#Work At Height
mtandtgroup · 1 day
WEB Deck is an innovative clip-on modular system which provides a stable and strong working platform for under-decks. It is suitable for a variety of work tasks and can be used by regular tradesmen without safety lines. The system is quickly installed to the underdeck of bridges, viaducts, jetties and oil platforms.
Fast Installation: Only seven days to install and fully encapsulate 300m2 of bridge under-deck.
Safe: fewer hours working at height; rope access is statistically safer than scaffolding.
Low cost: Efficient install leads to lower labour cost and lower total access cost.
Low self-weight: Suitable for weaker structures.
Full containment: The system includes side containment and full encapsulation where necessary.
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mapmaker08 · 3 months
Method Statement & Risk Assessment for Scaffolding
We have compiled a 5 page combined method statement and Risk Assessment for scaffolding erection. The General Work Method (Key steps & stages of the work required) • Erect scaffolding under the supervision of a competent person. • Start by laying out base plates on stable ground and ensuring proper levelling. • Assemble scaffolding components following manufacturer’s instructions and design…
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youngmanmanufacturing · 8 months
Comprehensive Guideline to Minimizing Risks During Work at Height
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This comprehensive guide aims to dive into all aspects of lowering risk when working at heights, providing insights, methods, and best practices to ensure worker safety and the success of high-elevation projects. 
From identifying potential hazards to implementing proactive safety protocols, this article provides a roadmap for organizations and professionals committed to fostering a secure environment in elevated work settings.
1. Defining Work at Heights: What Elevated Work Means
2. The Importance of Safety While Working At Height
3. Hierarchy of Control During Work-at-height
4. Ladders vs Scaffolding: Selecting the Appropriate Access Equipment
5. Choosing the Quality Equipments And Assessing and Certification of Access Equipment
6. The Importance of Regular Equipment Inspection
7. Why Comprehensive Work at Heights Training is Crucial
8. Employer's Role: Fostering a Culture of Safety
Defining Work at Heights: What Elevated Work Means
Work at heights encompasses tasks performed at both elevated positions above and below ground level, where there is a risk of falling and potential for physical injury due to the nature of the work. 
This includes activities conducted on ladders, scaffolds, rooftops, manholes, trenches, or any surface where a fall hazard exists.
The Importance of Safety While Working At Height
In any workplace, safety at heights is crucial. Safety at height holds paramount importance in any workplace, and almost no task can be completed without involving work at height. 
About 80 to 90% of tasks done on-site involve working at heights, whether in construction or industry. Shockingly, 56% of workplace accidents occur during these tasks, causing injuries, fatalities, and significant financial losses. (As per OSHA report)
Employers need to focus on safety measures to reduce these risks and protect both their employees and the business.
Hierarchy of Control During Work-at-height
Whenever feasible, avoiding work at height should be the primary objective. This can involve innovative planning and the utilization of technology to execute tasks from the ground level.
However, if work at height is inevitable, the focus should shift to preventive measures. This can involve engineering & administrative control.
Despite robust preventive measures, the possibility of a fall cannot be entirely eliminated. In such cases, minimizing the consequences of a potential fall becomes necessary. This includes some part of the administrative control, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), preventing unauthorized access, and establishing emergency response protocols.
Ladders vs Scaffolding: Selecting the Appropriate Access Equipment
Choosing the right access equipment is significant in ensuring safety during work at heights. Ladders, work platforms, and scaffolding each have distinct characteristics and usage scenarios. The selection depends on factors like the nature of the task, height, duration, and safety standards.
Article: Types of Scaffolding: Which One is the Right Fit for Your Business Need?
Choosing the Quality Equipments And Assessing and Certification of Access Equipment
The quality and certification of access equipment are vital aspects that determine their suitability for use in elevated work environments. Adhering to recognized standards ensures that the equipment meets safety requirements and undergoes proper testing and validation.  Ex: EN131 for ladder.
Article: Which Standard to be Followed for Ladder Safety
The Importance of Regular Equipment Inspection
Regular inspection and maintenance of height-related equipment are essential to guarantee their safe and efficient functioning. Pre-use checks, routine maintenance, and adherence to manufacturer guidelines enhance equipment reliability and longevity.
Ensure Safety with FRP Scaffolding Inspection Checklist | Expert Guide
Download For Free
Why Comprehensive Work at Heights Training is Crucial
Comprehensive training is crucial for individuals involved in work at heights. Work at height must be done by skilled individuals, and begins with pre-checks such as health check-ups, height phobia tests, and competency training for their associated roles, such as Scaffolders, Supervisors, and Inspectors. 
Proper education equips workers with the requisite skills, knowledge, and situational awareness necessary to safely and efficiently execute tasks at elevated heights.
That's why The Safety First Mobile Access Tower Training Program plays an important role. Designed to empower individuals with comprehensive training.
Employer's Role: Fostering a Culture of Safety
Employers bear significant responsibility in creating and maintaining a safety-centric work culture. It is the legal responsibility of employers or anyone who controls the work of others (WAHR 2007) to provide adequate training, enforce safety protocols, foster awareness, and encourage active participation in safety initiatives. These contributions lead to a safer work environment for everyone involved in working at heights.
Understanding the nature of work at heights is crucial—it's about safety above all else. From controlling risks to choosing the right equipment and ensuring its quality, each step matters. Regular inspections and comprehensive training are the pillars that uphold safety in these environments. Selecting the proper equipment, whether ladders or scaffolding, is a critical decision. Yet, beyond tools, knowledge is key. Employers play a crucial role in fostering a safety-first culture. Their commitment to quality equipment, ongoing education, and strict safety protocols is fundamental. This guide serves as a compass, guiding everyone working at heights toward a safer and more secure future.
Why Youngman?
Safety and reliability are paramount and we at Youngman Manufacturing India understand this, offering a comprehensive Access Solution Range tailored to meet the diverse needs of working at heights.  Reach out to us at: ​[email protected] or call: ​+91-9015964626
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ribbittrobbit · 4 months
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these kids are incredibly stressed out
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krysmcscience · 2 months
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Call this the Whoopsie AU (it's barely an AU)
I mean. Narinder never explicitly SAID the Lamb would stay dead... :3c He probably should have been more specific. >:3c
Part Two:
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Well. The Lamb tried, but...sorry, Nari, the crown hates you now. Shouldn't have been so quick to lend it out, I guess. :D
Aaaand Part Three:
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'Isn't he just adorable?' -The Lamb, probably, while their followers smile and nod and internally scream at the brand new hellcat they now have to share living space with...
Anyway, nothing says 'Dead To Me' like following a person around to loudly remind them of how dead they are to you. Right? Right. Narinder's got this all figured out. <:]
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eduforce · 9 months
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fhvsydney · 9 months
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validworthblog · 9 months
A step-by-step guide on how to write a work-at-height risk assessment 
A step-by-step guide on how to write a work-at-height risk assessment  Working at height activity gives its own set of risks that can cause harm or injury to workers. It is good to understand those risks and put control measures on them. This blog post will explore the step-by-step guide to do a risk assessment on work at height activity.  Following this process will help your team comply with…
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solardrake · 8 months
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Delivering mail to the furthest corners of the server ✉✈
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zukkacore · 17 days
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Second Place episode of Gamechanger feat the Aguefort staff aka Aguefort heaven is Porter hell. It’s a very efficient system
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gotchibam · 2 months
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Shiny Mew & Giratina (Origin Form) ko-fi doodle for Quickpaint!
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mtandtgroup · 4 days
WEB Net™ & WEB Catch™ - Access Solutions:
WEB Net provides a work positioning suitable for a wide variety of work tasks including surface preparation and coating application, masonry & concrete repairs, pipe-work installation and inspection. This multifunctional system can be altered to provide heavyweight debris containment, site protection, over-side containment and work separation. Operatives who work from the net are attached to a primary twin rope or wire rope safety system. This ensures they comply with Work At Height 2005 and BS7985 2002 regulations. These operatives only require to be trained for work at height in order to work from the WEB Net.
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meziniart · 3 months
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Don't mind me, just out here, thinking of them in this fine year of our lord 2024
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flowerakatsuka · 1 month
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babykittenteach · 6 months
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Watched Deadloch.
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