#Yes I named one of them ichigo
malcontentonline · 3 months
your time travel au is so cool
Using this ask as another opportunity to info dump about it thanks anon!
I've been drawing some of Gai's main students in the au recently! My boi ends up with a proto-genin team :>
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All of them are considered hopeless by the Uchiha in one way or another but here are their vibes individually:
Ichigo - (9) the youngest, he’s a talentless nobody who’s only survived this long through luck alone, he is extremely bad at controlling his chakra to the point that he’s not even competent at most jutsu. He’s ok at fighting with kunai but that’s about it. His lack of skill isn’t the only reason he’s been put on Gai’s squad however, he also finds it impossible to connect with others and since the sharingan awakens through loss an orphan with no connections in the world has a low chance of ever even getting a single Tomoe. Personally wise he’s a reckless troublemaker, always up for a challenge and always happy to learn new techniques, he’s just never had a proper teacher as he’s far too much trouble for most to handle.
Yuki - (13) the oldest, he’s a quite skilled ninja, mastering multiple jutsu from different chakra natures, he would have had a bright future in the clan if it wasn’t for the fact he was born with very poor eyesight that has only gotten worse over the years, it’s unlikely he would be able to properly use a regular sharingan even if he ever manifested it so he believes his only hope is to gain a mangekyou sharingan - since its powers are based on the individual he may be able to use them with his limited vision. (Also since he’s already going blind he would not mind the cost of it) Personally wise he’s quite shy and reserved - even at times a little naive. He finds communicating with others confusing and difficult, leading him to usually try copying the vibe of the people he is around.
Awaki - (11) pretty much the brain cell of the group. She was an incredibly talented ninja, she prided herself on her nin and genjutsu abilities (she’d even invented several jutsus). That all changed when, at the age of Nine, she was in a fight and lost one of her hands. She was completely devastated - and to make a bad situation worse - she hadn’t managed to activate her sharingan like she assumed she would have. This situation led the uchiha elders to believe she may have an emotional threshold for activation that is far higher than normal people. Since she wasn’t able to weave the complex hand signs she used to be known for she was encouraged to retire, but she refused to let it stop her, she taught herself how to weave simple jutsu with one hand and now using scrolls is the main way she fights (as it allows her to prepare attacks before hand and simply unseal them when she needs them). Personally wise she’s very serious and strict with herself and others, she also absolutely hates people treating her like she can’t take care of herself. Over all though she is very good at keeping calm and level headed in stressful situations.
Here are some doodles of the squad:
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Vampire knight 2
Male reader - fluff - angst - omegaverse
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(name) was a wanderer.
So that's why the night class made a form of buddy system when they went to town, the Omega currently holding hands with Ruka and looking at all the shops, many of the alphas getting (name) gifts in an attempt to court him but the Omega just thought they were being good friends and accepted the gifts.
(Name) made his weekly stop at the candy store, the owners used to the night class at this point and greeted them politely as they watched (name) grab multiple bags and stock up on candy, he didn't like different candies touching.
The night class got a few things, nowhere on the scale of (name) who had six full bags of candy totalling to 208.13 dollars but the Omega was happy none the less as he was transferred to Ichigo who let the Omega drag him around.
It happened again.
Though this time he was indoors.
The smell of sweets caught his attention as he wandered into a room, seeing day students making baked goods "oh? Hello!" One of the students said happily, a fellow Omega and (name) looked at the cake she held in her hands with an intensely one would not expect "would you like some?" She asked as the other students cooed at the night student who nodded "please and thank you"
The baking/cooking club got him a slice and something to drink and even joined him "So what's the night class like? I couldn't imagine being up all night" one of them asked, a beta with a short bob (name) noted to himself "I'm used to it..." (Name) mumbled "what is this?"
"This is the culinary club!"
"Culinary club?"
"Yeah we make food and stuff!" Another said and (name)s looked interested "are you interested in joining?"
(Name) wasn't sure if he could but accepted an application none the less.
"Culinary club?" Kaname read the club application with an unreadable expression and (name) held a to-go container with cake "is this just so you can get sweets?" Ichigo asked with a sweet smile and (name) thought "they were nice..." He said simply and the others smiled at this but also... (Name) was precious cargo.
He was a vampire yes and could hold himself but the alphas of the night class were incredibly protective and territorial of the Omega.
And they didn't need someone like (name) being contaminated with... humans.
He wasn't a pureblood but he was a male Omega so he was held to the same regard.
"No" Kaname said simply and (name) deflated visibly, he liked the nice humans in the culinary club; they made nice conversation and fed him.
(Name) was silent as he nodded and left with his cake, he wanted to talk to his new friends more...
(Name) returned to the culinary club.
Kaname never said he couldn't visit.
"It sucks you can't join but we love having you here!" They said as they put cookies on a plate and let (name) eat the treats.
The club never really knew much about the night class, they kind of avoided the club centered around them though they did find them pretty.
(Name) was cute but in a "I want to protect you" sense as his cheeks puffed from the amount of food he was eating.
"He went to the club" Kaname said with a tone unrecognizable and the room was cold "Senri"
"Of course Lord Kaname"
Shiki hated that he had to take (name) away from this, he was clearly enjoying himself and making friends but Lord Kanames word was final.
"(Name)" (name) halted and tilted his head in confusion "guess it's time for you to go" one of the members said saidly and (name) stood and bid his goodbyes "he's quite upset with you"
"But I didn't join the club?"
"But you went back"
The night class dorms were quiet as Kaname sat at on an ornate couch "leave us" Kaname instructs before standing and walking to the Omega "I said you couldn't join" Kaname said calmly, an icy undertone to it and (name) looked frustrated "but you didn't say I couldn't go back" (name) argued and Kaname tilted his head "if you go back you will be punished"
"But I enjoyed it" (name) rarely spoke this much and Kaname wished it wasn't because he was arguing with him and Kaname could see the sleepy vampire grow frustrated "What if I asked Yuuki to join me?"
"Don't inconvenience her"
(Name) felt frustrated and unheard, he didn't understand why this was such an issue.
They all got to do what they desired so why couldn't (name) have this?
(Name) was silent for the rest of the night, fuming and the others (excluding Kaname) could understand his frustrations but they also knew how risky it could be having their pack Omega out by himself.
(Name) ripped apart his closet as he began making a nest in it, his Omega sensing the distress and deciding that he needed to be somewhere safe as his collar was thrown somewhere.
The sensation was frustrating him further.
When his nest was complete he crawled in, snuggling in a blanket and got comfortable as he began zoning out, the anger exhausting him further.
"He's nesting" Rima said after checking on (name), holding his collar "his heat isn't for another three weeks though?" Aido asked confused as (name) only remade his nest before his heat "I think I know why" Ruka sighed, Lord Kaname stepped out for a meeting with the headmaster and thus they were left to handle what he did "his Omega is distressed" she said worried on (name)s behalf as the two were quite close.
Kaname raised an eyebrow as a group of day students walked to the night dorms with containers "oh! Kuran!" One of the girls said politely "we haven't seen (name) in a while and Aido said he had a cold so we brought him some things to make him feel better, could you give these to him?" One of them asked and Kaname put on a smile "I will, thank you for being so considerate" though he didn't particularly care for them or their gestures.
He didn't like how close they seemed to think they were to (name).
(Name) hadn't eaten in two days (snacks not included) nor had he left his room, missing classes in the process.
Kaname stood in front of the closet annoyed, he was tired of the omegas tantrums and childish behaviour "it's time for this to stop" Kaname commanded only to get no reply, the brunette opening the door to find it... Empty?
Zero wasn't sure what to do.
Yes this was a vampire but this was also a feral distressed Omega.
(Name) clung to the silver haired alpha for safety, deeming the night dorms unsafe due to stress.
So now Zero had an Omega without a collar in a night gown holding him in a death grip as he walked to the headmasters office.
"Oh shut up" his mentor, Yuuki and Cross all giggled at the sight as he now sat with (name) and VERY begrudgingly let the Omega play with his hair.
"I think he think your his pup" Toga said taking a sip from his drink "how do we fix... This?"
"Well normally we would get the omegas alpha or family involved but seeing as he has neither we would get whomever is currently watching over him"
And that was technically Ruka at this moment and when word got out on (name)s whereabouts, the others followed.
See Zero wasn't normally petty but seeing Kaname and the other alphas in the night class seethe at the fact (name) was cuddling zero to his chest and playing with his hair and all but hissing at them was fucking hilarious to him. If looks could kill Zero would be dead.
"(Name) come here" Kaname instructs the Omega "he's not a dog asshole" Zero didn't know why he was defending (name) but Kaname was treating (name) like he was some dog misbehaving and not a stressed out Omega "why is (name) like this?" Yuuki asked and Aido sighed "he wanted to join the culinary club or at least visit"
"And why couldn't he?"
Toga hated vampires but during his time teaching the night class he had come to understand that (name) was harmless, he really just wanted to sleep and occasionally steal pens.
"It's dangerous for an Omega like himself to be out like that"
"And you guys couldn't go with him? It's a pretty fucking reasonable request" Zero said and Cross scolded him for swearing "what about the fangirls? They literally tried attacking him"
"We could arrange him an escort" Cross said simply and Kaname was frustrated "he's not joining"
"God you're insufferable, no wonder he left"
Kanames eyes shifted and the room went cold as he took Zero as a challenge for (name) "you treat him like he's property to you when he's not, he belongs to no one"
It shocked the others at the fact that someone like zero, someone whose been so hurt by vampire's would be defending one but he couldn't help it, out of all of them (name) was the least threatening.
Did he want a vampire near humans? No absolutely not.
But did he want to piss off Kaname? Oh most definitely.
Kaname didn't want to harm (name).
He couldn't.
He couldn't and wouldn't hurt his future mate.
"(Name) is a student here and it's his right if he wants to join a club under supervision he's welcome to"
Kaname seethed silently and (name) recognized in his lizard brain that Kaname was a pack mate and seeing him so upset made him whine and Kaname snapped his attention back to him and decided to take this from another approach.
Kaname pumped out pharamones that got (name)s attention, using the omegas subconscious need to mediate and calm their packmates to his advantage.
Everyone watched as (name) got up and walked into Kanames arms to try and calm the pack alpha down and Kaname lifted him and walked out.
"Well that happened" Cross said simply and the night class bid their farewells to the headmaster and others before following the two, (name) still feral but at least letting Kaname remotely near him, Kaname passive as he let (name) scent him as they returned to the dorms.
He supposed he could let (name)... Occasionally visit this club if it meant he didn't do whatever this was.
Kaname abused this time with (name), bringing him to his room and holding him close and felt (name) nip at his neck, (name) hadn't eaten in days after all.
'he will be my mate after all...' Kaname was deadset on romancing (name) as he tilted his neck and guided (name) who nosed at his neck before biting, clearly hungry as he clung to him.
Shame (name) probably wouldn't remember this , the omegas memory was always hazy after he went feral.
When (name) finished there was blood staining his lips and be looked not unlike when he ate that birthday cake.
"Messy..." Kaname said cleaning (name) up with his shirt, (name) was ready to sleep and practically out cold in his arms.
Getting up Kaname changed in his clothes and pretended they were in the grand bed back home mated and expecting.
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ryotono · 1 year
Hashiras/Pillars reacting to a [Y/N] having three husband's (like uzui, but inverse u got lol)
Ft. Giyuu and Sanemi (I'll probably do more after!)
The reader here is Gender Neutral, Enjoy! ;)
yes I got u 3 hubbies hehe
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Satoshi is your calmest husband, the serious one, but kind and patient. He's probably the one who does all the housework while you work as Hashira. (malewife supremacy)
Eiji is your loudest husband, the easily irritable one, but is a crybaby inside. He always offers to accompany you on your travels. (Outside he's: idc Inside he's: pls [y/n] don't leave me)
Ichiro is your most affectionate husband, probably the most emotional one too. He is always the first one to run towards you whenever you come home. ( He and Eiji sometimes cry together because they miss you)
In your last mission, you had to travel north after a report about a demon terrorizing the town, not much later you have been summoned by master Ubuyashiki to a Pillars meeting. Obviously you go without complaining, but you're already missing your husbands, just imagining getting home and being cuddled by the three melt your heart. It's been a long 5 weeks.
In the meeting, after master Ubuyashiki appears and y'all bow, everyone starts reporting they missions, and when it was your turn...
The suddenly crash in your left and loud voices, make you silent. Looking in that direction you see your three husbands, Ichigo and Eiji screaming in your direction and Satoshi trying everything to stop them.
Well, that's was unexpected.
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- Giyuu was just staring at the floor after reporting, waiting for the meeting finish.
- The loud noise got him scared for a second.
- Looking at the commotion, he noticed three unknown people, and you walking towards them after excusing yourself.
- At first he thought they are you friends or family.
- Seeing you kissing the forehead of the crying one, he thinks that probably your husband and your brothers
- But then you caress the face of one them, and holds the hand of another crying one.
- Giyuu is lost
"Seems you have company [Y/N], who are?" Master Ubuyashiki asks after his daughters describe the scene to him.
"These are my husband master" You answer.
"We apologize for the sudden intrusion master Ubuyashiki, and for the wall"
"Wall?" Giyuu ask himself.
- He notices the huge hole made in the wall by your husbands
- Giyuu is even more lost now, not only did he find out you have THREE husbands, they managed to break down a wall in seconds after hearing your name.
- After the meeting, he ends up finding you and your husbands, Satoshi once more is apologizing for interrupting.
- In the end, Giyuu ends up joining you to eat (Ichigo insist in giving him some Ohagi)
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- Just some strange people invaded the Hashira Meeting AND interrupt Master Ubuyashiki? Sanemi is PISSED.
- After the meeting he goes after you and your husbands.
- He finds you outside the Ubuyashiki mansion talking, you seem to be scolding two of them.
- He walks towards you with heavy steps, and you seem to listen to him.
"Ah, hey Shinazugawa"
"Are you some kind of idiot?"
"What? - You ask"
"Who do you think you are to let these people walking in the Master Mansion?"
"Why do you care? We already apologized to master Ubuyashiki and paid for the broken wall. - You say defending your husbands. One of them growls in Sanemi's direction"
- Sanemi started screaming at you, at your husbands and even the rock y'all are near.
- And you four just stay there listing here talking about whatever he's talking. Probably about "your stupidity" and "the stupidity of your husbands" and "and why Eiji shouldn't use an ax to break a wall".
- He is basically screaming about you and your husbands.
"AND THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULDN'T LEAVE-" Your interrupt him, sighing tired.
"Shinazugawa if you want to be the fourth husband, just ask okay?"
- he stops and only stares at you.
- Yup, you broke him.
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I've had this idea for a while, it didn't turn out the way I wanted, but I will try again someday ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
And don't worry! I will make another Hashira/Pillars and [Y/N] soon!
Hope you enjoyed! ^^
[English is actually not my first language so I'm sorry for any misspelling or errors I may have done]
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i am a trans man and i have a carnal need for urahara do something about that please i dont give a fuck what you write, it could be monster sex i dont even care bro
i really wanna monster sex bcs same boo same (even down to the trans man part im a trans man and he drives me just absolutely positively rabid)
~ kitty cat
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alpha(?)!kisuke urahara x werecat!male reader / fluff, smut in pt.2 content werecat!reader, werecats can shift into CAT cats [ wc ] 1422 (ps: read this!) please reblog fanfictions when you read one you like! likes do not help writers' algorithms!
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kisuke urahara was a simple man... in legal terms.
he had never been to jail, had never been to prison, hell- he'd never even gotten a parking ticket, let alone a speeding ticket.
but when he met you, that all changed.
when yoruichi, urahara's dearest childhood friend (and also werecat), brought home the scruffy black stray, kisuke was immediately infatuated. he had another werecat, ichigo, who he was very close to, and ichigo immediately took a liking to you, which wasn't common (orange cats are very odd creatures.).
there was one part of the ordeal that kisuke was very fond of: yoruichi quickly began to think of you as a brother. she even shared her milk with you whenever kisuke gave it to her... that was the oddest part about the whole situation: she refused to share her milk with even ichigo.
now, werecats used to be a predominantly wild species. when humans discovered the cat-human hybrids, certain people (who yoruichi thought shouldn't be called humans) quickly realized they could manipulate the species' genes for a very specific use: sex.
the modifications eliminated many issues: romantic barriers between human partners, sexual lines that could be crossed between partners, and most notably (because most werecats seemed to be male), the ancient-standing issue of tension between hetero and homosexual individuals.
soon after their discovery, a system spawned that was very similar to what social media called the cat distribution system. a similar "system" cropped up in which encounters with werecats commonly ended in either a fuck or in most cases, someone bringing home a cute new friend.
additionally, most werecats tended to like being called things like "kitten," "good kitty," "pretty kitty," and similar affectionate little pet names. most werecats also either couldn't speak very well, or they simply chose not to- so there was usually very little communication involved with them.
kisuke learned very quickly, however, that this was not the case with all werecats- yoruichi and ichigo were rare cases, yes, but looking back on early memories with you, kisuke quickly formed a theory that sentient werecats gravitated towards handsome, perverted candy shop owners.
was it the candy? ichigo liked candy.
was it the milk? yoruichi liked milk.
or... was it the handsome, perverted candy shop owners themselves?
kisuke urahara was very fond of that idea... he had always liked cats, and cats had always seemed to like him.
kisuke groaned and rolled over onto his back on his futon, slowly opening his tired, storm-grey eyes. he yawned loudly, stretching his arms up int the air and making grabby hands for the ceiling. he heard a very slight sound of fur shifting against fabric, and his eyes immediately looked to the right, towards the sound.
"oh, hello yoruichi!" said kisuke, grinning. he sat up and threaded a hand into his messy blonde hair and ruffled it, yawning again.
"you're ridiculous." said a falsely deep voice next to the futon. kisuke grinned like a teenage dumbass, reaching over and ruffling the fur on the sleek, black british short-haired cat's head. she growled warningly, but of course kisuke didn't listen, and if you asked about this moment later on, yoruichi would say she probably should have scratched his eyes out.
yoruichi hissed, growling from deep in the back of her throat as she reached up and pawed aggressively at his hand. she backed up, her puffed up tail swishing violently back and forth and slamming sporadically against the wooden floor. she shook herself in a quarrelsome manner and hissed again, turning and burrowing under the waist opening of a black kimono, poking her head out of the top.
"stuff it, old man." she spat, shifting into her werecat form.
"no you stuff it, kitty." he playfully spat back, fake-flinching and chuckling when she hissed again and projectile-chucked a pillow at him violently.
"why've you woken me up, hm?" kisuke asks as he stands up and reaches for his striped green and white hat. he stretched again, slipping into a matching green and white-striped shawl-thing (hada doesn't know what theyre called heh), looking over at yoruichi expectantly, his eyebrows raised and his signature stupid grin starting to sneak onto his face.
yoruichi groaned, flopping backward onto the futon dramatically.
"ugh fine, i'll tell you," she says, "i found a stray werecat and i may or may not have brought him home."
kisuke grins, getting visibly excited at the idea of meeting another were.
"oh?" he asks, "where is he? i don't see him~"
"he's hiding somewhere in here but he's here."
"you should go get him! tell him i promise i won't bite~"
yoruichi rolls her eyes, getting up and stretching like a cat and starting lazily toward the door.
"i dunno if he's sentient but ok."
she did, however, go and fetch the new fluffball- you. she had to pick you and carry you, you were that shy. when she brought you into the room with kisuke, you fluffed up and hissed, scrambling onto yoruichi's shoulders and growling defensively.
"you didn't tell him, did you~" kisuke said in fake drama, rolling his eyes. but he didn't bother to smother the grin that accompanied the eye roll. he approached slowly, slipping out of his loud-ass japapese clogs in the process so as to attempt to make himself sound less like a threat. he relaxed the muscles in his right arm and hand, reaching his hand up to let the cat have a sniff.
(reader pov)
you hissed quietly, but still carefully extended your neck nonetheless. you risked a cautious sniff, recoiling defensively. you looked up and stared at the blonde man with calculating, clearly intelligent eyes for more than one moment, eventually shifting all four tiny little paws onto one shoulder of the cocoa-colored woman who had rescued you, carefully leaning out and touching your nose to the man's fingers, finally getting an good scent.
no threat... not now, at least.
you looked up at him again and made a short, quiet trilling sound. it was something similar to the noise house cats make when an idiot human wakes them up from a sun nap, and it made the man smile. you stared at him for a few seconds, thinking. then you poised for a pounce, jumping the one or two-foot distance between the man and the woman. you landed on the man's shoulder and butted your head against his temple, then sneezed and sniffed at his hat.
the man smiled again, reaching up and making a gentle, cautious attempt to scratch behind your ear. you butted your head into his fingertips and his smile turned into a joyous grin, and he started to scratch at that one spot, eliciting a completely unwarranted purr from the back of your throat. the man chuckled, gently cupping your small, feline head in his hand and rubbing your face, neck and ear in soothing motions.
your heart slowed down a bit and the purr you were producing got deeper, indicating to the man that you were becoming more comfortable with him. you reached around with your face and licked the palm of his hand, then hopped down onto the floor and burrowed under a blanket on a futon you had seen earlier, then quickly shifted into your werecat form, wrapping the blanket around yourself. you turned and looked curiously at him, tilting your head to the side, having decided to chance at asking him a question.
"what's your name?" you asked cautiously, your voice so quiet it was nearly a whisper.
(urahara pov)
kisuke smiled, walking over and sitting down next on the futon next to you. "i'm urahara kisuke." he introduced himself, making sure to keep his voice calm and quiet so as to refrain from startling you.
you looked at him and he looked back at you, a soft, gentle smile on his face as he watched you closely, waiting for you to respond. after a moment of thought, you carefully scoot closer to him, shifting onto your calves before giving a cautious, playful bat at his hand. he smiled- and all of a sudden the action seemed to be infectious, and you fell ill with it. a small smile inched its way into existence, slithering in small bits onto your face and making his heart soar for some reason.
interesting... he thought, he likes to play. ichigo and yoruichi just seem to want to be left alone, but this one is coming out of its shell... the thought made him smile again, and your smile widened into a grin.
fell victim to writers block but had to post and so theres gna b a pt.2~
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© uraharasfavoriteexperiment.
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writing-frenzy · 1 year
Isekai with the Kurosaki fam; now with some UraIchi spice
So, my brain has been dumping even more ideas for a fandom I can't write for, so I guess I'll dump all the ideas on the ground and sees what happens; also, partly inspired because of DevinePhoenix's Glass Body, Steal Wings and slightly be Cannon Ichigo in AU series by Williamcipher, especially the third of the series, because ye.
Anyways, so for me, I can never imagine Ichigo would part from his sisters and Goat-face easily, even in a normal au, because it's Ichigo's family, his friends, his lost, his life experiences that makes him who he is as a person; if he died and then transferred, a part of me wonders if he would ever try and get back home somehow. So my brain went-
Brain: hey, how about we have a thing that makes the entire family get into an accident :D
Brain: And, like, maybe a day before or when Ichigo was younger, he ended up saving a godly being's most beloved person, so the god is like; hey, I owe you, I'll reincarnate your family into my world; thing is, the world the god has is maybe connected in a way to an anime/webnovel/comic one of the girls or Ichigo's friends were reading, and Ichigo knows it because he was convinced to watch/read it as bonding.
It's a world of magic and fantasy, where words and names have power and things go bump in the night ever so easily. Ichigo and his Family find themselves in a cozy little hideaway, all confused but happy and relieved to be alive and with each other. Isshin in this au will be an awkward, not the best father but he loves and he tries, and he just wants the best for all of his children. (He is the unsarcastic B+ parent, because with all the shit in this au coming, Ichigo deserves this).
Isshin in their original world is descended from a sword wielding samurai family, and he's had the forms and everything beaten into him since he was young, and the reason why he never taught Ichigo was because he didn't know how to be a gentle teacher and he never wanted to hurt his boy. (it's why he's always given his children freedom and choice of what they want.) And coming into this new world, this new place, everyone can feel a change in their bodies, can feel power in their veins even if they don't know what to do with it. See, Ichigo's mom had a little something funky with her blood but didn't know it and Isshin is actually a human with spiritual powers but with their original world it never came out, and with the God giving them a boost/perks, everyone is learning how to control themselves first and foremost.
It's after a bit of convincing and Isshin making Ichigo promise to tell him if he's going too hard that he starts teaching him the family style, along with others in scrolls with phantom teachers to guide them along. It is rough, it is harsh, but it's Ichigo so he pushes on through and becomes better for it. (The two do agree to see if they can find better teachers for the girls though, as Karin wouldn't suit this style even if she would be good with a sword, and Yuzu seems like she would be better with magic then a blade.)
The family of four spends like three years here, learning all they can, devouring every book and all they can remember of the OG!Story of this place before they all have exhausted all the sources and knowledge of the cottage, can no longer progress in their skills as they have been, and had enough cabin fever to drive any sane person down the river. But they're not stupid, so first things first, Isshin scouting at first, then with his son, before him and Ichigo take turns exploring and scouting the area because they don't like leaving the twins alone. But as they're getting a lay of the land and comparing maps and such to reality, even getting a feel for their new magic gadgets and all, they come across monsters and such here and there Once Isshin is sure that Ichigo can handle himself, its only then they spilt so one can stay with the girls while the other explores for a few days, even if Ichigo is only allowed to do it for two days to his father's week.
After that, packing everything they need into magic bags and hammer space, the family takes one last look to their home of all these years, bows in thanks before they are off. It's not long till they join a trade caravan, Isshin trading his skills as a doctor to do so. They travel around for a bit, before in the end, they settle down in a bustling, safe city that never fell in the story, even if the story's protagonist and gang lives here with all their wacky and troubling hijinxs.
So, now that backstory and such is out of the way, let's get to some of the fun stuff. :3
Ichigo does not realize just how strong he actually is; see, in this world of magic and stuff, swords are... technically considered obsolete; of sure, in the story there is a Magic Swordman who is part of the Protagonist's party, but even there they mostly use the sword as fancy focus then to actually fight with it. But with the way Ichigo was trained, as well as both his and his father's lack of common sense for this world, for them it is as easy to cut down a monster as it is to cut down spells themselves. Neither Ichigo or Isshin understand how insane that is, because once a spell is out, you usually have to dodge it or hope it hits someone else if you can't counterspell it.
The Kurosaki's also avoid the Protag and his crew; lets not get involved in your drama, please and thank you (lol, just had the thought of how protective Isshin and Ichigo would get if the story was with a Harem Protag; both would be protective as heck over the twins because with either reverse or regular harem, girls usually get the shit end of the stick). Ichigo is just fine how he is, even if he keeps getting into fights because of random assholes, his charm flowing out and getting his own loyal friends without his knowing. Karin is way too interested in magical sports to care not to mention her age while Yuzu is getting fascinated by potions, alchemy, and cooking to care.
One day, after Ichigo has been feeding some tidbits to some strays, he finds what seems to be a tea and candy shop, with books to read. it doesn't have much business, being out of the way like it is, but there is the occasional regular coming out. Ichigo shrugs, he has time and so he enters this Urahara Shoten.
Somehow, someway, he ends up making friends with Geta-boshi, who as frustrating as he is, recommends good books and a listening ear. Things lead to one things, stuff happens, and Ichigo finds out this guy also has sword.
Sparring partner acquired, though it takes some convincing, a bit of bribing, but Ichigo is able to get the other to agree; he gets his ass beat easily, but Urahara is a harsh, but good teacher, and so Ichigo just thrives in the challenge.
As for Urahara, this guy is so fucking terrifying, just like in canon, how he is assassin sharp and quick with his blade even as he can spellcast at the same time, just watching Ichigo cut through his spells to meet his blade.
Kisuke: this is the most fun I've had in ages :D I wonder what else he can do if I don't tell him what's impossible.
These two end up getting involved in some harsh canon event disasters, Ichigo fighting with Kisuke, knowing the other man won't let him down. Kisuke, having someone he can trust lead the way, knowing, having faith the other can survive alongside him...
Just, these two bonding, getting closer, Ichigo introducing his sisters and Goat-Face who is giving that weird stare.
(On Isshin's part, he recognizes what's going on, and for all that he is not going to be a hypocrite, is not going to kick this Urahara guy as hard as he can and hide Ichigo away, he suddenly... completely understands Misaki's family's cold and hard stares as he had gotten, watching how the elder blond stares at his 20 year old son like he is sun, like he can't believe there is any light in his life again after being shadowed so long. He's pretty sure that is the same stare he had given Misaki as well, just as how Ichigo looks softer, warmer, happier the minute that Urahara guy stays by his side, just how his mother would melt around him despite her expression never changing.
So, Isshin won't say anything, especially since he can tell neither has a clue... but he will be doing the protective, embarrassing Father as much as he wants.)
So yeah, this is the idea :3 I also have another idea with a Mob Protagonist!Ichigo, where he comes to be a character never even mentioned in a story, and ends up charming local shop owner Urahara Kisuke, who is secretly the terrible, scary Puppet Master Benihime without knowing it. maybe I'll note it out when I feel like it, though if people want, they can ask questions about it.
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iamumbra195 · 1 year
Random Incorrect Quotes and Vibes from the Bleach AU I will probably never write (Rukia is killed by Aizen and them in the SS arc)
Ichigo: *feral teenager with slightly cat-like tendencies because of his hollow*
Sakanade in his head: M I N E
Shinji: *explaining the inner hollow and everything that happened with Aizen and how they trained their hollows*
Ichigo: *a nerd who likes literarture and knows exactly what werewolves are*
Ichigo: Can I say something--
Shinji: *has questioned his reality more than once because of this kid’s weird questions* NO--
Ichigo: *goes to his inner world to see why the fuck Shiro is constantly screaming in his ear*
Shiro: *leaning over his body omniously with his big smile because he has been seperated from Ichigo for so long and this is the first time they’ve interacted without Old Man Zangetsu getting in the way so he’s happy*
Ichigo: wtfwtfwtf--
Shiro: *a feral tiny cat that likes to fight too much*
Sakanade: *a feral big cat the puts him in air jail*
Benihime: *the sadistic instigator*
Karin: *snooping through Ichigo’s room because she’s worried and finds Rukia’s asauchi*
Karin: *touching Rukia’s sword after Ichigo told her what happened and feeling a weird jolt or reiatsuand urge to keep it*
Ichigo: *who felt the reiatsu* ...
Karin: I have been CHOSEN--
Ichigo: NO--
Ichigo: What do you have there?
Karin: A Zanpakuto!
Ichigo: NO!
Karin: *facing a hollow while Ichigo was at the SS and losing*
Kangetsu (her Zanpakuto): cAN YoU hEAr mE?
Hitsugaya: *looks vaguely like her Zanpakuto spirit*
Karin: *softly* Holy shit
Ichigo: Goodnight moon.
Ichigo: Goodnight tree. Ichigo: Goodnight ghosts that only I can see.
Karin: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Isshin: *Joking* Not if they consent to it
Ichigo: *Serious* Depends on who you’re stabbing
Yuzu: *the one sane non-soul reaper in the family* YES?!
Ichigo: *walking into his room* Hello people who do not live here
Renji: Hey
Ikkaku: Hi
Yumichika: Hello
Rangiku: Hey!
Ichigo: You’re only supposed to come here for emergencies!
Renji: We were out of Doritos *they’re on a mission, he’s just fucking with him*
Orihime: I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name hime?
Ishida: *scared of snakes* You did WHAT--
Ichigo: William Snakespeare
Renji: *while they were going to save Rukia* This is such a bad idea
Ichigo: Then why are you coming along?
Renji: One of us needs to be able to talk the Gotei out of arresting us when this goes wrong
Ichigo: Do you think I can fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
Ishida: You’re a hazard to society
Renji: And a coward. Do twenty
Orihime: If I were a drink, I’d be a strawberry vanilla coke. If you were a drink, what would you be?
Keigo: *he found out ichigo and Chad didn’t fail like him* Sewage
Orihime: *concern*
Tatsuki: Calm down edgelords
Okay, that’s it
Some of these were canon, some of these were just random shit from my fic that i might never write
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Byakuya, Uryu, and Ichigo receiving an elaborate cake for Valentine's day while everyone else gets chocolates?
Byakuya/Uryu/Ichigo+ get Valentine’s Day Cakes
**sorry this took a little bit. i wanted to wait to post during doki-doki season  ^_^**
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Byakuya sighed through his nose as he diligently worked on his files. Ignoring the distractions that seemed to plauge his squad today.
Since the inclusion of Valentine’s Day into the Soul Society some time ago, Byakuya had always been on the receiving end of gifts. So much so that the Shinigami Women's Association has seen fit to collect all his gifts at their headquarters and deliver them en masse as to not disturb to 6th Squads duties more than necessary.
He found the whole thing frivolous. A waste of time, money, and resources to hand out gifts for no greater reason than a date on a calendar. Only a fool would be excited about that.
“Captain! Captain! Look what I got!” Renji yipped loudly as he came through the door. “[Y/N] made them for the whole squad. This one is mine! It’s dark chocolate and red chili powder. Want some?”
The lieutenant shoved the brightly colored pouch of chocolate hearts into his face. Making Byakuya frown. “No. Thank you Renji. Have you finished those reports?”
“Oh…right…” The red head seemed a little crestfallen and popped another sweet into his mouth, as if for comfort.
“What’s the matter with him?” [Y/N] asked. Appearing in the doorway just as Renji sulked out.
“He forgot it was a workday.” He quipped while continuing his work. “I take it you’ve caused quite the distraction around the barracks.”
“I don’t think it’s that much of a distraction.” She replied as she stepped further into his office.
“A pretty girl handing out sweets to unsuspecting, unworthy men on Valentine’s Day. It’s the worst kind of distraction.”
[Y/N] giggled. “I was just trying to be nice. I thought it would lift everyone’s spirits.” Byakuya humped. They could have their spirits lifted when they got their work done.
He heard the sound of rustling beside him, and turned just in time to see a box being placed on his desk. “What’s this? More chocolate hearts?”
“No. I made those for Renji. This is for you.” Her smile was enthusiastic and blinding as always. Compelling him to do as she wished.
Byakuya sat his pen down and opened the box. Shocked to find inside six elaborately decorated cakes. Each more intricately designed than the last in what looked like a pictograph of the changing seasons.
“I know you don’t really like sweets, but I thought you might like them a bit more if they were small and different flavors. The spring one is cherry blossom. The summer is citrus jelly filled. The fall is a maple custard. And the winter is a human world plum pudding idea. I wanted to try something you maybe hadn’t had before.”
The captain looked at the beautiful cakes as she explained. Two of each, to clearly share.
He stared inside the box for a moment longer before he closed it and returned to his work. “Bring it by the manor later. We’ll have tea. After work.”
[Y/N] beamed and took her box back. “Ok!”
She all but skipped out the door, just as Renji was coming back with his paperwork. “What’s gotten into her?”
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He hated Valentine’s Day.
Well…perhaps hate was a strong word. But he didn’t care for it.
Always being the shy, small, pasty kid with glasses, who liked sewing, Uryu wasn’t the type to be sought out by valentines. Therefore, he spent most of the day alone. Watching other happy couple coo and gush, and try not to get a headache from all the pinks & red splattered downtown.
The quincy looked up at the sound of his name to find [Y/N] there. A girl from his class. He had noticed her in the past for her warm smile and clear, distinctive way she articulated poetry in their Japanese Literature class. They hadn’t had many conversations, other than good mornings & take cares, so he wondered what was up.
“Yes [Y/N]? Is there something you need?”
“Well, no. Not really need. I just….I wanted to give you something.” She handed him a box. Bigger than the ones currently being passed around on break, and with a distinct silver bow. Not red or pink. “H-Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Uryu was shocked by her words, and what was clearly now a Valentine’s Day gift. “May…I open it?” [Y/N] nodded. Her cheeks pink as he pulled off the ribbon to find a beautiful, small white cake inside.
“You said you didn’t like chocolate.” He looked up from his present to [Y/N] in confusion. “You said you didn’t like chocolate once. Back at Christmas? Sensei gave everyone chocolate Santas and you didn’t want yours. So I thought you might like cake better.”
He was shocked yet again to realize she had remembered that. He had only said it in passing, to no one in particular as he figured no one was listening. She was listening though. “I…I….Thank you. You didn’t have to spend so much on a present just for me.”
“Oh, it wasn’t that expensive. I made it.”
His heart seemed to race in his chest. He had a homemade cake from a girl in his hands. “W-Well…Well…Your very talented.” He floundered as he pushed up his glasses. “It looks like it came from a store.”
[Y/N] grinned. “Thanks! Baking is my passion. I…I hope you like it Uryu-kun.” She then darted off, clearly to detach herself from the situation now that the ‘grenade’ had been dropped.
Uryu just sat there with his box and flushed cheeks thinking ‘I got my first valentine’.
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“I’m heading out.” Ichigo announced as he pulled on his jacket. He then walked back up to the front by the counter and stopped next to the register. “Unless you need anything [Y/N]?”
“No, No. It’s fine.” She replied. Waving him off. “Besides, Ikumi-san will be mad if you rack up much more overtime.”
Ichigo shuttered at the thought of Ikumi’s angry, ugly scowl. Practically hearing her growl “what are you trying to do?! Bleed me dry?!” in his ears.
Zipping up his jacket he caught a glance of a slice of Swiss Roll cake on the counter. “Hey. Since when have we had these?” He asked. Noticing it was part of a larger display of slices, and picked up one for himself.
“I.I.I….we…” [Y/N] stammered in alarm while her hands waved.
Ichigo didn’t seem to pay attention to her alarm as he took a big bite of cake and swallowed. “Wow! These are pretty good. Where did we get ‘em from? That bakery across the street?”
“N-No..uh…actually…I made it.”
“You did?” The red head asked. Wiping a dab of cream that had been left on his lips. “Why didn’t you say anything? Oh man, this wasn’t your late-night snack, was it?” He knew she liked to pack her lunch when she worked the later shifts, as not to fall into the financial trap of convenience food.
“N-No…” She repeated. “I uh….I made it for you….” Ichigo was surprised, but relieved that he hadn’t callously stolen her food. Why was his usually confident friend being so weird about it though? “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
His eyes went wider in surprise. He had to think about it. Oh yeah, February 14th was tomorrow. Since he was working today (and a guy) he’d completely forgotten about it. “I knew you weren’t going to be working the rest of the week, so I wanted to give it to you now. But….I changed my mind. You can still take it if you want. It doesn’t have to mean anything though. This was a stupid idea. I--“Your working tomorrow right?”
[Y/N] looked up at Ichigo when he cut her rambling off. She blinked. Trying to reset her brain. Then nodded.
“I’ll be by then tomorrow.” He announced. Popping the rest of his cake slice into his mouth and reaching over to take his hidden plate of remaining slices out from behind the counter. “Can I give some of these to Yuzu & Karin? They’d really like ‘em, but I don’t know like the etiquette of share Valentine’s Day presents.”
[Y/N]’s lashes fluttered happily. Her cheeks pink. Her heart racing. “Y-Yes. You can share them with them if they want. It might be nice for your sisters and dad to share them after dinner.”
“The old man can get his own cake.” Ichigo muttered. Securing the plastic wrap around the cake before he took off. “I’ll see you tomorrow [Y/N]!”
“See you tomorrow,” [Y/N] called back. And when the door closed, they added quietly to themselves, “valentine.”
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
reading ur fic one step three steps rn and I don't usually read oc-insert fics but ichigo is SUCH a menace I love her to death... and the idea of this feral, unchecked little kid being put in kakashi's care is so good. he's gonna suffer so much but it'll be good for him I think 👍 anyway I can't help but wonder how things would go down with the whole. obito thing. because I can't help making everything about my favorite insane guy. do you think they'd bond over their love for making kakashi suffer. do you think they'd bond over their shared affinity for chaos. I don't know I just!! think they have so much potential as a duo ANYWAY sorry for rambling have a nice day
I'm also kind of in the boat of not especially liking or reading oc centered fics, I think making Ichigo was a bit easier for me than it would have been otherwise bc I really went into it treating her like a plot divice. Still am tbh. I love Ichigo but the story isn't there for her, it's there bc of her. I needed someone to stir shit up and bring up some very specific topics and issues, so she became that. And I fell a little in love with her character along the way
Inevitable tbh, it's probably impossible to write a character that much without finding or molding them into something you can like writing
Kakashi absoloutley deserves to be harassed by tiny children, and now he can't escape bc Ichigo is in his fucking house!! She's gonna bring back more (even tinier) children to harass him, starting with Naruto. He will never know peace.
I have so many notes and plans laid out for One Step Three Steps u don't even know
Anyways spoilers for the eventually Obito introduction in the fic, take a snippet for his introduction (it's liable to change tho, we won't be seeing Obito for a while in the fic)
"I . . . am Madara Uchiha."
Ichigo opened her mouth. Closed it. Opened it again.
Finally, in her flattest voice, she went, "No you're not."
The imposter paused, then shook his head and gave a sinister chuckle. It was a decent enough imitation but she'd seen Hashirama give a better Madara impression.
While drunk.
"I understand it's hard for you to believe, but the stories of my death were greatly exaggerated."
Ichigo aimed her best impression of Ojisan's unimpressed face at him. Lip curled in distaste and head tilted to stare down at him like he was a bug.
He twitched. It was a pretty good impression. (Better than his Madara one, anyways)
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am."
"No. You're really not."
"Yes, I really am."
They stared at eachother, locked in stalemate, till she smirked.
"Ok sure, you're Madara-sama. What's my name then?"
"Come on, Dara-chan," she batted her eyes at him innocently. "I'm sure you can remember."
He seemed to regain control of myself, straightening up and giving another echo of what might have been Madara's laugh. If he was a crazy cave hermit who'd decided to inject a gallon of cringe fail evil villain juice into his laughter, anyways.
"Come now, Ichigo, I know it's hard to believe but it really is me."
"Ha!" She shoved her hand towards him, pointing triumphantly. "My real name is Hatake Miko! I gave them a fake when I got here, and if you were the real Madara-sama you'd know that!"
"O-of course, Miko-chan, I was just testing you. I had to be sure you were the real Miko I remembered, after all."
"No, I lied I really am Ichigo." She deadpanned, giving him a little peace sign.
He staggered under some invisible weight, making a noise like a popped balloon.
"I don't usually kill children, but . . ." He mumbled to himself, and she scoffed.
"You don't even have his hair." She squinted at him, feeling insulted om Madara's behalf. "You're pretending to be Madara with hair like that? Have some standards.
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lunaneko14 · 3 months
IchiRukis and Anti-IchiHimes can believe what they want but here's the thing, Kubo-sensei made Bleach, not them. Also, I kinda hate repeating this for those morons but he could have made Rukia the trigger to Ichigo's extreme reactions and the target for his enemies in order to get to him. However, Kubo-sensei opted for Hime and he just proceeded with it.
- was allowed by Kenpachi to join him in SS Arc since he sensed that having her near him could lead him to Ichigo.
- was hugged (put his arm on her shoulder in the anime) by Shinji and it caused Ichigo to drag then shove him on the wall. Even Ichigo's classmates reacted to why he got angry like that.
- was abducted by Ulquiorra thru Aizen's orders in order to keep Ichigo out of the war. Ulquiorra mentioned to Ichigo that he was the one who abducted her and caused the latter to attack the former in a fit of rage. Ichigo was like a zombie after he learned about her abduction.
- Grimmjow used her to taunt Ichigo in order to get a reaction from him and it worked. He also targeted her during his final fight with Ichigo so the latter will have to take their fight more seriously.
-Ginjo had her brought into Yukio's "game room" in order for her to heal Ichigo and allow him to fight harder. It worked since he noticed Ichigo's movements become sharper when she was there, causing Ginjo to note that Ichigo tends to fight better when he has to protect.
-The mere mention of her name by Tsukishima after altering the history of Ichigo's friends and family made Ichigo punch him so hard and him seeing her heal the former later on in the FB arc caused him to be a bit devastated.
I mentioned these examples since Kubo-sensei used those recurring themes to reinforce why IchiHime is the endgame couple. Yes, he could have been lazy and made Ichigo and Orihime admit to each other but he didn't. He used his characters as PoV since thru them, we saw how Ichigo reacted when something was done to Orihime, and his reactions were obvious.
Lastly, attacking, harassing and outright insulting Kubo-sensei or any mangaka about what they did with their work is bollocks. It's their work, not ours. We consume it.
It just goes to show how good of a writer Kubo is and why he stands among the big three and these “fans” don’t. Like seriously any one of them, especially the Japanese fans, can make an IR inspired series and be as successful as Bleach but in reality these people have no talent so they force and leech off of actual talents and think they can bully said talent and whatever fans that have common sense.
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Polls for Ichigo x Kawaii Core Smut themes!
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You all voted yes! For a smut version of Ichigo and Kawaii Core GF reader! But what theme do you guys want… check them out and vote for which one you want…😏
1. Sexy Animal-Themed Lingerie 🐻🐰🐈🐮 (You and Ichigo aren't a fan of pet names each other , but you are a fan of the animal-themed lingerie which your strawberry boy's face red.)
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2. Lingerie 👙(Classic, trying them out just to see your boy's reaction before you are in bed with him.)
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3. Bath/Shower 🛁🚿 (Classical yet adorable but can be steamy for you two)
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4. Beach 🏖 (You and Ichigo go to the beach, lets say he's turned on when he sees you in your new bikini and shows off a few guys whos flirting with you knowing who you belong to.)
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5. Cosplay🧝‍♀️ (You enjoy cosplaying alot! But let's say you have a special costume for Ichigo...)
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6. Birthday 🎂 (It's Ichigo's birthday! You decided to give him the best birthday gift ever)
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7. Halloween 👻 🎃(It's Halloween! You and Ichigo decided to stay in, and you have a special costume for him.) (Kind of like my Orihime x Ichigo second costume story but I ran out of ideas and these outfits are cute so why not.)
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8. Christmas 🎄(It's Christmas! let's say you have a special present for your boy. )
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9. Valentine's Day 💕(Happy Valentines Day! You know the rest...🔞)
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cookieswithay · 1 year
"The happy feelings club!"
🧡Ichigo x Orihime🧡 Ichihime fic
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💝Episode 1: The gingers meet!
• Ichigo's pov!
• "Don't let it happen again, Kurosaki."
• "Yeah, yeah. It won't."
• Once again, I'm leaving the principal's office. But at least I got sent for actual reason this time.
• Hi there, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki. Near straight A student. I got 2 sisters and 1 insane dad. And I'm a natural carrot top. You'd think with my high grades and all, teachers wouldn't pay me any mind. But no. I'm on everyone's radar. The color orange means trouble. Everyone picks a fight. But, I know how to win this messed up game...most of the time.
• "Did you hear? That guy punched someone."
• "No way, that's horrible."
• "Whispers" aren't anything new, but this rumor has truth in it. (Although those girls could at least TRY to be quiet) The "guy" I punched, was some loser who thought he could get handsy with the girls in my class. I don't know them very well, but I'm not a fan of hearing my classmates scream. So I took care of him. Nice and quick.
• (Tatsuki wanted to kill him, so I just took the fall.)
• "Oh no,"
• One of the girls griped.
• "Here comes that orange haired girl again."
• Orange haired girl? This cruddy school has one? Since when? I turned around and sure enough, there's a carrot top! She's running down the hall...towards me. I...should run, but... My feet feel stuck to the ground. She screeches to a halt and fell to her knees panting. So...she shouldn't of ran that fast. A few minutes passed and she's still wheezing. Damn, is she okay?
• "Um, are you okay?"
• Orihime's pov
• My lungs...are burning! But...I wanna...pass...these out! My name is Orihime Inoue! I have a busy older brother and I'm new to this school! I also like "weird combinations" of food. (Sweet treats ramen is so tasty!) And last but not least, I'm in charge of the happy feelings club! A blissful hour of doing your favorite things at school! All I need to do is get 3 more members and we can stay afloat. Hence my constant flyer passing! Like right now. But, I REALLY need to...catch...my breath. This tall guy...looks real nice.
• "Should I get the nurse...?"
• (Ichigo said that) Ah! Not the nurse again! I'll get scolded! I shot up. And I was face to face with a...with a...super cute boy. His hair is orange too...And...he probably has girlfriend! Don't wanna get my hopes up for nothing! I scrambled to my feet. I'm not dirty, am I?
• "Hi!"
• I said, flashing my persuasion smile. (It always works!)
• "I'm Orihime Inoue and I run the happy feelings club!"
• The cutie noodle looked confused. But, that's okay. It's a new club, so of course he never heard of it. This is what flyers are for! I pulled one from my backpack.
• "The details are on here."
• I gave it to him, nearly touching his long fingers. He's reading in his head. ...Why am I so NERVOUS!? He's reading the flyer! Not looking at me! Should I run!? Hide? Pass out!?
• "Ah-em."
• Huh?
• "Yes?"
• Did I say that too fast? He had on a half smile.
• "The meetings are after-school on fridays and wednesdays, right?"
• I nodded. My favorite days of the week.
• "Good, I'll be there."
• Oh..my...gosh! A new member! After two weeks of demanding nicely, someone finally joined-
• Ichigo's pov
• Out of nowhere, Orihime fell into my chest. It hurt but...some softer things touched me too. ...Holy crap! What do I do? Move her? Ask if she's okay? What am I saying, of course I check if she's alright! ...Um. Where to tap? I don't wanna make her uncomfortable or anything. Suddenly, she popped up and...looks raring to go like she didn't just fall? What is this girl?
• I was gonna actually ask that, but someone caught my eye. It was that one black haired chick with the fuchsia eyes. She's snickering with her tomboy friend. (Menoly, she goes to Tatsuki's boxing class.) Why...is that ticking me off? ...Whatever, whatever. Back to Orihime.
• "Orihime-"
• I paused. She looked...hateful and she was gripping her hair. And that's kinda hot. Not angry, but not fully sad either. But, what's the hair clutching about. ...I get it! Those two owe her money. Of course. I would be furrowing my brow too if I was in this situation. Man, people are so cheap nowadays.
• "Ah-em."
• I looked down straight into Orihime's big brown eyes. Shit, she's pretty. She looked down at a hip and back up at me. Ah! I haven't let her go! I stumbled back, muttering a apology. Damn, I'm bad at this.
• "So, I'll see you after school?"
• I said somewhat cooly. She nodded, with the biggest smile on her face. I couldn't help but laugh. Seriously, what is this girl? I just felt like ass a minute ago and now I feel like I won the lottery.
• Rinnnnng!
• That's the bell. Here dies my good mood. I looked back at Orihime.
• "Um, bye."
• I couldn't of said anything smoother than that!?
• "Bye!"
• "See you after school!"
• I waved and watched her skip off to whatever class she's in. Huh, I'm actually looking forward to the club thing.
• A few hours later
• Orihime's pov
• "So, tell me more about this hunk you met."
• Um...I did, did I say hunk? He's just really, really handsome is all. I pulled some games out of the cabinet.
• "He was really just nice, Rangiku."
• (Rangiku is one of my favorite upper classmen. She's nice and taught me how to get on Mr. Hitsugaya's good side! He gives out snacks! And she has a thing for Sora. She said she's gonna get serious soon.)
• "Men are nice,"
• She said, leaning on the table.
• "But they all have little quirks and one of your mystery man's caught your eye."
• She...got me there. I really like his hair...and his face. Plus his voice too. She opened her arms up.
• "Come here, tell me all about it."
• I sighed and laid in her squishy embrace. This is probably my favorite thing about Rangiku. She so soft! I could almost...fall asleep on her... Suddenly, I felt hands on my sides. Oh no. She's gonna tickle me again!
• "Don't fall asleep on me now, Orihime~!"
• "I wanna hear all about your little crush."
• Eeeek! I don't wanna pee! Again.
• "Rangiku, stop it!"
• I said through laughs. My uniforms gonna get all crinkly! I tried to push her away, but she laid me on the table!
• "Wow, your skin is so smooth. What lotion do you use?"
• The answer is Cloudy delight moisturizer, but I can't breathe from too much laughter! Suddenly, she stops. Thank goodness. My bladder couldn't take too much more.
• "Oh shit..."
• She mumbled. Wait? What's wrong? I grabbed onto Rangiku's arm, pulling myself up. Is it a teacher? It was just tickling-
• It's the cute guy from earlier in the door way.
• (And two guys I ran into at lunch.)
• Ichigo's pov
• I'm sure my face is beet red. But, I mean, come on! It's my first seeing two girls ontop of one another. (I'm not a adult film kinda guy) My hand shook on the doorknob.
• "Um...is this a bad time-"
• Suddenly, Keigo's hand was on my mouth.
• "Shut up, Ichigo! This is a once in a lifetime moment!"
• "Don't mess this up!"
• He shouted, while yanking me down. What the f-!? Mizuro put his hand over my mouth too.
• "Please ladies, continue,"
• "We don't mind."
• The older girl snickered.
• "Well, I guess we could do a little a something."
• She said, while tugging on her shirt. Orihime squeaked from under her. She looked just as embarrassed as me. That's it. This ends now. I bit down on one of Keigo's finger.
• "Ouch!"
• I shot up.
• "Knock it off!"
• I snapped. Man, this is a bad look for me. I'm flushed. Probably sweating now. And I had yet another "loud outburst". (Counseling stuff, don't ask.) Orihime's gonna think I'm crazy. The blonde burst into laughter.
• "Easy, easy, kiddo,"
• She crawled off the table. And Orihime.
• "I already have a guy I'm into, so calm down."
• She must a upperclassmen. No one my age would talk down to me like that. She strolled over, sizing me up. ...What's happening right now? She reached out and...patted my head?
• "No wonder a certain somebody likes you!"
• "You're adorable."
• What the- I am not adorable. I pushed her hand away.
• "Who're you anyway?"
• Yeah, I'm done being polite.
• Orihime's pov
• "I'm Rangiku Matsumoto. The prettiest 3rd year."
• As she introduced herself, I sat up and fixed my clothes. (My underwear wasn't out, was it!?) That was embarrassing. Hopefully mr. unknown doesn't think I'm in love with Rangiku or something. Or a creepy pervert. I'm being crazy. If he ask, I'll explain. Easy peasy.
• "Okay, okay, I'm sorry for intruding,"
• I turned around. She's gonna leave!?
• "You two have fun,"
• Fun? (Why'd she say it like that!?)
• "And you two are gonna clean up with me!"
• The brown haired guy looked horrified.
• "You're a total hottie, but-"
• Rangiku snatched him by collar and pulled threw the door. He was screaming alot. (The other guy followed with no complaints.)
• "Bye bye, you too~!"
• She shut the door, leaving us in quietness.
• "I'm sorry about my friends."
• ...He's apologizing too?
• "No, no, it's my fault!"
• "Rangiku probably freaked you out."
• He turned red and shook his head.
• "It's fine, really."
• I nodded. And hello the crushing quietness. I looked around. What could we do? What's screams 'welcome new member'? Bingo! I grabbed the kitty notebooks.
• "Wanna draw cats with me?"
• He looked surprised, but smiled.
• "Why not?"
• Alright! Perfect time for my new scented markers! (Hopefully, they actually smell like their names.) I spread them out on the table and passed him a notebook. This is gonna be great! I'm great at drawing kitties!
• Ichigo's pov
• This takes me back. The markers. Cats. And the breeze outside. When I was younger and my sisters were like 4, my old man went out. (I dunno if it was shopping or doctor stuff.) But, he was taking awhile, so that freaked them out. And I remember pulling out my school books and markers. We drew for what felt hours. Needless to say, we had alot to show to dad. Heh, feels like forever ago. Although, I'm not any better at it. They still look like malnourished stick cats. Poor things.
• I looked over at Orihime. She was laser focused. I wanted to peek at her drawing but...I got lost. The afternoon sun made her look great. Ah, what am I doing!? I'm s'posed to be drawing right now. Suddenly, she shot up. I flinched. (Did she notice me?) She turned to me.
• "Do you hear that?"
• "Hear what?"
• I said way too casually.
• "Just listen."
• She whispered. So I did. ...What're we listening in for?
• Mew.
• Orihime grabbed my face and pointed towards the window.
• "It's there!"
• I pried her hands off and walked towards the window. What the- It's a frickin cat in the tree. (Cliché much?)
• But, how'd it get up HERE of all places? We're on the third floor!? Orihime popped out from under my arm.
• "I think I can grab it from here."
• What!? She tugged me back and lifted her leg on the windowsill. Hiking her skirt up with it. Oh hell no. I gripped her waist.
• "Orihime!"
• She turned around, looking genuinely confused. I snatched my hands back.
• "Lemme get the cat."
• Good excuse!
• "I'm taller."
• She nodded, and got back in. We swapped places.
• Orihime's pov
• "Let's make a plan."
• The mysterious prince said. He turned around, towering over me. Oh my...
• "I'll get the cat and you grab a teacher, okay?"
• "Okay!"
• I can do that!
• (I needed to give Mr. Kyõraku a assignment anyway)
• He smiled and stretched his long legs out the window. That's my cue to run like a track star!
• "Good luck!"
• I shouted and ran out the room. Just like earlier, I'm running down the hall. I'm hearing alot of not nice comments as I do, but I can't stop now. For the kitten's sake!
• A little more running later...
• "Mr. Shunsui!"
• He jumped and sat up straight. I slammed my hands on his desk.
• "I found a...a cat...I need...we..."
• I gotta...catch my breath! Just all the other times, I come in here, he chuckled.
• "Slow down, miss Inoue."
• He patted my head. (I'm kinda wheezing on his desk.)
• "I'm not going anywhere."
• My lungs are on FIRE, but...that guy probably has the cat already. And it could be hungry. I took a breath.
• "Me and this guy found a cat in a tree!"
• "A cat?"
• I nodded quickly.
• "On the 3rd floor too!"
• Mr. Shunsui stood and tugged his hair.
• "Oh boy."
• "Let's go find the kitty."
• Ichigo's pov
• This cat is putting up a fight. I know it's scared and all, but I seriously not being threatening. I'm even smiling! (That's what's scaring it, my guy) And what's really irritating is, I almost got it. I can literally poke it with my finger. But, I'm almost out the window. If I loose my footing, I'm dead.
• "Come here..."
• The cat meowed and hugged the branch tighter. Dammit...I got it! It's afraid to fall! Just like me. I can do this. I saved one of Karin's friend before. Still shaking like crazy, I lowered my hands.
• "Fall right here,"
• I said, in my softest voice.
• "You're gonna be okay..."
• Slowly, the cat began to relax. (Although It looked at me with a oddly expressive face as like it was trying to call bull shit.) After a little time, it fell into my hands. It's a tad heavy, but it's nothing I can't handle.
• Suddenly, my foot slipped.
• Am I falling out the window!?
• Yes I am.
• Everything moved extremely fast. I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die-!
• "Ichigo!"
• My leg was caught. I looked up.
• "Orihime?"
• (She knows my name?😳) She smiled.
• "You're gonna be okay!"
• A much bigger hand grabbed my other leg. I shivered. Which teacher did she bring!?
• "I gotcha kid."
• Ohh, it's Mr. Shunsui. (Glad she didn't get crazy Coach Zaraki)
• After a little pulling and touching places, I hoped no man would. I was back inside.
• But, without the cat. When did I drop it!
• Orihime's pov
• "Ichigo, what's wrong-"
• The cat.
• "Eeek! Where's the cat!?"
• We both pushed Mr. Shunsui out of the way and looked out the window. Where is it!? Where is it!? (I hope I'm not saying this outloud.)
• "There it is!"
• Ichigo shouted, pointing down. I hopped on his arm, getting a closer look. Down below, I saw a dark skinned guy with wavy hair. He had the kitty in his hands. (The poor thing was trembling) Have I met him before? He looked up at us.
• "Is this yours?"
• He called up. I shook my head.
• "I wish, but he's a stray we found in the tree!"
• I shouted back. I'm sure I know who he is. Mr. Shunsui scooted me over.
• "Son, could you be a dear and bring that cat up here?"
• He nodded and walked off. So did my teacher. I looked over at Ichigo. He was panting and sweating He looked my way and raised his hand.
• "Good job, we saved a cat."
• Oh, we're gonna high five. I only put my hand on his. I'm too tired to actually slap it.
• "Good job."
• I wheezed. He chuckled and looked back at the sunset. A light wind blew by. ...I'm so thankful for golden hour.
• "So, can I become a member?"
• Huh?
• "Of course!"
• "This is the most fun I had in weeks!"
• He looked over at me.
• "And cause your a nice guy!"
• I don't want him to think he's just a source of entertainment or anything. Ichigo stuck out his hand.
• "Agreed?"
• I smiled.
• "Agreed!"
• We shook hands.
• "Welcome to the happy feelings club."
• "Orihime,''
• (We're putting the stuff away.)
• "Yeah?"
• "How come you suddenly know my name?"
• I know I forgot to tell her about it. She thought for a moment.
• "The cat you drew earlier!"
• "You signed it."
• Ah, she saw it!?
• "That's great."
• I said with a fake smile. She nodded.
• "It's going on your nametag!"
• Huh!?
This was so long! But, y'know what, first episodes are always long. (And I may of done it on my tablet) Anyway, I really like this one. I can't wait for the next episode. Stay cool!
Little tag list: @elyonholic @o0o0thorn0o0o @ichihimelover1503 @takibikaen @usoppsstar
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takosan · 11 days
Spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach.
The other day I saw someone post that Jujutsu Kaisen was a better manga before it became mainstream and Gege felt pressured by fans to write in a certain way and the story went awry after becoming mainstream. (Can’t find the post now so paraphrasing here but it was basically about the ending which has left many people disappointed.) I’ve been thinking over the post and I don’t know if I agree. For one, most artists want their work to reach more people. Not only does that mean commercial success, more income, future opportunities, etc but also it means you created something which resonates with so many people. If you become mainstream and then feel pressured by your fan base, that is something you have to resolve as an artist internally, by holding true to your vision. This is not to say that fans are always right or kind or generous (I mean here we are reading leaks…) but to blame fans for the writing in the manga doesn’t seem right. So where did it go wrong?
This is my take on it and of course feel free to disagree.
Personally I think Gege kind of set up his own problems and they were foundational and early in the manga. This right here:
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In Gogo, we had a character who was canonically the strongest in the world. Undefeated. Yes, his students have potential but Gojo’s techniques were unrivaled. This by itself was not the issue. There are lots of manga with overpowered teachers/leaders. I just watched Bleach, and the head captain Genryusai Yamamoto is the OP character. In Hunter x Hunter, it is the chairman, Netero. Both of them are defeated and killed by a foe who is introduced as the gravest threat, etc etc. The issue is the suspension of disbelief that fans are expected to perform. How is this little tot of a protagonist going to defeat an antagonist who could defeat the strongest good guy in that world? This is also why I will always get on my soapbox for Hunter x Hunter and Togashi’s writing. Gon never fights Meruem (because he would be swatted aside like a fly) and his fight with catperson (whose name I have forgotten) has horrific consequences. Togashi’s solution was not to give his protagonist a training regimen at Planet Fitness for three weeks. The ant king’s death is so much more realistic. Netero’s means of killing the ant king are underhanded because he acknowledges that they were NOT on the same power level and even his technique was no match at the end of the day. Also other powerful characters who could have taken on the ant king are not introduced until later. The writing and plot development was brilliant, believable, and had us weeping for EVERYONE. Togashi wrote an ethical dilemma about whether the ant king’s murder was justified into that fight.
Bleach is probably a better comparison to JJK because it is also setting up Ichigo to fight Yhwach who has defeated all the canonically strong characters (the head caption, royal guards). No doubt he is going to get new forms, new swords, and fifty chapters where he nearly dies three times. (At the end of it, we will want the fight to end and Ichigo to win because we can’t bear to read another chapter 😂) The difference between the two though, and this is where Gege compounds his mistake, is writing Gojo as a fully fledged character in his own right with plenty of screentime. You end up with people rooting for the supposedly secondary character rather than your protagonist. We might overlook Kubo killing the head captain - he barely appeared in the story, didn’t have much of a personality when he did appear, and was not written as an attractive, interesting, compelling character. He was just a placeholder for what Soul Society represented. It might not be the best writing but we can forgive it. Because the manga focuses us on Ichigo and other characters who we are invested in. Kenpachi v Unohana was rich. Kyoraku inviting Haschwalth to tea was comedy. Mayuri as some mad scientist perversion of a sunflower was dazzling …and puzzling. The same is not true for JJK. Gege wrote BOTH Gojo and Yuji into the spotlight, AND routinely disappeared characters (Nobara?) until they randomly showed up again. As the reader you end up asking where characters are offscreen because there isn’t a satisfactory answer. I don’t think I understood the culling games. The pacing in the ending chapters has been very off. I don’t know if fans can be blamed for this. Personally speaking, the last stroke of brilliance in the plot for me was Gege boxing Gojo (because it makes Gojo so heartrendingly human, to pause at the sight of the one he cares, whom he killed). After that it felt like the plot didn’t know what to do with Gojo.
Also just want to say that I do feel for Gege. I can’t imagine carrying the burden of such high expectations. I am sure the pressure was high, and I think we already know that mangaka are so overworked. It’s something Togashi has talked about when he explains why HxH has been so slow. It can’t be easy to keep churning out issues. And I do wonder about editorial oversight because Gege couldn’t be solely responsible for some of these problems. I don’t support writers being hated on. We can feel disappointed and not like how a story played out, but at the end of the day the writers are human too and also have feelings. At the end of the day we have to give credit to Gege for creating this interesting story world and for giving us characters who entertained us and drew us in.
Anyway this post has become long. I haven’t watched Naruto (which I’ve heard praised for its writing too) so curious how that show handles OP characters who are not the protagonist.
PS - Mayuri. What even is this 😂😂😂😂
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sometimesibewriting · 7 months
Lightning & Thunder
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🍆18+ smut fic MINORS DO NOT INTERACT  🍆
✨Summary: Ichigo helps a woman forget her fear of Thunder.
🍆As usual everyone in this story is 18+, Ichigo is in college.
📃Wordcount: 1K
💙Switching it up right now and writing some Ichigo smut, I hope yall aren't too disappointed. This was actually the first smutty bleach related thing I wrote but I never finished it till now. So it was just sitting in my drafts chilling.
❌Warnings: Unprotected smex.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55889674
The room was covered in darkness, the only light being a dim table light. 
Ichigo reached out to her, the thunder hitting with lightning covering the room. The girl under the covers jumped once more.
"You're afraid of thunder..." He said to himself reaching under the covers. Still, the girl not moving. Ichigo took her hand. "I can distract you from the thunder if you'd like." He then placed a soft kiss on her hand.
Their eyes met for a second then she looked away obviously thinking. "I would like that." She said weakly, thunder clapped causing her to shudder. He took her hand once more putting more kisses all over.
Ichigo pulled her into his body. "Stop me anytime you want." He said softly, she shook her head meekly. 
He put both hands on either side of her head bringing their faces together, their lips touching. The kiss was sof which surprised her. She expects him to be more of a harsher kisser.
She felt a light nibble on her lower lip causing her mouth to open slightly. Ichigo slipped his tongue in deepening the kiss and exploring her mouth. The kiss then became rough but not uncomfortable. As if on cue she leaned back against the bed. Ichigo followed her lead, lying on top. He broke the kiss, leaving them both panting. 
Thunder clapped once more, and Ichigo went in for another kiss before she could flinch. As if a reflex she grabbed onto his shirt squeezing. Speaperating again he asked, "Is it good." All she could manage to do was shake her head yes while she panted. 
He put a hand at the end of her shirt and began to slip it off. "Kurosaki." She whined. "Call me Ichigo." He said softly with a smile. If she was going to moan his name he rather it be his first. "Is everything okay?" He asked stopping. "Yes."
Ichigo lifted the shirt up and over her head with her help. Lighting flashed allowing him to see her chest in full light. He smiled.
Going slow he began taking off the bar straps one by one savoring each moment. Once the straps were gone he slid the bra down to her waist agonizingly slow. The coldness hitting her chest as he did so, her nipples began to slightly harden. 
But nothing could prepare her for Ichigo's lips. 
She gasped as his mouth wrapped around one of her nipples. First sucking then gently biting down, she squirmed under him. He took his other hand and started playing with the other breast. "Fuck." She said softly as she grabbed his orange hair. As he switched to suck on the other side. She couldn't help but grind her lower half up against his. 
That was when he stopped and sat up, even in the dim light you could see how hard the friction made him. "Need help there?" He asked with a smirk. "Ichigo please..." She whined. "Please, what?" He asked tilting his head with a smirk. She shifted in the bed another thunderclap rang this time softer than before. "Touch me!" She said in a harsh tone which startled Ichigo a little. "You sure?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yes. If you don't I will." 
"Would love to see that." He said as his fingers went to her shorts, he began rubbing her through them. Instinctively she spread her legs after a few more strokes he pulled back reaching below the band of the shorts and underwear. He gave a long and teasing stroke then slipped his finger in.
It was a relief for now, as he pumped in and out and then added two more fingers he then began to stretch her out. After his endless teasing, he took his fingers out of her. Sitting up before her, he licked his fingers, ever so teasingly.
She swolled at the site wishing that it was her tongue on those fingers. Once done he reached for her shorts band once more. Lifting her legs as he slipped the garments off. Now she laid before him naked, he reached into his sweat pants pulling out his half-hard cock, and stoking it. 
She sat up reaching for it but Ichigo stopped her with his free hand. "This is about you, remember?" He let go of her wrist returning it to her side. Ichigo slipped his pants down to his hips putting them on the floor. He continued to stroke looking straight at her eyes. 
Her eyes went from his pleasure-filled face to his strong neck, to his chest that heaved in and out. Before landing on the hand that slowly worked his cock. She shifted her legs, she wanted to join in and pleasure herself. But with how he had her begging she decided against it. She will get what she wants in a while anyway.
Ichigo got on top of her now naked. He kissed her lips gently then dropped his face into what appeared to be her neck. "Remember we have to be quiet, my family doesn't know you're here."  All she did was shake her head yes, he began to position himself her legs spreading wide. Ichigo then slipped in rather easily thanks to how wet she was.
She bit her lip trying to make as little noise as possible. Once in her, he began to move whining as he did. "Let. Me know If it's too much. shit." He said inbetween grunts.  "I would like it if you would go faster."  He smirked at her, "Really now? Well, I can't go crazy but I definitely can pick up the pace." Without warning he thrusted faster, trying to make the bed not creak as much.
Her body arched as her hands found his back, she grabbed onto him tight, marks were going to be left on him that night. Ichigo began to move his hips faster, he tried hard not to lose himself and go too fast. The springs were already making enough noise. 
The thrust was enough for her as she felt her orgasm nearing closer. He took note of how she was struggling to keep her screams contained. Ichigo put in hand between her legs and did a hard thrust, praying no one heard. This sent her over the edge causing her to orgasmism. Once done Ichigo slipped out of her and began to finish himself off. Putting his hand at the base of his cock and pumping it at the site of her naked fucked out body. In a few seconds, he came on her stomach.
With the shirt he had taken off, he cleaned off her stomach and then tossed it to the hamper. Ichigo then grabbed another shirt and helped her put it on. 
As he went to put on a pair of underwear she looked over at the window. The storm had stopped, Ichigo was right he was able to distract her from the rain.
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kcuf-ad · 6 months
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Aight bet- I’ll start off with some things I like you may already know XD
Well written female characters given equal amounts of flaws and development in both character and strength depending on the type of media to the male characters, that’s given for almost any show I like really
MONSTROUS CHARACTERs. I’m not taking about like oh cute petite anime girl/boy with like a tail or some horns I’m TALKING MADOKA MAGICA WITCHES THOS GIANT WEIRD THINGS IN EVANGELION. I WANT MONSTERS THAT LOOK LIKE THEIR AN EXSTENTIAL NIGHTMARE!! It’s so gender envy ngl ✨💕 wish that were me
Also Father son duos are a treat for me, but I love father daughter duos more on a personal level (Haha daddy issues go brrr xDD)
SNAKE THEMED CHARACTERS! I know that you know I love snakes Fran XD
Symbolism in character design, the backgrounds, abilities names, I’m a sucker for shows and medias that have me over analyzing everything I could in terms of a character as a whole as well as their Morality, Psyche, biology, etc. just any character or moment I can just daydream about breaking down to their rawest moments and just analyze it til there’s nothing left for me to analyze over
The protagonist has flaws, and genuinely doesn’t win everytime (Yes even though I love Yusaku I mean this whole heartedly) XD
Angst bait and whump bait characters ig XD, I want to fall in love with a tragic character and immediately start hunting down angst and whump about them or just make my own ximssjsm
Also characters that I just wanna coddle and adopt XDDD
Bratty or cocky characters, that have utter fear of god instilled into them or absolutely gets knocked down their pedestal and it’s EMBARRASSINGLY AGONIZING FOR THEM, I’m not a sadist I swear :D
Theirs probs more but I can’t think rn and it’s already at ten I think that’s enough XDD
Oh~ This is such an interesting list, and I am actually pretty sure that Bleach has almost all of these.
Yeah, that is pretty much of a given. Orihime wants to protect her friends, but something happens to her powers and she feels horrible about it, she has real flaws that any girl would have.
Espadas, Just the Espadas. More specifically, Ulquiorra Cifer and his Ressureccion looks like a genuine devil in Bleach.
WE HAVE THAT! WE HAVE KENPACHI ZARAKI AND YACHIRU KUSAJISHI! And it is actually so cute, because this menacing beast of a man that loves to fight to death,
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has a tiny little girl on his shoulder, 24/7. And when he is angry, he just doesn't even think about harming her at all, he just thinks about the people he is about to fight.
4. If you count Isshin and Ichigo, then yeah, we have that. They are a perfect duo. Legit hilarious and Isshin actually loves his son and will protect him.
5. Yup! Cyan Sung-Sun
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6. Yeah it does have that with pretty much every character in this show, even the jokey characters like Asano Keigo. There are hundreds of videos just talking about these characters.
7. Ichigo gets his ass kicked like every arc, at least. Not to mention, the internal battle that he has with his inner demon, both literally and narratively. This guy has more layers than an onion.
8. Pick one. You want angsty antagonist? Coyote Starrk. Angsty protag? Ichigo. Angsty female character? Rukia Kuchiki. Angsty side character? Uryu Ishida. It is filled with angsty characters.
9. Rukia, Yachiru, Yuzu, Karin, Nel, Toshiro, Momo, pretty much, anyone that won't kill you, but knowing you, you will adopt all of them.
10. Renji FUCKING Abarai, this boy is the most hilarious boy on the planet and I love him for that.
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Soooo~ Interested?
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hibiscera · 4 months
Don't u have cats... what are their names
YES!!! We foster cats too so we have a lot at home at any given time, but we also have cats that are ours and four of them are specifically mine! :D
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From left to right, Midna the tortie, Killian the white and tabby, Sienna the brown tabby, and Ichigo the calico!! Ichigo is my oldest, she’s around 17 and I got her when I was like 12. :3 She loves to wake me up at 6 am for breakfast and she always impresses the vet with her health.
Sienna is the only cat we have we know the birthday of, since she was born in our catio!! She’s an April 18th baby and she turned 5 this year. (:
Killian is a silly boy, I’m the only person he lets pet him. He’s very skittish around anyone else, but with me he’ll purr and snuggle up and lie down on top of me and everything. He literally just chose me for no reason, I adore him. 😭
And Midna is an especially silly girl!! She loves to snuggle up anywhere and if I’m lying down in bed on my side, she’ll insert herself in my arms to be held.
There’s other cats that are owned cats, either specifically my mom’s or just the communal house/catio cats, all of whom I love, but these four are specifically mine and the ones that would come with me when I get to move one day!
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aifanfictions · 1 year
write a story about Ichigo Kurosaki saving (y/n) from a Hollow and then being shocked that she can actually see both the hollow and himm so he explains to her that he is a Grim reaper and his duty is to kill Holows, monsters that consume human souls. After many encounteds all around the Karakura town, Ichigo finally builds up the courage and asks (y/n) on a date.
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Hearts Unseen
Karakura Town was known for its tranquil streets, where life unfolded peacefully for most. However, beneath the surface, it harbored secrets that only a select few could see.
(Y/N) was one of those few, though she had no idea just how unique her gift truly was. She had always been able to see spirits and otherworldly beings, a gift that both fascinated and frightened her. Little did she know that her life was about to take a thrilling turn.
One fateful evening, (Y/N) was taking a stroll through a park, her eyes inadvertently drawn to a distant, foreboding presence. It was a Hollow, a monstrous spirit with a gaping maw and an insatiable hunger for human souls. Her heart raced as she watched it approach a group of unsuspecting children.
Before she could even think, a figure in a black cloak and with a bright orange mop of hair appeared in a flash. He moved with blinding speed, a massive blade in his hand, and before (Y/N) could blink, the Hollow had been vanquished.
Staring in awe, she approached the mysterious savior. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice trembling.
The young man in the cloak removed his mask, revealing intense, amber eyes. "My name is Ichigo Kurosaki. I'm a Soul Reaper, and it's my duty to protect the living from spirits like that Hollow."
Ichigo's words left (Y/N) speechless. She had seen spirits before, but this was different. Not only had Ichigo saved her, but she could also see both him and the Hollow with a clarity that she had never experienced before.
Ichigo noticed her confusion and said, "You can see me, can't you?"
(Y/N) nodded slowly. "Yes, but it's never been this clear. Who are you really, Ichigo?"
With a sigh, Ichigo explained his role as a Soul Reaper, someone tasked with ensuring that Hollows did not harm the living by sending them to the afterlife. He revealed that her unique ability to see both the spirits and him was a rare gift, one that could be helpful in their mission.
Over time, Ichigo and (Y/N) encountered numerous Hollows together. They fought side by side, and despite the danger, a deep bond began to form between them. Ichigo admired (Y/N)'s bravery and her willingness to help protect the living.
One evening, as the setting sun painted the sky with warm hues of orange and pink, Ichigo worked up the courage to ask (Y/N) on a date. He had saved her from countless Hollows, and he wanted to spend time with her away from the chaos of their shared duty.
"(Y/N), I was thinking... after we deal with this Hollow, would you like to go on a date with me?" Ichigo asked, his cheeks tinted with a faint blush.
(Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat at the unexpected request. She smiled warmly and nodded. "I'd love to, Ichigo."
Their first date was a simple, but beautiful affair. They went for a walk through Karakura Town, enjoying each other's company without the looming threat of Hollows. They shared stories, dreams, and even a few laughs.
As the night sky blanketed the town, Ichigo and (Y/N) found themselves standing on a quiet bridge, the soft sound of water flowing beneath them. Ichigo gazed at (Y/N) with a tender look in his amber eyes.
"(Y/N), there's something I've been wanting to do," Ichigo said, his voice soft and earnest. He reached out, gently taking her hand.
(Y/N)'s heart raced as she felt his warmth. "What is it, Ichigo?"
With a gentle tug, Ichigo pulled (Y/N) closer and leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a soft, lingering kiss. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that beautiful, timeless moment.
As they parted, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile. "That was... amazing."
Ichigo chuckled, his arm wrapping around her waist. "I'm glad you thought so. (Y/N), I want to keep fighting Hollows with you, but I also want to share moments like this. I want to protect you and be by your side, always."
(Y/N)'s heart swelled with emotion. "Ichigo, I feel the same way. I'm ready for whatever the future brings, as long as you're with me."
Their love had been born in the midst of chaos, but it was a love that would continue to grow stronger, unbreakable and enduring. Together, they would face the challenges of the spirit world and the living world, sharing a connection that transcended both.
Days turned into weeks, and Ichigo and (Y/N) continued to share their lives. They battled Hollows, explored the mysteries of their gifts, and found solace in each other's presence. Their love story was unlike any other, a blend of courage, determination, and an unbreakable bond.
One chilly evening, as autumn leaves rustled in the breeze, Ichigo and (Y/N) found themselves in a peaceful corner of Karakura Park. They sat on a bench, hands entwined, watching the sky change colors as the sun set.
Ichigo turned to (Y/N), his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "I never expected to find someone like you, (Y/N). You're not just a remarkable person; you're my partner in this unique journey. I'm grateful for your presence in my life."
(Y/N) smiled, her heart swelling with love. "Ichigo, I never expected any of this either. But I'm grateful to have you by my side. You're not just a protector; you're someone who's captured my heart."
Ichigo leaned in, his lips brushing against (Y/N)'s, a soft and sweet kiss that conveyed the depth of their feelings. The kiss was a testament to their love, the culmination of a journey that had brought them together in the most unexpected way.
Their love story was like no other, and as they continued to face the challenges that the spirit world and the living world presented, they did so hand in hand. Ichigo and (Y/N) had found in each other a love that was unshakeable, an adventure that was breathtaking, and a bond that was everlasting.
In the heart of Karakura Town, beneath the moonlit sky and the protective gaze of Ichigo's amber eyes, their love story was only just beginning, a tale of courage, passion, and hearts that had seen the unseen, and had found in each other the love they had been searching for all along.
NOTE! This story was generated by OpenAI
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