#yandere family chapter 5
Yandere Family | Mission Start
It felt irrelevant going to school when the threat of her baby’s safety hung so heavy over Remalda's head. But she gained solace in the progress she was making with the Appleworths as she organized their next meetings. She with Ms. Appleworth and  Michael with Victor. As she heard the rumble of students accumulating outside her classroom. As if to make her yearning worse she kisses the framed picture she has of her baby; curled in a basket and glowing with a gummy smile. She pushed it down, for her baby (Y/n), for her husband, for her son she could do this. 
“Alright then class, how was your break?”
Across the same campus, Michael was finally arriving at the loading spot for his field trip. As much as he wished he could skip too many business deals were being offered and he couldn’t afford not to gain more. Winking at the first client of his newest venture as they let the teacher usher them on the bus. He was about to follow before being stopped by the teacher.
“Now now Michael, it's rude to shove your way on the bus without a buddy!”
He rolled his eyes, annoyed with the way she spoke to him. Figuring he’d lie to get the old crone off his back.
“Mine is already on there.” 
The teacher squinted her eyes and put her hands on her hips. 
“Oh really than who is it?”
She stood staring vindictively at the stone-faced boy as he looked at the various children in their seats. Many of which were already chatting with or playing with designated seatmates. All but one.
“Hi!! Mikey! Can you see me? It’s me, Victor the flower boy! Remember me?!" 
Michael closed his eyes as if to erase the boy’s existence  from
“...Victor…Victor will be my seat buddy.” He groaned through gritted teeth as the teacher waved at the jumping boy in the window. She let him pass, having him trudge towards the excited boy. Michael plopped down dragging his hands over his face as Victor made it his mission to talk his ear off. 
This is for (Y/n). This is for (Y/n). 
This is for (Y/n). This is for Yulia. This is for (Y/n). This is for Yulia.
He repeated his mantra in his head as he watched two of his clients fight. The class arrived to the history camp in one piece, Victor hardly ever leaving his side. And when he did leave he was able to meet at the designated area for his business. His new client and the old were arguing both demanding that Michael spend his time with the other as their separate agreements demanded. Unable to shake off seatmate he wasn’t able to do anything with the privacy he thought would have occurred. 
“He’s coming with me! So back off!”
“N-no he’s s-staying with me! I p-paid him after all.”
“So did I!”
They were just going back and forth; and Michael was stuck. He couldn’t slip away without directing their attention towards him and he couldn’t invovle a teacher to diffuse the situation. 
Gosh this kids are so childish!
He knows the thought was ironic considering his age but he knew he couldn’t do business with people too busy squabbling to compromise. The only thing that would make this worse is if–
“Mikey? What’s going on?”
Victor had returned vending sodas in hand as he intervened once again. Michael had half a mind to yell but he couldn’t afford to villainize an Appleworth or a witness to his restricted activities. 
“I-its his fault! He was keeping Michael away from us!”
“Yeah you applejerk sticking your nose into business you don’t understand!” 
They surged towards the boy who barely seemed to register the raised fists and angry eyes. 
“Hey! He had nothing to do with this. Its me you want. I have your money and I’ll refund you just don’t bother him!” 
The two kids turned, now fully swinging on the boy. Forcefully taking their money that Michael had prepared in his bag. The one boy spit on Michael while the other lingered before running away.
“I-I expect to pay for your services!” 
Michael let his body untense, shouldering the burning sensation of the bruises beginning to form. He refused to look at the violet haired boy who set the drinks down to sit next to the beaten boy. 
“Thank you Mikey.”
Michael sucked his teeth refusing to look the boy’s way. Victor grimaced but he scooched closer letting his body practically lean against the injured boy. 
“I can pay you know? Double than what they paid.” Victor tried which seemed to work as Michael began to turn towards him again. Putting his hand out Victor happily blushed before putting the drink in his friend’s hands. 
Victor listened at the popping fizz as Michael opened the can and began to drink. Sitting in silence the purple-haired boy began to wonder. Latching on to one of many loose strands he began to play with it as he an intense red overtakes his cheeks.
“Uhm hey Michael…?”
“Uhm what was that service he was talking about?”
“Hmm? Oh…right. Why do you want to know?”
“I jus’ wanna.” He refused to look at the red orbs of Michael as he tried to gain control of his blush. Michael smirked.
“Oh? It seems you already know, huh? Then what, do you want me to kiss you too?”
Victor let out a defeated sigh curling him into himself as he devided to come clean.
“I saw before I got on the bus…I don’t want you to do that anymore–”
“No dice. Too good of a price–”
“I’ll pay you more and I wasn’t finished…I want you to only do it with me. I have the money. You know I’m good for it!”
“I know that! But why? You realize it won’t be so easy to refuse that king of pay, so why?”
“I-I don’t know but I can make sure it never happens again!”
“That’s a lame answer.”
The trip from then on was uneventful. But it was easier to tolerate now that both boys had a better understanding of one another. 
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ep2nd · 2 years
What is this? A sneek peak at chapter 3???
Grian lightly tapped against the window, sudden and loud enough to make the person jump. Bi-color eyes glanced worriedly to the window, but when he met Grian's smiling face, his expression turned into one of boredom. He didn't seem impressed. To be fair, Grian had definitely done weirder things.
:) yes, we finally get them<3
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darkstaria · 3 months
Yandere Batfam - Soulmate Soul Animal AU.
Chapter 3:
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 4. Chapter 5.
Chapter 3 is finally here! Hooray! Hope people enjoy this, cuz I'm going to sleep now zzz
Taglist: @moonchild-artemisdaughter @jjsmeowthie @madine11-blog @xxrougefangxx @hadesnewpersephone @neerathebrightstar @mel-star636 @jaythes1mp @rosecentury @lov3vivian @gaozorous-rex-blog @victoria1676 @vrsin @silverklaus @ryukyuin @kurai-hono-blog @thisisafish123 @isawyourbrowserhistory @ain-t-no-way-bsfr
A week had passed since that encounter that had sent you running home, and you could only be grateful to yourself that you hadn’t given Tim your number back. He had probably expected that you would have messaged him back by now. Instead, you were going to avoid that cafe for a while.
As if to spite you, Red was currently fluttering about you. Or should you call him Tim? That might make things too confusing. Red it was.
You had looked at the card Tim had given you, and in all honesty, you regretted it. Mainly because of the name on the card.
Tim Drake.
Tim Drake, who is also commonly known as Tim Wayne. The adopted son of Bruce Wayne.
Tim Drake is Red Robin.
You stared down at Red, who had started dozing in your lap.
Did that mean that the Wayne family all were..? No, surely not. You mean, Brucie Wayne as Batman? That felt a little ridiculous. You could definitely see Robin as Damian Wayne though, he had the right energy.
Richard Grayson had ties to acrobats right? Something about a tragedy. Nightwing did perform quite the stunts.
It was way too late in the night for these revelations.
There was one way to know for sure though.
“Wing!” You called out, attracting the attention of the bird that had previously been messing around with your stuffed animal. Wing had way too much of a vendetta against your plushie sometimes. Honestly, if he destroyed one of them, you certainly wouldn't be hugging him anymore.
Wing flew over to you, in a graceful arc that included several unnecessary loops. Showoff.
Wing landed on your hand, and you took a deep breath. Stay calm. The weight of Red in your lap gave you a little comfort, keeping you grounded.
“Richard Grayson.” You said, staring.
No reaction. Not even a twitch, Wing just started tweeting cheerfully as if you hadn't said anything of interest.
Maybe Richard Grayson wasn't Nightwing then? Or was it Richie? Although, he could be called by a nickname instead. What nickname would a Richard be called though…? Maybe..
A clutter caught your attention, the sound of a window being opened and slid down. Your window.
Uh oh.
You immediately panicked. What? What could you do? You likely only had about a minute or two until the invader located your bedroom, you needed to make a decision quickly. Even as birds, you knew Red and Wing could defend themselves, but were you willing to take the risk?
If you got robbed, that would be awful, but a robber could do so much worse with the knowledge of a vigilante's civilian soulmate.
You'd take the risk. You pick up Red’s prone form, placing him into an empty bag you had laying around. If your life was in danger, you'd simply free them, and all would be okay.
You turn around, aiming to grab Wing. You reach for him, but Wing evades, darting to the left. Frowning, you try and grab him again, but Wing continues to evade, tweeting in joy.
Wing! You felt like screaming, blood racing to your head and flushing you with panic. This was not a game!
You swipe at him, starting to grab at him in increasingly frantic motions. Each movement is skillfully evaded, with Wing adding a flourish to each dodge.
“Stop dodging!” You hiss, whispering as quietly as you could. It was only when you paused in a moment to calm your frustrations that Wing showed you solace. Landing on your head in a smooth movement, Wing gave a little chirp.
Holding your hands to your head, you felt Wing climb on. You lowered him to eye level, taking a second to glare, before suddenly remembering that you had a literal home invader and stuffing Wing alongside Red in your bag. You had just clipped the bag shut when the creak of your door alerted you to their entrance.
Turning, you were beginning to lament the loss of all your earthly belongings when you locked eyes with a familiar face.
Red Robin.
“What..?” You mumble, horrified. Why was Red Robin here, in your house? The only place you could count on. The one sanctuary you had where you never had to worry about getting caught. Where you were safe.
You didn't feel safe anymore.
“Why? Why are you.. in my home?” The words stumbled out, barely registering even as they left your mouth. You had started shaking. When did that happen?
Perhaps noticing how shaken you were, Red Robin had the decency to look ashamed.
“I’m sorry for invading your house.” He began, with an apologetic tone. “I got quite a bit injured while patrolling, I was hoping I could camp out here for a while.” He gestured to his leg, where a grievous scratch bled. He smiled at you, a polite, small thing, as if it would convince you.
No, was your immediate answer.
“Yes.” Was your spoken response. “I guess that will be fine, but don't linger too long, I don't want to be targeted because a vigilante came into my window.” You tried a smile. It felt like a mask. “And I don't know any medical care. I can offer you my first aid kit, but that's about it.”
“That's fine.” Red Robin seemed reassured, happy to be here. “I have some medical supplies of my own, but I'd appreciate it if I could use your medical kit.”
“I'll go get it. Could you go to the kitchen, please? I’d rather not have you bleed out on my bed.”
He chucked. “Sure.” Then he was gone, headed off to your kitchen. He acted as if it was so simple, as if your life hadn't just shattered to pieces all around you. So nonchalant.
You took a moment to catch your breath. It was difficult. Then, you lifted the clip of your bag, checking in on your soul animals. Wing was cuddled up to Red, the two dozing.
You frowned. Red was fine. He was completely calm, fading in and out of sleep. There was no trace of an injury on him at all.
When it came to injuries, soul animals had some quirks. They only reflect injuries if the soulmate found the wound to be serious enough. Because your soulmates were vigilantes, you were plenty familiar with when they were injured or not. Red was not injured. Not in the slightest.
Red Robin’s wound was intentional. Calculated. If it was a genuine issue, Red would be suffering as well. Which meant only one thing.
Red Robin was on an investigation.
And you were the subject.
You took a couple extra minutes to compose yourself, minutes you didn't doubt Red Robin was utilizing to his full extent. You just had to remind yourself, you were a civilian, you had nothing to hide.
He could look everywhere in the house and not discover a thing. The real secret was already contained in your bag. You could not let him find your soul animals. He can see everything else, but that.
It would be really convenient if both Red and Wing suddenly left to visit some other soulmate of yours, but you knew better than to expect that. If anything you'd be lucky to not have some other soul animal of yours show up. Ever since Spoiler and Orphan showed up, they'd been more persistent than usual. Maybe the new bonds had reminded them that they still hadn't met you.
Well, it was time to face the music. Or the Tim, that worked too. You had already wasted enough time.
Shaken, you slowly stood up. You gathered your bearings, breathed.
You could do this.
Opening the door to the kitchen took much longer than usual, you could only blame the nerves. You locked eyes with Red Robin.
You couldn't do this.
“Hey.” He said. He had his own kit open, taking out some bandages. Despite the illusion of busyness, you didn't doubt he had already skulked around your home. “Did you get the medkit?”
The medkit. The kit of medicine you had said you'd bring. The very reason you had your precious minutes of safety in your bedroom. The medkit you forgot. Fu-
You darted back into your room, ripping open a cabinet, and yanking the kit out as if it were the cause of your problems, before dashing back over to him. It was a miracle you hadn't tripped on the way over.
Play it cool.
“S-sorry!” You tried. Your heart was beating out of your skull. Could he tell? Did he already know? Was it over?
“Here.” He took the kit from your shaking hands, laying it across the table and opening it. “You said that you didn't know any medical care. Gotham has clinics, but it's a little dangerous to not have any idea of how to treat an injury, I'll show you.”
You felt yourself nod.
No. It couldn't be over. He’s got nothing on you, and will never have anything. You are a normal citizen, you just need to act like it. You didn't live a life separate from the world, hidden from birth, just to get caught.
You noticed a flutter of movement in the darkness behind his shoulder, and stared. After a bit of squinting, you could make out a small figure in the darkness. A bat.
Uh oh.
A rush of horror gripped you. The bat was smaller and slender than the Bat. It was Orphan. You gave a little twitch, a small shake of the head, begging for it to not move. Orphan didn't react.
Red Robin began explaining how to properly cleanse and sanitize wounds. You did your best to pay attention. Somehow, he was a decent teacher. He then moved on to explaining how to properly bandage. You assumed that he was just going to talk you through it. This assumption was broken, as Red Robin instead took your hands in his, and guided them through the correct technique. Once you seemed to have gotten it, he then let you apply them to his leg.
“A little tighter, just like that.”
“Like this?”
Why would he let you do this? Aren't the bats supposed to be paranoid? Your thoughts were interrupted by a ruffle of your hair. You looked up, locking eyes with Red Robin. He smiled.
“Well done.”
What the hell was going on.
The only good thing about today was that Orphan still hadn't moved. You almost forgot about it, since Orphan had stayed in complete darkness the whole time. Perhaps Orphan was content just watching?
Ah, but you're getting distracted. Red Robin received his medical care just like he wanted, now it's time for him to leave. And never come back.
“Are you doing any better?” It was a tentative question. Unfortunately you didn't think a ‘get the hell out of here’ would work any better, as much as you wanted to say so.
He nodded. “Yep. I'll head out now, goodbye.” Red Robin stood up, gathering his medkit up and placing it in his utility belt. He vaulted up to your kitchen window, sliding it open once again and climbing up to it. Now you knew what window it was, you were absolutely fixing that shut.
A glance in Orphan’s corner told you that it was still there, still watching. In that aspect, the soul animal was rather like the Bat. A stalker. Still, you'd take it.
You had never been so glad to watch someone leave before. He didn't let you enjoy your happiness for long, however, as he turned back to you at the last moment. “Oh, by the way”. He began, as if you weren’t screaming inside.
“I'll be coming over again in a few days, possibly next week.” He glanced at some gadget you didn't care about as he said this, nonchalant.
“W-why?” You stuttered, completely bewildered. He had definitely checked out your house, there was nothing to be found! For what insane reason would he be coming back for?!
“It’s not safe for any Gothamite to lack basic first aid training. Your parents should have taught you better.”
The world was becoming red, you hid a clenched fist behind your back. “That's nothing that a first aid course wouldn't teach me, really, it'd be fine if you didn't come over.”
You wanted to outright protest, you really did. But you couldn't. Drawing any excessive attention would be your downfall. It'd be much easier, if Red Robin would pick up that you clearly didn't want him here!
And besides, your parents were busy enough, paying to keep you safe, hidden from the world. They have done enough.
“A course can't teach you like a hero can. I'll know when your in, so, keep an ear out.” Of course. Thanks Tim, so much.
So now you had the choice between staying at home wherein Red Robin could show up at any moment and find out your soulmates, or you could leave home and get caught with having vigilante soul animals outside. Great, what wonderful options.
You're about to protest, give a better argument, at least something. But you're interested by a squawk coming from your bedroom. You realised what happened immediately. One of the robins had finally woken up.
He needed to get out. Now.
“Okay fine, but please leave. Having a vigilante hanging out of my window is even worse than being inside my house.” You gave up. It didn't matter what concession you had to give, you needed him out immediately.
Red Robin had the audacity to chuckle, as if you had made a joke. He lifted his hand in a wave, before vanishing with a swoosh.
As if he had never been there to begin with.
A shaky sigh left you, your knees losing strength. But you snapped back to attention a second later. It was time to attend to your soul animals.
Orphan landed on your shoulder as you made your way over to your bedroom. You reluctantly petted it, sapped of your usual enthusiasm. At least it knew of subtlety, unlike certain soul animals you had.
Maybe it was time to finally get some sleep.
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sophiethewitch1 · 8 months
What We Want Masterlist
In Which A Romantic Breaks The Universe.
(Yandere!batboys x f!reader)
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Another lonely birthday, another empty year. You miss your family. You're late for your bills and rent, and even then, you got robbed last Tuesday.
Still, you buy yourself a cupcake, because you need it. I mean, hey. What's dessert for if not to get over cheating boyfriends and dead relatives?
As you blow out the candle, watching the clock switch from 11:59 pm to midnight of the next day, you make a wish.
And because the world doesn't like to make much sense, it comes true. Your life is suddenly flipped on a dime, and you're stuck trying to catch up with it. Fantasy becomes reality. You're a Wayne now, apparently. Or you used to be. You're loved, you're rich, you're talented and powerful.
Well, sort of. Careful what you wish for, right?
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18+ MDNI, SLOW BURN yandere, romantic yandere with the 4 robin boys, rest of the batfam aren't yandere but still care about you, reader is a girlfailure, ex-step siblings (the dead mother trope), reverse harem, healthy dosing of enemies to lovers, my stupid romance novel tropes, fem!reader and afab!reader, all romantic leads 18+, the graphic violence, death and other such triggers of the original series, attempted sexual assault (chpt. 3), themes of depression/suicide, family death, themes of poverty, alcohol, mentions of alcoholism, my own mix of canon because honestly the canon right now is embarrassing, atypical/soft yandere behaviour, fluff and angst, suggestive and eventual smut, an eventual shared darling/polyandry, SLOW/INCONSISTENT UPDATES (aiming for once a month)
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0. - The Second Worst Birthday Ever 1. - Not Quite An Isekai 2. - First (Second) Introductions 3. - Dreams And... 4. - Nightmares Too 5. - Meet The Adams Family 6. - Round Two. Fight! 7. - Black N' White Knight
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Word Count as of the Chapter 6: 37k
Series tag (anon asks, snippets, updates and actual chapters all included): #series:WWW
More important asks/FAQ
Question about the boys being romantic or platonic Another question about the boys being hesitant or not Question about Damian being platonic or yandere Questions about Bruce being platonic or yandere Important note about the ex-stepsis thing Future sneak peek ft. Dames being stupid Question about happy/sad ending Future sneak peek ft. Dick being stupid
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Fanart! Please give everyone here lots of love, their work is amazing!
Tim's Introduction Jason's Introduction Reader Under The Table SceneTM Reader Before And After The Worst Birthday Ever
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oval3000 · 10 months
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Chapter 5
Yandere Teacher Nanami x Student Reader
Warning: Abuse, (force) smut. Abduction, violence, rough play, toxic behavior, age gap, everything from all above. Mainly from his point of view...somewhat... modern au- ish idk. College teacher x student.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
"Mr. Nanami?" A man in a suit knocked on his classroom door. Nanami was grading some paperwork before his next class. He turned to the side and saw the man alongside some police officers." I hope we're not interrupting you? I'm detective Aki, this is officer Yamada and officer Fujikawa. We want to ask questions about one of your students, (Y/N)."
"Sir." Nanami stood as the man and two police officers entered, closing the door. Nanami knew this day would come. How could he not know? "Of course. Miss (Y/n) hasn't attended my classes for the past month.
"That's why we're here. Her friend had filed a missing person's report on her and we just want to know if you may know anything regarding her disappearance." The detective said.
"The last time I saw her, was when she was sitting on one of the campus benches. I asked her if everything was alright and she told me she was waiting for her ride." He explained. " She seemed a little down and mentioned something about an ex-boyfriend. I've dealt with many of my students who were dealing with hard breakups so I didn't think too much of it."
"Ex-boyfriend?" The detective said.
"Yes. I don't know his name it was never said, but she did mention an ex-boyfriend and by the look of it, it's not something she seemed happy about." Nanami looked at the detective as he jotted down what he was saying.
"Was she acting strange while attending your classes before her disappearance? Did she seem a little down?" Aki asked.
"No. She was a normal student. In fact, she was my best student. Although she had trouble with one assignment, she would stay after her classes for help. Other than that, she was fine. However, I am a teacher with many students, so I might've not pay too much attention to her because of the others, who might be in the same position as her. College is college. Nothing changes." Nanami fixed his glasses and sighed. "Her family must be worried sick if she hasn't shown up." Nanami asked, almost looking a bit sad.
Aki raised his eyebrow. "Have you noticed her disappearance?"
"I did at first. She never missed a class ever. Then again. I have many students who don't bother showing up for months."
"Why is that?" He asked.
"They want to give up. Math is too hard. Struggling with mental illness. I've been working here for ten years, I've seen at all." Nanami sighed, looking down at his papers. "Sadly, no matter what I do, I can't always fix their problems when it's out of my reach. I should've asked Miss. (Y/N), about what was bothering her that day. That was my mistake."
Aki looked at Nanami, who still kept a normal composer. "So her disappearance wasn't too strange for you?"
"Like I said, at first it did. Then again, it's not the first time a student stopped showing up here. I guess I was wrong about that." Nanami raised his eyebrows. "Has anyone seen her since then?" He asked so concerned.
"No, we're working on a timeline on who might've. So far, you're the last person who has seen her. However, no one mentioned an ex-boyfriend before." Aki tapped his little notepad with his pen.
"Oh. it makes sense now." Nanami scratched his head.
"What makes sense?" Aki questioned.
"When she mentioned the ex-boyfriend, it went like this." He hummed, " 'My ex-boyfriend is a jerk who only thinks about himself. We were hardly boyfriend and girlfriend since we dated for three months.' It was confusing to me. I don't know what these young adults think now about relationships; now there is a thing called situationship' or whatever it's called. Every day, I hear students talk about their 'situationship'—are they boyfriend and girlfriend? I don't know what kids are up to these days." He explained. "I was puzzled because, aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, boyfriend and girlfriend? Now, I realize, it must've been one of those situations where you're just with a guy, just cause, with no title. Now it makes sense why it's called situationship'. Either way, it can still break someone's heart. Maybe that's why no one mentioned him; it didn't seem like what they saw was a relationship. Nonetheless, for Miss (Y/n), it must've been more than that, but it was overlooked."
"Did she mention anything about this ex-boyfriend or lover she had?" The detective asked, jotting down as much information as he got.
"No. She was on her phone during the little conversation we had so it was cut short. I swear those kids are always on their phones like they're addicted to them." Nanami picked up his papers and hit them on the desk countertop to straighten them in place. He checked his watch and saw the time. "My next class is about to start. Is there anything I can help with?"
The detective closed his notepad, "No that'll be all for today. Thank you, Mr. Nanami." He shook his hand and headed his way out alongside the two officers.
"Oh! Please tell (Y/N)'s family my condolences. She's one of my students here. Hope she's found soon." Nanami said.
The detective gave him a sympathetic smile, "Sadly, her parents died recently, in a car accident. I'll tell her friend though, she's worried sick about her."
Nanami went back to teaching his class. He went on to be a normal regular teacher. He saw the detective and two officers roaming around, talking to other students and teachers. He kept his usual face and went on with his day. He would hear his colleagues about you, how they're saddened that you just vanished.
Some came up and spoke to Nanami since you were in his class, and he gave them the same type of response he gave to Detective Aki. When he got into his car, he drove off.
He went on to run some errands really quickly and got some snacks and a beverage. He went and decided to stop by a public library and started to use the public computers and continued to do some paperwork and make new homework and test assignments.
He looked at the time got up from his chair, logged off, and walked away from the library building. He got back in his car and drove off to a food place.
He ordered a meal for himself and ate in his car while grading more of his paperwork. When the sun was completely gone, he went to a copy, and fax machine place that was open 24 hours and started to make multiple copies before heading his way home near midnight.
He did this routine for 3 weeks. 3 whole weeks. 3 torture weeks for him.
The day he saw a man getting arrested on the college campus with Detective Aki and the two officers, his 3 whole weeks ended.
He got out of work, he went on to the library, and used the computer for some time. He went to an electronic store and bought himself a new computer. He got into his car and drove home.
He opened the door that was inside the garage and placed the store bag on the kitchen counter.
He walked upstairs and opened the bedroom door. "Sorry, I'm late. Work has been chaotic." He stared at you with your eyes glossy and the rag on your mouth. Your hands were still tied up to the headboard. He went towards and touched the rag and pulled it out. " Sorry about this, sweetheart. It was just a precaution. On the good news, they arrested that ex-boyfriend of yours. It wasn't good for him when they saw all the texts he had 'sent' you. Too bad they found your phone on his property."
"P-please...don't hurt me...Please don't hurt me." You cried to him.
He grabbed your cheeks with his hand, "Who's your best friend?" When you didn't answer him, he grabbed onto you harder, "Answer me!"
"E-Emi." You told him.
"Well, that Emi bitch made those 3 weeks a living fucking hell for me and I'm not too happy about that, sweetheart." He sighed and let you go. "At first I thought your family was gonna be in my way, but it turns out is Emi. Tell me, what should I do?"
You shook your head.
"You're right. It'll be too suspicious." He got on the bed and laid next to you. "I'm just happy to be with you." He slid his hand down to your body and stopped once it reached your stomach. "It must've been lonely here for you. Tell me something else, do you want some company while I'm gone?"
You felt your body shiver with his touch and talk. "N-no."
"No? You're fine here without me? Because if you ever feel alone, I can change that." He rubbed your stomach.
"I'm fine. I-I'm okay." You pulled your knees up to your chest feeling chills going through your body.
"I love you, I hope you know that." He said, smiling at you. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your body. "I'm doing this all for you."
He kissed your cheek, "This is all for love."
(Sorry for the long wait! R.I.P to Nanami 😩)
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n30nwrites · 7 months
Heel (Shifter TF141 x Male! Reader)
Chapter 3 of Good Doggy.
Masterlist here
Warnings - Just some sadness. Some thought of death but nothing too in detail. Some talks of sex and mention of Mating??? But nothing too explicit. Reader is kind of a dick but I understand it, you won't for a bit though. Also Price thinks about some dark things like kidnapping/murder, along with some thoughts on noncon biting, Lowkey the boys get kind of yandere in a way but nothing too dark I think. Ghost thinks about killing you. Also internalized homophobia but enough to not even notice, Thoughts of dubious consent.
Updated: 3/5/2024
Beta Reader/Editor: The one and only @letmelickyoureyeballs
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Gaz takes his first step towards hope and he now understands everything.
He understands why Soap wouldn't shut up yesterday about you. He understands why Price held that meeting. He understands why Ghost keeps staring. He understands why he had to wait.
All good things come to those who wait. And he was patient. Some god out there must have seen that and granted him you. Because even though your eyes are covered he knows that you are it for him. It hasn't been officially confirmed, but there was no way you weren't it.
He doesn't think he can handle you not being his mate.
The car door opens and a woman walks out. And you greet her with a hug and a whisper in her ear about the stares from the neighbors, which she laughs at and kisses your cheek. And Gaz pauses in his movement.
He can hear his pack’s footsteps as they stumble out the door. Their words of protest at his actions quickly came to a stop as they realized that someone had joined you.
You take off your glasses to look at them as you pull away and he can imagine a future with you. He wants to live in this neighborhood, your house or his but he knew his would be big enough for a litter of pups. He wanted to have you stay home, healthy and fat and never in danger. 
Kyle looked at you like there was something worth looking at.
He now knows that he is going to continue loving you, and that he does not see a future when you will eventually pass on as all humans do. You are too gorgeous to be real, exactly what he waited for all this time and he does not regret it all.
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You can't help but question your neighbors. There's four of them, as it turns out. All in black which you would judge if you weren't doing the same. Maya follows your gaze and you know that their attention must be on her.
She's beautiful, and you aren't insecure of yourself in a way, but even you had feelings for her at one point. Her left arm is a metal prosthetic, one that was forged by a family friend. She stands tall and proud and it makes you feel more confident. 
"Can I help you gentlemen?" She understands society's norms. She's polite with a possible killer, she bares her teeth showing a smile that is wide and almost innocent to falsely secure these men in front of her. She was a killer in disguise. Prepared at all times.
"Just greeting the new neighbors." Kyle says and the other three come next to him. They are in your yard, something that makes you uncomfortable.
"You greet differently than your friends." You comment, glancing at Soap and Ghost. "Still seem to have a staring problem." You lower your sunglasses more trying to ignore the harsh light. You make eye contact with each of them and your chest aches at it. "This is my partner-"
"Maya." She interrupts, taking the attention away from you. "You gentlemen mind helping us move our stuff in." And you glare at her, not that you cared for their help, you didn't like people touching your stuff nor did you like strangers being in your space. She was the opposite, she didn’t care if people entered her house. You guessed that now you had to share a living space with her, you’d have to get over it at some point. They step closer to agree.
"Really gonna invite some strangers to help?" You say loudly, knowing that they heard because you didn't care to hide the dislike. 
"I don't wanna carry these boxes darling..." She drags out the word, "Plus you need to rest for work tonight." Your shift lasts from 10 pm to 6 am. "Don't want you to tire yourself out."
She puts on a caring layer. You trust her but you don't like this form of parenting she's trying to do with you. 
"I'm not leaving them with our stuff. Go get the boys set up." You tell her as you head to the back of the trunk and open it. Maya opens the side door, grabbing two animal carriers. You can hear your dog barking, Maya’s cat was probably sleeping. The car smells of sulfur and you twitch your nose, adjusting your face mask. "You can go back to your house." You say to them right as Maya goes inside.
"We said we'd help, might as well." You weren't expecting the accent to come from the stalker with the mohawk. "I'm Soap." Soap, it was a strange nickname. "That's Ghost." He points to the stalker with the mask. 
Soap and Ghost. Your two witnesses to your moving in. The men who just stared.
They look familiar.
"I'm Kyle." He's hot. You're staring at him, fully aware of that. They're all hot. He holds out his hand and you shake it, not immediately repulsing at the touch which was strange. You say your name. "That's Price." He points to John.
"John Price..." You say his name aloud, "And here I thought you were just John." You told him, grabbing a box of books and shoving it into Kyle's arms. "Living room, next to the built-in bookcase by the sun nook."
You kept shoving the boxes into their arms, anxious every time you couldn't see one of them. Out of all four of them, Ghost made you the most uncomfortable. He wouldn't stop staring. And you told him as much when it came to an end.
"Do you stare because you plan to kill me or simply because you have issues?" Maya had insisted you'd walk them to their house despite it being right across from yours. She said it was the polite thing to do, and you told her that it was bullshit but you weren't going to argue against her and waste your energy on it. Ghost was the last to walk onto the porch, still not blinking. "If you are going to kill me, you will fail."
"Why did you move here?" He asks, and they are all staring.
"Learn to blink." You tell him, "You do not need to know why I am here. We are not friends, we are not gonna be friends, Maya is nice to you because she thinks you are attractive and I can see where it is coming from, but this thing you are doing, talking and trying to help out and telling me your nicknames."
You pause as you stare at Kyle's eyes.
"It's useless. I want nothing to do with you."
And Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick breaks inside.
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"You are being too cruel to them," Maya says as you close the door. The house is soundproof, she made sure of it. She knows they can hear the conversation if they wanted to, which is why she had blocked off any possible sound to escape.
"How? They are being a nuisance-"
"They are men who found their mate. I've seen worse reactions when soulmates meet, surprised they haven't hugged you at all." Maya manipulates her fingers in the air as if she’s plucking a string, and she probably is through her eyes. Maya had always had a gift to see the bond between others, The Strings of Fate, a curse Zeus put on everyone eons ago. Theseus escaped the Minotaur with his thread that connected him to Ariadne, and it seemed Clotho had it in for you. It used to be that everyone could see their own String of Fate, until a few centuries ago when an argument broke out amongst the Gods. Now only a certain few could, and Maya was one of them. 
"If they did I would cut their cocks off." You cringe at the idea of touch. "I do not understand why you are defending them-"
"Because you are being an asshole!" Maya shouts and you turn away, rubbing at your nose as you let out a sigh.
"I understand why they are acting the way they are." Kyle's and Soap's puppy dog eyes almost broke you, they were too handsome. "But you understand why I am like this. It is better to tell them upfront is it not?"
"You haven't even given them a chance-"
"I am not leading them on. I am not manipulating them like I could. I do not want anything to do with them and you know that that is for the best." She says your name to stop you, and you're confused by it.
Why can't she admit to herself the truth? It happened to you just a couple of years ago and you were already over it, but yet she couldn't be?
"Maya," You look at her, "I do not have a soul. I can not feel what they feel. It is impossible for me to have soulmates."
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It's confusing. When everything you thought you know changes. How a simple moment becomes so complicated. It's happened to Gaz a few times in his life, where he's had to change everything he's thought and adapt to the new.
You were supposed to be a woman.
He was supposed to be straight.
He never thought about people in a romantic sense. Sex was one thing, it's a way to release emotions and it's something fun. You didn't have to have an emotional tie with someone for it. But dating was separate. You had to let people in for that, to let them know the ugly parts of you and trust that they won't run.
You weren't supposed to run.
Gaz leaves first. He's the first to stop staring at the air, going into his room and immediately undressing. His mind is blank, running on instincts. The minute he’s done, he’s out the backdoor shifting. 
The pain of his bones breaking quickly disappears, but he welcomes it despite how little it was. He grows paws and fur all over his body, and goes back to his basic instincts.
He's gone for hours.
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Price is the last to move. He's angry at you for everything you said, he’s half a mind to go into your house and just kidnap you.
Who were you to tell him what to do? You were a selfish human, completely unaware of everything they were willing to do for you. You had them on a leash, begging for scraps of attention that you were starving them for.
You hated him, and that made John angry. He wants to burn your house down and show you that you can't be safe without him, he wants to kill Maya, she took you from him.
From them.
He can hear the howls from Gaz and he grabs a bottle of Scotch from the cabinet. He chugs it down, it's not that hard to finish a drink, especially when you crave the burn of it. He wants to shift as well, but that would require ignoring his responsibilities. 
He wished he could show you what makes him right for you.
He just needed one night with you and he was sure he could change your mind. One bite and it was all over, you'd be stuck with him.
He lights a cigar and stays in the kitchen, quiet.
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Stupid, foolish human. Weak, you were pathetic truly.
It was one thing to not like him, it was another to hurt his family.
He thinks that killing you would make it all go away. Ghost doesn't care that it would hurt him for eternity if he was to kill you, he's convinced he can do it and make his pack forget about you, whether it's with time or a witch.
He's convinced that he could get away with it. 
And then he remembers your heart beat and he can't. He knows he can't kill you. But he wishes it was that easy.
Instead of planning your demise, Ghost calls every contact he has looking for information about you. Looking for anything, and while he finds out your last name, he comes to realize that you did not exist 6 years ago.
And when he calls Laswell to question you, she insists he stops looking if he wants to stay safe.
He does not listen.
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Soap thinks about every movement you make.
He convinces himself you're playing hard to get. That you like being chased after like a bunny.
His bunny, his defenseless mate who doesn’t know what was good for him.
You were ignorant, it was okay.
He could help you.
"Ah will protect ye mate. Yer mines bun." 
Okay so maybe I wrote a bit longer. And yeah maybe the boys do seem out of character but literally they will not be like this long, it is just the idea that losing half of your soul makes you mad.
This is just chapter 3 and it's heavy with angst ig?? Um next chapter will definitely be lighter, and so will chapter 5. But hey I guess it's your decision to stick around for that long.
Also maya looks like Salma Hayek because that is a beautiful woman.
And I am not sure how to write Soap's dialect?? I'm trying my best I swear.
Also please leave comments and reblog, more interaction means more interest and I'll probably continue to write it.
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imshii-kin · 5 months
Good Luck
Chapter # 2 Welcome to the Mansion
Platonic Yandere Dc x reincarnated Reader
I made this a bit ago so have mercy :,)
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2 (You are Here), Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
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The only thing I like about rich people is their money. - Nancy Astor
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
"Welcome back Master Bruce. Oh? I see you brought a guest with you."
Bruce and Y/n arrived at the mansion, the air around them a little lighter with Alfred there. Y/n takes a quick look around, admiring the large building.
"Alfred, can you call Richard and tell him I need to see him tonight?" Bruce asks as he guides Y/n into the mansion. "I need to introduce them to our guests."
She follows Bruce, shooting Alfred a smile on her way in, and Alfred returns the smile with one of his own.
Bruce takes Y/n over to the dining hall, where food was already prepared and set on the table. The food looked heavenly from the medium rare steak to the soft fluffy mashed potatoes.
There were already two boys sitting at the table, enjoying the meal prepared. A shorter boy with tan skin and black spiked hair who looked to be around Jon's age (17-18), and a taller boy with a paler complexion and flatter hair, looked like a young college student (20-21).
Damien and Tim.
Tim glances up, hearing familiar footsteps of his father, but does a double take when he sees Y/n walking alongside him.
"Bruce, why's Y/n here? Don't tell me you convinced Clark to allow her to become a Robin." Bruce looked over at Tim with a stern face, not finding what Tim said funny.
"No. She's here because she mysteriously lost her memories this morning." Both boys give Bruce looks of disbelief. "Clark believes that this memory loss is targeted." Bruce finished.
Tim looks at Y/n, curious. "Wait, you actually don't remember us?"
She shakes her head, "No, sorry." A silence hangs over everyone while Bruce and Y/n both take their seat.
The food was good, but the mood in the room ruined it. It was tense, and Y/n could feel eyes boring into her, what kind of relationship did she have with the Wayne family? Clark didn't seem to be fond of them, but they seemed to know her.
Did something happen between Clark and Bruce recently?
"Y/n," Bruce interrupts Y/n's internal thoughts. "Most of the rooms here are taken, so for the next month you'll be staying in Jason's old room."
...are you fucking serious.
After a quick tour, Bruce had split off, allowing Y/n to continue by herself. She had wandered over the library and decided that some light reading would be a welcomed distraction.
Looking at a few shelves, Y/n spots ' The Great Gatsby ', a classic from where she comes from. Y/n gets on her toes, trying to reach it, but fails. Gods, she already misses being adult height.
"Need help kid?"
Y/n swirls around, looking to see who was talking to her. A much taller man with a brown leather jacket and black hair with a splotch of white in it stood behind her, his green eyes were piercing, so vibrant and... alive.
"Oh," Y/n muttered to herself. This must be Jason. He smiled and lowered himself to her level (The audacity) and smiled at Y/n.
"Something wrong Y/n? You look like you've spotted a ghost."
Bruce runs his hands through his hair as he stares at the computer. He should have known this would happen.
Picking up a file, he looks through the blueprints inside of it. He doesn't have a lot of time, Clark was going to get suspicious soon, and if this is interrupted then they will lose everything.
"Please, forgive me Y/n. I swear I only do this to protect you."
Chapter 3
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Star Patient: Chapter 6 (ONGOING SLOW BURN SERIES)
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WARNING: This series will include; possible inaccurate medical procedures and medical setting, gore, toxic relationships that should NOT be replicated in real life, murder, yanderes, cursing, suicide mentions, implications of misandry (male misogyny), descriptions of self-harming, accusations of cheating, child death, death of major and minor characters, OC's are used throughout the story for plot and depth, reader is in denial and paranoid, toxic family dynamics, perversive thoughts, reader is bipolar (not saying that in a quirky way, like literally bipolar), religious comparisons, light mention of demons, stalkers, possibly more to add.
Inaccurate canon-timeline and setting (this is before Ashley and Andrew murdered their parents). They also live in America (because I wasn't aware they lived in Europe prior to this series).
Reader has a small fear of adult men/rape and has a history of suicide attempts.
Incest is not Wincest.
Amnesiac! Obsessive! Patient! Andrew Graves x Yandere! Nurse! Reader:
Wordcount: 15,700+ words
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, current chapter, Chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9 (in the works)
Want to listen to music while reading? Check out the Star Patient's Official Playlists! Multiple different playlists and genres!
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Hello, my stars. Before starting this, I wanted you all to know I've updated my warnings. I'm telling you this to warn my sensitive readers who might get triggered or uncomfortable.
Warnings: This series will include; possible inaccurate medical procedures and medical setting, gore, toxic relationships that should NOT be replicated in real life, murder, yanderes, cursing, suicide mentions, implications of misandry (male misogyny), descriptions of self-harming, accusations of cheating, child death, death of major and minor characters, OC's are used throughout the story for plot and depth, reader is in denial and paranoid, toxic family dynamics, perversive thoughts, reader is bipolar (not saying that in a quirky way, like literally bpd), religious comparisons, demons, stalkers, possibly more to add.
Please note, this series is NOT to romantize, glamorize, normalize, or encourage ANY of this behavior that we see throughout the story.
I also have playlists for you to listen to while reading this, or just to listen to in general if you're looking for new music!
Thank you for reading this section.
        “Alright Ms. (L/N), you’re free to be discharged. Do you have a ride home?” her doctor questioned, signing her discharge forms, consenting to the leave. 
        “Yes, sir.” She nodded. 
        She just planned on driving back home herself. Sure, it was dangerous, but she did come here with a bleeding leg, so she sure as hell can leave with a bandaged one.
        “Alright… Good. And, just a little rundown on what you’ll need to do. Please keep your leg elevated with your heart whenever possible. I signed for you to get two weeks off work, that way you wouldn’t be applying any weight onto your leg. Please keep eating liquids or non-solid for at least a week; so like jellos and puddings and soups. You should know the procedure, we need the inner staples to heal and it'll be good not to tear the stitches.” The doctor explained to her.
        “I also scheduled a appointment for you to visit me next week so we can hopefully check and remove your staples on your outer stomach if all is good, and if so, we’ll decide to give you the green light to eat solids or not. Please avoid wetting or poking the staples and stitches.” The doctor spoke, wrapping up his speech.
        “Thank you, sir.” (Y/N) smiled, taking the discharge papers from the doctor’s hands.
        “Do you need any help finding the exit?” the doctor questioned as her nurse removed the IV needle from (Y/N)’s veins, placing a piece of cotton on the bleeding hole and medical tape to hold the cotton in place.
        “No, sir. I’ll be just fine… I have to make a quick visit anyways…” (Y/N) spoke.  
        The doctor left the room after (Y/N) took the papers from him, the nurse following after the doctor. (Y/N) stood up and resisted the urge to stretch, that would just strain and possibly snap any stitching or stapling.
        She looked at the clothes the nurse left on her bedside. (Y/N) snatched the clothes and walked to the bathroom, locking the door. Because her clothes were ruined yesterday with blood and had to be cut in the emergency room, she was given paper scrubs from the hospital to wear. Sure, they sucked and were flimsy, but it was better than leaving naked. Hospitals can only do so much. 
        (Y/N) put on the fabric and her shoes (that were fortunately in one piece). She unlocked the bathroom, walking out and exiting the hospital room. She walked to the elevators, entering one and pressing the psychiatric floor. 
        She waited for the elevators doors to open, exiting them once they did. She walked down the hallways with a limp, ignoring it as she made her way to Andrew’s room. She knocked on the door to announce her presence, before opening the door.
        Andrew was awake this morning, a bit unusual given how late he stayed up with her last night, but perhaps he couldn’t sleep much. Maybe he has a headache? That brain surgery was only a free days ago, so maybe he's experiencing some pain.
        “Hey, are you okay?” (Y/N) questioned, disturbing him from looking out the window. 
        Andrew’s head snapped over to her once he heard her voice. He looked surprised, and his electric green eyes looked a little puffy and red, like he was about to cry; however there were no tears streaming down his face, as if he was refusing to cry.
        “Andrew? Are you okay?” (Y/N) repeated, concerned as she limped over to him, taking a seat on the guest chair.
        “Ahem, yeah. I’m fine…” he covered his mouth and coughed, turning his head away from her. “Do you need something?” he questioned.
        “I’m getting discharged, so I won’t see you for at least two weeks, possibly even longer.” (Y/N) explained, her eyes subconsciously glancing over his figure and observing his state
        His black hair was messy—as it usually was—and he still remained pale, with the exception of red rings around his eyes and a blush on his nose. His broken legs were elevated to his heart by keeping pillows under his legs. He didn’t have any bandages wrapped around his head anymore since his staples weren’t bleeding anymore after his brain surgery. His breathing patterns looked normal and he doesn’t appear to be sweating, so it’s safe to say the doctors got rid of the internal bleeding problem. 
        “Because I’m leaving, I need you to behave for the night nurses and day nurses.” She spoke, as if trying to communicate with a child.
        “It won’t matter…” he muttered, his voice deep and gravely, sounding as if he was in pain.
        “What, why? What’s wrong?” (Y/N) questioned, subconsciously leaning closer to him with a look of confusion on her face.
        “They’re discharging me tonight.” Andrew spoke, his voice raising its volume so she could hear better. 
        “Why, that’s great s it not?” she questioned, mentally cringing as she tried her best to gauge a reaction out of him, hoping that he could explain more. “You won’t be stuck here anymore. You’re healing.”
        “No… I-“ he paused, unsure if he should speak about the thoughts swirling in his head. “I-I can’t leave. I can’t.”
        “Why not?” (Y/N) questioned. 
        Andrew stayed quiet, his eyes stuck staring at his hands that laid in his lap, seemingly ashamed to look up at her.
        “Andrew, what’s wrong?” (Y/N) repeated, standing up from the chair and bringing herself closer to Andrew, sitting down at his bedside gently so she wouldn’t disturb his legs.
        “Don’t you understand…?” he muttered, his tone going down a dark notch. “I can’t leave you…” 
        “Huh?” (Y/N) audibly spoke, voicing a noise of confusion as she looked at him, more so confused now rather than concerned.
        Why can’t he leave? Is it because of Ashley? Oh god, does he know Ashley's dead? That I killed her? Can he not leave me because he wants revenge? (Y/N) questioned inside her head, her nerves eating her up.
        “Andrew, I need you to tell me so I can help you. Surely we can—“ Andrew’s hands went up to her shoulders and gripped them tightly, his vibrant green eyes suddenly looking a little more of a toxic color, one to warn others that they’re dangerous. 
        “Don’t you understand, damn it?!” Andrew shouted, his nails unconsciously digging into her skin and the flimsy scrubs the hospital provided her with. “Are you an idiot or something? I can’t leave! I can’t do anything!” 
        (Y/N) looked surprised, her feet trying to take a step back but his hold on her wouldn’t allow that. She looked a bit scared, cowering despite him being the one bedridden. 
        Her previous thoughts of getting caught was instead replaced with being trapped. The room suddenly felt more smaller while Andrew yelled at her. The white walls suddenly looked like they were closing in, the pale color looking damn similar to an asylum instead.
        “I should’ve at least taken up Ashley’s offer on escaping this damn place!” Andrew spoke, shaking her back and forth with a crazed look in his eyes.
        Yes, terrifying. That’s why she decided not to work with adults and chose kids instead. Adult men are just scary for her. Having an erratic episode like this is a pain when you’re dealing with kids, but an adult man with a deep yelling voice towering you and shaking you like a rag doll is just plain terrifying. Especially knowing the fact they could definitely overpower you. Hospitals drug up their patients all the time to where patients think irrationally, and there's always the patients that believe they're the customer who is always right; giving them all a sense of authority or inability to understand their wrongdoings, whether they have a god complex or just drugged. It's always going to be dangerous. 
        It brings a shiver down her spine. If this is the effect Andrew has by just yelling at her and shaking her a bit, she’s scared to know what he could do with no broken limbs. 
        He seemed to go on an angry, mindless rant as he shook her back and forth. At this point, she might be the one getting internal bleeding in her brain because of this. 
        “If anything, I should’ve just died! But now I’m royally fucked because of you and these fucking doctors!” Andrew shouted. 
        A patient threatening suicide? Much less a patient on suicide watch? That’s not good, especially if he’s threatening suicide while almost being discharged. He could stay in this unit for mental health evaluation if he actually tries something. He’s lucky that she’s not on the clock, otherwise she would be forced to chart that.
        She mustered her nerves and grabbed his wrists, looking down at him and doing her best to keep a gentle facade.
        “Hey Andrew, let’s calm down and figure this out…” she spoke. “I need you to tell me what’s wrong so I can help."
        “I-I just—“ Andrew’s pissed-off expression changed, his grip on her shoulders loosening as he let out a sigh. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
        So he noticed…
        “I’m scared…” he admitted, his hand going up and playing with her hair, twirling it around her fingers, ignoring that it hasn’t been washed in a couple days due to the accident. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t go back to—“ he paused, stopping himself. “H-home. I can’t go back home because I don’t remember it.” He lied.
        He can’t go back to his apartment complex and be locked up in that room again. He can’t. Hell, maybe the complex actually burnt down like the news has been saying. But he has no home now, and if he goes to a shelter they might ask for documents or for identification, both of which he doesn’t have. 
        He can’t go to his parents. With his face on the news and being indebted to them again? Please, anything but that. He’s already done enough for them. He purposely didn’t write his parents’ names and numbers down when the doctors made him file paperwork because he didn’t want to see them again. 
        And he might go insane if he has to live with Ashley again. The hospital has been boring, yes, but at least he could actually think with some quiet. No more killing people or cannibalizing people or worrying about future visions or any of that crap. He could actually enjoy some peace for once. He loves his sister, but it's about time for them to act like adults and have their own lives. 
        And god, the money to pay back the hospital. He doesn’t have that kind of money. His whole bill must well be 20,000 dollars, possibly even more. He doesn’t even have a job! He’s not entirely sure if he remembers his banking information, and he doubts he has health insurance he can remember! 
        “I-I just… don’t remember anything.” He spoke, a half truth and half lie. “I don’t have parents.” Another lie. “I don’t remember where I live.” Another lie. “I have no money to pay off all this debt I’ll be in.” A possible (?) lie. “I have no job.” True. “I-I don’t know what to do. I’m fucked.” Andrew spoke, tears filling up in his eyes as he chuckled in possible disbelief, his hands going to his face to cover it.
        Yeah, that sounds like a shitty situation… (Y/N) thought, pushing down that fear he installed in her earlier as she hesitantly stayed next to him, uncertain what to do.
        She’s never had to deal with this kind of situation. Her patients are kids, and they don’t usually worry about money or healthcare or such things an adult worries about. Fixing someone's IV needle and fixing their bank account is two very separate things. 
        Honestly, it’s pretty sad. Adults have it rough. Most people now in America hesitate to call an ambulance because of the bill for that alone, ranging from $400 to more than a thousand for the ride to a hospital alone. 
        She doesn’t blame him for being mad, she’d be pretty pissed in his situation too. 
        “And, are you absolutely positive?” (Y/N) questioned, her hand resting on his wrist and drawing small circles to soothe him. “Do you really have nowhere else to go once you leave? Or any money or such at all?” 
        “No…” he answered, a loss of hope in his voice as he resisted the urge to cry. 
        “Okay… it’s okay.” (Y/N) spoke as Andrew kept playing with her hair.
        “I’m sorry for yelling at you. I didn’t mean to scare you…” he muttered. “Please don’t leave me. I-I don’t know what to do and I’m scared and…” he paused, uncertain of the next words about to come out of his mouth. “I-I just need you. I need your help.” 
        God, not the damn puppy eyes… (Y/N) though, nothing how his bright green eyes cleared of any malicious intent from earlier, now just glossy and filled with tears threatening to spill out. 
        He looked like he really didn’t want to leave her (or maybe it’s because he just really needs her help) and that just pulled her heartstrings.
        Think, (Y/N). You’re a nurse. You gotta be quick on your feet and think of a solution… (Y/N) thought, wracking her brain for a solution. 
        “What if…” she paused, thinking.
        Would that really be a good idea? He’s a male after all. The last guy she dealt with was a total psycho…
        No, it’s probably not a good idea, considering he’s on the run and he’s a cannibal. But she doesn’t know his whole story, so she can’t judge so quickly…
        Not to mention she’s a murderer herself now. Even if she killed a wrongdoer, she still killed someone. 
        But is it really a good comparison? Is it really so bad for her to kill just one life after saving many others?
        Now that’s just sociopathic thinking… 
        “What if you stay with me?” (Y/N) suggested, doing her best to keep her tone confident.
        “What?” Andrew questioned, unsure if he heard that correctly.
        Did she actually just say that?
        “What if you stay with me?” (Y/N) repeated, forcing herself to act like it wasn’t a big deal. “I mean, it wouldn’t be bad. I have the space. It’d be good for you too, I can still help with your bandages and elevating your legs and such, make sure there’s nothing going wrong during your healing process and that you’re still sticking to the treatment plan. I can pay the medical bills and you’ll work it off for me over time, until you’re able to get back on your own two feet.”  
        Ha. Pun intended… (Y/N) thought, resisting the urge to chuckle.
        “You’re really serious? You’re not pulling my leg or anything, right?” Andrew questioned, surprised as he sat up, wincing at the pain in his legs and head from the sudden movement.
        “Hey, take it easy.” (Y/N) reminded, placing her hand on his shoulder to stop him (and to hide her shaky hands).
        She decided it wasn’t the time to freeze up or think, thinking would just make her panic to what she just offered.
        “And I’m serious. If you need a place to stay, you can come to mine.” (Y/N) spoke. "Nobody should have to pay to live, it’s just… sad.”
        Even if it is sad that you have to pay to live, that’s just life. There’s a reason why. Not many people would do things for free. Currency was made to pay others for their labor, rewarding them for a job done right. The more money, the more luxurious your life is… sometimes…
        There’s not many people in the world who would save a stranger’s life and expect nothing in return. Especially when you’re working hours to days at a time keeping people alive and healthy, it just wears you down overtime to where that paycheck is the only thing you’re looking forward to. Nurses work for money, and the ones that enjoy helping people instead start to despise them due to their ugly flaws revealing themselves in their states of venerability. Nurses and doctors see more ugly things in people than they do in infections. 
        Well, as long as you do your job, the paychecks won’t die; unlike the patients. 
        “So? What do you say?” (Y/N) questioned, looking down at Andrew with a forced smile. 
        Don’t think about the offer. If you don’t think, you wouldn’t contemplate about how absolutely idiotic that suggestion was. Seriously, allowing a cannibalistic serial killer into your home all alone? Let alone a man.
        The thought was indeed distasteful, but her mouth was quicker than her brain, and she already offered it. It would be cruel to give him false hope and swipe that right under his nose. 
        Andrew wasn’t too sure if he wanted to take up that offer. Sure, it’d save his ass from the streets, but it’d also leave him indebted to her, which can give her an upper hand to take advantage of him. It’s also worth noting that his face is probably still in the news somewhere, which could be bad if she finds out and reports him to the police… 
        But maybe there’s the chance that she’s not well-informed or active in the community or news? Maybe the whole news will blow over soon and she’ll never know? 
        It’s better than nothing…
        “If you’re really sure…” Andrew muttered. “Then I’ll take you up on your offer. I’ll repay you.” He spoke.
        Great. (Y/N) thought, fantastic and nervous.
        “I’ll get an uber for you. I need to get some stuff settled at my house beforehand. What’s your discharge time?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “One P.M.” Andrew answered. 
        “Okay, at one P.M. you’ll go to the front of the hospital and I’ll get an uber for you so they can drop you off at my place.” (Y/N) explained, clapping her hands together to avoid the awkwardness of parting ways. “Well… I’ll see you later.” She spoke, forcing a smile. 
        She didn’t give him time to speak or say goodbye, leaving the room before she could dwell longer. She needed to bury Ashley’s body before someone finds it, she needed to deep clean her apartment, and she needed to mentally prep herself for Andrew’s arrival.
        She took her discharge papers and entered the elevator, pressing the lobby floor and waiting. The doors opened and she exited the box, walking out to the lobby and out the glass doors. She unlocked her car and entered, turning the key in the engine and taking a deep breath, preparing herself for the day traffic and using her injured leg to drive. 
        She turned on the radio to a random adults hit channel, before backing out of the parking lot and taking off. She made a quick pit stop at a hardware store, buying one of those stupid state merchandise shirts, a pair of shorts, a pair of gardening gloves, some hair ties, water bottles, and a shovel. She paid in cash (thank god the emergency gas money she kept in her car since she didn't have her purse) and drove an hour out to that forest she put Ashley in.
        (Y/N) prayed to whatever god she believed in, or at least prayed to herself that luck would be on her side, and parked somewhere in the sticks. She fumbled around the backseat and changed out of the flimsy paper scrubs to that cheap state shirt and shorts she bought in the hardware store, tying up her hair with a cheap hair tie.
        She grabbed her supplies and exited her car, locking it. It took at least twenty minutes before she was able to pick up the dead body smell, following the stench to Ashley’s body. The blankets she was wrapped in didn’t look tampered with, so maybe nobody found the body beforehand. 
        (Y/N) made quick work, putting on the gardener gloves and grabbing a shovel, finding a patch of loose dirt and started digging. 
        Six-foot grave my ass, if she buried that deep then she might not be able to get out of the hole. (Y/N) settled on a four foot grave, digging and making sure to take breaks so she wouldn’t snap any stitches or staples. 
        At least two or three hours later, she was able to roll Ashley’s body into the hole. Staring at the bloodied cloth was just so unsettling… a reminder of what she’s done.
        She’s seen plenty of blood and gore before, but she’s never been the cause of it (or at least, she’s never punctured skin for anything other than the intent to help someone). 
        It felt right to say something, a little memoir or a speech or something. 
        She grabbed some big rocks and made an imaginary audience, setting them near the grave as (Y/N) stood before it.
        “Today, we are here to celebrate life and remember the loss of it…” (Y/N) began.
        Yep, killing someone who tried to kill you first, then proceeding to make a whole damn memoir of them… that’s totally normal and not something someone unhinged would do. Or maybe it’s just because she’s a really compassionate person and feels sorry for killing her. Maybe a bit of both.
        “Ashley Graves was the younger sister of Andrew Graves. She was… passionate and determined.” (Y/N) spoke awkwardly, clasping her hands together, ignoring the dirt itching them inside the glove. 
        “We’re here to celebrate her life and youth. While she died young, she stayed golden. She was very pretty, and I’m sure she accomplished something in her life at one point…” (Y/N) rambled. 
        “I don’t know much about her, and I would’ve brought her brother here too if I wasn’t so concerned about him killing me too. I’m already digging one grave, I don’t need to dig my own too… or one for Andrew…” (Y/N) muttered, hiding that last part from the rock audience with a cough. 
        “Too soon to joke? Yeah… that was a bit hard… like rock.” (Y/N) chuckled too herself. “I’m sorry, sorry! This is a rocky start…” (Y/N) giggled, before her smile dropped, reality coming back and hitting her.
        “Fucking hell… I hate myself.” (Y/N) groaned, dropping down to her knees and covering her face with her hands, before coughing and spitting once the dirt on her gloves got in her mouth and eyes.
        When she got the dirt out of her eyes and mouth, she settled for staring at the dead body. Ashley died young and she was pretty, surely there must've been something good Ashley could've done with her future. 
        It really didn’t have to be this way, perhaps an agreement could’ve been made. While Ashley threatened her first, (Y/N) attacked her first, provoking her by spraying perfume in Ashley’s eyes.
        “Oh fuck…” (Y/N) groaned, pulling the strands of hair that has fell from her hair tie after her manual labor. “I’m really burying a body of a young woman. One I killed no less…” she muttered to herself, wishing that this all could’ve just been one big dream.
        A dream that she met some fugitives on the run, that she stooped so low as to murder another so violently and decided to house another. That she had to witness her favorite patient die after spending three years with her. 
        Honestly, she wished everything in her life was a dream. She wished being neglected and locked into a room for hours upon a time, sleeping and crying and famished, was a dream. She wished the relentless bullying throughout her school years was a dream. She wished all the pressure and stress she set upon her, forcing herself to grow out of childhood early so she could focus on the future, was a dream. She wished that disgusting and obsessive man was a dream, that he never sent those letters or took her to court or even did anything he did.
        No, she didn’t wish it was a dream; she wished it was a nightmare. Dreams are meant to be enjoyed, or at least allow yourself into a false sense of security to enjoy momentarily. 
        The constant harassment, the constant paranoia, the constant loneliness, the constant emptiness. She’d rather not torture herself in the dream world either. 
        Before Hailey died, she asked (Y/N) what she would like to be surrounded by, and (Y/N) said “beds” because she liked sleeping. She left it at that so she wouldn’t disturb the bittersweet moment as Hailey died. Perhaps if Hailey was older, or a friend rather than a patient, (Y/N) might have told her the truth. 
        Sure, beds are comfortable. A de-stressing spot for her and many others alike. Being bundled up in warmth and motherly affection she never experienced in her life, seeking comfort from an inanimate object to replace her own mother's nonexistent affection. 
        Beds are also comfortable when you die. Lots of people die in their beds. Most people imagine that they’ll die surrounded by their loved ones, peacefully succumbing to death. (Y/N)’s never bothered contemplating death, she knew if she was going to die it would be suicide—or, at least she thought so. After Ashley trying to kill her and possibly Andrew being her potential killer too in the future if he ever finds out what she did, she’s not too sure how she’ll die now.
        She’ll probably die from another depressive episode like starving herself and staying in bed, or some other health cause in her sleep. Whatever it is, her death bed would be made of cotton and polyester, she hopes. Perhaps in her will she'll write down she wants a twin-sized mattress in her coffin, at least make her death bed comfortable.
        Everyday just feels like a struggle to get out of bed now. 
        “Ashley…” she began.
        Now thinking about it, is it even right to speak Ashley’s name after she’s the cause of her death?
        “I’m sorry for killing you, and for causing you whatever pain or paranoia you experienced to where you felt the best course of action was to kill me. Things could’ve possibly been different if I had just talked to you, but I didn’t, and for that, you’re gone and I'm still here.” (Y/N) spoke.
        She wondered if Ashley enjoyed her life, what she had before she died. (Y/N) couldn't even enjoy all that she has, yet she still selfishly fought for her pathetic life, killing a woman who could've done better than her. Who could've accomplished more if she just fixed up her ways, if she just gave herself a second chance at living a true life. 
        (Y/N)'s had her chances, maybe happiness just wasn't for her. Maybe life just wasn't for her. Yet she's the one standing over the grave she should be in instead. 
        Maybe she should've just let Ashley kill her. Make all this pain and loneliness and paranoia just disappear like she wants to. 
        There was a moment of silence to respect the dead, before (Y/N) picked up the shovel and got to covering the body with dirt. It was faster to fill the grave than dig it, and she was able to finish after an hour. (Y/N) felt bad about it, but she stomped on the dirt to try and make sure it was packed and wasn’t loose. She grabbed the rock audience and scattered the rocks back where she found them so the grave wouldn't be suspiciously marked.
        Maybe I’ll reserve flowers for Ashley too… (Y/N) thought to herself, before allowing there to be another moment of silence to mourn the loss of life.
        After the silence, she walked back to her car, throwing the dirty supplies into the backseat of her car and hopping into the passenger seat. She buckled her seatbelt and drove out of the forest. Usually she would’ve taken a minute to at least desensitize her emotions so she can drive safely—or at least ponder why the hell she had a rock funeral back there—but she needed to get home and get her apartment in order.
        Once (Y/N) made it inside her apartment complex, she rushed to see if anything was out of place inside her apartment, swinging open her door and observing the crime scene in her bedroom. It smelt of potent citrusy perfume with the hint of metallic blood wafting throughout her home. 
        Before (Y/N) left, she did a quick wipe down of her walls and floors in case the police would investigate her apartment. Why? Well, there's no reason other than classic paranoia and the fear of being face to face with a judge inside of a courtroom once more.         
        Yeah, been there, done that. 
        Despite her quick clean, obviously it wouldn't be enough to get rid of the evidence if the police truly did a deep investigation (that is, if they even her connected to the crime). Well, even if the police doesn't piece out the murder, Andrew might. Andrew is Ashley's sister, surely he must know enough about her to know if she's capable of committing murder, especially because they were partners in crime. 
        Key word: were.
        (Y/N) glanced at the clock, seeing the time was 12 P.M. (Y/N) pulled out her phone and paid for an uber to pick Andrew up at the hospital entrance. His ride will be about thirty minutes if the traffic is good, so (Y/N) can only assume she'll have two hours to clean if she's lucky.
        Surprisingly—for a sorry excuse of a woman—her apartment isn't trashed or damaged; it's pretty clean. (Y/N) always worried if her parents one day stopped by and entered her apartment. She really didn't want to hear her mother's berating comments or her father's comments on how she should move back to the farm and be safe there. 
        She also worried about having her neighbors suddenly knock on her door to talk to her, or her landlord entering. She didn't want to give the impression that she's lazy, and she didn't want to give the impression that she's depressed either; she'd rather not have others pity her in such ways. She's an adult, she needs to learn how to take care of herself eventually, otherwise how will she expect to take care of the kids at work? Let alone Andrew who will now reside in her home? 
        Oh gosh. How is she going to take care of Andrew? Shit. What if the neighbors see him and recognize him from on the news? What if the uber driver recognizes him? She'll go to jail for knowing he's a murderer and still helping him. She'll lose her job if they find out she's keeping a former patient at her apartment. 
        Damn it... damn it... damn it... 
        She paced around her bedroom in circles, her hands shaking and her legs weak as she started overthinking.
        Jesus, what if he becomes crazy? Well, more crazy than a cannibalistic murderer can possibly be. What if he becomes like him? She'll have to move away again. She'll have to hide away before he finds her and ruins her life once more. 
        The vision of torn sugar papers stained with special red ink. The sounds of either paper or her sanity ripping as she screamed and stopped on the scraps, before scooping up the pieces and burning them outside in her father's grill. Or maybe it was the constant feeling of dread and being watched, resorting to her superiors, her friends, her family; just anyone to help her and to listen to her. But they just laughed in her face, or scowled at her.
        "Stop searching for attention."
        "He wouldn't do that."
        "Why are you spreading rumors?"
        "Well, did you do something to provoke him?"
        The sound of the crackling fire as the embers of paper burned in the daylight was replaced with shattered glass and her grunts of frustration. She snapped back, looking down at the mess on her bedroom floor.
        Damn it.
        She shattered her vase, throwing it on the floor as it scattered to dozens of small blue and white pieces, the wave-decorated vase now ruined. Her precious lilacs she worked hard to growing now destroyed and lying in wet soil, the petals smushed, having been stomped on in her fit of rage. 
        (Y/N) stared at the mess for a minute or two—maybe five—before squatting down and hiding her head in her legs. 
        "Damn..." she hissed to herself, her anger at him instead being temporarily aimed at her. "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." (Y/N) muttered, picking up one of the larger shards of glass.
        She turned her uninjured arm over, revealing the past scars from her previous self-harming episodes. They all have healed a bit, still a prominent shade of red, but at least they weren't fresh. 
        She didn't hesitate, not even daring to waste a breath or reconsider her decision as she cut her wrist, watching as scarlet milk immediately started spilling down in a rapid stream. 
        Well, they were fresh now. 
        One cut turned into two, and two turned into four as the blood continued to pour. A painful stinging sensation shot up her arm, burning as the blood dripped down her arm and onto the floor. 
        "Fuck!" (Y/N) hissed, realizing what she had just done. 
        She dropped the bloodied shard onto the floor, clutching the bloody mess with her other hand, another painful sting crawling up her arm from tensing her muscles in her stitched arm. She groaned, dragging her feet to her bathroom and scurrying for her first-aid.
        She opened the kit up, grabbing cotton balls and rubbing alcohol, wiping down her arm with the alcohol. It didn't sting as much like it should when rubbing alcohol is applied to a wound, it's probably expired—if not already—so she'll need to go buy a new bottle. She kept applying pressure until the blood eventually stopped, then checked on the cuts.
        Luckily, the cuts weren't near her wrists and they weren't deep either. It was a miracle she didn't cut a vein open, otherwise she'd have to go right back to the hospital. It seemed in her impulsive decision, she just cut without bothering to look where, slicing up the fat on her arm near her elbow. 
        (Y/N) hastily grabbed a large cotton patch, then wrapped gauze around it tightly, securing it with medical tape. There was blood on her clothes but she wasn't too worried about it, she was going to change out of the tacky merchandise clothing anyways, especially with the dirt on it. 
        She decided that while she was in the bathroom she might as well bathe quickly. She ignored the stinging spikes shooting throughout her arms as she peeled off her shirt and bra, kicking off her shoes and socks, taking off her shorts and panties. She threw the clothing on the ground and untied her hair (after some struggle, the hair tie came off with strands of hair attached), placing the hair tie down on the counter. She turned on the faucet and adjusted it to a bearable temperature, hopping into the bathtub.
        She didn't sit down, standing up so she wouldn't soak her staples or stitches. She grabbed a washrag, dumping it in the water and wringing it of excess water, before carefully going over her surrounding wounds to clean the skin. Once she finished, she proceeded to wipe down her entire body, before applying soap to the rag and washing herself, making sure to avoid getting soap in her wounds. After finishing soaping down and rinsing her skin, she dipped her hair in the water, lathering and scrubbing and rinsing her hair with shampoo and conditioner. 
        After finishing her bath, she exited the tub and drained the water. She grabbed towel and carefully dried off, wrapping the towel around her body and walking out to her bedroom. She grabbed a random bra and a baggy, cotton sweater so she could cover her arms and hopefully not rub too much on her stitches and avoid irritating them. She grabbed a skirt and panties, putting them on, along with clean socks (ones that were not bloody). 
        After dressing herself and sorting out her hair, she exited the bathroom and walked to her supply closet in the hallway, grabbing supplies for mopping, a broom and dustpan, hydrogen peroxide, a scrubber, glass cleaner, duster, etc. She had an hour and a half to clean up the place, which isn't too bad for a simple clean. (Y/N) cleans her apartment weekly, while it's a pain, she didn't want any neighbors knocking on her door and seeing her place trashed. She didn't want to risk a sudden drop in from her parents or such (she'd rather not hear their complaints). She had a reputation to uphold outside of her home and she couldn't afford anymore damage to it. Even after moving across the country, her reputation is held together by cheap duct tape. 
        She stared at her ruined flowers that rested on the ground, kicked on the ground and smashed over like roadkill. Once more, a good thing ruined with no-one to blame but herself. 
        The uber ride was extremely uncomfortable. It felt almost suffocating to be trapped in such a small space with a stranger. Andrew worries if the driver will look in the rearview mirror and recognize him, drive him down to the police station and turn him in instead of arriving safely at (Y/N)'s home.
        That's not the worst of his problems, he completely forgot to tell Ashley where he's going or what's happening (wherever she is, he hasn't seen her for a few days now...)!
        He feels a bit excited to have a place to go to, especially knowing it's (Y/N) he's returning to, but there's also a nauseating feeling in his stomach, a dropping weight sinking his inner organs with doubt. That feeling was replaced with a sense of fear, wondering what happened to Ashley. He hasn't heard from her in days and she has absolutely no clue of his whereabouts. He doesn't even know where she's been staying at these past days, if she even had a roof under her head or food in her stomach—at least he ate food from the hospital, granted the quality wasn't great but it was still something. 
        The uber pulled up to the curb in front of an apartment complex. The concrete on the ground had cracks and plastic wrappers from nearby fast food places, and the bushes out front looked overgrown and had more twigs and branches than it did green leaves. The outside walls were painted a tan, looking sun-bleached with flakes of paint peeling from the walls. 
        He stepped out of the car with the aid of crutches, no luggage to carry as he muttered a thanks to the driver, shutting the car door. He wiped the imaginary dirt off his ripped jeans. He managed to get his clothes back from the hospital after his discharge (luckily, they didn't have any rips or bloodstains that made the clothes unwearable) thanks to the nurses washing them for him prior to his release. 
        The apartment complex had multiple different buildings with alphabetical letters on them, each building having two levels and at least eight different staircases, so there must've been about sixteen apartments in each building. He wasn't sure which apartment (Y/N) lived in, she never gave him a number, but luckily he didn't have to go knocking door to find it as she spotted (Y/N) climbing down a set of concrete stairs. (Y/N) rushed over to him with a friendly smile, wearing a baggy, muted pink sweater and a black skirt. 
        "Andrew!" (Y/N) greeted, rushing over to his side, smelling of lemon and cleaning bleach. "I'm sorry for being so inconsiderate, I should've helped you get out of the car. Your legs are still injured and need to heal up." 
        "Hey, it's fine..." Andrew spoke through gritted teeth, forcing a smile. 
        Her hair was down just as it was when she was a patient in the hospital, except she looked so beautiful now without that damn paper gown—those gowns didn't do her any justice. Her hair looked brighter, even looking softer in the sunlight—or maybe that's because she had access to a shower. Her smile looked as bright as the burning star in the sky shining its UV rays down onto them, if not brighter. Her skin was a more healthy color in contrast to how pale it looked in the hospital's lighting—perhaps her skin was softer too. He wondered how her hands would feel now that she was free from the hospital's gloomy and depressing atmosphere, how it would feel under his own hands, before he forced those thoughts away for now.
        "My apartment is B04." (Y/N) informed, waving bye to the uber before guiding Andrew to her apartment. "I'm sorry for the stairs. Hopefully in a few months you can walk up and down them without any issue." 
        She guided him to a set of stairs, walking behind him so she could catch him in case he fell. When they made it to the top, she walked ahead and opened a white door with very little dirt on it and only minimum paint peeling near the bottom of it. She twisted open the gold doorknob, pushing open the door and holding it for him, watching as he limped into the apartment. 
        Andrew took a moment to observe the clean wooden floors, now understanding why he caught the whiff of lemon and cleaning product on her. She had a small table near the entrance with a small white and blue vase (similar to the one she broke in her room earlier). The vase had forget-me-nots, a classic flower representing depression despite how tragically beautiful they are. How cliché.
        The walls had no paintings or pictures, her walls painted a bright white that gave the apartment a modern and bright feeling. The living room had grey carpeting, a comfortable looking couch with some blankets and pillows to sleep or relax on, a table in front of the couch and a TV hanging on the wall. 
        "Here, here. Rest your legs." (Y/N) spoke, pressing her hand against Andrew's back, creating a sudden zap of lightning that spread throughout his body as she sat him down on her couch.
        "You don't have to worry about me." Andrew chuckled, a small smile resting on his lips.
        He looked far more comfortable here than he was at the hospital, seeming to smile easier. His skin even looked a bit healthier, though that could've just been the hospital lighting and blood loss. His charcoal hair looked shiny, but not because it looked healthy, more so it was greasy. Who knew the last time he showered. 
        "Do you want to go shower?" (Y/N) questioned, before mentally hitting herself at how weird that sounded. 
        Judging by the look on his face, he thought it was a little random too. 
        "Sorry, I didn't mean for that to come out so weird..." she laughed, flustered. "I meant, would you like to shower? Not to be mean, but your hair looks a little greasy, and I don't know when you last showered. It'd be bad to have your wounds dirty and get infected."
        "Oh." Andrew audibly voiced, resisting the urge to cover his hair at the realization. 
        The last time he showered must've been back at his old apartment complex, at least almost a week ago. He hasn't been worrying much about his appearance since the discovery of cultists, demons, and hitmen chasing after him has appeared. 
        "Right, that's a good idea..." He smiled bashfully, almost embarrassed to be seen this way.
        He knew he was at least decently attractive, never putting too much thought in his clothes or appearance so long as he was clean (which he wasn't at the moment).
        "Yeah, no worries..." She smiled, placing her hands on his waist as she helped him up from the couch, guiding him to her bathroom. 
        She opened the door and flipped the light switch, enveloping the room in bright light. The tiles were a shiny white, and the walls were a baby blue, a white tub with a silver shower head hanging from the wall. Her bathroom counter was clean, nothing cluttered on other than some hairdressing machines such as a hairdryer, straightener, curling iron, hair products, etc. She had some cabinets and drawers he'll peek into later, and an empty trashcan by the toilet. There was a laundry basket pushed up to the wall, and hooks to hang towels on the door. 
        "I'm sorry, I don't have any men shampoo or body wash..." (Y/N) apologized, picking up one of her soap bottles that sat on the bathtub's edge. "I hope you don't mind smelling like... Niacinamide and apple extract." She spoke, reading the front label. 
        "Better than nothing." He smiled. 
        "That's the spirit." She smiled, patting his shoulder. "Here, I'll rundown the process with you."
        She sat down inside the tub, her feet hanging off the side in a semi-uncomfortable looking position. "I don't want you standing on your feet, so please sit down like this. It'll also help you from getting your stitches wet. Remember, don't get your stitches wet." 
        He would've paid more attention to what she was saying, but he was a bit distracted, his hearing a little muffled as he took in the sight of her. It's not very lady-like to sit in a tub (fully clothed, he hated) with your legs hanging off the side in a way that made your skirt ride up your thighs. He tried his best to keep his attention on her face, but it was hard to as his eyes kept subconsciously drifting down.
        "So, the staples on your head is fine to get wet, just please be careful when you scrub so you don't tug on them, and make sure to rinse your hair really good. Be really careful when you brush your hair too so you don't tug on the staples. For your legs, you're going to need to wash them using a rag so you don't wet your stitches. Make sure not to get any soap in them either." She explained to him in depth, unaware how her words were going in one eat and out the other. "When you're done, pat your hair and body dry so the towel doesn't pull any stitches or staples."
        (Y/N) stood up from the tub (with a little struggle due to her position), breaking Andrew from his thoughts.
        "Do you got all that?" she questioned, smoothing down her skirt. 
        "Y-yeah." He muttered, avoiding her eyes in shame. 
        "Good." She smiled innocently. "Do you need any clothes?" she questioned, bending down to her cabinets and grabbing a clean towel and washrag. 
        "No. These clothes are fine... The nurses washed them before giving them to me." He explained, watching as she bend down, rising up and handing him the two items. 
        "You can put your towel on the hook, and put the washrag in my laundry basket." She directed. "Anything else?" 
        "No, thank you." He spoke, sparing her a small thankful smile. 
        "You don't have allergies or anything, right?" (Y/N) questioned, leaning on the door frame. 
        "No, I don't." He answered. 
        "So, anything you want for dinner? Do you have any dislikes?" she questioned. 
        "Anything's better than hospital food." He chuckled, leaning back on the toilet tank. 
        "Ha, you can say that again." She smiled. "I feel sorry for the patients that have to eat it, it's heated up in the back. I've had to eat it a few times because I've forgotten lunch and I didn't want to drive to some fast food joint." She hummed, moving off the door frame.
        Yeah, he could definitely see that. He wouldn't want to go driving in the middle of the night around this crappy city, especially to some burger joint. It already sucks driving at night, but having to drive at night in a city is just worse thanks to people ignoring the crosswalks and jaywalking, or the random drunks popping out of nowhere on the road after a night with their friends in the club. You honk your horn at them to get off the road and they think it's a fun game to scream louder than your car horn and zigzag the streets in a game of chicken. 
        "But, I'll let you get to bathing. I just wanted your input for dinner." (Y/N) smiled. "Oh, also I'm on a soft food diet for a few weeks, but I won't have you suffering with me for it. I'll make sure to hook you up."
        "Thank you." He chuckled, leaning his crutches on the wall next to the bathtub, placing his towel on the bathroom counter and the washrag on the bathtub's edge. 
        "Call me if you need anything." (Y/N) spoke, sending him a smile, before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind her, leaving Andrew to his own devices. 
        Andrew let out a sigh he didn't even know he was holding. It was hard to look at her and pay attention to what she was saying after that eye candy, but somehow he managed. Luckily, he retained enough of what she said to where he can properly wash himself without damaging his stitches. He took off his black sweater and ripped jeans, observing his ankles.
        He didn't need to wear casting anymore, but he still wore tight bandages to protect the stitch work and give a bit of support for the bone to heal itself. They had wired the small fractured bones together so the bones would stay in place. The thought of metal inside him made him a little squirmish, so he tried not to think much about it. 
        Andrew folded up his clothes, placing them down on the bathroom counter next to his towel. He glanced at the wooden laundry basket manufactured to look like a wicker basket in the corner, the cute little lid hiding her worn clothes that probably still smelled like her too. 
        He wondered if they'd share a laundry basket once he starts getting more situated around here. He wondered if they'd do their laundry together. If they'd cook meals together. If they'd decorate the house for the holidays together. If they'd wake up together in the same bed. Mundane and domestic little things like that he's unconsciously longed after for who knows how long. 
        He'll investigate her laundry along with her bathroom cabinets later. Right now, he doesn't want to take too long with this bath. 
        While Andrew cleaned himself up, (Y/N) browsed through her fridge, contemplating what to have for dinner. If she actually went to the grocery store, she’d have more food; however feeding herself hasn’t been much of a priority nowadays. Now that Andrew’s around, she’ll have to cook more to make sure he’s healthy and being cared for. 
        (Y/N) grabbed a package of Italian sausage that’s been in her fridge for a few days now. She unwrapped it, placing it on a frying pan over medium, before grabbing a pot and turning on the heat to low. 
        She grabbed some canned crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce, and Italian stewed tomatoes, throwing a can of each into the pot. Italian seasoning, basil, pepper, salt, oregano, minced garlic, and bay leaves all thrown into the pot. She would start a cooking stream if she wasn’t so insecure of herself. 
        She figured she’d just do an easy Italian goulash, it’s basically just spaghetti sauce with elbow noodles instead of angel hair. 
        After the meat finished cooking, she drained the grease and mixed the meat into the sauce. She grabbed another pot and filled it with water and some dashes of salt, waiting for it to boil. While she waited for that to boil, she started washing the dishes she dirtied and no longer needed. 
        (Y/N) absentmindedly spaced out while she washed the dishes. It’s weird how every time you wash the dishes, you’re either thinking of everything or nothing, nowhere in between. Perhaps you just disassociate to avoid the feeling of responsibility, or perhaps just to hurry up this annoying daily routine you have to do. It’s better to do the dishes than be featured in a before and after comparison picture for a housecleaning service on the newspaper (if anyone still reads those). 
        (Y/N) subconsciously peeked at the window, turning her attention to it. Normally she’d keep her curtains closed, but she wanted the room to be a bit brighter so she opened the curtains while cleaning. 
        A feeling of dread formed in her stomach like a whirlpool the longer she stared at the exposed window, causing (Y/N) turned off the faucet, drying off her hands. She quickly added some elbow noodles into the now boiling pot, then walked to the window in the dining room.
        She closely observed the window’s lock, giving the window a tug to make sure the lock stayed in place. She grabbed a screwdriver from a small basket she kept on her kitchen counter, making sure to tighten up all the screws till they wouldn’t budge. She closely observed the screen protector, looking for any mild holes, cuts in the screen, or any fingertip smudges on the glass, before deeming it safe. You can never be too safe in the city—or anywhere for that matter.
        She closed the curtains and pushed a small table back to the window wall, showcasing the innocent vase and flowers that rested in front of the window. The table was there in case any intruders broke in, that way there’d at least be a noise that would alert her if someone knocked down the table or vase. 
        (Y/N) went around the living room, observing the condition of every window and making minor adjustments to anything that needed to be done to ensure her safety was kept.
        Andrew hobbled into the living room, fresh out of the bath as he stared at (Y/N), confused on what the hell she was doing running around the windows like a lunatic. 
        “Are you good?” Andrew questioned, causing (Y/N) to yelp and jump at least five feet in the air.
        “Oh! Andrew!” (Y/N) gasped, holding her chest with her free hand. “You scared me. You’re very quiet.” 
        “Are you alright?” he repeated, hopping over to her side with the assistance of his crutches. 
        “I’m fine.” She smiled. “Just checking up on the windows. "You can never be too safe in the city, you know? Burglaries and murderers and all that!” 
        “Uh… Yeah… Yeah, that makes sense…” Andrew nodded, his thoughts drifting off.
        She’s trying to keep herself safe from murderers like myself, Andrew thought, a bitter taste in his mouth at the idea of her not wanting him around (despite his belief that she doesn't know he's a murderer). 
        “Hungry?” (Y/N) questioned, an innocent smile from her face as she walked back into the kitchen.
        “I might as well be starving.” He chuckled, even though he knew damn well what that felt like; famished and starving are two very distinct things. 
        “Well, dinner’s cooking and it won’t be any longer till it’s ready.” She hummed, watching as he followed her. “You like goulash, right? The Italian version?” she questioned, placing her screwdriver back into her counter’s basket.
        “Basically spaghetti…” he smiled. “Yeah, I don’t mind it.” 
        “Good, good!” (Y/N) smiled, grabbing a spoon and stirring the noodles as they boiled. “I’m glad to hear. I just decided to play it safe tonight and do something easy. We both could use the rest.” 
      �� “Rest would be amazing.” Andrew spoke, hopping over to one of her kitchen stools and sitting down with a quiet groan. 
        “Speaking of rest... How is your legs?” (Y/N) questioned, turning her body to face Andrew, moving away from the stove, leaning her back on the kitchen counter as she crossed her arms.
        “Oh, you know, they sting.” He hummed. “My ankles feel sore and there’s a dull throb every now and then, but hey, at least I’m still alive.”
        Unfortunately. He thought to himself.
        “Well, after dinner we can settle down and watch a movie.” She suggested. “Unless, you meant ‘rest’ as in you’re actually tired and want to sleep.” 
        “We’ll see after dinner…” He spoke. “I’m up for anything.” 
        “Sounds good.” She smiled. “And now that we mention dinner, it’s done.” 
        She grabbed a strainer and placed it in the sink, pouring the noodles in it to drain out the excess water. Once the noodles were drained, she mixed them in with the sauce, creating goulash. 
        She grabbed two bowls and scooped the pasta into the bowls, stabbing forks into the bowls before handing one to Andrew.
        “There’s parmesan cheese in the fridge if you want some with it.” She spoke, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. “Water?” she questioned, looking at him.
        “Yeah.” He answered with a nod, opening the fridge and scanning the shelves, before picking up the cheese and sprinkling it onto his pasta. “Thank you for cooking.” 
        “No worries.” She hummed, grabbing another glass and pouring water in it for him, handing him the glass. 
        Andrew accepted the water, giving her an appreciative nod as he followed her to the dining table, sitting down with her.
        She had four chairs around her dining table, despite seeming to live alone (as far as he can see). Perhaps the chairs are for guests or just so the table wouldn’t look weird with one chair. 
        Andrew stabbed his fork into the pasta, taking a bite, allowing himself a moment to chew and process the flavors.
        “Not bad.” He spoke, glancing over at her. “It tastes like spaghetti.” 
        “Thanks. It was basically the goal.” She chuckled, smiling.
        “Are you normally a good cook? Or is pasta just all you make?” Andrew questioned, taking another bite as his eyes stayed focused on her.
        “Oh, I just taught myself.” (Y/N) shrugged. "Cookbooks and the trial and errors."
        “You’re good.” He hummed, taking a sip of his water.
        “No, I’m not.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “I’m pretty mediocre. I mean, cooking is a life skill so really I’m not good at it compared to others..."
        He noticed her deflect the compliment and even shut it down, raising his eyes at her suspiciously. If he could kick her without hurting himself, he’d do it.
        “Hey, I’m serious.” Andrew spoke, meeting her eyes. “You’re better than me, at least.” 
        (Y/N) adverted her eyes nervously, looking down at her food. Some butterflies flew around her stomach at the praise, or maybe her food was really just that bad. 
        It felt weird to talk during dinner. When she was a child having dinner at her parents, usually it was spent in either silence or her father usually talking up a storm while her mother ignored him. On the very rare occasion—when her mother did decide to acknowledge her—it was her sending passive-aggressive comments (Y/N)’s way and questioning her life goals and motives.
        “So… clothes.” (Y/N) spoke up, picking up some goulash with her fork. “Unless you’re hiding a suitcase somewhere around here with clothes in it, we need to get you some clothes and other essentials. We can go shopping tomorrow.” 
        “Are you sure?” Andrew questioned, looking over at her surprised. “I mean, I can just keep wearing this until I get a job or something.”
        “Gross.” (Y/N) spoke, making a face at the thought of him wearing the same attire for weeks to months on end.
        “Hey, laundry exists, you know.” Andrew smiled, playfully pointing his fork at (Y/N).
        “Yeah, no. You need more outfits, otherwise you’ll start looking boring.” She chuckled.
        “Oh? Is my face not interesting enough?” Andrew questioned, teasing her as he sent her a wink.
        “Oh please.” She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she felt her face heat up against her better wishes.
        Oh god, I’m flirting with a murderer right now. (Y/N) thought, an almost nauseous feeling taking ahold of the butterflies in her stomach, causing them to burn in acid. 
        She wasn’t sure if being a murderer herself eased that nausea or worsened it.
        Her doorbell rang, causing them both to shoot their heads up at the door.
        Oh God, please don’t let it be him. (Y/N) thought, nervous. How did he even find me?
        Ashley? Andrew thought, staring at the door. Please, don’t cause a scene. Please don’t scare (Y/N) off.
        “I’ll get it.” (Y/N) spoke, forcing a smile as she stood up, her shoes tapping softly against the wooden planks. 
        (Y/N) walked to the front door, taking a deep breath before she opened the door, looking at who was in front of her abode. 
        Immediately, she slammed it back shut, panic creeping into her as a new wave of nausea hit her. She quickly rushed back to Andrew, ignoring the sting of her injured leg protesting at the rough movement, slamming her hands on the dining table.
        “You and me are dating now.” (Y/N) spoke, seemingly breathless. 
        “W-wait, what?” Andrew blurted out, his eyes as wide as saucers and he looked at her, shocked.
        “Just leave the talking to me.” (Y/N) spoke, before quickly rushing back to the front door, taking a second to smooth down her skirt and brush down her hair with her fingers.
        She took a second to take a breath, then opened the door.
        “Hi Papa! Hi Mama!” (Y/N) forced a smile, moving out of the doorway to let them in.
        “Hey there, sport!” (Y/N)’s father spoke, ruffling her hair with his hand as he stepped into the hallway.
        “About time you opened the door.” (Y/N)’s mother sighed, following her husband as she walked into the hallway, looking around at the empty walls. “You still haven’t hung anything up? It looks so gloomy in here.” 
        “I just haven’t found any decoration I like.” (Y/N) sighed, shutting the door behind her.
        Mama? Papa? Andrew thought, shocked as he stared at the family. 
        He’s meeting her parents already? They just started dating a few seconds ago! 
        “Something’s smelling good! Are you cooking dinner?” her father questioned, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looked around at her simple apartment, before his eyes met Andrew. 
        Andrew and (Y/N)’s father shared a silent staring contest, before her father rushed over to where Andrew was sitting, slamming his hands on the table. 
        “Who the hell do you think you are in my daughter’s home?!” he shouted, the table shaking from the impact of his hands.
        “Was he a one night stand?” her mother questioned, gliding over to the dining table, staring down at Andrew judgmentally.
        “Hey, it’s okay!” (Y/N) spoke, rushing to her father’s side and doing her best to pull him back from Andrew. “He’s good!”
        “Who is he?” her father questioned, his hands scrunching up table cloth with white knuckles. 
        “This is… my boyfriend, Andrew.” (Y/N) spoke, a embarrassed blush creeping up on her cheeks at her words as she managed to make some space between her father and Andrew.
        “Boyfriend?” her mother questioned, a hint of surprise in her tone. “Shocking.” 
        “Boyfriend, huh?” her father questioned, before laughing. “Sorry about that son, I didn’t mean to scare you. My daughter just got some bad experiences with boys. But you’re a man, right? You wouldn’t hurt her?” he questioned, forcing Andrew’s hand in his own and squeezing the life out of Andrew’s hand.
“N-nice to meet you, sir…” Andrew spoke through gritted teeth, a forced smile on his face. “And no, sir... I don’t wish to hurt your daughter.” 
        “I’m Frank.” (Y/N)’s father, Frank, introduced himself as he shook Andrew’s hand, dropping the hand back to Andrew’s side.
        “And I’m Rose.” (Y/N)’s mother spoke up.
        Andrew offered a handshake to her, but she just looked at his hands with disgust. “I don’t do handshakes.” 
        “Right…” Andrew spoke awkwardly, dropping his hand back to his side.
        “So… Ma, Pa, what brings your sudden visit?” (Y/N) questioned, holding her hands together in a service-like gesture.
        “We had a call from the hospital saying you were in the ER getting surgery, so your mother and I hopped in the car and drove across the country.” Frank explained.
        “Oh… that’s nice…” (Y/N) smiled, unsure what to say. “Um… thank you for checking up on me, Papa.” 
        “Don’t worry about it.” He smiled, roughing up her hair once more. “I’m sorry I wasn’t answering your calls, we drove through a lot of dead spots.” 
        Well, that at least explains why she couldn’t reach her father while she was in the hospital. She felt pretty lonely not hearing there voices during her time of need, but at least Andrew was there looking out for her.
        Pathetic really, having to rely on a man she barely knows, let alone a killer. 
        “You look fine.” Rose spoke up. “Are you sure you weren’t just overreacting?” she questioned, her tone accusing as she look in (Y/N)’s appearance. 
        “Thanks for your concern, Ma.” (Y/N) forced a smile, unsurprised of her mother’s words while Andrew had to fight to keep his mouth closed. 
        “So what happened?” Rose questioned, taking a seat at the dining table. 
        “Well, I took a walk after one of my shifts, and I got attacked by some man.” (Y/N) explained, by now she was well-rehearsed in saying the same lie over and over. “And they kept stabbing me, but I was able to fight them off and run away. I drove myself to the hospital after the attack.” 
        “Whose boyfriend did you sleep with?” Rose questioned with a blank face. 
        “Rose!” Frank snapped, sending a glare at Rose. 
        “What?” she questioned. “Well, obviously she must’ve did something to get targeted. Things like that don’t happen just because.” 
        “I didn’t do anything…” (Y/N) spoke, a bit annoyed.
        How dare she even accuse her daughter of sleeping around? Does she really think she got attacked by a vengeful girlfriend? Does she really think (Y/N) would stoop down that low? To sleep with a taken man? 
        (Y/N) doesn’t accept leftovers—so to hear her mother accuse her of being the catalyst of someone’s adultery really upset her. She had to bite back her tongue to the point she tasted some blood.
        I mean, yeah, she got attacked by a jealous and vengeful sister if that counts? But those are two completely different things! (Y/N) didn’t mean to steal Andrew away from Ashley, nor did she mean to kill her! And she didn’t even sleep with Andrew to begin with! 
        Andrew looked shocked, doing his best to keep his face neutral and not stare at Rose with disgust. I mean, who the hell tries to justify their daughter’s attempted murderer? 
        Andrew wasn’t sure if he should continue eating, watch the interaction, or pretend like he’s hearing nothing. 
        “Well, what were you wearing? Did you provoke him?” Rose questioned, tapping her fingers impatiently.
        (Y/N) walked to the kitchen, holding up her middle finger her mother’s way as she grabbed two bowls from her cupboard, putting pasta in them.
        “I just wore my nurse uniform.” She explained. “I stopped by my apartment, dropped off my phone to charge and left purse home. Then I went on a short walk around the park.” 
        “Perhaps it was a hate crime if you weren’t screwing someone’s boyfriend.” Rose hummed, accepting the bowl of goulash her daughter gave her. “You know how rowdy people are getting nowadays. Absolutely disgraceful some of them are. I mean, we nurses save their lives and they hate us for not being able to save anyone. What am I? God?”
        Fuck, I hope not. (Y/N) and Andrew thought at the same time. 
        “Well, sometimes people just have bad medical experience. Things happen.” (Y/N) spoke. “For all I know, he could’ve been experiencing a mental breakdown or perhaps an episode.”
        “You should stop involving yourself with men in general. Remember that last one?” Rose questioned. “Or, are you finally admitting that he was innocent and you’re a liar? Do you know how much we went through even after you left? All that money lost and—” 
        “Rose. That’s enough.” Frank spoke sternly, pointing his fork at Rose as (Y/N) placed his bowl down in front of him. “We talked about this on the way here. You need to be nicer to (Y/N). She doesn’t need your bitching after what just happened to her. We should be grateful she’s even alive.” 
        Rose looked at her husband agitated, her expression saying she was anything but grateful, but she decided to keep her mouth shut for now. 
        “I’m sorry, (Y/N). I guess the roadtrip has been a bit tiring for Rose. She’s a bit cranky, menopause and all.” Frank chuckled, doing his best to make light of the situation. 
        Rose shot him a nasty glare for that comment, one Frank ignored as he continued speaking.
        “So, Andrew, was it? How did you and (Y/N) meet?” Frank questioned, taking a bite of his food. “You didn’t meet her along the road and needed to stalk her home for her number or something, right?” 
        “Papa…” (Y/N) groaned, not appreciating the hostile vibes he was shooting Andrew’s way.
        “Right… um… How I met your daughter.” Andrew chuckled nervously, his eyes trailing over to (Y/N) in a ‘get me the fuck out of this conversation’ stare. 
        Oh God, the question (Y/N) was dreading. She can’t tell her parents that Andrew is her former patient! That’s so unprofessional of her to take him in and house him! Especially after she lied about them dating too! Not only that, but her mother would never let her live it down. Rose would judge her for the rest of her life! 
        “I approached him.” (Y/N) spoke up. “At the library when I transferred colleges. I thought he was cute, so I asked for his number.” 
        “Did you ask if he was single at the time?” Rose questioned, earning an annoyed stare from Frank and Andrew too.
        Does this lady ever shut up? Andrew thought to himself.
        “Yeah. She was studying… college things. There were some books on her table, and she was reading one about nursing.” Andrew spoke, forcing himself to make eye contact with Frank to try and be sincere despite the utter bullshit and lies he was spewing out his mouth.
        “What did you think of first about my daughter?” Frank questioned.
        What the hell was Andrew supposed to say to that? That’s a death trap for any man. He might as well be a fly sitting on a Venus flytrap, any wrong move (answer) and he’s dead! 
        His first thoughts of her while sitting on that hospital bed? ‘Fuck, a girl. Hopefully Ashley won’t bitch too much.’ Followed by ‘She’s pretty. Prettier than the girl in the apartment I murdered.’ 
        But he can’t just tell Frank that.
        “I was attracted to your daughter’s eyes.” Andrew spoke, mentally slapping himself in the head.
        Stupid! Every guy says that corny shit! 
        “Really now?” Frank questioned, looking at Andrew’s suspiciously. 
        Just accept it, Papa. (Y/N) thought to herself, practically sweating bullets on her side of the table. It’s better than saying he liked my chest! Just roll with it!
        “Good. Good answer…” Frank spoke, slowly nodding his head as if Andrew passed a test. “That’s a real good answer, boy. I mean, your looks will change all the time as you grow old, but your eyes stay the same for the most part. Unless you carve them out or something. Carve them out like pumpkin guts.” He spoke morbidly, a chuckle spreading throughout his lips. “But good answer.”
        “Don’t talk about eyeballs like it’s pumpkin seeds, Pa.” (Y/N) groaned.
        Stop trying to scare Andrew away from me. (Y/N) mentally pleaded, begging for who knows why. I’m craving pumpkin pie now though… 
        “Aha… yeah. Pumpkin guts.” Andrew laughed awkwardly, unsure if Frank was even speaking of a joke right now.
        “You know, speaking of good. This is some good food! Gourmet stuff right here! You should’ve been America’s master chef instead.” Frank complimented as he looked over at his daughter, pointing his fork to the bowl.
        “Thank you.” (Y/N) forced a smile, not wanting to accept the compliment. “But it could be better…” 
        “You’re right.” Rose nodded, taking a bite of her food and chewing it. “It’s too bland for my taste.”
        It wasn’t made for you. (Y/N) quickly retorted, looking at Rose blankly as she imagined lasers shooting out of her eyes.
        “I’ll keep that in mind the next time I make this…” (Y/N) spoke, her plastered smile wavering.
        The heavy tension between these two ladies is enough to break a knife cutting through, Andrew has decided.
        “I think it’s just perfect.” Andrew spoke up, avoiding Rose’s glare.
        That’s two against one; (Y/N) food wins against Rose’s tastebuds.
        “So, Andrew. How long have you known (Y/N) for?” Frank intervened, sending a wary glance Rose’s way. 
        Andrew looked at (Y/N) nervously, unsure what to say to that. 
        “A year now.” (Y/N) spoke up. “I met him not long after I moved here.”
        “Really? And we’re just now knowing about him?” Frank questioned, surprised.
        “I didn’t want to worry you.” (Y/N) shrugged, finishing her food. “Besides… I wanted to get to know him better before introducing you to him.”
        “I’m surprised you didn’t bring this one into court for stalking you.” Rose spoke, crossing her arms as she glanced at (Y/N). 
        “Mama…” (Y/N) hissed through her teeth, finally breaking down as she sent Rose a hateful glare back. “I don’t want to talk about this.” 
        “Then don’t.” Rose shrugged. “I want to. Andes or Drew or something like that. Did you know—“ 
        (Y/N) stood up from her seat, tightly holding her fork in one hand as if it was a weapon. “I said no, Ma.” 
        Rose looked up and down at (Y/N), unamused with (Y/N)’s act. 
        “Rose, stop.” Frank spoke, reaching to his side and holding his wife’s forearm. “Let’s not trigger her.” 
        “When you’re done eating, bring your dishes to me. I’ll clean them.” (Y/N) stated, before walking out of the dining table to the kitchen in almost a robotic fashion.
        Andrew was pretty curious of what (Y/N) didn't want him to know about, but he didn't want to ask Rose and risk talking to her more, and Frank might just kill him for even wondering.
        There was a pause in the dining room, nobody wanting to eat despite how good the food was, their appetites ruined by the tension. Andrew still ate every bite though, forcing it down despite feeling ill from Rose’s attitude.
        Andrew grabbed his crutches resting on the wall, standing up and taking his bowl and fork with him. Rose’s eyes sparkled, seeming to make a connection.
        “That’s why she’s with you!” Rose gasped. “She can’t settle for anyone else but a cripple!”
        “Rose!” Frank hissed, his grip tightening on Rose’s forearm.
        “Oh please, you know I’m right.” Rose huffed, before looking back at Andrew. “You had to settle for her.” 
        “What’s your deal?” Andrew questioned, his voice low so (Y/N) couldn’t hear their conversation. “Why are you such a bitch?” 
        Rose’s eyes sharpened, but her lack of reaction could only assume she’s heard that insult before. “You don’t know how much money we lost because of that attention-whore. She should’ve died that night…” Rose muttered lowly, her voice unwavering as she meant every word she said. 
        Frank shook his head, but his expression said he was anything but happy. “Stop it. You’re going too far.” Frank hissed. 
        Rose sent him a smug smirk, seemingly proud of what she just said. 
        “Hag…” Andrew spat her way, his hands balled up into fists as he tried not to do anything too drastic to turn this family reunion into a murder.
        Andrew hopped out of the kitchen, ignoring the small whispers Frank and Rose spoke as they bickered with one another. 
        (Y/N) stood at the sink with the faucet running, her hands scrubbing her clean bowl with a lost gaze. Who knows how long she’s been scrubbing that singular dish. 
        “(Y/N)…” Andrew whispered, his hand reaching out and touching her shoulder.
        “Huh?” (Y/N) jolted, almost dropping the bowl as she turned her head to him. “Andrew? Did you need something?”
        “Just wanted to give you this like you told me to.” Andrew spoke, placing his dishes in the sink.
        His hands snaked around her waist, a shiver wracking through (Y/N)’s body, reacting to the intimate touch. 
        “What are you doing?” she questioned lowly, a nervous feeling appearing in her chest. 
        “I’m just playing the part.” He muttered. “We’re dating now, yeah?” he smiled, almost cocky to throw her words back at her.
        “Uh… yeah…” she muttered, doing her best to relax her body, her back pressed against his chest as her body leaned into him without her consent.
        God, this is so wrong for me to be doing with my patient. Former patient? Roommate? Fuck, who knows at this point! (Y/N) thought, nervous as she avoided his eyes.
        Andrew leaned against her, whether it was to get closer or to support himself without his crutches, who knows. He rested his head on her shoulder, watching her shaky hands tend to the dirty dishes.
        “You know, I’m really not liking your mother.” Andrew admitted, letting out a sigh.
        His breath hit her ear, making her shiver at the reminder that he’s so close to her.
        “Well… it’s not like I chose her.” (Y/N) sighed.
        “Heh, wouldn’t that be great?” Andrew chuckled. “Choosing your own parents. That would be awesome…” 
        “Sorry for her behavior…” (Y/N) muttered. “She’s just… not really empathetic. Or sympathetic. Really, she doesn’t do well in the emotions department in general.” 
        “And I thought my parents were bad…” Andrew commented, shaking his head as he smiled.
        The movement just made her more aware of how close he was to her, pressing his body against her. She didn’t know if she wanted to hit him with a dish and run, or freeze and accept the once-in-a-lifetime affection she’ll probably ever have. 
        He smelt just like her shampoo, making her understand that this might just be a norm. That he might actually live with her longer than she expected. They’ll share the same roof, food, shower, and who knows what else.
        A wave of confidence washed over him, giving him the boldness of a drunk frat holding a pool cue. His hands moved from her waist to her sweater, fiddling with the muted pink cotton, far too close to her bare skin for her comfort as her bandages peeked out from underneath.
        “Watch your hands.” (Y/N) gritted under her teeth, shooting Andrew a warning glare.
        “Yes, ma’am…” he chuckled, his hands retreating, deciding to rest them on her hips. 
        He watched over her shoulder as she hurriedly finished the rest of the dishes, before stepping away from Andrew, no longer supporting his weight. Luckily, he had his crutches to catch him when she abandoned his side, creating a cushion of space between the two. 
        Frank and Rose both entered the kitchen, Frank’s bowl licked clean and Rose’s bowl half-eaten. (Y/N) took care of the dishes, her hands scrubbing them before she spoke up.
        “So how long are you guys going to be staying in town?” (Y/N) questioned, finishing a dish. 
        “We only planned to make sure you’re okay.” Frank spoke. “Are you doin' anythin' tomorrow?” 
        Great, the question every child dreads when their parents are in town. It’s not that she doesn’t want to hang with her father, but she doesn’t want to hang with her mother. 
        “I’ll be busy.” (Y/N) hummed. “Me and Andrew wanna go shopping together. We’ll probably go get lunch too.”
        “A lunch date, I see.” Frank nodded, his eyes trailing to Rose. “Well then, we’ll head out tomorrow mornin' and be out of your hair.” 
        “Do you have a place to stay tonight?” (Y/N) questioned, turning off the tap as she finished the dishes, drying her hands with a towel.
        “Hotels in the city are so expensive.” Rose grimaced, crossing her arms. “We figured we’d just stay the night here.” 
        “I’ll set up the sleeper sofa for you.” (Y/N) smiled.
        If my parents get the couch, then that means Andrew will have no place to sleep tonight. (Y/N) thought.
        (Y/N) looked at Andrew from across the room, not all that surprised to see him staring back. Their eyes came to the silent conclusion and agreement.
        They were sleeping together tonight.
        “I’ll go get some blankets and pillows for you both.” (Y/N) spoke.
        She walked past her parents and Andrew, placing her hand on his shoulder in a silent command for him to follow her. He did so without question.
        He hopped down the hallway, following her to her bedroom. 
        (Y/N) opened the door for him, before softly closing the door behind her. 
        “Okay… so, my parents are taking the sleeper, which is originally where I planned on having you sleep.” (Y/N) explained. “So… this means we’re going to be sharing a bed tonight.”
        “Yeah, I figured that much…” Andrew sighed, resting his crutches against the wall as he sat down on the bed, crossing his arms. 
        “That… that’s it?” she questioned, a bit perplexed. “No protests or complaints?” 
        “No, why?” he questioned, looking up at her. “You nervous?”
        “No, I’m not.” She scoffed, a smile appearing on her lips, almost laughing at the idea of herself being nervous to sleep with him for one night.
        Because in truth, she was. 
        “I’ll go get them their blankets. You can stay here.” (Y/N) spoke. “I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit tired. I’d rather not sit in the living room and talk with them… would you?” 
        “No.” Andrew spoke all too quickly.
        Her mother was a bitch, plain and simple. And her father was a bit intimidating, despite his attempts to get to know Andrew, Andrew couldn’t help but feel her father is waiting for just one word he doesn’t like slip out of his mouth before all hell could break loose. 
        “Good…” (Y/N) chuckled, smiling. “So, I’ll give them their stuff… then you and me camp out in here and watch some movies together?” 
        “Sounds like a plan.” Andrew nodded, kicking off his shoes and leaning back on her bed, his arms resting on her pillows lazily.  
        "Hey, elevate your legs." (Y/N) ordered, throwing two pillows his way.
        Andrew groaned in a small protest, but listened as he placed the pillows underneath his calves.
        (Y/N) left the room, walking into her supply closet and grabbing some blankets and pillows; she always kept extras so she can rotate her bedding while doing laundry. 
        “I’m sorry I couldn’t spend more time with you guys, and I’m sorry for worrying you two to where you had to come out here…” (Y/N) apologized, handing her parents their bedding for the night.
        “Hey, it’s no trouble.” Frank smiled. “Really, we wanted to make sure you were doing okay."
        “Thank you.” (Y/N) nodded, going to the couch and taking off the cushions, grabbing a handle that tugged the mattress out from underneath. “I appreciate your concern. I’m feeling just dandy; it doesn’t even hurt much.”
        Despite her words, there was indeed a hiss of pain that shot through her stomach when she bent over to grab the mattress, but she just ignored it. 
        (Y/N) made the bed for her parents, tucking in the blankets and fluffing the pillows. 
        “I’m sorry, I’m still pretty tired. I just got out of the hospital this morning so I think I’ll be going to bed early tonight. Is there anything I can get you guys beforehand?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “We’re fine.” Rose sighed. “We’ll be leaving tomorrow mornin', so don’t be surprised if you see us gone when you wake up.” 
        “Are you going to be fine with that man?” Frank questioned.
        “That man is my boyfriend, Papa.” (Y/N) chuckled, albeit faked. “I’ll be just fine.” 
        “If you say so.” Frank sighed. “But just holler if he causes any trouble to you.”
        “Got it.” (Y/N) nodded. “I’m going to go hit the hay. Goodnight, Papa. Goodnight, Mama.” 
        (Y/N) exited the living room, quickly rushing to her kitchen and retrieving some chips, packaged popcorn, and Hawaiian sweet bread she found lying around in her pantry. She grabbed a few water bottles before rushing to her bedroom so her parents couldn’t see the snacks. 
        (Y/N) quickly shut the door behind her, locking eyes with Andrew as he stayed in the same spot she left him in.
        “Here. I couldn’t grab much since they’re camping out in the living room.” (Y/N) spoke, placing the food on the bed. “Just try not to get any crumbs on the bed.” 
        Andrew nodded, his eyes trailing around the room, making a few notes of the minimal decorations and how bare it really looked. He knows now that she moved here about a year ago, but damn does she not have any personality? 
        “I’m going to go change into some pajamas…” (Y/N) spoke up. “I’ll find something for you too.” 
        “Thanks.” Andrew smiled.
        “Here. You can choose a movie while I search. I’m a fan of all genres.” (Y/N) spoke, grabbing her TV remote from her bedside and hanging it to Andrew. 
        She walked to a door that led to her closet, opening it and moving stuff around, before finding herself a simple long-sleeved nightgown to wear. She tossed that onto her shoulder, then looked around for something Andrew could wear.
        Luckily, she was a fan of baggy clothes, whether it was because she was feeling like wearing something oversized and comfortable, or she would wear it on cleaning days. She grabbed a shirt and sweatpants for Andrew, handing it over to him before retreating to her bathroom to change. 
        She changed into her nightgown, deciding to save Andrew some extra time to change. She took her day clothes and threw it in her laundry basket, hiding the dirty and tacky state merchandise clothes she wore earlier while burying Ashley. She also removed the bloody bandages off her arm, revealing the fresh cuts she made this morning using the broken shards from the vase earlier.
        The cuts burned at the exposure to oxygen, a throbbing sensation going up her arm. She grabbed rubbing alcohol from under her sink and some toilet paper, pouring the disinfectant onto the cloth and dabbing it on her cuts to prevent any infections. She wrapped her arm with new bandages, calling it a day as she shoved the supplies back under her sink cabinet. 
        She brushed her hair in her mirror, washing her face with water and drying it off, before deciding she’s given Andrew enough time to change into his sleepwear. She unlocked her bathroom door, opening it and walking out, closing the door behind her.
        Andrew was back to laying in her bed, but at least he was dressed appropriately for sleep. The remote was in his hand as he scrolled through the movies, uninterested in it all.
        “Do you have a favorite genre?” (Y/N) inquired, crawling into bed.
        She kept her distance from him, cresting a invisible barrier between the two. He was still a man after all, two broken ankles or not.
        “Uh… not really…” Andrew shrugged.
        It’s not like he could remember much anyways, just what happened at his old apartment complex. He was just glued to the couch watching the news all the time, waiting for an update on when the damn quarantine will be done so he can get some food.
        “Well, are you in a laughing mood? Crying mood? Family-friendly mood?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “Yeah, I’m not one to get emotional over movies…” Andrew sighed. “Why? Is that something you do?”
        “Hey, dogs and kids dying in movies are really sad.” (Y/N) huffed playfully, taking the remote from his hand.
        (Y/N) scrolled through the movies, both sharing bored and disinterested look on their face as they scrolled through the channels together. She threw a bag of chips his way, watching from the corner of her eye as she caught it.
        He opened the bag, shoving some in his mouth before holding a chip in his hand, bringing it to (Y/N)’s mouth. She accepted the  chip, opening her mouth as he placed it on her tongue, watching as she closed her mouth and chewed. 
        Andrew glanced back at the TV, watching as (Y/N) scrolled through the movies, before his eye caught something.
        “Wait, stop.” Andrew spoke, causing her to stop her aimless scrolling and look over at him. “Scroll back up.”
        She listened, slowly scrolling up, before he made her stop on one movie.
        “Seriously?” (Y/N) groaned, looking at Andrew with a half-hearted glare.
        “Yeah.” He smirked, looking at her with a smug expression. “Why? You scared?”
        “Ugh, please.” She scoffed, selecting the movie, pressing play. “Like I’d be scared of this. It’s just some ghosts haunting a house.” 
        “Hey, shush! Don’t spoil it!” Andrew hushed, shoving some more chips into her mouth. 
        She playfully rolled her eyes, yet smiled as she relaxed back into her pillows. 
        Andrew chose The Conjuring to watch, which means (Y/N) won’t be walking down any basement stairs or looking in any mirrors tonight (or for the next few days, possibly weeks). If the bed starts rattling from a ghost or demon, may any God have mercy on that poor undead fellow because she won’t. 
        Maybe Andrew was a fan of horror movies before losing his memory? Perhaps he remembers liking horror movies? Or perhaps it was just the only semi-interesting thing to watch.
        It wasn’t long before the two actually got intrigued with the movie, focusing their attention on the dark screen—(Y/N) had even turned off the lights for this. 
        It’s unknown who moved closer (most likely Andrew), but by the time she registered their close proximity, he had placed his arm behind her shoulders, pulling her closer to him to where she rested in his side. 
        She opened her mouth to speak, before inevitably staying quiet. Maybe it was because she was focusing on the movie, or maybe it was because she kind of liked the affection. Whatever it was, she decided it wasn’t worth mentioning. Maybe if they both just stayed quiet about it, it wouldn’t ever be brought up or thought about again. 
        The warmth of his body was a foreign sensation she’s never felt. Her chest almost hurt at this newfound intimacy, and she wondered if she was expecting heart palpitations for a second. She’s never held or cuddled someone, and there was absolutely no desire to after what’s happened in the past, but maybe she’ll enjoy it for once and hopefully it won’t backfire in her face like everything else has in life. 
        Andrew lazily fed himself chips with one hand, his arm wrapped around (Y/N)’s shoulders as he subconsciously rubbed her shoulder relaxingly with his free hand. The position felt almost natural to him, something that didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable or forced. 
        (Y/N) stared at the TV in a daze, a wave of tiredness hitting her. Her whole body felt warm and in a trance as she leaned more into Andrew’s side, before finally resting her head onto his chest. 
        Andrew glanced down at her, a soft smile spreading on his lips as his eyes drooped in fondness and adoration, one he wouldn’t let her see so soon of knowing her. His hand that was originally rubbing her shoulder instead moved and started playing with her hair, gently scratching her scalp and weaving his fingers through her hair.
        (Y/N) let the last bit of her restraint go, closing her eyes as her ears ignored the TV’s spooky music playing. She let out a small appreciative sigh as Andrew pulled the blankets higher up to cover her better. It felt so damn good being taken care of for once, that if she wasn’t so tired, she’d be bawling her eyes out right now.
        But he was a murderer; and so was she. Why are they capable of such gentleness and hospitality despite committing such horrendous things? 
        Maybe it’s because murderers are humans too. They were just like us before they were labeled murderers. If there’s a way (Y/N) can redeem herself of such a negative title, she’d take it. Maybe even Andrew could redeem too. 
        But if bad things happen to good people, then does good things happen to bad people? It makes her wonder how long this good thing will last, after all, nothing good ever happens to (Y/N), or at least it doesn’t stay long.
        Ah, who gives a damn… (Y/N) thought, her arms wrapping around Andrew’s waist as she relaxed in his arms, enjoying the feeling of his hands running through her hair. 
        Hopefully, now she’s done a bad thing and is arguably a bad person depending on who you ask, maybe she’ll finally start getting good things. 
        She knows one thing now. If Andrew could make her feel this damn good despite not even being here for 24 hours, then she can’t let him leave her. She’ll keep this affection and warmth all to herself.
        It’s time for (Y/N) to take what she wants now. 
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Chapter 6 is done! I actually have chapter 7 all pieced out and what I want to do for that chapter, so the next chapter we're having tons more drama, a new and important character introduction (just a little spoiler for you, they're a yandere). Patience is always appreciated.
Want more Andrew Graves content? Check out the Andrew Graves masterlist!
Inbox is OPEN for questions about the story and new plotlines/ideas, not for requests!
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, current chapter, Chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9 (in the works)
Want to listen to music while reading? Check out the Star Patient's Official Playlists! Multiple different playlists and genres!
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haru-natsuka · 7 months
Welcome, readers, to the grand gallery of history. Everything in this collection is a record of all that has written, both factual and fantastical. Discover the truth of the world, the fiction of legends, and the possibilities of the future!
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Second Male Leads Are all Yanderes but I Won't Rest Until I Win My Love Back [Ongoing Series]
The one that should raise to the throne not him. The one who should be the empress not her. The fate laid in front of them should be different but they lived in that kind of fate where a new hope should be blessed...
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The fate (Anastacius x Female Reader x Claude) [Ongoing Series]
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Ahh... My dear esteemed benefactor, a lovely and noble flower of evil. Truly, you are the fairest one of all. Those who are guided by the dark mirror, reveal to you the visage you seek, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror. Join us in the realm of villainy, and allow us to show you the true path to a happy ending.
Slipped (Ace Trappola x Crush Reader), Angst
Consolation (Riddle Rosehearts x Wife Reader), Romance
Left with father (Riddle Rosehearts x Your Child), Family
Left with father (Trey Clover x Your Child), Family
The Unending Daze Part 1 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 2 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 3 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Extra (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
Rejection (Deuce Spade x Female Reader), Angst
Changing fate (Trey Clover x Female Reader), Romance
Forgotten (Trey Clover x Wife? Reader), Romance
Complicated feelings (Ace Trappola x Reader), Romance
Only mine (Cater Diamond x Female Reader), Slight yandere
First night interview (All Heartslabyul)
First step (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader), Romance
Last step Part 1 (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader), Romance
Last step part 2 (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader), Romance
Stolen (Ruggie Bucchi x Female Reader), Romance, fluff
Fetish (Jack Howl x Soulmate Reader), Romance
Consultation (Azul Ashengrotto x Female Reader), Romance, fluff
Interest (Floyd Leech x Female Reader), Romance
The Visit (Jade Leech x Female Reader), Romance
Not funny (Floyd Leech x Female Reader), Romance
Secrets (Kalim al-Asim x Crush Reader), Romance
Confusion Part 1 (Kalim Al Asim x Wife? Reader x Jamil Viper), Romance, poly, kids
Confusion Part 2 (Kalim Al Asim x Wife? Reader x Jamil Viper), Romance, poly, kids
Fascinated (Jamil Viper x Wife Reader), Romance
Kiss-o-meter (Kalim Al Asim x Female Reader x Jamil Viper), Romance
Naive (Kalim Al Asim x Wife Reader), Romance
First night interview (All Scarabia)
Family tradition ( Kalim Al Asim x Female Reader)
Painful Growth (Malleus Draconia x Crush Reader), Angst
The Past (Lilia Vanrouge x Wife Reader), Romance, Angst
Technology (Sebek Zigvolt x Female Reader), Romance
The Rhyme (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader), Fluff
Left with father (Malleus Draconia x Child), Fluff
The Unending Daze Part 1 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 2 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 3 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Extra (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
My Love (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader), Angst
Time (Silver x Wife Reader), Romance
Never Again (Tanjiro x Demon Reader), Angst
Memory of fireworks (Akaza x Female Reader), Angst
Kikufuku (Gojo Satoru x Female Reader), Angst
By his side (Yushiro x Female Reader), Slight angst
Family tradition ( Kalim Al Asim x Female Reader)
Week 1: Twisted Wonderland x Female Reader
Week 2: Second Male Leads are All Yandere but I Won't Rest Until I Win My Love Back (OCS x Female Reader)
Week 3: The Fate (Anastacius x Female Reader x Claude)
Week 4: Resting time >.<
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princessanonymous · 8 months
When Night Comes
Platonic Yandere Vampire
Chapter List
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[Dorian de Beauvoir, a vampire consumed by a profound solitude, has one single aspiration: to satiate the emptiness that haunts him. The arrival of a young human girl emerges as the missing element, the final stroke needed to complete his perfect tableau. Plunged into the clutches of this monster, the young girl finds herself thrust into an unfamiliar world, forced to grapple with the daunting challenge of evading her fate - transformation into a vampire.]
1. 𝓥𝓮𝓷𝓲, 𝓿𝓲𝓭𝓲, 𝓪𝓿𝓪𝓭𝓲.
2. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓻’𝓼 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮
3. 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓡𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
4. 𝓘𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓼
5. 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓟𝓪𝓽𝓱
6. 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
7. 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓮
8. 𝓥𝓮𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰
9.  𝓐 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓲𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱
10. 𝓐 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓐𝓰𝓸
11. 𝓟𝓾𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮
12. 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓼
13. 𝓒𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓟𝓾𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽
14. 𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻
15. 𝓐𝔀𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮
16. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓮
17. 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽
18. 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓓𝓮𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮
19. 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻’𝓼 𝓠𝓾𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰
20. 𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 (𝓞𝓻 𝓪𝓼 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓝𝓮𝓮𝓭)
21. 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
22. 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓽
23. 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻
24. 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝔂'𝓻𝓮 𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓔𝓪𝓽
Epilogue : 𝓘𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓪
Asks for this story
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓑𝓮𝓭 (Ask: Why are beds uncomfortable for vampires?)
𝓨𝓸𝓾'𝓵𝓵 𝓑𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴 (Ask: Does Dorian expect a minimum amount of time spent together as a family ? Hugs or anyting of the sort?)
𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 (Ask: What happens in the modern era?)
𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼 (Ask: How would they react to the modern world technology?)
𝓞𝓯 𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓵𝓼 - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 (Ask: Dorian is brought to the vampiric Court for the siring of an Immortal Child.)
While the story is over, I would be happy to answer questions and write more about it if asked. My asks are open so feel free to ask for more on the characters, their backstories that were only briefly mentioned, or even on what-if scenarios to see how some actions could hava affected the ending. ;)
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milaisreading · 10 months
Crossdresser!Yn masterlist
1. Crossdresser!Yn chapter 1
2. Crossdresser!Yn chapter 2
3. Crossdresser!Yn chapter 3
4. Crossdresser!Yn chapter 4
5. Crossdresser!Yn chapter 5
6. Crossdresser!Yn's encounter with fangirls
7. Crossdresser!Yn meets the U-20... again
8. Limited amount (Crossdresser!Yn)
9. Crossdresser!Yn in her period
10. Crossdresser!Yn's boyfriend
11. Crossdresser!Yn meets Chigiri's sister
12. Fake dating (Crossdresser!Yn)
13. Crossdresser!Yn and Barou's family
14. Crossdresser!Yn goes missing
15. Meeting an ex (Crossdresser!Yn AU)
16. Crossdresser!Yn needs a break... and a birthday party
17. Yandere!Kainess
18. Enter Charles Chevalier
19. The time the JFA made (Y/n) upset
20. Of a toddler and Loki's sanity (Toddler!Charles Chevalier)
21. Yn reveals the truth (Reactions)
22. Kisses and hugs do make a difference
23. I will be his Valentine... right?
24. Fainting during an interview
25. Accidental rizz
26. Yn gets amnesia
27. Yn is a toddler now?!
28. World 5 taking care of toddler Yn
29. Confusions, confusions
30. That time Yn met the Chevalier family
31. Yandere!BLLK11
32. Based on chapter 260
33. You are not annoying (x Alexis Ness)
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starillusion13 · 2 years
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Pairing: poly!ateez x f!reader ( A Yandere Ateez Office Au)
Genre: Mature, Angst, Yandere
Warning: The upcoming events in the story will contain themes like stalking, violence, obsession, manipulation, possessive behaviour and restraining acts. Do not kill me for not warning you. This is an Yandere story so you are well aware of what to expect more.
Well just a glimpse of a new upcoming series. This is just a fictional work which doesn't represent them originally as stated here. I am too friendly *wink wonk*so you can interact with me.Network: @cultofdionysusnet
Taglist: (open! dm me/send ask/reply here)
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Alone!? Oh we can’t survive like this in the rush of searching for a beautiful life. So we make friends on different occasions like some childhood friends while studying in a school, online friends, friends during family gatherings, friends on entering a new university, friends at our workplace and many more.
We remember the only friends we get attached to more and become close and the others just remain part of our memory staying in a little corner of our mind eventually.
"So you are telling me, we are .....friends?" You eyed the boy with a still confused face as why he is so much eager to help you and trying to convince you as his old friend.
"Yes cupcake! now please come with me for the interview to this office and to submit your resume. I am more than happy that they are looking for a new worker and apparently you are also searching for a job to start after this semester ends." The boy with so much of excitement and eagerness is waiting for your reply.
"okay, but look I still can't remember you and still trusting you. So how come you think they would react to my plain resume for this big company?" You are not sure of your capability for this company where so many highly qualified well-beings apply but still get rejected and this random boy claiming your bestfriend from old town is urging you to apply there.
You looked around the streets to take a final decision with a calm breath releasing,"I will apply but don't get high hopes of me getting into it. I am sure they are not going to take me in."
The boy in front of you smirked and put his hand firmly on your left cheek slightly brushing the lower lip for a blink," Oh trust me, they will love you to join their company."
But what happens when some people suddenly come to your life and claim to be your old friends but you can’t remember them. So, brace yourself because they are here to make your life a living hell. You are no one to build your paradise because they will make sure you to be their puppet. How you wish to be alone now!
“The pretty heaven of yours is going to turn into hell, sweety.”
Chapter 1 Chapter 9 Chapter 17
Chapter 2 Chapter 10 Chapter 18
Chapter 3 Chapter 11
Chapter 4 Chapter 12
Chapter 5 Chapter 13
Chapter 6 Chapter 14
Chapter 7 Chapter 15
Chapter 8 Chapter 16
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lilacxquartz · 5 months
Those Late Summer Nights | Chapter 5
Satoru Gojo × Fem!Reader × Suguru Geto
This is a dark yandere fic that features upsetting themes and it is canon divergent. Updated every Wednesday.
ABOUT: You moved to Tokyo over the summer to take a teaching job. As you get settled in, you find yourself entangled in a toxic dynamic.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Something about that platonic event didn’t feel so platonic to Suguru and now he has feelings that he can’t ignore.
TRIGGER WARNING: Suguru continues to do things he shouldn’t. (Non-con unaware touching/asleep reader.)
< Previous Chapter • Next Chapter >
5. Touch.
You stayed in your bedroom just staring at the door, trying to level yourself in bed. Your vision was still slightly zigzagging, swaying from the drinks that you had prior as you were still discovering your limit. Thankfully, you didn’t drink enough to embarrass yourself in an event full of strangers, but unfortunately enough to cloud your judgement about certain things.
You could ignore some red flags for one, knowing fully well that you should have turned Suguru away from sleeping over when he crossed a pretty hefty boundary with you.
But he wasn’t trying anything, at least not yet. You continued to stare at the door, expecting him to come knock and try to forge some type of excuse to get into your bed, he never did. It was by then that you decided that it was a good time to go and brush your teeth.
You had some type of lingering feeling that he might have just been waiting for you to leave the room to make his move but by that point, you shook it off as being a little too paranoid. If he was quiet for the last hour or so, then surely he was asleep by now? Or at least you hoped.
A part of you tried to convince yourself to just skip washing up for tonight, but you didn’t like how the red wine clung to your teeth, making your mouth feel chalky and dry.
You stared at the door again that separated the two of you, convincing yourself that it was all actually fine. There was a lock on your room door and as long as you continued to drill in boundaries, then maybe he could forget about trying to be that type of friend with you.
It did leave you wondering if you accidentally led him on or something—but after a moment of consideration, you didn’t quite think so…?
Did he act so strange because he had something to drink at his family reunion? You tried to think back as your brain fogged; exhaustion and intoxication clouding your memory. No. You recalled that he did something similar on the way there too so it was more as though as he picked up where he left off on the way back.
You liked to think that you weren’t that oblivious when it came to those sorts of things. You understood fully well that sort of touch was far from being friendly and you should have scolded him at the time, but you didn’t. As a result, it left you feeling a little paranoid, wondering if something like this would be doomed to happen again.
Shoko was at least comfortable around him, though. Satoru as well. So maybe he was actually very calm and laid back and not as intense as he was making himself out—but that just left an even worse taste in your mouth.
It left you wondering if you were getting to know him in a different light and that made you feel uncomfortable.
After all, his reassurance that he ‘won’t do anything weird’ did very little to soothe you, but if you had to go back on your own claim to non-naïvety, then you still wanted to cling to something familiar, you still wanted to keep your friend even if what he did was wrong.
Was that contradictory of you?
Then again, it was just a one time thing, at least that’s what you kept telling yourself. He stopped himself when you told him to. Maybe now that he knew you didn’t want him back that way, that he would back off.
You battled such thoughts for a while, wondering just how far you were willing to go to hold onto a semblance of normalcy in your life. It was only just now after a lifetime of utter loneliness on your end that you were finally a part of something and you didn’t want to go of it too fast, too soon.
So for now at least, you were willing to continue keep wearing those rose tinted goggles.
As you continued to shake off those remaining festering feelings of uncertainty and doubt, you finally got out of bed and changed into your sleep clothes, still sporting that oversized t-shirt that Shoko insisted that you could keep along with some sweat shorts you brought in from home.
The accommodation halls by default weren’t fully pitch black to begin with, so you wouldn’t be bothering him by passing through. A low warm light illuminated the premises as it was usually students who lived here. As such, you could comfortably go back and forth without needing to rely on your phone to lead the way or by turning on the big light.
Suguru laid on the sofa in the meantime, feeling thankful that you didn’t spot him with his eyes half open as you passed him by. The lighting was dim enough that everything blended together and such things weren’t as easily noticed.
He watched as you walked right past him in complete silence, his eyes drawn to the way you walked as his hand continued to rest inside of his trousers; hidden away by the blanket that covered him.
He kept quiet during that time, not daring to say anything to you. In fact, he wanted for you to think that he was fast asleep, to not worry you for a moment longer.
So when you reached the bathroom without as much as a single peep, he knew that he got away with something he shouldn’t have once again.
You didn’t even think twice about anything that was actually going on as you lazily splashed water on your face and brushed your teeth.
Nor did you notice how his eyes continued to follow you back again as you walked by him a second time, feigning a cycle of controlled breathing into fooling you that he was actually asleep.
He just didn’t want you to be afraid of him, that was all. To lull you into a false comfort and security that yes, you could trust him—that yes, he would behave.
Suguru continued to lay there in silence as he lazily stroked himself, feeling a touch frustrated as you once again disappeared back into your room, hearing the click of the door locking. He decided earlier on that he wasn’t going to do anything, battling internally with himself, telling himself that keeping your friendship was more important especially when you seemed so sweet and kind.
But just that thought of you in the passenger seat, basking in the golden hour glow as it hit your body just right aroused thoughts he knew he shouldn’t be having. You looked so good, so tempting, his exact type—and it was just enough to awaken something else in him, a feeling that he didn’t know he had.
He sat up after a moment, motivated by some type of revelation, gulping down any sense of shame that otherwise held him back before. He lived here before on and off as a student, so he exactly how the house settled at night and where to step so that it sounded like regular creaking. He knew how to open up the doors to the dormitories even if they were locked from the inside too; just a little trick he picked up from sneaking out so often as a teen.
Conveniently enough for him, you were fast asleep by the time he let his curiosity get the best of him as he pushed the door open to where you slept. His eyes glossed over your body, spread out on the bed with nothing but a thin blanket covering you up.
He took a deep breath as he stared at you; the moonlight spilling inside from the window as your body bathed in an alluring light—cold blue beams illuminating your skin, casting a spell on him that prevented him from looking away, daring him to finish off what he started off in the car.
It was simple enough in his mind.
All he needed was to finish sampling a curiosity, that was all and then he wouldn’t bother you anymore.
Suguru then moved towards you, his footsteps slow and intentional as he tested the waters to see just how light or heavy of a sleeper you actually were.
His hand brushed against your thigh as he slipped beneath the blanket, resisting a more indulgent squeeze against your supple flesh that tempted him even further.
He didn’t go beyond your inner thighs, resisting a feel of your warmth, feeling a certain pull of radiating heat as he continued to explore—instead he bit his lip as he convinced himself to back off, at least for now.
He slipped his palms off to the sides of your thighs instead, feeling the pillowy skin that filled out your shorts. That alone was enough to settle a curiosity without crossing a major line, at least in his mind. Had you been aware though, then it would have been different.
To his continued comfort, he now determined that you were a heavy sleeper indeed, but he still decided that he wouldn’t go too far with you because he felt that it was wrong to do so, even if he was already doing it.
For now, he at least slipped his hands out of your shorts and played it all a little safer as his sights now settled onto your chest. He couldn’t end the night without a feel of it, of course. Instead of going too far this time though, he kept his hands over the fabric of your top; feeling your nipples poke through soft cotton as the blood in his body rushed elsewhere.
By that point, you began to stir a little prompting for him to quickly withdraw as his entire body froze. A subtle guilt flowed through him as he was likely about to be caught but as you settled into somehow even further sleep, that guilt then subsided and washed away.
He was still going to keep himself in check though, just for you.
As you turned around to your side, your body now faced him as he knelt on the floor. He kept his breathing low as a conflicting thought invaded his mind, not fully understanding why he couldn’t completely stay away from you.
Tempting a final move, he allowed himself to give into one last impulse before he would finally force himself to back away. It was surely risky though, but he couldn’t help but wonder how you smelled as he slowly lowered his face into the crook of your neck, feeling admittedly a little creepy as he did so—his own resolve spiralling as he surrendered to something intrusive.
But in doing so, he did conclude one thing: he liked the smell of you.
He liked you.
He sighed a big deep breath as he finally, albeit reluctantly pulled himself back and completely removed himself from your room, tinkering with the door outside to lock it back up again, erasing any suspicion from you when morning would come around.
He knew that he wasn’t going to just stop there though, already fully well understanding that you were going to get him into deep shit.
But he also simply did not care.
Maybe he wanted to get in trouble.
When the morning finally arrived, you felt a little tired. At least more so than usual as if you got a poor night’s sleep. You blamed it on both the stuffy room as well as the alcohol, but also the slight discomfort from yesterday.
Hopefully now that you both had slept it on it, you could bury that strange interaction in the past between the two of you forever.
Luckily for Suguru also, you didn’t seem to suspect a single thing otherwise. As far as you knew, you spent the night completely alone.
Untouched and unaware.
(But he knew.)
You took the dress that you wore last night and brought it over to the common area, folding it and placing it on the counter. You had the intention of washing it and then returning it to Shoko later on in the day.
Suguru seemed to be awake as well, looking freshly showered as he exited one of the rooms. His face was a little red as damp strands of his black hair stuck to his skin.
You stared at him for a moment, trying to remember if there were any communal showers in the halls. As far as you understood, the rooms were shared with an en-suite.
“I, uh, went to sleep in my old room,” Suguru said as he finally broke the silence, feeling a little called out from the accusatory stare, “I mean, I used to live here back in the day, so it felt right to just use my old room.”
“Right…” you replied as you nodded along, taking note that he was back to talking like his usual self and feeling thankful that he was doing so.
You decided that you were perfectly fine with erasing that encounter from the back of your mind as long as it was never brought up again—even if it did cross a major boundary.
Some small details did bother you though, even if they were subtle.
For one, all of the rooms in the accommodation were locked individually… so how did he get into his old room exactly? Also, didn’t he fall asleep on the sofa before? Was he not asleep when you went to go brush your teeth…?
“So… more laundry?” he asked you as he pulled you away from your troubled thoughts. His eyes were pointed on the dress on the counter, doing his best to shake off all of the thoughts he had of you wearing it again, even if the images were already burnt into his memory.
“Yeah, I mean… I thought I might as well return it to Shoko, she’s probably missing it,” you replied.
“I can do it otherwise,” he offered without skipping a beat, having a certain idea enter his mind—the scent of you must have been absorbed into the fabric by now, “it’s my own laundry day, I mean. Most of my clothes are dark anyway, so…”
“Oh. Yeah, I-I guess in that case, that could work,” you stammered, nodding along as you didn’t think anything strange about it.
“I’ll even take it back to her, so don’t worry about a thing,” he added.
A silence then brewed again after you nodded yet again but didn’t reply. This particular moment of mutual silence didn’t feel as awkward as before at least not like how it was yesterday, but there was something about it that felt less forgiving, as if a collective tension brewed.
It felt dangerous, almost.
“Right, well,” he said after a good while, softening his voice as he took a couple of steps to grab the dress, “uh, thanks for, going with me yesterday, you didn’t actually have to, but you did and I appreciate it.
Before you could respond with anything however, he was already halfway out of the door.
“Don’t mention it,” you quietly said to yourself instead, the door now closed as you were left alone.
Your eyes narrowed as you couldn’t help but feel something strange linger in the air, even with his presence now gone. Despite him no longer being there, that gnawing feeling of danger and even uncertainty persisted but you weren’t sure what was causing it exactly.
Was there something off about him today?
You couldn’t quite tell.
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oval3000 · 10 months
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Chapter 4
Yandere Teacher Nanami x Student Reader
Warning: Abuse, smut. Abduction, violence, rough play, toxic behavior, age gap, everything from all above. Mainly from his point of view...somewhat... modern au- ish idk. College teacher x student.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Soft music was playing in the background as he spread the condiments onto the fresh, crispy, bread. He felt his body feeling the rhythm of the sweet melody that was playing at the record player. He placed the rest of the ingredients, placing the finished sandwiches onto a white plate. He placed the plates on the other side of the small kitchen table that was in the corner of the room. Don't worry though, there's a dining room so you and him can have family dinner nights with your many future children. He opened the fridge and got out the glass pitcher of orange juice as well as two glass cups that were on the cupboard. He placed the cups on the side of the plate and poured the freshly squeezed orange juice into the clear, glass cups.
He went over to the living room where the record player was sitting perfectly in a cubical section of the large bookshelf that was against the wall, moving the needle off the vinyl record. He walked up the staircase, and he could hear you ruffling around on the bed. He wasn't concerned about your movements around the bed, the rope wasn't long enough for you to leave the premises. He opened the door and saw how you immediately stopped and curled yourself into a ball. He walked closer to you which made you squeamish. He took your wrist and quickly untied the rope. "please don't hurt me." Nanami didn't reply, he pulled your body off the bed to make you land on your feet.
He still had a strong grip on your arms and body that made you unable to run off. He led you to the kitchen where the kitchen table was. He sat you down on the chair and pointed at the food, "Your lunch is ready." He walked over to his seat and sat down.
You couldn't move out of your seat, not because you weren't able to, but because you were a bit too scared. To be quite fair, even if you did get up and make a run for it, he could easily catch you since your back was facing the wall. Nanami kept you caged in. You saw that he was already half done with his sandwich, taking a few sips of his juice. "Are you gonna hurt me?" He looked up at you, chewing the piece of sandwich in his mouth, still not saying anything. You gently picked up your sandwich, taking a small bite from it chewing and swallowing it quickly. "A-are you going to kill me?" He took another sip of his orange juice to wash down the food. He was about to take another bite of his lunch when he heard you say, "Why am I here?" you felt shivers going down your body with the way he stared at you. He was your teacher. Someone who helped you when you were having difficulty understanding an assignment. He was someone that you should've trusted right? Someone whom you so foolishly trusted. Now you're in a place where he keeps you tied up to a bed. You know it's only been two days since you have been here, but you know you'll soon lose track depending on how long you might be here. You don't know exactly why you are here. You kept asking him but all he replied with was "This is your new home." When you ask about your safety, he replies with "I'm not gonna hurt you." however, should you really trust someone who is keeping you captive. It still doesn't answer your questions.
Before he could take another bite he reassures you with, "If I was going to kill you then I would've done it already. Eat your lunch."
You did just that. You don't know if your teacher was a serial killer all along who is psychotic and tortures his victims. You don't know if you are ever going to see the light of day ever again. Just the thought of it made your tears start flowing. You didn't want to cry. You wanted to stay strong. Just not knowing and being kept in the dark, scares you. You covered your mouth trying to conceal the low sob you couldn't keep in. Nanami got up from his seat and went towards you. "I'm-I'm..sorry," you cried out. He kneeled down to your level placing his right hand on your back while his other hand grabbed your cheek and made you turn to him. You uncovered your mouth taking deep breaths to calm yourself.
He wiped away the tears with his thumb, "I'm not going to hurt you. That's the last thing I want to do." He leaned closer to you, "You're beautiful and perfect. You are perfect for me."
Your heart felt like it stopped. You felt like an elephant was sitting on your chest. Everything wasn't clear for you to listen to, for you to see. You felt your head feeling light. "You're gonna.....ra......rap-"
You didn't finish the sentence when you saw his head turn away in a sharp turn and heard his low scoff. "That's what you think of me?" He straightened himself up making a hard fist. "I would never do that to you. Not like that at least. I want our first time to be special. "He sat back to his seat. He sighed, rolling his eyes, "If you don't want me to hurt you then don't give me a reason. And just to let you know, escaping is one of them, not listening to me is another. Now finish your food."
You took more deep breaths before continuing to eat the sandwich he prepared for you. Once you were finished, he took you back to the bedroom and tied you up again. He fixed his tie and hair, putting on his specs. "I'm going back to work." He checked his watch and raised an eyebrow, "Might be 10 minutes late before my next class. I'll be back for dinner. What do you want so I can pick it up."
You sat there with your knees to your chest. 'What do you want?' as if it was a nothing question. 'Dinner?' the second time you spend dinner time with him. "uh....mm...pa-pasta?"
"Pasta?" He looked at you as you nodded. "Okay. Pasta it is."
He walked out of the room closing the door and that was the end of that. He doesn't tell you anything else like your friends or relatives. He still doesn't let you roam around the house freely, which wasn't shocking. So you just sat there for hours waiting for him to come home. Even though he keeps tied up, he's the only other human interaction that you get. Still not knowing what's going to happen to him. Human isolation might just drive a person crazy. You could ask for something so you wouldn't be so bored. Maybe some books, or a sketchbook, maybe he could let you watch some TV or give you some puzzle games so at least your mind is being occupied.
You aren't sure if your family is even looking for you or if anyone even noticed you have gone missing. Were they ever going to find you? Are you ever going to leave this place? Is this where you're going to live for the rest of your life? Is your teacher a complete psychopath who kills people? Are you his next victim? Or what he says is true? Is he not going to hurt you? Only time will tell for you. Of course for Nanami, he knows your fate. So, yes you're going to live here for the rest of your life. As for the rest of the questions; who knows?"
You reached over the nightstand by your side and opened the little drawer only to find nothing. You opened it before, you guess you kinda hoped that there was something there for you to do. The light bulb of the fan ceiling was shining throughout the room. The barricaded window prohibited light from going through, so you aren't sure if it's cloudy or sunny. The only thing you can tell time is the clock on top of the dresser and Nanami's work schedule. You know Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, he has four classes, and on Wednesday, and Thursday, he would only have three classes to teach. On the days he would have four classes, his first class would start at 8:00 am. His second one was in fact the 10:00 am class, the same class you were in. His third class would be at 1:00pm and his last class would be at 5:00pm. He would come home at 6:30. The days he would have three classes, his first class would also start at 8:00am. His second class would start at 10:30 am. His last class would start at 2:00pm. However, he would come home at 5:00pm due to him staying a bit late so he could help students who might need help. He has mentioned to you that he might just come home after his last class since no one comes in so you don't have to be alone all day.
He also mentioned how he will change his class time the next semester so he could come home early to you. Nanami being the only person that you could listen to and talk to makes him the only source of entertainment for you, so knowing all this makes sense for you.
You lay down on the bed closed your eyes, covering your face with the blanket to shield you from the bright light. You didn't know how long you'd been asleep, but it was long enough that you heard the door open and close.
You could hear his footsteps you could hear that he had come home already. He opened the door and went to untie you. He. once again, lifted you up by grabbing the side of your arms and pulling you off the bed. He pretty much dragged you to the kitchen, either way, it's not like you have any freedom to move wherever you feel like it. He sat you back down on the chair from the square, light brown, kitchen table. He moved the bowl, that had pasta, closer to you. He went over to grab two clear, glass cups and poured ice and cold water. He gave you the black plastic fork that came with the food while he had the silverware.
You didn't ask any more questions. You didn't hesitate to eat the food. You simply sat there and had dinner with your teacher; with the person who is keeping you captive in a nice, cozy home.
He poured himself some wine into his wine glass, taking a sip. "I missed you today. During class when you weren't there" That's right, it's Friday, you were supposed to be in his class today. You were supposed to be in school today before lunch. 'If it was high school, would it notify anyone that you weren't there' you thought. "But then I realized that I have you here, so really I get excited to come here." He took a bite from his food, swallowing it. "I'll eventually have family pictures of us on my desk or wallet so I can stare at them. You know and have a family portrait of us and our kids."
kids? He wants to have kids with you. You placed your hand on your tummy, trying to really process what had said. You never thought about having kids, you're too young. You still have a life to accomplish, having kids was not on your mind. He wants to have kids with you. That changes everything. Does he want kids now? You'll have to go through painful childbirth. You'll have to put your body through something that you hear horror stories about from other women who experienced it.
"Of course, we'll have kids when you're ready. When we're ready. I don't want to have kids now when my schedule isn't exactly consistent, but once I change that then we can try. Once you're ready then we can try to have multiple children." He continued eating his food so nonchalantly. " I want to have four kids in total. I always wanted a sibling growing up and I think it'll be nice for our kids to have siblings as well. I won't rush you to give birth to all four quickly. Childbirth can be hard especially for someone to recover." He picked up the last few pieces of pasta with his fork, " finish your food so I can give you a bath."
Bath? you're gonna be naked and he's going to bathe you. You finished your last bite, drinking the cold water. He's going to give you a bath? Is he going to ask you to strip? Or is he going to strip you himself? He did say that he won't force anything on you, so you shouldn't have to worry right?
He got up and dragged you back to the bedroom upstairs. He shut the door and went to the bathroom while he held your wrists together. He towards the tub and turned it on. You felt your heart rate going up. You felt nervous. "I can bathe myself." you huffed out.
He looked back at you, "I know you can." He checked the temp of the water, letting the water fill up the bathtub. He stood in front of you holding to your waist, keeping you still for a moment. He reached over and started to pull down your shorts. You felt the shorts falling and landing on your feet. Your eyes widened and your breath began to be uncontrollable. He reached to the bottom of your top and started to pull them up, but you quickly crossed your arms making him stop. "I can do it myself. I can bathe myself." He stopped and then released your top from his fingertips. He moved to the side walking to be behind you. You felt his chest on your back, "Please I can do it. I'll feel a lot better if I do it. Please, Nanami."
"Say 'Kento'" He whispered in your ear. It sent a shiver down your spine.
"Kento." You said back to him.
"From now on call me Kento. It's my first name." He said, taking a few steps back. He leaned back on the bathroom door. "Now strip."
"I don't need someone to watch me." You turned your head to look at him as he crossed his arms staring back at you.
"No, sweetheart. You can bathe yourself, but I'm not leaving you alone. So either strip and bathe yourself while I stand here and watch or I go and do it myself."
You turned your head back around and started to lift your top off. You went down and pulled your panties off. The thought of how he can see your bare ass made you feel weird. You went on and unhooked your bra. You let the bra strands fall down from your shoulders. You quickly slid in your one hand over your breast to cover them. You were completely naked in front of Nanami. He could feel his crotch area getting tight and hard. This was torture for him. It was torture for you. You carefully took a step inside the tub with lukewarm water, getting more comfortable. You eventually sat down in the middle of the bathtub. Your back still turned to him. Even though you barely had any room to move around, you tried your best not to turn around. Nanami's eyes wandered else in the bathroom to calm his area down. You quickly washed your hair with the nice scented shampoo and washed your body with the body wash cloth.
When all the soap left your body you knew it was time to get out. "I'm done, Kento."
Nanami turned his gaze back to you. He pulled the towel from the hook that was installed on the bathroom wall. He walked up to you with the towel extended to his arm's length." Get up."
When you stood up, you felt his arm embrace around you covering you with the soft, dry towel. You got out of the tub, feeling the towel land on your wet legs. He dragged you back to the room where he pointed to the folded clothes that were resting on top of the little stool in front of the armrest chair, "Change into your pajamas." You felt his grip letting go. You quickly dried yourself with the towel he gave you before putting on the set of pajamas and undergarments. When you finished you finally turned to him and faced him. He moved to the side to reveal the white vanity. " There is a hair blow dryer for you to use." You sat down on the chair that matched the vanity and grabbed the blowdryer that was being plugged in by Nanami. Mist while you were drying your hair, you could hear Nanami's belt buckle drop on the floor. You knew that he was stripping behind you. He removed his tie and started to unbutton his blue dress shirt. You looked at the mirror in front of you and saw Nanami exposed. You saw all of his muscles clearly. You already knew that he was fit so seeing his muscles was something else. He went and put on some grey sweatpants and waited for you to finish drying your hair.
When you finished, you got up from the chair as Nanami took your hand and placed you back on the bed. He tied your hands and pulled the blankets over you and him. You lay on your side as you felt his arm wrapping around your torso, pulling you closer to him.
You could tell that he had already fallen asleep. It took a while for you to do so as well. Your mind kept wondering about all those questions you had.
Are you ever leaving here?
His strong hand kept you in tight.
Is this your new life?
His chin rested on top of your head.
Did you regret walking to his class that day?
You could hear his light snores.
You're never leaving.
This is your new life.
Just accept it already.
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oleanderscorner · 10 months
I offer you, the highest of my ideas
Yandere Twst X Overblot Yuu.
Everyone’s like “oooh overblot twst so hooot” NO! I WANT THEM TO DO THAT. FOR ME. IN THE WORST WAYS POSSIBLE.
fuck the calculation n’ clever shit. I want them to run onto scene and go 👀👀
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(Specifically if you wanna: Dorm leaders + Leech twins + Ace + Deuce.)
I think I can do this in more of a series—but I’ll do this in this more analysis-like format…let’s start with Vil because I think he would be the most fun.
Yandere!Vil x OB!Yuu
TW: manipulative behavior, obsessing, toxic and abusive themes, self harm—YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Vil Schoenheit
I think everyone can agree that Vil is often an incredibly misrepresented character—whether or not they know or believe their own interpretation to be completely correct. There’s a lot to his character that doesn’t get represented because it’s hard to represent all of him when he’s incredibly adaptable to his surroundings…
But before we get to him any more—let’s look at Yuu.
Yuu can’t OB in canon but without magic, but a personal theory I’ve had for a long time is that Yuu will gain magic somehow—because like everything else they’re now a part of this world, and while they don’t belong “currently” after saving so many people they’re bound to become part of the world they’re living in, and gain some level of magic or be someone part of the universe who has no magic—which is a little less likely considering where Yuu is placed within this universe.
Yuu’s UM is likely to be more similar to Ruggie’s in that they likely will have some level of control over people and surroundings, however, with the ghost theme of the dorm—it’s better to assume that Yuu’s UM may be to become invisible like a ghost to help in battle same way they always kind of had in game.
An OB would likely be quick as Yuu begins to miss home and just wants to disappear and have everyone forget them—have the world forget them—so that maybe they can go home as they no longer have any remnant of themselves in the universe. Homesickness is a real thing, and if we look at some of the manga Yuus we do know that there is families back home for Yuu to go to, and possibly friends too. It can hit hard after awhile, especially if we go by the year and we don’t know how time there works—which can host so many accidents where Yuu won’t see their family again and as much as Yuu would miss their friends here—home could hit a lot worse.
When not invisible, I’d imagine them covered in cloth similar to a sheet ghost and with ink between the folds and sheets, and nearly translucent—just for the fun of a design.
Now onto the actual OB!YuuxVil
(Might switch Yuu and you because Yuu is the reader, if I say they know that means reader/Yuu)
Vil is observant—he may send Rook or Epel to spy on you or make judgements of character—but he is observant of Yuu and their actions leading up to the overblot. He wanted to prepare for it himself—and hopefully actually stop it. In most instances he would—he knows how to take preventive measures—but…this time he didn’t.
As we know from chapter 5 and his vignettes, Vil is one to get back up again after every failed attempt—and is by far the most adaptable character when it comes to needing to work with a loss. He couldn’t prevent it? Fine—it’s not like anyone else was truly helping (they were), he’ll just have to take extreme measures instead.
He locks you up so you cannot be a danger to yourself and others—likely using something to get you to a secure location (his home if he could help it—it’s incredibly reinforced, his dad and he have crazy fans I’m sure) since Ramshackle would definitely be destroyed and Pomefiore has a ridiculous amount of glass to get you hurt. He normally isn’t the kidnapping type but this situation is incredibly dire, so he has to live up to that role.
Vil struggles with identity and selfishness—he is strict and wants to keep everyone in line, and knows how to battle each person who comes his way with tact and grace to keep people in line. However this is for the betterment of others more than for simple order. This is one of the things where he has to come off as the bad guy in order for people to be better versions of themselves and be better people. He is incredibly used to this role even if he hates it and loathes everything. It’s an identity he doesn’t want but it’s one he’s always going to be stuck with, making it hard to do truly selfish things unless it contributes to his image—something he cares way more about than himself.
All of this is to say that he is certain to try and manage your overblot—and to get you out of it—even if it means he has to be the bad guy and keep you away from things. Even if it means having to use magic spray you can’t hurt yourself and others. Even if it means afterwards you hate him.
Yet there will be times where he calls you beautiful, times where he tells you that you look lovely this way—times where he just praises you. Some of it he believes, but some of it is out of what little selfishness he can manage for himself to not completely be the villain in your eyes. It’s ever so slightly manipulative, but telling him that will only make things worse.
He tries to get you to eat so at least there’s things feeding this magical energy. Some of it is laced with potions to help do just that—because he is incredibly scared that stunting it will kill you or harm you. So he wants to just make sure you don’t completely use it all up.
Vil is determined—but if anything Yuu is the best at breaking his resolve.
Constant egging on about him keeping you here, about him using his magic against you—trying to hurt him for so long. Eventually it can get to be too much—but if Yuu mixes it in with any knowledge they knew of his previous obsession for them. How he wished so dearly to make them the best version of themselves and how he wishes to be a part of the life they had here. How he kept worried eyes on them and made sure more money was slipped into their account for food. Even the jealousy he had to hide constantly around those who also showed interest, and his own plans to outdo them that he constantly overthought and looked over. Or especially how Vil had failed to prevent this overblot? Well, that might just break it.
He’d use his own curses against him to make himself better. Give himself timeframes yo complete things or if there was a certain amount of insults or hits a day something would happen. Pain in his legs—turning old for a few days—a nasty illness—whatever worked to force him to get through to the real you.
Even if he overblot once—he can overblot again—and trust me, it’ll be far worse than it ever was before.
This is a quick take! I’d love to do a full in depth analysis of Vil and how I perceive him, and what I think so many people shove onto him that’s completely unfair of them to do—but I truly hope this does him justice. I’ll probably get to the other dorm leaders and maybe more soon depending on how I feel about an OB Yuu.
Thank you for reading!!
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sugarakis-p2 · 1 year
Mommy needs me! Final Chapter
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You inherited to your Aunts farm after she passed from cancer. But you don’t know also inherited giant Mothman-manchild, who is pissing and jizzing everywhere in your house.
A world full of quirks scares and changes everything for you. Life in a quirk habitat, Shigaraki's old nest, was not easy. You start to learn what it really means to be a mother. To be in love with Shigaraki as he creates a family around you. It is annoying when no one tells you when you will be going home, escaping the grasp of the yakuza, Master, and the cops.
Warning: Yandere Mothman Shigaraki, offensive language, violence, mommy kink, references to knotting, piss and lactation, and drug use
(chapter 5: prev)
Final Chapter:
All mine, Shigaraki thought in pleasure.
Cradling his Mommy close. You are still worn out from too much sleep, the coma leaving you weak. The little grub barley has grown. Shigaraki is nuzzling and loving you. You are carrying his grub. Mommy is pregnant with his child. He will be the man of the hive. He will do better. Gain more power. More power. If he has a son, he will have the power to keep him in line. Preventing the grub from trying to steal you for a viable mate. He grinned maniacally at these sweet thoughts. Finally, one plan was working.
Shigaraki growls and holds you tighter. He will be more powerful than his original Father. That is something he has learned. Power is all that matters. He might not be the strongest, smartest, or nicest. But he is the most powerful and that makes him better than his weak, pathetic, broken Father. His claws run through your hair, and you make sweet whimpers of pain in your sleep, so close to your whimpers of pleasure. Fuck! It was making him hard. His cock grew painfully erect. His seed leaking on your belly and hips. He just wanted a female. Power. It was only natural.
He loves this. Having a female to rut, to scent, to love. A female is power. He has the best Mommy. Therefore, he is already the most powerful. He looks at the camera in the corner. Master, he mentally seethes. He left because he recognized how weak he would be with Master who was trying to replace his original Father. He was grateful for not being "exterminated" like the other test subjects. Especially after he ended his family. As grateful as he is to Master, he will not let him have his Mommy. Your eyes flutter, and he chirps sharply to encourage you to wake up. He is on you when you groan and sit up, licking and nuzzling with coos at your smooth neck.
"Not this morning, Shiggy," you groan. Throwing your arm over your eyes, absently smearing his cum on you. Not that there was a lot of light here, you just wanted get your sex fiend of a baby boy off you for a moment. Shiggy is horny all the time. He's become more demanding since you've woken up. To the point, you want to snap at him like an annoying three-year-old. Worse, a bratty three-year-old, that knew so many ways to kill a person. He could touch and turn you to dust, drop you from the sky, or tear you in half with his claws. In your case, it was fuck you to death. You manage to sit up with him with pawing all over you.
You pull on the white shirt and panties the asshole in charge gave you. So magnanimous, you think sarcastically. Some part of you thinks the "Master" is a giant pervert getting off on watching Shigaraki hump you into oblivion. You feel the light tug and touch of Shiggy's claws. He's been helping you in your weakened state, fussing over you like a child in charge. Finishing with helping you put on clothes by caressing both breasts, tweaking the nipples, and trilling. The way Shiggy sucks at your chest, sometimes you wonder if he's happy your pregnant so he can use you as a food source again. You look towards the well-hidden camera in the corner and flip it off. Shiggy peels hissy laughter. Ignoring him while you stretch, trying to stiffly stand, you lightly smack his hands away. The two of you have had nothing but time on your hands. 
"Mommy is angry this morning. Need more big boy time, make happy. I can make Mommy feel good," He laughed. He chirps and helps you stand on your wobbly legs. The way he stares at you with total devotion for so little praise forces you to be a better person. All you wanted was more of that look of worship. The time you spend together, weak and helpless, you start teaching Shiggy English. It was incredibly frustrating. You had to learn to be patient and teach him things. He was an eager student and proud of his pronunciation. All your spare time not doing essential functions is playing cards. Shigaraki beats you every time. It added to your frustration. 
"I'm starving," you announce to the room, ignoring him. Shiggy growls in displeasure.
"Tests today. Many tests. Only liquid. Father says only liquid diet and water. They have not delivered mail," Shiggy struggles to say. Snorting in self-scolding, short little deep puffs in irritation, fluff from his collar float in the air as he scratches his. You reach out and stop him with a tender touch to the back of his hand. Shiggy wanted to please you.
"Thanks for reminding me. You will be the best, Daddy," you smile. He trills with a ruffle, his entire body shuddering in bliss. He rose like a dominating monolith to loom.
"Sun time. Drink water during the sun time," He demands. Falling into hisses and growls as he scoops you up to carry you to the nest entrance. You can't help it. Your heart pounds like a wild bird caged. When you first woke up confused, Shiggy did everything. He still does everything, not letting you be independent in this habitat. It's not like you could with how weak and how it's set up for someone with wings.
"Eeep!" You cringe and shriek. The look on his face tells you all. A cocky leer splits his face. A mischievous glint in his eye, that smirk dancing at his lips, tells you the tables flipped since he can navigate this world. You must hold onto him as he swings like Tarzan from the habitats nest. You squeeze your eyes shut and pretend you are not plummeting to the earth. Remembering childhood games and mumbling the prayer light as a feather, beseeching he won't drop you each time before he lands with a light jolt. He spreads his wings at the last moment landing softly.
"Soft as a leaf," he laughed. 
"Yes, Little Mommy is light. Light and scared. Needs strong male. Needs me. Look. Mommy is light as a feather. Look. Look. Mommy needs only ten minutes in the sun. Then back to nest," he smirked. He is very proud of himself. He was cute like this, so cute you forgot briefly that you were trapped in a fake world. Living in the largest nest hanging from a tree you have ever seen. When you were young, you wanted a tree house. You can see now how stupid and problematic that was without wings.
The white shirt you wear clings to your curves, your hair has grown, and it cascades down your back in soft waves. Standing in a sun-drenched section of the enclosure, the light streaming through the windows cast a warm glow on your skin. Shiggy watches you anxiously from the edge. He does not like the sun and is careful to protect his sensitive eyes. He trills when he pushes a large glass of water toward you. It sparkles like diamonds in the sunlight.
You hold a tall glass of clear, sparkling water in one hand. Brings it to your lips, sipping it slowly and letting a few drops spill down your chin and onto your chest, Eyes half-closed in a seductive gaze as you savor the refreshing liquid.
Shiggy watches water droplets trickle down your neck and between your breasts, creating a tantalizing sight. The water soaking your shirt creates a peek-a-boo effect that hitches his breath. Your breathing quickens as you take another sip, lips curling into a satisfied smile, tilting your head back, letting the last water slide down your throat before setting the glass aside. You stand there for a moment, basking in the sun's warmth and the moment's pleasure. When you hear a pathetic whine, come from the shadows.
"Mommy, please. I don't know why. I feel hot. My body is out of control. My heart pounds. My skin itch. Want Mommy. It's painful. Mommy, please," he begged. Thick hard cock in hand, he slowly strokes his oozing length panting and drooling. When you walked to him, he fell to his knees, running your fingers through his hair. He looked up at you with a face full of pained desire. You could feel your heart breaking for him.
"Your speech is getting much better. My poor baby, you deserve a reward," you whisper.
Without another word, you knelt in front of him and took his length in your mouth. He tenses in surprise and need, leaning back, claws digging into the ground.
"Good, Mommy," he moans, eyes rolling. You could feel the warmth of his skin as you wrapped your lips around his cock, slowly licking and sucking it. He sighed with pleasure, lightly bucking, hitting the back of your throat. The sensations of gentle teasing were too intense and passionate. The feeling of the warm, wet mouth around his penis was incredible. The feel of your tongue and lips moving up and down is incredibly gratifying. He shuddered when your tongue teased his tip. He drank deep of all the senses you are creating. The warmth, wetness, and movement were exciting and satisfying. Hot precum slid down your throat as you relaxed and took more of him. He was so big you worried you would choke on his cock. You could feel the tension in his body melting away as you pleasured him. His face, in painful rapture, was slowly disappearing in his fluffy collar. Three fingers fist your hair, whimpering little, "Ah, ah, ah."
It's hard to breathe with a throat full of cock. You can feel his pulse against your velvety tongue. His grip tightens as he pulls you away, and jets of hot cum shoot down your throat, constricting on his knot as he pulls you away from his knot. The knot gets to be the size of a grapefruit. You are grateful for that. Not grateful for his very salty heady flavor. But your stomach appreciates the gift. His body thrums and flutters, his head thrown back as he growls his pleasure. When he finally stops cumming, you hold him close, letting him know he isn't alone. He pants and keens. You lay with him in the shade of the enormous trees. Suddenly he bolts up. Hissing and fluttering in a tizzy. His cock glistened with your spit and dripping cum. His red hot knot prevented him from retracting his twitching dick. 
"Spit! Spit! Bad Mommy! Spit it out!" He demanded. Shoving his thumbs in and opening your mouth wide. Irate when you laughed and playfully shoved him.
"Liquid diet. Don't worry! It won't hurt the grub," you giggle. You gently caress his cheek, running a thumb over the scar on his lips. Your eyelids are heavy with adoration, "You are so protective. I didn't appreciate it before. But after all the scars we both carry. I understand you are amazing."
His body trembles under your touch. Your words knit into the fabric of his soul. You have never heard this keening hiss. His eyes are large and watery before he squeezes them tight, scrunching himself in his ruff.
"Mommy can never disappear. I love you. I love Mommy. You are mine. All are mine. My scent spread. Confusing. I should take all females that are mine. More power. I want to be a good big boy. I will only take the ones I know," Shiggy said cryptically.
"What are you talking about? Can you try again with more words?" You ask him patiently. He shakes his head no like he is coming out of a lust fog.
"Time to see, Father. No, argue," he growled. You are not an expert, but you worry when you look down at your stomach. Am I bloated, or is this thing growing fast? You wonder as you touch the bump forming there.
"That's a good idea," you say, letting him pick you up and carry you to the exit. He stands there holding you and growing visibly agitated, and he takes several swipes to scratch around his eyes.
"Hey! We know you see us. Open up. We have an appointment!" You shout at the door. A crackle of the speaker before the nasty old doctor tickles in.
"We are in the middle of a discussion. You can wait," Ujiko snarked.
"No, we can't. I am about to pee myself," you shot back. The doors immediately open to your shock, "Oh, I should have threatened with that before."
Squirming out of Shiggy's grip, you squealed and ran at Tanaka into a bear hug. She feels too thin to you. Tanaka grunts when you squeeze her too tight, stiffing in shock.
"Oh, we're doing this. We hug now. We're huggers?" Tanaka asks in her monotone. Shigaraki nuzzled Tanaka's hand.
"Absolutely, you bitch. Anyone who saves my life gets a hug," you laugh. A bubble of emotions turns that laugh into blubbering. Tanaka blushes and hugs you back. A low, ominous growl came from Shiggy. Tanaka pushes you away with her hands raised and shakes her head at him while you wipe away tears with the back of your hand.
"Calm down. It's not like that. What title do I get after this? If I die because my title is 'Father,' then I don't want it," Tanaka said, pointing at your belly.
"Is nature to protect mate, to protect Mommy, against everything. I will be a good boy, Father," Shiggy hissed. His claws dug into the floor, not wanting to be scorned by you or Father over scratching his flesh. Mommy likes a full ruff, he reminded himself.   
"I really do need to pee. I can feel my teeth swimming," you announce, crossing your legs. The pressure on my bladder mounts when you feel movement. Making you squeal in surprise and need.
"Don't go in here. I will never hear the end of it. The bathroom is-ah," Tanaka yelped.
"Show me!" you yelled when you yanked her in the direction she was looking at. Shiggy on your heels, "No! You stay here. Only ladies!" Giving his chest a rough shove to step back. You run to the toilet, sighing in relief. You didn't bother to shut the door.
"I don't thi-hey, whoa," Tanaka said, turning her back and blushing more furiously when she caught a glimpse of you pulling your panties down, "I don't think that would work to keep him out if he really wanted to come in. What is with this ladies-only nonsense? This isn't a gentrified bathroom?" You roll your eyes at her.
"Obvi. He doesn't know that, and he will do what I say. I just wanted to have a conversation with you without cameras. I swear I had an out-of-body experience. I think I forced a guy on the wall to change his attention to other people. I know that sounds insane. I can't explain it," you say in a rush. Tanaka is mumbling to herself over what you said.
"Did you experience while you were in the induced coma?" Tanaka asked, biting her lip in concern. Drying your hands, you consider it. Little glimpses between the darkness. Mostly the horrible stench of Shigaraki's musk and his whimpering. You tell Tanaka this and shift from foot to foot. More mumbling to herself as you roll your eyes again.
"Are you going to tell me the plan?" You ask. Crossing your arms. Staring at yourself in the mirror. The woman looking back looks like a stranger. You look shallow and too thin also.
"The plan is for you to let Shigaraki and myself care for you. Stay out of trouble. Do whatever they want and keep your head down. You need a lot of tests. A lot of monitoring. You are still in critical care. You don't have to be a doctor to see that baby is growing too quickly," Tanaka says sternly. She turns on the hot water. Steaming the mirror where she writes mic. Hide in rooms next-door, before lunch, for four days. She erases and writes your quirk. Do not tell anyone. She quickly wipes the mirror clean of any traces of the message. You turn and lift your shirt enough to see the carvings in your flesh have healed. But you still have a reminder of hell. You let your shirt drop. You have no idea how you will get to those rooms.
"I understand. Thank you for saving me. I didn't think it would turn out this way," you say, melancholy. Your fingers twisting the hem of your shirt. You have never felt so useless in all your life. Now it's Tanaka's turn to roll her eyes.
"My god, woman. It's what we do for family. And as much as I despise saying this. You guys have been more like family to me than anyone. I always go along with animals better. But you two keep me on my toes enough to always keep my interest," Tanaka said. She was surprisingly humble. You think as you both leave to have tests run. You hate the little shit Doctor Ujiko. You are so happy that Shiggy stays by your side. It keeps the doctor from touching you. That was thoroughly explained to you about How grateful you should be locked up in an experiment cage. They would have kept you in a filthy cage or killed you if Shiggy didn't threaten to escape and Tanaka seduced with data. If Shigaraki didn't threaten to destroy everything he saw if something happened to his grub. If Shiggy had left your side, they would have kept you in a coma until after you birthed.
While they say these things to you, you grit your teeth and feel on edge. A painful need for relief eats at you. All you can think of is the drugs. These monsters want to cage you only after risking your life in an induced coma wouldn't keep their favorite slave compliant. You hated them. You hated the Yakuza, and you hated Master and his disgusting people. You hated them for how they treated your Shiggy. You hated them for how they treated you. You hated how they made Tanaka interested in them. With no drugs, by the way! Unable to enjoy sex! They dumped me in a nest and left me in pain and hungry! Your brain screamed. It was so loud in the lab. Your nails digging into your palms, nerves on fire, as you swallow their shit to survive. When you were questioned by Ujiko, you acted like a broken doll. You feel shattered. Saying things you don't believe or care about, to live one more day in pain.
"Thank you so much!" you beamed. The whole while, your mind screamed for your happy hour. That Chronos is worth it for your six-pack. Finally, that voice has quieted down as your rage grows.
"Well, one good thing to come out of this shit is that I learned enough about quirks. I might be able to deliver this unknown entity," Tanaka said, holding a scanning wand.
"Call it a baby, please," you said.
“A grub,” Shigaraki hissed.
"A grub indeed," Tanaka said with wide eyes showing Doctor Ujiko the ultrasound.
"That's normal. She is developing at a normal rate for Tomura's kind. Remarkable. You must undergo several injections to make up for the vitamin deficiencies. Still, this little parasite is coming along well. What a giving mother," Ujiko laughed.
"Grub," Shigaraki corrected with a low hiss. Tanaka injected you with vitamins and other medications. Drawing blood. All the while arguing with the Ujiko.
"I told you I am a veterinarian. Not a virologist," Tanaka growled.
"This will be interesting. The quirk virus is spreading rapidly. It will be interesting to see how it affects the grub. We are almost guaranteed a variant or another decay quirk since Tomura's genes appear dominant. Look at the pronounced spinal column. That will become an exoskeleton when he's older," Ujiko said.
"Wait, how does quirk work then? There needs to be more literature on it. Clearly, you've been genetically manipulating Shigaraki…um…Tomura,” Tanaka asked.
"Excuse me!" you interrupted, "I'm having a boy?" Shiggy was trilling and keening with joy at your belly. Jerking in shock when the baby writhes in response. Your teeth are clenched, knuckles white as your nails dig into the sable leather of the table.
"Oh yeah, it's a boy. Ujiko, will he have external genitals, unlike Daddy over there?" Tanaka was asking when you felt something mentally snap in you.
"Can I see?" you ground out. Close to biting Ujiko's throat open. You love Tanaka. Ujiko saw you as a thing to use and made it obvious. Tanaka's eyes darted as she pivoted the ultrasound to you. Tanaka turned bright red as she pointed to parts."
"This has a penis…..see," She points, looking away from you with a red face from the significant dangly bits of the baby. Your eyes widen. How is that supposed to be inside your baby? There is no room in your baby to hold that thing! Shiggy was fiercely proud. 
"Just like Daddy. He will grow with," Shiggy chuckled. 
You mentally smack yourself when you realize Shiggy manages just fine. Once you get past the huge cock and balls, his ball, you correct. With a skull, fingers, and scrunched-up legs. It is your baby. Yours. Your hands shake this time not from need, by from the redirect to kill all threats to this precious thing. Tanaka was sucking on a vape pen. Ujiko had stepped back from striking distance. Your hands are shaking as you stare at your ultrasound. They could not deny you this. He is yours. He is not entirely human looking, and you crave destruction or relief. But this is yours. This is your new addiction.
You didn't know you moved to grip the screen. To burn your son's distorted image in your memory for all time. He was not human. This must be how the first mother of a quirk baby felt. Sad your son will never be normal. But that didn't matter because it was your job to make him always feel loved. Technology has advanced enough that you see details no mother before could understand. The stubby outline of sprouting wings. The sharp pronounced spine and shoulders, stubby fat arms and legs. Their sharp edges are wholly inhuman. The eyes are too large for even Shiggy. Small leaf-shaped feelers pulled back on his large head. What you saw was a god growing in you. The outside world will never understand how special he is and how you are for being blessed with him.
"Shin," you breathe. Everyone freezes. Shigaraki chirps and nuzzles.
"Shin it is. I like. Shinnnnn," Shigaraki purred to your bump. His claws prickle at your flesh as he rubs tenderly with three fingers.
"Most of Tomura's genetic makeup was selected and picked from the test subjects. Quirks are inherited from the parents. Tomura was a variant. His grandmother had wings, and her subsequent children became more insect heteromorph. As we continued to breed that line, we added more little tweaks to his quirk. Shame about his family," Ujiko said.
"What happened to his family?" You asked. Shigaraki loomed, yanking you away from the table with a nasty hiss.
"Enough! Time to eat and rest. Take tube bag out, now," He growled, pointing at the IV.
"No. I am feeling better. Let me visit with Dr. Tanaka," you begged.
He gave in. It is concerning that he knows he could control your life this much. He did not look well. He was fidgeting and twitching like his skin was crawling with ants. Tanaka wasn't looking great, either. But once she was vaping and talking about all the exciting things, she learned about quirks. Now that you have one, you need to understand it, and it's irritating Shiggy won't be patient. Shiggy twitched in mounting boredom. He spent his time hissing anytime Dr. Ujiko came close. The more Tanaka talked and vaped, the healthier she appeared and livelier. Something was endearing and unsettling about it. You have had conversations with her in the past, whole nights sometimes, about the most ordinary things. One time it was about the best kind of chocolate chip cookie. The debate over crispy versus chewy was intense. You preferred chewy, which is the correct answer, but Tanaka took a hard stance.
"Your opinion is mute when considering whether it is chewy or crispy. You would still use milk!" She shouted. You had to laugh because you have never seen her so worked up, "In fact. Real facts! A crispy cookie is drier and therefore absorbs milk faster."
The argument stopped when you felt like you would die laughing. Shiggy snorted between you two, unable to fully understand since his position was all cookies are good. Females are insane and would like cookies and bourbon now. Pleasant memories as Shiggy brings you to the present, ripping the needle from your arm as he carries you back to the horrid habitat. You wanted to rage at him. He was pacing. His mumbles sounded dark. How do you go about this in a way that will be the least harmful to everyone?
"Shiggy, I am unhappy," you sigh, mentally and physically. Instantly he is by your side.
"Mommy needs food? Yes? Make them give us food," he growled. You gripped his wrist. He froze like your hand was a dangerous weapon, looking at you in confusion with a layer of obsession that made your heart beat faster. Loyal and loving. That was different in survival and the business world. But here he is, raised like a caged animal, doing something you struggle with.
"Shiggy. I have not seen Tanaka in a long time. I was looking forward to seeing her. You knew this, and yet you took me away. It was unkind to us both. Tell me why?" you asked at your limit with him. His eyes widened, and he twitched, eyes narrowing while his feelers dropped before his expression relaxed into unpleasant acceptance.
"Females are precious. Females are power. A chance to live on. I wanted my sister. Father thought I was stupid. Not able to care for a female. When sister told I was seducing. He punished me. This time I thought to death. I used quirk for the first time. Killed everyone. I regret the females and the others. Not Father. I was happy to kill him. He taught valuable lessons," Shiggy nodded solemnly in contemplation. Your knee-jerk reaction was not your best moment.
"I am sorry for what you went through. But you are not killing our son," you snarled at him. Wrapping your arms around your belly and glaring at him. He chirped. A beautiful shudder cascaded over his body, his muscles popping out, before he pounced quickly, pressing you down. Panting with heavy lids. You are confused why he is suddenly aroused.
"Such (pant) a good mommy (pant) mine! Want to be in you! Mommy, please. Fuck. I want to feel sweet, Mommy. Big boy time," he begged. You gripped his hair and antennae, making him snarl, shivering in desire and pain.
"No! You promise me you will not kill our grubs or have sex with them. No bad boy touches on our grubs. Promise me, and you can have big boy time," you demanded. His cock grinds on your hip as the panties easily tear away. He chirped, licking your wrist, his long tongue grazing your lips. His red eyes burn into yours.  
"I promise. No need to. I have Mommy. I will not hurt grub. Big boy time, now. I will make it good," he begged sweetly. You hesitantly released his ruff. Already questioning his wording.
"Ok. That is an unbreakable promise," you gasped. He thrusted himself deep and hard into you. He was unbelievably quick. Vibrating and shuddering as hot cum leaks from you. He carefully ensured he had not knotted as he slumped over you, gasping for air.
"Better than mine. Better Mommy than mine," his hot breath fanned over your neck. You held him close before you answered.
"Wasn't she also your dad's sister or mother?" You asked. You can feel him tense, "You don't have to do that. Our grub will have options. There is a world full of women." He pulls away aggressively. Refusing to look at you.
"What options? Look at me. Look at the outside world. I will no argue. I will be better. Already have a female chosen for Shin," he rasped.
"What? Who?" You bolted upright at this horrible news. Your heart slammed in fear and shock. Shiggy jumped out of the nest with ease. Leaving you to wonder. 
"I get food," he hissed over his shoulder. Shiggy mulled over your words. What kind of options will his boy have? He sought Father's wisdom. Shigaraki did not like Mommy's smell. It was sad. He hated Tanaka's smell. It was growing again, and he pleaded with her to stop smoking.
"Don't give me that look. I already have it. Might as well. What difference does it make now?" Tanaka vaped, rolling her eyes.
"Mommy is questioning," he growled. Scratching his ruff, fluff flying in the air.
"Well, we will cross that bridge when we have to. Avoid the subject in the meantime. We have bigger things to worry about. Just be sure to do your part and ensure she is safe," Tanaka sighed. Shigaraki shrugs, waiting for the food and for Tanaka to finish the vitamin supplement injection.
"None will understand. You are not hearing me," he growled, scratching himself with both hands in irritation at Father's calm. Tanaka put the injection on the tray. Shaking her head.
"You're right. None of us will understand what you went through or what life was like. My mother was a real bitch. But when she died, I cried. The point is your experiences and interpretation of those experiences are the only individualism that exists, so cherish and grow from them," She turns to Shigaraki, "Your new Mommy did not reject you or your grub even after you confessed to killing your family. Go forward, one step at a time. We will learn and grow together. We will all be a happy family. A happy family. Give me four days and our family will be good. "
Shigaraki jabbed his Mommy in the ass with the needle. He can come and go as he pleases. Master can not keep him here. He chooses to stay for his grub. Happy family was code. Code that Tanaka knew everything she needed to keep Mommy and the grub healthy. Growing together meant it was time to leave. The pressure of change has been molding him into something else. He wrapped his arms around you. The first solid food you had in weeks, and you can't enjoy it. The sandwich rolls in your mouth like a pasty lump in a cement truck.
"Do you love me? Are you going to create some kind of harem? Am I Mommy because I was convenient? I just... I just don't know what I'm doing anymore. What am I really? Am I just your mommy replacement? Is that all I am to you?" you asked, tossing the sandwich back on the tray. Shiggy chirps and nuzzles the side of your head.
"Just? Just? Mommy is most important. I love you. I chose because you are kind. Filled with love, grief, and sadness. We dwell in the same house in all things. I saw a scared woman who looked at me with wonder and care. I do not know what I would be without you. I do not need more than you," he inhales your scent deeply. You reach up and touch the scars around his eyes. He leans into your touch, and tears drip from you freely.
"You're speaking so well," You mumble around tears.
"I have the best mommy," he purred.
"You're right. We make our own family. We have each other, and everything else can go fuck themselves. My Aunt said, "Please take care of him. He needs you" I feel she left the rest unsaid for me to figure out. I needed you. I love you. I'm sorry I brought this mess down on us," You wept. Shiggy's wings fold over you.
"Family takes care of family. You no sorry to me," he moaned. Nuzzling and kissing your neck, "Your neck is so smooth and exposed." His kisses turn into lustful whimpers. The ache of drugs fades as you push him down and climb over him. Straddling him between your thighs.
"Lay back like a good boy," you direct him. He nodded, laying back. Closing his eyes, trilling when you wrap your fingers around his leaking cock. Slowly lowering on his length, filling you to the brim. Shiggy trilled, his muscles rippling as he arched up into you, pressing against your cervix. The room was filled with the sound of passionate moans and rumbling purrs. You moved your hips in a slow, sensual rhythm, hands pressed against his chest, vibrating down to his center. Increasing the intensity of your movements. Shiggy's eyes were blissfully closed as he felt your body move against his, his feelers drooping and shivering. His length gliding and grinding all your sweet spots.
The heat between you was palpable, and you felt your desire rising with each thrust. Shiggy could feel his arousal growing, his cock growing swelling and growing hotter. It only made you more revived. Moving faster, pushing him closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. Suddenly he gripped your waist, making you yelp in surprise.
"It's ok. I can control my quirk. I would never hurt Mommy," He moaned. Careful to never touch you with all five fingers, even with his new control. Helping you roll your hips, his claws dug a little too deep, painfully close to breaking skin. You gasp for air as your body bounces on his huge cock. Your pleasure builds into hot bliss. He let out a loud snarl as he reached his climax, his knot expanding. Your hips stutter as you cum and clamp down on his knot. Filling so completely as the heat in your core spreads tingles over your body.
Smiling down in satisfaction as his body shudders beneath yours. He chirped, his crimson eyes drinking in your ecstasy, his knot getting bigger. Too big. You squeaked pathetically as the pressure on your bladder became too great. Squirting piss on his lap. Covering your face in embarrassment, stuttering apologies. Screaming in more surprise when you feel his thumb viciously rub your clit. The small circles make your pussy clench and milk him.
"You're dirty!" You pant.
"Say! Say I am good boy," he pants in your ear with a sharp tone, "Say now!"
"Good boy! Mommy's good boy! I love you. You are the best good boy!" You screamed. Shiggy smirks, biting his lip as he continues his relentless pursuit until you racked your nails down his chest and wept in pleasure. He pulled you close and smiled contentedly as you lay in his arms, the grub kicking. You had never felt so alive and so connected to him before. The speaker crackled before the voice interrupted your peace.
"Tomura. When you are done, we would like to talk," Master said. In the background, you can hear Dr. Ujiko screaming about piss and making the Nomu clean the mess. Shiggy wiped down your legs and let you sleep. Grinning, watching you as you snored so loud the nest shook. Shiggy kisses you and goes to see Master. A bucket was splashed over his groan the moment he entered. Marking is forbidden when you reach a certain age. It is bothersome.
"Kai is coming. It is time. Gather your forces. We will utilize the Nomu to return them to their habitats after they capture the new subjects. You have made progress. Your argument for capturing the Yakuza rather than eliminating them was eloquent. Dr. Tanaka is a tremendous boon. I have always known you were special. I am pleased you have proven me correct. Once things are settled, I would like you to take over the project. For that, you will take my power," Master grinned. Tomura Shigaraki trilled. An old form of respect and agreement.
"Will I have access to all the females I desire for my grubs?" Tomura asked, scratching at his ruff. Taking the Master's power was always a thing. At a time, it would have tempted him. That is why he left. He foolishly wanted to prove he had the might to handle Master's power, growing angrier by the second that it was not given to him. His rage went out of control and destroyed the facility. He would come back after he gained more power and control. Only it never happened. The closer he had grown to your Aunt, the less he cared about Master's power and the more he let his instincts take over.  
"Naturally. You can create any breeding program you like when you are in charge," Master encouraged.
"I need Eerie. The child is mine. My scent. I want the females to get used to the nest. She will be a good mate for my son," He insisted, with sharp anxious clicks of his teeth.
"Oh, Tomura. I welcome the practice of grooming subjects young. However, we already agreed that Eerie is patient zero. She is your false child. Your DNA in her was manufactured. Her compatibility must be tested before we can give her to your offspring," Master beamed as if teaching a new lesson. Tomura became more agitated.
"My nature does not recognize a false child. My nature senses my child with my scent. It screams my female. Eri's child is mine. We should at least create visit. Get little female used to Mothmen and our ways. Master, do we not agree that legacy is power? Is power, not all that matters?" He asked. Master steepled his fingers.
"I think we can arrange a weekly visit," Master said casually.
"Quit marking in the habitat," Dr. Ujiko huffed.
"Mate is pregnant. If a nest was made for her lower, there would be fewer accidents," Tomura growled.
"We talked about knotting. If you didn't put so much pressure on her bladder, she would have more control," Dr. Ujiko barked.
"Asking not to breathe," Tomura Mumbled.
"If you want healthy grubs, sanitation is key," Ujiko lectured. Tomura Shigaraki. A name that he will accept as his own because he does love Master in his own way, but he is tired of the little mind games. He prefers you. His stupid sweet Mommy never played games like this. He agreed mentally to get back to you quicker, cleansing himself of the dirty deals his Master desperately made, only to be stopped in the hallway by a vaping Tanaka.
"Ujiko won't let me smoke around the equipment. I know I am vaping more but li-Whoa, hello, what are we doing?" Tanaka asked as he sniffed her more deeply. His feelers tickled over her face as he dangerously gripped her too tight and snuffled at her chest. Tanaka stood there stiffly.
"You are sniffing at the wrong tits, kid. Even if I had some kind of interest in whatever this is. There are no tits, just scars, and despair," Tanaka said with strained composure. He narrowed his eyes and released her.
"The sickness is less. Father smells like me. Smell is weaker than child. More you smoke, less I smell sickness," he chittered, confused. Tanaka's mouth fell open before it snapped shut. The vape back at her lips.
"You are saying I have a cancer quirk. That makes sense. I do feel better after I vape. I was around the kid the most other than Overhaul. I can easily test it. I do not like this quirk. We need Overhaul's research to reverse. Cancer quirk. The most fucked up part is I wonder what it says about me? I wonder if I'm dying quicker?" Tanaka started to hyperventilate as she slumped to the floor. Shigaraki was not used to seeing Father doubt herself. Even when Tanaka was afraid, she took action. Shigaraki shifts on all fours to drop to her level. On impulse, he nudged his large head under her limp hand. He trills while she pets him absently, inhaling deeply of the poisonous vapor.
"Not going quickly. We will heal," Shiggy reassured.
"We have to secure Erie at all costs. She is the vector. With her maybe, m-m-m-maybe-" Tanaka was sputtering. This gave him a moment while her brain seemed to process the error. An epiphany. He reached out and caressed her with his feeler, bringing her eyes to him.
"You take the child. Take the child and run far. Do not worry about us. I will take care of Mommy. Mommy is my risibility. How else will I be the Father?" Shiggy chuckled.
"What the hell are you saying?" She asked his retreating form. In the dark hall, she could understand how he could strike fear in those unfamiliar to him. Insects are terrifying. 
His eyes glowed ominously as he rasped over his shoulder, "You are no longer Father. Take child and run." He slipped into the darkness, leaving her there sucking on her vape.
He crawled into bed with you, wrapping his limbs and wings around you in warmth and comfort.
"Mommy?" he asks with a low, breathy hitch.
"Yes?" you questioned back, half asleep.
"Do you trust me?" He asked. You didn't have to think about it in your exhaustion.
"You scare me sometimes. Fear is never a hundred percent trust. Sometimes I don't trust you to make the safe decision. Sometimes I don't trust you to respect me. I flat out don't trust you, other people, and especially not men," You snapped at him. He growls and tries to move away. You tsk him and pull him closer. He doesn't resist as you continue, "I can trust you to be brutal and heartwarming. I can trust you to have my back. I can trust you will not hurt me like your family because I can trust your word. You forget I'm new to the relationship stuff. I am very sorry about my reaction to the news about your family. You deserved more trust and understanding. I am sorry for how I reacted. Come on, baby. Let's sleep. I'm tired."
Mommy gives him too much to chew on, he thinks. It gnawed at his mind. He snuggled in close and planned. If he had known what he knows now, he would have started sooner with you. 
Two days later, Tanaka's hands are shaking. She can't focus on her microscope. She did not want to ask Ujiko for his help, but it was just them, and she was feeling weaker.
"Ujiko, can you take a look at this?" She asked. Ujiko glimpsed into the microscope.
"Cancer cells. Are they yours?" He asked, eyeing her. She rubbed her eyes, trying not to cry, and reached into her coat for her vape.
"Not in here," Ujiko gruffed.
"Come on, man? I've had a rough week," She opened her eyes to see ancient yen shoved in her face.
"Go to that disgusting machine with the old expired vending snacks. Get some air. I'll have the Nomu take you," Ujiko said. Tanaka took the money.
"Thanks, man. Do you want anything?"
"God, no. Those snacks are older than me."
The best part about the old vending machine was that it had a broken lock case that perfectly fit a cell phone. Casually reaching her hand up to lean on the machine. To the cameras, it looked like she was deciding what she wanted. The Nomu are experiments, and these low-end ones carry out menial tasks. The one helping her has no way to snitch on her. Turning on the phone near the number pad, what popped on her screen made her heart stop and drop into her gut. She quickly pockets the phone, pulls out the money, and the machine eats the cash. She vaped, instantly feeling better. Wondering what did cancer quirk say about her? Munching on the powdery shrimp chips, she returns to the lab without Nomu's help.
"Feeling better?" Ujiko asked with a slight lilt of concern. Prepping a tray to draw Tanaka's blood. She sits down causally and holds out her arm and the bag of chips for him. She slid her hand into her pocket and pressed a button on the phone.
"Yeah, wants some. Not too bad," Tanaka offered him some chips.
"God no," he said, prepping her arm. Ignoring the needle's sting, she tipped the bag to her mouth, "I have been thinking it would be a waste to lose that mind. I can turn you into a Nomu and preserve that brain."
Dr. Ujiko practically vibrated with excitement at the offer. Tanaka knew animals best, and Ujiko was another animal. A complex one, but Ujiko was an animal nonetheless. She looked at the nasty creature he loved the most. He loved Tanaka in his own way.
"Uh….no thanks. I rather not be a reanimated corpse," she stated in her monotone. Ujiko's face twisted in hurt for a moment. She could see he debated arguing, but what would be the point. Once she is dead, he will take her body anyway. Tanaka could see it dance on his features, settling into an evil grin. She thinks of you and how you used sex to get what you want from Shigaraki. She was not good at manipulation, but now is not the time to be a coward, "How is Erie doing? I haven't seen her in a while."
"She is fine. Nomu and Maser are taking the best care of her. I don't understand why everyone is so worried about the brat. They are easy to keep alive," He snarked, examining her blood.
"Who else is concerned for her?" She asked as nonchalantly as possible.
"Tomura has it in his head that Erie is his property because she smells like him," Ujiko gripped.
"Doctor, I find that fascinating. My last five books were on the social structure of animals. I would like to observe Tomura's interaction with what is essentially a coco bird. She is a baby placed in his nest, and he is caring for it. Can I take Erie to see him? I think she will be more relaxed around me, and I can take notes," Tanaka discussed. She watched Ujiko consider it. Tanaka was inspired enough to throw the pity cherry on top of the gooey word sundae she made.
"Can I take her now? Who knows how long I have?" She asked, with the saddest sickly look she could manage. Ujiko chewed his mustache.
"I really enjoyed your book on feral dogs of the underground train. Why not. Life is short," He said. Tanaka hops up to make a beeline for Erie.
"You are going to do it now?" He shouted after her.
"You said, why not? Life is short! Earth is beautiful tonight with popcorn!" She shouted back to him. Let him believe there is a later, she thought, huffing down the hall. Snatching the kid and running to the habitat you stay in, the girl squirms in her arms as she pants and squeezes her tighter.
Shigaraki heard the buzz of the door. It was too early. Groaning when you clung to him, refusing to let him go.
"Ignore it," you whined.
"Could be food," he graveled in his sleepy state. You immediately released and shoved him.
"Go check," you mumble, rolling over. He should be annoyed with you. He knows he can't complain. He wanted it this way. You are entirely dependent on him and treat him like a big boy. Dropping to the ground without having to carry you was lovely. But when he wanted to sleep, he regretted bringing you here. Not that he had a choice. Pregnant and injured, Father demanded, insisting he had no choice. He was shocked to see Father in front of him, briefly wondering if he was dreaming. What are the odds of thinking of someone and having them standing before you?
"We have to go now. The Chisaki gathered themselves quicker than expected. They are on their way here. The cops are hot on their heels. We need to go now. I have the data," Father wheezes. She is carrying the whimpering child, suddenly scared when she hears Chisaki. Something in him made him reach out and brush the hair from her horn.
"Father will keep safe," He trilled. The little girl looked at him with large desperate eyes. He pushed his ex-father back from the door. Father looked taken aback by the action. He points to the camera, "What are you doing here? Go! Waste time telling me. The eye is always watching."
"I am not cancer. A family looks out for each other. I thought I had at least taught you that!" Tanaka burst at him. Before he can answer, the earth trembles. Shit! Why can't one thing go the way it should? This is two days early! He screams mentally. The back rooms are a quick escape, but at this point, they will empty right into a battlefield or trap, "If you run now, you still might make it!"
Shiggy shoved her harder and slammed the door racing to you. There's a good chance no one knows. A tremor in Japan was nothing new. He had to think. How was he going to get you out? He could decay a door. But that would weaken this part of the facility and warn Master. He didn't hold animosity towards Master. He simply cared more about what he made for himself without Master. He shakes you awake, shoving a jug of water in your face.
"Drink!" He snarled.
"Whaaa? No. I'm not thirsty. It's too early for this. Let me sleep," you whined, rolling over.
"Doctor say need more water. Drink," he ordered. When you ignored him, his eyes narrowed, and he drank the entire jug. He knows one thing you have been having a hard time resisting. He leans close, his rough lips brushing against your earlobe. Pressing to your back as you lay on your side away from him.
"Want to do other things?" He asked suggestively.
You felt a thrill of anticipation as look you're your shoulder and watched him, his eyes dark with desire. His hands moved up your legs, caressing your skin as he went, his claws tickling. You shivered in pleasure, breath coming in short gasps. He paused at your hips, a knee forcing your legs to part, his fingers tracing your navel before going and circling around your clit. A warmth spreads through your body, closing your eyes, savoring the sensation. Gasping in hitches as he touched more sensitive spots, his wicked claws grazing your dripping hole. His fingers teased and tantalized you, sending waves of pleasure through your body. He moved closer to you, pressing hard against your ass. You could feel his hardness against your thighs and moaned in anticipation.
"I thought we couldn't anymore because we make a mess," you say. Shiggy pulled his hand away, and you instantly felt regret and loss. I should have kept my mouth shut, you thought. His thumb hooked into your panties.
"We can work around that. Other holes can be fucked," Shigaraki rasped next to your ear. You felt a thrill of excitement when he lathed his velvety tongue up your neck. He spits on his hand, stroking and wetting it before pressing it against your puckering hole.
"Whaa?" you asked in surprise as he entered you. He moved slowly at first, stretching your asshole, his thrusts gentle and teasing. He spits another wade of saliva between you. You squeal in shock. His dick is huge. It stings. Not working up to this kind of stretch is evil. You growl at him as tears prickle your eyes.
"This different. Sucking me in. Gripping the base. Still warm and wet. I am going to cum soon," he groaned. His movements became more urgent, and you felt yourself being taken over by the intensity of the moment instead of the sting. He moved faster and faster, pushing you to the brink of pleasure with each thrust, like the waves on a beach. Your body is trembling with pleasure as he drives into you again and again. Oh god, you are drooling as tingles follow each deep painful stroke.
"Oh god, stop that. I'm about to cum. It hurts," you whimpered, clawing at the nest. Finally, with one final thrust, you both reached climax together. A wave of pleasure crashes over your body. Shiggy had the decency not to knot, but you still ached with bliss and a tinge of disappointment, wanting to be stretched and filled with that knot. His war heat spreads and fills inside as you both lay there panting in exhaustion. He didn't pull out. You are about to roll over and kiss him when he wraps both arms around you and presses you hard up against his knot.  
"You are having that water one way or another," Shiggy hissed. Before processing what he said, you feel a torrent of hot liquid invade your intestines. N the crest of your first orgasm, you had another wash over you as Shiggy filled you to the brim.
"Son of a bitch! Bad boy! Very bad boy! Do not piss in me! Oh god," You screamed, gasping from the second orgasm. It oddly felt good until it hit your gut. It roiled, and you could hear Ujiko screaming over the speakers as Shiggy lifted you and rushed you to the front entrance.
"Open it unless you want her to make a mess," he snarled to the camera. The doors instantly parted, and Shigaraki rushed you to the bathroom. But not to the nearby bathroom. You don't know how long to hold it, so this was a horrible surprise. He was moving so fast the wind was whipping your hair.
"Where are we going? What's happening?" you panic with a high pitch squeal when he roughly sets you down on a dingy toilet on the far side of the facility.
"Mommy, safe here. My ally Spinner takes to shelter. Do not leave this spot. I was here when built. Is safe. Stay!" He growled. Stalking away to the lab when a tremor turned into a ground-shaking explosion. Ujiko came over the speakers in a panic.
"The cops and the Yakuza clashed. They are coming for Master. Where is the vector?" Shiggy could hear him huffing and panting to release nomu.
"I know. I signaled my people. I killed child and female doctor. Hid, my mate. I am coming to destroy the lab. Less evidence," Shigaraki growls. Speeding his way to the lab. He had to erase any trace of you, his grubs, Father, and himself. In the chaos, you will slip away. He will eliminate as much of their presence as possible.
"No, not that mind," Ujiko breathed.
"You have less than a minute, then I destroy," He grinned.
After you had emptied your bowels in what you hope you will never remember. You hid in the corner. Jolting in terror every time dust fell from the ceiling and the ground quaked. The woman crouched in the bathroom corner, your heart pounding in your chest. Hearing the faint sounds of shouting and crashing trickling in from outside the door. You didn't know what was happening but knew it was dangerous. Hugging your knees to her chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible. Terrified, stay quiet and still when a whimper escapes you from the most brutal shake. Forcing yourself not to cough from the dust in the air. If you made any noise, whoever was out there might find you. Your baby kicked, and your mind flooded with bright red rage.
How fucking dare everyone. How dare your Aunt for dumping her crimes on you. Making you an accomplice. Your Aunt knew more than you, yet you still found out he was….was…Oh my god, you thought. No wonder they don't trust you with anything. They think you're a moron. It just occurred to you that your Aunt didn't commit a crime. There was no one safe your Aunt could have given Shigaraki to. Ok, your Aunt is a Saint, but how dare Dr. Tanaka and Shigaraki think your too stupid to tell you what the fuck is going on? You were in a coma after being tortured. They could have told you there would be a fight, and it would be ok. This felt like they are winging it. Where was Tanaka? You would love some of those drugs about now.  
You crave to be anywhere but here. You felt it. A river of thoughts riptides your body, pulling you away into the darkness of voices. There was a horrid monster shrieking with many voices. You learned to cup your hands over your ears and let the flow carry you. You can search better by keeping the flood of foreign thoughts out of your head. You see the torrent of thoughts and a giant shape fighting that green boy rookie. Shigaraki is arguing when you hear it. A sad whisper that you could feel more than hear. You swim towards it to see Tanaka doing a shit job of comforting the child as Tanaka is gasping on the ground.
"I'm sorry, kid. I wanted to find your new Mommy. Family doesn't leave family behind. If I wasn't so weak and we had just left. We might have made it in time. I have no idea where she is," Tanaka wheezed.
"You're not my mommy?" Erie asked with a sniffle.
"Trust me, kid. You don't want me as a mommy. Your new Mommy is beautiful inside and out. Your new Daddy, well. You will have a good mommy," Tanaka said drolly.
"I'm in the bathroom, not that far!" You screamed. Tanaka wrinkles her brow and looks toward where you are, "Oh my god! I can do this! That way!"
Tanaka grabs the little girl's hand and starts running with her. The ground shakes, and you toss into a wall. Your body slams in real life, Slamming back to your body. You squeaked at the horrible jolt of pain in every joint. Your craving for the warm hug of Kronos drugs makes your joints ache worse. Is this part of it? One of the things Tanaka jabbered about this. All quirks have a negative effect or weakness. No power comes without a cost. All your joints scream in throbbing pain that matches your heartbeat. Your skin itches and crawls. Your track marks feel too hot. How dare they turn you into a junkie. Bracing against the wall, you use it to reach the toilet, where you hopefully peed for the last damn time. Staggering to the door on wobbly knees, you pull it open with a swirl of dust and shout for Tanaka. Her hand comes out of the shadows and falling ceiling to clasp over your mouth.
"Shhhh! I'm here. Take the kid," She gasped. You pull the little girl to you and run to the most reinforced corner. Locking the door, Tanaka collapses next to you and huddles, her lab coat over all of you.
"Hi, sweetie. We are going to leave here. We are going to leave here and live an average life," You soothed the girl, "What's your name? I'm." She cut you off with the most pitiful expression you have ever seen.
"Are you my new mommy?" She asked with a wobble in her voice. You would have run for the hills if it had been a year ago. Terrified and wondering if you are cut out for this job. But the moment you saw her in Tanaka's arms in that hellhole. A strange swelling of your heart made it hard to breathe. You wanted to protect her. You knew she was yours. It was almost the same feeling as Shigaraki. You held her close. She jumped in surprise when she felt Shin kick her. For a brief moment, you saw the look of wonder. She didn't look like she would go comatose in fear. You understand completely. That look is a deeper reflection of your own.
"Yes, baby. I'm your new Mommy. I was at the compound too. We will take care of each other. What's your name?"
"Eri," she sniffled. Staring at your stomach, trembling in your arms
"Eri. What a pretty name. Do you want to listen to the baby? I'm told he makes cute sounds, and I can promise you'll feel him kick," You encouraged Eri. She was hesitant initially, but then Eri melted against your stomach to the light vibrations. You covered her ear because you didn't want her to hear what you had to say.
"What the hell is going on, Tanaka?" You hiss at her.
"Well. Looks like we're going to die. Just wanted to say I loved you. I know I can't do anything about it. Even if we lived, I couldn't do anything about it. Platonic love," Tanaka mumbled in her monotoned way. Something broke in you. You snapped and saw bright red.
"Oh wow. That does not answer my question. That's ok. I know you think I'm dumb. Clearly, you think I'm dumb. Well, I want you to know I am not dumb. I was on track to be CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation because I am amazing at flow charts. If we had ever discussed the projection numbers of sugar cane transport, I would have shined. I love you too, Dr. High and Mighty," you growled. Tanaka's brow furrows in confusion, and a chuckle escapes her.
"I'm sorry. The Dr. High and Mighty was very cute. I was not expecting that reaction at all. Makes me wish I had my recorder," She said seriously. You gently pull Eri from you. Standing, you walk over to the paper towel dispenser and shove paper down your pants, "Can we discuss what you're doing?"
"Nope. You never bother to tell me anything. I'm getting us out of here," you tell her. Panting, you work yourself up into a need for escape and fear. A sour taste floods your mouth. Eri whimpers in terror, "I'm going to direct people away from us. When I do this, sometimes, I pee myself. I have no idea what I look like when this happens, but don't be scared. I think I did it for weeks and turned out fine."
"What?" Tanka asked. It was the last thing you heard as you clutched at them and used your quirk.
Shigaraki felt you before he heard you. His face was covered in sweat and dirt, slumped over a lab bench. He is wearing a tattered lab coat stained with blood and grime. His hands shook as he concentrated and touched the ground towards the pests entering the lab. That rabbit bitch killed half the Nomu and stole the doctor. He didn't recognize her from the forest or Yazuka, so the doctor was safe. He will be locked up for a few years at most, Shigaraki guessed. The damage to his arm cracked his skin. Blood dripped from his rough hands. His eyes are sunken, and his skin is pale as if he has not slept in days. Just when his wings healed, they were ragged and torn again. Master was fighting his own fight with the cops. He can already smell his defeat.
Shigaraki looks up at the remains of the ceiling, his expression one of exhaustion and destructive elation. Taking a deep breath, he slowly stands up, his body trembling from the effort. He takes a few steps forward and collapses onto the floor, his body too weak to continue. A shout in the distance he could not understand, a tug and prickle at the back of his neck forcing him to turn in another direction. He lays there for a few moments before slowly getting back up and continuing his work. Mommy is right. Mommy is always right. To protect the nest, he needs to be sure Kai is out of the way. Mommy left. He could no longer feel you as he headed toward Kai. That plain green rookie brat was struggling. He wasn't going to be able to bring him down alone.
The man had morphed into an absolute monster. The damn kid was jumping around uncontrollably. Without precise strikes, the dumb kid will die, making bringing down Kai more challenging. The green brat is strong but lacks real skill. Shigaraki hates the sun. He is practically blind in it. But it's predictable where the child will reach his leap's peak. Like a lightning strike, he builds up speed until he is a blur. The wind whipped his hair, stinging his already burning eyes and face. Using his antennae to scent and guide his trajectory. Shigaraki's stomach provides a base to jump from, and the kid's shoes tear at his flesh as Deku flings him back from Kia's swing.
Kia was directly hit. Shigaraki reached out and clung to the massive hand. His claws digging in had no effect. He could still feel the fight in him. The dumb kid was falling again. They needed to end this before the cops decided to go after him next. He lets loose and decays the arm. In an awe-inspiring sight, he spreads his wings wide and dives down from the sky in swirls of dust. His wings create a powerful gust of wind as he plummets toward the ground. Catching the boy who had broken his arm. As they get closer to the ground, his wings spread again to pull them up sharply, creating a powerful lift that propels them back into the sky.
"Who are you?" The kid asked. Screaming over the rush of wind.
"No one. You never saw me. Put the monster down," Shigaraki gaveled to the boy. The boy shuts his gaping mouth and gives him a determined look of a warrior.
"Got it. Drop me from above!" Deku shouted. This child has a blood lust in him that Shigaraki doesn't want to smell near his nest. They circle around, gaining more altitude. He can feel the child's labored breath as the air thinned before he dives again, rolling to the side as Kai heals his arm and sends it swinging at them. It's a thrilling experience to watch and a testament to the strength of human flight. Duke used him as a springboard. This time he went all out and beat Kai down. Their broken bodies lay beside each other. The others are still busy. He lands and looks toward where his Master is. Losing the fight. Master might have learned to use people but never learned how to work with them. That is his downfall, Shigaraki thinks as he searches for the smell on Kai. It smells like Eri, and he will flat-out kill this bastard if he touches his grub. Instead, it came from a tin with blue and red injectors. No better time than the present to test them. He injected Kai with the red one. His mass disappeared as Kai went back to his original form with three men appearing beside him. Kai is barely conscious when he injects him with the blue one. Nothing seemed to happen.
"I think I understand. Red erases quirks, and blue activates them. How useful. I will keep it. I hated your arrogance the most. Your quirk will be a waste to lose. I will leave it. Maybe one day I can take Master's power and make it my own," He graveled when he ripped off Kai's arms and turned them into dust. Kai whimpered, but there wasn't much he could do. He looked at the boy staring back at him with burning anger, his body a broken mess as he panted and heaved. Perhaps the green kid just realized who created all this destruction. Murdering many of his friends and his own people. He is the king of this forest. Maybe it would be better to kill the brat now.
"I never saw you," Deku said suddenly. Shigaraki smirked darkly.
"That is good. Be well. The next time I see. I will kill you," Shigaraki rasped. Turning to find you, he doesn't sense you in the forest. If one thing goes right, that means you are heading toward home. Shigaraki makes a beeline for the darkest deeper part of the woods. He needed a bit of a rest. He should feel something betraying most of the denizens of the former facility, but he doesn't. He latches onto a tree, blending with the shadows and the bark. When he closes his eyes, he hears a sigh of relief that is not his own. He needs just a moment to rest his eyes and his tattered wings.
"He's ok!" You gasped, awake in a new location. The rush of pain is like electricity sizzling your nerve endings. You had astral projected and subtly directed the war in your favor. Making sure Spinner found you and then took you to La Brava and Gentle when Tanaka told you who to locate.
"About damn time. You're in full-blown labor! Push!" Tanaka shouted.
"Whaa?" You questioned, realizing you were in your Aunt's living room. La Brava and Gentle running around. Tanaka looks pale and thin as her hands are in a place you did not think they would ever be.
"I said to push, for fucks sake. If I was ever horny, this killed it. So push. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain.
"We need Shiggy here!" You shout, bolting upright, while a scaled hand pushes you back down. The lizard man blushes and looks away when your eyes land on him.
"I'm Spinner. He would want his mate and grub to be alive and healthy so I will take care of you," He sputtered.
"Please stay here, Mommy. Your quirk hurts you," the little voice of Eri drifted through the pain. You took a deep breath and pushed. It went on like this until you were cussing and cursing Shiggy. May he die for doing this to you. The searing pain radiating from your center. You grit your scream. Feeling like you are being split in two. Pulling out a screeching squirming mass. Drained of all your energy, you slumped against the bed. A bed that is completely ruined, and you will burn it.
"Holy shit! We! Did! It! Blanket. Tie. We have to cut the umbilical cord," Tanaka laughed. A pale figure steps into the room and bites the cord. Tanaka swaddles the baby after checking his airway and wiping him off.
"Here you go, proud daddy," She says, handing Shin over to Shigaraki. He nuzzled the wriggling bundle that hissed at him viciously. Shigaraki smirks at his grub.
"I like title. Daddy. We keep title, elder Tanaka," he growled.
"You made it," you panted in relief. Shigaraki holds you and your grub with a sweet Trill. Quickly passing out. He used the rest of his energy to get here. He trusted these people would watch over him and his kin.
"Our Mommy. I love you," he purred.
"Both of you look like shit," Tanaka said bluntly as her eyes darted between you.
"I am never giving birth," La Brava whispers to Gentle.
Two years later…
"Mine!" Shin screeched repeatedly. Shin knew three words, and he screamed them all day. Waking up from your conversation with La Brava, there was the usual pain and the elation of good news, getting ruined as the screeching reached higher pitches.
 "We can share, little brother," Eri says. You sit up in bed, about to shout how sharing is caring when you hear Shigaraki.
"Yes. It is important to care for your future mate, little Mommy," He rasped. You already feel the throbbing of a migraine.
"Shiggy!" You scream. Stomping into the living room. Groaning when your swollen feet howled at you to stop that. Panting in utter rage, you stand in front of him. He stared up and ate a cookie, "Family meeting!"
"Holy fuck. What did you do now?" Tanaka growled, putting on a nicotine patch. Shigaraki shrugged, giving Eri another cookie while Shin was distracted. He sniffed Tanaka and trilled she needed to add another patch. Dabi, Toga, and Spinner trickled in. These guys! You fed them once, and they never left. They did help La Brava and you, but still. You don't know why they are here, and you don't care. You get very cranky after projecting. 
"First off. Shiggy, we discussed this. Telling Eri that Shin is her mate is grooming. I will not stand for it. No brainwashing. Eri, honey, you can grow up and be with whoever you want. Your Daddy has lost his damn mind. Clearly, he never wants big boy time ever again," You barked at him.
"What's big boy time?" Eri asked.
"It's fucking," Tanaka says before you can answer. You're mouth drops open as the other three giggled. Shin is babbling and drooling on a cookie. 
"What's fucking?" Eri asked.
"It's when-" Tanaka started.
"What? You said you didn't want her brainwashed. I'm giving her straight facts. Subject B is easily flustered with adult topics," Tanaka stated into her recorder to a chorus of laughter. This bitch, you think. The worst part is you know she is actually serious and will write this down in some fucked up paper or book.
"The three of us will do it together. Later. Not right now," You hissed at Tanaka. You rub your temples and plaster on a smile, "I have good news I want to share."
"You're pregnant," Shigaraki said.
"I am not!" You spat at him. But when your eyes connect with him, you see he is not lying.
"Ummmm… how? Haven't you been taking your monthly pill?" Tanaka asked you.
"Bad candy? I ate and replaced with better candy," Shigaraki says while bouncing Shin on his knee.
"We're having a baby!" Toga squealed.
"I'm not giving up my room," Dabi mumbled. You feel like you are going insane.
"Secondly. With over seventy percent of the human population and thirty percent of other mammals showing signs of quirks. Having a quirk is no longer illegal. You guys can wander freely, and our kids don't have to marry each other. No grooming necessary. We can even send Eri to public school with other kids her age. Eri, you can grow up and be whoever you want!" You delivered impatiently. There was a commotion as everyone talked at once.
"Even a criminal?" Dabi asked. The room falls silent to this. Your mind is now settling. You're pregnant and not about to live in hiding anymore. Why is Dabi shitting on this moment? You look to see if Shigaraki would intervene. He gives you the same cold stare.
"I will support my kid in whatever they want to do," you grit out.
"Ok then," Dabi said cheerfully. You were even swept up at the moment. Eri smiled and asked questions enthusiastically. You hugged Tanaka for the first time in two years. She had become paranoid that her quirk might hurt us.
"Tanaka. You can see real professionals and peers. You can be saved," you whispered to her. A strange look crossed her face as she twirled a tin in her robe.
"I can do long-distance research. I don't need to leave that often. The day-to-day stuff can be done in a lab here or over the internet. I can teach the grubs and be by your side forever," Tanaka grins sadly.
The only one who was not interested in the good news was Shigaraki, who gathered up Shin and took him to the nest to nap. He talked to his son in his hissing chittering language, staring at him with the same bright red eyes as Shin drank in his wisdom. It was unusual for one so young to have red eyes at birth. It was another worry.
"Females are fickle. Females are power. In the past, it could only be one male in the female's lives. I learned that you do not have to be the only male. The male that holds their attention is the one that ends up with all the power. Make Eri only look at you. Normally I would encourage you to imprint on your sister. But your mother will not stand for it. Focus on Eri," Shigaraki rasped. Tanaka stood in the doorway. 
"Ewy mine," Shin yawned and chirped. His antenna flicks as he curls into Shigaraki's ruff.
"Yes, good boy. Eventually, she will take pity on you and start to love you little by little. Then she will belong to you. The females of this world are soft-hearted and do not understand our nature. They do not understand how our love destroys. We love so much that we kill and destroy to keep our claws dug in. Strangely, our hunger for love makes us want to devour our mate completely. I will suckle at your mother's love until she dies. Even then, she can't escape me. I will follow her," Shigaraki grinned.
"You want Master's power still?" She asked, twirling the tin in her pocket.
He lays Shin down in his nest. When Shigaraki first saw him, he had to stop his instincts from wanting to lay down all five fingers. You wanted to see and hold Shin before him. It drove him insane. He is better than his Father. You do not understand how far he would go for you. You don't know how far an imprint drives the men in his family. He was only allowed to live because Master wanted it and offered his Father compensation with more females. But his Father hated the attention he received from the females. He often beat him for it.
"Yes. We will need it. I am the king of forest. I need to stay king. War is coming. Where is Mommy?" He asked. 
"She's talking to Eri about school supplies and clothes," She answered. Tanaka smelled nervous when she stepped forward. Lowering her voice and showing him the tin he took from Kai," We have these as a contingency. We don't need Eri." Shigaraki smiled drily at Elder.
"Do you want me to kill Shin? I will not let Mommy go. Do you want Mommy to be sad?" He asked. Tanaka paled and nodded. 
"We'll call Eri's ability plan B," She mumbled as she left. Tanaka will not get in his way. She understands. Shin will imprint on Eri instead of you. That will keep Shin alive. If Shin imprinted on you or your new daughter, he would kill Shin in a heartbeat. He reaches into the nest, brushing his son's pudgy cheek with the back of two fingers, and feels something. Not strong as he has for you. It weakly pulses in him. He hopes it will grow stronger.
He turns to see your sweet face twisted in concern for him, and his heart beats faster, his pulse rushing straight to his cheeks and cock. You reach, come over and wrap yourself around him. He twists around your little finger. You tug him back to the nest you now share, pulling him on top of you where he melts.
"What's wrong, baby?" Your doe eyes burning into his soul. He sighs, seeking comfort in your warm embrace before he answers.
"Nothing changes. Do not know about before. Was war. Master has shown me. It will be brutal. There will be blood and dust. War is always the same. New quirk war. Not safe for family. Still must hide," Shigaraki whispered.
"If you are worried about Eri going to school, I already have La Brava creating all of us fake IDs," you say. Snuggling his chest, planting little kisses.
"I no leave. Only new babies will have heteromorph traits. I stay. Mommy and grubs need to stay with me. Stay safe. Eri needs to stay safe. We keep here. Have the Elder teach," He rasped. You bite your lip in worry.
"Eri is a little girl with a lot of trauma. I will not leave you. Eri and the grubs will not go to school unless it's safe. But I feel we should enroll her for the sake of Eri's mental health. The moment we hear about war, we pull her out," you tried to reason with him. Shigaraki growls and you become flustered. In the years you've spent together, he has stopped being a sweet little boy and turned into an aggressive man. That intense, serious gaze makes you wet and flustered.
"Horn. She will be tested. Discovered." He parts your lips and dips his long tongue in your flavor. Becoming more aroused by your whimpers. You try to pull away from him, but he is not ready to continue this frustrating conversation. But somehow, you escaped him.
"Then let's hire her professional kid psychiatrist. Someone Tanaka chooses. Doctors are not allowed to share anything. Please?" You beg him sweetly. Your hand grips his thick hot cock, stroking him, slicking him with his own precum. It wasn't long before you were swept up in the heat of the moment. He knows your body so well. It's not long before you squirt on him, nails digging into his bunching muscles.
"Yes, Mommy. Yes, Mommy. We'll do what Mommy wants," Shigaraki panted. Sucking at your chest. He will never let you dry out. He sucks your milk down his throat while he fills you with his knot and cum.
"I'm so happy. Thank you. I love you. You are my good boy," You purr to him. He rubs clit with his thumb. Eyes hooded with reverence.
"This one will be a little girl. Let's name her Tsuyu. We made her during the plum rains," he rasped.
"That's perfect. I love you, my sweet Daddy."
He shudders. He loves how obedient you became with the new title. He wonders if he should have 'groomed' you sooner, and none of this would have happened. Your Aunt wouldn't let him, though. He got milk, whiskey, and rabbits if he swore to leave you alone. You are so silly. Never questioning why. Why didn't he kill you for being in his territory? Why were claw marks around your guest bedroom deeper and older than the others? Why were there no pictures of you in the house? Why did your Aunt stop inviting you over when your breasts started showing? Because he wanted you, and Aunt tried to curb his instincts while keeping you safe from him. He saw you first. Sneaking onto the farm to poach livestock. A beautiful female close to his age. Your Aunt caught him because he was stalking you in the shadows, lurking for days to capture you, his nest built for two. Had you come closer to the edge of the forest? Oh, what he would have done to your body would have been a crime. He left you alone because your Aunt convinced him to let you grow. She was right. Your Mommy training was needed. To mature and ripen. He needed the time as well to grow with you. He will do the same for Eri and Shin. When the time is right, he will kill the mind doctor and destroy any trace of the building or anyone else threatening his family. He and Elder Tanaka have already come to an agreement. They will keep you, his sweet dumb Mommy, happy for the rest of your life.
"Daddy. I'm thirsty," you mumbled. He smiled, and with a sharp chirp, he got up to get you water.
"I love you, Mommy." You will always be his. Mommy will always need him.
[Writers notes! I hope you were entertained. If you like it I wouldn't mind the love. Here it the first part of the Mommy series.]
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