#World's finest 2.0
starberry-cupcake · 2 years
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world’s finest: baby fights
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valorianknights · 7 months
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I already showed @doverstar this, but I feel like I should share this with everyone else too!
I love our World's Finest, but hey, What about our favorite angsty doppelgangers?
World's Finest 2.0?
Red Daughter and Savitar hanging out, being besties is always a win.
It wouldn't hurt him to have more friends.
There's also some Caitlin and Winn hanging out, discussing the latest Doctor Who lore changes.
It's odd how Winn never met/interacted with Caitlin or Cisco in the show. LIKE WHAT? NOT IN MY BRAIN CAGE.
@boldlyshamlessfangirl, Check this out! Look at your Sweet Kasnian bean, she's making friends via shared Trauma 👍
And Winn is just geeking out with Caitlin about Doctor who 😂
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Ok but secretary Jim must think Joe 2.0 is the most dedicated stand in in the world. Like at first when khun Ming told him to pretend to be his ex he told him to go fk himself but after accepting the job he put his whole heart and soul into it. He went out of his way to act like Joe 1.0, even going as far as to get the same love rival (red kpop idol) chasing him so Khun Ming can get extra enrichment by re-engaging in familiar cat fights. And he didn't stop there- You'd think after the first Joe was confirmed dead he'd hit a block but no!!! he stepped up his game and added fantasy elements to their role playing by pretending to be Joe 1.0's soul in another body! And now he's so dedicated to it he's ready to jump out of a moving car!! Secretary Jim thinks that's too much craziness but at least khun Ming is obviously having fun pretending he has a second chance (which the new joe vehemently shuts down. Method acting at its finest) and being pathetic. They're screaming about sex positions! They're blocking the road! Secretary Jim watches them from the window of the car and has to applaud Joe's professionalism and dedication to the bit. He obviously was worth that 5 million and house. Best purchase khun Ming has ever made.
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violetsandfluff · 1 year
Can I have Shawn Mendes and Y/N with
Translation: fluff with fiancé!shawn with morning kisses on a date night/anniversary, “when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while…” and playing with each others’ hair.
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A/n: if it’s okay with you I’m going to make the special occasion Shawn’s birthday 🥰 thanks for utilizing my concept café!
A/n 2.0: I forgot to post this last week :| so oops
“Mmm, ten more minutes,” Shawn hummed with an adorably lopsided smile, his morning voice low and groggy, as he swatted your hand away from his head. With his eyes still closed against the early morning light, he pulled you close to his chest.
You felt his chest vibrate with the chuckle that escaped from his lips, causing you to giggle as you continued to pepper his face and neck with kisses. “I thought I told you to wake me up,” you reminded him, your eyebrows arched playfully.
“I thought you told me to sleep in as long as I wanted,” he retorted, adding, “Plus, it’s no fun if I don’t get to wake up to this pretty face.” He reached out and squished your face gently in his hands.
You squished his, too, not wanting him to get the final squish, and sank back into the pillows behind you as a contented blush flooded your cheeks.
Your fiancé shook his head playfully as he reached over your shoulder and tugged on your ponytail lightly. “If I could, I would drink that smile right off your mouth.”
Only one silent moment later your peace was disturbed by a persistent poking at your ribs. “Baby. Babe. Baby. YYYYY/NNNNN.”
“Look over there,” Shawn pointed, and like putty in his hands, your head swiveled right into his hands. Before you could think, your lips were being smothered in sloppy, affectionate kisses.
“Shawn.” you feigned annoyance at his behavior, but he responded only with a smirk and a shrug. “Baby, you have to let me get up and ready now since you were too busy obeying me to obey me.”
“Fine,” he replied, pouting slightly as he lifted up the covers to let you get up. “I’ll be in the studio until you’re ready for me. Gimme one last kiss before you go.”
You leaned down and wrapped an arm around his shoulders as you blessed his lips with a warm, heartfelt kiss. “Happy birthday, Shawnie.”
“One more,” he called just as you’d turned around. “I don’t think the last one took.”
You shook your head wordlessly as you leaned down to kiss his lips once again.
As soon as you pulled away, his mouth opened to ask for one more, but he stopped when he saw the expression on your face; eyebrows arched, lips pursed, adoring glitter dancing in your eyes.
“You… are… exasperating,” you mumbled between pecks.
The soft strumming of Shawn’s guitar drew you into his home studio once you’d finished putting together his last-minute birthday surprise.
He looked up when you entered the room, but didn’t stop playing, although the chords he strummed out changed ever so slightly. He began singing softly and sweetly as you squeezed into the bucket chair beside him. You recognized the song as the first song you had slow danced to as a couple.
“When you smile,” he began, “the whole world stops and stares for a while because you’re amazing just the way you are.”
“Aww,” you cooed, letting your head rest in the warm, smooth area between your fiancé’s neck and head, blinking fast and acting chipper to distract your eyes from welling up. “Good job, baby.”
A/n 2.1 i sat on how to end this for way too long, so my apologies if it was abrupt 🙃 it’s not my finest work but I haven’t written fanfiction in forever, so excuse the quality
taglist: @chocochipcookie305 @fishingirl12 @monikamendes @sonder444 @yournameoneverypage
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writergeekrhw · 2 years
Hey, hope you are well. I was wondering what you considered your finest contribution to the various shows you have worked on? The character/character moment/plot point/favourite line that, if someone invented a time machine and tried to go back and erase that specifically, you would end up fighting them on a rooftop in the rain to protect?
Oh man, that one is pretty much impossible to answer. I've written over 80 episodes of TV and worked on over 300, so it's hard for me to pick my favorite episodes let alone my favorite moments or lines, etc. I'm most proud of the body of work and how deep it is, but let's see if I can think of a few highlights:
"A Fistful of Datas" - The title is really good! I'm happy I got Picard to play his flute. The Worf/Data kiss was me, though I wrote it on the lips.
DS9 (A lot of these are with Ira):
"Q-Less" - "You hit me. Picard never hit me." "I'm not Picard."
"The Wire" - "My dear Doctor, they're all true." "Even the lies?" "Especially the lies."
"Past Tense 1&2" - All of it really.
"To the Death" - The whole "Victory is life" bit and O'Brien's response
"In Purgatory's Shadow" - "Lying is a skill like any other. And if you want to maintain a level of excellence, you have to practice constantly." "You Cardassians are all alike. You talk too much." "How can I forget it? It was the only day."
"By Inferno's Light" - Dukat's big speech. "That space station you're so fond of was built by Cardassia." "Funny. I thought it was built by Bajoran slave labor." "I yield! I cannot defeat this Klingon. All I can do is kill him, and that no longer holds my interest." "Armageddon will have to wait for another day."
"Call to Arms" - The end with Sisko's baseball.
"Field of Fire" - Snipering the melon. Who the bad guy ends up being and what his motive is.
Also: "Hard Time" "For the Uniform" "Little Green Men"
Proud of creating my first show. I think the cast I had control over (everyone but Dylan) is pretty great.
"Under the Night" - "Oh, he's the guy who retired. Didn't you say he bought a farm?" "The farm. Bought the farm, Trance." "What's the difference?" "Torn pressure suit and a bad emergency seal." Tyr's entrance.
"An Affirming Flame" - "I don't care if we wake up when the suns have all burned out and the universe is winding down to die, as long as I'm there to watch."
"Angel Dark, Demon Bright" - Harper's big speech. "Those are my mathematics. I'll leave you to yours." I like the way time travel works in this one.
"Music of a Distant Drum" - Tyr correcting the kid's shooting grip
"Harper 2.0" - "My pain belongs to the Divine. It is like air. It is like water."
"It's Hour Come Round at Last" - "To hell with the odds. All that matters in life is that we try. Promise you'll try."
I'm proud to have written a Twilight Zone even if it wasn't in the original run.
"Descent" - Triggering a JohnnyVision by having him brushed by a passing bat.
Underrated show in my opinion. I'm proud of co-developing it. Production was rough so I'm proud I got the episodes done and the show on the air. I think the cast is really good. The moment when Harry has to get a wasp to sting him in the eye to use it as a spy drone is pretty memorable.
THE 4400:
Richard Tyler in the diner seeing how much the world has changed. Ali is so good in that scene. We knew we had lightning in a bottle with him.
"Little Girl Lost" is pretty good.
I wrote a lot of Gary's off the wall lines. "Left!" "Are you sure? Heart left, Gary?" Gary puts his hand over his heart. "No, right!" "Respect the badge!" Also casting Tatiana Maslany before she blew up was a really good call.
I came up with a lot of how the Atrians culture and biology worked and I think that was all cool stuff. I loved Teri's "hold my gold" moment in "And Left No Friendly Drop," which was something that Chelsea Gilligan came up with in blocking, but I'll take credit for it. Teri punching the drone in "What Storm is This That Blows So Contrary" was fun.
(Elementary later)
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spider-jaysart · 2 years
OOOO ART REQUEST (Only if you feel up to it)
DickKory Family/Flying Graysons 2.0; Kory, Mar’i and Jake wearing Dick’s Robin outfits and pretending to be Robins
Kory: Teen Titans Animated Series
Mar’i: Classic Pixie Boots One
Jake: World’s Finest 2022
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Here they go!✨ :)
All three Robin's!
And with Dick's reaction included too!
(Click for better quality)
Thanks for the request, Buddy! :D
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bombusbombus · 2 years
"Tim needs a new official name"
"Kon can't keep being Superboy forever"
Why aren't we coming up with matching hero names right now. World's finest 2.0. Our minds have the power to give the cringe little bastards the stupidest duo names imaginable.
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Never let a war criminal from Alabama do arts & crafts
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Sundowner x Reader. No smut but still cursed
The two of you met while you were spending time in a mental asylum. You may or may not have been sent there for microwaving mice but if the school board didn't like your cleaning methods than they shouldn't have hired a janitor in the first place. You may have traumatized some children in the process but the infestation wasn't a problem anymore. You can't believe that they requested that you be sent for a psychological evaluation, especially after you were kind enough to replace their cafeteria microwave free of charge. People these days.
Your cyborg boyfriend was placed here for committing war crimes but every soldier struggles with their ptsd. If he chose to pay kids to fight each other and then upload it to world star, then you would be supportive of his coping habits. Like he said, kids are cruel. If they weren't doing this then it's likely that they would just pick on some weaker kid anyway. At least this way he could make a profit from viewers placing bets on which kid would survive the outcome.
You were with the other patients like usual. Today they decided that everyone would be allowed make arts and crafts. Sundowner was a special case so he needed to be heavily drugged before being placed near other people. The man had a habit of tearing people apart. Literally. You sat there painting but found it incredibly boring. You glanced over to your boyfriend and noticed that he was having trouble. "Damn safety scissors. How am I supposed to split someone in two with these?"
You went over and kissed him on the cheek while secretly removing the razor blade that you somehow had managed to keep hidden. "Thanks darlin'. Now I can get these fuckers all pointy again!" He started to chuckle. He then dubbed the scissors bloodlust 2.0. "Hey, watcha painting there?" You didn't think that Sundowner would take an interest in your work. "I'm trying to paint the sunset but I can't seem to get it right."
He looked at your picture longingly. "It reminds me of the good ol' days after 9/11! I remember back when I was workin' in Afghanistan. I cut so many motherfuckers down that it resembled a sunset! Takes me back, I tell ya what!" He the gave a happy sigh. "Tell ya what. How bout I help you with yer fancy painting?" He then called over a patient named Joe and said that he wanted to talk to him about something. A few minutes later and Sundowner was picking you up along with your canvas. He then took you to a somewhat secluded area, away from the rest of the group.
"Better hurry, you have about ten minutes until they notice we're gone." You glanced down to you left. Oh, that's where Joe went. You then dipped your finger in the puddle of blood, not wanting to let your "paint" go to waste. You had soon created the perfect sunset and you then noticed something rock solid poking you.  It was Sundowner. He was getting turned on by literal bloodlust. You decided to try doing something sexy and took Joe's hand. You placed his finger into the blood and then smeared it on your lips like it was the finest lipstick.
"Shit, I'm gonna ravage you like all those villages I burned down!" You stopped for a moment. "I thought it was ravish?" He then threw you down on the ground so hard that you think you broke a bone or two. "Shut it nerd, I'm takin' you to pound town!" He then proceeded to beat his chest like a gorilla. He was about to continue when the alarm went off. "Code red, I repeat code red! It's Sundowner again! Get the tranquilizer darts!"
"SHIT!" he cursed. "Looks like this is gonna have to wait!" Just then security arrived. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" He gave a massive grin. "And what if I don't?" Sundowner then pulled out his shanking scissors. Soon every security guard had raised their weapon. "You have to the count of three! One! Two! Th-" Your boyfriend charged at them with all his might. "I'M FUCKIN' INVINCIBLE!" he cried. Then he was shot down with enough tranquilizer darts to take down an entire zoo. The security team started to haul him away. You waived him goodbye. "I'll wait for you!"
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Welcome to my Brand AI Review, This is a genuine user-based Brand AI review, in which I will discuss the features, upgrades, price, demo, and bonuses, how Brand AI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. This AI App Brings Together The Industry-Leading AI Apps & Tools From Top Brands Like Google, Amazon Microsoft, Apple, Meta, TikTok, Adobe, X (Twitter), Twilio & MailChimp In One Powerful Platform.
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What Is Brand AI?
Brand AI is a cloud-based platform designed to streamline the management of multiple branded apps by integrating them into a single, unified system. It allows businesses to control and manage tools for communication, marketing, customer relationship management, and project management all from one dashboard. By eliminating the need to switch between various apps, Brand AI simplifies workflows, enhances productivity, and provides valuable AI-powered insights to optimize business operations. The platform supports popular apps like Google, Amazon Microsoft, Apple, Meta, TikTok, Adobe, X (Twitter), Twilio & MailChimp, offering businesses a comprehensive solution to manage their digital tools efficiently and securely.
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Brand AI Review: Overview
Product Creator: Akshat Gupta
Product Name: Brand AI
Launch Date: 2024-Sep-11
Launch Time: 11:00 ED
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Visit FE Salespage
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Brand AI Review: About Authors
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At the helm of Brand AI is Akshat Gupta, a visionary driving innovation in AI technology throughout 2024. Gupta brings his wealth of expertise to the forefront, dedicating himself to developing pioneering solutions that simplify and streamline powerful AI tools creation for users globally.
Recognized as a prominent leader in the field, Gupta continually inspires and empowers others to leverage the potential of AI in achieving their goals and maximizing their online capabilities.
He has earned his reputation through the creation of numerous products such as YogaSites AI, PetSites AI, AI Rider, AI AppMaker, Dream AI, AI Employees, KidTales PLR, AI DeepSongs, SiteFlow AI, CreativeAI 2.0, AI GameZone, AI VideoBooks, AI AppMaker, AI VideoSong, VoiceGPT AI, ExplainerVideoz, FlipBooks, MazeMaker, eBookMaker, and many others.
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You need internet for using this product.
No issues reported, it works perfectly!
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The World’s First AI App Brings Together The Industry-Leading AI Apps & Tools From Top Brands Like Google, Amazon Microsoft, Apple, Meta, TikTok, Adobe, X (Twitter), Twilio & MailChimp In One Powerful Platform.
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Brand AI Review: My Recommendation
Brand AI is a valuable tool for anyone who uses multiple branded apps. By providing a centralized platform for accessing and managing these apps, Brand AI simplifies the user experience and enhances productivity. With its comprehensive app integration, intuitive interface, customization options, and robust security measures, Brand AI is a must-have for those seeking a more streamlined and efficient way to interact with their favorite branded apps.
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Check Out My Previous Reviews: Helix App Review, CloudDaddyPro Review, eBSiteMate Review, VidHostPal Review, AISonic Studio Review, and AI Tuber Review.
Thank for reading my Brand AI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: While this Brand AI review strives for accuracy and fairness, it is based on publicly available information and user reviews. It is recommended to conduct thorough research, including seeking out independent sources, before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: This is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17.
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govindhtech · 3 months
ASUS ROG STRIX XG27UCS: Blazing Fast 4K Gaming Monitor
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Since your monitor serves as your main portal to the virtual worlds you play in, we at ROG are always working to provide more players with access to the newest display technologies. This legacy is carried on by the ROG STRIX XG gaming monitor family, which offers extremely low prices for panels with great resolution and lightning-fast refresh rates. Take a look at the newest members of the family and decide which gaming monitor will work best with your new setup.
ROG STRIX XG259QNS: 1080p gaming so fast it’s ridiculousImage credit to ASUS
Larger numbers aren’t always better. Having a monitor with an extremely high refresh rate gives esports players a competitive edge. Not only may you see your opponent before they notice you, but your system’s overall input lag the interval between a mouse click and an on-screen action will probably be reduced as well.
Introducing the ROG STRIX XG259QNS, a 1080p 380Hz display built from the bottom up for gamers that require the quickest possible performance. Even though 1080p is now more popular than 1440p for 27-inch monitors, 1080p still provides good pixel density for 25-inch screens and allows for significantly faster refresh rates. Games that need fast reaction times and fluid motion will feel fantastic on this monitor because to its lightning-fast 380Hz refresh rate, ultra-low 0.3ms grey-to-grey response time, and support for Extreme Low Motion Blur Sync . In addition to lowering ghosting and motion blur, ELMB Sync works in tandem with FreeSync Premium to maintain a tear-free image even when framerates decrease.
We combine flawless image quality with the XG259QNS’s lightning-fast Fast IPS panel. With 110% of the sRGB colour spectrum covered, the display offers vivid and strong colours that will make your material and games come to life. Additionally, you can add even more realism to your setup by turning on HDR mode in compatible games and movies thanks to its VESA DisplayHDR 400 rating. The ROG STRIX XG259QNS is a monitor that is highly responsive and reasonably priced, making it a good option for gamers looking for one.
ROG STRIX XG27ACS: The optimal 1440p wavelength
Image credit to Asus
For the average gamer, the ROG STRIX XG27ACS may have the best specifications. Esports titles and adventure games will look their finest on the XG27ACS, which has a resolution of 1440p and a refresh rate of 180Hz. Not only is this fast IPS panel G-SYNC compatible, but it also has a 1ms reaction time, which reduces ghosting to almost non-existent. Turn on Extreme Low Motion Blur for even crisper motion. Furthermore, as demonstrated by its DisplayHDR 400 certification, the XG27ACS will enable you to experience improved contrast and brightness in your gaming.
The 27-inch XG27ACS is immersive enough to keep you focused on your games, yet it will fit nicely on most medium-sized workstations and even some smaller ones. Select from the tried-and-true DisplayPort 1.4 or HDMI 2.0 connectors, or use USB Type-C connectivity to connect to more modern gadgets. Additionally, the base of the display has an integrated cell phone holder, providing your phone with a handy place to be visible while playing.
The benefits don’t stop there. A few quality-of-life features, such as AI-powered benefits, really set the XG27ACS apart from the competition. For a competitive edge in low light conditions, Dynamic Shadow Boost automatically brightens dark regions without overexposing bright places, and ASUS Variable Overdrive dynamically modifies the overdrive settings as frame rates change, reducing inverse ghosting artefacts. Although a gaming monitor, the XG27ACS delivers rich and lifelike colours with 97% DCI-P3 and 133% sRGB coverage. If you want a display that satisfies all gamers’ needs, the ROG STRIX XG27ACS may be best. ROG STRIX XG27WCS: Curved 1440p gaming in a darkened room
With a few notable exceptions, the next monitor to join theSTRIX XG family is fairly similar to its IPS sibling. The ROG STRIX XG27WCS is primarily distinguished by its curved display. Although it is modest, this 1500R curve ensures that viewing angles are always ideal. In addition, the XG27WCS has a VA panel, which has a 3000:1 contrast ratio and deeper blacks than an IPS display. This is particularly noticeable if you’re the type of player that turns down the lights before starting an extended gaming session.
With its integrated ASUS Display Overdrive 2.0, the ROG STRIX XG27WCS counteracts the tendency of VA screens to respond more slowly than IPS panels. With its automatic flexibility with refresh rate fluctuations, this technology maintains low response times so you may experience those deeper blacks without experiencing excessive or inverse ghosting.
The XG27WCS’s 95% coverage of the DCI-P3 colour space results in virtually similar colour accuracy. It possesses the strong connectivity of its IPS cousin and is compatible with AMD FreeSync and ELMB Sync, which assist prevent screen tearing and maintain fluid motion. The XG27WCS is a good option if you enjoy VA panels and are searching for a cheap gaming monitor from STRIX.
ROG STRIX XG27UCS: 4K video production and gaming
Some gamers require even more fidelity, even while 1440p provides a discernible improvement in clarity over the 1080p monitors we are all familiar with. Introducing the 27-inch 4K 160Hz IPS gaming display, the ROG STRIX XG27UCS. With specifications that are sure to excite even the most seasoned  PC gamer, the XG27UCS boasts an amazing pixel density that makes games and multimedia entertainment wonderfully immersive. The XG27UCS is prepared to work whether you’re working on a professional project that requires native 4K resolution, dabbling in esports, or enjoying an adventure game.
Similar in specifications to the two preceding monitors, the XG27UCS is certainly no slouch. Even the most powerful systems will be challenged by the 160Hz refresh rate at 4K, and the combination of ELMB Sync and NVIDIA G-SYNC compatibility will ensure fluid gameplay on this IPS screen even at variable framerates. With the DisplayHDR 400 certification, you can fully utilise the wide colour gamut, resulting in vibrant games and accurate colour in your professional projects.
These three 27-inch gaming monitors are all compatible with our DisplayWidget Centre software and have a wide range of connectivity options. With this programme, you can adjust brightness, colour temperature, blue light filter intensity, and other settings without having to fiddle with the monitor’s physical buttons or OSD. Among the many ROG features aimed at maximising your gaming time rather than tinkering with settings is DisplayWidget Centre.
Resolution or refresh rate: Why not both on the ROG STRIX XG27UCG?
Gamers have always had to choose between a greater refresh rate and a better resolution, which can be challenging. While certain games are optimised for ultra-fast refresh rates, others truly gain from the enhanced clarity and visual fidelity that comes with a higher resolution display. You don’t have to agonise over your decision anymore thanks to the ROG STRIX XG27UCG, which provides the best of both worlds.
In addition to providing stunning images in its original resolution, this 4K 160Hz Fast IPS panel also has an esports-ready counterpart in the works. It changes into a monster capable of 1080p at 320Hz for esports with only a single hotkey press. Whatever game or style you’re in the mood for at the time, the XG27UCG is always prepared to please.
ROG STRIX OLED XG27AQDMG: A futuristic look
Image credit to ASUS
We’re going to showcase one last 27-inch display, which is really something exceptional. The ROG STRIX OLED XG27AQDMG introduces OLED technology to the XG series, offering remarkable contrast ratios and response speeds for vivid, clear visuals.
The XG27AQDMG, with its 240Hz refresh rate and 1440p resolution, is already a great monitor for casual gamers. But never before have images in motion looked so clear a 0.03 ms grey-to-grey response time made possible only by OLED technology. Furthermore, the XG27AQDMG has a glossy panel that is only available through ROG, which produces deep blacks and incredibly sharp images in any lighting scenario. This allows you to concentrate on the game rather than your ambient lighting. With 99% coverage of the DCI-P3 colour palette and a contrast ratio of 1,500,000:1, this monitor gives every image a rich, bright appearance.
With its W OLED panel and MLA+ technology, the XG27AQDMG provides 20% brighter images and broader viewing angles. You can have peace of mind without having to deal with noise since an innovative bespoke passive heatsink provides for ample heat dissipation without the need for an active cooling fan. The ROG OLED monitor’s remarkable value proposition is further enhanced by additional features like as customisable aspect ratios, uniform brightness throughout the desktop, and support for ASUS Display Widget Centre. The future appears like this.
When a larger screen is required, choose the ROG STRIX XG32WCMS
It can be difficult to top the immersion provided by the ROG STRIX XG32WCMS for individuals with slightly larger workstations. In addition to having the most real estate of any display on this list, this 32-inch curved 1440p monitor also has an incredibly quick refresh rate of 280 Hz. The XG32WCMS has something for everyone, whether you’re looking for the amazing realism that a larger display can offer in single player games or a lightning-fast refresh rate for a competitive advantage in multiplayer shooters.
The XG32WCMS is a flexible monitor that would look well on the desk of a wide variety of gamers. It has many of the same capabilities as the other XG series monitors, such as ELMB Sync, support for USB Type-C video input and DisplayWidget Centre, and an integrated tripod socket in the stand. The standout features include a discreet 1500R curve, a 1ms GTG response time because of the quick VA panel, and FreeSync Premium.
ASUS ROG Strix XG27ACS gaming monitors cost $290–$332. A 27-inch 1440p display with 180Hz refresh rate, 1ms reaction time, and G-Sync is included. Laptops and other devices can connect via USB-C.
The STRIX XG display series has much to enjoy
We think the new STRIX XG line of gaming displays has something for everyone. We have a monitor for every OLED, IPS, curved display, and 4K gaming fan. For additional details regarding the cost and accessibility of these amazing displays in your area, get in touch with your nearest ROG representative.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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vajrambangalore · 3 months
Experience Luxurious Living at Vajram Newtown
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Step into the elegant apartments of Vajram Newtown 2.0 and be captivated by the expansive views and modern design. Crafted for the modern millennial, these homes offer personalized luxury at its finest. Imagine hosting a barbecue at your private sky lounge or taking a dip in your personal pool – Vajram Newtown Phase 2 makes this dream a reality. The sophisticated decor and meticulous interior touches create a relaxing atmosphere throughout the home. Gleaming hardwood floors and an inviting ambiance greet you as you enter, while the open floor plan allows natural light to fill the kitchen and dining areas.
Discover Our Exclusive Offerings:
2 BHK Apartments
Size: 1192 to 1333 Sq.ft
Price: Starting from 1.06 Cr onwards
3 BHK Apartments
Size: 1600 Sq.ft
Price: Starting from 1.59 Cr onwards
Why Choose Vajram Newtown?
At Vajram Newtown 2.0, an array of amenities are designed to enhance your lifestyle. The meticulously landscaped surroundings, friendly staff, and comprehensive security make it a place you can truly call home. The resort-style pool and fitness center are just the beginning. Additional amenities include:
State-of-the-art gym and swimming pool
Luxurious spa treatments with built-in sauna and steam room
Jogging track and children's park
Amphitheater, party area, community hall, and library for entertainment and leisure
Clubhouse for social gatherings
24x7 CCTV surveillance, instant power backup, sewage treatment plant, fire safety, and rainwater harvesting
Vastu-compliant homes with intercom systems for added security
Prime Location Advantage
Vajram Newtown on Thanisandra Main Road is ideally situated at the heart of the city, offering easy access to top restaurants, bars, and shops, while also providing a peaceful retreat from urban noise. Nearby amenities include:
Hospitals: REGAL Kidney and Multi Speciality Hospital, Sri Sai Nursing Home, and Trinity Nursing Home (12 mins away)
Schools: Sofia Public School and Ruman School of Nursing (6 mins away)
Groceries: The Big Market, Food World, and Big Basket Thanisandra within 4 km
Discover the perfect blend of city convenience and serene living at Vajram Newtown 2.0. Make this your new home and experience the lifestyle you deserve.
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sauravsharma3489 · 4 months
Mahagun Mezzaria 2.0
Experience the epitome of luxury living at Mahagun Mezzaria 2.0, a majestic residential project in Sector 12, Noida Extension. Our 3/4 BHK ultra-luxury apartments offer opulent living spaces, premium finishes, and world-class amenities. Enjoy breathtaking views, lavish interiors, and exclusive facilities like a rooftop infinity pool, fitness center, and more. Book your luxurious abode today and indulge in the finest of living!
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ultracarepro1 · 5 months
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Top 6 TENS Units in India
We live in a world where a staggering 20% of individuals have accepted chronic pain as a part and parcel of their daily lives. In this era of debilitating pain, people are trying to find eminent solutions for pain management. Henceforth, innovative pain management technologies continue to take center stage and replace traditional approaches.
A popular approach to pain management, the TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) approach, is gaining imminent popularity day by day. Research says people who started using TENS therapy to manage their pain showed positive results in their pain symptoms. 
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With our calendars flipping the months of 2024, today, we will unravel the finest TENS units available in India, empowering individuals to embrace a life with less pain and more pain-FREEdom! 
6 TENS Units Leading the Pain Relief Way! 
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TENS therapy is a popular, non-invasive, drug-free solution that offers pain relief for acute and chronic pain conditions. Here is a list of the top 6 TENS units in India that offer ultimate joint and muscle pain relief without having to worry about side effects.
Omron Electronic Pulse Massager HVF013
TENS machines, also popularly known as pulse massagers, are an ardent choice for curing musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain. Omron, renowned for its precise healthcare devices, presents a TENS unit with a travel-friendly design. A washable and durable TENS unit, this pulse massager comprises a compact design, provides customized therapy benefits, and offers TENS technology to give you the relief you deserve. 
Number of Channels: 1 
Levels of intensity: 10
Massage Modes: 5 
Dr. Physio TENS Electronic Pulse Massager 
The Dr. Physio Electric Pulse Massager is a versatile TENS unit that transcends conventional pain relief. Compact and portable, it suits individuals seeking pain relief on the go. An affordable option with uncompromising efficacy, this pulse massager is a popular choice among physiotherapists. This TENS physiotherapy device is a multi-functional muscle stimulator and massager, effective for curing chronic pain efficiently. 
Number of Channels: 2 
Levels of Intensity: 16
Massage Modes: 5
Physiowell Mini TENS Two Channel 
An effective choice for pain relief, Physiowell’s TENS unit is every physiotherapist’s must-have essential in the clinic. Physiowell is an ISO-certified company, committed to manufacturing pain relief devices to help people battle pain efficiently. A safe and convenient way of relieving joint and muscle pain, this physiotherapy TENS machine improves blood circulation, leading to instant pain relief. 
Number of Channels: 2 
Levels of Intensity: 10
Massage Modes: None 
Agaro Multi-functional TENS Massager 
This TENS physiotherapy machine is a pain relief device effective for managing acute and chronic joint and muscle pain. Prized for its user-friendly and ergonomic design, this device has garnered widespread acclaim for its effective operation, providing comprehensive pain relief that reaches every corner of the affected pain area. 
Number of Channels: 2
Levels of Intensity: 20 
Preset Modes: 24 
Game-changing TENS Devices by UltraCare PRO
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TENS 1.0- UltraCare PRO
UltraCare PRO’s TENS 1.0 is a dual-channel, rechargeable TENS unit, that offers a transformative approach to pain relief. Comprising of a travel-friendly design, TENS 1.0 is your ideal companion for on-the-go pain relief. With a wide range of treatment facilities, this TENS stimulation unit serves as a perfect choice for getting relief from back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, and joint injuries. Therefore, this innovative TENS 1.0 device is a game-changer for every individual seeking relief, offering a convenient and effective solution for daily pain management. 
Number of Channels: 2
Levels of intensity: 50
Treatment Modes: 25 
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TENS 2.0- UltraCare PRO
TENS physiotherapy just got smaller, smarter, and slimmer! TENS 2.0 by UltraCare PRO is a wireless and wearable revolutionary pain reliever, effective for alleviating joint, muscle, and nerve pain.  Ultralight in weight, TENS 2.0’s sleek and compact design makes it an ardent choice for managing everyday pain. Efficient for treating different types of pain, it provides convenience and customizable pain management. 
Number of Channels: Nil
Levels of Intensity: 25
Treatment Modes: 10 
Should you Invest in a TENS Unit? 
Investing in a TENS unit can significantly improve your quality of life by providing the pain relief you need without the need for any medication. While choosing the best TENS unit in India, it is important to align your choice with your individual approach to pain management. An approach that suits you the best in terms of pain relief, affordability, and features. The above-mentioned list represents some of the top choices available in India, each offering unique benefits to cater to different user preferences. 
By selecting the right TENS unit for your pain, you can take an active step towards achieving better overall well-being. 
Choose the TENS that suits you best! 
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zerobelow123 · 7 months
Elevate Your Comfort Game with Zerobelow: The Apex 2.0 Underwear Revolution
In a world where comfort meets style, one brand stands out among the rest – Zerobelow. If you’re tired of sacrificing comfort for fashion or settling for subpar underwear that leaves you feeling less than satisfied, then it’s time to upgrade to Zerobelow’s Apex 2.0 underwear line. Designed with both men and women in mind, Zerobelow offers a range of premium cotton underwear that prioritizes breathability, support, and style.
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For Women:
Zerobelow understands that women deserve the best when it comes to underwear. That’s why our women's underwear collection combines comfort with functionality, allowing you to feel confident and comfortable all day long. Made from soft, breathable cotton fabric, our underwear provides the perfect blend of support and stretch, making it ideal for everyday wear or intense workouts.
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Whether you’re hitting the gym or running errands, Zerobelow’s women's underwear has got you covered. Our innovative design ensures a secure fit that stays in place no matter how active you are, while the breathable fabric wicks away moisture to keep you feeling fresh and dry. Say goodbye to uncomfortable chafing and hello to a new level of comfort with Zerobelow.
For Men:
Gentlemen, it’s time to upgrade your underwear game with Zerobelow’s Apex 2.0 line. Crafted with the modern man in mind, our men's underwear combines superior comfort with unbeatable support. Made from the finest quality cotton, our underwear is designed to move with your body, providing a snug yet flexible fit that won’t ride up or bunch.
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Whether you’re hitting the trails or lounging at home, Zerobelow’s men's underwear is the ultimate choice for comfort and performance. Our breathable fabric helps regulate temperature, keeping you cool and comfortable all day long. Plus, with a range of stylish designs to choose from, you can look and feel your best no matter what the day brings.
Why Choose Zerobelow?
Premium Quality: Made from the finest cotton fabric, Zerobelow’s underwear is built to last, wash after wash.
Ultimate Comfort: Say goodbye to itchy, uncomfortable underwear and hello to a new level of comfort with Zerobelow.
Superior Support: Our innovative design provides the perfect amount of support where you need it most, ensuring a comfortable fit all day long.
Breathable Fabric: Stay cool and dry even during the most intense workouts with Zerobelow’s breathable fabric technology.
Stylish Designs: With a range of stylish designs to choose from, you can express your personal style while enjoying unbeatable comfort.
Don’t settle for subpar underwear that leaves you feeling less than satisfied. Upgrade to Zerobelow’s Apex 2.0 underwear line and experience the ultimate in comfort and performance. Whether you’re a man or woman, Zerobelow has the perfect underwear for you. Say hello to a new era of comfort with Zerobelow. 
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udhyam · 9 months
Youth Entrepreneurship Program By Udhyam Learning Foundation
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The importance of young entrepreneurship has increased significantly in a society that is always changing due to rapid technology breakthroughs and global issues. At Udhyam, we truly think that young people have the capacity to effect positive change in the world. Our curriculum for an entrepreneurial mindset has been thoughtfully crafted to equip the upcoming generation with the abilities and understanding necessary to make a constructive and long-lasting difference.
Encouraging the Next Generation: Udhyam's Perspective
More than simply an idea, youth entrepreneurship is what motivates people to change their communities and the world at large. Our curriculum for an entrepreneurial mindset is a living example of this aim; it equips students with the academic understanding and real-world skills they need to transform creative ideas into profitable ventures.
collaborating to achieve success
At Udhyam, we work with regional partners to develop the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs. As a team, we provide the upcoming generation the entrepreneurial attitudes they need to succeed in an innovative and innovative world.
Through promoting youth entrepreneurship, we hope to unleash the potential for a more promising future, one that is full of capable, self-sufficient people who are prepared to take on the problems of the future.
Actual Success Stories
The success stories of student entrepreneurs at Udhyam who have adopted an entrepreneurial attitude and started their enterprises serve as the finest illustration of the program's influence.
Consider G7 TECHNOLOGIES, a Business Blasters project undertaken by BBA IEV (NSUT Dwarka) students. Their creative assistance cane has completely changed the way visually impaired people can move about. This cane is inexpensive, water-resistant, and easy to use thanks to its smart sensor and Internet of Things capabilities, which improve its awareness of its surroundings. Their collaboration with a firm that manufactures 3-D printers fosters innovation, and their version 2.0 establishes new benchmarks. To further their effect, they are now looking for financing and CSR projects.
In addition, Ambedkar University offers INDIAN MADHUBANI ART, which is run by a student artist who has won a national award and is pursuing a BBA in IEV. Their goal is to investigate mandala and micro art forms in addition to bringing a modern spin to Madhubani's ageless style. But it's about strengthening communities more than it is about art. In addition to making money, they foster a thriving creative community and positively influence society by giving local artists work chances.
Next up is a group of young entrepreneurs from BBA IEV, NSUT Dwarka, called OXYGEN LADDERS. Offering customised green places and services like green aquariums and green corridors, they have an amazing aptitude for turning ordinary locations into magnificent green havens.
With its distinctive drink prepared from freshly ground date seeds, Mystique Dates, a company owned and operated by a young 12th grade student entrepreneur, has garnered over 250+ happy consumers. They are experiencing an incredible metamorphosis with the steadfast help of mentors and seasoned beverage specialists. With the help of DIICE (DSEU INNOVATION AND INCUBATION CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP), their journey has reached new heights as they have gained recognition, unlocked tax benefits, and simplified compliance, all while earning them the status of registered Pvt. Ltd. Company due to Udhyam.
These are just a handful of the profitable student enterprises that Business Blasters, the programme that goes along with Delhi schools' Entrepreneurial Mindset Curriculum, has helped to spark. Like any well-known businessperson we see today, these young entrepreneurs have shown incredible perseverance, passion, and inventiveness. They have demonstrated to the world the amazing potential of India's young when equipped with an entrepreneurial attitude by transforming their creative ideas into successful enterprises. Every narrative we hear motivates us to keep working towards our goal of releasing the creative potential that exists inside every person and spreading good vibes throughout whole communities. Teachers and student entrepreneurs during a recent Business Blasters and Delhi government show in Delhi.
Empirical Education for Practical Applications
The curriculum encourages students to take control of their entrepreneurial path by providing chances for practical learning that go beyond classroom theory. We help students realise their ideas by giving them the resources and encouragement they require.
In the end, developing Confidence and Resilience
Our programme instills resilience and confidence in aspiring business owners by equipping them with the knowledge and abilities to overcome obstacles and uncertainty.
Young people starting their own businesses may have a beneficial societal influence and be a great driver for innovation. It equips upcoming leaders to handle obstacles in real life and adapt to environmental and social change. The ultimate objective is to kindle the entrepreneurial spirit in young people with Udhyam, improving the planet for future generations.
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hairdresserdirect · 10 months
Style Excellence Unveiled: Navigating the World of Salon Supplies with HairdresserDirect
Embark on a style journey like never before with HairdresserDirect.com.au, your one-stop destination for premium salon supplies. In this article, we delve into the heart of the beauty industry, exploring the curated collection that defines excellence in salon supplies. From cutting-edge tools to innovative products, discover how HairdresserDirect.com.au is shaping the future of salon experiences.
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 The Canvas of Creativity
Every stylist understands the significance of quality supplies in creating true works of art. At HairdresserDirect.com.au, we recognize that your creativity deserves the finest tools. Dive into our extensive collection, designed to be the canvas for your artistic expression. From hair care essentials to salon furniture, find everything you need to elevate your salon's aesthetic and performance.
2. Quality Assurance for Salon Success
Quality is not just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of success. HairdresserDirect.com.au is committed to sourcing salon supplies that redefine industry standards. Our platform brings you products from trusted brands, ensuring not only style but also durability and performance. Elevate your salon's reputation with supplies that reflect your commitment to excellence.
3.Riding the Wave of Trends
In the dynamic world of beauty, staying ahead of trends is key. Explore our Web 2.0 post to uncover the latest trends in salon supplies. From eco-friendly products to cutting-edge technology, we guide you through the innovations shaping the industry. Embrace these trends to position your salon as a forward-thinking hub of style and sophistication.
4.Crafting Your Unique Salon Identity
Your salon is more than a space; it's an experience. HairdresserDirect.com.au empowers you to craft a unique identity for your salon. Discover our recommendations for creating an inviting atmosphere that complements your style. From stylish furniture to ambient lighting, every detail contributes to an unforgettable salon experience.
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As you navigate the dynamic landscape of salon supplies, let HairdresserDirect.com.au be your guide to excellence. Our curated collection is more than just products; it's an invitation to elevate your salon's style game. Explore the latest trends, invest in quality tools, and let your creativity flourish. Visit our website today to redefine excellence in every styling session. HairdresserDirect.com.au – where style meets substance, and every salon visit is a masterpiece.
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