#Wof tribrid oc
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splashinttheranger · 2 years ago
Meet Dawn!
Dawn is a sand-sky-night WoF Tribrid!
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sophisticatedchaoss · 2 years ago
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I seem to like making ocs based off of Sobek
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ac1dfang · 18 days ago
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New oc his name is lion
The amount of times I went to change his colour pallet was driving me insane 😭😭😭
Possibly related to Knox idk yet
He is a leaf, sand, ice tribrid
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neonlunatic · 21 days ago
Ryujin, The Turbulent Song Of The Sea.
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The Maiden Who Speaks To The Sea, Her Thoughts, The Turbulent Determination, Power, And Strength Of The Waves, Her Voice Like An Unexpectedly Gentle, Fragile, Song Carried Upon The Strong Currents. Her Name Speaks The Might Of The Ocean, In Mere Syllables.
New Oc be like... Meet Ryujin (She's based off of a god kinda, yes.) Line art by my close friend Newbie, edits, lotus, "chin tentacles", design, and fill by me. Her occupation? She makes jewelery,
Her mom thought a "dignified" name would keep her from getting bullied in school, but she still got bullied anyways for being a tribrid.
She grew up with a mother who was always over her shoulder, or watching Ryu like a hawk. So when she could finally move out and be herself, she jumped at the chance, eventually settling in some quiet little place where she can be alone. Despite looking like she's calm and happy most of the time, Ryu actually has a relatively short temper, and doesn't like being bossed around, lied to, or other dragons snooping about her business.
She prefers to work in quiet areas, making new jewelry to sell, and too much noise can irritate her easily.
She's only really kind and trusting, and loyal, to those she is close with, like friends, well, that would be if she had any. Her mother always made her so anxious, that she never really made any, and being a tribrid honestly just made it even worse.
Ryu also never had seen her father, and her mother never really mentioned him much, he sort of just wasn't there as she was growing up, she knew she had one, because, that's just how logic works, but she also knows he either left before she was hatched, or he died somewhere, and was long gone by now.
Ryu has never really thought about love much, it never really strikes her as something that would really happen to her, why would it? She's a weird little tribrid in everyone's eyes. Who would want to be with her? She did kind of had a crush when she was a dragonet in school, another dragon, but this crush would only ever get her more judged if she ever spoke it aloud. Because this dragon wasn't a he, but a she. Ryu has no special powers or anything like that, just tribal stuff, like breathing underwater, fire, that is about it, mostly.
Ryujin is rather talented at crafting jewelry with gems and stones, and metals, she also occasionally uses wood to craft pieces.
She's also an accomplished artist, and sells her art in the markets, and she even has a rather lovely, pleasant, singing voice. Ryu is a Skywing/Leafwing/Seawing.
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vaguevoid-rebloggin · 6 months ago
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Here's fog my first wof oc. She's 4 years old (cuz she was created 4 years ago). is a tribrid of sky/rain /seawing and has the mentioned tribe abilities. Her marks are white but for whatever reason i colored them yellow. Has two friends, midnight (ice/night/hive) and sina (sky/sand). she's some kind of a fighter, loves to use her ability's against a bigger opponents (she's so strong).
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icestormzero · 2 months ago
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a very rough unfinished sketch for my attempt at a wings of fire tribrid. (Seawing.Silk/Rain). Mostly Seawing dominated, has some Silkwing features (such as antenna and some coloring). The only Rainwing feature he has is the ability to use venom. his name is Skipper.
I might finish this eventually but who knows. drew this using mouse so its not pretty lmao.
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pinkghostdancer7 · 1 year ago
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He's a lil confused (by your shenanigans)
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soundofcomets · 10 months ago
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My two fucked up cult leaders, Hecate and Eris!
Original art done by my wof rp friend, Tundra1132 on discord, who drew the server's main characters! My characters are Calypso (upper left-hand corner), Metasequoia (upper right hand-corner), and Hecate and Eris (lower middle)!
Metasequoia is on her way of Being Arted ^v^ I will edit this post once she is done
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It was actually fun coloring a new lineart style, since my style for wof dragons is "Anatomically correct hybrids" lmao
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calypsothetetrabrid · 10 months ago
Someone has given me a gift and I would like to share it because it's fucking awesome
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Original art done by one of my wof rp friends, Tundra1132, who drew the main characters of the discord server!
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Four of my OCs are on here: Calypso (upper left-hand corner), Metasequioa (upper right-hand corner), and Eris and Hecate (lower middle)
Check out @soundofcomets for the fully digitized art of the others!
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dragonz-r-kewl · 11 months ago
Hey! haven't checked out your blog in a hot minute, but could you draw bambi?
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I love this design, the browns and the greens and the everything just goes so well together, also I made the white a very light green I hope you don't mind!!
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charlies-trainhopping · 1 year ago
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digital art hype digital art hype digital art hype digital art hy-
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cursed-cuckoo-wasp · 6 months ago
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Cuckoowasp to their knowledge is just a, although very strange looking, Hivewing like their father. Shockingly, they discovered they were ¼ Nightwing. As their journey progresses they learn that they are also ¼ leafwing.
(Base edited by me but base done by tenebris aurea on deviantart)
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neonlunatic · 21 days ago
Silent'Voice, The Maiden of Grace Without a Voice.
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Silent'Voice, of the ToH AU.
(Talons Of Hope)
(I smacked the "Not Yours" up there to discourage theft of my oc and the artist's art. ^ ^)
Timeline: Alive through time of "Darkstalker Rising" all the way to the modern times of "The Council" rp.
Silent'Voice, (Art in the pic is by Endy)
Poor Vision
ADHD, Autistic, OCD, Depression. (I have all of these mental disabilities myself, and I support others who have these, too,)
Enhanced Futuresight, fire resistant (Bloodred egg).
Silent'Voice hatched on a night of full moons, not enough to give her thrice-moonborn powers, but enough for enhanced foresight. The moons shone above her nest, out in the canopy, on the very border of the Rainwing and Mudwing Kingdoms, her egg turning a light pink color instead of the blood red it once was. She didn't hatch with her mother there, her mother was busy attending royal matters.
Silent'Voice was named after her mother got back, and found the dragonet sitting quietly in some ferns beside the nest. And it eventually hit Sepia, that her dragonet was actually mute. And couldn't squeak, chirp, gawk, or garble at her.
Silent'Voice is the daughter of her mother, Sepia, and her father who left, Caimen.
Sepia is the daughter of a Nightwing princess, who ran, and had a dragonet with a Rainwing, however Sepia still came to royal matters of the Nightwings, and helped her niece, Queen Vigilance, with royal matters.
Over time Silent'Voice learned to use her talons to sign to other dragons, or she would point, nod, shake her head, tilt her head at what she was trying to say or signal at, or she would draw, or write it out on scrolls and slates, and eventually, books.
Silent'Voice's childhood was pretty calm, and sure she got picked on in school for being mute, or for her vision, or for her being from three tribes, but that didn't bother her at all, she just kind of minded her own business, and kept to herself, and doing well in school.
A lot of her classmates didn't even pass school when Silent'Voice did, and were mad when Silent'Voice graduated first, and not them.
Silent'Voice took to writing mostly, after graduating from her school, like writing stories, and also mostly artwork as well, drawing, painting, and she also writes poetry.
Silent'Voice grew up in a time, during the King's takeover, King Darkstalker, and she grew up in a society, where he ruled Pyrrhia, however due to her being mute, and her poor eyesight, the King saw her as defective.
She was only spared as a royal, due to her foresight and her being a Nightwing.
Eventually Silent'Voice had found some friends, like a Seawing around her age, who was of royal blood, and an animus, named Azure. Azure gave Silent'Voice a gift, that would keep her alive even after Darkstalker's time, the reason this gift was the way it was, is unknown. What exactly all it does, is unknown to all but Azure and Silent'Voice.
Silent'Voice keeps the gift well hidden, and reveals it's secrets to no one.
Silent'Voice has never really had a lover or anything, but she wonders if it will happen eventually, she'd love to try that out, having someone to love and care for, for once, maybe.
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sombrathedragon · 8 months ago
no way i didn't know you were taking requests!! (unless i already sent one and forgot)
can i request my sona chalcedony? (he's a seawing/nightwing/icewing, feel free to roast him if you want /gen /nf)
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Honestly just gonna start drawing the ocs as little critters instead of memes now, you all can also suggest images that you want me to draw your oc has (they have to be VERY sillay though 😈😈😈😈)
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eknippp · 8 months ago
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More dragon :)
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pinkghostdancer7 · 1 year ago
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Orange Lagoon refrence sheet
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