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Giving Tuesday – 2025 Open Hardware Summit #GivingTuesday 📅🛠️🌍
In 2025, the Open Hardware summit will be in Edinburgh, Scotland, May 30-31. The Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) hosts the summit. OSHWA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity that certifies open-source hardware designs and shares data about the growing community.
Here is their pitch for the 2025 Open Hardware Summit, where Adafruit is a sponsor again!
"The Open Hardware Summit is the only conference dedicated to discussing Open Source Hardware. Open Source Hardware is a community-focused method of creating where we share knowledge openly, welcome collaboration, and frequently create together. The Open Hardware summit is a place to compare notes, see the state of the art, and spend some time talking about where the open source movement is headed. The summit often contains workshops, talks, connections, mentorship.
If you haven't yet, please consider sponsoring the 2025 Open Hardware Summit again this year: https://2025.oshwa.org/sponsor/. We are headed to Scotland this year and hope you'll join us. Your funding always allows us to put on a stellar event that people rave about. There are new levels and added headline sponsor levels this year.
Your support enables OSHWA to continue its mission of supporting the open source hardware community. You can become a member or donate financially to help keep their programs going."
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Serietecknarworkshop på Fyrens bibliotek i Kungsbacka 11 oktober! Är du nyfiken på att teckna och berätta genom bild? Vill du bli inspirerad och lära dig mer om hur du kan belysa olika tankar och ämnen som är betydelsefulla för dig? Då tycker jag att du ska komma på denna workshop!
Jag kommer presentera mitt eget serietecknararbete lite kort. Sedan kommer jag att guida er i skapandet och ge tips på olika sätt du kan berätta din historia eller om saker just du tycker är viktiga! Serier är ett lättillgängligt medium där bara penna och papper behövs. Oavsett om du är nybörjare eller ritat mycket så är du välkommen! Denna träff kommer även ungdomsbibliotekarien Alekz att vara med och berätta om Banned Books Week som är just denna veckan då workshopen hålls och visa exempel på böcker och serier som blivit bannade av olika anledningar. Så här skriver Svenska Pen om Banned Books Week på sin hemsida: "Banned Books Week Sverige är ett sätt hålla samtalet om det fria ordet levande och ett kraftfullt försvar för allas rätt att läsa. Boken är ett av de främsta sätten att sprida tankar och idéer. Förbjuds en bok förbjuds även de tankar och idéer den förmedlar. Under Banned Books Week uppmärksammar vi litteratur som är eller har varit förbjuden någonstans i världen." (Svenska Pen) - Fyrens bibliotek i Kungsbacka - 11 oktober kl. 16-18 - Från 13 år - Material finns på plats
Anmäl dig HÄR!
Välkomna! <3
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In other news, the Creating Plant Magic Correspondences workshop I presented for Witchy Wednesdays last night went super well! Despite some bad weather earlier in the day, we had a great turnout, including several new faces who turned up just for the workshop.
Everybody seemed interested in the presentation and they were VERY interested in the plant packets I provided with information on native Virginian flora. (And three pages of sources and suggested reading, go hard or go home.) Then came the worksheet portion of the evening and I was surprised how readily everyone dove in and started jotting down ideas.
By the end of the evening, people were making plans to start exploring the plants growing wild in their neighborhoods and there were discussions of putting together a nature walk at one of the local parks. (Led by a local permaculturist, so everyone's going to be well aware of Take Nothing Leave Nothing.) Connection with and appreciation for one's local biome being the sneaky underlying goal of this particular workshop, I was absolutely thrilled.
Definitely hoping to be able to do more workshops like this in the future. I've got half a dozen of them written, it's just a matter of finding the opportunity to present.
(And yes, if you have a gathering where you'd like me to infodump about witchy stuff for a couple hours, that is an open invitation to get in my inbox.)
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Me @ every workshop that uses therapy and psychological tools that doesn't actual explain them: oh boy are you gonna have a real bad day today!
#Psychology#Therapy#Workshops#Workshops in businesses and workplaces hate me#I haunt the presenters like a fuckin demon in the nighf
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do you have any advice for dealing with diet culture and food shame around halloween and winter the holiday season?
hi there - unfortunately I just don't have the spoons to write out advice for this at the moment, but I wanted to share a resource related to this that my friends in chicago are hosting on december 1st! It's a free virtual writing workshop from 10:30am - 12pm (CST) for processing fatphobia around the holidays. sending my love!

ID: a poster with light purple and green abstract shapes that reads "Fat Theatre Project Presents: Post-Thanksgiving Writing Workshop. December 1st, 10:30am - 12pm. FREE. Thanksgiving can bring up a lot of big feelings about food, family, and the intersecting of the two. Join us Sunday, December 1st for a virtual writing workshop to process, create, and share your writing. No experience required, all bodies welcome. For registration info, email [email protected]. End ID.
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Upcoming Artist Workshop
The delightful @maddsmallow has put together a workshop about art references and how to use them for any and all artists that might find this tricky
It will be hosted this weekend in the event discord at 16:00 EST, which you should find translated to your timezone right here
We have a number of workshops still planned, including fandom history, a rerun of how to judge how long a story will be and take, and how to do a background that works for you and your art. There's something for everyone! Artist, writers, and the curious are welcome to join us 🩵
#detroit become human#detroit: become human#workshops#dbh#art#fic#fanfic#fanart#detroit become human big bang#detroit: become human big bang#events#fandom events#detroit become human events#dbh events#detroit: become human events#artist workshops#dbhbb2025
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Ideas Workshops * - Bea Sarrias , 2021.
Catalan, b. 1978 -
Acrylic on linen, 47 1/5 × 47 1/5 in 120 × 120 cm
* Joan Gaspar Studio
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Audio Drama Hub Podfest 2024
Hello there!
I'll be at Podfest in Wycombe on the 2nd Nov! There'll be an adaptation of one of the Professor's adventures, so if you missed the walking plays, haven't listened to any of the audios, or even if you have and can't wait to see her again, please do come along!
I'm also performing as a trickster goddess in another live show as well.
Throughout the day there's a chance to learn from and meet other audio drama professionals. The key note speaker is from Big Finish and Doctor Who! You can also take workshops in voice acting and editing for anyone interested in starting to work in audio drama.
More info on the website below, please do spread the word.
#audio drama#podcast#audio fiction#podcast convention#workshops#panels#talks#voice acting#editing#audio drama creatives#big finish#doctor who#funding#live audio drama#professor chronomier#elizabeth chronomier
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Din Lligwy Romano-Celtic Settlement, Anglesey, Wales
#ice age#stone age#bronze age#copper age#iron age#neolithic#mesolithic#calcholithic#paleolithic#prehistoric#prehistory#roundhouse#hut circle#landscape#settlement#workshops#farmstead#stonework#Romano-Celtic#archaeology#Wales
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Workshops of the School of Technology and Engineering in Cluny, Burgundy region of France
French vintage postcard
#engineering#postal#school#region#the school of technology and engineering#vintage#postkaart#ansichtskarte#photo#cluny#burgundy#tarjeta#ephemera#french#technology#sepia#postkarte#france#carte postale#briefkaart#workshops#photography#postcard#historic
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Upcoming March Workshop: Being a Spiritworker
In March I am launching my monthly workshop series through Humanitix. The workshop is scheduled for March 30th, 2025 at 7pm EST. Tickets are $30 each. You can sign up here. Being a Spiritworker What is a spiritworker? What things can a spiritworker be called to do? What duties and responsibilities might a spiritworker hold? How do I know if I am being called to be a spiritworker? This…
#animism#animist#Being a Spiritworker#Gebo#Humanitix#job#polytheism#polytheist#relationship#spiritworker#vaettir#vaettirverkr#verk#verkr#work#worker#workshop#workshops
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baaofnyc: Ever wonder how BAA regular and Bway icon- Derek Klena got his first Broadway break👀? Check out this clip from Winter Workshop 2024’s Q&A, where he reveals some insight on how he booked Wicked- his Broadway debut⭐️! Plus, he shares some amazing words of wisdom about auditioning, being a kind person, and always putting your best foot forward… “you never know which project will lead to the next!”
Which Broadway special guest interview do you want us to post highlights of next?
PS Who’s excited for the Wicked movie? 🧙🫧💕💚
#derekklena #lindsaymendez #wicked #wickedmusical
#moulinrouge #anastasia #baaofnyc #musicaltheatre #broadway #broadwaytraining #dogfightmusical #broadwaydebut #fiyero #elphaba #prettylittleliars #carrie #dad2be
#derek klena#broadway#broadway artists alliance#workshop: broadway artists alliance#workshops#wicked#dogfight#lindsay mendez#social media#video
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Mina serietecknarworkshops är en del av Kulturkatalogen Väst!
Katalogen samlar ett brett utbud av professionell scenkonst, workshops, kulturpedagogiska projekt, skolbiofilmer och besöksmål. Massor att välja på för dig som är kultursamordnare, pedagog, fritidsledare, föreningsaktiv eller annan kulturarrangör.
Här är workshopen listad på deras hemsida!
Här är också en länk till min egen hemsida, med info om olika författarbesök och workshops jag kan bokas till!
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ThelemaCon is this coming weekend! I'm excited to be volunteering to help this event happen. I love helping interesting, brilliant people do cool things.
ThelemaCon is not formally connected with any specific Thelemic organization. Accordingly, the conference is open to the public, regardless of any organizational affiliation (or lack thereof.) The focus of this convention is "on Thelemic principles, lived daily. As such, our workshops and lectures are focused on applied subjects near and dear to a practicing magician’s heart – personal practice, breathing, meditation, temple skills."
Note: If you can't make it to Raleigh, NC, then there is a virtual attendance option.
Link: https://thelemacon.org/
#Thelema#thelemite#magick#occult#witchcraft#ceremonial magic#occultism#magic#aleister crowley#david shoemaker#workshops#thelemacon
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I recently took a trip to Tokyo to take a Mokuhanga workshop with master printer Mara Cozzolino. We fit so much into a short five days! Mara guided us through all the stages of printing an edition of mokuhanga prints, and guided us through Tokyo to all the best places to buy supplies (and mochi!). We worked hard in our little studio above Moriki Paper Company and I learned so much about the process.
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