#Workshop Marketplace
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digitalmarketingpelatihan · 2 years ago
Daftar: 0813 9958 0003 - Digital Marketing Bootcamp Bekasi
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Digital Marketing Pelatihan, Digital Marketing Strategy Workshop, Digital Marketing Workshop For Small Business Owners, Kursus Internet Marketing, Pelatihan Digital Marketing, Pelatihan Digital Marketing Untuk Umkm, Pelatihan Internet Marketing, Pelatihan Internet Marketing Jakarta, Pelatihan Marketing Digital, Pelatihan Marketing Online, Pelatihan Marketing Strategy, Workshop Internet Marketing, Workshop Internet Marketing Jakarta, Workshop Internet Marketing Bekasi, Workshop Internet Marketing Jakarta, Workshop Marketplace, Workshop Online Marketing, Bootcamp Online Marketing, Digital Marketing Bootcamp
Saatnya Kuasai Dunia Online.
Light Salts Digital Event Organizer Mempersembahkan Pelatihan Digital Marketing 3 Hari Full Praktek Bersama Bpk. Agus "PIRANHAMAS" Setiyawan
Pasang Strategimu Dengan Berbisnis Secara Digital Ditahun 2023!!!! Akan dibimbing dan diberikan ilmu Pemasaran Digital Online. Bersama dengan Bapak Agus Setiawan Yang Sudah Berpengalaman Sejak 2008 . "Hanya dengan INVESTASI TERJANGKAU Anda sudah mendapatkan semua materi Digital Online Selama 3 HARI, FULL MATERI DAN PRAKTEK 🥳 Yuk CATAT TANGGALNYA 📌
📆 : 09-22 Januari 2023 ⏰ : Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 📍 : D'opiz Prima Orchard Trade Mall Blok C-9 JL.Raya Perjuangan harapan baru Bekasi Utara.
Yuk…Tunggu apa lagi kirimkan Tim terbaik Anda untuk bergabung…. DAFTAR SEKARANG🎊✔️
📌INFORMASI LEBIH LANJUT HUBUNGI: 0813-9958-0003(Bu Martha)
atau kunjungi https://lightsalts.com/
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traininggurupemasaransmk · 1 month ago
Workshop Marketplace Guru SMK Kediri - Jualan Online Profesional Hub 0819-4343-1484
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Hub 0819-4343-1484, Di era digital saat ini, dunia perdagangan telah mengalami transformasi besar-besaran. Dari toko fisik hingga platform jual beli online, segala sesuatu berubah dengan cepat. Salah satu tren yang sedang berkembang pesat adalah pemasaran melalui marketplace online. Marketplace telah menjadi medan pertempuran utama bagi para pebisnis untuk menjual produk mereka secara global. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi para guru SMK untuk memiliki pengetahuan yang mendalam mengenai strategi jualan online yang efektif. Workshop Marketplace Guru SMK Kediri menawarkan kesempatan bagi para pengajar untuk menguasai teknik dan strategi jualan online yang profesional, yang akan diterapkan langsung di dunia pendidikan untuk membantu siswa mereka mempersiapkan diri menghadapi dunia bisnis yang digital.
Mengapa Workshop Marketplace Ini Sangat Penting?
Marketplace merupakan salah satu inovasi terbesar dalam dunia perdagangan. Platform seperti Tokopedia, Bukalapak, dan Shopee tidak hanya menghubungkan penjual dengan pembeli, tetapi juga menawarkan berbagai fitur yang memudahkan proses transaksi. Namun, meskipun mudah diakses, untuk sukses di marketplace, dibutuhkan strategi yang matang dan pengetahuan yang mendalam. Inilah mengapa Workshop Marketplace Guru SMK Kediri hadir untuk membantu para pengajar mengembangkan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan dalam mengajarkan siswa untuk memanfaatkan marketplace dengan maksimal.
Transformasi Digital dalam Dunia Pendidikan
Sebagai pengajar di sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK), para guru memiliki peran penting dalam mempersiapkan siswa untuk menghadapi tantangan dunia kerja. Oleh karena itu, memahami dunia digital dan memanfaatkannya untuk pengajaran adalah suatu keharusan. Workshop ini mengajarkan para guru bagaimana mengintegrasikan konsep-konsep pemasaran digital dalam kurikulum mereka, sehingga siswa dapat memahami dunia jual beli online yang semakin berkembang.
Apa yang Akan Dipelajari dalam Workshop Ini?
Workshop Marketplace Guru SMK Kediri bukan hanya sekadar pelatihan teori pemasaran. Workshop ini dirancang secara praktis dan komprehensif, memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang cara-cara menjual secara efektif di berbagai marketplace. Para peserta akan mempelajari berbagai strategi dan teknik yang relevan dengan kebutuhan pasar saat ini. Berikut adalah beberapa topik yang akan dibahas dalam workshop ini:
1. Pengenalan Marketplace dan Peranannya dalam Bisnis
Salah satu topik utama yang akan dibahas dalam workshop ini adalah pengenalan kepada berbagai jenis marketplace yang ada di Indonesia dan global. Peserta akan diajarkan bagaimana memilih marketplace yang sesuai dengan jenis produk yang dijual dan bagaimana memanfaatkannya untuk mencapai pasar yang lebih luas. Memahami peran marketplace dalam ekosistem digital sangat penting, karena setiap platform memiliki karakteristik dan fitur yang berbeda.
2. Teknik Pemasaran yang Efektif di Marketplace
Menjual produk di marketplace bukan hanya soal memposting produk dan menunggu pembeli datang. Diperlukan teknik pemasaran yang tepat agar produk dapat dilihat dan menarik perhatian pembeli. Dalam workshop ini, peserta akan mempelajari berbagai teknik pemasaran yang efektif, mulai dari pembuatan konten yang menarik, penggunaan foto produk yang tepat, hingga teknik SEO untuk meningkatkan visibilitas produk di platform marketplace.
3. Pengelolaan Toko Online yang Profesional
Bagi guru yang ingin mengajarkan siswa bagaimana menjadi pengusaha digital yang sukses, mereka harus memahami cara mengelola toko online secara profesional. Dalam workshop ini, para peserta akan diajarkan bagaimana cara mengelola akun marketplace dengan baik, termasuk pengaturan harga, pengelolaan inventaris, serta pengaturan pengiriman dan pembayaran. Semua aspek ini akan dibahas untuk memastikan bahwa peserta memiliki keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk mengajarkan siswa tentang pengelolaan toko online yang efisien dan menguntungkan.
4. Analisis Kinerja dan Pengoptimalan Penjualan
Memantau kinerja penjualan dan mengetahui apa yang bekerja dan tidak bekerja adalah kunci untuk sukses dalam berjualan online. Dalam workshop ini, peserta akan diajarkan bagaimana menggunakan alat analitik yang disediakan oleh marketplace untuk melacak kinerja penjualan mereka. Dengan pemahaman ini, guru dapat mengajarkan siswa bagaimana melakukan analisis dan pengoptimalan strategi pemasaran mereka untuk meningkatkan penjualan.
Manfaat Mengikuti Workshop Ini
Mengikuti workshop marketplace guru SMK Kediri bukan hanya memberikan manfaat bagi para peserta secara profesional, tetapi juga memberikan dampak positif bagi dunia pendidikan. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat utama yang akan didapatkan oleh peserta:
1. Peningkatan Keterampilan Digital Guru
Dalam dunia yang semakin bergantung pada teknologi, memiliki keterampilan digital yang kuat sangatlah penting. Dengan mengikuti workshop ini, para guru akan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dalam pemasaran digital, yang tentunya akan memperkaya metode pengajaran mereka. Hal ini memungkinkan guru untuk lebih relevan dalam mengajarkan materi kepada siswa yang hidup di era digital.
2. Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran di SMK
Pendidikan SMK harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pasar kerja. Dengan mengikuti workshop ini, para guru akan dapat mengajarkan siswa mereka keterampilan praktis yang langsung dapat diterapkan di dunia kerja. Keterampilan ini sangat relevan dengan dunia usaha yang bergerak cepat, terutama di bidang e-commerce dan pemasaran digital.
3. Memperluas Peluang Karir
Setelah mengikuti workshop ini, para guru tidak hanya dapat mengajarkan keterampilan pemasaran digital kepada siswa, tetapi juga dapat memperluas peluang karir mereka sendiri. Pengetahuan tentang pemasaran online membuka pintu bagi berbagai peluang, baik di sektor pendidikan maupun di industri bisnis. Banyak perusahaan yang membutuhkan tenaga ahli yang paham tentang pemasaran digital, dan para guru yang telah mengikuti pelatihan ini akan lebih siap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut.
4. Meningkatkan Peluang Siswa SMK dalam Dunia Kerja
Guru yang mengikuti workshop ini dapat mengajarkan siswa mereka tentang cara memanfaatkan marketplace untuk berjualan, yang tentunya akan meningkatkan peluang karir siswa di masa depan. Dengan keterampilan ini, siswa SMK akan lebih siap untuk terjun ke dunia bisnis atau bahkan memulai usaha mereka sendiri.
Testimoni Peserta Workshop
Berbagai peserta yang telah mengikuti workshop marketplace guru SMK Kediri memberikan testimoni positif tentang pengalaman mereka. Seorang peserta mengatakan, "Workshop ini memberikan wawasan yang sangat berguna. Saya belajar banyak tentang bagaimana mengelola toko online dan cara memasarkan produk secara efektif. Ini sangat berguna untuk saya dalam mengajarkan siswa saya tentang pemasaran digital."
Peserta lainnya menambahkan, "Saya merasa lebih percaya diri setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini. Kami tidak hanya diberikan teori, tetapi juga pelatihan praktis yang langsung bisa diterapkan di dunia nyata. Siswa saya sekarang lebih tertarik dengan pelajaran pemasaran digital."
Workshop Marketplace Guru SMK Kediri adalah kesempatan emas bagi para guru untuk memperkaya keterampilan mereka dalam pemasaran digital dan berjualan online. Melalui pelatihan ini, para guru akan mendapatkan pengetahuan yang sangat berguna untuk membantu siswa mereka mempersiapkan diri menghadapi dunia kerja yang semakin berbasis digital. Dengan strategi yang tepat, pengelolaan toko online yang profesional, serta kemampuan menganalisis kinerja penjualan, para guru akan dapat memberikan pendidikan yang lebih relevan dan efektif.
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk mengembangkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan Anda. Ikuti workshop marketplace guru SMK Kediri untuk strategi jualan online yang efektif. Daftar sekarang! Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi kami di 0819-4343-1484.
Baca Juga : Workshop Branding Guru SMK Kediri - Tingkatkan Strategi Anda
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Apa yang dimaksud dengan Workshop Marketplace Guru SMK Kediri? Workshop ini adalah pelatihan untuk para guru SMK yang ingin mempelajari strategi dan teknik jualan online secara profesional di berbagai marketplace.
Apakah workshop ini hanya untuk guru pemasaran? Tidak, meskipun pelatihan ini dirancang untuk guru pemasaran, guru dari jurusan lain yang tertarik untuk mengajarkan pemasaran digital juga dapat mengikuti workshop ini.
Apa saja manfaat mengikuti workshop ini? Manfaatnya termasuk peningkatan keterampilan pemasaran digital, kemampuan mengelola toko online, dan meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran tentang pemasaran digital bagi siswa SMK.
Bagaimana cara mendaftar untuk workshop ini? Untuk mendaftar, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di 0819-4343-1484 atau melalui website kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
No WA: 0819-4343-1484
Link WA : https://wa.me/6281943431484
Published by : Natasya – Skansa
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geocyclist · 9 months ago
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New (to me) table saw fully assembled! It is a Delta 36-454 with a Unifence, extension table, and Delta sliding table attachment on the left (34-555).
First project was to built it a mobile base:
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Cutting sheet goods is a breeze with the right side extension and a few portable outfeed rollers to support the material.
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The sliding table on the left has a stop block for repeating cuts and holds long material for easy crosscutting.
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Base made from plywood, 2x4s, more of the scrap 4x4s, and some workbench casters from a box lot I bought a while ago.
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Finished with saw on the mobile base and the sliding table up on top for more compact storage. Planning to add a cabinet or shelves below the right side table for table saw accessories and parts.
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aos-presents · 1 year ago
The ultimate dream team template for growing and developing your business strategy. Follow the link for a deep dive.
Credit : Matt Gray
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theplotmage · 3 months ago
50 Worldbuilding Setting ideas for your fantasy book
Cities and Settlements
1. Capital City - The central hub of political power and culture in the realm.
2. Harbor Town - A bustling port city crucial for trade and naval activities.
3. Elf Village - A serene settlement hidden within a forest, home to elven inhabitants.
4. Dwarven Mines - An underground city where dwarves mine precious metals and gems.
5. Nomad Camp - A temporary settlement for wandering tribes and traders.
6. Market Square - The commercial heart of any major city, filled with vendors and artisans.
7. Sky City - A floating metropolis held aloft by magic or advanced technology.
Natural and Enchanted Locations
8. Mystic Forest - A dense, magical woodland filled with ancient trees and mythical creatures.
9. Enchanted Lake - A serene body of water with mystical properties.
10. Secret Cave - A hidden cavern that might contain treasure or danger.
11. Dark Swamp - A treacherous wetland often home to dark magic and creatures.
12. Forbidden Desert - A vast, arid expanse known for its harsh conditions and ancient secrets.
13. Floating Island - A landmass suspended in the sky, often home to unique flora and fauna.
14. Hidden Valley - A secluded, fertile valley protected from the outside world.
15. Charmed Meadows - Peaceful fields imbued with protective enchantments.
Magical and Supernatural Places
16. Wizard’s Tower - The abode of powerful sorcerers, filled with arcane knowledge.
17. Sacred Temple - A place of worship and spiritual significance, often protected by divine magic.
18. Haunted Castle - An ancient fortress inhabited by ghosts or malevolent spirits.
19. Necromancer’s Crypt - The lair of a dark sorcerer who practices necromancy.
20. Oracle’s Sanctuary - A holy site where oracles deliver prophecies and visions.
21. Magical Academy - An institution where young sorcerers learn the art of magic.
22. Alchemist’s Workshop - A place where alchemists experiment and create potions and elixirs.
23. Time Portal - A gateway to different eras, allowing travel through time.
Dangerous and Uncharted Areas
24. Ancient Ruins - The remnants of a once-great civilization, often hiding secrets or dangers.
25. Dragon’s Lair - The home of a fearsome dragon, filled with treasure and peril.
26. Cursed Forest - A dark, haunted woodland where malevolent forces dwell.
27. Battlefield - The site of a significant past conflict, often haunted by the spirits of the fallen.
28. Volcanic Wasteland - A desolate, fiery landscape wrought with volcanic activity.
29. Giant’s Keep - A massive fortress built and inhabited by giants.
30. Pirate Cove - A hidden inlet where pirates gather to plan their exploits.
31. Shadow Realm - A dark, parallel dimension filled with malevolent entities.
32. Frosty Tundra - A vast, icy wasteland where few dare to venture.
Cultural and Social Hubs
33. Royal Palace - The lavish residence of the ruling monarch and their court.
34. Thieves’ Guild - A secretive organization of thieves and rogues.
35. Warrior’s Training Grounds - A facility where soldiers and heroes train for battle.
36. Arena of Champions - A grand coliseum where warriors compete in combat.
37. Goblin Market - A chaotic and colorful marketplace run by goblins, offering exotic goods.
38. Hermit’s Hut - The secluded home of a wise hermit, often sought for advice.
39. Secret Hideout - A concealed refuge used by rebels or outlaws.
Mystical and Legendary Sites
40. Ethereal Gardens - Magical gardens with rare plants and enchanting beauty.
41. Celestial Observatory - A tower dedicated to studying the stars and celestial events.
42. Sanctuary of Lost Knowledge - A hidden library containing ancient and forbidden texts.
43. Sunken Ruins - The underwater remnants of a lost civilization.
44. Gryphon Nesting Grounds - A mountainous area where gryphons make their nests.
45. Spiral Staircase - An enigmatic, seemingly endless staircase leading to unknown depths.
46. Giant’s Keep - A colossal fortress built and inhabited by giants.
47. Protean Plains - A region where the landscape constantly changes, reshaped by powerful magic or ancient curses.
Adventurous and Explorative Spots
48. Treasure Hunter’s Camp - A gathering spot for explorers seeking lost relics.
49. Relic Seeker’s Cave - A cave rumored to contain powerful artifacts.
50. Explorer’s Outpost - A base for adventurers preparing for expeditions into unknown territories.
Discover the Ultimate Sci-Fi Fantasy Planner, designed by a fellow writer to transform your worldbuilding journey! This meticulously crafted template will unlock your limitless creativity and add unparalleled depth to your storytelling.
Why You Can’t Miss This:
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stellarsecrets86 · 8 days ago
Moon in Houses of Union(1585) Persona Chart
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Other related post you might like:
Sun in houses of Union persona chart
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Review of my readings-1
[PS: These are my personal observations. For entertainment purpose only. Have fun💚.]
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[In the Union asteroid persona chart, the Moon represents the emotional essence of partnerships and the subconscious connection within unions.
Moon in houses of the Union persona chart may be used to derive insights about emotional dynamics in relationships and clues about the circumstances under which they might meet their future spouse.]
Moon in the 1st House
This placement suggests emotional vulnerability and sensitivity in partnerships. They can only find a mate in circumstances that give full vent to their feelings-such as during a screaming argument or some kind of melodrama. The spouse would be caretaking, empathetic, and the marriage would revolve around understanding and emotional growth. The relationship may begin with an intuitive sense of "home" or comfort, and they may meet in a personal or intimate setting where authenticity is valued.
Moon in the 2nd House
This placement indicates that emotional security and shared values are crucial. They may find their partner in places associated with finances, like a bank, marketplace, or some workshop on wealth management. The spouse will offer emotional and material stability, and the relationship will be oriented toward the establishment of a safe, harmonious life together. The emotional connection will be fostered while building shared resources or working on mutual financial aspirations.
Moon in the 3rd House
With the Moon here, emotional connection through communication is what works. They could meet their future spouse during a casual conversation, at a local event, or through shared intellectual pursuits. The relationship will thrive on frequent emotional exchanges, and the spouse may be a good listener or someone who values deep discussions. Their union will focus on sharing ideas and emotional intelligence, potentially blossoming in environments like a book club, workshop, or neighborhood gathering.
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Moon in the 4th House
This is a profoundly nurturing placement, suggesting that they will meet their spouse through family, in the home, or in some setting connected with their roots. The relationship will be emotionally secure, with its basis in the creating of family or sanctuary together. The spouse may be very connected with tradition or home life and offer emotional safety. They might meet during a family gathering, while visiting a hometown, or in a context where emotional intimacy is encouraged.
Moon in the 5th House
Moon: The Moon here suggests that one might meet their spouse through a joyful, creative, or romantic setting. They can be met at a party, theatre, or while enjoying hobbies they love. The relationship will emotionally be exciting and stimulating since both partners will be highly appreciative of creativity and passion. The spouse can also be an emotionally exciting individual who brings spontaneity to the individual's life, and they focus on enjoying life's pleasures together.
Moon in the 6th House
This placement emphasizes service and routine. They might meet their spouse in a work environment, at a health-related event, or while helping others. The spouse may be someone who is emotionally supportive in practical ways, like managing daily responsibilities or offering help when needed. The union will be grounded in mutual service and care, creating an emotionally fulfilling partnership built on reliability and shared goals.
Moon in the 7th House
Here, the Moon denotes an emotional and well-balanced partnership. They might get a life partner in a very formal atmosphere, such as during a business deal, some legal formality, or an arranged marriage. The spouse will be emotionally obliging and believe in the principle of equality between the two partners. The relationship will be harmonious as both partners will fulfill the emotional needs of each other. They may feel instant emotional rapport when they come across their spouse.
Moon in the 8th House
This is a very emotional and intense placement-a real transformative placement. They might meet their spouse when some transformative life event is occurring or be in some sort of setting related to shared resources or deep emotional work, like counseling or spiritual retreats. The spouse will have a mysterious, magnetic quality and give them emotional healing and growth. Their relationship will explore deep emotional bonds, intimacy, and shared vulnerabilities.
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Moon in the 9th House
Here, emotional fulfillment comes through exploration and learning. They might meet their future spouse while traveling, studying, or in discussions on philosophy or spirituality. The spouse will more than likely be the adventurous type and inspire emotional growth. Together, they will explore new horizons, with the union focusing on expanding their emotional and intellectual perspectives.
Moon in the 10th House
This placement may indicate that they are going to meet their partner at work or through a public life. The spouse is there for emotional support in pursuit of professional goals and realization of ambition. The relationship would therefore, be emotionally satisfying, considering the shared goals and objectives that receive public applause. They could meet while attending a conference, at functions related to work, or at important junctures in their life.
Moon in the 11th House
The Moon here indicates friendship and shared dreams as means of establishing emotional connection. They could meet their spouse through social groups, a mutual friend, or while working on a cause or project. The spouse will likely share their ideals and aspirations, creating a union focused on building a shared vision for the future. They may find emotional bonding on humanitarian services or group activities.
Moon in the 12th House
This placement of Moon suggests a deeply spiritual and private connection. They can find their spouse in some secluded, healing, mystical settings, retreats, hospitals, or spiritual communities. The spouse may heal them emotionally, and the union will focus on unconditional love and empathy. Their relationship might involve overcoming subconscious fears and establishing soulful levels of trust.
{The Moon's aspects with other planets in the Union persona chart will further define these interpretations and show other emotional dynamics, as well as the nature of the influence a future spouse might have.}
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cartoonistcoop · 4 months ago
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Announcing the NIB + INK FESTIVAL! 
Coming May 2025, NIF is a Co-op members-run, online event featuring a marketplace to buy digital comics from members, free comic zines, panels, workshops, + more!  Read more + sign up for notifications here!
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sirdindjarin · 2 years ago
The Concession - Din Djarin x f!Reader
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gif from @rebeljyn 's gifset here
Din Djarin falls in love. Whoops.
The Savior / The Concession / The Choice (END)
AO3 Link
TAGS: S2 Din Djarin, "Who Did This to You?", P in V, Unprotected Sex w/o consequences because who likes those, m!Masturbation, Fluff, Pining, touch-starved!Din, helmet-less!Din, soft!Din, protective!Din, Grogu bein a sweet shit.
WARNINGS: Star Wars cursing/slang which I know annoys some people lmao, abusive shopkeepers.
A/N: "Shit" is Star Wars canon (thank you, Andor); Din is a groaner (Chapter 5 of TBOBF); & Din is a bit of a poet (thanks pledge to Bo-Katan in Chapter 23); I have cited my sources LOL.
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"No," the Mandalorian snaps. "No droids." 
A gloved hand flies to his holster and the rusty pit droids screech to a halt, beeping nervously.
Leaning against the frame of the Razor Crest, at the top of the boarding ramp, you roll your eyes at Din Djarin's back. His distaste for droids had been made clear to you the first time he'd stopped for parts.
Those droids had been considerably less polite about Din’s preference, and he had taken too much pleasure in enforcing it.
"Listen, buddy, they're my refueling dr-"
"Then I'll take my business elsewhere."
The attendant sighs loudly, glaring at the Mandalorian. The skinny, maroon male with a fin-shaped head rises from his chair behind his workshop desk. He walks toward a shaking pit droid and grabs the refueler.
"It'll cost you extra," the attendant's eye-stalks narrow at the bounty hunter.
Din comes to an agreement with the disgruntled worker, sullenly agreeing to a slightly higher rate.
As the Mandalorian keeps watch over his ship, your footsteps clang down the steep ramp, and you sidle up to him, saying, "We need some things. Ration packs are gone. And - don't tell him -" your voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper, "But I think Grogu deserves a treat." 
"He would agree with you.” Din’s elbow brushes your shoulder, and he realizes he’d leaned closer as you spoke.
You continue, “And you need something to relax.” 
At that, Din’s helmet turns. “I do not.” 
“You’re even more impatient than usual. You’re on an anti-droid campaign; the last time we stopped, you threatened to yank out one’s navigator circuits just for bumping your foot.” You look up at him, raising a teasing eyebrow. 
The Mandalorian goes as still as one of those droids he had deactivated. His intimidating, T-shaped slit brands into your vision. Behind it, you know he’s boring holes into your face. 
“Alright. Nothing for you, then.”
Your shoulders drop when you turn away from him, almost relieved to be out from underneath his piercing, hidden gaze. 
The Mandalorian had paid you a few days before, and this was your first real opportunity to spend your own money. You can’t stop smiling, even as you place the kid in his white pod and stuff your pocket with your credits. Grogu is as excited as you are - giggling in his quiet way.
As you pass the statue of Din Djarin, he extends a closed fist. Obediently, you hold out your hand. The tan-hide fingers of his gloves open and credits fall, clinking. You look up questioningly at him.
“For the food. Your wages are not meant to be spent on communal necessities.”
 Your lips curve into a lopsided, sweet smile that Din immediately commits to memory, and you nod.
Turning to Grogu, his fuzzy ears perked and eyes wide, you ask, “Ready, kid?”
The marketplace is huge. Stretching the length of the entire square, it’s busy for a planet this remote, but the size increases the options. 
Grogu floats along beside you, and you keep one hand on the lip of the pod, just to be safe. The responsibility of the kid is the greatest charge you’ve ever been given, in more ways than one. Grogu often holds your hand or squeaks to get your attention to point at something glowing or stinky or flashing. His outright affection is a lamp to your lonely heart. 
After visiting several vendors, you’ve resupplied what was necessary (with credits left over), and now you move on to something for Grogu. You’d be buying that with your own wages. Din could say whatever he liked, but what else do you have to spend your money on except the cute baby?
You walk past a booth advertising repair supplies, but when you realize it’s for clothing repair, something clicks in your brain. Grogu’s ears flop forward with your sudden stop. Your eyes run over the objects, and you select some, a smile splitting your face. You hope he will be pleased.
Several minutes later, Grogu makes a bah! sound, pointing at a live amphibian display. You’re pretty sure it’s a pet vendor, but the look on the kid’s face tells you he won’t take no for an answer. And maybe you should parent him - tell him no - but that’s Din’s job, not yours. 
“Hi. How much for the frog eggs?” You politely ask the vendor, digging in your pocket for credits.
The bug-eyed lady tells you in a language you don’t speak, but she holds up three short tentacles on her hand. She pushes six eggs toward you, which you gratefully take and set in Grogu’s pod. 
When you try to hand her the credits, she’s pushed out of the way by someone behind her. A man with a smushed nose yells in the same language the lady had spoken, and points away, clearly telling her to leave. 
You watch warily, and once the woman has gone, the man turns to you. 
“My apologies. The price is one credit per egg,” he simpers at you. 
Disliking the hike in price, you move to return half of the eggs, but he protests, “Once the item has left my possession, they must be paid for.” 
“But I can give them back to you,” you assert. “I’m not paying that much for frog eggs.” 
His smushed nose twitches up like a feral Loth-wolf, “Yes, you are.”
"I'm not." You set three eggs back on the counter. 
The man seizes your wrists, holding you in place. The crowded market is loud, but your indignant cry and the vendor's screamed accusation of theft cause several people to stop and watch. 
You try to twist out of his hold, but his scaly skin tears at yours. The snarling vendor suddenly ceases making noise, and he releases your wrists to clutch at his throat. Shocked, your head snaps to the child.
Grogu has one little, three-fingered hand raised and curled. 
“No!” You gasp, slamming the button on Grogu’s pod to close it. Far, far too many eyes watch. 
The vendor, choking and sputtering, recovers quickly and lunges at you across the table. His hands grip your upper arms, but you wrench out of his hold. Hoping to draw all attention to yourself, you punch the vendor with all your might. The vendor stumbles.
“Never seen someone pretend to choke over three credits,” your lie is an incredibly lame one, but you hope it’s enough for passersby.
He clutches his jaw; his spat insult is garbled, and he begins to inch around the long table, trying to get a better shot at you.
You turn and walk away with as even a pace as you can manage. Running would make his accusation true. The crowd swallows the two of you up well, and you lengthen your stride.
 But the vendor is regaining his volume. Nervously, you check over your shoulder. You jolt when Grogu’s pod bumps into your hip, then zooms away.
“No,” you yell again, grasping for the white vessel, but it comes to a hovering stop in front of a tall, silver man.
“Thank the Maker,” you sigh with relief. “We have to go.”
Din immediately notices the red ring of heat around your wrists and along your knuckles. He strides toward you. The closer he gets, the safer you feel - his protective aura slowly engulfing you.  
Din grabs your forearm and examines your wrist. There’s a raw quality to your skin where the man’s abrasive hands had clamped down and twisted. After a moment, his face locks onto yours.
“Show me who did this."
Cold, calm, his words are a promise.
Confused by his reaction, and still so used to answering when asked a direct question, you wince over your shoulder. Din finally seems to hear the vendor shouting in the distance as he searches the crowd for a ‘thief’ and her ‘dangerous pet’. Din abruptly straightens and steps past you.
Running after him, you reach for his gloved hand, fingers sliding home. “Din, please; we need to go.” 
The familiar contact makes him stop and turn to look at you. He says nothing, so you use the opportunity to explain.
“The ki- I made a scene, and it would be best if everyone forgot about it. A Mandalorian publicly roughing up the very same shopkeeper would give them more reason to gossip.” 
Din Djarin frowns the longer you speak. He knows you’re right. The kid is far more important than his sudden anger. He nods curtly.
The man’s vicious insults about your likely occupation and parentage echo down the street and make Din’s lip curl. But for the sake of the child, he manages to turn back toward the Razor Crest. It’s only when he passes Grogu’s stationary pod that he realizes he’s still holding your hand, fingers loosely intertwined. 
He gently flexes his hand, letting go.
As the Razor Crest speeds away from the planet, you smile. Vacuous and bone-chillingly cold, space is the worst. For most of your life, the inhospitable conditions had been worsened by your constant transport in the dark hold of some Creator-forsaken vessel.
But the cabin of the Mandalorian’s ship is warm and full of life, occupied by the kid's excited babbling and your semi-nervous laughter.
The kid waves his stubby arms in the Mandalorian’s lap as the Razor Crest dips and rises through a relatively calm asteroid field. Expertly maneuvering the expanse, Din Djarin has little motivation to do so except the smiles on his passengers’ faces. If you ask, he’ll tell you it’s a shortcut to the next system, which is only mostly untrue.
It’s been three months since Din collected the bounty on your former master. During that time, the Mandalorian had found one of the kid’s kind. A Jedi who could’ve taken Grogu, she declined the task. She told the bounty hunter of a place, a Seeing Stone, where Grogu could reach out for a Jedi master himself. 
Though a week has passed since learning of the Stone, Din had yet to bring Grogu to it, instead taking a couple of jobs. The stoic Mandalorian won’t admit, especially to himself, that he’s reluctant to let the child go. 
Reaching a lull in the slow-moving asteroids, Din draws the thruster back to stationary level, then looks down, his helmet nearly touching his breastplate, at the child still waving his short arms. Din turns his silver face to you questioningly.
Before he can speak, you joke, "I don’t want to learn to fly out here, if that's what you're about to ask.”
He shrugs with acceptance. Your eyebrows pinch in surprise, wondering if he’s playing along or serious.
“Okay, kid. We're done here,” he tenderly lifts Grogu and passes him to you. 
Grogu makes a protesting sound and hides one of his hands inside his robe.
“Big, mean Mandalorian is no fun,” you mutter to the child teasingly. Grogu coos in agreement.
Din shakes his head and swivels back to the control panel, flipping switches and entering data. The kid catches your attention, triumphantly showcasing a small metal sphere from his robe. You press your lips together and wink, silently promising you won’t tell. 
The Mandalorian’s gloved fingers run over his ship’s control panel like he’s conducting the Coruscant Orchestra, and then, suddenly, his right hand freezes in mid-air as he reaches for the thruster. 
“Grogu,” Din growls, spinning in his chair.
You laugh openly, “He’s a toddler, Din. You can’t close your eyes for a second.”
The Mandalorian rises, his bulk taking up the entirety of the cabin. He gently wrestles the ball from Grogu's fingers.
Long, soft ears droop, and massive, black eyes turn glassy. 
“Oh, look what you've done,” you croon, looking up at Din with an expression mirroring the kid’s.
Though he doesn't move, you can somehow see when Din’s annoyance is overruled by something stronger. Then the Mandalorian’s wide shoulders slowly rise and fall, a long-suffering sigh leaving his body.
“You are both menaces,” the Mandalorian accuses. He extends his hand, palm upward, “Grogu. Take it.” 
You hold your breath, allowing the child to focus on using his power. Grogu closes his eyes. The metal ball wiggles in the concave of Din’s large palm, then zooms to Grogu’s tiny hand.
Din makes a fist in excitement, “Great job, kid.”
Beaming at the Mandalorian, even more enthralled with him than the magic child in your lap, you wish you could see his proud smile.
Noticing your expression, Din's chin swivels to the side, clearly questioning. 
"Nothing. It's just that - it’s good to see you like this.” You shrug, trying to minimize your staring. “I know you’ve been stressed.”
The silent moment draws out as he assesses your observation. Still standing, the Mandalorian’s right hand hesitantly rises to whisper across the left side of your jaw. The gloved softness of his thumb caresses your cheekbone for an instant and a lifetime.
Din drops his hand like it weighs as much as a rancor. He turns around and sits back in his pilot's chair. Silver armor reflects the red and yellow lights around the cabin as he finishes his navigational procedures. 
Cheeks aflame, you duck your face down into the kid. 
“‘Occasional repairs,’’' you quote at the Mandalorian. “Every karking week there’s a new hole in this poor ship.” 
On the other side of the wing, busy soldering panels together, the Mandalorian's head snaps up. Unmoving, his expressionless mask simply stares at you. You bite your lip to prevent a grin and continue replacing bolts.
The beskar helmet remains for a while longer, hiding Din’s thoughts. He imagines what you’d look like if he put you on your knees and made you pay for your jokes. If he wiped that pretty smirk off your face. He feels a stirring in his flight suit, so he wrenches his mind away. 
The act the two of you committed in that field has not been repeated. His dedication to his helmet - to his creed - is paramount. And you tempt him too much. 
For the second time in the past year, Din has accidentally grown attached to someone - first the kid and now you. But with you, it’s a danger of a different kind.
Din had hoped that he just needed to get it out of his system. Get you out of his system. He had won that mock fight in the field, but he had yielded to his desire for you. 
Instead of feeling sated, Din feels hungrier as the days go by. Useless information, such as the number of sonic showers you've taken, clogs his mind. He would be ashamed of his counting, but he's too battle-weary to care. He does not count how many times he's taken advantage of the privacy of his bunk, remembering your eager face, your receptive body underneath him. 
All that armor wasn't worth a damn thing.
It’s easier for you. As inexperienced as Din but with your self-esteem already in the sarlacc pit, it wasn’t a stretch to imagine he'd had his fill of you and… well, that was that. Though you dream of it nearly every night, waking up to the strange feeling of both gaining and losing something.
Of course, the Mandalorian still needed you to care for the kid or help him replace several wing panels when he inevitably damaged them, as you were currently doing. 
At dusk, white trees sway behind you in the biting wind. This planet is rather cold, and Grogu, asleep inside the Razor Crest, doesn’t join you for the lovely, young Gornt dinner that Din had hunted. The two of you butcher it in silence and place it on the makeshift spit.
You then plop onto a log and snuggle down into your clothes, shivering. Though the items Din had given you months earlier are sturdy and warm, some of the chill of the night manages to seep through. You cross your arms, rubbing them.
Din vanishes from the other side of the fire - the smoky, dark air impenetrable. Squinting, you try to spot his reflective armor, but it works against you in this instance, easily blending him into the flickering, dim light.
A heavy material suddenly falls onto your shoulders, and you jump.
The Mandalorian stands directly behind you, the thick cloak he was trying to give you still partially in his hand. 
"I was focused on trying to see you through the smoke. I didn't think you'd be there." You clutch the brown garment tight around you and softly smile up at him, "Thank you."
Din nods, the clinking sound of metal audible as he returns to his log across the firelight. Your mouth gapes for a moment when you realize that the material around your shoulders is his torn cape.
"Do you not get cold?"
"I do." 
"Why not wear one yourself then?" You lift part of the cloak in indication.
"Mandalorians are taught to withstand uncomfortable circumstances. As a foundling, I frequently exercised in far less temperate weather." 
"A foundling?" You query, your eyebrow raising.
The Mandalorian leans back and shifts his legs apart to better distribute his weight.
"My youth was upended by war. When my village was destroyed, I was found by a Mandalorian."
"The name is quite literal, then?" 
"My people are quite literal," Din crosses his arms and his commanding presence is distracting.
He looks so big sitting on the log, his legs open, back straight, and arms folded. 
"We have similar beginnings," you swallow, trying to ignore the burning inside that has nothing to do with the fire.
"I was a little more fortunate in who found me," Din states. He leans forward to finally adjust the rod holding your dinner.
You lose your gaze in the flaming light, remembering.  
“I still can’t believe how much things have changed,” you murmur. 
Din Djarin can’t either. He has a life-altering decision to make, and a child to let go of, and both thoughts weigh on him like a karking Mudhorn. Din sighs internally at his unintended choice of simile.
Your eyes stray upward to the navy sky, breathing deeply. The frigid air burns your lungs, but you only draw more in, relishing your freedom to do so.
"You did not deserve that life," Din’s rough, mechanical voice answers over the sound of the crackling fire. 
You frown, "No one does." 
Running with the Mandalorian was a great way to stay ahead of the slavers. Paid employment, constant movement, and no one besides Din knowing your name - it was too good to be true.
Dropping your head from the sky, you level the Mandalorian with the most heartfelt gaze you can manage, "Thank you. I would've never had the courage to run without you."
Unable to see his reaction, you feel the distance most acutely. It isn't just flame and metal that divides you.
"I-" Din starts, but you cut him off.
"But mostly it's thanks to Grogu," you grin, trying to lighten the mood.
The helmet bobs as though he's amused, then Din sighs dramatically. 
"I need to separate you two."
"I love him," you giggle, remembering a moment a few days earlier when he had picked up a very dignified, sentient species of frog and tried to eat it. "He is such an agent of chaos." You laugh into your cloak-covered hand. 
Grateful that you can't see the fervent emotion glimmering in his brown eyes, Din studies you. Your fond smile is lit by the glowing fire and the cold winds blow redness into your cheeks and nose. You’re secure in his cloak, and it makes his chest ache.
"Shit," he breathes. The hiss through his modulator doesn't pick up the word well, to his relief. 
It's not a surprise if you do truly love the kid. He is adorable and you've been with him every waking moment for three months, but the word you've just introduced is jarring to Din.
Talking about Grogu brings the dangers you all face to the forefront of your mind. Your smile falls.
"Will you continue to teach me to fight?" You don't immediately register the sudden rigidity of Din's posture, so you press on, "It’s upsetting to me that I'm better with a blaster than with the skills I was taught and trained in by my family." 
The Mandalorian is relieved. You've given him an excuse to say no.
"I cannot teach you the methods of your people." 
“That’s alright; anything would be appreciated.” 
Din shifts his thigh on the log, agitated, and you struggle to fill the silence, “You don’t have to, of course.”
Then, as the silence lengthens, and you watch his helmet glint as he looks away, you realize what he must be so uncomfortable about. 
“Oh. I am not asking we repeat that. I’m sorry,” you raise a hand to chest height as if you’re trying to physically defend yourself from the awkwardness. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“I know.” 
“I- Din, really I only meant the…” you grimace and clamp your lips together, unable to bear the tension. Standing, you insist, “I swear to you, I never expected more.”
Forgetting to return his cape, you unconsciously hold it closer as you retreat into the Razor Crest. 
The Mandalorian does not watch you walk away. His conflicted eyes remain trained on the crackling fire. Sparring with you brings every heart tug, every little attraction he has to you to the surface, and that's too frustrating to manage while IMPs track him and he deals with letting go of Grogu. 
But Din knows he really should continue to teach you. It’s in your best interest, as well as Grogu’s. His hangup is entirely selfish, and Din is not a selfish man. 
Hours later, when the sun has started to rise once more on this short-cycle planet, the Mandalorian finds his brown cape hung on the door to the refresher. He jerks it off its resting place, and goes to tuck it back around himself, when he notices that something is wrong.
Frozen, the Mandalorian stares at the brown, rough material in his hand. There are no holes in it anymore, only stitches. 
Combined with the sound of intentionally-loud footsteps, Din places Grogu - who had jumped between the two of you all night - on the edge of your cot, allowing the child to wake you up. Din strides to his weapons cache.
You yawn, then snicker at Grogu’s delighted face as he babbles what must be his version of Good Morning. 
“Morning, kid.” You pet his ear and he begins to purr.
“You should stop babying him,” the Mandalorian doesn’t look at you as he searches among the weapons.
“Why? He’s a baby.” 
Din shuts the doors to his stash. “He is fifty years old."
“He's what?” 
Din shrugs and inclines his head in humor. You stare incredulously at the middle-aged child who rotates his little head between you and his father. 
“His species is unknown, but they age differently than we do.” 
“Uh, yeah. Fifty?” 
Din’s modulator makes a rasping sound. It could’ve been a small laugh, but you’re not sure. 
“Is fifty so terrible?”
Something in Din’s voice makes you look up at him. He casually leans against the hull. 
Unsure if you should have the gumption to even ask, you stutter, “A-are you also fifty?” 
The beskar mask does not move as the man behind it debates his reply. He decides on honesty.
“No,” Din states. He clasps one hand over the other in front of him, adding, “But I will reach that number in less than a decade.” 
You make a small, accepting gesture as you had subconsciously placed him around his early forties anyway. In any case, it doesn’t matter to you. He is the Mandalorian who (somewhat inadvertently at first, you’ll admit) saved you. Even without that gratitude, you would feel an attraction to him. He was strong and kind and protective. Ruthless, sure, but only when necessary.
Din pushes off the wall, “You didn’t ask why I woke you.” 
“Oh.” It hadn’t occurred to you, so used to being woken up - far more rudely or violently - each morning for the prior two decades. “Alright, why did you wake me?”
He reaches behind his back, unhooking an item, and holds out the fighting stick he had used in that skirmish between the two of you. 
“I will teach you what I can.” 
Din Djarin is careful not to touch you, even through his gloves. He doesn’t trust himself anymore. Instead, he instructs you in tactics. After clocking your strategy in less than three moves, Din is worried about your future opponents doing the same. 
“You dislike giving ground, but there will be times you’ll have to. It’s how you will outmaneuver them,” the Mandalorian stands, hands folded, his knee cocked, as he speaks. 
“How do you know that?” You ask in response to his first statement. 
Din clenches his jaw at the memory so very close to other memories, and answers you in a contained voice, “You were not subtle.” 
You smile, abashed. “See, that is why I asked you. I’m far too inexperienced.”
Din closes his eyes in frustration.
You continue nervously, thinking about how hesitant he had been to agree to this, “My master took me to many fights, and you’re the best I’ve ever seen. I value your opinion.”
Din is used to compliments. Those whom he returned quarries to often praised him for his work. But your praise is one he actually wants, and something throbs in his chest. Then he grows irritated with his rampant, immature yearning for you. 
Din speaks harshly, “This is for the protection of the child. You are his guardian when I am not nearby.”
Locked onto that T-shaped, black slit, your eyes flicker a little at his callous, impatient pronouncement, but you nod. 
“Of course. For the kid.”
Unhappy to be removed from where he had curled up on his father’s pilot seat, Grogu had insisted upon sleeping in the cockpit with his little metal ball. You had assured the Mandalorian that you didn’t mind staying in the passenger chair for the night. The cushions were comfortable enough, and it made the child happy. 
An hour after Grogu had begun purring in his sleep, you’re brought to consciousness by a deeper, labored sound. Bolting to your feet, worried about the Mandalorian below, you descend the ladder. 
The door to the Mandalorian’s bunk had not fully closed, apparently jamming on some loose junk part that Grogu must’ve picked up. There is no light on in the enclosed space, so you cannot see him. But you can hear the way he mutters your name once, rough and agitated. You can hear the sound of material jerking and his rasping, vocoded grunts. 
Your throat tightens and your breathing stops. Eyes wide, you slowly back up, terrified for him to find you in this way. A molten weight in your stomach wants you to push open the door and take care of him, but after the manner in which he spoke to you the entire afternoon, and the obvious way he tries to forget about that day in the field, you can’t. You can’t even fathom why he would be uttering your name. It’s too confusing.
Dazed, you return to the cockpit and try to block him out. Sleep does not come to save you for far too long, and when it does, it provides you no escape from the Mandalorian.
Din’s tortured use of your name had kept you awake far into the night. When you groggily open your eyes the next morning, you know you won’t be able to let this go. You must talk to him. Bravery is a muscle you’re trying to flex anyway, so you might as well try it on the scariest thing you can think of: an angry Din Djarin. 
While Grogu plays with a ship part you pretend to have never seen, one Din had pried out of the receiving slot of his bunk door this morning, you and he traipse down the boarding ramp, intending to save the rest of the Gornt meat for traveling. 
Absolutely guessing at how you’ll begin this conversation, you decide you’ll just hope for the best. 
“I- I heard you last night.” It’s barely more than a whisper.
The Mandalorian stops dead in his tracks and you stumble, trying not to run into him. He turns on you, a solid wall of muscle and metal, but says nothing. You swallow and force what shred of courage you have to the front. 
“I heard you say my name. You don’t have to do that alone. I can help you,” your final words are almost inaudible.
The Mandalorian provides food, shelter, and companionship. Ignorant to any kind of normal relationship, friendly or greater, you want to show your gratitude. And if that was how you could help him, all the better.
Your inner self, the one that’s been unthawing since the day your master was frozen in carbonite, wants Din in a far more genuine manner. You want him. His compassion and honor, his fatherly love for Grogu, his non-pitying care for you, and his primal confidence have you in danger of becoming a hopeless devotee.
“Help me,” he reiterates, his tone worryingly neutral.
“Passage for assistance,” you try to ease the tension slightly with another old quote of his. “I can still assist you. It’s repayment for your aid.”
Even as you say it, you feel the depth of the lie. You want Din for yourself.
He’s silent. At his side, the fingers on his right hand fidget. The broad bounty hunter leans over you. As he tilts his head, the cold sun glints off his armor. 
Din’s voice is as sharp as his vibroblade but twice as lethal, “You are no longer a slave - do not make me say that again. This is not a business transaction.” 
Not a business transaction? While technically a rejection, his clarification makes you dizzy. Your breath comes out shakily, fogging in the chill air. 
“Okay. What if that’s not my real reason for asking?”
That does it. Stunned, the Mandalorian might as well be a statue made of beskar. Din had found it easy to believe you allowed him to touch you because you felt in his debt, and he hated it. Made him feel as slimy as a Hutt.
“Tell me.” 
Din watches your facial expressions run the gamut and he knows that whatever you’re about to say is the truth. 
“I care about you.” Will you ever stop whispering? “For you, not just what you’ve done for me,” your second greatest act of bravery this morning is touching his cold chestplate. You swallow as you look up into that blank face. 
Din doesn't move. Doesn't think he can move, but then his body responds before his mind does. Soft leather brushes your cheekbones as he takes your face in his large hands. He tilts his cold helmet to your forehead, and you instinctively close your eyes, sighing in relief. This was not what you were expecting when you followed him out here.
You can't hear the first thing he says, but it sounds like dank farrik. You laugh quietly in his hands.
"You are a menace,” he mutters a little louder, the modulator somehow enhancing the timbre of his voice. “You and the kid.”
Grinning, you open your eyes as he lifts his helmet from your skin. “Don’t bring him into this,” you joke. 
Din’s thumb ghosts across your lips and you shiver. The Mandalorian is calm. This is inevitable now. He need not fight himself any longer. He grasps your wrist and brings it upward. Gently guiding your fingers underneath the edge of his helmet, Din presses them to his lips.
Utterly shocked at this new gift, you gasp. A scratchy cloth wraps around the bottom of his chin, but above it, his soft, scruffy facial hair and plump lips make your skin tingle. Nerves jumble in your lower stomach. He presses another kiss before slowly lowering your hand.
You tell him disbelievingly, "I thought there was no way -” 
“What you thought was wrong.” 
Your heat signature rises at the sincerity in his voice. Din tilts his head, watching your reaction to him. He lets his covered fingers drift over your lips again, then he drags them down the column of your throat and past your exposed collarbone, enjoying your whimper. Your pupils are dilated.
“You want me now, don’t you?” He asks, his voice hoarse. 
You nod, whispering past your suddenly dry mouth, “Yes.” 
The Mandalorian crouches for a split second, hefting you into his arms with no effort. Your legs automatically wrap around his middle, arms around his neck. His hands clasp underneath your thighs as he strides up the loading ramp as though every second he delayed was one wasted. 
Din lays you out on his bunk and hits the button for the door without looking at it. He does not turn on the light. In the tiny, black room, you can hear him divesting himself of his flight suit and armor. It makes your heart throw itself against your chest. You sit up and struggle out of your own clothes, wanting nothing between you and him.
“Will I ever get to kiss you?” You ask timidly.
Din answers you immediately. His rough palms bracket your face, then he reverently pushes his lips into yours. His facial hair brushes against your skin and you weakly moan into his mouth, parting your lips for more. The Mandalorian groans, as well, enraptured by this new sensation. 
Din wraps a muscled arm around your waist, crushing you to him in the small space. His warm, broad chest forces yours to mold around him. Your hands gently drag along his torso, mapping him. He shudders underneath your fingers.
His lips break like waves around yours. You could be floating above the bed and it would feel no different. He kisses you like it’s what he needs to survive; his occasional noises of desperation stake your heart and dampen your thighs.
“Need to touch you everywhere,” Din’s real, untampered voice knots your stomach. 
“You can do whatever you want,” you breathlessly repeat the unspoken affirmation you’d given him the first time. 
He chuckles, and you shiver again, drunk with lust. Din lowers you back onto the hard bed, settling over you.
His hot mouth surprises the sensitive skin of your breast. Din moans, involuntarily you think, as he tastes you there, gently pulling and sucking. You jerk, pressing up into him with a cry. Who knew that could feel so good?
His big hands flow down your sides, pressing into you, exploring, and you get a burst of understanding. This man is starved.
Your hands comb into his hair, and while you wonder what its color is, you’re choked up to find that it’s soft and wavy. Din groans loudly when your fingers rub on his scalp. He seems invigorated by it as he growls and returns to your lips with a fever. His tongue demands you allow him inside, but there is no resistance on your end. 
Suddenly, Din breaks the kiss with a wet pop of his lips. He vanishes from above you, but then two large hands slide up your thighs. He pushes them apart and your breath hitches. 
“You trust me?” The Mandalorian knows the answer, he just wants to hear it.
Nodding dumbly in the dark, you realize he can’t see you and squeak, “Yes.”
He shifts down and presses a row of kisses up your inner thigh. His nose brushes your coarse hair, and your breathing breaks a second time. 
Din flattens his tongue and licks the spot he already knows you like. You jolt and his arms wrest around your thighs, holding you in place for him. You whimper as he buries his face in your folds, shocking your system. Your hands return to his hair, and his chest swells as he quickly shoves you toward your end. His nose continually nudges your bundle of nerves and each time it feels like you’re hurtling through hyperspace.
Your back arches when he traps your clit between his lips, and he responds with another obscene noise. This time, the vibration of his deep voice rips your orgasm from your marrow. Crying out his name, you quake, chest heaving through the waves of euphoria. 
Too overwhelmed by all his options, Din moves back to your mouth, breathing heavily himself, “Incredible.” 
He licks into you again, his hand cradling your face to allow him deeper. Taking advantage of his position, you wrap your legs around his trim waist, pulling him down. His hips cant toward you, and you feel his length fall onto your abdomen. You hadn’t forgotten how big he was, but the heft of it makes your body tremble. 
The Mandalorian could be a patient man, but this would never be one of those moments. Din fists himself, rubbing once along your soaked seam. He pushes forward, steadily feeding his cock into your tight, forgiving heat. Din grunts several times, overstimulated. 
“You don’t know what you’ve done, mesh’la,” he gruffly murmurs, his naked voice still so shocking to hear.
You have no idea what he means, and you file it away for later study. Solely focused on how he feels halfway inside you, you clutch at the back of his thick thighs, encouraging him. But then he snaps his hips, driving himself to the hilt.
“Din, oh,” you sharply gasp. 
He grinds his pubic bone into your mound, stimulating you; his chin tilts up, proud, when you shudder. The Mandalorian grabs one of your hands and brings it to where he’s joined with you.
“You feel that?” Din’s voice is weighty, meaningful.
“Mhm,” you sigh, your fingers leaving his hand to explore his dark curls. He’s right. The deviant way his thick member disappears inside you is intoxicating.
He languidly draws himself out, letting you experience every ridge and vein, pulsing with your filthy sounds. He re-enters you just as intentionally, and when he’s given you everything, he leans down and drags you into a kiss. A kiss that means something to him. His tongue surges through your mouth in a single stroke before his full lips pull on yours, one hand gripping the back of your neck.
He lets you go, trailing his mouth down your throat, obsessed with the taste and the feel of you on his skin.
Din returns to your lips, his forearms framing your head. His fingers twist in your hair, and he begins to pump faster. His length strokes along a spot that makes your eyes flutter in the pitch blackness. Your nails carefully rake at his toned back, drawing a strangled moan from him as he shoves himself inside again and again. Losing a measure of self-control, he thrusts hard, placing a palm on the back wall for stability. 
Your hands finally, finally, reach up for his face, expecting at any moment that he’ll stop you. His lips are parted as he pants in exertion, his facial hair fluttering with his breath. Din’s cheekbones are round and high; his nose is angular and fitting. 
“I knew you were handsome,” you praise, the words fluctuating in cadence with his pounding strokes. “Wouldn’t have mattered.”
He scoffs, barely conscious of what you’re saying. His forehead drops to yours again, and he can’t believe the life he’d known had unraveled so drastically. In under a year, Din had gained a child and this. 
“Turn over,” he orders.
Of course, you obey without hesitation.
His calloused fingers slide around your hips, pulling them upward. With your chest still pressed into the bunk, you moan when he slowly re-inserts himself. He nearly chokes when your body draws him in; the angle and drenched grip of you makes him shake his head in disbelief. 
“You okay?” He rumbles. 
Your chin scrapes on the metal bed as you nod, “Please move.” 
He clasps an arm around your middle, hunching forward. His scruff and lips tickle the top of your spine as he begins to rut into you. It’s already too much - Din grunting, his chest hair scratching your upper back, his muscled arms holding you in place as he fills you over and over. You begin to clench around him again, crying out harshly in a rush of pleasure. Your legs shake, giving out underneath you.
The Mandalorian’s large hand splays across your breast, and he pulls you backward onto your knees alone, welding you to his perspiring chest. As his length plunges up into you, his lips brush your ear. He’s whispering something, but you can't understand the words.
Then, Din exhales with a groan and rolls several long, pulsing strokes, burying his come as deep as he can with a final, gravel-filled grunt.
In the dark, there’s only the sound of two people fighting for breath. Din has leaned against the cool wall; he tugs you to him. You sit somewhat beside him, your legs tangled together. Your head rests on his heaving shoulder, and every now and then, you feel the press of his lips in your hair. He laughs once, quietly.
“What is it?” 
“Your life is not the only one that has changed.” 
Blinking rapidly, your heart glows with warmth. Yours had changed the most. This Mandalorian had come into your non-existence and given you everything. Courage, freedom, responsibility, love. 
“I know you like to fight, but this is one I’ll win,” you laugh softly. 
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tragicdruid · 7 months ago
Angst with Scara please, using this line!
“Is it too hard to love me back?”
Lost Love (1)
Pairings: Scaramouche x Reader
Contains: Angst no comfort (?), established relationship, break up, minor Archon quest spoiler
Word Count: 600+
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Scaramouche was different now -- or perhaps he had always been this way. Ever since he'd successfully taken the electro gnosis, his mind has been dead set on a singular goal; becoming a God. Everything else had fallen to the wayside. He abandoned the Fatui and, in some ways, it feels as if he's abandoned you.
You were still at his side during this venture, following him loyally as a lover should. But love...it felt as if it was slipping through your fingertips. So focused on godhood, it was as if he'd forgotten you. Or rather, you were no longer of any importance. He cared more about a single worshiper than he did his lover. At least, that's what it felt like.
As you stand in the Joururi workshop, staring up at the giant mechanism that Scaramouche is attached to from within, your expression becomes pensive.
"Is this really what you want?" You ask, head tilting as your eyes search for his visage behind the combination of intricate metals. When was the last time you saw his face? Felt his touch? Weeks? Months?
"What kind of question is that? Of course it is." His voice echoes out into the space, full of disdain and judgement. As if you were nothing more than a dog.
In truth, you missed him. It was as simple as that. Sure, you were in the same space, but things were different now. It wasn't as if the two of you had a normal relationship to begin with, but it feels as if the fragile thread that connected you both was on the verge of breaking. And it's not like you weren't supportive of his plans. You just wonder if the consequences were worth it.
"Well...once you become a God, where does that leave us?" You hope that there will still be an us.
Contemptuous laughter fills the space and you feel your stomach drop. "What do you think? You will worship me like everyone else," he sneers, and you can practically feel his cold gaze through the machine.
"That's not what I meant and you know it," you reply quickly, brows furrowed and lips pulled into a frown. "You know I love you. Is it too hard to love me back?"
You earn a scoff of disbelief before he chuckles coolly. "Love? Is that what you thought it was? Mortals are so simpleminded."
Your chest clenches at his words, wanting to believe that he's just being disagreeable to irritate you, as he often did. The power must be getting to his head.
"Yes, love. Aren't we enough? You don't have to do all this to prove yourself."
"Hah, I don't need to prove myself. This is my birthright. If you think I'm going to stop just because you think you're special, think again."
Immediately, tears begin to well in your eyes as your voice gets caught in your throat. You want to argue like you always do, but you know this is different.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Scaramouche was always one to twist the knife, but you had hoped that he wouldn't be so cruel to you.
Taking a moment to collect yourself, you blink away your tears and glare at the mechanism that was to be his new form. "I guess we're done then," you mutter bitterly, turning your back to him.
"Aw, did I hurt your feelings? You'll come running back like you always do."
His taunting laughter fills the chamber as you walk away. You don't come back.
A Wanderer walks alone through the marketplace. You pass him with groceries in hand, your scent familiar and expression serene. He is unfamiliar to you, but as your eyes meet, you catch a glimpse of yearning in those stunning indigo orbs. The stranger tilts his head downward, the rim of his hat blocking your view as he continues on his path.
Pausing for a moment, you turn your head to stare at the stranger's back. With a shrug, you return home, wondering why that wanderer looked at you with something akin to love.
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olis-inkwell-symposium · 16 hours ago
Essay/Blurb on Enhancing Fantasy Stories Through Slice of Life Writing
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Fantasy thrives on spectacle—the clash of swords, the weight of prophecies, the kind of magic that cracks mountains and reshapes worlds. It’s exciting, sure, but what keeps me coming back to a story isn’t the grandeur. It’s the small things. The quiet moments. The way a warrior looks at their battered boots after a day of marching through wet fields, or how a mage sighs in frustration as their spell fails for the fourth time that morning. These aren’t the moments most people come to fantasy for, but for me, they’re the ones that stay.
I’m talking about slice-of-life writing. The parts of a story where the world slows down and the characters just exist. No urgent plot points, no apocalyptic stakes—just people living their lives in a world that feels real because it’s full of those tiny, human details. Slice-of-life writing isn’t about undercutting the epic. It’s about making it matter. If I don’t care about a character during their quiet moments, why would I care about them when they’re in the middle of a fight for their life?
Take the image of a sorceress kneeling on the floor of her workshop, scrubbing soot off the wood after a spell went sideways. Her cat, impervious to the chaos she’s created, bats at a stray piece of parchment. She’s muttering to herself, not in ancient, arcane tongues, but in frustration because she’s ruined another expensive candle and the stain won’t come out of the floorboards. That’s the moment I want to see—not just because it’s relatable, but because it gives me a reason to see her as more than her title or her power.
For me, slice-of-life writing is where a world stops being a backdrop and starts becoming a place. A marketplace isn’t just “bustling.” It’s full of mismatched voices yelling over each other, the smell of something spiced and slightly burnt wafting from a stall, and the metallic clang of someone hammering out horseshoes nearby. It’s a child tugging on their parent’s hand, begging for something shiny that they’ll probably lose by the end of the day. I don’t want a world that feels polished and pristine—I want one where I can practically feel the grime under my fingernails and hear the complaints of the merchant who’s been on their feet since dawn.
These small details are what ground a story. They don’t slow it down; they give it weight. A warrior isn’t just a weapon—he’s someone who spends fifteen minutes trying to scrape mud off his boots so he doesn’t track it into the inn. A healer isn’t just a symbol of kindness—they’re someone who stares at their herb supply, calculating whether they can afford to save another life without losing their own. These aren’t plot points—they’re anchors. They give the extraordinary a foundation, something to stand on when the story starts to tip toward the unbelievable.
There’s a scene I’ve imagined more than once: a mage crouched over a torn robe, trying to stitch it back together. Their hands aren’t steady—magic has never required precision, not like this. The needle pricks their thumb, and they swear quietly, not because of the pain but because the thread has slipped loose again. There’s a pile of spell components shoved to the side of the table, forgotten for now, because even the most powerful magic-user has to fix their own clothes sometimes. It’s such a small thing, but it tells me everything I need to know about who they are.
I don’t need every moment in a story to be this slow, quiet thing. Big battles, high stakes, massive consequences—I love those, too. But when everything is dialed up to eleven, I start to feel numb. I lose my connection to the characters, to the stakes, to the world itself. Slice-of-life writing is what keeps me tethered. It’s the chance to pause, to breathe, to see the people behind the actions.
Even in the most fantastical settings, slice-of-life makes the world feel lived in. A healer crouching in a hidden garden, tending to plants that glow faintly in the dark, isn’t just performing a task. She’s inhabiting the world, shaping it with her small rituals. I can feel the damp soil against her hands, hear the soft hum of an insect passing by, see the way the leaves shift as she moves. It’s these details that make me believe in the world, that make me want to stay in it just a little longer.
And slice-of-life isn’t just for worldbuilding—it’s for the characters, too. A protagonist at a village festival, standing just outside the crowd, drink in hand, is a different person than the one charging into battle. Maybe they notice the blacksmith wiping soot-streaked hands on her apron before joining a group of friends. Maybe they overhear a merchant arguing over a charm’s price, both of them pretending not to laugh. These moments tell me about who the protagonist is when they’re not “the hero.” They give me a reason to care.
Writing slice-of-life is also where I feel most free to explore my characters. What do they do when no one is watching? How do they hold themselves in the quiet moments, when they don’t have an audience? A young apprentice practicing spells late into the night, their breath fogging in the cold air, tells me more about their courage than any grand speech ever could. These scenes aren’t distractions—they’re where the heart of the story lives.
It’s not just about what happens in these moments—it’s about how they happen. Slice-of-life thrives on specificity. It’s not “a bustling inn”; it’s the creak of floorboards under a barmaid’s hurried steps, the faint smell of spilled ale clinging to the air, the muttered complaint of someone who’s been nursing the same drink for hours. It’s not “a lone traveler at dawn”; it’s the way the frost clings to the edges of their cloak, the crackle of the fire they’re trying to rekindle, the hissed curse as they burn their fingers on the kettle. These details make the world tangible.
Fantasy doesn’t have to be all or nothing. There’s room for both the epic and the intimate. The key is knowing when to let the world slow down, when to let the characters breathe. Slice-of-life isn’t about filling time—it’s about filling the world. It’s about giving every sword swing, every spell, every desperate act of heroism something to stand on.
The moments that stick with me aren’t always the big ones. It’s the sorceress scrubbing soot off the floor. The warrior muttering about damp boots. The healer brushing dirt from their hands after an hour in the garden. These are the moments that make the extraordinary feel worth it. These are the moments that remind me why I fell in love with fantasy in the first place.
taglist below; reply or dm to be added to or removed from!
@slenders1ckn3ss @lucistarsfire @mai2themai @fond-illusion @p00lverinecentral @ambidextrousarcher
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royal-harpy · 1 year ago
Genuinely don't know why every search feature in FR is all different and so hard to just use for simple things. Why must the Database search be different from our Hoard search? Why can I search up a creator of a skincent on the database but not in my hoard? Marketplace can filter modern breeds only but you can't in Database. Loading a morphology in Scrying Workshop is different from using the Dressing Room. There is no uniform design here, losing my mind sometimes when i think about the UI too much.
Even simple stuff like how come my Achievement page doesn't even blatantly state you can redeem these point on another page? I have to hover over those points and then realize i can click it to link me to the Grand Exchange (not even the redeem page)
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digitalmarketingpelatihan · 2 years ago
Daftar: 0813 9958 0003 - Workshop Online Marketing Bekasi
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Digital Marketing Pelatihan, Digital Marketing Strategy Workshop, Digital Marketing Workshop For Small Business Owners, Kursus Internet Marketing, Pelatihan Digital Marketing, Pelatihan Digital Marketing Untuk Umkm, Pelatihan Internet Marketing, Pelatihan Internet Marketing Jakarta, Pelatihan Marketing Digital, Pelatihan Marketing Online, Pelatihan Marketing Strategy, Workshop Internet Marketing, Workshop Internet Marketing Jakarta, Workshop Internet Marketing Bekasi, Workshop Internet Marketing Jakarta, Workshop Marketplace, Workshop Online Marketing, Bootcamp Online Marketing, Digital Marketing Bootcamp
Saatnya Kuasai Dunia Online.
Light Salts Digital Event Organizer Mempersembahkan Pelatihan Digital Marketing 3 Hari Full Praktek Bersama Bpk. Agus "PIRANHAMAS" Setiyawan
Pasang Strategimu Dengan Berbisnis Secara Digital Ditahun 2023!!!! Akan dibimbing dan diberikan ilmu Pemasaran Digital Online. Bersama dengan Bapak Agus Setiawan Yang Sudah Berpengalaman Sejak 2008 . "Hanya dengan INVESTASI TERJANGKAU Anda sudah mendapatkan semua materi Digital Online Selama 3 HARI, FULL MATERI DAN PRAKTEK 🥳 Yuk CATAT TANGGALNYA 📌
📆 : 09-22 Januari 2023 ⏰ : Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 📍 : D'opiz Prima Orchard Trade Mall Blok C-9 JL.Raya Perjuangan harapan baru Bekasi Utara.
Yuk…Tunggu apa lagi kirimkan Tim terbaik Anda untuk bergabung…. DAFTAR SEKARANG🎊✔️
📌INFORMASI LEBIH LANJUT HUBUNGI: 0813-9958-0003(Bu Martha)
atau kunjungi https://lightsalts.com/
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adbros · 1 year ago
30 ways to make real; money from home
Making money online from the comfort of your home has become increasingly accessible with the growth of the internet and digital technologies. In 2023, there are numerous realistic ways to earn money online. Here are 30 ideas to get you started:
1. Freelance Writing: Offer your writing skills on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer to create blog posts, articles, or website content.
2. Content Creation: Start a YouTube channel, podcast, or blog to share your expertise or passion and monetize through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
3. Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys and market research studies with platforms like Swagbucks or Survey Junkie.
4. Remote Customer Service: Work as a remote customer service representative for companies like Amazon or Apple.
5. Online Tutoring: Teach subjects you're knowledgeable in on platforms like VIPKid or Chegg Tutors.
6. E-commerce: Start an online store using platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or eBay to sell products.
7. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services on your blog or social media and earn commissions for sales made through your referral links.
8. Online Courses: Create and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable.
9. Remote Data Entry: Find remote data entry jobs on websites like Clickworker or Remote.co.
10. Virtual Assistance: Offer administrative support services to businesses as a virtual assistant.
11. Graphic Design: Use your graphic design skills to create logos, graphics, or websites for clients on platforms like Fiverr.
12. Stock Photography: Sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.
13. App Development: Develop and sell mobile apps or offer app development services.
14. Social Media Management: Manage social media accounts for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.
15. Dropshipping: Start an e-commerce business without holding inventory by dropshipping products.
16. Online Consultations: Offer consulting services in your area of expertise through video calls.
17. Online Surplus Sales: Sell unused items or collectibles on platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.
18. Online Fitness Coaching: Become an online fitness coach and offer workout plans and guidance.
19. Virtual Events: Host webinars, workshops, or conferences on topics you're knowledgeable about.
20. Podcast Production: Offer podcast editing, production, or consulting services.
21. Remote Transcription: Transcribe audio and video files for clients.
22. Online Translation: Offer translation services if you're proficient in multiple languages.
23. Affiliate Blogging: Create a niche blog with affiliate marketing as the primary revenue source.
24. Online Art Sales: Sell your artwork, crafts, or digital art on platforms like Etsy or Redbubble.
25. Remote Bookkeeping: Offer bookkeeping services for small businesses from home.
26. Digital Marketing: Provide digital marketing services like SEO, PPC, or social media management.
27. Online Gaming: Stream your gaming sessions on platforms like Twitch and monetize through ads and donations.
28. Virtual Assistant Coaching: If you have experience as a VA, offer coaching services to aspiring virtual assistants.
29. Online Research: Conduct research for businesses or individuals in need of specific information.
30. Online Real Estate: Invest in virtual real estate, such as domain names or digital properties, and sell them for a profit.
Remember that success in making money online often requires dedication, patience, and the ability to adapt to changing trends. It's essential to research and choose the opportunities that align with your skills, interests, and long-term goals.
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skrillexberry · 3 months ago
Here’s a list of over 100 buildings to populate your fantasy town, covering everything from essential structures to more whimsical or thematic additions
Essential Buildings:
Town Hall
Guard Tower
General Store
Butcher Shop
Tailor Shop
Carpenter’s Workshop
Cobbler’s Shop
Farmer's Market
Mill (Windmill/Watermill)
Post Office
Alchemist’s Shop
Magic Academy
Potion Shop
Farrier (for horse shoes)
Butcher’s Block
Tailor’s Guild
Weaver’s Hut
Pottery Shop
Fletcher (Arrow Maker)
Tanner’s Yard
Spice Merchant
Jeweler’s Workshop
Scribe’s Office
Civic & Public Spaces:
City Gates
Bell Tower
Magistrate’s Office
Town Square
Auction House
River Dock
Public Forum
Clock Tower
Residential Buildings:
Manor House
Noble’s Mansion
Merchant’s House
Apartment Building
Worker’s Dormitory
Boarding House
Hunter’s Lodge
Shanty House
Fisherman’s Hut
Vineyard Estate
Witch’s Cottage
Trade and Craftsmanship:
Glassblower’s Workshop
Painter’s Studio
Sculptor’s Workshop
Clockmaker’s Shop
Musician’s Hall
Candlemaker’s Workshop
Basket Weaver
Soapmaker’s Shop
Bookbinder’s Shop
Toymaker’s Workshop
Carriage House
Leatherworker’s Shop
Metalworker’s Foundry
Dye House
Taxidermist’s Workshop
Cartographer’s Shop
Engraver’s Workshop
Mystical/Unique Buildings:
Wizard’s Tower
Enchanter’s Hall
Potion Brewery
Astronomer’s Tower
Fairy Grove
Dragon Stable
Rune Reader’s Tent
Crystal Shop
Elementalist Shrine
Oracle’s Hut
Druid’s Circle
Sorcerer’s Guild
Griffin Aviary
Necromancer’s Lair
Portal Room
Seer’s Observatory
Grain Silo
Wine Cellar
Salt House
Ice House
Tinkerer’s Workshop
Puppet Theater
Public Bathhouse
Art Gallery
Falconer’s Lodge
Cheese Monger
Guild of Shadows (Thieves’ Guild)
Adventurer’s Guild
Dungeon Entrance
Gambling Den
Spymaster’s Office
Assassin’s Guild
Beast Trainer’s Arena
Exotic Pet Shop
Forge Temple
Graveyard Keeper’s Hut
Fishermen’s Wharf
Oracle’s Shrine
These structures can shape the town’s story, culture, and atmosphere. You can adapt or add to the list depending on your town's specific fantasy setting and its unique vibe.
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rubyroboticalt · 6 months ago
Minecrafters grab your pickaxes, and catch up on the QBLR QUATERLY!
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What's up guys, update just dropped! It sure is something to try and decipher, huh. We've got pages of new stuff to go over so let me learn you a thing about all the events and mishaps that happened on the server this week!
Some of the creatures on the server don't like sleeping in beds, and this egg is sleeping in a dumpster. Tonmy reverse adopts some new parents! Plume tries to solve some fun puzzles. Salem has an attempted revival using a grave-shaped shrine.
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Salem is not the only deceased party this week. Solace loses their Apa. A small grave is built to remember.
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Dot creates a small bubble of nature in the deep abyss, a respite of nature in the dark.
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A sweet little pink and black house is constructed and decorated. It's very cure. And a little public pool is made in the clover fields.
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A toy shop is added to the marketplace! It has plushies, Rubik's cubes, and even a build-a-bear workshop!
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Saoirse has a good day. Angel also has a good day. Swamp also has a good day, because they attend a wedding reception.
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Jay doesn't have a good day because a treasure map jinxes them. Spore finds a pepsi hat, and the slug cats from Rain World visit!
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Ruby adds three new buildings to their coastal town, after not recording anything about being rescued from the Nether. The buildings even have interiors!
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Panji has a cookout! Grill master extraordinaire time at the family barbecue. There's even a dance party!
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Desnay reads a father's day book from Halo, a very emotional moment. It turns out the Nether Angel needs help, and Noname and their parents are perfect to assist. Also, food diversity olympics.
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The Brain Baby, thusly named Bibi, learns how to have a nap. Something's not right with Lim. and Apple cubito finds some interesting places on the server!
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Eva receives a lobster statue for their 2 month birthday! And Mae adds a park to the maze. Mapic builds a stand with banners and lanterns at the festival grounds.
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And now for some autistic Minecraft behaviors.
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For the first time in news history, the image limit on the post has been reached, so a link to part two will be [available here.]
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melsie-sims · 11 months ago
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"I was thinking this could be a library or a museum, maybe a community center," Charming explained as they walked up the stone steps to an empty lot. "On the other side by the water we could have a restaurant or a bar, maybe a café," he added.
"Right, a nice little place to hang out," Snow agreed. "Some place we could have date nights, or go on outings with family and friends. What about the lot next to Wild Boy Workshop? Maybe a second sim-owned business?"
"You look like you've got an idea for one," Charming smiled.
Snow handed him Rainy and started talking excitedly with her hands. "A little marketplace! We could sell fruits, veggies, canned goods, eggs, wool... anything we produce on the farm!"
Charming was nothing but supportive as he listened to his wife. "That'd really fit the vibe of this world," he said. "And I think you'd be amazing at running it."
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