#YOU ARE SO FUNNY ANON sorry my continuation is not that good but i tried
josephtrohman · 7 months
where is your boy tonight i think he's in oklahoma
HELPPPPP maybe he won’t find out what i know (that he’s being cucked by jimmy butler)
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improbable-outset · 3 months
I recently became an auntie/uncle! (yay!) My little nibling was overdue by a week and the funny thing is, as a way to induce labor, sib and their lovely s/o tried the whole sexy times to get baby moving. And it worked! So how about Miguel and their s/o in that same scenario and Miguel convinces his loving wife to try it out seeing as their kid is a few days overdue? Bonus if it works! That man def be looking at his heavily pregnant wife with hungry eyes lol!
Pregnant!Reader smut 😍😍 yes please! (Also congrats on your new addition to the family anon, and sorry this took so long)
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📄 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐉𝐨𝐲
Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
𝐀𝐎𝟑 | 𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 | 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.4k
𝐓𝐖 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐖: Wife!Reader, gross talks of placenta lmao, SMUT, Pregnancy sex, spooning position, virginal fingering, unprotected sex, brief mentions of the labour phase, breastfeeding and lots and lots of fluff.
𝐀/𝐍: I would’ve been lost if it wasn’t for @lazyjellyfish300 (Thank you bestie!!)
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It has been a week past your baby girl’s due date, and Miguel thinks it’s the perfect time to explore some natural methods to induce labour.
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Miguel watched you anxiously as you tried to walk hand in hand down the street with him. One of your hands rested on your baby bump, while the other clung to his.
It was a quiet night as you both made your way back home, but even in an absence of a crowd, Miguel still felt an extra precaution over you.
He leaned over and nuzzled his face against your shoulder. “You okay?”
“Yeah…I’m good,” you replied, struggling to sound convincing. Miguel knew you were concealing your stiffness. With the baby fully developed, you were ready to give birth at any given moment.
It had been a week past your due date, and you hadn’t felt any contractions. Miguel had adviced you to stay home to avoid any potential issues or emergencies while out.
But you were growing tired of being indoors all day and, after pleading with him, had finally secured a dinner date at one of your go-to restaurants.
The city was more beautiful at night, with the spectacle of lights and holograms illuminating the cityscape. Fortunately, it was within walking distance from your house, so you didn’t have to travel far.
Still, you found it difficult to manoeuvre around, struggling with your new, cumbersome, body. His eyes darted between you and the path ahead.
“Are you sure?” He asked, his voice showing his skepticism as he noticed the slight tremor in your steps.
“Mhmm,” you were starting to sound breathless now.
He noticed how you were stuggling to keep up with his pace, even while holding hands. He slowed down to match your steps.
“You’re having trouble again,” Miguel said with a hint of concern. “Why didn’t you tell me to slow down earlier?”
You huffed. “I’m just a little disappointed that I couldn’t have the sushi,”
Miguel gave a small smile. He knew how much you had been craving the sushi from the restaurant and felt bad that you couldn’t have it.
He tried to sooth your disappointment. “Lo sé, amor,” he said. “But we have to think about the baby. Your health comes first,”
He gently pulled you closer, wrapping an arm around you and supporting your back as you continued to walk. “I know it’s hard, but it won’t be long now. Just a few more weeks and you’ll be able to eat all the sushi you want,”
“Yeah…this baby really doesn’t want to come out,” you sighed, glancing down at the bump. Miguel’s eyes followed, imagining your daughter inside.
He can already sense that she would inherit his stubbornness if she didn’t want to leave the comfort of the womb for the outside world— he smiled at the thought.
“I know. But she’ll come out when she’s ready. And she’ll be worth the wait, I promise,” Miguel felt the tension from your shoulders ease up at the thought. Thinking about holding your baby for the first time still felt surreal, even while you were fully developed.
“You know, I was kinda hoping I would start contracting back in the restaurant,” you mused.
“You’re that eager for the baby to come out, huh?”
“Uh huh, I think it’d be a pretty memorable experience,”
“It definitely will be memorable,” he imagined what it would be like if you suddenly writhe in pain the moment you get into labour while dining together. It didn’t seem like a pleasant scenario, however. “But I don’t think the other patrons would appreciate a surprise birth in the middle of dinner,”
“Right, of course,” you said. “But the food was still good though,”
“Yeah, it was.” He continued to walk by your side. “But I bet that sushi would’ve been tastier,” he added with a tease.
You rolled your eyes and pouted. “Urgh, don’t remind me,”
“Heh, I’m sorry amor,” he chuckled, his instinct quickly went on high alert again, focusing on your well-being.
His fingers traced circles on your back, a comforting reminder of his presence and support. He wanted to make sure he was there for you.
“I’ve heard women eat their own placenta,” you commented casually, breaking the comfortable silence.
Miguel couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose in disgust. He didn’t understand why you would bring it up, especially after a nice dinner. Knowing how easily queasy you could get, especially during your pregnancy, he was taken aback by your comment.
“Okay, that is gross,” he responded “I don’t want to think about eating your own placenta. Besides, there is no way that’s healthy, right?”
He knew you’d never entertain such an idea , especially if it’s people doing things online. He shook his head, trying to banish the unpleasant image.
“I don’t know, you’re the scientist here,” you said with a shrug
He couldn’t help but chuckle at that. He loved it when you would always remind him of his science background, something that he took pride in.
“Well, from a science perspective, I can tell you there’s no real evidence that eating your own placenta has any benefits.” He glanced at you before looking forward again. “I can imagine it being little too gritty and chewy like granola,”
“Eww I don’t think I can have granola the same now…” You scrunch your own face in disgust, mirroring Miguel's earlier reaction.
“Oh come on, mi vida. Don’t let the idea of eating a placenta ruin granola for you. There are plenty of other healthy food options like…uhm kale?”
He couldn’t stop the grin from forming on his lips, clearly enjoying prodding you. “Yeah you know, the leafy stuff that tastes like grass.”
“Grass is appetising to you?”
He was clearly just milking it now out of spite and further teasing the conversation. “You don’t like the taste of grass? It boosts your immune system and gives you a healthy gut biome. You should definitely try it sometime,”
“Oh ok, cow.”
“Cow? Is that what you're gonna call me from now on?”
“Mooooo,” you mimicked, leaning into the joke.
“Okay okay I get it. I guess I’m a cow who likes eating grass and kale. You win this one, amor,” Miguel conceded.
Though he felt a swell of admiration towards you at that moment. Despite the discomfort you must’ve been feeling right now, you still managed to bring light into the situation.
You were definitely ready to be a mother and he couldn’t wait to see the more maternal nature from you.
Though in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but wonder if you’re doing it to distract yourself or, worse, distract him from your unease.
He really hoped it was just the former; at least that would be more reasonable. He knew how stubborn you could be when it came to your well-being, and now wasn’t the best time for that, given your vulnerable state.
Memories of the last time you pushed yourself too hard, refusing to talk to him about your stress until you reached burnout, were still fresh in his mind.
“Next thing you know, you’re gonna say you smoke grass too,” And there was more of that smartass mouth of yours.
He set the earlier concerns aside and focused on coming up with a response to match your sarcasm. “Well I wouldn’t rule it out, maybe I’ll try some kale-wrapped placenta. Who knows?”
“Eww okay stop,” you wrinkled your nose in mock horror.
“Heh, you started it with the placenta talk, amor.”
“Yes, and you somehow made it worse,” you resorted, shaking your head. You both moved on from the placenta talk, shifting to a more pleasant topic the rest of the way home.
Miguel felt a wave of relief wash over him as he stepped foot into the house. The familiar surroundings offered a sense of security that eased his mind; knowing you were safe within these walls and away from any disturbance or danger from outside.
He watched as you padded over to the living room, your gait slowed by the weight of your baby bump. You sank onto the couch with a sigh. Despite the safety of indoors, Miguel’s protective instincts kept him alert with his eyes following your every move.
Ever since your due date had passed, Miguel had been anticipating the moment you would feel your first contraction.
Your hospital bag had been so packed for days, sitting in the corner of the room like a silent sentinel. It was filled with extra clothes, thick pads and everything else you might need. He was determined to be prepared for any eventuality.
But it seemed as though time stretched to a crawl as the days dragged on past your due date. Despite his effort to remain patient, he couldn’t help but feel a little restless yet excited for the baby’s arrival.
He settled onto the couch beside you and held the baby bump, feeling the gentle movements of your daughter inside. He wondered how you were feeling physically, sensing that must be feeling a mix of discomfort and anticipation.
Part of him wished for the labour to start soon, not just to end your pain but to finally see you hold your baby for the first time. He knew that moment would be etched in his memory forever.
He wanted nothing more than to come back into the apartment finally being a family of three. His eyes fell on you again; you looked worn out but you still looked stunning.
He had heard about the pregnancy glow but never truly believed it until he saw you. Your beauty seemed to shine even brighter through the fatigue and the physical toll of motherhood.
He felt you shift slightly, seeking a more comfortable position. “How are you feeling, amor? Do you need anything?” He asked softly.
You shook your head, offering a tired smile. “No, I’m okay. Just a little achy,”
“I can imagine…” he replied.
No, I don’t think I could even remotely imagine.
He could sense your aches, even if you were trying to downplay it. “How about we call it a night and get ready for bed? I can bring you some tea to help you relax,”
“That would be nice, actually. Thank you.” You said. Miguel stood to his feet and extended his hand to you. Once you grabbed it, he gently helped you to get to your feet too.
You headed over to the bedroom, the house hushed to a comfortable silence, while Miguel moved to the kitchen to prepare a cup of chamomile tea.
As the water heated on the stove, his mind drifted to the idea of different ways to induce labour. He had heard about more natural methods that could help get the baby moving.
But he was unsure how you would feel about the subject. The last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable and get you to do something that you were not too sure with.
Natural inducing was a delicate topic and he didn’t know how he was going to bring it up. Yet, with the increasing tension you must’ve been experiencing, he felt an urgency to find a solution. The sooner the better, right?
Once the tea was prepared he headed to the bedroom too and found you already nestled under the covers. He handed you the cup and settled beside you on the bed. “Here you go, sip it slowly.”
“Thank you, Miguel.” you said, taking the cup with a grateful smile.
Miguel took a moment to appreciate the sight of you. In your cozy pajamas, with your baby bump showing and your expression relaxed, you looked more radiant than ever.
He shook off his awe and focused on the topic that had been on his mind. The timing felt right but he decided to wait until you finished your tea before he spoke.
Once you’ve drained the cup, he took a deep breath. “I was thinking…I know we’re both anxious about when the baby will come. I think I might know something that could help induce labour.”
You placed the cup on the nightstand before turning to him. “You do?”
He leaned a little closer so he could study your face. “Yeah, it involves some…physical activities,”
Immediately you twisted your face, recalling a past memory. “Oh, please don’t make me use that exercise ball again,”
“No, not the exercise ball,” he chuckled before he retained his gentle tone.“There are some excerises, but we don’t need to do that now. I was thinking of something more intimate.”
Your eyebrows arched in understanding.“I’ve heard of that too, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try, right?”
Relief and excitement swirled in Miguel’s heart at your openness. Though he didn’t want to put everything on you now. “Only if you’re comfortable. I know you're tired right now so we don’t need to do it tonight,”
You chewed on your lower lip, suppressing your grin from growing wide.“Oh well, I might have a little spare energy for this.”
“Oh? Too impatient for the baby to come out?”
“That and…you’re looking pretty irresistible right now,” he saw a flicker of something familiar in your eyes as you said that and it was too tempting not to give him.
He leaned in, capturing your lips with his in a deep kiss. He felt you respond back eagerly, your lips parted slightly as his tongue traced the contours of your mouth, silently asking for entry.
You opened up to him and he took that opportunity to map out your tongue to taste more of you. After pulling his lips away, he soaked in the sight of you and how flushed your lips were right now.
His voice dropped to a more soothing tone as he spoke. “Let me do the work, okay? You just lay back for me.”
He carefully stripped off your pants, with your undies remaining, before he removed his own. He gently guided you to lie on your side before he climbed onto the bed behind you. His chest was pressed against your back now and he wrapped an arm around you and caressed your bump.
“Comfortable?” He asked in a whisper.
“Yeah, are you?”
“Very.” he pressed up closer to you, molding his body against yours.
One of his hands reached lower to trace the edge of your undies between your thighs. He felt your twitch slightly at the touch and he couldn’t help the grin against your neck.
He reached lower until he felt the damp patch of the fabric and gently rubbed in a circular motion over your clothed folds and the clit.
“Mig—” you gasped, writhing under his touch. You were more sensitive now with your hormones flaring.
He groaned softly at the sound of you saying his name like that, so needy and desperate for him. “You’re so wet for me, amor.” He murmured.
You could only moan lowly in response as he dug his fingers through the panties to feel more of your wetness. Your panties cling to your core from your wetness as he lowered the fabric to expose the delicate area.
The undies were only pulled down up to your upper thighs but it was enough room for him to delve his fingers into your cunt, drawing in and out at a shallow pace.
You were so responsive and your pregnant bump made you look even more enticing right now. He added a second finger, increasing his pace ever so slightly while using the right amount of pressure to drive you wild.
He heard you gasp, loving how easily he could make you moan and forget about everything other than him. “You’re so beautiful like this,” he moaned against your ear.
You flushed again this chest, squirming until you rubbed against his groin and over his hard on. His breath caught against his throat, suddenly feeling his urges getting stronger. He wanted to be buried deep inside you right now but he didn’t want to rush things just yet.
“You’re making it hard for me to hold back,” his voice was strained as he breathed.
“Miguel, please—” you whined, rubbing your thigh desperately for some friction against the bundle of nerves.
Miguel’s control was hanging by a thread by now as he heard your plea. He slowly withdrew his fingers from you and shifted his body. He quickly lapped up your wetness from his digits before he started grinding his hard on against the rear.
His hands slip up your stomach again. He was infatuated by your bump and he couldn’t get enough of you.
“Are you sure you’re ready for me?” He breathed against your ear. He was aware of how more sensitive you were now and he wanted to make sure he prepped.
“Yes…please, I need you Miguel.” You begged further. The desperation in your voice pushed him to his breaking point.
He pulled away momentarily to lower his boxers and freed his aching cock. He stroked it a few times before he located your core between your thighs.
Once he found the jackpot, he slowly pushed himself inside. Immediately he was overwhelmed by you and your walls squeezing around him. You clenched onto the bed sheets beside you as he pushed further.
Once he had bottomed out, he felt his eagerness heighten and there was a hopefulness that this might be the chance to finally bring about the beginning of your labour, leading to the birth of your baby.
But at the same time, he couldn’t ignore the lingering nervousness on what’s to come and the significant changes that would happen.
But for tonight, he didn’t allow himself to focus on that— instead he wanted to bring you the bliss that you needed now before those hours of labour.
He let out a low groan into your neck before he started to drag himself out and slipped back in again, all while watching your face with a close eye.
He wanted to be able to pick up on your reaction through your micro facial expressions, even if he did only have a vantage view of your face from his position. Your mouth was parted open with the sound of your whine slipping from your lips.
His pace started off slow and steady so you both could get in the swing of things— and so he could adjust to the position. He had never made love to you like this so this was all new to him, especially with your new body.
He felt you tighten around him as he thrusted in and out of you, milking more moans and sweet sounds out of you. He kept his hands around your stomach, feeling the activity of the baby inside as he slowly increased his pace.
Your moans were becoming more frantic and high pitched from the mounted pleasure and how sensitive you were now. He could sense the familiar trance of your climax from the sounds you were making and how breathingless you were right now.
He moved his hand from your stomach to reach for your hand and threaded his fingers through yours. His lips remained near your ear and he kept his voice hushed. “That’s it, amor. Let yourself go.”
He heard you cry out his name in pure ecstasy as you reached your peak, sending a shiver down his spine. He continued to move inside you, helping you ride out your orgasm. His thrusts became more sporadic and jerky now as he felt his own peak crawl up to him.
With one finally thrust, he reached his own orgasm, coming hard inside of you and filling you with his release. He moaned your name, like it was painted on his tongue, as his body shuddered against yours.
He slowly pulled out from you and felt the withdrawal. Your bodies were still clung onto each other as both of you came down from your high. Miguel shuffled away to give you some room to breathe, with the sweat cooling his skin.
You turned your body over so you were facing him again before you wrapped yourself around him. “Do you think it worked?” You asked.
Miguel pulled you as close as you bump will allow. “Well, I don’t know for certain, but it was definitely worth a try. And even if it doesn't, we can keep trying.”
The thought did excite him, but he really hoped that it would work the first time. He couldn’t wait any longer.
Miguel’s hand continued to trace gentle patterns on your skin. A sense of satisfaction washed over him, and it blended seamlessly with the lingering pleasure of your intimacy.
“You know, after everything I’ve lost, I never thought I’d ever find happiness. I never thought I’d ever find someone who makes me feel alive again, someone to start a family with.” He sighed, tracing his fingers over the back of your neck affectionately. “Yet…here I am, married to the most incredible woman,”
“Well, I never thought I’d be married to Spiderman,” you replied with a cheeky grin.
Of course you would bring that up.
“Oh God, please don’t refer to me as that, not while I’m off the clock anyways,” he said, though internally your words felt like a warm embrace, filling him with a sense of fulfillment. “I’m not some special entity or idol, just a man who loves his wife,” he added.
“And a man who keeps the Multiverse intact,” you reminded him. He wasn’t always fond of his role as the leader of the Society, but the way you said it made it sound almost noble.
“Urgh, don’t remind me, you make it sound like I’m some sort of superhero. Can’t you just call me your husband for tonight,” there was a hint of vulnerability in his voice that he couldn’t hide, even if he was joking.
You looked up at him, your expression softened with affection, “You are, and you’re my hero too,”
Miguel felt his heart quicken seeing the way you looked at him. It wasn’t every day that he received the recognition that he deserved; but even when he did receive some praises here and there, it would never give the deep sense of gratification that he felt when hearing it from you.
You always knew how to make him feel not only noticed but appreciated too. It was almost surreal having someone like you to wake up to everyday. “You’re really giving me a big head you know that, but it’s nice to hear you say it,”
“Yeah…and you’ll be this little one’s hero too,” your gaze fell to your bump.
Miguel couldn’t stop himself from gently caressing your stomach, feeling the kicks from your daughter.
Any moment now.
Miguel kissed your forehead. “Let’s get some rest, tomorrow is another big day,” You were both lulled to sleep with your synced heartbeats.
The following morning, Miguel felt you gently shaking him awake. Blinking against the morning light, he focused on your excited expression. He was still defrosting from his slumber so he didn’t pick up on what you said until he heard the word contraction.
Immediately he felt his heart rate spike and he bolted upright. “Are you sure? When did you feel it?”
You beamed at him. “Just a few minutes ago. I tried to wake you but you were in a deep sleep. Should we get ready to go to the hospital?”
Miguel didn’t need to be asked twice before he was out of bed and freshening up in the bathroom. The entire morning, he was on high alert, making sure everything was in place, carrying the hospital bag to the car and making sure you were feeling okay, reminding you to focus on your breathing.
As you both stepped out of the front door, he halted as his mind started racing. He looked back at the house and realised the next time he walked through these doors and back inside, you would be a family of three.
This was something you’ve both been dreaming for a long time and having to experience it in real time still didn’t sink in yet. He stepped further out the house and locked the doors before he climbed into the car, taking his place behind the wheel.
Several hours of ice chips later, the first cry of your baby girl tore through the room. At that moment, time seemed to stand still. Everything and everyone else faded into the background and all Miguel could focus on was you and the baby.
When it was his turn to hold her, Miguel couldn’t form a single word until he saw her big eyes open for the first time, looking up at him. She probably recognised his voice as he offered soft words of comfort.
“Mi pequeña princesa,”
He felt a fierce sense of protectiveness over the baby. He wanted to hold her close, to keep her safe, but he was also aware of her fragility. So he found a careful balance, making sure she felt his warmth in his arms.
When it was time for your baby’s first feeding, Miguel watched you as you nursed your daughter for the first time. The nurse helped with the latching and the positioning so you would be more comfortable.
You brought the baby closer to your body, aligning her head with your nipple. You got the hang of it pretty quickly and soon, she got a good latch, with her tiny lips flared out.
Miguel watched in awe as she started to suck and draw out the milk. “She’s feeding, amor. You’re a natural at this,”
Once the baby’s feeding was done, you slowly guided her off your nipple and held her against your chest.
“Miguel, I did it!” You exclaimed, the excitement shining in your eyes.
“¡Por supuesto que lo hiciste! You did an amazing job.” He pulled you close and kissed the crown of your head.
“I couldn’t have gotten this far without you.” You confessed.
“That's not true. You're the one who gave birth to our little girl, and you're the one who is nursing her, giving her the best possible start in life. You're the strong, amazing, beautiful mother of our child. I'm just here to support you every step of the way.” Miguel quickly wiped the mist in his eyes, overcome with emotion.
“True, but I would be a mess without you,”
“And I would be lost without you. You may be the one bringing our baby into the world and feeding her, but I’m right here besides you,” he said, voice steady and reassuring. “I’ll do everything I can to make this journey easy for you,”
And he sealed his promise with a kiss on your forehead.
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I shit you not, there are women out there who actually talk ab eating their own placenta on TikTok (TW if you get easily squeamish) ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
��𝐚𝐠𝐬: @thealleydog @mybvalentine @prettygirleli @enneadec @aisajustwannaread
@babeyling @monarchberrysblog @saintdiior
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
hi hiii its my first time ever asking anyone idk how this works ( ;`Д´)
i rlly love your writing, i often find myself staying up late reading through your blogs!! funny bcs u were the one who got me into jason todd (ФωФ)
anyways!!! i was hoping you could pls pls pls pls plssssss write smth about Jason Todd who has a lover thats a sleep-deprived uni student having a hell week and jason is like "bitch put google docs down and get some sleep, ur ass has been awake for 48 hours" all worried and wanting them to rest and reader is like "correction, 50 hours."
i hope it makes sense (´ 3`)
tyyyyy!!! woopee woopee
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Sorry this took so long to get to anon, I hope you liked it either way. And don’t stay up too late reading fics but I truly appreciate you reading my stuff, I’m glad you like them 🦦🐿️
A week.
An entire week Jason had noticed you have been forcing yourself to stay up at the dead of night, glued to your laptop all the while chugging energy drinks and cups of coffee as though they were going out of style, and for what? An assignment that determined your future at uni should you not get straight marks.
Jason thought it ridiculous that you made yourself sleep deprived over this but he knew that if he didn’t do anything about it, then you’ll continue this habit until you were well out of university, struggling to come to terms that you had well and truly burnt yourself out before you could properly start living.
So when Jason couldn’t fell you next to him in bed one night, like you promised him you would, and groaned as he got himself out of bed before making his way towards the kitchen where he’d knew you’d be.
‘What time do you call this?’ Jason asked when he saw you in your usual spot at the kitchen counter, hunched over your laptop with a thin blanket frapped over your shoulders and a can of energy drink on one side of the laptop and a cup of coffee on the other side. He hated what this stupid university has made you do just in order to get good grades, it was harmful, damaging and it would inevitably lead to health complications later on in life; If he could Jason would more then gladly march down there and threaten the professors to stop shoving a boatload of work onto their students, but firstly he has to get you away from that damn laptop and learn how to take a fucking break.
‘Mid-afternoon?’ You asked, not looking up from the bright screen of your laptop, where the words scrawled across it in an incoherent mess for your overworked brain to comprehend.
‘It’s actually 3:30 in the morning.’ Jason replied unamused as he crossed his arms over his chest and you winced when you saw that he was indeed right about it being three thirty in the morning. ‘Don’t you think it’s time that you shut the laptop off and get some sleep?’
‘But I-‘
‘Actually sleep.’ Jason cuts you off as you slumped back into your chair, unable to come up with a decent enough response to defend yourself with because deep down you knew Jason was right, you’ve hadn’t had a decent sleep in a long while and it was definitely taking it’s toll with how lightheaded you’ve become as of late.
You sighed and ran your hands down your face. ‘Jason I can’t, I’ve got-‘
‘An assignment to complete for tomorrow I know.’ Jason cuts you off again as he crossed the room to put his hand over the top of your coffee cup upon noticing that you were intending to take another drink from it. ‘But I look at you and can tell you can barely keep your eyes open for more than five minutes.’ He adds and upon your silence, he puts the cup aside as far as he could before doing the same with the half empty energy drink, and then finally shutting the laptop close despite your weak protests for him not to.
‘No, Jason my assignment, I need to finish it.’ You told him with slow, sluggish movements as you tried to pry his hand off of your laptop, all the while biting back a yawn. ‘Just give me five more minutes please and I’ll come to bed, promise.’
Jason had enough of this habit of sleepless nights, it ends now, the professors will have to understand and extend the due date for your sake as he remembered how often you had harped on about how important this assignment was for your overall grade; However Jason didn’t take neglecting your bodily needs lightly and would prioritise that over anything else,you could hate him all you wanted but he was only looking out for you and your wellbeing.
‘Sorry chipmunk but I can’t watch you do this to yourself for any longer than I already have.’ Was all Jason said as he then lifted you out of your chair suddenly causing you to yelp in surprise and cling onto him for dear life, now being more awake then you ever have been five minutes ago, as he then proceeded to carry you back towards the bedroom before unceremoniously dropping you onto the bed.
‘Jason, I seriously needed to get that assignment-‘
‘We are going to sleep, end of discussion.’ Jason said with finality as he crawled under the covers and quickly held you against his chest as tightly as he could, rubbing his hands up and down your back soothingly. ‘I know how important this assignment was for you sweetheart but I’d much rather have you well rested, clear minded and healthy than to ever to have you pass out in my arms from exhaustion. I want my baby happy and healthy and you are neither of those things right now.’ Jason whispers into your ear, kissing the side of your head a couple of times before resting his forehead against yours so that he was looking into your weary half lidded eyes.
‘Look at you, you can barely keep your eyes open.’ He spoke with worry laced in his words.
‘You’re really warm and comfy jay birdie.’ You murmured, feeling the need for sleep grow ever stronger the longer you stayed in his arms as it fogged your mind.
‘I know, so please we can talk to the professor in the morning and sort something out, but until then no more late nights understand?’ Jason said firmly as he held you a little tighter, he just wanted you to get a decent nights sleep and be looked after properly but all these late nights weren’t cutting it and were making your situation worse, how were you meant to get anything done when you were half out of it due to overworking and lack of a sleep schedule? Were the professors at your university thinking they were teaching robots instead of humans with breaking limits?
‘Okay I understand, I love you.’ You replied sleepily as you burrowed your head into his neck, falling asleep in record time as Jason stayed awake a little longer as to make sure you were properly asleep before following suit, watching over you in the dream realm as he did the waking one.
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totalswag · 1 year
how much did you drink? — RAFE CAMERON
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authors note hi loves!! i know i disappeared for awhile, my personal life got extremely busy and i never had time to write on my computer. i'm so excited to be back and writing for you guys though. this fic has been in my google doc for small minute and i got a request from an anon somewhat similar to this fic too, lol.
summary y/n getting a little too drunk at a party and rafe has to come pick her up
warnings drinking, swearing, smoking, sexual tension, implied smut?
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Lets face it, you were drunk, like really drunk.
You made the decision to come out on a Saturday night with Sarah to John B’s. People dancing, making out everywhere, smoking, drinking, along with loud music.
As the night progressed you were on the table dancing with your best friend with bottles of tequila in your hands, everyone cheering you two on as you continued dancing.
“I’m having so much fun tonight” your words are slurring at this point. 
“Me too,” your friend giggled.
Topper and Kelce shook their heads while they stood near the kitchen. Rafe, your boyfriend, told Topper and Kelce to watch you simply because he wasn't at the party.
“She's about to do something dumb” Topper murmurs, and Kelce nods in agreement.
Kelce replies, "I think it's time we called Rafe."
Topper calls Rafe, while Kelce tries to get you off the table but fails when you say no and to go away so you can drink more. Kelce turns around, sending Topper the clear message that Rafe needs to arrive as quickly as possible.
"Yo, Rafe, sorry for bothering you, but Y/N is really drunk and dancing on the table, and she won't listen to us" Topper scratched his chin, glancing at Kelce, who was attempting to get you off the table.
"Are you being serious?" Rafe must have been in a deep sleep based on the sound of his voice. 
"Yeah, could you pick her up?" He begs.
Topper can hear Rafe's end shifting, "I'll be there soon, just keep an eye on here, please." Rafe sighs and hangs up the phone. 
Meanwhile, Topper and Kelce were eventually able to get you off the table by claiming a drinking game was about to begin, which was correct. You stood in the kitchen with the guys and few other friends watching while others set out the red solo cups on the board.
Your friends came into the kitchen to see what you were doing and they were worried about you because they couldn’t find you.
"These two have me on lock down so I don't drink anymore but oddly waiting to play a drinking game," you add, staring at the girls before wandering your gaze over to Kelce and Topper, who are in the middle of a conversation with a few of their buddies.
Your friends laugh, shaking their heads, telling you, you should still be drinking and having fun.
"I'm so drunk right now, it's not even funny," you hiccuped as your body swayed back and forth, almost knocking you off your feet.
Topper leaned over the counter, grabbing you before you fell.
"Y/N, please drink the water," he says as he puts the water bottle out to you, you look at him, shaking your head as you push it away with your hand.
"Drink the water now, Y/N, we're going home," your boyfriend said, filling your ears. You circle around, placing your arms around his waist, excited. 
"You guys are no fun," you scoff.
"That hangover isn't going to be fun in the morning," Rafe responds. 
“How much did you drink baby?” he asks, lifting your chin up, making eye contact with you.
“I drank a lot and smoked too” you answered truthly, hiccuping.
"You are so hot, I could just fu-" you run your hands down his stomach, removing his shirt a little and gliding your hands on his exposed skin. Rafe stopped you before you could complete your sentence.
Usually when you drink too much and Rafe’s around you get very touchy with him and start saying unholy words from your mouth which leads to fucking or you need to really sober up. You can’t stop but think of how good he looks right now.
Rafe comes to these types of parties with you but tonight he wasn’t feeling it. He trusts you going to parties with your friends or the guys cause he knows you would never do anything that can hurt your relationship.
"All right, that's enough for the night. "Seriously, drink the water," he says, twisting the cap and handing you the water to sip. You realized nothing else would work, so you drank the water.
Rafe watched as you drank the water. When you get this drunk no one else can handle you unless it’s Rafe because he’s been around you enough to know. Your best friends get drunk with you so them being drunk trying to help you too doesn’t make the situation better.
When you finished the water, you wrapped your arms around Rafe, nuzzling your face in his chest mumbling words. He took it as a sign that you were ready to leave the party.
“We’ll walk you two out” Topper suggested to Rafe.
“Yeah that would be helpful, thank you” picking you up in braid style.
You lifted your head from Rafe's chest, confused as to why he began guiding you from the kitchen to the front door. "Why are we leaving?" you asked as you pulled away. "I want to stay," you protest, pointing back to your friends. 
Rafe sighs, closing his eyes, "baby you are drunk and have been drinking a lot" he pauses, "you need to rest too" you pout.
“Say goodnight to them real quick,”
When you walk back to the kitchen your friends eye’s light up but faces drop when you tell them you were saying goodnight. They told you to be safe and see you tomorrow.
“I better get dick out of this” you sarcastically state, making the girls laugh.
“I love you girls” you wave as you leave the kitchen.
You flip Rafe off as you walk past him, giving him a blank stare. He throws his hands in the air, shaking his head, then follows you out the door.
The car ride to his house took five minutes. You were knocked out in the passenger seat curled up in a ball. You woke up when you felt the truck come to a complete stop. Rafe opened the door, carrying you inside.
You start singing a song from the party when you enter the Cameron household. Rafe chuckled as he locked the door then came behind you.
“You need to stay quiet because everyone's sleeping,” Rafe whispered softly.
“Oh my bad” you quickly stop, putting your hand over your mouth.
He lays you on his bed and goes in his closet for clothes for you. He comes back with sweats and one of your favorite t-shirts of his. Before you could lift your shirt, he stopped you.
“Let me do it please” he kisses your cheek.
He led you into the bathroom to remove your makeup and then dab water on your face to freshen it up before taking you into bed. When you spent the night, there was Advil and ice water on your side of the bed. 
Rafe could tell you were still drunk by your facial expressions.
In your drunken state, seeing the Advil and water on the nightstand warms your heart, "Thank you baby," you look up, then pop the Advil in your mouth and take a long sip of the water. 
"Need to make sure my girl is okay," he grins.
"How about we get into bed and sleep?" He then pulls you both into bed.
You quickly close your eyes when your head makes contact with his chest.
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my taglist 🧚🏼‍♀️
if you would like to be added to my taglist let me know!!
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @brooklynscherry-z @kaydsr3venge
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chilschuck · 5 months
I'm not sure how to put it into words on what I exactly want outta this, but please give us a Chilchuck x Tall Woman Reader.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ hi anon!! i hope this is okay! i kinda did a mixture of hcs with a drabble, just something put together for you! thank you so much for your request, this is so cute!! <3
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— CHILCHUCK x fem tall-man!reader
꒰ warnings: ꒱ sfw + fluffy goodness with this emotionally constipated man. enjoy!
꒰ wc: ꒱ 524
✦ this was so fun…. fem tall-man is so funny to read… tall-woman?? idk anymore. holds my head in my hands. i think this turned out more gn, but i tried. :”)) please enjoy!!! feel free to submit the request again if you’d like me to do more for it!! <3
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✦ Chilchuck was used to being looked down upon, something he experienced both figuratively and literally. It came with being a half-foot, and that was the cold, hard truth. Yet, for a reason he couldn’t wrap his head around, he felt warm around you.
✦ Maybe it was your smile, or the way you managed to make him feel like you were always on the same page. It didn’t help that you weren’t bad to look at, on top of being possibly one of the easiest people to talk to he’s come across. He could continue to play it off as just a perk of working together, which was something he planned to do. But things were never that easy for him.
✦ Chilchuck was stubborn. He knew what worked and what didn’t, and he surely wasn’t going to put everything on the line for some tall-man. Yet…
✦ Watching you interact with the rest of the party, the kindness you exude and that comfort you brought with you, made him start to crumble. You were wearing away at the wall he built up, faster than he had the ability to rebuild it.
✦ “I look up to you, Chilchuck... For all you’ve done for half-foots, the way you show others not to underestimate you. It’s really amazing.” You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, looking down at your palms. You had suddenly felt the need to tell him what had been on your mind, and there wasn’t any way you’d let this stroke of courage go.
✦ You bit your tongue for a moment. The last thing you wanted was to make him think you were sucking up to him. Clearing your throat, your gaze sought out his.
✦ Surprisingly, you had managed to catch him off guard. You… look up to him? His brow furrowed, really taking in what you had said. Cheeks rosy, he opened his mouth to speak, only to grow silent again. Dammit.
✦ You… You made it so hard for him to articulate a thought. Especially when you looked at him like that. What was he supposed to say? That he truly respected you, too? That he didn’t think you were too bad? Not to mention, the way you always looked out for him didn’t make him feel inferior for once? Ah… Shit.
✦ You were used to being honest, so it didn’t strike you as how it might maybe be too much to say in the moment. Swallowing sharply, you tried to catch his attention.
✦ “Sorry… I just mean that I really, uhm, enjoy having someone like you around. Is that too much? Sorry. Let me clarify—“
✦ Mind reeling, grabbing at straws from realizing just how deep the waves of his feelings had crashed into his psyche, he waved a hand at your words. Your name left his mouth softly, stopping you in your rambling.
✦ “That means a lot… Thanks.” A beat. “And stop saying sorry so damn much.” Chilchuck mumbled, a gloved hand scratching the back of his head in bashfulness.
✦ Who thought he’d be catching feelings for a tall-man…
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dividers by @/cafekitsune!
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misotsukiiyeooo · 1 month
Hi, I hope you're doing well. You could do a crack and fluff with you charging your boyfriend (it can be any member) for rent, but he doesn't live with you, so you explain that it's the rent for the space he occupies in your mind and heart. I don't know if that made sense haha
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Pairing: Bf! Yoon Jeonghan x F! Reader
A/N: Hey Anon!! I'm doing well, thanks. I hope you are as well!! This req is so funny; I hope you enjoyyyy!
Genre: Fluff + Crack
Word count: 2.3k
Synopsis: Charging your boyfriend. For rent? well, the space he takes in your mind and heart should count!
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You've been hanging out with Jeonghan all day and you're both now relaxing on the couch, watching Netflix.
He caresses your thigh tenderly as you eat some snacks; feeding him some snacks as well as you're watching the movie.
"You know...I should charge you for rent." You randomly bring up.
"Rent? oh okay, how much?" He's way too invested in the movie to even come to his senses.
You purse your lips; thinking of a price, "Hmm, I'm not so sure yet." Continuing to eat the snacks you're feeding him; he finally stops as you're trying to give him another piece.
"Wait...huh?" Jeonghan looks at you with pure confusion written on his face.
"Rent? I'm charging you?" Trying to hold back your laughter from his adorable puzzled face.
"Y/n, I'm confused...I don't even live here. Is this another prank?" He now pauses the show, turning to you and giving you his complete attention.
Making it harder for you to hide your smile.
"This isn't a prank. I'm tired of you taking all the space in my thoughts and heart and not even paying rent to be there!"
He's now processing everything, smiling shyly. "Taking the space in your thoughts and heart, hm? So cheesy."
Jeonghan tries to tease you back in an attempt to hide his own shyness.
"Don't act like you didn't fall for it!" You hit him lightly.
"I won't lie, you almost caught me there..." He leans closer to you. "But, I'm still way better at this than you." He pecks your lips, now having the biggest grin plastered on his face.
"You're right, you are better at being cheesy... that's not a flex nor a good thing!" You make sure you have a good comeback when it comes to him.
"Whatever, now how much do you want me to pay for this 'rent'?" Jeonghan rests his elbow on the couch, facing you.
"Probably a total of one thousand kisses a month." You place your index finger on your chin.
Jeonghan playfully rolls his eyes, "And you call me cheesy..."
You grab a couch pillow and start hitting him with it, earning nothing but laughs. "Alright! I'm sorry I was just joking stop!!" His giggles fill the room.
You stop as he tries to catch his breath from all that laughing. "I'll pay you for this rent okay? Do you mind if I pay in full right now?" He comes closer.
"Wait what-" Before you can even finish your sentence, he practically jumps on you; pampering you with hundreds of kisses. One thousand to be exact, he even counted.
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Reqs are open!!
@jjunie-0 @minminghao @honglynights @allieyaaa @bath1lda @black-swan-blog27
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
oliver talking his partner through it and calling him d**** god your brain is so huge my stomach hurts thinking about this. he’ll never tell you he loves you to your face and tries to fuck you more like he hates you because he doesn’t want to get too attached but as you’re getting close he’s all in your face and your neck, teasing you, biting your ear and softly begging you to tell him how you feel, how it’ll be better for him if you tell d**** just how close you are and how much you need him. takes you over the crest so sweetly, and continues rolling into you, chasing his own. his kisses are nonstop and so overwhelming, and he knows they are but he just really needs to connect with you like this. never the first to say “i love you” but unfortunately (in his opinion) he expresses it in so many other ways. sorry.
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but i crumble completely when you cry | a. oliver
✮ tags ; DADDY KINK, afab + fem!reader, situationship!oliver, hooking up, unresolved romantic tension, p in v, praise, soft sex, it gets emotionally strange, riding, creampies, unprotected sex, under-negotiated kink in a sense though oliver is very careful
✮ wc ; 2.2k (i dont want to talk about it)
✮ a/n ; anon im going to haunt your dreams for putting this absurd image into my head when i dont even go here im crying screaming throwing up ive been thinking about it for hours. hours of my life wasted on this guys dick. upsetting!!!!!
also i do not write this often and do not plan too again any time soon so if ur seeing this and thinking about following me for content like it i would not recommend!!!
✮ synopsis ; you don't trust oliver with your heart or your feelings. nor do you expect anything from him.
but it's hard not to lean into him when he decides to cradle you so gently.
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Your relationship with Oliver is both very ambiguous and very clear.
There's a line drawn, and you both steer clear of crossing it in your interactions. Oliver is fun. He's attractive and charming, a massive flirt but just genuine enough to be interesting.
It helps that he's hot. Physically, he's got an unreal build.
He's an athlete, so he's big. Wide chest and strong arms, thick thighs and the height to top it off. He's 6'3, and he's sexy (and his dick is huge) - and you sleep with him because of that. You don't date him explicitly because he's a womanizer. If you'd met when you were a little younger, a little more naive - you might've tried to dog-train him into being your boyfriend.
Because on top of the immaculate dick, he's fun to be around. He's funny, he drinks well, he's not a scumbag in the ways that turn you off.
You're old enough to know better. You have a career. You're too busy, and too jaded about love to try and fix whatever weird shit he has going on. So even if the two of you harbor some sort of emotional or romantic feelings for each other, you're smart enough to not get invested in those feelings and smart enough to have no expectations.
Oliver is your fun. He's your sneaky link, your weekend off. You come to him to blow off steam. You have rough, fast sex and it's good. Sometimes you chill afterwards, and you'll indulge each other in some physical affection but other times you take your shower and leave. It's a good time, and you know well enough not to ever ask him for any of your emotional needs. You have your therapist and girl friends for that.
Normally, when you're having a rough week - it's prime time to go to him. He'll fuck you a little harder than usual, and sometimes he's nice enough to kiss it better. But it's still, very distinctly, never crossing that boundary.
But some weeks, like this week - shit is bad. Not just stressful bad, but everything in the fucking world that could go wrong, is going wrong bad. It's not the kind of thing you can get over by compartmentalizing and even when you try to do your usual thing it doesn't really work.
You're trying right now - to get over the fucked up week you had. And you're turned on, but somehow - it's still not enough to get you completely out of it.
Oliver pauses mid stroke, in missionary - hetero-chromatic eyes staring you down as your thoughts are somewhere else completely. You don't notice the first time he stops, or the first time he calls you.
And he only gets your attention by cupping your face and making you look at him. You startle as you cast your glance his way.
"What's with you?" He asks, though he's not pissed or anything "Not feelin' it? Want me to stop?"
"No, you don't have too."
"Not what I asked," He chastises, letting go of your face "Not having your full attention is making me go soft,"
This makes you laugh, and Oliver cracks a smile seeing the tension melt off your face if only slightly.
"I'm cool with stopping." He assures. You let your hand reach up to his shoulder.
"It's not like I want to stop, necessarily? Like I wanna do something to get my mind off it and sex feels like the best option, but you know how it goes sometimes," You say, trying your best to avoid the emotional baggage of your words "We can stop though. I'll pay you for your wasted time," You tack the joke on at the end to ease the tension.
You're expecting him to pull out and stop, or maybe challenge himself into fucking you so good that you forget. Something more quintessentially Oliver than what he does do.
He gives you a blank look first, than a laugh that is a touch too sincere for you to be comfortable "That bad of a week?"
You're suddenly in dangerous territory. Somehow, this strange intimacy makes all the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You swallow thickly, the emotions coming over you so quick you end up looking away.
"Yeah. You know. It's fine, but you know."
"Mm," He says. He leans into your space. His breath is warm and his stubble tickles your skin as he whispers in your ear. You feel your breath hitch. And the air feels heavy "Wanna try somethin' else?"
"Like what?"
"A surprise," He says first, and find your stomach tightening. A hollowness in your nerves "Gotta trust me."
"You're scaring me." You joke.
"I'm a sex expert, you know?" Oliver says, humming against your skin "If I can't remedy your little problem with my dick, it's bad for my street cred. My yelp reviews will tank."
"You're such a dumbass."
"Do you trust me?"
You don't know how to answer. Yes, for the most part. Not with everything, but with your pleasure at least. Whatever this is, it doesn't feel the same. But you say yes, anyways. Oliver kisses your jaw in reply, then he pulls out.
He flips position easily. He ends up on his back, then he grabs you to rest on top of him. You're not sure what you're expecting. He holds you by your hips as your sex hovers over his cock. His thumb is rubbing circles into your skin as he sinks you down slowly onto him.
You only stare at him, mouth opening as you feel him stretch you open for a second time.
You're more aware of it this way. He's so thick, and so intrusive - and normally, you're feeling that in hard strokes. Fast and rough, like something knocking into your cervix. But like this, he's hitting a deep angle. You can feel every curve, every inch, as you come down slowly.
He keeps you there. For longer than you'd expect. Just keeps you, settles you, holds you gently. You stare at him as he grabs your hand, locking your fingers. Your first instinct is to panic, or crack a joke - but there's an intense look in his eye that shuts you up.
Uncharacteristically gentle, you find yourself frightened. Oliver's hands reach for you again. They hold your waist and slide up the planes of your body. He holds your tits in his palms and squeezes.
He does this a lot, but there's not usually this much touching. This much foreplay. It's grabby, a deeper pressure. He doesn't...feel you, in the way he is now. You stare at him, and he looks back at you so fondly you feel a strange urge to pretend it never happened.
"Play with your clit," He says, though there's no urgency in his voice.
Deep and smooth, the timbre in it has you shaking. You listen, on auto-pilot as you play with yourself clumsily and build a slow pressure. He just watches.
"C'mere, baby. And don't stop touching yourself."
Another pause. It's not the first time he's called you that. He likes to call you all sorts of things when you're fucking, and baby is one of the few. But not like that. Not like this. He gives you a lazy, self satisfied smile and encourages you by placing a hand on where he can reach on your low back.
You lean down, and Oliver tucks you into his chest. He's warm, and strong - and smells so good, like musk and cologne. Your free hand is on his chest, as he grips your hips and fucks up into you.
"That's it," His voice is pleasant to your ears. It feels funny to you "Just gotta listen to me."
He starts fucking you slowly. It's a familiar feeling, a pleasant stretch that dulls into a euphoric fullness. But it's never been this slow before. Each thrust is slow, and punctual, and so deep you feel yourself gasping. It's not enough to push you over the edge, but it's enough to make your mind feel a little numb.
You think he's going to keep at you like this, maybe edge you to take you out of it. But he doesn't. He keeps his pace.
"Had a hard time this week, didn't you, tough girl?" He mumbles, so low it doesn't feel real. You feel your heart start to race. You feel your throat start to close around something, choking "Did a good job and came to me. Gonna let me take care of it?"
You stumble. You aren't sure what to say, you nod and hope he feels it. He laughs a little. You can't be sure if you're fucking Oliver or not.
You know it's him but he's never been like this. Not once. Not ever.
"Gonna let daddy take care of you?" He says, though it's tentative. Your breath hitches. Something strange overwhelms your senses "Tell me, baby."
"Uhm," Your first reaction is a sense of resistance, an immediate pull away. Not that you hate it but you aren't sure how to adjust. You squirm, but you don't tell him no. You feel like you can't in this state "Uh-uh,"
He keeps surprising you, pressing his lips to yours where you hover over him, tender as he ups the pace of his thrusts.
"That's what I like to hear," He almost sounds proud "You'll hurt your head if you think too much. And I'd be a bad daddy, letting that happen, yeah?"
A vulnerable, foreign sensation drives you to speak "You're not bad in that way."
He laughs "Just in other ways, right?"
You giggle "Uh-huh."
"But not in this one," He repeats, very carefully. He fucks into you harder now, pays extra special attention to you. It's all for you, is what he's saying in a language completely foreign yet somehow so known. One only the two of you will ever know fully, confined in the four walls of this room "Daddy is good at taking care of you like this, so you should let him do just that. Tough girls always need their daddies, hm?"
It's what ends up tipping you up over the edge. You cling to him, succumbing to whatever weird space the two of you have fallen into you. Suspended in this odd sense of comfort that Oliver has thrust you in unannounced.
You don't trust Oliver with a lot, and this is more than what you should ever find yourself giving. In the back of your head you think you should pull away.
But he's comforting. It feels good, and strangely feels safe - and even for all the ways he's awful, you trust he'd never do anything bad to you. Even if it's a blip in the timeline, for now it's what you need. A blurry cross into your emotional needs that translate into your physical ones. Too much and so overwhelming, you hug closer to him and take a deep breath.
"Mm," You let yourself lean into him. Just this once, you promise yourself. "I wanna cum."
"Want it a little harder?"
"Then Daddy will give it to you a little harder, yeah? Anything for you." He says, and you try not to think to deeply on what that really means. Because even in this state you know it's not nothing, but you should never pry "Daddy can give you anything you want."
He chuckles a little as he fucks into you hard. Fucks into you how you need. You're wet enough, and wondering if you were always so into being doted on. Or if it's just the fact that it's Oliver. Another thing you decide to overlook as you zero in on the sensation of being pistoned from underneath. You're soaking. The room noisy with the sticky noise of Olivers cock penetrating you over and over, skin hitting skin as his hips press against your ass. His grip is bruising but not intentionally, his chest huffed in pleasure.
He's just as close as you are, you know all of his cues. You play with your clit faster, sensitive bud throbbing hard as all the blood rushes south. Your mouth has fallen open as the slow, thick desire coiling and culminating into something cosmic. Something big and heavy, but not too fast. Not a crash landing like you're used to.
But a single weight, the force of a star dropping to Earth. You figure Oliver is the gravity in your universe, holding you down so you don't float too far. You want to cling onto him for much longer.
And somehow, you're inclined to think he would let you.
"Oliver," You say his name as it builds, then decide on something else "Daddy,"
"I'm here, baby," He says back, like it's all he has to say for everything to make sense when nothing about this does "I'm right here. Let go."
So you do. You cum hard, and it comes in long never ending waves. Too much. It makes you collapse in Olivers arms, both arms coming around his neck as he continues to fuck you through the aftermath.
"Gonna," He voices, rasping as his thrusts become sloppy "Shit. Cumming, shit."
He cums with you, cums deep inside like usual and you mewl at the feeling of being filled with hot, sticky seed.
When it's over, you're almost afraid to look at him. When the tensions settled, and his chest goes back to it's steady breaths - you wonder whats going to happen next.
"Wanna stay like this for a while?"
You nod.
"Mm. Sleepy."
"Stay like this, then. I'll wake you in a little."
"So you can kick me out?" You joke, trying to pretend nothing is different. He pauses.
"Just to shower," He whispers, hand resting on your lower back "Sleep."
There's too much to think about. Tomorrow will be strange. You let yourself succumb to your own exhaustion.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 5 months
continuing with my mindless input on cowboy reader.
I picture him being pretty tall, and obviously people can think he's a scary guy at first glance, so i think he tries to dress unintimidating or even cuddly so that people always think he's 'huggable' - that's his goal at least. particularly the team, i think he so badly wants to be somebody they can lean on or ask for help.
-🦕 anon
Sooo most of this was already written (very sorry its quite short), but I've not written in a few months but hopefully its still okay. Hope you like it!
Description: JJ thinks cowboy looks huggable.
Tags: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84 @goth-boi-atlas @iliketozoneout @chaosofmanyfandoms @logicalhorror @luvfornick @prmsn-17
The first time they had seen you out of your work attire, they were shocked. You stood dressed in an oversized t-shirt with a picture of you and Buddy cuddling and a pair of shorts. You had your usual cowboy hat on, but with running shoes. You didn't usually dress like this outside of work, but Ava had begged you to sleep over at the shelter, saying how badly she wanted a slumber party and you couldn't exactly say no - especially when she told you she had never had one before.
So you had agreed, dressed in your usual work attire after work - joggers, t-shirt, running shoes, and a cowboy hat. You made sure you brought your pajamas with you (the shorts and t-shirt with you and Buddy on). When it was about an hour after Ava's bedtime, you all went to bed, you sleeping on a sleeping bag you had brought with you.
When you woke up, however, your clothes were missing. Some of the kids had decided to wake up early and hide your clothes with smiles and hushed giggles.
You didn't mind, of course, they had never had a sleepover, so they were all excited. However, you got a call from Hotch saying you had a case - a child abduction, and you had to get there within the hour. You explained the situation to the kids, trying to reassure them when you saw the panic on their faces.
"T's okay, kiddos, where are my clothes?"
"We can't find them," Ava said, eyes widening.
"That's okay, where was the last place you saw them?"
You watch as the kids all share confused looks, Ava's eyes starting to water, "W-we checked everywhere already!" Ava sniffed, "We looked everywhere! We put them under a cushion but they're not there!"
You give a small smile, trying to calm her down, "T's okay, kiddo, I don't mind goin' ta work like this," You grin slightly and Ava sniffs again, wiping her eyes.
"M sorry,"
You give a gentle sigh, more worried about the state she's gotten herself into as you pull her into a soft embrace. "Nah, don't worry about it,"
Half an hour later, you rocked up to the bullpen, still (technically) in your pajamas. You hadn't had time to go home to grab some new clothes, especially with the deadline Hotch had given you. So you'd just have to change into an outfit from your duffel bag.
"What on Earth..." Morgan grinned, seeing you walk in wearing a pair on shorts and a t-shirt with you and Buddy - what with the boots and the cowboy hat, it was quite a sight.
"Don't even ask," You huffed a small laugh, rubbing the back of your neck. Making your way over to your desk, you grab your duffle bag.
"Oh, no, we have to ask," Penelope grins, "We can't not ask,"
You place the hat on your desk as you grab your duffel bag. "I went for a sleepover at the shelter I volunteer at. The kids thought it would be funny to hide my clothes," You grin slightly, "Then the rascals forgot where they hid 'em,"
Morgan gives a small chuckle as Emily gives you a smirk.
"It's a good look for you, Cowboy," JJ gave you a smile, looking you up and down. "You look huggable,"
You felt your cheeks tint a light pink and you turn to her, rolling your eyes gently. "Yeah, yeah,"
"I'm just saying," She let her eyes flick up and down once more. "It suits you." She raised her cup of coffee (to hide her own blush) before taking a sip. Your jaw dropped slightly as JJ walked off. Morgan clapped a hand on your shoulder.
"Even in your pj's you've still got game."
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rollingsins · 2 years
all hers, part ii
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: your dad forbids you from sleeping over at Tara’s house. she comes and takes what’s hers. 
warnings: (+18), ghostface!tara, possessive behavior, strap-on sex, rough sex, pussy-eating. 
word count: 2.1k 
a/n: for anon, who requested rough sex with ghostface!tara. let me know what you think, requests are wide open for gf!tara always ;) 
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It had been weeks. 
The murders went unsolved. You attended the memorials, tried to pretend like the reason for their deaths wasn’t sitting right beside you, holding your hand. 
It was twisted and sick, but you couldn’t turn her in. She loved you, and you loved her. 
Not much had changed. She played the part of the perfect girlfriend so well. You barely spent any time apart these days. She’d drive you to school in the mornings, buy you breakfast. She’d walk you to class, carry your textbooks. Make-out in the tool shed behind the bleachers if you had a little free time between periods. 
And then you went home with her. Her mom was never there so you had the place to yourselves. You cooked dinner together, watched movies, and fell asleep together. 
And then you’d wake up and do it all over again. 
You didn’t speak about the killings. You’d made Tara promise she wouldn’t hurt anyone else. You promised you wouldn’t give her a reason to and she’d agreed. You didn’t strike up conversation with anyone, avoided making new friends. Things were perfect as they were. 
You didn’t want to give Tara a reason to kill anybody else. 
Except for tonight. Your dad had demanded your presence at dinner: you hadn’t seen him, or your mom in days. You were busy with school, was your excuse. In actuality, you were too busy with Tara. You’d gotten used to playing house with her. You didn’t like the idea of her all alone in that huge house. 
You push your peas around your plate. Look down as your phone buzzes. 
are you done yet? miss you? :( 
“No phones at the table.” Snaps your father. He’s looking at you funny. Angrier than usual, like he has something to say. As you drop your phone to the table, he lets loose.  
“That girl isn’t good for you.” He starts, shoveling food into his mouth. “You spend all your time with her. You used to play sports. You used to have friends” 
“I have friends.” You say, defensively. It’s not true. You don’t, not anymore. 
“I don’t want you spending all your time with her.” He continues. “You can see her on weekends. Weeknights, you stay here.” 
Your heart sinks. 
“I don’t want any arguments.” He says, pointing his fork at you like it’s a threat. 
“I’m eighteen, Dad, you can’t tell me what to do-”
He slams his beer glass onto the table. It shakes slightly. You stare back startled. 
“As long as you live under my roof, you abide by my rules.” 
And that’s the end of it. 
You pace back and forth in your bedroom, staring down at your phone. Tara’s calling, again. You bite your lip, unsure of what to say. Unsure of how she’ll take it. 
“Hey babe.” You say. 
“YN.” She says. She sounds antsy, like she’s been waiting for you, “Where are you?” 
“I can’t come tonight.” 
“My dads being a total dick.” You say, “He says I can only stay over on weekends from now on.” 
Silence. You chew your lip, hoping she’s not too angry. 
“Sorry baby.” You say. “It’s Friday tomorrow though, I’ll make it up to you.” 
“Sneak out.” She suggests. You shake your head. 
“It’s just one night, Tara. Pick me up tomorrow for school?”
She’s gone quiet again. You sigh. 
“Love you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
And you hang up. 
Sleeping in your own bed is strange after so long spent in Tara’s. You miss the warmth of her body, the protective arm she always looped around your waist as she slept. Sometimes it was harder for you to fall asleep, but she’d always be there, rubbing your back to calm you down. Pressing sleepy kisses to your forehead. 
You turn onto your side, trying to clear your mind. You imagine Tara’s face, her smile. You’ll cook her something tomorrow night, you think, something special. Maybe even sneak a bottle from your Dad’s wine collection to make it more romantic. At the thought of her sitting opposite you, sipping on a glass of red wine, you start to doze off. 
You don’t hear the crack of your window opening, nor do you hear the scuffle of someone kicking their shoes off. 
You don’t hear much of anything, until someone is slipping in behind you, grabbing your waist and pressing their hand over your mouth. 
Your eyes fly open. You gasp, struggle against the body behind you. A familiar voice whispers in your ear. 
“Shhh, baby.” It’s Tara. She grabs your waist, hard, tugs you into her. “It’s me.” 
She presses a warm kiss to your neck, drops her hand from your mouth. You relax slightly, turn in her arms. 
“What are you doing here?” Your head “if my dad finds out-“
In the glint of the moonlight, her eyes flash. 
“Nobody keeps you from me.” She says. Her lips are hot against your jaw, “Remember? You know the things I do to people who try to take you away from me.” 
Menacing. Her eyes glint. Your stomach drops. 
“Now I’m trying. I’m trying to be good for you, baby. You know that. Like I promised. But you’re going to have to work with me.” 
She slips her hands into your underwear. You gasp as her fingers grip you possessively. 
“You’re mine. This pussy is mine. I want you in my bed every single night, do you understand me?” 
She circles your clit. Nips at your bottom lip. You groan. 
“Baby- I can’t just-“ 
“In my bed.” She repeats. “Every night.”
“But Tara-“ 
She bites down hard. Hard enough to draw blood. Her spare hand works up your shirt, she takes one of your breasts in hand. Works her fingers around a nipple. 
“Every night you’re not there, I’m going to sneak into your bedroom and fuck you so hard it’ll give your Dad nightmares. Understand?” 
You nod, slowly. 
“Good girl.” She smiles. Licks the blood off your lip. “Now take off your clothes.” 
You don’t have to be asked twice. Arousal flushes through you at the look in her eyes. Hungry, like she’s about to devour you. You tug your shorts down your legs, lift your t-shirt over your head. 
It’s not quick enough for her. She rips your shorts away, licking her lips as she looks down at your naked body. 
“Tara,” You say as she fumbles with her own zipper, tugging her jeans down to her legs, “Baby. We have to be quiet. Please.” 
Tara dips down, kisses you softly. 
“That’s up to you, sweetheart,” She says, voice low, “You’re the one who's going to be making all the noise. I promise.” 
Then you feel it. Hard, plastic against your stomach as she slips her underwear off. She’s brought the strap on. 
“Fuck.” You moan. She kisses you hard. Takes off her shirt. Before your gaze can linger, she’s flipping you onto your hands and knees. 
She trails kisses down your back. Your heart thrums. Your parents are asleep, you think. You hope. Your head falls forward, mouth open as you feel Tara’s tongue against your entrance. 
You bite your lip. She’s quick, languid kisses and long licks as she readies you for her. You’re already embarrassing wet, sticky syrup against her lips. She presses a wet kiss to your inner thigh, then aligns her hips with yours. 
You groan as she sinks the head inside you. Her hands hold your hips in place, grabbing hard so you can’t run from her. You can hear the soft sounds of your Dad snoring across the hall. You bite your lip, try to stay quiet.
She’s pushing your face down into the mattress as she pushes into you. Hard, quick, needy. Little gasps emerge from your lips before you can stop them as she takes you. Her hands are rough on your hips. She smacks your backside, hard enough you feel yourself flush red. 
It hurts a little. Her hands are in your hair, tugging your face up. She doesn’t allow you anytime to get used to the thickness of the dildo, ruts into you steadily, building up a pace. 
She drapes herself across you, takes your earlobe between her teeth. The dildo sinks deeper inside you, you can feel her breasts on your back. You let out a long moan before you can stop yourself. 
“You like that, baby?” She growls in your ear. “You like being on your hands and knees? Taking me like a good girl?” 
She smacks your ass again for good measure. You whimper as she takes your hips in her hands again and begins to drill into you. 
Hard wet sounds of your skin slapping against hers. She’s panting, groaning, grabbing your ass. You can tell how turned on she is. It makes you even wetter. You swallow your own moans, trying not to be too loud. The mattress squeaks. Tara thrusts a final time, sinking so deep into you you almost squeal. 
Then she’s sliding herself out of you. 
Immediately you miss her, turn your head to try to claw her back in. 
She pulls hard on your legs so you fall onto your stomach. Then, she’s flipping you onto you back, spreading your legs as wide as they’ll go. Lustful eyes look down on you. She licks her lips as she eyes your swollen cunt, dripping with arousal. 
“My pretty girl.” She murmurs, dipping down to taste you. You whine, fingers immediately threading through her hair, trying to keep her in place. She’s only there for a moment before she’s drawing herself back up, and pulling your legs over her shoulders. 
She lines her hips to yours once again, and then she’s sinking deep into you, mating press style. Her favorite position. It might be yours too, you think as you feel the tip of the cock brush your cervix. You sigh, lock eyes with her. Her pretty red lips look so kissable, you can’t resist. You lock your arms around her neck, trying to keep her close. 
“Tara.” You whine as she moves her hips. Slowly now, just teasing. “Baby.” 
She presses kisses down your jaw. 
“Yes, baby girl?” She asks. Her eyes glint playfully. 
“Please fuck me.” You whimper. Her eyes flash with arousal. She thrusts hard, once. 
“Like that?” She asks. 
“Yes, please, just like that.” Your fingers grip white on her shoulders. 
“You want it hard?” She asks. You nod desperately. Try to tilt your hips closer into her. 
“Tell me what you’re going to do from now on.” She presses another kiss to your lips. “Tell me whose bed you’ll be in every night.” 
“Your bed.” You gasp. “Every night.” 
“That’s right.” She says. Her arms wrap around your thighs. Another hard thrust. You can’t stop the groan that slips from your lips. “You’re my pretty girl. You belong to me. You understand?” 
You nod wildly. She’s smirking, draws her hips back again. Thrusts gently. You whine. 
“Good girl.” She presses you down into the mattress, her full weight on top of you. A final hot kiss to your lips before she draws her hips back once more and lets loose on you. 
You cry out, clutching her tight as she pounds down into you. Merciless, white heat draws deep in your belly as she thrusts into you. 
She’s moaning with you this time. Squeezing your legs tight as she pummels herself into you. It’s hard and rough, she’s merciless. You whine, entire body flushing as she fucks you to the edge. 
“Cum for me, baby.” She’s murmuring and your eyes flutter closed. You groan as your orgasm washes through you, as hot and fast as her thrusts. You feel her body seize against you as she cums too, with a quiet whine and heavy thrust. She collapses into you. You catch your breath, holding her. Both boneless. 
Your heart pounds, your pussy throbs pleasantly. After a moment, she slides out of you, pulling the strap-on harness off herself. Your breathing evens out as she settles in behind you and takes you in her arms. Presses a protective kiss to your neck as she entwines herself with you. 
You listen carefully. Can’t hear your dad snoring anymore. 
“Do you think we woke him?” You ask Tara. 
“I hope so.” Tara says. The edge is back in her voice. She nips at your neck with her teeth. “I hope he heard me making you mine. Knowing exactly what I’ll be doing to his daughter every night she’s in my bed.” 
Your heart thrums. Stomach flips at the vulgarity of her words. 
A loud snore sounds from across the hallway. You sigh in relief. 
“Hmm.” Tara says. She sounds a little disappointed. “I’ll just have to fuck you harder, next time.”
Next part
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y13evie · 1 year
I had an idea for a James Wilson fic and saw ur requests were open.
U don't have to do it ofc uts just an idea :]
So ig it's a kinda enemies to lovers thing where the reader constantly pisses off Wilson and she's absolutely convinced she annoys him sm there's no chance of him liking her.
Then smt happens (dunno what) and the reader is upset abt smt and is hiding from everyone as she has a breakdown and Wilson somehow finds her and.... ye
Again u don't have to do it but ye
anon this is so cutesy wutesy. i tried my best n i hope you like it!! also i’m sosos sorry for the wait.
tags: no mentions of y/n, slight angst, mentions of cancer and dead people and heart attacks, otherwise just fluffy
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“do you always have that stupid smile plastered across your face?”, james wilson asked. you’re pretty damn sure he would erase you off the face of this planet if given the chance.
“only for you”, and you were proud of it.
because the both of you were in the oncology department together, it gave you plenty of opportunity to bug him. at first you truly didn’t mean to, small things like bumping into him at the wrong time. but instead of letting your feelings become shot due to his scolding, you embraced it. you make it your goal to do something that you know will annoy james.
today was friday and the two of you had been assigned the same case. the patient at hand had stage 3 soft tissue sarcoma. their condition wasn’t great, but vitals were fine. you were talking with a nurse about what steps to take moving forward with his treatment. out of the corner of your eye you saw that familiar face. the two of you beckon the other doctor over. it seems as if he was trying to ignore you, the way he hesitantly made his way over to you two.
“please, make it quick.” he huffed. the nurse explained the case while you stood there for a moment deciding on whether taking his stethoscope was a good idea. you decided it was and quickly took the device from off his neck and onto yours. you put your hands on your hips and contorted your face to look angry. james was not having it as he quickly tried to get it back. but you were faster than him and was able to keep it.
“you might think that’s funny but it’s unprofessional. i don’t understand how you’re allowed to work with adults when you act like a child.”. his comment seemed to kill the mood as the other nurse walked off, leaving just the two of you. deciding that he’d had enough you unwrapped the equipment from your neck and handed it back. james snatched it from you, looking you up and down in distaste.
“do your job. it’s doctors like you that kill patients”. his tone was harsh. it pierced your heart a little bit. ever since you had first joined the hospital crew, you always sort of looked up to him. he was so intelligent and seemed to always know what he was doing. and you hated the fact he implied that you were killing patients. the people you work so hard to save.
you tried to brush his words off, telling yourself he’s just a grump and didn’t mean anything by it. you continued your day as usual. you only had a couple patients today so it was a relaxed day. that was until the patient from earlier had a rapid decline in health. he suffered a massive heart attack and the team was not able to save him. you stood there as the doctors repeated his time of death. you’ve lost many lives before and you know it was just apart of your job, but something stuck to you.
“it’s doctors like you that kill patients”. his words rang throughout your mind like a gunshot. you made your way to the break room and curled up on the couch with your head in your hands. quiet sobs left your mouth. maybe he was right. maybe all this time you weren’t good enough. at this point you had fully convinced yourself that it was your fault. if only you had payed more attention to his history. if only you had searched deeper into his files, then maybe. just maybe, you could’ve found something to prevent this from happening.
the screech of the door opening had pulled you from your thoughts. you looked up to see him. james wilson. james was able to read the hurt expression on your face. he stared for a moment, taking in the situation.
“it’s not your fault”
you got up and started your way to the door with tears threatening to fall once again. james moved so you were unable to exit.
“dr. wilson, please-“ you practically begged him to move. but he wouldn’t budge. instead, his eyes softened and face relaxed. he looked worried. you tried once more to leave the room but jus as expected, you failed.
“i’m sorry.” he took a deep breath before continuing. “you’re an amazing doctor. you love your patients. i know you do. and you’re a good person. i want you to know that. every time you bother me i secretly enjoy it because i’m able to see you happy.”. he paused for a moment, waiting for your response.
shocked at the fact he doesn’t hate you, you ask him, “you..like me?. almost laughing at the thought of him enjoying your company. but he’s not laughing. his eyes are gentle and he puts a hand on your shoulder.
“of course i like you. and the fact that you’re..” he motions to your current state of sadness, “..like this because of something i said is awful. i hate the idea that i made you feel unworthy.”. you stopped for a second to let his words absorb into your head. as if someone else was controlling your body, you hugged him. he froze for a moment with his hands dangling above your back, before relaxing into the hug. james gently rubbed your hair and back while whispering kind words.
you were the first to pull away. slightly laughing at yourself for being so sensitive. you awkwardly look at him before shuffling your way to the door. just as your hand reaches the handle he stops you.
“hey, wait. after this is all sorted, would you want to have dinner with me tonight?” he cursed himself for asking at a bad moment, but knew he would never ask if he didn’t now. you looked at him, and then back at the door.
“yeah! i would love that. just uhm- let me know whenever. okay?thankyoubyeeee” you smooshed the last words together in an attempt to leave and
cover up your now rose tinted cheeks. on the other side of the door james pumped his fist in the air like a little kid. maybe he needed some sweetness in his life.
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veethefreeelf · 1 year
Hello, I was wondering if I could make a request for jeonghannie 😢😢, how would he react to seeing you breastfeed your baby in front of him? And then he just wants to have sex and suck your tits like the baby 😢😢
Sorry Anon for 2 things. One, I took forever with this request and two, I might have gotten carried away (2.5K words, yikes). Anyway hope you enjoy it ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ Also big thanks to @leejihoonownsmyheart for giving me the courage to post this CHEERS 🥂
You’ve always wondered if you would be a good mother. Not because your childhood was bad, but because you never saw yourself as such a figure in anyone’s life. You were always the baby of all your friend groups and it took you quite some time to consider yourself an actual adult and not just an overgrown kid. 
Now, looking at the little angel in your arms, you find yourself wondering how you could ever have had such a thought. Sure, she just barely came out of you but overall, things have been pretty smooth. You have the instincts down but what you have better than anything else is the person whose eyes are looking at you two with so much adoration that you could just crumble right then and there.
“Well… Are you just going to sit there and stare at us?” you asked teasingly.
“If I could help I would angel, but pretty sure breastfeeding is going to be an ‘only you’ task” he said as he smirked. You smiled at each other and as you continued feeding your little angel you looked back at your relationship with him.
Yoon Jeonghan. Before you met him, you never had been one to settle down. You had been in relationships sure, but nothing that had lasted more than 6 months max. You always ended up realizing the person in front of you just wasn’t your forever person and you had to move on. At one point, you even considered the fact that maybe you just weren’t built for love. Well, romantic love, you knew when it came to your friends and family, you loved fiercely and unconditionally, however, when it came to romantic relationships, things just… fizzled down and you always ended up realizing you had never felt true love before.
But boy did that all change when you met him. You were crazy about him from the very beginning and you tried to keep him away to try and protect your fragile heart. But he was having none of it and kept breaking through your walls with ease and he did it consistently and with purpose, because what you didn’t know was that he had been just as crazy for you as you were for him, since the very beginning. 
Five years later and looking at the little family you two have built, you find it funny how you could have ever had such ridiculous thoughts about yourself and how you could ever have doubted him. 
And, at this moment, after five years of knowing Jeonghan, he still manages to surprise you with the next sentence that comes out of his mouth while staring at his perfect girls. 
“So, baby, when is it my turn?” he asked with such a shit eating grin. You lifted your head and stared at him. His eyes had that familiar spark they usually have when he wants to absolutely wreck you, and he is darting his beautiful orbs between your eyes and your breasts where your baby girl is currently finishing up her meal. 
Once you realize what he means, you start laughing and ask him “Do I look like an open buffet to you, Yoon Jeonghan?”
“Hmm… You do look like a five-course meal, angel” he teases.
“Wow… That was incredibly cheesy even for you, Hannie. Oof… I think you might be losing your spice, baby” you teased.
“Losing my spice, huh? Well, we’ll just see about that later tonight won’t we, angel?” he said as he crossed the room to you.
He kissed you in your temple and held your baby girls’ hand and said “When she’s done with her dinner, I’ll get her to sleep, angel. You can go and do your night time routine, yeah? Look nice and pretty for me, hmm?”
You knew exactly what he meant and you swallowed hard. Maybe you shouldn’t have teased him before but also, who are you kidding? You want this as bad as he does.
Once your baby girl was done, he picked her up to have their own bonding time as he always puts it. Jeonghan is the proudest when it comes to bonding time with his daughter and he takes it very seriously. He always makes sure to be the one to get her to sleep and, on nights where he can’t be present, it always eats away at him and he feels incredibly guilty for missing out on his baby girl’s bedtime.
You go through your night routine (shower, lots of skincare, lots of hair care) and you are now standing in front of your closet wondering what kind of night this will be.
Is it a normal underwear kind of night? Is it a lingerie kind of night? Or maybe a Hannie shirt and nothing underneath kind of night? You choose the latter. From the look in his eyes earlier, this calls for the option that will make him the craziest for you, and he has always said, there’s nothing better in this world than looking at you wearing just his clothes and nothing else. A possessive little thing he is, but in the best of ways.
You go to bed waiting for him but you find yourself so tired that you start to doze off. Later, you wake up to his lips on you. He feels so warm and he is kissing you so delicately, you think you might still be dreaming.
“Sorry, angel. Baby girl took longer than usual to fall asleep. Hmm… I was just going to let you sleep but I got here and you’re in my shirt and smelling so heavenly, I couldn’t help myself” he said as he continued kissing down your neck and climbing on top of you. 
“Hannie…” you moaned.
“Yeah, angel. You want me to continue or you want me to let you sleep? Your choice, baby, but choose now before I go insane” he says leaning his forehead in yours.
“Want you, Hannie. Don’t stop, please” you whispered. 
He sat back on his knees and took his shirt off. You kept staring at him and wondering how you even got this fucking lucky. You’d have to pray to all the gods and the universe tomorrow.
“Angel, you can’t look at me like that. With those innocent eyes when I know that what’s going on behind them is not even close to being innocent”. 
You sit up and start kissing him. Properly, taking your time. It feels like ages ago since you last just sat and kissed like this. Deeply, so profound that you forget everything else around you. You then start kissing down his neck as he starts massaging your breasts. You stop for a bit and he senses your hesitation. 
“What do you think, angel? Is it my turn now?” he asks, looking you in the eyes as he keeps caressing your breast with one hand and holds your face with the other. 
“What… What if it… You know… Comes out?” you asked in such a low voice you almost sounded like a scared child. 
“Angel, you’re my wife. The mother of my child. You are my whole world. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. This is the most natural thing in the world and I want you so fucking bad. I want them” he says while massaging your breasts now with both hands.
“I want them so bad. I’ve tried hinting at it before but I didn’t know if you were ignoring it or if you weren’t getting the hint. But I want all of you. You know how sexy it is that you carried my child? That you brought our baby into this world? Fuck, everytime I think about it, it drives me fucking insane” he says while leaning his forehead in yours.
“Hmm… Mommy kink, Hannie?” you say, now smiling.
“More like a You kink, angel. Everything about You, always” and before you can tease him again about that line, he starts kissing you, taking your (well, his) shirt off of you and, in no time, you are in the position you were in when this all started.
He is kissing down your neck and his fingers are moving closer and closer to where you desperately want him to be. He kisses your chest, just below your collarbones and he starts running his fingers through your folds.
“Fuck… You are so wet, angel… It seems I’m not the only one wanting to try this huh?” he says in such a cocky way. You wish you had the strength to tease him back but you are getting way too desperate for his touch.
“It’s you, Hannie… The way you talk about me… About this… Fuck, please, keep going” you are now whining and getting more and more desperate.
As he starts slowly touching your clit, he moves his mouth and his free hand to your breasts. He quickly latches his mouth on one of your nipples and starts kissing it, devouring it. He’s making such sloppy noises, if it was anyone else in the world you would be so fucking embarrased but he keeps humming and moaning as he suckles and makes out with your tit.
You find yourself getting closer and closer, the fire in your core is igniting fast, too fast for your liking.
“Hannie. Hannie. I’m.. I’m close. Slow.. Slow down, please” you pant, barely making sense. He then pushes one finger… Then a second finger into your pussy and keeps reaching into that one spot inside you that makes your mind go completely blank.
“Shhh, let go, angel. Fuck, I can feel your cunt squeezing around my fingers, you’re dripping on me. Just let go, I got you” he whispers while still latched to your nipple and staring you in the eyes. 
He kept going, getting sloppier, getting louder and staring at you like you are the most precious piece of art. His fingers have set the right pace and he has his thumb circling your clit with just the right pressure. Everything sounds so filthy and it’s what pushes you over the edge with a moan of his name.
He helps you come down from your high and is now kissing you all over your face and whispering “good girl. You were so good for me. I love you so much”. When you are back down on earth, you start kissing him back and you can feel just how hard he is. It must be painful at this point. He’s practically humping you and moaning praises while kissing you. You reach down to palm him through his (still very on) pants and you start massaging his cock.
“Hannie… You’re so hard, baby. Get those clothes off and get inside me. I can’t wait anymore…” you whispered in his ear between kisses.
He groans and quickly strips down. He’s now sitting back on his heels in the bed with you between your legs and he pushes your legs open. As open as they can be and he starts staring at you while running his hand through your leg. He takes his other hand and starts stroking his cock while staring down at you.
“Fuck, angel. One of these days, you’ll kill me. Look at you, all fucked out from me sucking your tit and touching you. I’ve barely started with you and you’re already so wrecked” he keeps stroking himself and staring at you. You lick your lips and start pouting.
“Hannie… You can make yourself come on me any other day, but tonight, please, fuck me. I need you inside of me, so bad” you say in your best innocent voice that you know drives him crazy.
“You sure you’re ready for me, angel? Don’t want to overwhelm you” he says. Then two things run through your mind. One: he looks like he wants to fucking wreck you but he is still giving you the option to stop him since he knows that after the birth of your girl you both have been very careful and well, for lack of a better world, vanilla in bed due to doctor’s orders and some of your fears. And two: you are the luckiest woman alive.
“Please, Hannie. I’m ready, I’m so ready. I need you now. I need everything. I’ll give you everything” you moan while staring back at him so he knows that you fucking mean it.
He leans over you, kisses you deeply, tells you he loves you and starts rubbing the tip of his cock on your pussy. He holds your hand above your head and stares into your eyes as he pushes himself into you, finally. You’re both panting and giggling and kissing, like teenagers. 
At first, he starts slow. Long, well-timed strokes. Holding your hand and your hip in position, making sure your legs stay as open as possible for him.
“Faster, Hannie. I’m not gonna break. Please” you moan. 
“Hmm.. My angel wants to get fucked hard, huh? Seems like my angel is a little slut tonight, isn’t she?” he said as he started speeding up and fucking you harder and harder and you moan louder and louder.
He slaps your thigh. “I need words, slut. Fucking tell me what you want. Tell Hannie what you want”.
“Fuck… Hannie… I‘m a slut tonight. Your slut… Please…” you said, completely and already fucked out of your mind.
“Shit… That’s right… Mine… All fucking mine” he says and groans. He’s getting closer and so are you.
He removes your hand from his and grabs on to your tit while his other hand is now rubbing circles on your clit. He starts sucking on your tit that he overlooked earlier tonight and keeps massaging the other. He starts rubbing your nipple and making out with your other tit and nipple. Again, getting sloppy, making the most obscene sounds. 
He senses you’re close. He knows, he can tell by the way you are moaning, by the look in your eyes and by the way your pussy is squeezing his cock. He’s not going to last much longer either, not like this and he goes in for the kill.
“Is my angel close? I know you are, I can feel it. Fuck… I’m right behind you” he speeds up, latches back on to your nipple and for the final blow, he slightly bites down on it and that’s when everything erupts. You come with a cry of his name. You’re shaking and panting and he doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything so pure and beautiful.
He comes then with a groan and keeps whispering ‘I love you’ over and over again.
You just lay there together, you don’t know for how long. You’re holding him, one hand running through his hair and another running up and down his back. He lifts his head and looks at you. He then surprises you again with what comes out of his mouth.
“I knew you were gonna love that. You’re tits have always been so sensitive, specially your nipples, angel” he starts laughing against your neck.
“I guess it’s an open buffet after all” you said and you both burst into laughter still tangled together.
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otomiyaa · 1 month
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Ticklish Caelus x Reader
Romantic + 44. “I can’t let you go unpunished.” Requested by anon for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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Mischievous, sassy, sometimes a little evil. These were traits of your boyfriend that weren't new to you. But that didn't mean you would let him get away with it!
"You look like you want to chase me for this, but good news, I'm not going to run. So we can spare your breath."
Oh Caelus, Caelus, Caelus. You shook your head at him in disapproval. On his lips were the remains of the last bit of chocolate cake; yes, the special one from Belobog! The expensive one! The plate, empty! His expression, smug!
Naughty Caelus literally ate all of the cake while you only had 2 pieces. And he knew it was your favorite. It wasn't as if Belobog was around the corner either - it was on a different planet.
You sighed. "Seriously? Well, if you're not going to run, fine with me. Makes this much easier."
You stepped towards him, and for a moment it seemed as if Caelus expected something like, yeah.. something like what? What did he expect? Aggressive kissing? A slap in his face? He closed his eyes and leaned forward a little, looking eager to accept his punishment.
Judging from his behavior, he didn't seem to think you'd do this.
"HUH? Nohoho waahah-whahahait!" His sudden laughter and confused noises proved to you that he really didn't expect you to tickle him. How odd.
"You could've seen this coming, Caelus. I can’t let you go unpunished. Mean boyfriends get the tickle punishment, it's an unwritten rule."
"I wahahasn't mean- no hahaha dohohon't!" He reached for your hands but failed to stop them from traveling under his shirt. You enjoyed the feeling of his abs under your hands as you tickled him vengefully. To think all that delicious cake was stored in there now!
"You ate my cake and were smug about it. So yes, you were mean, Caelus," you lectured him while giving his stomach a very well-deserved ticklish treatment. Caelus squirmed like a funny worm and laughed hysterically.
"It wahahas ours-ahahaha!"
"I bought it, and even if I bought it for you too, you could've at least shared a bit more."
"Buhuhut- eeeheehehe!" Seeing his huge smile and the crumbs near his lips, you then wondered if he dirtied his mouth on purpose. He normally wasn't that messy with eating.
You now realized why this silly guy was probably expecting something else than tickling. Well, now that the same thought made its way into your mind too, it was hard to not give in. Even though it would be exactly what he wanted.
"I cahahan explahaha-heheheh hmph!" Caelus squeaked when you kissed him. You pinned him against the wall and tasted the delicious cake on his lips. Caelus relaxed against you and immediately kissed you back.
Naughty naughty. "HMPH!" You grinned mid-kiss when you felt him twitch and jump; your fingers were still under his shirt and now tickled his bare sides and tummy with rapid scratches and scribbles.
Caelus danced between you and the wall, letting out muffled giggles as he tried to continue kissing you. To take a deep breath yourself you moved back for a moment and smirked.
"What, didn't think I would just give you what you wanted hm?"
Caelus stared at you with a blush. "Yeah - I have a confession to make," he said breathlessly. You rolled your eyes fondly.
"Yes yes, you wanted to piss me off deliberately and score some angry kisses. I get it now," you said, and you immediately resumed the tickle punishment without mercy. Caelus shook with hysterical laughter and shook his head.
"Nohoho I d-didn't I- ahaahah! Wahahait- lehehet me, aahhahaa!"
The more you tickled Caelus, the happier you felt. Maybe you were glad he was provoking you. This way you didn't need to feel sorry for taking advantage of this ticklish cutie.
"Lehehet me speheheak ehehee!" Caelus whined.
"Speak? You prefer kisses, don't you?" And your lips were on his again, muffling his laughter and definitely not making this easier on him. You felt him lose the strength in his legs, and he slid down to the floor.
Your lips remained together as you followed him down. Then the moment he lay sprawled on the floor, you continued the merciless tickle attack.
"Plehehease! Nonono ahahaha!" Caelus squealed. He was the cutest. There were no more crumbs left on his face, but he looked adorable with that pretty blush on his cheeks and the tears in his eyes. Yes, you were lucky to have such a mischievous, sassy and evil boyfriend who would deserve a tickle punishment like this from time to time.
When you finally stopped and let him catch his breath, Caelus said again: "I c-can explain hehe."
"What else is there to explain?" you asked. He then weakly lifted his hand and pointed at the cupboard behind you.
"C-check there, p-please hehe," he giggled tiredly. Enjoying his cute sounds even after you had stopped tickling him, you got up and to your surprise, found more cake hidden.
"I didn't eat everything, I wanted you to think so."
When you looked at him again, you noticed the cutest pout on his lips. "The reason, well... y-you were right."
PFFT. He really thought he could score some angry kisses for free and got himself a tickle punishment instead. Caelus and his silly way of thinking, you couldn't help but love him for it.
"You're crazy, and that's why I love you," you said, and before he could get up from the floor, you were on top of him again, this time giving him the passionate kisses he may have longed for!
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
Okay bestie !! I have another one hehe :P
Imagine Neteyam and Mate who made a deal because they fought for some reason. This leading to the fact that they can't stand eachother so they figure out that they shouldn't have seggs* until one of them loses (y'know because it's in these moments that they are the closer and they just wanna see whose the "weakest").
So there would be this permanent tension and quite of teasing. And the stubbornness the two of them are would refuse to lose this stupid bet even though the desire is damn high... lol
I don't know if it made sense. But it's funny and I am sure you'll make an amazing oneshot out of this (If you decide to write it).
Yeah that's it lovely 💕 muah
Oh and I don't know if you would do these emoji anon things 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I just leave mine here in case hihi 🍨
Hi bestie, sorry for taking me so long, but better late than never i hope x
of course you can be my 🍨 anon!!
wc: 895 words
minors DNI!!!
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The tensions in your and your mate's tent were running high, so high you felt they were about to ascend too far up and run orbits around Pandora and come back to you in just a couple minutes. You were both calm people, you thought. You were rational, and tried to solve your issues with logic and empathy. You always listened to each other's point of view and always adjusted yours if it was necessary. Your relationship was the epitome of a healthy, adult relationship and yet, here you were, giving each other dirty looks and silent treatments, for the second day in a row.
"Well, if you're gonna be such an asshole about it, don't even think about make-up sex, or angry sex, or any sort of sex. There will be a lot of apologising that needs to happen before I even consider it again."
"What makes you think I want to have sex with you? You should be the one apologising, you're in the wrong. Also, I'd like to see you try to keep your insatiable little hands away from me. You're a fiend."
"Ha! That's a good one. I bet you're going to come crawling by the end of today."
"Fine. I'll see your bet and raise you one. Whoever caves first gets to be the one to tell Kiri we used all of her very valuable oil she spent months collecting as massage oil so we can role-play."
You watched annoyedly as Neteyam was getting dressed in a new loincloth that hung so damn attractively off his hips, it was making your mouth water. He picked up an intricate, embellished neck piece, one of his favourites (that you made him) and you smirked when he struggled to tighten it around his neck. You made your way to him slowly, enjoying every moment he was struggling, picturing his pout as he knew he needed your help, but was too stubborn to ask, almost as if you were looking straight at it.
You made it a point to drag your fingers up his back gently, slowly, in barely-there touches that you knew he was crazed for, until your hands found his necklace. You felt the small shudder escape him and your smirked widened, almost able to taste the sweet nectar of victory on your tongue.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
Your smirk was promptly erased off your face as he turned, and his eyes, dark and mischievous, glistened with so much arousal, so much ache, it was making you wet just taking it all in, and the man didn't even touch you yet. He was right, you were a fiend. His hand raised to brush your face, and he lowered his head to capture your lips in a kiss, gentle and innocent, that you fought with every fibre of your being to keep that way. It was his turn to grin as he heard your panted breaths loudly in his ears, and he pulled away and left the tent without another word, leaving you desperate and needy.
This continued for days, and by the end of the 5th day, you were both so fucking horny you weren't seeing straight anymore. This was your own personal hell, you concluded. And yet, somehow hell had nothing on the mere thought of letting him win, of proving to him you were weaker than him, of telling Kiri what lewd, unsavoury things you used her precious oil on.
Neteyam's mind was spinning with ache. You were good at this. Too good. He saw you getting dressed, purposefully taking your time, running your hands over your breasts, flickering your nipples almost as if it was an accident, trailing your fingers over your waist and groping your ass to check that your loincloth is tightened properly around your tail. It wasn't, as when you bent over, you gave him a full view of your soaked, dripping cunt as you wrapped beautiful, beaded ankle bracelets on both your ankles. The smell of your arousal hit him like a fucking ton of bricks and he started palming his cock to release some of the painful pressure he has felt for days now. It turns out working and being a productive member of society with a constant erection was harder than Neteyam had anticipated when he made the bet - pun intended.
Fuck this.
You could hear Neteyam. Hear his heaving chest as his eyes landed on you, hear the way he was exhaling through his nose a lot more forcefully than he had just a few seconds ago. You could feel the air in the tent changing, charging, becoming thick with need and anticipation. You knew you won, but you still gasped in shock at the hand that wrapped around your queue and hair, pulling your head backwards, and at the feel of Neteyam's hard cock prodding at your sopping entrance.
"You're not playing fair, yawne. And if I have to crawl on my knees and beg for forgiveness just to feel your pussy milking me dry, I'll do it over and over again. So you win. But you might regret it tomorrow when you're limping on the way to the next mission."
You moaned and smiled at the threat. You couldn't wait.
"Don't leave out any details when you talk to your sister. I want to see you suffer."
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Ello! Could you do Mornings with Cove, Derek, and Baxter? Fem! MC, plz!
the boys are so sappy n in love w you/mc it's SICK also does anyone else have trouble keeping their bonnet/scarf on bc i don't even bother anymore, n i alrdy tried the hair pins. it worked once n then never again i sleep like a wild animal istg ANYWAY!! enjoy anon! i'm so sorry it took so long<333
tags : Fluff, fem/afab reader (use of girl, ma'am, wife), multiple choice dialogue, every scenario has different tags bc it's easier for me that way👍, newly established relationship (derek/baxter), marrying cove
[scenarios in order of cove>baxter>derek]
synopsis : how you spend your mornings with the boys
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tags : step 3 / in between step 3-4, you proposed to cove at the end of summer, eloping, moving in together
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you're slow to wake up, rolling over and taking all the sheets with you.
you huff and try to untangle the sheets from under body and around your leg... once you're comfortable enough you pull your dangling pillow back onto the bed.
you reach over for cove, wanting to be close to your new husband.
"cove?" you finally open your eyes and search around the room. it's empty. well, save for the boxes and the new mattress on the middle of the floor where you slept together last night.
before you can call out again you hear some clinking and the sound of a sink running.
begrudgingly, you leave your nest of blankets in search of cove. it was worthless to stay in bed if he wasn't there.
first though you should wash up a bit, moving all those boxes had you so tired and you slept good.
you creep up behind cove, you already know he's heard you, but between the sizzling of the pan and the messy playlist terry oh so graciously made for you two.
determining there's not danger of one of you getting hurt by the hot pan in the case cove flinches, you wrap your arms around cove.
"oh-!" cove tenses up, putting a hand on your arm.
he laughs when you mumble "good morning" into his back, still sleepy and you almost fall asleep with your head leaned against him. cove is so comforting...
"don't fall asleep back there, i'm almost done cooking." cove's voice rumbles through you, disrupting your nodding head.
"mhm..." you slink over to the couch. it's crooked and in the middle of the room, all but thrown haphazardly in the room by the movers.
you blink, watching the trees sway and cars zoom by.
you're not in the heart of the city, but you're certainly not out in the middle of nearly nowhere like sunset bird.
"here ya go." the plate comes into view, startling you from your daydream.
you mumble your thanks, suddenly realizing how hungry you are. the meal is simple enough and made from whatever snacks and foods you took from your parents' house that are signaturely yours, but there's toast on the side and that's all that matters.
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you eat in silence, propping up your computer on some boxes and watching a video, and after you're done eating, you continue down the funny animal rabbit hole.
"this is nice." you say suddenly, whispered almost.
"hey, that's my line." cove teases and you two share lazy wolfish grins. "no~, your line is saying that i'm nice." you correct, proving your innocence.
"so i'm not nice?" cove lays out a trap and you willingly fall into it.
"you are nice, very nice." you lean in to steal a peck, to which cove takes more. when you pull away, you can't help but laugh about it, it's cute how cove always wants more affection from you.
"i'm just saying, it's nice to be with you like this." you flush, suddenly aware of how embarrassing this is to admit. "y'know, being married and living together, 'n all that stuff..." you trail off, glancing off to the side as you let cove process what you said with a flustered face.
suddenly, his arms tighten around you and you look up to see him teary eyed.
"i'm happy too!"
you laugh, reaching up to wipe his tears away. "good."
cove sniffles, his voice thick from crying but also from affection. "i really liked waking up to you today, it was.. nice."
cove's blush must have been contagious because you felt your own face get hot. "i can't say the same since you were missing, but it was nice sleeping together. and we get to do it everyday and every night."
cove laugh, looking off to the side from being embarrassed at your admissions. "sorry, i was just so happy i wanted to surprise you in bed, but you got up before i could get back."
you smile, curling your fingers in his hair. "well, we got our whole lives for that."
you could practically see the hearts popping off cove, "will you wait for me to bring you breakfast tomorrow?"
you laugh, "sure cove."
cove puffs up, happy with every second that goes by. "what do you want to eat? we can go out shopping today. i really want to try this new flavor of juice i saw a few days ago, it's strawberry something..." cove rambles and you let him go on, agreeing and adding onto the verbal list.
eventually, cove pulls out his phone to write this down and you whisper, full of tenderness. "we're being domestic again, but it's for real this time since we're living together."
cove squeaks, unable to hide his face since his hands are holding his phone tight, trying not to drop it on you. "w-we are, aren't we?" cove laugh, happy again.
"thank you for agreeing to marry me."
cove blinks at you, surprised before he laughs. "you're doing it again."
"what?!" you sit up, grinning even though you're taking up a stance. "you've said that twice, what's that supposed to mean!"
cove shrugs, leaving you hanging. he hooks his arms around your neck, eyes full of love. "as if i'd ever say no, i mean.. i never really thought about getting married, but... well, i wouldn't marry anyone else."
you blink away tears, leaning down to capture cove in a kiss.
he hums happily, letting you slide your hand up his shirt when you get lost in each others lips before you pull away.
"let's elope."
"wh-what?!" cove scrambles, forcing you to sit up but he can't go anywhere with you on top of his lap.
"elope, let's get eloped." you repeat, suddenly embarrassed.
cove coughs, "right now?!"
you nod before you back track, "i mean.. unless you don't want to! i can wait, i'm just so happy that it came out..."
it's silent for a moment, and cove is trying to get his temperature down before he explodes..
"let's do it."
you snap your neck to look at him, "huh?"
cove is flustered and sweating a bit "let's elope.." he finally looks at you instead of his hands. "i can't wait either, and i mean.. we're going to be husband and wife anyway so, why not..?"
you grin, "okay! um- i'll get ready then." you stop, realizing there's some things that should be done before hand, "oh, maybe we should call our parents?"
cove nods, giving a strained smile. "they're gonna tease us again.."
you take his hand, "thats okay. we'll suffer together." cove pushes your shoulder with his and rolls his eyes.
"yeah, you're right. we got this."
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tags : (after) step 4, multiple dialogue choice for poc readers/readers w different hair length/upkeep
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you stir, your dream disturbed by someone shuffling and squirming and a hand on your cheek.
slowly letting your dream go, regrettably since it was just getting interesting, and blink sleepily at the mess of black hair beside you.
you groan, turning your head to hide it in the pillow.
"why are you up? it's not even 11 yet..." you grumble, slipping baxter's phone back under the pillow. it must've ended up there somehow after you two fell asleep in the middle of your youtube binge, and until you're ready to get up it'll stay there.
"just admiring you."
you smile, peeking at him. "no way, you're jus' saying stuff."
baxter looks so tender, his hand moving from your cheek to hold your hand. "i'm serious. you're the prettiest girl in the world."
a coy, wolfish smile comes on his face, "even if-
-your hair is sticking up on one side." you fly upright, covering your hair with your hands.
-your hair is kinda sticking up." you fly upright, snatching up your bonnet/scarf that came off in the middle of the night and fixing it.
-you drool in your sleep." you jump, rubbing your mouth to wipe away the tacky spit.
you huff as baxter chuckles away, "sorry i- ack!"
you slap baxter with the pillow, throwing the sheets away and running to the bathroom to wash up. "laugh it up! you're worse than me, y'know?"
baxter finally sits up, showing you his own messy hair do. it's flat on one side. you stifle a cackle.
he gazes at you softly, sleep and love softening his features. "i'm pas' that."
you don't bother closing the bathroom door, knowing baxter is slow on your tail. "you put salt in your coffee yesterday. are ya sure about that?"
you turn on the shower, letting the water warm up while you brush your teeth.
baxter finally comes behind you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your cheek.
you hum, pleased.
baxter gazes at you through the mirror, addressing you through it. "i love you."
you feel warm, your heart skipping and beating fast at the overwhelming affection from him today. "i love you too."
baxter kisses your cheek, looking up at you through his eyelashes. "so, can i join your shower?"
"only if you behave, pepe-le-pew." you pinch baxter's cheek, grinning at how he scrunches up his face.
while you get ready for the shower, making the water warm enough for the both of you.
usually you take hot showers, but last time baxter turned red so lukewarm would have to do.
usually you take cold showers, but baxter just shook in the corner of the shower before he jumped under some hot water to warm up.
you two take showers together often, this was good bonding time for you two.
"wash my hair for me?" baxter asks, sliding up behind you.
"sure." you switch spots so baxter can get his hair wet. it's a tight fit since this shower isn't meant for two, but you make it work. it was better than the bathtub anyway, that was its own problem...
baxter sits on the stool, something you finally put in since it was straining, having to bend down every time.
"don't get shampoo in my mouth again." baxter cackles, trying not to laugh as you massage the shampoo in his hair.
"that was an accident!" you defend, "and it was your fault! you wouldn't stop laughing and talking while i was washing your hair out!"
"is that so?" baxter's suave voice echos throughout the bathroom. the sound makes you shiver.
"yeah 'that's so'! you play around too much!" you laugh and mock. "now stop talking, i'm gonna wash it out."
baxter willingly shuts his mouth, letting you tip his head back and detach the shower head to wash the shampoo out.
this gives you a good view of his face. truthfully, there are not many times when baxter is quiet, witty and flirty words always coming from his mouth, and his face is always lined with a lazy lopsided smile.
so seeing him like this, with his face relaxed and his shoulders sagging as he lets you work your hands through his hair.
"you can open your eyes now." you wipe baxter's face with your hand to get the water off his face, pushing his hair back.
baxter blinks, getting used to the change of light. he takes the shower head from your hands so he can hold your hand and he smiles, coy and mischievous. "hey there, beautiful, come here often?"
you roll your eyes, ignoring the flush coming over you. "shut up."
baxter laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your stomach, watching you.
"what're you looking at?" you feel so flustered from baxter being so soft and tender this morning.
"you." baxter intertwines your fingers. "you're the prettiest girl in the world."
you crumble, leaning over him. "can't you just say 'i love you' like a normal person.."
baxter smiles his signature lopsided grin, "nope." he says, popping the 'p'.
you two sit for a moment in silence, wrapped up in each other.
"i love you too. even though you're silly." you mumble, moving to grab baxter's face.
"i think you're helping me to look silly," he tries to smile but you're squishing his cheeks. "i love you more though."
"as if." you lean down to kiss his forehead, then his nose, which if he could, there'd be a happy tail swinging behind him. before you finally meet his lips, letting him take more than you were going to give.
"okay bax," you laugh, pushing his shoulders. "enough kisses, the waters getting cold."
his loopy, lovesick grin turns wolfish, "i'll warm you up."
baxter starts to trail his hands along your hips, going from sensual to playful as he starts tickling your sides.
you squeal, holding onto his wrists. "stop it!" you squirm, laughter echoing throughout the shower..
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tags : (after) step 4, clingy derek, reader can cook, Encanto movie mentioned (that movie SLAPPED), reader gives derek a massage
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it would be a meriacle you woke up before derek if it wasn't already coming up to 2pm.
you don't usually get up this late, but you and Derek had been up having fun and watching the sunrise just for the hell of it, that it ended up happening.
you yawn and stretch, looking at the expanse of derek's muscled back as you consider if kts worth getting up or not.
'mm, i could make him breakfast..'
now that was an idea. finally setting that as your goal, you throw off the sheets and manage to creep out the room as quietly and as quickly as possible.
you may not be the next gordon ramsay, but you at least knew your way around the kitchen. so once scrounging up some eggs and vegetables, you set onto making an omelet.
which... is harder than it looks. and the first one isn't instgram worthy for sure. looks like you'll be taking that one...
you start humming to the music you have playing quietly, swaying from side to side in place as you expertly (at least in your opinion) shimmy the spatula under the omlete to flip it.
then, right as you give a small "aha!" at your success, a sleepy, gravelly call of your name comes from the hallway.
"y/n..? where are ya?"
you bristle, looking around the disordered kitchen panicked. "kitchen! don't come in!"
you curse, taking the pan off the stove and turning off the eye quickly as you slide into the hallway. you thank derek's sleepy movement since otherwise he would've found you out already if he wasn't ready to collapse where he stood.
he blinks, rubbing his eyes. "what's going on? you need help?"
you start pushing on his chest. "no! i can handle everything here, so just go to bed, and I'll be right there, okay?"
derek laughs, letting you push him back towards the bedroom, "i mean sure but what're you-"
"nope! no questions! just go back to bed and wait for me. if you come out before i'm ready, a punishment is in order!" you nag, crossing your arms as derek gets back into bed.
you huff and roll your eyes, trying not to show your amusement. being half asleep also turns off half of derek's filter..
you lean over, roughly tucking him in much to his delight. "now stay here." you kiss his head before you run off, shutting the door 3/4ths of the way before you throw it back open to glare at him.
"i mean it."
derek laughs, his eyes droopy again already. "yes ma'am."
you shut the door and skip down the hall, hurrying to fix the rest of your and derek's breakfast before the omletes get cold.
bustling around the kitchen, trying to keep things neat as you go, but the stack of dishes in the sink and fallen egg shell you quickly pick up says there was a disaster happening here.
in the end, though, you find the nicest plates derek has here and a food tray before you plate up the food with care, even cutting and peeling some fruit on the side to go with your choice of yogurt or oatmeal, before making your way to the bedroom, humming.
you're happy you got to do something nice for derek, even though it almost went up in ruins a few times. be it from derek almost walking in, the questionably shaped omelet, or almost getting orange juice in your eye when peeling.
you somehow balance the tray well enough to open the door, and before you can give a loud and playfully formal announcement that food is ready, you realize derek is asleep.
he looks so serene, arm stretched out on your side of the bed and the sunlight hitting his back nicely.
you smile, creeping up and sitting the tray down carefully. equally as careful, you ease yourself onto the bed, petting derek's hair as you debate waking him up or not.
you push his hair off his forehead. his hair feels and looks so different when it's not gelled up in his signature style, he still looks handsome like this though, maybe even more-so.
"mmm, tha' you y/n?" derek takes your hand out of his hair and into his, loosely holding your hand.
"yeah. i made you breakfast but if you're too tired we can eat later." you kiss his hand.
derek hums, a dopey smile coming on his face. "i could eat." derek sits up, stretching with a groan and slumping against the pillows, trying to wake himself up.
you present the tray, popping the legs and situation it between you two so you can eat as well.
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"oh that's so sad, he just wants to eat with his family.." you fret, absent-mindedly playing with derek's hair.
derek hums, mumbling something.
you look down at him, thinking derek looks like an sleepy pup that thinks he's still a lap dog. derek is much bigger than when you guys were kids, something you still can't get used to some days.
"you falling asleep?" you push his hair back, showing derek's droopy eyes.
he squirms, still keeping his arms wrapped around your waist. "no.." derek yawns, burying his face into your stomach.
you laugh, tugging on little strands of derek's hair, that elicit a low, gravelly hum from him.
"okay, tell me if you want anything." you lean down, trying to kiss derek but the position just strains your neck and back.
derek looks up, peaking at you and smiling when he sees your pouty lips. he leans up, holding the back of your head as he gives you a few soft kisses that he can't help but smile through.
you smile back at him. "lay down with me.." derek purrs, his voice hoarse with sleep.
"i'm trying to watch the movie!" you laugh, derek already pulling you down the bed so you can lay with him.
"and you can watch it from my arms." derek snuggles into your neck, kissing the back of your neck which makes you shiver and laugh.
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at some point near the end of the movie you ended up falling asleep, much to your disappointment.
you smack your lips, "dang it..." you fumble for the remote in the sheets, finding it at the end of the bed, only saved by the foot board.
while you start rewinding the movie, derek walks back in.
you perk up, scooting towards the edge of the bed. "derek!" your voice is thick with sleep and your head feels cloudy still from dreamland but seeing derek makes you feel a bit excited.
"you're awake." derek comes to your side, rubbing the towel over his head. you hum, "did you fall asleep too?" you prop yourself on your knees to help derek dry off, "i slept through the ending..." you pout.
derek laughs, "we can watch it together. do you think we can start over? i wasn't paying attention earlier..." derek admits sheepishly.
you nod, then realize derek probably didn't see you before he turned around so you said yes.
while derek looks for clothes you respond to lee's spam texts about something or other.
you're in the middle of typing out another response to respond to your cousins fangirling when derek groans and sighs.
derek slumps over, rubbing his neck.
"you okay, baby?"
derek startles a bit, turning to look at you sheepishly. "yeah, i'm fine."
you roll your eyes and send a quick "brb" text before throwing the phone somewhere on the bed. "no you're not. are you stiff? sore?"
derek comes closer to you, kneeling on the rug so he can hug your waist. "a bit.. guess i've been going to hard on arm day." you both laugh.
"yeah, i don't think those guns need to het any bigger." you laugh, curling your fingers in his hair. "oh! how about i give you a massage?"
derek looks at you with wide eyes, "you can do that?"
you shrug. "i'm not a professional, but it might help. do you want me to?" derek nods, a bit too enthusiastic, which makes him blush and clear his throat. "if you don't mind.."
you shake your head and push derek's shoulders so you can stand up, "not at all, wait here.."
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it takes a moment to find the lotion, a con of having moved into a new place: everything is in an odd place.
you don't keep any oil or anything like that that would be more appropriate, so this would have to do.
derek is a bit awkward at first, but once you put on some music for yourself so you can focus, derek starts watching the animal tiktok's your friends were spamming in the group chat, occasionally apologizing for his laughter making your body bounce.
you're happy and share a few laughs and idle conversations between the two of you. you don't really know what you're doing, and mostly following a few tips from online.
derek sighs, sinking into the mattress. "that's good..."
your hands smooth over his back, spreading the lotion down to the small of his back and kneading a bit.
satisfied now that derek looks relaxed and you've done the best you can to make your lover feel better, you lean over to kiss the back of his neck. "there you go, baby."
derek hums, and you move around to lay beside him. "thank you. i feel so much better." derek nuzzles into your neck, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in.
you laugh at derek's clinginess, wrapping your arms around his back as well. "i'm glad, i wasn't really sure what i was doing."
derek starts peppering kisses all over your face, both of you smiling and laughing.
eventually, derek pulls away, having flipped you over and is gazing down at you, his eyes full of love and are a bit glassy. "thanks for taking care of me today. you're amazing..."
you reach up to cup his cheeks, "you're worth it, you need to be taken care of."
derek laughs, tears gathering on his lashes. he tucks his face into your neck, completely wrapping his body around your own. "i love you so much."
you brighten, surprised but happy with derek's declaration. that's the first time either of you have said the L-word.
"i love you too, derek."
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yawn-junn · 2 months
Hello, please can you do prompt 18 with &team Euijoo? 🥺 Since members says that he is very kind and sweet I thin it suits him ♡ and also because I've been feeling under the water:( Thank youuu
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 Fly To My Room ࣪ ⭒
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ꪆৎThanks Too: EJ, &Team, Anon
ꪆৎNote: helllooo, I hope you're feeling better than when you did when you sent in this request, if it's not what you wanted or you want something different dont be shy you can come tell me sorry this took a minute my dog is having health issues, which is stressing me out
ꪆৎTaglist: @leoonoa - @mxlly143 - @wonootnoot - @rikutrash
ꪆৎDividers: @adornedwithlight
ꪆৎCW/TW: pet names "baby" "pretty" "love" : food : feeling down : mentions of not being good enough :
ꪆৎPrompt: 18.) I don't care what people say
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Through the entire day, EJ noticed how low you're energy has been, usually with him you get super talkative, and hyper but it's only been him talking you're ears off and trying to get you to do things, "here baby, you need to eat" he said softly putting some of his food in front of you, shaking you're head no you gently scooted the plate back to him, sighing he scooted closer to you, putting the plate in front of you again he brought food to you're mouth.
"here, I'm being serious" he said, his eyes resembling a baby deer, "please for me" he pleaded again trying to get you to eat more food, sighing you took a small bite. He smiled happy he got you to at least eat something, "now...what's bothering you?" He asked setting the fork down, gently grabbing on to you're hand. You shook you're head, Euijoo's small smile dropped into a deep frown at you're action, "it's ok, love you can tell me anything" he assured again, gently rubbing his hand up and down you're arm in a comforting manner. With a sigh you finally spoke "I just feel...down" you tried to find the right words, Euijoo nodded his head, comforting you.
"Like not good enough in a sense" you gulped as you spoke, EJ shook his head, placing his hand on you're jaw gently facing you towards him "you're more than good enough, so many people can agree to what I said, you're loved by everyone" he softly blinked at you, standing you both up so he can hug you. Placing you're head on his chest, listing to the rhythmic beat of his heart, he continued on "not only are you an amazing person, you're so talented, and strong willed...I've met so many people who told me they admire you" his chest vibrated as he spoke, making sure you got every word he was letting out.
"Not only other people, but I admire you as well, I'm so beyond lucky to have someone as pretty, smart, comforting, funny, kind and so much more" he continued, now slowly rocking you two back and forth. "you're genuinely, the greatest person I've ever met" he finished, placing a small kiss on the crown of you're head, his words added a sense of reassurance, even if you are a little skeptical, you knew EJ wouldn't lie to you, that in itself gave you closure for everything else.
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teagballs · 3 months
Hihi!!! I was wondering if you could do a fluff/smut fic w Charlie and afab!reader, the reader is a virgin and is nervous for their first time but Charlie is just super sweet, funny, and caring w them <3 thank you!!!
first time | charlie kelly x reader smut
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authors note: this request has been in my inbox so long i am SO sorry anon omfghwuehehe. im finally in the mood to write smut cuz im off for summer (woohoo) and charlie was also the most requested for me to write smut of 😭😭 SO here we are. this is my first charlie fic i hope i did him justice. love yall as always
cw: NSFW !!!!!!!!!! smut smut smut. afab!reader, taking virginity, p in v sex, charlie is so sweet shsh, 1.9k words
nsfw below the cut
Charlie was an amazing boyfriend. Astonishingly. Not that you went into this relationship believing he was a horrible person or something, just expecting that he would have a lesser grasp on how a relationship functions, and the key things that happen in one. But no. He remembered birthdays and brought you "unique", but well appreciated gifts. And he tried to do one thing he knew was vital for a relationship: affection. Charlie, despite not totally getting the hype himself, was intuitive of what a partner would expect in a relationship and made sure to give you affection. He would give you little awkward cuddles when watching a movie, forehead kisses when you left for work, and would make out with you if you both felt in the mood. When things got heated though, you would back away and mutter apologies about not being ready. And that was okay. He would confirm with you that that was okay and he didn't want to do it if you weren't happy, and that he wasn't upset. But even still you would understand if he was. Because you never explained why you didn't want to.
Despite general weirdness and being unadjusted to society as a whole, Charlie Kelly knew how to fuck. Put gracelessly. It was probably that rough and rugged look that attracted others, as well as you. You knew him long enough to know this about him. And this thought was haunting. Not because you were insecure about him having partners in the past, but because you hadn't. There was a major difference between you and you're boyfriend, Charlie: you were a virgin.
You were growing tired of this abstinence, but you were ruled by fear. What if Charlie was embarrassed or even turned off by your lack of experience? Even so, you couldn't stay like this. For his benefit and your own. So you ask him to talk. Charlie wasn't great with picking up on social cues, so he didn't understand why this could be a big deal. He did pick up on your uncomfortable behaviour, however. You were fidgeting with your hands and pushing your hair out of your face obsessively. You fumbled over your words.You avoided looking at him on the opposite side of the couch.
"So, um, I wanted to talk to you about taking another, uh, step? I guess? In the relationship. Not like marriage or something, um, like sex?" You blabber nervously.
Charlie felt it was important to hold eye contact while you spoke. He was unusually quiet and nodding along. It was encouraging. He wasn't overly eager but also not distressingly unemotional either. He waited for you to continue.
"I know I haven't really wanted to go, uh, 'all the way' before, and you've been really good about it, but I think I'm ready now? But I've been really hesitant about it because, well, I don't have any experience." You were starting to get more comfortable expressing your feelings. "I'm a virgin, Charlie."
Charlie studied your face for a moment. He went to speak, but you butt in first.
"I don't know if I was maybe supposed to tell you? I don't know. I was just nervous you.." You paused and bit your lip, "I thought maybe you'd lose interest?"
"No, never!" Charlie said quickly. It was the first he'd spoken since you asked him to talk, and it was a strong rebuttal. "No, I'd never lose interest in you. I like you a lot. I jus' wanted to make sure you were happy n' stuff." He said. You smiled, feeling a wave of relief hit you.
"So, what, you wanna do it now?" Charlie said bluntly. He wasn't known for being tactful or having much grace in his words. He didn't move from his place across from you. He waited for your reaction. Suddenly, you were feeling a little warm under his gaze.
"If- if you want to- I.." you fumbled.
"No. Do you want to?" Charlie enforced.
You nodded gently before given spoken consent. "Yeah. I do. Badly."
Charlie leaned over the couch. His calloused hand found your cheek. You assumed they were coarse from all the 'Charle work' he had to do at the bar, but he was so so gentle with you. Before he connected his lips, he leaned in close, his breath vibrating against your skin for a moment. He was giving you an opportunity to protest of back away, but of course, you didn't.
You had a lot of practice making out with him, but this felt more charged. You knew what would happen after this. His body followed yours. When you needed to pull away for air, he followed suit and gave you space. When you reconnected, his hands gently held your waist. You found yourself being pushed to be lying on the sofa.
"Is this okay?" he pulled away to ask. You nod and his hands tangle in your hair - not pulling or tugging, just relaxing in it - and moved your face closer.
You're fully laid back on the sofa when your lips disconnect this time. His hands move to grab your shirt. Your heart is beating faster and faster when you realise this is happening now. You're not uncomfortable. No, this is a feeling of excitement.
He delicately lifts the shirt over your head. He's treating you as carefully as you would some bone china or a kitten. You were in the comfort of your own home, so you were braless, and he's studying your tits like they were a piece of fine art, someone's magnum opus. Or whatever Charlie would consider fine art.
"Can I uh- touch?" His voice has a gravelly touch to it, unusual for your squeaky boyfriend. It makes your stomach flip.
When you nod, his hands quickly reach to paw your breasts. The rough texture of his hands against your nipples makes your breath labour a little. He takes note of it.
He continues to fondle you. You're twitching and breathing heavily. But to be honest, you're wishing he would touch your pussy. Deciding to take matters into your own hands and feeling more confident now, you grab his shirt and pull it over his head. He's taken a back by your actions but not upset at all. He let's you take his shirt off. It ruffles his hair a little
You lay back and admire his toned arms. It had always been a feature you were drawn to in him. You'd watch him carry beer boxes or a keg in the bar and feel yourself get wet at the view.
He lets you study him without saying anything and obliges when you kiss him again, just happy to see you gain some confidence in the foreplay. His beard is rough against your face as he angles his head to get deeper into your mouth.
His hands move lower, headed towards the waistband of your sweatpants. "Is this okay, baby?" He mumbled your mouth in-between kisses.
"Yes, please." Please? 'I sounded so pathetic', you thought.
Charlie shimmied your sweatpants down. Your lips stopped moving against his, and you felt your chest get heavy. Charlie stopped what he was doing quickly.
"Are you okay?" probably the 100th time he had said that tonight, but comforting no matter. "We can stop if you need -"
"No, no, no," you cut him off. "It's okay. I'm just a little nervous still."
Charlie leaned his forehead against yours. "You're okay, s'only me." He repeated.
After a minute of silence and when your heart rate returned to normal again, "You can keep going."
Charlie gently took your underwear off. You were embarrassingly wet. Apparently, caring and affirmative boyfriends really get you going.
"So pretty," Charlie mumbled to himself. You could've cum right there.
He gently rubbed his finger along your soaked slit. The contact made you jolt. He kept his eyes on your face the whole time, ensuring you were still into it. The whines you were letting out were all the confirmation.
"Are... do you need me to, like, uh, 'warm you up' or..?" Charlie mumbled awkwardly while still stroking your wet slit.
He was asking if you were wet enough for him to fuck you. You were. You had been since you started making out. And you certainly were now that you were staring at his hard dick in his pants.
You shook your head, "No, I'm ready." You say, taking a deep inhale.
Charlie carefully hooked his hands under your knees to bring you to the edge of the sofa and spread your legs. You angled your hips and watched him bring his dick out of his pants. He tugged it a few times while looking at you spread before him. He kept one hand hooked under your knee again as the other held himself.
"You ready?" He asked.
"Yeah." You reply breathlessly.
He pushes himself into you. When he's got his head in, he grabbed your other knee to open you more. He was trying to keep you at the most comfortable angle. The squelch noise that was produced was borderline pornographic. Your eyes squeezed shut when you took him in, slowly slowly. It did hurt. You felt like you were being split open.
Charlie obviously noted your discomfort and repeated, "s'okay," and "doing so good" in a soothing manner over and over until he bottomed out.
He brushed the hair that was sticking to your forehead away so he could see your beautiful face. He was waiting till you gave him confirmation to move. It felt like forever as you waited for the horrible sensation to fizzle out, but it did. Eventually all you could feel was a deep, deep need for him to properly fuck you.
"You can move," you said shakily.
Charlie cautiously moved out, then back in again. This time, it felt good, so good. You found yourself angling your hips so he could be deeper. He kept increasing the pace, letting out low huffs while you began to whine and groan.
The he hit it.
"Jesus! Fuck.. right there."
He jumped a little at your outburst, worried he had hurt you. But when he realised he had found your G spot, he quickened his pace.
You were moaning now, and Charlie had to bite his lip to hold back a smile. Of course he was happy to be fucking you, but he was also grateful that you trusted him enough to be your first.
Charlie moved your legs to his shoulders so his hands were free. One moved to fondle your chest while the other moved down to apply pressure to your clit. The combination was all too much. You gripped his forearm tightly and choked out, "gonna cum."
Charlie only sped up his administrations, and you were pushed over the edge. You spasmed and whined as you came. He let you ride it out on his cock as he gently stroked your hair.
When he was sure you were done, he pulled out to jerk himself off while watching you pant and come down from your high. He grabbed his discarded shirt and came into it.
He shuffled back down onto the sofa so he could hold you. You leaned into his chest and tried to catch your breath. He danced a finger around a strand of your hair.
"S'good... oh my god." you mumbled while looking at him. "Thank you... thank you, Charlie," you babble.
"'It's no biggie." Charlie replied. But he did understand the gravity of the sex you just had.
"Let me get you a towel," Charlie moves to stand up, but you grab his arm.
"No, no, we'll do that in a second. Just hold me." You whisper.
He does, of course. Gently kissing your head while appreciating that he gets to inhale the scent of your hair. He rubs gentle circles on your upper arm. You both could die happy in this moment.
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