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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
Look at (add images for each and write about them using the prompts below):
Mobile games/Gyro controls, E.g. Doodle Jump
Playdate - Crank operated games
Nintendo DS - Dual Screens
What is unique about these types of controls? What types of games are played on these devices?
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
What did you learn from this video?
Did anything surprise you?
Can you think of any games that you suggest to play or avoid to someone with this type of disability?
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
What did you learn from this video? i learned that some people cant press triggers move the controller quick so you can chance buttons to do author things and make it so quick time events are skipped
Did anything surprise you? all of it
Can you think of any games that you suggest to play or avoid to someone with this type of disability? avoid detroit become human spider man
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
What did you learn from this video? that when making a game you have to make sure you have colorblind settings and settings for short sighted people
Did anything surprise you? i didnt know some game had settings for short sighted people
Can you think of any games that you suggest to play or avoid to someone with this type of disability? rocket league call of duty battlefiled dont recamend playing overwhach or doom
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
What did you learn from this video? i learned that not Meany games are accessible to people who are deaf not Meany have good subtitle options or if they do you cant see them well
Did anything surprise you? i didnt know or take to account how much deaf people need in there subtitles and how specific they have to be
Can you think of any games that you suggest to play or avoid to someone with this type of disability? call of duty avoid borderlands half life
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
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ghost runner is a ninja game were you have to do parkour and kill your enemy before they kill you
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
Board Games (To do remote)
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chess is a game were you have white and black picas that all have diffrant move sets pawns can move two spaces forward then one space at a time the nights can only move in a L shape bishop can only move in a dieagnal patten king can go forwerd backwerds dieaganle queeb can bearly move castale can move left right forwerd and backwerds
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snakes and ladders is a game were you move right of the bored and if you hit a ladder you go up it land on a snakes head you go down
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monopoly is a game were you buy probertites and get thrown into prison when you land on it you buy properties and hotales if someone ealse lands on it they have to pay you the person with the most stuff and money wins
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
Grid Based Movement (To do remote)
This is a look into grid based movement systems in games.
Video games: Undertale
the first type grid is a squre grid that allowes you to move in a squere grid movement were a hex gried allowes you to move further and more round or placment mode were it showes were you can place things
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
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On the visit to the XR Lab - I got to experience some applications using the VR headsets.
Frog dissection's - i didn't personally like this as it was pushed more towards educational experiences.
AT home I have played
Blade and Sworcery
Walking Dead and Peaky Blinders
out of these 3 the Walking Dead game is the best experience. This stands out about the others is the story but also the aiming assist systems really help the gameplay with a reticle and focus that allows for more accurate interactions.
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
Mobile platforms (Finish)
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
retro controllers (Finish)
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
What are motion controls
Motion controls are controllers that when you move it moves in game if you move your arm it will move the arm in game 
[To finish - add examples of games that use motion controllers]
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
What is vr 
Vr also known as virtual reality is a gaming software that allows you to go inside the game and live it like you you were actually there like its real life you can pick things up by actually closing your hands shoot with your trigger finger crotch in real life to do it in the game is super realistic and super fun 
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
What is Makey Makey
Makey makey is An Invention Kit for Everyone is an invention kit designed to connect everyday objects to computer keys 
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
Triggered: The action was triggered. This means that it has completed the evaluation of all trigger requirements. For example, a "Press and Release" trigger is sent when the user releases the key.
Started: An event occurred that began trigger evaluation. For example, the first press of a "Double tap" trigger will call the "Started" state once.
Ongoing: The trigger is still being processed. For example, a "Press and hold" action is ongoing while the user is holding down the button before the specified duration is reached. Depending on the triggers, this event will fire every tick while the action is evaluated once it receives an input value.
Completed: The trigger evaluation process is completed.
Cancelled: The triggering was cancelled. For example, a user lets go of a button before a "Press and Hold" action can be triggered.
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
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this is the last bit of code making it so when i hold the trigger it will vibrate till i let go
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randomproject2 · 1 year ago
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this was how i made the system understand that when i hold right trigger it is to activate code
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