seokmatthewz · 1 year
Omg you're a UNB fan?? Are you into A.C.E at all? Yuchan unfortunately is in the military rn but all the members are being discharged one by one now so it's really exciting 😊 I'd love to give you recs if you want bc they're my ult group
ive been into a.c.e since their predebut days!!! i love them very dearly ive seen them live twice im so so excited for them to be free of the military.........
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t3kandson · 9 days
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Deathly Powers
Word count; 8,960
Fandom; A.C.E. & The Boyz
Pairing; Reader X Eric Sohn, Reader X Lee Donghun.
Characters; Lee Donghun, Eric Sohn, Park Junhee, Kim Sehyoon, Kim Byeongkwan, Lee Hyunjae
Mentions; Kang Yuchan, Ji Changmin, Lee Sangyoon, Ju Haknyeon, Kim Younghoon, Choi Chanhee & Lee Hyunjae
Warnings; Angst, Supernatural, Passing out unconscious, Spiritual world, Violence, Death, Devil worshipping, Witchcraft, Images of predicted death of Main Character, Ghosts including Eric, Knife, Blood, Choking, Unprotected Sex, Threesome (kinda).
Notes; Part 1/3 Parts.
Check out A.C.E.'s new pre release song Anymore
Taglist; @nyu-topia
“The most important thing is to listen to me, especially when I feel it's not safe," Donghun said as you listened intently. "If I find a case too dangerous we need to contact Kim Byeongkwan & Ji Changmin. They are our Demonologist exorcists," he continued as you nodded.
Lee Donghun was your childhood school friend, one who you had gone on two different paths with. While Donghun was up the temples working hard on his spiritual path. You had a string full of broken relationships and failed job prospects. That was till your recent relationship disaster with Choi Chanhee. Who was caught having an affair with your work colleague Kim Younghoon. Turning to alcohol had been your saving till Jacob Bae had brought you to a Powerful Sharman Park Junhee. His spiritual gift or being a soul rescuer. You blamed it on the demands for a purpose in life. But their was a part of you that had fire in your stomach ready to take on the world. The last person you expected to be your mentor was Lee Donghun. His eyes raised in your direction at viewing you at his door. Not impressed by the jokes of him seeing it coming. Now you were sat in his Healing room, chest full of powerful intoxicating incense. Your head slightly a little dizzy from all the chants upon your arrival in old Archaic Chinese. "Y/N are you even listening to me," Donghun said snapping his fingers as you grinned your most amused expression earning a raised brow. "What did I do to earn this punishment," he said into thin air in frustration. "What did they say," you teased as he deadpanned your way. "Have you even seen a spirit?" He questioned as you shook your head. This gift upon you had only shown you eerily feelings and items thrown in your company. But you were yet to be face with a see-through person or a white sperm like dude. "That's because you're not taking this seriously," he grumbled as he gave up sitting on the floor as your sure he was secretly praying for you to disappear. "Are you even aware what I do?" He said looking at you with hope of a easy path. "You seek out ghosts," you said as he rolled his eyes. "More context Y/N," he said as you shook your head. "We find lost souls and help them. Just sometimes," , "Yes you already said sometimes it gets dangerous," you cut him off. "Your job is to communicate with them while I send them to the next land," he explained as you nodded in awe. "But how do I do that if I can't see them?" You asked as he looked a little baffled himself. "We have to train you up I think," he said unsure. "I thought you knew what you were doing, so much for being my mentor," you scoffed as he frowned your way. "I've never had someone to train, so I wouldn't know. Yuchan was already gifted when he came to me," he scoffed with a saddened expression. "Yuchan?" You asked. "Kang Yuchan was a fine Soul rescuer but he got hurt last time. It will be a long time before he will be ready to come back. That's if he can find his health to return back,” he said looking to the floor. "What happened?" You gulped slightly afraid for the response. "Dangerous spirit which is why I need you to desperately listen to me," he snapped as you nodded. "Right first let's see if we can find a way for you to communicate," he said standing up as you mirrored. "Let's go on a hunt," he said excitedly your way.
"Where are we?” you asked appearing in the wooded area he walked you through. "You tell me?" He said arms folded. "Well if I knew that I wouldn't be asking," you said folding yours his way too. "Close your eyes," he demanded as you obeyed. "I want you to focus on your breathing, breathe in.... hold...... breathe out," he said in such a relaxing tone. "And again," he instructed you once more. "Keep going Y/N," he encouraged as you continued. With each passing breath you felt the world spin around you as you felt your self merge with the outside air. "Imagine looking out the open door into a world that isn't ours," he said walking towards you as you heard the crunch of the dried leaves under his feet. "Imagine the crisp fresh air in your lungs," he said barely a whisper in your ear, causing you to shiver aroused by his voice. "I want you to see if you can find any people," he continued. Eyes looked around the forest in what felt like your daydream world, but you could not see anything. "Listen out if you can't see anyone, listen for the sounds," he says as you shiver slightly. From the chilly air that you are not sure is real or imagination. "I can only hear you," you say out as he clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth. "Can you sense anything even if you can't see it. Or feel words that flow that don't feel yours in your mind," he asks as you fall to silence. The only thing on your mind was food. Your tummy rumbling to help make your mouth salivate further. "Stop thinking of your stomach," Donghun moaned as your eyes opened up in excitement. "You knew what I was thinking?” you whispered in awe as he tilted his head with frustration. "Focus Y/N," he grumbled as your eyes rolled and went back to your imaginary world. Pressing his hands to your shoulder you took a deep breath in through your nose, holding it to release a couple seconds later. You could suddenly hear whispers, you tried to zone into the sound but they were barely audible. "You hear something?" Donghun questioned as you bite your lip nodding. "I think so but not enough to understand what, it's not loud enough," you said feeling goosebumps fall up your skin. "Well ask them to talk more clearer out Loud," he ordered as his second hand hit your shoulder. "Please Spirit speak louder and clearer so I can communicate with you," you said slightly a little apprehensive.
"Your mine," you heard whispered out as your eyebrows furrowed. Was it Donghun whispering those words? Was your childhood crush making you believe you could hear the words you wanted to hear. "Very funny Donghun," you said opening your eyes to him looking puzzled. "I said nothing," he replied as his sparkling brown eyes looked your way. "I'm not the one that likes to fuck around, that you," he said deadpanning you. "What did you hear anyway?" He questioned removing his hands. "Your nuts," you lied not wanting him to have acknowledge of your crush. Knowing he would question while you would have said that came from him. "Well guess the spirit truly knows you," Donghun teased as you scrunched your nose his way. "But on a good note you heard something so it's working, let's try again," he said with more motivation then earlier as you groaned. But trying again didn't work, your body was only swaying into the quiet without Donghun’s hands to keep you still. "Well we got a small progress, we're come back tomorrow and try again," Donghun said breaking you from your silent trance.
"Hi Mrs Kim," Donghun said as your mother greeted you as Donghun dropped you off. "Lee Donghun is that really you? You must come in," she said not giving him a chance to back away. "You were with Donghun?” she asked in excitement your way remembering your one way crush on him. "Why are you even awake mum?" You questioned as she dragged Donghun to a table to sit. "Work overrun, what's both your two excuse," she said arms folded with a smirk between you both. "We're doing a temple project together," Donghun replied with a half lie. "Oooh temple work," she said excited before looking at the pot on the oven.
"I'm about to warm up some kimchi Jjigae, do you fancy some?" She asks as he nods being relaxed for the first time since meeting as adults. "Thank you that would be nice," he says as you admire the way his eyes small as he smiles.
"What?" He says as he catches you watching him. "Just amazed you know how to smile," you teased as he frowned. "Don't do that you might get frown lines permanently, don't let her ruin your perfect face," your mother said as he chuckled her way. "Mother he already has frown lines look," you teased pressing your finger to the lines his frown made in that moment. "Stop teasing him," she said slapping your shoulder. "I was trying to be a good friend, I know of a few people who could help out with Botox," you continued playfully despite loving his frown. "Yeah that be great always great to work on oneself. Shame we can't improve on your personality," he hit back as you aissh into the air pretending to strike him. "Can't I see you two have reunited," your mother said stirring the pot on the stove. "Yeah I've missed her like a hole in the head," he smirked seductively that had you roll your eyes. Not from his comment but the view he had given. Just why did he have to be so drop dead Gorgeous. "Do you want some?" Your mother said with a bowl In her hand. "No I'm ok I'm going up to bed soon," you said as your mum poured the warmed up meal into a bowl for Donghun. "Well don't let me stop you, your mums better company," Donghun said taking the bowl from her with a thank you added on. "Kiss ass," you spat out as he shook his head holding back a chuckle. "Kim Y/N language," your mother bit out smacking your arm once more. "See your here just to get me beat," you scoff at him rubbing your arm. "She's only doing what I wanted to do all day," he said eyes widening amused. "Whatever," you said clicking your tongue at the roof of your mouth. You didn't make it to your room as you threatened. Instead listening to your mother and Donghun chat about Temple life as they both ate up their food. "Oh wow, it's 4am, you must be tired, please stay. I can put you up in the spare room," she said as you smiled warmly her way. "That would be great we've got loads of work to do tomorrow, thank you," he said as she took his bowl. "Please let me wash up though," he said standing to take the bowl back. "I won't turn that down," she smiled back before turning to look at you. "You can help him, and be nice," she said prodding your arm making you wince. "Make sure he has all the bedding he needs too," she said as you nodded. "I will put up some of Y/N's brothers clothes up for you," she says before going upstairs. "How are Sangyeon and Haknyeon?" Donghun asked going to the sink. "Sangyeon’s married and with kids, we don't really see much of him, he's a Cardiologist," you said thinking of your elder brother fondly. "That's a shame I know you two was close," Donghun said as he passed a washed bowl your way to dry up. "It's ok I was pretty close to Haknyeon before he went to university," you said remembering the feeling of loneliness at home since your younger brother left. "Does he not come and visit much?” he continued to quiz. "He's in England at Oxford university, so no sadly," you said as he turned to you with sadness in his view. "You must have been so lonely without them," he said clearly feeling the emotions on your mind. "I wasn't till," you said pausing remembering Chanhee and the pain he caused. "Yeah I heard about that," he said as you looked to the floor. "Don't waste tears on people that aren't worth it," he said pressing his finger under your chin to look at him. His face full of concern, reminding you of the cherished friendship you had when you was younger. "New beginnings," you said taking a step back struggling with your over beating heart from his close contact. "I'll get your bedroom stuff sorted," you said as blood was rushing to your head a little too fast.
"Come on lazy," came Donghun's voice before the impact of a pillow striking you. "We’ve got things to do, so get up," he continued as you groaned. "Just five minutes please," you whimpered keeping your eyes shut. "No five minutes, your eating into my time now, get up," he said continuing his pillow attack. "Ok, ok," you groaned sitting up to watch him smirk your way. "Good wash up, eat up and let's dash. We have got to see Sharman Park today," he said arms crossed on his chest in a thin white vest, his muscles easily noticeable. "Ok out my room so I can get sorted," you said gulping as he agreed. Why had your feelings for him suddenly hit max volume? You blamed this gift which was beginning to sound like a curse.
"Hurry up," you said throwing your head over his car as you waited for him. His motherly act had him take your keys to lock up with your mother already having left for work. "Stop being impatient and get off my car," Donghun said as he pulled his arms around your waist to lift you from his vehicle. You groaned despite your heart beating so hard from the extra close contact with him. When your eyes took to a figure across the street. The energy from him was swimming in something strong that you couldn't put your finger on it. His expression mixed with anger and sadness as his eyes was heavily focused on you. You knew enough to know he wasn't alive. "Can you see that?" You said to Donghun without your eyes leaving the male. Who had started to walk towards you before he vanished as Donghun removed his hands from you. "Where?" Donghun questioned. "He's gone now, wait did I just see my first spirit?” you asked turning to face him as he glanced over your shoulder. "Did you really see nothing?" You asked as he shook his head looking at you puzzled. "Normally I can see the dead when I'm touching the person who can communicate with them," he explained. "But you were touching me," you said as his eyebrows furrowed. "Maybe with you I have to hold your hand or something," he said as he rubbed your shoulders with a smile. "But it proves your getting stronger. First a voice now a sighting," he said as he walked to the car. Your eyes raked where that man was once standing, now a complete empty area. But you felt as if his energy was still there causing a shiver down your spine. -------------------🔺-------------------
"What did you see?" Sharman Park said with his head tilting as he looks at you. "Why can I not see it?” he says looking frustrated as the wind blows the leaves from outside the temple. "Can you normally see what I'm thinking?" You ask despite knowing the answer. "If they mind letting their energy be seen," he whispers before looking to Donghun. "Or maybe I just have a different talent," you said causing him to smile his pretty little smile. "I held her and didn't see it neither. I can see even the vengeful ones normally," he said a little anxiously. "Do I need to hold her hand?" He asked the Sharman. "Well try it, see what happens," Sharman Park said as his eyes never left yours. "Y/N," Donghun said as his hands reached for yours as you looked between them both. "Calmly take it when your ready," The Sharman said, his eyes almost knowingly understanding your reluctance. Trying your best to gulp without Donghun noticing your apprehensions you pulled out your hands hoping they wasn't sweaty. Within minutes of touching the skin of your childhood crush.
Colour attacked you from the room as you felt dizzy, heart pumping fast that you knew it wasn't from your emotions towards Donghun. Then came darkness as you lost your vision collapsing into what fell like Donghun’s arms.
Taking a deep breath your opened to find the man you saw earlier. "Who are you?" You said in shakey breath as you moved from his warm grasps. "I'm Eric Sohn," he said as you suddenly realised his voice was the same from the woods. "Why am I here?" You said looking around the hallway you had entered. "Our house," he said watching you as you walked to a room to hold the doorknob. "Our?" You said turning to look at him but he was missing. Shaking your head you looked at the shut door. "This is just a dream," you whispered to yourself as you walked through to the room. The door slamming behind you leaving you alone. You took in the room, the beautiful pink decor with pink rose bedding on the double bed in the middle of the floor. By the headboard was the most beautiful wall mural you had ever seen. Ivy swirling around Angel cherubs. The detail told you that it was hand painted as you admired it. "It's beautiful isn't it?" You heard Eric's voice turning to expect to face him but the room remained empty. "It is, did you do this?" You asked to the empty room. "You did," was the only reply that came out. You turned to the voice from outside the door of the room. "My art is awful I can't do anything like that," you said walking to it hoping he would be on the other side of the door. "Only because you've locked it away, your artworks the most beautiful in the world," the voice said admiringly.
Opening the door, you saw him there leaning against the other side of the wall. "I'm confused," you said making your way towards him as he chuckled meeting you halfway. "You won't be soon, I promise," he said tucking a hair behind your ear. But before any words could follow through. The world you were sent to was taken from you, back to the outside surroundings of the temple.
"Y/N you ok?" Donghun said looking down to you full of concern. "Yeah I saw the man again, the one I heard in the woods," you said sounding wearily. "Did he hurt you?" Donghun asked as he sat you to sit up. "No, he didn't, he just confused me," you said looking at him as Sharman Park took your hands. "Anything?" Donghun said with concern as he looked to him shaking his head. "Is it vengeful?" Donghun said as Sharman Park looked at you more closely. "What did you see?" He questioned. "A house, a wall mural full of ivy and cherubs," you said briefly leaving out the words spoken between you and Eric. "I won't lie I'm unsettled. But I can't work out if that's because I can't see what she's seen, which I've never experienced. Or that theres something there we should be scared of," Park Sharman added as you looked to him confused. "You think Eric’s dangerous?" You said as the Sharman’s eyes opened wide hearing the name. "Is that his name Y/N?” he asked as you nodded. "He said his name was Eric Sohn, why does that mean something?" You asked as he shook his head. "No but it's something I can give to Hyunjae to research," he said smiling sweetly at you letting his hand leave. "Till then I don't want her working with me," Donghun said standing up. "I can see your concern, but we wanted her to work with her gift and she is. Let us not hinder it," Park Sharman said as Donghun tsssk into the air. "I won't lose her like I lost Yuchan," he said sounding upset. "Calm Lee Donghun, I can feel great things from her. Though she needs to be careful and not go thinking she's invincible. She will be ok as long as she's supervised," he said reassuring Donghun to no avail. "No I'm sorry I won't risk her not till I know that spirit is safe," Donghun said picking you up from the dusty wooded area floor. "Well as her mentor thats your choice to make. But a vengeful ghost will find her wherever she is. Whenever it is by your side under your watch or hidden away in a box," Sharman Park added. "I won't let her out my sight," Donghun added as he went to steer you out.
"Right, I'm going to stay at yours till we work out who this spirit is," Donghun said as the car pulled up outside your house. "You automatically presume my mother will let you stay," you teased as he looked to you amused. "We both know she won't have any issue with that," he said as you chuckled his way knowing he was right. "Do you really think Eric is a vengeance spirit?" You asked as he looked at you with wary eyes. "I think he’s someone we need to treat as if he is, till we know for sure," Donghun said before getting out the car. You looked to the spot you saw Eric earlier but again it was empty.
As you both made your way to the door a gentleman appeared. His thick glasses with a geeky yet attractive visuals. "Are you Lee Donghun?" He asked as Donghun nodded. "I heard you deal with spiritual entities," he whispered looking anxious saying those words. "Yes, I do, but right now I've got an urgent case I'm dealing with," Donghun replied as the gentleman pushed his glasses up that clearly had slid down his nose. "I have a spirit that I'm sure is trying to tell me something, I feel him more then I see him. But when I do, he's angry, full of hate. It's like he wants me out my own house. I also have moments where I feel like someone else is in control of my body. Like I am just the spectator," the gentleman continued stuttering a little. "I know you must be terrified," Donghun sympathises as he touched his shoulder. "But we have a really important case right now that could be life or death," he says with fear in his own eyes. "But if you give me your details, I can contact you as soon as we are finished on this case," he adds. "Promise?” he asked with shakey breath clearly in fear of his entity in his home. "I promise," Donghun replied as the gentleman pulled out a card from his wallet.
"Life or death my ass," you said as you watched him enter his car looking depressed. "We could have taken the case on," you said jabbing him. "Y/N we can't it's dangerous for you," Donghun says his hands heavily on your shoulders. "Eric apparently is, who ever spirit he has, might not be," you said your face inches from his. "Y/N he said himself the ghost was angry it's possibly a vengeance ghost. Also Right now you seem to be extra sensitive that isn't what we need right now for you," Donghun glared. "Plus, I felt nothing when I touched him," he added as you shook your head. "You said you can see even vengeance ghosts. Maybe it's not with the data malfunction and it's you," you scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah both myself and Sharman Park are just having a malfunction," he said sarcastically. "Well who knows because you've had this issue twice with two different people," you bit back. "If its anything, it’s that my pain in ass past is annoying being some shield," he groaned as your eyes widened under his accusation. "So your saying it's me?" You whimpered. "Yes," he spat out as you threw your head back unable to find words to throw at him. "So in the meantime that poor bloke’s going to be scared in his own home," you said in another attempt to change his mind. "No we will deal with it when everything's been solved and it's safe," he said focusing on the word safe.
Noticing the man still In his car from the bathroom window, you creep down past Donghun chatting with your mum to go to him. If Donghun wasn't going to help him you wasn't going to let that stop. As Sharman Park said, Your talent should grow not be hindered. Reaching the car the man looks startled to see you standing there. "Hi," he said getting out and greeting you. "Why are you still here?" You asked suspicious hitting that he had waited around. "I don't know, I just haven't got it in me to leave, I'm just so desperate," he whimpered as you put your hand to his arm for comfort.
Like with Donghun the bright colours, racing heart, and dizziness causes you to pass out returning you back to the room once again.
"Really," you stomp your feet annoyed at the journey to get here. "Like could you have done it any other way then have me pass out," you scream into the air hoping Eric will reply. But instead the light bright room is empty of him or his voice. Instead the sunlight outside the room darkens. "Ok ok Eric I get it your vengeful," you spit out hoping for a reply as the room falls to pitch darkness. Fear creeps up you as you feel suffocated in this dark space alone from Donghun and the friendly features that Eric showed earlier. "Please don't let them be right about you," you whimper in fear hoping Eric will appear in the form you want him to. Instead gargled sounds and thuds on the floor hit out as you screech out. "This must be that man’s world," you whisper in denial. "Wake up," you hear Eric’s voice scream out in the distance. "I would if I could," you cry in panic as you walk towards the sound. Hands feeling for the doorknob hoping it will reach him like it did last time. "Wake up," you hear again a little angrier as your hands find the doorknob. Pulling it open the hallway is no lighter, your hands reaching out to walk forward till they bump into a body. "Eric please say that’s you," you say out hopeful. But instead, you see red angry eyes appear in your view. "I said wake up," Eric’s voice hits from the body your seeing draped in darkness and evil.
"Y/N," you hear from Donghun’s voice as you turn to the darken room. "Donghun I'm here I can't wake up," you scream to the silence as you feel your body shake. Bright lights attack your eyes as you wake whimpering to see Donghun’s worried face holding you once more. "It's ok, it's ok, I got you," he says as you shake in fear in his arms. "It was dark," you cry out not letting him know about what you saw with Eric. "It's ok, I got you," Donghun repeated as he sat holding you while the gentleman watched on. "Does she need anything?" He said with equal concern. "No Mr Kim," Donghun spat out with anger laced in his tone. "Let's get you indoors ok," Donghun said helping to lift you from the floor. Your eyes take Mr Kim and he looks at you with pure worry as his glasses slide down his nose. "I’ll be back to speak to you in a minute just please let me get her inside," Donghun says more calmer. "Ok Mr Lee, take your time," Mr Kim reply's as Donghun takes you inside.
But before you can get to the door he pulls you to look at him. "Why did you do that? I told you it was dangerous," he spat out. "Because I wanted to help," you reply as his jaw tenses in anger. "Y/N you fucking passed out and went somewhere we couldn't get you from," he growled. "I woke up though," you replied barely audible. "What if you didn't, I've already lost one person under my wing. I can't afford to lose another," he spat out. "I'm not Yuchan," you hit back feeling stronger. "No your not, he had years under his belt, he was stronger and he listened to me," Donghun spat out hurting your pride. "Anyway, I think that little experiment of yours is enough to tell me that this won't work," he said a little more strict toned. "What?" You gasped. "This is too dangerous for you, I won't work with you. Tomorrow you're going to the temple to somehow get this gift of yours removed. You need to be closed off instead of your third eye opened up," Donghun said almost like he was trying to convince himself. "You make it sound like I wanted this gift for myself," you cried out. "Knowing you you probably did," Donghun said tossing his hands in despair through his hair. "Donghun," you cried out hurt with his words. "Look enoughs been said you need rest, you've passed out twice with these encounters today, we will sort this out tomorrow," he said more softer. "What about Mr Kim?” you asked with concern. "I think Byeongkwan and Changmin can deal with his vengeance spirit, because I'm now one man down, again.” Donghun added as you rolled your eyes walking inside your home. Once in the quiet you threw your head at the back of the wall. No way on this earth you were going to let this go. You were going to train even harder just to prove a point, especially to Donghun.
Sharman Park refused to accept Donghun’s demands, instead keeping you there to help train you himself. Each day made you feel stronger just from the constant mediation and deeply inhaled essences around the temple. Donghun had only visited once to speak with Hyunjae. His research hadn't proven fruitful and they couldn't prove or unprove if Eric Sohn was peaceful or vengeful. Donghun had only spoken briefly to you but that wasn't his fault. It was more to do with you pretending to meditate when he arrived. Just to put two fingers to him that you could be taught by someone that wasn't him. -------------------🔺-------------------
After a couple of weeks, you decided to leave the temple, Sharman Park happily authorising. Entering your quiet home you found a pile of letters on the table in your name. While opening one of them a get well card was pulled from its envelope.
I'm sorry if I caused any stress. Hope your feeling better soon
Mr Kim Sehyoon. Xx
"Ahh bless him," you said to the silence. You wondered if he got the help he needed. Knowing Donghun wouldn't update you, you run to your bag. Inside was the card with his details that Donghun accidentally dropped outside your house on the way to the temple. Ringing him you waited till he picked up.
"Hi Mr Kim, it's Kim Y/N here, I don't know if you remember me,", "I do how are you feeling?” the happy voice in the phone cut you off. "I'm good I'm doing much better thanks," you replied. "I was just wondering did you get your situation sorted," you asked as he breathed in deep in the background. "In all honesty, not yet, Mr Lee got me in contact with Mr Ji. But sadly him and his colleague are also working on an important case right now," he said with a sadden voice. "How would you feel if I came to yours, we could talk more about it. I'm not promising much as I'm not that talented, but I can try to help," you said waiting for the silence of the other end. "What's up Mr Kim?” you asked fearing the words you knew would come. "Mr Lee said that under no circumstances am I to meet you again," he said as your anger brewed. "Mr Lee is no longly working with me so no doubt that's why he said that," you replied as the silence continued for a short couple of seconds. "I'm sorry to hear that, he seemed to care a lot about you," Mr Kim replied. "It's a facade trust me. Look let me visit, if I can fix the issue then that's great. And if I can't Mr Lee don't even need to know I was there," you said down the phone. "I know your scared and I could maybe help free you from the fear your experiencing," You pleaded. "Ok," he reluctantly agreed. "But I would rather come to you instead of mine, incase it's too much for you," he replied as you agreed.
Waiting for the door to go you found him stood there, the face you hadn't seen in weeks. He was standing right behind Mr Kim who walked into your home with him following.
"Thanks for coming Mr Kim," you said as you sat down in the living room, your eyes between him and Eric. "He's called Sehyoon," Eric muttered for attention. "You can talk with me comfortably, call me Sehyoon," he said sitting down. Eric looked at you with the expression told you so, on his features. "Ok," you said smiling at him unsure of his reason to be attached this second to Eric. "Do you know a Eric Sohn by any chance?" You asked as Sehyoon pursed his lips in thought. "No I don't think I do, my memory isn't always great though," he said softly. "Why do you ask?" Sehyoon asked as Eric smirked your way. "Just a name that popped into my head," you lied as Eric chuckled. "Just a name am I?" He replied arms folded as you tried to block him out. Why was he suddenly appearing and for a lot longer then before. Had your talent got stronger? "So how long have you lived in your home?" You asked. "Only a year, I should have taken note that it been on the market several times. But I saw the bargain fee to buy it and ran like a fool," Sehyoon said as Eric bit back a chuckle. "Greed gets a man every time," Eric spat out as you inwardly rolled your eyes. "How soon did things begin to happen?" You questioned further. "Instantly as soon as I paid for it, I would get these weird flash of things I couldn't understand, bizarre dreams. That was before even stepping into the home. Once I was there theirs this heavy darkness feeling, like I'm not wanted. Things get thrown, I see shadows and worse I dream of nothing but death," he whimpers. "That sounds awful," you reply sympathetically. "Sounds like you pissed off hell," Eric grumbles as you look to him with annoyance earning him to smirk as he pokes his tongue into his cheeks. Closing your eyes trying to ignore how attractive he looked then, your eyes take Sehyoon's looking slightly taken aback. "Can you see someone?" He asks as your eyes widen. "Don't worry he seems to be my problem ghost not yours," you bit out looking at Eric. "Yours? told you you were mine," he said winking seductively as you shook your head. "Anything else happened bizarrely?" You asked as he ponders for a second. "My art inspiration is threw the roof I draw so many different kind of arts. Which isn't abnormal but always includes cherubs," he says as Eric shuffles in his chair. "Look I can show you," he says as he gets his phone to show, but Eric grabs it from him. Sehyoon looks in fear at what possibly looks like a dangling phone in the air. Leaning over you snatch it from Eric himself, his view a little more tense. "Hey I want to be nosey," Eric said reapplying his composure. "Well do it on your time not mine," you bit out as Your eyes took Sehyoon. "It's ok this ones harmless I promise, annoying but harmless," you add looking to Eric briefly. Looking at the photos of his art work you saw all the different art work with cherubs being his feature. Then one photo had you freeze to the spot it was a drawing of Ivy swirls around cherubs? Just like the one you saw in the house when you passed out. Dropping the phone you looked to Eric as he had his eyes closed full of anger. "What's going on why is that here? you said shakey towards him.
But before you could reach your hand to touch his shoulder, he throws his hand towards you. Like it some sort of power it launches you towards the ceiling as Sehyoon whimpers terrified. "Eric," you cry out but he looks angry, his eyes growling red. "You're not evil," you whimper as you feel a pressure around your neck. "Don't search any further, I won't let you," he growls as the room gets colourful once more. Instead of fear you feel ready to greet him in his world.
Opening your eyes you see the curtains of the bedroom as you realised your in bed. Feeling the naked skin of a body behind you you look to find Eric. "Morning Princess,” he says as you smile turning to face him. Instead of questions words fall from your mouth as if he's yours. "Morning," you smile wrapping your arms around his waist letting his toned chest flush against your face. "Did you sleep ok?" He asks as you nod enjoying the warmth of his tight hold. You feel happiness and totally in love with him. "I’ve got to get up soon and start painting," you say feeling foreign because art isn't your thing. "Can't it wait just some minutes, I don't want to let you go yet," Eric chuckles as he peppers kisses along your forehead. "I won't say no to that," you say as your own lips press kisses to his chest. He cups your face to look at you as his lips fall to yours. They are soft as he slowly tenderly lets his mouth roam yours. Laying you on your back he lets his kisses fall down your chest. His member heavy against your thighs lets you know he wants to ravish you. You want nothing more to have him making love to you right this second.
But instead of making love to him you're in the room a little more darker as night is upon you. Paint brush in your hand as you tilt to look at the art work you've done. Long swirls of ivy which has taken weeks to do over two angel cherubs. "That's so Beautiful our two future babies'," Eric said back hugging you as his lips fall to your neck. "I thought you wanted more then two," you chuckle despite feeling a little uncomfortable. "I do but if it's just two you want then that's what we got to go with. As long as your happy and healthy and so are they then I don't care how many we have," he says spinning you to face him. He looks at you with pure devotion in his eyes as he strokes your hair. But you feel something saddening in the pitt of your stomach. Like if he knows he won't want you no more. "I love you so much my beautiful wife," he chuckles as your heart feels like it's about to explode. "I love you too Sohn," you reply going onto tip toes to kiss him passionately.
Suddenly the room is pitch black, Eric is sat in a pentagon in candlelight. His tears red and angry you make your way to comfort him. But your hand just goes through his body like your the ghost. "Eric snap out of it," you whimper scared on his behalf. "Please, please, god hates me. He won't listen, I want death. I’ll do what ever you want me to do. Just give me death, let me go from this horrible world," he begs tears falling down his eyes in pure pain. "Eric please don't wish for that," you sob as a tear falls down your eyes too. But you know he can't hear your voice.
Falling to the floor you still realise your in the dark room, Eric’s world still continuing. Your feet feel wet as you pull them to you. But instead of water theirs enough light from the street light shining in the opening of the curtain, that you can tell that it's blood on your hands. Fearing Eric's death at his own hands you leap up to search the body. But instead of finding him you freeze to the spot when you find yourself. Heavy breath above you you look up to find a outline of a man. “Knife in his hand still dripping in the blood of the version of you on the floor. "Who are you?" You cry out shakily in fear hoping death in this world doesn't mean the same out there. The door behind is opened briefly to let in enough light that shows the face of your murderer.
Throat tightening you almost choke when you see Eric’s face looking past you at who ever’s standing behind. "No, No you didn't, why, why when you said you loved me," you cried out in fear as you crawled slightly backwards as you slipped on the blood hitting your head on the floor board.
"Y/N," you hear to your relief Donghun’s voice as you wake up in his arms. "Is she ok?" You hear Sehyoon behind in fear. Your eyes open briefly as you feel lightheaded struggling for focus. But through them you see Eric looking in fear at you. "Why? Why did you kill me?" You whimper as your focus takes him in properly. "No ones killed you don't be dramatic," Donghun said unaware of Eric's presence. "Eric answer me," you demand as you see tears fall down his eyes. "See I told you it's was some ghost called Eric. She said it was her problem ghost," Sehyoon said behind you. "Sorry, sorry," Eric said before allowing himself to disappear.
"Y/N what are you seeing?" Donghun asks shaking you. "He killed me," you whisper unsure what you saw even if you knew enough it wasn't real. "But I know he didn't mean to," you add as he tilts his head down towards you. "Who? this Eric guy?" Donghun asks for confirmation. "We were in love, crazy in love, and then he just killed me, he killed me after he asked for the devil. Wait was I the sacrifice," you splutter out as words was floating around your head, none of it really making sense. "Woah slow down your confusing me," Donghun said out. "But first let's get you off the floor," he said helping you to sit on a chair next to Sehyoon. "What happened, start from the beginning, don't leave anything out," he demands as you and Sehyoon explain the events that unfolded. Donghun stays silent listening occasionally throwing his hand through his hair looking uncomfortable. "Right let's get you something to eat, I will ring Byeongkwan and then we will go through this again,” he said as he looked to Sehyoon. "Thanks for ringing me, but I can handle it from now," he said to him. "Ok, let me know how you are later ok?" He says looking towards you as you smile his way. "No she won't. I knew she was too weak for this all, I don't want her part of this," Donghun ordered. "Donghun," you cried out as he put his hand to you to shhh you. "Ok I won't, I promise. I don’t want her hurt anymore," Sehyoon said standing up looking distraught. "I'll see myself out," he said, taking one look at you before he walked out. "Part of this? I'm already part of this Eric made sure of that," you cry out. "Or have you forgot he's my spirit not Sehyoon's," you add as he leans his head into his hands. "Donghun this is my job to fix this, my job to sort this," you said touching his shoulder as he glances at you. "Y/N your out your depth, this is Changmin and Byeongkwan's area of expertise to sort out,” Donghun says seriously. "But it's not happening to them it's happening to me, like you wanted it to. You were the one that took me to those woods," you shot out as he stood up straight. "And I regret it I truly do, because now you have an vengeful spirit attachment," Donghun says with deep concern laced in his voice. "Eric isn't vengeful," you spat out refusing to believe that despite everything you had witnessed. "Yeah because a friendly ghost pins their victim to the ceiling unconsciously. Takes her god knows where to witness her own future death," he shouts out. "Don't you get it if you saw your own death he's predicting it," Donghun continue shaking with anger. "How can he be vengeful if he’s pre-warning me, he's clearly trying to find a way to stop it happening. Which is easy because I just avoid falling in love with him then it won't happen," you spat out still numb and confused to what you viewed. "Love with him pfft," he added rather annoyed. "Well At least he acknowledged me, so it’s not that hard to think possible," you reply. "He's a ghost Y/N one who keeps hurting you, one we can't read or understand or know anything about him to that fact," Donghun says looking close to losing the will to live. "He has no footprint. No Eric Sohn has ever lived, not one that fits your descriptions," he says his eyes heavily focused on you. "What are you saying he gave me a false name to hide his evil background?" You question as he looks at you with a widened eyes smile, pointing out the obvious. "No, your men just are not talented like you think," you scoff out as he rolled his eyes hitting the table. "You've spent a few minutes in his company and suddenly he's an angel himself. Yet you've known me mostly all your life and can't trust me when I'm saying this is dangerous,” he says leaving words to fail you as silence falls. Enough’s enough we need to find a way to stop these sessions with Eric," Donghun said exhausted. "So no Sehyoon," he demanded.
"You going to remove yourself too?" You question arms folded. "What are you on about?" He asked rolling his eyes your way. "You forget that I've had these experiences with you too, in-fact more with you. You going to ban yourself from seeing me?" You ask as he chuckled mockingly. "As if I’m that lucky," he bit back hurting. "If you see me as the unluck in your life why did you come here then," you questioned hurt. "Because Sehyoon rang me crying in fear because my stupid ass friend was dead on the ceiling. What did you want me to do just go ok thanks for telling me just pray for her," he spat out. "You thought I was dead?" You asked more softly. "No I didn't, sehyoon did," he said more calmer. "But yes my heart did stop when I saw you on that ceiling silent and unconscious," he said looking up at you his hands looking like it wanted to touch you. "Because of Yuchan," he said trying to convince himself more then you. "You worried about me?” you said feeling confident to cup his face. His eyes watery looked your way. "It makes me feel good that you care about me," you whisper feeling the electricity shoot between you both. "I have to care about you I'm responsible for you," he reply's sounding once more like he’s convincing himself. "Please stop putting yourself in danger," he begs as a tear escapes. You press your forehead to his as he lets his hands fall to your shoulders. "I can't lose you too," he whimpers once more in pain. "You won't i promise," you said letting your lips touch his. As confidence you felt was alien to you hit through, you were taken back when he kissed you back. Tongues massaging yours as his hands pulled you closer to him. Hands falling to his back to grab hold of his T-shirt as you lose yourself.
He suddenly pushed you away looking at you with horror. "Sorry Y/N we can't, we shouldn't," he said standing from the chair as your eyes tried to search for his. "Donghun I like you, I always have," you said out unsure what was encouraging you to reveal yourself. "I can't do this," he said walking out the room as you threw your head to the table. What ever confidence you were sure Eric threw into you was in vain to bring your own rejection.
The living room door opened once more. Donghun returning. His eyes glazed over as he stormed towards you. "Fuck it," he growls as his lips hastily and much more desperate hit yours. His deep fierce kisses pushed you towards the walls, your hands falling to his hips as he rolled himself against you. Hands fall to his shirt as you remove in your heated passionate moment. Dragging your teeth down your lips at the naked top half on view. “You like?” he teases as you nod. "My turn," he growls as he pulls on your own as he hums with appreciation as he takes you in. Unzipping himself he pulls out his red angry cock. Your hands go to touch him, but he pulls your hands up above you. His lips taking a fresh amount of kisses before he continues. Pumping himself you let your bottoms fall as he smirks to himself. Flicking a leg behind his hip, his hands rest under the curve of your ass as he places his head by your entrance. Kissing you further he pushes in as you moan into his mouth.
But suddenly the kisses change to slow and tender, his vibe changing completely. His eyes red tinted as his expression switch to Eric's. He thrusts into you with desperation, fast heavy precise thrusts that have you crying in ecstasy. You watch as his view switches back to Donghun and your walls tighten around him. "Your mine," he says in Eric's voice and your torn from the seduction of them both. You should be terrified or scared but instead the view and sound of them both is having your walls choke around him. The difference in both of their moans a blended mixture of heaven to your ears. "Donghun," you cry out as you feel close to the edge. "You know it's me, say my name," Eric says as his face shifts back. "You belong to me, I will get you back to me again, I promise," he threatens. "Cum on this cock," he says nipping your jaw line as you meet his thrusts. "That's my good Princess," he coos as your hand finds his hair. But as they gel through, Donghun's features return. "Let go," he says deeply that has your stomach coil tight. Your high is so near. Lips fall back to your lips as they nip at you, the pitches of his high tells you he's close too. Growling as he fills you up with his warm cum spurs you into yours. Eric grabbing the last feature as your nails grip into his body convulsing violently as you fall apart from your orgasm. "That's right Princess, you came with me remember that," he whispers in to your ear as you lean onto him panting.
Silence fills the air as you both catch your breath. From the tone of his breathing you can tell it's Donghun back. "You should get some rest while I call Byeongkwan," Donghun said into the silence and sweet kisses he made against your crown. You nodded as you watched him get changed handing you your clothes back. "I’ll be outside taking this call ok. Please go to your room and get some sleep, You must be exhausted." He said reassuringly as you nodded. You watched him leave, your body rebelled falling into the wall.
What just happened? Did you sleep with Donghun or Eric? Or was it even both of them? The images Eric took you too earlier coming back to memory. Your mind felt like it was so overwhelmed with everything it couldn't even grasp what was going on. Who was Eric to you? Was Eric your future or was he your past?
----------------------🔺---------------- Donghun POV
"Byeongkwan we need to do something immediately, he’s going to kill her if we don't," you plead down the phone. "What's happened?" Your friend reply's as you close your eye trying to forget all the things you just saw. "I saw it with my own eyes, he’s going to use her as a sacrifice," Donghun cried out. "Please I can't lose her, we need to save her," you sob down the phone. "It's ok Hyung we got a plan, hold in there," he said reassuringly your way. Looking back towards the door to the house you closed your eyes adjusting to what just happened. You just allowed Eric Sohn to have Sex with the women you loved in your body.
To be continued 31st October
A.C.E.'s Masterlist
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Surprises You During His Enlistment ~ A.C.E Reaction
Your eyes lit up as you noticed your phone buzzing beside you, answering the call as soon as you noticed Donghun’s name on the screen.
“What are your plans today?” He asked you as soon as you greeted him, glancing up at your apartment from the bottom of the block. “Are you still at home or are you out somewhere?”
“I’m at home,” you responded suspiciously, “how come you’re so interested in my plans?”
Donghun laughed to himself before replying to you, “if you’re at home then walk towards the kitchen window. When you’re there, I want you to look down.”
“What are you up to?” You sighed, following Donghun’s instructions as you walked towards the window before looking down, noticing someone staring up.
“Are you looking down? Can you see anything there?”
Your head shook in disbelief, “I guess you’re stood outside my apartment block to give me some plans for my day after all.”
“I can go back to base if you want me to,” Donghun teased.
“No way, I’m on my way down now.”
It felt deflating for you as you arrived home, watching the last few hours of your birthday pass by as the night quickly began to draw in.
“Have you had a good day?” A voice asked you as you walked towards the window of your apartment to look out of the window, spotting a few individuals who walked around the streets.
“Hm,” you murmured, confused as to what was going on as you heard a voice around you.
Sehyoon chuckled as he watched your eyes flicker up before looking back out of the window. “Y/N,” he called out to you, watching the confusion on your face.
“W-who? What?” You quizzed, following the sound of the voice to see Sehyoon looking back at you with a wide smile on his face, his eyes following you as you moved.
“You didn’t think that I’d miss your birthday, did you?”
It took a moment for it to sink in for you that Sehyoon was looking back at you. “You’re not supposed to be here, you’re busy.”
“You just think I’m not supposed to be,” Sehyoon laughed.
“This is the best birthday gift ever.”
You tried your best to ignore the hand that tapped on your shoulder as you listened to your friend, getting more and more frustrated with them.
“I think someone wants your attention,” one of your friends told you. You were unaware of who was behind you, assuming that just like usual it would be one of Junhee’s fans wanting you.
“I’m trying to…oh,” you trailed off as you turned around and saw who was wanting you.
You had never seen Junhee’s smile so wide as he watched you stand up from where you were sat. “Sorry to interrupt, but I thought there’d be room for one more.”
“You’re supposed to be with your mates on your day off,” you sighed, shaking your head back across to Junhee. “You’re not supposed to be here, what are you doing here?”
“I could be with my mates, or be with my best mate.”
You were flustered as Junhee walked towards you and pulled you into his side. “Has the military suddenly made you soppy now?”
“No, I’ve just missed you a lot,” Junhee quickly confessed.
“I’ve missed you so much more, Junhee.”
A sharp intake of breath came from you as you walked through the front door and saw a familiar face stretched out across the length of your sofa.
“Welcome home,” Byeongkwan chuckled as he watched your expression turn up in surprise, blinking several times to make sure that you were really seeing what you thought you were seeing.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be busy?” You questioned, stuttering.
Byeongkwan nodded as he stood up and opened his arms out to you. “I’ve got a day off so I thought where would I like to go to spend my day? Here, of course.”
“You didn’t even tell me that you were coming,” you scolded, hitting your hand against Byeongkwan’s arm. “You could’ve messaged, the whole place is a mess right now Kwan.”
“I don’t care, I’m just happy that I’m here with you.”
You finally walked into Byeongkwan’s open arms and rested against his chest. “You might have to pinch me for a little while you know.”
“How about I just keep talking to you instead?” He jokingly offered.
“That definitely works well for me too.”
Your smile was faint as you opened the door to your apartment to see Yuchan staring back at you, letting go of a chuckle as you stepped aside.
“I’m so bored,” Yuchan explained to you as you silently invited him into your apartment. “I keep going to call out to one of the boys in the dorm and then I remember they’re not here.”
“I keep telling you that you can move in here,” you reminded Yuchan, offering him a chuckle.
He hummed as he passed you by, kicking his shoes off. “I know, but I feel bad. It’s like you’re inviting me to stay because you feel sorry for me being all by myself.”
“I’m offering because I want you here,” you corrected Yuchan as you closed the door, “I’d never say it to just feel sorry for you, I’m trying to give you a way out of feeling bored.”
“Would you really be happy to have me here with you?”
You couldn’t help but nudge Yuchan as he passed you by, “I wouldn’t ask you idiot if I wasn’t happy about the thought of you being here.”
“Hey, who are you calling an idiot?” Yuchan smirked as he met your eyes.
“You, stop fretting so much around me.”
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
I'm on board with the happy trail enthusiasm here and the thought of the a.c.e members with happy trails makes me go absolutely feral.
So let's say all 5 members have one, how would they react to their s/o licking their way up (or down) said happy trail?
Asking for uhhh research purposes 👉👈
A.C.E reaction to their partner licking their happy trail
I'm just- 🥴 this is for all happy trail enthusiasts out there. Let's say our boys have cultivated some body hair at least once and that surprised you
Pairing: A.C.E x gn reader
Short scenarios under the cut
Park Junhee (Jun):
Warning: rough!Jun.
Not gonna lie, he actively makes you lick up his lower abdomen. You had rushed into the toilet while your friends had fun singing downstairs. That had to happen after he forced your hand over his crotch to stop you from grabbing a microphone for yourself. Fuck, he was rock hard.
In the restroom, you harshly pulled his pants down. Once you looked up, he lifted his shirt, showing off the hair that had grown on his lower belly. He gripped the back of your head and pressed your face against his happy trail. "Lick here first, doll".
You felt his hand let go of your head so you started licking there slowly. He hissed, eagerly staring at your face. Your hand was now deliberately over his covered member. "Oh my God, yes" he whispered when you started kissing the wet region while you slipped his boxers down his hips.
Lee Donghun:
Warning: tiny mention of alcohol
Donghun kept flashing his belly throughout the night. He was actually oblivious while he interacted with all those friends in his house, being a nice, fun host. In usual conditions, you would reach him and fix his shirt, which needed to be buttoned on the lower part. However, you noticed he had not waxed as he used to do. His jeans waistband loosely fitted around his waist making his underwear also visible. That was quite revealing but you enjoyed the view.
It was getting late when you and your boyfriend were left alone at home, but that does not make you forget a certain nasty idea. He laid back on the couch, tipsy and smiley. You kneeled between his thighs and smoothly opened the remaining buttons of his shirt. Your mouth salivated now that Donghun was all yours. Once his chest and stomach were completely exposed, your tongue wetted up his body hair. "You're insane, kitten" he snaps chuckling and patting your head.
Kim Sehyoon (Wow):
Sehyoon waited for you in the backyard pool while you changed into your swimsuit. Once you came, you noticed his hair already wet, probably from plunging into the water like a child. He signed to you to enter quickly and so you did, only to be rescued by him right away. He held you for a while, fondling your naked flesh underwater until you noticed that you had forgotten your sunscreen inside home. "No worries, I'll pick it up for you. Be right back"
You sat up on the edge, dangling your legs on the water until he showed up again. You could never ignore how fine his body looked half-naked every time it confronted you. His thighs have been always glorious but he had grown a happy trail and that added to his sexiness in a way you could not control your hormones.
He walked closer, ready to protect your face with sunscreen but you stopped him with a sudden grip around his hips. You pulled your legs out of the pool and got on your knees to kiss and lick his lower abdomen. He pressed his lips together, biting the insides of his cheeks. No words, you were free to tug his bottoms down and reveal a bit or much more.
Kim Byeongkwan:
Warning: y/n eyes Byeongkwan up while he's asleep. I don't think it's sonmo but you were warned ;)
There was too much light invading the bedroom that morning, though you were too lazy to get up and fix the curtains. Screw them, you dragged your body closer to Kwanie, planning on hiding your face onto his neck. He was lying on his back, sprawled on the mattress with no sheets covering him. Before you snuggled on him, you noticed his tank top rolled up. The pale skin between his boxers and his top was adorned with hair.
Byeongkwan budged as if he could feel your thirsty eyes on him. Then you shook those thoughts off of your head and embraced him quietly.
After a few minutes, Byeongkwan was greeting you. "Finally.." you murmured against his shoulder. "Uh? Are you in a rush for something?" he mocked you. You sat up in response and scratched his belly with your fingertips. He observed you as you lowered your torso to lick him. "You like it, right? Such a filthy princess/prince"
Kang Yuchan (Chan)
Chan wanted a bath with bubbles. He tried to make you believe that was all for you but he clearly wanted a bath for himself too. "You're my spoiled little babe" he sang once you entered the bathroom. He was sitting by the tub enveloped in a fluffy towel.
You stopped in front of him and let him undress you as he liked. He hummed a song and pecked random parts of your body in the process. At the end, you stepped into the vessel and realized that the water temperature was perfect. At your relaxed expression, Yuchan unwrapped his lower half and your eyes got stuck on his happy trail.
"Fuck" you cursed without meaning it. He got visibly confused at your curse. You performed the cutest puppy eyes you could in order to have him sitting on the edge of the tub. In that position, you could lick his lower abdomen down his pelvis as you stroked his dick. "Your tongue is ticking me, love" he whined. "Want me to stop?" you asked. "Noooo"
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mony8 · 11 months
(part 26)
Warning: cute, fluff, soft etc.
Everybody cleaned the table after eating and started roaming around the place doing whatever. Y/n went to the room to take some rest, but Sehyoon followed her without her noticing and Viki saw that too so she just cheekily smiled and let them be, she continued sitting on the couch like before. Y/n was almost going to close the door but Sehyoon stopped it with his hand. Y/n almost jumped from surprise and Sehyoon said: "Oh no! I'm so sorry i scared you Y/n!" Y/n told Sehyoon that it's ok and he can come inside the room. He let himself in and closed the door. He said y/n to sit down on the bed and he joined her a bit closer than she would have expected, but surprisingly she was okay with that. Sehyoon wanted to talk with her about what she just saw on the videos and ask if she is okay with that. She answered: "Yes! You guys are amazing, i just feel sorry for not knowing sooner we could have at least.." Sehyoon stopped her with his finger on her mouth saying: "Shh..I am not asking about us as a group Y/n, I am asking about what you think about me now, has your opinion changed, or do you still want to to go out with me?" Y/n was stunned.. She couldn't say a word even after he put his hand down. She was shocked by his statement that he still wants to go out with her after everything! Sehyoon spoke again: "Y/n are you okay?" She just nodded, and Sehyoon added: "Do you still consider my offer for.." Y/n nodded again, this time more enthusiastically. Sehyoon let out a relieving breath that he had been collecting this whole time, and said:" Okk then sweety, we will have a formal dinner tonight with our CEO and the whole team, and other important guests that he said he will invite, so would you like to come with me there? After dinner ends we can go somewhere we can be by ourselves. What do you think?" Y/n smiled and kept nodding not saying anything, but clearly it was on her face that she was accepting his offer with pleasure. Sehyoon smiled back at her, so Y/n got shy and looked away from him. He said Y/n and Viki should go together shopping for fancy clothes and told her to treat herself with whatever and gave her a black card which had no limit. Y/n was denying it said she had clothes she had everything in her suitcase, but Sehyoon insisted and put the card in her hand. He also said one of them should go together with both of you to be safer, so you accepted. Chan and Byeongkwan were having more free time so they made a deal to go together. Y/n wanted to surprise Sehyoon and buy something for him too, but with her own money, to thank him for everything he is doing for her.
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@vikicottonbaee @alexing1061
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unsatisfied-dreamer · 3 years
Starlit Nights
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A scenario of going out to a theme park and you aren't a fan of height but you didn't tell him. This is a bit of a romance comedy and comfort type short story with my Bias Kim Byeongkwan. I hope you enjoy it and find good and supportive relationships. <3
Byeongkwan told you to wait by the entrance gate because he already bought the tickets for today. You hope he doesn't feel too bad because you actually arrived early and he doesn't like to make you wait. Smiling to yourself he was a thoughtful gentlemen through and through. While you waited your eyes drifted up to the sky even with the lights from the park entrance the stars were so bright and could be seen. A voice that always fills your chest with warmth butterflies calls out your name. There in front of you was someone who shined brighter than any star. Your face widen into a smile seeing his smiling face and eyes shimmer with life. "Hi Byeongi~" You held your arms out as he ran to you scooping you and spinning you. As you wrapped your arms around his neck and he held onto your waist. Laughing as you both kept spinning. "Okay Kwanie can you please put me down? We're going to be spinning enough later better save up our endurance." Byeongkwan looks up at you with his bottom lip stuck out in a pout. "Fine I guess I have to put you down... after one last spin." True to his word he spun you one last final time. When your feet final met the ground again he kept your waists together looking into your eyes. You reached up to cup his face in both your hand a pressed a soft kiss onto his lips. Which he returned and then kissed your forehead stepping away but not before he grabbed your hand. Reaching into his pocket with his free hand for the tickets. "Let's get it!" You rolled your eyes laughing. "Where did you learn that? You even have me saying it now." "Come on if we don't get in there we will miss out on park time." Walking side by side. He handed the tickets to the male park attendant. After a quick thank you it was time to carry out the strategy you both planned out over chat. The one thing you were nervous about was the one ride near the end of the night. Sure rollercoasters with death drops were fine and haunted houses. Heck, even bungee jumping was alright with you. However Byeongkwan was so excited to go on the massive Ferris wheel with you that you didn't have the heart to tell him that it terrified you. All the things you weren't afraid of didn't matter. You couldn't stand disappointing your lovely and thoughtful boyfriend. If he knew of course he'd take it off the list. There was a little tug on your hand that brought your thoughts back to the moment. First up was one of your picks since he insisted "Ladies first~". The excitement of the music and crowd got you as you practically dragged him behind you. All the while he eyes grew softer as he watched how happy and carefree you were here. Normally you were pretty playful but somedays you were really weighed down with things on your plate and he wanted nothing but to take it away but he knew there was a limit. So moments like this he could help you be bursting with happiness were everything. You had become his world. You were the person who held him tightly and dearly the first time you saw his resolute and cheerful exterior crumble. No judgement in your eyes. You he was still that cheerful bright person but you understood there was sadness and a lot of pressure that could make him sad and anxious. In that way you were similar. The next day after that you were waiting beside the bed with chin on the edge next to him as he woke up. "Hey beautiful boy. I love you. More than you know. I'm glad you felt safe enough to show me how you were feeling. Byeongi, you always try so hard to give to everyone else. It's okay to take a little more than you do." With that you leaned forward and kissed both his eye lids. Still swollen from where he had cried. "Now get on out here and eat. I made my secret French toast and a mountain of bacon and eggs." With that you walked out the door turning around to smile at him. In the corner of the room was the shirt you had worn last night he soaked with tears tossed into the laundry basket.
Those memoires made it feel like he owed you. Even if you always argued he did more for you. There you sat kicking your feet next to him having the time of your life. As you both comped away on a strawberry funnel cake. Small waves of heat weaving into the air as the night got cooler. Pieces of your hair sticking up here and there looking a mess. Byeongkwan reached out and smoothed what he could. You froze for a second looked up at him through your bangs. Pulling a piece of the funnel cake off he bopped it on your nose covering it powdered sugar. "Hey!" He couldn't stop laughing and his laugh was contagious that you couldn't stay annoyed at him and began laughing with him. While he was distracted you pulled off a piece too and bopped his mouth with it. Leaving his lips covered in powered sugar. While he was laughing and distracted you dove in kissed him. After pulling back you giggled at his startled expression. "There now we're even and how else could I get all the sugar off?" Looking at you he saw you'd gotten some sugar on the corner of your mouth and brushed it off for you with his thumb. Most guys weren't nearly this fun and could relax. You really were luck and blessed to have him. It was like God gave you exactly what you had hoped for and more when you found him. The night was growing deeper. The next ride was a haunted house. Both of you had a small hobby of watching Horror movies so this was going to be one of the highlights. It was a ride through one. The story of the ride was that during a great fire. Everyone else of the great estate escaped except for Mildred. The head of staff. Not noticing sweet Mildred hadn't made it out she burned along with the great mansion. Some years pass and on nights under the full moon the mansion appears. You have to avoid Mildred or she will catch you and make you be one of the staff for eternity. Her face is said to be so burned there is no skin left. It made Byeongkwan and yours skin crawl. The creepier the better. You made it through most the ride laughing and enjoying. Except for when it sounded like the floor was breaking the cart fell down onto a track underneath. Afterwards both your hair a mess. You laughed at each other for both screaming like babies. Reenacting how high pitched you were. Byeongkwan made fun of you for screaming "Did you hear yourself it was hysterical." "Big talk for someone who screeched like a banshee." It was well down to the last thing on the list. Byeongkwan pushed you along from behind bouncing on his feet. He was so excited eyes shinning. Ready to ride the Ferris wheel like many of the other couples in line. He had looked up this park on line and couples raved about how romantic and beautiful the view was. You did your best to not think about your fears and smile along with him. Hoping your boyfriend won't notice any change in your behavior. The thing is he's really good on picking up changes in moods. As you got closer the more nervous you felt. Eventually you decided the best thing to do was lean onto Byeongkwan and play it off as you wanting to cuddle. Which you did it was the only thing keeping you from running. It was unfortunately your turn now. "Let's go it's our turn come one Y/N~ I'm so excited." Forcing a smile you followed behind him into the open sided car. It wasn't so bad till the wheel started to move and the car swung slightly side to side. Your started to go rigid. Thankfully ByeongKwan was looking at the view. "Oh my gosh, you gotta look at the view it's amazing~ Y/N?"
It was then he realized that something was wrong. You were frozen stiff and your eyes were shaking. You were afraid. He'd rarely seen it but he knew. Why hadn't he picked up on it sooner. He began to feel terrible. Why didn't she say something, why didn't he notice. "Y/n you're scared aren't you?" He stopped to sigh and shake his head, "Why didn't you say so. It started in line didn't it? I took it as you being tired." Within in seconds your effort to not cry shook you. Tears in your eyes hating the fear you had because it was stupid. Slamming your eyes shut you started to speak in a wobbling voice. "I'm sorry I know it's stupid but this is the one thing here that scares me... and... and..." Byeongkwan slide closer to you and pulled your hands into his lap rubbing the back of them with his thumbs. "Hey, you shouldn't have to be ashamed you're scared. Even if you think it's stupid. Look at me." You pried your eyes open as the tears threatened to fall. "We're you trying to impress me or something? I don't think you weak or anything. So why? Talk to me please Y/n." He had his lip stuck out in a pout which he knew would normally always get you give up information. Your throat burned and as you opened you mouth tears started rolling down your cheeks. "Hey hey Y/n. Calm down and breathe first." Leading you through a few breaths. "Byeongi you were so excited to ride this together. It was the one thing you insisted on doing and I didn't want to... to... say no and make you disappointed." Now with you chin pointed down Byeongkwan had to lean down to peer into your eyes. He gently held your face tilting it up and brushing the tears away with his fingers. "Keep that up and your makeup is going to run." He said hoping to get a laugh out of you. All he got was a sad half laugh. As a few more stray tears rolled down. He looked sadly at you for a moment. His eyes were deep and dull as he felt his heart ache thinking how upset you must to be acting so unlike yourself. "Hey, please promise me this won't happen again. You'll tell me so you don't put yourself in distress for me. I only chose this because I was so happy about seeing you up here eyes all bright and smiling and we could be alone for a little here at the park. But that back fired huh? You wouldn't disappointed me by saying no. Okay." He looked you right in the eyes and you knew from how he whispered that last sentence he meant it. All you do was nod and he gave a small sad smile and kissed your cheek. You collapsed into his side shaking from how the ride swung slightly and the thought of how high it was. He kept shushing you and turned your face so it was hidden in his shirt as your arm snaked around his waist. Gripping hard onto him as you shook and his kissed the top of your head. As he hummed the tune of 5TAR. He felt a little helpless and the only thing he could think of was to put you on his lap and wrap his arm around you. Bad as this all was now he saw how much you trusted him. Never before had you shown this vulnerability and let your guard down. Your face now was tucked into his neck and your arms snaked around his neck. You were so focused on not looking that you hadn't noticed it was time to get off till Byeongkwan stood up and walked out of the car carrying you. Pulling your face away from his neck you spoke in a small voice. "I can walk Byeongi." "I know you can but you don't have to and plus you're still shaking like a kitten. It's alright close your eyes." There was no fighting him on it and you knew it. So you rested your face against his neck. This night had some great moments and some bad moments but in the end. Maybe it wasn't all so bad. You realized maybe you should tell him the truth more and be willing to trust him with your things you aren't so proud of. Maybe tonight isn't so bad. I don't think Y/N has ever shown this much of herself and spoken so openly about being upset to me. I trust her fully maybe now she'll know she can count on me too like that. With that he pressed a kiss to Y/N's head. The end.
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donghunsflower · 6 years
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absinthe-ace · 7 years
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© 8月은하수
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baby-iloveyou · 3 years
A.C.E comforting you when you're afraid of failing your exams
This is my first ever requested piece!! A.C.E are very dear to my heart and I actually have been quite busy myself with university, so this was lovely to write about. I hope you enjoy it too :)
Also, I kept the reader genderneutral as I'd like to be inclusive + I'm more comfortable with it myself. The roles that the boys have in your life are (except Junhee) also up to your own interpretation!
Original ask:
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“Hey, how is it going? I miss you a lot”, the text on your lit-up screen reads. You were trying to focus on studying, but it was not going well. You locked your phone, promising him (in your mind) that you’d respond to his texts after summarising this chapter. But a few minutes later the screen lit up again. “Baaaaaaaabeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy” You sighed, thinking to yourself you wouldn’t get anything either way and unlocked your phone. “Bad, I’m preparing for exams but I’ll never be able to memorise all of this :(“, you replied.
Only seconds later, Junhee called you. “Hey Junhee-” You couldn’t finish greeting him as he was already screaming affirmations through the phone. “You are amazing, I believe in you, you’ve done this before and you can do it again!” It made you feel slightly guilty, since you didn’t believe all these things yourself. You could feel tears pricking in your eyes, and a soft sob escaped your mouth. This made him even more worried. “Hey, it’s okay to feel like this. Sssh, it will be okay, I promise.” Hearing the voice of your boyfriend, even if it’s through the phone, was very comforting. “I’m just scared Junhee, what if I fail? What do I do then?” You tried to hold in the sobs, but some came through despite your attempts. “Let’s not think about the if’s and the what then’s, okay? You will do just fine. Try focusing on what you’re studying right now and not think about the future.” He paused before continuing. “And even if it doesn’t go as planned, we’ll figure out a way to fix it. There’s multiple ways to reach Rome in the end.”
He might not have seen your face, but he would’ve smiled if he saw your small smile.
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“God, I hate exams so much! Why do they have to be this stressful?!” You scream out while pushing yourself away from the table. Your hands reach for your face, trying to hide the tears that start falling down. Donghun, who was sitting next to you, looks in your direction and puts his hand on your shoulder. You can feel his thumb drawing circles on your shoulder. Although he says nothing at first, the small gesture already means a lot to you.
“You know… Even though I will help you and get you through this… Grades aren’t everything. They don’t define your worth or you as a person. Remember that, okay?” You look up at him, with puffy eyes from crying. “I’m just very anxious about everything…” Donghun continues drawing little circles on your shoulder as he says: “I understand. But you will get through this, you’re so incredibly strong. You got this.” And a little smile appeared on his face. It made you feel at peace.
“Hug? And then we’ll continue studying.”
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“Are you okay? You’re completely tensed-up.” You couldn’t enjoy your weekly movie night with Sehyoon, since you were completely loaded with work and still had so much to do. You felt guilty for taking time off for yourself, to actually enjoy something. His remark was the thing that tipped you over the edge. “Y/N, what’s wrong? Do you want to talk about it?”
“...And I also feel guilty now for involving you in my work and making you feel worried about me and I just… I’m so sorry, I’m a mess.” You managed to get out in between sobs. Sehyoon’s eyes were softly gazing at you, worried and filled with empathy. “It’s alright, you can cry and be a mess. That’s why I’m here!” He pulled you into his chest and softly patted your back a few times. You were sure he could feel your smile on his chest.
“You’ll be alright. I just know you can do it.”
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Frustrated from not being able to understand such a simple subject, you groaned as you heard the doorbell ring. Reluctantly you walked over to the door, only to be greeted by Byeongkwan. Your grumpy face turned into a face of shock, realising the day and the time it was currently. “Hey, are you ready to go to dance class?” Byeongkwan asked. “Crap, I completely forgot about the time Kwan, I’m so sorry, I’ve just been studying and I feel like crap because I can’t figure out the stupid formula and all the text is just confusing me and-” You were interrupted by Byeongkwan, who cupped your cheeks and held his thumb on your lips to shush you.
“Should we skip dance class today? I’ll send a message that we will be absent and I can try and help you with your work if that’s what you prefer.” His soft tone made you feel at ease, showing that he cared. His thumb was still on your lips, so the only thing you could do was nod. He removed his hands from your face, and said: “Let’s go inside then, let’s show your exams who’s the boss.”
His presence and help calmed you down, and in no time you were able to concentrate again and it made you feel more confident in your ability to pass.
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The feelings of both guilt and pride filled up your body as you set foot in the studio for Chan’s newest K-Drama recording. You were incredibly proud of him for getting even more acting gigs, but you were also very aware that you were supposed to be studying your ass off right now. But you could use a distraction from the hellish exams that were coming up. You needed some of Chan’s laughter ringing in your ears to cheer you up.
“Y/N! What a pleasant surprise, I didn’t know you would visit me!” Chan walked up to you and gave you a hug. You probably hugged him for too long, cause the moment you got out of his embrace, he asked: “What’s going on?”, while a worried expression appeared on his face. He knew something was up with you, and knowing him, he would not let it go until you told him. “I’m just terrified of my upcoming exams… I really don’t think I’ll pass them, Chan…” Your gaze dropped to the floor, escaping Chan’s attentive eyes. He grabbed your shoulders softly, but still with enough force to slightly shake you. “You will do just fine. Do you know why? Because I believe in you. And you should believe in yourself too. Okay?” Once you lifted your head to look into his eyes, you could see his lids fluttering, waiting for your response.
“Thanks Chan.” Your pout slowly turned into a smile. Chan brightly smiled at you. “You can do it!!” He said while aggressively shaking your body, followed by his iconic laugh. That laugh is what truly made you feel better.
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nobodyeverasked · 3 years
the glass castle; kim byeongkwan
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(5996 words) -  large
summary ➣ Y/N and their boyfriend, Byeongkwan, find themselves lost in the thralls of a misunderstanding. Biting it back and shoving it down like brandy bubbles isn’t working anymore.
genre ➣ angst (+ fluff)
requested - 👍
.・゜-: ✧ :- .・゜-: ✧ :-   -: ✧ :-゜・. -: ✧ :-゜・.
Whispers between the moon and the stars grew faint as the midnight bustle under the city lights began to bloom. There Y/N and his boyfriend, Byeongkwan, stood, within the thralls of it all, the chatter of the city block fading from their focus as the one thing Byeongkwan could think about was how the moonlight stained the clouds of their breath. They swayed slowly to the rhythm of the honking of car horns, arms draped around waists and the ivories between their lips running down their necks. Y/N’s hands snuck under Byeongkwan’s cropped jacket, the supple crushed velvet between his fingers setting triggering sparks to sear his skin.
They stood in line to a nightclub they’ve been talking about for ages, but never managed to push past the haze of the amber porchlight that still held the memories of their first kiss. Their lazy nights kept them bound to an ocean of sheets, silver tides shimmering against the violets etched into their skin - tapestries woven between their teeth and set alight as midnight struck. Even in the mornings, with the coffee stained air dancing around their good-morning kisses, their stars always seemed to align, their midnight sonnets were eternal.
Byeongkwan hummed into Y/N’s shoulder as Y/N traced his spine, his hands still buried under his jacket, hands kneading into his skin. It was thanks to Y/N that he could scrounge up his courage like spare change to throw it on. Y/N’s endearing smile and sweet nothings that sent him spiraling always seemed to make him more confident. Like the world that used to bend him into a shape only it wanted was nothing but his own placeholder, something that he could finally control and put in its place. Y/N makes all the ambitions that tremble on the edge of Byeongkwan’s lips take their leap of faith into the arms that would always keep him safe, that would hold him and sketch his shape into their moonlight - a shape he finally accepted.
They shuffled further up the line, but their eyes never left each other. Y/N traced his hands against Byeongkwan’s bare waist, taking in his skin and soaking himself in the waves of adoration that seized his neck. Byeongkwan let a little shriek stick between their teeth as Y/N teased at the waistband of his jeans, the music played on their lips sweet like candy. Something dragged Y/N out of his trance, though. Ripped him from it. He tried to focus on what Byeongkwan began to murmur into his ear, but something let the groans of the cars speeding down the roadway beside them take him over instead. 
It wasn’t something he liked.
He snapped his head over to something that stuck out from the shadow of the city like the glint of a sniper scope, their sights on Byeongkwan’s skin hitting him like a bullet through his chest. A lustful look from across the way was laid upon Byeongkwan’s skin, it made the velvet that ran under Y/N’s hands run coarse like sandpaper, made the moonlight against his shoulders slither down his spine like a burning shiver. He knew Byeongkwan was beautiful, and he wanted the whole world to know, hell, the whole world from Y/N constant gushing probably did. This one, though, was different, and it made the sweetness between their tongues run bitter like ash.
Looks like that were only ones that he could give Byeongkwan under the sapphire spotlights of their searing desire, ones only shared between their heaving chests and evenings where the sunset let them loose. They weren’t given from creepy people from across the street, given haphazardly like a common hello. He didn’t like how they hid either, the brim of their cap keeping their hunger clandestine, or so they thought.
“...I saw it in my closet, and I was like: ‘oh, that exists…’” Byeongkwan’s words fell upon deaf ears, his fingers wrapped around vacant hands. “It’s not that bad, right?” Byeongkwan nearly choked on his lingering words and dimming smile as Y/N coiled a protective arm around his wait and nudged him inside. “D’you like it-”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get in.”
Byeongkwan could barely let a silent stammer roll off his tongue, his words in a tangle, lodged in the back of his throat as he saw Y/N cover him up until they entered the ultraviolet of the club. And Y/N, he kept his glare searing into the person across the street until they scampered off and swallowed their guilt.
“How about a drink, hmm?” Y/N’s words were as vacant as the crushed cans scattered across empty tables as he tried not to let the speakers blasting by the entrance completely blow his ears out. Byeongkwan drowned everything out with the blaring music that swallowed him up and dragged him closer to the dance floor, the nudge towards the waist, though, was left in disregard. “Kwan?” Y/N’s voice struggled to bring itself to tread above the noise, tides of a heavy bass and the ambers of liquor stained breaths on the floor lit ablaze by strobe lights making the mere feet between them seem like a county line.
Byeongkwan finally turned around, a thick, stifled feeling bringing an enraged blush to his cheeks as Y/N’s hands softly took his waist. He just nodded, following Y/N to the bar; hopefully the sting of some vodka could wash away these feelings, and maybe the questions that surfaced in his mind as well.
Why did he shove him inside like that? Byeongkwan kept thinking even when he leaned against the bar, the coolness against his skin allowing him to ease a breath through his lips. If Y/N was talking about something - a swansong that he would die to listen to with every sunrise that blessed their tangled bodies - he surely missed it, and he didn’t know why he didn’t care. It was just the way he was so hastily shoved into a darker room - somewhere the blurs of dancing light and swathes inebriated people could keep them hidden. They were so lost in each other in line, he knew it couldn’t be him, was it? Was Y/N starting to grow weary of their presence in the line, even after everything he’s said? By the time he even finished those questions in his head, his gaze already fell upon three empty shot glasses. Nothing, even the burn of the konjac that was surprisingly good, could quell the shadows that loomed over him like the streetlights that held his and Y/N’s prances down the boulevard.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, slowly moving up to tuck a lock of his silver hair behind his ear. That smile that always took Byeongkwan’s breath away… How long was his light shining over him? And why didn’t he notice it like he just did only moments ago. He could feel it from a mile away, like a beacon that would always lead him home - the arms and hands he would bury himself in with every chance he had. Those arms, though, those blessed arms that are his safe haven just covered him up and pushed him in here like Y/N was ashamed. Y/N would always be the first to tell him how beautiful he looked no matter what he was wearing, even if it was just their sheets and the remnants of the moonlight against their bodies.
“Kwannie. Is everything okay? You’ve been uncomfortably quiet…” Y/N trailed off with a giggle to try and ease the tension that grasped at his every word. The air was thick with the bubbles of Y/N’s barely-touched beer that was perched between nervous hands. As Byeongkwan licked his lips to answer, a shot of the liquid guilt staining his lips in the shades of their afterglow kisses seared his tongue. “I know clubs aren’t really our thing. Maybe we could just hitch an Uber and head home?” With nothing but a sigh from Byeongkwan to satisfy Y/N’s questions, he leaned against the bar and looked longingly towards the exit. Why wasn’t Byeongkwan talking to him? Every second trudged through the night like an hour and Byeongkwan’s silence was killing him.
“It’s nothing. It’s fine- I’m fine…” Byeongkwan shook his head and looked towards the dance floor instead, if shots couldn’t do it, then maybe the blaring music and the burn of the purple lights igniting against this skin could distract him from the way his jacket started to suffocate him no matter how much he tugged at the collar. It just didn’t fit right if he knew how much Y/N was embarrassed to see him in it. Was he really that disgusted? He couldn’t help but stretch it down, hopefully covering enough to make Y/N feel comfortable enough to step out with him into the flurry of purple lights just like he said they would. “Let’s go dance, it looks like fun.”
“Oh, okay… Sounds good.” Y/N hesitated, but he let his fingers weave between Byeongkwan's as they stepped towards the dance floor. He could sense this trepidation in his boyfriend too, the same one that let his words lag before his tongue. Usually that would only happen on their breathless nights, where they would be too caught up taking each other in to notice that words didn’t come out as they spoke. However, the darkness of the bar that loomed over them and preened at the silence shoved its way between them in a way nothing ever has before. Y/N was glad for the change in tone, though, that small smile on Byeongkwan’s face being the first one he saw since they came in here, the rest was this silence that riddled him with this uneasiness, something that he felt slithering down his back in a cool shiver that left him rigid. Did he do something? He wondered with every tap of his finger against the lacquered surface of the bar.
He usually couldn’t stop Byeongkwan from talking even if he tried. Even when tongues pushed past teeth under the violets of the fading horizon, he would still sing songs of their affection that would send them spiraling, chasing after them as Y/N kissed along the curves of Byeongkwan’s silhouette. On their study nights tucked between Byeongkwan’s legs, whispers of sweet nothings would soak into his shoulder and run up his neck in a scarlet blush as lips ghosted his ears.
 The music was pounding in their heads now, they had no choice but to bend to its will. They swayed to its beat, bouncing on their feet as they mimicked the crowd around them, nothing but a mass of faceless shadows surrounding them and billows of liquor laced screams separating their stares. They inched closer together, letting the music blind them and the purple lights that gleamed behind massive waves of flailing arms deafen them of their thoughts. Nothing but them and a ceaseless black ocean taking in the pulses of the music like a change in the tide.
Byeongkwan almost felt comfortable in his own skin, his jacket rising with every movement he made. He looked over to Y/N, and he could tell he was doing the same thing, biting back his thoughts with whatever remnants of beer he downed, and plastering a smile on his face as they inched closer together. He could see the strain on his face, like it was holding back something that wanted to burst out. Was it a question? Was it an apology? He wanted Y/N to say something, anything that had to do with what he did. However, something like this has ever happened to them - a conflict this severe. Usually it was simply arguments over whose turn it was for their movie nights or what to order for dinner. They would quip at each other until the sun went down, and then paint each other in the coral light of their adoration as they murmured vows between parted smiles.
Byeongkwan was snapped out of his trance as Y/N’s hands smoothed against his skin and wrapped around his waist, bringing them so close together to the point where even the lights that danced with them couldn’t make out their shape. 
Byeongkwan shoved himself away with nothing but a yelp, a flash of shock and a little bit of anger rising in his heart as the step he took sent him careering into another person. 
He couldn’t believe it. This is when Y/N decided to embrace him, when they were half-drunk and drowning on the dance floor? When there was only darkness and the shadows of anonymity in their wake? Not when they were under the city lights for everyone to see, at least not until they entered... 
A wildfire rose in his chest and something felt like it was tugging hard on him, a devilish grasp pounding at his ribs that tore at the unravelling threads of the frustration he held back since they were first bathed in the lilac haze of the club. He couldn’t breathe, he needed a way out.
He was too flustered to apologize to the people he nearly fell onto and tried his best to weave out of the crowd, leaving Y/N deserted. Byeongkwan looked for any crack in the mob of people to make an exit, slipping between people , tripping over shoes as the air grew warm and unrelenting. Y/N instantly followed, trying not to lose the shimmer of Byeongkwan’s jacket in the swathes of careless drunkards that jostled him left, right, up, down. Y/N just decided to keep moving forward.
Byeongkwan made it out on the other side, gasping for air as he squeezed past the last pair of gyrating bodies whose flailing arms nearly took out his eye. He was making his way towards the exit until he heard the pound of staggering footsteps over the base hammering into the floors, shaking the walls. Whipping his head back and nearly pushing a sigh of relief past his lips, he observed Y/N’s heaving form as he emerged out of the crowd as well, there was a garnet stain of something on his shirt that wasn’t there before. He could feel it was seeping into his conscience. His lips were contorted into a distraught frown, as all Y/N could think about was how horrified Byeongkwan looked when he touched him. What did he do?
“Kwan, what’s wrong?!” Y/N said between pants and raked Byeongkwan back with a handful of his jacket. Byeongkwan nearly shook at the desperation and the sadness that deepened the cracks in his boyfriend’s voice. His composure was breaking, and he felt like the walls around them were burning up in flames. Violet flares seared against their skin, strobe lights igniting the shimmers in their stares as they looked each other in the eye for the first time since Y/N nudged Byeongkwan through those same doors they were going to stumble out of. “Talk to me!” Y/N was tired of Byeongkwan’s silence. He needed something, anything to help him figure out what to do, how to make Byeongkwan stop looking at him like he wiped away the glow of Byeongkwan’s cheeks on those nights where only Y/N’s words ever meant something to him.
“I’m fine! I don’t want to!” Byeongkwan started towards the door again, only to be stopped again by Y/N, a pleading hand on his shoulder begging him to turn around.
“Obviously not! I know when you’re not fine!” Y/N tilted his head and tried to meet Byeongkwan’s gaze, but all Byeongkwan could do was keep his eyes on the ground, the sheen of the tiles below warping under him. “Did I do something…? Please tell me!”
“I thought you were proud of me…” Byeongkwan finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. Something seemed to cut all the noise surrounding them, and everything paused and distorted as Byeongkwan looked up again, tears threatening to trip over his lashes. Eyes like glass piercing into Y/N’s. “I thought you were proud of the real me, and loved the real me…”
Byeongkwan’s tears burned through Y/N’s chest like a whirlwind and tore him apart. He never thought he would ever see tears that weren’t from making him laugh too hard. Ones that seared into even his own skin and bore into him. “What?!” Y/N was taken aback by what Byeongkwan said, words trickling from the corners of his lips. “Of course I am!”  Y/N took Byeongkwan by the shoulders again, almost shaking him. That was one thing he always wanted to make clear, that Byeongkwan was the most special human being to ever exist, one so deserving of all the love he would ever get. What did he do to put that into question? “Kwan, what’re you talking about? Of course I love you, for everything you are…”
“I just need some space, Y/N…” Byeongkwan didn’t even care to hear what Y/N said. He stepped towards the exit, keeping his clenched fists in the shallow pockets of his jacket.
“Please just tell me what I did-”
“I’ll call an Uber for you… I just don’t feel like talking to you right now…” He couldn’t even look at Y/N, seeing his tears shimmer like the first snow they shared under the same roof.
“Byeongkwan… I’m so confused-”
“You covered me up, Y/N!!! That’s the problem! All of this talk about loving me no matter what I am or where we are, and as soon as our spotlight gets too bright, you turn your back on your word - our word. I wanted to express myself, the ‘me’ that’s always been bottled up, and you’re the only person who ever accepted me. You taught me what confidence and fearlessness really was, but then you do that, and I felt like those words weren’t for me...” Y/N stopped in his tracks as Byengkwan finally let his words burst through his pressed lips and ripped his arm from Y/N’s grasp. Tears streamed down his face in ripples and seared into his skin, carving rivers in his cheeks as he scrambled to wipe them away. Y/N’s mouth was just left parted by shock, everything - all of the silence, the tension that strangled their conversations and the whiskey bubbles stuck in their throat. “I thought it was a risk to wear this, but I knew it was fine because you would love it and tell me how beautiful I looked in it. We would be okay, just you and me in our little world. Maybe with you I could’ve loved myself in it too… But I guess the pressure of everybody around us - people you don’t even know the names of - matters more than what we built.” 
Y/N didn’t try to step forward, but Byeongkwan already took another step back, his voice crumbling as they let each other soak in the anguish the leached from each other their breaths. Their breaths, what were once moments of peace for them, windows in time where the air would still. Their comfort that was once let loose to roam along their bodies like wandering moonlight slipped away like a bottle of good wine.
Y/N was dumbfounded, he thought he was protecting his boyfriend, but he forgot that Byeongkwan didn’t see it, the way that person looked at him from across the street. It made Y/N want to lurch. Byeongkwan, with all of his demons buried in Y/N’s hands, never turned around to see what he saw. Y/N needed to make this right. 
He stepped up only to be matched with a small step back, a shutter in Byeongkwan’s exhale leaving Y/N to wince as if something twisted a knife in his back.
“Kwan- I’m sorry but you don’t understand-” Y/N sighed when he was cut off, now that he knew the issue, it was sent to orbit in his head, but now he was trapped in that vacuum too. Unable to breathe or speak; unable to move or scream for help. If only Byeongkwan could let him in, even after what he thought he did. 
“Yeah I do, Y/N… I just need some time alone, but I’ll call you when I’m ready to sort things out.” 
“Kwannie, wait…” He couldn’t imagine what Byeongkwan was going through, all of the doubts in his mind Y/N thought they buried in the ivory sands of the coast downtown and the leather studded kisses that graced their strawberry skies. Some dormant part of Y/N knew that Byeongkwan’s insecurities would creep back up on him, but that’s what he was there for, to tell him he was beautiful. But he failed, lost context leading Byeongkwan to unravel like a loose tapestry.
Byeongkwan, with one final look at his boyfriend he thought believed in him, turned around and started toward the exit. This time, there was nobody to stop them, not the rumble of the base nearly knocking them off their feet as soon as they parted, and not Y/N, who just whispered into nothing, his voice swallowed up and caught in his chest.
It’s been three days since their altercation at the club and Y/N had his head in his hands ever since. Every half of a second he was flicking his gaze over to his phone, hoping that Byeongkwan would call with a thread and needle to mend their bond. He still didn’t change Byeongkwan’s name in his phone, and he just wanted those yellow hearts to cast a golden glow from the corner of the countertop he always left it by. He can still remember when Byeongkwan swiped his phone from him and straddled Y/N’s hips, leaning on his shoulder as he typed in as many emojis as he could fit.
Waking up without Byeongkwan next to him and tucking himself back in the sheets that still nursed their moonlit songs rendered him sleepless, the only thing keeping him awake being his wandering thoughts of Byeongkwan at his parents’ house. His chest felt hollow without Byeongkwan to fill it with laughter and their blissful sighs.
He found it too easy to get out of bed this morning, Byeongkwan’s arms wrapped around his waist always made it so difficult. And he loved that so much. He missed it.
Y/N’s spent the last few hours draped along the couch, his eyes stuck on the doorway to the kitchen where his phone still sits on that precipice of granite and his fingers taking in handfuls of the rough grey fabric below him. It was still scorched with their fires that were forged under flights of fluttering lights and silent movies. They stung like fond dreams and gathered like old friends.
He snapped his head up when he heard a knock on his door. The croak it made throughout the house was somber and cynical; it sounded like it just wanted to be left alone, but it was here anyway. He eyed his phone, gaze piercing harder as if his eyes haven’t been stuck on it all day. He was sure he left the ringer on, but it might just be the mail person who carries an odd but pleasantly surprising passion for doing their job. Y/N threw his legs over and nearly leapt off the couch. If Byeongkwan was really taking a chance on him and coming back, Y/N knew that he had a lot of explaining to do.
Byeongkwan needed something too, maybe some type of closure - a good reason - for why Y/N presumably turned his back on them and everything they said they cherished about each other.
Y/N opened the door to see Byeongkwan, his baby standing in front of him, anxiously rocking on his heels as he looked sheepishly past the doorway. It was all coming back to him, everything he missed despite the pain that those radiant glimmers in Y/N’s eyes brought him. Like the stars, they still persisted even with the shadows of the night that left them on their lonesome, leaving them separated from the only tether that kept them sane. Y/N can still remember when they first moved in together, already pressing each other up on the new fridge, and bathing in rose-tinted lights that’ve still stained their cheeks and fed the velvet between their lips. Byeongkwan’s whining about their old bowls not matching their counters still left a chuckle to resonate in Y/N’s chest.
“Hey.” Byeongkwan decided to fall into their tense, immoveable silence face-first, as graceful as the nights they burst through the front door and barely made it past the kitchen. The city lights sullying Y/N’s jacket that was tightly bound around Byeongkwan’s shoulders. Y/N eased a sigh of relief, glad the Byeongkwan took the first step, it didn’t know if Byeognkwan wanted to hear him speak just yet.
“Hey…” Y/N stepped back and pulled the door back further, gesturing in carefully as if the air was fragile like glass. “You wanna come in?”
“Sure.” Byeongkwan took bunches of his sweater in his hands, and it took both of them a moment that it was Y/N’s, the one he gave to Byeongkwan on his birthday when he confessed that it eased his anxiety when they slept. Even now, despite who the Y/N was that stood in front of him now, the Y/N that took him by the hands taught him how to fly - their laughter still resonates as Byeongkwan kneads the fabric. Little did he know, he’s still there, in front of him, eying him up and down and keeping a smile to himself, safe under pursed lips.
“I’m really glad you came back-”
“You understand why I was upset, right?” Byeongkwan shook his head and threaded his frustrations delicately into the air between them, nursing his breath as he could see Y/N flinch like he was going to hit him.
“I…” Y/N just wanted to tell him, tell him everything that happened and that he got it all wrong. He sat back down on the couch, watching Byeongkwan pace back and forth in front of their television.
“You always said I was beautiful no matter what, you never cared about what anybody else ever said about us. We were the kings of our own kingdom and of our happy little world…” Byeongkwan trailed off and stopped pacing, looking deep into Y/N’s eyes and hoping that he really understood. He did understand, he always has.
“Byeongkwan…” Y/N tried to take the leap, attempted to unveil the truth, but his mouth snapped shut as Byeongkwan drew a breath to speak again. Tears already welled up in his eyes and it made Y/N want to cry too. His tongue felt dry as he swallowed back his words, the smoldering ache in his heart coming back to rear its ugly head as he could hear Byeongkwan trip over his words, gathering his thoughts like flyaway papers. He just wanted to grab and shake him again, get these thoughts out of his head. He could tell that Byeongkwan wasn’t even mad at Y/N anymore, he looked over his own skin like he was the problem. That hurt more than anything.
“Like, seriously. I know the club scene is a lot of pressure but I thought that there of all places, we could let loose and really be fine. We were all good in line, what happened?” Byeongkwan folded his arms and looked over Y/N, his eyes boring a hole in Y/N’s skull.
“I just… Come sit with me.” Y/N patted the couch cushion beside him, heaving a deep breath and looking back up.
Byeongkwan had a hesitance in his step, but he remembered that this was what he wanted, for Y/N to explain himself. To get the demons to finally leave and stop clawing themselves under his skin. He scooted over on their living room couch, listening attentively to even the random creaks in the floorboards they’ve pretty much memorized by now. They’ve had way too many slow dances in the kitchen.
Y/N staggered in his words for a second. “When we were in line, across the street there was this guy looking at you weird.” He looked over to Byeongkwan, fighting the urge to thread their fingers together. Byeongkwan couldn't look at him, though. “It wasn’t just weird though, that I wouldn’t care about. But it was hungry, almost sinister in a way, and I didn’t like it. I wasn’t gonna reward that kind of behaviour…” Y/N tried to shove his heart back down from his throat, its pulse a hurricane in his head as he tried to fight back a sob that trembled on the tip of his tongue.
Byeongkwan tried to shuffle closer, but Y/N just leaned down and closed in on himself. This entire half of the story, Byeongkwan left it to fester for three whole days. Two sleepless nights and three agonizing mornings that drew along Y/N’s conscience like nails on a chalkboard. He smoothed a hand across Y/N’s back anyway, wincing as Y/N let a quiet so leak through his teeth.
“I know that look, Byeongkwan, I know it very well, okay?” Y/N leaned back and looked into Byeongkwan’s eyes, glimmers in his gaze pleading like the night they parted under the indigo night. “I never, ever want you to ever experience that, so I got you inside as fast as possible, but I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It led to all this mess…” Byeongkwan wound his arms around Y/N’s shoulders, burning his face in the curve of Y/N’s neck. “I’m so, so, so, so sorry…” Y/N’s voice, torn and distressed echoed throughout the room and rendered Byeongkwan speechless, questions to himself in his head rummaging through his thoughts for a way to speak. 
“Please don’t be sorry, baby. I should’ve known better that you had to have done it for a reason. I can’t believe I read that situation wrong. I’m the one who should be sorry… i just left you hanging that entire night, and then I had the nerve to yell at you…” Byeongkwan held back his tears weathering the burn of Y/N’s cries that filled the room in a swathe of ravaging waves. All Byeongkwan could do was hold on tighter and look back at himself, the Byeongkwan who thought that his boyfriend, the love sworn under the stars would have actually done that to him for a good reason. He could only imagine how Y/N could’ve been doing.
“I thought you were gonna end it…” Byeongkwan froze as Y/N cried into his shoulder, his hands bunching up Byeongkwna’s sweater.  The thoughts that plagues the waning hours of the evening resurfacing, a mark that marred his conscience and blurred all the images of Byeongkwan smiling under their claimed sunsets. “I thought you were going to leave me right there, and it would’ve been all my fault because I just didn’t tell you what was going on… I don’t know what I’d do without you-”
“No no… Baby… Y/N… I’m not leaving you, Y/N, ever…” Byeongkwan cut Y/N off then and there. “Yes, I needed time to gather my thoughts about that night. But not once - not a single time - did leaving your side ever cross my mind. I left you alone with that kind of weight on your shoulders… How could I’ve assumed the worst of you…? You’re the most genuine and precious human being…” Byeongkwan cradled Y/N’s cheeks in his hands, easing a smile as he felt a kiss to his palm. Y/N burning his doubts in the touch that kept him from wanting their sheets to swallow him up in an endless night. “I put you in this position, I yelled at you, I pushed you, I’m the one who threatened everything we had all because I misunderstood you. I love you so much, okay? And I’ll make it up to you, please, I will.” Byeongkwna’s chest felt heavy, his breath crumbling like the silvers of the overcast evening leaking into the living room.
“You don’t need to do that, Kwan…” Y/N tried to steady himself in Byeongkwan’s embrace, the tremors in his sighs easing a little bit as a kiss was planted to his forehead and down to the corner of his mouth. They were small and tentative, but Byeongkwan could see them bloom, their flutter a glow under Y/N’s tear-stained cheeks. “I’ve just never seen you that hurt before, and to think I’d caused that…? I didn’t know what to do with myself, I wouldn’t know…” Byeongkwan shook his head and pushed a few locks of his hair away to look closer into his eyes. “Just know that I’ll never hurt you, never again…”
“I know, I know… There’s no way you could ever hurt me, there’s not a mean or malicious bone in your body… I’m so sorry…” Byeongkwan let those thoughts roam again, what he said all a drunken haze, but he remembered Y/N’s face, the way it contorted with his sadness and the confusion that followed, he never wants to see that kind of anguish to befall his smile ever again. He caressed Y/N’s cheek, a touch starved from the warmth of Y/N’s cheeks and the sparks that would ignite under his fingertips. Y/N wrapped his arms around Byeongkwan’s waist and brought him closer, his tears a faint feeling as he entwined his lips with Byeongkwan’s. His head hit the seat of the couch and hands kneaded into his hips, Byeongkwan’s prayer at Y/N’s altar.
Byeongkwan let out a breath and let it seep into Y/N’s chest as they parted, kissing Y/N’s fingertips as he leaned up. “I’m really glad we made up, and that I was filled in on the actual situation… Thank you for that. I appreciate you so much”
“Of course.” Y/N cracked a smile as Byeongkwan stood up from off the couch and walked towards the kitchen with a parting kiss, tongue pressing between Y/N’s teeth.
“You wanna pick the movie for tonight? It’s the least I owe you…” Y/N perched himself by the arm of the couch, tilting his head as he met Byeongkwan’s gaze from across the room.
“What privilege…” Y/N’s giggles always knew how to part Byeongkwan’s skies, “but like I said-” 
“At least let me cook.” Byeongkwan smiled as he turned the corner, but popped back out when he heard nothing but the deafening, shrill cry of silence.
“You? Cooking? I don’t want you to bring an early apocalypse!” Y/N scurried off the couch and grabbed Byoengkwan’s hands, pulling him in for a peck to his lips. Byeongkwan let a grin flourish with a chuckle and tangled it between their tongues. “Let’s do it together.”
Together… That word set a flutter alight in Byeongkwan’s stomach and made his heart skip a beat like stones on their favourite riverside. He still will never forget the look on Y/N’s face when he almost shoved him in. He could still see the aurora blue of the early dawn rise like a mist on their late mornings to come and their laughter settling high above the tree lines on the mornings where they just wanted to be alone. Them and a nameless sky to call their own.
“You and me…?” Byeongkwan rocked on his toes, taking in the way the comets in Y/N’s eyes still managed to capture him even under their kitchen lights.
“Me and you…”
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binwoo-knock-24 · 3 years
A.C.E reaction ~Pillow Fight~
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Requested: nope
Genre: fluff
~Park Junhee/Jun~
The two of you were laying on the floor in the living room breathing heavily after he decided that it was okay to chase you around the house for no apparent reason. You sat up and looked at him. "Why?" Was all you said. He shrugged in reply, earning a frustrated groan. "I love you but you're so fricking annoying." He closed his eyes and you took the chance to grab a pillow and smack him in the face with it. His bewildered expression was very worth what happened next. "Junhee!!" You screamed as he leaped at you snatching the pillow and proceeding to hit you with it as if his life depended on it.
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~Lee Donghun~
"No. Put that pillow down." He gave you a look. "Why?" You challenged, sticking your tongue out, still holding the pillow above your head, ready to throw it at him. "I am warning you. Don't start something that you won't be able to win." He smirked and you shrugged and simply launched the pillow at his face. Once the pillow fell to the floor, Donghun's expression changed to an evil smirk. "Dont tell me I didn't warn you." He said before running at you. You screamed when you felt his hands squeeze your waist. "No! Don't tickle! I'm sorry!" You screeched, squirming in his grasp.
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~Kim Sehyoon/Wow~
"Sehni~~" You dragged his name out, as you did when you were bored. "Oh great here comes the cuddle monster." He grinned and spun around in his chair. What he wasn't expecting to receive was a mouthful of feathers. He spluttered, spitting out the feathers and their remains from his mouth. "Yah! What was that for?" He asked, eyes wide but a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. He swiftly wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you into his lap and used his other hand to rub the feathers that were all over him into your face.
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~Kim Byeongkwan/BK~
He was being annoying. That's what had triggered your sudden urge to play whack-a-mole. "Kwanie? Can you look at me for a second?" You asked, hiding the smallest pillow you could find around your house behind your back, hoping he wouldn't notice. "Jagi? Why do you have a pillow behind your back?" He asked and you dropped it. "O-oh no reason. Just thought to put it on this chair to make it more comfortable." You turned away from him and putting the pillow on the nearest chair. Before you could turn back around, Byeongkwan snatched you up off your feet and dropped you onto the sofa, grabbing the nearest pillow and starting to hit you with it. Both of you couldn't stop laughing as he sat astride you and kept smacking you with the pillow. The only thing you could do to make him stop was to grab his shirt and yank him down into a hug.
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~Kang Yuchan/Chan~
You were laying peacefully on your bed, scrolling through your phone while Chan lay beside you bored to death. "Y/N, can we play a game or something?" He whined. You chose to ignore him. "Jagii~~" you could hear the pout in his voice but wanted to see how long he could last without attention. It wasnt long before you saw something white come towards you but you couldnt coordinate your movements fast enough to protect yourself. "You ignored me. Now feel my wrath." He grinned and continued hitting you.
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A/N: hope you enjoyed this. Like, reblog and comment. Feel free to request. Requests are open. I Stan a large amount of boygroups so there's a chance that I can write for you're favourite group.
Admin Koala 🐨
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t3kandson · 4 months
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Bitter Sweet Mama
Word count; 4.592
Fandom; A.C.E.
Pairing; Reader X Kim Sehyoon, Reader X Kim Byeongkwan & Kim Sehyoon X Kim Byeongkwan
Characters; Kim Sehyoon, Kim Byeongkwan, Kang Yuchan mentions of Lee Donghun
Warning; Angst, Depression, Mental Health, Arguing, Oral, Anal, Fingering, Rimming, Marking, Claim Kink, Creampie, Rimming, Window Sex, slight Dominant, Rough Sex & Threesome.
Part Three to Baby Mama/Broken Mama
Happy 7th Anniversary to A.C.E.
It had been a few weeks since you had been avoiding communicating with Sehyoon and Byeongkwan. The atsmophere becoming almost unbearable at home. The thoughts that you were seen just as a surrogate leading you tumbling almost into a pit of despair. It was almost noticeable that you was depressed. Yuchan had tried to bridge this several times at work. Often encouraging you to take time out. You would just say you felt nauseas letting your health explain why you was so detached from the real world.
"We need to talk Y/N," Sehyoon said pulling the car into a side road. He had chosen to voice his concern on the way home from work from a deadly silent travel. Your eyes took to his as you nodded at him to continue. "What’s going on?" He asked with concern as you furrowed your eyebrows his way. "What do you mean?" You asked with confusion. "You've not been the same since Busan. I know somethings up," he said softly. "No seriously I'm fine, you don't need to worry," you denied as he looked at you not so convinced. "You look like your suffering with depression? Is the pregnancy affecting your mental health?" He asked with worry. You couldn't help but let out a deep chuckle at his words. They were taking your baby from you, yet asking about your mental health. "What's funny?" He asked looking confused. "Sorry I shouldn't have laughed, but I'm pregnant it's not easy," you said as your hands fell to your bump. "Because of the sickness?" He asked as you felt the laughter threaten once more. "It's not easy, but it's ok it's only me that it's affecting not your baby," you replied with a little venom in your tone. "Y/N why do you keep calling it your baby and not our baby?" He said as his eyes zoomed on you. "Since Busan you come home distant, actually come to think of it you was doing it before you even left. Do you regret this?" He asked as his eyes looked a little lost for a second. "Look the baby is fine, my own mental health is my own issue can we drop this," you said a little annoyed. "Can I not worry about your mental health?" He asked placing his hand on top of yours. "Your responsibility is only for this child not this," you said tapping your head. "That is my personal business," you snapped as Sehyoon looked taken back with his words. "We're friends Y/N, surely I can worry for you?" He asked his face in pain from your words. "Sehyoon if you don't drive I will walk my own ass home," you ordered as Sehyoon looked as if you slapped him. With those words he started to drive the car back, the journey in full silence. ------------------🔺--------------------
Dinner later that evening felt like torture. Listening to them talk about names and schools. Your son's future practically being mapped out. "What's your intake on this Y/N?" Sehyoon asked as you shrugged his way continuing in silence. "I've had enough of this Bullshit Y/N," Byeongkwan said throwing his cutlery to his plate making you jolt. "You're going to tell us what on earths going on right this second," he demanded, his eyes full of anger and resentment. "As I told Sehyoon your baby is healthy and ok. That's as far as your business in my life goes," you snapped back continuing to eat a little more faster. The desire to leave this table was more stronger. But if you left before you finished your food it would endure a further lecture. "What the fuck is that suppose to mean," Byeongkwan said looking annoyed. "Aren't we friends?" He asked his eyes zooming into you in need of a reply. Like he had loosened you, you looked at your food shrugging. "Y/N your still our friend," Sehyoon said softly. "We still love and cherish you even if I know we've been quite suffocating," he said as you felt your eyes water. "Y/N do you regret what we've done?" Byeongkwan asked a lot more soften then normal. "I don't regret this baby," you said letting your hand fall to hold your large bump. "But you regret what we did to get our son," Byeongkwan asked as you let silence flush over you. "I'm sorry Y/N," Sehyoon said sounding in pain while your eyes still refused to engage. "Have I lost my best friend?" Byeongkwan said with shakey breath. Your eyes lifted with his words and saw distraught on his face. "Y/N I miss my best friend," he said his eyes looking lost. "You got the baby and Sehni now you don't need me anymore," you said biting your lip to hold your tears. "You make it sound like once you've had our son your leaving us?" He said looking in fear for your reply. "You're the one pushing me away," you let fall as a tear slipped. "Hold up hold up, is this what you've been thinking all this time?" Byeongkwan said with widened eyes as you stabbed your food and popped it into your mouth. "Y/N what did we do to make you think like that?" Sehyoon asked with concern. "You told Yuchan I was just the surrogate," you said before taking a drink of water. "Baby, we only said that because we thought that's what you wanted people to know," Sehyoon said holding his hands out to you. "You make me feel as if I really am nothing," you admitted before taking another mouthful. "Baby, I'm really sorry I didn't realise I had," Byeongkwan said getting off his chair to hold you to his chest. "I'm sorry," Byeongkwan apologised as you sobbed into him. "I'm sorry too Y/N, I'm sorry I made you feel like that," Sehyoon said coming to hold you too as he pressed a kiss to your crown. "We promise you we won't ever let you feel like that again," Sehyoon said as his hand stroked your hair. "I'm sorry we've suffocated you," he added. They both comforted you till the tears dried up. "Can I ask something?" Byeongkwan said as your face looked up to him. "Is this why you took the Busan Offer?" He asked as you shook your head. "Because you've been odd since before then," he questioned as you looked at Sehyoon quickly before back to him. "I felt out of place in this relationship but not with the baby," you said as you heard Sehyoon gasp. "Ok maybe it's my time to confess," he said resting his hands against Byeongkwan. "I think I made Y/N awkward. I had a moment of mixed feeling and pushed her away. I felt guilty when I made a big deal of keeping a relationship between us all more simpler till the baby arrived," Sehyoon confessed as Byeongkwan looked puzzled at him. Your eyes took to him, was this why his declaration to be together had been taken off the table? "Me and Y/N had a moment it's ok neither one of us acted on it. But I pushed her away afterwards. I also got jealous that if you had that spark you would have acted on it," he said as Byeongkwan looked stunned. It was weird to hear Sehyoon confess when nothing had occurred.
"So you fancy my best friend now?" Byeongkwan asked as you felt awkward in their conversation. "Can I not be here right now?" You pleaded wincing. "Yes," Sehyoon said honestly as your head jolted to him. You feared the heaviness drama returning but instead Byeongkwan started laughing. "And you think I would jump on her without you?” He asked him. "She's bloody gorgeous I wouldn't blame you," Sehyoon said looking to his feet making Byeongkwan laugh harder. "Hello I'm still here," you stuttered eye brows raised at Byeongkwan. "Shhh your face, it's hilarious," Byeongkwan said placing his hand on Sehyoon's shoulder. "I think we need to talk," Byeongkwan said amused. "Can I be excused then," you said standing up feeling out of place. "On the deal you promise to be honest with us in the future," He said a little more serious as you nodded. With that you walked past towards your room till the guilt ate at you. "Oh there's something else. And you're probably going to be mad at me," you said biting your lip with anxiety. "What?” Sehyoon said looking at you concerned. "I kept something important from you," you said looking to the floor. "You and Donghun didn't?" Byeongkwan said looking in horror. "No no we didn't, it's not about a man," you said as he looked relaxed. "The baby started to kick," you whispered quietly. "Excuse me," Byeongkwan said eyes wide. "You heard," you spluttered as his jaw dropped. "You promised Y/N, you promised not to keep us away from things like that," Byeongkwan said sounding hurt. "I thought you was taking my baby from me. It was like i needed this one thing with my son before you took him," you said feeling shame fall upon you. "Y/N we would never take our son from you. He has three parents and your one of them," Sehyoon said walking towards you to hold in his arms. "I'm sorry we let this get too out of hand," he said stroking your hair. "When did he start kicking?" Byeongkwan asked as you looked to your feet again. "A couple of weeks now," you confess as you heard Byeongkwan gasp. His silence filled the room like he was holding back his meltdown. "Is he kicking now?" He asked instead as you shook your head. "But your tell us if he does it again right?" Sehyoon asked as you nodded. "Even if it's 2am you come wake us to tell us right?" Byeongkwan demanded as you nodded again. "I think we just all need to draw a line under the sand now. We have to work at being a family," Sehyoon added as you nodded in agreement. "Sleep well tonight Y/N," Sehyoon said kissing your head encouraging you to leave so he could talk with Byeongkwan. -------------------🔺-------------------
It was 2am and after you managed to finally get to sleep from hearing Sehyoon and Byeongkwan at it all evening. You were happy that what ever their talk was, they had settled back into their normality. However, this time it was their child that was waking you. It felt like he was having a little party. Remembering your promise you walked to their room.
Opening the door quietly you found Byeongkwan between Sehyoon's thighs. His head was bobbing up and down as Sehyoon’s hand pressed him down on him. As you went to leave them to their moment, the floorboard behind you creaked getting Sehyoon’s attention. "Shit Y/N," he said throwing the blanket over them. "Sorry sorry," you said as you took a step back. "What's up?" He asked as you tried to shut the door. "It can wait for another day," you added feeling your face burn. "No it's ok, is it the baby?” Byeongkwan said his face full of sweat and your sure a slight dribble rolling down his chin. "The Baby’s ok," you said smiling as you started to shut the door. "Y/N don't lie," Byeongkwan bit out through the cracks as the door shut. You took a deep breath opening it again. "The baby kicked," you said watching Byeongkwan scoot out the bed forgetting he was naked. "Kwannie," you gasped turning to face the wall. "Baby you got pregnant from this dick so shut up," he said turning you to face him. His hands falling to spray around your belly. "He’s not kicking, are you sure you wasn't trying to take a peak at our extra activity's," Byeongkwan teased as you closed your eyes. The old you would slap his arm for his teasing but this felt too weird when it was over a sexual interaction. "No Seriously he really was kicking," you said as he pulled you to the bed. "Sit," he said as Sehyoon moved to let you sit their. Falling to his knees Byeongkwan pressed his hand over your nighty. "Hey little fella, Daddy's here, you going to come and play?” he asked as he look disappointed when he didn't respond. "I should have came here faster," you said pouting. "Let me try," Sehyoon said sitting up, the blanket covering him. He wrapped his hand around you letting his chest hit your back. Chin leaning on your shoulder blade you felt your heart almost burst out its chest. His hot fanned breath in your ears was suddenly overwhelming. You had to remember he was simply having a moment with his child rather then you. Byeongkwan’s expression was almost knowing. Though it should be awkward, his hand on your thigh reassured you. "Are you awake little one?" He said with his deep voice making you shiver. "You trying to wake the baby up or kill Y/N off?” Byeongkwan teased. Before you could respond the baby kicked Sehyoon’s hand. "Wow," he said breathless with excitement. "What did you feel him?" Byeongkwan asked as you felt Sehyoon nod his head. Grabbing Byeongkwan’s hand he placed it where your son kicked. Grabbing yours he placed it over Byeongkwan's as he placed his over yours. "Our son," he whispered into your ear before pressing a kiss on your cheek. As if the baby responded for you kicking Byeongkwan's hand. "Oh wow, he’s really there, hello baby," Byeongkwan said as his eyes lit up in pure excitement. "Mummy and both your daddy's are here," he said kissing your clothed stomach. "I need to see your belly," Byeongkwan said with hungry eyes. Your hands falling to the material just as he was about to lift. "Y/N we put that baby their, we're see you pop the baby out. Now's not the time for being self conscious," he said as Sehyoon placed kisses along your collar bone emitting your breath to hitch. "He's right," Sehyoon said breathing into your ear. Relenting you let Byeongkwan unearth your stomach in full. "Your so beautiful pregnant with our baby," Byeongkwan said kissing your belly. "Me and Daddy love you and your mummy so very much," Byeongkwan said as he kissed every skin he could get his lips on. It was like they lit your body on fire with their words. Byeongkwan’s hands found their way to your thighs, pulling them apart. Fingers gently stroking towards your heat. "I better leave you to what ever you was doing," you squeak out trying to stand up. Byeongkwan stands to cup your face while Sehyoon goes on his knees, his hands pulling your body towards him again.
"Y/N take the hint baby," Byeongkwan says as his nose bops yours fondly. "I don't get it," you whisper as he chuckles. "We want you, we talked about it and we want to be with you. Yes we wanted to wait so you wasn't trapped with emotions that might be hormonal, but I think we all know you want this too,” Byeongkwan said with mischievousness In his eyes. "I'm so confused," you said feeling your heart beating fast. "We want this," Sehyoon said holding your bump. "We want this," Byeongkwan added as his lips pressed gently to yours. "We want this too," he said as his hands pulled your nighty down to expose your breasts. He pressed his lips to suckle at your nipple. "And this," Sehyoon growled into your ear. His hands stroked down your body towards the hem of your gown. His fingers lifted them towards your clothed heat. Finding their way his digits sinks beneath your soaked panties. Fingers slipping up your fold you can't help but let a moan fall. "Your so wet," he chuckled as he sucks on your ear. "Is this all from us?” he asks as you hummed unable to find words. Byeongkwan removes your nighty. His fingers find your lips as he drakes it down your body. Softly pressing it along your pregnant bump, his hand finds Sehyoon's. Helping to swirl around your bud as Sehyoon sinks his digits in to your core. "She's so wet over her best friend and his fiancée. She's so naughty," he adds as his lips found yours. Needy and aggressively slipping his tongue against wet muscle, like he's starved and taking your oxygen. Hands gripping to his shoulder to ground yourself you moan into his mouth. Sehyoon's fingers helping to keep the moans floating as he starts a fasten pace against you. His own lips pressing along your collar bone before sinking in. "Mine," he growls as he presses purple blemishes alongside them. "I want you both on the bed," he growls in desperate need as you and Byeongkwan obey.
Laying naked by Byeongkwan's side, slightly shaking between the chill in the air and excitement. Sehyoon slips between Byeongkwan’s legs. His tongue swirling around Byeongkwan's tip has your thighs tighten. Softly suckling on his head, Sehyoon emits moans from his lover. Byeongkwan's hips start bucking against his elders mouth. Your hands wander to help relieve the throb between your own thighs. But Sehyoon notices, his hands skirting up your leg and found its way to your core. As his mouth is making his pace bobbling up and down Byeongkwan shaft. His fingers are rolling around your clit. The room soon floats with noise from you both at Sehyoon's actions. The familiar feeling in your stomach hits as you feel a high build. From the sound of your best friend you know he's not far away neither. It's like Sehyoon knows and just as his fingers plunge into your wet heat he removes himself from you both. Laughing at your slight whine, he moves between your thighs instead. His lips ghosting up your legs till they attach against your throbbing core. Byeongkwan shifts slightly so he can press his lips back to yours. Just as he's suckling your moans, Sehyoon's hands start to pump his younger. Teeth clash as you both get lost in the torture Sehyoon's giving you both. Pelvis helping to lift in to his mouth he chuckles against you causing goosebumps along your skin. Before your high could build again he leaves you both. Byeongkwan growls his way as he sits at the bottom of the bed.
It's like Byeongkwan's possessed, he throws himself at his lover. Hands gripping tightly against his arms lips crashing like kissing him will save his life. It's not long before his lips leave to place small kisses down his defined abs. Wrapping his lips around Sehyoon's cock he starts a desperate pace. It's like he's determined to break his lover like he broke him. Sehyoon's hands find the back of his head as he pushes him further down. Watching as Byeongkwan gags around his elders cock has you bite your lips. You swear your dripping from just the sight. Your best friend slips his mouth from Sehyoon’s Member and looks your way. "Come taste him, you know you want to," he smirks. Falling to your hands and knees you do as ordered. Letting your tongue slide the underside of his cock. Pulling your mouth from his shaft, Byeongkwan places it back in his mouth. After a few slides up and down he slips his mouth off to offer you once more. Sharing Sehyoon’s cock with him has your body on fire with how turned on you are. Byeongkwan not convinced with your attempt, pushes your head down on to Sehyoon’s thick pulsating member. Your throat gagging as you feel it twitch before his lover releases you. "Kwannie," you splutter as he chuckles as he takes himself to Sehyoon’s cock. The mischievousness catches you. Grabbing his hair you push him down so much his nose rests against his pelvis bone. Letting him gag as his elder whines into the air. Yanking him back by his hair you push him back down again. Chuckling as you watch the tears fall from your best friends eyes. You do this a couple of times before letting your hand slip. Byeongkwan's eyes take to yours much more wilder. One look at your pregnant bump he looks a little softer. You really want to know what he wanted to do. But you knew Sehyoon’s cock was empty from a warm mouth. Attaching yourself it was like Byeongkwan wanted his revenge. Throwing your head so far down Sehyoon's cock your sure you saw stars as you choked on his member. Yanking your hair back to his chuckle. "I can play too you know," Byeongkwan scoffs biting your ear before yanking you back down. A few more thrusts and gagging around his cock, Sehyoon growled pulling you off himself. "I need to fill you up," he says with lust fallen eyes. "But you, you need punishing yourself," he growls Byeongkwan's way.
With Rushed kisses Sehyoon pounces on his lover. It's like you don't exist and in that moment you wish you didn't from the burn between your thighs. Witness to their aggressive desire to over power each other is alluring to watch. Fingers finding your clit as it rolls around. Byeongkwan hisses as Sehyoon bends his legs backwards, his feet resting behind his head. Your eyes widened at his sudden dominance behaviour. "You better fuck me good," Byeongkwan growls as Sehyoon leans towards him biting on his bottom lip. Without warning Sehyoon slams himself into the younger. He sets a pace as he watches himself sinking into Byeongkwan. The latters teeth digging into the flesh of his lips as his eyes go wide with pleasure. Sehyoon notices your actions as he shifts slightly so his fingers can help. Your eyes roll to the back of your head to the mixture of feeling and sounds. Sweat starts to pour down his brow as his finger pump into you. Byeongkwan pulls on your thighs widening so he can reach too. His lips finding your clit as he suckles on you. Your hands reach to both them, nails raking along Byeongkwan's shoulders and Sehyoon's arm. "Fuck," you cry as you feel your walls tighten around the fingers embedded in you. "You close to cumming baby?” Byeongkwan chuckles taking a quick break from your core. "Are you?" Sehyoon questions letting his eyes fall to Byeongkwan's sweaty mess. "No," the younger chuckles as his lover takes no prisoners. His speed hastens as the room is filled with both yours and Byeongkwan’s nearing release. "You both look so beautiful a total mess because of me," Sehyoon gloats. Sehyoon’s spare hand finds his lovers harden cock. Pumping him Byeongkwan's mouth slips from you. But you feel the curve in Sehyoon's fingers more heavenly as you know your orgasm is building. "Your both mine," Sehyoon growls and like his word is Byeongkwan's undoing he cries into the air. His cum pushing thick ropes that fall into his own face and hair. Sehyoon's removes himself from you both hastily to lick up the white salty mess. Byeongkwan wincing in slight pain when his lover helps his legs fall back to normal. "You, window now," Sehyoon orders at you before his lips fall to Byeongkwan in a much more passionate kiss.
"Hands on the glass," Sehyoon asks losing his dominant tone. You touch the cold glass as your eyes take the street below. You didn't think Sehyoon was the type for some form of public kink. His lips fall to your shoulder as he drops kisses all over your back. Hands reaching around he enjoys the feeling of your breast in his palm. "Your so beautiful Y/N," he coos like he wasn't an animal in heat just a few minutes ago. Hands dropping to your waist he presses his hard length against your entrance. Slowly he presses in as you cry to the stretch. When he fills you completely, his lips reach to your collar bone once more. He thrusts in a one sharp heavy thrust. Teeth digging in your skin to mark you as you cry out. You hear the bed behind move and a glance to the mirror beside you, greets with a hungry lusting resurrected Byeongkwan. Falling to his knees his hands find Sehyoon's waist. You can see him lick his lips like a starved man. As Sehyoon pulls out to slam back into you, Byeongkwan presses his face in to his Fiancé's ass. You know Sehyoon reacts due to the tightened grip around you. "Fuck I should have kept my word, we should have kept doing this," Sehyoon whined as your walls squeezed around him earning a groan. "I swear on our sons life we're not letting you go this time," he demands as your head rests against the glass. The chill around your cheek does nothing to stop feeling your coil beginning to spring again. "I'm going to have fun filling your little cunt," Sehyoon growls as his pace heightens. "I'm going to cum," you cry as your edge draws near. "Come with me baby," he pleads into your ear as he suckles. His hot fanned breath is enough to push you over the edge. Your walls convulsing around him milks him into his own. Each sloppy remaining thrust you feel his cum dripping out of you. Pressing your face to look at him he kisses you as passionate as he did earlier after fucking your best friend. His wandering tongue snatched up your lasting oxygen. Your head feeling slightly dizzy you slope to the floor to catch your breath. "I think you've killed her," Byeongkwan chuckles as he drops to the floor to face you. "You guys wish," you gloat watching Byeongkwan's eyes widen. "When I finished with you I will," he threatens.
Helping to hoist you up he presses his hands along the window his eyes close to you as if he was trying to hypnotise you. "We're not friends no more," he said as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Lifting you against the window, his knee helping to prop you upright. "Your our new lover," he says as your face relaxes. "Ours," Sehyoon says pressing kisses to Byeongkwan’s shoulder. His eyes lost in lust with yours. "I'm yours," you whisper almost in confirmation as you look at them both. Their smitten view of you written on their face. "Right now I'm going to fuck you till you can't breathe," Byeongkwan threatens as you smirk his way. Placing himself underneath you, you help to sink on him. Teeth sinking back upon his bottom lip as you loll into his shoulder. Your so sensitive from your previous Orgasms. Hands gripping to your ass, Byeongkwan mouth attaches with you. Teeth slightly clashing as he starts his speedy pace. Walls clenching around him he growls before removing one hand from your ass to place on your bump. "Your so fucking hot pregnant," he says with the twinkle in his eye returning. "My perfect baby mama," he coos as your high starts building once more. His cock hitting your cervix your head falls back hitting the window. Byeongkwan steps back with just gravity to keep you up, you have to hold on to his neck as you loop your arms around him. Hands on your waist he helps to bounce you up and down. "Fuck," Byeongkwan grunts as your core squeezes him tight as you explode around him. Like he scared of cumming himself he pulls himself out heavily panting and looking slightly in pain. "Sorry baby but I need my other babies ass to milk this baby juice," he says after making sure your feet touch the ground.
Turning to Sehyoon Byeongkwan charges at him. He looks hungry and desperate for his release. Pushing him backwards to the dressing table his hands helps to encourage him to sit. His fingers finding Sehyoon's nipple to tweek as muffle moans are sucked down. Lifting his fiancée’s legs onto his shoulder he presses himself in. Sehyoon grips the edge of the furniture as his moans fill the air. "Y/N he needs some extra attention," Byeongkwan pleads as you make your way to join them. Pressing your lips to Byeongkwan, you let the moans of Sehyoon intoxicate you. Sucking down Byeongkwan's moans, your lips turn to Sehyoon's to do so to him too. His hands pressing your head into his teeth nippling at your lips as he gets lost to his lover’s Cock. The skin slapping in the room gets louder as you hear Byeongkwan groans telling you he’s not far. Offering to help him out, your lips trail down Sehyoon's chest till they reach his hard member. Taking him to your mouth you taste yourself from earlier on him. His hands falling to your hair as he gets lost between you both. "Fuck, I won't last," he growled before finishing his sentence. "Kwannie, Shit Y/N," he crys and his knuckles white against the corner of the unit. Thrusting into your mouth as he meets Byeongkwan's cock he fills your throat with his salty snack. Heavy panting as he thrusts through his remaining high, he pushes Byeongkwan into his own.
Your sure he’s trying to crush you as he Bows over onto Sehyoon's chest. "Kwannie," you pant with your head between them. The sound of their desperate seeking kisses above you. "Oh sorry baby," Byeongkwan chuckles leaning up. The look of sweat and fucked up on both their expression. "Liar," you said with fake annoyance. Pulling you into his arms like he was needy, you sunk into him. "We meant what we said baby," Byeongkwan said kissing your head. "That your ours now, this, us three is now a thing," Sehyoon added brushing back a loose piece of hair. You knew everything was about to change once again.
Baby Mama 2 + 2
Main Masterlist
A.C.E.'s Masterlist
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peeksoon · 3 years
Tagged by: @moonsehyoon and @negrowhat
Rules: Answer the questions (if you want to skip one, feel free to do that too of course!). Tag 3 people (or more or less, you choose really). Tag your post with #CHOICE_tag so we can find each others’ posts! Have fun!!  
1. Introduce yourself. You choose how much and how little!
Hihihi, I’m Sea, I’m 26
2. How and when did you become a CHOICE?
I think it was around August last year, I was looking up pics of Mark Tuan on pinterest and then somehow pics of Byeongkwan in a crop top came up and I was like WHOMST is that funky dude I must know E V E R Y T H I N G, and then fell down the rabbit hole of A.C.E content
3. What is your favourite part of being a CHOICE?
How interactive the fandom is, and how welcoming they are! I’ve made some amazing friends on my journey of becoming a choice through tumblr, discord and twitter <3
4. What is your favourite A.C.E song? Do you prefer their title tracks or b-sides more?
I really don’t know tbh.. I have so manyyyy, I’d say it’s between Goblin, Baby Tonight and Savage..
5. Who’s your bias? What do you like about them?
Byeongkwan <3 I really love how kind and considerate he is, and how hardworking he is, and his boundless confidence, it’s so beautiful to see him confidently declare how hot and pretty he is. Also I adore the colour of his voice, I don’t know what it is about it but I just adore it, and his dancing is just a whole other level and I got such a surge of pride when I got to see him slay at the dance how to’s on pops in seoul every week.
6. What is your favourite thing about A.C.E?
How close they are, how every vlive they have together feels like you’re chilling with found family. They’re so chaotic but wonderful and always look out for eachother.
7. Which concept has been your favourite? What kind of concept do you want them to try?
Definitely HJZM era, the teasers were out of this world, those under water pics with JunChan took my breath away.. but this comeback... they really took it up a notch holy shit, they really putting soodam studio to good use!
8. Which A.C.E friendship is your favourite? Which one do you want to see more of?
SehJun I think, because when Junhee is being silly, Sehyoon really relishes in it and indulges him on it, even when the rest of the members are side eyeing them lmao, but also DongChan are very precious I love ho Donghun looks at Yuchan like he’s human sunshine uwu
9. If you could tell A.C.E one thing, what would you tell them?
I would thank them deciding to pursue music and for finding eachother to make it together, because I honestly could not imagine being in this deep with kpop without them.
10. Which A.C.E member would die first in a horror movie?
Junhee definitely, bless him.. Donghun would last the longest out of spite, but if the rest of them are gone he’d give up
11. Leave a small message for your fellow CHOICE!
ily choice <3 hope everyone is having a good comeback
sorry im not more active on here, if you wanna yell with me about a.c.e more then you can follow me on twitter @bumblebk if you want
im gonna tag @choi-hae @jun-hee @kimsehni @pinkhyojin @profoundnonsense @wabisaba @junhee-s
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jinfluffychan · 4 years
A.C.E as your Best Friends
Note: Please leave feedback! You will help me a lot and I will appreciate it very much! Thank you!
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The typical friend that is really hot and everyone ask you if he is your boyfriend or if he is single
The guy that is always like "Uhh Y/N... I'm looking so hot today, right?" You will roll your eyes and he will just wink at you
It's very protective when it comes to you, when guys are checking you out he will put his arm around your shoulders so they understand you're his.
Will listen to you and your problems any time, it could be 2 in the morning and you have an exam the next day, and he will be right there for you, comforting you.
24/7 singing out loud
Hates to be called "cute"
Always ready to help you out
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The kind of friend that will act as your older brother
Always mocking you and making you "angry" just because he loves to see your reaction
Likes when you play with his hair and falls sleep anywhere when you do that
He gives you intense looks and when you ask him "what?" He will just smile and keep going with his life
Loves loves loves playing with your cat, 100% sure he keeps going to your house just because of the cat
It's the kind of friend that always says "I told you" but will comfort you all night.
You steals his sweaters and he let you cause that way he can come back to your house to play with the cat
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The artistic and shy friend
He's always working in something, music, art, fashion... And, of course, you're the first one to listen or see it
Will make you handmade gift
People see him not so attractive even if you swear he looks like an angel, but when he shows his forehead everyone's head over heels for him and you just say "Ja. I told you."
You love to back hug him to see his cheeks getting red and he becoming more shy
Probably has a crush on you, but is too shy to tell you
Loves walking with you around and see the sunset together
One time he kissed you while seeing a sunset, but when you ask him about it he couldn't answer properly
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The cute friend that always make you smile
It's an amazing dancer and always try to show you or teach you his new dance moves
Stare contest anytime at any moment, in the middle of a meal? Yes, in the middle of a class? Of course, in the middle of a exam? No! Focus BK!
Looooves skinship and having you closer giving him love
It's little, but he will always step out for you when someone disrespect you, little, but strong and wild as a chihuahua.
FaceTime you to do work together, but both of you end talking of nonsense and distracting with little things  
You make secret sleepovers, your parents would never let you be together in a solo room a whole night, but both of you make them when your or theirs parents aren't home, cause you love cuddle each other, watching movies and playing.
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The funny friend that makes everyone laugh when he's around 
Makes crazy things with you, matching henna tattoos? Check, making your first piercings togethers? Check, going to McDonalds at 12 a.m.? Check
When you're down he will try to make you smile and laugh, but when he sees it's something serious he will be there to listen to you
Bought matching pijamas when there was a sleepover party, "Best friends most look the same, like if they come from a cult" that is what he said when someone asked you  
When he falls sleep in class, he will go and ask you for tutorships with big eyes and a pouty mouth
Always invites you ice cream the 14 of each month, cause that was the day you both met, "Chan... It has been 14 years, what are you doing?" "It's our day! Let's celebrate!"
Will always offer you his jackets cause he loves how they look in you
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grungnr · 3 years
hey so i know you like kpop or whatever and i want a playlist but i wish to stay anonymous. so here are some kpop names (with a bunch of letters because i love all the songs you pick bro) for you to make some playlists with! Soonyoung, Jeonghan, Byeongkwan, Jinyoung, Seungyeop, Chanyeol, Hyunuk, Inseong, Hwanwoong... (oops, i got carried away... they all are my biases so I just uh... pick whichever you want, don't feel pressed to do all of them.) Thank you <3
Soonyoung, Jeonghan, Byeongkwan, Jinyoung, Seungyeop, Chanyeol, Hyunuk, Inseong, Hwanwoong, (and bonus Baekhyun)
That's gonna be a long one so buckle up!
S - Spider by Hoshi
O - One (Lucid Dream) by Golden Child
O - Obsession by EXO
N - Nancy Boy by Placebo
Y - Yellow by Rich Brian feat. Bekon
O - Otis by Millencolin
U - Umieraj Stąd by Hey
N - Noże by Olaf Deriglasoff
G - Good To Me by Seventeen
J - Just The Two of Us by Grover Washington Jr.
E - Easy by Stray Kids
O - Oddech by Krzysztof Zalewski
N - Nie Myśleć by Ted Nemeth
G - Go by The Chemical Brothers
H - Holier Than Thou by The Chats
A - Advice by Taemin
N - No Fun by Joji
B - Black Velvet by Alannah Myles
Y - You Can't Fix This by Stevie Nicks
E - Enjoy The Silence by Depeche Mode
O - Only You by Alison Moyet
N - Nightmares by easy life
G - Get Higher by Palaye Royale
K - Karmelove by Piotr Rogucki
W - WILD by Troye Sivan
A - Almost Easy by Avenged Sevenfold
N - Notion by Kings of Leon
J - Jump They Say by David Bowie
I - I'm outta Love by Anastacia
N - Neptune by Rusty Clanton
Y - you're my world by atlas
O - Overthinking by Acid Ghost
U - Until It's Gone by Linkin Park
N - No More by Three Days Grace
G - Good Old Days by blink-182
S - Snake by Modestep
E - Estranged by Guns N Roses
U - Under Control by The Internet
N - Nice Boys by TEMPOREX
G - Get Into It (Yuh) by Doja Cat
Y - You're Somebody Else by flora cash
E - Electric Love by BORNS
O - Oceans by Seafret
P - Pool by Paramore
C - Clap by Seventeen
H - Hotter Than Hell by KISS
A - Another One Bites The Dust by Queen
N - No by DIA
Y - You Make Me Feel by Sylvester
E - Emotions by Mariah Carey
O - Out of Touch by Daryl Hall and John Oats
L - Low Low -by Ten and Yangyang
H - Home by Three Days Grace
Y - Your Hand Holding Mine by Yellow Days
U - Utopia by Ateez
N - Nostress by Happysad
U - Uchodźca by Krzysztof Zalewski
K - Kaktus by Bovska
I - IFHY by Tyler, The Creator
N - Now or Never by SF9
S - Say It by WayV
E - Elizabeth by Bleach
O - Olly by Cape Francis
N - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship
G - Given or Taken by Enhypen
H - Hold The Line by Toto
W - What I Said by Victon
A - Action Figure by WayV
N - Next Year by Foo Fighters
W - World Full of Nothing by Depeche Mode
O - Over and Over by Three Days Grace
O - One Step Closer by Linkin Park
N - No, It Isn't by +44
G - Groove Is In The Heart by Dee-Lite
B - Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve
A - Angel by Aerosmith
E - Eternal Flame by The Bangles
K - Killer Queen by Queen
H - Honesty by Billy Joel
Y - Young by Baekhyun
U - UN Village by Baekhyun
N - No Excuses by Alice in Chains
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
A.C.E Reacting to their S/O Wearing their Clothes
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Summary: How would A.C.E react to seeing their S/O wearing their clothes?
Word Count: 961 words
Pairing: Reader x Members / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Lee Donghun (Donghun); Kim Sehyoon (Wow); Park Junhee (Jun); Kim Byeongkwan; Kang Yuchan (Chan);
Rated: E / Warnings: None / Genre: GenderNeutral!Reader; Fluff;
《 A.C.E Masterlist 》
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Lee Donghun (Donghun)
Donghun finds you awfully cute in general, and you in his clothes is even more adorable. He'd want to snuggle you to death. He absolutely loves you in his clothes, so so very much.
Donghun has invited you on a night walk, and you're very excited.  Since it's much later at night, you need to put on warm clothes. You fish through your closet and find a nice pair if sweatpants and--ah!--you find an old sweatshirt that Donghun gave you at the beginning of your relationship.
You pull on the sweatshirt and walk into the living room where your boyfriend is waiting for you.
"Donghun, are you ready to go?" you ask.
"Yeah, I'm ready." He turns around and freezes when he sees you. "Is that mine?"
You look down at the sweatshirt. "Yes?"
"It looks adorable on you, Baby," he says, standing up to walk over and take your hand.
"Thank you, Donghunnie," you say.
Kim Sehyoon (Wow)
Sehyoon is the type of boyfriend to want you to wear his clothes. He's a tiny bit possessive, so seeing you in his clothes makes him feel like you really are his. He just loves the sight of you in his clothes.
Sehyoon is working in the music studio, late at night, when he hears a knock at the door. He frowns. Everyone left at least an hour ago.
"Come in," he calls out.
The door opens, and he swears his heart melts at the sight of you in the doorway. You're wearing one of his sweaters, which he had given you months ago to keep. It looks so big on you, and makes you look so small and cozy.
"Y/N, Baby," he says. "It's eleven at night, why aren't you asleep?"
"I missed you," you mumble. He smiles and scoots his chair backward, spreading his arms.
"Come here," he says. You walk over to him and wrap your arms around him in a hug, leaning into him. He hums, content in being with you, and presses a kiss to your forehead.
Park Junhee (Jun)
Junhee finds you in his clothes awfully adorable. Honestly, he practically supplies you with hoodies and sweaters. He buys sweaters with the expectation that they will disappear within the week. He wants you to take all of his sweaters. He definitely feels a bit possessive, and you're wearing his clothes--especially in public--because it reminds him that you're his, as well as the fact that it just makes you look adorable.
"I'm heading out to go shopping," you say, heading toward the door. You walk past your boyfriend, who is sitting on the couch.
"Baby, is that my sweatshirt?"
You turn around and realize that Junhee is staring at you. You look at your outfit and--oh yeah! It is. You didn't even know, you just pulled on the first thing you could find.
"Oh, I didn't even realize," you say. "Do you want it back?"
He shakes his hand and pulls you over to him, kissing your cheeks and your nose.
"No. I love seeing you in my clothes," he mumbles into your neck as he hugs you tightly.
Kim Byeongkwan
Byeongkwan generally finds you to be the cutest person ever. But when you're wearing his clothes--especially something like a sweater or an oversized T-shirt--it makes you a thousand times cuter. He wants to bundle you up and cuddle with you.
Byeongkwan closes the door as he enters your home. He's just returned back home to Korea from tour, and he doesn't want to wake you up, as it's so late at night. But as he turns from the door, he sees you snoring on the couch in one of his sweaters, a blanket half covering you and half falling off, keeping you warm while you sleep.
"Baby," he mutters to himself, smiling softly. You look so cozy and tiny and cute and comfortable in his sweater.
He walks over and grabs the blanket, trying to re-cover you properly. You shift in your spot at the feeling of the blanket moving over you, and you blink up at him, a smile creeping over your sleepy face.
"Byeongkwannie," you mumble. You reach up at him and pull him into a hug. "I missed you."
"Were you waiting for me, Baby?" he asks.
"Yeah. I was hoping to stay awake until you got here, I think I fell asleep," you explain.
"That's okay. Let's go to sleep, Baby."
Kang Yuchan (Chan)
Yuchan is completely absolutely weak for you in any of his clothes, especially when it's a sweater that makes you look tiny. His members are definitely aware of his weakness for you, and they tease him for it.
You grab the first hoodie you can find from your closet, which happens to be Yuchan's. You're supposed to meet Yuchan at practice and then go out for a coffee date, but you lost track of time and have to run over there in five minutes.
You pull on the hoodie in a panic and run out the door quickly. When you arrive at the building, you run to the practice room that they usually practice in.
You poke your head into the practice room and see the members of A.C.E joking around. Their practice has just ended, and they're all just chatting before heading to their dorm or other places. Jun looks over at you and waves, before turning back to Yuhan.
"Yuchan, isn't that your hoodie?"
Chan turns and looks at you. You see his eyes soften as his eyes land on you.
"That's my baby in my hoodie."
He approaches you and engulfs you in a hug, his members snickering at you two from behind. "Hi, Baby."
"They're adorable," Sehyoon says.
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