#Yeah they don't flat out say they're dating
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xxsquiddkiddxx · 3 months ago
Viktor x Reader Headcanons
Pronouns for reader: Gender neutral, AFAB undertones if you squint
Relationship type: Platonic to Romantic
General Idea: Some silly little headcanons I have for Viktor because he's still my silly little princess. Even after the whole glorious evolution thing.
Content Warnings: S1 Viktor, no S2 spoilers, But there as little bit of s2 viktor's mindset, I'm projecting a little bit (a lot) but it's fine.
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I honestly see Viktor as asexual with light aromantic undertones (kinda like demiromantic, I guess??). He rarely ever developes romantic feelings. Like its a once in a blue moon thing.
Like... he has to know you for YEARS before something in his head is like "Oh... hey they kinda cute?"
However, when he DOES develop feelings that go beyond friendship, Viktor HEAVILY struggles with coming to terms with them. Not in like a "I don't DO feelings" type way, but more in a "Well... no... it could be this" type of way.
Oh, his heart rate speeds up a little bit when you two accidently brush hands? It must just be his nerves.
When he does realize that he has feelings for someone, it's kind of like that scene in Gravity Falls where Dipper is like "It's not like I stay awake at night thinking about Wendy" and it cuts to him laying awake thinking about Wendy XD
If he likes someone romantically, he talks about them a lot. Like as if trying to bring them up as much as he can. Like "Oh (Y/N) mentioned something about that book, said they really liked it" Or "(Y/N) actually said something similar about that topic" If he could yap about you for hours, he probably would.
Even if you're being PAINFULLY obvious about your romantic feelings towards Viktor, he will firmly believe you're just being friendly.
Why he does it is a mix between two things: one is that he's just not awesome with people. And second is that he firmly believes someone like you could never love someone like him back.
One night, Viktor had been constantly working without break, so you practically dragged him to his room by his ear and forced him to get some rest.
Viktor has a strong habit of having his workspace FILLED with old mugs, sometimes days old. He doesn't really mean to, just too wrapped up in Hextech to really notice.
He also struggles with meals too. Just like above, because he literally just gets too wrapped up in his work.
If Viktor actually confesses feelings, it's such an interesting experience. Because he doesn't just flat out say "Hey I have feelings for you". He stumbles over his words and rambles about something random in the middle of it. So you gotta help him out a little bit.
Viktor's love language is quality time. He'll make sure his seat is next to you when it can, he always yaps about what he's uncovered about Hextech.
Speaking of Hextech, if you just sit there and watch him work? He'd about die of happiness on the spot. If you, someone he really loved, took an interest to something he truly loved DOING? Perfect.
He used to get really flustered about physical affection. Like you held his hand one time and he about combusted. He was red in the face for hours. He got better with it overtime, of course. But for the first few months, he was pretty much bright red the whole time.
Dates are rare, neither of you have the time for it. But when you two do have dates of some kind, they're mostly stay at home type things.
You know that thing kids do? Like playing their own separate things together? Parallel play, I think it's called? Yeah you two do that a lot.
Viktor will be reading some papers and you'll be reading a book, your feet in his lap.
Speaking of, Viktor is such a reader omg He doesn't read a lot anymore due to his constant workload, but when he does, he reads a lot of like... old books. The ones with yellowing pages and smell nice? Yeah... those ones!
If you two slept in the same bed, he'd be all like... giggly and nervous the first few times. Just like affection, he'd get used to it. But it's still cute.
When you two are cuddling, run your fingers in his hair. He'll melt right into you regardless of the situation. It's like an instant relax button for him.
Him laying his head on your chest, and you running your fingers through his hair? Something about it just... works. It calms him down a lot and makes him feel at peace.
His favorite place to kiss is the crook of your neck. Especially if you're around his height (he's like... between 5'7 and 5'10. I don't remember exactly).
Or your temples. It's simple, it doesn't attract a lot of attention. And let's be real, it's underrated as hell.
He's not big on PDA, but he'll hold your hand in public. He likes holding onto just one of your fingers, like your pinkie or something like that. It, just like temple kisses, is simple and discreet.
He doesn't often say "I love you". He feels bad about it, but you don't mind. He often says I love you without saying it. Things like holding you while you sleep, kissing your forehead as you two read in each other's arms, weaving your fingers with his while he works.
He gets self-conscious a lot. He thinks you could do a lot better than him and that he's not perfect.
Please kiss this poor boy all over and tell him he's perfect as is 😭😭
A/N:The Arcane brainrot has gotten to me... This is how I'm coping with the finale. But I've wanted to write Viktor or Sevika stuff for a HOT minute now. I've been in the Arcane fandom for YEARS (a fanfic writer even longer) but this is my first Arcane fic... wild XD
For more fics: my masterlist!
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baronfulmen · 1 year ago
I think it's really funny when bigots flat out say that they don't like using people's preferred pronouns or respecting sexual orientations other than straight because they "don't understand it".
Like. Yeah, I also do not understand it. But who the fuck cares?
Listen I have had multiple people try to explain to me the difference between bi and pan and none of them agreed with each other. I've heard people combine labels that, to my understanding, would be totally contradictory. I am a straight cisgender man that honestly doesn't have the faintest idea what people mean when they try to describe being genderfluid.
But how fucking weak-minded, cowardly, and hate filled would I need to be for me to make that anyone else's problem? Shit, I don't even make it MY problem because NOBODY CARES IF I GET IT. They're just asking me to be respectful, also known as the bare fucking minimum of social interactions.
I don't need to understand. It doesn't matter. Get to know people as individuals to the extent you need to for that specific relationship, and otherwise just call them whatever the fuck they want to be called and let them date whoever the fuck they want to date. There are so many things I don't understand in this world, can you imagine if I was out there trying to ban particle accelerators or, I don't know, magnets (ICP had a point, how DO those work)?
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rafeandonlyrafe · 1 year ago
baby shoes
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words: 2.3k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, best friend!rafe, childhood friends to lovers, pretty fluffy :), p in v sex, unprotected smut, breeding!, pregnancy kink?, no actual sex while pregnant but lots of like. bump descriptions?
rafe rolls his eyes as you let out a squeal, already knowing what is happening.
“oh. my. god.” you pick up the baby shoes off the shelf, a pair of sparkly flats with the cutest flower straps you've ever seen. “rafe, they're so tiny!”
you hold them up for him to look at as if he's never seen baby shoes before, despite you pointing them out to him every time you're out shopping together.
“yeah, real cute.” he says, keeping his voice completely monotone.
“rafe, don't be so sour.” you pout at him. your friendship is an unexpected one. started in kindergarten and has only grown closer since, your sweet nature in contrast to rafes hard exterior.
“y/n.” rafe sighs, taking the baby shoes from your hands as he sets them back on the shelf. “we look at baby shoes and onesies every time we go to target. i brought you here to buy you a pair of boots, let's go.”
rafe tries to usher you down the aisle. despite you also being a kook he refuses to let you (or, really, your parents credit card) pay for anything.
you nod and continue to the women's section when you cross by a pair of ugg boots made for toddlers and stop in your tracks. “raaaafe!” you coo.
look how cute this baby is rafey
“are you serious?” rafe questions reading your text message. “im laying right next to you.”
“too much work to roll over and show you.” you shrug, both scrolling on your phones, having just gotten back from a long day. so long rafe insisted you slept at his because it was closer. only one block closer, but you didn't argue. rafes bed is also yours, and yours his. you've always shared, no need to change now just because you're older.
“that baby isn't even that cute.” rafe huffs out.
you turn over now, rolling onto your stomach to glare at him. “rafe cameron, you are such a dick!”
“oh, so you'll roll over to yell at me?” rafe questions, a smile on his face. usually he wouldn't take shit from anyone, but you're not just anyone to him.
“yes because you deserve it asshole. that baby is adorable.”
“yours would be way cuter.” rafe grins, knowing how flustered you get talking about having a child of your own.
“okay, true.” 
“what the fuck is going on?” rafe questions, his mouth literally dropping as he walks in.
“oh my god!” you squeal. “you told me you were coming over at 2, you idiot!” 
rafe looks at the time on your alarm clock. 1:55. rafe may have not knocked before letting himself in, but he figured it was fine. 
“what are you wearing?”
“it's… it's a fake pregnancy belly. my friend carly who works with the school plays said they were getting rid of it bc it was getting old… and i asked to have it.” you shrug, your embarrassment melting away the longer you talk about it.
“why would you want that?” rafe questions.
“i just wanted to see what id look like.” you shrug, turning again to look at yourself in the mirror, running your hands over the tshirt stretching around the plastic material. “i think i look cute.”
rafes eyes are on the round swell of your belly. he thinks you look more than cute, he thinks you look so ravishing he wants to make that belly real right this second.
“gonna take a shower.” rafe makes a turn towards your bathroom before you can argue, saving himself by locking the door behind him.
“why are you in a mood?” rafe just entered your house but he can already tell from the look on your face that something has upset you.
“freaking kelsey is pregnant.” you spit her name out like it's an insult. she's been your sworn moral enemy ever since she “dated” rafe in the fourth grade and told him he had to choose between staying friends with you or dating her. he chose staying friends of course, but you've despised her anyways since.
“okay…” rafe waits for more reasoning to you being so upset.
“that should be me.” you whine, not ashamed as you throw a little tantrum, stomping your feet on the ground.
“it can be.” rafe shrugs.
“huh?” you question, plopping back on the couch behind you, waiting for rafe to join you for movie night.
“you're not a kid anymore, y/n. you're 21. have a baby if you want.” rafe simply states.
“i- who would i even have a baby with? im single.” you've been single a majority of your life. there were flings in high school, but no one that lasted.
what you don't know if rafe contributed heavily to those relationships ending. he had staked his claim on you, and no guy was worthy in his eyes.
“id help you raise a baby.” rafe says without really thinking, sitting down on the couch next to you, not flinching as you turn to place your feet on his lap, always wanting to stretch out and get comfortable.
“you would?”
“im with you all the time anyways.” rafe nods. “if you had a baby id basically be their dad anyways.”
“id want that.” you admit. “you're the only guy out there i trust enough to get me pregnant.” you're not really thinking about your words themselves as you press your fingers to your stomach, imagining it filled up with a baby, with rafes baby.
“alright, we gotta talk about something else.” rafe shifts on the couch, pushing your feet off his lap to turn himself slightly away from you.
“wait why?” you question, sitting forward.
“just… change the subject.” rafe takes a deep breath, trying to calm down the boner that is growing in his pants.
“no, tell me!” you move closer, which only makes rafe turn away more. “tell me, rafey!”
he's never kept anything from you, and shockingly you can't figure out why he's behaving like this now.
“jesus, stop!” rafe scooches away when you grab onto his arm, trying to get him to face you, to look at you.
“tell me!” you complain again.
“because im fucking hard okay!” rafe shouts, standing up from the couch. “it's getting me fucking hard thinking about getting you pregnant so change the fucking subject!”
you sit on the couch in shock, eyes wide open. you know you shouldn't, he's your best friend after all, but you find your eyes moving lower, and sure enough, the front of rafes pants and tented, cock pushing away from his body.
“i-i-” you stammer.
“you nothing. okay? we forget this happened. just stop talking about getting fucking pregnant and stop talking about me being the one to do it.”
“but i want it to be you.” you blink up at rafe, head suddenly clearing. you do want it or be rafe. he's the only one who should be waking up in the middle of the night with you when your baby cries. he's the one you want to experience every milestone with. he's the one you want filling you up over and over until your tummy starts to swell.
“we can't go back.” rafe says, his tone suddenly serious. “we can't go back to just friends.”
“i know.” it's all you need to say for rafe to surge forward, dropping his knees to the floor as he kisses you, mouth easily dominating yours. you let out a soft moan as his hands cup your jaw, keeping you close even though you press yourself into him, hands fisted in his shirt.
“let me have you.” rafe pants against your mouth. “i need you. let me fill you up.”
“yes.” you nod. “yes, please. take your clothes off.”
you don't care that you're in the middle of your living room, you immediately tug your shirt off over your head, bearing your breasts to him. rafe knew you never wore a bra when in your own home, but seeing your bare tits is still a shock.
he doesn't even take his shirt off despite you tugging at it, cupping your chest as he leans in, mouth wrapping around your nipple.
“oh my god!” you squeal, fisting your hands in rafes hair, holding him close to your body as his tongue flicks over your nipple, hardening it quickly.
“i… im sorry baby i need to get inside of you.” rafe feels crude, tugging at your shorts to pull them down your legs, tossing them away.
“i need you too.” there will be plenty of time now that you've admitted feelings for each other to take your time, to go slow and learn each other's bodies.
rafe stands up, looking down at you in just your underwear, eyes glassy with lust as he pulls his shirt off, followed by him tugging his pants down, finally getting your eyes off his face as your eyes move down. you reach forward, hand rubbing over rafes length, annoyed that the fabric of his underwear is not allowing you to see him properly.
“fuck, stop.” rafe takes a step back. “im supposed to cum in you. get you pregnant. you're gonna make me bust.”
you smile, flattered that your simple touch can cause him to almost lose it.
“where do you want me.” you whisper. you aren't a virgin but you certainly aren't as experienced as rafe. while you know he partakes in hookups at parties you don't attend, you were never interested in sleeping around just for the sake of sleeping around.
“just lay back, baby.” rafe let's out a huff as you turn from sitting on the couch to laying down, your breasts falling beautifully as you wait for him to make the next move. “let's get these off.” rafe pulls your underwear down, but you keep your legs together to hide yourself for a little longer.
rafe shucks his underwear off next, praying his throbbing erection doesn't cause him to cum the second he gets inside of you.
you let out a low moan just from the both of you being naked. “gonna kneel down. wrap your leg around me.” rafe helps position you, spreading your legs as his eyes take in your wet cunt, pretty and perfect as he wraps your knee around his hips as he sinks himself down, moving to drape his body over yours.
“ill go slow.” rafe says, hoping he can stay true to his word as he reaches down, running his cock briefly through your folds, obsessed with the way your expression changed into one of pure pleasure.
“okay, just at first.” you nod. you need slow to open you up, to stretch your walls to allow rafes size, but you dont want it to stay slow, needing to feel him pound into you, make a mess of your cunt.
rafe sinks in with a gasp as your tightness and warmth envelops him. “fuck.” he mutters out, eyes squeezing closed as he inserts himself until he’s fully buried inside you pussy.
“feels real good rafey.” you pout. “cant believe we didn’t do this sooner. could already have a baby by now.” “oh, im gonna give you plenty.” rafe bends down to kiss you, letting himself get lost in the kiss, focusing on your mouth against his to distract from his throbbing cock.
“move.” you gasp, starting to grind your hips. “move.”
its all rafe needs to start smashing his hips back and forth, rocking into you in a steady but fast motion, aiming every time to get his cock as deep inside of you as possible.
“yes, yes!” you squeal, hands gripping his shoulders. as good as rafe thrusting into you feels, you want his cum more than anything. you begin to squeeze your pussy around him every time he pulls out before thrusting back in, and you can tell from the way rafes mouth hangs open that he likes it.
“fuck, im already close, sorry.” rafe has never had a problem cumming too early with anyone else, but hes never been with you, his best friend who he’s been head over heels for since kindergarten, who is begging to have him put a baby in your womb.
“cum in me. please.” you don’t even care about your own orgasm. you don’t even want it, already feeling so overwhelmed from the way rafes cock swells inside of you.
your eyebrows raise when you realize what the warmth spreading inside of you is, never having let a man take you without a condom. you let out a moan to match rafes as he cums, flooding your insides as he grinds into you. 
you wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him down onto you, not caring about the weight as you squeeze your cunt, milking any last drops out of him.
“oh my god, i’m gonna cry its so cute.” tears brim in your eyes as you look at your finished nursery, rafe having done the last of the decorations when you were napping, putting the final touches on.
“you're so cute.” he hums, wrapping his arms around you as he stands behind you, also looking over the room. 
“thank you. its perfect.” you sniffle.
“you’re perfect.” rafe has been overwhelming you with compliments lately, wanting to make sure that you know he is still very much attracted to you with your pregnant belly. “and beautiful. and hot. and sexy.” “oh, stop it.” you roll your eyes with a giggle, turning to face rafe.
“it would be inappropriate to have sex in our babies nursery, wouldn’t it?” despite the baby not even being here yet, rafe looks around the former guest bedroom and realizes that it simply wouldn’t be right.
“you’re not getting me on the floor anyways.” you press your hands to your stomach. seven months along with rafes baby.
“probably for the best.” rafe places his hand on your back, leading you out of the nursery and towards your bed. “wanna eat you out on our bed anyways, mamas.”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @folklorsweet @soilderpoetandking @auryyz
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winterzsurprise · 5 months ago
Change My Mind [4]
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Pairing: BTS x reader
SUMMARY: As a make-up artist, you were expected to glamorize your clients with brushes and products that cost a week-worth of food, not to befriend them outside of work, let alone have them save you from dates yet here you are five years later as one of their closest confidants.
Being a stylist of the world's biggest boyband is no easy feat, someone is doing flips, someone can't stay still and one's asleep but its fine, you can work around their chaos but then one day, you find out they're all your soulmates, a whole different can of chaos you don't think you can handle.
Tags: Soulmates AU, Friends to Lovers, Eventual Smut, Not Beta Read, Slow Build, Polyamory, Attempts at Humor
Words: 7.1k
nothing much to say this time but this is not beta read, my friend who was supposed to read it is unfortunately unavailable, idk if the argument makes sense in the end cause I personally run from confrontations so idk how to write good arguments so yeah.
ANYWAYS, Happy reading!!
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TAGLIST: @wildestdreamsblog @canarystwin @prettywheenicry @jmnscutie @sassy-snassy @misuguru @11thenightwemet11 @yoongibaybee @rinkud
In all of your years working for Bangtan, as one of their staff and the youngest stylist, you've been included in every life events and celebrations there is. Birthdays, first wins, comebacks, everything there is even something as important as family dinners. You've never skipped or forgot a single member's birthday, period.
But as Guwon stands before you, a plane ticket to Jeju in hand with the departure scheduled tomorrow and returning just a day short before the tour, you find yourself at a crossroad. It’s Jungkook's birthday tomorrow and Jimin has planned a small party tonight at their dorms before the formal celebration at the company the next day.
While you've been trying to rectify the awkward air between you and the maknae since his confession by starting conversations, the maknae only replied to you with silence before promptly vanishing in two seconds flat.
But despite the strain in your relationship, you could never think of not attending his birthday. You'd never thought to be petty enough to return his energy. His present was already wrapped in a pretty bow under your bed for a week now for Christ's sake!
“I-I can't… It's one of their birthday’s tomorrow.”
“Oh.” His smile falls. “Can't you just give your gift today? Surely they can party for one night without you.”
It was a genuine question, logical and true but for some reason, his tone raised concerns within you. You swear to the highest heavens you could hear a bit of irritation hidden beneath dejection.
You winced. “I can't, I'm really sorry… I-I can pay you back what you've spent for the trip. I'm really sorry, I just never missed any of their birthdays. I swear I'll make it up to you next time!”
Guwon's shine dulled the further you went on and your heart twinged with guilt. In another universe where some humans gained animalistic features, he'd have dog ears pressed to his skull, staring at you with wide and glistening eyes.
You waved off the image immediately, disturbed.
“It's also my fault for not asking for your schedule. The tour is next week and then you'd be away from me for months so I kind of… panicked. I'm sorry.”
He should've known better than not to do research on your bosses , a voice at the back of your head scoffed and you waved the thought away as you put a hand over his. 
“I should've notified you as well. Tell me if those are refundable or not, I'll pay you back.”
He waves you off. “Cute but I've been raised well to know not to ask a lady to pay for my mistake, so don't worry that pretty head of yours about not being able to go.”
The date continued and thankfully, no dead air remained and conversation eased out of the both of you. Guwon sorted out his reservations early on, he'd stopped eating every once in a while to pick up his phone to either receive a call or respond to an email.
With how often he answered the chimes of his phone and how long it took for him to finally put it down, you figured he must've prepared a lot for the week and it made you feel more guilty every time he did it.
Today, he brought you both to an indoor park he rented for an hour for a picnic. It was on the outskirts of Seoul and he also cooked most of the food placed between you both, his mother however, was responsible for the side dishes.
Speaking of mothers, yours called earlier to congratulate you on whatever it was she was adamant on keeping secret but you already knew what it was and you were glad Jungkook’s mother gave birth on such a perfect day almost 21 years ago.
Guwon was planning to propose to you during the trip.
It left a bitter taste in your tongue. Sure you had expected to be married to him at some point but you barely knew the man outside of his colorful stories, and knew none of his actual behavior in his home. You haven't even visited his house yet for a vibe check so why is he rushing too fast?
Despite the guilt in your heart, relief is more palpable knowing you'd have more time to figure out if you truly want Guwon in your life.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you took a glance at it.
           [17:29] Jinnie: I'll pick you up at your apartment by 6.            [17:29] Jinnie: please be prepared😊
Seeing the t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶t̶e̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ friendly smile attached at the end of his message, you're suddenly reminded of the present. You hadn't told any of them of your date today, something that had drawn out longer than you thought it would. You frowned, fingers drumming on the side of your phone as you pondered on what to reply.
You had promised to help with the food yet here you are, out of town and on a picnic date inside a garden observatory.
“Who is it?” Guwon asks, seeing the frown on your face. Your mind immediately picks up the odd tone he has.
“Their oldest, Jin. We're supposed to cook together before the rest comes home.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “I thought the birthday was tomorrow?”
“Oh, we're planning a small party before it, just his closest friends.”
Guwon nodded, eyes distant and thoughtful as he took a bite of his sandwich before continuing. “What time are you expected?”
“Their eldest said he'll pick me up at six.”
He looked at his watch and frowned deeper. “It's already 5:30. Maybe I can drive you to their dorm instead?”
You immediately shook your head. Remembering the promise you had with Jin and Jungkook. The maknae had recently begun to look at your direction again yesterday after Hoseok had talked to him, inviting Guwon would ruin the smallest progress you’ve had. 
Not to mention, you can't reveal their dorm location even if he is to be your husband. Company rules and you've signed an NDA.
“Company rules, can't reveal their location.”
“If we're going to be a couple soon, I'm going to need to know more about these guys you're hanging around. I don't trust them.” He says as he turns to the picnic basket to take another sandwich out, unable to see the twitch in your eye. 
“Well, you have to learn how to, they’re my bosses and my best friends.”
“I’m having a hard time believing that. I mean,” He scoffed. “Did you notice how they look at me whenever I’m around? That rapper—Yun���Yoonmi stared at me like I’m an insect he stepped on.”
Anger boils deep within your soul and you’re sure it's visibly contorting your face at this point but the man didn’t notice it and continued chewing on his food.
“Besides, their location is pretty well known already, no? Just a couple searches away, why be so secretive about it?”
You refrain yourself from frowning and it takes all of the energy within you to not react as wildly as you would’ve. It was amazing how the illusion of something good could shatter with only a few words and you set down the sandwich in your hand.
There's something terribly humbling upon realization that the man you're talking to is indeed, a man.
Noticing the shift in the air, he set down his cup of coffee with a slight raise to his brows.
“Why are you looking at me like that? It's true though, I just think it's pointless to try to hide it when some people already know, so what's the use of trying to hide their dorm?”
Where's Jimin and Taehyung at times like this?
You dreaded the conversation you're about to bring up to your mother once she calls, and could hear her scolding you for having such high standards. Guwon being indifferent to the possibility of being stalked, and your boys’ privacy being breached immediately raise red glaring flags over his head.
A lawyer himself who shrugged at the threat of crimes, the joke just writes itself.
“Don't look at me like that, I'm just… trying to understand why you didn't want me to interact with them after our second date. It makes a man overthink, know?”
Whatever thread you were holding onto, a sliver of hope that you might've misheard or misunderstood him, decayed within you and you picked up your phone to stuff into your bag.
You had hoped, wished, that after your deep talk on the night Seokjin had scolded your ass to the nines he'd understand your dynamic better with the boys or at least try. You could already hear Yoongi's drawl out ‘I told you so’ as you packed up, even imagine him bringing up Namjoon’s statistical analysis and how I should've listened to it.
“If you're implying what I think you are implying then I don't think we should meet each other anymore.”
Tossing the food back into the basket carelessly, you slung your bag over your shoulder and stand, only for his hand to shoot out to grab your wrist in an iron grip.
“Wait, I-I'm sorry! I just got… jealous, that's all.”
Even with the apologetic look displayed clearly on his face and the fear swimming with them, nothing could bring back to life the trust you had on the man and you pushed his hand away.
“I can't stay with someone who can't understand why those boys are important to me, sorry Guwon but we're over. Don't you ever contact me again.”
“You can't possibly be breaking up with me because I said what I felt? Over them? Really?!”
You don't even recognize the man sitting opposite you.
He knew, he saw how close you are with them and even sat through the stories you told him during your dates. Guwon knew you cherished every single boy in the group yet he disregarded it all because of jealousy? If that isn't a warning, then you might be blind.
“It's like I never even knew you at all.”
He scoffed. “Same with you. Can't believe I actually believed your words telling me you were friends but I saw how those boys treated you!”
Sure your relationship with your bosses is unusual but it was built from hardship and loneliness from being taken away from home and surrendering their time for a glimpse of fame in a field where they're at a huge disadvantage. It was special in ways not many could fathom because in their head, what reason would there be for a man to befriend a girl other than having the intention to fuck them?
It was the mindset of the old and “ wise” and it had infuriated you to the nines.
For him to reveal himself as one of those old cogs when he expressed himself as a gentleman and be convinced by his act of kindness, even the word disappointing could express how greatly upset you are.
“Bet you've slept with all of them at least once, hell, I don't even know why your mother bothered when you're already busy whoring yourself for seven men.”
Anger flooded your veins, it was hot and rampaging under your skin. Before your mind could even register your actions, your hand had already moved, making contact with his cheek in one swift motion. The slap echoed like a clap of thunder in the silence of the observatory.
Even after seeing the angry red mark beginning to mar his skin, your anger remained.
“Goodbye Guwon, I hope we never see each other again.”
Walking away was easier said than done.
You got picked up by Guwon earlier and since you've run far enough from the indoor garden, away from your supposed ticket back home, you're now waiting for an uber at a small library sequestered between towering and loudly designed buildings. You had half a mind to ask your friends that lived nearby for a ride but decided against it.
They might be busy with their own family. 
Unlike you.
As you sit there waiting for your ride to come, your mind takes you to your mother and her genuine glee at the thought of you getting married. Ever since your second date, she had been sending you photographs of weddings for inspirations, links to event places and tailors, and flower shops where you could have your bouquet arranged. She was beyond ecstatic, if she heard what had happened, she would be devastated. 
A loud, exasperated sigh left your lips, the volume catching the attention of the bookkeeper who was quick to shush you.
As you waited longer with only the deafening silence of the library to accompany you, doubt began to form at the back of your head. 
Was breaking up with Guwon really the right choice? 
An angry, louder voice screamed at you for doubling down on your decision. You knew your boys longer than you knew him, if the trip had gone through, Guwon would've proposed to you despite the short time you've known each other. Something you didn't want. Not to mention, he would've gone through the idea while contemplating on your loyalty.
So yes, it was the right decision!
But you were to be married .
Your mother was so happy to have finally matched you with a guy you attended three dates with. The thought made your heart clench, she was excited to see you on the altar and has most likely spread it around your town with pride. She was about to have three married children.
Gods, you don't want to imagine the conversation later on, she'd be distraught.
Your phone buzzed and you dreaded looking at the screen to see your mother's name. Luckily, it was Jin instead.
           [18:01] Jinnie: where are you?            [18:01] Jinnie: knocked on your door but the neighbor said you were out.            [18:02] Jinnie: you're late😒            [18:02] Jinnie: I'm going to have them deduct your pay this month for making me wait            [18:03] You: I'm sorry your highness for disappointing you, please forgive this servant of yours🤧            [18:03] You: was on a date            [18:03] You: not that it matters anymore, I broke up with Guwon            [18:04] You: does it even count? I mean, we weren't official, he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend yet.
You paused, face souring as you realized what you've just typed. 
Guwon hadn't asked for your hand officially even after three dates, he had the chance on your second date during the stroll but he didn't. Despite this, he went and asked your parents for their blessings when he hadn't even asked you first.
           [18:04] You: wow I just remembered that            [18:04] You: then he had the audacity to propose to me!
There's a pause in between his usually instant replies and you had an inkling he's already spreading the gossip around the group somehow.
           [18:08] Jinnie: wow there's a LOT to unpack there            [18:08] Jinnie: but worry not            [18:08] Jinnie: I'll have Jimin get us the strongest drink there is for later            [18:09] Jinnie: we'll drink that sorrow away and you're going to tell me what the hell you meant by proposing while not being official             [18:10] You: I don't think I should tell you that…            [18:10] You: considering… ya know            [18:11] You: also don't you guys have an early schedule tomorrow?🤨            [18:12] Jinnie: bold of u to assume I don't want hear how massive of a failure he is            [18:12] Jinnie: nothing better than hearing your enemy’s downfall😌            [18:13] Jinnie: also what do you mean ‘you guys’???             [18:13] Jinnie: you're literally our make-up artist!
You scoffed at the message but before you could type up a reply, the notification from your uber app popped out to inform you about your driver now waiting outside the library and you walked out.
           [18:23] You: and just because I'm your make-up artist, doesn't mean I should let you all get away with this            [18:23] You: and I won't even drink much :pp            [18:24] Jinnie : if I ever see you stumbling around the house, you owe me 100000            [18:25] You: WOW            [18:25] You: AREN'T YOU RICH ALREADY????            [18:25] Jinnie: money is money😌            [18:26] Jinnie: just get ur ass over here already before I add more zeros to the bet
The smell of Jin’s cooking, both spicy and something savory, welcomed you first before the sound of sizzles did. At the sound of the door closing, Jin appears round the corner with an apron hung from his neck and a tong stained with red bean paste in the other.
Despite the disappointed look he's going for, reminiscent of a mother who caught her daughter coming home past curfew, the relief you feel upon seeing his handsome face after earlier was palpable and the knots in your stomach loosened.
“I should have your pay deducted for showing up late.”
You winced. “Sorry boss, can I appeal for a heartbreak discount on that?”
“Only if you give me a hug and cry on my shoulder.” 
He opened his arms wide, plush lips widening into a smile when you approached to wrap your arms around his torso. The fabric of his sweatshirt was soft and the scent of new laundry overtook his usual scent of freshly baked cakes and gentle vanilla perfume, it almost made you boneless in his hold. Moreso when he started stroking your head while the other ran up and down your back with his palm, fingers still wrapped around the tongs.
He didn't pull away despite the awkward position with him bending down and practically melting against your smaller form. In your years of being friends, you could never recall Seokjin being the first to pull away from a hug and once more, you're grateful for that.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“I’ll do it while cooking, we might burn whatever you're cooking if I told you all about it here.”
He shook his head, his rubbing motions on your back turning into gentle pats. “We can just order it online if it does, I even bet that they'll still eat it even if it was. Hoba was relentless today.”
His nails raked through your scalp and you resisted the urge to shiver. 
“He was being an ass towards you guys. Then when I defended you all, he accused me of sleeping around.”
His first instinct was to curse the man down to his ancestors who bred with each other until he was born, but stopped himself when he realized what he's about to say and cleared his throat.
If his arms coiled tighter around you, you only leaned into him further.
“Normally I would say "I told you so" but I know Yoongi has it covered later. So I'll just say—"
"Don't you dare. Jin don’t you dare finish that sentence."
"I knew it."
He let out a cry when your hand slapped his arm but it quickly dissolved into a fit of squeaky laughter and he pushed your head back under his chin before you could even continue hitting him. Hand continuing their petting as you let out an annoyed groan.
“My mom was so excited! God. I hate that bastard for disappointing me and her. She was sending me links to wedding planners and dressmakers because apparently he was supposed to take me to Jeju tomorrow and propose.”
He stills in your arms, the hand in your hair stopping its motion as his breath hitched in his chest. It took him a moment before he recollected himself and continued to pat your head, pressing a kiss on top of your crown.
“I'm sure auntie will understand, I know that she would've wanted you to find a good man like she and your sister did.”
A voice at the back of your head told you he was referring to himself but you threw the thought away as soon as it went.
“Personally, I would've taken the ticket and ditch him.” He laughed and you hit his arm with a barely concealed grin. “All I'm saying is that free things should be used and if it's gifted then better! You get to decide how to use it so refund it!”
“I don't think it's that easy.”
“Just say Kim Seokjin of BTS asked for a refund and they'll immediately accept it.”
Pulling away, you playfully rolled your eyes at him, earning you one last laugh as you walked to the kitchen where the sizzles of the food being fried on the pan had long been muted. Jin followed you with an onslaught of words spilling from his lips, justifying and detailing how he would've done in your place as you placed your bag down on the island counter before reaching for the spare apron.
Hearing his rants filling the silence made it easier to relax, made forgetting how upset you were at Guwon a walk in the park.
It was familiar and his voice, despite his fiery indignation, was oddly comforting.
Soon enough, your conversation halts and you both position yourself over the counter, following his orders mindlessly; which is mostly dicing the vegetables and the slabs of meat he marinated last night in soy sauce and spices. 
You found the repetitive motions of chopping soothing and silently thanked the man now hovering over the saucepan, gently stirring the seaweed soup. 
As if sensing your eyes boring holes on the back of his head, his ears reddened and he looked over his shoulder to meet your gaze.
“W-what is it? Wh-why are you looking at me like that?”
“Just admiring how huge your shoulders are and how reliable you are.” 
You recalled how dearly he cared for his group despite the exhaustion from practicing singing and dancing the whole day. Despite being the youngest in his family, Jin took on the mantle of the oldest brother in the group easily and selflessly provided for his members alongside Yoongi and Namjoon. If it were anybody, you were sure the boys would've been sick or had long given up, especially when the company was about to file bankruptcy in their earlier years.
From the bone shattering dances, exhausting practices and routines stretching from dawn till dusk, you were thankful Seokjin was there to catch the others when they fall.
It was a hard task nobody would've assumed since selfishness is a built-in trait of a human yet Seokjin proved you wrong when he stayed up every night despite the muscle cramps and exhaustion weighing his bones to cook for his members, taking the role of the eldest like it was a second nature despite being the youngest in his family.
He barked out a half-hearted laugh as his red ears brightened from the compliment. “I already know that of course!”
“Thank you for everything, Jin.”
His face crumpled when he laughed bashfully, the bright hue in his ears crawling to dusk his cheeks as well. It didn't take long before he recovered and like clockwork, in reaction to being flustered by compliments, he got defensive and raised the saucer threateningly at you.
“Ya! If you're planning to compliment me, at least be original! I'm done hearing about how wide my shoulders are from ARMY and how reliant I am from the others! We've been together for years, do better and be original with your compliments!”
It was a joke, obviously.
But staring at the older man childishly brandishing his cooking utensil like a bludgeoning weapon, you couldn't help but ponder about what truly pulled you into him only to realize that you've never truly dove deeper than surface level details. It was disappointing to find out how shallow you've been when expressing your appreciation for the man.
Like he said, you've always pointed out how reliable he is but never have you pointed out the small things such as the warm food he claimed have been extras and the hot soups sectioned off for you on cold days.
He was the first to approach you on the first day despite being the member who mostly kept to himself, asking you if you wanted to celebrate their Rookie of the Year win with them instead of the rowdy staff behind you. 
The first one to build a bridge leading to this deep companionship you had with the rest of the members, have you really never thanked him for that?
“You're so caring and humble despite your background and where you are right now. If it was anybody else, they would've left the boys to fend for themselves once they were able to yet you didn't stop cooking for them, for us. I don't think I have ever met a man so down to earth and as loving as you are,” You paused. “Well, except Jimin but if you want something more original I'd say I love your hands even when you think they're weird because they—”
You didn't even realize Jin crossed the distance between you both until his hands clasped around your lips, silencing you completely.
Unlike earlier with only his ears blushing, his cheeks now glowed red, the flushed skin spreading down to his neck, continuing past the collar of his dark blue pajamas. When your eyes meet, you find his glistening with unshed tears no doubt touched by your hastily put together declaration of your appreciation for him. 
When it was clear you wouldn't continue your rant, his arms fell to your shoulders and pulled you into a tight embrace. 
His violent heartbeats thudding against his chest was the first thing you've heard before you registered the stuttered exhales and his gentle saccharine scent filling your senses, clouding your brain completely. For a moment, it was just you and him in the kitchen, hugging a little longer than friends should be.
But then again, since when have you guys ever drawn the line on how platonic touches should last?
“God… You gotta stop doing that.”
“I'm just following what you told me like a good dongsaeng and I think I did exceedingly well on it. Does that guarantee a deduction on my pay deduction?”
There's an odd, invisible weight that lifted off of you, something you didn't even realize you were carrying. But there's also a tinge of guilt pinching the edges of your heart.
Jin was the first to approach you, and the first to confess four years ago. He was all shy looks and sweet smiles, his sweet words accompanied by a bouquet of flowers that must've cost him more than he could've gotten from being an idol of a new group. 
When Jin loves, he gives his all and doesn't think twice to give half of himself as well. In a way, he and Yoongi were alike, just with different approaches.
He was open and unapologetic while Yoongi was subtle and often silent.
His laugh twinkled in your ears but it dwindled later on, as if he remembered something towards the end of his mirth. “You're driving me crazy, how am I supposed to move on when you're this lovely?”
Hearing him confirm your suspicion about his crush—is it even called that at this point?—relieved you from an unknown anxiety most likely sparked by Jungkook's words a few nights ago. Why are you even relieved hearing him still liking you when all you've done is hurt him?
“You're such an idiot, you know that?”
“Love makes you do the stupidest thing but I don't think I've ever regretted ever falling for you.”
He pulls away, a gentler, softer smile now tugging his lips up.
“God, you made me sappy! My god, my soup!” 
Even without the warmth of his embrace, you could feel it radiate in the small space of the kitchen. You continued your work as Jin fuzzed about the seaweed soup behind you, bathing in the domesticity of it all.
Your phone vibrates loudly in your bag on the island counter. Wiping your hand on your apron, you opened it to see Jimin’s messages.
           [18:56] Mimi: seokjin hyung told me to buy the strongest alcohol             [18:57] Mimi: any idea why he’s being weird?            [18:57] You: I’ll tell jin that you called him weird            [18:57] You: but yes            [18:57] You: I’ll tell you all later why            [18:58] Mimi: 🤨            [18:58] Mimi: not if I get you drunk in the first ten minutes            [18:58] You: I’d like to see you try, pretty boy
Your phone vibrated again. Namjoon had texted you, seeing the preview you rolled your eyes.
            [18:59] Joonie: Seokjin hyung didn’t say but I already figured it out             [18:59] Joonie: You'd hear enough from Yoongi hyung later but            [18:58] Joonie: I told you so            [18:58] You: I hope you trip and fall on shit🥰            [18:59] Joonie: Love you too, noona😁            [18:59] You: blocked🚫
“I'm not seeing enough chopping, young lady. Get back to your station!” Jin jokingly scolds. With a laugh, you return to your spot.
By the time some of the boys arrived—except Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung, no doubt pre-gaming somewhere—it was already ten and some of the dishes were plated, ready to be eaten in the dining room. If it wasn't for both your and Jin's advanced thinking to ready the bowl of rice and their plates beforehand, they would have starved to death as Yoongi dramatically puts it before blaming Hoseok for draining them out the whole day.
The man in question just laughed in response before shrugging and rebuking their ‘accusations’, saying it wasn't even that hard. To this, Yoongi grumbled under his breath and Namjoon rolled his eyes.
A few minutes later, the maknaes entered, cheeks all flushed except for Jimin who was holding up a bag full of canned alcohol as if it was game from an all-day hunt.
You thanked Jimin silently for drinking the birthday boy tipsy enough to make the dinner energetic instead of the awkwardness you thought it'd be due to what happened a few days ago. There's fleeting eyes you've caught in between jokes he made, either pouring with adoration or longing, you tried to not to pay it much mind.
But of course, the alcohol pouring could only go for so long before you're all lounging in the living room to talk about anything that comes to mind. It was half an hour short from the clock tickling to twelve, signifying Jungkook's actual birthday.
The conversation started off tame with Taehyung questioning the animals who sleep standing to something more elaborate with Yoongi asking everyone's opinion about some decrypt conspiracy theory surrounding the rich of the west. It was all fun and games when Taehyung, lost in his own mind running with the most random thought, sluggishly pointed at you and asked:
“Wh-why aren't you checking your phone? G-Guwon hyung haven't been texting you yet?”
Many heads turned to you who was practically boneless in between a tipsy Hoseok and a still sober Yoongi. You didn't even need to look to know the look of concern Jin was throwing your way.
But everything was hazy, your head throbbing from the alcohol. The words slipped past your lips before you could think about it.
“We parted ways… He accused me of sleeping around when I said I didn't want to go on a trip with him tomorrow ‘cause I didn't want to skip Jungkookie's birthday.”
Hoseok patted your shoulder and Yoongi nodded, face indifferent as usual. Despite the reaction of the boys on both sides, not everyone in the circle held the same opinion it seems.
“You didn't have to decline it, noona. You-you’ve been with us for years, missing one wouldn't hurt me much.”
Jungkook's voice was softer as if he had sobered up from the revelation and you waved him away.
“What are you saying? I couldn't leave when we weren't alright.” You glimpsed at Jin before continuing. “Besides, he was planning to propose and I'm glad he couldn't anymore.”
In your drunken mind, the information didn't carry much weight but the pin drop silence following your words did, you guessed that it must've been. However, it didn't last long when Taehyung jumped up to his feet and punched the air as if Korea just scored the final score in FIFA.
The boys look at him with wide eyes, shocked by his reaction. Jimin recovers and tries to tug him down but a drunk Taehyung is determined, with a will stronger than a monk's resilience and patience, no one could stop him from doing what he wanted.
And that was bumping his glass on your forehead, a little harder than it should've been if he was sober and you reel back, a hand over your forehead.
“Noona! you're free again! Do you know what that means?!”
“Ok that's enough for you tonight. Let's get you to bed.” Jimin says, chuckling awkwardly as he stands behind his best friend, wrapping his arms around his waist before dragging him away.
“Why? Can't I just congratulate noona from recognizing something was off instead of ignoring it like most do? Noona,” He turned to you, bottom lip jutted out. “It's not bad that I'm celebrating right?”
Seokjin’s laugh was nervous when he rose to usher the man away as well. “Alright, lets all calm down so we don't accidentally say something while drunk.”
“Fuck yeah! I-I don’t even know why I even believed his lies, he’s a lawyer for fucks sake!”
“Not that it ever stopped you before. I still don't understand why you couldn't have married one of us instead.” Jungkook cuts in, suddenly irritated.
Somehow, the tension in the room grew tenfold and everyone sits up, alert and ready to interfere if their youngest decides to let the alcohol take control of him. Your brain clears once it registered the annoyance in his voice, heart dropping to the soles of your feet.
“I just think it's a bullshit excuse and you know it. You told that to Jin-hyung four years ago and have repeated it ever since. We’re all adults now, we can handle a little rejection and who’s to say we can’t date when we’re the only idol running the company. You say it's because you don’t want to choose but aren’t you just instilling false hope in us?” 
He stood as he grew more agitated but Jin pushed him down, eyes stern as he stared down at their youngest. Seeing the conflict brew between them, the growing guilt built by years of spending time with them reawakened.
It tied your stomach in a knot and felt like a building had dropped onto your heart.
As if sensing your emotions, Yoongi’s hand found your shoulder to give it a squeeze.
“You’re not thinking straight so stop it,” Jin excuses as he turns to you with an apologetic smile. “He’s just drunk, he doesn’t—”
“I know what I’m saying and I think you’re being too biased here hyung!”
“Jungkook…” Hoseok calls from next to you, voice low, a warning.
“You too! She’s also your friend, why aren’t you pointing out how she’s just playing with us? Why are you only calling me out?”
“Because you’re being a stupid drunk right now, Jungkook. Stand down .” Yoongi ordered, voice firm and warning. His arms are crossed as he stared their youngest down but the maknae wasn’t intimidated by it, if anything, the fire in the older man’s eyes only fueled the anger boiling within him.
In years you’ve watched over them, never once has Yoongi scolded their youngest past Run BTS contents, leaving the reprimanding to their oldest and leader. For him to call him out and seeing them grow agitated by each other’s presence, dread loomed over you with your nightmares threatening to come true. 
This isn’t how tonight’s party was supposed to go.
“Isn’t there anyone who’d agree with me at how absurd all of this is?!” His head snapped at Namjoon who’s watching with a careful eye. “Hyung, surely you can also see it!”
Throughout the exchange, Namjoon had sat back and watched the interaction from the sidelines instead of interfering on the first hint of a fight breaking out. Even when the situation becomes a little aggressive, he stays silent but you don’t doubt that he’d be the first to stand if the disagreement becomes volatile and inching towards physical.
That's what he always has done, observed and let the high rise of emotions eventually tides down to a calm on their own. He's a leader, he's supposed to be fair and to do so, he must first understand both sides before taking action. He also trusts his own team to temper their own ire after years of being together.
But now that he's forced to join the argument, he sighed and stood. Seokjin stepped away as he approached their youngest with both hands placed on his shoulders to sit him back down. 
Obediently, Jungkook follows.
“While I do see where you’re coming from, I think it's a bit unfair that you’re blaming her for being scared.” Jungkook opens his mouth but a firm shake of Namjoon’s head shuts him up. “Don’t start again. There’s a power imbalance here kid. If her choosing someone could cause a problem, we’d get off scot free but not her. In the eyes of the company, she’s disposable—”
“But she’s not.”
“She is. In their eyes at least. By having her around causing problems for us, she’s nothing but a thorn in their side that they should remove. If she had dated one of us and eventually broke up, it would cause an awkwardness and riff between guys especially if it ended on a bad note and BigHit won't stand for it. You know how important this job is for her, right?”
They stared at each other for a long while, both unrelenting in silence. You all waited with bated breath, Namjoon was the only one who could diffuse the situation and if he fails, then who else could possibly calm the maknae down?
Turning to the clock, you bit your lip at the time.
It was nearing Jungkook's actual birthday, three minutes short before both hands ticked to twelve.
Which meant it would have to start during the denouement of an argument. The thought planting discomfort in your stomach. Such a happy celebration shouldn't be welcomed like this.
In the midst of raised voices and pointing fingers, Taehyung has completely sobered up from where he sat between Jimin’s thighs, staring beady eyed at the situation in his friend’s arms. Sensing your gaze, he turned to you with a sheepish, apologetic smile when Jungkook's heavy sigh broke through the silence.
His head fell to his chest as Namjoon removed his hands from his shoulders yet his eyes remained on their youngest’s hunched form.
“You get what we're trying to say now, do you?”
“Anything you want to say, gguk?” Namjoon was talking to him like he was a kindergarten teacher and you both were kids who fought on the sandbox for the shovel, warm and understanding but the disappointment in his tone is clear as day.
Jungkook doesn't reply but he shoots up to his feet, surprising Hoseok next to you, with eyes still trained on the floor.
When he did look up to meet your gaze, it was brief and cut off by a deep bow. You reached your hands out, trying to stop him from doing so but Yoongi took one of your hands and pinned them down between his and your thighs.
Jungkook never had to bow for you and it felt wrong seeing him bent down to apologize.
“I-I’m sorry noona, I—” He trails off.
In his speechlessness in a room full of people who—while understanding where he comes from—stood behind you, he clams up and then in a flash, he’s gone, bolting from the living room and skipping up the stairs. The sound of his heavy footfalls echoing like the clock ticking down to his birthday.
The argument has been dissolved, yet it left a bitter taste on your tongue, it made you feel queasy having everyone back you up without reprimanding you as well. It was true, what Jungkook said. 
Weren't you practically leading them on by not choosing anyone? No matter how unintentional it must be, if he thinks that way then maybe everyone else in the group does, just silently.
You turned to the clock again. A minute closer to the next day.
Frustration made you want to pull your hair out but the long, lithe fingers that have entangled with yours in the middle of it all, forbade you from doing so. As if he could hear the internal debate between logic and emotions, Yoongi gave you a comforting squeeze.
But it didn't feel right, you shouldn't be sitting on your ass while Jungkook blamed himself for expressing his own opinion, sure it was a bit aggressive but you understood his frustration.
“Jungkook!” You called out, rising to your feet to follow him when Yoongi tightened his hold on your wrist and shook his head.
“He needs time to process, leave him be.”
Yet despite this, you shrugged his hold off and followed the youngest’s heavy footfalls upstairs and presumably into his room. You caught onto him in the hallway, with the door to his room opened and half of his body already inside.
“Jungkook, let us talk.”
“I-I don't want to see you right now, noona please.”
The desperation to correct the wrongs gives you a short burst of energy and you catch his wrist.
“Jungkook please, I—”
You heard the joyful chime of the clock downstairs before you heard the sweet jingles of bells.
Then you felt it.
Electric jolts shoot up from your connected hands, waking every cell and your mind awake and you almost keel over from the wave of relieving warmth washing over your body. There’s now a low hum accompanying the bells chiming in the background, the soft harmony between them sending shivers down your spine. 
You've thought of first meetings like those scenes in Hollywood movies where a kaleidoscope of colors explodes behind your eyelids, like fireworks celebrating the precious moment where the protagonists finally meet and fireworks shoot up to the sky. They talked of a brief moment of reprieve from reality, the world slowing down and feeling the most calmed you've ever been with your soulmate in hand.
Like your soul finally recognizing its pair and suddenly, everyone became a blur in the background.
Yet when you stared back at Jungkook's mirrored astonishment, your stomach bottomed out.
Because no way in hell, after all this time, you're soulmates.
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27spoons · 12 days ago
Poor Natalie suffering with all the pressure of leadership + Shauna and Mari acting like 5 year olds😓 But it's okay, just because all that stress goes away, at least for now, while she has your pretty face stuck between her legs eating her pussy eagerly😆✨️
Eating Natalie to make her all dizzy and relaxed after a stressful day😵‍💫 in this case you can deal with 2 types of Natalie, the one who will whine and squirm pathetically or the one who will grab your hair and rub her pussy roughly in your face
She would have the most beautiful bush by now and would be sooo hot :(( I want her so bad.
Can you write something or just little thoughts about it?
i have some thoughts........ with @cassioo also having some thoughts...
nsfw thoughts under da cut
nat is a brat. i will not be taking questions or comments.
anyways. it's the end of the day, and nat is coming to your hut to talk to you. (she's the antler queen, ofc she has her own hut. for this, assume you also have ur own hut)
nat is just ranting about shauna and mari and how fucking childish they're being, how lottie is going straight into the whole 'witch doctor' role and keeps running off with travis (her ex) who always comes back out of it.
and, even worse, with mari straight up vanishing? yeah. she's not in a good headspace.
you two aren't dating, but... there's no denying the tension between you two. hell, it was there even when she was with travis.
so... maybe you just offhandedly ask while she's yapping, "anything i can do to help?"
and nat, well... nat doesn't understand what you're saying right away, and just says something like, "yeah, i need to fucking destress. wish i had some cigarettes."
you approach nat, hands on her shoulders, and clearly state, "do you want my help destressing?" and she finally gets it.
nat is hesitant....... obviously, but she does it anyways. like i said, tension between the two of you for a while.
by the time you manage to coax nat into laying down on your bedroll and get her pants off, she's wet. not soaked, but you can definitely see the damp spot in her panties.
you aren't very experienced, but you sure as hell are eager.
once you get her panties off, nat is slightly embarrassed. i don't think anyone has ever gone down on her before, so she isn't so sure about her taste/appearance/whatever but she doesn't let it show (despite the fact her cheeks and chest are RED. that girl is pale asf. she def turns into a lobster when she blushes)
you kiss your way up her legs—which makes her squirm restlessly—but when you finally reach her vagina, you press your nose into her bush, and... yeah, it's musky, but it's fucking sexy. it smells like nat and sex.
when you try and find her clit.... you have a little bit of difficulty doing it. whoops.
nat doesn't mind. she reaches down between her legs and helps you out, spreading her slick folds for you to get a better view, and... damn. you could cum just from this sight alone.
once you get the hang of it—lapping at her clit with long, flat strokes of your tongue—her fingers tangle themselves into your hair and hold you against her as she starts slowly humping your face and chasing the pleasure. (mind you, she doesn't really have to hold you there. you aren't going anywhere.)
you start teasing her entrance with your fingers, and feel her tense up so you pull back, but she quickly mutters a "no, no, it's fine. i just... wasn't expecting it. it's fine, i'm okay with it" so you push one finger in, and there's a full body shiver from nat at the sensation, and you swear you hear a soft moan leave her lips.
one finger turns into two quickly enough, and soon your mouth is on her clit while two fingers push in and out of her, trying (and failing) to find the gspot.
you don't even realise you've been humping the ground while you eat her out until the hand you have on her thigh leaves it in an attempt to slide underneath the waistband of your pants, which quickly earns a whine from nat.
"wait, wait, keep your hands on me, please—"
damn. you're powerless to resist that.
your hand goes back to her thigh, but she quickly takes it and intertwines her fingers with yours, squeezing your hand gratefully—maybe to make up for another emotion she can't properly express right now.
eating her out is going well; your fingers are doing their job, and then you brush against a spot inside of her that's slightly rougher than the surrounding tissue, and nat slaps her free hand over her mouth to muffle the sound that escapes.
but she doesn't muffle it in time.
you hear it, and it makes you moan, so you repeat that action and keep repeating it until her hips are moving rapidly against your tongue, her pussy trying to pull your fingers in deeper, her hand holding yours at almost a bruising strength.
and when she comes?
oh, you feel it.
she doesn't squirt or anything, but the way her cunt clenches down on your fingers and clit throbs as a whiney-moan spills from her lips, barely concealed by her hand? oh, you know. you know.
when you pull back, you don't even realise that her blunt nails dug into the skin on the back of your hand and created small, red crescents from where her nails had bitten down.
you lick the fingers that had been inside her and moan at the taste, and nat is watching you with her jaw slack and eyes wide.
let's just say... someone for sure overheard what you two did last night.
you don't know if you care all that much.
@theprismyyy requested this (just on anon accidentally) but here it isssssss
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shapeshifterlore · 5 months ago
picturing a scenario where Evan meets Sam's footballer boyfriend and is unintentionally (?) intimidating.
evan came by to visit (check on her, make sure there's no threats in her immediate vicinity) and he's in the green room and she just got done with an episode (Rachael Ray and Victoria Beckham played scrabble for 40 minutes) and it's just so nice. Sam's still riding that post-show high so he gets to listen to her talk uninterrupted about her new friends, T2's latest achievements, who she's dating.
Speaking of. The boyfriend walks in. He makes a point of seeing Sam once a week after her show, doesn't want her to forget about him. He gives Sam a peck and she introduces him to the guy on the couch. One of the people from secondary school she's always talking about. He's all smiles when he gets up and they shake hands, very polite. The boyfriend is polite too, in that uniquely dismissive way only the English can be. It's not like he wants to encourage these chats between Sam and her old hangers-on.
He turns to his girlfriend and ignores Evan. Or tries to. Something's off. When he glances over, the man is staring at him unblinkingly, face a neutral mask. Has he blinked at all since this interaction started? He's still standing, and the three of them are in an awkward triangle.
Sam doesn't notice her old friend being territorial, no surprises there. She's asking him about soccer practice and he's annoyed. He's corrected her a hundred times, but she's the most American person he's ever met. So yeah, he gets a bit short with her. She laughs it off but then gets called away by her incredibly frazzled producer, and he's left standing there with the bastard, who he's just realized is taller than him.
"so you're with brentford." Flat, grating accent. Did he look him up?
"yeah, mate. You a supporter?" Something moves out of the corner of his eye. The shadow of a table distorts for a fraction of a second. Is something wrong with the lamps in here?
"No, sorry. I don't watch a lot of sports aside from basketball. But I like the logo. The bee, right?"
He doesn't answer. He's watching the table shadow mutely. It's moving towards him. How is it moving towards him.
"did you know there are a lot of bee species that are kleptoparasitic? They're called cuckoo bees. Like the bird. They find pre built hives, eat the host bees' larva and lay their own eggs in the cells."
The hair on his arms is standing on end. He's sweating. It's not his imagination - the shadow is warping, sending out tendrils that are inching closer and closer to his shoes. With the primal awareness of an early human staring into the darkness searching for predators, he understands suddenly that he is in real, immediate danger. And he's paying attention to the wrong thing.
He turns his head slowly to look at Evan. The man Sam always described as "a real sweetheart." His face is gaunt, eyes sunken and blacked out. The realization that he doesn't have a shadow hits like a freight train.
Y̵͍͛͝o̵��̬̾ú̵̥͇̉ ̵̛̙̱̄ŏ̶͙̒͜k̴̙͉̉a̴̳͒̇y̴̜͝ ̸̧̀̈́m̷̙̗͌a̸͔͙̾ň̷̫̍?̴̦̆ ̸̻̅S̶̪̈ͅo̵̥̓̋m̶̼̔è̵̳̌t̶̘͐h̶̿͜͜i̸̝̙͑n̵̬̻̕g̷̻͇̋́ ̷̝̭͘ẃ̸̥͍r̵̟̓̕o̵͇̭͆n̶̩͖̾g̸̮̽?̸̥̙̃̚ ̵̪͚̌̈́
No idea what he said. His voice is layered and gravelly, and it seems to register in the brain via the nervous system rather than the ears. The edges of the room are going black, the darkness is closing in. Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
"sorry about that guys! Vikki and Rach wanted to say bye! Honestly, they are both just so nice!"
Sam breezes back in and the second she enters the room everything goes back to normal. There's some more small talk that he stammers his way through, gets out of there as fast as he can without being rude.
Later, when they break up, he tells himself it's because she was too busy for him, too american.
It's quite some time before he sleeps with the lights off.
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yourgothiccqueen · 11 months ago
LN4 - “Formula One Sucks” Part 3
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Summary: Things get steamy for Y/N and Lando 🤭
Pairings: Lando Norris x Female Reader
The walk from the restaurant to Y/N's flat is supposed to take twenty five minutes. When two, sexually frustrated 20 somethings do the walk, it takes less than ten.
The air was thick with with a new feeling, that Y/N wasn't used to. Sure, she'd been on dates before, and sure, guys had come back to her flat afterwards. But this was different. This felt different.
"You okay?" Lando murmured, voice deep and low.
Y/N inserted the key into her front door.
"Never better."
Thank god she'd cleaned before leaving for the date earlier, she thought. Having Lando see her bright pink Oodie was not the first date activity she had in mind.
"Ah, now this...is very, very sexy." Lando smiled.
Oh no.
She had tidied it away.
Hadn't she?
Lando held the pink Oodie in the air, a smug fueled grin on his face.
"No no, I tidied that away! I swear!" Y/N squealed, jumping to grab the Oodie from Lando's hand. "I never wear it. Promise. Only sexy lingerie in this house."
Lando couldn't help but laugh, keeping the Oodie out of Y/N's reach.
"I don't know, I'd say this could be lingerie. Very big, very fluffy, very pink lingerie."
"You're such a dick, Norris!" Y/N lunged at Lando,
"Any you have such incredible taste in fashion, L/N."
With one final attempt to grab the Oodie from Lando's hands, Y/N threw herself towards it, sending them both backwards on to the sofa.
The giggling stopped.
They were very, very close.
"Hi there." Lando whispered, his face mere inches from hers.
"Hey." Y/N smiled, allowing herself to rest a hand on his cheek.
The tension was back again, the Oodie forgotten.
"I never said, earlier," he begun, his finger making its way to the strap of her dress "but this dress, is very hot."
The tip of Lando's finger traced along her shoulder, to her collar bone, before resting on her chin. He lifted it gently, so they're eye to eye.
"Thank you." Y/N managed to whisper, barely audible over the sound of her pounding heart.
He leaned forward, eyes darkening with lust, as he pressed a light kiss to her lips, barely a flutter. Testing the waters. Y/N felt her eyes close. Her heart already racing, as Lando's lips pressed gentle kisses on her lips, down to her neck. Her hands found a home in his curls, as he pressed his tongue against the sensitive spot below her ear. She couldn't help but whimper at the contact.
"This okay?" Lando murmured against her neck.
"Yeah, s'nice." Y/N breathed out, trying to relax into the sofa. Y/N's body felt like it had been struck by lightning, every inch of her tingling with anticipation, as his body pressed tightly against hers. He wasn't rushing, he was taking his time with her. Making her wait for more.
And hey, she wasn't complaining.
Lando's kisses were followed with the agonizing movement of his hands tracing up her bare thighs. Inching their way up to the hem of her dress, pushing it up slightly.
Thank god she'd worn her (one and only pair of) sexy black underwear.
"God, you're fucking, beautiful." Lando muttered against her lips. "I know." She managed to whimper back. Lando smiled against her lips "God! Even when you're a moaning mess below me you still manage to get the last word in."
Y/N didn't have a chance to respond as Lando crashed his lips against hers again, harder this time. His tongue slipped into her mouth, faster and needier than before. She moaned into him, unashamed at the noises leaving her. His hands pushed her dress all the way up and his fingers dug into her hips as he pushed himself against her fully.
Her hands in his hair.
His mouth on hers.
His dick hard, pressed against her thigh.
She couldn't think, couldn't speak, couldn't comprehend what was happening as his tongue danced with hers. Both fully dressed, yet she was more turned on than she'd ever been in her life. And with the way Lando was grinding against her, Y/N guessed he was to.
His mouth left hers as he moved down her body, positioning himself between her legs.
"You don't ha-have to do that, it's okay." She managed to gasp, cheeks flushed.
"Shush, I want to, if you want me to?" He gazed up at her, eyes hungry, but still caring.
"Yes - please."
"Thank fuck, cos I think I'd die if I don't get to have your thighs wrapped around my head."
He pulled her underwear to the side, leaving Y/N feeling momentarily exposed. He pressed a reassuring kiss to her inner thigh, before pressing his tongue against her.
"Oh - fuck!" Y/N whimpered into her hand.
Lando used his tongue to explore her, his hands pressed tightly against her thighs. He moved slowly to begin, licking every inch of her.
"Feelin' good?" He murmured against her clit, the vibrations sending shock waves through her body.
"Y-yes, fuck, please, don't s-stop!"
He picked up the pace, his tongue moving in circles. Y/N couldn't contain how fucking good it felt, couldn't stop moving against his touch. Lando pressed one of his hands against her stomach, holding her against the sofa. Her hands found a home in his hair, holding him against her.
Y/N was in such a state of ecstasy, of bliss, that she didn't notice when Lando moved his hand, until two fingers were sinking into her.
Fuck - the noise she made could have made Lando cum on the spot.
"There you go, pretty girl." He moaned against her, as he moved his fingers in and out of her.
"Oh my g-god- " She moaned.
A familiar sensation was building in the pit of her stomach, before she could even get the words out.
"I think I'm -"
"Cum for me, baby."
She didn't need to be told twice. Feeling herself tumble over the edge, Lando's tongue against her, his fingers inside her.
She came the hardest she'd ever come in her life.
He stayed between her legs until she'd finished, glancing up at her smugly when she'd done. She could feel her face was red, her hair a mess, sweat beading at her hairline. She must look a state, she thought.
It's the sexiest he's ever seen anyone look, Lando thought.
Breathing hard, Y/N spoke "Holy shit, I've never cum that hard before, like, ever."
Lando kissed her inner thigh again, before moving back up the sofa to look her in the eyes.
"What can I say, it's the Lando Norris effect." He said, smugly. "You ready for another one?"
His lips were against hers again, with no time to recover. Y/N wasn't complaining, she was eager to feel him inside of her. She moved her hands down his chest, finding the button of his trousers. She managed to undo it quickly, considering how her hands were still trembling by how hard her orgasm had hit her.
Lando moaned against her mouth, as he helped to move his trousers down his thighs. Both too eager, too desperate to stop and undress each other properly.
It wasn't a surprise that he was big, but she gasped all the same as he sunk into her.
"Fuck." He whimpered against her mouth, as he began to grind his hips into her, her legs wrapped around his waist.
It was messy, it was clumsy, but it was fucking hot.
"Just a warning" Lando managed to whimper, "but I'm not g-gonna last long."
"Me n-neither." She moaned.
His thrusts were sloppy, but still hit that spot deep inside her. Her hands scrambled at the back of his neck, desperate for him to be even closer than he was. His whimpers in her ear were enough to send her over the edge a second time, somehow even harder than before.
"Fuck!" She cried, against his neck.
"God, you're fucking perfect." He moaned. "Fuck. I'm gonna-"
His thrusts became less coordinated as he felt himself cum, moaning and gasping into Y/N's neck, unable to contain how intense it all felt.
A moment of calm followed, where they laid in each others arms, sweaty but comfortable with one another.
"I know, by the way." Y/N murmured into the silence, fingers playing with Lando's hair.
"Know what?" He asked, head laying on her chest.
"That I'm perfect."
Lando released a small laugh - "You're impossible - I take it back now!"
"You don't mean that." A small smile appeared on her face.
He didn't.
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aisiedaisie · 4 months ago
Helllllo!! Could you maybe do a wolfstar x reader (or anyone if you don’t do that :))) with a reader who lovesssss makeup and has like a big collection and spends a bunch of money on it and maybe the boys being super intrigued or confused by it? <3
Hello hello~!!! Thank you for this amazing idea! I wasn’t sure if you were asking for romantic or platonic wolfstar but I may have gone the romantic route. I hope you enjoy it!
Also, it seems I am utterly incapable of writing short stories... Hopefully you don't mind!
Poly! Wolfstar x Fem!Reader WC: 2k
You breathe out, the exhale a soft puff that lingers in the chilly air. Your fingers run through your hair, frustration creeping up your spine.
It's a mess—which wasn’t new for days like this. The winter winds have stolen every ounce of moisture, leaving your strands dry and unruly. The static makes each strand stand on end, refusing to fall into place as you try to tame them with a bit of leave-in conditioner.
But today, of all days, it needs to cooperate.
You glance in the mirror, taking in your reflection. This is the first time you're hosting date night at your place, and after hours of prepping dinner, tidying up every inch of the apartment, your hair had become the least cooperative part of the evening. You sigh, trying to smooth the mess down, but it feels hopeless.
A light knock on the door pulls your attention away, snapping you out of your frustration. Your heart gives a flutter, and you take a moment to steady your nerves. The knocking continues, a little more insistent, and you curse under your breath as you give your reflection one last look. Your cream knit sweater and well-worn jeans are fine—fine—but not exactly what you'd imagined wearing on such a special evening. It’s casual, maybe too much so, but you tell yourself to let it go. You smooth down the hem and force a shy smile.
The door creaks open, and you greet them with a soft, sweet "Hey." Your voice betrays a touch of nerves, but you stand tall, holding the door wide open as you invite them inside.
Remus and Sirius stand frozen in the hallway just outside your door, their eyes taking in your appearance with an intensity that makes you feel as though they're seeing straight through you. A soft smile spreads across Remus’s face, while Sirius’s lips curl into a wolfish grin. They both seem to sense the knot of anxiety in your chest, reading it effortlessly, as if it was as obvious as the frazzled mess of your hair.
"Hey, dove, you okay there?" Remus asks, his voice a gentle murmur as he bends down, pressing a warm kiss to the crown of your head. The sudden contact sends a spark of calm through you, though the tightness in your stomach doesn’t quite fade.
"Yeah, you look a bit nervous," Sirius adds, his tone teasing yet soft. His lips brush your cheek in a quick kiss as he steps past you into the flat, his eyes flicking over the space, taking in the cozy chaos of your preparations.
The living room, while small, is filled with the soft charm of the season. A few scattered holiday decorations dot the space—pine cones nestled in a crystal dish on the dark wood coffee table, their spiced scent mingling with the candles burning nearby. The flickering lights cast a warm glow across the room, the air thick with the comforting scent of mulled cider and cinnamon, drifting lazily from the kitchen.
They’ve been here before, of course. They’ve picked you up for dates, lingered in the living room while you finished getting ready. But tonight, it’s different. Tonight, they’re not just picking you up. They’re settling in, staying awhile, and something in the atmosphere shifts. The space feels fuller, more alive somehow, even with the quiet tension you’re trying so hard to hide.
"Come on in, make yourselves at home," you say, your voice a little steadier now, though still laced with uncertainty. You close the door behind them, your fingers brushing along the handle as you take their coats and drape them over the back of the couch. It’s a small gesture, but it feels grounding, giving you something to focus on.
You lead them into the dining room, where the table is set in preparation for dinner. White tealights glow softly, casting delicate shadows on the polished surface. Your nice dinner plates gleam under the candlelight, silverware set just so, ready to be used. It’s a simple, intimate setup, and for a fleeting moment, you wonder if it’s enough.
Remus pauses in the center of the room, scanning the flat before turning back to you with a gentle smile. “Do you mind if I use the restroom, love?” he asks, his voice soft but carrying a hint of amusement as he looks around the space, searching for the door.
You smile softly, pointing down the hallway. "It’s the second door on the left," you say, your voice light.
Remus nods with a grateful look before darting down the hallway, eager to relieve himself. Sirius watches him go with a shake of his head, chuckling under his breath. "He’s had to pee since we got to your street," Sirius says, his tone laced with affection and amusement.
You can’t help but laugh, your fingers busying themselves with pouring warm cider into mugs. 
That’s when you hear Remus’s voice, sharp and full of surprise. "What the hell?"
A rush of concern flutters through you, catching your breath. You freeze, the warm cider sloshing in the cup you hold, spilling a few droplets as you try to make sense of his exclamation. What did I forget? Was it your hairbrush on the counter again? No... you made sure it was put away. You rack your brain for a moment, but nothing stands out.
Sirius, ever the quick one, is already walking down the hall, following the sound of Remus’s voice. You move to follow, two steps behind him, a strange tightness settling in your chest.
You watch as they reach the second door on the right, and your eyes widen.
Sirius peeks in first, curiosity piqued, and his voice rings out with a hint of amusement. "Moons?" he asks, stepping into the space. He tilts his head to look around, his gaze landing on the long white vanity in front of them. Your heart skips a beat as you catch up, now standing in the doorway just behind them.
The vanity stretches out before you, gleaming under the soft light. Clear storage cabinets line the sides of the mirror, each one filled to the brim with various cosmetics: lipsticks in shades you can’t even name, neatly arranged bottles of foundation, and an assortment of brushes that you’d long since given up organizing. Your cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and mild surprise, realizing they’ve stumbled upon your private little collection.
Sirius raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued, while Remus stands there, his expression somewhere between shock and genuine curiosity. The air between the three of you crackles with unspoken words as you stand in the doorway, feeling every bit of their gaze on the cluttered, yet carefully curated, space.
Your lips press together as you try to formulate an explanation, feeling a wave of heat rise in your cheeks. What can I possibly say now that they've seen all of this? You stand there, torn between embarrassment and amusement, watching the two of them as they take in the sight of your beauty room.
“Holy shit, love, I knew you liked makeup, but I didn’t think you liked it this much,” Sirius says, his tone an odd mix of shock and awe. He steps closer, eyes roving over the meticulously organized rows of products. Beside him, Remus examines the array with a look of sheer bewilderment.
“You... you actually use all of this?” he asks, gesturing to the overflowing drawers, as if struggling to comprehend.
You nod shyly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Not all at once, of course, but... yeah.” You glance over at them, hoping they’re not overwhelmed.
Sirius reaches out, his eyes lighting up as he picks up a familiar tube. “This is the lipstick I bought you for Valentine’s Day,” he murmurs, a fond smile spreading across his face. He turns the deep red Gucci lipstick in his fingers, the one he’d surprised you with on that special day. It’s a brand you’d never splurge on for yourself, and the fact that he remembers only softens the moment.
Remus clears his throat, breaking the quiet. “Alright, hang on—I really need to pee, but we are so talking about this when I get back.” He gives you a quick, reassuring smile before dashing out of the room, leaving you alone with Sirius, who is still absorbing the scope of your collection.
Noticing your discomfort, Sirius settles himself into the plush chair in front of your vanity mirror. He catches your eye in the reflection, a mischievous gleam brightening his gaze. “Love, can you do my makeup?” His grey eyes lock with yours, and you can’t help but laugh, shaking your head.
“What do you want, Siri?” you ask, moving to stand behind him, your hands instinctively finding their way into his dark, unruly curls. His eyes flutter shut as he leans back into your touch, a low groan escaping his lips.
“Reggie’s been wearing eyeliner lately, and it actually looks pretty cool. Can you do that for me?” he asks, keeping his eyes closed, totally at ease.
A sweet hum escapes you as you think it over. “Are we talking waterline or a wing?” you ask, fingers combing gently through his hair.
“Which one’s easier?” he asks, eyes cracking open to meet yours, genuine curiosity lighting his face.
“For you? Probably a wing,” you explain with a smile, reaching over his shoulder to grab your favorite liquid liner. “Putting it in your waterline can get uncomfortable. I’ll go easy on you.”
He chuckles, a small smirk forming as he settles in, clearly ready for whatever you’re about to do.
Remus steps back into the room, his hands settling on your hips with an easy familiarity. You feel his warmth as you focus, steadying the felt-tip pen and carefully flicking it to form the perfect wing at the corner of Sirius’s closed eyes.
“And what exactly are you two up to?” he asks, voice laced with fond amusement. His hazel eyes shine with a soft curiosity, watching as you carefully hover over Sirius.
You glance up, meeting his gaze with a playful smile. “Just spreading my love of makeup,” you quip, your voice light with humor.
At that, Sirius opens his eyes slowly, catching sight of himself in the vanity mirror. The sharp lines of the eyeliner bring a new edge to his look, making his grey eyes look strikingly intense. A small, satisfied grin spreads across his face as he takes in the transformation. “Damn—I look good.”
“When don’t you look good?” Remus laughs, shaking his head as he leans in closer. There’s a warmth in his gaze, a kind of love that makes the room feel cozier.
You smile, leaning across Sirius once more to reach for your favorite lip oil. Without a second thought, you swipe it across your lips, the slight sheen catching the light before you turn, tiptoeing to press a soft, lingering kiss to Remus’s lips. He blinks in surprise, feeling the film of oil on his lips, and a bashful smile spreads across your face.
“There. Now you’re dolled up too,” you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper.
Remus’s cheeks flush, and he lets out a quiet laugh. “Lucky me,” he replies, squeezing your hips gently.
You dart your gaze away, the warmth of the moment lingering as your eyes catch the soft glow of the digital clock on the corner of your vanity. The numbers blink back at you, a gentle reminder of time ticking by.
With a small sigh, you reluctantly shake yourself out of the cozy, dreamlike bubble surrounding the three of you. “We should head back out. I’ve got dinner in the oven.”
Sirius groans dramatically but rises from the chair, throwing you an affectionate look as he reaches out to link his arm with yours. Remus follows, his hand resting lightly on your shoulder, the three of you moving back into the warmth of the dining room, surrounded by candlelight and the smell of cider that fills the air like a promise of a perfect evening ahead.
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bunninophia · 1 year ago
Hi! I'm Bunny and I'm redesigning the whole cast for hazbin hotel
Anyway.... Onto my designs! I'll be detailing the stuff I changed/added
First is.,..!! Sir pentious! Weird right? You would think it's Charlie but uh nah, he's my favorite character and I wanted to make him similar to my tastes.
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Yes he is trans! I have a small little HC that the egg boys are his boys...
And he is much longer/bigger due to this because of sexual dimorphism! But we love him for who he is now he's so silly :). He also has a barbed tail that I would say is used as a 5th hand! To grab stuff. He already has 4 arms cause why not? He needs to push himself around already..
Next is.. Angel Dust!, he doesn't have an alt version because I feel it's not needed but here he is!
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I added pedipalps, those are the mandible looking things. They are a part of spiders I think are so cool and I wanted to add them! Unfortunately they're not counted as legs and adding another set of legs to angel I couldn't figure out... But good enough!
I also changed his eyes! To include a spiderweb, I'm not entirely sure why he has that black eye, so I thought I would change it up a little bit.
A friend gave an idea that his sight from that eye is kaleidoscope-like so I'm implementing that too! And how could I forget! The spiderbutt! Without it it's kinda weird looking so I wanted to add it in cus it's so cute
Next up.... Husk! He's one of my favorite characters so.. kinda went all out on him
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I didn't change much about him besides his patterns and colors, but generally his silhouette is the same!
I wanted to add a lot more feathers and fluff to him! And putting on the casino style bringing back the spades and hearts to his wings again!
I thought the spades were funny
Up next.. Vox!
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I found his design interesting that he is a flat screen TV even though he died in the 50's? So I decided to change that! Turning him into a box TV again!
And giving him a cable tail, I thought it would be clever that when sleeps he charges himself up for the day!
Next up... niffty! She's the last character I've designed so far!
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Also while looking up her historically accurate date I found out she's 22??? Weird... But yeah she did end up looking a little older here I'm glad, but I really wanted to give her a bigger needle! What's she gonna do with that small thing?
And her dress is based on 50's maid outfits! With the addition of an embroidered poodle!
Well first I'm crazy and second, I've been now made aware that the show itself does a certain type of representation so disgustingly that I'd rather make my own designs and fix what they couldn't do.
I don't support viv or the show.
If you want to read into it yourself I advise a trigger warning for S/A. It happens in episode 4.
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sonderinghiraeth · 7 days ago
Birthday Cake || Stan Pines/Reader
[it's officially my birthday, so of course, i'm churning out a self-indulgent Stan Pines quickfic where it's the readers birthday. eat up <3]
Word Count: 2.6k
[Tags: Smut]
You begrudgingly peeled your eyes open to the same sound of sparrows perched outside the water-colored window sill of the Mystery Shack. You rolled over on the full-sized mattress, reluctant to get up despite the date.
Your birthday.
Not that it meant anything. After the twins took off back down to California Stan gave Soos the keys to the shop and you the keys to the Shack. You can still recall so vividly the way he wrapped his big warm hands around yours, leaning into them.
"Listen, doll, I get it if you wanna skip town." He began, pressing his lips to each one of your knuckles. "But just think of it like a truck driver, yeah? I'll make sure Ford docks us at least once a month."
You still frowned, propped up on his bed. "What do I do when you're gone?"
He smirked. "Whatever you want. Don't let me hold you back. Just stay close to the coast when I come back, yeah? And don't let the place get too dusty." You could tell he was joking, but apart of you continued to ache with a certain loneliness even before he left.
It didn't help in the slightest when you received a phone call from Stan three days before your birthday, hearing the waves more than his own voice from the other side of the line. "Doll? Babydoll! Can ya hear me?" He yelled over the waves.
"Stan? Where are you?" You tried to speak loud enough for Stan to hear, leaning on the wood panel of the kitchen walls.
"Not sure!" He sighed, and you heard him away from the phone. "Sixer! Hold the sails! Gotta talk to the lady!" You heard more shuffling, then the opening and closing of a door as the waves became more background ambiance than a roaring thunder. "Sorry, it's hell out there."
"I could tell, what's going on?"
"Ford says some bullshit about magnetic pulls of a few things called Aqualifers, don't know, look like octopuses with turbines as tentacles to me." He muttered, you could hear him scratching his outgrown stubble over the phone.
"Sounds tedious, and like you haven't got all of them yet." You replied, looking over at your calendar. "How far out are you guys?"
Silence lingered until Stan's deep inhale and exhale echoed over the line. He spoke your name, sincerity laced. "Please don't be upset with me."
"You're not gonna be able to dock for my birthday, are you?" You interrupted him, monotone. It hadn't been the first time Stan wasn't able to dock for a big event.
"I've argued with Ford about it all damn week, sweetheart, he's dead set on taking care of these bastards right now."
Your heart sank, and you couldn't help but slide down the wall until your butt hit the floor. "Guess I'll spend it down at Greasy's with my slice of free pie." Your joke fell flat due to your tone, but you couldn't help it. You were hurt.
"When we get back, I'm gonna make it up to you tenfold baby. Just hold out for me." He pleaded, the winds creaking against the windows and doors over the line.
"I've been holding out for you for months, Stan." You retorted. "You promised me at least one visit a month, it's been two now. I was understanding at first, but it's my birthday." You were trying to not let your temper get ahold of your tongue, but it was becoming increasingly more difficult the longer you stayed away from Stan.
"Count on me by the end of this month, babydoll, I promise you."
You sighed, reeling in your resentful thoughts. You were about to speak, but the sound of a door crashing open interrupted you. "Stanley! Get out here! They're making their way up the boat!"
"Shit, I gotta bounce. I love you!"
You went to reply, but the line went dead as soon as his last word was uttered, leaving you to the same old silence of the shack.
Now your birthday had come to fruition, and the same silence permeated the walls as you exited the room and dragged yourself to brush your teeth, hair, and throw on a shirt and jeans when you should have been getting dolled up for some mid tier lunch Stan would overzealously proclaim was the most top-notch spot in all of Oregon.
When you turned the corner to fix coffee in the kitchen, you practically jumped out of your own skin to Stan's booming voice, yelling "SURPRISE!" while sprawled across the dinning room table, a cake with an indiscernible amount of candles in front of him. He had cleaned up, stubble shaved, and looked showered, in contrast to his usual post-docking look of sweat-stained clothes and borderlining beard.
Your grip on the doorframe slowly loosened at the register that it was Stan, here, in the kitchen when he said he wouldn't be. More than that. He was here with a cake, candles, and a stupid party hat attached to his chin.
"Stan?" You asked just to be sure, still at your post of the doorframe.
"In the flesh." He tutted, nudging the cake closer to your direction. "Come on, don't want wax on the cake."
Your face began to beam the closer you approached him, looking at him one more good time before bending over, and giving the candles a big blow as Stan whooped. "That's my girl!"
You laughed with him, helping Stan up from the kitchen table. "Man, I probably laid there for like, two hours. You should've seen how panicked I looked trying to light those candles when I heard the bedroom door open."
"You didn't have to do all this." You giggled, taking a greedy finger swipe of some cake icing from the edge, and popping it into your mouth. "Being here was sweet enough on its own. You told me you weren't even coming home, what happened to that?"
Stan's look of satisfaction grew. "That pitiful little pitch in your voice when I broke the news to you had me biting Ford's ass to get home. I couldn't stand to do that to you, so we raised hell on those bastards and got out of dodge the following night."
You smiled, chest heavy with something you could only discern as love. "Stan, you didn't have to do that. You could've got hurt."
"Hurt?" He scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "Nothing could've hurt me more than missing my favorite girl's birthday." He hummed, finally pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You relished in it, following him towards his lips for more. Stan readily obliged, enveloping you in a kiss as he pulled you up into his arms. You had to restrain yourself from raking your hands through his hair, to do something to confirm he was real and standing here right now and it wasn't just some fucked up dream you were bound to wake up from any minute now.
"Come on, you have a cake to enjoy, and you need time to get dolled up for tonight." He purred, setting you down.
"Where are we going tonight?" You asked, fishing around the cupboards for the plates and forks.
"Finest restaurant in all of Oregon, Chart House."
You paused in your tracks, eyes widened. "Chart House?" You echoed, setting the plates down on the table. "Stan.. That's like, easy hundred dollars per person, without drinks. I don't... Are you sure?"
Stan waved his hand. "Some fancy research institute back in New York paid us an assload for some samples of the anomalies we've found. Ford took a plane ride there this morning." He explained, slicing each of you a piece. "Let's splurge, babydoll."
You smiled, taking a bite of cake. "Too good to me when you are here, y'know? I think I'd be spoiled rotten if you stuck around for more than a few days a month."
Stan laughed, taking his own bite. "Well, you have me all week, meaning I get to spoil you all week."
Your heart swelled, and you sat up from your seat. "Wait, all week? Why?"
"Ford's gonna be aiding in research there, I told him too brainy for me. I'd rather keep my lady company."
You wanted to squeal, but instead, you opted to lean over the table and press another kiss to his lips. "Way too good to me." You whispered in between the kiss.
Stan hummed, and if it weren't for the cake in between the two of you that you were awkwardly maneuvering around, he might've dragged you over the table himself. "Only a fraction of what you deserve."
You leaned back down into your seat, finishing up your cake in giddy silence with Stan.
You had become so used to living alone that it was almost instinct to head over to the sink, running hot water over the dishes. As you went to grab the sponge from the sink, a warm hand gripped at your wrist. "And just what do ya think you might be doin'?" Stan asked from behind you, his brow arched.
You turned back to look at him, cheeks dusted pink. "Washing my plate?"
"The birthday girl? Washing dishes?" He scoffed in disbelief. "Let me see that sponge."
You rolled your eyes. "Stan, I can do it." You insisted, but he turned you around to face him.
"Nuh uh, not havin' it."
You went to argue with him once more, but he stopped you as his took his thumb across the right side of your bottom lip. "Got some frosting still." He muttered, a smirk ghosting over his features.
You found yourself holding your breath, the tension between the two of you sizzled and snapped at each slight movement. You wanted to almost moan from it alone, finally becoming impatient and leaning in to kiss Stan.
Stan readily kissed you back, reaching behind you and turning the sink off before hoisting you up onto the edge of it, then sliding you down to the counter space beside it.
You chuckled, Stan parting the kiss to trail kisses all the way down and around your neck. "Aren't I supposed to be getting dolled up right about now?"
Stan hummed a disagreement. "I have enough time to remind you of your place again." He replied, tugging at your shirt until you indulged him and brought your hands above your head for him to take your shirt off entirely.
You had no bra underneath, much to Stan's delight. It wasn't like you intended to go anywhere today.
"I know we just had cake, but I think I might be ready for some more dessert." He teased, taking one nipple into his mouth.
You sighed out, arching into him. "Stan-" You breathed, a cocktail of plea and somewhat still rationale.
"What? You're telling me you haven't been just aching for me since I left? Don't try to lie to a con man, sweetheart. You were almost floodin' out of the lingerie you were in when I took those pictures of you last time." He muttered in between breasts, recalling the little impromptu Polaroid session Stan begged you into right before he left the last time.
"I have, I have, but-" You bit back a moan when his teeth grazed across your nipple, closing one eye. "I-It's early."
"Early bird gets the worm." He retorted coyly, stubbled kisses trailing to the hemline of your pants.
So, you allowed him to shuck your pants off right there on the kitchen counter. In fact, you might have allowed him to just about do anything to you in that moment. You were still reeling from the adrenaline of your surprise earlier, and just the fact that he ensured he would be here for your birthday was a major turn on.
Stan's fingers dipped into your panties, rubbing your clit to gauge your reaction. You whined, almost edging off the counter to get more pressure from him.
"There's my hungry girl." He whispered, dipping his head lower and down between your legs, having to spread them himself.
When he pushed your panties to the side and his tongue met your folds, you would've sworn you achieved nirvana. There was not a thought nor noise in that pretty little head of yours besides what was in front of you right here. Stan. That was all you ever seemed to care about.
Stan ravaged you with his tongue, licking the entirety of you before going to suck on your clit, using this as his chance to have two fingers glide into your cunt with a shocked yelp from you. However, Stan was absolutely relentless in his ways. He wouldn't be satisfied until you were dripping more than the leaky faucet next to you.
Just as your insides were beginning to clench and quake with your impending climax, Stan left your cunt, causing a crying whine from you in protest. Stan snickered, unbuckling his belt. "Oh, don't think I'm leaving you high and dry, baby, that was just for starters."
Stan guided you off of the counter, and instead, had you turn around and fit yourself over the oak at a ninety-degree angle. Your toes could barely touch the floor like this.
You moaned at just the tip of Stan's cock prodding at your entrance, teasing you as it rubbed back and forth on your clit. "That desperate, huh?" Stan grunted, feigning as if he wasn't just as desperate.
"Always for you." You responded, praying it would send him over the edge.
And over the edge it did. He didn't waste any time plunging himself inside of you, filling you to the brim until the head of him peppered a kiss against your cervix in a deliciously painful jolt to your core.
"Getting your present a little early, guess I'll have to make up for it later." Stan said through gritted teeth, pulling out just to dive back into you with the same force, keeping his pace at that steady pounding rate that drove you further into the counter with each thrust. "Fuck, I can feel all of you like this."
His words alone were enough to restart your incline, moaning shamelessly as it reverberated off the ingredient canisters in front of you. "Stan, Stan please- Oh my God-" You stammered, each syllable coming out chopped from his relentless thrusts.
"That's it, cum on this cock baby, I know that was one of your birthday wishes. Don't gotta play coy with me." He teased, his grip almost bruising to your hips. Just the way you liked it.
Your feet were entirely off the ground at this point, with Stan holding you up by pressing you into the counter, aiding you in feeling the imprint of him every time he re-entered you. You couldn't keep up with him.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Stan-" You pleaded, the preemptive clenches of your climax returning with a harsher force.
And then, you unraveled, squeezing around his cock with each tremor and moan you emitted. Stan, ever the shameless, talked you the entire way through it.
"There it is, sweet Moses what a good girl you are, fuck, shit-" And there it was, Stan's cock twitched with his own climax deep inside of you.
Stan's pace slowed, his grip lightened enough to let your feet come back down to the floor. He was so gentle pulling out of you, yet the emptiness that followed was all the same.
The two of you laid and stood there for a second before Stan helped you stand from being bent over the counter, taking in all of you with your pants and panties down to your ankles. He drank you in, a smirk on his lips beginning to indicate a smartass remark.
Stan took two fingers, dragging them along your oversensitive cunt. The feeling alone almost caused you to double over. You had to grab onto Stan's shoulder to keep your knees from buckling as you yelped in protest.
He hummed a chuckle, bringing his fingers to his lips and enveloping them. They stayed there for a second, before he released them with a 'pop!'
Stan paused and gazed up at the ceiling, as if he were assessing a tasting for some sort of fine glass of wine. He then made a 'hmph' of satisfaction, looking at you with half-lidded eyes, the dreaded smirk returning.
"Better than any birthday cake I've ever tasted."
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mae-gi-writes · 2 months ago
let it be me | kuroo tetsurou (4)
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In which you, as a new divorcée, can't help but crush on your 4-year-old's new PE Coach.
genre: singleparent!reader x coach! Kuroo, fluff, acquaintances-to-lovers
taglist: @patpatspatz @matchagirliris @multi-fandom-fanfic @alittlebirdahgaselx @kuroos--little--kitten @menacejelly12 @aeshiue @dreamlessnight @altheades @loonalockley @not-your-average-fangirl @bertqut1 @sunlixfl-blog @nabboo007 @astolary @biancatomlinson @lauraagrace
a/n: enjoy! <3 thanks for all the love given to the first part of this story! here's the second part. Third part is coming soon ~
---- previous | part four | next part >>>
"I think I need a drink."
"Oh don't be so dramatic," your cheeks flush bright red. It's bad enough you don't know what to wear to your date with Kuroo, worse now that your blonde cousin is here to make fun of you until you're nothing but a squealing mess of embarrassment. You have half a mind to kick Atsumu out of your flat and call Osamu for help.
Alas, the grey-haired counterpart is busy with his restaurant these days. So it won't be fair to put that kind of responsibility on his shoulders. Definitely not when his twin is currently on vacation.
Atsumu just sends you a lazy smile from the living room couch, "aw c'mon Y/N. This is probably the first time since Aoi left that you're finally interested in someone. Isn't that something worth celebrating?"
"It's just dinner," you argue.
"And dessert," Atsumu winks.
You throw a pillow at him. He cackles even when it slams right into his face, "I'm joking!" he wheezes like a child high on sweets, kicking up his legs like Sakura would when she's excited, "I just can't believe it! And with someone I can vouch for!"
"What does vouch mean?" Sakura asks from her seat. She had been so glued to the tv screen ever since her uncle had the greatest idea to watch the reruns of the two Frozen movies. Little does he know he'll be stuck re-winding it again and again until he knows the lyrics by heart.
"Vouch for, means like to confirm something, from personal experience," Atsumu replies.
"Hm," Sakura frowns, as though an adult trying to contemplate his words, "I don't understand."
"`It's like if you tell me that you won third place at the egg race," you lean over the couch to rearrange your daughter's hair, "and I say that's something I can vouch for, that you won third place."
You watch, heart melting as Sakura's lips form an 'o' shape. She blinks up at you, "I still don't understand."
Atsumu guffaws, "it's okay sweetie. You don't have to understand it yet. You want some more of those marshmallows?"
You slap your cousin's hand away from the half-empty bowl, "that's exactly why her teeth are rotting," You snap at him, "why don't you give her real food?"
"I will! Once you get off my back and go have some incredible se--"
You toss another pillow at him and his yelp makes you let out a small chuckle. Thank god Sakura can't really put two and two together yet, and for that you're glad. At least it's possible to shield her innocence from Atsumu's wide mouth.
"Can you just go?" mumbles the said man himself from behind the pillow, "I thought your date was at six."
"Yeah but it's--" and that's when you realise it's not half-past five like you thought it was five minutes ago, "Oh shi--I mean shoot," you cut a glance at Sakura while grabbing your bag off the kitchen counter, "I'm off. You take care of her and--"
You round the couch, plant a quick kiss atop your daughter's head before heading towards the door, "--you keep her safe 'Tsumu!" you holler while tugging on your loafers, "and Sakura? Eat your veggies!"
"But I hate them mum!"
"They're good for you, and--"
"Y/N," Atsumu cuts you off with a shooing motion, "go. Now. Bye bye."
"Yeah--Yeah okay," you blow a raspberry and throw a final wave, "right. Bye then."
The dining place which Kuroo has suggested a few days back -- right after the incident in which you'd found yourself into his arms -- is tucked away into one of the corner streets, not quite far from the main road, and yet unnoticeable to passerby's with just one glimpse.
It's modern and cute, casual in a way that unconsciously makes you relax slightly as you walk through the olive-coloured doorway and take in the sight of rusty brick walls adorned with green ivy running along the ceiling, the wooden furniture and the cozy bar at the far right.
Kuroo is already seated at one of the smaller, circular tables, and raises a hand in greeting while you make your way to him.
"Hey," he's dressed differently today. Not at all how you usually see him; a dark v-neck and some dark trousers to match.
The sight makes your tummy tighten deliciously, "hi," you manage to croak back.
"I really thought you were going to bail on me," he has on a teasing smile, "guess I was wrong."
"That's the impression I gave you?" your eyebrows raise.
"You always surprise me," his grin widens at the heat flushing through your cheeks. Cute, he thinks, "anyway, I've never been here but they have good cocktails. Or so google says."
"You're that kind of person aren't you?" You take a menu from the centre of the table and scan the options, "the kind that reads a hundred of reviews before deciding on a restaurant?"
"That's what it's for, isn't it?" he tilts his head at you. That same, cocky grin that turns your heart to mush.
Jesus. He really needs to stop doing that.
You look back down at the menu, "I don't know. I don't eat out much."
"Then let me be your official guide," he says it with a wink, and you can't help the chuckle that bursts out of your mouth.
As per Kuroo's recommendation, you decide to opt for a seafood pasta while your host decides on a pizza to share. The food comes right as you're halfway through your glass of wine and by then you're comfortable enough that the conversation seems to flow easily, gathered in a cocoon where only you and Kuroo exist and where everything -- even reality -- seems to fall away piece by piece.
Oh god. You're already in a bit too deep.
And the fact is, it's not even that hard to fall for Kuroo. Because he's just so nice and kind and gentle and everything that you've ever really wanted in a man. He's bashful in a way that reminds you of a pop in need of attention, careful with the way he handles your feelings, and seems forever wanting to please. And maybe that's something most girls would find off-putting given the fact that mysterious men are all the rage nowadays.
But you're not like most girls. You like this golden retriever energy coming off him. You love that he asks for your opinion and is as soft as a marshmallow on the inside.
You also love how he talks to Sakura. Not just because she's your daughter. But it had been clear from the very beginning that your daughter was a little bit in love with him.
By the end of the dinner you're not surprised to find that your leg is brushing against his casually, comfortably, as though you've been friends forever. And when you catch his golden flecked eyes from across the table, the twinkle of fire in them, the small sprinkles of molten golden mixed into warm maroon does something to your heart.
He fights to pay the bill like a true gentleman, but then splits it with you when you throw him a scowl and protest that he's done more than his fair share.
"I just wanna tell you I'm not happy about this," he grumbles as you are handing the waiter the rest of the cash for the night, slipping on his jacket with his bottom lip jutted out like a child, "I will take you out properly one day."
"Then I'm going to look forward to it," you tease.
Kuroo looks down at you, "you--you mean that right?"
"What?" you glance at him, noting the uneasiness, the surprise on his face, "that you can take me out again? Or...did you--I mean, I won't mind if you don't--"
"I don't mind one bit," he breathes and your chest exhales in relief. Gods, you thought he was going to tell you there was to be no next time.
Because again, who wants to be tied down to a single mother with a four year old toddler? Most of your tinder dates would've already blanched and snuck out of your date by now.
"I'll take you home," Kuroo is already going to unlock his car door, but your hesitation makes him falter as he takes in your hesitation, "what is it?"
"Uhm--well, Atsumu is there tonight. He's babysitting Sakura," you send him a sheepish smile, "Unless you don't mind going back there, but I--I thought we could maybe ...spend some more time alone...together?"
Heat is spewing across your cheeks by the end of your sentence, but the fond look that Kuroo gives you doesn't go by unnoticed as he cracks a grin.
"Sounds good to me," he gestures for you to get in, "wanna go get some ice cream then? Or a drink?"
That is how you find yourself sharing a couch with the sports coach, nursing a cucumber cocktail in your hand while he has a beer in his. You tease him about drinking when he's supposed to be the definition of health, and he answers that you're supposed to keep this little secret under wraps.
"I wasn't allowed to drink at all, until I left my volleyball team," Kuroo mentions then as he takes a swig of his drink.
"That sounds like a lot of sacrifice, especially for you."
"What does that mean?" he teases with a grin.
"While other boys are out there raving, experimenting with stuff," you answer and tilt your head towards him, "didn't you get jealous of what they could do and what you couldn't?"
"I suppose to an extent," he shift his legs and it brushes against your thigh, shoulders pressing to yours as warmth suddenly seeps into your right side, "but I had a lot to gain. So I never thought I missed out. Plus, all my good friends were on the team. So we suffered together if that made sense."
"Yeah," you smile at the thought of Atsumu and Osamu being deprived of house parties and clubbing when you were all younger, "it does. Actually, I was quite envious of Atsumu and Osamu when we were younger. They both knew what they wanted -- well, until Osamu decided to quit and become a chef."
"What did you want to be when you were younger?"
"Me?" your lips curled into that same crooked smile that caught Kuroo's heart into a mid-spin every single frickin' time. He knows how to breathe, just forgets to whenever you're around, "I wanted to have my own cake shop. Got the diploma, never got round to actually doing anything about it."
"How did you end up in the event planning business?"
So you tell him. About one of your neighbours asking you if you could help decorate their son's first birthday party. You didn't have the heart to say no and from there onwards, your clientele grew over the months. At some point, you'd realised this job could make ends meet, all while giving you some flexibility around Sakura's schedule.
Your diploma was stuffed at the back of a drawer at some point, forgotten and useless. You'd never gotten around to framing it.
Now, you wished you had. It brings back a bitter wave of memories, ones that are tied to Aoi and that echo with pain whenever you think for too long.
"I could start all over again but--" you think of Sakura and her sweet, smiling face. The way the light would bounce over her eyes whenever she looks up at you full of trust and honest love, "I don't think I can. I'm a bit past my prime."
Kuroo shakes his head, "okay, hear me out but--right before all this PE coach thing came my way, I was actually just a waiter."
You blink, "huh?"
"Yeah. I quit the team a few years back right after I left university, and for someone with a degree in Education and with no experience, jobs are hard to find these days," Kuroo chuckles as he takes another swig of his drink, "so I had to find part-time work while I waited. It took a few years and well-- I landed my first job just a year ago. Quit when I realised the environment was shit, and then here I am now," he lifts his shoulders in a half-shrug, "what I mean is--I don't think there's ever any real timeline for anyone. You just--do the best you can, with what you have. And if you gotta start at thirty, then that's fine too."
The bittersweet smile that fills your face is enough to render him breathless, "thanks Kuroo," you murmur softly, "I'm not sure I'm as brave as you though."
"uh--No, you're managing a four-year old by yourself," he sends you a pointed look, "that in itself is an act of courage. Not everyone can do it, especially the way you do it."
Your cheeks flame, "you flatter me--"
"But I'm not," he interrupts gently. His hand lifts up, pushing a stray strand of hair from your face and your breath hitches when his touch seems to linger there for a beat longer than he's supposed to, "I actually really do think you're like one of the bravest people I've met."
"Stop it," now you're really embarrassed, hands coming up to hide your face.
Kuroo lets out a soft laugh, "I'm just telling the truth."
"Or you're just sweet-talking me."
"Okay maybe I am, but I'm not a liar," is it your imagination that makes you believe there's a little blush scattered along his cheeks? Maybe. But you tempt yourself into believing that's your effect on him.
Kuroo looks away, though he has a smile on his face as he toys with his beer, "so did it work?" he asks.
"What?" you finish the cocktail. The alcohol stings as it slides down your throat, before it warms you up from the inside.
"The sweet-talking," and he's back with that grin of his, dashingly courageous, dashingly cute and he knows it.
You whack him playfully along his shoulder, "you're an idiot."
Kuroo mutters something that might've not reached out ears if you weren't paying attention. But you swear that he says something along the lines of "only for you" which has you blushing down to the tips of your toes all over again.
It's past two in the morning when you manage to reach your flat, now a little tipsy from all the alcohol humming through your veins. You're both laughing about something -- something stupid -- when the door to your flat flies open to reveal a grinning Atsumu.
You straighten, though wobbling in your heels. Kuroo presses a hand to your back, grounding you.
"Hey 'tsumu," you say breathlessly, feeling heat sting your spine spreading from Kuroo's fingertips.
"Well someone's tipsy," Atsumu tips his head towards the raven-haired man, "hope you didn't do anything stupid--"
"Who do you take me for?" Kuroo retorts as he prods you towards the entrance.
"Yeah I know, just checkin'," your cousin eyes the proximity of your bodies, the way Kuroo stands almost protectively behind you, and something in his eyes softens, "alright then. I'll take my leave."
"What? This late? Why don't you stay over--"
"And what?" Atsumu raises a brow at you, "watch you both suck face? No thanks. By the way," his grin widens when you turn beetroot and Kuroo almost strangles himself with surprise, "Sakura's already asleep, so no matter what, don't go wakin' her."
"I'm so sorry," you whisper out to your date when your cousin's out of earshot and Kuroo's managed to manoeuvre you into the flat, "he's not usually that annoying--"
"I know," Kuroo's lips twitch in amusement at the way you worriedly look up at him, "what? What's gotten you looking like someone ran over your pet cat?"
You gasp, "that's not nice, Kuroo sensei!"
"Kuroo," he emphasises his name. One arm going up to press against the doorframe, he leans in towards you, "actually--you can call me Tetsurou."
"Tetsurou," your head cranes up to look at him and --wow, he's tall. And he smells good. Like boy perfume and something woody, something musky you can't quite place, "That's a nice name."
"Thanks," his words trail off, body unconsciously leaning towards you. it's only then you realise how close you are, chests almost touching, noses bare millimetres, his entire frame practically engulfing your tiny one.
He's so close that you can see the way light bounces off his orbs, or the small wrinkles at the corner of his eyes that deepen whenever he smiles.
Something in your chest tightens. You swallow thickly.
And that's when you feel it; his hand skimming your waist.
You let out a sharp breath at the same time that the young man pulls you to him. Gently.
Falling against him like a puppet, hands splay out to press against his shirt and heat permeates your skin and makes you sweat because--Kuroo is ripped. You can feel it, feel him, underneath your palms. He's built like stone and you wonder briefly what he must look like without them--
Oh god.
Your face flames and that doesn't go unnoticed by the raven-haired man. He grins wickedly, his other hand reaching out to cup your jaw so that you cannot look away.
"What?" his murmur is soft like melted chocolate. It makes you weak in the knees and you're glad he's holding you up against him, "what's with the face?"
"N--Nothing," you try to steady your racing heart, "uhm...you're..." he's unconsciously leaning in towards you, as if drawn like a moth to a flame, "...you're really close."
"Seems like it," he murmurs huskily.
"I--uhm--" you shake your head slightly, biting down onto your lower lip as your eyes flutter back up to his. You notice how his pupils have darkened with something else, something that makes your stomach knot deliciously, "Kuroo?"
"I'm--" you try to scramble your thoughts together, but it's hard when he's so close and when he's looking at you like that, "I'm too old for you."
His body stills, "what?"
"I'm--" shame fills you up and you look away with embarrassment as you repeat, "I'm too old for you."
"Do you really think that you're too old for me?" Kuroo asks, "or is that just an excuse?"
"I have a daughter--"
"--It's only three years' difference--"
"--And you have your whole life ahead of you to figure out what you wa--"
"--I know exactly what I want--"
"I have responsibilities and I can't--"
"Can't what?" with one tug, you fall against him. You let out a sound of shock but Kuroo's hand is insistent as he presses your spine to his body, his palm splaying out and practically enveloping all of your back, "I have responsibilities too, Kosuke-san. And yet," his eyes seem to search yours for a minute, "I can't seem to stay away."
"Like I said," you're not quite sure whether he can even hear you, because your heart seems to be galloping so hard you feel it vibrate through your ears, "I'm too old for you, you should find someone of your own age, someone who's just as ambitious, with no strings attached to them--"
"I want you."
"--and like I said, I'm a mother," you're babbling now, "and I need to put Sakura first, no matter what. I'm sorry, I don't know why I decided to come out today. I shouldn't have, this is a mistake and--"
Kuroo's hand slips to your cheek. He tugs you up, and his lips land on yours.
You freeze.
Oh shit.
Oh shit shit shit.
This isn't happening.
This isn't supposed to happen!
And yet...it is.
His mouth parts slowly, sliding over yours in such a sweet way that you let out a restrained sound from the back of your throat. Gods, even his mouth is delicious. His hand sifts through your locks to tangle in your hair, pulling you closer by the waist as he kisses your next breath away. Your chest stutters and you all but melt into him, surprise and shock overrun by the sudden desire shooting through your veins.
Your hands, initially at his chest, make a grab for his shirt as your lips follow his in a dance that leaves your heart stuttering and has you gasping for breath. But still Kuroo doesn't relent. He kisses you again and again and again, mouth weaving between yours and teeth nipping at your lips like he knows exactly what you want. A soft whimper bubbles up your throat and he grunts in satisfaction, tugging your hair down and tilting your head back to ravage your lips like there's no tomorrow.
You part after what seems like forever, a small gasp falling from your lips. But Kuroo's slides against your jaw, "god Y/N," he groans out, nipping at the skin along your jawline before slowly pressing butterfly kisses along your neck. You jolt at the suddenness of the action, mouth parting as heat bubbles up in your lower stomach while the young man presses you even closer if that's possible so that you feel every single inch of him against you.
A surprised yelp echoes out of your throat when he finds a sweet spot at the junction between your neck and collarbone. Kuroo smirks against your skin, nipping the area gently with his teeth as your hands trickle up to entangle in his locks, grabbing at them and making him grunt.
The hand along your waist flutters up your spine like a caress and you fold like leaf with the softest whine. Kuroo moves up to claim your mouth once more, kissing the rest of your logic away until you forget why you're here in the first place.
It's not until he's pressing you up against the doorframe that reality crashes back into you. You push him away gently, so gently that your mouths part with a soft sound and as you gaze up at him with heavy-lidded eyes, your heart jumps at the way he's looking at you; desire and tenderness and affection and lust all mixed in together. His chest is heaving just as much as yours is, and when you bite down onto your lower lip the growl that rumbles through his chest makes you all weak in the knees.
"That mouth," he mutters, thumb unconsciously going up to trace your lower lip. He pulls it away from your teeth so that he can trace its outline.
And then he's back to kissing you like he never stopped.
You kiss back with just as much ardour, getting lost into him and for once not caring that all sense of logic and self-restraint are now gone, evicted by the pure selfish need to have him close, closer.
His hands are everywhere; on your hips, in your hair, tracing your abdomen and making you gasp with every searing, scalding touch of palms against skin. But you press closer still, your own hands roaming his back and feeling up all the muscles that tense under your touch.
Kuroo suddenly draws away so quickly that you can't help but whine and tug him closer.
He resists with a groan, nose brushing yours as he furrows his brows, "Kosuke-san, I really cannot."
"What?" you're half-way out of focus at this point, more interested in kissing the soft skin at his jaw.
Kuroo lets out a sound between a moan and a grunt, making your insides twist with desire as his hands find your hips to pull you away, "If we continue, I won't--I don't promise I'll be able to hold back so--" he breathes out raggedly, "for the sake of my own sanity, we--we need to stop."
"Oh," you blink. It takes a moment for the words to make sense. When they do, your eyes widen on their own accord and you push him away, embarrassment flooding through you, "I--Oh, I'm sorry--"
Kuroo drops a firm kiss onto your mouth, grunting in satisfaction when you make a surprised sound, "I told you," he murmurs against your lips, "to stop saying sorry. It's gonna be the death of me."
He finally draws away and pushes your stray strands away from your face, a force of habit, it seems. Your eyes flutter up to meet his, flushing at the gentleness lying in those beautiful pupils. Throughout your relationship with Aoi, you're not sure he's ever looked at you with as much intensity as Kuroo has for the past five minutes. It does something funny to your heart.
"Right," for someone who'd been previously so adamant on not making out with the said man, you're quite frazzled. Your hands are latching onto him like you're a baby koala and he's your tree trunk, and you slide them down to your sides like a shameful kid, "yeah, I--" but you quickly retract the apology in your mouth.
Kuroo grins crookedly, that smile sending your heart into spinning cartwheels, "I'll be off then," he murmurs. His hand smoothes over the back of your head affectionately, and he leans in to press a chaste kiss to your temple.
"How far away do you live?" you have to ask. You feel bad for making him drive all the way out here, it's practically morning at this point.
"Not far," Kuroo sends you a comforting smile, "don't worry, I'll text you when I reach--"
"Do you--" the words blurt out of your mouth before you can stop them, "--do you want to stay over?"
Kuroo blinks. His mouth parts. Closes. Parts again. And then, what seems like a blush litters his cheeks.
He shakes his head, "ah--I think that's a bad idea Kosuke-san--" he spares a glance at your lips, "--especially today."
"Oh," realisation dawns and you flush, "right. Okay. Okay then."
"Don't worry. We have all our time," he grins cheekily.
"I'm still too old for y--"
Kuroo interrupts you with a kiss, "enough of that," he murmurs, "or I'm gonna have to kiss you again."
"That sounds--" your nose brushes against his, "--promising."
"Don't tempt me," he presses one last kiss right above your eye, cups your face for an instant, before he turns away towards the corridor, "goodnight Kosuke-san."
"Goodnight Kuroo," your heart melts, "can you--can you text me when you're home?"
He sends you a grin over his shoulder, "I thought you said you were too old for me?"
"I am too old for you," your face is so red you feel like you could cook an egg on top of it.
"Nah, never," he winks and before you know it, he's gone.
Leaving you and your poor, stuttering heart.
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pretty-sparkle-bomb · 2 months ago
I've been thinking about anonymous love notes from reader to kirishima and his literal stone-set determination to find out who they're from just to find out it just happens to be his crush as he accidentally catches her placing the latest one 😓🙏 (kirishima needs more love)
GUYS WHEN I TELL YOU THAT I USED TO DO THIS TO MY FIRST CRUSH EVER (i was in 7th grade) AND I GOT FLAT OUT REJECTED BY HIM (I ended up crying to my brothers who wanted to beat the shit out of him) AND THEN IT TURNS OUT HE WAS SECRETLY DATING ANOTHER GIRL😭😭😭
Too much rambling? I'll stop😔 Onwards to the story
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There it was again. Another note. Kaminari slung an arm around Kirishima's shoulders and whistled lowly. "Damn, you're lucky. I wish a girl would leave notes in my locker like that."
Kirishima chuckled, opening the neatly folded piece of paper.
"Your smile is my favourite thing. You have no idea how fast my heart races when I see you."
"Yeah, but I wish they would just come up to me and speak. They seriously have no competition; I'm rooting for them even." Kirishima whined, folding it and placing it into his pocket. That one had to go into the almost full jar he has at home.
It had been weeks since he started receiving letters. One in his bag, another in his notebook, on his chair, atop his desk, in his shoe locker. Whoever it was, they were smart, he'd give them that. They always found a new place to put the note every time.
It had been weeks since this started. First, one in his bag. Then his notebook, his chair, his desk, his shoe locker. Whoever it was, they were clever, he had to admit. Each time, they found a new place to hide the notes, always keeping him on his toes.
"You're rooting for them until you see who's at the end of the hall~" Kaminari teased, his voice dripping with amusement.
Kirishima barely had time to register his words before turning his gaze in the direction Kaminari gestured. And there you were.
The girl he'd been crushing on ever since he met you.
His heart stumbled in his chest. You were kind and funny and smart. He absolutely adored you. But there was no way you—
No. Not possible. Right?
Kirishima shook his head, dismissing the thought as quickly as it came. He needed to focus. He needed to figure out who this mystery admirer was. He was determined. Like, stone-set determined. He'd made it his personal mission.
He made sure to swear Kaminari to secrecy. No one could know who this person was, or about their plan to catch the girl in the act.
It started off simple. Whenever Kirishima was walking or doing something in a public space, Kaminari would look around at every girl, just to see if one of them would sneak a glance at Kirishima. But that failed terribly...
New plan!
"In a sea of people, my eyes always search for you."
"Aww but ewh. Whoever this is, they sure are corny... you like that don't you?" Kaminari deadpanned. Kirishima just sighed airily. "Man c'mon, you gotta try harder. Look for her."
"How about we try stalking the usual places that the notes turn up?" Kaminari presented but Kirishima shook his head, no. "If we do that then they'll realise and get scared and then no more secret admirer."
"Gee, you're really thinking this out huh?"
Their attempts were endless and ridiculous. At one point, Kaminari even suggested leaving a note back as bait, but Kirishima refused, saying it felt wrong to trick them. They tried analyzing handwriting samples from the girls in class, but none were a perfect match. They even got Mina involved—who was very enthusiastic about the investigation—but all it led to were wild speculations and no concrete answers.
Despite their failures, Kirishima remained determined. "I'll figure this out, man. Just watch."
Kaminari just snickered. "At this point, I'm pretty sure they could leave a note right in front of you, and you still wouldn’t figure it out."
Kirishima scoffed. "Like that would happen."
It happened after training.
Kirishima had finished early and decided to return to the classroom to grab a forgotten notebook and his water bottle. The hallways were mostly empty, save for a few students lingering near their lockers. He walked in, running a towel through his damp hair, when he saw it.
By his desk.
With a small, neatly folded paper in your hand.
He froze, heart stuttering in his chest as you glanced around cautiously before slipping the note under his water bottle. It took a second for his brain to catch up.
It was you.
His crush. The girl he'd been head over heels for this whole time.
You were the one leaving the notes.
Something in him flipped—a mixture of surprise, excitement, and something impossibly warm that spread through his chest like wildfire.
Without thinking, he took a step forward, and before he could stop himself, words tumbled out of his mouth. "So it was you this whole time?"
You jolted, whipping around so fast that you nearly knocked over his water bottle. Your eyes widened, panic flashing across your face as your hands shot up in defense. "I—uh—what? No? Definitely not?" you blurted, clearly not convincing anyone.
Kirishima just grinned. A big, toothy, unbelievably happy grin.
You groaned, slapping a hand over your face. "I take it back. I am running away now."
"No, wait!" He stepped forward before you could bolt, reaching out instinctively. "Don't run. I—this is actually kinda awesome."
You peeked at him through your fingers. "It is?"
"Yeah! I mean, I love these notes. They make my day every time. And knowing they're from you?" He let out a breathless chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. "That's even better."
Your cheeks burned as you shifted on your feet. "So... you don't think it's weird?"
"What? No way! I think it's pretty manly- er... womanly." He shot you a lopsided grin. "But, uh... maybe next time, you could just tell me all this in person? 'Cause, like, I've kinda been really into you for a while now."
Your breath hitched. "Wait, what?"
Kirishima laughed, his face going a little red himself. "Yeah. Surprise?"
For a moment, you just stared at him, completely speechless. Then, slowly, a small smile tugged at your lips. "Well... that does make things easier."
He beamed. "Guess so."
You laughed softly, eyes playful. "Guess I won't have to sneak around leaving notes anymore, huh?"
"Not unless you want to," Kirishima teased, leaning slightly closer. "I wouldn't mind waking up to more sweet words about my smile."
You rolled your eyes but grinned, nudging his arm playfully. "You're such a dork."
"Yeah, but now I'm your dork."
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years ago
Not to say either of them is right here, but what's wrong with the ice cream guy? I haven't kept up with the show proper in several seasons, so I'm probably very out of touch.
He is The Villain of ML in my heart.
His magic ice cream is wildly inconsistent. It's Soulmate Ice Cream! Except when it's Just Friend Ice Cream! Well, until he ONLY gives ice cream to lovers, NOT good friends who have fun together! But sometimes he gives ice cream to couples that DO break up! What are the rules? WHO CARES, CERTAINLY NOT ANDRE! I can't even put stock in his ability ACTUALLY being magic when it's constantly contradicting itself. I'm pretty sure he's just convinced himself that he has magic when he doesn't and his ego is easily bruised if anything pulls him out of his fantasy.
Plus he inexplicably always blames Marinette every time he's akumatized, no matter how far he has to stretch to do so. Once when she didn't even interact with him directly!
The first time because she went home without eating his "Soulmate Ice Cream(tm)" by herself as a 5th wheel. Because, what, her leaving meant his ice cream "failed"? Wasn't the point that two people are supposed to share the ice cream for the magic to work? But because she was like "no thanks", he swears revenge on her???
The second time because he was so invested in shipping two strangers that he got mad at Marinette for...being seen in public with one leg of the ship? After Ladybug had made it perfectly clear that she and Chat Noir were NOT a couple and so Chat Noir has the right to have fun with whoever he wants to???? Because "my ice cream is never wrong"?!?!
It didn't seem to work out for Lukanette or Adrigami so I don't know where you get the gall to even continue to make that bullshit claim, but OKAY.
And the third time, HE had the audacity to blame HER for making him "lose faith in ice cream and love" when he REFUSED TO SERVE HER! He flat out denied her and Chat Noir ice cream because he doesn't make "good friend" ice cream despite them BEING ON A DATE, and then has the GLUTEN FREE AUDACITY to be mad when tHEY are UPSET by it!
Oh but that wasn't a problem in "Wishmaker" when it was Marinette sharing with Luka, but sure, make up new things just so you can get mad about it, that makes sense.
I also have a personal vendetta against him for being the one to out Marinette's feelings for Adrien to Adrien. After 4 seasons of build up, this is how Adrien finds out? Horrible, vile, detention, exile, I hate him. I mean I've been done with him since "Heart Hunter"/"Miracle Queen", but they just loooooove to PILE IT ON.
Like, wouldn't it make more sense for Andre to have been the one person to see through the Love Square? Even if he didn't fully understand it, since Ladybug = Marinette and Chat Noir = Adrien, wouldn't it just make sense for Magic Ice Cream to be able to see past that because They're Soulmates(tm)? But he's only invested in ONE of the pairings, not even like two of the pairings that are seemingly unrelated. He is NEVER as passionate about Adrienette as he is about LadyNoir...but why???? Why is he so blase about Marinette going with Luka or Adrien being with whoever when he can't even handle Chat Noir LAUGHING with a girl who Isn't Ladybug?
They never even have fun and explore what he'd do if he caught a Ladrien date, would he be angry at Adrien like he is with Marinette, or does he just have it out for her specifically?
At this point I'm just convinced he's only so invested in the LadyNoir pairing because he's publicly endorsed them so much and if they don't end up together he'll be outed for being a Hack Fraud. His fixation on two teenagers becoming a couple as a grown adult and falling to pieces just because Marinette has other ways to have fun instead of eating Ice Cream she doesn't even get to choose the flavor of...
Yeah, throw him in jail Chloe.
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eggyrocks · 2 months ago
THE TRAGEDY O3: casual
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Osamu lies on his back with his phone held above his face. She’s really laying it on thick.
She flops onto his bed beside him, laying flat on her stomach. She tilts her head up to look at him. "Whaddya think?" she asks. "Believable enough?"
"Yeah," Osamu replies, closing his phone screen and dropping it on top of his chest. It's so believable, he can't control the way his chest tightens, how his gut churns and lurches. He knows it's fake, but it might be the closest thing to real that he's going to get, so he lets himself indulge. "You sound annoyingly in love."
She flips around, lying on her back to match Osamu. "Well, it helps that I am. It's not really acting."
It's not acting for him, either. He meant it when he announced to the world how pretty he thinks she is. Fuck, man, is his best attempt to put how he feels about it into words. Osamu breathes in deeply through his nose. He doesn't look at her, because he doesn't trust himself to.
In a way, it's kind of a relief. He has the opportunity to say how he really feels, for once, and not face the brunt of rejection. Some of the weight off of his shoulders, none of the humiliation.
"Try not to lay it on too thick," he tells her, partially for her sake, and partially for his own. "The more you act like you love me, the weirder it'll be for you to move onto Tsumu."
"Hmm," she muses. "Okay, that's fine. We can just be casual, then."
If Osamu had his choice, it wouldn't ever be casual. She would be his, and that would be it. He doesn't know how to be casual with her. He doesn't even know how to pretend.
"Yeah," he agrees uneasily, "casual is best."
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yn and osamu spent the night watching movies and hanging out in his room; they slept in the same bed. yn thought nothing of it and osamu kept waking up with fear and excitement in his heart
osamu has his face in his hands because he's realizing he vastly overestimated the vibes between him and yn and she was 100% right
people do mostly view them as really close friends and have sibling-zoned them and he is devastated
atsumu saw osamu's tweets and yn's tweets but did not put it together that they were talking about each other that's how platonic he perceived them to be
yn and atsumu were extremely close in high school and even though they've definitely remained close friends they're not as close as they used to be
for a while atsumu was actually pretty jealous of osamu because he felt like he stole yn's friendship from him
much to think about.........
yn and suna are good friends but they don't have the closest dynamic
akaashi and yn were complaining about the fact that there wasn't enough decor in the apartment so tanaka got a framed painting from the thrift store to hang up in the living room
but he accidentally hammered a hole in the wall trying to hang it up
free my man tanaka he didn't do anything wrong
akaashi and kenma are texting each other constantly abt the fake dating plot they cannot believe it
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flower-boi16 · 2 months ago
the "both sides have made mistakes" thing is actively funny to me because as usual it ignores that the real issue is in the framing
the worst ways the narrative twists itself to make Blitzo look better is by making what happened to Fizz just a freak accident (fr the guy carrying the candles if the circus was that flammable is just as responsible for that one) and by not really having M&M chew him out for the stalking. but the show never denies he has issues and causes problems by pushing people away before they can leave. and some places where the narrative suggested ambiguity in season 1 are actively removed to make Blitzo look worse in season 2 - he has a problem with Verosika's alcoholism in s1 but in s2 he's made unambiguously the only bad guy in their breakup
the worst ways the narrative twists itself to make Stolas look better is by: having Stolas and Blitzo both say cheating isn't bad/Stolas' cheating doesn't count as cheating because Stella is mean (basically) on multiple occasions, rewriting Stella from a classist jerk to an abusive monster, having an entire flashback episode devoted to making the viewer feel sorry for Stolas in the most on the nose way possible, retconning in Stolas treating Blitzo like a human being over the phone that happens entirely offscreen, comparing Stolas to all Blitzo's exes even though they weren't dating, massively inflating the number of people who hate Blitzo to make Stolas look better and the most telling thing of all: the entire awful argument in Apology Tour where the writers made Stolas look like a hypocritical gaslighter by ignoring all the ways he treated Blitzo in season 1 and never allowed Blitzo to mention any of them when it would have made perfect sense
Blitzo got a season that built up to the climatic point of having everyone he's ever wronged read him for filth in a mushroom samba sequence.
Stolas got a season where every episode that mentioned or featured him either retconned something to make him look better, inserted something that happened offscreen to make him look better or refused to allow other characters to bring up season 1 events to make him look better. S2 built up to the climatic scene of a trial sequence where no one gets to call out Stolas for making the deal to get sex, he gets to look like a hero for "sacrificing" himself (instead of it being framed like the book fiasco is equally his responsibility, which it is) and he ends the season having lost his daughter (but only because she somehow doesn't know how totally evil Stella is and how totally not responsible Stolas is because she's only allowed to be mad at him for the trial thing) but gets handed the consolation prize of Blitzo's unconditional love which he's done nothing outside of a single grand gesture to earn. Oh, and then he follows that up by freeloading off of Blitzo, trying to wreck his office during a temper tantrum and being a passive aggressive ass, none of which the show frames like something anyone should have a problem with
so, yeah. when it comes to the way the writers don't want to challenge the characters Stolas and Blitzo aren't even in the same postcode, never mind playing the same game. they're just not remotely comparable
^^^^^^^ THIS.
The entire argument that "they both made mistakes/their both in the wrong" falls flat on it's face when the narrative doesn't treat their mistakes as bad as they actually are. Blitzo gets dragged for filth for his mistakes and called about by both the narrative and everyone around him, and his truama and whatever baggage he may have is never used as an excuse by the narrative, which, is good writting, I'll give it that, the problem is that the narrative is holding him accountable using the wrong character.
Stolas' mistakes, however, are either ignored, downplayed, or justified by the narrative so to make it look like they weren't actually mistakes. Him cheating on Stella? Well, Stella was abusive, so Stolas was actually in the right to do that. Stolas repeatedly belittles and dehumaizes Blitz, making him uncomfortable around Stolas all the time and giving the impression that he views Blitz as nothing but a sex toy, continueing to make sexual advances to Blitz even when he can see it's uncomfortable? Actually, Stolas loves Blitz and thinks very highly of him, those sexual comments were actually Stolas thinking that Blitz enjoyed being treated that way, it's just Blitz's fault for not seeing that.
Stolas coercing Blitz? I mean, ya, the deal wasn't right, but let's just pretend it wasn't totally coercian guys!/s
You get the picture. Stolas' mistakes and actions are so frequently recontextualized and excused by the narrative multiple times, and, aside from maybe his mistakes as a father, the series has not called out the full extent of his behavior and I don't think it will.
Many fans like to counter this with "oh, the show will call him out later!", but, the thing is, it should have called him out now. Because the narrative's refusal of calling Stolas out actively harms the writting of not just Stolas, but Blitz as well.
Blitz's character arc of growing to become a better person was kickstarted by having him get gaslit and guilt-tripped into apologizing to his abuser. Even if the show calls Stolas out later, it wont change that unless it directly calls this out and recontextualized.
Series held Blitz accountable for something that he wasn't even in the wrong for. That's the issue, I don't care if Apology Tour was dedicated to calling out Blitz, it did a shit tier job of that because it didn't call out STOLAS. The series needs to start holding Stolas accountable and actually call out the full extent of his actions, not downplaying them, not justifying them, no excuses.
With Octavia their taking a step in the right direction but, we'll have to wait and see if they'll commit to it.
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rekino2114 · 8 months ago
can you do fem denji x male reader
Fem. Denji getting jealous
A/n:normally for a genderbent post I'd change the name to a feminine version of it but I can't think of anything for denji so it stays like that, also credit to x.zora.k on Instagram for the art.
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"Look at that bitch, shamelessly flirting with my man"
"You can't even hear what they're saying"
You and denji were on a date (aki came along to make sure she behaved) when a girl she didn't recognized approached you and started talking to you, apparently you knew her so you two started walking away and talking with each other, which made your girlfriend very very angry.
"I don't need to, look at how she's acting, she's definitely flirting with him"
"I think she's just being friendly"
"As if, I know flirting when I see it"
"Like I said, you can't even hear it"
Denji ignored aki's words and started glaring even deeper at the girl
"What is it?"
".......my bobbs are bigger than hers right?"
"............I'm leaving"
"IT WAS A GENUINE QUESTION, I can't let her take y/n from me"
"And that's what you care about?"
"*sighs* I need a cigarette"
"You can go get one if you want I'll just-.....*gasp* OK THAT'S ENOUGH"
The chainsaw hybrid was one step away from pulling the string on her chest before being stopped by aki.
"Stop. What happened?"
"That's still no reason to try and kill her"
"B-but what if she's a devil trying to gain his trust to kill him"
"I find it highly unlikely, but go ahead if you want just know that I won't object to any punishment miss makima decides to give you"
"Ugh- fiiiine"
The blonde girl couldn't do anything but groan while waiting that you finished your conversation (while aki went away to not deal with whatever was about to happen)
"Hey babe, sorry if I took too long, we can continue our date now"
"You expect me to act as if nothing happened? You ditch me just to go hang out with some flat chested slut?"
".......she's my sister"
"And I'm not finished yet if you-........wait what?"
"Yeah, she came to Japan without telling me, it's been over two years that I don't see her so I just got so excited, I'm really sorry for what I did though, I should have prioritized you"
"N-no it's fine I should have been more trusting of you"
"Oh were you jealous?"
"Heck yeah I was, she was holds your hand, I should be the only girl allowed to do that.....I-I mean except family members I guess"
You giggled and approached your girlfriend then held both her hands in yours
"Is this better?"
"Yeah thanks"
"I think I know one way to make you realize you're the only girl I love"
You kissed her deeply and after a moment of surprise denji melted into the kiss not letting your mouth go for a while.
"Shit, that felt good, alright you're forgiven"
"I'm glad, how about a cuddle session to make it up to you even more"
"Yay cuddles!"
You held her hand and you started walking together, denji put her head on your shoulder to admire you with a bit of guilt in her eyes.
"Hey, sorry for earlier again, I wanted a boyfriend for so long, so when I got you, I guess I was scared of losing you"
"It's fine, jealousy is totally normal...... just don't insult my sister again"
"Yeah, dont worry......My bobbs really are bigger, though."
"*chuckle* you never change, but I guess that's one of the reasons why I love you"
Denji nuzzled into your shoulder and closed her eyes feeling the warmth of your words seep into pochita
"I love you too"
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