#Work Permits In Belgium
elkonsolonline · 6 months
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IEC 2023: Second Draw of The Year Sent 7,118 New Invites
International Experience Canada – IEC 2023: IEC 2023 sent 7,118 in the second round of invitation for the week ending January 20, 2023. 6,370 invitations were sent under the Working Holiday category of IEC. There are currently 22,114 candidates in Working Holiday pool from 32 countries. 398 invites went to Young Professional category and 350 to international Co-op (internship) category. Last…
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
An illegal toxic dump site in Croatia, the theft of water from a major aquifer in southern Spain, illegal trading of ozone-depleting refrigerants in France: This is just a sampling of the environmental crimes that European countries are struggling to stop. The lack of accountability for these acts stems in part from the European Union’s legal code, which experts say is riddled with vague definitions and gaps in enforcement. That’s about to change. 
Last week, EU lawmakers voted in a new directive that criminalizes cases of environmental damage “comparable to ecocide,” a term broadly defined as the severe, widespread, and long-term destruction of the natural world. Advocates called the move “revolutionary,” both because it sets strict penalties for violators, including up to a decade in jail, and because it marks the first time that an international body has created a legal pathway for the prosecution of ecocide.
“This decision marks the end of impunity for environmental criminals and could usher in a new age of environmental litigation in Europe,” wrote Marie Toussaint, a French lawyer and EU parliamentarian for the Greens/European Free Alliance group, on X...
The new directive uses the term “ecocide” in its preamble, but does not criminalize the act by laying out a legal definition (the most widely accepted definition of ecocide was developed by an international panel of experts in 2021). Instead, it works by providing a list of “qualified offenses,” or crimes that fall within its purview. These include pollution from ships, the introduction of invasive species, and ozone depletion...
The new law holds people liable for environmental destruction if they acted with knowledge of the damage their actions would cause. This aspect of the law is important, experts said, because it means that a permit is no longer enough for a company to avoid culpability.  
“If new information shows that behavior is causing irreversible damage to health and nature – you will have to stop,” a member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands, Antonius Manders, told Euronews. 
Advocates like Mehta hope that the EU’s move will have influence beyond Europe’s borders. The principal goal of the Stop Ecocide campaign is for the International Criminal Court to designate ecocide as the fifth international crime that it prosecutes, after crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes of aggression, and genocide. At the moment, environmental destruction can only be prosecuted as a war crime at the ICC, and limitations in the law make this extremely difficult to do...
Kate Mackintosh, the executive director of the Netherlands-based UCLA Law Promise Institute Europe, told Grist that the ICC is unlikely to adopt an ecocide law if other countries do not do so first. 
“It’s not something you can just pull out of thin air,” she said, adding that any international legal doctrine has to have a precedent on the national level. “That’s the way states are going to accept it.”
The EU’s 27 member states will have two years to adapt the new legislation into their penal codes. Afterwards, their implementation must be reviewed and updated at least once every five years using a “risk-analysis based approach,” to account for advancements in experts’ understanding of what might constitute an environmental crime. Mehta said that despite its omission of some important offenses, the law sets an important example for other countries. Several days before the EU vote, Belgium adapted its criminal code to include the directive, making it the first country in Europe to recognize ecocide as a crime.
The ruling “shows leadership and compassion,” Mehta said. “It will establish a clear moral as well as legal ‘red line’, creating an essential steer for European industry leaders and policy-makers going forward.”
-via Grist, March 6, 2024
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merrybloomwrites · 1 year
You Can Start a Family (Chapter 10)
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Summary: Love on Tour comes to an end, and new relationships begin in Italy.
Previous Chapters: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine
CW: Smut
This is the final chapter of this main story! But don't worry, I have lot's of plans for blurb/ one shots. Check out my last post here for more details about that. And please send me requests!!
Thank you to everyone who has read this story! It's the first things I've ever published like this and the feedback has truly been wonderful. I hope you enjoy this last chapter.
The second week of traveling Europe and going to shows is just as wonderful as the first. Maybe even more so. You’re more comfortable with everyone, having become friends with the whole band and a fair number of crew members. Things have calmed down slightly, and you learn that there was a lot of extra craziness surrounding the Slane and Wembley shows. Everyone has a bit more free time now, including Harry.
You, Harry, Sarah, and Mitch hang out a couple of times all together. Each pairing also spends some quality one on one time together. Sarah made plans for the two of you to get massages as well and mani pedis during a day off in Cardiff. You and Mitch have lunch together followed by him teaching you some new skills on guitar. Harry had found a hiking trail he wanted to try so the two of you do that together and have a picnic.
Mitch and Sarah each go out with Harry, and have a date just the two of them. After each outing you all tell each other what you’d done but don’t share all of the details. It doesn’t seem necessary. There is an inherent trust that you all have, and this allows you all to keep some of the individual moments special. You’d realized that in a relationship with this many people, each individual pairing needs to be fostered.
The four of you are able to hang as a group two times that week. The first time, you all go for a walk in Cardiff together and have lunch. The next day you have a movie night in Harry’s hotel room. Both times are very casual, and the conversation about Harry officially entering the relationship is never brought up. There’s an understanding that things are to go back to normal until tour ends.
You enjoy the last three shows you are at. There is a chance you’ll be back for the final show in Italy, but nothing is set in stone, so you keep that to yourself. You wander around the stadium with Brad again for the two Cardiff shows and are permitted to sit in front of the barrier during the show in Belgium. You take in every moment in Werchter, ignoring that this time tomorrow you’ll be back home. You latch on to Mitch and Sarah the second the show ends.
The three of you fight sleep that night, staying up too late talking, kissing, exploring each other’s bodies once again. You wake up wrapped in their arms and continue the activities from the night before. You spend time simply pleasing each other with your hands and mouths until your alarm goes off, signaling you need to start getting ready for the airport.
You shower, get dressed and make sure everything is packed. There are about 15 minutes left before your car leaves for the airport, and you hear a knock at the door. Mitch goes to answer and a moment later he walks back, Harry following him.
“I just wanted to say good-bye,” he says. “It truly has been wonderful getting to know you these past couple of weeks.”
“I’ve had a great time hanging out,” you reply.
“Will I see you again soon?” he asks.
“I hope so. I’m working on it.”
“Good,” he says as he pulls you in for a hug. It’s everything you’ve come to expect from Harry’s hugs- comforting, long, feels like home. You say good-bye to him before pulling back, and soon after he leaves so that you have alone time with Mitch and Sarah.
You’ve been holding up better than when they left you a few weeks prior, but as the time to depart draws closer, your eyes start to fill with tears. You look up, trying to blink them away, but it’s no use.
The second they notice Mitch and Sarah wrap their arms around you. For a few minutes no one speaks. You all just stay in this group hug, comforting one another and soaking up the contact. Your phone buzzes, and you have a text from Pete saying he’s available to drive you when you’re ready.
Sarah steps back, allowing Mitch to pull your lips up and meet his. “I love you,” he says against your mouth before moving to press a kiss to the crown of your head. “I’ll miss you baby.”
“I’ll miss you too, Mitch. I love you so much.” After one more kiss you turn from him to Sarah who immediately pulls you in tight.
“I love you sweetheart. And we’ll see you again soon, okay?”
“Okay,” you say, now so emotional that you’re having trouble getting the words out. Your “I love you” is barely a whisper, but she hears. Her hands rub your back and she kisses you just like Mitch had- first your lips, then your forehead. You keep your eyes closed, committing every detail of this interaction to memory so you can hold on to these feelings as long as possible.
You take a deep breath and finally break the hug. You grab your bags, dry your tears, share one more simple peck with each of them and walk out of the room.
Pete is waiting in the lobby along with Madi who says, “Hope you don’t mind me tagging along. A friend of mine is landing soon, and I wanted to be there to pick her up.”
You’re happy to have Madi’s company, so you reply, “I don’t mind at all!” and you give her a genuine smile. It was hard saying good-bye to Mitch and Sarah, which is why you had decided it should be done in private and not at the airport, but having Madi in the car with you raises your mood. It makes you realize that in the past two weeks you have made a lot of new friends, which is something so difficult in your adult life.
You spend much of the flight home thinking about all those friendships, the moments you spent with the band and the crew. Though you are sad to leave, you also feel happier than you have in a long time.
You text Mitch and Sarah once you get home and even though it’s the middle of the night for them, they both reply immediately. It fills you with warmth to know that they stayed up until they knew you were home safe.
The next few weeks are just like those first weeks of tour, except this time you’re on the phone with more than just Mitch and Sarah. You speak to Harry every couple of days, and occasionally get to FaceTime with other members of the band when they hang out together.
A week after you leave you find out that Harry has rented out a number of homes in Italy for the week following the final show. Much of the band and crew would be staying there for a relaxing vacation after these stressful months. At first Mitch and Sarah say that they’re not going to stay, that they want to fly back to you as soon as it’s done, but you tell them not to come back right away.
You tell them that baby Ryan’s grandparents are planning to visit, and that you’re going to get more time off that week. You assure them that you can fly out at least for the second half. What you don’t tell them is that you’re actually planning to get to Italy just in time for the final show. Pete’s been helping you coordinate the details, ensuring that no one else knows. You’re not sure if he’s an incredibly loyal person, or if he simply doesn’t care about your personal life, but he’s a lifesaver for helping you without asking any questions.
The weeks end up flying by. You and Ryan spend as much time outside running around or swimming in the pool as possible. You’re keeping so active that you’re exhausted by the time you get home each night. While tiring, it comes in handy because before you know it, you’re packing for a week in Italy.
Keeping your travel plans a secret from Mitch and Sarah is difficult, especially when they call you while you wait at the airport. You run to find a quiet corner, praying no overhead announcements get picked up by the phone. You keep things light, a normal Friday night phone call before they head to bed. When they hang up you breathe a sigh of relief, as it seems they didn’t figure out your whereabouts.
This trip is definitely more stressful than the last. It’s not a direct flight and the second leg is delayed. Once you land you still have to take two trains, and due to you arriving late you miss your original departure. You get new tickets sorted and grab lunch to enjoy on the way. Finally, you arrive in Reggio Emilia, but Pete is no longer able to pick you up, since he has other jobs assigned to him. He sends another crew member, Erin, which leads to a moment of confusion since you hadn’t met her before and didn’t have a way to contact her. It takes a while but you eventually find her in the pickup area.
It's nearly 6 PM by the time you make it to the stadium. Erin ends up being a literal godsend and shows you a place where you can quickly freshen up and get changed. She also takes care of your luggage and leads you down the hall to the band dressing room.
Luckily the door is open, so you walk right in. Ariza is the first to notice, shouting, “Hey! She’s back!” which alerts everyone else to your presence.
You’re looking right at Mitch and Sarah, and you can tell the exact moment they realize who Ariza is talking about. You blink and the next thing you know Mitch has wrapped his arms tight around your waist to pick you up and spin you in a circle. He quickly puts you down and lets go, not wanting to be too obvious in front of the whole band.
Sarah hugs you next, tucking her face into your shoulder and pressing a kiss there knowing that your hair is blocking the intimate gesture. You’re then pulled into hugs by the rest of the band as well as some crew members who pass by.
After a short conversation with the band, they turn to continue getting ready. There’s definitely a different atmosphere in the room than usual, and you know everybody is dealing with their mixed emotions about this being the final show.
“Do you think there’s any chance I can say hello to Harry before the show?” you ask Mitch.
“We can go check,” he replies, “but I’m not sure if he’ll want to see people right now or be alone.”
“Of course.”
The three of you walk down the hall and Sarah gently knocks on the door. You’re standing behind her and Mitch, and so Harry doesn’t notice you when he opens the door.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” he says with a smile.
“Brought a surprise,” Sarah says before stepping to the side.
The second he sees you his eyes light up. He pulls you in for a hug, one arm secure around your waist while the other holds the back of your head. You stay like that for a full minute before he pulls back and ushers the three of you into his dressing room.
He sits in his chair, gesturing that the three of you take the couch. You sit in between Mitch and Sarah who each take one of your hands in theirs, still in slight disbelief that you’re there.
“I thought you weren’t coming for another few days,” Harry states.
“Yea, why’d you lie?” Sarah asks with a smile.
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure this would work out. I didn’t want anyone to get their hopes up just in case I didn’t make it. And I barely did. I was supposed to get here hours ago.”
“What happened?”
“Typical travel nonsense, nothing to worry about. Now tell me, how are you all feeling?”
Everyone is quiet for a minute. Harry speaks up first, saying, “I’m feeling sad that it’s ending. And proud of what we accomplished. It’s very bittersweet.” He pauses and the others nod their heads in agreement. “And I’m also feeling very hopeful. I will say I’m glad to have something to look forward to.”
You give him a confused look, not exactly sure what he’s talking about. He continues, “I mean if the offer is still there. For me to join you all.”
It clicks in your mind and your expression changes immediately.
Mitch reassures him quickly, “Of course the offer is still there. We want you to be a part of this Harry. You’re so important to us, and if we can make this work, I think we’ll all be extremely happy.”
Harry visibly relaxes in front of you, a content smile spreading across his face. This moment of peace is short lived as there is another knock on the door. Pete is there alerting everyone that it’s almost time for Wet Leg to open the show.
“I should go, I want to talk to them before they start,” Harry says.
You all get up and you turn to give Harry another hug before leaving, as you know you likely won’t see him again before the show starts. You lean in to say, “I am incredibly proud of you. Everything you’ve done is amazing. And I’m very happy to see what the next chapter brings for you, and for all of us together.”
When you pull back you see a hint of tears in his eyes. He blinks them away before looking back at you. He brings one hand up to rest on the side of your face and then hesitates. He moves forward slightly, your eyes meeting and his lips a mere inch from yours. At the last second, he seems to stop himself, and you feel his lips press against your cheek.
He pulls away to press a kiss to Mitch and Sarah’s cheeks as well, and you’re all blushing when you walk out of the room.
After a brief stop in the band dressing room, you all head out to watch Wet Leg. Sarah and Mitch are more reserved, standing together, Mitch’s arm around Sarah’s waist. A part of you wishes you could be like that in public, but you’re honestly just happy to watch them be adorable. Plus, you know the fans are loving how cute they’re being. You dance with Madi, Elin, Ariza, and Pauli and have a wonderful time.
Once Wet Leg is done you join the people who are congratulating them. After a little while you make your way to the band’s room again so you can see Mitch and Sarah before they go on. You don’t say anything, but you don’t have to. They heard your words to Harry earlier and they know you’d be saying the same to them if you had privacy.
You use your all access pass to its limits during the show, moving around to wherever you’ll get the best views without blocking any of the fans or getting in the crews’ way.
You’re mesmerized from the first moment everyone steps on stage. Harry looks amazing in his silver outfit, and you love the denim jumpsuits on the band. You practically melt every time Harry speaks in Italian. The extra songs are so special, and you barely hear the Two Ghosts intro leading to Falling because the crowd is screaming so loud.
At one point you find yourself with Brad, James Corden and a few others mixing in with the fans. Everyone loses their minds when they do the full version of Best Song Ever, including you.
You cheer extra loud for everyone when Harry introduces the band. Fine Line nearly brings you to tears. The piano piece that Harry wrote to play as the final song truly did bring you to tears. It was so beautiful and a perfect ending to the tour.
Everyone takes their final bows. Harry walks across the stage, thanking all of his fans before moving back to the center. He takes it all in, finally falling to his knees because he is so overwhelmed with emotions. You glance at Mitch and Sarah, now standing together with arms wrapped around each other. They’re watching him and you can see the love and admiration in their eyes. They’re just as proud of him as everyone else.
As soon as they walk backstage you and the rest of the family and friends head there as well. Immediately you’re met with celebratory chaos. For a solid half hour there’s cheering, shouting, dancing. Finally, everyone starts breaking away to get changed. After everyone is ready you all head over to a nearby club to properly celebrate the end of tour.
The place Harry chose is perfect. Downstairs in a small dining room, quiet music playing, and delicious Italian food set up along one wall. Upstairs is the complete opposite. It’s darker, there’s loud music, and a bar is set up on every wall of the room.
After scoping out the place Mitch simply says, “food” so you join him and Sarah at the buffet. The three of you are joined at a table by Madi and two of her friends. The food is delicious. Your family may be Italian, but they’ve never made anything this good.
Once you’re all satisfied you head upstairs. It’s gotten extremely crowded, and you have to weave your way through people to get to the bar. Sarah orders for everyone since she has the loudest voice out of the trio. You smile as she hands you your favorite.
For the next hour or so you dance, drink, sing along to the music, and have a great time. It’s been years since you’ve let loose like this, and you’re enjoying the freedom of it. For the most part you stick with Mitch and Sarah, but you also spend time hanging out with other band or crew members.
You find yourself lost in the crowd after Pauli leaves the dance floor to head to the bathroom. A moment later a man you don’t recognize walks up to you.
While the party is mostly for all the people who worked on the tour, there are also others there that you haven’t met. Some are crew members you haven’t had the chance to talk to, and some are friends, family members, or industry contacts that got an invite because of the status they hold.
“Hey, I’m Ricky,” he says, holding his hand out to you.
“I’m Y/N, nice to meet you,” you reply while quickly shaking his hand. You don’t necessarily want to talk to him, but you were always taught to be polite.
“Great party huh?” he asks, trying to keep the conversation going.
“Oh, yea, it’s pretty cool,” you reply, looking around for someone that you know but not being able to see anyone. You can’t explain it, but something about this guy has you feeling uncomfortable.
“What are you drinking? I can get you a refill.”
“Thank you but I’m alright.”
“Yea it’s getting late huh. Maybe we could get out of here, have another after party of our own.” And there it is. You’ve been hit on a couple of times before and you never know how to respond.
“No, I think I’m just going to find some of my friends.” You turn and try to walk away but he grabs your wrist to keep you there. The second his skin touches yours you start to panic. You’re not fully freaking out, figuring he wouldn’t try something in a room full of people, but what if he’s able to get you alone?
“I could be your friend.” If you weren’t so worried about what he might do, you’d be rolling your eyes at that awful line and the way he thought that would actually work on you.
“That’s okay, I’m all set on friends at the moment. Now please let go of me.”
His other hand slides to your hip, gripping tightly and he leans in to say, “Oh c’mon babe, don’t play so hard to get. It’s a night for celebrating. Let’s have some fun.”
Your panic kicks up a notch at how close he is, and how tightly he’s holding on to you. It’s becoming more obvious he’s not going to take no for an answer, and you’re desperately trying to think of ways to get away from him, or at the very least, stay in the crowded party room until someone finds you.
He steps more into your space and your mind goes blank with fear. Suddenly there’s a hand on the small of your back and you jump at the touch. “Shh, love, it’s just me,” you hear Sarah say and take a deep, relieved breath. You’re finally free from his hold and you lean into Sarah who wraps her arm tight around your waist.
You look up and see Mitch leaning over Ricky, talking so low that you can’t hear him, but whatever he says works and the man walks away looking both embarrassed and afraid. Mitch takes a deep breath before turning to you. He cups your face in his hand and asks, “Are you okay?”
Your eyes are wide with leftover fear and panic as you meet his, but you nod. “I’m okay,” you say quietly, but they’re both close enough to hear you.
“Okay. Good. Do you want to leave and go back to the house?”
You shake your head no. “I really don’t want to end the night on that note. Can we stay a little longer?”
“Yea, baby, whatever you want.”
“But just stay with me, okay?”
“Of course,” Sarah says.
Mitch adds, “We’re not leaving your side for a second.”
You take another minute to collect yourself and put a smile back on your face before sliding your hand into Sarah’s and leading her to the dance floor. At first, you’re not as into it as before, going through the motions rather than fully dancing. Eventually the rest of the band joins in and you feed off their positive vibes. By the time people start leaving an hour or so later you’ve basically forgotten about Ricky.
After another little while most of the people have gone. The music is turned down and the lights are still dim but brighter than before. Mitch leads you and Sarah over to one of the bars, where Harry now seems to be sitting by himself, a new drink in hand.
You had lost track of Harry an hour or so before, and it seems he had spent much of that time in this location. You’ve never seen him drunk before, and while he’s certainly not wasted, he’s not sober either. He has a sort of a lost, sad puppy look on his face.
“You alright man?” Mitch asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Yea, mate. I’m good,” Harry replies in a tone that indicates he’s definitely not as good as he says.
 Mitch gently takes the glass from his hand and places it on the bar and says, “I think it’s time to go. They’re starting to clean everything up.”
“I don’t want to go,” Harry replies. A beat later he continues, “I don’t want to be alone.”
Your heart breaks at the sadness in his voice and you share a look with Mitch and Sarah. You know they feel the same.
“You’re not going to be alone, love,” Sarah says gently. Harry looks up at her, not understanding. “We’re coming with you. Tours over. We’re all going to be together. And that can start tonight. Does that sound alright to you?”
His face lights up at this news. He nods and looks between the three of you, seeing smiles on all of your faces.
“Come on, let’s get going,” Mitch says, wrapping an arm around Harry and supporting him out to the car. Harry leans heavily on him, but you think this has less to do with being unsteadily drunk and more to do with seeking comfort from the physical touch. You know that’s what he’s doing because you’re doing the same with Sarah.
A large black Chevy Suburban is waiting outside for your group. You and Sarah climb into the back row and Mitch and Harry take the middle. You try to stay awake for the drive, but it turns out you’re heading straight to the beach villa which is two hours away. You fight sleep for the first few minutes, trying to watch the scenery outside, but Sarah sees what you’re doing. She knows that between working all day Friday and then immediately traveling to the show, you likely haven’t slept in close to 40 hours.
Her arm wraps around you and her hand presses gently on the side of your head. “Sleep my love,” she says. You stop trying to fight it and instead melt into her side, your head resting on her shoulder. You fall asleep immediately.
The sun is starting to rise by the time you arrive at the house. The others had all dozed off as well but wake up when you pull into the driveway. You, however, snuggle closer to Sarah, refusing to open your eyes. Mitch looks back and sees the predicament and says to Sarah, “Go in with Harry, I’ll take care of her.”
Sarah moves you so that you’re leaning against the window instead of against her. Mitch lowers the middle row of seats so that Sarah can get out and so he can reach you. He carries you into the house and finds the other two in the bedroom. Harry is setting out some of his clothes for everyone.
“I don’t think they knew where to bring your bags. We’ll get them here in the morning, but you can borrow these for now.” Mitch lays you on the bed and takes off your clothes from the day, pulling a large t-shirt over your head to cover you.
“If you guys want you can have this room, I’ll sleep in the other one,” Harry says.
Mitch and Sarah share a confused look. “Harry,” Sarah starts. “We were planning on you staying with us here. So that we’re all together.”
“Will we all fit?”
“Of course we will. Y/N typically sleeps on top of one of us anyway so technically she doesn’t take up any room,” Mitch says with a fond smile.
They climb into bed with you, Sarah next to you on one side with Harry on the other. Mitch checks the doors are locked before turning off the light and getting in next to Harry. Everyone falls asleep within minutes.
You wake up to bright sunlight in an unfamiliar room. You’re laying on top of someone, a male someone, but it isn’t Mitch. You think about everything you remember from the previous night, and panic. The only thing that comes to mind that could explain the current situation would be if Ricky had come back and somehow got you to go home with him.
You quickly sit up, moving so suddenly that you nearly fall off of the bed. Sarah catching you is the only reason you don’t fall to the floor. Seeing her is enough to break through the panic, and your brain finally wakes up enough to realize what’s going on.
You weren’t sleeping on Mitch, but he is right next to you. It was Harry underneath you. You’re embarrassed by your reaction, and disappointed that you ruined what should’ve been a sweet moment.
“Are you okay?” Harry asks. “Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?”
“No! Not at all. I’m fine, I just got confused for a minute. There was a guy last night who was hitting on me and not taking no for an answer and when I woke up in a new place, I got scared thinking I was with him. Just freaked out for a second.”
“Who was it?”
“I think he said his name was Ricky.”
“I don’t know a Ricky. He must be one of the people management insisted we invite for networking. I can get the guest list, figure out exactly who he is if you want. Get him fired or something.”
His protectiveness has you feeling incredibly cared for, but you assure him that it’s fine.
“Can we just redo that?” you ask.
“What do you mean?” Sarah says.
“Redo the start of the day. It’s the first time all four of us are waking up together and I ruined it!”
“You did not ruin anything Y/N,” Mitch says. “You expressed real emotions, okay? We’ve talked about this; you can’t feel guilty for having feelings.”
“I know, I know! I’m not trying to ignore my feelings. But I want today to be a happy day. And I want to start it right. So can we please forget all that and redo?”
“Yes, love,” Sarah says. “We can start again if that’s what you’d like.”
“Thank you!” You crash into Harry, pushing him back so he’s once again laying down with you on top of him.
You lift your head off his chest to meet his eyes. “Good morning darling,” he says, and you smile as you say the same to him. You then turn to Mitch and Sarah and they each wish you good morning and place a kiss on your lips.
There’s a moment where no one knows what to do next, but Mitch makes a decision. He leans down so he’s level with Harry. Their eyes meet and slowly they inch their faces closer together. Finally, their lips meet. It’s a small press of their lips, chaste, almost domestic, like it’s something they’ve been doing to greet each other every morning for years.
When they pull back there’s a new light in Harry’s eyes. He looks happy and peaceful, like he’s been waiting for this forever. He turns his head, and since you’re still on top of him you think it’s your turn to properly greet him. But Sarah leans in, capturing his lips with her own. Mitch chuckles as you pout, but the expression quickly fades away as you watch the two of them.
While the kiss with Mitch was one of familiarity, and rekindling a romance, this is two people exploring each other for the first time. After years of friendship and working together, they now get to come together in this new way. They take a minute to get lost in one another, and you smile as you hear soft sighs from both of them.
They break apart and Harry looks to you. He brings his hands up to cup your cheeks and you move so close that your noses brush and you can feel his soft exhale on your skin.
“Is this okay?” he asks quietly, and you whisper “yes” before crashing your lips to his. His fingers slide through your hair, holding you close to him as his lips slot against yours. It’s a short kiss that has you craving more, but as you pull away you know it’s perfect for the moment.
“I want to have a proper date with you all,” Harry says.
“We’d love that,” Sarah answers.
“Tonight. I don’t want to waste another minute.”
The conversation is interrupted by knocking at the front door. You move so that Harry can get up and answer it. He walks back a minute later and lets you guys know that your luggage was just dropped off. Hearing that makes you realize how long it’s been since your last shower and so you open your bag and grab what you’ll need.
Everyone takes turns showering and getting ready. Once you’re done you realize you’re starving and look at the clock. You’re shocked to see it’s already past 2 in the afternoon. You head to the kitchen and see Harry making sandwiches for everyone.
“Anything I can help with?” you ask.
“Got a bunch of fruit in the fridge, can you help me cut that up?”
You get to work, natural light streaming through the windows of the beautiful kitchen. The four of you sit down for lunch and then enjoy the afternoon sitting out by the pool. Luckily the house is set away and is completely private, allowing you all to be yourselves without fear of fans or paparazzi seeing.
By 5 o’clock you’re all inside getting dressed for the date. Harry had planned it all and told you to dress nice, but casual. You’re a bit confused but settle for a blue and white sun dress. You walk downstairs and see not only Harry, Sarah, and Mitch, but two other people as well.
“Y/N, I’d like you to meet Claudio and Mia. They’re going to be cooking dinner for us all tonight,” Harry says to introduce you. You shake their hands and say hello and you realize the date Harry has planned.
It’s perfect. A wonderfully cooked Italian meal here at the villa. There’s no risk of you all being spotted or overheard, and you’re free to have a true first date. If you’d all gone out, then you’d have to be careful about everything you say and do, but that’s not the case here.
The four of you make your way out to the patio and immediately open a bottle of wine, Harry filling everyone’s glasses. A few minutes later Mia brings out the first appetizer, a caprese salad that must be made with the freshest ingredients you’ve ever tasted. Next, she brings out a fig and goat cheese crostini, some of which are topped with prosciutto that makes your mouth water.
Dinner is just as delicious, homemade pasta topped with a sauce that is both decadent and light, bursting with flavor. After dinner, while you’re sharing the second bottle of wine, Claudio and Mia come out one last time. They inform you all that they are heading home, and dessert is plated in the kitchen whenever you’re ready.
You thank them profusely, telling them how much you loved everything, and Harry walks them out. He comes back and the four of you are once again alone. While dinner conversation had been quite casual, everyone learning more about each other, it starts to get a bit deeper.
“How exactly will this all work?” Harry asks.
“Well, obviously communication is the most important thing here,” Sarah replies. “Everyone needs to be honest and open about anything they’re feeling. If we hide things from each other that will create problems.”
“And what about publicly? We can’t really go and tell the fans all four of us are together.”
Mitch answers this time saying, “No but we could just say that you and Y/N are together. She’s been seen enough with us, people probably have assumed by now she’s our friend. You’d say we introduced the two of you and you hit it off. And because she’s our friend it would make sense for all of us to be seen together.”
“Lots of double dates in our future,” Sarah says with a wink.
Harry turns to you and asks, “Are you okay with that? Dating me publicly?”
“I am. I know that it’ll probably come with some pushback from fans and things like that, but I really think this could work. And we’ll all be happy.” Harry leans in, pressing his lips to yours. It’s innocent enough and first, just a couple of quick pecks.
He pulls back and his eyes meet yours. There’s a moment where he watches you, his gaze intense, and the next thing you know his lips are back on you. Even though the kiss is firm, his lips feel wonderfully soft against yours as he takes control of the kiss. You feel his hand move to your thigh and you gasp, opening your mouth and allowing for his tongue to enter.
“Maybe we should head inside,” Mitch suggests. You bite back a whine as Harry pulls away, already missing the feeling of his lips. Everyone stands and heads inside to the bedroom. It honestly should feel weird, the group of you moving in near silence, but the energy is one of excited anticipation.
You pause once inside the room, unsure of what to do next. There are so many options, too many choices, and you do not want to be the one making any. You look to Mitch, who sees the hesitation from all of you, and he takes control of the situation.
“Harry and Y/N, lay next to each other,” he says. You both follow his directions as he turns to speak with Sarah. You’re only left wondering what their plan is for a moment before they also climb on the bed, Mitch straddling Harry while Sarah does the same to you.
She leans in to kiss you, her tongue sliding in immediately. She swallows the whine you let out, and all you can think of is her. It’s been over a month, and you’ve missed them all so much, you’ve been starving for their touches.
After a little while (truly you have no idea how long) you feel Mitch’s hand pick yours up and he places it on Harry’s thigh. A second later you feel Harry’s hand on you. It starts moving higher on your leg, sliding under your skirt. Sarah shifts only so that you can spread your legs a bit but continues to keep her lips on yours.
Harry’s hand moves again, this time to press two fingers to your clit over your underwear and you’re gasping in pleasure at this touch alone. You automatically grab his thigh and realize that your hand hasn’t moved since Mitch placed it there. You decide to follow Harry’s lead and slide it up his thigh. You and Harry let out matching moans as you finally grip Harry’s hard length over his shorts.
You feel Harry pull away for a second before he slips his fingers under your panties to touch you directly. Your eyes roll back at the feeling of being touched so intimately. Summoning confidence that you didn’t know you possess, you slide your hand under his layers of clothing. There’s a moment where you hesitate, unsure if it’s okay to touch him directly. He senses your inner debate and guides your hand to his cock, letting you know it’s absolutely okay with him.
You grip your fist around his length and pump him a few times. The noises he makes only turn you on more. Your other hand travels down to Sarah’s leg, and you move under her skirt and waste no time sliding your fingers into her underwear to rub through her folds.
She’s soaking, and you easily push two fingers inside her.
“Fuck, Y/N,” she moans before starting to leave love bites along your neck. She pulls back and looks to her side, saying, “Mitch, switch with me.”
He gives Harry one last deep kiss before pulling away from him. Sarah gently pushes your fingers out of her so she can move to Harry’s lap. “Are you clean?” she asks him as they help each other out of their clothes.
“Yes, got checked a couple weeks ago, haven’t been with anyone since.”
“Good,” she says, running her entrance above the tip of his cock. “Is this okay?” she asks him.
“Please, yes,” he practically begs, and she sinks onto him. You’re watching them so intently that you don’t notice Mitch at first. That changes the second he pulls your panties off and his hard cock grazes your sensitive clit.
He brings his hand to your entrance, pushing in one finger at a time to open you and ensure you’re ready for him. A moment later his fingers are gone and you feel his cock lining up. His eyes meet yours in a silent question and you nod your head, wrapping your legs to bring him closer to tell him that you want this, want him desperately.
He slowly pushes inside you and you let out a broken moan at the feeling of being filled for the first time in over a month. You pull Mitch’s face down to yours, having realized that you’ve barely had the chance to kiss him all weekend, and you need to remedy that immediately.
The time that follows is both blissful, and a bit confusing. Everyone’s hands are traveling over any limb they can find, kisses being pressed against any bit of bare skin.
You and Harry are the first to come, nearly simultaneously while his tongue is sliding against yours. A moment later you hear the cries that can only mean Sarah has followed the two of you. Finally, you feel Mitch’s thrusts stutter as he finishes inside you.
Everyone comes down from their high, Sarah pulling off and laying next to Harry. Mitch moves to pull out of you but you hold him close and whisper, “Not yet, please.”
“Okay, baby, I’m here,” he answers, leaning down so that you can tuck your face into his neck. After a couple minutes you release your hold on him. Sarah has already snuck out to grab a couple of damp washcloths from the bathroom and she helps everyone clean up.
You all get ready for bed, checking in that everyone is okay with what just happened. Not one of you has any complaints or uncomfortable feelings, and you fall asleep content that the four of you will work just fine together.
The rest of the week in Italy is absolutely perfect. Your group has plenty of time to spend together and your personalities fit together wonderfully. There are a few more discussions regarding the dynamics of the relationship which helps you all feel secure with one another.
During the middle of the week Harry rents out a couple of boats and you all spend the day on the water. Gemma and a few others join you and it is absolute perfection.
At one point Harry wanders to the kitchen area and a moment later Sarah follows him. While he’s been enjoying the day as much as everyone else, she can tell he’s bothered by something and is determined out figure out what it is.
They talk for a few minutes while making drinks for everyone, and after a beat of silence Sarah finally asks, “What is it Harry?”
“Not sure what you mean. I’m fine.”
“No you’re not love, something’s bothering you.”
He takes a deep breath and says, “I know there’s paparazzi watching us. And other people are here. And I guess I am used to hiding a lot of my life but this time feels different. I don’t want to hide our relationship.”
Sarah places a comforting hand on his arm and says, “I completely understand. I know it’s not ideal that we can’t all be together publicly, but if you’re ready, nothing is stopping you from being with Y/N in front of the camera. Whatever comes from that, we’ll make it work.”
Harry smiles, eased by Sarah’s words of wisdom.
They walk back to the main area where the rest of you are hanging out and Harry sits down next to you, closer than he usually would in public. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, and you give him a look. He can tell that you’re confused by the gesture, but not mad or uncomfortable.
He leans in and quietly asks, “Would it be alright if I kissed you?”
“Of course you can.”
“I mean, in front of everyone. With paps watching over there.”
“Yes Harry. That’s perfectly fine with me,” you answer with a smile.
He cups your face, pulling you close to him. He hesitates with his lips mere centimeters away and you whisper “It’s okay, Harry.” A millisecond later his lips crash against yours. He presses firmly against you, a series of chaste kisses on your mouth, nose, and forehead. When you look up you see everyone watching the two of you.
Mitch and Sarah are looking over, warm smiles on their faces. After a beat, Gemma jumps up and rushes over to give the two of you a hug. “I told mum weeks ago you two would be perfect!”
The rest of the day is absolutely wonderful. After sailing in the sun for the afternoon you all head back for dinner at a beautiful restaurant.
You, Harry, Mitch, and Sarah get to the house just after sunset. Immediately you fall into bed, not wanting to waste another moment. You explore each other’s bodies once again. Harry proves without a shadow of a doubt that he is a gentleman, checking in with you constantly as he slides into you for the first time, stretching you more than you’ve ever been before.
As you’re all catching your breath, trying to readjust the mess of covers, you can’t help but start to giggle. It’s contagious and suddenly the four of you are laughing, though no one’s entirely sure why.
You finally calm down enough to say, “I can’t believe this is my life.”
“Well, believe it baby,” Harry says. “Because we’re not going anywhere.”
“Good.” You reply, shifting everyone so that you’re laying across all three of them. With your head on Mitch’s chest, torso being held by Harry, and legs tangling with Sarah, you fall asleep.
Your last thoughts of the night are about how indescribably happy you are that you’ve found your home and have started a perfect family.
@akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @theekyliepage @numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry @ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess @houseofdilfs @shaquille-0atmeal-1 @kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye
AN: Thank you again for reading this story! Can't wait to share more with you all!
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mariacallous · 4 months
The state of Russia’s porn industry after more than two years of war
Writing for Vertska Media, journalist Aaron Lurie reports on changes in Russia’s porn industry since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The two biggest developments in the business have been (1) federal legislation in March 2022 that closed a loophole in the Criminal Code that allowed online pornography, and (2) Western sanctions and corporate withdrawals that cut off the access of models and studios to more affluent consumers abroad. Nevertheless, studios and models continue to work with talent in Russia, navigating visa restrictions by relocating their filming to Serbia from places like Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Spain. To circumvent Western sanctions on Russians’ access to international banking, models and performers also resort, for example, to falsely registered Uzbek bank accounts to route Western payments through banks in Belgium. 
The loss of OnlyFans access has significantly reduced the earning capacity of adult performers in Russia, though some models have circumvented the ban by obtaining Turkish and now Thai residency permits—a process that costs roughly $2,000 plus airfare. OnlyFans alternatives still officially available in Russia (like Fansly, Boosty, and Chaturbate) are all far less profitable for the models. Lurie also learned that it’s not uncommon for Russian performers to pose as Ukrainians. Even before February 2022, this offered better protection against deanonymization (and apparently better earnings). In the aftermath of the full-scale invasion, pretending to be Ukrainian was also a means of maintaining viewers’ loyalty and soliciting better pay. Lurie also writes about some models and studios that tailor their performances to military themes, either in support of Ukraine or as a clickbait gimmick. 
Stricter laws against pornography and new financial hurdles on international sales have smothered Russia’s porn consumer culture in the cradle. To be sure, pornography is just as popular as ever among Russian Internet users, but the culture of paying money for this content “has died completely.”
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Footnotes, 201 - 250
[201] W. Gramich, Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsgeschichte der Stadt Würzburg im 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, Würzburg, 1882, p. 34.
[202] When a boat brought a cargo of coal to Würzburg, coal could only be sold in retail during the first eight days, each family being entitled to no more than fifty basketfuls. The remaining cargo could be sold wholesale, but the retailer was allowed to raise a zittlicher profit only, the unzittlicher, or dishonest profit, being strictly forbidden (Gramich, l.c.). Same in London (Liber albus, quoted by Ochenkowski, p. 161), and, in fact, everywhere.
[203] See Fagniez, Études sur l’industrie et la classe industrielle à Paris au XIIIme et XIVme siècle, Paris, 1877, pp. 155 seq. It hardly need be added that the tax on bread, and on beer as well, was settled after careful experiments as to the quantity of bread and beer which could be obtained from a given amount of corn. The Amiens archives contain the minutes of such experiences (A. de Calonne, l.c. pp. 77, 93). Also those of London (Ochenkowski, England’s wirthschaftliche Entwickelung, etc., Jena, 1879, p. 165).
[204] Ch. Gross, The Guild Merchant, Oxford, 1890, i. 135. His documents prove that this practice existed in Liverpool (ii. 148–150), Waterford in Ireland, Neath in Wales, and Linlithgow and Thurso in Scotland. Mr. Gross’s texts also show that the purchases were made for distribution, not only among the merchant burgesses, but “upon all citsains and commynalte” (p. 136, note), or, as the Thurso ordinance of the seventeenth century runs, to “make offer to the merchants, craftsmen, and inhabitants of the said burgh, that they may have their proportion of the same, according to their necessitys and ability.”
[205] The Early History of the Guild of Merchant Taylors, by Charles M. Clode, London, 1888, i. 361, appendix 10; also the following appendix which shows that the same purchases were made in 1546.
[206] Cibrario, Les conditions économiques de l’Italie au temps de Dante, Paris, 1865, p. 44.
[207] A. de Calonne, La vie municipale au XVme siècle dans le Nord de la France, Paris, 1880, pp. 12–16. In 1485 the city permitted the export to Antwerp of a certain quantity of corn, “the inhabitants of Antwerp being always ready to be agreeable to the merchants and burgesses of Amiens” (ibid., pp. 75–77 and texts).
[208] A. Babeau, La ville sous l’ancien régime, Paris, 1880.
[209] Ennen, Geschichte der Stadt Köln, i. 491, 492, also texts.
[210] The literature of the subject is immense; but there is no work yet which treats of the mediæval city as of a whole. For the French Communes, Augustin Thierry’s Lettres and Considérations sur l’histoire de France still remain classical, and Luchaire’s Communes françaises is an excellent addition on the same lines. For the cities of Italy, the great work of Sismondi (Histoire des républiques italiennes du moyen âge, Paris, 1826, 16 vols.), Leo and Botta’s History of Italy, Ferrari’s Révolutions d’Italie, and Hegel’s Geschichte der Städteverfassung in Italien, are the chief sources of general information. For Germany we have Maurer’s Städteverfassung, Barthold’s Geschichte der deutschen Städte, and, of recent works, Hegel’s Städte und Gilden der germanischen Völker (2 vols. Leipzig, 1891), and Dr. Otto Kallsen’s Die deutschen Städte im Mittelalter (2 vols. Halle, 1891), as also Janssen’s Geschichte des deutschen Volkes (5 vols. 1886), which, let us hope, will soon be translated into English (French translation in 1892). For Belgium, A. Wauters, Les Libertés communales (Bruxelles, 1869–78, 3 vols.). For Russia, Byelaeff’s, Kostomaroff’s and Sergievich’s works. And finally, for England, we posses one of the best works on cities of a wider region in Mrs. J.R. Green’s Town Life in the Fifteenth Century (2 vols. London, 1894). We have, moreover, a wealth of well-known local histories, and several excellent works of general or economical history which I have so often mentioned in this and the preceding chapter. The richness of literature consists, however, chiefly in separate, sometimes admirable, researches into the history of separate cities, especially Italian and German; the guilds; the land question; the economical principles of the time; the economical importance of guilds and crafts; the leagues between, cities (the Hansa); and communal art. An incredible wealth of information is contained in works of this second category, of which only some of the more important are named in these pages.
[211] Kulischer, in an excellent essay on primitive trade (Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie, Bd. x. 380), also points out that, according to Herodotus, the Argippaeans were considered inviolable, because the trade between the Scythians and the northern tribes took place on their territory. A fugitive was sacred on their territory, and they were often asked to act as arbiters for their neighbors. See Appendix XI.
[212] Some discussion has lately taken place upon the Weichbild and the Weichbild-law, which still remain obscure (see Zöpfl, Alterthümer des deutschen Reichs und Rechts, iii. 29; Kallsen, i. 316). The above explanation seems to be the more probable, but, of course, it must be tested by further research. It is also evident that, to use a Scotch expression, the “mercet cross” could be considered as an emblem of Church jurisdiction, but we find it both in bishop cities and in those in which the folkmote was sovereign.
[213] For all concerning the merchant guild see Mr. Gross’s exhaustive work, The Guild Merchant (Oxford, 1890, 2 vols.); also Mrs. Green’s remarks in Town Life in the Fifteenth Century, vol. ii. chaps. v. viii. x; and A. Doren’s review of the subject in Schmoller’s Forschungen, vol. xii. If the considerations indicated in the previous chapter (according to which trade was communal at its beginnings) prove to be correct, it will be permissible to suggest as a probable hypothesis that the guild merchant was a body entrusted with commerce in the interest of the whole city, and only gradually became a guild of merchants trading for themselves; while the merchant adventurers of this country, the Novgorod povolniki (free colonizers and merchants) and the mercati personati, would be those to whom it was left to open new markets and new branches of commerce for themselves. Altogether, it must be remarked that the origin of the medieval city can be ascribed to no separate agency. It was a result of many agencies in different degrees.
[214] Janssen’s Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, i. 315; Gramich’s Würzburg; and, in fact, any collection of ordinances.
[215] Falke, Geschichtliche Statistik, i. 373–393, and ii. 66; quoted in Janssen’s Geschichte, i. 339; J.D. Blavignac, in Comptes et dépenses de la construction du clocher de Saint-Nicolas à Friborg en Suisse, comes to a similar conclusion. For Amiens, De Calonne’s Vie Municipale, p. 99 and Appendix. For a thorough appreciation and graphical representation of the mediæval wages in England and their value in bread and meat, see G. Steffen’s excellent article and curves in The Nineteenth Century for 1891, and Studier öfver lönsystemets historia i England, Stockholm, 1895.
[216] To quote but one example out of many which may be found in Schönberg’s and Falke’s works, the sixteen shoemaker workers (Schusterknechte) of the town Xanten, on the Rhine, gave, for erecting a screen and an altar in the church, 75 guldens of subscriptions, and 12 guldens out of their box, which money was worth, according to the best valuations, ten times its present value.
[217] Quoted by Janssen, l.c. i. 343.
[218] The Economical Interpretation of History, London, 1891, p. 303.
[219] Janssen, l.c. See also Dr. Alwin Schultz, Deutsches Leben im XIV und XV Jahrhundert, grosse Ausgabe, Wien, 1892, pp. 67 seq. At Paris, the day of labor varied from seven to eight hours in the winter to fourteen hours in summer in certain trades, while in others it was from eight to nine hours in winter, to from ten to twelve in Summer. All work was stopped on Saturdays and on about twenty-five other days (jors de commun de vile foire) at four o’clock, while on Sundays and thirty other holidays there was no work at all. The general conclusion is, that the mediæval worker worked less hours, all taken, than the present-day worker (Dr. E. Martin Saint-Léon, Histoire des corporations, p. 121).
[220] W. Stieda, “Hansische Vereinbarungen über städtisches Gewerbe im XIV und XV Jahrhundert,” in Hansische Geschichtsblätter, Jahrgang 1886, p. 121. Schönberg’s Wirthschaftliche Bedeutung der Zünfte; also, partly, Roscher.
[221] See Toulmin Smith’s deeply-felt remarks about the royal spoliation of the guilds, in Miss Smith’s Introduction to English Guilds. In France the same royal spoliation and abolition of the guilds’ jurisdiction was begun from 1306, and the final blow was struck in 1382 (Fagniez, l.c. pp. 52–54).
[222] Adam Smith and his contemporaries knew well what they were condemning when they wrote against the State interference in trade and the trade monopolies of State creation. Unhappily, their followers, with their hopeless superficiality, flung mediæval guilds and State interference into the same sack, making no distinction between a Versailles edict and a guild ordinance. It hardly need be said that the economists who have seriously studied the subject, like Schönberg (the editor of the well-known course of Political Economy), never fell into such an error. But, till lately, diffuse discussions of the above type went on for economical “science.”
[223] In Florence the seven minor arts made their revolution in 1270–82, and its results are fully described by Perrens (Histoire de Florence, Paris, 1877, 3 vols.), and especially by Gino Capponi (Storia della repubblica di Firenze, 2da edizione, 1876, i. 58–80; translated into German). In Lyons, on the contrary, where the movement of the minor crafts took place in 1402, the latter were defeated and lost the right of themselves nominating their own judges. The two parties came apparently to a compromise. In Rostock the same movement took place in 1313; in Zürich in 1336; in Bern in 1363; in Braunschweig in 1374, and next year in Hamburg; in Lübeck in 1376–84; and so on. See Schmoller’s Strassburg zur Zeit der Zunftkämpfe and Strassburg’s Blüthe; Brentano’s Arbeitergilden der Gegenwart, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1871–72; Eb. Bain’s Merchant and Craft Guilds, Aberdeen, 1887, pp. 26–47, 75, etc. As to Mr. Gross’s opinion relative to the same struggles in England, see Mrs. Green’s remarks in her Town Life in the Fifteenth Century, ii. 190–217; also the chapter on the Labor Question, and, in fact, the whole of this extremely interesting volume. Brentano’s views on the crafts’ struggles, expressed especially in iii. and iv. of his essay “On the History and Development of Guilds,” in Toulmin Smith’s English Guilds remain classical for the subject, and may be said to have been again and again confirmed by subsequent research.
[224] To give but one example — Cambrai made its first revolution in 907, and, after three or four more revolts, it obtained its charter in 1076. This charter was repealed twice (1107 and 1138), and twice obtained again (in 1127 and 1180). Total, 223 years of struggles before conquering the right to independence. Lyons — from 1195 to 1320.
[225] See Tuetey, “Étude sur Le droit municipal... en Franche-Comté,” in Mémoires de la Société d’émulation de Montbéliard, 2e série, ii. 129 seq.
[226] This seems to have been often the case in Italy. In Switzerland, Bern bought even the towns of Thun and Burgdorf.
[227] Such was, at least, the case in the cities of Tuscany (Florence, Lucca, Sienna, Bologna, etc.), for which the relations between city and peasants are best known. (Luchitzkiy, “Slavery and Russian Slaves in Florence,” in Kieff University Izvestia for 1885, who has perused Rumohr’s Ursprung der Besitzlosigkeit der Colonien in Toscana, 1830.) The whole matter concerning the relations between the cities and the peasants requires much more study than has hitherto been done.
[228] Ferrari’s generalizations are often too theoretical to bealways correct; but his views upon the part played by the nobles in the city wars are based upon a wide range of authenticated facts.
[229] Only such cities as stubbornly kept to the cause of the barons, like Pisa or Verona, lost through the wars. For many towns which fought on the barons’ side, the defeat was also the beginning of liberation and progress.
[230] Ferrari, ii. 18, 104 seq.; Leo and Botta, i. 432.
[231] Joh. Falke, Die Hansa als Deutsche See- und Handelsmacht, Berlin, 1863, pp. 31, 55.
[232] For Aachen and Cologne we have direct testimony that the bishops of these two cities — one of them bought by the enemy opened to him the gates.
[233] See the facts, though not always the conclusions, of Nitzsch, iii. 133 seq.; also Kallsen, i. 458, etc.
[234] On the Commune of the Laonnais, which, until Melleville’s researches (Histoire de la Commune du Laonnais, Paris, 1853), was confounded with the Commune of Laon, see Luchaire, pp. 75 seq. For the early peasants’ guilds and subsequent unions see R. Wilman’s “Die ländlichen Schutzgilden Westphaliens,” in Zeitschrift für Kulturgeschichte, neue Folge, Bd. iii., quoted in Henne-am-Rhyn’s Kulturgeschichte, iii. 249.
[235] Luchaire, p. 149.
[236] Two important cities, like Mainz and Worms, would settle a political contest by means of arbitration. After a civil war broken out in Abbeville, Amiens would act, in 1231, as arbiter (Luchaire, 149); and so on.
[237] See, for instance, W. Stieda, Hansische Vereinbarungen, l.c., p.114.
[238] Cosmo Innes’s Early Scottish History and Scotland in Middle Ages, quoted by Rev. Denton, l.c., pp. 68, 69; Lamprecht’s Deutsches wirthschaftliche Leben im Mittelalter, review by Schmoller in his Jahrbuch, Bd. xii.; Sismondi’s Tableau de l’agriculture toscane, pp. 226 seq. The dominions of Florence could be recognized at a glance through their prosperity.
[239] Mr. John J. Ennett (Six Essays, London, 1891) has excellent pages on this aspect of mediæval architecture. Mr. Willis, in his appendix to Whewell’s History of Inductive Sciences (i. 261–262), has pointed out the beauty of the mechanical relations in mediæval buildings. “A new decorative construction was matured,” he writes, “not thwarting and controlling, but assisting and harmonizing with the mechanical construction. Every member, every molding, becomes a sustainer of weight; and by the multiplicity of props assisting each other, and the consequent subdivision of weight, the eye was satisfied of the stability of the structure, notwithstanding curiously slender aspects of the separate parts.” An art which sprang out of the social life of the city could not be better characterized.
[240] Dr. L. Ennen, Der Dom zu Köln, seine Construction und Anstaltung, Köln, 1871.
[241] The three statues are among the outer decorations of Nôtre Dame de Paris.
[242] Mediæval art, like Greek art, did not know those curiosity shops which we call a National Gallery or a Museum. A picture was painted, a statue was carved, a bronze decoration was cast to stand in its proper place in a monument of communal art. It lived there, it was part of a whole, and it contributed to give unity to the impression produced by the whole.
[243] Cf. J. T. Ennett’s “Second Essay,” p. 36.
[244] Sismondi, iv. 172; xvi. 356. The great canal, Naviglio Grande, which brings the water from the Tessino, was begun in 1179, i.e. after the conquest of independence, and it was ended in the thirteenth century. On the subsequent decay, see xvi. 355.
[245] In 1336 it had 8,000 to 10,000 boys and girls in its primary schools, 1,000 to 1,200 boys in its seven middle schools, and from 550 to 600 students in its four universities. The thirty communal hospitals contained over 1,000 beds for a population of 90,000 inhabitants (Capponi, ii. 249 seq.). It has more than once been suggested by authoritative writers that education stood, as a rule, at a much higher level than is generally supposed. Certainly so in democratic Nuremberg.
[246] Cf. L. Ranke’s excellent considerations upon the essence of Roman Law in his Weltgeschichte, Bd. iv. Abth. 2, pp. 20–31. Also Sismondi’s remarks upon the part played by the légistes in the constitution of royal authority, Histoire des Français, Paris, 1826, viii. 85–99. The popular hatred against these “weize Doktoren und Beutelschneider des Volks” broke out with full force in the first years of the sixteenth century in the sermons of the early Reform movement.
[247] Brentano fully understood the fatal effects of the struggle between the “old burghers” and the new-comers. Miaskowski, in his work on the village communities of Switzerland, has indicated the same for village communities.
[248] The trade in slaves kidnapped in the East was never discontinued in the Italian republics till the fifteenth century. Feeble traces of it are found also in Germany and elsewhere. See Cibrario. Della schiavitù e del servaggio, 2 vols. Milan, 1868; Professor Luchitzkiy, “Slavery and Russian Slaves in Florence in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries,” in Izvestia of the Kieff University, 1885.
[249] J.R. Green’s History of the English People, London, 1878, i. 455.
[250] See the theories expressed by the Bologna lawyers, already at the Congress of Roncaglia in 1158.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
May 14 (UPI) -- European Union member states on Tuesday adopted landmark reform of the bloc's migration and asylum system with new rules designed to process arrivals in an orderly and efficient way, standardize procedures and relieve pressure on front-line nations.
The 10 new laws adopted by a European Council meeting in Brussels include triaging of arrivals at the border, enhanced data collection to inform policy and get migration under control, a standard asylum procedure for quick initial assessments, a new mandatory border procedure for well-defined cases together with a return procedure regulation to send back people whose application is rejected, the council said in a news release.
Significantly, a new asylum and migration management regulation determining which member state is responsible for international protection claims will for the first time see responsibility for asylum seekers shared equitably among EU states.
Where previously support for member states dealing with major influxes of migrants -- Greece and Italy have been particularly impacted -- was discretionary, the so-called "solidarity" rule makes contributing to the responsibility mandatory, although there is leeway on the nature of the help provided.
These can be relocations, financial assistance, providing border guards or helping build reception facilities.
The council said that new homogenous criteria for granting international protection and standards for asylum seekers should also help to tackle secondary movements where people fail to make a claim in the first EU country in which they set foot, instead moving on to countries seen as more desirable in the bloc, and beyond.
A resettlement regulation deals with legal and safe routes to the EU by establishing common rules for resettlement and admission on humanitarian grounds.
The reforms also include a mechanism for coping with crises sparked by mass arrivals, the weaponization of migrants and force majeure, with rules member states are permitted to breach ranging from deadlines for registering asylum applicants and the duration of the border procedure.
Its use, subject to Council authorization, is only in exceptional circumstances and for the time strictly necessary to address situations of crisis or force majeure.
The council did not mention that Poland and Hungary voted against the legislation in Tuesday's vote while the Czech Republic and Slovakia abstained.
Belgium's Migration and Asylum Secretary Nicole de Moor hailed the reform package, pledging that the EU would work with partners in Africa, the Middle East and beyond to deal with the issues that cause people to migrate.
"The asylum and migration pact will ensure a fairer and stronger migration system that makes a concrete difference on the ground. These new rules will make the European asylum system more effective and increase solidarity between member states," she said.
"The European Union will also continue its close cooperation with third countries to tackle the root causes of irregular migration. Only jointly can we find responses to the global migration challenge."
However, Amnesty International said the pact represented the worst of all worlds by both making it more difficult for those fleeing war and persecution to get to safety while not doing enough to support countries bearing the brunt of arrivals to Europe, including Italy, Spain and Greece.
"This agreement will set back European asylum law for decades to come. Its likely outcome is a surge in suffering on every step of a person's journey to seek asylum in the EU," said Amnesty International European Institutions Office director Eve Geddie.
"From the way they are treated by countries outside the EU, their access to asylum and legal support at Europe's border, to their reception within the EU, this agreement is designed to make it harder for people to access safety."
Geddie also said the new rules would almost certainly see more people placed in de facto detention at EU borders -- including families with children and the vulnerable due to more people being channeled through "substandard border asylum procedures, rather than receiving a fair and full assessment of their asylum claims."
Amnesty also attacked the opt-outs permitted during crises saying they set a dangerous precedent for the right to asylum around the world through the normalizing of disproportionate emergency measures at European borders and exposing people to the risk of severe human rights violations.
The pact comes five months after the council and the European Parliament reached a deal to deliver on a promise to resolve long-running rows over which EU member state is responsible for handling an asylum application, inter-state cooperation and how to handle crises, including the use of migrants for hybrid attacks.
Member states have two years to implement the new laws with the help of a common implementation plan being drawn up by the European Commission to assist with the process.
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BRUSSELS — Today, the Belgian Federal government’s Council of Ministers approved a legislative proposal for a ban on the import of hunting trophies of endangered animal species, put forth by Zakia Khattabi, Minister of Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal.
The Minister’s preliminary draft bill follows the Federal Parliament of the Kingdom of Belgium’s unanimous vote in March 2022 in support of a resolution demanding that the government put the brakes on the issuance of trophy import permits for a broad array of threatened and endangered species.
This resolution protects species such as the hippopotamus, Southern white rhinoceros, African savannah elephant, lion, polar bear and argali sheep killed for sport.
The scope of the resolution also extends to all species listed in Annex A, along with certain species in Annex B of the European Regulation 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora.
Member of Parliament Kris Verduyckt (Vooruit, Flemish Socialists), initiator of the legislative proposal to ban hunting trophy imports in 2020 and proposer of the aforementioned resolution, said:
“I am glad that this hard work is paying off. Minister Khattabi is now fully translating my proposal into a bill and the entire Council of Ministers approves it.
It’s time we really started protecting endangered species. Trophy hunters prefer to kill the largest and strongest animals, the loss of which contributes to the disruption and decline of animal populations.”
The European office of animal protection charity Humane Society International, a long-time vocal advocate against the import of endangered species’ trophies, lauded the government’s decision.
Ruud Tombrock, executive director for HSI/Europe said:
“We welcome the fact that the unanimous resolution of Parliament has been translated into a legislative measure and look forward to studying the details of the legislation once published.
Belgium is leading the way for other countries in Europe already listening to calls from their citizens to consign the import of hunting trophies to history.
The next step should be an EU-wide ban on the import of hunting trophies from endangered and protected species, again reflecting the views of citizens across member states in the European Union.”
Over the past 16 months, HSI/Europe has worked with MPs to ensure that the unanimous resolution of Parliament was translated into legislation.
Today’s approval is the culmination of this campaign.
MPs from different political parties have maintained pressure on Environment Minister Khattabi.
A recent response to a parliamentary question from MP Jan Briers (CD&V, Flemish Christian democrats) revealed that the Ministry had only stopped issuing permits for importing animal trophies since mid-March 2023, a delay which outraged many MPs.
This landmark decision by the Belgian government echoes the strongly held views of its people.
A 2020 survey by Ipsos commissioned by HSI/Europe showed that 91% of Belgians oppose trophy hunting and 88% support a prohibition on importing any kind of hunting trophy at all.
This sentiment is not limited to Belgium but is resonating across the European continent.
A 2023 pan-European poll conducted by Savanta in all 27 EU Member States on behalf of HSI/Europe laid bare the widespread public rejection of trophy hunting.
A striking 83% of respondents stood firm against this practice, with just 6% in favor.
The vast majority is expecting strong measures to be taken against trophy hunting, with a compelling majority (74%) rallying behind a national import ban and similar support for an EU-wide ban (73%).
These survey results underscore a profound and growing public concern across Europe, spotlighting the urgency and importance of wildlife conservation and the protection of threatened species.
Today, Belgium has echoed the urgent European call to action against trophy hunting, joining the ranks of countries like the Netherlands, France and Finland, which have each implemented various degrees of bans and restrictions on the practice of import of hunting trophies.
Momentum against trophy hunting is accelerating across the continent, with nations including the UK, Germany, Italy, and Poland now also involved in active discussions to impose bans at varying stages of progress.
Facts on trophy hunting:
• The Netherlands introduced a trophy hunting ban for more than 200 species in May 2016 on the Annex A of European Regulation 338/97, on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein, and of species in danger of extinction.
The import ban also applies to the following Annex B species: white rhinoceros, hippopotamus, African elephant, mouflon (wild sheep from the Caucasus), lion and polar bear.
A total of 200 animal species are affected by the import licenses ban.
• France implemented a ban on the import of lion-hunting trophies in 2015.
In 2023, a Bill proposal for registration aimed at “stopping the issuance of import permits for hunting trophies of certain endangered species was tabled.
•The import of hunting trophies into Finland is restricted since June 2023.
The new Nature Conservation Act includes a provision that prohibits the import of individual animals or their parts from the most endangered species worldwide, which are threatened by international trade as trophies from countries outside the EU.
• In the United Kingdom in March 2023, British lawmakers approved a ban on the import of animal hunting trophies covering 6,000 endangered species, which makes it one of the toughest in the world.
The legislation is now being debated in the House of Lords.
• In Germany, the Minister of the Environment, Steffi Lemke (The Greens), announced that she intends to restrict the import of hunting trophies from protected animal species.
Germany terminated the Country’s membership in the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) in 2022.
• In Italy in 2022, a bill aimed at banning the import, export and re-export, to and from Italy, of hunting trophies obtained from animals that are protected by CITES, was presented.
After the fall of the government and the elections in 2023, the same bill was tabled again in parliament.
• In Poland, a bill sponsored by the deputy chairperson of the Sejm, the lower chamber of the parliament, reached committee stage discussion this month and is scheduled for further progress in August 2023.
• Trophy hunting of endangered species poses a severe threat to conservation efforts and the world’s natural heritage.
Trophy hunters prefer to kill the largest, strongest animals, whose loss causes declines in population.
The affected species, such as African elephants, lions, rhinoceros, and leopards, among others, are already facing the risk of extinction and play crucial roles in maintaining healthy ecosystems and biodiversity.
The loss of these iconic animals not only disrupts delicate ecological balances but also erodes cultural and historical significance.
Many species play important roles in their ecosystems. Their removal can have cascading effects on other wildlife, vegetation, and the overall health of the ecosystem.
• The EU is the second biggest importer of hunting trophies after the United States, as indicated in a report by Humane Society International/Europe from 2021, with an average of 3000 trophies imported in the period between 2014 and 2018.
• The top 10 species imported into the EU as trophies are:
Hartmann’s mountain zebra (Equus zebra hartmannae) (3.119), Chacma baboon (1.751), American black bear (Ursus americanus) (1.415), brown bear (1.056), the African elephant (952), African lion (Panthera leo) (889), African leopard (Panthera pardus) (839), hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) (794), caracal (Caracal caracal) (480), and red lechwe (Kobus leche) (415).
• The EU was the largest importer of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) trophies with 297 cheetah trophies imported into the EU during the study period.
• Belgium is the 13th largest hunting trophy importer of internationally protected species in Europe
• Shortly before the vote of the resolution last year, Animal Rights Belgium, another organisation campaigning against the import of hunting trophies in Belgium, delivered a petition with 37,000 signatures supporting the ban to the Federal Environment Minister, Zakia Khattabi.
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thejournalisttintin · 7 months
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I’ve also mentioned that I would be going back and revisiting my older Tintin OCs, as well as giving them updated backstories.
So we’ll be starting with the very first Tintin OC I’ve ever made.
This is Maxine Ravenswood.
I originally created her back in 2011 when the Tintin movie came out. Because I thought to myself, “What if Tintin had a female friend?” Thus, Maxine was born.
I originally named her Malina, but since I wanted to do an update on her, I thought of doing a name change.
(Anyone who liked Malina, I apologize!)
When I started reading a few of the comics, plus looking at others’ Tintin fan OCs, I thought of making her an official Tintin fan OC.
Her basic profile (bit of a TW for mentions of misogyny):
Maxine is the eldest daughter of her family.
She’s also a year older than Tintin, having been born in 1913.
After her younger sister Hanna was born, both girls had lost their parents during the onslaught of World War I. And soon, they were sent to an institutional orphanage.
As a kid, Maxine was a troubled child. She hated being told to act like a lady, and often times picked fights with the other children, the majority of them being boys. They mostly picked on her and called her names, the worst one being “stupid pig”. And more often than not, it was Maxine who got in trouble with the people who ran the orphanage.
Maxine was adopted by a British Royal Air Force commander named Benjamin Gallagher, who allowed her to keep her surname Ravenswood.
Her home life was relatively better than what she experienced in the orphanage. She was treated rather pleasantly with Benjamin and his wife, but that didn’t prevent the usual family squabbles.
In her later teen years, Benjamin decided to let Maxine enlist in the Royal Air Force. She was initially given a position of secretary, but was allowed to train in routine flight procedures.
Sometimes, she was permitted to stay in the countries she visited for a week-long period or two during her training. While doing a residency in Belgium, she met Tintin.
Sometimes, more often than not, Maxine would join Tintin and Haddock on their adventures.
When Benjamin was asked to head his troops into a war, he didn’t want Maxine to be left out. So he decided he wanted to enlist her into his troop. While Maxine was on board with it, his commanding general wasn’t supportive of his decision.
Benjamin's commanding general, Frederick Williamson, prohibited Maxine from enlisting for the obvious reason that "women are not soldiers". Even though Benjamin acknowledged her extensive piloting knowledge and weapon building, Frederick was not convinced at all. He thought women fighting alongside their male counterparts was "a waste of valuable resources".
But Benjamin never gave up on Maxine. He secretly gave her permission to enlist, but only under the condition that she adopt a male alias and disguise.
Maxine did so, under her fake identity Maxwell Ramsbottom. The only ones who know about her disguise are her sister Hanna, Benjamin, her aunt Juliette, and her fellow soldiers.
Knowing that she had to keep her true identity a secret, Maxine had to get creative. Her resources in hand? A corset wrapped around her chest, a man’s wig, hair net, and a shit ton of bobby pins to hold her hair in place. The only time she never needed the wig was when she wore helmets or hats.
During her service in the military, Maxine also doubled as a spy for her troop. And in the process, she might have made some…enemies along the way. Some who even found out her real identity.
After a few years in the war, Maxine returned home to London. Benjamin had allowed her to move in with her sister and aunt, after he managed to track down her aunt’s house in the countryside.
However, that didn’t stop her from being outed by Frederick, who eventually found out about Benjamin going against orders and letting Maxine enlist, as well as Maxine’s disguise. Frederick had Benjamin discharged as commanding general, putting him out of work.
Maxine and her fellow soldiers were outraged by the news, so they took it upon themselves to actively campaign for Benjamin to get his job back. But most of their efforts were a little unsuccessful. But Maxine wouldn’t give up.
Maxine found it a little challenging to readjust to life after war, due to the trauma from not just battle, but being outed as a woman.
More often than not, she tended to react violently if someone made misogynistic remarks at her. But over time, she’s learned to manage her anger properly.
She also helped Tintin and Haddock in many of their adventures from time to time, acting as the secret weapon if anything went well out of hand.
So there you have it. That's Maxine’s story.
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I am not handling French elections well in a way that I had absolutely not anticipated. It is perhaps due to some ancestry, so as today marks 62 years since the independence of Algeria, my father’s country, let me tell you a story that is only 63 years old. It took place in October 1961 in Paris.
The context is the ongoing war of independence in Algeria and corresponding uprisings in the metropole, led by the Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN), facing severe and brutal repression by police. 8 protesters died from their injuries in February 1961.
Despite the tense climate, a recently imposed curfew - applying only to Algerians - the FLN manages to organise, with secretive planning, a counter-protest on 17 Oct. They enjoin all Algerians, including women and children, to join. Only one rule: absolutely no weapons; this is a peaceful march.
Throughout 1961, France suffered many attacks by the FLN, that was specifically targeting law enforcement. In the year 1961 alone, before 17 October, 22 policemen were killed by the FLN. The response, under Préfet Maurice Papon, includes the practice of internment and of torture.
Hundreds of Algerians - but also Moroccans and Tunisians, anyone that could potentially be Algerian - were rounded up and kept in cells, beaten up and shocked, without any form of due process. President DeGaulle, realising the situation, develops a policy of extreme discrimination and violence. To this day, the number of victims of police violence especially in Paris but also in Lyon and Marseille seems hard to estimate. The FLN was considered a threat to the remnants of the French Empire, and anyone was considered a potential informant or insurrectionist.
The curfew Maurice Papon imposes on 5 October demands that any Algerian worker “be under imminent notice not to circulate between 8:30pm and 5:30am”; bars and restaurants frequented by MENA populations are under order to close at 7pm; It is also prohibited - once again, a prohibition applying to Algerians alone - to walk in the street in groups; any car or vehicle owned by an Algerian is towed and can only be released under special order from the Préfet. We now have a word for it in law; a corresponding crime.
Advocacy groups apply for special exemption permits for workers, and attempt to act as a buffer between French Muslims and the local council and state. A little under 10% will be obtained laissez-passer paperwork, and at the time of the protest, work continued to allow Algerians to exist. Trade unions and the communist party oppose this curfew, reiterating that the then 3 year old Constitution of the Fifth Republic granted Algerians full civil rights. Meanwhile, the FLN organises, including with cells in Belgium, and prepares for the 17th of October.
Their plans were only known to police informants on the very day, simply due to circumstance - a railway workers’ strikes blocked some Algerians outside Saint-Lazare, who attempted to protest early, tipping off the police. Orders are issued to gather all Algerian men & keep them in a nearby stadium. The women would be kept in custody in a police precinct. 1,658 officers are deployed in central Paris on the right bank. Those numbers are low for what they were about to face, but those officers are briefed to face “violent, armed insurgents”, and were prepared accordingly.
Fake news were then reported on police radio, a fact that is often omitted in the story. Due to the recent attacks targeting law enforcement, rumours spread of “dozens of police officers” being “stabbed by Algerians” in La Défense, contributing to police repression.
Between 20,000 and 40,000 Algerians are now gathering from Grands Boulevards, Étoile, and Saint Michel, numbers that can still only be estimated. More are coming from the ghettos outside Paris, such as Nanterre. They’re blocked on the Pont de Neuilly.
As the police kettles over 500 men from this particular side of the protest, many arrive from the east in support. In an hour, over 4,000 Algerians, many women and children, were attempting to stop the internment of protesters. Police started using batons, and the riot started.
Police testimony compared the crowd to “a swarm of bees”. Firearms are discharged and bodies are trampled. At this point of the evening, the AFP already reports 2 dead in the protests, with the Préfet reporting that police was acting in self-defense.
Towards Étoile, police then stations itself outside subway station, and arrests any Algerian exiting it. Over 2,500 men are then sent to internment camps that night in the area alone; 2,000 more are sent to mass identification centers near Opéra.
Around 9pm, by République, protesters are met extremely violently by police shooting live bullets at a crowd chanting “Algeria to Algerians”. Some of the bloodiest moments of the night took place there, with bodies and bloody clothes littering the street until the next day.
By that point, the first reports of Algerians, dead or alive, thrown over the Pont de Neuilly into the river Seine are starting to reach the media. By Saint Michel, over a thousand Algerians are rounded up and beaten before being sent to internment. Many threw themselves into the river instead.
It is said that between 6,000 and 7,000 Algerians were interned in the Palais des Sports. Hospitals receiving the injured continued to receive Algerians victims of police violence up until the 21st of October, testifying of the aftermath of the protest. Injuries were also consistent with torture.
A few weeks later, a member of the police union, Gerard Monate, commented that “what happened in some cases was truly indefensible… a degree of violence we are not sure we fully know.” Two stadiums then had to be used for internees. A Ray Charles concert led to its vacation through deportation.
The next day, Algerian shop owners were called for a strike. The strikers were arrested, but their numbers were only in the thousands, from 11,700 the night before. The FLN also fought back in Nanterre, opening fire on a police car. There were no reported deaths.
The debate continues to estimate the number of dead from both 17 and 18 October, ranging from 40 to 280. Amongst those, even more disputed is the number of deaths directly attributable to police violence. A 1998 parliamentary report only somehow mentions 7.
Anyway, this is just one episode. The daughter of a man who bragged about torturing those Algerians will lead the country come Sunday night.
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elkonsolonline · 6 months
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IEC 2023 Is Now Open: Here Is The Country-Wise Quota
🇨🇦 International Experience Canada (IEC) #2023 officially opened on December 23 with 20% #increase in quota! 🇨🇦 Check out the country-wise #quota under different categories of IEC 2023! 👇
On December 23, 2022 International Experience Canada (IEC) pools opened for the 2023 season and have started accepting profiles. Eligible candidates can now create their profile to participate in IEC 2023 if they are from the partner countries. Furthermore, the applicants should be less than 35 years old. IRCC has increased the quota for 2023 by 20% as compared to 2022. IEC 2023 will be having…
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Plastic bags are everywhere - littering our streets, clogging up our rivers, and choking wildlife in the ocean.
But after years of campaigning from environmental groups, many places have banned them entirely.
Over 100 countries now have a full or partial ban on single-use plastic bags. Between 2010 and 2019, the number of public policies intended to phase out plastic carryout bags tripled.
The results of such tough rules are starting to show.
What is a plastic bag ban?
A plastic bag ban is a law that restricts the use of lightweight plastic bags in shops. Sometimes they are totally banned, and sometimes consumers have to pay a fee to buy them.
The bans often only apply to thin plastic bags, with thicker, reusable ones still available for purchase.
Bangladesh became the first country to introduce a ban on plastic bags back in 2002.
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Such total bans are common throughout Africa and Asia. These areas import much of the Global North’s ‘recyclable’ rubbish and so face the consequences of plastic mismanagement more acutely.
In addition to plastic bags, many countries ban other types of single-use plastic like in the EU which has got rid of single use cutlery, straws, balloon sticks, and coffee buds.
Which European countries use the most plastic bags?
In Europe, 18 countries have imposed bans on thin plastic bags - including France, Germany, Italy, Iceland, and Albania.
A further 23 countries require consumers to pay a fee. Two more - Switzerland and Norway - allow the plastic industry to impose a ‘voluntary charge’ on the use of the bags.
Plastic bag consumption is highest in the Baltic and Nordic countries, Eurostat data from 2019 reveals. Latvia (284 bags per person, per year) and Lithuania (332) consumed far more plastic bags than any other European country. This could change, however as from 2025, Latvian shops will no longer be permitted to give away free plastic bags. A similar prohibition will come into force in Lithuania this year.
The lowest plastic bag usage can be found in Portugal (8), Belgium (17) and Poland (23).  Portugal banned the bags in 2021, two years after Poland. [Note: To be clear, that is 8 plastic bags per person per year! Way lower than I thought was currently possible!]
Do plastic bag bans work?
Plastic bag bans have so far been highly successful. A ban on thin plastic bags in California reduced consumption by 71.5 per cent.
Research shows that taxes work too. According to a 2019 review of existing studies, levies and taxes led to a 66 per cent reduction in usage in Denmark, more than 90 per cent in Ireland, between 74 and 90 per cent in South Africa, Belgium, Hong Kong, Washington D.C., Santa Barbara, the UK and Portugal, and around 50 per cent in Botswana and China.
And the impact is visible on the ground too.
At a 2022 annual beach clean in New Jersey, US - where a ban was recently introduced - the number of plastic bags collected dropped 37 per cent on the previous year. Straws and takeaway containers dropped by a similar amount.
“It’s really, really encouraging to see those numbers trending down for the bags, straws, and foam containers,” said Clean Ocean Action Executive Director Cindy Zipf. Clean Ocean Action is a charity that is instrumental in organising the beach clean."
-via EuroNews.Green, 4/5/23
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Almost the entire Tintin fandom is going to murder me after this post, but oh well
I need to get this off my chest and put my perfectly valid opinions out there in the world.
Now, a gentle disclaimer: I do not hate haddotin, you ship what you want. What gets on my nerves is people adamantly denying Tintin is a child of some degree.
Please, here me out.
I wish to do this in a debate style, a bit of a persuasive text of some sort. This is not to be a "HAHA YOU'RE WRONG" moment, this is simply me sharing my opinions because I am allowed to.
I begin my argument on rebuttal to the opposition's perfectly valid arguments. Some such claims I have heard is that Tintin cannot be a child/teenager of any sort because he can drive a car, drink, rent an apartment, has a job as a journalist, etc.
First things first, we must discuss the time period. I will, for the sake of this debate, focus many on around ww2 and the 40s, as that is when Tintin began to really take off.
In Britain (and I imagine a lot of Europe,) children were permitted to leave school around the age of 14 until the 1944 Education Act that made schooling until 15 years of age compulsory. Children between the ages of 14-17 often worked full-time, making it very possible for Tintin to have been working as an adolescent. The average rent was also incredibly cheaper. In New York, the rent averaged to around $50, sometimes even less. With a full-time job, it was probable for Tintin to have rented a small, two roomed apartment until he became the greatest reporter in history and had the money for something bigger.
Journalism, especially in Belgium during ww2, was a whole other kettle of fish. Underground newspapers were everywhere, as Belgium was under German occupation, and there were many students who worked for the papers, a notable one being Le Faux Soir. It is VERY probable for a student as intelligent and capable as Tintin to have written reports for these newspapers and for him to have continued the line of work after the war, especially with papers the likes of Le Vingtiéme Scielce and, of course, Le Petit Vingtiéme.
Drinking laws were very different in the mid-20th century. Today, in the US, drinking is only permitted to those 21 years and older. In Australia and many other countries, it's 18. Germany and Belgium set it to 16, though in Germany you are allowed to drink beer, sparkling wine and other lighter drinks at 14. This is now. Back in the 20th century, there were ten-year-olds smoking cigarettes, so it is highly probable that teenagers could drink as well. Also, another note to point out, Tintin hardly ever drinks unless it's a celebration. He never drinks spirits and is often quick to turn down a beverage. The only two drinks I can think of him having are champagne and maybe possibly beer. On one occasion.
Driving is an interesting one. To this day in the US, some states permit driving practice to begin at 14. In Australia, it's 16. In the 40s, it was very possible that teenagers were driving around without licences (or with licences) and also, Tintin is a reporter. A world famous reporter. He flew a plane after only interviewing a pilot (and probably reading a lot on aviation because he strikes me as a plane lover). Driving a car is simple compared to that.
Now, I wish to give some points of my own.
Firstly, it is very hard to put an age on Tintin for a very simple reason: Tintin is timeless. Allow me to explain.
The first book, Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, was published in 1929 and is quite obviously an anti-Soviet Union work of propaganda. It's written in the late 20s, or course it is. At this point Stalin has taken total power of Russia, it's officially completely communist and Stalin has begun to eye off surrounding smaller countries that used to be part of Imperial Russia and reclaim them as Russian territory. (Lithuania was not happy about that, but that's not relevant right now.) The fear of communist ideals were the new threat as ww1 had finished and Hitler hadn't come to power yet. Hence the propaganda.
On the other end of the spectrum is Tintin and the Alph-Art, Hergé's last work before he died in 1983. It's very evidently set in the 80s with modern art, crazy frizzy hairdos and vivid cities with neon lights. It's a complete contrast to the black and white 20s. Yet Tintin seems to have hardly aged in the whole 60 something years. He certainly looks a couple of years older than the the small Tintin is The Crab With the Golden Claws but that's really the only change we see with him. The biggest changes we see are his outfits, which go from the very 30s and 40s knickerbockers and newsboy hats to straight-legged pants and no hat. Tintin is a timeless character and therefore doesn't really have a specific age, but he does have an age range.
Secondly, if you Google how old Tintin is the official website says he's a teenager. Moving on.
Third point, (and in my opinion the most important;) the age group Tintin was written for. According to Google, the age group for the recommended audience is 9-14, though some of us started reading the books when we were younger... (cue 6-year-old me waving). If you read books as a child, you would know that the average age of the main characters is the same as the demographic they were written for.
Now, since Tintin was written for children and teenagers, he is most probably a teenager because that's what's relatable. Children often struggle to understand and relate to adults because we've never been adults. We don't know what its like to be an adult. Children's books have children characters because it's easier for children to see themselves in the book than if the character were all adults.
"But Bea," you may be saying, "how can a teenager or child or whatever he is go on such wild adventures? It doesn't seem realistic for a teenager to do these things." This is another thing people often forget: Tintin is fiction. We know that in fiction anything can happen, even the impossible. There are several children's books I grew up with featuring teenagers or even children going on absolutely wild adventures and almost dying, just like Tintin. The Ruby Redfort books by Lauren Child feature a 13-year-old spunky teen who ends up becoming a secret agent and almost enough in far too many accounts. We're talking chasing down the last wolf of a thought to be exciting species, surviving a wildfire, almost drowning in jade sand, dangling off ridiculously high buildings, tightrope walking across cities, the whole ordeal. The EJ12 book series is about an 11 year old Australian girl who joins a secret agency and travels the world fighting the evil spy agency SHADOW. The Famous Five, set in the 40s, is about a group of four kids and a dog who get roped into magnificent mysteries, often nearly getting kidnapped or shot or the likes. It's not impossible for children in books to be incredible heroes, because that's what kids imagine themselves as. If we all thought logically and didn't imagine things the world would be very dull indeed.
So, the main points? Tintin, in my opinion, is a teenager because he was designed to be read by children and teens. It's also important to learn about the time and era things were created in before jumping to conclusions. And it's also very important to remember that Tintin is fiction. He's not going to always make sense, like how he barely ages over the span of 60 years, or how he can fly a plane with no training. It's imaginative, and that's what makes it so exciting.
Now, how does haddotin work when Tintin is a teen and Haddock is a 40+ something old man? (Before anyone comes at me with the grey hair thing, my dad is fifty and has only a few grey hairs. I had a pure white hair at 14. Hair ages differently for everyone.)
Simple: you take a leaf out of the spideypool book and you change the ages. Voila. Yes, you can change the ages for your five and things, that's allowed. But when talking about Tintin himself, I personally think he is a teenager and I will guard this hill fervently.
Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions. These are mine, and you have yours. That's fine. I just wanted to voice mine in a calm and hopefully notnjudgemental manner.
Thankbyou for making it this far
Also before someone starts disputing history with me, I have done serious research about Belgium in ww2 and Russia in the early 20th c, as well as planning a career as a modern historian. Please don't dispute unless you have done research yourself, in which case please feel free to educate me
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agacs-pvt-ltd · 5 days
International Experience Canada Program.
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IEC Participating Countries List:
The 2024 International Experience Canada (IEC) season commenced on December 11, 2023, with weekly invitations continuing. You can evaluate your eligibility by taking our Canadian Immigration Quiz.
Most countries provide 1 to 3 categories, with France offering an additional fourth category. Work permits differ in nature; open permits grant the freedom to choose employment, whereas specific permits are linked to a single employer.
Individuals from certain countries or those who have stayed in Canada for six months must involvement required helpful examinations. Also, well-being protections is a necessity for all members in the IEC program.
Nations not right now recorded may take an interest in the IEC through recognized organizations. It is advisable to compare the IEC with similar programs available globally.
Your eligibility to apply for an IEC (International Experience Canada) work permit hinges on whether your country of citizenship has established an agreement with the Canadian government.
National Working Holidays
Young Professionals International Cooperative
Age Limits
Up to 12 months
Up to 24 months
Up to 24 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Costa Rica
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Czech Republic
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 24 months
Up to 24 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Hong Kong
Up to 12 months
Up to 24 months
Up to 24 months
Up to 12 months **
Up to 12 months **
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
New Zealand
Up to 23 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 24 months
Up to 24 months
San Marino
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
South Korea
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 18 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
Up to 12 months
United Kingdom
Up to 24 months
Note: Age limits and durations are subject to change and may vary based on individual circumstances and program details.
IEC Working Holiday:
An additional 1,903 IEC solicitations were conveyed during the week of September 20.
This week experienced an increase of 718 invitations, reflecting a somewhat larger draw.
The nations that gotten the most elevated number of solicitations this week are as takes after:
United Kingdom Working Occasion – 500 solicitations
Taiwan Working Holiday – 164 invitations
Australia Working Holiday – 162 invitations
Chile Working Holiday – 144 invitations
Ireland Working Holiday – 102 invitations
Numerous countries continue to possess a strong likelihood of success; however, the following nations are identified as having a significantly low probability of obtaining an invitation in 2024. 
The countries highlighted in bold have been newly added this year:
Austria – WH
Chile – WH
Costa Rica – WH
France – WH
Greece – WH
Greece – YP
Hong Kong – WH
Japan – WH
Latvia – WH
Latvia – YP
Lithuania – WH
South Korea – WH
Spain – WH
United Kingdom – WH.
Additionally, the Belgium Working Holiday program has seen a decline, now categorized as having fair odds of receiving an invitation in the upcoming round.
Our records show that more than 117,700 IEC solicitations have been issued in this way distant, clearing out around 17,800 positions accessible for the 2024 season. Currently, there are 37,126 candidates in the pool, reflecting an increase of 602 candidates compared to the previous week.
The number of candidates in the pool exceeds the available spots, and this disparity is growing each week, suggesting that not all individuals awaiting an invitation in the IEC pool will be successful this year.
The following programs are witnessing the most intense competition for the remaining invitations:
France – WH: The candidate pool has increased by 415, now totaling 23,173 candidates.
United Kingdom – WH: There has been an addition of 16 candidates, bringing the total to 2,355, despite a significant number of invitations issued.
South Korea – WH: The pool has grown by 99 candidates, now comprising 2,355 individuals.
Holiday Visa for Employment:
Youths from more than 30 participating nations have the opportunity to travel to Canada for a working holiday. The process for obtaining a working holiday permit involves three key steps: first, entering the pool if you meet the eligibility criteria; second, awaiting an invitation; and third, traveling to Canada. This article will address each of these steps in detail.
Gaining work experience during your International Experience Canada (IEC) working holiday can be beneficial, as it may contribute to your application for permanent residency in Canada through the Express Entry system.
It is critical to note that the wellbeing protections prerequisite is more complex than numerous IEC working occasion members may anticipate. Insufficient health insurance coverage could lead to a reduction in the duration of your work permit or, in certain instances, result in the denial of your work permit application altogether.
The fee for a working holiday visa amounts to CAD$357, which includes a processing fee of $172, an open work permit holder fee of $100, and biometrics fees totaling $85.
IEC International Cooperative Work Permits:
To qualify for an IEC International Co-Op work permit, candidates must meet the following criteria:
Be enrolled as a student at a recognized post-secondary institution.
Provide a signed letter confirming a job offer or an employment contract for a work placement or internship in Canada. This internship must be relevant to the applicant’s field of study and fall under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) TEER categories 0, 1, 2, or 3. In specific situations, NOC skill type 4 positions may also be considered.
Show that the work placement or internship is essential for the completion of their academic program.
Hold citizenship (visa) from one of the 21 nations taking part in the IEC and have get to to the Worldwide Co-Op pool.
Possess a valid passport for the entire duration of their stay in Canada, as the work permit issued will not exceed the passport’s validity.
Be aged between 18 and 30 or 35 (inclusive) at the time of application, with the upper age limit varying based on the applicant’s country of citizenship, as detailed in the ‘Who can apply?’ section.
Have a minimum of CAD$2,500 available upon arrival to cover initial expenses.
Obtain wellbeing protections for the full term of their IEC, with members possibly required to show verification of these protections upon section into Canada. Data on suppliers and cites for wellbeing protections in Canada can be obtained.
Be admissible to Canada.
Prior to departure, possess a round-trip ticket or sufficient financial resources to purchase a return ticket at the end of their authorized stay in Canada.
Not travel with dependants.
Pay the necessary fees.
Citizens from certain countries must also be residents of their country of citizenship at the time of applying for the IEC work permit.
IEC Young Professionals: Eligibility Criteria:
The IEC Young Professionals program is intended for individuals seeking to advance their careers by acquiring professional work experience in Canada.
Candidates for the IEC Young Professionals program must secure a valid job offer in Canada before their arrival, and they are required to work for the same employer at the same location throughout their stay in the country.
This program provides several benefits when compared to the IEC Working Holiday Visa in Canada:
The demand for these permits typically does not surpass the available supply, resulting in a high likelihood of approval for eligible candidates.
In certain countries, individuals may participate in the IEC program a second time, provided it is within the Young Professionals or International Co-Op categories. This allows those who previously participated in the IEC Working Holiday program to extend their time in Canada.
To qualify for an IEC Young Professionals work permit, applicants must meet the following requirements:
Possess a signed letter confirming a job offer or an employment contract for a position that, according to IRCC, “contributes to your professional development.” This is characterized as a role within the National Occupational Classification (NOC) Training, Education, Experience, Responsibilities (TEER) categories 0, 1, 2, or 3. A TEER 4 position may be considered if the applicant provides a post-secondary diploma, certificate, or degree with their work permit application, establishing a direct connection to their area of study. This stipulation also applies to individuals seeking employment in the agricultural sector. Under the IEC Young Professionals category, it is essential for the candidate to demonstrate the existence of an employer-employee relationship.
The job offer must align with the applicant’s area of expertise.
Be a citizen (passport holder) of one of the countries participating in the IEC and maintain a profile in the Young Professionals pool.
Hold a valid passport for the entire duration of their stay in Canada (the work permit issued will not exceed the passport’s validity).
Be matured between 18 and 30 or 35 (comprehensive) at the time of application. The maximum age limit is determined by the applicant’s country of citizenship, as specified in the ‘Who can apply?’ section.
Have get to to at slightest CAD$2,500 upon entry to cover introductory expenses.
Be capable of obtaining health insurance for the full duration of their IEC permit (participants may be required to present proof of this insurance upon entry into Canada). For information on providers and quotes, please refer to our Health Insurance for Canada page.
Be admissible to Canada.
Prior to departure, possess a round-trip ticket or the financial means to purchase a return ticket at the conclusion of their authorized stay in Canada.
Not be accompanied by dependants.
Pay the requisite fees.
Individuals from specific nations must also be residents of their country of citizenship when submitting their application for an IEC work permit.
IEC Recognized Organizations: A pathway to relocating to or remaining in Canada:
The 2024 Universal Encounter Canada (IEC) season commenced on December 11, 2023. The initial invitation rounds occurred during the week of January 8, 2024. To choose your capability for the IEC program, it would be perfect if you take our complimentary Canadian Development Test.
Furthermore, individuals from countries that have a youth mobility agreement with Canada, who have previously participated in the IEC program, may qualify for another IEC work permit through a recognized organization, even if the youth mobility agreement from their home country suggests otherwise. However, this option generally incurs higher costs than the standard IEC pathway, ranging from several hundred dollars with certain recognized organizations (such as SWAP) to over $4,000 with others that offer more specialized services.
The majority of IEC participants enter under the Working Holiday category, which permits them to work for any employer in Canada and to change jobs during their stay. Other categories within the IEC include Young Professionals and International Co-op, both of which necessitate an eligible job offer prior to participation.
If you are considering extending your stay in Canada, it is essential to explore whether utilizing a recognized organization is the appropriate route.
If you have reached the maximum allowable participation under the specific youth mobility agreement (YMA) between your home country and Canada, you may still have the opportunity to obtain another IEC work permit through a recognized organization, potentially allowing for up to two additional lifetime participations if you remain eligible.
In rundown, it is doable to open up your domestic and commerce in Canada through a recognized organization without requiring you to look for a non-IEC development elective. This guidance was issued by Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees Canada (IRCC) on July 31, 2019.
Only two of the nine organizations recognized by the IEC, namely Stepwest and Go, can provide this opportunity for potential repeat participants. Furthermore, the cost of their respective packages starts at CAD $4,000. Consequently, one must have a strong desire to remain in Canada and possess few alternative options for this to be considered a viable choice.
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gryficowa · 16 days
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I'm starting to wonder if the creators of the Angry Birds movie were inspired by Israel… You know, the birds are Palestinians and the pigs are Zionists (Because they are the only immigrants who stole the land, and before that they were accepted by the inhabitants themselves…)
Yes, I know, the movie is based on a game (I played it lol), which does not change the fact that it is problematic, because it assumes that every immigrant will steal your houses (No, sorry, but Zionists did it, but other immigrants would rather do it they didn't do it), seriously, I wish there had been a movie based on this game, it's just that type of game which doesn't work very well when translated into film :V
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I know, the most random thought I've ever had…
Now that I have your attention:
I've seen a lot of comparisons to a certain book series, but I haven't seen anyone compare it to this movie, it just fits too closely
But remember about the rebounders at the top
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