supernightboy08 · 3 months
My ALL TIME Favorite Genshin Impact Characters part 2:
1. Paimon
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2. Diluc
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3. Ayaka Kamisato
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4. Kokomi Sangonomiya
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5. Mona Megistus
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6. Lisa
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7. Amber
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8. Clorinde
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9. Yomiya
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10. Klee
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pufftastic · 1 year
Hey hey! Consider checking out my inprnt! Please spread this around, it's really hard to get sales and I'm relying on the money for supplies and clothes for college <3 I have a variety of prints of all my works available on my store NOW! order before the 4th to get 40% off on your order!
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nyanykamito · 2 years
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Updated Ko-fi Commissions! Here are few examples, more examples on my ko-fi Reblogs are greatly appreciated, if interested please feel free to dm.
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nightmarearian · 2 years
Genshin Char. Pause Game; Decided to write with it.
Static like rushing, raging water is all they hear.
A large piece of rubble is pushed off the pile of ruins, a tall figure standing up from it.
They bring their hand up and rub their head, vision and consciousness clearing up.
Their memory kicks in and the next thing they realize is the ruins they're standing in. Dried blood splattered around and should-be-dead bodies lying around. They freeze in shock. A rain of fire, earthquakes. Spikes of ice and choking plants. C e l e s t i a.
At first they are angry. For what have they done? Are the gods as so arrogant and selfish as to strike and entire nation down for hiding from their gaze and accelerating as they were. The next is grief. For the bloody bodies around them, for the innocent struck down. They will themselves to not cry. For a Black Serpent Knight, who has failed their duty.
They notice their sword, chipped, covered in ash and blood, sticking out in another pile of rubble. They dig their feet out of the rock and stumble out of the pile; They ignore the impaled dead (no. No, they aren't dead. There's a light, shallow breathing. They're alive. If they're conciouss is the question.), the charred bodies. They dig their sword out, blue embeded in the black metal coming through in the ash, gold lining glinting. … Glinting? It's an underground nation, the only light that ever appeared was artifical, fire or otherwise, or certain things or parts of the abyss. They look around, facing up and they notice the rushing current of black, purple, and glowing blue of the abyss.
Their breath stops in shock and their brain scrambles for explanation. They shake their head. No - explanations are useless right now. If the ceiling has turned into the abyss, then its most likely that it's consumed Khaeri'ah. All that means is that they have to survive. Maybe find any survivors; The Alberich Clan or the Head of the Knights, Dainsleif. (And to whatever punishment they wait for their failure.) - They cannot tell how much time had passed, but they can feel it been too long. Their sword has somehow not broken, still useful somehow, for the abyssal monsters roaming around. The next thing they know is that there is something that tickles their feet, and it is too bright. The fog in their mind clears up and there is this grass all on the ground, there are stars and a faintly glowing large round… thing in the… in the… Is that the sky? Is this… T e y v a t?
They look around; Open land and rushing water. The land of the gods: Lush, bright, and too much. There is something [chirping] in the trees, something crawling on the ground, grass obscuring whatever it is.
Are the gods watching them right now? Why have they not struck him down already? Wind (what?) brushes across his face; They flinch in response, twirling around, looking for whatever threat there may be. The anemo archon? They won't be afraid to take them down, if they die or not. They've survived the cataclysm; they'll survive the wrath of the gods again.
They find nothing in response and their breath starts to calm down. Warily lowering their sword, they look around once more, to find a direction to go.
It is on one day that something they recognize as a vision is bestod upon them. The favor of the gods. They freeze looking at the thing in a silent rage. T h e f a v o r o f t h e g o d s.
They laugh, insane and angry, scaring all the wildlife off. It lies cold in their hand, and in the background of their rage does it absentmindedly remind them of refreshing calm and rushing water.
They end up barely using it, silently tying it into the braid of their light hair.
The curse has spread to their face, and they hide the bottom of their face with a tied cloth. It burns in their arms sometimes, reminding them where they are from, and the fall of it.
They try to keep quiet even if they are alone in an open field, short shrieks, gasps, and grunts coming out none the less. Tears burn in their eyes yet they will them not to fall.
It is night when they are walking around the town and hear a shrill sound; They look around and pinpoint the source of the sound. Somewhere in the sky something whizzes up from the ground. Their eye stays transfixed on it, confused and they flinch as it bursts into a loud golden explosion, the embers fading into the dark night sky. "Beautiful, aren't they?" They flinch for the second time as they turn their head, arms raising to a defensive position. "Hey, hey! Not here to hurt you." The girl yells, hands raising next to her head. Another explosion goes off in the sky, it's color momentarily lighting up the field and the girl up in a warm light. There's a large red shimenawa rope tied in a bow on her back, her blonde hair tied up in a way that reminds him of the explosions in the sky. A complicated rope and orentaments decorate her hair, and there are bandages wrapped around her arm, leg and torso. What they assume is an orange kimono is worn in an odd way, floral partterns on the bottom of it. A bright orange tattoo is on her skin, and she has bright amber (circular) eyes.
They let out a light sigh and lower their hands, ignoring the explosions in the sky, continuously going off. "Heh," the girl breathes out in relief. Her hands quickly drop to her hips, face turning into a grin. "I'm Yomiya! Maker of those fireworks up there." She nods her heads up. Fireworks? The explosions in the sky? Huh… They quickly look around and notice no one is particularly worried, just looking at the "fireworks."
"What's your name? I haven't seen you around, and you look pretty interesting! Are you an outsider?" Yomiya asks.
They open their mouth to answer and can't seem to find one; They end up just pressing their lips together, sighing though their nose and shrugging.
"You… don't have one?"
"No…" They sigh.
"Huh, just a wanderer, then?" She asks, more to herself than to them. She seems content with the answer none the less, and her gaze leaves them and goes to the fireworks. They follow her gaze to the explosions in the sky, both staring at them for a while. (It looks like a rain of fire.) The fireworks eventually ends, and Yomiya sighs in content. They turn around to face the girl after a moment, and Yomiya turn to face them. "Mmmm, what about… I give you a name?" She exclaims.
"Give… me a name?"
"Yep!" She answers. She lowers her voice. "Sorry if this seems a bit insensitive, seeing as we just met, but you seem a little… lost. Maybe a name will help you find something!"
"… Yeah… yeah, I think- I think I'd like that."
Yomiya grins again, and she begins walking; They follow. Her finger goes to her chin, eyes looking to the ground in thought. "Hmmmm, let's see… hydro vision…, sword…., mmmm. Oh!" She stops in her walk turning to the (Khaenri'ahn) wanderer. "What about Tsukisasu?!"
"Tsu-ki-sa-su?" They try the name on their mouth, sounding out the syllables.
"Ehe, yep!" Yoimiya smiles for what feels like the umpteenth time. "It means pierce or something similar." She explains. "Your eyes give off that vibe, and the sword & hydro vision sorta complete that!"
"The hyrdro vision?"
"Oh, you know," her voice deepens in a dramatic way. "The piercing deep of the ocean, haha."
"Hmm…" They absentmindedly hum. "I like it." They state.
She grins with her teeth this time, arms going back to her hips. "Glad you do, Tsukisasu!"
Tsukisasu smiles back. - Tsukisasu had ended up staying a while, getting used to their name (and really, just the hassle of doing anything international with Inazuma.)
They wore a short kimono now; Black with a blue cloud-and-stars pattern near the bottom. A blue sash with a golden string tie it in the middle. Some of their black serpent knight armour still lay under the clothing, the blue, gold lined star on their breastplate peeking out from the low hanging opening of the kimono, a black turtleneck as their underclothing. They wore the plackart with the breastplate, keeping on one of the extravagant shoulder plates atop the kimono. Tsukisasu decided to keep the shoulder-to-forearm's armour on, though only keeping cloth gloves for their hands, as well as the armour from the knee down. They used bandages to cover their arms - more on one than the other - as well as one of their legs. They use the same cloth to cover the half of their face, the curse having spread to around half of their face. Their hair has a few Inazuman accesories in it, their hydro vision - Inazuman style, as they had learned - braided in with it.
Tsukisasu follows the path from the Stone Gate to the Dawn Winery, quickly taking down the cryo slimes. Their blade is now imbedded with hydro, Yomiya and others getting them used to and accepting their vision. The slimes freeze with their cryo and Tsukisasu's hydro, and the moonlight of the fake sky shines across the ice. The slimes shatter quickly, melting into the ground. Seeing no more danger, Tsukisasu desummons their sword to the subspace and follows the upwards trail. They pass the Dawn Winery, momentarily marveling at the extravagant building, before following the shorter path to Springvale - across Dragonspine.
Tsukisasu looks at the full moon again, it catching their attention for what seems like the umptieth time that night. They had always traveled and was generally awake during the night compared to the day, finding the sun too bright for them to really ever get used to. People in Inazuma would joke that it just went along with their name, "Tsuki" meaning moon in Inazuman.
Tsukisasu pauses and looks up at the full moon, the extravagant & plentiful stars decorating the sky, as it has for the past hundred nights. All the same. Compared to the real sky, with the few yet many stars dotted in the sea of ink of the abyss, Teyvat's fake sky seems all the too… dull. Matte. Lifeless.
They continue walking, and notice a figure in the distance, staring up to the night sky. They're wearing some odd hat, with a wide rim a a pointy top, the top leaning down like the start of the crescent. A witch's hat. Tsukisasu approaches, steps making nigh a sound. The details of the figure are clearer as they approach, and they have flowing long twin-tails, their split cape following the flow of it, with a hydro vision at the top of it. She's wearing gloves, and her overall clothing are decorated with gold- no, yellow, stars and moons. Their eyes squint in dislike from the stars, though they catch themselves to not make too much of a opinion on someone they haven't really talked to yet. They notice the floating circle full of sigils in front of their hands, made out of hydro.
Tsukisasu straightens their back and readies theirself to summon their sword, need be, though they doubt they'd need to. They clear their throat, loud enough for the stargazing girl to jump, shortly shriek, and turn around. She quickly stands up, a catalyst swinging around to next to her, and her arm swing up (her defensive stance doesn't do much. It's clearly untrained, and yet she's out at night. Their opinion, as much as they try, keeps dropping down.) infront of her body. Her arm drops at the sight of them having no weapons (really? They could summon a weapon at any point, not to mention just use their fists. She didn't even ask.), and her catalyst teleports to behind her. She sighs, and then crosses her arms.
"Barbatos! You can't scare someone like that!" For some reason Tsukisasu feels like she wouldn't've even noticed if they did make any noise.
"Sorry," is what they say instead, "I was wondering what you were doing."
"Oh! I am Astrologist Mona Megistus, meaning "The Great Astrologist Mona." She introduces herself. An astrologist? Of these matte skies? Tsukisasu knows the ignorance of the people of Teyvat, at their belief of the sky, but still, they cannot stop the microexpression of their face turning to one of dislike. "I read fates of others in the stars, me particularly with hydromancy. Who are you?"
"Ah, just a wanderer with no home. You can call me Tsukisasu."
"Hm," Mona looks at them up and down, lingering on the clothing. "From Inazuma?"
Definatly not; For the year they have spent there, the fallen nation of stars and the real sky shall always be their home. But all they say in response is: "Yes. Are you from here?"
She hums an affirmation in response. She turns back to the stars for a moment, before back to Tsukisasu. "Well, nice to meet you, Tsukisasu!"
"You as well," They hesitate for a moment before continuing, "You… really look at people's fates and such from the stars?" They can't hide the incredulity from their voice, much to their own dismay.
Mona scoffs at the tone, returning with a challenging one. "Of course; The stars haven't been wrong, and I doubt they would ever be. Why would this astral blanket of the world not hold secrets?"
Tsukisasu doesn't say anything in response. They suppose it would make some sort of sense. The fake sky made from Celestia would need to mean something, like the abyss. Would need to be meaningful to even compare to where they've deemed unholy. Personally, it's just a dull attempt at trying to compare to the under's sky, the real one. They focus back in onto reality, on the challenge in Mona's eyes. Ignorance is bliss.
"Just don't… personally think too much of it."
A sharp hum in return. "Well, to each their own." Mona nods.
"To each their own." Tsukisasu concedes.
They bid farewell with that, and Tsukisasu uses the rest of the night to make it to Mondstat.
The matte, full moon stares at them as it lowers into the horizon, the warmth of the first rays of what feels like, but is not, lifeful sun. The cold, calm yet rushing water of their vision silently hums as they close their eyes. - They meet another star-eyed man, in Mondstat.
Kaeya Alberich.
They catch eyes in the Angel's Share for just a moment. They don't say anything.
Tsukisasu smiles into their drink, happy there's another unmonstrous, star-eyed survivor. Of the Alberich Clan, no less.
(Kaeya wonders what a Khaenri'ahn is doing in Inazuman clothes, and a favor of the gods in their hair. He wonders, distantly, what their reaction to it was, if the same as his. His mind lingers on the bandages practically covering most of their body, and wonders.) (In the end, he is just as happy that there is another survivor, pushing the fears that they've come back for him down with his sip of wine.)
They're in the middle of the path between the Stone Gate and Wangshuu Inn when there is a sudden burning on their skin, contrasting with the coolness that comes with their hydro vision. Tsukisasu is unable to stop the screams that they distantly realize is themselves; The skin under the bandages burns, like the rain of fire; Their hands weakly scratch at them, wanting to peel the bandages and skin off. Their vision flashes and suddenly they aren't under the full moon's light but are infront of the Twight Sword, Dainsleif himself. He is alive, a mask covering half of his face; A long collar cape and a blue, gold rimmed star on his chest.
Their mind distantly says to salute, and the body they're looking through does, but their's do not. The captain salutes back, nodding at him. The body they- no everyone is looking through must say something, and the Captain Dainsleif's arm lowers, with confusion on his face. It returns with a smile and a nod.
The next thing they know they are looking at the ground, throat sore from screaming and breath ragged. Yet they are at peace.
They're on their way back to Inazuma on a trade ship, and as they pull into the dock, they watch faraway fireworks explode in the distance.
The matte moon's light seems to recede just for the burst of gold and ember; The torches on the dock glint brightly of the gold of their armour.
Tsukisasu thinks they have found their second home, where the leftovers of a fallen nation can live.
The water calms.
A Genshin Impact Pause game!
Vision: Hydro Where From: Khaenri'ah Weapons: Sword Body Type: Tall M BSF: Yoimiya Enemy: Mona Rank: 5 Star
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dailyjpop · 7 months
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karlyxc · 2 years
Yoi :3
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Eheh- this is like the second after 1/2 Month??
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OMG, Gap the Series is getting a Japanese dub! Sora Amamiya will voice Sam and Hina Yōmiya will voice Mon and the first four eps will be released on streaming on September 16 while the rest of the eps will be released weekly every Monday starting from September 23 onwards on DMM TV and other streaming sites. It will also be released on Blu-ray on Christmas!
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zenzenzence · 1 month
Hi! A few months ago I discovered this video from September 28, 2023 for The Invisible Man and His Soon-To-Be Wife by Iwatobineko that includes a few of the scenes from the manga voice acted!
The video doesn't have an easy English translation available, so I decided to provide below. Please note, I used my manga copies as a reference, so apologies if there are any mistakes.
I hope this can get more people interested in the series! :D
Title: CV: Yuichiro Umehara & Hina Yomiya [Voice Comic] Invisible Man and Human Woman - The Two Who Will Become Husband and Wife
A heartwarming and heart-pounding love comedy about a gentlemanly non-human and a blind woman that has received a huge response on social media. It's a 100% transparent love comedy that's so precious you can't breathe.
■CAST Tounome Akira: Umehara Yuichiro Yakou Shizuka: Yomiya Hina VOICEVOX: Shikoku Metan
■Introduction Even if you can't see, this excitement is proof that you're in love. Yakou, a gentle human woman, works at a detective agency run by a smart and kind "invisible man" called Tounome. His ability is perfect for detective work, but even if he disappears, the blind Yoka can mysteriously find his location. Attracted by her "invisible" charm, Tounome escorts her around again today…!?
SCENE 1: Timestamp 00:02 - 01:50
YAKOU: "Tounome-san..."
TOUNOME: "Can I sit next to you?"
YAKOU: "Sure, go ahead."
TOUNOME: "How did you know it was me?"
YAKOU: "Huh?"
TOUNOME: "You can't see, right?"
YAKOU: "Yes, but I could smell you..."
YAKOU: "OH! It's not a bad smell or anything!
TOUNOME: "I have... a smell?"
YAKOU: "It's not like that! It's just since I'm blind, my hearing and smell are stronger!"
TOUNOME: "Your sense of smell sure is better than mine. I can't smell myself."
YAKOU: "Yes! it's a perfectly good smell...!"
TOUNOME: "Ha ha."
TOUNOME: "I never knew I had my own distinct smell. Thank you."
TOUNOME: "......"
YAKOU: "?"
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san... Where am I now?
YAKOU: "You're right here."
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san, you might be the only person I know who can see me."
TOUNOME: "My heart skipped a beat."
YAKOU: "Skip...?"
TOUNOME: "........."
YAKOU: "......"
TOUNOME: "Would you like to get dinner with me later?"
YAKOU: "UH?! Sure!"
■ "An invisible man and a human woman who will soon become a couple."
SCENE 2: Timestamp 01:51 - 03:50
TOUNOME: "Do you have any preference? Western? Chinese? Japanese?"
YAKOU: "Anything's fine."
TOUNOME: "Any allergies?"
YAKOU: "None."
TOUNOME: "Then..."
TOUNOME: "Is there somewhere in particular you want to go?"
YAKOU: "Uh... Um..."
YAKOU: "I rarely eat out, or rather there's only a handful of restaurants I can go to..."
YAKOU: "I'm happy to go anywhere you like!"
TOUNOME: "......"
TOUNOME: "That's good."
YAKOU: "Actually, there's a place I've been meaning to try."
YAKOU: "Great! Then... Let's go there!"
TOUNOME: "Okay, sounds like a plan."
YAKOU: "Phew."
TOUNOME: "Here, take my arm..."
TOUNOME: "Off we go."
YAKOU: Hm...?
YAKOU: His gait is uneven...
YAKOU: As if he's lost.
YAKOU: Maybe he's still trying to decide on a restaurant? I was no help at all.
YAKOU: Ahhh! I'm sorry Tounome-san, I didn't mean to make it complicated.
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san...
TOUNOME: "Which direction smells more delicious?"
YAKOU: "Hm... This way."
TOUNOME: "Oh, good."
TOUNOME: "I've been nervous to go in, not knowing if you'd like it or not."
TOUNOME: "Glad to hear you do."
TOUNOME: "And thank you for helping me pick."
YAKOU: "Thank you for inviting me! I'm looking forward to dinner"
TOUNOME: "Me too."
■ A Vietnamese restaurant.
SCENE 3: Timestamp 03:51 - 06:20
TOUNOME: "Since it's the first time for both of us, I ordered the dinner course."
YAKOU: "Mm... I'm smelling things I've never smelled before."
TOUNOME: "It's an adventure, huh?"
YAKOU: "It is, isn't it?!"
TOUNOME: "That's a fresh spring roll. (With shrimp, cucumber, and cilantro)."
YAKOU: "Oh...is that...an hearb? What an odd flavor!"
TOUNOME: "That's cilantro."
YAKOU: "Teehee!"
YAKOU: "This is a first for me, getting food with someone from work."
TOUNOME: "Is that right?"
YAKOU: "So, I was pretty excited..."
TOUNOME: "My heart skipped a beat."
TOUNOME: "Would you like to get dinner with me later?"
YAKOU: "Ah."
YAKOU: I was so excited about the prospect of going somewhere new, I didn't even consider what it meant.
YAKOU: Isn't this...what you'd call a date?
YAKOU: But he didn't say it was a date, so maybe it isn't?
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san..."
YAKOU: "Huh?!"
TOUNOME: "This is really good. I'll put it on a small plate at, uh, twelve o'clock."
YAKOU: "Ohh, thanks."
YAKOU: "......"
TOUNOME: "Is something wrong?"
YAKOU: Well, to start...
YAKOU: My back is tripping with sweat.
YAKOU: "No, it's just I've never gone out like this with a man."
YAKOU: "It kind of feels like a date... Doesn't it?
TOUNOME: "It is a date."
YAKOU: "eep!"
TOUNOME: "Does that make you nervous?"
YAKOU: "Yes, well...a little bit..."
YAKOU: "Gosh...this is embarrassing..."
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san, may I..."
TOUNOME: "borrow your hand for a moment?"
TOUNOME: "Because I'm invisible... typically no one can tell..."
TOUNOME: "But with your sense of touch, you might be able to."
YAKOU: "?"
TOUNOME: "I don't want you to think that you're the only one..."
TOUNOME: "who's nervous."
YAKOU: "!"
YAKOU: "Your heart is racing!"
TOUNOME: "Don't blow my cover now."
BACKGROUND CHARACTER: The invisible man has a heart...?
■ After that, they received a round of silent thumbs-up.
SCENE 4: Timestamp 06:21 - 11:01
TOUNOME: "This place was great, wasn't it? I'm glad it suited us both."
YAKOU: "Y-Yes, I thought the same!"
TOUNOME: "Shall I take your hand? Let me walk you to the station."
YAKOU: "!"
YAKOU: Uugh... My heart is still fluttering...
Both: "......"
TOUNOME: "Wouldn't it be safer to hold on tight?"
YAKOU: "Oh, don't worry! I have my white cane! I can manage!"
TOUNOME: "Well...if you say so..."
YAKOU: His voice went all flat...
YAKOU: "Ah! I didn't mean..."
YAKOU: "I'm not...trying to...keep my distance...!"
YAKOU: "You see...it's quite..."
TOUNOME: "It's quite..."
TOUNOME: "The opposite?"
YAKOU: "Ngh... Tounome-san, are you laughing at me?!"
TOUNOME: "Huh? You can tell?"
YAKOU: "Well, you're doing a poor job hiding it!"
TOUNOME: "I'm not hiding it at all. I want you to see the real me."
YAKOU: "Eh...?"
YAKOU: For a second, it felt like the distance between us disappeared...?
TOUNOME: "In fact I'm so giddy I feel like skipping. What do you think? Should we skip?"
YAKOU: "I-I'd rather not. No skipping, please!"
TOUNOME: "Then I must resist the urge. I promise to be an exemplary escort the rest of the way."
YAKOU: "!"
YAKOU: "Okay..."
YAKOU: "Dinner with..."
YAKOU: "Tounome-san was so niiiice!"
NOTIFICATION: "Your bath is ready"
YAKOU: "......"
YAKOU: "Time for a bath, huh...?"
YAKOU: "......"
YAKOU: Tounome-san... Hmm...
YAKOU: He struck me as a pleasant man during the conversation at my interview but...
YAKOU: It was his gentle and measured voice...
YAKOU: The rustling of his clothes...
YAKOU: His foot steps...
YAKOU: The way he opened and closed the door...
YAKOU: That spoke even more to his grace and character.
YAKOU: He seems like... a wonderful guy...!
YAKOU: Slow down! You went out with him once, that's it!
YAKOU: No one said a word about dating!
YAKOU: Don't get ahead of yourself! Relax!
YAKOU: "......"
YAKOU: I wonder... what he really thinks of me...
[TOUNOME: "I want you to see the real me."]
YAKOU: What did he mean by that? He is the invisible man...
YAKOU: So others can't see him.
YAKOU: What is it like to be invisible to sighted creatures?
YAKOU: Maybe...
YAKOU: "Tounome-san... Do you ever wish others could see you?"
TOUNOME: "See me...?"
TOUNOME: "......"
TOUNOME: "Hmm..."
TOUNOME: "No... I don't."
TOUNOME: "It's who I am."
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san, do you wish you could see me...?"
YAKOU: Hmm...
YAKOU: He doesn't mind being invisible...
YAKOU: "I can tell... What kind of person you are..."
YAKOU: "That's all I need."
YAKOU: I'm kind of relieved.
TOUNOME: "Ha ha! That's good, otherwise we'd be in trouble."
YAKOU: "!"
YAKOU: "I'd say so...!"
■ Seems like they took an important step in understanding each other.
SCENE 4: Timestamp 11:02 - 13:28
YAKOU: "Tounome-san... I would've noticed."
TOUNOME: "Yakou...san."
YAKOU: "You always have such a calm and grounded air about you... So it's easy to tell when something's off."
YAKOU: "During the interview, you kindly worked with me to define my position at the office..."
YAKOU: "And gradually increased my responsibilities after I started. And it wasn't just me. You showed the same trust and respect to everyone."
YAKOU: "You inspire me to be a better version of myself."
(Unvoiced – Yakou: I'm a big girl! Jarashi: Yes, you are.)
YAKOU: "And... I'd really miss you if you were gone. There's only one Tounome-san."
YAKOU: "I'd look for you everywhere."
TOUNOME: "........."
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san..."
TOUNOME: "Will you be my girlfriend?"
YAKOU: "Eh?"
YAKOU: "Huuuh?!"
TOUNOME: "Uh... Is that an 'I shudder at the thought' look?"
YAKOU: "Huuuh?!"
TOUNOME: "Uh... Is that an 'I shudder at the thought' look?"
YAKOU: "N-No, it's not that I don't want to...!"
TOUNOME: "I'd love... to keep spending time with you."
TOUNOME: "Do you not feel the same?"
YAKOU: "Uhn... Ah... I just..."
YAKOU: "If I say yes right now...what are...what are your intentions for the rest of the night?"
TOUNOME: "......"
TOUNOME: "Tonight, I plan to get you home and go straight back to my place.
YAKOU: "Tonight...?"
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san, who do you take me for?"
TOUNOME: "I give up..."
YAKOU: "!!"
TOUNOME: "Is it... that you're waiting for me to take the first step?"
YAKOU: "eek!"
TOUNOME: "What's wrong? You sound like a scared manga character."
YAKOU: "I wasn't readyyy."
TOUNOME: "Okay. Right. Right"
TOUNOME: "SIgh..."
TOUNOME: "I really like you."
YAKOU: "eeek!"
TOUNOME: "I'm getting mixed signals."
YAKOU: *yelps, but hugs him back.*
■ After that, Yakou exploded with excuses.
SCENE 5: Timestamp 13:29 - 15:24
TOUNOME: "Blaming wrongdoings on the invisible folk is a talk as old as time."
TOUNOME: "So, you can imagine how happy it made me... to help our client clear her name."
TOUNOME: "I was truly relieved."
YAKOU: "......"
TOUNOME: "Anyway, we're here now..."
YAKOU: "A-Akira-san?!"
YAKOU: "!!"
YAKOU: "His heart is beating so fast!"
TOUNOME: "You don't like this?"
YAKOU: "No... I do."
YAKOU: "Ah! You just laughed, didn't you? I felt your body shake a little."
TOUNOME: "You always know how I feel."
YAKOU: "Huh?"
TOUNOME: "It means so much to me."
TOUNOME: "Please, never stop blowing my cover..."
YAKOU: "..."
YAKOU: "Um... Was that...?"
TOUNOME: "A kiss? Yes."
YAKOU: Direct.
YAKOU: His lips were so soft and warm.
TOUNOME: "Should I not have?"
YAKOU: "It's not that... But... But..."
TOUNOME: "Ha ha... Shall we get going?"
YAKOU: "Oh... Um..."
YAKOU: "Can we stay like this...a little longer?
TOUNOME: "Can I kiss you again?"
YAKOU: "Wha? Well... Um... I'm not opposed to it..."
TOUNOME: "Ha ha! Is that so?"
YAKOU: "It's not that... But... But..."
■ They kissed three times.
The relationship between the two is heartwarming and heart pounding.
TOUNOME: Thank you for watching the video.
YAKOU: Please check out the summary section if you're interested in the rest.
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cor-lapis · 1 year
Eveyrtime I open co op I come across a lyney that does stupid damage (I am talking hu tao or more damage) and I gotta go. How many hours did he put into his magic shows to do that
he mastered sleight of hand(guns)
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dailyhinahikawa · 11 days
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daily hina hikawa 9: wait, who the hell are they?
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voca-song-a-day · 10 months
Today's featured song is: "Whisper Whisper Whisper" by Azari feat. Kaai Yuki! (warning: video contains flashing imagery)
(Also, today is the 14th anniversary of Yuki's release! It is also the anniversary of SF-A2 Miki & Hiyama Kiyoteru's releases)
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majokkoradio · 1 year
"Believe" - Waccha Primagi - Jennifer Sumire Sol Image Song
Birthday: July 17
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allabouttannie · 1 year
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BTS Suga (also known as Agust D) was caught kissing a woman who looks like Han Miya, the only female member of BTS, according to reports. There have been numerous rumors about these two dating for several years, but it has never been confirmed in public.
The public reacted strongly to this, as these two have been dubbed a "power couple" despite not being officially confirmed.
What do you think?
@/jiminslefttoe: #yomiya
@/namjooning: Even if it isn't Miya, let's support Yoongi!
╰┈➤ @/www.bangtan.hoe: Are we even sure that's Yoongi though?
╰┈➤ @/namjooning: I mean it looks like him 🤷‍♀️
╰┈➤@/jinishandsome: girl his face is literally covered by a hat, how tf do you know It's him 💀
╰┈➤ @/yomiyaaremyparents: AGREED
@/jungkooksarmhair: Let's respect his privacy maybe 😒
╰┈➤ @/nobody: They're idols, when was privacy a thing for them?
@/daddyjoonie: but namya :((
@/arsonbabe: stream take two whores 🔥
@allabouttannie please do not steal, repost, copy, translate or modify any of my works. This is the only platform you will find my story, no wattpad or ao3.
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n092t · 1 year
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羊宮妃那 胸
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amourcherie606 · 1 year
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masc! yoitao warmup for my friend koi
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stuff-diary · 1 year
The Dangers in My Heart
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
The Dangers in My Heart (Season 1, 2023, Japan)
Director: Hiroaki Akagi
Writer: Jukki Hanada (based on the manga by Norio Sakurai)
I didn't even know this anime existed until a few days ago, so imagine my surprise when I started watching and realized it might just be one of the best of the season. I'm sure some people will be put off by the initial premise, but luckily, the synopsis is nothing but a façade that's quickly deconstructed. Once that's done, we're left with one of the sweetest romcoms I've seen. It's also one of the awkwardest ones, and I mean that in the best of ways. The romance is a classic slowburn, and it's bolstered by some flawless character development. In fact, I was surprised by how good the overall writing is. The show just understands what being a teenager is like. For example, the comedy is built from the perfect mixture of awkwardness, silliness and horniness. I swear I heard some of the same jokes in my classroom when I was the same age as these characters. I imagine some people will dislike the level of horniness the humor reaches at some points, but I think it's incredibly realistic, so it didn't bother me at all. Anyway, I'm glad they already announced a second season, cause those final moments left me feeling all warm inside and I need more of these characters.
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