#Yandere mother
abbyfmc · 17 days
Yandere Yandere (Fatherly) Emperor and Empress (Maternal) x Daughter! Reader:
Think about it.
I imagine that after a long line of princes, the yandere empress finally has a princess, and both parents are delighted with her, since she was the first daughter after many years of trying. Your father, the emperor, agrees that you be raised under the care of the empress (your mother).
From the moment you were born, you were never left alone for a single minute. When the Empress wasn't with you, the Emperor himself was. Your mother always made you follow her everywhere she went, as well as sharing her tastes and hobbies, since having only had princes prevented her from doing that. You had a close mother-daughter relationship, and with your father it was something more or less similar.
As you grow up, your parents become more overprotective of you, so much so that they even limit your contact with your older brothers, the princes. Not only would they give you nice gifts, but the best teachers, doctors and servants would be at your disposal (even better than those of your older brothers), although your brothers would probably be jealous of you.
They wouldn't let you walk alone for even a second.
If your father has a harem of consorts and concubines (like other emperors), then the empress will be more paranoid about you, since even though princesses do not inherit the throne, she knows that her enemies can harm you.
Once, when you were five years old, a maid broke a porcelain doll that your father had given you after returning from one of his trips. Unfortunately for that maid, the emperor was returning with you just when the doll broke, so he saw it and got SO angry that he asked his butler to take you out to the garden for a walk, so that you wouldn't see your father the emperor whip the poor maid to death. All this because he considered that maid to be reckless in daring to do that to your things, even if it had been an accident.
Even if more princesses were born, you were the object of your parents' overprotection and adoration.
Even your older brothers didn't dare to do anything bad to you. Once a new maid spoke ill of you (even though you hadn't done anything), and the empress herself slapped her in the face.
They hired servants who document your EVERY move.
The Emperor adores you so much that he will delay any kind of engagement or marriage alliance. He will reject any proposal, and silence anyone who mentions the subject. He does not want you away from him.
If it were up to them, you would stay locked in your room all the time so that nothing would hurt you, and they would tell you that they do everything for your own good.
You were punished by being locked up for an indefinite period of time, followed by the classic punishment of writing the same sentence repeatedly for a long time.
No trying to escape from the palace. The emperor would have experienced guards and servants around you to prevent that.
And if you do get married, then your parents will make sure that you have no choice but to live near the palace, no matter what.
They would be capable of killing if something happens to you.
If you fall ill, they will make sure you rest and eat well, even if it is against your will. If you were to die, they would both go mad with grief, especially the empress.
If you were to die, they would use your chambers as a sanctuary to you, where they would go to pray for you, and in the process force EVERYONE to mourn you.
Your emperor father would not let you have any contact with his family, as there is a power struggle going on where even his own brothers, cousins ​​and uncles could be his enemies and would do ANYTHING to get the throne; even if that includes kidnapping or killing you just because you are the emperor's daughter. Your mother would know this, and every time her brothers-in-law come, she will make you stay with her in the central palace.
With the Empress's family it's a different story, since there are no problems of inheritance of the throne, things are easier unless there is someone who tries to hurt you or pressure you like they do with your mother.
-The End.
What do you think?
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
Different anon but thank you for the guide! I really struggled with where to start when mimicking characters speech and other tips i found didn't do much for me but the examples somehow helped me get it!! ٩( ᐛ )و
You guys are the sweetest! I’m really glad that it helped in some way! I wish you the best in your writing!
Also, might as well make this a meme post!
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thetreefairy · 1 year
Yandere Midoriya!Family headcannons
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I have been wanting to write a yandere midoriya!fam for quite awhile. warnings: manipulation, belittling, bullying, Reader is Izuku's quirkless twin and is studying as a support hero, since they are a prodigy in technology. they/them reader
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Inko + izuku
Inko was rather glad that Reader didn't develop a quirk, just like their twin Izuku.
But she was rather proud of your knowledge in technology and support your hopes of becoming a support hero.
Izuku was glad as well, especially since he realized that you are too 'weak-hearted' for villain attacks.
Inko and Izuku have a little pact to hide his injuries from you as well as they can
And if you try to train physically outside of school, they will guilt your ass with excessive statements.
'What if you break bones, just like Izuku?'
'You don't have a quirk to help you when you get attacked'
'What if shigaraki realizes that you are my sibling and kidnaps you?'
'Do you want mom to worry so much?'
'Aish, I already have to worry so much about Izuku, not you too.'
'You aren't going to be a field hero because you are quirkless'
The two downplay their yandere tendencies when they are together since they don't want to make each other tendencies worse.
Both of them are rather aware that they aren't being healthy with their tendencies but truly they don't give a shit.
this asshole is using his connection to pro-heroes to make sure that your internships are 'safe' and 'uneventfulness'.
He also loves pointing out how he used to be quirkless so he can understand some of your struggles. And use his current misfortune against you.
'I know it's difficult to be teased all day, that's why I don't want you to become a public figure.'
'You can be a faceless role model for all the other quirkless kids, you need to be safe.'
'Shigaraki wants to kill me, what if he wants to play with me and kill you first?'
Normally he's kinda like a normal brother
But try dating, and he'll annoy the shit out of you.
I tried- I really did, but I think it needs some work. Taglist: @theninjabozo
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Yandere Family Headcanons
Yandere Family who is extremely rich
Yandere Family who homeschooled you all your life
Yandere Family who protects your innocence
Yandere Family who tells you pleasuring family is ok
Yandere Brother who is a successful singer, Yandere Sister who is a famous tutor, Yandere Father who is a successful CEO, Yandere Mother who is a successful super model and fashion designer and your just innocent ol' you who just sits at home with one family member when the rest are gone
Yandere Family who spoils the shit out of you
Yandere Family who makes sure you get a job at either your father's or mother's companies
Yandere Family who makes you only wear this:
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And the dress is too small and thin so it brings out everything and its very thin so your nipples and your lace panties underneath the nightgown are visible so your family got a view of everything when you come down stairs for breakfast
Yandere Family let you wear whatever you want but mostly encourages you to wear extremely revealing stuff
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Are you still doing the yandere family series?
I am!
But I'm so happy that your interested
Since a new chapter is in the works
I'll give you a little snippet
A Promise for the Future | Yandere Family
Victor wasn’t often left to wander in the Froth home. Usually Michael or Yulia would take the lead; taking him to play games or listen in on their plans. But they were called away leaving Victor to explore hislove's Michael’s room. 
He admits he was digging deeper than he meant to but he silently cheered as he found many things that helped him understand his love friend. Boxes filled with various baby trinkets, and letters probably meant to never be read. After taking a sneaky look behind him and at the door he began to read. 
“Dear Yulia, 
Your too young now to realize it but our mother is wretch. Today I witnessed the disrespect she showed your beautiful painting of our family. I can’t describe how much I’d love to strangle her but I won’t since you like her so much. 
Baby (Y/n) has been fussy lately. I think its cause their teething or maybe they just like attention. Unfortunately I don’t have time to tell since mother and Dad are pretty fixed on this Appleworth plan. If you ask one day I’ll tell you but for now just know that we need to be friends. At first I thought the purple haired kid named Victor was-”
His reading was cut off by the frustrated cooing two rooms over. He fought with himself. He really wanted to read what his Michael had to say about him but he desperately wanted to investigate. He put the letter back in its place, restoring the hiding space to the best of his abilities before scampering in the direction of sound. 
He knew it was the sound of the baby (Y/n). Even so his heart fluttered and heat tickled his cheek as he came closer to the nursery door. He had seen babies before but as an only child all he got was the limited view from a few parents in his mother’s circle. 
Finally turning the knob he let himself in. Filled with the soft smell that only babies seemed to have. Frustrated gurgles came from the wiggling baby in the cradle. Taking a nearby stool he carefully stood up before looking down at the little (s/c) baby looking up at him. 
“Hi there baby!”
Vincent thinks your the cutest. Its just as Michael rants about when he’s happy, a baby with bright (e/c) eyes and chubby cheeks. He resisted the urge to pinch them. Even as he made kissy and silly faces nothing seemed to distract you, as you continued to fuss. He didn’t know how to pick you up so he picked his brain for what he found comfortable. 
Finally remembering what he could he decided to climbed over the cradle railing. Watching his feet as he in next to you. He happily sniffed in your overwhelming baby-scent as he scooched closer. Breathing in deep he began to rub the baby’s belly. Frustrated to contented coos he happily watched as your eyelids began to droop. Watching you intently, he let his urge to kiss at your plush cheek take over continuing to rub at the baby’s belly. Soon he too began to slip away falling asleep alongside baby (Y/n) with full-intentions to help Michael. He planned to protect you if not for his own ambition than for Michael.
Yandere Family (original series) Masterlist
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dipolardruid · 2 years
For Agonia.
What if instead of the elderly couple, reader was instead found by ANOTHER dangerous mad scientist except this scientist treats reader way better
TW: Reader is seen as property
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"You're awake...FINALLY! You're awake, ooohhh this is exciting!" You squint in an attempt to have your eyes adjust to the lighting.
"Take your time don't push yourself!" With a blink you finally are able to see again meeting face to face with a man with a wide smile "Incredible..." you flinch back as he goes to grab your head causing him to retract his arms "Perhaps I got too excited, I just couldn't help myself! How did they create you? I tried using DNA from those bullet wounds, skin cells and so on yet they all remain unidentified...even going as far as to disintegrate after not being attached to you for a extended amount of time..." He begins to mumble to himself.
As you try to sit up you grab his attention again "oh how rude of me my apologies, I got a little side tracked!" He quickly grabs something from the counter "Here drink this you'll feel as good as new!" Noticing your hesitance he takes a drink himself "Completely safe!" He says putting the cup infront of you.
"I must know who created you? Do you know how it was done? How long it took!? I just can't help myself you are an absolute masterpiece!" He laughs "I would've thought you were just a regular huamn being had I not noticed how your body was attempting to repair itself right infront of my very eyes, the bullets seem to have prevented it from doing its job or stopping it completely in some of them!"
He taps on his chin watching as you drink the beverage he offered watching as the colour returns to your face and not having you look as if you were an undead. He stops tapping his chin giving a small chuckle while giving you a huge grin.
"This is only the beginning my miracle of a masterpiece! Don't you worry as long as you cooperate with me I promise everything will go absolutely marvelous!"
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It had been a month since he had found you, you won't deny that he confuses you more then not, he's the polar opposite of your mother, he's always so active, adventurous, he even treats you so much differently.
He encourages you to explore to test out new things and not sit and wait for him, he finds it annoying after a certain amount of time. It's because of this you often find yourself doing something dumb like the one time you ate half a bush of poison ivy knowing what the consequences of that are.
"I would've been severely disappointed if a simple plant is what took you out but it truly was something else watching as your body healed itself from the inside out, i'd even say it's a piece of art!" He said as he began walking around you in a circle "Now that I've had time to think on it...you could be my accomplishment!" He picks you up leading you towards his lab room.
"It took some heavy thinking but ultimately you've shown to listen very well along with your body being able to handle even the most deadliest of injuries, I simply have to make some adjustments on you to be able to get the maximum opacity possible from you."
He sees the look you give him causing him to make eye contact with you and smile "Ah don't worry it won't harm you while I won't lie and say it's painless it will be worth it in the end you have my promise...you will be my legacy.."
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As time goes on he seems to have been in a terrible mood more as of late, He hasn't taken it out on you, you do realize however how he takes it all out on his experiments he deems as failures which he hasn't done before.
One thing you've also noticed is how he seems to also want to rush the process of enhancing your body more then it already has, while also teaching you different fighting styles from the most brutal to the most pacifist.
He wanted you to be something they've never seen before something that no matter how hard they try or beg they wouldn't be able to stop you. That is what he wants but that pest can't seem to accept the fact that you no longer belong to her....and that pisses him off more than anything.
He needs you to be ready so when you finally are not even she will be able to tame you, you will be proof of what everyone thought he could never achieve....oooh how he'll prove it to all of them.
Finally that day comes when you were finally ready he couldn't help himself but laugh at their reaction when they saw you. Looking at him as if he was crazy bringing just some person into a shady hideout. That changed the moment he asked you be rid of them how he loved hearing them screaming some even begging but he taught you better "Always finish what you've started."
What he really wanted more than anything was her reaction of you finally being revealed to the public. You had immediately topped the charts in the top 20 after the amount of casualties and buildings destroyed in simply 2 hours. There was one person who was less than happy at this new found enemy....Her.
She couldn't help but clench her jaw both hands in a fist to the point of bleeding her eyes wide and brows furrowed before giving a shaky laugh.
"Just you wait until I get my hands on you but first I need a way to deal with him."
He's ruined everything she tried to be nice from civil conversations to mock attacks but now this is something else, he's really done it now. She'll make sure to get you back and have him in such fear that he'd have no choice but to look over his shoulder, even if the chances of her failing are high it's a risk she's willing to take.
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Request are open!
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gingersnap2010 · 2 years
inuyasha x yandere mother demon
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You were a demon who became said demon after losing her children, you sought to kidnap children and raise them as your own however despite being a good mother, humans just don’t live long. When a white-haired dog demon named Inuyasha who you could smell was rather young. Came to you asking where the recent children you ‘saved’ were where you had a curiosity that needed to be quenched.
“ where is your mother pup? Or your father? You are far too young to be wielding around a giant sword!” you spoke calmly
“ Long gone and dead and I’m not a pup! Now tell me where those kids are that you kidnapped!” Inuyasha growled
You frowned no parents……could he? Your eyes widen this must be a sign from the gods a chance to get back one of the children you lost! You're so happy, you picked him up. 
“ h-hey p-put m-e……down?……..” Inuyasha mumbled slowly getting dazed and confused was this lady…..holding him and singing a lullaby?
A young human girl screamed at him to wake up, you glanced at her can’t she see he is tired… she frowned and showed her away along with their friends. Inuyasha's eyes were glazed along with the others as a hazy feeling took over him….. 
  He passed out in your arms as you hummed a lullaby. He groaned when he woke up and found out his clothes were still there but a new necklace was around him. He gulped whoever had the power to undo that….well he wasn’t sticking to find out! He grabbed the kids and tried to exit your liar but got shocked. He tried tugging the collar off but he felt something sting him and his legs went limp.  You walked over to him and frowned, “ honey if you want to play, then play where mommy can watch you~” you cooed trying to soothe him
“ let me go you crazy bitch!” Inuyasha said no sooner had the word been uttered had he yelped as he was spanked as if he was 5!
“We don’t say that Inuyasha!” you said as you spanked him the necklace only making it hurt more. ( smack! Smack! smack!) after and hour of this banter he whimpered and mumbled through his sobs…..” s-sorry w-wont say it….stop…..” he whined you rubbed his back and sat him up
“I should hope so young man, now time for breakfast!” you said carrying him since it hurt to walk for him. Inuyasha whimpered he needed to get out as fast as possible he wasn’t your son, but he guessed your whole reason for being a demon was because you lost your kids….at least you weren’t harming them or him.  He just hoped kagome was okay.
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hime-bee · 4 months
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"Happy Mother's Day, petal~"
"Hmm..? What do you mean 'you're not pregnant'?"
"Hehe... With aaallll the cum I just pumped into you... You will be 💙"
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lynnuvo · 1 month
୨⎯ Long Gone Princess ⎯୧
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Characters: Yan!Thief x (Y/N) reincarnated as Rapunzel A lot of you guys enjoyed the Cinderella version, so why not make a Rapunzel version? Very much considering making this a Yan!Fairytales Series.
Stowed Away
When you first awoke in your tower, you panicked for days. There was literally no way out, no matter how much you clawed at the bricks. It didn't take long to figure out where exactly you were. Who else would paint a mural of herself, seriously long-haired, gazing at floating lanterns?
Meeting Mother Gothel was the most anxiety-inducing thing you had to push through. You pitied the real Rapunzel for falling victim to her sugar-coated, poisonous words. As much as you internally cringed at them, it wouldn't serve you well to raise suspicion. After all, you have nowhere to go.
Whenever Mother Gothel was gone and you finished tidying up the tower, you emptied one of your chests full of female paraphernalia and stuffed some "safety equipment inside." Hopefully, Mother Gothel wouldn't notice a missing pair of scissors. Or a few darts.
Your now abnormally long hair was disturbing, to say the least. It was pretty, but now that you were living her life, you wandered how Rapunzel managed to put up with the hair strands scattered around the house, washing the heap of keratin proteins for hours in just ONE day, and sleep knowing there was at least some hair flowing to the floor. And let's be real: you were not going to spend most of your day braiding it just to remove your work whenever Mother Gothel came back.
Unfortunately, you couldn't afford to cut your hair--not just because it'd give Mother Gothel a heart attack but because it might help you. It did have magical healing powers. The only huge problem was that you were not skilled enough to maneuver your hair like Rapunzel. In addition, if you were to leave the tower, how would you return? Until you found the secret entrance amongst all the brick, you needed a backup plan.
One day, you gathered the courage to ask Mother Gothel for more fabric to sew a beautiful wedding dress, one that was colorful and very long. Of course, you left out the part where you wanted it to be long enough to reach the bottom of the tower (it'd be a lot of work, but what else were you going to do to escape?). She was skeptical about the idea behind the dress, but you reassured her that you just wanted something like those girls in the fairytale books you had in your room. After her lecture about the dangers of the world, she agreed to get you fabric.
My Savior
One morning, while you sowed your dress, you heard the sound of metal jabbing into something growing closer and closer. In a panic, you shut off your sewing machine and tied up as much as your hair as possible. There was no way you could capture Rapunzel's beloved thief the way she did. You vaguely prepared for what to do when he arrived, but you hadn't expected it to be that day!
At last, he fell into the tower and froze at the sight of you. He glanced behind him and turned back around, stepping away from the window with hands up. "Uh. I am so sorry for breaking into your home."
You pointed one of your scissors (used to cut fabric earlier) at him with a glare. "I'll forgive you if you hand me that bag you have."
"Listen, miss, I think we can sort this out without--"
"The bag or I'll throw you back down."
He gulped and reluctantly threw you the bag, begging you to please return it to him afterwards. The shock he had at your nonchalant expression while pulling out the most sparkly crown you've ever seen was laughable. In reality though, you were in awe. You quickly snapped out of it, though, and threw it behind you. You both cringed at the clanging it made as it hit the floor.
"I need you to listen to me," you started, gripping your scissors and your dress. "I need your help."
You didn't hesitate to cut to the chase. You explained that you were kidnapped by a woman claiming to be your mother and trapped in the tower by her. Although it may backfire on you later, you shared that you were reincarnated from another world. He was in disbelief until you told him his full name, his criminal history, the companions he had who would soon betray him, and the small cottage he visited along with many more criminals or outlaws. He challenged that you just did your research, but then you told him what crime he had just committed: stealing the missing princess's crown, which was--by the way--you.
After some back and forth, he agreed to help on the condition that you return the crown. You agreed to return it on the condition that he not only help you escape but also help you live in safety.
Together, you both clawed at the bricks on the wall until the secret backdoor was found. He helped you come up with a way to hide the new backdoor again whenever Mother Gothel returned.
You found a pattern in the earlier months leading up to then on Mother Gothel's pattern of visitation. She comes back every three or four days in early evening. If she didn't return by the time the sun disappeared, she wouldn't be back at all. That day was one of those days she wasn't going back. You suspected she wouldn't return for a while since she had just left the day before. Although hesitant at the idea of a new roommate, you demanded that Yan!Thief spend the night in the same room as you. He balked at what he thought was an implication, but he soon found himself sleeping on the floor (you dropped a blanket for him). How were you sure he wouldn't use the secret backdoor while you slept? You boobietrapped it before bed, making sure he stayed in the room so he wouldn't see under the threat of murder.
Steal His Heart
Your new routine was a scary turn but also surprisingly relieving. Yan!Thief would leave the tower in search of a new home for you (and him too) and would return in the afternoon only if a piece of purple fabric hung outside the window. Otherwise, it wasn't safe to come back.
Although your relationship started off rocky (who's to blame him with how violently you approached him?), you two soon warmed up to each other. He sometimes returned with small goods that you sometimes got a clear answer for how he retrieved. That chocolate he got for you both to try? He pickpocketed it. That ripe fruit that tasted like mildew spring? He dodged all of the questions.
Eventually, you gathered the courage to leave the tower with him. Your activities differed from there. Sometimes, you both ventured a little ways from the tower to discover the terrain and help find a new home. Sometimes, you both would spend the day walking around, learning more about each other and chatting away.
With no other companion, it came as no surprise to Yan!Thief that he developed romantic feelings for you. You didn't want to admit that you did too. At least, not until you both were in a safe place.
At last, Yan!Thief found an abandoned shelter. It was rusty, but it was closer to the kingdom than the tower but sheltered away like the tower. With a pounding heart, you gathered as much as you could from your tower into a backpack that Yan!Thief had brought over and left forever. In the shelter, you cut your hair, rendering it free from its power. Yan!Thief initially didn't want it to happen due to your great abilities, but one look at your determined face told him that you knew better.
The next couple weeks was spent in paranoia, you in fear of Mother Gothel and him in fear of guards. Luckily, you two went as far as making it into the kingdom without getting caught.
One day, you brought up the idea of revealing your identity to the king and queen while fidgeting with your crown. You reassured Yan!Thief that you'd vouch for his safety and freedom for as much as possible. It took a while for him to warm up to that, but you two finally made your way towards the castle.
Everything went surprisingly as planned. The kingdom rejoiced at the return of their princess, Yan!Thief was spared of a prison sentence and was even given a home and job as a prize for bringing you back, and the dead, rotten body of Mother Gothel was found not far from the shelter you and Yan!Thief had found.
Life was a fairytale.
MY Princess
Until it wasn't.
See, although you and Yan!Thief seemed to start opening a romantic chapter, that soon closed. With your newfound title came new responsibilities, friends, and much to his worries, a possible new love interest.
He tried his best to remain just a friend to you, but it was unbelievably hard. He couldn't believe that you were slowly forgetting him, your savior! Why must you abandon your knight in shining armor?!
He did feel guilty for not appreciating his new life more. Any other criminal would probably fight tooth and nail to be in his position, but he just wasn't happy if you weren't there with him.
Once his selfishness began to boil over, he devised a plan he wasn't sure if he was going to regret. He paid a visit to your room in the castle (you had given your dear best friend special permission) and chatted with you a bit. You apologized for being so distant as of late; royal duties had been keeping you at bay. He accepted your apology more readily than he had expected. It was hard not to with your bright smile and the cute way you pushed your hair behind your ears. He asked if you had time to visit the old tower for memories sake, and you happily agreed. The kingdom had yet to find the tower (you insisted to him that you wanted it kept secret in case you needed to run away again), so you simply told your guards you were heading out for a stroll.
Once at the tower, you two ventured inside and reveled at how dramatic your lives had changed. You even reminisced your life before being reincarnated. As the sun fell, you got up and suggested that you both should head back before it gets dark.
"Yan!Thief?" You peered at his gloomy expression. "Is everything okay?"
He nodded. got up, and hugged you. You let out a gasp before embracing him back. When he left go, you caught a tear slipped down his cheek. Your hands shot up to cup his face. "Yan!Thief?! What's wrong? I'm here. Did something happen?"
He sniffled and brushed a hand over your cheek. "I'm so sorry."
You were about to demand an explanation until you caught a glimmer shine from a blade in his other hand.
When you woke, you found your ankle chained to your bed--not your bed in the beautiful castle you were meant to be in but in the tower you had escaped from a year ago.
Yan!Thief came in the room and apologized with tears streaming down his face, exclaiming that you were just too irresistible to give to any other man or even the kingdom. He promised to take care of everything.
No matter how much you screamed, threw items in a fit of rage, or revealed that you only had romantic feelings for him all this time, he wouldn't budge. It was only until he bought a longer chain that he freed you from the bed. Your heart broke when you discovered he had discarded the wedding dress you had worked hard on and abandoned in the tower long ago, and even more so when you saw that he had built a new door in front of the original secret entrance.
You were back to square one, only this time with no way out and betrayed by the one person you truly trusted in this universe.
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moonselune · 2 months
Dark!BG3 | Back in my arms
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
For: Conqueror!Minthara, MotherSuperior!Shadowheart, God!Gale, Ascended!Astarion, Naturist!Halsin
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
CW: Coercion, murder, forced memory loss, toxic relationship, power imbalance
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Now you have been found, your lover enjoys having you back in their arms, even if you don't.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Conqueror Minthara:
Dragged back to Minthara's grand house, you fought and defied at every point, your spirit a fierce flame that refused to be extinguished. The opulent halls, adorned with trophies of her conquests, were a stark contrast to the dungeon you were thrown into for your persistent misbehaviour, you believe the last straw was when you pushed her top commander off of a balcony when they instructed you to get ready for dinner. Dark and cold, the dungeons echoed with the tortured cries of Minthara's other victims, a symphony of suffering that filled the air with despair. Minthara would often visit you, asking if you had were ready to submit to her wholly and every time you kicked dirt at her, that answer enough.
Days turned into weeks, and your defiance remained unbroken. Every time Minthara descended into the darkness to see you, her presence exuding a blend of anger and twisted affection, she would ask if you were ready to behave.
"Have you learned your lesson yet?" she'd inquire, her voice a cruel mockery of concern.
And every time, you would glare at her, your voice hoarse from yelling abure at the guards but nonetheless unwavering. "Never."
She would sigh, a mix of frustration and amusement in her eyes, before leaving you to the darkness once more. She wouldn't tell you this but she wanted you more to herself than she did you wasting away in the dungeons, but she had a point to make.
The conditions in the dungeon were harsh. The damp, the cold, and the lack of proper food began to take their toll. You grew weaker with each passing day, your body starting to betray you even as your spirit remained defiant. The illness came slowly at first—a persistent cough, chills, and then fever. It grew worse, until you could barely move, your strength sapped by the relentless sickness.
When Minthara came to see you one evening, her expression shifted from cruel amusement to something akin to concern. She stood at the threshold of your cell, her eyes narrowed as she took in your weakened form.
"You look terrible," she said, her tone almost gentle. "Are you ready to behave now? To be treated with the care and comfort you once had?"
You managed a weak laugh, shaking your head. "I'd rather die, iblith."
Her eyes flashed with anger, but she turned and left without another word. The days that followed were a blur of fevered dreams and agonizing pain. At the worst of times you would picture the village burniung and at the best of time you remember when you and MInthara were blissfully happy. Though you were starting to confuse the two.
The cries of the tortured around you became a distant hum, replaced by the overwhelming ache of your own suffering. When Minthara next appeared, you were too weak to even lift your head. She knelt beside you, her fingers cool against your burning skin as she checked your pulse.
"This is ridiculous," she muttered. "You're no use to me dead."
She sighed and stood up, her eyes never leaving your face. You breaths came in choked sputters. Sweat dripped from your brow.
"I can heal you, you know. I can make all this pain go away. All you have to do is obey me, my love. Just submit. Be my wife again."
In your delirium, her words seemed to echo in your mind. The word wife, burned into your brain and the pain, the suffering—it was all too much. You wanted it to stop, you wanted to go back to your fever dream. For the first time, you felt a flicker of desperation, a desire for the agony to end.
As she turned to leave, you pushed your pride aside and found the strength to reach out, your fingers brushing against her boot.
"Wait," you rasped, your voice barely audible. "Please..."
Minthara paused, her eyes widening with surprise and satisfaction. She knelt beside you again, her hand gently lifting your chin so you could meet her gaze.
"Are you ready to behave?" she asked softly. You nodded weakly, the fight draining out of you.
"Yes," you whispered. "Just make it stop. Please."
A triumphant smile spread across her face as she scooped you up effortlessly in her arms, a d as Minthara carried you from the cold, damp dungeon, your body felt like dead weight in her arms.
The journey through the opulent halls of her grand house was a surreal contrast to the darkness you had endured for weeks. Candlelit chandeliers cast flickering shadows on the marble floors, and tapestries depicting her conquests adorned the walls like trophies. You oculdn't help but melt into her arms. The way she held you so securely, the way you nestled into her chest to shy away from the harsh lights of the upper echelons of the house. Despite your weakened state, you couldn't help but notice the admiring glances and whispers of her servants as she passed by, triumphantly displaying her captured prize.
You were taken to a lavishly appointed chamber, where a large marble bath awaited. Minthara gently lowered you into the warm water, the soothing heat seeping into your chilled and feverish body. You leaned back against the edge of the bath, your muscles relaxing for the first time in what felt like an eternity.
Minthara knelt beside the bath, her hands cupping water to pour over your hair, washing away the grime and sweat that clung to you. Her touch was surprisingly gentle, her fingers massaging your scalp with a tenderness that seemed at odds with her usual ruthless demeanor.
"I've missed you," she murmured, her voice low and filled with a mixture of possessiveness and longing. "You have no idea how much."
You closed your eyes, the warmth of the water and the rhythmic motion of her hands lulling you into a state of semi-consciousness. The lines between past and present blurred in your fevered mind, memories of happier times intermingling with the pain and suffering of recent weeks.
When the bath was done, Minthara wrapped you in a soft towel and carried you to the large bed at the center of the chamber. She laid you down gently, arranging the pillows behind your head so you could rest comfortably. She sat beside you, her hand brushing the damp strands of hair from your forehead.
"You're going to be alright, my love," she whispered, her voice a soothing murmur as if she hadn't inflicted this upon you. "I'll take care of you."
You looked up at her, seeing a vulnerability in her expression that you hadn't witnessed in a long time. It was a stark reminder of the complexity of her emotions, the love and possessiveness twisted with a fierce determination to keep you by her side.
As you lay there, weak and vulnerable, Minthara continued to tend to you. She fetched a healing potion from a nearby table and gently helped you drink it, the magic within it working to ease your fever and heal your weakened body. Her touch was gentle yet possessive, her fingers lingering on your skin as if afraid you might slip away from her again.
"You are my wife. You belong with me," she murmured, her voice a fervent declaration. "You always have and always will."
Her words echoed in your mind, a reminder of the bond that had once been between you, now twisted and tainted by pain and dominance. Yet, in your decrepit state, her presence offered a strange comfort. You were no longer fighting against her, but surrendering to the inevitability of her love.
As Minthara climbed into bed beside you, pulling the covers over both of you, she held you close, her arms a protective cocoon around you. You could feel the steady rhythm of her heartbeat against your back, a reassurance of her presence.
"I was a mess when I heard you had ran from me," she whispered in confession, her lips brushing against your ear. "But despite all your misgivings, my love for you has only grown. I can assure you, you will never leave my side again."
Minthara pressed a firm kiss against the side of your head and continued ot hold you. You closed your eyes in resignation, exhaustion finally overtaking you. In the darkness behind your eyelids, you saw flashes of the village burning, of the dungeons and the pain. But with every whisper of affesction and possession from Minthara, the memories blurred before being dispelled completely as you finally submitted to slumber.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Mother Superior Shadowheart:
You stirred beneath the silk sheets, your sleep fractured by nightmares you couldn’t quite remember upon waking. Night after night, these dreams clawed at your subconscious, filling you with an overwhelming sense of dread and unease.
One particularly restless night, the nightmare was more vivid than ever. You dreamt of dark corridors and whispered voices, of a cruelty that left you breathless with terror. You felt the cold hand of a specter covering your mouth, the oppressive force of its magic twisting your mind and plucking at your emotions like strings on a harp.
You woke with a start, drenched in sweat, your heart pounding against your ribcage. Tears streamed down your cheeks, and your breaths came in shallow gasps. Shadowheart, ever alert, was immediately at your side. She gathered you into her arms, holding you close as you sobbed uncontrollably against her chest.
"Shh, my love," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm. "It’s just a nightmare. You’re safe now, with me."
Despite her comforting words, a gut-wrenching feeling of unease gnawed at the edges of your mind. You couldn’t shake the sensation that something was profoundly wrong, though you couldn’t place what it was. Your memories were a foggy haze, filled with gaps and inconsistencies that you couldn’t quite grasp. Shadowheart's fingers stroked your hair gently, her touch both possessive and reassuring.
"Everything is okay," she whispered. "As long as you stay by my side, nothing can harm you."
Her words, though meant to comfort, felt like a cage, a reminder of a confinement you couldn’t quite remember but instinctively felt. You tried to push the feeling away, to focus on the warmth of her embrace, but your mind kept returning to that sense of flight or fight, that primal instinct screaming that something was amiss.
"Why do I keep having these dreams?" you asked, your voice trembling with confusion and fear. "Why do I feel like this?"
Shadowheart tightened her hold on you, her eyes glinting with an unreadable emotion. "I do not know my love," she lied softly. "But I will protect you from those fears. You belong here, with me."
You nodded, trying to absorb her words and let them comfort you. The love you felt for her was undeniable, an all-encompassing emotion that overshadowed the lingering doubts. Yet, the dreams persisted, and so did the feeling of unease, like a dark shadow lurking just out of sight.
"Do you trust me?" Shadowheart asked, her eyes searching yours.
"Yes," you whispered, though the word felt heavy on your tongue.
"Then rest, my love," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "I will keep you safe."
With a sigh, you allowed yourself to be lulled by her soft whispers and tender touch. The warmth of her body against yours and the rhythmic motion of her fingers in your hair slowly eased the tension in your muscles. The unease lingered, a quiet whisper in the back of your mind, but you couldn’t deny the comfort of her presence.
As you drifted back into a fitful sleep, Shadowheart held you tightly, her eyes filled with a possessive determination. She knew the power she held over you, the magic that had twisted your thoughts and memories, binding you to her. And she would use that power to keep you by her side, no matter the cost.
The nights would continue, filled with fragmented dreams and a gnawing sense of unease. But as long as you remained in Shadowheart's arms, you would be safe - you assured yourself. And in the darkness, as sleep claimed you once more, you clung to the love you once felt for her, unaware of the true nature of your captivity, bound by a spell you couldn’t remember but couldn’t escape.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
God of Ambition Gale:
In the realm Gale had created, a place of grandeur and opulence, you found yourself a minor deity—lesser in power and influence, a mere reflection of Gale’s omnipotence. He had promised you a place beside him, but this was not what you envisioned. Your divine essence was that of a muse, yet not the sweet inspiration of art and creativity. Instead, you embodied a point of fixation and obsession, an eternal prisoner of Gale's ideals, your cage gilded and beautiful, yet suffocating.
Gale often held you in his arms, a possessive embrace that felt both tender and imprisoning. Together, you would listen to the prayers of mortals seeking inspiration, productivity, and more than they deserved. These prayers, driven by greed and selfish desire, seemed to amuse him greatly. He relished the thought that many mortals yearned for you, desired the touch of your divine influence, yet you were his alone.
"Listen to them," Gale would murmur, his voice a smooth blend of affection and pride. "They all want you, but they can never have you. You are mine, forever."
You would nod along, feigning agreement, but your heart ached with every passing moment. You were more than just an object of Gale's obsession, a trophy to be displayed. As you listened to the endless stream of prayers, you began to discern a different kind of plea. Hidden among the voices of greed and ambition were the prayers of those trapped in their own gilded cages—mortals who sought freedom from their obsessors, who yearned to break free from the chains of fixation.
In the quiet moments, when Gale's attention wavered, you would grant these desperate souls the strength they needed. You whispered words of encouragement, sent subtle waves of resolve, and instilled a sense of determination within them. You helped them find the courage to fight for their freedom, to succeed where you could not. Each act of defiance against their imprisoning forces became a silent rebellion, a spark of hope that you nurtured from afar.
Gale, in his ambition and arrogance, never realized the true extent of your influence. He was too fixated on having you in his arms, on possessing you completely. He reveled in the knowledge that you belonged to him, oblivious to the silent rebellion you fostered within the hearts of the mortals.
One evening, as he held you close, his fingers gently tracing patterns along your skin, you heard the prayer of a young artist, a woman trapped in an abusive relationship with her mentor. Her plea for strength was raw and heartfelt, a cry for liberation. You closed your eyes, focusing your divine power on her, infusing her with the courage she needed to break free.
"What is it, my love?" Gale asked, sensing your distraction.
"Just a prayer," you replied softly, your voice steady. "A plea for inspiration."
He smiled, satisfied, and pulled you closer. "Good. Let them yearn. Let them desire. They will never have what I possess."
As he drifted off to sleep, his grip loosening, you continued to listen to the prayers of the desperate, the trapped, and the yearning. You granted them strength and resolve, knowing that each act of defiance against their obsessions was a victory, a step toward the freedom you could never attain.
Your existence had become a paradox—a muse of fixation and obsession, yet a silent liberator for those who shared your plight. Gale, blinded by his own ambition and desire, never saw the true extent of your power. He believed he had you completely, but in your heart, you knew that your true legacy lay in the strength you bestowed upon others.
And so, you remained in Gale's arms, a gilded prisoner in his realm, but your spirit roamed free, a beacon of hope for those who dared to dream of liberation.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Ascended Astarion:
The tavern had become a distant memory, a fleeting glimpse of your former life. Now, you found yourself in a dark, opulent chamber, draped in silks and shadows, a testament to Astarion's newfound power and status. The room was a blend of elegance and darkness, its decor reflecting his taste for the finer things and his ever-present thirst for control. He had claimed you, his most favored spawn, and bestowed upon you the title of his dark consort.
Days blurred into nights as you resisted the monstrous hunger that gnawed at your insides. Astarion indulged your refusal to feed, amused by your stubborn defiance. He offered you the finest blood, collected from the most exquisite of donors, but you turned away each time, determined to cling to the last vestiges of your humanity.
"Such a stubborn little thing," he would murmur, his voice filled with a mixture of irritation and admiration and he would grab your jaw and tilt your head, "But I do love a challenge."
One night, as the full moon cast its eerie light through the tall windows, you found yourself growing weaker. The hunger was a constant, gnawing ache that left you trembling and light-headed. Astarion watched you with a predatory gaze, his patience wearing thin. What was once an amusement turned into an annoyance, you were not fun to play with, collapsed on the floor.
He approached you with a deliberate grace, his movements fluid and precise. Without a word, he scooped you up in his arms, your weakened state rendering you powerless to resist. Though you tried to protest he simply mocked you and carried on forward. He took you to his throne, an imposing structure of dark wood and velvet, and settled you on his lap. Your head resting against his chest as his cold hands caressed your face, tracing the lines of your jaw with an almost tender touch.
"You've tested my patience long enough, my darling," he said softly, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "If you won't drink from a golden chalice, then perhaps straight from the source will suffice."
Your heart raced as you realized what he intended. "Please, Astarion," you pleaded, your voice a trembling whisper. You tried to get away from him to move, but your hunger strike had led you powerless and Astarion held you in his arms with ease. "Don't do this."
Astarion's lips curled into a cruel smile, his eyes gleaming with dark amusement. He beckoned, and a young adult human was brought before you, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and resignation. The scent of fresh blood filled the air, and your resolve wavered.
"Drink," Astarion commanded, his voice brooking no argument. "You need it, and I will not have my consort wasting away."
The human extended their wrist towards you, the pulse of their heartbeat a siren call to your starving senses. You hesitated, but the hunger was too powerful, too overwhelming to resist any longer. With a reluctant sigh, you grasped the offered wrist and sank your fangs into the tender flesh. The taste of warm, rich blood flooded your mouth, and you drank hungrily, your body reviving with every drop.
Astarion watched with a mixture of satisfaction and possessive delight. His hand stroked your hair as you fed, his touch both comforting and possessive.
"That's it, my dear," he cooed, his voice a dark lullaby. "Drink your fill. You are mine, and I will ensure you are always well taken care of."
As you drank, the human's life essence seeping into you, you felt a twisted sense of relief. The hunger was sated, if only temporarily, and the strength began to return to your limbs. But with it came the inescapable knowledge of your predicament, the realization that you were bound to Astarion in a way that went beyond mere affection or loyalty. You were his, and he would never let you go.
When you finally released the human, they unceremoniously crumpled to the floor, quickly dragged off to be sloppy seconds for the others under Astarion's thrall. You tried to get up to move, but a lidded satiation overtook you as your body took in what it had desired for so long. Astarion pulled you close, his lips brushing your temple in a mockery of tenderness.
"See how good it feels to accept your place, my little love?" he murmured. "You belong to me, and I will always take care of you."
Despite the horror of your situation, a part of you couldn't deny the comfort of his embrace, the seductive pull of his dark promise. As you nestled against him, the room fading into a blur of shadows and silks, you wondered how much of yourself you had lost, and how much more you were willing to surrender to the man you once loved, now a godling born of malice.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Naturist Halsin:
Days turned into weeks as you settled into the new grove, a pristine yet haunting reflection of the wilds that Halsin now commanded with a fierce and unyielding grip. The routine you adopted was one of quiet resignation, a means of finding solace in the monotony of daily tasks. You busied yourself tending to the grove, your hands working the soil and nurturing the plants that thrived under the druid’s watchful eye. The other druids kept their distance, their silence a tacit acknowledgment of your unique position in Halsin's domain.
Animals, ever-present and vigilant, became your constant companions. Their eyes followed you wherever you went, a silent network of spies ensuring that Halsin always knew your whereabouts. It was a constant reminder of your captivity, their gaze a chain that kept you bound to this new life.
Despite the isolation, you found small moments of escape in the pages of a worn book you had managed to keep hidden. When your chores were done, you would steal away to a secluded meadow, its vibrant flowers and tall grasses offering a brief respite from the ever-watchful eyes of the forest. One afternoon, you lay down in the soft grass, the book resting on your chest as you closed your eyes. The gentle hum of insects and the whisper of the breeze through the trees lulled you into a peaceful slumber.
Hours later, Halsin prowled the grove, a growing sense of unease gnawing at him. He had not seen you for some time, and though his spies assured him you were safe, his heart ached with a fear that you had somehow managed to escape again. His steps quickened, his eyes scanning the surroundings until he finally reached the meadow.
There, nestled among the flowers, he found you. Your face was serene, free from the usual tension and fear that had become your constant companions. Halsin's breath caught in his throat at the sight, a mix of relief and a deep, possessive tenderness washing over him. He approached silently, his movements as fluid and graceful as a predator stalking its prey.
Carefully, he lay down beside you, his arms encircling you with a possessive tenderness. The warmth of his body against yours stirred you from your sleep, and your eyes fluttered open. Panic surged through you as you realized who held you, and you began to struggle against his embrace.
"Hush," Halsin whispered, his voice a soothing murmur in your ear. "You’re safe, my heart. I’m here."
Your resistance waned as the exhaustion of your efforts and the gentleness of his voice overpowered your will to fight. You settled back into his arms, your body tense but no longer struggling. Halsin’s fingers traced delicate patterns on your skin, a touch that was both reassuring and a reminder of his dominance.
"I worry for you," he said softly, his breath warm against your ear. "When I can't find you, my mind races with fears of losing you again."
"You don't own me, Halsin," you whispered, though your voice lacked conviction.
He sighed, a sound filled with both frustration and affection. "I don’t wish to own you, but to keep you safe. The world is harsh, and I have seen too much destruction to risk losing what I love most."
A heavy silence settled between you, broken only by the distant call of birds and the rustling of leaves. Despite everything, a part of you yearned for the gentle druid you had once known, the man who had loved nature without resorting to violence.
As you lay there, the meadow’s tranquility enveloping you both, Halsin tightened his hold, his voice a low, soothing murmur. "Rest, my love. I will watch over you."
And so, you closed your eyes once more, surrendering to the inevitability of your situation. In his arms, you found a twisted semblance of peace, a fragile illusion of safety that masked the underlying turmoil. The meadow's beauty was a stark contrast to the darkness that had consumed Halsin’s heart, and as you drifted back to sleep, the boundaries between love and captivity blurred, leaving you in a liminal space of conflicting emotions and quiet despair.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Did some more Dark!BG3 to warm up my wiritng skills before tackling my inbox. Arranged Marriage! Minthara will be my next piece of own writing up.
Also massive thank you and hello to all of my new followers, I was so worried that going away would cause a quick death to my channel but all the love and support I have been receiving - gods I could cry. Apreciate y'all and hope you enjoyed this - Seluney xox
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misstycloud · 4 months
Can you do yandere boyfriend and yandere in-laws
You and your husband were driving up north to visit your in-laws. They were a nice couple who’d decided to move to a small town after retirement. It made sense to you, after decades of work and stressing over all that life throws at you, who wouldn’t want a little seclusion?
For the entirety of you and your husband’s relationship, he’d talk about his parents and how glad he was to have what they have; he loves you so much. They were his role models in just about everything. It was a bit weird to you how inspired he seemed by his parents relationship, sometimes. He could go on and on about how he was lucky to have you and you two were going to be together forever- like his parents who’s been married for a little over 30 years. He’d also never fail to mention on how he would give you everything and tread you right- again, like his dad does his mom. However, you shook it off as him admiring them and being very close, especially since he’s an only child.
That was not all. From the moment you met them in person, you had a strange underlying feeling regarding them. You hardly believed they were criminals or something of that kind, but there was something. For example, you’d catch his mother watching you from time to time. It could be when you’re outside in the garden and you’d notice her watching from the kitchen window, quickly averting her gaze and busy herself with the dishes. Or when his father insisted to accompany you to the grocery store despite his now-bad leg. You had told him he should stay at the house and that you didn’t need help or anything, but he dismissed your rejections. Not to mention their willingness to help your with just about anything, and your mother-in-law did not spare any expense in the seemingly random gifts she bought you. Mind you, this was back when you and your husband hadn’t even been together that long and you’d barely gone over the official couple threshold.
“We’ll be there soon, honey. It’s not far now.” Your husband said to you, giving you a quick glance before fousing back on the road ahead of you.
You smiled and responded, “That’s good, I can’t wait to get out of this car.” You sighed and looked at the fields passing by outside the car window.
With a frown, he asked, “Are you feeling nauseous? Does your back hurt? Are you sore anywhere? Should I stop?” Immediately he began ranting about your comfortablility like he’s done all through your relationship.
“No!” You exclaimed. “There’s no need to stop, I’m fine. Just feeling a bit cramped up is all. It’ll be better when we’re there.” You explained while grabbing his hand and showing that you’re good.
He side-eyed you for a second, as if he was trying to find evidence you were lying. Then he breathed out in relief, “Okay, I don’t want you to be in any pain or be uncomfortable in any way-especially now.” Your worrying husband let go of you to move his hand over stomach and stroke it in gentle movements. All while still keeping an eye on the road, of course. It wasn’t long until his happy mood bounced back. “I’m so glad we managed to come out here, it’s feels like ages since last time. And I know how anxious my mom has been to see you again.” He chuckled at his mothers attachment to her daughter-in-law. He would almost say she loved you more than him with how she fawned over you. Though, he didn’t mind.
You simply smiled in return.
When you finally were at your in-laws house, your mother-in-law was instantly at your side, trying to help you he out of the car despite you being very capable of doing so yourself. Your father-in-law scolded her and told her to let you be, in which she shushed him.
It wasn’t long until she started pushing gifts in your direction. Although, they were much appreciated this time around considering your current state and needs. The couple treated you to a nice home cooked dinner and the conversation shifted between different topics. After devouring the delicious chocolate cake being served as dessert, you felt it was time for bed. You had already been quite tired during your journey but it the fatigue was really hitting you now. You yawned and told the others you were going to bed, asking your husband if he was going to go with you.
He shook his head. “No, you go to bed first, sweetie. I’ll be right up, soon.” He reassured and kissed you on the forehead as a sign of affection. Then he gently ushered you upstairs and after you were out of sight, went back to his parents seated in the living room.
“Straight to bed, then?” Mother-in-law asked with a smile.
“Yeah.” Your husband answered.
“Oh, I do hope the bed is comfortable enough for her. I bought a new madress since your last visit. Lovely girl, was to afraid to say it made her back hurt. It’s rare to find such polite young people nowadays, wouldn’t you agree, honey?” The elder woman turned to her spouse, who nodded in agreement.
“I’m sure she’ll love it, mom.” Her son said and sat down in a cushioned chair.
“I hope.” she sighed, “She deserves a good nights rest. You’re lucky to have her, son, don’t forget that.” She half-jokingly reminded.
He chuckled and responded with, “Of course not. I love her more than anything. She completes me.” Thinking back to all the wonderful memories, he adorned an elated expression. “Besides, weren’t you the ones to teach me to never let go of what I love?”
“Haha, got me there. In all reality though, you did a good job taking her back. You know, I was a little worried for a moment there, thinking the wedding might be called off. I thought she perhaps found out about your…hobbies.” Mother-in-law raised a brow at her son, leaving the question open.
“No, it was something else. Fortunately.” He added. “But we fixed things and everything is as it should be.” his attention was turned towards his father, who for the first time spoke up.
“Well, relationships have been known to be a bit tricky for us” he referred to their family. “We are known for being somewhat intense with our feelings which may not always be appreciated. However, it is the truest form of love one can give and I’m so lucky to have found a partner who shares this view.” He placed his hand over mother-in-law’s who awed. “You said everything is steady, but you should still be careful. It would not be beneficial for either of you if a last resort has to be used.”
“Of course not.”
There are many stories of evil mother-in-law’s who despised their sons wife for the simplest of reasons. They would be cruel and treat the wife worse than dirt, all while playing innocent whenever someone had payed a little closer attention. She hated those women. How could one treat their child’s one-and-only that way? Though, she knew her view on love and relation did not match the majority of society so that might have something to do with it.
She absolutely adored you. You were simply perfect for her son. Kindness, humility, beauty- these were only a small range of your qualities. In a way, you were like the daughter she wished she had. Of course she wasn’t disheartened with her son’s birth, she would love her child no matter what, but she couldn’t lie and say the thought of a little girl wasn’t tempting. It would be so fun dressing up, doing each others hair, teaching her how to do makeup if she was interested.
She wanted to do those things with you someday. Sadly, she could sense you being a bit apprehensive to her company at times. She knew it was likely due to the excitement she radiated. She couldn’t help it, though! You are just so sweet it makes her want to bite into you like a piece of cake(don’t worry she wouldn’t actually). Mother-in-law has reminded herself to keep things down as to not overwhelm you, but it’s hard. If only she had the level of control her husband did.
Father-in-law is a admirable, hardworking man. He is clear-headed and calm; rarely does anything get to him. Although most would think him somewhat scary and stern, you actually like him a lot. He is not all toughness as he might want you to believe, in fact, he’s been very kind to you. That’s not to say that mother-in-law hasn’t been, but it’s just different with him, somehow. You felt like the two of you had a mutual understanding of kinds, and you also liked that he understood not to smother you.
He thinks you’re a wonderful addition to the family, even if he wouldn’t shout it out for the world to hear. He’d be too embarrassed. You are a good person and great match for his son. You’ll make him happy beyond measure, which is what father-in-law wants. Now that you’re permanently in the family, he often thinks of the things he and his wife taught their son. Now, he doesn’t hope you’ll ever have to find out about them since he’s not sure how you’d respond to that knowledge; most don’t respond positively and it’s likely the same for you. They could damage you forever.
Father-in-law promises to protect you since you’re part of his family now, and he’ll do anything for his family.
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itsabouttimex2 · 7 months
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Fiery Reunion: Part Two
(Part One) (Part Two)
From the moment the Demon Bull King opened his eyes, he had assumed the worst. How could any father not? After five long centuries spent in stone slumber, he had awoken to nearly everything a conqueror could desire.
His prodigal son, grown and proud. His loyal wife, composed and ever-gorgeous. An army of reminiscent machines ready to obey his every whim, obedient and powerful.
All that a man could crave stood before him, with one singular exception. He had scanned the area subtly, eyes narrow and intense, searching for his youngest child, who was very conspicuously absent.
And when his search came up empty, he considered you dead.
It was not an easy fact to accept, but his children had not been born equal.
His son had come into this world with a dangerous abundance of power, so great that it had to be ripped out and split into pieces for his own safety. And although some inherent, internal flame still burned within his elder child, it did not hold to a torch to the strength of the Samadhi Fire.
You, though…
You could not have been born further from grace.
Sick from your very first breath, you were born into a body unfit for life. A deathly pallor clung to your skin from conception, proof abound of weakness and frailty.
And you had not made a sound.
Even when Princess Iron Fan held you away from her warm chest, or shook you, or; wearied from her post-partum state and frayed from desperation, struck you across the thighs- you had not cried. Nor would you scream. Not when you could only barely manage your own weak breathing.
It was only when your older brother Red Son; still just a child himself, clambered into your crib and held you that you made any noise at all.
He wasn’t supposed to be in there. He wasn’t supposed to even be in your room, let alone your crib… but curiosity had overtaken his obedience and led him right to you. With unsure hands, he had scooped you up and lifted you towards his face, inspecting his newborn sibling.
Nearly inaudibly, you had sounded a feeble giggle, pulling at his pince-nez glasses and reaching for his eye-catching crimson hair.
With wide eyes and careful arms, Red Son held you against his small chest, a long-lingering warmth left behind by the otherworldly fire keeping you cozy in his arms. Just a few reaches towards his face and scalp had worn your sickly body out, drifting off to sleep without any further sound.
In the morning, Princess Iron Fan and Demon Bull King had awoken to find you in your brother’s arm, alive and breathing, if barely.
And they hadn’t the heart to separate the two of you from one another.
Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan alike knew that you would never become a great warrior. The notion was contradictory to the make of your flesh, foreign to the skin of an ill body.
It was impossible to train someone so young, to teach someone so physically impeded.
It had taken you six years to speak your first word, seven to take your first step.
Both of them had been for your prodigal elder brother.
And though your (severely delayed) milestones had managed to somewhat quell the long-standing fear that you’d forever be weak and helpless, you remained ill- thus, your family remained worried.
It had been hard for you. Perhaps it had been harder for your family, living in fear that by the next time they woke you’d be cold in your bed. It wasn’t a good way for any family to live.
Red Son had grown particularly protective of you in your youth, rarely letting you out of his arms or lap no matter how much you would protested. No amount of arguing, squirming, or struggling would free you. The most you could of was strike at him with your open palms, and even then, your uncoordinated hands bounced right off of his skin.
It was a convenient way to keep an eye on you, so your parents never intervened, setting what would become a long-lasting precedent: allowing Red Son to do as he pleased with you, because it was probably best for you anyways. He kept you out of trouble, and kept a close eye one you. There wasn’t anything wrong or harmful about it, after all.
Not back then, at least.
Red Son would only grow more protective as you aged, as it turned out. You went from being a helpless infant who genuinely had no way to escape his well-intentioned coddling to a child that was capable or arguing or hiding away from him. This shift had prompted him to grow more vigilant and insistent on your safety, even when it meant clumsily strapping you to his chest and bundling you around as you shrieked and bit him.
It was harmless. A little bit cute, even.
And then your father had been buried under a mountain, sealed by a staff that only one known living being could wield- who then disappeared from the world for centuries on end.
Red Son had changed in seconds. From a bright-eyed boy who was a little too eager to follow in his father’s wicked footsteps to an angry pyromaniac with a short fuse.
And his leash on you had only grown tighter. One family member that he had lost, and one that he could lose at a moment’s notice. An admittedly reasonable and well-intentioned protectiveness had quickly morphed into a much less tolerable possessiveness.
There’a a nasty dichotomy here for Red Son: his little sibling is weak and frail, and therefore needs his protecting, making them useless. But they’re also his little sibling, and therefore unimaginably valuable and precious, requiring him to protect them at all costs.
So he keeps you at an arm’s length while also keeping you under his thumb, attempting to satiate both aspects of his feelings, all while he strives tirelessly to free his father.
A strange distance grows between the two of you, Red Son both viciously protective and distantly standoffish.
For a time, you seek his affection and attention, vying for his warmth and praise. Even if it was annoyingly overbearing, your brother’s prior love was important to you. Try as hard as you might, Red Son’s response is always to order a Bull Clone to take you (gently) back to your room.
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You’re still a bit too young to understand why, however, so you take his restriction of love much worse than he would expect- you shut yourself away in turn.
In time, you grow distant from your mother, as well. Iron Fan hadn’t pushed you away, per se… but her unwavering determination to free her husband left the two of you distant.
You had changed with them.
The effect of isolation has settled in deep, rooting through your mind, reflecting on your body- you look tired and sad, weary from the constant reminders of your result, guilty for not remembering your father.
“How can you dare to call them your family, if you contribute so little and remember even less,” a wicked voice within asks.
Do you deserve to call them your family?
“My Queen,” you say for the first time, and Princess Iron Fan raises an eyebrow and frowns. Her hand softly cups your cheek, dark eyes peering into your own. It’s impossible to miss the fatigue plaguing your face. Your mother wrongly assumes that it’s your own way of coping, that you’re trying to distance yourself from them, and therefore from your father. Given that it’s still respectful and proper, she’ll allow you to refer to her as such.
“My Prince,” you say for the first time, and your brother laughs, loud and harsh. Red Son thinks you speaking to him so formally is funny- for a while. He’ll allow a few uses of the phrase before he cuts you off and informs you very clearly that the ‘joke’ has turned stale, and you should really stop.
“It wasn’t all that funny to begin with,” he informs, sharply flicking your forehead. “And it’s certainly lost what little charm it had by now. Give it up, Y/N.”
And he’ll send to you your room to ‘lie down or whatever’, because he’s still desperately worried for your safety, deep inside. He just won’t admit it.
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“My King,” you say for the first time, and Demon Bull King is left with few words, getting to see just how much you’ve grown without him, speaking clearly and standing steadily. How much has he missed? Have much have you grown without him?
But none of that really matters to you.
“Titles are more appropriate,” that little voice reminds you, keeping you insecure and humble. It keeps you from noticing how badly your family wants to be a whole unit again. It keeps you from seeing how much they love you.
And it will keep you blind, until everything builds to a single tipping point-
and you drown in obsession.
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Your yandere family is definitely interesting. I was curious about whether the darling/reader is biologically related to them or not. If not would you be comfortable giving a backstory on how they found her, and became obsessed.
Ok anon
You were a baby when they killed your biological parents because your biological parent screwed them over and they were exploring the house to see if anyone else was there but the mother just so happened to find your room and she went towards your cradle and when she saw you she immediately knew you would be theirs so they adopted you and quickly became obsessed with your kind and innocent nature.
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Yandere Family | Mission Start
It felt irrelevant going to school when the threat of her baby’s safety hung so heavy over Remalda's head. But she gained solace in the progress she was making with the Appleworths as she organized their next meetings. She with Ms. Appleworth and  Michael with Victor. As she heard the rumble of students accumulating outside her classroom. As if to make her yearning worse she kisses the framed picture she has of her baby; curled in a basket and glowing with a gummy smile. She pushed it down, for her baby (Y/n), for her husband, for her son she could do this. 
“Alright then class, how was your break?”
Across the same campus, Michael was finally arriving at the loading spot for his field trip. As much as he wished he could skip too many business deals were being offered and he couldn’t afford not to gain more. Winking at the first client of his newest venture as they let the teacher usher them on the bus. He was about to follow before being stopped by the teacher.
“Now now Michael, it's rude to shove your way on the bus without a buddy!”
He rolled his eyes, annoyed with the way she spoke to him. Figuring he’d lie to get the old crone off his back.
“Mine is already on there.” 
The teacher squinted her eyes and put her hands on her hips. 
“Oh really than who is it?”
She stood staring vindictively at the stone-faced boy as he looked at the various children in their seats. Many of which were already chatting with or playing with designated seatmates. All but one.
“Hi!! Mikey! Can you see me? It’s me, Victor the flower boy! Remember me?!" 
Michael closed his eyes as if to erase the boy’s existence  from
“...Victor…Victor will be my seat buddy.” He groaned through gritted teeth as the teacher waved at the jumping boy in the window. She let him pass, having him trudge towards the excited boy. Michael plopped down dragging his hands over his face as Victor made it his mission to talk his ear off. 
This is for (Y/n). This is for (Y/n). 
This is for (Y/n). This is for Yulia. This is for (Y/n). This is for Yulia.
He repeated his mantra in his head as he watched two of his clients fight. The class arrived to the history camp in one piece, Victor hardly ever leaving his side. And when he did leave he was able to meet at the designated area for his business. His new client and the old were arguing both demanding that Michael spend his time with the other as their separate agreements demanded. Unable to shake off seatmate he wasn’t able to do anything with the privacy he thought would have occurred. 
“He’s coming with me! So back off!”
“N-no he’s s-staying with me! I p-paid him after all.”
“So did I!”
They were just going back and forth; and Michael was stuck. He couldn’t slip away without directing their attention towards him and he couldn’t invovle a teacher to diffuse the situation. 
Gosh this kids are so childish!
He knows the thought was ironic considering his age but he knew he couldn’t do business with people too busy squabbling to compromise. The only thing that would make this worse is if–
“Mikey? What’s going on?”
Victor had returned vending sodas in hand as he intervened once again. Michael had half a mind to yell but he couldn’t afford to villainize an Appleworth or a witness to his restricted activities. 
“I-its his fault! He was keeping Michael away from us!”
“Yeah you applejerk sticking your nose into business you don’t understand!” 
They surged towards the boy who barely seemed to register the raised fists and angry eyes. 
“Hey! He had nothing to do with this. Its me you want. I have your money and I’ll refund you just don’t bother him!” 
The two kids turned, now fully swinging on the boy. Forcefully taking their money that Michael had prepared in his bag. The one boy spit on Michael while the other lingered before running away.
“I-I expect to pay for your services!” 
Michael let his body untense, shouldering the burning sensation of the bruises beginning to form. He refused to look at the violet haired boy who set the drinks down to sit next to the beaten boy. 
“Thank you Mikey.”
Michael sucked his teeth refusing to look the boy’s way. Victor grimaced but he scooched closer letting his body practically lean against the injured boy. 
“I can pay you know? Double than what they paid.” Victor tried which seemed to work as Michael began to turn towards him again. Putting his hand out Victor happily blushed before putting the drink in his friend’s hands. 
Victor listened at the popping fizz as Michael opened the can and began to drink. Sitting in silence the purple-haired boy began to wonder. Latching on to one of many loose strands he began to play with it as he an intense red overtakes his cheeks.
“Uhm hey Michael…?”
“Uhm what was that service he was talking about?”
“Hmm? Oh…right. Why do you want to know?”
“I jus’ wanna.” He refused to look at the red orbs of Michael as he tried to gain control of his blush. Michael smirked.
“Oh? It seems you already know, huh? Then what, do you want me to kiss you too?”
Victor let out a defeated sigh curling him into himself as he devided to come clean.
“I saw before I got on the bus…I don’t want you to do that anymore–”
“No dice. Too good of a price–”
“I’ll pay you more and I wasn’t finished…I want you to only do it with me. I have the money. You know I’m good for it!”
“I know that! But why? You realize it won’t be so easy to refuse that king of pay, so why?”
“I-I don’t know but I can make sure it never happens again!”
“That’s a lame answer.”
The trip from then on was uneventful. But it was easier to tolerate now that both boys had a better understanding of one another. 
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dipolardruid · 2 years
The Mad Scientist
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Agonia Hoid: 41 years old;Mad Scientist
Agonia Hoid is one of The Most Wanted on the Top 3 list considered by far to be extremely dangerous and not to be engaged with under any circumstances if found it is to be reported immediately to law enforcement if failure to report to the proper authorities in a timely manner lawful action will be taken against said witness.
You never did see your Mother how the reporters described her while she could be tempermental and a perfectionist she only did so as a way to ensure that you were always one step ahead of everyone else.
It never did bother you, you always did as you were told without question even at the expense of your own well-being, she always seemed to be very happy with how well you did everything so you worked much harder to impress her even going as far as to excel at things she struggled with.
This is where the issues began as you grew taller, stronger and smarter you noticed a glint in her eyes one that showed caution, Despite you never giving her a reason to be, As a way to make up for upsetting her you would put out two times the work which only worked to upset her even more than she was.
It confused you, why was she always so upset? she always seemed proud when you did well on things but now she scorns you.
It wouldn't be until that faithful day when she said she simply wanted your help only for you to end up tied up and in pain feeling as if your body was burning inside out.
Had it not been for your strength you doubt you would've survived, you hoped it was a simple mistake that she made, it had happened before, when those times happened she always made sure to care for you giving you a bright smile while doing so but that day was different.
The cold hard gaze she gave you showed you otherwise, she really did plan on killing you, She wanted you dead but why?
You knew if she continued on you would soon enough give into what she wanted, In a last ditch effort you played dead and hoped she wouldn't notice.
Fortunately she believed your act, After you had slowed your heart to point you could last without breathing for a couple of minutes along with paralyzing your body to prevent you from instinctively fighting back you saw your chance of escape and took it.
Running off while she was distracted ignoring her yells, the bullets piercing your body and the extreme uncontrollable burning in your body, had it not been for a elderly couple finding you a couple of days after and calling the authorities even going as far as offering to take you in without a doubt you'd be roadkill.
In return for their kindness you took care of everything such as outside and inside chores even going as far as to assist them with their daily needs such as a shower or getting up from bed, you felt loved and cared for as they hugged you, kissed you, saying how you reminded them of their grandchildren who no longer visit.
At their insistence you began taking classes to help for the future and with your intelligence it was simple to find a college that would ultimately accept you, everything was going great until she found you again this time with a smile and open arms.
"I missed you, Mother made a horrible mistake you can forgive me right? I promise to never make such a mistake again, come back home let's be a family again."
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Request are open!
A requested OC that took a bit to think about but suffice to say this one is much more darker compared to all the other yandere's.
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triasticalwarlock · 5 months
Blood lust memes part.3
Blood lust is by Babygrillbree on ao3.
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Stop looking at me like that, I'm just trying to make it through the big ass wait for the next chapter. I'm on my last fucking limb guys, I'm going to comit a hate crime if I do not see adamussy in the next update. You hear me? None of you are safe, I'm in front of you're doorstep right now. I know how to use a knife.
Off topic, but I imagine our full demon form is just a huge ass dragon bat. Kaiju ass.
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