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nyelvű árlista összes terméke közül érdemes azokat bemutatni, amelyek gyakori elemei lehetnek egy átlagos vásárlói kosárnak. A szeszes italok mindenképpen ide tartoznak, és feltűnő, milyen gazdag ebben a Mere kínálata. Egy liter almabort például 846 forintért adnának, miközben ugyanez a legolcsóbb boltban is 1000 forint felett van.
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second date fireworks 🎆
[Ichihime week 2023, Day 3 - Date / Fireworks]
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IchiRukis and Anti-IchiHimes can believe what they want but here's the thing, Kubo-sensei made Bleach, not them. Also, I kinda hate repeating this for those morons but he could have made Rukia the trigger to Ichigo's extreme reactions and the target for his enemies in order to get to him. However, Kubo-sensei opted for Hime and he just proceeded with it.
- was allowed by Kenpachi to join him in SS Arc since he sensed that having her near him could lead him to Ichigo.
- was hugged (put his arm on her shoulder in the anime) by Shinji and it caused Ichigo to drag then shove him on the wall. Even Ichigo's classmates reacted to why he got angry like that.
- was abducted by Ulquiorra thru Aizen's orders in order to keep Ichigo out of the war. Ulquiorra mentioned to Ichigo that he was the one who abducted her and caused the latter to attack the former in a fit of rage. Ichigo was like a zombie after he learned about her abduction.
- Grimmjow used her to taunt Ichigo in order to get a reaction from him and it worked. He also targeted her during his final fight with Ichigo so the latter will have to take their fight more seriously.
-Ginjo had her brought into Yukio's "game room" in order for her to heal Ichigo and allow him to fight harder. It worked since he noticed Ichigo's movements become sharper when she was there, causing Ginjo to note that Ichigo tends to fight better when he has to protect.
-The mere mention of her name by Tsukishima after altering the history of Ichigo's friends and family made Ichigo punch him so hard and him seeing her heal the former later on in the FB arc caused him to be a bit devastated.
I mentioned these examples since Kubo-sensei used those recurring themes to reinforce why IchiHime is the endgame couple. Yes, he could have been lazy and made Ichigo and Orihime admit to each other but he didn't. He used his characters as PoV since thru them, we saw how Ichigo reacted when something was done to Orihime, and his reactions were obvious.
Lastly, attacking, harassing and outright insulting Kubo-sensei or any mangaka about what they did with their work is bollocks. It's their work, not ours. We consume it.
It just goes to show how good of a writer Kubo is and why he stands among the big three and these “fans” don’t. Like seriously any one of them, especially the Japanese fans, can make an IR inspired series and be as successful as Bleach but in reality these people have no talent so they force and leech off of actual talents and think they can bully said talent and whatever fans that have common sense.
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playfully avoiding addam's kisses

pairing: addam origo x gn!reader
tags: silly & wholesome fluff, established romantic relationship

addam loves to randomly kiss you, sometimes just leaning in and pressing a kiss onto your head while you cook or do anything else
and occasionally, you have to pull away to focus on your task, which made you realize just how pouty addam gets when you deny him the chance to kiss you!
at some point, you decide to tease your boyfriend a bit, so the next time he leans in for a kiss, you slip away and watch as he kisses the air, before pouting
“hey–!” he'll whine and lean in again, only for you to deny him yet another kiss. “did i do something wrong? are you upset with me?”
but as soon as he sees the little grin on your lips, addam realizes you're not mad at him. if anything, you are enjoying yourself right now! so he might just join the fun…
“you do know i'm the driver of the aegis, do you~?” he grins as he slowly steps closer, raising his arms, ready to grab you. “not to brag, but i'm quite fast. i'd say… faster than you!”
and just as those words leave his mouth, addam launches forward and wraps his arms around you, holding you up in the air and laughing, as you squirm a little
“gotcha!” he grins and looks up at you. “now, don't you think i deserve a kiss now? i've caught you after all…”
with a grin on your lips, you finally lean in and give your boyfriend the kiss he wanted so badly, only for him to hug you even tighter as your lips finally meet…

#addam origo x reader#addam origo#addam x reader#addam#origo#addam xenoblade#adam xenoblade#xenoblade chronicles 2 x reader#xenoblade chronicles x reader#xenoblade x reader#xenoblade chronicles 2#xenoblade chronicles#xenoblade#xc2#xc2 x reader#torna x reader#torna#torna the golden country#torna the golden country x reader#ttgc#ttgc x reader#x reader#x you#x y/n#x gn reader#fluff#headcanons#dating#silly
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A stábtag azt is elárulta, hogy L.L. Junior azóta rájött, nem volt rendben a viselkedése, ezért folyamatosan ostromolja a TV2-t azzal, hogy az utómunka során vágással finomítsanak a jeleneteken.
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Fucking around on Canva and I made a shirt design. And now it's on my etsy.
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Az origo.hu címlapja (kiemelések tőlem) 2024. május 5-én, amikor Magyar Péter Debrecenben szólalt fel.
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golden hour 🏖
[Ichihime week 2023, Day 6 - Honeymoon trip]
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valahol csodálatos, egyben borzongató.
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bro got his ass beat
#art#digital art#fanart#mp100#mob psycho 100#reigen arataka#mp100 fanart#pokemon#comic#serizawa katsuya#kurata tome#tome kurata#roshuto dozen#hoshida origo#pokemon crossover#The funny thing about reigens system is that if you want to battle him you have to beat his co workers#and serizawa is like#overpowered#so there is no circumstance in which you get to battle reigen#unless of course Serizawa has a sick day#the reigen cooked
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i love the origo family ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
just a family wearing turtleneck sweater tank tops
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"Megalázó primitívség: ez a Sztárbox, ahol baloldali politikai aktivisták verekednek, ahol eszméletlenre vernek egy volt válogatott futballistát, aki kis híján meghalt a ringben, ahol mocskos szavakat kiabálnak, trágárul ordibálnak magukat énekesnek hívó emberek."
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Nude Origo, 2023
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Az Origo, Nagy Ervin és az idő
[...] A Kincsem nem fontoskodó eposz, hanem vérpezsdítő kalandfilm szeretne lenni, és egy ilyen filmhez, egy ilyen főszerephez rocksztáralkatra van szükség. Pontosabban, egy rocksztárra, aki még azelőtt lecsúszott, hogy befuthatott volna.
Ha kell, lehengerlően sármos, elhisszük neki, hogy még a bordélyház sokat látott madámját is az ujja köré csavarja. [...]
[...] Hogy az amerikai követség úgymond emberszámba vette a mérsékelten sikeres színészt, azonnal politikai túlteljesítésre ösztökélte Nagy Ervint. [...]
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Az origo.hu 2022. január 6. napján a »Megkérdeztük Karácsonyt a Gyurcsány-fióka 50 milliárdos vagyonáról – megdöbbentő választ kaptunk« című cikkünkben valótlanul híreszteltük, hogy Mártha Imre ellen négy ügyben is eljárás indult, különösen nagy vagyoni hátrányt okozó hűtlen kezelés bűntette miatt.
Valótlanul híreszteltük azt is, hogy Mártha Imre 'Home office' címszó alatt egy jachton tölti az idejét, továbbá valótlanul híreszteltük, hogy a Mártha Imre által a közösségi oldalra feltöltött és általunk közölt fotón 'Home office' feliratot helyezett el.
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