#Yeah I’m a massive hypocrite
mod-olivo · 7 months
Funny how I’m majoring in psychology and I’m SPECIFICALLY learning about how sleep, hydration, and consumption of food are important for mental and emotional health and how energy drinks and late nights are really fucking bad for you and yet I’m still awake into the early morning—
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iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
How are people still twisting themselves into pretzels to defend the m*tty thing?
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echo-stimmingrose · 6 months
“Leo!” Nyssa called, her voice echoing against the metal walls of cabin nine. Upon hearing no response from her little brother- he is probably listening to music at unholy decibels again- She opened the door fully, making her way back to Leo’s workbench. 
To her surprise, the cabin was quiet. Apart from the whirring of a few machines and the sounds from campers outside, the typically rambunctious cabin nine was entirely peaceful. Normally, on the rare occasions that this happened, she basked in the few moments of peace, however, currently it was just concerning. Leo hates the quiet. The kid gets all jittery when there's no noise to stimulate him and will make noise himself if necessary to keep his speedy little brain in check. 
She sped up, making her way through the maze that was their living space due to all the half-finished projects she and her siblings had lying about. She had tried many times to get them to keep their cabin even slightly organized but that was basically a lost cause at this point. (She was always a bit of a hypocrite when it came to keeping a tidy space anyway).
“Leo, Oh.”
The tightness in her chest loosened as she stopped at his work desk. Her little brother snored softly, his head resting atop his mountain of blueprints. She watched him for a moment, taking in his features. She noted the dark circles under his eyes and the way his cheeks sunk in ever so slightly. He hadn’t been quite the same since coming back, not that she could blame him after everything he went through, but she was still worried. Gently, she removed his skewed goggles from his face, before lifting the smaller boy into her arms -gods above this boy is tiny. With plans in her mind to feed him later -heavens sake, I’m turning into my Abeula- she brought him to his bunk which was, thankfully, already out. She tucked him under the covers and planted a kiss on his forehead. “Te quiero, Hermano.”
After turning off the lights (except for one near Leo's bed, as she knows he doesn’t like it completely dark), she left the cabin, heading back to the forges. 
“Didja find him?” Jake asked, looking up from whatever he was welding.
She nodded, “Yeah, he passed out at his workbench, you’re gonna have to do this project without him.”
She knew many of her other siblings were relying on Leo for this massive project they had wanted to do, (It was frankly ridiculous but they were excited about it so she didn’t say anything), but Leo’s health came first and she’d be sure to make that clear. Besides he had already done more than enough for all of them- The kid had sacrificed his life damn it, the least they could do was take care of him now.
“Oh- Well that's alright, we’ll manage. Gods know that kid needs more sleep.”
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frankoceanluvrr · 1 year
pairing : friends to lovers , fem!reader , college!peter, college!au
warnings : nothing serious. english isn’t my first language, urdu is! so please tell me about grammatical errors like spelling and punctuation as those i struggle with
summary : [Name] and Peter have been friends since college started. He soon finds out his friend has a ‘crush’ on the masked vigilante Spiderman, and cant help but feel a little jealous.
italics = flashbacks !
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“What you drawing?” Peter smiled, looking at your notebook.
You quickly shut the book closed, looking at him laughing, “you’ll say it’s dorky.”
“Oh, come on? Me saying somethings dorky? Isn’t that like, hypocritical?” He said, tilting his head.
“I guess nerd, forgot you take physics” You said, “and anyway, we’re supposed to be studying. Not focusing on little doodles”
“Please [Name], I promise I don’t think you’re secretly the biggest dork ever” He sarcastically stated, “and I definitely do not think you’re a bigger nerd than me.”
“How dare you cross that line!” you say, holding your hand on your heart, tilting your head back.
While you were doing your dramatics, he quickly got your notebook before you could even react.
“Hey! That’s private property.” you gasped, watching him gloat since he got the book.
He opened it and flicked through the pages to see simple notes covered in Spiderman doodles.
“Oh, wow dude you really are a dork” he laughed looking at every drawing, feeling himself blush a little bit.
“Aren’t you literally in a robotics club? Or what about the time you made me watch all of those Star Wars movies? How about the time—”
“Okay that’s enough” Peter interrupted, looking around the library.
“Exactly, I cant out nerd the nerd” you shrugged, “I bet spiderman isn’t a nerd.”
“He most definitely is. Probably old and wrinkly” Peter said quickly, “yeah, he definitely has crusty bleached hair and 47 years of age.”
“You really think so? I’d love him no matter what then. I’ve actually met him before.” You said, completely unaware of who you’re exactly talking to.
“Are you alright?” The superhero said, looking at you while you attempt to carry new furniture into your new student accommodation.
“Yep, I’m good. Great, actually. I really like this lamp” you tried acting cool in front of the superhero, but he could tell you were secretly fangirling anyway.
“I can take some of those in you know, it’ll be easier with two people.” He offered, watching you stare at all the boxes, “which floor will you be on?”
The mask gave Peter confidence, it made him feel like he wasn’t scared of anything. It was like he was a complete different person with the mask on.
“Sure, I’m on the bottom floor so it’s not a massive job. Anyway don’t you have like, superhero duties to attend to or whatever? Sorry, that definitely came out rude. I’m very thankful you’ve offered to help me and-” you rambled, wanting the ground to swallow you up whole.
“No, no, it’s fine honestly. I’m happy to help you”
You obviously couldn’t see, but he was smiling so hard under the mask.
Peter had been crushing on you since you first met, and it’s safe to say you felt the same. But neither of you confessed your feelings, in fear of what might be ruined.
After moving all your furniture inside, you had thanked him about a million times.
“Your smile is beautiful, by the way.” He said, looking at you.
“And that’s how spiderman helped me with all my furniture. He’s such a gentleman” You smiled, pretending to be all smitten, “He even said my smile was beautiful.”
“He wasn’t wrong.” He said, barely audible.
Without the mask, Peter was very shy and awkward. The mask “completed” him, and he was always said he was nothing without it.
“Who even uses the word beautiful anymore? The chivalry! But he probably says that to every girl, right?” You giggled.
“No” he said quite quickly, only to receive a confused look from you, “I mean like, obviously he won’t say that to every girl because none of them have a pretty smile like you.”
Your eyes widened slightly as you could feel the heat in your cheeks rise. All you could muster out was a simple “shut up” as you looked away.
“Aw, did I make you nervous?” Peter teased, still flipping through the doodles.
“I want to kill you” you said, still attempting to hide your blush.
“Moving on,” Peter whistled, “I stand by the fact he’s probably old and musty.”
“No, no, he sounded young. Also, I saw his abs through his suit. Definitely not that old.” You smirked before bursting out laughing.
Peter clenched his jaw for a second, then realised his crush was literally checking him out.
“Gross.” Peter said, not even trying to wipe the smile off of his face.
a/n : part 2 :
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
tw/cw: (16+ only please) yandere and religious themes. bitchy reader. mentions of sex. slut shamer! reader
I’m having my sadist yun era like legitimately am having a mental breakdown on Playboy/Playgirl/Playperson(?) reader rn it’s not healthy oh god.
Except they’re a massive hypocrite and an absolute bitch and a half.
Sleeps with everyone and I mean everyone in the campus but when it comes to people asking them out their excuse is always “I can’t date someone who isn’t pure.” yeah whatever the fuck that means.
Uses religion as an excuse and whatnot. You say that when you seriously date it’s basically marriage so you’d rather not have someone who isn’t completely loyal to you or even has a chance to cheat.
Yan could have literally held hands with someone else before they met reader but nooooo sorry can’t be with ya.
And omfg when they meet their match? An equally slutty yan? hoo boy.
Whore! Yan is absolutely head over heels with you. Every person they fuck is in your name. They always imagine you to be under them. They’re doing this mostly so that they could build experience and connections to get with you but also cause they’re just horny af.
Mission failed successfully because after a few nights with them they ask you out and you just take one look at them before going
“Me? With someone as filthy as you are. No thanks. You’re a great fuck. That’s all.”
And their world just fucking shatters.
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icekingofhope · 7 days
who is your favorite character from LMK? And your least favorite?
oh well I have many favorites of mine although my main favorite is the camel ridge trio (Peng tusk and azure) they are honestly not just my most favorite villains of lmk but in media
And what the season 4 special did to them was such bullshit but I already went in why I hate the special before
Cause like I can see their cause and actually rooted for them to win in season 4 I can see why they want to dethrone the jade emperor and why they wouldn’t let anyone stand in their way!
especially considering the times of ancient China cause let’s face it despite how beautiful and amazing the ancient times were…they were really problematic cause like slavery was a thing and normalized back then
and we also have problems in modern society with politics world hunger etc so it would make since why azure Peng and tusk would do the things they do and I can understand why they felt so betrayed by wukong cause imagine your leader who you haven’t seen in 500 years (assuming they didn’t even know he was sealed away under a mountain) and hearing about him again but he is working for a monk who was a celestial to get scriptures from India and your said brother had attacked not only demons but your old sworn brothers as well and even killed one (aka macaque)
I would honestly feel betrayed and angry myself yet I love how azure doesn’t hate wukong or hold grudges he literally was gonna keep him in the scroll till he killed the jade emperor then he would have released him and help him see reason
like I can talk about these three All damn day they are my absolute favorites of mine and they deserved a lot better then what the special did (and azure definitely did not deserve to be villainized and transformed into some type of tyrant and don’t say “well he had a lot of power so-“ my friend he was king before and from what I seen in jttw he was a great leader he literally calls his soldiers little wind cutters and don’t say they were always evil keep in mind it was wukong who attacked first they weren’t gotta hurt the monk or anything it just when wukong attacked they got pissed off cause it this)
and it makes me sad that people would hate these guys subjecting them to stereotypes that Peng is a asshole azure is a evil person and Yellowtusk…well who cares about him? Cause like all three of them are amazing characters in the show and book and mythology (even though it’s mostly Peng who is most of the mythology)
anyways for my least favorite…
it has to be either xiangliu or the mayor
unfortunately I could care less for xiangliu like I personally think he is a massive hypocrite and also batshit insane-
like he is not a monster he is just a psychopath cause who in their right mind literally starts the end of the world CAUSE OF FUCKING CHAOS?!
Now he may probably come back in next season I don’t know but right now I hate him
for the mayor….to me I don’t really also care much to me he is just the lady bone demons servant and it sucks cause like we don’t get to see why he is the way he is and why he fellows lady bone demon like a lapdog
and it feels weird at the end of the season 3 special he is nowhere to be seen i feel like if they expanded his lore more i may would have find him cool but like there is barely shit about him
(also I kinda hate his design it just looks so basic like I’m not asking for full details but make him not look like a business man with a bad haircut)
so yeah my main favorite is azure Peng and tusk and my least are either xiangliu and mayor
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annes-andromeda · 4 months
I have a lot of feelings about supposed leaked Alicole sex scene. Yeah, I know we always have to take these things with a grain of salt but like:
On the one hand, I’m happy Alicent and Criston get to have a (hopefully) consensual sexual experience after all the shit they’ve gone through. And while I know Team Bl*ck stans are gonna call them massive hypocrites I really don’t give a shit, I ship them with all of my heart and they deserve it. And at least Alicent isn’t having bastards and placing them on the IT like a certain someone🙃
On the other hand, though, I am PRAYING the writers didn’t put the scene during B&C and change the fact that B&C bound and gagged Alicent in her room before going to Helaena and her kids. Cause then I guarantee people will say “oh if only Criston wasn’t sleeping with Alicent then he could’ve stopped B&C!!!”
And also they haven’t really been focusing much on Alicent and Criston’s relationship compared to Rha*nicent. Not only that, but the two have been shown to be extremely duty bound and have had heavily traumatic sexual experiences. So for some people, it might seem completely out of no where and OOC.
Idk Alicole is like the one thing I’m looking forward to in S2. If they fuck that up too, I swear to god, I am jumping ship and I’m not even gonna bother with this fucking show
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awaytobeunshaken · 9 months
The More They Stay the Same
Orym is still sitting in the garden long after the rest of them have scattered. He still wishes Fearne had said something to him. He’s not sure if she really wanted it, or she just felt like she had no choice, but either way, it was over now. And she seemed satisfied, seemed to be bonding now, with Ashton, in their shared elemental powers. Good for them.
It did almost make him wish he’d taken up more of the druidic practices of the Ashari. He’d never really had much interest in it, or aptitude to be honest, and deep down he doesn’t really think he’d be as comfortable with that life, but he’s feeling more alone than he has since he started traveling with the old crew, and that's never bred anything in him but regret.
His ears perk up at the sound of footsteps crunching across burnt leaves, and he swivels his head around to see Ashton crossing the platform. Not the Ashton that walked away an hour or so ago; they’ve still got the lava rock arm, but apart from that it’s the same genasi form that Orym first met.
“Hey.” And he could swear his voice sounds smaller than it used to. “You’re back.”
Ashton seems to grasp his meaning, taking a long look at his arm before answering, “Yeah.” He sits beside Orym, bicep not quite touching his shoulder but close enough for him to rest against, if he wanted. He doesn’t, though, keeping his gaze off into the wilderness. “You know this doesn’t change anything between us, right? Between any of us.”
Orym shrugs. “What’s there to change?”
“Just, like, stuff like this, being able to check in with each other… Look, I’m not gonna go off and hook up with Fearne just because everyone seems to think we should.” Orym draws his knees in, hunching over them. “Hey, I mean it. We just both figured out some cool shit we can do, that’s all. I’m not stealing your best friend away from you.”
“I never even realized she was having reservations about it before. She never said anything about it to me. Maybe I’m not as good a friend as I thought.”
“I don’t think that’s true.”
“I would’ve taken the shard myself, if I’d known. I was ready to take it today, if she hadn’t changed her mind.”
“Maybe that’s why she didn’t want to tell you. You, ah, don’t always show the highest concern for your own skin. And yes, I realize what a massive hypocrite I am to tell you that. Still, I’m not gonna lie, that would’ve been pretty cool.” He reaches over to tousle Orym’s hair, in an attempt to approximate Fearne’s fiery mane as best he could with the short strands. “We could’ve been, like, brothers. Or maybe not… fuck, I dunno. This is crazy.” They shake their head like they’re trying to knock something loose. “But I guess a lot of crazy shit has happened today.”
They turn towards Orym, and place their right hand on his cheek, and the stone is rough and dry and yet somehow it feels so alive as it guides his face toward Ashton’s. And Ashton’s lips are cool, and not rough at all, and they settle against Orym’s like they belong there, just for a moment before pulling away.
They’d come to the Feywild in an attempt to slow down time for a moment, but now it seems to have stopped entirely, Orym’s entire world resting between one heartbeat and the next. But as reality reasserts itself around him, he recalls what Fearne told him about what happened on the ziggurat. “So. You’re just giving those out to everyone, now?”
“Not this time.” Ashton’s eyes lose focus, his gaze drifting toward the background. “But, like I said, today’s been weird, so if you wanna just forget…”
They don’t get a chance to finish as Orym stands and leans in for another kiss.
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HI CAL HAPPY TUESDAY!!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ my beloved
153 sentences Jesus.
“Well, I’ve been thinking lately.” Eddie says, following him into the house, down into the living. “And maybe I’ve been thinking too much lately, you know?”
“What about?” Bobby asks. He takes a seat on the couch. 
Eddie sits in the chair adjacent to him. “Uh… Well, this stays between us, right?”
“Of course.”
Eddie clears his throat, feeling suddenly very nervous. He hasn’t run this by anyone yet. This is his first sort of litmus test. If Bobby shuts him down, it’ll be kind of a massive blow to any momentum he might be building.
“I am thinking about proposing to Buck.” 
Bobby coughs, eyes bugging out a little. Eddie’s heart sinks.
“What?” He exclaims. “Do you really think it’s that bad of an idea?”
“No!” Bobby exclaims. “No, no.”
“Man, Cap, I really thought you’d say, wait six months or something if you were going to shoot me down,” Eddie practically pouts. “Not look at me like I'm insane.”
“No, Eddie,” Bobby insists. “You’re not insane. I don’t think it’s insane. I think it’s wonderful!”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Eddie grumbles.
“Sorry.” Bobby apologizes. “I’m sorry. I’m just… Uh… Surprised?”
Eddie takes a deep breath. He feels kind of nauseated. 
“Is it really that surprising?” He asks, a little helplessly. 
“No,” Bobby says. He’s saying a lot of that. Eddie still doesn’t understand. “No, it makes perfect sense.”
“You’re really confusing me, Bobby.”
“Eddie, I’m sorry.” Bobby sighs. “This isn’t what I expected to hear when you showed up, but I’m glad to hear it.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks. “You don’t think it’s too soon?”
“Well, I’d be pretty hypocritical if I did,” Bobby smiles. “I think you’ve made it just as long as I did.”
Eddie’s lips quirk. “That’s true.”
“Do you think it’s too soon?” Bobby asks.
Eddie shakes his head. “Not really. It feels right.”
“Then why does it matter what I think about it?” Bobby asks. 
“Uh, because even though I really want to, I guess I’m unsure.”
Bobby nods, thinking on this.
“Not of Buck,” he guesses.
“No,” Eddie confirms. “Not of Buck.”
“You don’t trust yourself to make the right call here?” Bobby says. 
“I’ve done a lot of work on myself,” Eddie answers. “I know I’ve been making good decisions. And I still don’t trust myself.”
“Sometimes I think that self-doubt and inner criticism are as real as muscle memory,” Bobby says. “You feel a big life decision coming, and your body remembers that old panic. Maybe it’s what brought you here. Just like last time.”
Last time? Oh. When Eddie had thought Shannon was pregnant. When he’d been looking for a sign. When he’d decided to recommit for all the wrong reasons. 
“This is such a different situation,” Eddie says. 
“It is,” Bobby agrees. “I’m glad you know that.” 
Eddie nods. He does. He knows. He knows so acutely what the difference is. 
“Let me ask you this,” Bobby continues. “Are there any reasons you can think of why you don’t want to be married to Buck?” 
Well the answer to that is easy. 
“Not a single thing.”
Bobby smiles. “Then I think you know what decision to make.”
Eddie exhales. Yes. Yes, he does. 
“Thank you, Bobby,” Eddie says. “I knew I had a good reason for intruding on your peace and quiet.”
Bobby laughs. “It’s what I’m here for. And, hey, you don’t have any, uh, immediate plans for this do you?”
“Well, considering I’ve been panicking about it, no.” Eddie answers.
“No ring purchased?” Bobby asks. 
“No,” Eddie confirms. “I should… I guess I should do that.”
Bobby nods very quickly, eyes flickering back and forth in thought. 
“I’ve heard rings go on sale in June.” He says finally. 
“June?” Eddie frowns. “That’s a month away.”
“Mmm,” Bobby hums. “Mhm. Well, worth the wait for an investment.”
Eddie blinks. “Well, how worth it are the sales?”
“Significant,” Bobby emphasizes. “Plus, it gives you time to plan something. Lots of time.”
“Says the guy who bought a ring and proposed all in one day,” Eddie reminds him. He’s not exactly sure where this is coming from. 
“That is true. I did that.” Bobby nods. “This is just a suggestion, though.”
Bobby is swinging between wise and strange like a pendulum today. 
“I will take it under advisement,” Eddie says. “Thank you.”
Really, though, if Eddie is going to be planning a proposal any time soon - and he thinks he is - then there’s one person who he should probably consult. Not because she has any marriage expertise or special insight to Buck in particular. But because she’s his little sister, and he’s been making an effort to include her in his life ever since she moved here.
Yeah. Eddie’s next stop has to be Adriana's. 
Buck takes Christopher out to lunch at a fry restaurant he’s been begging to try. Fries! They just put different sauces and cheeses and toppings on fries. Buck is fairly certain it’s just ripping Canada off for their poutine, but whatever. It’s delicious. Christopher has good ideas. 
He has Maddie on standby. If today’s chat goes well, she’s going to meet him at a jeweler he’s already researched. If it doesn’t, she’ll… Pick him up and take him to a wine bar after Eddie gets home to cry, presumably. A proportionate response, he thinks. After all, Chris was kind of a hard ass when they got together. Now, nine months later, Buck really hopes Chris trusts that this isn’t going to end in heartbreak. 
“So,” Buck says, halfway through his buffalo chicken fry monstrosity dish. “Chris, I was hoping you and I could talk about something.” 
Christopher - whose own selection is cheeseburger in theme - pauses mid bite, surprised. Maybe concerned?
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woman-respecter · 2 months
what did genshin/hsr incels do this time
really just typical behavior that they have been engaging in for a while. someone in the hsr server i’m in was like “hsr/genshin players are hypocritical for calling out female characters showing too much skin but ignore sexualized male characters” which is such a wild statement. like how are the male chars sexualized at all, or even nearly as sexualized as the female ones! its such a stupid statement but people are agreeing with him. one guy was like “yeah the fandom got bad because the games got mainstream” [read “was consumed by women and normies, not just cumbrained incel weebs.] they fucking haaaate that women play their game.
i asked him which male chars were sexualized and he didn’t answer but i know that s korean incels got pissed at the designs of lyney (genshin) bc he wears shorts and looks “gay” and imbibitor lunae (star rail) because he has a chest window and *gasp* exposed shoulders. meanwhile the female characters have massive boobs and skintight bodysuits and even personalities that cater to the male gaze. like look at raiden shogun (yes she is pulling a sword out of her boobs), a popular female character in genshin, vs lyney, the character they claim is sexualized.
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not even comprable! i just hate how out of touch these guys are with reality.
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longing-for-rain · 3 months
This is a different person from the last ask but lmao I saw an ask on that old confessions blog mentioning about the person running that blog being an incest shipper (they even mentioned their main blogs url). If this is true that's one of the most hypocritical things I've seen on the internet. Like do whatever you want nobody can stop you (just stay tf away from me), and dislike whatever you want, that's reasonable. But don't be a massive fucking hypocrite about it lol.
Oh it’s true and I’m definitely judging lmao
It’s so embarrassing; she whines that Zutara is “too vanilla” and that we should all be cool girls and wank to incest like her, because I guess she thinks that makes her subversive and edgy when really it’s just the biggest self own ever. Especially when you go around acting like everyone who thinks you’re gross is a “puritan” and openly encourage toxic coping mechanisms and behaviors.
But yeah I guess whining that Zutara is boring because the characters aren’t blood relatives didn’t get her anywhere so she turned to whining about how “toxic” it is and how we’re all committing a hate crime by criticizing the way a certain character was written. Lmao. You’re not going to get picked, babygirl, at least not by any man allowed within 50 feet of a preschool.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
So I was thinking of another swap au thing where the villains are good and vice versa for Cookie Run, like I did before with Dark Cacao and Dark Choco and the Licorice Sea, since while I like that one, I admit the scope of “swapping” is very limited, since for all intents and purposes, the two were the same as their originals, just something happened to Dark Cacao. And I suppose that Dark Enchantress and her group were more benevolent. (Although now that I think back, I think I may have intended it to be this was one difference in this world and not the only one, but whatever)
But anyways yeah, I had another idea this morning and I wanted to share
Okay, so basically here, I’m focusing on the Ancients and their Soul Jams, as the big difference here is that the Soul Jams Are corrupting the Ancients. But also like, they don’t know it’s corrupting them. Like, when they first started out on their journeys together, they were still largely the same as the originals, but after finding the Soul Jams, they became corrupted over time by them, each vying for the other Soul Jams and for more power, while also becoming crueler and their negative traits being increasingly amplified. They eventually started waging all out war on each other’s kingdoms, not resting until they had the other Soul Jams, leading Earthbread into chaos
White Lily didn’t have a kingdom and she largely stayed out of the conflict as an opposing force (rather planning on taking them from the others when the dust settles and they’re all weakened), but still continued her experiments with Cookies and learning the purpose of their creation. She still goes to the Witch’s Banquet and gets rebaked, but here, her rebaking disconnects her from her Soul Jam, freeing her mind from its influence. Afterwards, she realizes that she and her old friends were basically being manipulated by the gems, and her quest to obtain their Soul Jams is now about destroying them and ridding the other Ancients of their influence, in hopes of possibly saving them. The Dark Flour War is more her intervening in the conflict to stop them all.
Unfortunately, her efforts are only partially successful. She was able to shatter the Soul Jams and keep them out of the Ancients’ hands, and her efforts led to relative peace in Earthbread, as the others were also weakened without them and couldn’t continue their wars, but they were still under the influence of the Soul Jams (though perhaps lessened somewhat), and it’d only be a matter of time until they’re reassembled once more, and now she was imprisoned and unable to do anything outside of trying to guide her followers, both in their attempts to better Earthbread and to free her
Dark Enchantress probably isn’t called “Dark Enchantress”, given her new heroic role, but I haven’t figured out what other than “Light Enchantress”, but I feel like that sounds kind of silly
I feel like this swap has the potential to massively change other characters, considering the fact that the main characters in question have long lasting impacts on the rest of Earthbread, but I haven’t exactly figured out how other characters are changed in this au, only White Lily/Dark Enchantress
I’m also not sure how the kids of the Ancients would be different, since while their parents are horrible versions of themselves, I’m not sure if they’d be like, cruel parents now or something, or how their different influences might change them growing up. Like, maybe some follow in their parent’s footsteps, but others see it as wrong and rebel, I’m just not really sure
The only thing I really have is that I imagine Pure Vanilla to be a straight up “holier than thou” sort of character, where he still acts like a benevolent, saintly ruler, but he’s incredibly hypocritical and looks down on pretty much everyone, most of all his former friends, seeing himself as above all their petty conflicts, despite also waging war on them
Edit: oh wait, another idea, this time for Pomegranate Cookie. So basically she was the priestess for the Pomegranate Village, but instead of turning to darkness and destroying her village, since Dark Enchantress is more a benevolent force here, she simply left the village to join her side so that they might be able to save Earthbread. The high priestess we meet in game is just the person put as her replacement for the time being since she’s out helping the Enchantress. And also they don’t hate her because of this, since there’s not much to really hate
But yeah, hope you think this sounds interesting to you, I thought it was a neat idea
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mrsbsmooth · 5 months
Hello.. Hope you're doing well. I noticed that you are trying to play on Theo's route for this LITG season 8 as well, so personally I just want to ask your opinion about the newest episode. By the time I ask this, hopefully you already played it so I won't be thinking all night that I gave major spoilers to you, but the episode today brings any MC on Theo route to whole another level. Let's just say I'll jump at any chance to get closer to Theo as much as possible but I can't help thinking that maybe if we taking things to the current top (and maybe some more in the future episodes) before the next recoupling, it's gonna come back and bite us like the way they did it in S5 with all MC that did Finn's route, no matter how like they wanted to come clean, they gonna be labeled as being sneaky behind everyone's back, massive cheater, hypocrite etc. It may come as soon as the next episode in the Movie Night, or maybe when the recoupling night happening. Or maybe just like in Ozzy's route in S6 at least... Also I feel like Claudia is really in massive mood swings everytime it mentioned or happened in front of her. Like I can't get any signals if she's ok with us trying with Theo or not. What do you think is gonna happen? Thanks for taking time reading this looooong questions. Have a good day!
Hhhhhhhhhhh gooooddddd
you took the words right out of my mouth (🎶it must’ve been while you were sucking Theo’s dick just like I did kissing me🎶) what who said that?
Yeah, this is not gonna end well. Me and Kyle were in a pretty good place and I’ve just cheated on him. Claudia is my friend and I’ve just fucked her man. If me and Theo couple up and win love island after this???? No. We deserve to lose hardcore.
I’m really hoping we do. I’ve wanted since S2 for our actions to have consequences again and this whole tempting fate thing just reads as CONSEQUENCES! I want a Theo route to be an unwinnable route unless you never once kiss him outside a challenge. I want Kyle to lose his shit when he finds out (poor darling I feel a bit bad)
GAHHHHH this is not gonna end well for super hot bitch Sophia™️ or any of the other stunning MCs who have dirtied themselves with a Theo route SIGH.
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tagthescullion · 6 months
Fandom(s): Trials of Apollo
Summary: Nico faces the grim reality of losing another sister to the Hunters of Artemis. He has convinced his father to change his mind and fight for their dysfunctional family, surely he can make Reyna change her mind, too.
Rating: T (swearing, people being bitchy)
Words: 1800
AO3 link
Reyna had been waiting for him to arrive. She had barely flinched when she felt that cold, bizarre feeling that meant somebody shadow-travelled nearby.
Nico saw her shoulders rise and fall as she sighed.
“Don’t make a big deal out of this,” she asked.
Nico scoffed.
Only then did she turn around.
“It’s not the same.” Reyna stated.
The same. No need to clarify. 
I’m not like your other sister who abandoned you at the first chance. I’m not like your other sister who died days later because death was better than dealing with an unwanted little brother. 
“Isn’t it?” Nico asked, his voice hard. “You’re not joining those fucking Hunters, then? All miscommunication. The rumour mill in Camp Jupiter is insane.”
Reyna’s expression became a stony cold wall. Emotionless. 
“Don’t be immature,” she chided him. “Yes, I’m joining the Hunters. No, it’s not the same, because I’m not a twelve-year-old girl who doesn’t know better. I made a founded decision.”
Nico crossed his arms. “Yeah, founded. Founded by all that marketing bullshit they use to convince people. First that condescending bitch Zoë, and now Thalia, the giant hypocrite. She hated them, and now she goes around replacing the ones who die.”
Reyna took a deep breath. With her face devoid of emotion, and Nico feeling too many emotions himself, it was hard for him to know if she was exasperated, tired, or about to stab him with a dagger.
But, to be frank, Nico didn’t give a shit. If he got stabbed, so be it. Reyna needed to understand this was a mistake. A huge, massive, regrettable mistake.
“I know how Thalia used to feel about them,” Reyna told him. She leaned back on what would become her former desk, half sitting on it, and mirrored his crossed arms. “She’s told me all about Zoë too. And her version of what happened to Bianca, Nico.”
“Her version?” Nico rolled his eyes. “There’s one version. Artemis convinced Bianca to join the Hunt, had no better idea than to be kidnapped a nanosecond later,” he ignored the rumbling of thunder in the background, “and then darling Zoë took her on a quest she wasn’t ready for where she was murdered because not a single one of those assholes in the quest had a second thought about a girl who didn’t know shit about demigod life joining them!”
Reyna opened her mouth to speak but Nico wasn’t finished.
He shook his head. “And all for what? Because Percy and Thalia wanted to get Annabeth back. All for infallible, perfect Annabeth Chase. My sister’s life wasn’t worth shit next to hers to any of the people in that quest. And neither does yours.” He sneered. “The moment somebody Thalia loves is in danger, you become disposable. She won’t hesitate to put you in the line of fire.”
Reyna put a hand on his forearm. “You’re being unfair.”
Nico pulled his arm out of her grasp. “I’m telling you the truth. You don’t believe me? Look at the facts. Any Hunter dies? Thalia has them replaced before she can even learn the former one’s names. There used to be a dozen when my sister joined. By the Battle of Manhattan Thalia had doubled that number.” He put his hands on his hips. “A bunch of them died then, and by the time you met them, Thalia had already got the numbers up again. She doesn’t care! They’re statistics to her!”
“That’s not true, Nico,” Reyna insisted. “Thalia cares a lot more than you think. Hell, she probably cares more than Zoë did. Most of the girls there have been rescued from tough situations; from abusive partners, sometimes their own families… Thalia’s only helping them have a better future.”
Nico snorted. “Oh, forgive me, I didn’t know she was doing a saint’s work. And here I was, thinking the best way out of a toxic relationship was therapy. Clearly, joining a group of eternal maidens who are taught to hate, mistrust, and shun out men is much better. With the addition of dangerous monster hunting. How fun!”
“If you’ll be a little shit about it, you can just leave,” Reyna snapped. Her façade broke and Nico saw she was both hurt and annoyed. “I do want to talk to you about my decision, but I won’t if you’ll just stand there and complain without listening to my side.”
“Fine,” Nico said. He grabbed a chair from next to the wall, and sat straddling it, leaning on its backrest, looking at Reyna. “Go ahead, explain your betrayal.”
Reyna rolled her eyes again. “You’re dramatic, patronising, and right now, publicity to Thalia’s cause against boys. Be a man, shut up, and listen.”
Nico frowned but stayed quiet. She wanted to talk, let her. There was nothing she could say that would make him change his mind. 
“Do you remember how you said you didn’t feel part of Camp Half-Blood?” She began. “How you never fit in, and you struggled to try because you felt whatever you did was never enough, so why bother?”
“You fit in perf— you’re a praetor!”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Reyna raised a hand to stop him. “Ahora me toca a mí. Yes, I was a praetor, so was Jason, and look how quickly he decided to join Camp Half-Blood, where he felt more comfortable. Having power isn’t the same as being happy in a place, you know? You’re powerful in your father’s domain, would you stay there forever?”
Nico first thought it was rhetoric, but she seemed to be waiting for some sort of reply, so he shook his head.
“I love Camp Jupiter,” she stated, and her voice shook with emotion. “But I also think I’ve done more than my fair share to keep it running. I’ve led them through two wars! I’ve given them years of my life.”
Nico swallowed a comment about how they would likely be the last years of her life, because, let’s face it, lately the Hunters, ironically, had a reduced life expectancy.
“Thalia’s offer is one of being able to have a life,” Reyna said. “I won’t have to lead, I won’t have to think for everybody else, shoulder that responsibility.”
“Will you be happy, though?” Nico asked. He tried to keep the venom in his voice to a minimum. “Is it really a life to be your age forever, and run around the wild without a care for the world?”
Reyna shrugged. “It’s better than this. Besides, what do you want my life to be? To grow up, get married, sprout out a couple of kiddies?”
Nico made a face. “Yes, that’s what I want you to do, have children. You know, Reyna, believe it or not, I’m aware it isn’t the 1940s anymore. I simply don’t think having no responsibilities will make you happy. And the Hunters they— they’re just not a good option.”
“Is there really any other reason than what happened to your sister to make you hate them?”
“Do I need any other reason?” He demanded, he felt his heartbeat quicken again. “Other than them letting my sister die? I’ll give you another reason: they take advantage of girls when they’re vulnerable. They’re like mythological mormons! They convince you to join their cult but they fail to give you other options.”
“Mythological mormons?” Reyna sighed. “Your issues with protestants aside—”
“Gods, it’s not about the protestants!” Nico waved his hands as if trying to grab an idea from the air. “You’ve always thought Hylla’s decision to join the Amazons was rushed. You’ve said it yourself, you think they only managed to convince her because she was in despair.”
Reyna’s face shone with anger. “She wasn’t in despair. She was broken. She’d been hurt time and time again by those brutes in Blackbeard’s crew. If you knew what they did to her, you’d understand why she joined some weird group who kept men in line. But the Amazons did sweep in when they saw somebody vulnerable, Thalia and the Hunters don’t do that.”
“You’ve told me they went for girls in abusive relationships, forgive me for assuming that puts you in a vulnerable situation,” Nico argued. “They offered my sister a life free of any burden when she felt overwhelmed, and they —coincidentally— asked you to join the immortal sorority of man-haters when they knew you felt weird and left out.”
“That doesn’t make me vulnerable,” she insisted. “And for your information, Thalia’s been asking me to join for ages, ever since the quest to get the statue back to New York.”
“When, of course, you weren’t vulnerable, it was a perfectly unstressful situation,” Nico deadpanned. He leaned on the back of the chair again. “If your issue is that you don’t want to have sex with people, then maybe go to a pride-parade dressed in purple, don’t abandon your whole life on a whim.”
“You know,” Reyna said. “I’m not sure if you’re worried I’ll abandon my life, or that I’ll abandon you.”
Nico hesitated for a second. “Both. I’ve already been abandoned once by a sister because of the Hunters. I’d rather it didn’t happen again. But you wouldn’t just be abandoning me. You’d be abandoning everybody.”
Reyna walked towards him, she knelt in front of his chair.
“I won’t abandon you,” she promised. “I’ll come back, I’ll see you as much as I can. It’ll be like going to university, that’s all.”
“Let’s, for a second, pretend you can keep that promise,” Nico suggested. “Let’s pretend you’re one of the lucky few who live for centuries. What happens when all the people you know are dead?”
Reyna swallowed. “I don’t know. I don’t see the future. I’ll have the girls.”
“The Hunters Thalia replaces every less than a decade?” He wondered. “Those girls?”
She shook her head. “It’s my decision. I’m making it, sound of mind, having considered the pros and cons —regardless of whether you believe me or not—, and not being led in a moment of vulnerability.” 
Nico huffed, shook his head, and stood up.
“All right,” he said. “I give up. You want to leave your friends and family, your life and responsibilities, off you go.”
“Thank you for understand—”
“I don’t,” Nico cut her off. “I don’t understand it. I’m mad as hell.”
“For somebody who didn’t grow up as an only child, you seem to love the word ‘I’.”
Nico scoffed. “Right, sorry, I keep making things about me. Let me make this about you. Remember when you said, in front of both camps, that you used to have a home, but now you had two? Well done, Reyna, by choosing the Hunters, now you have none.”
He turned and left the room, shutting the door with all the strength he could muster.
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hargrove-mayfields · 2 years
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Harringrove Harvest Week- Day 3
Prompt: Toilet Paper[ed] House
On November first, Steve wakes up hungover. But that’s not the source of his headache. That quality goes to sobbing his fucking heart out for hours before he finally passed out drunk. If that makes him a hypocrite, for trying to get Nancy to stop drinking only to drown himself in expensive booze after, he doesn’t fucking care. He’s bullshit anyways. His morals, his personality, his ego.
Bullshit, bullshit, and fucking bullshit.
So he let it all go. And he finally rolled out of bed at three in the damned afternoon and had painkillers for breakfast. Without brushing his hair or changing out of his sweaty, slept-in clothes, he goes outside for a cigarette, only because his mother would kill him if the plastic on their furniture yellowed from the smoke. The fury of Ruthie Harrington is too extreme even for the worst of his self deprecation.
But the second Steve opens the door to the bitter cold of the first day of the worst month, he’s wishing he chose the option of death by a detail obsessed mother.
Because there’s toilet paper fucking everywhere. Some stupid fucking Halloween prank just to rub salt in the wound of last night being the worst of his fucking life. One he’s going to have to be the one to clean up, like he has nothing better to fucking do.
And Billy Hargrove is standing on his sidewalk with a shit eating grin on his face.
Oh shit.
Once Billy’s been noticed, that smile only gets sharper. Like he’s been waiting for an audience. He wolf-whistles, low and loud enough it echoes in the quiet neighborhood, making Steve tense up. The words that follow in Billy’s snarky tone don’t help, “Guess the King really has fallen from grace. This your castle?”
Steve turns his back to Billy, hoping that sacrificing his defense to take away Hargrove’s satisfaction over being seen will be worth letting his guard down. He pulls a rope of slightly soggy with dew toilet paper out of the front bushes, “Shut it, Hargrove. I'm not in the mood.”
It doesn’t stop him. Billy speaks up, gets under his skin some more to try to get him to turn back around. “So defensive. Should’ve protected your mansion with as much intensity as that attitude.”
Steve won’t give in. He’d rather de-toiletpaper the porch lights, and be as annoyed as he can manage, “I said fuck off, Hargrove.”
“You didn’t even hear my offer.” Billy hums.
Steve can hear the impatience in Hargrove’s tone, but more, he hears the implication. The pressure to give in and see what it is he wants.
Out of frustration of not knowing, and maybe because he’s just in a bad mood all around, Steve takes the bait, turning on his heel sharply to face Billy again, “What offer?”
He gets another obnoxious smile, as Billy snarks at him, “Now I’m not telling you. Ungrateful brats don’t get to know my shit. I’ll just find some chick that needs my help.”
That’s somehow that most ridiculous thing Hargrove had said to him. It earns a bitter laugh from Steve, “Help? You were going to help me?”
“Yeah, I was. But I know when I’m not wanted. I’ll get out of your.. massive hair.” Hargrove is refusing to take him seriously.
That’s how Steve finally understands the game, and why Billy won’t give him a straight answer. He puts a hand on his hip, and a saccharine lilt to his tone, “Are you gonna make me say please?”
“Would you stoop so low?” Billy taunts, eyes lighting up from as gray as the fog to sparkling blue with intrigue.
“Clearly I already have.” Steve gives him what he wants, to test the limits,but he can tell right away that Billy doesn’t like getting it that easy.
He rolls his eyes, a cute act for someone who just called Steve a brat, “Ouch. Don’t make me feel guilty now, Harrington.”
“Are you the one that did this to my house?” Steve finally asks bluntly. He’s not going to take this any further if Billy’s the one that did this. That’s just a bad look for his brand.
He doesn’t expect to be so relieved when Billy denies his involvement, “Nope. I don’t got the money to buy all that shit and then waste it. Or to get caught by the cops sabotaging some fancy mansion. Not all of us damage private properties for kicks. I stick to tagging.”
Oh. That felt almost like a dig. Steve stutters like an idiot, torn between being defensive back over what could be a reference to his past, and accepting Billy’s own defense, “I.. How do you know about that?”
But Billy tilts his head, for the first time the one caught off by something Steve said, “‘Bout what?”
It makes him look cute. Steve shakes his head to work the thought out, and to deny that he brought it up. It’s one thing to play stupid for attention, but to look stupid in front of the person he wants that attention from..
Shit. Since when did he want attention from Hargrove?
“Nothing, just… Can you give me a hand already?”
“Sure thing.” Billy crosses the threshold from the sidewalk into Steve’s yard, beyond the boundaries they tried to keep between themselves. There’s no going back now.
Steve stands there dumbfounded for a moment longer while Billy sets to work pulling toilet paper down from the eaves. He tries not to stare at the way Billy has to stand on his toes to reach, and the way his shirt and his jacket ride up when he does. The tiny sliver of exposed flesh reminds him of just how shirtless Billy was at last night's party.
Steve is infatuated. He’s only brought back to his senses when Billy’s voice cuts through his haze. He’d been so busy staring under his shirt he hadn't noticed Billy was facing him again. Oops.
Billy definitely notices, because there’s a smirk on his face, “Can I tell you a secret, Harrington?”
“What?” Steve pretends to be bitter. Really, he just sounds like he’s pouting.
“I got busted driving drunk after the party and the chief agreed to toss the ticket so long as I do some sort of community service.” Billy explains, earning another bitter scoff from Steve.
After last night, the last thing he wants is to be used again. “So you’re only helping me to help yourself?”
“Nope. You get something out of it too.” Billy hums, and Steve realizes it’s an offer. For what, he’s unsure.
So he takes him up on it, “Yeah? What’s that?”
Billy has the nerve to wink at him, cheesy and over dramatic. Steve feels like it’s mocking, but some part of him has wisened up to Billy’s games. Like he knows this is all only for show now, as Billy wags his tongue at him and offers, “Whatever you want.”
Steve thinks, since he has Billy so figured out, that he’ll brush him off. Pretend he isn’t interested in what ‘whatever’ could become, “I have an idea. Don’t bother me at my place again.”
“Harsh. ‘M disappointed in that, Stevie.” Billy gives up on cleaning the car port. His shoulders sag like he’s actually disappointed. That’s.. odd. Maybe Steve misunderstood.
With that same indifferent air, he tries to figure it out. Giving in without really admitting it. He can’t put his whole heart in it just yet, “Well what were you hoping I’d say?”
“I dunno. Maybe you’d invite me in out of the cold after all this help I gave you.” Billy’s not cocky. He’s genuine. Hiding behind something.
Steve fucked up. He fucked up letting Billy help, because now he wants more. And Steve will do anything to give him more.
But he doesn’t want to look desperate. He’ll turn it around on Billy. Try to make him feel half as flustered as he is right now. “Like you’re some stray? You need to be found?”
Billy can’t be beat at his own game though. He takes a step closer to Steve, and then another, and Steve already knows whatever is about to come out of that pretty, smug mouth is going to be too much. He drops his gaze down away from Billy’s face to stare at the ground instead, taking away some of his power.
It doesn’t work. Billy gets close enough to gently cup the underside of Steve’s chin, and tilt his head back up. Forcing him to confront whatever this is while he taunts him, “If you’re willing to find me. Could even put a collar on me if you’d like.”
“Okay, that’s.. too far.” Steve knows he’s blushing like an idiot, so to preserve what sliver of dignity he has left to his name, he does the only thing left that can fluster Billy. Giving him what he wants.
What they both want. Letting his doors open back up.
“But you can come in.”
That’s a real smile on Billys face, where a slight tinge of color has appeared to mirror Steve’s own flush. He sounds like he doesn’t believe it at first, “Yeah?”
“I’m only gonna say it once, Billy.”
Billy didn’t just take Steve up on that offer, he ran.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 10 months
"No Love Lost" aka "Ailani Meets The Emperor Again"
A short scene in which Ailani, the recently returned Second Primarch, meets what's left of the Emperor for the first time in 10,000 years to declare her intentions. And finally get a lot of crap off her chest.
Gonna be honest, this is basically Daddy Issues: The Fanfic.
Ailani had made it before the Emperor at long last. She barely remembered what he’d looked like, if she’d ever known even a fraction of the truth of his appearance at all, for all his psychic posturing. But what sat on the Golden Throne was barely the man who was barely her father. A massive, decrepit corpse, more skeleton than man, more deceased than deity. Yet the pressure in her brain told her that something connected to that body was still VERY much alive… and it was at least somewhat aware of her.
The Emperor’s Daughter failed to bow or kneel, and this did not go unnoticed by the attendant Custodes. She stood there, sizing up this undead monument to a single man’s arrogance, ego, and mistakes. Her green-stained eyes looked him over. Her ears heard the whirring and clicking of the ancient machinery of the Golden Throne.
There was much silence for a long while. It had been ten thousand years, and their last exchange had almost come to blows much as their first had. Her last act in his Imperium was to fire on his soldiers and betray his trust by favoring her people above his orders. What was there she could possibly say? Would it even do her any good at all? Was whatever was left of the Emperor even cognizant enough to answer in any way? There was only one way to find out.
“I've returned.” Ailani said, breaking the silence.
Her head filled with unfiltered thoughts that were not hers.
The Second Primarch laughed darkly. 
“Yeah. It’s nice to see you too, Dad. I suppose we both are just going to have to accept that we’ll always be a disappointment to each other. I for not being who or what you wanted me to be, and you for being an irredeemably arrogant bastard. I mean, I admire your ability to consistently remain true to your character, even if that character has always been less than stellar. I'm not sure what was more impressive: your ability to remain consistently unpleasant around me or your knack for making enemies you didn’t have to have.”
“You know, I never liked you much either. But the ideals you sold me? Those were maybe the only good you ever put in my life. I never really believed in your Imperium or your Crusade. I certainly never believed in you – how could I when the first thing you ever did around me was express your revulsion for my identity and then try to kill my parents?”
“Still refusing to admit you’re wrong. 10,000 years and how many wars to end all wars and you still haven’t changed. Well, you may not have believed a damn word you said when you poured honey in my ears to get me to come to Terra the first time, but they were words worth believing in. And as far as I’m concerned, you already got what you deserved.”
The Custodes reached for their weapons, but did not draw. Not yet.
Ailani let out a judging laugh.
“Ungrateful? Ungrateful?! My legion and I did good work. We did what we were told to do. What we were MADE to do. Made, BY YOU, to do. And we did it well. Our lives were dedicated to your mandates, your purpose. But because I wasn’t the child you WANTED, you never trusted us. You took my family, my community, my whole WORLD hostage to ensure my loyalty. But I did the work. ‘Maybe,’ I told myself, ‘maybe if I work hard enough, if I prove my usefulness, he might ease off. He might see that I’m just as worthy as my brothers. He might realize that he doesn’t need to hold a sword over my family’s necks to make me keep my promise.’ But you never did. Nothing I did was EVER enough for you! I will ALWAYS be a deviant in your eyes. A freak. A mistake. But I’ve finally realized, that’s not MY problem. It’s yours. And I’m done letting the people of this Imperium suffer for this grudge. I’m back, and you’re not. You can just sit there and simmer. I’m done with you, and I don’t expect I’ll speak with you again. I’m a healer. I learned triage a long time ago. I know better than to waste energy and resources on a lost cause when there’s ways to use them to do more good elsewhere. So that’s what I’ll do. The Imperium is wounded. It’s sick. It’s in pain. Untold teeming billions upon billions are crying out. They need help.  So I’m going to help them however I can. They didn’t ask for any of this. Yes, they’ve done SO MUCH WRONG. They are so afraid and hateful, but that isn’t their fault. They’ve never known another way. It’s just another way they’ve been injured. And for all your faults, I know neither one of us ever wanted this for them. We both believe in a better tomorrow, and a better mankind to live in it, after all. On the oath I swore ten thousand years ago, I swear I will keep trying to make the Imperial Ideal the Imperial Reality. You can trust me, just like you always could and should have.”
The Custodes relaxed as Ailani turned to leave. She stopped at the door to the Throne Room. She had a feeling she needed to.
Ailani smiled. 
“Maybe I will see you again, actually.”
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