#Women's Declaration International
fuckyeahilike · 1 year
Women's Declaration International - Pearl Moon on her cancellation - #WDI Feminist Question Time Aus/NZ, March 2023
Pearl Moon was born in New Zealand in 1959 and is the eldest of 3 daughters from a working class family. Her family was highly dysfunctional with domestic violence, alcoholism and sexual abuse scarring hers and her sisters’ childhood. She had a son as a single mother in 1979 and gave up a second son into an illegal adoption in 1981.
In 1986 she moved to Australia. With a trade certificate from Auckland Technical Institute, she worked from home as a sewing outworker until the work dried up in the 1990s with the offshoring to Asia of the clothing manufacturing industry. At that time she was in her 30s, still a single mother and with no work training outside of sewing. In desperation she turned to the working in the sex industry between 1992 and 98.
In 2000 she started a Visual Art degree at the University of Newcastle but dropped out after 18 months. She then discovered she was on the Autistic Spectrum which explained a lifetime of anxiety, social challenges and obsessive thought patterns. Throughout the 2000s and until the present she’s developed a modest public profile as a textile artist. Meeting and marrying her husband in 2008 has given her the stable home life and environment she's needed to devote herself to art making.
TL;DR an under-privileged working-class old white woman has been relentlessly persecuted by SJW woc, starting from the moment when she disagreed with them that using the word kimono was cultural appropriation on her part. 
Her life has been slowly destroyed by these zealots ever since. They have defamed her and vilified her out of every platform. Anyone who has been watching JK Rowling’s and Stephenie Meyer’s ongoing persecution knows very well what she’s talking about. The difference being that she is not a world famous millionaire, so she is quite powerless against her detractors and doesn’t have an amassed fortune to cushion the blow.
No one will help her because only POC can be the targets of racism so she as a white woman can’t be a victim of racism. Misogyny doesn’t exist and is not a hate crime, so she can’t be a victim of that either. The only fascism that exists is on the right side of the political spectrum, left-wingers are morally pure, so she can’t claim that these left-wing bigots are fascists persecuting her.
This is what happens to old uppity women. She is being made an example of. Joke’s on them, as nobody ever pays attention to anything that happens to old, unfuckable women. A harmless grandmother who is a textile artist is being destroyed for nothing.
The most valuable thing that Vaush ever said (before I tuned him out) was when he said that people forget, but the media used to be an almost total monopoly of the Right. Now there are quite a few left-wing influencers like him, but once upon a time the very few leftists who held the fort, on their own, for years, the unsung heroes that no one talks about... were women feminists, who according to him were bullied to an inch of their lives on every single video they put out. Then the leftist men started making videos and these women were forgotten. Not that anyone ever noticed them for any other reason than to shit on them in the first place.
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viking369 · 1 year
TERF Alert
The American Anthropological Association and Canadian Anthropology Society recently canceled a session from their joint annual meeting. The title of the session was “Let’s Talk about Sex Baby: Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology”. It was canceled as being anti-trans and contrary to current research without being supported by countervailing research. Of course the panel members immediately started screaming, "Help, help, we're being oppressed," and Reich Wing media jumped all over it.
Let's take a look at the panel and their topics. Silvia Carrasco was going to talk about how violence against women can't be properly addressed without focusing on biological sex. Kathleen Richardson was going to talk about how including trans women is erasing gender disparity in IT (Apparently arguing the number of trans women in IT is statistically significant. Right.). Michèle Sirois was going to talk about how the Canadian surrogacy industry exploits poor women (OK, trans women can't be included in this group, but a large number of cis women can't be included as well, whether biologically because they are not reproductive, or economically because they are not poor. Frankly, the problem she is studying is far less biologically based than economically based. Surrogacy is another of a broad range of mechanisms for exploiting disadvantaged groups.). Also on the panel was Elizabeth Weiss of the Heterodox Academy, an "advocacy" group founded to combat the sham issue of conservatives being excluded from academe (It was cofounded by Jonathan Haidt and Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz. Haidt co-authored The Coddling of the American Mind, a by-the-numbers rant decrying the "suppression" of free speech on college campuses and trotting out the usual Reich Wing straw men of "trigger words" and "safe spaces" while conveniently ignoring the real message of "You no longer get to shovel hate just because you're a cishet, white, Christian male, and if you try, you're going to get blowback." Rosenkranz testified to Congress against the nominations of Loretta Lynch as AG and Sonia Sotomayor to SCOTUS and is regularly cited by Alito and Thomas.). Carole Hooven of the American Enterprise Institute was supposed to speak but withdrew prior to the cancelation.
Organizing this panel was Kathleen Lowrey, whose recent publications include "Trans Ideology and the New Ptolemaism in the Academy", an extended whinge about her sacking as undergraduate programs chair in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alberta for her anti-trans views (or as she puts it, her "gender critical feminist views") masquerading as intellectual commentary, and "Gender Identity Ideology Conquers the World: Why Are Anthropologists Cheering?", an extended whinge about cancel culture. She is routinely platformed on the anti-trans Canadian site Gender Dissent, and she was principal organizer of the anti-trans hate group Women's Declaration International (fka Women's Human Rights Campaign).
It is quite apparent, then, the panel was canceled because it was platforming political rants and not scholarly research. This is a problem in the social "sciences" that is only getting worse (For nearly a half-century I've been of the firm opinion that "social science" is an oxymoron. There is no meaningful way to apply the crux of the scientific method, control and variable experimentation, to any significant issue in any of the social studies. Being degreed in two such fields [history and political science] and regularly called on to work in another [economics/finance], I have some idea. One of the purposes of scientific research is to predict how things will behave. Put X load on this material, it will break. Combine these chemicals, and you will get a reaction producing Y. While data in the social studies can be used successfully to create occurrence models ["This is what happened."], they are far less successful at creating causation models ["This is why this happened."] and abysmal at creating predictive models ["This is what is going to happen."]. For example an economist will say, "If price goes up, demand will go down. Unless there are other, not terribly measurable factors at work such as elasticity, utility, oligopoly and collusion, logistic disruption, etc., etc., etc."). "Scientists" in the social studies sound increasingly like "creation scientists" (speaking of oxymorons), decrying their research being "canceled" while conveniently omitting mention of their research ignoring or misrepresenting all current work while clinging to anachronistic theories, methods, and data (and nondata). People like those on this panel push their political agendas while ignoring actual research by actual scientists.
Meanwhile, if you want a thorough takedown of Women's Declaration International, I suggest you check Susan Duffy's blog:
And if you want to see what real scientists are discovering in gender research, you might want to start here:
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michyeosseo · 7 months
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I am always indebted to you.   – It will cost quite a lot.
Honey Lee and Yoon Sa Bong as JO YEO-HWA & JANG SO-WOON
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Once again men show everyone why we want male free spaces
ByYuliah Alma September 18, 2023
Two “gender critical” events in San Francisco were stormed by Antifa this weekend, where trans activists showed up with signs threatening to murder women critical of gender ideology. At one conference held at a Hilton hotel, an employee was assaulted while trying to prevent damage to the property.
Approximately 100 members of the US chapter of Women’s Declaration International (WDI), a global group of volunteers who campaign for women and girls’ sex-based rights, were in attendance for the conference, held on Saturday at the Hilton. Speakers presented on topics such as women’s right to free speech in academia and issues concerning lesbians, black women, and desisted or “detransitioned” women – females who previously identified as transgender, but no longer do.
But attempts were made to sabotage the conference when Antifa and trans activists began to gather outside of the property in protest, some of whom held signs calling for women critical of gender ideology to be murdered.
Kara Dansky, an outspoken women’s rights activist and president of WDI USA, sent Reduxx footage of the Antifa trans rights activists from inside her hotel room. The video shows a group of protestors who had gathered directly in front of the hotel’s entrance.
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Trans activists vandalized the Hilton Hotel sign. Photo: Belissa Cohen
“The people outside don’t like it that the US Chapter of WDI wants to have a meeting of women where we gather to talk about our rights,” Dansky was heard narrating in the video.
The demonstration was described as “fairly normal” in the beginning, but Dansky explained that the protesters began entering the hotel and “essentially terrorizing hotel guests and security alike.” 
Antifa activists were attempting to enter the building through a third-floor entrance, prompting hotel security to corral them and expel them from the proximity of the doors. In order to prevent them from entering again, hotel staff locked nearly all doors and access points. Only the front door remained open for hotel guests to freely enter and exit the building, while security attempted to keep at bay the protesters who tried to enter.
Police later arrived to secure the entrance to the building, with footage showing four officers guarding an indoor bridge that connected the hotel to its conference center.
Despite the presence of police and security, multiple incidents of vandalism occurred. Belissa Cohen, a women’s rights advocate in attendance, shared photos of stickers and flyers placed in the vicinity of the hotel by protestors.
Slogans such as “Arm trans women, disarm cops,” and “Dykes hate TERFs,” were seen plastered on the Hilton signage and in surrounding areas, as well as stickers featuring the Antifa logo. 
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But the trans activist detractors didn’t stop at vandalism, and continued to escalate the situation by taking a hammer to the Hilton’s outdoor sign.
Dansky explained to Reduxx that a hotel manager saw the destruction, and attempted to intervene to prevent further damage. In response, one of the protestors physically assaulted him, reportedly punching the staff member in the head.
Reduxx reached out to the Hilton for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.
But this wasn’t the only event critical of gender ideology that was targeted in San Fransisco that day.
On Saturday evening, a nearby venue was hosting an art exhibit titled “A Nasty Piece of Work: The Art of Dissident Feminists.” The event was intended to host the art of women impacted by gender ideology, and included the work of detransitioned women.
At an unknown time on Saturday evening, trans activists spray-painted the exterior of the venue with anarchism symbols and the threatening message, “No TERFs on our turf!” 
TERF, an acronym meaning “trans exclusionary radical feminist,” is frequently used to incite violence against women critical of gender ideology.
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The art exhibit was held Acceleration Place, and WDI USA conference attendees were made aware of the show and invited to its opening reception.
Laura Becker, a detransitioned woman, had her art featured alongside the works of other feminist creators. She presented a self-portrait of her chest, scarred by a double mastectomy surgery, to promote awareness around the medical risks associated with so-called “gender affirming” surgeries. Becker has previously had her work censored by online DIY retailer Etsy for advocating against gender identity ideology
Other curators of the show included feminists, artists, and art collectors who are members of San Fransisco-based group Women Are Real.
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A Women Are Real representative confirmed that police were contacted and a report was made Sunday morning when the graffiti was discovered.
She told Reduxx: “I was saddened, but not surprised when I saw the vandalism. [Due to the] violence and property damage to the [Hilton] hotel during the daytime on Saturday…it seemed unlikely the gallery would remain unscathed.”
The roaming show is still set to run until October 15, and will be in Los Angeles as its next stop.
Women Are Real will be at San Fransisco City Hall on September 18 to perform a demonstration and have said they are prepared for violence. The demonstration will be live-streamed.
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spacelazarwolf · 9 months
in honor of that anon who said jews have done nothing for the world, here’s a non exhaustive list of things we’ve done for the world:
arts, fashion, and lifestyle:
jeans - levi strauss
modern bras - ida rosenthal
sewing machines - isaac merritt singer
modern film industry - carl laemmle (universal pictures), adolph zukor (paramount pictures), william fox (fox film forporation), louis b. mayer (mgm - metro-goldwyn-mayer), harry, sam, albert, and jack warners (warner bros.), steven spielberg, mel brooks, marx brothers
operetta - jacques offenbach
comic books - stan lee
graphic novels - will eisner
teddy bears - morris and rose michtom
influential musicians - irving berlin, stephen sondheim, benny goodman, george gershwin, paul simon, itzhak perlman, leonard bernstein, bob dylan, leonard cohen
artists - mark rothko
actors - elizabeth taylor, jerry lewis, barbara streisand
comedians - lenny bruce, joan rivers, jerry seinfeld
authors - judy blume, tony kushner, allen ginsberg, walter mosley
esperanto - ludwik lazar zamenhof
feminism - betty friedan, gloria steinem, ruth bader ginsberg
queer and trans rights - larry kramer, harvey milk, leslie feinberg, abby stein, kate bornstein, frank kameny, judith butler
international women's day - clara zetkin
principles of journalizm, statue of liberty, and pulitzer prize - joseph pulitzer
"the new colossus" - emma lazarus
universal declaration of human rights - rene samuel cassin
holocaust remembrance and human rights activism - elie wiesel
workers rights - louis brandeis, rose schneiderman
public health care, women's rights, and children's rights - lillian wald
racial equity - rabbi abraham joshua heschel, julius rosenwald, andrew goodman, michael schwerner
political theory - hannah arendt
disability rights - judith heumann
black lives matter slogan and movement - alicia garza
#metoo movement - jodi kantor
institute of sexology - magnus hirschfeld
word processing computers - evelyn berezin
facebook - mark zuckerberg
console video game system - ralph henry baer
cell phones - amos edward joel jr., martin cooper
3d - leonard lipton
telephone - philipp reis
fax machines - arthur korn
microphone - emile berliner
gramophone - emile berliner
television - boris rosing
barcodes - norman joseph woodland and bernard silver
secret communication system, which is the foundation of the technology used for wifi - hedy lamarr
three laws of robotics - isaac asimov
cybernetics - norbert wiener
helicopters - emile berliner
BASIC (programming language) - john george kemeny
google - sergey mikhaylovich brin and larry page
VCR - jerome lemelson
fax machine - jerome lemelson
telegraph - samuel finley breese morse
morse code - samuel finley breese morse
bulletproof glass - edouard benedictus
electric motor and electroplating - boris semyonovich jacobi
nuclear powered submarine - hyman george rickover
the internet - paul baran
icq instant messenger - arik vardi, yair goldfinger,, sefi vigiser, amnon amir
color photography - leopold godowsky and leopold mannes
world's first computer - herman goldstine
modern computer architecture - john von neumann
bittorrent - bram cohen
voip internet telephony - alon cohen
data archiving - phil katz, eugene roshal, abraham lempel, jacob ziv
nemeth code - abraham nemeth
holography - dennis gabor
laser - theodor maiman
instant photo sharing online - philippe kahn
first automobile - siegfried samuel marcus
electrical maglev road - boris petrovich weinberg
drip irrigation - simcha blass
ballpoint pen and automatic gearbox - laszlo biro
photo booth - anatol marco josepho
pacemakers and defibrillators - louise robinovitch
defibrillators - bernard lown
anti-plague and anti-cholera vaccines - vladimir aronovich khavkin
polio vaccine - jonas salk
test for diagnosis of syphilis - august paul von wasserman
test for typhoid fever - ferdinand widal
penicillin - ernst boris chain
pregnancy test - barnhard zondek
antiretroviral drug to treat aids and fight rejection in organ transplants - gertrude elion
discovery of hepatitis c virus - harvey alter
chemotherapy - paul ehrlich
discovery of prions - stanley prusiner
psychoanalysis - sigmund freud
rubber condoms - julius fromm
birth control pill - gregory goodwin pincus
asorbic acid (vitamin c) - tadeusz reichstein
blood groups and rh blood factor - karl landsteiner
acyclovir (treatment for infections caused by herpes virus) - gertrude elion
vitamins - caismir funk
technique for measuring blood insulin levils - rosalyn sussman yalow
antigen for hepatitus - baruch samuel blumberg
a bone fusion technique - gavriil abramovich ilizarov
homeopathy - christian friedrich samuel hahnemann
aspirin - arthur ernst eichengrun
theory of relativity - albert einstein
theory of the electromagnetic field - james maxwell
quantum mechanics - max born, gustav ludwig hertz
quantum theory of gravity - matvei bronstein
microbiology - ferdinand julius cohn
neuropsychology - alexander romanovich luria
counters for x-rays and gamma rays - robert hofstadter
genetic engineering - paul berg
discovery of the antiproton - emilio gino segre
discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation - arno allan penzias
discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe - adam riess and saul merlmutter
discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity - roger penrose
discovery of a supermassive compact object at the center of the milky way - andrea ghez
modern cosmology and the big bang theory - alexander alexandrovich friedmann
stainless steel - hans goldschmidt
gas powered vehicles
interferometer - albert abraham michelson
discovery of the source of energy production in stars - hans albrecht bethe
proved poincare conjecture - grigori yakovlevich perelman
biochemistry - otto fritz meyerhof
electron-positron collider - bruno touschek
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bookbitchx · 3 months
"There is no such thing as High Lady."
Call Tamlin a misogynistic sexist asshole or whatever else you want, but he's right.
High Lady is a title Rhysand gave to Feyre.
It's honorary.
It wasn't 'earned'. She wasn't 'blessed' with it, and she certainly wasn't chosen by the land and the magic.
If there was a title and it meant something, don't you think Viviane, of all women, would've been granted it by the lands for holding down the fort in Winter Court for 50 years while Kalias was stuck UTM?
Kalias could've also easily slapped the title on her like Rhysand did with Feyre, and yet he didn't. You know why? Because Viviane doesn't need it. She's already respected and seen as his equal by his court and the others for what she has done.
Feyre can't say the same, can she?
SJM sets it up as this badass moment of empowerment, but all I saw was Rhysand giving a baby (by Fae years) a title and letting her run loose with it as well as letting it go to her head.
The first thing she did after getting that title was go and get revenge on a whole ass court because she had issues with its High Lord which is insane in of itself but it brings me to my point, that there was no political repercussions where as if Rhysand had done it, it would've declared an internal war between Night and Spring.
It would've been a good ass arc if she had learned Prythian politics, history, diplomacy, the cultures, and customs of the other courts, including her own, so much as visited the other courts, slowly climbed the ranks and learned instead of Rhysand shoving that crown on her head and down everyone else's throats.
It's like taking me, a complete clueless, inadequate foreigner, and making me the Queen of England. Utterly ridiculous.
"You just hate Feyre being High Lady because you want Nesta to be one."
The same thing goes for Nesta, babe. NONE of the Archeron sisters are qualified to be High Ladies, honorary or not.
One of the hills I will die and kill on.
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occupyvenus · 2 months
I wish Alicent was motivated by internalized misogyny and staunchly believing a brother should come before a sister and that women shouldn't rule in their own right at all.
I wish Alicent was motivated by being a religious zealot and conservative who refuses to accept a Queen with ~loose~ sexual morals who intends to put a bastard on the throne.
I wish Alicent was motivated by crazed paranoia, genuinely believing that her children and children's children will always be a threat and thus never safe.
I wish Alicent was motivated by pure spite and jealousy, simply wanting to fuck Rhaenyra (and Viserys) over big time.
I wish Alicent was motivated by nothing but ambition and a lust for power. Just because.
But nooo, she's motivated by fulilling the (supposed) last wish of a dying old man who raped her and offers up her sons life to become a meaningless nothing hermit after realizing that she misinterpreted his last muddled words.
But also:
I wish Rhaenyra was motivated by revenge and retribution and justice for her stillborn daughter and murdered son.
I wish Rhaenyra was motivated by fearing for her sons and own life, knowing that they could all be put to death if their illegitimacy are publicly acknowledged.
I wish Rhaenyra was motivated by righteous entitlement to the throne her father wanted HER to inherit.
But nooo, she's motivated by a stupid prophecy and saving the fucking world like a Marvel character, declaring that she won't start a war for a measly throne.
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agaypsychicrat · 10 months
You can save Russian queers from genocide
A week ago the Russian Supreme Court made a ruling declaring LGBT community an extremist organization. The precise contents of the ruling, as well as the process, were made secret, so there’s no official information on what is being banned, but if we take into account previous cases of Russia using this tactic (Like with Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation), any kind of support, from saying things on the internet to financial support, or dissemination of information about LGBT is banned. It also basically criminalizes queer people’s existence. The sentences are up to 12 years in prison - harsher than for murder.
This has already led to majority of Russian LGBT organizations dissolving and evacuating or going into crisis mode and cutting offline support. A number of previously friendly endocrinologists have stopped working with trans people for self-preservation, even if they already changed the documents - a situation especially dangerous for trans masculine people, as while trans women can get HRT without a prescription or from gray market, testosterone is a heavily regulated substance. The entire support system is headed for collapse, it’s hard to predict what will happen when prosecutions begin. It’s important to notice that conversion therapy is legal in Russia, and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has a database of transpeople who have changed their documents.
In light of this, a German queer organization Quarteera has launched a petition which will have to be considered by German government if it reaches 50 k signatures, regarding easing the asylum process for Russian LGBT people, particularly issuing humanitarian visas and residence permits not just for activists. While everything is in German, anyone from around the world can sign the petition, not only German citizens. The petition is here - http://quarteera.de/petition
Here’s the instruction in English: https://imgur.com/a/Fgi9yIh
Update the petition expired a few days ago so im not sure if you can still vote
I copied the post from r/196 https://www.reddit.com/r/196/s/qcersiwxh1
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willinghands · 10 months
The TERF group Women’s Declaration International is holding an event in Portland tomorrow (11/19) at noon; show up to counterprotest if you’re around! Rose City Antifa published a great article about who they are and why they suck that includes leaked video from their planning calls. They use the term “trans eliminationist pseudofeminist” instead of TERF which I think is great because I agree that “exclusionist” is too weak a word for how harmful their ideology is. It’s a good read, take a look:
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adviceformefromme · 7 months
From hating yourself to loving yourself in five simple steps....
1] You are going to set the fucking INTENTION to love yourself. You are claiming this. You are declaring this. Scream it out loud. In whatever words make sense to you. There is so much power in intention, its like the universe starts scrambling like crazy to make the intention possible. Books will fall off shelves, YouTube videos will drop into your homepage. A friend will start talking about an article she read on self-love. The universe will follow your energy. 
2] You are going to get fucking INSPIRED. You are going to use your resources to support you on your new found self-love journey. You are going to edit your feed, delete anyone who does not give the energy of loving yourself or inspiring you, hell even delete social media if you can! You are going to read books, listen to podcasts, listen to self-love music, subliminals on self-love and devotion, you are going to drown yourself in the energy of self-love and self-care. Book days off work, call in sick. Journal and meditate. Do a hot girl walk in nature. Create the space to allow the message of self-love to seam deep into your soul.
3] You are going to start speaking to yourself like a fucking QUEEN. No more slagging yourself off as you wash your hands and catch your reflection. No more of that putting yourself down BS. You are going to make the effort to point out something you love about yourself each time you look in the mirror. The shape of your ears, your eyes, your lips, whatever it is that you accept and like currently. Make an effort to tell yourself that at every given moment. Those compliments will start compounding day by day, and speaking kindly to yourself will become more easy.
4] Start seeing all the fucking beauty AROUND you. The flowers blooming, the shape of the trees as you walk, the woman you just smiled at, the sunset, just stop and look and observe the beauty everywhere. The more you start to focus on the beauty and loving what you see externally, it will start to make waves internally. 
5] FINALLY stop comparing yourself to others. Remember you are a MAIN CHARACTER in your movie. Every single person in your life right now, even me, is a supporting character in your movie. Know that is the power you possess. So go out there today, and remember who you are. Remember there is so much more to you than how you look, remember that loving yourself and accepting yourself sets the tone for every relationship in your life, and despite all the shit from your past you are now in control of how you speak to yourself, how you choose to think of yourself. The choice is yours. 
Resources:  Podcasts: Women’s Impact: https://www.youtube.com/@LisaBilyeu/videos Jerry Flowers: https://www.youtube.com/@officialjerryflowersjr  Sarah Blondin: https://www.youtube.com/@mzblondin On purpose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nxlc2UcVeY  Music:  Chanters Sheba: https://www.youtube.com/@ChantressSeba Mei Lan: https://www.youtube.com/@Mei-lan
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curtwilde · 6 months
Taliban has announced that women in Afghanistan will be stoned to death in public for adultery.
The Afghan Taliban’s supreme leader, Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, has issued a disturbing proclamation, vowing to implement brutal punishments against women in public. In a chilling voice message broadcasted on state television, Akhundzada directly addressed Western officials, dismissing concerns about violating women’s rights by stoning them to death.
"You say it’s a violation of women’s rights when we stone them to death," Akhundzada stated. "But we will soon implement the punishment for adultery. We will flog women in public. We will stone them to death in public," he declared, marking his most severe rhetoric since the Taliban seized control of Kabul in August 2021.
These grim statements, purportedly from Akhundzada, who has seldom been seen in public except for a few outdated portraits, emanate from Afghanistan’s state TV, now under Taliban control. Akhundzada is believed to be located in southern Kandahar, the Taliban's stronghold. Despite early assurances of a more moderate regime, the Taliban swiftly reverted to harsh public penalties reminiscent of their previous rule in the late 1990s, including public executions and floggings. The United Nations has vehemently criticised these actions, urging the Taliban to cease such practices.
In his message, Akhundzada asserted that the women's rights advocated by the international community contradicted the Taliban’s strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia law. Akhundzada emphasised resilience among Taliban fighters, urging them to oppose women's rights persistently. "I told the Mujahedin that we tell the Westerners that we fought against you for 20 years and we will fight 20 and even more years against you," he stated.
His remarks have sparked outrage among Afghans, with many calling for increased international pressure on the Taliban.
"The money that they receive from the international community as humanitarian aid is just feeding them against women," lamented Tala, a former civil servant from Kabul.
"As a woman, I don’t feel safe and secure in Afghanistan. Each morning starts with a barrage of notices and orders imposing restrictions and stringent rules on women, stripping away even the smallest joys and extinguishing hope for a brighter future," she added.
"We, the women, are living in prison," Tala emphasised, "And the Taliban are making it smaller for us every passing day."
Taliban authorities have also barred 330,000 girls from returning to secondary school for the third consecutive year. University doors were closed to women in December 2022 and participation in the workforce is heavily restricted.
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So.. I'm confused about something. If your beliefs in radical feminism say that trans people aren't valid in their feelings of being trans, what's stopping you from making bisexual people not part of the LGB? B stands for bisexual. What if their sexuality is just a phase? What if they are *actually* just heterosexual? For that matter what's stopping you from excluding YOURSELF from the community? At some point, you can't exclude any more people from a space that wasn't supposed to be gatekept to begin with! -Vero of CFC
You people always use that word “valid”. It’s absolutely meaningless post modern nonsense. Trans people feel that despite having a male or female body, their feelings about it change reality. I’m not telling trans people how they feel. Because you’re right, I can’t know that. What I’m telling them is that their feelings don’t change their bio sex. I’m telling them their feelings don’t supersede the rights and dignity of women. That’s not at all the same thing as being same sex attracted.
If I tell you that I am attracted to both men and women you can believe me or not. It doesn’t change my sexuality. You can’t know how I personally experience sexual attraction. But if I tell you I’m an Olympic Figure Skater, that’s something external and material. That’s something that either is or isn’t. And it doesn’t matter how true I want it to be.
This isn’t about people being invalid or valid. It isn’t about telling others I know better than them how they feel. It’s me telling them that their feelings don’t change material reality.
And we don’t get to sidestep reality because language is limited and imprecise. We create words to express ideas and categorize things so we don’t have to start every conversation from the ground up. Think of the quote “a rose by any other name”. The word ‘rose’ is made up but the flower it refers to exists in the material world. And you and everyone on earth could declare a rose a tulip but as long as people needed to specify they’d find a way to invent the word rose again. It’s why every 3 years your movement declares old terms verboten. MtF and FtM got used until people got mad it didn’t erase the reality of bio sex and people just used those terms in place of “male and female”. Then the same thing happened with AFAB and AMAB. Now we’re onto TME and no one knows what anyone is talking about because at the end of the day, people are male or female and no amount of “validation” or the right words erases that reality.
I am bisexual because I am attracted to both men and women. Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Gay men are men exclusively attracted to men. Straight people are exclusively attracted to the opposite sex. The LGB community formed because the thing we had in common- same sex attraction- is punished in most societies. It absolutely was designed to gatekeep. It was a civil rights movement- not a secret club house. The LGB have no more moral responsibility to admit opposite sex attracted people than black activists have to include white or Asian people.
“Queer” has nothing to do with it. Demi flux genderoo aroallo fox kin have nothing to do with it. A group of men that believe their internal state of mind makes them literally a woman has nothing to do with it. You people overran a movement for same sex attracted people, convinced everyone to call our community a slur, and demand that we center heterosexual teens too immature for a relationship thinking that makes them the same as a Gay man.
I’m tired of arguing with 19 year olds that read too much mlm fanfiction that having short hair and wearing hoodies from the boys section doesn’t mean they’re gay men. I’m tired of arguing with those same girls that the 45 year old man with pigtails and a pink pinafore sucking his thumb and holding a dolly on social media isn’t a brave woman defying The Man. He’s just a pervert.
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Hi!! Could I request some hcs for Sol reassuring his s/o that they are good enough for him? Maybe someone was flirting with him or smth like that and that made s/o jelly and insecure
Thank you :] *insert a Geo pic here*
Abundancy (Sol x Insecure! Jealous! MC/Reader)
Reminder that Aphrodite herself had stomach rolls and was seen as the most beautiful goddess. btw thank you for the sexy af geo pic it's appreciated. <3
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Abundancy: a copious supply; great amount. fullness or benevolence.
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Sol isn’t the type to respond to flattery that comes from anyone who isn’t you. If he had his way, he’ll just turn you both invisible so nobody can have you but him!
Alas, due to his height, build and general appearance, he’s frequently catcalled and subjected to flirtatious comments from strangers; notably young adult women between the ages of 18-25.
When these events occur, he tends to roll his eyes and walk away. If these pestilences persist, he’s going to calmly shut them down; either by stating he’s in a *very* happy relationship or by bluntly declaring his uninterest. Will be significantly harsher with the rejections if you’re present.
Sol’s very protective over you and your feelings, so if any interactions he’s had with these other sentient beings upset or irk you, he’s going to do as much as possible to prove you’re the only one for him (and he for you, of course). Examples include you being railed, fed, held, affirmed, etc.
If you happen to express irritation or jealousy, Sol will be internally freaking the fuck out. He’s gonna be begging on his knees for forgiveness.
As stated earlier, will be showing you how beautiful and divine and wonderful you are in about 70819283294892837829 gazillion ways. Mans will do daily stare-in-the-mirror-and-state-a-thing-you-love-about-yourself exercises.
He wishes you can see yourself the way he sees you. You are the epitome of beauty to him, and nothing you — or anyone else — says or does can change how he feels about you, which is an all-consuming love and passion. <3
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aurumacadicus · 3 months
Listen, Steve is grateful he gets to work at a Stark-funded hospital. He is. Not only is the prestige of working there even for a year going to carry him through his entire career, but if he stays for five years, the Maria Stark Foundation will pay off all of his student loans. Their clientele are people typically in poverty and he loves that he can help the less fortunate. It's all he ever wanted to do after watching his single mother scrimp and save as a nurse just to make sure they had a roof over their heads. He would never do anything to jeopardize his position or the reputation of the hospital.
"That custodian is going to be the reason you're fired," Natasha declares, and both Clint and Bucky spin from their nursing charts just in time to watch Steve almost fall over as he attempts to get one more glimpse of Tony's ass as he pushes his cart, whistling, toward the elevator. "Is this your way of getting out of the gala? Getting shit-canned the day before?"
"Are you going to tattle on me to Dr. Potts?" Steve asks her bluntly.
Natasha says nothing for several minutes, mulling the idea over in her head. Finally, though, she mutters, "I guess you're better than Hammer. He actually put his hands on Tony."
Steve doesn't know how to respond, because he'd only gotten his position after Dr. Hammer had groped Tony one too many times (apparently Tony had never reported it? It had actually been one of the nurses) and got fired for it. Again, he's grateful for the position, but he knows other doctors would shank him for the opportunity. He's just looking, but maybe he shouldn't look? Tony isn't a piece of meat. He's a respected member of the hospital staff.
Tony stops and bends over to pick up a piece of garbage on the floor, and even Natasha whimpers as his pants lovingly cup each of his cheeks.
Luckily, they're saved by one of the PR interns coming out of a hospital room and chirping, "Are you going to the gala tomorrow, Mr. Tony?"
"Peter how many times do I have to tell you," Tony begins, sighing, then shakes his head. "Yes, my mother is finally forcing me to show up for the gala."
Steve does a minute fist pump, and Bucky immediately drags him into a noogie that makes him squawk about his hair in probably the most unattractive manner possible.
"Gala" is probably too fancy a term for it. Unlike the Foundation galas, where the Stark family squeezes donations from the other wealthy elite for all they muster, this is more of a get-together between other hospitals to compare notes. Women are in cocktail dresses and the men are a healthy mix of suits and slacks-and-polos. The only people really decked out in formal wear are those with the foundation.
Steve is trying to be very casual as he keeps an eye out for Tony. He hasn't seen him yet, but he's hoping to ask Tony for at least one dance. Dr. Potts had said Tony liked to dance when he'd been talking with her and Natasha at the start of the gala. (She'd made really deliberate eye contact with him when she'd said so, too, so Steve figures she at least approves of him??? Even if she also kind of scares him.)
"Oh my God," Bruce whispers, wine dripping down his chin. He's gone ashen.
Steve and Thor turn to see what he's looking at, and Steve immediately understands. He feels as if he's just been simultaneously punched in the gut and head.
Because Mrs. Stark has finally arrived at her gala, dressed to the nines and yet somehow making everyone feel at ease in their own clothes. She's being escorted by a handsome man in a tuxedo.
The man looks a lot like Tony from the custodial department. But Mrs. Stark keeps loudly and proudly announcing that he's her son.
"I'm so fired," Steve whispers, voice cracking, as Bucky finally steps up beside him and claps him on the shoulder.
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coochiequeens · 10 months
Women were attacked and pepper sprayed by......a group of mem claiming that THEY are the most oppressed group.
By Genevieve Gluck. November 20, 2023
A group of women critical of gender ideology were physically assaulted in Portland by masked trans activists associated with Antifa, resulting in several women being taken to the hospital. Leaders and members of the US chapter of Women’s Declaration International (WDI), which aims to protect “the sex-based rights of women and girls,” were also threatened with death, called “fascists,” sprayed in the eyes with mace, and had their car tires slashed in the middle of the night.
On November 19, WDI planned an event at the Hollywood branch of the Multnomah County Library, quickly cancelling the plans to due to security concerns. Speaking with Reduxx, WDI USA president and author Kara Dansky explained that the goal of the event was to “have a conversation about the importance of protecting women and children in society” and voice concerns about gender ideology.
“In the days leading up to the event, we were in communication with security about how to ensure the safety of ourselves, library staff and guests. Hours before the event was scheduled to take place, we were informed that county security would be unable to guarantee our safety,” Dansky said.
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The WDI members then decided to take their demonstration to the street, and set up on a sidewalk near the library.
“We chose to take our message directly to the public. We stood on a sidewalk, with a banner that read ‘Woman = adult human female.’ Within minutes, a vicious mob of men first started screaming at us that we were fascists, and then approached us,” Dansky said.
The small group of approximately ten women were greatly outnumbered, with Dansky estimating that there were between 30 to 50 trans activists clad in black masks.
“They started throwing things at us, cans filled with liquid that fell and sprayed all over us. Speaking for myself, someone approached me and sprayed something in my face. The impact hurt my eyes physically and whatever they sprayed got all over my face and clothing, but it did not injure me,” Dansky explained.
“Other women were treated much more brutally than I was. Several of the women in our group were sprayed directly in the face with mace, causing immediate and temporary blindness, and excruciating pain. The men punched several of us and pushed them onto the ground and repeatedly kicked them while they were on the ground. Four women had to go to the hospital to be treated for their injuries,” she added.
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“It looked like they were targeting those of us specifically who were filming,” said Sam Berg. “They punched me in the face. When I fell down they kicked me in the hip. They immediately went for the camera, and stole my phone as well. It was very scary. Women don’t deserve this. Men have no right to do this. This has to stop.”
Berg was one of three women who had strapped a camera to themselves to record the event’s speakers. Two of the women fliming had their GoPro gear stolen, and at least four women had their phones stolen by the trans activists. None of their property has so far been recovered.
One of the women that the trans activists sprayed in the eyes with mace described witnessing the men assaulting an elderly woman who was passing by.
“I saw a yellow-orange liquid and I knew immediately what it was, so I closed my eyes. My right eye got pepper-sprayed, it was burning,” Cass said. “As I was trying to turn away, I felt somebody either push me or punch me in the face. I fell down, my glasses broke. As I was walking away, I saw an unrelated elderly woman in her 70’s walking alongside us. They pushed her or threw something at her and she fell down.”
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Another woman who was pepper-sprayed, Linda, said that “only one or two” witnesses to the assault attempted to intervene on their behalf.
“I didn’t realize how blinded I was going to be, in a lot of pain. We turned the corner and they just started attacking everybody. I was next to Lierre, and they blinded her, too, and started hitting her and hitting her,” she said, referring to Lierre Keith, founder of the grassroots women’s advocacy group the Women’s Liberation Front (WOLF).
“These brave women kept standing there calmly, and letting these people attack us. Only one or two passers-by tried to help us at all,” Linda said, incredulous.
“While we were being assaulted, several women called 911 as it was happening. No one in the Portland Police Department responded to these calls reporting active incidents of assault, battery and robbery,” Dansky told Reduxx.
After the women’s rights activists returned to their Air Bnb, they again attempted to contact police and officers were dispatched to their location. A report of the attack and thefts was made, but they were told by officers that the department’s official policy is to “not to get involved” in group conflicts “unless there is an immediate threat to life.”
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The safety concern that prompted the decision to abandon the library as a venue was a result of a publicized plan coordinated by trans activists affiliated with the political group Antifa, promoted on social media. The trans activists had been threatening to pelt women with pies and tomato juice – a reference to a volatile mob situation earlier this year in New Zealand that saw women’s rights campaigner Kellie Jay-Keen attacked with the liquid.
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“Anti-trans bigots and hate group Women’s Declaration International (WDI) are coming to town this Nov. 19th. Save the date to give them the welcome they deserve,” wrote Antifa propaganda artist “No Bonzo.”
“We arrived… and the woman in charge of security said she could not keep us safe, there were too many of them and they were aiming for violence,” Lierre Keith said in a video clip shared by WDI.
“They told us that they were concerned for the library staff. They couldn’t keep them safe. We didn’t want to put them at risk because they certainly didn’t sign up for this,” Keith said.
“So our decision was to go out on the street near the library and give our speeches, because we have first amendment rights.”
They had also been informed by the Workplace Security Director of Multnomah County that a therapist had filed a report of a death threat from a patient. According to the report, the patient had stated, “I am going to the event and bringing my gun and if anyone messes with me I will use it.” The therapist had a legal obligation to report this information and did so. 
Chillingly, the women, who had rented accommodations together, had awoken Sunday morning to discover that their tires had been slashed during the night. They also discovered that flyers with photos referring to some of the more well-known women had been posted in public, calling them “anti-trans bigots.”
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WDI’s Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights calls for the elimination of trans people, trans rights & trans healthcare, specifically targeting trans women most heavily. In this work they have allied with the far right and international fundamentalist groups responsible for the end of Roe V. Wade,” reads one of the posters.
Additionally, Rose City Antifa (RCA), which has posted multiple smear campaigns on WDI to their website, revealed that they had deliberately undertaken efforts to discover where the women would be staying.
“Thanks to the work of multiple anonymous community members who infiltrated the WDI-USA event planning process, RCA has obtained a list of attendees and organizers, which includes both WoLF and WDI-USA members — most notably Lierre Keith, WoLF founding member and board chair, and well-documented transmisogynist bigot,” the RCA’s blog post reads.
“In leaked planning materials for the upcoming Portland event, WDI-USA and WoLF organizers openly admit that the event’s stated focus, ‘protecting women and children,’ was chosen deliberately to mask their anti-trans agenda. In order to maintain this illusion of respectable, sympathetic feminist activism, lead WDI-USA organizers have repeatedly told prospective attendees that they should avoid even using words such as ‘trans’ at the Portland event.”
While attempting to portray WDI president Dansky as “anti-trans”, RCA points to an email exchange between her and a reporter named Brandon Showalter, who holds conservative political views. The email was part of an orchestrated deception by the first individual in the United States to have been legally recognized as ‘non-binary,’ who claims that he pretended to be opposed to gender identity ideology in order to forge connections with politicians. Elisa Rae Shupe, 59, formerly James Clifford Shupe, has written in extensive detail about the sexual fetishes that motivated his “gender identity.”
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Yesterday’s violence follows a long string of attacks on women vocalizing criticisms of gender ideology.
Last year, British women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen held a US tour of pro-woman free speech events which were targeted by multiple incidents of Antifa violence and disruption.
Keen’s appearance in Portland, Oregon, had to be cancelled on October 25 after credible death threats were received. Despite Keen’s absence, a small group of women carried out an unofficial demonstration in the event’s place as an act of resistance. 
As the women spoke, multiple masked men rushed their area and pelted them with whipped cream pies.
Similarly, on October 26, the event in Tacoma, Washington, was quickly derailed by violent trans activists and Antifa. Multiple physical altercations were recorded, with some trans activists showing up wearing brass knuckles and attempting to grapple female speakers to the ground during their speeches.
At least nine people were arrested in New York City during protests that broke out in opposition to the last stop of Keen’s US tour. Like in Portland, Keen had been unable to attend the event as she was not able to get to the speaking podium safely due to aggressive counter-protestors.
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justinssportscorner · 2 months
Anna Merlan at Mother Jones:
By the time J.K. Rowling, Elon Musk, and Donald Trump were falsely referring to her as a man, the lies about Imane Khelif had already traveled halfway around the world. Last week, two Olympic boxers—Khelif, from Algeria, and Lin Yu-ting of Taiwan—were subjected to brutal international scrutiny about their sex and gender, and whether they were entitled to compete in women’s events; the attention on Khelif became particularly acrid after her opponent, Italian Angela Carini, quit 46 seconds into their bout, declaring that she had “never been hit so hard in my life.” A photo of the two women exiting the ring, Carini in tears, Khelif casting a glance, was widely shared, with people like Rowling—who’s promoted transphobic views for years, but has denied being transphobic—offering heated and derogatory commentary about Khelif.   “Could any picture sum up our new men’s rights movement better?” Rowling tweeted. “The smirk of a male who’s [sic] knows he’s protected by a misogynist sporting establishment enjoying the distress of a woman he’s just punched in the head, and whose life’s ambition he’s just shattered.” 
While the attacks on Khelif are of a piece with familiar recent Western controversies over who is allowed to participate in girls’ and women’s sports, many of the articles and individuals magnifying the debate relied on or relayed the claims of a discredited group with strong ties to the Russian government, a deep grudge against the International Olympic Committee, and a seemingly vested interest in proving that the IOC-run games are, as the group’s leader has claimed, a venue for “sodomy.”
In trying to unravel what led up to this moment, many individuals and news outlets cited a statement released by the official-sounding International Boxing Association, which stated that both Khelif and Yu-Ting had previously been disqualified from competing in the IBA-administered Women’s World Boxing Championships in March 2023. The women were barred from that competition, which took place in New Delhi, following tests the organization has not publicly clarified, citing privacy rules. At the time, IBA president Umar Kremlev told a Russian state news agency that the women had been found to have “XY chromosomes” and claimed the two had “pretended to be women” and “tried to deceive their colleagues.” Even if the IBA’s findings were true, having XY chromosomes does not automatically make someone male—women with Swyer syndrome, a rare genetic condition, have XY for instance. Nor are XY chromosomes proven to constitute an “unfair advantage,” although that is exactly what an IBA official claimed in a press conference on Monday. One pediatrics expert told NBC in 2009—one of the innumerable times this issue has been raised in women’s sports—that such a claim was “malarkey.”
[...] When Khelif and Yu-Ting were disqualified by the IBA back in New Delhi, skeptics questioned how it benefited Azalia Amineva, a Russian fighter. The women were not ruled ineligible until after they’d already competed and Khelif had won a bout against the previously undefeated Amineva. While IBA officials said the sequence of events was due to a week’s delay in being provided testing results, as the Associated Press has pointed out, the decision meant the Russian fighter’s perfect record was retroactively restored. Kremlev isn’t shy about expressing a broad fixation on gender and sexuality, with him, as the sports website Defector has pointed out, decrying the IOC on YouTube for promoting “outright sodomy and the destruction of traditional values.” In the wake of the Paris games’ opening ceremony, he blasted the spectacle, which featured queer performers, as “pure sodomy,” while saying the IOC “burns from pure devilry” and that its president is a “chief sodomite.” He also claimed that “men with changed gender are allowed to fight with women in boxing at the Olympics.” (Videos with such remarks have been helpfully subtitled in English to draw a wider, Western audience.) Last week, Kremlev announced the IBA would give $50,000 in prize money to the defeated opponents of Khelif and Yu-Ting.
[...] The Khelif affair captures English-speaking transphobes with rigid ideas about the nature of womanhood picking up on a politically motivated campaign from a discredited organization at open war with the IOC. Indeed, right-wing organizations in the United States, including the Independent Women’s Forum and CPAC, via its chair Matt Schlapp, have paid for sponsored posts on Musk’s X platform, calling her “a man“—posts that appear when users search for information on the controversy.
The International Boxing Association, which is a Kremlin-led body led by Umar Kremlev that is permanently banned from being the sanctioning body for Olympic boxers, has instigated a transphobic war against cis women boxers Lin Yu-ting and Imane Khelif.
The IBA issued politically-motivated disqualifications of the pair in 2023 that don’t stand up to scrutiny.
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