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seretanspostblog · 6 months ago
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radiomonkeys2 · 6 months ago
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Enekai with differing levels of bioelectricity, looking exactly like a Hóuxiān monkey (猴仙) sometimes.
Drawn by MKUchiha and Salvamakoto
Enekai was the first Yaban character I created, both predating and building off my earlier (and technically later) OC, Romaine
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I have no idea why Romaine got so popular back in 2017-2018 other than the popularity of edgy OCs and Caulifla. The story of Enekai and Romaine is funny, but the truncated version is that I created Enekai at some point in 2013 for an entirely different, entirely non-Dragon Ball related story
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...and recycled the basic concept of this young girl/young woman who possessed inconceivable levels of electrotelekinetic power for a few years, right up into the first Xenoverse game where I decided to adapt Enekai into a Saiyan for fun and roleplaying profit. Then that version of Enekai bounced back and forth between being a Saiyan and an elf (for yet another, separate story)
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The main thing noteworthy about Enekai being that, when she was fully power-charged, she had Super Saiyan Future Trunks' hair (a trait which some artists seemed to struggle to understand)
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Just because of how stupid and wild it looked, I loved that hairstyle. And helping matters was, as I mentioned before, the realization that Super Saiyan hair (and possibly even regular Saiyan hair) was so spiky because of bioelectricity
Well, because that was Enekai's standard look, I was going to go all in on adapting her into the form of a Saiyan, and this tied into the proto-Yabanverse Dragon Ball fanfic I had of there being different "tribes" of Saiyan between the elite Jinbraljin, the commoner Patotajin, and the violent demonoid outcasts Mayasaijin, with Enekai being a hybrid of the latter two.
Well, about six months after that last commission with Enekai having extreme hair, another Saiyan was introduced. A Saiyan girl with the same hairstyle as Super Saiyan Future Trunks.
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This presented a slight problem because now basically no matter what I did to say otherwise, any Enekai commission would easily be accused of being a typical recolor OC, so I decided to just roll with it and commission Caulifla, but now with muscles and Hiei's clothes
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And also, just for fun, I commissioned Kale with her hair down
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Because look at her! Actually r63 Z!Broly, and no one seemed to realize it at that particular moment in time.
(This seems to have been the start of Salvamakoto's commission career, unless I'm mistaken)
Well that was fun, but I eventually wanted to commission Enekai in full, but again I chickened out, and decided to revisit Hiei-lifla and make some "edgelord donut steel" adjustments, and voila, Romaine
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Then, it was mid-December 2017 when I decided to drop all pretenses and just make the Yabanverse a thing
"I'll make my own Saiyans! With blackjack! And hookers!"
And I had Enekai right there, so I used her as the basis for the "Yabansaru-seijin".
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Enekai's design with the elf ears and weirdly ghoulish skin is a vestigial remnant of the very early Yabanverse, back when Yabans were just similar to Saiyans but actually spliced from alien monkeys and elves and Enekai herself was still very recently an elf herself IRL.
Enekai was a fine MC for the Yabanverse, but my sentiment on her soured after I created Yulaan because I became ever more aware that Enekai was literally r!63 Son Goku. Take just about every single trait of Goku, and then add boobs, and you have Enekai. So much so that I nicknamed her "Lady Wukong"
We already have Son Goku. He's called Son Goku, and he's a perfectly fine Son Goku. Yulaan the Skullcrushing battle-crazed monkey pipsqueak forced to live in whitebread suburbia at least seemed more unique in comparison.
"But isn't Yuta also Diet Goku?"
Zip it!
I've never gotten rid of Enekai; she's still the one I feel should lead Strongest Under Heaven.
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huzursuzlugun-blogu · 1 year ago
Onlar gibi olmak, onlar gibi giyinmek, onlar gibi yiyip içmek, onlar gibi oturup kalkmak, onların diliyle konuşmak... Haydi bunların hepsini yapayım. Fakat onlar gibi nasıl düşünebilirim? Nasıl onlar gibi hissedebilirim?
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gecelereanlatonu · 1 day ago
"Ben,burada diri diri,bir mezara gömülmüş gibiyim. Hiçbir intihar bu kadar şuurlu,bu kadar iradeli,bu kadar sürekli ve çetin olmamıştır."
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tuzcularisin · 2 months ago
Yaban: Türk Modernleşmesinin Derin Yaraları
Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu’nun “Yaban”ı, Türk modernleşmesinin yarattığı derin yarılmaları, bir aydının trajedisi üzerinden anlatan çarpıcı bir metindir. Roman, basit bir aydın-halk çatışmasının çok ötesinde, modernleşme sürecinin yarattığı epistemolojik kırılmaları, kimlik bunalımlarını ve toplumsal travmaları çok katmanlı bir şekilde işler. Bilgi Sistemlerinin Çatışması ve Epistemolojik…
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buurcudg · 1 year ago
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tanuki-kimono · 3 months ago
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Auspicious antique patterns for this outfit, pairing a bold yabane (arrow fletching) kimono, with a lusciously embroidered black-based obi depicting shishi (lion) among botan (peony).
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gifsbymel · 11 months ago
⸻ #355 GIFS, ASLIHAN MALBORA [1995] in Yaban Çiçekleri, episode 2. [2024].
To access the gif pack, click on the source link (or the link in the answers). These were all made by me from scratch, do not repost as your own or in a gif hunt. You can use/edit them to your liking, just credit me (@gifsbymel). If you find it useful or use my gifs, please reblog or like this post.
CONTENT WARNINGS : sadness, crying, funeral
AVAILABLE: tumblr, google, zip file
If you like my work, consider support me on KO-FI!
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seretanspostblog · 6 months ago
Adam sen de. Her sevgili, bizim muhayyilemizin yaratıp süslediği yaratıktan başka bir şey midir? Bu, ister bir şehirli hanım, ister bir köylü kız olsun, ona, "bir taneciğim" diyen biziz.
Sanıyorum ki, birkaç defa sevdim ve her defasında, aynı tarzda sevmekle beraber, sevdiklerim birbirinin aynı değildi. Şu halde, gönlümüz her çiçekten bal alan bir arı gibidir.
Tevekkeli, Eşrefoğlu: "Arı biziz bal bizdedir," dememiş. Bu söz, şairlerin "maşuka" adını verdikleri yaratığı, derhal ortadan kaldırıyor.
Yaban/Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu
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radiomonkeys2 · 6 months ago
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Human vs Saiyajin: Horatio vs Yulaan, courtesy of Salvamakoto
Taken directly from Hokuto no Ken, during Kenshiro's fistfight with Raoh.
Something of a follow-up to 
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1965 Bering Sea, near Mekoryuk, Alaska
Sol Yulaan and a fellow sailor named Billy Davis have a nice, calm discussion about who was Western history's greatest war hero
Horatio in the back there doesn't think Yulaan is being considerate of Billy's opinion that Davy Crockett is better than Leonidas and Achilles. 
And don't worry, folks— Billy survives and the two settle their differences over alcohol (which does little for a Yaban but it'd be rude to not celebrate a good fight discussion).
Admittedly, Billy might've initially disregarded Yulaan for being a dame, and she may have had to politely remind him she's a bolloi, but it all worked out
On that trip through the northwest seas, Horatio is one of those men who gets tickled by the prospect of fighting Yulaan. But you see, especially in the 1960s, a male fighting a female in direct physical combat is utterly verboten— at least in public. Even with the arrival of Yabans on Earth, the idea of men fighting bollois just is not palatable despite the clear differences bollois present vs human women. And bollois, at least those well integrated into Earth culture, know better than to publicly challenge men to fights for a similar reason: the whole "men mustn't fight ladies" isn't just due to pure chivalry but also due to the potential humiliation and shame if a man were to lose. It's sort of a double standard: men can't let women win honestly because to be a man bested by a woman is to be utterly emasculated and seen as pathetic and weak, but a man can't let a woman lose because how dare a man strike a lady in battle! So best to just not let the two fight at all to avoid that contradiction— better for a man and a lady to do the other f-word with each other. And for bollois, who nevertheless still carry the form and tag of ladies for two, ahem, very obvious reasons, this can get frustrating seeing as their blood screams for battle and challenge. Hence why they do often fight in private instead, as for men interested, the sheer strength and ability of bollois is second to none, and said private battles don't carry the potential for social stigma or humiliation. These will likely never be televised until some future more liberal age comes to pass, and most people know these go down behind the walls of society, but at least at this point in time, few make a big deal out of it. It's a similar phenomenon to courtesans and prostitution when you think about, except for the obvious differences.
This is what gets Horatio to try this chances against Yulaan, though as just himself, he wouldn't stand much of a chance, so Yulaan gathers a chi multiplier for him to exploit: one which boosts his human abilities enough to actually give her a secular challenge. By this point in time, the other men of the King Salmon know what Yulaan's about, so this is an impromptu shadow-duel. 
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clematsea · 11 months ago
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princessofxianle · 3 months ago
Xie Lian knows the sound of a well-oiled machine when he hears one. And the pleasant rumbling that tickles his eardrums must be from one stopped right outside.
Which is odd. Only because Xie Lian usually repairs broken machines. It’s incredibly rare for an already fine-tuned engine to seek him out for help. And even if so, they are always accompanied by another that requires attention.
This machine isn’t here for a repair.
It isn’t here for him.
Xie Lian isn’t that lucky.
And yet, there’s a knock on his door.
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fic inspired by artwork (LINKED HERE) by @yabancreations aka my amazing partner for this year's @tgcf-reverse-big-bang !!!
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dareyynn · 7 months ago
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Baltalar elimizde,uzun ip belimizde biz gideriz ormana hey ormana 🪓🪢🌳
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tiiracotta · 1 year ago
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The story of Heavenly Damnation, the TGCF heavy metal AU by @yabancreations continues with the second part Rotting Waters! Here is a moment from chapter 4!
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buurcudg · 1 year ago
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tanuki-kimono · 4 months ago
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Warm autumnal colors for this antique outfit, pairing a yabane (arrow fletching) kimono, and an momiji (maple leaves) obi in perfectly matching hues.
The vibrant haori features plump Kôrin momiji (maple leaves in the style of famous painter Kôrin).
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