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monkeyssalad-blog · 4 months ago
Al Ain AirShow-Sani 0525
Al Ain AirShow-Sani 0525 by Luigi Sani Via Flickr: Breitling Wingwalkers
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opelman · 8 months ago
"I love it but it's not for me" by Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts Via Flickr: Wingwalker Danielle hangs upside-down from Boeing Stearman N450D, piloted by her husband Emiliano, during her amazing display at the 2024 Sywell Air Show. Aircraft: 46 Aviation Boeing-Stearman PT-13D Kaydet Model 75 N450D. Location: Sywell Aerodrome (ORM/EGBK), Northamptonshire, UK. Random Song Reference: Hanging Around - The Cardigans
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revunant · 1 year ago
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the big sheep is getting a proper redesign. i.e. he's got four legs now. and a slightly more appealing colour palette. posting a wip cuz i think it'll be a while before the whole thing is done
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giantmetalrobotto · 5 months ago
The Wingwalker, Un viaje al corazón.
El actor mexicano Omar Chaparro protagoniza la película “Un Viaje al Corazón, The Wingwalker”, que llegará a los cines de todo el país el próximo 10 de octubre. Esta nueva producción promete conmover al público con una historia de lucha y sacrificio inspirada en hechos reales. “Un Viaje al Corazón” cuenta la historia de un padre viudo que, tras ser deportado de Estados Unidos a México cuando su…
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10-cats-in-a-trench-coat · 2 years ago
i was recently thinking about a woman my family knew a while ago, and her story just stuck with me for some reason. so, i wrote it out. big paragraph incoming !
Once there was a stunt pilot who flew planes and had wing walkers walk atop them. One day, his current wing walker had to leave the business. So he found an ambitious girl, who had never walked the wings before but she thought she might as well try. So they strapped her onto the plane and she stood, almost hesitant at first, on the wing. He flew her for close to only ten minutes, but she felt as though she had been there for a long time, and yet only a few seconds. When they made it back to the ground, she told them “if that is all it is, I won't do it. It's too easy and too boring”. So they put her back on the wing and explained to her what she’d really have to do.
And when she was on the wing, far up in the air, she grinned, arms outstretched, hugging the sky; Hugging the clouds. She felt weightless on the wing of the plane. She smiled at her pilot when they landed, and took the job as his wing walker.
And,after a while, she fell in love with him. The pilot of the plane she stood on. And then, three years later they were married, and it stayed that way for sixty years. Even after her age prevented her from stepping out onto the wings ever again, and his age prevented him from being able to fly. Although she could no longer feel the rush of the wind and hug the sky, she was happy. The wing walker and the pilot, together still.
Until her pilot died. She couldn't step out onto the wings anymore, and he wasn't there to remind her of the rush and the wind and sky from when they were young. She sold their PT-17 Stearman, that they'd had for forever and moved down to Tennessee, where she lived for many years, telling others of her stories about being atop the wings, holding the sky, and remembering feeling like the only girl in the world. Feeling weightless.
But, she never got to hold the sky again.
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neomachine · 3 months ago
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always sunny gang as noise rock songs grinder - big black / rat boy - chat pile / wingwalker - shellac / cut - chat pile / lord godiva - jesus lizard
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lalalian · 1 month ago
So I assume you’ll be in the normal dorms because you’re a commoner, so what are your roommates like?
Yes, until the first semester of my 3rd year, I’ll be staying in the common dorms (Guardian Heights). I scripted that in my 3rd year, my father would finally be able to find me. My father would leverage his influence to place me in a room in Noble’s Board and would help me select a personal keeper.
Until then, my roommates would be pretty chill. I don't think I could stand having literally no safe space whatsoever lmao.
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Name: Kahsi Esra Adinew
Age: 15
Status: High commoner, daughter of a well-off merchant
Dragon: Naeyndrah, White+black+red coloration
Dragon Name: Xastri
Personality: ENTJ
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Name: Aihwa Cheon
Age: 15
Status: Mid noble (Daughter of a count)
Dragon: Aergia Wingwalker, cream+yellow coloration
Dragon Name: Eweliua (Ew-lee-wah)
Personality: ESFJ
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Name: Natalie Søndergaard
Age: 15
Status: Low noble (daughter of a baron)
Dragon: Alpine, pink+white+gray coloration
Dragon Name: Luanin (Loo-'Anne'-in)
Personality: ISFJ
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the-man-in-the-wind · 9 months ago
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AeroSuperBatics Wing Walkers
Taken by @the-man-in-the-wind
You too can do this, if you are so inclined: https://www.gowingwalking.com
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strictlyfavorites · 5 months ago
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Patrouille Suisse is the aerobatic team of the Swiss Air Force. The team flies six F-5E Tiger II light multirole fighters.
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Suspected Chinese spy balloon shot down by Virginia F-22 jet, Dept. of Defense says
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First commercial airplane interior
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Pilot of SB2C Talks to Plane Captain Before Takeoff From the USS Yorktown
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A model during a photo shoot distracted by first plane hitting the twin towers.
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F-14 Tomcat 8
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Airplane villa
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Yves “Jetman” Rossy flies in formation alongside the Breitling Wingwalkers
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Carole Lombard posing with a Waco CJC, c. 1935.
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Close-up view of Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighter aircraft cockpit, December 23, 1942.
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Su-34, le couteau Suisse de l’armée Russe?
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still-single · 2 years ago
My friends: the CHIRP Spring Fundraiser is ALMOST OVER.
It's $10 day so I'm looking to make up my end of $1,000 (one dollar for each hour I've broadcasted on CHIRP) with your help via small donations.
I'm about halfway there (or a little over, depending on metrics) so I really need your help to get over the finish line with a donation TODAY at https://chirpradio.app.neoncrm.com/heathendisco1000
Everyone who donates gets a free Heathen Disco can koozie!
If you've been holding back, please donate NOW!
Thank you for keeping my weekly dream alive.
Most recent show above, here's the tracklist:
The Damned – New Rose
Tyvek – Air Conditioner
Sleepyhead – Fairyboat
The Summer Hits – Groovier Drugs
Hackamore Brick – Searchin’
The Raspberries – Tonight
The Necks – Forming
FACS – Slogan
Ulrika Spacek – Diskbänksrealism
The Teardrop Explodes – Read it in Books
Ruth – Mescalito
Bardo Pond – Tommy Gun Angel
Horse Lords – Zero Degree Machine (live)
The Lost Days – Gonna Have to Tell You
My Dad Is Dead – Babe in the Woods
Cosey Mueller – False Confidence
Galcher Lustwerk – Fathomless Irie
D-Train – You’re the One for Me
The Jesus and Mary Chain – Sugar Ray
Tindersticks – Before You Close Your Eyes
Fever Ray – New Utensils
Georgie Red – If I Say Stop Then Stop!
Camp Lo – Luchini (This Is It)
Ultramarine – Saratoga (Peel Session)
Fax Yourself – Sunshine 89
Gran Am – Get High
Steel Pole Bath Tub – Surrender
The Sweet – The Juicer
Triplett Twins – Pretty Please
Subway Sect – Ambition
Shellac – Wingwalker
The Fall – Look, Know / Backdrop (Live in Reykjavik)
Animal Sounds – Michigan Red Squirrel
Panel Donor – Ana/Kata
Yura Yura Teikoku – Evil Car
Bodine – Short Time Woman/Oakland
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charcherry-weekly · 2 days ago
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 239
Hello everyone, Mage of Light Nick Card here. Things have been pretty busy lately, plus the weather being a lot warmer than last week. Let's get to business!
Another Shot
Early this week, the party reconvened in the game room to continue our multipart oneshot adventure. This time, Calamus and Alula joined us to meet their counterparts in the Glen. other than them, the player party was comprised of Hazell Serket, Rogue of Heart Charles, and your dear newsletter writer. In addition, Silver and Prototype, as well as Equinox were also with us. We found the other Calamus and Alula early on, after Charles solved a puzzle, using a hint from the hint machine (and a hint from those that saw him oriented the wrong way). The bird siblings were excited to see eachother and all four of them continued along with us. At some point early on, we split into two groups to navigate a maze. fortunately we were able to regroup with the fast travel ability when needed. At some point I ended up presenting the True Sun to a certain someone at the end of her days, with the promise of a way to bring her back one day. At another point, Charles managed to do some skillful bartering with Magpie and even got a handisash badge out of the deal. Eventually, we managed to obtain the parts for the flying machine and prepared to take off for the next area. The World Machine convinced us to have the local bird siblings stay behind for their safety, since there weren't enough seats for everyone. Charles almost tried to do some wingwalking, but they were dissuaded before we even took off for obvious safety reasons. Cedric flew us to a massive shifting city known as the Refuge. Soon after landing, we took a break for the time being, intending to resume on thursday.
However, this was not in the cards, as at least one of the joltiks in the game room managed to mess with the hint machine in such a way that the wrong fuses got blown out, forcing the next outing to take place next week rather than thursday. This wound up somehow being a good thing, considering that something entirely unexpected wound up occurring on thursday.
Superskye Saga
Anyhow, on thursday, bootleg dreamer Skye got back in contact with the dungeon crashers, having apparently ended up on alternia somehow. By some manner of absolute Skyecore bullshit, which involved directing Sol to captchalogue and deploy the singularity from the Land of Cities and Shadows onto Afterworld, she was able to make an entire island surrounded by a moat appear by sburban means. Present with her was a troll population in the thousands, and a pissed off cherub who had sought a way to play the game to gain even greater power, despite really not needing any more power, on account of being able to speak the narrative out loud, to everyone's detriment. Like seriously, she made people kneel! I think it was only my sheer stubbornness and greater insight as a light player that prevented me from complying. Fortunately however, at least two players from a doomed timeline where the game was played showed up to assist in the fight. A Prince of Doom, and that timeline's version of bootleg dreamer skye, who successfully managed to ascend as a Maid of Void. Did I mention she had figured out how to perform narrativespeak as well? Not nearly as loudly as the cherub, but at least enough to write her own destiny. Regardless, your dear newsletter writer was there with Rogue of Heart Charles, Maid of Void Skitis, Heir of Hope Hazell Serket, a number of members of the SPace II crew, at least two private individuals, and Slope the slowpoke. Together we all fought as hard as we could and managed to deal some serious damage to the cherub, before skye could finally perform a technique that is so powerful that it cannot be described. Also, it turns out it wasn't alternate skye who did it, but instead bootleg dreamer skye. At the end, alternate skye was exhausted, but received appropriate medical care. It is unknown how long her stay will be, but it is hoped that she is able to enjoy peaceful days before paradox space decides that her days are over. Also of note, it rained on afterworld for the very first time, and it was quite warm. Currently, the trolls of the as-of-yet investigated island are receiving appropriate aid and services, in exemplary Afterworldian fashion. Further investigation on a later date.
Other happenings
Early this week, a mob of miku fans were seen at brookford station, going towards a particular direction. It was later found, with video evidence, that a version of Miku Hatsune had gunned many of them down. 16 deaths, dozens of injuries. The route they took was made off-limits for civilians as a result. The assailant has absconded, unlikely to be found ever again. The local tamed version of Hatsune Miku has released a statement, saying that she does not appreciate what the other Miku instance had done to their fans.
New public transport cards have begun to be issued across The Union today. Those who use the railway are advised to swap over to this new card, in case any starfish cards stop working.
For a brief about of time, the planet of Bureaucratia underwent a brief period of planetary paralysis, for an elapsed period of ten minutes. Reportedly a time gear was stolen by an anonymous individual, only to have it returned soon after. It is unknown why Bureaucratia requires a time gear in order to experience the flow of time, as usually time should be able to flow freely across Gene. Heir of Time Rise Emit, keeper of the Wheel of Time, was not available for questions regarding this mystery.
Classified ads
Starving Musharma located, in need of a responsible pokemon trainer! Please contact orpheusDawn for details.
Journalists wanted! DSPAN is preparing for election season later this year and is preparing to hire and train a great deal of them to be able to effectively cover the elections in every municipality and faction within Desertian territory.
Do you know any significant locations of interest located on Starter Planet that you would like recognized officially? Please visit Unity Town Hall or otherwise contact sourFruit to share what you know with the Desertian National Park service.
FLARP players wanted for a campaign in the works! Contact arachnidsGlamour for details.
Bright ideas needed! Answers to Korous's imminent water/climate crisis needed! Please contact Secretary Deuce for inquiries.
Do you need therapy? Have you been impacted by the cosmic creation game in some manner? Do you have weird problems that likely have supernatural factors? Contact Dr. Winters at 555-555-0125 to schedule an appointment.
Staff needed! DTA has major openings available for new staff members for both construction and operations positions. Training is offered.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don’t write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town: (note, 1 gear is equivalent to 1 silver piece for Plit currency conversions)
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (Unity Village location is now open 26/7!)
Brae's produce stall
Karmic Joys magical toys (open during night hours)
Snipper's haircut stand
Korosian legends bookshop
I think that does it for now. Hazell and Vriskers have been doing a vriska-centric homestuck reread lately (shout-outs to the homestuck unofficial collection and the point of view mod), which has apparently been quite enlightening. Meanwhile, I've been getting stuck on a mess of eventing in my game, though hopefully a good day for coding will present itself. I do wonder if a certain someone watching over me has any insight regarding the games I work on. Goodnight everyone! https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/478/charcherry-weekly-issue-239
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zolachrome · 7 months ago
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From the archive: Waco biplane with wingwalker performs a stall turn, Reno Air Races, 1987.
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diazepamalprazolam · 8 months ago
Shellac - Wingwalker
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savage-radio-3way-fm · 10 months ago
Episode 037 - Vale Steve Albini
Woke up yesterday to the news that Steve Albini had passed away so we thought we would pay tribute with his music. Next week the music he recorded with other artists.
Fun Things - Savage
Big Black - Steelworker Big Black - Dead Billy Big Black - Crack
Big Black - Cables Big Black - I'm A Mess Big Black - Texas
Big Black - Racer X Big Black - Shotgun Big Black - The Ugly American
Big Black - Jordan Minnesota Big Black - Passing Complexion Big Black - Kerosene
Big Black - Crack Up (Live) Big Black - RIP (Live)
Big Black - The Power Of Independent Trucking Big Black - The Model (Kraftwerk) Big Black - Bad Penny
Big Black - L Dopa (Live) Big Black - Newman Generator (Peel Session)
Rapeman - Steak And Black Onions Rapeman - Kim Gordon's Panties Rapeman - Log Bass
Shellac - Wingwalker Shellac - The Admiral
Shellac - My Black Ass Shellac - Dog And Pony Show Shellac - Boche's Dick (Live In Tokyo)
Shellac - Disgrace Shellac - Rush Job
Shellac - Prayer To God Shellac - Canaveral
Shellac - Steady As She Goes
Shellac - Compliant
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opelman · 2 years ago
Wallpaper #95 by Laurent Quérité Via Flickr: N74189 / 75-717 - Boeing Stearman PT-17 Kaydet Meeting Aérien Airshow Cervolix 2019 AeroSuperBatics - Team Guinot Wingwalkers Aérodrome d'Issoire Le Broc LFHA Issoire Puy de Dôme France IMG_1568
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revunant · 1 year ago
The knowledge that he’s seen as fragile, by any definition of the word, would destroy him. All this work put in to become unbreakable for nothing. Jean's most valuable quality has always been his ability to go through Hell and shake it off; whether that be years upon years of mental torture or a body riddled with bullets. It's the only thing that makes him worth the time of day. He can't lose it.
“So it's part of the package,” he says softly, suddenly very focused on the ceiling above Dragon, rather than on his face. “You get the scales, you get a Dragon. Or maybe you don’t. And...nobody really knows why, or why not. Right?"
Jean's own sample size is a small one. Of the dragons he knows, only he and Teddy used the cheat code, and even then it's slightly different cheat codes. Maybe it's a fifty-fifty. Maybe Teddy and Dragon are the weird ones. But it's much easier for Jean to assume something else.
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"I was just...thinking. It's not the only thing I'm missing. The dragon's a wingwalker because my body is incomplete. And I didn't get anything in my head, because..."
What, does he think he's entitled to being special? Worse, does he think he's entitled to being complete?
"Never...never mind. I really have to stop wasting your time with stupid questions."
"Mm...perhaps...only a little. This wasn't a faux pas, darling Prince. Of that you can be certain." Though he knows that no matter how much time, energy, and breath he spends on reassuring Jean that he hasn't crossed a line, he will insist that he has, and punish himself later for nothing. It can be exhausting sometimes, for him to be partners with someone so fragile, but the systematic thickening of his skin and the reinforcement of his psyche may, eventually, bear fruit.
The pose Jean gets stuck on for a moment, holding his hands in a raptorial fashion, breaks his concentration on that thought, and he finds himself, if only for a moment, transfixed.
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At least until Jean insists he's a true dragon, and he wrinkles his nose. "No. We simply strongly resemble a dragon. A very, very convincing mimic, if you will. We lack the strong mana network and powerful casting ability granted to all true dragons. In other words, without magic, We are simply..."
A smile.
"A dude in a lizard suit."
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