#Yaz you deserved better
the first rule of being the doctor’s companion is not to believe he’s infallible. the second rule is not to believe you’re following the first
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laniidae-passerine · 8 months
well while I’m sorry to hear we’re losing Millie Gibson at the end of this season I damn hope that RTD can treat Varada Sethu’s companion character better than he ever treated Martha
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renniethedwstan · 2 years
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I'm so sorry for the menace I'm about to become in relation to Camp Cretaceous, by the way. Usually I have irl people to dump it onto but with Events I no longer have irl people to dump it on so...yeah
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cosmicallyavg · 2 years
ive seen posts that talk about like.. yazs mental health after leaving the doctor and how she would handle it all. and like. yes i agree that she wouldn't handle it well, that she would probably regress a bit, because the main thing that helped her is now gone... but ultimately i think she would pull through and come out the other side? like, she would probably have a few months where she felt like she was 16 again when she wanted to get away from it all, but she has such a great support system now??? her family would look out for her more than they did the first time, she has ryan and graham and dan??? who saw her with the doctor, who saw how amazing yaz is and all of the things she's capable of (especially dan. he was with yaz when she had to take the leadership role and get them out of 1901) and??? she has the companion support group, so she knows so many others who traveled with the doctor, and they can share stories and reminisce. kate more than likely offered her a job at unit, so she has that waiting for her. she has people now who care about her and can help her through whatever tough times might come. and with the doctor, she learned that she's capable of amazing things, that she's smart and brave, that she has worth and is loved. so her growth would mean nothing if she had a bad ending.
plus, she never properly said goodbye to the doctor, so she does still have a glimmer of hope that maybe she will come back. and she has not one. but TWO holograms of her as well. that would always help her keep going too.
and yes, im aware that just because she has a good support system doesn't mean she wouldn't be depressed anymore, but i just don't think it would get to the point that it did before. i wouldn't want it to. and i understand that healing is not a straight line and there is no such thing as 100% healed. but i dont think yaz would just. give up??? some of these posts ive seen have talked about her attempting/committing and i just. really don't like that idea for her. that Yes maybe it would make for some really sad fanfiction but realistically??? i Dont want that. and if that happened it would paint the doctor in a bad light, that someone commited suicide because of them?? like it wouldn't be her fault because she didn't know yaz had those issues, it's not like the doctor did any of the things she did for malicious reasons, she pushed yaz away because she thought it would be less painful. but if anything like that happened it would just feel icky. and then if the doctor ever found out, it would be detrimental to their own mental health. they have enough problems we really don't need to add to it.
i just want yaz to move on and be happy with the things she gained from the doctor, not sad about what she lost. she has So many friends and a family who loves her. and somewhere out there, there's an alien who loves her too. she deserves to be happy.
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regenderate · 2 years
honestly i'm all for characters having complicated and ambiguous identities/labels, i'm all for characters being unlabelled, but some of the rhetoric i'm seeing around yaz right now really does just sound like "being gay is cool as long as it's not your whole personality"
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yasminstardis · 1 year
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thebadtimewolf · 2 years
i bet yall will call the new tennant doctor 14 if he actively nearly shags martha and her gushing and joking about on screen in front of your salads because your beloved 10 would never do such a thing t--
#{i said what i said. enough oh but martha deserved better. I WANT SEE IT IN TELEVISED ACTION. no. excuses.}#{if he says that best of him is martha and donna and when someone brings up what about rose he like 13 just annoyed and disregards it}#{like 13s run at any mention of rose is met with kindly silent hostility. like rose isnt the best in retrospect.}#{rose is the very reason martha and family got burned by his choices and actions the reason why he strictly says friend}#{like not even your best friend gosh no thats donna. thats the master. your friend.}#{like it really be whooping my arse on this. the fact that rose's last name got reduced to a throwaway alias in a 4 and 10 audio by 10}#{he had fully distanced and disconnected with rose so much that even in proximity of meeting 9's rose he just doesnt look}#{its wild he isnt rose hungry anymore. unlike...}#{like as soon as donna's mind was wiped by him so did the love he had for rose. its jarring and 13 only cementing this again and again}#{13 constantly never bringing up and WHEN rose is brought up it isnt looked back on fondly by 13 expressionwise}#{and 14s decent into fear if you remove the music is warranted. its very much why him. why him when im deeply in love with yaz}#{fresh after losing river and 13mentions river but not rose. and makes faces that isnt miss her its very much: ok? what about her? blaise}#{its 13 seeing another rose and isnt at all going rose my old love but going ah! a army rose. anyway 10 shut up. yaz my love}#{its such a refreshing sight because 10 never mentions sarah jane smith but he is full heart eyes floored by the sight of her}#{we never got that expression again until when he done so he got killed by a dalek and turned into a man that doesn't love her anymore}#{not like how they 'were' yknow}#bw: out of ethos#{now im done}
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i-got-bored · 8 months
just finished series 13 and...
uhm ouch. its strange, during 13's run i rarely found myself invested in the story being told - i definitely noticed the shift in writing and wasn't a fan. what i ended up realising tho is that despite my disinterest in what aliens did what, i was invested as 13 as a character and ofc i have alway felt that way but its been accompanied w "oh that episode is great - i love the way the alien did this" so when it came to her regeneration, it acc really hurt to see her go, bcs i want to see more of her, maybe just with better writing lmao.
but uh, yeah continued my streak of crying at every regeneration and am moving onto whatever we're calling the newest who!
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praxeus-13 · 10 months
There’s something so heartbreaking about watching your favourite parts of a tv show, the parts that you have loved for years and found so much joy in, being misunderstood, forgotten and erased by it’s predecessors.
13’s beautiful TARDIS interior, and sonic screwdriver erased to make way for nostalgia.
13’s clothes, her entire outfit, burnt up never to be seen again without any explanation.
Yaz, who 13 was in love with, who she wanted to tell everything to and spend the rest of her days with, not even mentioned - not even hinted at!
13’s character, her core personality traits and storyline reduced to ‘woman Doctor’ and fundamentally misunderstood!
13’s fam, the family that she found and built, not even mentioned or reminisced about!
I’m glad that the Timeless Child wasn’t erased, but I feel like so much else was that RTD didn’t properly watch 13’s era. It’s like he was given a summary and only took the parts that he thought was interesting.
13’s memory deserves better! She deserves to have passed on the baton to Ncuti’s Doctor, to have him running around high on regeneration energy while wearing her outfit! To use her sonic for an episode before choosing to make his own!
13 deserves to be remembered as a Doctor who was loved dearly by her companions and fans, as a Doctor who went through so much tragedy right from the start and struggled to deal with that, but still managed to face down her foes! As a someone who was optimistic and kind, but could also be cruel and harsh when needed! She was complicated, she went through so much, I love her and she will always be my Doctor.
She deserves to be remembered as more than ‘woman Doctor’, because she was so much more than that.
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ohmerricat · 5 months
the ninth doctor trusted rose enough to believe she would stay with him after his face changed. and twelve took some convincing but towards the end of deep breath accepted that clara would stay by his side no matter how old he looked. but thirteen was so used to losing people. her previous self had loved clara and lost her, he had looked after bill and failed to save her, he had tried to redeem missy and (to his knowledge) lost that cause too. no wonder she wouldn’t trust yaz to stay for her fourteenth face. no wonder she believed she ‘had to do this next part alone’. she had grown quietly distant with the new knowledge that she was no longer even an ordinary gallifreyan, not something of this universe, but outside of it, alien even to the aliens. isolated and inaccessible, standing on an invisible pedestal her ancestors placed her on — a pedestal that more resembled a cage. glass walls on all sides like the forced regeneration chamber. thin glass wall between her and yaz now, transparent but too solid to break through. harder than azbantium when there’s no solid footing to stand on.
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of course yaz would run when she saw her new self. of course she would leave. companions would never stay now, they would never fully understand. when thirteen said that she would need to do ‘this next part’ alone, by ‘next part’ she meant ‘the rest of her (potentially eternal) life’. it’s the classic gambit: push the one you love away before they get the chance to reject you. because they always will, now. either that or they die in horrible circumstances. better to flee like you’ve always done.
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this is why the bigeneration was a narrative necessity, why the giggle was the perfect vision of a positive finale. the original version of the doctor gets to settle down with people that he won’t lose. people that he won’t turn away from. people whose hearts he won’t inevitably break. he’s sitting there in the back yard and he’s not going anywhere…
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…yet somewhere out there in sheffield lives a police officer named yazmin khan. she’s not all sunshine and rainbows — all cops are bastards, after all. sometimes she takes her nameless rage out on a shoplifting suspect. sometimes she hands a parking ticket to a kid that didn’t deserve it. and sometimes she does genuine good for the community, sometimes she goes to the club and dances with strangers, sometimes she sits on the sofa and watches a documentary about space exploration and laughs at the painful inaccuracies. and many miles south, the doctor spends time with his family, but he’ll never get the courage to visit her. because she’d want to run away with him again. and he could never give her that, not anymore. anything but running.
yazmin khan loved the universe in the eyes of her doctor. oh, that doctor in the garden? the stay-at-home-doctor? he’s brilliant, but he would never be enough for her. his presence would never replace the cosmic vistas and myriads of stars thirteen gave her. and she’s never coming back
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ghost-bison · 1 month
Doctor Who - Opinions
-the ninth doctor was the best. no one will ever be as good as he was
-same for donna, best companion, no one will ever compare
-imo 9th > 10th > 12th > 14th > 11th > 13th (dunno about 15th yet, haven't seen enough of him)
-donna > rose > jack > martha > nardole > bill > river/clara > rory > graham >>>>>>>>>>>>>> amy (idk about yaz and ryan I honestly dont see any distinctive personality traits apart from the fact that ryan is always complaining and generally unpleasant)
-ninerose >>>>>>>> tenrose
-clara is a cool character, it's just her plots that made people dislike her
-i don't get the obsession people have over thoschei. or the master in general and his relationship with the doctor? apart from missy and twelve ofc
-i could never warm up to amy, nor do i get how people can like her. she was abusive, not a girlboss. didn't deserve rory
-i have mixed feelings about river. like obviously, slay my goddess, but also, she's everything that's wrong with moffat's writing of women? she's actually dependant and praises the doctor and never makes a decision for herself? never questions the doctor? that's not ok
-idc how good moffat's storylines get, i'll choose rtd any day. i'll refer you to this post as to why.
-chibnall's era feels flat. i don't hate 13, she's adorable, but I used to laugh and cry several times an episode during the first ten series. now it's like twice a series if we're lucky.
-i liked the campy effects way better than the disney-style expensive cgi they now use to try and balance out mediocre writing (I'm sorry but wtf was that Space babies episode and how did they manage to make it even more cringe than the series one Slitheen two-parters?)
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quantumshade · 1 year
bill deserved to meet thirteen
i fully agree. i have so many thoughts on this
bill would not at all be tripped up by the doctor being a woman, she understands the doctor’s gender better than most. once the doctor proved that she exploded but is still wholly and completely the same person, bill would take it in stride
i do think it takes a Bit for bill to be as comfortable with the doctor as she was before bc bill is naturally inquisitive and challenges things BUT she does get there
thirteen would stay as a sort of parent/tutor figure to bill. sorry to anyone who thinks bill would be attracted to thirteen i just think you are so wrong. maybe for like a Second bill would be like “who is this woman she’s gorgeous” and then thirteen says something like “that reminds me of that time i went to the Silfrax Galaxy and invented custard creams for bees” and bill would be like okay. yeah no nevermind that’s my granddad
bill and yaz would get along really really well. like in a gay way. i cannot believe that billyaz is not a more popular ship. it’s everything to me. imagine. bill staying on after s10. yaz meeting this brilliant girl only a couple years older than her who actually pays attention to her and bonds with her and Also is comfortable with her identity as a lesbian. bill showing yaz the ropes when it comes to life on the tardis. bill helping yaz come to terms with being queer. genuinely i think about this all the time.
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moderndaymelodrama · 1 year
i really don’t think people talk enough about the “i want to tell you everything” scene between the doctor and yaz in the vanquishers, because it’s just so so important in terms of their feelings for each other, especially the doctor’s feelings for yaz.
when you really think about it, 13s main character trait throughout most of her three series is that she keeps things a secret. she doesn’t open up about her past or the things that are hurting her, she doesn’t let herself be open with the people closest to her no matter how much they ask; she lets her fear of herself and her past define her completely.
so for her to stand in front of the person who has been there by her side through all of that and choose to say those words is the biggest step she’s taken. and it isn’t just “i guess i should probably tell you everything”, it’s “i WANT to tell you everything”, she’s choosing to make that promise, not just because she feels like she’s got no other choice, but because she wants to make things better. partly for herself, but mostly for yaz. in my mind, these words, for this doctor specifically, are the closest we could possibly get to “i love you”
in many ways, it means more than simply “i love you”, it’s her saying “i’m going to go against everything i have stood for in this lifetime, fight against every fear that has held me back, all for the sake of you. and i want to do it. i really do. because i hurt you, and i don’t want to do that anymore
you deserve a better version of me
i want to get better
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kayla-2 · 1 year
Well jokes on you because Elriel is obviously not happening. It was so obvious in the bonus chapter that Gwyn and Az will end up together, maybe it was hard for you to analyze it? Take your time and read Yaz's analysis about mating bonds and Gwynriel so you'll not get disappointed. Plus, when Gwynriel's book is finally out the focus will be on Nesta too, Nessian specifically. Fetsand's time was up. Either you have to love Nessian or you could "roll your eyes" while reading acotar 6
I do not know who that is but I’m not reading anything that’s not the books and the author. That’s it, everyone else has limited information just like I do
Bonus chapters are just BONUS and shouldn’t be the start of a relationship. Elriel didn’t just have moments in the bonus, we don’t even need that bonus, it’s more of a confirmation they’ve been building since acomaf-acosf. You need things in the main series that is accessible to everyone not a limited bonus chapter that don’t even have any development.
I must care about gwyn more than you do because why would you want gwyn with a man that doesn’t consider her a friend, gifts her a necklace he bought and designed for another woman (mind you, he told clotho to give it to anyone first) and two pages before he saw her (mind you he said he thought he would be alone and would’ve ran if she didn’t already see him) he was about to kiss another woman and thinking of having sex with elain.. why do y’all want that for her?
The only thing that allows your ship to even be a thought is Rhys interrupting Azriel when he was about to kiss elain (definitely not elains mating bond which Sarah hasn’t made any development for since book 2) if Rhys didn’t interrupt…Az would be laying somewhere with elain, which isn’t enough for a new relationship and gwyn deserves better than a coincidence or a hurt man
Maybe if you listen to the author instead, you would know that Sarah said that feysand are the center of everything, so I’m not worried 😘 I do adore cassian though not that thing he’s chained to
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duchezss · 6 months
Honestly I think jwcc is gonna be roman empire forever, more specifically S4 and 5, because of how much the writers ruined all of their characters arcs and growths.
I think S1-3 were just perfect. Ok maybe they weren't actually perfect, but for they were setting out to do it was superb. The writers were establishing dynamics and relationships and conflicts, external and internal, so well. It's almost hard to believe that such a grounded brilliant story fell apart in the last two seasons. I generally cannot fathom how they were the same writers. For example, in S3 Ben and Darius have this long arc about forgiving each other and coming to understand each other after the monorail. It was beautiful and slow paced and just a great character study. So when the end of S3 happened, and Darius and Kenji were clearly fighting, I figured they would kinda do the same thing for them. Instead the two forgave each other in less then five minutes and then they just never speak on it again. I can't be only one that just finds that so odd?
Another thing I think really ruined the show was the forced romance between Brooklynn and Kenji. It was out of left field, it didn't make sense, and it completely undermined their characters. To me, the show always presented their bond as brother and sister, but honestly if the writers had done it better maybe (MAYBE) I could've gotten behind it. They just made it so hard to route for them. First of all because of the romance, the two of them weren't really allowed to interact with the others. Like yes they did, but not in meaningful ways like they had before. Also something that irks me to no end is them playing off Kenji so vigorously trying to save Brooklynn at the end of S3 only because he had a crush on her. That's such a misinterpretation of his character, because S3 Kenji would've acted like that if ANY of the crew were in that situation. They became the only family he ever had, and to say that all of that was just because of a crush? Oh don't get be started. Also it just made Brooklynn a shell of the character she once was. I was so upset in S5 when the only thing she got to do was mope about Kenji's betrayal. She deserved more development and screen time, and just everything really. Their romance did a huge disservice to them both.
Third point, I really hate how they played off everyone not having PTSD, especially Darius. I was very happy that Yaz had that arc in S5 and how they showed how it really got to her. But when the rest of the group said everyone was fine, especially Darius? The same Darius that felt endlessly burdened with leading? The same Darius that had nightmares about his father and Ben after he lost them? The same Darius that let everything get to him even when he knew it shouldn't? THE SAME CHARACTER THAT WAS ALONE ALL OF S4 AND THE WRITERS DID NOTHING WITH??? Ohhhh one day these writers will pay for the way they sidelined THEIR MAIN CHARACTER. Darius deserved that arc, and he deserved an arc that allowed him to step out of the leadership role. Like yes that was technically S4, but it was handled in such a bad way and it really didn't present any growth for him or the crew. Just a wasted opportunity.
I think at their core, the problems with S4 and S5 lie with the direction the writers wanted to take it. As soon as the group ended up at this highly technological island I knew it was over. Not to say advanced stuff is bad, the hybrids were always sick, and I even thought the mind controlling was a good moral dilemma, but everything else? It was so tiring and frustrating, like damn I don't care about the brads or this island, or these random ass characters you introduced. I think the writers just really lost sight of what made the show so great in the first place, the main characters. Yes the plot was amazing, but the brilliant cast of characters and their ever changing dynamics and lives was what really brought it home. When you erase all of the development you've been building up for three seasons in favor of a incredulously complicated and over done plot that side lined your main cast what can you expect? It seems voltron was in fact a harbinger for this show. One day dreamworks will learn how to not fall off mid show, but it appears that's not any time soon.
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