#byeongkwan x male reader
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nobodyeverasked · 4 years ago
the glass castle; kim byeongkwan
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(5996 words) -  large
summary ➣ Y/N and their boyfriend, Byeongkwan, find themselves lost in the thralls of a misunderstanding. Biting it back and shoving it down like brandy bubbles isn’t working anymore.
genre ➣ angst (+ fluff)
requested - 👍
.・゜-: ✧ :- .・゜-: ✧ :-   -: ✧ :-゜・. -: ✧ :-゜・.
Whispers between the moon and the stars grew faint as the midnight bustle under the city lights began to bloom. There Y/N and his boyfriend, Byeongkwan, stood, within the thralls of it all, the chatter of the city block fading from their focus as the one thing Byeongkwan could think about was how the moonlight stained the clouds of their breath. They swayed slowly to the rhythm of the honking of car horns, arms draped around waists and the ivories between their lips running down their necks. Y/N’s hands snuck under Byeongkwan’s cropped jacket, the supple crushed velvet between his fingers setting triggering sparks to sear his skin.
They stood in line to a nightclub they’ve been talking about for ages, but never managed to push past the haze of the amber porchlight that still held the memories of their first kiss. Their lazy nights kept them bound to an ocean of sheets, silver tides shimmering against the violets etched into their skin - tapestries woven between their teeth and set alight as midnight struck. Even in the mornings, with the coffee stained air dancing around their good-morning kisses, their stars always seemed to align, their midnight sonnets were eternal.
Byeongkwan hummed into Y/N’s shoulder as Y/N traced his spine, his hands still buried under his jacket, hands kneading into his skin. It was thanks to Y/N that he could scrounge up his courage like spare change to throw it on. Y/N’s endearing smile and sweet nothings that sent him spiraling always seemed to make him more confident. Like the world that used to bend him into a shape only it wanted was nothing but his own placeholder, something that he could finally control and put in its place. Y/N makes all the ambitions that tremble on the edge of Byeongkwan’s lips take their leap of faith into the arms that would always keep him safe, that would hold him and sketch his shape into their moonlight - a shape he finally accepted.
They shuffled further up the line, but their eyes never left each other. Y/N traced his hands against Byeongkwan’s bare waist, taking in his skin and soaking himself in the waves of adoration that seized his neck. Byeongkwan let a little shriek stick between their teeth as Y/N teased at the waistband of his jeans, the music played on their lips sweet like candy. Something dragged Y/N out of his trance, though. Ripped him from it. He tried to focus on what Byeongkwan began to murmur into his ear, but something let the groans of the cars speeding down the roadway beside them take him over instead. 
It wasn’t something he liked.
He snapped his head over to something that stuck out from the shadow of the city like the glint of a sniper scope, their sights on Byeongkwan’s skin hitting him like a bullet through his chest. A lustful look from across the way was laid upon Byeongkwan’s skin, it made the velvet that ran under Y/N’s hands run coarse like sandpaper, made the moonlight against his shoulders slither down his spine like a burning shiver. He knew Byeongkwan was beautiful, and he wanted the whole world to know, hell, the whole world from Y/N constant gushing probably did. This one, though, was different, and it made the sweetness between their tongues run bitter like ash.
Looks like that were only ones that he could give Byeongkwan under the sapphire spotlights of their searing desire, ones only shared between their heaving chests and evenings where the sunset let them loose. They weren’t given from creepy people from across the street, given haphazardly like a common hello. He didn’t like how they hid either, the brim of their cap keeping their hunger clandestine, or so they thought.
“...I saw it in my closet, and I was like: ‘oh, that exists…’” Byeongkwan’s words fell upon deaf ears, his fingers wrapped around vacant hands. “It’s not that bad, right?” Byeongkwan nearly choked on his lingering words and dimming smile as Y/N coiled a protective arm around his wait and nudged him inside. “D’you like it-”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get in.”
Byeongkwan could barely let a silent stammer roll off his tongue, his words in a tangle, lodged in the back of his throat as he saw Y/N cover him up until they entered the ultraviolet of the club. And Y/N, he kept his glare searing into the person across the street until they scampered off and swallowed their guilt.
“How about a drink, hmm?” Y/N’s words were as vacant as the crushed cans scattered across empty tables as he tried not to let the speakers blasting by the entrance completely blow his ears out. Byeongkwan drowned everything out with the blaring music that swallowed him up and dragged him closer to the dance floor, the nudge towards the waist, though, was left in disregard. “Kwan?” Y/N’s voice struggled to bring itself to tread above the noise, tides of a heavy bass and the ambers of liquor stained breaths on the floor lit ablaze by strobe lights making the mere feet between them seem like a county line.
Byeongkwan finally turned around, a thick, stifled feeling bringing an enraged blush to his cheeks as Y/N’s hands softly took his waist. He just nodded, following Y/N to the bar; hopefully the sting of some vodka could wash away these feelings, and maybe the questions that surfaced in his mind as well.
Why did he shove him inside like that? Byeongkwan kept thinking even when he leaned against the bar, the coolness against his skin allowing him to ease a breath through his lips. If Y/N was talking about something - a swansong that he would die to listen to with every sunrise that blessed their tangled bodies - he surely missed it, and he didn’t know why he didn’t care. It was just the way he was so hastily shoved into a darker room - somewhere the blurs of dancing light and swathes inebriated people could keep them hidden. They were so lost in each other in line, he knew it couldn’t be him, was it? Was Y/N starting to grow weary of their presence in the line, even after everything he’s said? By the time he even finished those questions in his head, his gaze already fell upon three empty shot glasses. Nothing, even the burn of the konjac that was surprisingly good, could quell the shadows that loomed over him like the streetlights that held his and Y/N’s prances down the boulevard.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, slowly moving up to tuck a lock of his silver hair behind his ear. That smile that always took Byeongkwan’s breath away… How long was his light shining over him? And why didn’t he notice it like he just did only moments ago. He could feel it from a mile away, like a beacon that would always lead him home - the arms and hands he would bury himself in with every chance he had. Those arms, though, those blessed arms that are his safe haven just covered him up and pushed him in here like Y/N was ashamed. Y/N would always be the first to tell him how beautiful he looked no matter what he was wearing, even if it was just their sheets and the remnants of the moonlight against their bodies.
“Kwannie. Is everything okay? You’ve been uncomfortably quiet…” Y/N trailed off with a giggle to try and ease the tension that grasped at his every word. The air was thick with the bubbles of Y/N’s barely-touched beer that was perched between nervous hands. As Byeongkwan licked his lips to answer, a shot of the liquid guilt staining his lips in the shades of their afterglow kisses seared his tongue. “I know clubs aren’t really our thing. Maybe we could just hitch an Uber and head home?” With nothing but a sigh from Byeongkwan to satisfy Y/N’s questions, he leaned against the bar and looked longingly towards the exit. Why wasn’t Byeongkwan talking to him? Every second trudged through the night like an hour and Byeongkwan’s silence was killing him.
“It’s nothing. It’s fine- I’m fine…” Byeongkwan shook his head and looked towards the dance floor instead, if shots couldn’t do it, then maybe the blaring music and the burn of the purple lights igniting against this skin could distract him from the way his jacket started to suffocate him no matter how much he tugged at the collar. It just didn’t fit right if he knew how much Y/N was embarrassed to see him in it. Was he really that disgusted? He couldn’t help but stretch it down, hopefully covering enough to make Y/N feel comfortable enough to step out with him into the flurry of purple lights just like he said they would. “Let’s go dance, it looks like fun.”
“Oh, okay… Sounds good.” Y/N hesitated, but he let his fingers weave between Byeongkwan's as they stepped towards the dance floor. He could sense this trepidation in his boyfriend too, the same one that let his words lag before his tongue. Usually that would only happen on their breathless nights, where they would be too caught up taking each other in to notice that words didn’t come out as they spoke. However, the darkness of the bar that loomed over them and preened at the silence shoved its way between them in a way nothing ever has before. Y/N was glad for the change in tone, though, that small smile on Byeongkwan’s face being the first one he saw since they came in here, the rest was this silence that riddled him with this uneasiness, something that he felt slithering down his back in a cool shiver that left him rigid. Did he do something? He wondered with every tap of his finger against the lacquered surface of the bar.
He usually couldn’t stop Byeongkwan from talking even if he tried. Even when tongues pushed past teeth under the violets of the fading horizon, he would still sing songs of their affection that would send them spiraling, chasing after them as Y/N kissed along the curves of Byeongkwan’s silhouette. On their study nights tucked between Byeongkwan’s legs, whispers of sweet nothings would soak into his shoulder and run up his neck in a scarlet blush as lips ghosted his ears.
 The music was pounding in their heads now, they had no choice but to bend to its will. They swayed to its beat, bouncing on their feet as they mimicked the crowd around them, nothing but a mass of faceless shadows surrounding them and billows of liquor laced screams separating their stares. They inched closer together, letting the music blind them and the purple lights that gleamed behind massive waves of flailing arms deafen them of their thoughts. Nothing but them and a ceaseless black ocean taking in the pulses of the music like a change in the tide.
Byeongkwan almost felt comfortable in his own skin, his jacket rising with every movement he made. He looked over to Y/N, and he could tell he was doing the same thing, biting back his thoughts with whatever remnants of beer he downed, and plastering a smile on his face as they inched closer together. He could see the strain on his face, like it was holding back something that wanted to burst out. Was it a question? Was it an apology? He wanted Y/N to say something, anything that had to do with what he did. However, something like this has ever happened to them - a conflict this severe. Usually it was simply arguments over whose turn it was for their movie nights or what to order for dinner. They would quip at each other until the sun went down, and then paint each other in the coral light of their adoration as they murmured vows between parted smiles.
Byeongkwan was snapped out of his trance as Y/N’s hands smoothed against his skin and wrapped around his waist, bringing them so close together to the point where even the lights that danced with them couldn’t make out their shape. 
Byeongkwan shoved himself away with nothing but a yelp, a flash of shock and a little bit of anger rising in his heart as the step he took sent him careering into another person. 
He couldn’t believe it. This is when Y/N decided to embrace him, when they were half-drunk and drowning on the dance floor? When there was only darkness and the shadows of anonymity in their wake? Not when they were under the city lights for everyone to see, at least not until they entered... 
A wildfire rose in his chest and something felt like it was tugging hard on him, a devilish grasp pounding at his ribs that tore at the unravelling threads of the frustration he held back since they were first bathed in the lilac haze of the club. He couldn’t breathe, he needed a way out.
He was too flustered to apologize to the people he nearly fell onto and tried his best to weave out of the crowd, leaving Y/N deserted. Byeongkwan looked for any crack in the mob of people to make an exit, slipping between people , tripping over shoes as the air grew warm and unrelenting. Y/N instantly followed, trying not to lose the shimmer of Byeongkwan’s jacket in the swathes of careless drunkards that jostled him left, right, up, down. Y/N just decided to keep moving forward.
Byeongkwan made it out on the other side, gasping for air as he squeezed past the last pair of gyrating bodies whose flailing arms nearly took out his eye. He was making his way towards the exit until he heard the pound of staggering footsteps over the base hammering into the floors, shaking the walls. Whipping his head back and nearly pushing a sigh of relief past his lips, he observed Y/N’s heaving form as he emerged out of the crowd as well, there was a garnet stain of something on his shirt that wasn’t there before. He could feel it was seeping into his conscience. His lips were contorted into a distraught frown, as all Y/N could think about was how horrified Byeongkwan looked when he touched him. What did he do?
“Kwan, what’s wrong?!” Y/N said between pants and raked Byeongkwan back with a handful of his jacket. Byeongkwan nearly shook at the desperation and the sadness that deepened the cracks in his boyfriend’s voice. His composure was breaking, and he felt like the walls around them were burning up in flames. Violet flares seared against their skin, strobe lights igniting the shimmers in their stares as they looked each other in the eye for the first time since Y/N nudged Byeongkwan through those same doors they were going to stumble out of. “Talk to me!” Y/N was tired of Byeongkwan’s silence. He needed something, anything to help him figure out what to do, how to make Byeongkwan stop looking at him like he wiped away the glow of Byeongkwan’s cheeks on those nights where only Y/N’s words ever meant something to him.
“I’m fine! I don’t want to!” Byeongkwan started towards the door again, only to be stopped again by Y/N, a pleading hand on his shoulder begging him to turn around.
“Obviously not! I know when you’re not fine!” Y/N tilted his head and tried to meet Byeongkwan’s gaze, but all Byeongkwan could do was keep his eyes on the ground, the sheen of the tiles below warping under him. “Did I do something…? Please tell me!”
“I thought you were proud of me…” Byeongkwan finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. Something seemed to cut all the noise surrounding them, and everything paused and distorted as Byeongkwan looked up again, tears threatening to trip over his lashes. Eyes like glass piercing into Y/N’s. “I thought you were proud of the real me, and loved the real me…”
Byeongkwan’s tears burned through Y/N’s chest like a whirlwind and tore him apart. He never thought he would ever see tears that weren’t from making him laugh too hard. Ones that seared into even his own skin and bore into him. “What?!” Y/N was taken aback by what Byeongkwan said, words trickling from the corners of his lips. “Of course I am!”  Y/N took Byeongkwan by the shoulders again, almost shaking him. That was one thing he always wanted to make clear, that Byeongkwan was the most special human being to ever exist, one so deserving of all the love he would ever get. What did he do to put that into question? “Kwan, what’re you talking about? Of course I love you, for everything you are…”
“I just need some space, Y/N…” Byeongkwan didn’t even care to hear what Y/N said. He stepped towards the exit, keeping his clenched fists in the shallow pockets of his jacket.
“Please just tell me what I did-”
“I’ll call an Uber for you… I just don’t feel like talking to you right now…” He couldn’t even look at Y/N, seeing his tears shimmer like the first snow they shared under the same roof.
“Byeongkwan… I’m so confused-”
“You covered me up, Y/N!!! That’s the problem! All of this talk about loving me no matter what I am or where we are, and as soon as our spotlight gets too bright, you turn your back on your word - our word. I wanted to express myself, the ‘me’ that’s always been bottled up, and you’re the only person who ever accepted me. You taught me what confidence and fearlessness really was, but then you do that, and I felt like those words weren’t for me...” Y/N stopped in his tracks as Byengkwan finally let his words burst through his pressed lips and ripped his arm from Y/N’s grasp. Tears streamed down his face in ripples and seared into his skin, carving rivers in his cheeks as he scrambled to wipe them away. Y/N’s mouth was just left parted by shock, everything - all of the silence, the tension that strangled their conversations and the whiskey bubbles stuck in their throat. “I thought it was a risk to wear this, but I knew it was fine because you would love it and tell me how beautiful I looked in it. We would be okay, just you and me in our little world. Maybe with you I could’ve loved myself in it too… But I guess the pressure of everybody around us - people you don’t even know the names of - matters more than what we built.” 
Y/N didn’t try to step forward, but Byeongkwan already took another step back, his voice crumbling as they let each other soak in the anguish the leached from each other their breaths. Their breaths, what were once moments of peace for them, windows in time where the air would still. Their comfort that was once let loose to roam along their bodies like wandering moonlight slipped away like a bottle of good wine.
Y/N was dumbfounded, he thought he was protecting his boyfriend, but he forgot that Byeongkwan didn’t see it, the way that person looked at him from across the street. It made Y/N want to lurch. Byeongkwan, with all of his demons buried in Y/N’s hands, never turned around to see what he saw. Y/N needed to make this right. 
He stepped up only to be matched with a small step back, a shutter in Byeongkwan’s exhale leaving Y/N to wince as if something twisted a knife in his back.
“Kwan- I’m sorry but you don’t understand-” Y/N sighed when he was cut off, now that he knew the issue, it was sent to orbit in his head, but now he was trapped in that vacuum too. Unable to breathe or speak; unable to move or scream for help. If only Byeongkwan could let him in, even after what he thought he did. 
“Yeah I do, Y/N… I just need some time alone, but I’ll call you when I’m ready to sort things out.” 
“Kwannie, wait…” He couldn’t imagine what Byeongkwan was going through, all of the doubts in his mind Y/N thought they buried in the ivory sands of the coast downtown and the leather studded kisses that graced their strawberry skies. Some dormant part of Y/N knew that Byeongkwan’s insecurities would creep back up on him, but that’s what he was there for, to tell him he was beautiful. But he failed, lost context leading Byeongkwan to unravel like a loose tapestry.
Byeongkwan, with one final look at his boyfriend he thought believed in him, turned around and started toward the exit. This time, there was nobody to stop them, not the rumble of the base nearly knocking them off their feet as soon as they parted, and not Y/N, who just whispered into nothing, his voice swallowed up and caught in his chest.
It’s been three days since their altercation at the club and Y/N had his head in his hands ever since. Every half of a second he was flicking his gaze over to his phone, hoping that Byeongkwan would call with a thread and needle to mend their bond. He still didn’t change Byeongkwan’s name in his phone, and he just wanted those yellow hearts to cast a golden glow from the corner of the countertop he always left it by. He can still remember when Byeongkwan swiped his phone from him and straddled Y/N’s hips, leaning on his shoulder as he typed in as many emojis as he could fit.
Waking up without Byeongkwan next to him and tucking himself back in the sheets that still nursed their moonlit songs rendered him sleepless, the only thing keeping him awake being his wandering thoughts of Byeongkwan at his parents’ house. His chest felt hollow without Byeongkwan to fill it with laughter and their blissful sighs.
He found it too easy to get out of bed this morning, Byeongkwan’s arms wrapped around his waist always made it so difficult. And he loved that so much. He missed it.
Y/N’s spent the last few hours draped along the couch, his eyes stuck on the doorway to the kitchen where his phone still sits on that precipice of granite and his fingers taking in handfuls of the rough grey fabric below him. It was still scorched with their fires that were forged under flights of fluttering lights and silent movies. They stung like fond dreams and gathered like old friends.
He snapped his head up when he heard a knock on his door. The croak it made throughout the house was somber and cynical; it sounded like it just wanted to be left alone, but it was here anyway. He eyed his phone, gaze piercing harder as if his eyes haven’t been stuck on it all day. He was sure he left the ringer on, but it might just be the mail person who carries an odd but pleasantly surprising passion for doing their job. Y/N threw his legs over and nearly leapt off the couch. If Byeongkwan was really taking a chance on him and coming back, Y/N knew that he had a lot of explaining to do.
Byeongkwan needed something too, maybe some type of closure - a good reason - for why Y/N presumably turned his back on them and everything they said they cherished about each other.
Y/N opened the door to see Byeongkwan, his baby standing in front of him, anxiously rocking on his heels as he looked sheepishly past the doorway. It was all coming back to him, everything he missed despite the pain that those radiant glimmers in Y/N’s eyes brought him. Like the stars, they still persisted even with the shadows of the night that left them on their lonesome, leaving them separated from the only tether that kept them sane. Y/N can still remember when they first moved in together, already pressing each other up on the new fridge, and bathing in rose-tinted lights that’ve still stained their cheeks and fed the velvet between their lips. Byeongkwan’s whining about their old bowls not matching their counters still left a chuckle to resonate in Y/N’s chest.
“Hey.” Byeongkwan decided to fall into their tense, immoveable silence face-first, as graceful as the nights they burst through the front door and barely made it past the kitchen. The city lights sullying Y/N’s jacket that was tightly bound around Byeongkwan’s shoulders. Y/N eased a sigh of relief, glad the Byeongkwan took the first step, it didn’t know if Byeognkwan wanted to hear him speak just yet.
“Hey…” Y/N stepped back and pulled the door back further, gesturing in carefully as if the air was fragile like glass. “You wanna come in?”
“Sure.” Byeongkwan took bunches of his sweater in his hands, and it took both of them a moment that it was Y/N’s, the one he gave to Byeongkwan on his birthday when he confessed that it eased his anxiety when they slept. Even now, despite who the Y/N was that stood in front of him now, the Y/N that took him by the hands taught him how to fly - their laughter still resonates as Byeongkwan kneads the fabric. Little did he know, he’s still there, in front of him, eying him up and down and keeping a smile to himself, safe under pursed lips.
“I’m really glad you came back-”
“You understand why I was upset, right?” Byeongkwan shook his head and threaded his frustrations delicately into the air between them, nursing his breath as he could see Y/N flinch like he was going to hit him.
“I…” Y/N just wanted to tell him, tell him everything that happened and that he got it all wrong. He sat back down on the couch, watching Byeongkwan pace back and forth in front of their television.
“You always said I was beautiful no matter what, you never cared about what anybody else ever said about us. We were the kings of our own kingdom and of our happy little world…” Byeongkwan trailed off and stopped pacing, looking deep into Y/N’s eyes and hoping that he really understood. He did understand, he always has.
“Byeongkwan…” Y/N tried to take the leap, attempted to unveil the truth, but his mouth snapped shut as Byeongkwan drew a breath to speak again. Tears already welled up in his eyes and it made Y/N want to cry too. His tongue felt dry as he swallowed back his words, the smoldering ache in his heart coming back to rear its ugly head as he could hear Byeongkwan trip over his words, gathering his thoughts like flyaway papers. He just wanted to grab and shake him again, get these thoughts out of his head. He could tell that Byeongkwan wasn’t even mad at Y/N anymore, he looked over his own skin like he was the problem. That hurt more than anything.
“Like, seriously. I know the club scene is a lot of pressure but I thought that there of all places, we could let loose and really be fine. We were all good in line, what happened?” Byeongkwan folded his arms and looked over Y/N, his eyes boring a hole in Y/N’s skull.
“I just… Come sit with me.” Y/N patted the couch cushion beside him, heaving a deep breath and looking back up.
Byeongkwan had a hesitance in his step, but he remembered that this was what he wanted, for Y/N to explain himself. To get the demons to finally leave and stop clawing themselves under his skin. He scooted over on their living room couch, listening attentively to even the random creaks in the floorboards they’ve pretty much memorized by now. They’ve had way too many slow dances in the kitchen.
Y/N staggered in his words for a second. “When we were in line, across the street there was this guy looking at you weird.” He looked over to Byeongkwan, fighting the urge to thread their fingers together. Byeongkwan couldn't look at him, though. “It wasn’t just weird though, that I wouldn’t care about. But it was hungry, almost sinister in a way, and I didn’t like it. I wasn’t gonna reward that kind of behaviour…” Y/N tried to shove his heart back down from his throat, its pulse a hurricane in his head as he tried to fight back a sob that trembled on the tip of his tongue.
Byeongkwan tried to shuffle closer, but Y/N just leaned down and closed in on himself. This entire half of the story, Byeongkwan left it to fester for three whole days. Two sleepless nights and three agonizing mornings that drew along Y/N’s conscience like nails on a chalkboard. He smoothed a hand across Y/N’s back anyway, wincing as Y/N let a quiet so leak through his teeth.
“I know that look, Byeongkwan, I know it very well, okay?” Y/N leaned back and looked into Byeongkwan’s eyes, glimmers in his gaze pleading like the night they parted under the indigo night. “I never, ever want you to ever experience that, so I got you inside as fast as possible, but I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It led to all this mess…” Byeongkwan wound his arms around Y/N’s shoulders, burning his face in the curve of Y/N’s neck. “I’m so, so, so, so sorry…” Y/N’s voice, torn and distressed echoed throughout the room and rendered Byeongkwan speechless, questions to himself in his head rummaging through his thoughts for a way to speak. 
“Please don’t be sorry, baby. I should’ve known better that you had to have done it for a reason. I can’t believe I read that situation wrong. I’m the one who should be sorry… i just left you hanging that entire night, and then I had the nerve to yell at you…” Byeongkwan held back his tears weathering the burn of Y/N’s cries that filled the room in a swathe of ravaging waves. All Byeongkwan could do was hold on tighter and look back at himself, the Byeongkwan who thought that his boyfriend, the love sworn under the stars would have actually done that to him for a good reason. He could only imagine how Y/N could’ve been doing.
“I thought you were gonna end it…” Byeongkwan froze as Y/N cried into his shoulder, his hands bunching up Byeongkwna’s sweater.  The thoughts that plagues the waning hours of the evening resurfacing, a mark that marred his conscience and blurred all the images of Byeongkwan smiling under their claimed sunsets. “I thought you were going to leave me right there, and it would’ve been all my fault because I just didn’t tell you what was going on… I don’t know what I’d do without you-”
“No no… Baby… Y/N… I’m not leaving you, Y/N, ever…” Byeongkwan cut Y/N off then and there. “Yes, I needed time to gather my thoughts about that night. But not once - not a single time - did leaving your side ever cross my mind. I left you alone with that kind of weight on your shoulders… How could I’ve assumed the worst of you…? You’re the most genuine and precious human being…” Byeongkwan cradled Y/N’s cheeks in his hands, easing a smile as he felt a kiss to his palm. Y/N burning his doubts in the touch that kept him from wanting their sheets to swallow him up in an endless night. “I put you in this position, I yelled at you, I pushed you, I’m the one who threatened everything we had all because I misunderstood you. I love you so much, okay? And I’ll make it up to you, please, I will.” Byeongkwna’s chest felt heavy, his breath crumbling like the silvers of the overcast evening leaking into the living room.
“You don’t need to do that, Kwan…” Y/N tried to steady himself in Byeongkwan’s embrace, the tremors in his sighs easing a little bit as a kiss was planted to his forehead and down to the corner of his mouth. They were small and tentative, but Byeongkwan could see them bloom, their flutter a glow under Y/N’s tear-stained cheeks. “I’ve just never seen you that hurt before, and to think I’d caused that…? I didn’t know what to do with myself, I wouldn’t know…” Byeongkwan shook his head and pushed a few locks of his hair away to look closer into his eyes. “Just know that I’ll never hurt you, never again…”
“I know, I know… There’s no way you could ever hurt me, there’s not a mean or malicious bone in your body… I’m so sorry…” Byeongkwan let those thoughts roam again, what he said all a drunken haze, but he remembered Y/N’s face, the way it contorted with his sadness and the confusion that followed, he never wants to see that kind of anguish to befall his smile ever again. He caressed Y/N’s cheek, a touch starved from the warmth of Y/N’s cheeks and the sparks that would ignite under his fingertips. Y/N wrapped his arms around Byeongkwan’s waist and brought him closer, his tears a faint feeling as he entwined his lips with Byeongkwan’s. His head hit the seat of the couch and hands kneaded into his hips, Byeongkwan’s prayer at Y/N’s altar.
Byeongkwan let out a breath and let it seep into Y/N’s chest as they parted, kissing Y/N’s fingertips as he leaned up. “I’m really glad we made up, and that I was filled in on the actual situation… Thank you for that. I appreciate you so much”
“Of course.” Y/N cracked a smile as Byeongkwan stood up from off the couch and walked towards the kitchen with a parting kiss, tongue pressing between Y/N’s teeth.
“You wanna pick the movie for tonight? It’s the least I owe you…” Y/N perched himself by the arm of the couch, tilting his head as he met Byeongkwan’s gaze from across the room.
“What privilege…” Y/N’s giggles always knew how to part Byeongkwan’s skies, “but like I said-” 
“At least let me cook.” Byeongkwan smiled as he turned the corner, but popped back out when he heard nothing but the deafening, shrill cry of silence.
“You? Cooking? I don’t want you to bring an early apocalypse!” Y/N scurried off the couch and grabbed Byoengkwan’s hands, pulling him in for a peck to his lips. Byeongkwan let a grin flourish with a chuckle and tangled it between their tongues. “Let’s do it together.”
Together… That word set a flutter alight in Byeongkwan’s stomach and made his heart skip a beat like stones on their favourite riverside. He still will never forget the look on Y/N’s face when he almost shoved him in. He could still see the aurora blue of the early dawn rise like a mist on their late mornings to come and their laughter settling high above the tree lines on the mornings where they just wanted to be alone. Them and a nameless sky to call their own.
“You and me…?” Byeongkwan rocked on his toes, taking in the way the comets in Y/N’s eyes still managed to capture him even under their kitchen lights.
“Me and you…”
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veenussposts · 5 years ago
A.c.e Royal Au! 👑
▪Story untold ➻ Byeongkwan
▪War of hearts ➻ Wow
▪Secret melody ➻ Jun
▪Love & Loss ➻ Donghun
▪Winter spell ➻ Chan
Nct Dream Royal Au! 👑
▪Black heart ➻ Renjun
▪For the win ➻ Haechan
▪One above all ➻ Jisung
▪False king ➻ Jaemin
▪In your arms ➻ Chenle
▪Heart of courage ➻ Jeno
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diamondlife-dreams · 6 years ago
A Very Merry Christmas
This is dedicated to @ifeellikeabeanie. Happy Holidays from your Secret Santa!
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You hadn’t seen the boys in several hours and you were fairly confused considering the small building you all were in. You surely would have bumped into at least one of them by now.
A pair of hands clapped onto your shoulders, effectively scaring you and making you let out a small shriek. Realizing it was just Donghun qhen you turned around, you immediately smacked his arm.
"Sorry sorry," He replied back while laughing.
"Where have you been? I've been looking for you guys."
"We were just finishing up something. It's ready now so if you could just follow me to the practice room."
You gave him a suspicious look, but all he did was grin back at you. With a resigned sigh you relented and followed your friend to where just of you spent your time.
Opening up the door you noticed the boys all gathered around a table. Chan, being the first to notice you, called out to you and waved you over.
"Merry Christmas (Y/n)!"
"Merry Christmas Channie. What's all this?"
With a wide smile Jun responded telling you how they really wanted all of you to spend Christmas together. Byeongkwan quickly adding in that they got presents for everyone and everything. Wow was looking longingly at the presents making you laugh.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's start opening gifts!"
Everyone let out a cheer and Jun started to pass the gifts out. You didnt think the boys wanted to celebrate all together. You thought they would all head home to their families instead of here with you. You were so thankful they decided to stay behind. Being surrounded by your favorite people was the best way you could hce celebrated today.
"Thanks you guys and Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas!!"
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softrainbowlove · 7 years ago
request:  Could I please request a fluffy oneshot where Jason (A.C.E) cheers up his dysphoric bf? Thank you!
pairing: Jason (A.C.E) x trans! male! reader
genre: fluff and a bit angst 
warnings: dysphoria 
word count: 1399
summary: (Y/N) usually experience minor dysphoria in the mornings but today seemed to be different. Good thing that Jason is here.
note: i literary screamed when i got this request ! this my first A.C.E request ahh !!! so happy even though im a bit anxious on how it turned out >.<
wanna read more? my masterlist ♡ 
It was usually the mornings that were most painful to wake up. (Y/N) wasn't a morning person and he was sure that this might have to do something with it. Falling asleep wasn't a big deal because he was usually really sleepy at that moment or he would be in the arms of Jason. His boyfriend became busier as time went on as he had debuted months ago and his group needed to promotion. And (Y/N) understood. He didn't go against it at all. He had always supported Jason and his dreams. The busy schedules didn't bother (Y/N) that much as he was busy with own stuff. So, in the end, they were both even and the two would meet before night time. They eat dinner together and talk about their day and that would be led to them having to random conversations. A couple of hours later they would be in bed wrapped in each other's embrace. The morning wasn't much different, though Jason was always the first one to wake up and start his day. It took (Y/N) a while to wake up and do the same.
Today wasn't much different, just that (Y/N) wasn't feeling well at all.
The first problem was the that they had forgotten to close the curtains before going to bed so the sun behind the window has interrupted both of their sleep. Jason woke up groaning a loudly before grumpily making his way to close the curtains. Though instead of going back to bed like he planned he started off his day letting his boyfriend sleep in peace.
That was the second problem. In the morning's (Y/N) would grow a bit clingy and Jason not being next to him a bed was a problem. Though this problem was easily solved, as the man grabbed into Jason's pillow instead and hugged it tightly. The oh so familiar cologne was still stuck to the sheet of the pillow and (Y/N) appreciated it a lot.
Though the third problem was a problem he could usually ignore. He learned to do so after time, but today was different. It was one of these days were the dysphoria was a bit too much to handle. (Y/N) wasn't really sure what had triggered it, but it happened. The presence of his chest felt like it weighs a ton and just made him crumble on the inside. And on the outside, he curled up. This was a mistake. He felt, even more, discomfort crawl in him. It was the feeling that there was something wrong, and to him, there was something wrong. His whole body felt out of place and that caused him to feel overwhelmingly sad.
The body sat up and he groaned loudly covering his face with his hands. Taking a deep breath he got out of bed and made his way to his closet. He reached for his binder that he always needed to take off before sleeping.
Taking off his shirt he slipped the binder on but when he wanted to zip it close he couldn't do so. It was stuck and made his frustration go upward.
"C'mon." (Y/N) groaned loudly trying to close it. In frustration and after many trials (Y/N) pulled the binder off of his chest. He hasn't even realized that he was crying until he touched his face again. Hot tears were running down his cheeks. (Y/N) covered his face with his hands crying into his hands. It has been a long time since he had crying so maybe he just needed to cry. But he was clearly upset. Due to his crying, he didn't hear the bedroom door open and neither the hurried footsteps of Jason.
"(Y/N)?" A hand found its way on (Y/N)'s back. "What's going on? Why are you crying?" Jason quickly asks, but when he saw that (Y/N) was bare-chested and the binder was thrown on the floor he didn't need to ask anymore. So instead Jason leads his boyfriend to their bed.The two of them sat down on their bed and (Y/N) started calming down while Jason was sweetly rubbing his boyfriend's back for comfort. Then Jason stood up and went to pick up the binder. "Do you want me to put it on?" He asked (Y/N) with a gentle smile on his lips when walked back over to him. The other had his hands in his lap and he looked at Jason with teary eyes before nodding. Jason smiled and then helped (Y/N) slip it on and finally zip it close. (Y/N) looked down at his chest and felt some sort of relief going through him.
"Thank you." (Y/N) murmured and Jason softly smiled sitting down next to his boyfriend. He put a hand against (Y/N)'s slightly still wet cheek.
"Anything for you. Are you feeling better?"
"A bit."
Jason thought for a moment. "How about we go out?"
"Where to?"
"Let's go the playground and then go eat breakfast!" Jason suggested his eyes twinkling. And the two did that, after getting ready. They arrived at the park hand in hand. Immediately the two got to the swingset.
"Push me!" (Y/N) called out and swinging his legs. Jason smiled to himself and went behind his boyfriend. He started pushing the man on the swing and took a step back that (Y/N) could go higher. (Y/N) let out a laugh completely forgetting the world around him. The cool air hit his face when he swung forward, it made him smile when his feet went up as well. Though after a while he set his feet down so that he had slowed down.
(Y/N) turned around and then stood up grasping into the metal chains that held the swing. He grinned at Jason and looked down at Jason.
"Now I'm taller than you." (Y/N) stated. Jason rolled his eyes but then wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s hips. (Y/N) started swinging slightly with a smile on his face and Jason chuckled lightly.
"You like it up there?"
(Y/N) hummed.
"It's quite refreshing up here. But I'm bored." Then Jason stepped back and offered (Y/N) his hand. Jason began talking in English with a fake British accent.
"Well, my prince would you like to try something else." (Y/N) took Jason's hand and jumped off the swing.
"Like what?" (Y/N) asked with the same accent. Jason leads (Y/N) to the slides and the two grown men climb up the slides. It was still early so there were barely any people, just early workers giving them looks. (Y/N) was the first to slide down and the quickly climbed up back again. But when he wanted to slide down again, Jason was climbing up the slides instead. "Hey!" (Y/N) pouted. "That's cheating!" (Y/N) declared loudly as Jason sat down and slid again. And then his boyfriend slid down as well, wrapping his legs and arms around Jason to keep him from moving. "Mr. Kim, you aren't going anywhere." Jason turned his head to look at his boyfriend, who had pout on his lips. Jason let out a small laugh blushing lightly at how close their face was.
"Ah, I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Jason then leaned his head back as (Y/N) put his chin on his shoulder. The two boyfriends stayed quiet for a while just enjoying the silence.
"Thank you." (Y/N) breathed out closing his eyes for a second.
"For blocking your way?" Jason asked a bit confused. (Y/N) chuckled lightly.
"No, silly. For being there for me. Even when I seem crazy." And Jason frowned shaking his head.
"You aren't crazy." Jason turned around to put his legs on each side of (Y/N)'s waist. "It's hard for you now, I can never really feel like you do, but I can understand how you feel in some ways. I know it's bothering you and I wish we could through everything quicker. Just so you don't have to be in pain anymore. But if it will take time then I want to be there for you. I want to make you feel better and just forget for a few moments." Jason confessed cupping (Y/N)'s cheeks. "You're not crazy, but if you were then I am too."
(Y/N) let out a giggle and smiled leaning down a bit to press their foreheads together. Jason smiled then leaned forward pressing a kiss on (Y/N) nose.
"You're not alone in this, (Y/N)." (Y/N) smiled and hugged his boyfriend nuzzling his face into the other’s neck. 
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atiny-dazzlinglight · 3 years ago
Kinktober 2021 Masterlist
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The following list below is gonna be my list for this years Kinktober. Due to my current work schedule and just life, I’m not following a list this year for Kinktober and will just be coming up with my own spicy prompts for this October. I plan to make this year’s Kinktober as inclusive as possible, so there will be female, male, nonbinary, gender neutral, etc., readers for everyone to enjoy. The last day is just something for me and my moots that loves my ocs just as much as me, so I’m gonna indulge and if y’all like it, then y’all do *shrugs* Also, threw in some pairings from our rp server for some ✨spicy✨
I plan to make this a masterlist and have it on both this blog and my multi blog @/sweetsweetkpop and will update it all as often as possible. You to be tagged in any works? Fill out my form here and please be 18+ for my nsfw stuff (which is all of these).
Stuff for @atiny-dazzlinglight is marked with 🌊
Stuff for @sweetsweetkpop is marked with 🍬
(^Copy pasta it from fie cause it feels more organized~^)
Day 1: Blowjob- Byeongkwan x Sehyoon 🍬
Day 2: Pegging- Switch!Jiwoo x switch!male reader 🍬
Day 3: Size Kink + Aftercare Manhandling- Bang chan x gender neutral reader🍬
Day 4: Suspension Play- Hwanwoong x Leedo🍬
Day 5: Size Training + Knotting- Dragon!Seonghwa x Hongjoong🌊
Day 6: Leash & Collar- Jaebeom x Wonwoo 🍬
Day 7: Face Fucking- Jongho x male!reader🌊
Day 8: Food Play: Ten x member🍬
Day 9: Spit Kink- Yoongi x Namjoon🍬
Day 10: Toys- San x Felix 🍬🌊
Day 11: Puppy Play- Sub!Mingyu x dom!Jeonghan🍬
Day 12: Gagging- Yunho x gender neutral reader🌊
Day 13: Femdom & Edging- Sunwoo x fem!reader🍬
Day 14: Double Penetration- Wonho x reader x Shownu🍬
Day 15: Face Sitting- Soft dom&Fem!reader x Sub!Minghao🍬
Day 16: Overstimulation- Seungwoo x Hanse x Subin🍬
Day 17: Creampie- Dare Gone Good Reader x 99liners🌊
Day 18: Exhibitionism & Orgy- Omega!Changkyun x Beta!Jungkook x Alpha!Johnny x Omega!Yoongi🍬
Day 19: Mutual masturbation- Omegas!Wooyoung x Felix 🌊🍬
Day 20: Spanking- J.Seph x gender neutral reader🍬
Day 21: Daddy Kink- Yugyeom x reader x BamBam🍬
Day 22: Squirting- Vernon x fem!reader🍬
Day 23: Cuckholding- Lou x reader x Ayno🍬
Day 24: Free use Kink: Mingi x Ateez Members🌊
Day 25: Somnophilia- Jaemin x Jeno🍬
Day 26: Scissoring- Somin x fem!reader🍬
Day 27: Bondage: Yeosang x reader🌊
Day 28: Thigh Riding- Wonho x Seungcheol 🍬
Day 29: Anal Play- Doyoung x Taeyong 🍬
Day 30: Body Worship- Wonho x Chubby!reader🍬
Day 31: Wild Card- Dean x Theo (Ocs of mines)
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btsfaris · 5 years ago
thick like honey
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summary: you can’t get over how thick byeongkwan’s thighs are, but maybe you don’t have to? length: 6,227 pairing: byeongkwan x reader genre: smut, angst, a dash of fluff
You hated to admit it but Kim Byeongkwan was utterly, and incredibly hot.
Yes, he is a fuckboy. No doubt about that, he has slept with more than half the girls here. You've heard all the stories. The girls on campus whispering not so quietly amongst their friends about their wild nights with the one and only Byeongkwan. How he is a sex god in bed and how he made their toes curl or how many times he made them cum, even before they had sex. So there was no denying that he was a playboy, but he is by far the finest guy in your college. His clothes are always accentuating his toned physique. His shiny hair, dyed a nice platinum blonde. His eyes are big and round with a hazel tone in them. His skin is porcelain with no flaws in them whatsoever.. But what really gets you are his thighs.
Yes, his thighs.
But that's not the point here.
The point was that he was driving you absolutely crazy.
Of course you have never talked to the guy, so part of it is your fault. He never did anything to you. Never once been rude or impolite to you. Nothing. It was the plain fact that Byeongkwan made you horny, nearly all the time. But how can he not when he always looks so good? You shake your head at the thought and try to focus on getting out your materials.
Currently, you are in class. It's 9am on a Thursday morning and you can barely keep your eyes open. Students are coming in, half of them barely awake and others look like they are practically sleep-walking. You're in your English-Literature class, one of your least favorites. Not the class but that fact that it's so early and you wish you were still curled up in bed. Everyone probably thinks the same because most take the seats in the back to continue their naps, while you, take a seat near the front. You hear the door open but you keep looking down at your phone, patiently waiting for your professor to arrive. You don't notice the stranger in front of you until they speak up.
"Is this seat occupied?" A male voice asks, causing you to look up and nearly drop your phone. You look at Byeongkwan surprised and open your mouth but no words come up, "is that a no?"
"Yes- I mean no," you manage to stupidly blurt. "I mean- you can sit here."
"Thanks," he smiles, taking the seat next to you and you feel your palms get sweaty, "sorry it's just that all the other seats are taken up."
"That's okay.." you awkwardly smile back and the professor walks in. He drops his briefcase loudly on his stand, causing everyone to wake up and class begins
You have no idea how you managed to survived that class next to Byeongkwan. The second the class was over, you had barely managed to escape that class without making a fool of yourself. Not to mention that every minute you were next to him, you'd catch yourself glancing at him and at his thick thighs. He sported a black, graphic t-shirt with ripped jeans that made his legs look so good. He looked so good. Your mind would drift off to different places, bad places that made your own thighs rub together to ease your heat.
You certainly didn't pay much attention to the professor this time around. Much too distracted by the living greek-god that was sitting next to you. Which sucks because now you have to use your textbooks and write down the notes you missed. You sigh, walking back to your dorm to take a small nap before your next seminar. You needed one to calm your nerves and try to get rid of any thoughts of byeongkwan.
"Hey, wait!"
You turn to the voice and see Byeongkwan jogging up to you. You can feel your heart begin to race and you wonder how you've managed to attract him to you twice. "Uh, yes?" You ask meekly. He smiles and holds out a notebook towards you. Not any notebook, your notebook.
"You left this back in class," he hands it to you and you take it. Looking at your notebook and back at him, "you left in such a rush that you forgot it."
"Oh.." You say shyly, nodding your head, “sorry for making you come all this way."
"No need to, I'm heading up this way anyways but I saw you and thought it'd be better to give it to you now than our next class," Byeongkwan shrugs, and you can't help but mentally moan at the sound of his smooth voice.
"Thank you," you blush, holding the notebook against your chest now.
"Mind if I ask why you were in such a rush?" He questions, an eyebrow raised and you almost gulp when someone interrupts your conversation.
"Kwan-oppa!" A girl comes up to Byeongkwan and engulfs him in a hug. He stumbles back a bit but pats her back. She pulls back and gives him a peck in the cheek. He smiles awkwardly and you look away, contemplating whether to leave or not.
"Hi, Minhee," he says and she smiles.
"How are you oppa?" She asks cutely, grabbing onto his arm and you want to throw up at the use of her aegyo, "are you going to Junhee-oppa's party on Saturday?"
"Of course, how can I not? He's my best friend." He jokes and she giggles at his reaction. You slowly start to back away when Byeongkwan notices you again.
"Are you going Y/N?"
"Y/N?" Minhee asks confused before she sees you and raises an eyebrow, “who is she?"
"Ah Minhee, meet Y/N," Byeongkwan introduces you two. You're completely surprised that he knows your name, "she's in my E-LIT class."
"Nice to meet you," you say, but she eyes you before glancing at Byeongkwan. She returns her gaze to you and a fake smile plasters on her face. "Nice to meet you too. Wow, you are so pretty!"
"Thanks?" You say, unsure. He smiles before asking you again, "you're going to Junhee's party right?"
"Ah, no.. I don't really know him."
"Aw well that's too bad, isn't it oppa?" She fakes a pout and you mentally glare at her.
"Yeah," he actually frowns but then a smile plasters on his face, “you should come, I'll personally invite you."
"O-Oh, you don't have to-"
"Please, be my guest," Byeongkwan insists nicely and you can't help but melt inside. "Okay.."
"Great!" He grins, turning to Minhee, "right? Everything works out!"
"Yep," She smiles painfully but then she wraps her arm around his causing you to clench the notebook in your hands.
"So I'll see you Saturday?" He asks and you can't help but nod, "good! Bye Y/N!"
"Bye-" Before you can finish, Minhee drags your crush out of there and you're left speechless.
What did you just get yourself into?
"He really invited you?" Your best friend Seulgi, exclaimed. You nodded sheepishly and she squealed in delight, “and you're going, right?"
"Ah, I don't know Seulgi.."
"What?" She frowns, confused now, “your living wet dream just invited you to a party where you just might get some action and you're going to turn it down?" You quickly cover her mouth and hush her, embarrassed at the dirty but truthful words.
"I just don't think I should go," you simply shrug, "I won't know anyone there or have anyone to talk to."
"Hey, I'll be there." She protests and you roll your eyes at her, “you'll also be making out with Donghun by the end of the night." She blushes at your retaliation. Donghun and her are currently a thing. Not sure what kind, whether they're talking, friends with benefits or anything.. But you don't question her because it's really none of your business.
"Please Y/N," Seulgi whines and tugs at your arm. You shrug her off but she wraps her arms around you and attempts to use her aegyo on you.
"Okay! Okay!" You scrunch up your nose, pulling her off of you, “anything to stop that wretched noise."
She laughs, smacking you on the shoulder slightly. "Besides," she smirks, "if byeongkwan is there, I'm sure you won't be doing any talking." She wiggles her eyebrows which makes you gasp in embarrassment and throw a pillow at her.
It's friday afternoon now, you're in the campus library trying to write down the notes you missed in class. You're trying your best to make sense of the notes but your mind keeps drifting off to byeongkwan. His delicious body, his sweet lips, his strong arms and legs-
You groan a bit too loudly and a bunch of students shush you. You shrink in your chair and mumble an apology. You shake your head and try avoid those thoughts. Maybe you needed a break. You'd been here for almost an hour and you hadn't even had dinner yet. Getting up quietly, you saunter outside the library to find a vending machine to ease your growling stomach. You see one at the end of the hall and immediately jog to it.
Pressing the button for an energy bar, it comes as a total of one dollar. In hopes of having money, you try to fish out a dollar from your bag. You bite your lip and mentally groan when you realize you left your wallet at your dorm. A hand places a bill inside the vending machine, making you look up at the person.
"Byeongkwan," your eyes widen, "h-hi."
"Hi Y/N," he sweetly smiles, leaning down and picking up the energy bar before handing it to you, “in need of a snack?"
"Oh yeah.. Thank you, you didn't have to do that though," you blush.
"Don't mention it," he chuckles, shaking his hair lightly into place and you wish you could run your hands through it, “what are you up to?"
"Studying," you say and glance at his attire quickly. He looks good, per usual. This time sporting a long sleeve and a pair of basketball shorts that give you a look of his muscular legs, "for E-LIT.. Missed some notes."
Okay good, you're finally acting normal.
"Oh really?" He asks. “Well, if you want you can borrow my notes."
"Really?" You raise your eyebrows. "I mean.. I wouldn't want to be a bother." He chuckles at your reaction before shaking his head. "Nonsense, you can ask for them whenever. I'll bring them to you the next time I see you, okay?"
"Okay.." You smile.
"Do you think I could get your number?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck and a tint of pink scattered across his cheeks, “so I can find you and lend you my notebook of course."
"O-Oh sure,” you stutter, pulling out your phone and handing it to him. He puts his number in and calls his phone. His phone starts to ring and he hangs up, handing back your phone.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow,” Byeongkwan grins but his statement throws you off.
"The party,” he suddenly winks, walking backwards. Finally remembering, you nod. He waves goodbye and you shyly do the same. When he finally is out of your sight, a sigh escapes you. Why, oh why is he so hot?
"I am so not wearing this," you screech, walking out of the bathroom, “not in a million years."
"Oh come Y/N! You look hot!" Seulgi whines. She thought it would be a good idea to pick your outfits. She chose to wear a grey, short and tight fitting dress that made her body look even better than it is. Meanwhile she chose to make you wear a white cropped v-neck shirt and a leather mini skirt that made you feel like a hooker.
"Yeah and I also look like I work at hooters," you cringe as you look at your outfit, "maybe this means I shouldn't go."
"L/N Y/N, you are going to that party even if I have to drag you there myself!” She threatens, slipping on her leather jacket over her dress.
"It's not like Byeongkwan will notice me anyways," you quietly mumble, playing with the end of your skirt, "he has so many girls pining after him, why would he want me?"
It was true. Every girl wanted to be with him, whether it meant a one night stand, a relationship or even a casual fuck. Why would he choose you when he could have someone as gorgeous and sexy as Minhee?
"You're beautiful Y/N, you are the most amazing and hottest girl on campus," Seulgi frowns at your words, "anyone would be lucky to be with you.. even byeongkwan."
Her words cause you to smile and you shove her away playfully. "Fine, you cheesy person.” She cheers but you cut her off, "only if I choose what to wear." Seulgi pouts but nods her head and you head back into your closet to pick your outfit.
Settling for a graphic tee and high waisted jean shorts with some high heeled boots, you apply a bit more make-up than usual and Seulgi curls your hair the way you liked. You smile at the results and you feel a bit more relaxed.
You both decide to leave an hour later. The house the party is at is huge, possibly hundreds of people scattered all across the house and more entering the front door. The place is booming with loud music inside and hollering from the already drunk people. Your mind starts to drift to him and you begin to really think about running away now. Far, far away from here when suddenly, you feel a buzz in your pocket.
Pulling out your phone, your eyes widen at the text.
unknown: hey it's byeongkwan.. here yet?
You bite your lip, quickly typing up a response.
you: just got here.
"Let's go have some fun!" Seulgi exclaims and drags you inside the party. The scent of booze, humidity and peer-pressure hits you all at once when you enter the place. You look around, noticing everyone's attire and instantly regret changing into other clothes. Every girl here is dressed to impress in their sexiest clothes while you're rather casual. Most of them look at you strangely but you focus your attention back at Seulgi and how she immediately heads to the refreshments table in the kitchen.
"Want a shot? Tequila or vodka?" She asks, serving herself a drink.
"I think I'll just start off with a beer," you shake your head and she boos at your choice but hands you a cup anyways. You take a sip of your cup, pulling out your phone to see if you have any more messages.
bk: where are you right now?
You hold back a smile and respond back.
you: kitchen.
"God Y/N, leave your phone alone for one second and enjoy the party!" She groans, pulling your attention away from your device and pulls you into the living room. You're greeted by none other than Donghun and another tall guy with white, shaggy hair. Seulgi immediately blushes and smiles at them, but more towards her lover.
"Hi guys," Donghun grins, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "when you'd get here?"
"About 5 minutes ago,” she smiles flirtatiously.
"Only five minutes in and already drinking? Wow, you sure haven't changed Seulgi,” the stranger jokes, causing Seulgi to gasp and push his shoulder lightly.
"Oh shut up Junhee!” So this was the Junhee.
"Anyways this is Y/N, my friend,” Seulgi introduces you to him and he smiles, waving a hand at you.
"Nice to meet you," Junhee grins, "BK invited you right?"
"Uh, yeah.." you say shyly.
"He made it pretty clear he did," he chuckles, "you guys close?"
"No, not really.. Why?"
"No reason, he just kept talking about you these past few days,” he smirks. Seulgi gives you a knowing look and you lightly elbow her.
"Must be because we have class together.."
"We have class together too.." Donghun grins, pulling Seulgi closer, “don’t we Seulgi?"
"I bet she still doesn't pay attention though," Junhee mocks, causing her to curse at him, “she used to make me help her in math, like all the time."
The conversation keeps going but rather than listening, you quietly check your phone.
bk: where are you now? seems like i'm on a scavenger hunt.
You giggle at his remark and type away.
you: living room.
You look up again and continue to listen to their conversation but get bored quickly. You simply look around and watch as different people dance, drink, make-out with others and just conversate. You take a sip of your drink and notice that you ran out.
"I'm going to get another drink,” you say to Seulgi and she nods, averting her gaze back to Donghun. You roll your eyes and head back to kitchen. After serving yourself another cup of the booze, you check your phone but you're disappointed to see that Byeongkwan hadn't replied. Frowning, you take a another sip and shrug, making your way back to Seulgi. You look around for her but she isn't anywhere in sight.
"Great," you mumble, all alone now, "why am I not surprised."
You wonder if maybe you should leave. Seulgi is off with her boy toy while Byeongkwan seems to be busy. Plus you knew nobody here. So what was the point? You sigh, deciding that if you're going to be here, might as well explore the place. You walk past the crowd of teens on the dance floor and into a semi-empty hallway. This place was most definitely huge. Is this a fraternity house? You notice a plaque on the wall that say Kappa Phi Stigma.
You continue to walk until you reach a staircase and decide to climb it. Looking at all the different medals and certificates on the walls distracts you that you nearly bump into a couple making out. You spurt out an apology and quickly run up the stairs in embarrassment when you feel to need to pee.
"Oh great,” you say, looking at all the different doors and trying to open a few but sadly, they're all locked. You go for the door at the end of the hall and mentally cheer as the knob turns all the way. You practically burst in but stop in place when you see Byeongkwan sitting on the toilet seat and Minhee on his lap. They both stare at you, a look of annoyance on Minhee's face while Byeongkwan looks surprised with a hint of guilt. You stand there for a few seconds, shocked before you snap out of it.
"S-Sorry,” you apologize quickly, trying to get away as fast as possible.
"Wait Y/N!" Byeongkwan calls but you slam the door shut.
You run to the first door you can and luckily it's unlocked. Closing the door behind you, you lock it and lean against the door quietly. You hear the bathroom door open and Minhee calls out Byeongkwan’s name before the door slams shut once again. You hear loud footsteps pass your door and you hold your breath. When the footsteps fade away and you assume that he's gone, you slide down the door and let a few angry tears fall.
You were right. Of course he wouldn't want to be with someone like you. Someone as boring looking as you were no match to the extravagant Minhee, or any other girl here. You were simply Y/N to him, the boring girl from his English class and that's all you'd ever be. You sniff and wipe away your tears but more fall down.
You don't know how long you sit in the room. Possibly an hour has passed and you still sit in the same spot. You can hear the music booming from downstairs but your head feels numb and all you want to do is leave. You get up from your spot on the floor, taking a big gulp from your neglected cup and wipe under your eyes. You check yourself in the nearby mirror of the college boy who sleeps here and make sure you look decent enough.
Opening the door quietly, you look out to make sure no one is there and walk out the room. You head downstairs, in hopes of finding Seulgi and getting the hell out of there. You sneak past a bunch of people, avoiding all the couples and try to find Seulgi. You look around, seeing unfamiliar faces when you catch Byeongkwan’s gaze across the living room and your eyes widen. "Y/N!" You turn around and try to make a run for it. But suddenly, you're blocked by all the dancing lunatics and curse yourself for coming here in the first place.
You see an opening in between a group and you try to make your way through when a hand grabs your arm. Spinning you around, you make eye-contact with Byeongkwan. Your eyes are wide while his are frantic. Despite the situation, he still look so dämn attractive. He has on a graphic tshirt, with a backwards dad-hat and a pair of black jeans.
"Can I talk to you?" Byeongkwan pleads, “privately?"
You're not sure why but you feel yourself nodding and he visibly sighs in relief. Rather than letting you go, he holds on your hand instead, pulls you out of the living room and back upstairs. You're climbing up the stairs and it's like you're living a dream, despite the circumstances. He heads into a room, not the one you were pathetically crying in earlier luckily, and closes the door behind him.
You stand there awkwardly, looking around and notice that this is his room. His room is rather nice for a college boy. A clean, well made bed with a few pieces of furniture and posters around. A picture frame on his nightstand of himself and his fraternity brothers. You divert you gaze back at him and notice his distressed state.
"Look, I know what you saw out there but it wasn't what it looked like. I wasn't hooking up with Minhee. We were just talking but she suddenly came onto me and I had no idea what to do," he explains, and you're surprised as to why he's doing this, “then you came in and ran away before I could explain myself."
"Oh," you utter quietly, biting your lip, "why are you telling me this though?"
"Because you didn't let me tell you before-"
"I know that," you interrupt, “but you don't need to explain yourself.. We're not dating or anything."
"Well yeah," he frowns at the floor and you don't know if you should have said that, “but I-I just.."
He looks hurt at your words and suddenly, it seems to all click. All the helping, the talking, the texts, it all pops up into your head.
"Do you like me Byeongkwan?" His head looks up and he seems shocked.
"How'd you know?"
"Do you?" You ask again, walking towards him. He nods shyly, his cheeks starting to blush and you smile.
"I like you too." You confess, and his eyes widen. "You do..?" You nod and now you're in front of him.
"I actually like you a lot,” you whisper, looking up at him. He looks down at your lips and back at your eyes. He seems to be battling with himself internally so you decide to take initiative and press your lips against his. His lips are smooth and plush against your own. Your mouth moves slowly against his and you wrap your arms around his neck. You feel his hands snake around your waist and he pulls you into him. Licking his bottom lip, you are granted with access as he tries to dominate your mouth with his tongue causing you to moan.
He kisses you skillfully and you feel like you're flying. He slips his hands under you shirt and grips your bare waist before moving them behind your thighs, picking you up with ease. You wrap your legs around his waist and he leans you both against a wall. You continue to kiss each other for a few more moments when he pulls away and begins to kiss down your neck.
He nips at the flesh and it makes you moan softly. "Kwannie," you sigh and he hums against your neck, adding a few lovebites on it. He continues to kiss down your neck to your collarbones and back up before meeting your lips again. You kiss back with passion and bite his lower lip which makes the most delicious sound come from him.
He finally moves back and takes you to his bed, dropping you carefully on it. You kiss without stopping as he leans over you. You pull him as close as possible, accidentally tip the hat off his head and run your fingers through his soft locks. You feel his fingers dance up your thighs and instinctively, you grind against the now forming bulge in his pants. He moans in your mouth and you love the sound so much that you do it again. You move your hips upwards and he groans some more. He begins to grind his bulge against your clothed heat and it flicks against your clit deliciously.
"Fuck Y/N," byeongkwan pulls away and you take the moment to push him onto the bed and straddle him. You start to grind against him again, loving every single noise that slips from him and how it stimulates your heat. His head tips back and he grabs your hips, guiding you back and forth. You moan as the zipper of his jeans rubs against your heat and bite your lip.
He tugs at the hem of your shirt and you pull it over your head, your lace bra in display. You lean back down and go back to kissing his sweet lips. His mouth moves against yours perfectly and he suddenly sits up. He pulls away briefly, pulling on the collar of his shirt before tugging up and removing it in one go. His pale, hard abs come into view and you practically drool. "God, you're so hot,” you mumble out and he grabs your chin before attacking your mouth. You tangle your hands in his hair once again and he unbuttons your jean shorts. Before he can unzip, you pull away and take his hands off of you.
"Something wrong?" He asks, worried. His lips are red and plump, hair all messed up and there's a hint of sheen on his body. He looks absolutely ravishing and you can't help but lick your lips.
"No," you shake your head, "I just want to suck your dick first."
"Fuck," he mutters and quickly unbuckles his belt. You help him out by unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. He pulls down his pants, kicking them off and you see the bulge in his boxers. You lean down, mouthing at his clothed manhood and Byeongkwan moans out. You continue to lick and suck at it before looking up at him, who looks already out of breath. You pull away and finally stick your fingers underneath the band. Pulling down all the way, his dick smacks against his stomach and you can't wait to have it in your mouth.
He's long and hard, with a nice red tip. His girth is so thick that you wonder what isn't thick about this man. You move down his thighs before wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock. You lick at the tip, making sure to keep eye-contact with him. He softly moans out as you lick up a long stripe from his balls to his tip. You carefully suck at the tip, running your tongue around it. His thighs clench at the stimulation and you feel yourself get wetter and wetter. Slowly, you move down and take him in bit by bit. You bob your head up and down, making sure to see his reactions. You suck harder which makes him moan.
"Jesus you suck my cock so good,” he moans out, his eyes squeezed shut and you hum a thank you. His fingers tangle in your hair, “taking my dick so well baby."
His words go straight to your heat, dampening your already wet panties some more. You continue to suck him, running your tongue all around him and deep-throating him whenever you could. You bring one hand down to his balls and massage them which makes him grip your hair.
"Yes baby, fuck,” Byeongkwan groans, his other hand clutching the sheets, “you’re going to make me cum if you keep doing that."
You pull away at that and Byeongkwan tries to catch his breath. You wipe at your mouth and he instantly kisses you. His hands go behind your back to your bra and he skillfully unclips it. You pull the material off your chest and his lips latch on one of your perky nipples.
"Byeongkwan,” you moan out, tugging at his blonde strands. He licks and nibbles on one before moving to the other. He uses a hand to massage your other brëast so it doesn't feel neglected and you let out breathy moans. He smiles at your reaction and pulls away. He pecks your lips softly before turning you over and laying you down.
Pulling down your shorts, he drags your ruined panties with them and licks at two of his fingers. He instantly rubs your clit softly with them, causing you to moan loudly. You whimper at his touch and try to close your legs from the stimulation but he pries your legs apart. He dips a finger inside and you moan out as he pumps it in and out of you.
"Oh god,” you moan out, clutching the sheets underneath you. He slips another finger in and picks up speed. Your curls start to curl at the pleasure and he smirks. He pulls out suddenly which you're about to protest at but then he puts his fingers in his mouth. He closes his eyes and moans at the taste. It is the hottest thing you have ever seen and it makes you heat ache even more.
"You taste absolutely delicious,” he winks at you. You would ask to have more foreplay with any other partner but you can't help but want him already. You dreamt of this for the longest that if you don't have him now, you just might die.
"Fuck me,” you whisper and his eyes darken.
"That's what my baby wants?" He questions, his voice dropping down an octave or two. You nod and he tsks, "I need to hear you beg."
"Please fuck me kwan,” you whimper, “I need you so bad. I need your dick inside of me."
He growls at your words and leans over to kiss you. You moan against his mouth and run your hand down to massage his length. He tugs down his boxers all the way and leans over to find a condom inside his drawer. You grab his hand and shake your head.
"I'm on the pill.." he nods and pecks your lips before getting into position.
He sits on the back of his thick thighs and grabs himself from the base leading his length to your entrance. He teases you slightly by rubbing his tip against your clit and you whine. He bites his lip as he begins to push in and you whimper at the fullness you begin to feel. Byeongkwan moans out as you wrap around him tightly and you've never felt so full in your life.
When he's finally all the way in, he leans back over you and slowly begins to move his hips. You look into each other's eyes and he looks absolutely breathtaking.
"You're so fucking tight," he groans, slowly but surely picking up speed. You clutch at his back, whimpers escaping your lips, “so fucking good."
"Byeongkwan," you gasp out, wrapping your legs around his waist, "faster, please."
He kisses your lips, pumping into you much faster now. The bed begins to creak and you can feel the way his thick cock moves inside of you. You're moaning loudly now but you could care less about anyone hearing you. All you care about is how good he is fucking you.
"Oh god Y/N," he groans out, thrusting hard. "your pussy was made for me, goddamn."
You moan out as he pounds into you, his balls smacking against your ass with each thrust. He slows down his pace all of a sudden and grinds into you in slow circles that have you seeing stars. Now you know why all these girls talk about him so much, because he really was a sex god in bed. He pumps back hard into before returning to the grinding and you feel overwhelming pleasure. He is doing you so good that you don't know if you've ever felt this good.
"Yes kwannie, oh fuck,” you manage to gasp out. "ngh-"
He continues to fuck into you, grabbing your breasts and kneading them. He places kisses all over your neck and it all feels so good that you could cry. The pleasure builds up and you can feel yourself climbing up the ladder to your climax. As if sensing this, he licks his thumb and begins to rub your clit. You hiss at the contact as he nearly brings you there.
"You wanna cum babe?" Byeongkwan asks, thrusting into you with every word, "cum for me Y/N, cum all over my cock."
You're so close that you can taste it and as he starts to apply more pressure onto your heat, you're put over the edge. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck-" you whimper, your eyes squeezing shut and your back arches from the bed as your orgasm hits you. Your legs shake from how hard you come and you feel it in waves. Byeongkwan moves slowly to help out your high before he stops and lets you catch your breath.
He pulls out suddenly, and quickly turns you over, on your hands and knees. He gets into position behind you before pushing back into you. He moves slowly, then returns to his usual pounding that makes you whine from the oversensitivity but there is a tinge of pleasure in it. You can no longer feel your arms or legs, your body way too overwhelmed from all the pleasure. His thrusts become erratic and you know he's close by how loudly he's moaning.
You take all the energy you have left to prop yourself up until your back meets his chest and you wrap your left arm around his neck. He kisses your lips passionately before moving down your neck. He fumbles with your breast, trying to chase after his high. You moan out to him and nibbles on your shoulder.
"Cum for me ‘kwan,” you purr in his ear, "cum inside of me baby."
"F-Fuck, I'm so close," Byeongkwan stammers, his thick thighs smacking against your ass.
"Come on baby," you coo. "fill me up."
He pounds into you faster than ever before he reaches his end and he comes in a long, loud moan. He holds onto you strongly, his hips pushed against your ass hard. His eyes are squeezed shut and you have never seen someone so beautiful. He pumps into you slowly, riding out his high and comes to a halt. He slumps against your shoulder and you both try to catch your breath.
Sweat covers the both of you and you feel exhausted. He kisses your shoulder after a few moments and you take that as a cue to lay down in the bed. He stands up, grabbing a small towel from his closet and wipes his release away that now runs down your thighs. After disposing of it, he crashes next to you and for some reason, you feel at peace. Byeongkwan pulls you towards him and you rest your head on his chest, looking up at him.
"You were amazing,” he tiredly smiles, petting your tangled hair.
"You weren't so bad yourself,” you joke, looking down and running your finger in circles on his chest. He watches your movements before he grabs onto your hand and intertwines your fingers together. You look as he raises them and kisses the back of your hand.
"I hope you know this means you're my girl," byeongkwan grins, and you blush, "that is, if you want to be?"
"I'd love to,” you smile back and he pecks your lips softly. He suddenly smacks your butt playfully and wraps his arms around you.
"Rest up champ,“ he smirks, "we're going to need all the energy we can for round two tomorrow."
a/n: I made this on wattpad like 3 years ago and ive clearly updated it to his current name but if you see jason lol sorry im fucking blind
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whattodowithace · 4 years ago
My Diamond in Red; The Rival’s Prize (Donghun)
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Title: My Diamond in Red; The Rival’s Prize
Pairing: Donghun (A.C.E) x Reader
Genre: Action, spice, thieves AU.
Word count: 3693
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
A/N: After reviving some sweet requests for a Part II for My Diamond in Red, here it is! I hope you all enjoy! ~Ju
I zipped up my jacket as a shiver ran down my spine from the rain that was starting to fall down around our van. It hit the roof of the van with several hard splats, making it impossible to hear much of anything outside the van.
“We’re really doing this?” Changmin asked, his eyes full of excitement, but also slight hesitation due to us pulling off a robbery last minute.
I smile up at him, a slight sting on my neck reminding me of an earlier run in with a rival a few hours ago. The party had long since ended, the guests clearing out as the staff started cleaning up the mansion before getting ready to leave themselves. My black dress hung up in one corner of the van. I had changed out of my red, form fitting dress into a black outfit that hid me with the dark shadows the night casts. The only thing giving me away was the street lights and the half moon in the sky.
“We’re really doing this.” I answer, excitement filling me. “We’ll have our diamonds in just a few minutes. Once Ara is all done filling hacking into the computer system to shut it down.”
“You know this guy is a real idiot.” Ara piped up from the back of the van. “He basically asks for these diamonds to be stolen. His security system isn’t worth two cents.”
“I worry about that.” Daejung says, his voice low as he sits in the drivers seat now, his eyes scanning the rain stained road in front of him.
“He knows how expensive those diamonds are and yet his security system is poor. Why leave your defenses down like that?” He asks, glancing back at us three.
“He’s rich.” I answer him, shrugging. “He probably feels he can afford more if they ever are stolen. You saw his mansion. He had more artifacts in there than just the diamonds.”
Daejung grumbles under his breath and keeps watching the road. We had parked a few blocks away from the mansion, far enough they wouldn’t see us, but far enough we could see them.
“There’s another worry we should be thinking about.” Changmin whines. “A.C.E showed up before us. Which means they have a plan.”
I rest my head against the vans wall, my neck and thigh throbbing from encountering their leader, Donghun, earlier. My face immediately heats up when I remember his lips on mine and how strangely good it felt to be close to him. Even though we were all rivals.
Daejung looks at me, his dark eyes examining me, only making me feel warmer. I knew what he was thinking. He didn’t have to say it. He was wondering if I could complete this mission after everything that had happened. If my mind would be clear enough.
“So what if they are here?” I speak up, making all eyes fall on me. “We’ve stolen from them before and we’ll do it again. It’s no big deal.” They stay silent, as if trying to decide if I really meant my words.
“I’m fine.” I sigh, silencing their quiet doubts.  “Let’s suit up. We have to leave in 10 minutes.”  I say, changing the topic all together.
Ara puts our mics in our ears and any tools we may need into the several pockets littered through our dark clothing.
“The camera’s are off so they won’t see your face, but keep your hood up.” She tells us sternly, turning back to her laptop. “Also make sure you spray around the room once your inside. I don’t know if the old man wised up to turn on some kind of alarm system. And if he did you may not be able to see any laser beams that will sense your motion.”
We both nod, listening despite knowing all this. You never could get cocky in this business. We had seen too many thieves loose their freedom due to getting too smart, thinking they wouldn’t get caught. That ended in their downfall, making us vow to always be careful.
I clap my hand on Changmins shoulder, smiling widely. “You ready?”
Changmin pulls his hood over his eyes and gives me a thumbs up, a bright smile on his face. “Ready Freddie!” He beams, making me laugh. Excitement washing over me at the prize just before us.
Changmin opens the doors to the vans quickly when a loud thump comes from one of the doors hitting something.
“The living heck!” A male voice curses from behind the door. Making my heart sink. “You hit me!” Seyoon whines, rubbing his nose feverishly.
Changmin narrows his eyes at him, “Well maybe if your face wasn’t so big I wouldn’t have hit it, dummy.”
“You’re the one that opened the door like a demon was chasing you!” Another member, Jun, says from around the van.
“You shouldn’t be snooping around our van!” Ara yells, standing up from her place.
“Ara, shut up.” Daejung warns, his voice low as his eyes narrow at the members of A.C.E.
I grab the back of Changmins shirt and pull him back, “China can hear you idiots.” I snarl.
“How about you all be quiet and get in the van?” Another voice pipes up. Making my heart skid.
Donghun shoves Jun and Seyoon inside the van with us. All of us squished up along the walls as we stand inside. All of us wearing similar black outfit attire.
Donghun gave me a sideways glance, our eyes locking for a moment before he looked away. Rain water dripping down his hair and onto the floor. Making it slick.
“I hate saying this,” Donghun grumbled. “But I think we need to work together on this project.”
I hear the rest of my team scoff at the idea. “We are not pairing up with you.” Ara snaps, crossing her arms over her chest.
“It’s not exactly a happy thought for us either, sweetheart.” Jun snaps back, making them both glare at each other.
“The diamonds have been moved.” Donghun announces. Making everyone turn their attention to him, shocked. I feel my own jaw go lax.
“How would you know that?” Daejung asks quietly, eyeing Donghun carefully.
“Because we were smart enough to be waiters at the party.” He snaps back. “Byeongkwan saw them move it. The old man decided he was too tired to move tonight.”
“Which means?” I ask, my chest tightening.
“The old man moved them into his bedroom. He decided to sleep in the same room as them to keep them safe.” Donghun admits.
“And i I want her to help me get the diamonds.” Donghun states boldly. Making my body heat up.
“Why?” Daejung asks, defensive.
“Because we want that diamond you stole from us.” Jun pipes up. “The one in Chicago four years ago we had until you took it.”
“And me and her can work together on this one to be faster.” Donghun added.
Donghun wasn’t just the leader. He was fast at getting in and out of tight places like this. He was fast at shutting down security and taking whatever it was someone loved most out from under them. Donghun knew how to break security. I knew how to charm someone into letting their guard down, but I also knew how to get us out of there. I memorized every possible exit and curve and dip to every heist we did in the past.
I let out a laugh, raking a hand through my hair in frustration.
“We don’t have it!” Ara yells.
“If we help you, will you stay clear of us?” I ask quietly.
Donghun stares at me, his eyes meeting mine. A gleam of sadness shines in his dark doe eyes, making me feel a twinge of guilt.
“Promise me, you will leave if I help you?” I ask him. I wasn’t addressing his crew, I wasn’t addressing mine. I was only asking him.
I wanted him to leave because no thieves could ever be together like how he wanted us. It was too dangerous. I wanted him to forget me, and me him.
“We split the diamonds, we give you back yours from four years ago, then you leave.” I tell him more sternly. Trying to keep the shake out of my voice. “Promise me?”
Donghun stares down at me, his eyes searching mine as if he would find a joke hidden behind them. But I wasn’t.
“I promise.” He says quietly, looking away from me.
We were in. The cameras off thanks to Ara, the house quiet as its inhabitants slept peacefully unaware.
Me and Donghun stand on the balcony connected to the old mans room. Heavy rain still beating on us and drenching us the longer we stood there motionless. It was safer than walking through the front door. Which Donghun had recklessly suggested we do since cameras were off.
He grumbled as he climbed the rope up to the balcony, letting out a quiet hiss once his feet hit the concrete.
“I hate this.” Donghun whispers. Shooting me a glare as I press my back against the wall to check into the sliding glass door.
“You wanted my help.” I remind him, not meeting his eyes.
I jump when I feel warm breath on my neck, making me come face to face with him. Rain water drips down his face and onto my own.
“Did you really mean what you said back there?” He asked quietly. “About not wanting to see me again.”
I sigh and rub my temple, thankful the heavy rain drowned out our hushed voices. “Donghun, now isn’t the time.” I tell him.
“Just answer the dang question.” Donghun growls, frustration lacing his words. “Do you really not want to see me again? Because with how you kissed me back on the balcony your actions said otherwise.”
I glare at him, “I tricked you on the balcony. You could hardly stand.” 
Donghun narrows his eyes at me, “You still kissed me back.” He snaps.
I stare at him a moment, my heart lurching in my chest. “Donghun, this would never work. Thieves don’t have a romantic relationship for a reason.”
Donghun’s eyes lose their fire and sadden a bit. The heavy rain only adding to his wounded look. “What if I wanted to break those rules?”
I feel my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. We had always been rivals but there was always an undeniable pull between me and Donghun. The team always teased me about having a soft spot for him, and I always denied it. But deep down, I knew they were right.
“Just get us inside.” I tell him briskly. Desperate to change the subject.
Donghun looks me over for a moment before sighing heavily and working on unlocking the door. His fingers would steadily as he slowly picks at the lock, careful not to jostle the handle too much.
A silent click is heard from over the rain, signaling we were in. Despite the tense circumstances, I couldn’t help but bite my lip in excitement. There was a thrill that came with this job, the thrill of adrenaline that pumped through you and made your fingers itch. It was a thrill we all lived for.
Donghun pushes the door open slowly, peaking inside. In the center of the room was a king sized bed with lush carpet covering the room. In the bed was a small still form. His breathing steady as soft snores escaped his mouth.
“At least the old guy sleeps soundly.” Donghun mumbles under his breath.
I let out a soft chuckle, but quickly silence it. Not wanting to joke with him as much as possible to avoid contact. Donghun slips inside first, his movements slow as the darkness of the room engulfs him. I follow close behind him.
I hold my breath slightly once inside. Even the drops of rain from our clothing that hit the carpet seemed loud. But the old mans snoring never stopped as we made our way to the glass case that held the diamonds.
I smile, thrilled to see them again. My fingers itching to touch them and show them to the rest of my team.
“We don’t have them yet.” Donghun whispers in my ear. His breath fanning against my cheek and neck.
I nod and watch the old man a moment, making sure he wasn’t awake while Donghun knelt down to disarm the alarm system inside the case. I stay silent as he works, not wanting to break his concentration. The only sound filling the room was deep breathing and soft snores from the bed and gentle rain hitting the roof and windows.
Donghun taps my leg, making me bend down to his level so he could whisper in my ear. “I can’t disarm the censor that the necklace is resting on. We need something to replace it with so the alarm won’t go off.”
I nod my head and look around the room. Looking for something not too heavy, but not too light. My eyes land on a small deceptive vase in one corner of the room. I crawl my way over to it and gently pick it up to bring it back to where Donghun was.
I hand him the vase, my job coming up. Donghuns gloved fingers brush mine, making me pull away from him quickly. He grabs my wrist, however, and intertwines our fingers together until their linked.
I feel a shiver go down my spine as Donghun leans in toward me, his face inches from mine. “I don’t think you want me to leave.” He whispers. Not bothering to hide the smirk in his voice.
I can barely make out his features in the dark but there’s enough glow from the moon outside that I can see his eyes.
“You have the worst timing.” I hiss at him, but I don’t pull my hand away from being linked with his.
“It’s just us, princess.” Donghun smirks, “You don’t have to be shy.”
“Donghun.” I warn, heat rising through my body like fire.
Donghun’s face is close enough that I can feel his breath across my lips, his nose brushing mine gently. “Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop.” He whispers.
I bite my lip to keep from making a sound as his hand pulls me closer to him. “Tell me to stop. And once this heist is over I’ll leave you alone.”
His lips trace down my neck slowly where all the bruises he had left on me earlier had formed. I let out a shaky breath into his ear, making him let out a deep growl against my neck.
“Tell me to stop, princess.” Donghun whispers, placing a small bite on my jawline.
I rest my head against his shoulder, my head spinning and my heart pounding. Donghun pulls away from my neck and rests one hand against my cheek, making me eye level with him. Our lips only centimeters apart when a loud snore from the bed behind us makes us snap out of it.
“We’ll finish this later.” I promise him, making him let out a soft whine as I stand up slowly.
The alarm on the case was off, but we needed to lift it slowly to not move the necklace and trigger the censor. Donghun takes one end of the case and I take the other as we gently lift it. I hold my breath as it comes off, and I don’t exhale until it’s placed on the floor gently.
The diamonds sparkle in the soft light, making me smile at their beauty. Donghun stands behind me as he whispers, “I don’t think the vase will stay on the stand.”
I dig in my pocket and bring out a small stick with a silver wrapper on it. “It will if you chew on this for a minute.” I tell him.
Donghun chuckles softly as he pops the chewing gum into his mouth. I examine the stand the necklace rested on carefully while he chewed. The necklace was laid across a flat surface, in the center was a circular piece that that looked like glass. It was the censor. The center piece of the necklace, being the biggest diamond that dangled from the chain, rested on it.
Donghun takes the gum from his mouth to slide it underneath the vase, ensuring it will stick. I place my hands on the necklace gently, while Donghun stands ready with the vase to replace it.
Slowly, I start sliding the necklace away from the censor. Donghun follows the necklace closely with the vase, ensuring that pressure never left the censor. We hold our breath the entire pain staking process.
After what felt like an eternity later, the necklace is in my hands. I smile gleefully down at it, Donghun’s smile matching mine.
“Guys, get out of there.” Daejung’s voice says into my earpiece, startling me.
My heart immediately drops, “What happened?” I ask.
“You must have tripped an alarm. The cops are here. Hurry up.”
I stare at Donghun, he had an earpiece on like mine and heard the conversation. “I know I turned of the alarm to the case.” Donghun says defensively.
“It wasn’t the case.” I hiss, walking over to the door and kneeling down to let my hand run down the wooden frame. My fingers land on a small object just between the door and the frame. I let out a frustrated sigh. “He had a motion censor on the door. It’s silent and calls the cops as soon as anyone opens the door.”
Donghun let’s out a hushed curse. His eyes scanning the room. “Give me the diamonds.” Donghun says, holding his hand out to me.
“Why?” I hiss, clutching them tighter to my chest.
“Just... let me take them. We’re splitting them anyway and I don’t want you running off on me with them.”
I stare at him, not trusting him. Donghun must read my thoughts because he quickly adds, “I promise I won’t take off with them. But I have to have insurance you won’t run off.”
“Guys, hurry up! The cops are bringing out the K-9 units.” Changmin whines in our ear pieces.
“Please, princess.” Donghun begs quietly. His doe eyes holding my gaze.
I let out a frustrated growl and hand him the diamonds, a gleeful smile on his lips when the diamonds touch is hand. I grab Donghun’s other free hand and pull us out the bedroom door, we couldn’t leave the same way we came in. I pull him down the hall as silently as I could, a map of the mansion pulled up in my head.
I open a door at the end of the hall that I knew to be a empty guest room. I pull him inside quickly and go over to the window. It put us directly in line with the van that was only a few blocks down. I smile and open the window quickly, seeing Jun and Seyoon jump out of the van to help us out.
Blue and red lights flash on the other side of the house. From inside, I can hear the doorbell being rung multiple times, waking up the house. I quickly swing my legs through the window and jump down, Jun catching me and steading me as I stand on shaky legs. Donghun jumps down beside me.
I quickly start for the van, Changmin opening the door for me as I run up. His eyes darting around nervously. Donghun and the others on my heels.
I just get in the van when I hear Seyoon say behind me, “Wait I minute.” I turn around to see that Donghun had handed him the necklace. “These aren’t real.”
“What?” Donghun and Jun say in unison, quickly going to look more closely at the diamonds with Seyoon. I let out a dark chuckle, making Donghun meet my eyes. His eyes wide with shock, his jaw lax.
“See you around, sweetheart.” I wink at him before slamming the van door shut, Daejung immediately throwing the van into drive and driving down the road away from the flashing lights. I look out the window to see Donghun and the others racing to their van a few blocks away. All of them looking furious. I let out a laugh as I sit down on the vans floor and rest my head against the wall. Daejung drives quickly and soon we hit the Highway.
“Did you get them?” Changmin asks excitedly. His eyes sparkling.
I chuckle and pull out the red diamond necklace from under my shirt. I had swapped it out for a fake necklace when I went to check the bedroom door for a censor. Donghun never saw it coming.
“Of course, I got them.” I smile at him, making him and Ara squeal in excitement as they take the necklace from me.
“So we don’t have to give them anything? We don’t have to split this?” Ara gushes, her hands shaking in excitement as she runs her fingers along the red stones.
I giggle and shake my head. “We never were.” I tell her.
“This is why she’s our smooth talker.” Daejung calls from the drivers seat. “She makes people let down their guard. And she did it to A.C.E twice now.”
I take a deep breath and take the necklace from Ara, examining it in the light. It really was beautiful.
“Yeah, well, that’s not the last time we’ll see A.C.E. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of them.” I say quietly, smiling to myself.
Me and Donghun couldn’t be together how he thought of us being together. But we could always be rivals in this twisted game of cat and mouse we played with each other. Fooling each other, chasing, always playing for a checkmate. The K4 and A.C.E would always be competing for the best spot as thieves. But the prospect of seeing their leader again kept me looking forward to something until we met again.
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just-existing1 · 5 years ago
It’s His Mans
Pairing: Donghun x Reader
Summary: You and Donghun are watching your favorite show, accompanied by Byeongkwan, when a weird moment takes place. Donghun is more confused than ever before and won’t let you move on in the episode if don’t explain it to him.
Words: 883 words
A/N: I’m really into A.C.E and The Untamed recently and if you haven’t watched it or listened to A.C.E you definitely should. 
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A smile expands across your face as you watch the screen, curled into your boyfriend’s side. His arm was lazily draped across your waist, his breath tousling the top of your hair as his chest rose and fell. Your attention is focused as you hear footsteps coming down the hall and you hear a soft gasp and feel someone collapse onto the couch and your feet. You tug your feet most of the way out from under the under person, leaving your toes underneath their thighs to keep them nice and warm.
“Ooh, it’s about time fo-” You glare down at the person on your feet and Byeongkwan smiles sheepishly before turning his head back to the screen. You bite your lip as the group of people on the screen turn to see another young man walking up to them.
“OH MY GOSH IT’S HIS MANS!” You and Byeongkwan say in the moment and start laughing. The male on the screen is stone faced as he turns them away from his home even though it’s becoming night time. No invitation, no entrance; that’s what he keeps telling the other main character. The sounds from the television halt and you turn to your boyfriend, Donghun.
“Why did you pause it?” You question, reaching across him for the remote but he holds it away.
“No, no, no. What on Earth did I just witness?” Donghun’s voice is full of curiosity as he sits the remote down on the table beside the couch. You exchange knowing glances with Byeongkwan and Donghun removes his arm, pushing you into a sitting position, earning a grimace from you.
“Explain what you’re talking about or I won’t press play,” Donghun threatens and you make a sour face in his direction.
“It could ruin the show if I tell you,” You rebuttal, hoping that he’ll leave it at that, but Donghun shakes his head, steadfast on knowing the joke that Byeongkwan seems to be in on.
“Tell me or I’ll turn it off completely,” Donghun makes a grab for the remote, but you throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him and placing yourself in his lap, stalling all of his movements. Byeongkwan chuckles softly and gets up leaving back down the hallway he had emerged from.
“It’s simple really. I’ll give you an example: You’re my mans and he is his mans. Get it?” You hint at the true relationship between the characters on the screen and Donghun looks at you, confused.
“Wait… you mean… like that’s his boyfriend?” Donghun’s question is hesitant and you nod, smiling lightly before leaning in and kissing Donghun’s nose.
“Yes, they’re soulmates,” You let your eyes fall upon the screen one more time, taking in the scene. The first meeting of soulmates. You guessed it could differ for each set as the two on the screen would argue, bicker, and tease each other for almost half the show while you and Donghun had hit it off as soon as you had met.
“Okay… But, does that mean they end up together in the show?” Donghun pulls your attention physically as he uses his hands to make you face him once again. You shake your head and Donghun cocks his head to side, his brows furrowing in contemplation. You gaze at the man in your arms and lean in once again, this time kissing his lips softly. You pull away as you feel him smile against your lips and then reach for the remote.
“Wait,” Donghun grabs your hands, “How do you know that they’re soulmates if they don’t end up together?”
“Because, Love, they end up together in the book that it’s based off of. It’s called “Mo Dao Zu Shi”. They even end up hav-” Donghun places his hand over your mouth quickly and shakes his head vigorously.
“I don’t need to know about their bedroom stuff,” Donghun tells you rapidly and you laugh, the sound enticed by seeing the red slipping onto your boyfriend’s cheeks and also at how he knew what you were going to say before you had even finished the thought. You smirk sheepishly and press play, settling into Donghun’s chest this time around.
“Oh, it’s in the woods by the way. So, technically not bedroom stuff,” You whisper, trying to stop yourself from laughing. Suddenly you’re on the floor, laughter filling the space as Donghun hides his face from you.
“Oh my god, Y/N! Why? Why did you have to tell me that? Oh my… That’s so unsanitary. I can’t… I don’t think I can watch it anymore. I’ll never get it out of my head,” Donghun flails on the couch as you get into an upright position. Reaching out you restrain his limbs and smile as you make eye contact with him. He pouts and you lay your forehead against his.
“I love you,” You murmur, pressing your lips to his one more time before turning around and sitting against his legs, paying attention to the television as the soulmates fight over alcohol. Donghun slides down onto the floor behind you, taking you into his arms and let’s his chin rest on your shoulder.
“I love you too, by the way.” A soft kiss is placed on temple before he returns his chin to your shoulder.
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whattodowithace · 4 years ago
Umbrella (Byeongkwan)
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Title: Umbrella
Pairing: Byeongkwan x reader
Genre: Fluff; Slight Angst
Word count: 563 
Writer: Whattodowithkpop [Lio]
Summary: A small gesture such as an umbrella could say a lot, especially when it comes from Byeongkwan.
It was the witching hour as the moon shone above the city. Its nightlife unmatched as buildings shine like stars against the dark nighttime sky. It was Friday which meant there was still some hustle and bustle from the people who were off for the weekend.
Most places were closed at this time, but the bars were wide open and inviting, especially when it came to the brisk wind that came with autumn nights. One bar on the outskirts of the city was a little hole in the wall bar that many people flocked to on nights like these. However, tonight it had gone to the crickets. Only the small chirping of the small bugs was heard as only a few of the regulars drank to their hearts content.
Along with the autumn wind came a storm... and unexpected rain showers. This drove many customers away. The heavy downpour sounded against the windows, making it difficult to converse. The owner of the small bar sat at the register, her eyes drooping from boredom. She was used to busy nights, so the quiet ones made her unenthusiastic, and the rain didn't help much either.
She hoped the rain would let up by closing time, because she didn't bring an umbrella to shield her from the heavy raindrops. However, her hopes dashed as every hour came by and the rain continued without so much as a small decrease on intensity.
She checked the clock that hung over the beer coolers, seeing the clock hands indicate the bar's closing time had approached. She quickly got up to lock the door so she could close up without any unruly characters sneaking in to give her a hard time.
When the time came to leave and the rain was still prominent. She sighs as she turns to collect her belongings. She hears a knock on the window, making her roll her eyes.
"We're closed for the night!" She shouts over the rain.
"I think I may be an exception." She hears the familiar voice of her friend.
She runs to the door, opening it to let the dark haired male step into the warm room.
"Byeongkwan?" She smiles brightly at the sight of him. "What are you doing here?"
"I knew the weather wasn't going to let up." Byeongkwan explains as he pulls out an orange umbrella from his jacket. "So, I brought you an umbrella!"
I stare at him for a moment, my head tilted in confusion.
"Byeongkwan, your house is so far from here?"
Byeongkwan's face flushes, his eyes falling to the floor. "If you got wet, you'd get sick."
She walks up to him to wrap her arms around his neck, leaning up to him to hug him tightly.
"Byeongkwan, you're the best!" She releases him and takes the umbrella. "I'll walk you home, since you're on my way."
Byeongkwan followers her out of the bar, sticking close to her to stay under the umbrella as they walked. He knew she didn't see his hidden intention, it was clear by her casual attitude. But he didn't do this for her attention, he did it cause he truly worried for her. He hoped one day she would notice and return his feelings, but until then, he was going to take care of her down to the smallest details. Even something as small as an umbrella.
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