#Winter's coming
f1 · 2 years
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juicedaloe · 5 months
so i've been listening to the warrior cats audiobooks and there's this scene where fireheart is explaining to bramblepaw and tawnypaw that their father tigerstar is a traitor and it's really dramatic and ends with bramblepaw getting upset and running away but at the beginning it said that fireheart tucked his paws under him so all i could think about was how he was loafing
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i drew fanart ^
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ionomycin · 5 months
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Maiden of Light
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my resident evil MLP AU!
the winters!!!
re7 & 8 antagonists
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cirkinkadininutopyasi · 4 months
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moonchu-art · 7 months
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the sky reminds me of you every cloud, a silhouette of a memory fading by.
reference : a picture i took in a parking lot
insta / shop
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christmasxmas · 7 months
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falling-skyzz · 2 months
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kinkajou best character
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puppyeared · 6 months
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my attempt at making a fursona
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bluerosefox · 3 months
Drake Siblings
Have I read this prompt somewhere or was this a fever dream from my bored mind.
What if, now hear me out.
What if we bring up Dana Winters-Drake (whose confirmed to at least be alive in the DC verse but no one knows where she actually is)
What if instead of when she had a mental breakdown and getting committed to an Bludhaven clinc she wandered away before anyone noticed and by the time Tim or anyone did notice a lot of stuff started happening at once in both Gotham and Bludhaven (Steph dying, The Bludhaven crisis, etc etc)
Tim still tries to find her though but even with best resources it was like she just disappeared into the wilderness and the stress of trying to handle more and more problems get worse.
So when out of the blue, a couple of years later, he gets a call from an unknown number. On his private, only for friends and family, phone and when he answers he meet with a young girls voice on the other end.
A very young, maybe six or seven, girl who informs him about his apparently half-brother Danny Drake-Fenton. And how she loves Danny so, so, so much but knows her home is dangerous for him to be in.
Tim is stunned and before he could question her, she says Danny is Dana and Jack's baby and that her parents had adopted him years ago and put Dana's stuff that the hospital had away for him to look at when he was older but she just had to fight off their lunch from eating her brother and she knows he needs a better place to live and so she snooped around and found Dana's diary and that she had to unscramble the nonsense Dana wrote and found Tim's number with the words 'tell him about his brother Danny' hidden in it. And-
But before she could keep rambling she hears Danny screaming "JAZZY THE MILK WENT BAD AGAIN AND HISSED AT ME!"
Tim is left with silence after hearing Jazz yell to Danny to lock the fridge and step out of the kitchen as she gets the bat.
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mybeautifulpoland · 2 years
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Gdańsk, Poland by Martyna Damska
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napping-sapphic · 3 months
Dragging you outside to go stare at the moon and stars before kissing you
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moodboard-d · 7 months
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resident evil body types... :3
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cirkinkadininutopyasi · 5 months
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assassin1513 · 2 years
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🤍Winter is coming 🤍
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