#Workers comp massage
bodywelltherapy · 2 years
Workers Comp Massage | Massage Through Workers Compensation - Body Well Therapy
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Injured at work? Receive prescribed licensed massage therapy in-home through your workers compensation claim.
If you’ve been injured on the job, your worker’s compensation medical claim generally covers in-home therapeutic massage! Our therapists accept private, local, state and federal workers compensation insurance and requires no out of pocket co-pays. We are a registered provider for the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Workers Compensation Programs (OWCP) and have worked with numerous local governments plus private work comp insurers and care management networks such as Corvel, OneCall and Sedgwick. We have been in business since 2005 and have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
Visit Us: Workers Comp Massage | Body Well Therapy
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At Healing Therapeutics Health and Wellness, we believe in the holistic benefits of massage therapy in Anchorage. Our therapists are experts in various massage techniques, from therapeutic to relaxation massages. Each treatment plan is customized to address your unique needs, providing relief from pain, stress, and tension. Our goal is to help you achieve a state of physical and mental harmony through the power of massage. Experience the difference today and start your journey to better health.
Healing Therapeutics Health and Wellness 6160 Old Seward Hwy Suite 207A, Anchorage, AK 99518 (907) 301–9568
My Official Website: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9927395567937860310
Our Other Links:
walk in massage Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/massage-therapy/ reflexology Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/reflexology/ workers comp clinic Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/anchorage-workers-compensation/ applied kinesiology Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/applied-kinesiology/ Anchorage allergy clinic: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/allergy-elimination/ hypnosis Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/anchorage-hypnosis/ reiki Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/anchorage-reiki/ myofascial release Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/massage-therapy/myofascial-release/
Service We Offer:
Massage Therapy Pain Management Allergies Reflexology Weight Loss Programs Applied Kinesiology Detoxification
Follow Us On:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/healing-therapeutics-health-and-wellness-clinic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healingtherapeuticsak/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealingAk Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/HealingTherapeuticsHealth/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healingtherapeuticshealth/
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oh-stars · 8 months
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Out of Sync
Love is wanting to do everything with someone, even if its nothing special.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 1311 words | CW: N/A | Rating: G
It’s as if the universe is actively working against him right now. Keith was out sick, so Steve had to take on more during his shifts on top of covering the shifts they didn’t work together. And then, Keith’s return lined up with Robin’s family vacation, so he had to cover her shifts too. He’s less bitter about covering for her, at least, but that’s not the point. Working two weeks straight, with his usual six hour shifts turning into clopen after clopen – it’s like he’s living at Family Video. 
That’s not even the worst of it, really. Steve likes the extra money and working through Robin’s time off is always a good distraction from her being gone. The problem is Eddie’s working at the plant with Wayne now and he’s temporarily on Wayne’s shifts while a coworker is out on worker’s comp, so they’re all out of sync. It works great for Eddie’s schedule, lets him go to his physical therapy appointments he’s still doing and hang out with the kids and Steve usually, but not so great for Steve’s current predicament. 
It’s been a month since they’ve had one-on-one time and Steve feels like he’s losing it. 
Eddie’s shift change was a nightmare to get used to at first, and it didn’t help that Steve’s parents were in town so they couldn’t really see one another. Not when Steve had to pretend he still lived at the Harringtons rather than the trailer (Eddie had yet to ask, but if Wayne’s comments are anything to go by, it’s all but official). Then the Keith thing, now Robin’s out, and Steve’s just tired of seeing him in passing or when they bring one another lunch sometimes. 
He doesn’t mind losing a bit of sleep to go eat “lunch” with Eddie at two in the morning. It’s nice, being able to just sit with Eddie in his car as Eddie eats the sandwich Steve made him with one hand and holds Steve’s with the other. They’re hidden in the dark of the late hour, safe in his car to be themselves, but neither are up for much conversation. Steve’s usually half asleep and Eddie’s trying to eat as much as possible to get him through the rest of his shift, too sore from working to really engage. Still much better than when Eddie pops in to bring his lunch at Family Video, where they can’t even hang out some days when Keith’s being a dick about non-employees in the break room or Eddie lingering at the counter “scaring” customers away. It’s usually a drop off and a quick hug situation. 
Steve just misses him and he knows Eddie misses him too. 
But they endure and the second Robin is back, Keith approves of Steve having a few days off in a row. Steve thinks it has more to do with corporate seeing an employee working for three weeks straight rather than Keith having a heart, but he’ll take what he can get. 
Which means when Eddie comes shuffling into his (read: their) bedroom, eyes already closed and his belt undone, pants unzipped, Steve can help him into bed and take his time with him. He helps Eddie undress enough to be comfortable and makes sure he’s content laying down, then spends a bit of extra time massaging his back. He gets to enjoy feeling Eddie melt for him under his palms, to take his fill and look at him without worrying about the clock. They don’t say much, Eddie barely conscious as he grunts and moans as the knots in his back and the tightness in his skin are worked out, eased by Steve’s touch. The most he says is a mumbled, “Thank you, baby,” when Steve leans down to kiss his neck after a particularly painful knot.  
And when Eddie falls asleep, Steve gets to curl back up with him. He doesn’t care if he actually gets to sleep, just luxuriates in Eddie’s warmth and the lack of responsibility for the day, stuck in that early morning haze.  
They wake up a few hours later, when Eddie’s alarm goes off.
“You’re still here,” Eddie says, brow furrowed and frowning. 
Steve chuckles. “Keith gave me three days off,” he says. 
He watches as Eddie processes the information, concern turning into a shit-eating grin. It’s the only warning he gets before Eddie tackles him, hands in his hair as he kisses him. They don’t get out of bed for a while, too preoccupied with revisiting one another’s bodies and reacquainting themselves. 
When they do finally emerge, Wayne’s pulling on his shoes. “What are you two thinking about for dinner?” 
Eddie shrugs, yawning as he fixes their coffee. “Whatever works for me. Just not sloppy Joe’s again.” 
“That ain’t much help,” Wayne huffs. He turns to Steve. “You goin’ to be here for dinner?” 
Steve nods as he takes the mug Eddie offers him. “If you’ll have me.” 
“Like you ain’t always welcome,” Wayne says, shaking his head. “You got an opinion on food?” 
“No sir.” 
“You boys aren’t any help,” Wayne grumbles. “Can’t buy shit for dinner if none of us know what we want.” He’s grabbing his coat and keys as he speaks, walking around the small living space as he gets ready. 
Eddie shakes out his hair, eyes more alert. “Wait, it’s my turn to go to the store,” Eddie says. 
Wayne waves him off. “I’m not blind, boy. You two have barely seen one another in a minute now and I can’t take any more of your whining. You’ll get the next time.” 
“No,” Eddie protests, setting down his mug, “I’ve got this. You should resting–” 
Steve’s brow furrows. “What happened?” 
Wayne starts to grumble about nothing as Eddie turns to him with a scared look in his eye despite the serious expression. “His back is acting up. He says it's just a pinched nerve but I don’t think he should be risking anything.” He turns back to Wayne. “Go sit down. I’ll go to the store.” 
Eddie doesn’t give anyone time to say anything before he heads back to the room. 
“I’m sorry, Steve,” Wayne says as he shrugs off his coat. “I didn’t mean to mess up your day.”
Steve tilts his head. “You didn’t mess up anything. You should try to rest before your shift tonight.” 
Wayne sighs as he sinks into his chair, face contorting in pain with the movements. 
It doesn’t take much for Steve to head back into the bedroom in search of fresh clothes, his wallet, and Eddie’s keys. He meets Eddie at the bathroom, slipping inside to brush his teeth and try to figure something out with his hair. 
“Why are you dressed?” Eddie asks as he wipes the toothpaste off his mouth. 
“I’m going with you.”
Eddie shakes his head and puts his hands on Steve’s shoulders. “No. It’s your first day off in ages. Go rest.” 
Steve takes Eddie’s wrists in his hands and pulls them off his shoulders. “I just want to spend the day with you, no matter what we’re doing.” He leans forward to kiss his cheek. “And I’ve got your keys so either I’m going or none of us are eating tonight,” he whispers, lips brushing against Eddie’s ear. 
He laughs, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist and pulling him in for a proper kiss. “I love you, you know that?” 
“I love you, too.” 
“What do you say to grabbing lunch before we go to the store? Make a date out of it?” 
“Greasy diner food and grocery shopping,” Steve says with a laugh, “you sure know how to woo a man, Eds.” 
Eddie winks. “Someone has to compete with the Harrington charm.” 
Steve pulls away and tugs Eddie out of the bathroom. “C’mon. Quicker we leave, quicker we come back and can go back to bed.”
Thank you @lady-lostmind for betaing this story!
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blown-up91 · 1 year
Chris' Healing (Part 1)
(This is a story of a man fattened up unwittingly by his feeder girlfriend. It contains stuffing, humiliation, and a bit of physical description of a BHM. This is the first part of a multi-part story!) It  was 10 months since Chris’ injury, and he had became a whale of a man. He had always been a big guy, but his work had always kept him active, after a workplace accident he was left on the mend, and at the mercy of his doting partner. They had been dating for a few months prior to his injury, but the moment he got hurt she pounced. She did everything for him, feed him, clean his house, he never had to lift a finger. Every morning, huge breakfasts and a ‘nutritional shake’ while leaving him with enough snacks you’d think there was a house party going on, before swinging by after work and making sure he had a feast for dinner. He never complained, honestly for the first time in his life, it was a chance for him to take a break from always pushing for more. His workers comp claim was handsome, he was probably making more injured than he was working, and with all the help she was providing him, he opened his accounts to her. She had practically moved in, sleeping over every night, feeding him, massaging his body from neck to toe. He never noticed how she focused on his belly, it just seemed to hurt a lot, and she knew what to do to make him feel better.  At first he was a bit resistant, wanting to help out and maintain a bit of decorum, but the combination of having her around him constantly and the literal stream of food entering him, he became more and more gluttonous. He would burp in front of her and she would encourage him “that’s good babe! You should do what makes you comfortable.” Or “it just means you’re digesting” she said with a knead of his belly. As his gut grew it would stick out more and more, the shirt would ride up so high he would forget he’s even wearing one sometimes, being too focused on eating and relaxing to realize what was happening. There was no time inappropriate for eating, in bed, in the bathroom, even in and out of the showers he would take, there was always food, she made sure of it.
                Finally, the day came, Chris felt had been pushing to get back to work, and today was the day he was going to put his foot down with her. He was sitting at home, waiting for her to come home from work with more food. She entered the front door and called out ‘Hey Babe, I’m home’ he responded with a mouth full of chips “In here” she came in to see him sitting on the couch in all his glory. His giant, globular belly forcing his sweatshorts down, they had no drawstring, frankly they were so tight on his waist it’s a surprise they could stay on. His work of the day was obvious all around him, several bags of chips, a bucket of fried chicken he ordered off doordash, three different soda cups sitting next to him, a tub of ice cream sitting on it’s side, and that was just the few hours she was gone. He shuffled in the chair, sitting himself up a bit from the position he had sunk into the couch during his gluttony. “so… honey. I have my back to work physical scheduled for tomorrow” She fluttered her eyes at him “oh, really…” she let out a sigh “you think you’re ready?” He stifled a belch before replying “well… yeah I think I can swing it” (I had to cut the post down a bit since it wouldn't let me post it.)
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commiekinkshamer · 2 years
I don’t understand why chiropractors are bunk science but yet medical doctors and auto insurance adjusters, workers comp etc frequently refer patients to them? Wouldn’t those entities especially, being notorious for being stingy with treatment coverage want to avoid unsubstantiated treatment methods?
Why are chiropractors allowed to be “doctors” and physiotherapists aren’t? Why do they so commonly work together, at least in Canada?
(For the record, my understanding from my own research AND talking to my physiotherapist colleagues I do believe most chiropractic treatment is suspicious at best, but I’m not a health professional).
I just don’t get why there’s such a notoriety associated with chiropractors yet they’re seemingly accepted by their healthcare peers in public, but not in private?
Like at my old clinic, there were no chiros but the massage therapists and physios were openly against it, now I work for a major chain of physio care centres and most of them have chiros, including mine, and chiros are supported by the physios. Obviously I can’t ask them bc that’s wildly inappropriate given the workplace, but they regularly refer patients to chiro as well as a shit ton of auto insurance adjusters and even medical doctors.
I’m autistic and this been driving me Fucking nuts for the past month…
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Rego Park Physical Therapy
Rego Park Physical Therapy is a multi-specialty medical center conveniently located in Rego Park, Queens, NY. It is owned and operated by Dr. Robert Malakov and was established in 1998.  We specialize in injury related cases (including Workers Comp  and No-Fault). We offer a wide range of services, including physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, and an in-house pain management specialist. We also perform various in-house testing, including electrodiagnostic/nerve tests (EMG/NCV), range of motion examinations, vestibular testing (VAT/ENG), and EKG’s. Our goal is to restore you to your pre-injury state, or as close as possible to it. This includes increasing your range of motion, strength, and ability to perform ADL (activities of daily living) as well as decreasing your pain levels. If you are out of work due to your injuries, we also strive to get you back to work as soon as possible
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infoblogify · 4 years
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We offer a number of chiropractic and physical therapy services which aims at improving mobility, relieving pain, and restoring strength. If you're looking for physical therapists and chiropractors, contact us today.  https://hfrehabnj.com/services/
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sodasback · 3 years
ER Nurse Rafe x ER Nurse Reader
Warnings: Cursing, physical violence
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Not my GIF. All Credit to owner/creator: @the-mighty-div
You walked into the med room, just needing to catch your breath. The only other person in there was Rafe. You walked in, dramatically slumping your shoulders. “Aghhhh!” you all but yelled. 
Rafe looked up from the computer in the med room to you with a surprised expression that quickly turned sympathetic. 
He chuckled a little. “Rough day, baby?” 
You just looked at him and nodded, on the verge of tears, but not wanting to cry at work. 
He looked over your shoulder out the window that was in the door, before leaning against the shelves that were kind of out of view and pulling you into his chest a tight hug. He rested his cheek on top of your head. He felt you stiff as a board in his embrace. 
“You can cry, ya know?” He said softly. 
You shook your head. “You know me, if I start I won’t stop and I got stuff to do. My patient is crazy noncompliant and giving me a really hard time.” You explained, reluctantly letting go of Rafe. 
“You wanna switch?” Rafe asked sweetly. 
“No, Rafe. We can’t do that.” You said. He already knew that too. 
“Is there anything I can do?” He asked, pouting and feeling helpless. 
“Give me a massage tomorrow when you come over?” You asked. 
“You got it babe.” He said pecking your cheek. 
“Can you guys be nearby as witnesses? This patient is refusing everything and getting really combative.” You asked your charge nurse, Edgar and Rafe.
“Yeah, what’s going on?” Edgar asked. 
“Heart failure patient. Non compliant with his meds. Came in for shortness of breath and weight gain. Signs of hypokalemia. Super tachycardic. I need to draw blood so I can check his potassium. His BP when he came in was through the roof so I need to give him a IV metoprolol and lasix. He’s refusing everything now.”
You approached your patient with your coworkers standing nearby behind you, but not enough to seem threatening.
“Hi Mr. Kaplan, I have some medication that’s going to make you feel better, but I need to take your blood pressure first.” You tried to explain sweetly.
“No! Leave bitch!” He yelled. You took a deep breath.
“Sir, I understand you’re upset, but you can’t talk to me like that. I’m trying to help you. I don’t want to do anything you don’t want, but I don’t know why you’re here in the hospital if you don’t want any treatment.” 
“I said get out of here you cunt!” He shouted, standing up and taking a step toward you. You took a step back and Edgar and Rafe were immediately between you and the patient. 
“Page Dr. Strong” Edgar told you, even though you were already dialing. 
“Woah. Hey, you don’t talk to her like that. That’s not okay.” Rafe said, trying to stay calm. “You need to sit down, sir.” 
You went and grabbed AMA paperwork in case this patient really didn’t want treatment he was free to leave against medical advice, while the overhead page for Dr. Strong went off and security, a pharmacist and a psychiatrist were walking toward where your patient was. 
The Dr. Strong team had gotten the patient to calm down and the doctor explained to him again how important it was to take the medications. 
The doctor left to take care of something else, so a while later, you again came with your supplies to hopefully get everything done and the patient stable so he could get admitted upstairs. 
“Mr. Kaplan, I’m back. I just need to take your blood pressure real fast, it should only take a second.” 
He didn’t say anything and just glared straight ahead. You approached the side of his bed slowly and grabbed the blood pressure cuff to wrap around his arm. 
“Okay, I’m just putting the cuff on, okay?” You said as you started to touch his arm, the back of his hand collided with your face. 
“Don’t touch me! You bitch! I don’t want anyone here to do anything to me! Leave me alone!” 
You gasped holding your cheek. 
A lot of people saw it happen. Rafe was there in a second with murderous eyes and clenched fists, but luckily Edgar was fast enough to walk in front of Rafe anticipating this reaction. 
“Take care of Y/N” Edgar told Rafe, while he and the charge nurse tried to deal with the patient while paging the Dr. Strong team again. 
“Shit” You cursed at the sting as you grasped your cheek and tried to understand what just happened. Rafe immediately softened looking at you. You looked so small as you held onto your reddened cheek. He put an arm around your shoulder and ushered you away and sat you in a chair at the nearby nurses’ station. You were still kind of in shock. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, kneeling in front of you. You closed your eyes and shook your head trying to suck it up.
“Yeah!” You told him trying to sound confident. 
“Hey Estephany, can you grab her an ice pack? Y/N, stop, look at me.” He said more sternly. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked.
“Yes, Cameron, I’m fine” You assured him and tried to stand up. 
Rafe pushed you back into the chair. “Uh uh. Stay right here. You’ve been injured at work. So you need to be assessed.”
You rolled your eyes at him using those words knowing now you had to do all the workers comp formalities.
Rafe gently reached up and pulled your hand away from your face. He inspected your cheek and under your eye as Estephany passed him an ice pack.
“It doesn’t look like you got cut anywhere” he said.
“Yup! See? Totally fine!” You confirmed, trying to get up again.
“Y/N, sit your ass down and let me check you out.” You smiled at the choice of words but you knew he didn’t intend to try to flirt with you right now.
“Okay, we’ll if you’re gonna check me out, then I guess I can sit here and look pretty.” You decided, straightening your posture and flipping your hair over your shoulder.
Rafe glared at you but it broke into a small smile he couldn’t hold back as he shook his head and pulled out his pen light.
“Look at my nose” he said, tapping his nose. You felt your heart melt as Rafe treated you like a patient for a second and you thought about how many times you’ve both said that to patients. You knew he was checking your neuro status and to see if you were concussed since the patient who slapped you was pretty big and strong. But you were focused on the butterflies in your tummy at your caring, some would argue overbearing new boyfriend, and his sparkling blue eyes. 
“Nose, Y/N.” He reminded you when you were still swimming in his eyes and then he checked your pupil reactions. “Can you tell me what day it is?”
“I can tell you every One Direction song Niall Horan plays guitar for?” You offered.
“That doesn’t tell me anything. You could do that even if you were in a coma. Come on.” 
“Rafe” you groaned, now finding this ridiculous.
“What day is it, Rookie?” He asked more firmly.
“It’s Thursday ...which by the way, means it’s been 4 days since the last time you fucked me, which is way too long in my opinion.” You whispered the last part.
Rafe widened his eyes. “Shhh! Frickin trouble maker!” He scolded, looking around to see if anyone nearby heard you. 
“See? Now, you know my memory is intact, I can count, I know what day it is and my sex drive is healthy.”
"I never had doubts about the last part, dirty girl.” Rafe teased quietly as he placed the ice pack on your cheek. 
“And I’m the one that needs to sush!” You protested in mock offense at his comment. 
“No but seriously, are you okay? ..like emotionally?” Rafe asked softly.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You nodded. “Promise.” 
You were walking out of work when Rafe and Edgar caught up to you. 
“Hey Y/N do you need a ride home?” Rafe asked. 
You looked at him truly confused. “Why would I need a ride home?” 
“You got smacked in the face.” Rafe said like it was obvious. Even Edgar furrowed his brow at him. 
“It happens.” You shrugged and chuckled. 
“Yeah, Rafe I think Rookie over here can handle driving 2 miles.” Edgar joked. 
“Text me when you get home?” Rafe asked you quietly, despite all 3 of you knowing that Edgar knew about you and Rafe. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Y/N.” Rafe warned. 
“Yes, Cameron, I will text you in 10 minutes when I get home.” You said, exhausted by Rafe’s overprotectiveness, even though it still made you all warm and fuzzy inside. 
“Bro” Edgar said to Rafe when they got in the car together.
Rafe looked at him expectantly. “What?”
“You gotta be careful man with this whole situation.” Edgar said, gesturing to Rafe and where you were getting in your car in the parking lot.
“What are you talking about?” Rafe continued to play clueless.
“With Y/N man. You’re too protective of her at work dude.”
Rafe just scoffed and shook his head.
“What would’ve happened if I didn’t step in front of you tonight?” Edgar asked.
Rafe was quiet for a second, “I probably would have beaten the shit out of that patient and lost my job and nursing license.” He admitted.
Edgar gave him an I-told-you-so smile. “This is why you don’t fuck your coworkers, bud.” He said, turning the key in the ignition.
Rafe shook his head again. “It’s not like that dude-“
“Yeah, I know, you’re in love with her.”
“Well- I mean- I don’t know if I’d go that far. We’ve only known each other-“
“Oh my god. Shut up!” Edgar groaned, “You fell for her the first day she started working here and you know it.” Rafe just smiled to himself. “You just have to be careful Rafe. She’s not made of glass. She’s a badass. She can handle herself. You can’t be protective of her here. You’re gonna get yourself in a lot of trouble. ....And plus it really makes the whole secretly dating each other thing superrrr obvious bro.”
“Do you think anyone knows?” Rafe asked.
Edgar shook his head, “Nah, I don’t think so.” Even though Edgar knew pretty much everyone knew from day 1.
Taglist: @moniamaybank @abbyj1822 @october-cameron @hernameisnoell @railmerafe​
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quietwhisperspa · 4 years
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Benefits Of Chair Massage 
For You:
Chair massage can do wonders for your body, your mental state and your sense of well-being and happiness.
relieve physical and emotional stress
lower anxiety
increase circulation
reduce muscle fatigue and tension
boost your immune system and resistance to illness
lower your blood pressure
relieve muscle pains and headaches
improve thinking and awareness
increase energy and stamina
decrease repetitive stress symptoms
improve your sleep
encourage better posture
generate more flexibility
build awareness of breathing and relaxing
For Your Team:
The benefits of chair massage are contagious, and can have an effect on your whole team.
reduce the pressure absenteeism puts on other team members
reduce team stress and encourage relaxation and cooperation
give your people a feeling of being acknowledged and appreciated
improve job satisfaction
For Your Company:
The American Psychological Association estimates the total cost of stress on the job costs companies more than $200 billion a year. On-site corporate chair massage will:
increase morale and company pride
reduce stress and promote health
reinforce the message that you value your people’s health and wellbeing
create an atmosphere of camaraderie, trust and loyalty
reward performance
reduce sick time and absenteeism
attract and retain top-quality employees
reduce the high cost of employee turnover
increase accuracy, problem-solving and creative thinking abilities
decrease repetitive injuries and workers comp claims
offer an inexpensive 100% tax-deductible perk
For Your Event:
Chair massage can bring a breath of fresh air into busy trade shows, company parties, weddings, or anywhere people can use a little relaxation.
win the loyalty and appreciation of your customers and guests
show your valued guests and clients you care about their well-being
reduce stress and overwhelm at busy events with a relaxing break
pamper your staff so they can stay in top form
relieve the pressure of big days like weddings and performances
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bodywelltherapy · 2 years
Workers Comp Massage | MassageThrough Workers Compensation
Beyond accepting workers comp insurance, Body Well further distinguishes itself by offering licensed injury massage therapy at home where it is most convenient for patients. What’s more, our skilled licensed massage therapists travel to see patients days, evenings and weekends for the ultimate convenience. No worrying about taking time off from work, juggling appointments or borrowing a car. We go to you when it fits with your schedule!
Any Questions? Ready to get started? Call us now (888) 929-9355) or visit our site: https://www.bodywelltherapy.com/injury-therapy/worker-injury-massage/
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Healing Therapeutics Health and Wellness, our workers comp clinic in Anchorage is dedicated to providing comprehensive care tailored to the unique needs of injured workers. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals specializes in diagnosing and treating work-related injuries, ensuring a swift and effective recovery.
Healing Therapeutics Health and Wellness 6160 Old Seward Hwy Suite 207A, Anchorage, AK 99518 (907) 301–9568
My Official Website: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9927395567937860310
Our Other Links:
walk in massage Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/massage-therapy/ reflexology Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/reflexology/ applied kinesiology Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/applied-kinesiology/ Anchorage allergy clinic: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/allergy-elimination/ hypnosis Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/anchorage-hypnosis/ reiki Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/anchorage-reiki/ myofascial release Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/massage-therapy/myofascial-release/ lymphatic drainage massage Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/lymphatic-drainage-massage-anchorage/ auto accident clinic Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/auto-accident-clinic-anchorage/ back pain Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/back-pain-anchorage/ va clinic Anchorage: https://www.healingtherapeuticsak.com/our-services/va-clinic-anchorage/
Service We Offer:
Massage Therapy Pain Management Allergies Reflexology Weight Loss Programs Applied Kinesiology Detoxification
Follow Us On:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/healing-therapeutics-health-and-wellness-clinic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healingtherapeuticsak/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealingAk Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healingtherapeuticshealth/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/HealingTherapeuticsHealth/
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therapyworkers-blog · 5 years
Address: 2279 Cоney Island Avenue, suite 200C Brooklyn, NY 11223
Phone: (347) 344-5971
Website URL:
 Category: Medical Clinic
 About US
Physical therapists are extensively trained health care professionals who can diagnose and treat problems with mobility or lost function. Their expertise is key to both short-term and long-term recovery from many different types of injuries.
 When you go to a workers’ comp physical therapy appointment, you can expect a thorough evaluation. After assessing your injuries and following your doctors’ orders, the physical therapist creates a treatment plan to provide focused exercises and techniques to help you return to your previous level of activity or function. The plan includes strategies for decreasing your pain and restoring lost function or mobility.
 Massage therapy is one of the treatments that your physical therapist may recommend as part of your rehabilitation plan. Workers’ comp massage therapy helps speed the healing process in a variety of injuries that occur on the job, such as back, neck and shoulder injuries.
 Under the care of a physical therapist, you work toward optimum wellness and recovery. Your physical therapist explains the expected course of treatment that’s required for rehabilitation. The best reason to choose this New York City physical therapy practice for any orthopedic, spinal, muscular or skeletal issues is the team. The principals — Dr. Arkady Lipnitsky DC, Dr. Natalya Fazylova DNP; and Anna Fyodorova DPT — are on top of their fields. Both Dr. Lipnitsky and Dr. Fazylova are sought-after sources and are widely quoted.
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 Work Comp Physical Therapy Brooklyn, Workers Compensation Physical Therapy Brooklyn,  Work Compensation Physical Therapy Brooklyn, Workers Comp Physical Therapy Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY.
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Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 8 a.m - 8 p.m Tues, Thus 8 a.m - 4 p.m 
Payment: All Cc, Cash  
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therapistcom · 2 years
How To Balance Stress in Your Life By Using Anger Therapy
Anger therapy NYC  During an outburst, those who struggle with anger could find it difficult to understand the other person's viewpoint. The person can improve their empathy with anger management services to better comprehend other people's viewpoints. Understanding other people's perspectives are crucial to managing conflict calmly and defusing hostility.
  Anger management in new York People they care about may suffer when an angry person loses control and snaps. To prevent oneself from hurting their friends and family, they could avoid communicating with them. By limiting unpleasant outbursts and promoting healthier communication, anger management techniques can help loved ones stay closer.
  Make sure you can see that now. Given that change creates stress, individuals need to accept that anxiety belongs to lifters well, as we have to live with it. Stress and anxiety are emotional and physical responses to points that disturb our equilibrium in one way or another. Then there is negative tension, however, believe it or otherwise, there is additionally good stress. Great anxiety empowers you to do your ideal when cramming for an exam or preparing to do a job presentation. However, stress is dangerous to your general well-being when things get out of hand and life is required past your capability to keep up.
  You can typically feel the tension brought on by it in your neck when mad. Your heart price speeds up, and also, you will have the ability to feel it battering in your chest. Likely, you will certainly lose some sleep, feel depressed, and become tired if the anxiety from anger issues is not taken care of by rage therapy and is allowed to become long-lasting, your risk for cardiovascular disease, psychological distress, and weight gain all rise.
  If you were to exercise on a regular health and fitness schedule, that would certainly be great anger treatment. The rage from stress is lowered when you do something as easy as delighting in a walk outside in the open air. In some cases, simply approving that you can not change everything can aid relieve temper's burden. Yoga exercises as well as meditation is mu, more anger relief strategies that aid train you to diffuse anxiety.
  Yoga exercise is an old method that you can use in anger treatment. Yoga exercise minimizes blood pressure and cortisone levels. As you work with different yoga exercise maneuvers, as well as you are inhaling and out, this is good. Deep breathing is known to do away with stress and unfavorable feelings. When concentrated, similar to this, you release outside stress and anxiety.
  Massage treatment is likewise an efficient anger therapy. It is good for a great number of problems which include anxiousness and also blood circulation troubles. All these problems are illnesses you obtain from being angry a lot. Excellent coping abilities and far better degrees of the "good" cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein fit. The better you manage rage, the better your opportunities of making an "excellent" cholesterol level.
  Hostility and also high blood glucose levels are associated with each other. Anger treatment reveals how to manage hostility to make sure you can lower your risk of heart problems, so if you're supposedly living seems to be taking a hefty toll on your physical, emotional, and psychological wellness and stress. In that case, alleviation methods and temper therapy might bring balance back into your life.
For More Info:-therapy services near me
psychiatric injury workers comp
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mike9095 · 2 years
Massage Practice Builder: Ebooks
Massage Practice Builder: Ebooks
 Web Now   Massage Insurance coverage Billing Book The Step by Step Book on easy ideas to invoice insurance for workers comp, automobile insurance and medical health insurance and Web rubdown coated by medical health insurance in your express. In most states that it’s most likely you’ll be in a position to invoice rubdown therapy services and products for automobile accident claims (PIP, No…
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infoblogify · 4 years
What to expect during appointment with an accident chiropractor
Following a car accident, the first few days can be really difficult. You spend hours in finding the right repairmen, talking to insurance agents, and getting an alternate car on rent to keep things going. These chores can take a big toll on your physical and emotional health. Many accident victims face problems like headache, stress, back pain, neck tenderness, inflammation, and a general feeling of malaise. An accident chiropractic specialist can help in restoring health and treating injuries faster.
While most people would avoid these symptoms and assume them to be temporary body issues, it may be possible that they’re experiencing whiplash, internal injuries, or fractures that are not so severe as of now. Overlooking these symptoms can be dangerous and can create other problems so it’s better to see a good therapist or chiropractor to diagnose the issue and devise an effective treatment plan.
Accident chiropractic is basically a practitioner who specializes in treating neuromusculoskeletal system of the body. They treat problems and injuries related to tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones, and joints. Their main focus is always to offer therapies and alternative treatments to greatly improve your quality of life and decrease your pain. Chiropractic subluxation is a method that helps in addressing subluxation problem in children and adults.
Appointment with a chiropractor
The first step in visiting a chiropractor is finding the best specialist for you. Some insurance plans cover chiropractic treatments while others don’t. It’s important to contact your insurance company to know treatment options before picking a practitioner. They may even be able to recommend few doctors in your area. Other methods include, talking to friends and family to see who they recommend or search online.
Make sure you check what previous patients have to say about their personal experience with the clinic. Once you narrowed down potential chiropractors based on experience level and credentials, you can set up an appointment. If you’re going for chiropractic subluxation or any other therapy, you can discuss it on phone in advance to know about available solutions.
What to expect
It’s better to arrive early than the scheduled time and complete the necessary paperwork. Explore payment options by talking to present office staff. Know more about insurance coverage or available discounts. During your meeting with accident chiropractic specialist, they will review your medical history and basic factors that you think contributed to your pain and discomfort. They may also perform a physical examination of affected areas to diagnose and treat the root problem.
Then they may able to suggest a therapy or a combination of different treatments. It depends on your injuries, pain, or illness. Chiropractors normally adjust the neck and spine to restore normal movement. They can also perform electrotherapy or e-stim therapy to help repair injured muscles and prompt healing. Massage therapy is another treatment frequently used to ease muscle pain, release tension, and promote relaxation. For more information contact us: https://hfrehabnj.com/
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amtwarranty · 5 years
When it comes to treating and managing chronic pain, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that due to the ongoing opioid epidemic, safer alternatives need to be considered. Options like physical therapy, non-opioid medications like NSAIDs, massage therapy and exercise can all play a role in reducing the amount of opioid prescriptions written.
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While opioids like oxycodone and morphine can provide fast relief for a variety of injuries workers suffer on the job, they were never meant for long-term use.
Reducing Opioid Abuse in Injured Workers
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This is why AmTrust has partnered with Optum Workers’ Comp and Auto No-Fault, a pharmacy care management company, to implement processes that reduced overall opioid prescriptions for work-related injuries. In a recent article on Risk & Insurance, AmTrust’s Melissa Burke, Head of Managed Care and Clinical, explained more about the initiative and how AmTrust is doing their part to get injured workers on the most appropriate treatment path earlier, hopefully keeping them away from opioids altogether. “Getting it right from the beginning is where it matters,” Burke said. “Ideally you want claim professionals who are very fluent in medication and pharmacy so they can better assess the medical need for an opioid prescription up front and suggest alternatives. But that's much easier said than done.” Check out the entire article by clicking here.
Article Source:-  https://amtrustfinancial.com/blog/agents/opioid-prescription-report-risk-insurance
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