it's not.
I don't like the fact that Timmy is hanging out with this bitch either but you know what I still understand what it means to be human, what it means to actually see someone who has flaws, strengths and weaknesses and still try and be compassionate despite my own feelings about a situation.
This fandom can not control Timmy's decisions or his choices!!! Have some respect for him as a person and not just see him as some "god" who could do no wrong or someone who is "perfect" or just someone you wish you could fuck through rose colored glasses.
He is a human being who is entitled to having a life that is outside of Hollywood, outside of his fans and outside of being this famous movie star.
I swear to God this fandom... it started out as a place where we could all come together and love this one thing. And now it's turned into a gatekeeping, judge everyone, our shit don't stink place, and judging both Armie and Timmy for their personal life decisions like you don't make stupid mistakes within your own lives!
Timmy does not owe anyone a thing not who he dates whether he is dating her or not, who he hangs out with ECT. He is allowed to make mistakes, he is allowed to grow and he is allowed to learn whatever he needs to you don't KNOW HIM personally.
The way you all are behaving is like he has turned into R Kelly or some shit. calm the fuck down. Jesus Christ bro.
Timothee Chalamet is grown who can make his own decisions. but did you ever think that he just may be going through something? The poor kid can't catch a break no matter what he does if it doesn't go this fandoms way everyone is pissed or freaking out about it.
I am heavily aware of that families reputation and I can't stand them and personally don't care what the hell they do. With Timothee I do to an extent but I am also of the understanding you don't have to like what he does, you don't have to agree with it but at the end of the day, Timmy is gonna do what Timmy is going to do regardless of what we think or feel about it.
I'm going to stand behind Timmy and Armie until the day I'm not here. Because that is what being a fan of them is about being there for them both individually and separately, as well as together as a whole. REGARDLESS of whatever they decide to do with their personal lives and who with.
Also who someone sticks their dick into holds no merit whatsoever to who they are as a person when it comes to their character. As who they are as a whole.
"Do you see Timmy being disrespectful to fans?and saying fuck off?"
"do you see him being an entitled brat who thinks he's better than everyone else?"
Also leave @silvyysthings alone they don't need the crap that they are getting from haters and people who are no longer fans of this fandom. If you want to leave the fandom then go but don't drag those of us who wish to stay down with you.
All you can do is trust that he knows what he's doing and all that and get through whatever is going on with him at the time.
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brandnewhuman · 1 year
I'm having big brain thoughts again AND YOU ALL ARE GONNA LISTEN;
I never thought I would get so far in life to see the day I WOULD GET HEADCANON SHAMED BY THE TICKTACK ASS APP.
And since mischaracterization and shitty takes are my passion AND my purpose, here are some thoughts about Simon. LET'S BEGIN
I was part of the "ghost has the emotional capacity of a rock" team. But upon thinking about it I've come to the conclusion that maybe that's not it. Simon has obviously gone through so much in life and while I still believe his trauma makes it hard for him to fit in and feel comfortable just by existing, I think he's the type of person who quietly enjoys to compensate himself for the things he has never been able to enjoy in life. LIKE NO ONE IS GONNA EVER SAY SORRY TO HIM OR REPAY HIM FOR ALL THE PAIN AND HORRIBLE STUFF HE HAS ENDURE, SO WHY NOT DOING IT HIMSELF?
No, he's not an abusive and dysfunctional man who's broken beyond repair STOP TURNING THIS POOR GUY INTO A FUCKING MONSTER, HE'S JUST A SILLY SAD MAN. Besides, he's fucking scared of the "the abused becomes the abuser" thing and works very hard to avoid it.
HE GOES TO THERAPY BITCHES, HE REALLY DOES. He deals with extreme guilt, with PTSD and a shitton of stuff that has made his life a living hell for so long and probably will keep making it difficult forever so in the end, although it's hard, he just caves in and gets help.
No, I don't think he has anger issues and he's not straight up rude. He feels uncomfortable with the idea of getting too angry, he prefers to just talk things out. AND TALKING ABOUT ANGER; I do believe he finds some sort of relief in his work but not because he likes to take out his emotions on others and kill mindlessly or stuff. I genuinely believe he likes the idea of being something good, of his actions having a positive impact. He feels like he has failed his family and friends but every time he manages to successfully complete a mission he feels like his existence is not just about the pain and the failures. When a mission goes bad he does have a hard time and gets physically ill.
BACK TO ENJOYING THINGS THO: during his childhood and throughout most of his life he has always denied himself so much for one reason or another. He's hellbent on trying to treat himself with things he has missed out. At first it was part of the therapy; watch movies you would've liked to watch, go and try food you have thought about trying etc... then as time went on, and he started to deal with the guilt better, he kept doing all that stuff just because he wanted to. And maybe because he wants to understand stuff and references better when he's hanging out with the 141.
That's another thing, he initially was reluctant at the idea of hanging out and stuff but then he manages to feel comfortable enough. He's very quiet but not downright antisocial.
He likes to read better and TV shows better than movies. I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH BUT HE'S A SHITTY COOK, HE COULD AND WILL BURN EVEN WATER.
There's the HC of him not eating enough and while I agree it's unrealistic I think there's some sort of truth. This man gets through depressive episodes where he can't sleep, can't eat and even breathing it's a chore. It usually happens when he's not at the base and he's having a difficult time with the leave time at home. He does however force himself to eat at least enough to not lose all the muscle and strength he has worked hard on. It's hard, but he tries to take care of himself as best as possible. THAT BEING SAID, THIS MAN EATS ONLY PREMADE THINGS CAUSE HE CAN'T COOK. Every single fucking meal, even the healthy one, has been bought and there's not a single time where he even attempts at cooking anything. After almost burning down his whole damn apartment he has banned himself from the kitchen. the way he maintains without necessarily eating when he doesn't feel like it's by keeping a whole fucking stock of snacks in his house.
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"What's Your Name?"
kai anderson x female reader part 2.
part 1!
content: reader is pregnant, doctors appointment, cuddling, mentions of death, just fluff.
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Kai picked you up from your home about a week later, the two of you heading to the doctors appointment that was schedules for today.
The car ride was silent. It was a mix of awkward and comfortable silence. There really was nothing to say.. what were you supposed to say?
It didn't take long to get to the building, heading inside and taking the paperwork before sitting a whole chair apart from one another. A random person would have thought you were two people here for unrelated reasons with how Kai just scrolled through Facebook and you filled out paperwork.
Exchanging no words until the doctor calls your name, inviting you to the back.
As you stand up, Kai follows with a hand on your shoulder closest to his, letting go at the door.
The ultrasound was ready and you saw the screen. "There's nothing there." You say.
"That's not your uterus.." The doctor giggled softly, leading down the weird camera thing.
"There still isn't anything there." You start to believe the tests could have possibly been wrong.
"Right here." She points at a small pea sized little dot.
Confusion lingered on your face. "That's my baby?"
The doctor again giggles. "Yes ma'am." She says before the camera zoomed in to show something that was very evidently a baby.
All you could do was stare at the screen as the doctor left the room for a moment. Oh my god. This was your child you were looking at. You look at Kai, who's looking at you.
Sighing and looking away, throwing an arm over your eyes. "I'm so tired, the lights hurting my eyes."
"You sleep bad last night?" Kai asks.
"Horrible. I felt so sick and hot and uncomfortable." You groan and take your arm off your face. "I wanna take a nap after this."
"We're gonna get lunch first."
"What are we getting?" You ask, intrigued and sitting up to look at him better.
He shrugs, "Whatever you want, mama."
And there the two of you went, to go get lunch.
Afterwards, Kai brought you a different way from your house.
"You missed our exit." You yawn in tiredness.
"I know, I want you to come to my place. I'll let you sleep there; I just wanna talk to you first."
And so he brought you to his home, where he'd being you to the basement and sit you down at a table where he'd sit across from you.
Kai held up his pinkie, "Take my pinkie."
Holding up your own before chaining it to his.
"Promise to tell the brutal truth?" He asks, raising his brows and you nod. "Do you get scared easy?"
"No." Is all you reply with.
"What if I was a killer?"
"Then that'd be pretty unfortunate if you killed us." You say, referring to yourself and your baby.
Kai smiles softly. "Have you ever killed someone?"
"Almost. I was about.. maybe seven when I caused a fire on the playground. I tried for days to light a fire with two sticks, when I did I was so surprised I threw the sticks down and all the wood chips went ablaze." You giggle in the memory. "I wish that bitch caught on fire."
"So you've wanted to kill someone before.?"
"God knows I'd set the world on fire if I could." You think for a moment. "Kai?" Your eyes lock. "Are you a killer?"
He hesitates, "I'm a mastermind. I'm a leader, the leader of vengeance."
"Cool. What do you mean leader?" You ask, yawning.
"A cult." He takes his pinkie away, standing up and taking your arm. "Now you're gonna go nap."
Walking with him as he leads you to a mattress lying on the floor. "Wait I wanna know more."
He lays you down and you pout. "Tell me about your cult, Mr. Anderson." You pat the side of the bed next to you as you lay on your side, facing him. He crawls onto the bed and lays down as you snuggle into his side.
There was only one pillow, so you chose to use Kai's chest as your pillow and he'd use the other one.
Kai told you about the killing, how he's city council, which you didn't know because you hate politics.. How he had Meadow attempt to assassinate him. The masks. Basically everything I needed to know.
And to that, you fell asleep in his arms to his raspy voice talking about his plans as city council and how he's gonna take over.
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mathoinyanarts · 3 months
Houseki no Kuni Sunday 2
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Previous HNK Sunday |
MAJOR spoilers for episode 5-8 of Houseki no Kuni
So this time around I went ahead and made notes for each episode that I watched.
I am loving this season so much tbh, though a mutual keeps telling me that that its gonna get divisive way later. Honestly can't wait then
Episode 5
-Phos be needing a lot of help, like oof These people out here needing to fucking scrape them out of a shell, and now they gotta search a whole continent and ocean for them
-youz really a bitch for all of this Ventricosus And right as I was typing this she got her arm blown off, breh
-What did those Lunarians think they were going to do with their little pointy fire sticks on a giant ass snail monster??? I like the tendency of goons to just be stupid in most media lol
-Come on Cinnabar, they just came to you literally missing half off their body:(
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(Story in 3 parts) -At least Kongo cares enough that even though Phos is practically useless, they still send out a team to find them. -Ok, I spoke too soon. He ready to kill a bitch -NOOOOOOO KONGO, DON’T TAKE THEM ENCYCLOPEDIA
-They is Ship of Theseusing this Gem, WTH -Poor Jade:( All of Phos's memories of them used to be stored neatly in their left ankle😔
-Them got zebra legs now lol
Other notes: So I was thinking more about Phos getting Ship of Theseus'd. This could be such a good message for, like, how much of yourself are you willing to get rid of just to fit in? To where you're nothing like who you originally were
Episode 6
-They still Nyoomin
-Yellow Diamond having their “What am I fighting for” crisis
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-Lol, can’t believe they did Phos like that lol. Phos: “I like you, Sensei:)” Everyone else: D: Yellow Diamond:
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-Oh no, they said Kongo’s trigger word: Humans
-Amethyst be like: Come play with us(:
-OMG, I love the Amethysts so much!
-.... (( <- reaction of somebody who always speaks too soon))
Other notes: Fr, Bort had every right to be mad en mi opinión
Episode 7
-Ok, phew, I’m so glad the Amethysts are ok
-They is hibernate
-They is dressed for the occasion
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((Side note that I like this manga panel of the scene better))
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((Bort does NOT have the patience for this shit))
-Ok, this is just so cozy of an episode
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-Antarcticite getting a hug from sensei. My heart🥺
-OMG, Phos trudging through the snow is just me I relate to them more than I like to admit
-I feel there’s something more ominous about the Ice Screech
-Phos: “Have we tried reasoning with the Ice?”
-”The Ice speaks to me and tells me to do terrible things”
-Phos try to keep your limbs challenge, literally impossible
Other notes: Building off of what I mentioned earlier
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Episode 8
-The Ice their greatest opp in this episode.
-I don’t think Kongo’s poor gem heart can take much more of this. Bro, just showed up with two entire arms missing. Imagine every time you let your kid out of your sight, they just show up with their skull bashed in
-Kongo comforting Antarcticite is what I needed today
-Giiirl, you are glittering No, like girl, the gold is taking over your body
-Phos: “Well I’m glad you’re alrigh-” Antarcticite: 🫠
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((Side note, this would go so hard as a tattoo))
-Goddamn, didn't know this story was written by Gege. Fucking getting me attached to a character just to yank them away from me so soon😡
Ong tho, even though I'm so pissed at the anime for doing me like this, I'm still having such a fun time watching. Can't wait for the next HNK Sunday, and get ready for me to be obnoxious about a few Gem OCs I'm cooking
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alegacyofmonsters · 1 year
Legacies 1x02 Rewatch
Hope's love for Shakespeare should've been a common thread through the seasons
Missing Emma hours. They all needed therapy so bad.
Lizzie getting so enthusiastic about game day 😭😭😭 Protect her at all costs
No because the way Josie's black magic had negative effects on Lizzie but Josie not being affected when Lizzie did black magic was never explained will always be one of the worst Legacies mysteries. I'm just gonna have to assume it's because Lizzie always handled hers better.
"Maybe you're pregnant" is an ironic insult to use on a lesbian virigin
"Bounce MG" 😭😭😭 She's the definition of unserious
The way Hope was sharing memories left and right in the first few episodes and then never again. It's such a cheap special effect too???
Hafael's chemistry was off the charts and I can't believe they never shared more than a dream kiss
"I have ACTUAL magic powers" Is this wolf on wolf violence??
"Put a shirt on." I see where Lizzie gets it from
"Dad loves Hope more than us." "You're being melodramatic." "You really want Dad to stop loving us? Keep it up." Mm hmm. Nasty.
The way Alaric probably will miss Lizzie's wedding too ...
Just not for the reason she thinks
Hope mocking Landon for running like she didn't just get called out for being a runner last episode. I'm gonna need you to tone down the soulmatism here.
The Connor-Dana-Josie trio truly is something else
"I was being recruited by D1 schools before I got here" TELL US MORE. GIVE US YOUR WHOLE BACKSTORY. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE NEVER GOT IT.
"I've been at the school for two days and I've already heard all about Hope Mikaelson and her sunny disposition." #People need to keep Hope's name out of their mouth at that school
Really can't believe we didn't get another football episode ever
I can't prove it but Connor shoving Kaleb to the ground from behind was racially motivated, I just know it
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Sorry but Lizzie talking about "perky little boobs" unprovoked is gay. Why are you looking at other girls' boobs and why are you obsessing over how perky they are. That's gay.
"When someone other than Lizzie takes a shot at Josie, they tend to wake up with scabies." Big sister energy for sure. Everyone else is wrong, sorry, not sorry.
"If Lizzie Saltzman is what you want, I can help you get her." SHE'S NOT A PRIZE.
"Does a girl have to have a motive to do charity work?" Cruel but iconic
"I just want to take a minute to let you know how proud I am. You're all doing a great job." How did anyone think she was a bitch?? Just because she came up with some funny nicknames???
No because do you ever think how Lizzie was literally trained to lose games for other people's benefits her whole life and then that's exactly what she did for the Merge? Oh I'm gonna be sick.
MG the second someone bullies Lizzie:
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No but Penelope, Dana, Josie, Alyssa ... there's a clear pattern there ...
Hope is such a bitch 😭😭😭 I love her
"If he says there is a fire breathing woman running through the woods, then there's a -" "THERE'S A FIRE BREATHING WOMAN RUNNING THROUGH THE WOODS." This show is comedy gold
"Maybe she wants the knife you said you don't have." Get him again Hope
The fact that Lizzie just let Dana walk all over her but the second Dana insulted Josie, the gloves were off
"Maybe I just get a thrill from tormenting all the crazies." ABSOLUTELY NASTY.
MaYbE yOu'Re FeElInG a LiTtLe DeLuSiOnAl BeCaUsE yOu'Re OfF yOuR mEdS
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No ThIs IsN't WhAt We TaLkEd AbOuT And???
"Can you prioritize your rage?" 😭😭😭 No, Rafael, it's how she flirts
"Not if SHE has anything to say about it"
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"MY dAd bUiLt ThIs ScHoOl" Okay, first of all, Alaric is father to like 90 kids so I need you to calm down and secondly, I forgot how self-centered and entitled Josie was in S1. I know it only gets worse from here.
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"It's like she appears out of smoke." She's been there the whole time. Just because you've been pretending to ignore her because your crush is not gone, doesn't mean she's not there.
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"My immortal soul." Well wait until your body's immortal too Lizzie
I love how Penelope was willing to find a compromise between the twins and Lizzie was immediately down
So YoU cAn ThRoW mE uP LaTeR
God I love this show but I truly hate the shot inconsistency. Tell me why Josie tackled Dana and bounced back to her feet but somehow six seconds later was back on the ground to screw the team with her spell.
What exactly was on the clipboard Penelope was holding the whole time
Real answer: She was just holding it to look like a boss bitch and it worked
Lizzie throws literal PUNCHES to defend her sister
"Earth magic" implies the existence of air magic, fire magic, water magic ... Imagine if Legacies embraced the whole elements thing ...
"This hatred, this vengeance, this isn't you. It can't be you. I won't allow it." And yet he said nothing when his daughter went around ACTUALLY killing other students ... no wait, he made one of her victims play her bodyguard.
Us never getting to see the insides of those ritzy Salvatore School bathrooms is a crime
"You're my sister. My best friend. She spent the last ten years making us feel like we don't matter." I wish I could go back in time and tell Lizzie the whole truth
"I don't like that feeling that way. Not from Hope. Not from girls like Dana. Not from Dad. And not from you." "I promise."
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"You had my back today." When? No, like genuinely, when? Lizzie was out there defending Josie against Dana left and right but when did Josie have her back??
"What are we gonna do about Dad?" "More like what is he gonna do to us?" Give you a hug. Literally.
Hayley missing from the photos gets me every time 😥😥😥
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iris-sistibly · 6 months
I thought episode 7 was gonna stress the shit out of me again, but surprisingly it really didn't (?)
📍Yes, it was painful. Hong Hae-in was absolutely livid, and she has every right to feel upset about this whole divorce fiasco, but I hate that they aren't okay 😭😭. Anyhoo, like one user said, as much as it pains me to see them like this, it's absolutely necessary. They had to distance themselves from one another to make them realize how much they mean to each other.
📍When Hyun-woo had to hurt Hae-in more than he already did to bring out her fierce side so she'd have a reason to fight and live. He was willing to take all of her wrath just so she'd keep going, babes my heart can't!!!
📍I feel like it's only a matter of time until Da-hye finally realizes that even if Soo-cheol is immature af, she'll see his sincerity towards her and their son and eventually come clean about Eun-seong and co's revenge plot.
📍I'm actually quite relieved that Hyun-woo had foreseen some bumps along the way during his investigation with the wild boar incident, and this whole embezzlement...or whatever that shit is. He's lucky grandpa Hong didn't kick his ass out of the house (well to be fair, Hae-in warned her own family not to meddle).
📍Hae-in's father was more concerned about Hyun-woo divorcing Hae-in than their family business crumbling down, it just shows that he really cares about his daughter. I believe that he sees Hyun-woo for who he truly is and he might even be seeing him as his own son, I hope he'll be one of those people who would help these two to find their way back into each other.
📍Eun-seong is kind of an idiot for thinking that Hae-in will divorce Hyun-woo in a heart beat. Like, do you see that she's STILL wearing her wedding ring despite her marriage going through a rough patch? Bitch my queen maybe hurting but she isn't the type of person who would throw herself at someone else.
📍Ha! So one of the fans' theory is correct. Eun-seong and Ms. Mo are mother and son, but I still want to know why they hate the Hong family so much, I mean a part of their back story was already revealed but I'm interested to know how did the family got involved?
📍Hyun-woo realising that Hae-in was losing her memories, that he was slowly losing her will never not be painful to watch. It's kinda scary because at one point she's hallucinating, and the other is not remembering things. He knew that her health was declining and there's not much he can do 💔💔
📍I don't know how long will this show plan to drive us crazy, but at least they ended the episode on a lighter note thanks to the epilogue. It's funny that Hyun-woo actually believed that there was a racoon hiding in the garden. Hae-in smiling at the thought that he thought the racoon was real, she still finds him adorable, and again, the fact that Hae-in keeps rejecting Eun-seong and the fact that they are still wearing their wedding rings even if they are on the verge of divorcing is proof that deep down they still want to stay married. They just really need some time, but bitch we're almost halfway through the series so I hope the succeeding episodes will be about mending their relationship and figure out the snakes that lurks in their house, and also find some miraculous treatment so Hae-in will get better 😭😭
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td-frog · 6 months
thoughts on dcas e5
villains alliance
i like that the notes at the end was just a reveal from miriam and not like an advantage thing for connor. that adds an interesting new layer to the whole thing.
i also really appreciate that only half the villain's alliance is actually being allies and that it's the original villain trio from s1. granted fiore and ellie are more motivated by being the only villains on their teams, but alec clearly meant it when he said they'd work together in spite of that and the rest of yellow team absolutely didn't. which like. obviously.
gonna be honest i assumed grett voted for yul because i saw people quoting it as fact (including the fandom wiki) and checking the handwriting seemed like a lot of work. but i was also surprised because literally in the last episode during their argument he said connoriya would probably vote him out because of his beef with riya and he hasn't even considered her as an option? esp when one vote wasn't revealed so they literally could have both voted for him.
i'm sooo curious what emily wanted to talk to him about. i'm still expecting yellow team villain alliance implosion of sorts but idk that i see yul going first anymore- it seems like they're planning more for him what with the cliffhanger here, his being shitty to grett, and his rivalry with riya. in terms of "who would vote for who" he has more things against him, but in terms of narrative i think he'll stick around. which might just mean yellow wins more for a bit.
magenta team
the hunter / tess conversation was really funny to me because it reads to me like hunter is just the absolute worst at a) situational awareness and b) effective communication. the way he presents the situation to her comes across as "i care and worry about ally because i love her but she's hard to approach when she's stressed" which i do believe.
but in pretty much every interaction he and ally have had this season she's been like "please work with me to help us get through this game and minimize hate" and his response is "why do you care so much what other people think?" like dude. read the room
like it does shift the perspective in that i think some of his shitty boyfriend moments were him (badly) trying to help address the source of her stress (like, in a "you can't control how other people feel so it's helpful to learn how to let go of it" way), but like. of fucking course she responds badly to that, you're essentially responding to "i care about this" with "stop caring" and being surprised when she takes that badly.
anyways i do like where it went. it seems like ally and tess might reconnect soon and i'm looking forward to that.
i also like the decision to get hunter out; i'm obviously biased because i love fiore but also from a drama perspective it makes more sense. his and ally's relationship is in a place where him leaving doesn't get rid of the drama, and the drama of fiore sticking around is better than the predicted 2v2 if she left.
it raises the question of how magenta alliances shake out next. i don't expect jake and ashley to stick with fiore bc they only voted out hunter because it was strategic here. it would make more sense for them to team up with ally now that she's alone (and she and ashley had a brief moment). but ally might not trust that because she'd be in danger later. also we don't know when the merge is and what would change then.
also shoutout to jake playing strategically here, i like the idea that miriam getting out pushed him to think harder about how to actually play.
cyan team
i mentioned in my last predictions that gabby hadn't really gotten to do anything plotwise and that's still sort of true but i can see how it changes- "if ellie were in a villains' alliance she would have told me"
like i love ellie in her bitch era but i think it runs the risk of getting old- she's not trying to be likable at all and that's bound to cause problems eventually, and this is fucking perfect. the thing she said to tess about how you can't trust friends in this game- ellie and gabby have never been directly pitted against each other and i bet that happens here.
i think their relationship is one of the strongest in the game right now, only really behind jaiden but james is out so that's irrelevant. but this raises the question of what ellie would choose between gabby and winning. she'd obviously choose winning over most everyone, but gabby? and i expect that to be painful even if it works out in the end.
also tom!! first off shoutout to aiden for bringing up the drama, he has no idea what's going on but is trying his best. but tom finally admitting to avoiding jake- and the reason is soooo funny.
like it makes sense. their relationship on s1 was tumultuous at best and neither handled it well. it genuinely makes sense that once he was off-camera he would worry that all the drama would continue to follow them and want to cut ties completely. it was shitty to ghost, but like. i get it.
but dude. you came back on the show together!!! you knew he would be here!!
(again i think this is great, i totally get why he's still avoiding jake, it's because he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult and hopes that avoiding all of his problems will make them go away)
i do think it's interesting in light of him being overly hostile to jake last episode? like i wonder how much of that is genuine resentment over stuff from s1 that's built-up unaddressed vs trying to push him away in advance because he's scared of them getting close again.
also he told aiden he was planning to talk to jake. i'll believe it when i see it buddy.
i think magenta team is safe, barring team change shenanigans.
i think yellow team could be in danger, because they have a lot of plot ready to explode, but they're probably also safe.
if it is them... i think it could be a lot of them. connor for being outside the alliance, yul for everything, alec for the villains alliance betrayal thing?, potentially riya although i'm less confident. i think grett is safe unless specifically sabotaged. but i don't think they'll lose.
i'm expecting cyan team. they're due for drama with the ellie villain thing, at the very least i think they'll be more focused in the plot of the episode.
i think tom and aiden are safe because i don't see the love triangle plot wrapping up so soon. it could be tess because she doesn't have an alliance, but i think she's more likely to be tiebreaker than targeted. i'm leaning one of gabby and ellie, depending on how the ellie villain thing shakes out. narratively it feels like sending ellie home here resolves a bit much, but idk why it'd be gabby. maybe an immunity idol type situation where ellie protects herself and it screws over gabby? or protects gabby and screws over herself? unsure.
aside from elimination
ally's gonna have some fallout from hunter leaving- probably talking to tess and maybe teaming up with either fiore or jake and ashley. but since i don't expect elimination the alliance part probably won't be a huge focus.
whatever happened with emily and yul- idk what it is so no idea how it will affect things.
i'm expecting drama on the cyan team, mainly related to ellie but idk exactly what it'll look like.
maybe tom will actually talk to jake??
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
there's no wrong answer about this I'm just curious: if you had to choose between all the characters of the grishaverse show Vs books, which would you go with? And yes, I mean with all their flaws and writing narrative (for instance show Ivan > book Ivan etc)
Alina Starkova- book
She's a nutcase, herd of psychiatrists could make a living out of treating her. Codependency, self-gaslighting, confidence issues... it would be interesting, if we could blame it on her life-long wasting sickness. What makes her better for me is her honesty. She doesn't want to be part of this story.
The Darkling- both
I can't pick one, I love them too much. I like to think book!Darkling is less cold than we're lead to believe, because we mostly see him through the eyes of his enemies and when we get his POV, he immediately adopts the biggest bunch of losers around. He's more of a wet cat, show!Darkling hopeful idiot. They are both much better than I would ever be in their situation.
Zoya Nazyalensky- book-TGT
I never liked her, but she was tolerable as a mean bitch.
Malyen Oretsev- show
They retconned the hell out of him to make him less of a dick, what's left looks like a nice boy, supportive brother with a name and preternatural skills from the book.
Baghra Morozova- neither
She's a horrible hag and one of the true villains of Grishaverse. I hate her immensely.
Genya Safin- book1 or show
The wasted potential! One of those characters that should've been MC... minus her post-S&B lobotomy.
David Kostyk- book
... because Luke will always be d'Artagnan to me.
Nadia Zhabin- neither
She's only there to prop up the current MCs and gain some diversity points.
Marie- neither
One-dimensional punching bag.
Ivan- both
Book!Ivan is realistic joy, Simon Sears' scowl and delivery of that one speech in the carriage would make him proud.
Fedyor- show, for now
TBH I don't remember him much from the books. He was only briefly in the first one, and I didn't get to him again in the next. I love his loyalty and dynamics with Ivan in the show.
The Apparat- neither
Another true villain. This time in creepy, manipulative, cultish way. He should have burned.
Kaz Brekker- book
The whole "human trafficking's okay, where there's enough money involved" plot...
Inej Ghafa- book
They made her into another religious fanatic. Plus Inej "I'm gonna become captain of the ship to disassemble slavery" Ghafa doesn't care about other girls being sold?!
Jesper Fahey- probably book
I've read the books two years ago, and Jesper's the one I cared about least, so...
Nina Zenik- book
They made hormonal teenager into adult deserter. When you age her up, her whole romance with Matthias is like a Jewish resistance member abandoning her work to save Gestapo officer's life, because he surely changed.
Matthias Helvar- neither or both
Look, I'm all for the story of a murderous bigot changing into a better person, but a.) Book made it too quick for me to believe it. b.) Show sort of forgot what he was doing in the first place and made Helnik only into two soldiers from enemy countries.
Dubrov and Mikhael- couldn't care less
They're just a canon fodder to make Malyen sad. And horny dicks to Alina in the book.
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