#Wolfstar if you squint
spindrifters · 7 months
I've been doing battle with my internet all day to get this up for Lynxmas. I would not be bested!! I refused and I persevered!! So a very happy birthday from me and the rowdy 11 year olds to our favorite barwench humble forest cat @lynxindisguise!!
There’s a peculiar shuffle to sharing one’s room, a frenzy of activity when it comes to four boys squashed into a rather small circular dorm that puts Remus—not only used to the solitude of his own little cottage bedroom, but raised without so much as a single other child his own age for at least ten miles in each direction—decidedly on edge.
It’s a continuation of the chaos from the welcoming feast, where the newly-sorted Gryffindor boys had quickly found their stride and accompanying role in the ecosystem. James and Sirius, no longer competing over who could eat more chicken thighs but still loudly trying to one-up each other’s boasts about feats of accidental magic. Peter, scrabbling to get a word in while his eyes gleamed with excitement each time one of them noticed. And Remus, the impulse to join in the fun warring with Dad’s gentle word of warning before he climbed on the train earlier in the day—can’t be too careful, lad.
He pushes that to the side, focusing instead on finding his plush grindylow Raccoon at the bottom of his trunk. It’s a poor replacement for Jeff, the very real grindylow who lives at the bottom of his garden pond and who he already misses something fierce—and he is not going to let the other boys see that he brought a stuffed animal with him to school, thank you very much—but still. It helps to know that Raccoon’s there. It helps to know he'll have at least one friend at school.
Because Peter’s nice, but he and James are already friends from growing up, and Sirius and James… Well, he supposes they mean well, but with their shining black shoes and posh accents and the way they barrel loud and bright through a conversation like nothing in the world could touch them, Remus can’t help but be intimidated. For Merlin’s sake, Sirius has silver monogrammed cufflinks on the sleeves of his school uniform. Even if Remus does manage the courage to ever string more than two words together in front of his new dormmates, he can’t imagine they’d ever want to be friends with someone like him.
There’s a flash then, followed by a bang, and Remus becomes briefly distracted by a whirling firework escaping from James’s trunk. There’s laughter at that, a slight salve to his fluttering, nervous gut when the other boy winks at him from behind square-frame glasses, but then James turns back to say something to Sirius instead and stops. He gapes.
“Why are you wearing a dress?”
“It’s not a dress,” Sirius sniffs, looking affronted at the very idea. “It’s a nightshirt.”
Well, whatever it is Sirius has changed into while the rest of them weren’t paying attention, it certainly looks like a dress. It’s white, and ankle-length, and buttoned all the way up to just beneath his chin. Also, it’s frilly. Very frilly. If anything, it looks like something out of Ma’s old and battered copy of A Christmas Carol, like he should really have a long nightcap and candleholder to go with it.
Remus can’t help it. He snorts.
Sirius snaps his gaze over, steel grey eyes boring holes into him, and Remus wants to melt into the floor beneath his feet. “Well, what do you wear to sleep, then, if it’s so funny?” he snaps.
“Not my gran’s nightie,” Remus replies, feeling he ought to be congratulated, actually, on such a witty remark. Only Sirius’s eyes flash at that, and immediately his jaw clamps jaw shut.
But then James is cackling, and Sirius seems to take in his new dormmates for the first time since they all began changing for bed. James, in a vest and Quidditch shorts. Peter, in a matching set of broomstick-patterned pyjamas. Remus, in a pair of joggers and the oversized green jumper that still smells like Dad. A red flush creeps up Sirius’s pale cheeks. “Oh.”
It occurs to Remus then, that this wasn’t at all what he wanted, either. He didn’t want to make Sirius feel bad about it. He hadn’t wanted to embarrass him.
So it’s a poor offering, maybe, but he finds himself digging out another jumper—orange, this time, but a nice soft one, and not too oversized or nubby—and says, “D’you want to borrow it?”
A moment passes, then two, and then Sirius is smiling wide. “Cheers, Lupin,” he says, a shine in his eyes of something Remus doesn’t quite know how to place.
In future days he’ll come to understand that that look is the surefire sign of Sirius about to do something that’s not the done thing—not by pureblood standards, anyway, whatever the hell those are. All he knows right now is that Sirius isn’t yelling at him—or worse, ignoring him—and then James is throwing an extra pair of Quidditch shorts at Sirius’s face and saying no one wants to see his skivvies, and then Peter is breaking out a massive bag of Bertie Bott’s to share, and maybe it turns out that Remus can have friends, actually, after all.
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77nevilleplants · 5 months
POV: You're Remus Lupin (20) and one Sirius Black (20) asked you to pose for a sketch.
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Very scuffed 😂 shout to @fiendishfyre for encouraging me to post this and being such a roleplay partner!
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evyltalks · 11 months
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Would you prefer slutty wolfstar or slutty wolfstar with angsty undertone ?
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
"I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free."
~ Taylor Swift (So Long, London) Pairing: slight wolfstar, but it's not the focus - Rating: T - TW: mentions of abuse, Dumbledore bashing
"He was innocent," Remus murmured, staring into the clear blue eyes that he used to associate with trust. With hope. With honesty.
"And unfortunate oversight," Albus Dumbledore murmured, his face unreadable.
"An unfor- WHAT?" Remus shouted, immediately losing his temper, and not for the first time that day. Again, he pictured Sirius, the Sirius he knew, the Sirius he loved, rotting away in a cell, innocent. "He was in Azkaban for TWELVE YEARS, Albus! Twelve years without hope, without comfort, without-"
"Without you?" Dumbledore interrupted, his calm demeanor making Remus want to kill.
"I'm done," Remus murmured, his fury so strong that he felt like ice. He walked from the room shaking.
"You want me to go back?" Sirius asked, his voice hollow.
"It's for the best," Dumbledore murmured, his face impassive. "He need a safe place. We need to get Voldemort under control, before it is too late. I'm sure you agree, we need to protect everyone. Protect Harry."
But that struck a nerve.
"You seem to like sending people back to the places where they've been abused under the guise of protection," Sirius snapped, thinking of Harry, who was currently locked away at the Dursleys.
A long silence followed.
"Will you let us use Grimmauld Place or not?" Dumbledore asked after a few tense moments.
"Yes," Sirius grumbled. But only because he knew he had no choice.
"Did you know?" Harry asked, staring desperately at the painting of Albus Dumbledore. "Did you know how bad it was at the Dursleys?"
He knew the answer. He'd heard him speak to Petunia about it.
"I did," Dumbledore said simply, his eyes dull.
"And you knew about Draco. And Sirius. And his brother," Harry stated, no longer asking. How many other abused children had Dumbledore known about and ignored? How many other people had suffered without knowing it for Dumbledore's causes?
"It was for the Greater Good," the painting stated simply, not looking contrite at all.
"But...it wasn't good for any of us, was it?" Harry asked, a dull throbbing in his chest.
"I suppose not."
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himbionn · 8 months
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Pov: Boys™️
(Tap picture for better quality)
There's not enough art of just these four vibin so I've taken the liberty of doing it MYSELF.
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sliebman10 · 1 year
"Moony," Sirius hissed behind his glass of scotch.
"Yes?" Remus said, raising his eyebrow.
"Since when are Harry and my cousin so friendly?" he asked, nodding toward where Harry and Draco were sitting on the sofa. Harry was clearly telling some sort of story and Draco was listening with rapt attention.
Remus shrugged. "I don't know why he'd like a haughty pureblood who rejected his father's worldview."
Sirius opened his mouth to say something else but closed it and kissed Remus's cheek instead. "Well, if you put it like that…"
Word count: 90
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aphrodite-of-sparta · 2 months
Sooooo do we all know mr. Brightside is wolfstar or did I finally have an original thought??
Like obv Remus is the narrator. Not only "he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag" and that stuff but also "open up my eager eyes, I'm mr brightside" like brother please tell you see what I see
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lynxindisguise · 1 year
blaming this on @plecotusauritus and, per usual, @spindrifters
canon-inspired praise-kink remus, dom/sub dynamics, but mostly just crying
“No one would have made me a prefect, I spent too much time in detention with James. Moony was the good boy, he got the badge.” 
Beneath the table, Sirius gives Remus’s knee a teasing squeeze before his hand creeps higher up his thigh. 
Remus clears his throat, begging the blood vessels in his cheeks to behave themselves. Per usual, his body betrays him. 
“I think Dumbledore might have hoped that I would be able to exercise some control over my... best friends,” Remus says through clenched teeth, batting Sirius’s hand away. “I need scarcely say that I failed dismally.” 
Sirius’s grin is the glint of a dagger in his peripherals. It’s blunter than it used to be, than the slick smirk of his memories. 
“Please Moony. I can be good, I promise. I’ll make it up to you.”
They sneak off to their room at the first opportunity. Sirius sits himself on the edge of the bed, as if waiting for Remus’s command. But then his palm is pressed flat against Remus’s chest, holding him at a distance. 
“Strip for me, Moony.” 
Remus freezes. Under the blue tinge of moonlight, his hair is streaked with silver, his body a textured map of scars and jutting bones and the soft give at his middle. But in the orange haze of early evening, he’s a lopsided canvas artlessly slashed and dulled with grey. 
“Go on, Moony. For me.” Sirius’s tone is the gentle caress of a shard of glass. 
Head bowed, he shrugs off his cardigan. Trembling fingers fumble with the buttons of his shirt.
“You have such lovely hands, Moony.” 
This wrings a chuckle from him, and with it, some of the tension in his shoulders. His shirt falls open, and his heart relocates itself to his throat.
“Keep going, baby. You’re doing so well. Such a good boy.”
This is new. Very new. It was always Sirius writhing beneath him, begging for release as Remus made a tally of his disobedience on his deceptively perfect flesh. 
Now his skin is stained with ink, and Remus is standing before him in all his imperfect glory. 
“Oh Moons, you’re so handsome. Look at you.” A choked whine escapes Sirius as tears spill from Remus’s eyes. “Hey, no, come here.” 
Sirius sits up on his knees, hands ready to catch Remus’s face as he shuffles forward. He licks the tears from his cheeks and kisses his greying temples as his hands slide down to his waist. 
“I’m sorry,” Sirius whispers against the corner of his mouth, raw and stinging with salt. “You did such a good job, Moony. Let me make it up to you.” 
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floralembarrassment · 2 years
What did you Expect? (1/1) (jegulus | wolfstar)
"You know your cousin's kid is a little brat," Regulus chided, waggling a finger at Sirius.
"Oh so now she's my cousin?" Sirius retorted, drawing out the 'my' and feigning a pearl clutch.
"Well technically she's always been your cousin," Regulus volleyed back matter-of-factly.
"She's your cousin too Reg, and in fact we only talk to her because of you," Sirius huffed.
"All I'm saying is he is a little shit." Regulus folded his arms as he spoke with a tone of finality.
"Darling, I don't know how to tell you this but umm what did you expect? First of all he's a Malfoy... second of all you know who his parents are, and honestly a kid named Draco has to be a bully otherwise he would get bullied." James placed a gentle hand on Regulus' shoulder as came to stand behind him.
Regulus fell into James' chest, and leaning his head back on James' shoulder he sighed: "well maybe he needs to be bullied," and a small glint appeared in his eyes.
"Reg, no. Come on Harry would be so upset."
Regulus quickly spun around to look at James. He pointed a finger at him, "oh fine but if it wasn't for him I would be bullying that twerp."
"Agreed" Sirius and James said in unison.
"What did he do?" Remus asked.
Sirius' mouth fell open in brief betrayal. "Moony come on. You can't seriously be trying to play devil's advocate. It's Lucius Malloy's boy! He's bound to be a dick," Sirius waved his arms dramatically as he spoke, but no one missed the upturn of his lips as he purposefully messed up the last name.
"I just want to know the story," Remus said waving Sirius off, who only rolled his eyes in response.
"You just want the gossip," Regulus corrected.
"Sue me," Remus said shrugging his shoulders.
"He bought his way onto the quidditch team and then called his daddy when Harry beat him anyway before breaking his arm..." James explained.
"HE BROKE HIS ARM?" Remus jumped up from his seat. He looked between the three others incredulously.
"Technically his house elf set a bludger after him," Regulus corrected.
"Here we go again, you and the elves..." Sirius threw his arms in the air and dropped them quickly by his side.
Regulus continued as if Sirius didn't exist: "If I thought he was smart enough to charm it himself, I would be pushing it harder, but that kid is as dumb as his hair is blonde. Harry is fine though, Madame Pomfrey is excellent as always." Regulus glossed over the insult and quickly a warm feeling fell over the group at the reminder of Madame Pomfrey's caring abilities.
After a moment Remus spoke. Breaking the silence: "It's a good thing he's got a crush on the Weasley girl,"
The others looked at him a bit quizzically.
"What? If he's anything like his fathers, we'll all be lucky if doesn't end up in love with the boy," And Remus burst into laughter. While Sirius' barks soon followed, James and Regulus shared worried looks.
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Penpals
Words: 792
21st August
Please tell me you’re still coming this weekend. Evans actually replied to one of James’ (many) letters, and not just to tell him to fuck off, and he is being unbearable. If I have to hear one more sentence that starts “She said” I might just unforgivable myself. Please put me out of my misery, I’ve been helping Effie cook just to get away from the lovesick prick. Note that I can cook now. I’ll show you this weekend, I asked her to teach me how to make Samosas and they’re surprisingly easy. So I can make you samosas now! Hope the moon wasn’t too bad, wish we could have been there.
21st August
I’ll be there Friday night, I promise.
To be fair to James, it’s a pretty big deal for him. But rest assured I’ll tell him to shut up if you need me to. Lily didn’t tell me that she replied to him, so now I need to fire off a letter to her and ask her if she sustained a head injury. Please don’t off yourself, I don’t want to spend the week with lovesick Prongs on my own.
Samosas! For me? I’m glad James’ arseholery has resulted in something good at least. I will never tire of Effie’s Samosas, so the bar is high! I hope you’re practicing ready for the weekend, I expect to be wowed.
The moon wasn’t great. I have two ugly new scars on my jaw/cheek, just to prepare you for the weekend.
The wolf misses his friends, and I miss mine.
21st August
Dear Lily,
I have received news that you sent a letter to James, and I was so concerned that I had to write to you immediately. Are you alright? Were you injured? How bad was the head injury? Do they think you’ll ever gain back full brain function?
But seriously, what the fuck? He won’t shut up about it and he’s driving Sirius mad. I’m spending the week with them and if he’s as insufferable as Sirius claims, I will be blaming you.
Hope you’re enjoying France.
Also, I told you so.
22nd August
Sorry the moon was shit. We’ll be back at school by the next one and it’ll be better. Also, I won’t tell you again, your scars aren’t ugly. They’re cool and rugged, and make you look distinguished and mysterious. I will hear no arguments on this subject, thank you. I also meant to ask how many books you’ve read this summer. I think you’ll be incredibly proud that I have read seven whole books in the last month. One of them was mostly pictures, but I think it still counts. I’m agonised that your only issue with my death is that you’ll have to cope with Prongs’ pining alone. Do I truly mean so little to you, Remus? I fear I shall never recover from this slight.
PS: I made another batch of samosas and honestly, you’re going to swoon when you taste them. They’re so good. Effie seems to love bonding with me over a hot stove, and it’s very sweet. I love living here so much. I try not to think about what I’d be doing if I wasn’t here, but sometimes the comparison is helpful. Well, that got sappy. My next letter will only be discussing Quidditch and boobs to make up for it. Counting down the hours til Friday.
23rd August
Not long to go now. Can’t wait to see you later, and for samosas.
Seven books? Wow. That’s impressive! I’m a few ahead of that, but I’ve literally had nothing to do but read since July. Moony and Padfoot book club, when?
Can you believe it’s been over a month since I saw you? Maybe you’ve finally had that growth spurt you’ve been hoping for. My mum seems to think I’ve grown, but she always says that.
It wasn’t enough for me to tell you not to top yourself in general? Do you need me to tell you how much I’d miss you creeping into my bed at 3 am and hogging the blankets? Or how sad it would make me to not have to share every cup of tea I make? Weirdly, I would actually miss that, to be fair, so please be alive when I get there.
If I wanted to hear about Quidditch and boobs, I’d write to Prongs. Please spare me. I’ll probably be with you before it arrives, so there’s little point. I might send this right before I floo so you don’t get chance to reply. If so, hi, I’m already here!
Looking forward to swooning over you! your samosas!
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fic rec friday
Identification of the Werewolf
by BrigidFaye on Ao3
On the first Monday back from Christmas holidays their second year, James had a very bad idea.
As usual, it was Sirius who prompted it. As was not usual, James genuinely thought his bad idea was a bad idea that might have bad consequences he didn’t really want to deal with. He didn’t usually think ahead to the consequences part.
The bad idea was this: Maybe Remus Lupin was a werewolf.
(Short fic, 12yo Marauders, hints of Wolfstar if you read between the lines. POV moves between all four Marauders)
ahh this is so sweet!! a little three chapter fic about the marauders figuring out Remus is a werewolf, aka my favourite type of fic <3
favourite tropes included:
werewolf angst
the marauders being good friends
all of them have povs and they are so clueless T.T
they are all trying their best
general marauders shenanigans
as always, give lots of love and kudos to the author and have an amazing rest of the week <3
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elliemarchetti · 6 months
Obsession (Part 3)
@jilymicrofics’s prompt #29
Prompt: Disgrace
Part 1
Part 2
Words: 539
If only his job hadn't also depended on that damned phone, James would’ve been tempted to unplug the one sitting on the bedside table in his hotel room. These days it did nothing but bring bad news, like the call he had received a little past dawn and nearly caused him a heart attack. Another body had been found in a nearby park, and his first thought had been that it was his wife’s. For some strange reason, his sick mind had pictured her naked, tossed in the grass like garbage, too pale and too still for him to confirm her identity without crying, but when sleep had completely dissipated and his mind had cleared, he realized his partner would’ve never broken the news to him so calmly. First, he too had a boyfriend and certainly had no difficulty in empathizing with what James felt, and second, he was friend with Lily too. Still, another call, another disgrace.
This time, the killer had picked a police officer as his victim, surprising him with a garrotte on his morning jog.
“Ryan Thomas was a strong, trained man,” Sirius mused, twirling a pencil between his fingers. “Our killer can’t be just anyone. Maybe he underwent military training, or…”
Whatever his best friend said, James wasn’t listening anymore. He hadn’t told anyone that he had recognized, even if he couldn’t put a name or a face to it, the voice of his wife’s kidnapper, but now that someone else had mentioned the possibility of him being a former student at the academy everything came back.
“Do you remember Snape?” he asked, interrupting his assumptions. Sirius looked at him with a puzzled expression, but subconsciously he must’ve understood where he was going with this, or he wouldn’t have put the pencil back on the desk.
“Severus? It’s been a long time,” he replied, but they were both aware of how bitter their former classmate could be. Everyone knew how much James and Sirius loved to joke and make fun of others, and even if they rarely behaved like bullies, showing some decency to the less fortunate, that guy got too much on their nerves to just let him be. He was a racist, classist, misogynist and he deserved to have his life made a living Hell until he retired. They even celebrated with a couple beers at a nearby pub when they found out he wasn’t on the list of names of those who would take the shooting test the following week. Turns out, they got rid of him only for a while, but they hadn’t eradicated his crazy ideals.
“But why obsess over Lily?” Sirius asked, and the question would’ve been more than legitimate, if only James hadn’t been certain he had seen her, on more than one occasion. They even kissed in front of that bastard. “Ask Peter to find out everything he can about him and make sure he keeps it confidential,” he nearly shouted to Sirius before bolting out of the office and heading as quickly as possible to his car. If he wasn’t wrong, and he was sure he wasn’t, there were other clues hidden in his house that, if coded correctly, would lead him to his beloved.
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cuddlebugsirius · 1 year
Warning: I cried writing this, so you might cry reading this, but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️ this @wolfstarmicrofic is for the May 23rd prompt 'pool' and is a beyond the veil Wolfstar reunion scene, post-Second Wizarding War. Everyone's dead. But no one is alone!
Remus woke to a murmur that was slowly growing louder, his head pillowed on a strangely familiar surface. As the voice grew louder, he recognised it: Sirius.
“My Moony is here, my Moony is here, look Prongs, he's finally here!”
He coughed just once, blinking in the low light, and saw the radiant face of his love leant over his frame. It was then he realised why it was so familiar, this place.
“We’re in the clearing?”
“Moony,” Sirius breathed, toppling Remus off of his lap so that he could flop on top of him in a hug; “Gods, Moony, I've missed being able to touch you so much,”
Eyes watering, he caught James hovering a few feet away from them, Remus' arms full of the boy he loved and the clearing full of their long-gone friends and family. The sun was just rising, casting shadows of the lush fruit trees across the wide open space as everyone he'd been missing came closer and closer to them. Potter Manor was far in the distance, but he would recognise the grove of trees they'd lounged in every summer from fourth year on for eternity.
“Did he live?” He asked, watching Lily and James’ reactions closely, “did we manage it?”
“He lived,” Lily nodded, silent tears streaming down her face as they pooled in James' eyes; “I’m so sorry it cost you your life too, Remus, we never meant to-“
“Don't,” he cut her off, holding Sirius tightly as he sobbed to Remus’ chest; “don't ever apologise for letting me save your boy, or for bringing me back to my love, Lily Potter. If you do I'll, I’ll…”
She was smiling now, cheeks wet but eyes bright; “you’ll what?”
“I’ll- I will never braid your hair for you again!”
A broken laugh escaped Sirius, Remus slowly sitting the pair of them up and nudging him back so that he could see his face more clearly. To take his face in his hands again near knocked the wind from him, but he gathered all the strength he had to say: “hi, Pads,”
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waspinyourdrink · 2 years
The marauders all being huge Bowie stans is my favourite thing, imagine them blasting him on Remus's record player, Sirius and Remus are stood on one bed (probably James's) half screaming the lyrics at each other, Sirius falls to his knees at his favourite parts and Remus would haul him back up, with Sirius half collapsing on him, to sing the lyrics in his face, Peter is sprawled across the floor, occasionally sticking his hands in the air and gesturing emphatically while he sings, James is dancing around the room, everything is a prop, he swings around their bed posts and throws himself around the room somehow to the time of the song, all of them are using their wands as mics
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15k words into Titanic Wolfstar AU and the threats to keep Remus alive are steadily growing.
But like I think my Freindos are also forgetting I have the ability to kill Lily, Regulus, James, Minerva, Poppy, Albus, Aberforth, and the Black parents, who are all also passengers on my Titanic??
If I wanted to keep to canon (in the movie anyway) about half those characters would all die, and the Black parents would live??? Do I rlly wanna do that???
Lol we'll see.
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imsiriuslyreading · 11 months
Fanfic writer self-appreciation! (totally stole this from an anon I saw but I like this cute little virtuous circle, so). Answer this, then pass the ask along to your favorite writer, your mutuals, or just someone who needs to answer it. If I were to read one fic of yours that best reveals who you are as a writer, or the one you’re MOST proud of, which fic should I read?
oh hiya sol
i had a couple anon asks of this too so i’ll answer it hereeee 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
okay gonna cheat and give two answers soz
if u want my accidental autobiography read this:
the one i’m most proud of? easy.
ghost reggie. aka:
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