#Wolfstar soulmates
wartsandwarlocks · 1 month
Call it fate, call it karma.
Madagascar wasn’t nearly as exciting as Remus has thought. It required a lot of manual labor, which he definitely wasn’t fit for, they barely slept or ate and worst of all, smoking was deeply frowned upon. He had made a few friends here and there and their company made it all more tolerable, but he missed his home.
As the weeks passed, the homesickness started becoming all too much for him. His real friends- his family- were in London having an amazing time together and he was moving shit (literal animal shit) from one place to the other. Or so he thought, another rule was no phones, there was no signal anyways. He wanted to get used to it, he really tried, smiling forcibly every morning into the weird glass they used as a mirror, smiling at anyone who would say hi to him and even laughing to himself when he had to scoop shit up. But in all fairness, he had signed up for the humanitarian aid, and was unfairly placed in the animal rescue one instead.
Three weeks had been three weeks too many. He marched decidedly to the Big Tent, hoping Ms. Sprout would be able to take some sort of action. He “knocked” on the “door” once. No answer. Twice. Nothing. By the time he decided he wanted to open the “door” he began to hear a faint voice.
“Yes, it’s ok.” It said. “I’m fine either way.”
“There is no place for you to stay in the humanitarian crisis zone, I apologize deeply for it.”
“I can work either way, just want to be helpful is all.”
“Alright then, congratulations and you’re welcome Mr. Black.”
“Sirius is fine. Thank you Ms. Sprout.”
Huh? Black?! Sirius?!
“Your tent is the third one on the left path. Hope you don’t mind sharing.”
Remus counted. One, Morris’s tent. Two, Farrow’s tent. Three, Lupin’s tent. He needed to run, play stupid, play dead, play something! But of course, having Lupin’s Luck, before he could move the “door” flew open and the handsomest boy, with his long curly hair and enchanting tattoos crashed into him.
“Oh shit I’m so sorry-!” He apologized.
“Hi Pads.” Remus smiled dumbly at him.
“Same old.”
Sirius’s frown turned into a big smile as he dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around him. “I thought I wouldn’t ever ser you again!”
“Makes two of us.” Remus smiled as he smelt his hair. God he’d missed him.
“Weren’t you supposed to be in Cambodia?” Sirius smiled puzzled.
“No more vacancy there, looks like everyone wants to save the world these days.”
“So I’ve heard.” He said grabbing his bag from the floor. “I’m exhausted, let’s catch up tomorrow. I have to meet my new roommate, or tentmate.”
“Oh I heard, looks like we’ll be ‘rooming again Padfoot.” Remus slightly shoved him as he pointed to their tent with his head. “Karma.”
“Shit! Really?! This is amazing!” Sirius beamed. Remus had suddenly realized that was exactly what he’d been missing, his stupid, optimistic, fun, sort-of-boyfriend-guy from college. “Fuck karma, call it fate!”
“Call it fate, call it karma, you’re still stuck with me.” Remus smiled.
Sirius simply smiled and rolled his eyes. Maybe a couple more weeks shoving dung from one place to the other couldn’t hurt him.
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fic rec friday
As the Moon Knows the Stars
by mcdynamite on Ao3
On the day Sirius Black turned seventeen, he had his soulmark removed in order to protect the soulmate he'd never met from the wrath of his own family. In the eight years since, he's managed to make his peace with living the rest of his life without falling in love. Though he mourns his lost soulmate every day, he's confident he made the right choice to protect them, and no one has ever made him question that.
Until, of course, Lily Evans brings her childhood friend along for a pub night, and Sirius finds himself utterly enamored with the kind, mysterious stranger. But Remus Lupin surely has a soulmate of his own waiting out there somewhere, and Sirius won't let himself get in the way of that.
He just wishes Remus weren't so damn easy to love.
this one is really sweet and maybe a bit cliche but in a very fluffy and comfy way!
Favourite tropes included are:
Remus never went to hogwarts
werewolf angst
the marauders are good friends
very sweet lilymoon friendship
tattoo artist!Sirius Black
friends to lovers
everyone is very sweet and trying their best
as always leave lots of love and kudos to the author and have an amazing rest of the week <3
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lilyevansmywife · 1 year
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mcdynamite · 2 years
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Hello friends! A while back, I wrote a story for @hp-soulmates fest and am super excited to share the soulmark art I designed for Sirius and Remus in the fic! I am SO new to digital art and Procreate, so it's nothing too elaborate, but I really wanted to be able to picture their marks, and I thought it might be something others would enjoy seeing, too.
If you haven't had a chance to check out the fic yet and you are interested in giving it a read, I'll link it below! It's 48k words of fluff, a bit of angst, plenty of mutual pining, and my personal favorite part - neurodivergent Sirius! Please give it a look if it sounds like something you might like!
On that note, I am going to stop rambling, because this neurodivergent writer is very bad at self-promoting and feels terribly awkward doing so! Hope you all have the wonderful day you so deserve!
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panevanbuckley · 9 months
soulmate au where your soulmate's thoughts appear on your skin except your soulmate has adhd and your body becomes a living canvas of nonsensical, never-ending, constantly entertaining trails of thought
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industrations · 1 year
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Loves of my life
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trohpi · 1 month
moonwater soulmate au where soulmates feel each others pain so remus feels regulus being abused at home and regulus feels the transformations every full moon
also remus recognizing the kinds of injuries sirius has (and tries to hide) as being the result of abuse due to his soulmates injuries, which is why hes the first marauder to realize what sirius’ home life is like
also also pre-hogwarts sirius memorizing the moon cycle for regulus so he could know the exact days hed be hurting the worst, which is why hes the first marauder to realize that 1) remus is a werewolf and 2) remus is his little brothers soulmate
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saddramaqueensworld · 9 months
You´re born with your soulmate's nickname on your body.
Remus: My Moony
Sirius: Idiot (because he always do dumb shits)
James: Potter (which is hard to find your soulmate when they always calls you by your last name)
Regulus: My prince (it started as joke from James that immediately outs him as Reg's soulmate cause Sirius chocked on his drink)
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sexymoonmansslut · 19 days
my lovelies <3
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i’ll never get over them tbh
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months
Marauders roadtrip-
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m00neroni · 12 days
prompt: patronus. @wolfstarmicrofic word count: 739 september 8th ao3 post
“This is impossible” Sirius huffs and sits back in one of the few scattered chairs around the DADA classroom, clearly defeated. “What’s that shit about happy memories? Fucking idiotic, it’s not even working.”
“Have we finally found a spell that not even the great Sirius Black can perform? Should we call the Prophet? Inform the Ministry?” James jokes from his seat at Remus’ right, and he only receives a glare in return, when any other person would have been hexed into the next year just before they finished the sentence.
Remus considers it a bit hypocritical, seeing as James is also struggling with it, only having managed to conjure a faint silvery mist, the same as Peter. Remus, for his part, hasn’t even tried yet, scared of its possible corporal form.
Still, he knows the drill and can help his friend.
“You’re thinking too much and too loud, Sirius.” He says, kindly, because the other boy’s frustration is too evident and it seems like the best approach. “Which memory are you using?”
“When the Hat sent me to Gryffindor.” Sirius replies, almost in a whisper, genuinely pouting like a baby.
“See? That’s the problem.” Remus says. “That memory isn’t good enough.”
“Why not?” His friend frowns, clearly confused but he doesn’t look hurt or offended. “It’s the happiest memory I can think of.”
“But it’s tainted, Pads.” He presses, not unkindly, and leans forward to touch Sirius’ forearm. “You were stressed and worried and your family were horrible just about twenty minutes later it happened. You need something without negative connotations.”
“Excellent piece of advice, Mr Lupin!” Professor Musgrove’s voice hollers from behind them. “Our chosen memories must be as pure as possible, free of bad feelings. Even if we think happiness is overruling them, sometimes the hurt is too sharp to be defeated. Please, my boy and resident assistant teacher, will you demonstrate the spell to the class?”
“Sir, I don’t–”
“I insist!” The man ignores him. “Your theoretical knowledge should be enough, and you clearly are in control of your feelings.”
Yeah, I wish I was, you twat.
Remus grimaces towards his friends, trying not to notice how Sirius is staring right into his eyes, and stands up. He should have shut up, but Sirius needed his help and he just… Whatever now, too late. 
The werewolf closes his eyes and tries to find a good memory, quickly falling for the morning of the first Full Moon after his three mates knew what happened to him once a month, about the monster. After the moment they accepted him completely, and without asking anything in return. It might go against the idea of it not being tainted by bad sensations (the transformation is horrible on its own, obviously) but the happiness he felt when he woke up and saw Sirius sleeping in that uncomfortable chair right next to his bed. 
The others have joined here and there, but Sirius has always been the constant feature. It is he who Remus thinks about for this.
“Expecto Patronum.”
He would have known it had worked even without the collective gasp of his classmates, just by how the air moves around him and the tip of his fingers tickle. It is a wonderful sensation, so, even if he is scared shitless of facing the reality and whatever comes next, Remus opens his eyes slowly. 
The silvery figure is clearly and evidently canine and massive, but that is where the similarities with Moony end. The snout is different, the ears bigger and the paws less menacing. Even the doggy grin is an exact replica of Padfoot’s.
Remus’ hearts stop for a second there, but he can’t look anywhere else, too entranced and shocked by the implications. 
“Amazing! Look at that–!”
“Expecto Patronum.”
Sirius’ deep voice cuts the air and the teacher’s praising, conjuring a mist that quickly takes form almost as big as the one in front of Remus, a shape that he hasn’t seen in front of him ever in his life but has been described enough to him that Remus could recognise anywhere. The eyes, though, are the exact same ones he sees in the mirror every day, and he has almost a full minute to be shocked before the impressive spirit of Moony joins Padfoot in a tackle game.
“Well, who could have expected this?” James chuckles, and Remus finally looks at Sirius.
Who could have expected this, indeed. 
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marsberryart · 9 months
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Wolfstar 🌙✨
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 7 - prompt 7: Soulmates [word count 560]
Soulmate tattoos were a delicate topic in the wizarding world. Everybody knew you got them at midnight on your sixteenth birthday and that the word or sentence appearing somewhere on your body was the first thought passing through your soulmates’s head when they realised they were in love with you. But people usually didn’t like to talk about them, at least until they had met said soulmate. For instance, James had found out his mother had Well, now I have to break up with him on her ribs just the summer before. Monty had laughed and told him about the boy on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team he had been casually dating when he had fallen for Effie and James had excused himself and had gone to the back garden to have a mental breakdown in peace because that meant he could go to his father with no fear of his reaction whenever he decided to tell him he fancied boys as well. Still, he had hidden away in the dorm bathroom on his sixteenth birthday to look at his own tattoo, frowning when he had seen the words Great, Sirius will definitely kill me now forming right below his hips. Sirius being the oldest of the Marauders, he had already gotten his tattoo and had had no problems in sharing the Oh for fuck’s sake on the back of his neck, laughing at the fact that of all the soppy things he could have gotten, he had instead gotten a swear word, which was very on brand. Neither Remus nor Peter, like James, had told anyone about their tattoos when their birthdays had come and now that it was summer and they could all go swimming in the lake James was very glad his was in a position which kept it hidden even when he was in his swimming trunks. As always, they had wandered away from people so that Remus too could go swimming since he didn’t like undressing in front of people who weren’t the Marauders because of all the scars the wolf had marked into his skin. Even so, he was hesitating on the bank, his shirt still on.
“Come on, Moony,” Peter smiled from the tree they were placing their clothes on. “No one but us will see you.”
“And it’s really hot, the water will be wonderful,” James nodded, kicking his trousers right by Peter’s.
“It really is!” Sirius exclaimed, swimming back to the shore. “Come on Moony, what are you waiting for?”
“The last Full…” Remus said slowly. “There are new scars you haven’t seen yet, and this time they’re pretty awful.”
James opened his mouth, his heart aching for his friend, but Sirius was faster, getting out of the water and walking to Remus, catching his hands in his.
“Moony,” he said. “What have I told you?”
“They’re scars, Pads,” Remus sighed. “Nothing poetic will change that.”
“No, you know I’m too stubborn to believe that,” Sirius shook his head. “They’re constellations, Moony. And you… You are the universe.”
There was a beat, then Sirius dropped Remus’s hands and quickly turned around before diving back into the lake.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Remus muttered, finally taking off his shirt and following Sirius.
James and Peter almost elbowed each other simultaneously when they saw the tattoo right on Remus’s spine: You are the universe.
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mcdynamite · 2 years
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Minor James Potter/Lily Evans - Relationship Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Poppy Pomfrey, Peter Pettigrew, Alphard Black Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Remus Lupin Never Went to Hogwarts, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Voldemort Died in the First (and only) War, POV Sirius Black, Canon-Typical Werewolf Injuries, Gay Sirius Black, Gay Remus Lupin, Post-War Marauders, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Abusive Black Family (Harry Potter), Werewolf Remus Lupin, Dancing, Marauders Becoming Animagi, Remus Lupin & Lily Evans Potter Friendship, Remus and Lily Grew Up Together, Fluff and Angst, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Pining, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Remus Lupin is Bad at Feelings, Sirius Black Needs a Hug, Gift Giving, pub nights, Tattoo Artist Sirius Black, Neurodivergent Sirius Black, Understanding Remus Lupin, Sirius rambles a lot and Remus thinks its sweet, Sirius is a sweetheart, Remus is lovely, Digital Art, Now With Soulmark Art! Summary:
On the day Sirius Black turned seventeen, he had his soulmark removed in order to protect the soulmate he'd never met from the wrath of his own family. In the eight years since, he's managed to make his peace with living the rest of his life without falling in love. Though he mourns his lost soulmate every day, he's confident he made the right choice to protect them, and no one has ever made him question that.
Until, of course, Lily Evans brings her childhood friend along for a pub night, and Sirius finds himself utterly enamored with the kind, mysterious stranger. But Remus Lupin surely has a soulmate of his own waiting out there somewhere, and Sirius won't let himself get in the way of that.
He just wishes Remus weren't so damn easy to love.
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 4 months
There was no doubt about it that Evan Rosier was beautiful. Girls whispered as he passed in the halls, boys winked at him at parties, beckoning him to the dark corners of the common rooms where they could remain undiscovered.
Yes, there was no doubt that Evan was beautiful, but he didn’t feel pretty.
He wasn’t sure when the word had become significant, it was as if the word beautiful was superficial, as if he was superficial. He supposed the meaning had started to sound different when he listened to them come from Dorcas’ mouth. The way she described Marlene, as if words could only pale in comparison, Shakespeare himself would be threatened by the pure emotion that dripped from Dorcas’ words, so much so that the word pretty made Marlene sound like the greatest treasure ever to grace the earth.
Fucking lesbians.
Evan had never felt like a treasure, as an heir he was worth something, but that was a job, his birthright.
He had never once believed that there were soulmates, someone who could mirror even the darkest most broken parts of his soul, someone who would accept every flaw, every scar, every wall that his mind put up. But watching his friends with their partners?
Watching them made him believe that someone could truly love him unconditionally, like they needed him like air, as if the sun couldn’t rise without him. He believed there was a chance, but that didn’t mean he was deserving of it. He could hope, maybe even pray, but at the end of the day he couldn’t imagine even a soul as broken as his could have once come in a matching pair.
That was until, of course, he met Barty Crouch Jr.
And by Merlin and Morgana alike did that boy make his soul sing.
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gipitothefrog · 2 months
Word count: 664
Slight implied NSFW (like barely)
“I swear, Evans is my soulmate,” said James.
“Yeah?” asked Remus. “Try talking to her in your guys’ language then.”
“Well, you know how it works, Moony. It just happens one day, I can’t control it!”
“Alright, alright, I know. I’m just messing with you Prongs.”
Remus looked down at his essay, but his thoughts stayed on the previous subject. Nearly everyone had a soulmate, and they could both speak in a completely unique language that only the two of them could understand. The thing was, you allegedly didn’t notice if you were speaking in the language unless an outsider heard you, since it would just sound like you were talking normally to each other. Suddenly, James jumped up. “I’m late for quidditch practice. I’ll see you later, Remus.”
“Bye James,” Remus waved him off. As James was dashing out the door, Sirius came striding in. Looking back at James, he commented,
“He’s literally the captain. He really should remember to show up to practice on time.”
“Good point,” Remus responded. “And he’s head boy. He really needs to take more responsibility. I’ll tell him that when he gets back.”
“You tell him that every day.”
“And I will until it sinks in.”
Suddenly, Peter, who was sitting on his bed trying to work on his own potions essay, let out a choked little squeaky sound. Both Remus and Sirius looked at him in surprise.
“You alright, Pete?” Asked Sirius, slightly concerned. Peter was looking at them with a shocked expression on his face, eyes wide.
Clearing his throat nervously, Peter said, “No, no, nothings wrong. Everything’s great. I’m just going to, um, go downstairs! To the common room! See you two at dinner!” And just like that, he grabbed his essay and dashed down the stairs.
Shrugging it off, the two boys went back to their work. It wasn’t completely abnormal for Peter to act strangely sometimes, and now was probably just one of those times.
The next day, in charms, Sirius was having trouble with the wand motion.
“It’s like this,” Remus said, demonstrating the correct wand movement.
“Like this?” Sirius asked, doing it again. It was still wrong.
“No, no, no.” Remus grabbed Sirius’s wrist and moved it in the correct motion. “Like this…” He trailed off as he looked at Sirius, because Sirius wasn’t paying attention to what Remus was showing him. Sirius was looking at where Remus’s hand gripped his wrist, a slight blush dusting his cheeks.
Remus, in turn, also blushed and quickly removed his hand from his wrist. “You got it?” Remus asked. He didn’t even know why the slight physical contact had caused the reaction in both him and the other boy.
“Yeah, I got it,” Sirius said, still blushing and avoiding eye contact.
Suddenly, James jumped up from beside them. “Peter, you were telling the truth!” He exclaimed.
“Of course I was telling the truth, why would I lie about this?!” Peter practically yelled back.
“What in the bloody hell is going on?” Sirius burst out.
“We’ll tell you later,” both Peter and James said in perfect unison. Sirius shared a bewildered look with Remus.
Later, in the dorm, Sirius and Remus cornered James.
“Please tell us what’s gotten into you lately.” demanded Remus. “You and Peter,” he said, gesturing to the other boy, “Have been acting strangely all day.”
Peter and James looked at each other apprehensively.
“Well, you see…” James started.
“You two were speaking to each other in your language!” Peter blurted out.
There was a moment of tense silence.
“Wait,” Sirius started.
“Like… the language?” asked Remus.
“Like our soulmate language?” continued Sirius.
“Er, well, yeah.” James stuttered out.
“Oh.” That was all Remus could say, and Sirius was rendered completely speechless.
“We’ll leave you two to talk,” supplied James, pulling Peter out of the room.
Sirius and Remus looked at each other.
“So…” began Remus.
“Yeah.” finished Sirius.
Let’s just say they did a lot more than talking that night.
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