#Willow and gus would befriend Luz while she's on the run and would join her or something
stubz · 7 months
Among the Hidden/The Shadow Children was one of my favorite book series as a kid
The country experienced a mass famine and is still recovering from it years later. To reduce demand a law is made that forbids any family to have more than 2 children. Adults found to have broken this law will be severely punished as will the "shadow child(ren)" be via imprisonment or death
While remembering the plot of the book I thought of The Owl House and the Noceda family.
Camila and Manny had wanted a child yet it seemed like that wouldn't be case until one day they stumble upon a box by the side of a busy road. Inside was a baby boy with copper-like eyes. A third born child surely.
A horrible occurrence that was becoming more and more common ever since the Population Police formed. And yet it was a blessing to the Noceda family for that was how they got their son Hunter.
15 months later Camila is pregnant. She's going to have twins.
She gives birth in her friend Eda Clawthorne's home, a cabin in the woods. She has girls. Luz and Vee.
Now comes the dilemma. She could give up one twin and keep her adopted son or she could give up her adopted son to keep her two biological children. Those are the options the Population Police will give her. Well screw that. She's keeping her babies, all her babies.
On the other side of the country two teary eye-d blonde toddlers huddle together in the corner of the room. Though afraid they hold fast onto the 2 month baby held between them. Despite their young age they glare through tears at the source of their anger and tears. Their mother.
She moves closer to their sister and they scream. She raises her arms the boy roars. She touches the baby the girl bites her mother's hand.
Shuffling and mumbled apologies can be heard from behind the woman.
Odalia Blight looks at her baby daughter in her arms. 2 months old and she had costed her 2 million dollars. Forced to hang up with yet another client when Alador couldn't stop her crying.
Why hadn't she stopped her pregnancy when she could have? Or put her in an orphanage yet? Well first of all she did have love for the child. When she learned she was pregnant she felt excitement and eagerness. She was happy as was Alador.
Also the child proved to be an incredible motivator for the twins. Why Emira's first sentence was her wanting to play with her. And Edric was seen teaching the babe how to take of pants. Withholding Amity was also a great punishment for the twins. Biting Daddy? No bath time with Amity. Not staying by Mommy's side while at the store? You don't get to wake Amity from her nap.
They were also fiercely protective of her.
"Emira, Edric, do you remember what Mommy told you about if anyone finds out about Amity?" they nod their heads.
"Yes, very bad Edric. And why is that?"
"...Amity goes bye bye."
"Exactly Emira. If anyone finds out about Amity she will go away. Forever. That's why Mommy's upset because someone almost heard her crying."
"NO!" they get to their feet and hold onto their Mommy's legs as if to protect her and Amity from the bad people who would take away their Amity.
"Don't worry my darlings Amity is safe. But do you think you could help me and Daddy with something?" two pair of hazel eyes peer up at her. Tears gone eyes now curious.
"Can you try to keep your sister calm when someone is in the house? Or when Mommy is talking to the screen?"
"Yes yes yes!"
"Yes Mommy!"
Odalia Blight is a very pragmatic woman but the pros of keeping her forbidden child far outweigh the cons. Motivated children who will now do their part to help keep Amity a secret. A happy husband. Another heir to the Blight company. And another child she can love and cherish.
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Plane Shift: The Boiling Isles, Brief Character Portfolio
Hello all, today I am going to go into some measure of detail for the characters in this crossover between the Owl House and Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Everybody clap your hands!!
Now, to give a little heads up, the way this portfolio is set up is based on the following Format:
Character Name
Defining Quote/Motto
Alignment Inclinations
Favored Classes/Known Classes
Brief Profile
Okay, now that the format is listed, time to get into the nitty gritty!
Luz Noceda
“Limits? What are those!”
Chaotic Good/Neutral Good
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Order of Scribes. Secondary Class: Artificer, Subclass: Battle Smith. Tertiary Classes: Paladin, Rogue, and Bard.
The young daughter of the famed Plane Warden and Cleric, Camila Noceda, Luz has always had her head in the clouds, longing for adventure and friendship. Upon entering the Adventurer’s Academy, she proceeded to rock the very foundation of Plana and adventuring by choosing not one, not two, but FIVE classes to train in! She would’ve tried them all, but was talked out of it when they professors made it clear it would be physically impossible for her to take them all, and that the number she had selected would push her to greatest of limits. Luz lives life without limits or regret, and while her extremely impulsive nature has resulted in a rather poor social life, she is greatly beloved among the street dwellers and lower ranks of local organizations and groups of her home.
Amity Blight
“Perfection is impossible. That’s why we seek it.”
Lawful Good/Neutral Good
Primary Class: Warlock, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Artificer.
The youngest child of the affluent Blight Family, recently displaced from her home dimension, Amity holds herself to a strict standard of decorum. Her methodical nature, dedication to study, and respect for authority has made her a divisive figure within the Adventurer’s Academy, as while her new instructors find her dedication admirable, they also worry it will disallow her from living a healthy and happy life. Amity regularly runs afoul of Luz, but the human girl’s friendly nature, genuine endearment, and appreciation for magic and learning has served as a bonding bridge between the two. Hints of something deeper within her heart grow clearer all the while.
Willow Park
“Nature is a blessing to us all. We have a duty to care for it, and each other.”
Neutral Good/Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Druid, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Barbarian.
The only child of the Park family, Willow is a quiet, gentle child all around, but within her lurks a frightening power over nature itself that constantly threatens to break free if not for her ironclad self-control, and kind nature. Once friends with Amity Blight, circumstances forced a rift between them, and she holds that pain as a torch within her heart, always wary of letting it burn her down to nothing but unwilling to let go. Willow’s incredible connection with Plants has made her a rare talent among the Druid classes, and she is constantly called to demonstrate her power before her new peers, much to her delight.
Augustus “Gus” Porter
“So much to learn! So much to experience!”
Neutral Good/Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Bard.
A young prodigy who skipped several grades in his home dimension, Gus is still an outstanding figure when it comes to both technical skill and application of magic. Excitable, kind if somewhat insensitive on occasion, and with a fierce need to prove himself, Gus often finds himself in difficult situations, both socially and dangerously, but he never allows it to affect his optimism. He’s rapidly built a bond with Luz over their shared passion and energy, not to mention his excitement over befriending “an actual real-life human!”
Boscha Triplet
“I saved the day! Why? Because I’m a Star of Course!”
Lawful Neutral
Primary Class: Monk, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Artificer.
An athletic star with an incredible ego, Boscha is by all accounts an unpleasant individual, yet since coming to Plana, she’s gradually shown signs of a more vulnerable personality, one she vehemently denies and buries within herself, much to the chagrin of others. While she initially chose Monk as a joke, thinking it of a blow-off course or something similar, the relentless physical training, and the brutally humiliating smackdown dealt on her first day have served to motivate her to continue and succeed in the Class she chose, if only out of pure spite. The philosophical aspects of Monk training seem to go over her head, yet her friends and foes alike have noted her occasionally seem to verge on saying something mean or crude, only to stop herself and stare off in contemplation.
Skara Levine
“Just go with the rhythm. Everything will work out, right?”
Lawful Neutral
Primary Class: Bard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Sorcerer.
A young girl who lived at the top, Skara had many halmarks of being a potential problem child, often being easily lead and influenced by those deemed her friends, Skara is typically very sweet and outgoing, but for all her social butterfly moments, they are undercut by her poor interpersonal skills, frequently stumbling onto sensitive topics without any inclination she understood why she shouldn’t bring them up. She is a paradox, being both kind and cruel, nice and mean, in equal measures, the parallel nature of her behavior often befuddles those around her. She’s recently begun stating that she hears things suddenly when no one is around.
Emira Blight
“Don’t worry, I can handle this on my own.”
Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Primary Class: Rogue, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Fighter.
The oldest daughter of the Blight family, Emira is a mischievous girl with a fondness for mayhem. Nonetheless, she cares for her family and friends, even if her methods occasionally leave much to be desired. Of the Blight Children, Emira is the most independent, often resentful of any perceived restrictions, but calm enough to find workarounds rather than lash out. She frequently professes that looks forward to the day she can live her own life, and enjoys teasing her sister along with her brother.
Edric Blight
“We got this, we just got to stick together.”
Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Primary Class: Rogue, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Bard.
The lone son of the Blight family, Edric is Emira’s twin, and is in many ways both her equal and her mirror. While sharing her sense of mischief and love of tricks, Edric is far more flighty and whimsical, often hyper-fixating on animals and whatever shiny thing catches his eye, often projecting a childish air about him. He is the most insecure of the Blight siblings, though he hides it well, and dreads the idea of being alone, particularly from his twin.
Viney Arkswood
“Animals are our friends. They have just as much capacity for good as we do.”
Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Ranger, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Druid.
One of three students sentenced to the Detention Track for their mixing of magical disciplines, Viney has a caring heart and a love of people and animals that manifested in a rather strange way, in that she attempted, and technically succeeded, in training her pet griffin to be a nursing assistant. Viney is genuinely unsure if she wishes to return, with the lone benefit in her mind being to see her parents again.
Jerbo Underslack
“I might be nervous, but that doesn’t make me incompetent.”
Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Primary Class: Cleric, Subclass: Nature Domain. Secondary Class: Druid.
One of the three Detention Track students, Jerbo’s love of plants and his fondness for the idea of loyal aides combined in his creation of plant monsters that trashed the gardens of his school. Jerbo is the most suspicious and leery of his friends, often being slow to trust and even slower to act, he nonetheless is a kind soul, and used his admittance into the Adventurer’s Academy to try and kind some new meaning in his life.
Barcus Howsberry
“Your soul glimmers with the joy of a newfound toy in the arms of a lonely child.”
Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Artificer.
Last and oddest of the three Detention Track students, Barcus’ unusual body and strange speech make him truly bizarre, and his cryptic demeanor doesn’t help. Barcus enjoys both the art of Potions and Prediction, and frequently seeks to join the two. Upon arrival, and confirmation that yes he is a sapient being, Barcus was checked by Camila, and was determined to have a hereditary curse bound to his being, and when offered to have it removed, his comfort with his form initially made him refuse, only to be told that the speech impediment and oddness of his form would destroy any chance of him being able to integrate into society, causing him to compromise and have the curse suppressed instead.
Camila Noceda
“To bring goodness and love in this world means I can rest easy, knowing I left it in the hands of those I love.”
Lawful Good
Primary Class: Cleric, Subclass: Life Domain. Secondary Class: None.
Mother of Luz Noceda, Camila is the current Plane Warden of Plana, being entrusted with guarding the city from extraplanar threats and to help guide and aid those lost between realms. Camila is a loving soul, but the strain of her job has worn on her over the years, with the sole reprieve being her precious daughter. Camila often adopts a motherly role for the displaced children now in her care, offering both advice when needed, and discipline as necessary. Camila also frequently aids and offers advice to the adults now sharing her living space, hoping to help them adjust to their situation.
Edalyn Clawthorne
“I’m the most powerful witch in the Isles, but it never meant a thing until I found someone to use that power for.”
Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Sorcerer, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Wizard.
Fiercest Wild Witch to grace the Boiling Isles since Belos’ ascension, Eda marches to the beat of her own drum, no exceptions, but she still holds a beautiful heart for those she cares for, and people in general, no matter how much she denies it. Eda was genuinely shocked to learn that Camila could, and did, heal her curse, effectively if not easily, and feels a deep sense of obligation towards the woman a a result, not to mention her all around soft spot for Camila’s daughter. Eda genuinely has no desire to return to the Isles at this point, beyond maybe a chance to reconcile with her mother and retrieve Hooty and all her stuff.
Lilith Clawthorne
“I am far from perfect, and have made many mistakes. This is the least I can do.”
Lawful Good/Lawful Neutral
Primary Class: Paladin, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Wizard.
Lilith Clawthorne, elder sister to Eda, means well, but is both painfully naive and far too trusting for one her age, as well as disturbingly childish and immature. For all that though, Lilith holds a good heart and thrives in a structured and ordered environment and system. When she received the knowledge that Eda’s curse had been cured, Lilith was nearly left catatonic, as the curing of Eda rendered all her efforts meaningless and her life without true purpose. When Eda bluntly stated that even with her curse cured she will NEVER join a coven, Lilith forced herself to accept it, no matter how much it hurt. Since that day, Lilith has attempted to find a new direction in life, and to help others as best she can.
Odalia Blight
“Like it or not, one’s word is their bond.”
Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Bard.
Matriarch of the Blight family, and a near-Karen level individual, Odalia is both incredibly goal-oriented and driven by a desire to succeed. Domineering and controlling, Odalia exerts a highly unhealthy and toxic level of influence over her childrens’ lives, though she does truly love them. Odalia enjoys having the upper hand, and will do anything to allow her children and family to not only survive but thrive, and is very much fond of disproportionate retribution against her enemies.
Alador Blight
“This could prove interesting.”
Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil
Primary Class: Artificer, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Rogue.
Patriarch of the Blight family, and all around bizarre individual, Alador cares for little in his life aside from his inventions, his wife, and his children, in that order. Often dazed and easily distracted, Alador is highly curious and constantly seeks new inspiration for his devices and creations, no matter how dangerous the circumstances. He cares little for his wife’s antics and schemes, but in no way does he find them unacceptable, he often acts as a stabilizing influence upon her, and is perfectly fine with calling her out on her behavior when she genuinely goes too far.
Hieronymus Bump
“Dedication and Focus are important, but true passion and joy for what you do makes all the difference.”
Neutral Good/Lawful Good
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: None.
Principal to the famed, some would say infamous, Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, Principal Bump loves to teach and help others learn, and is perfectly willing to play the system to ensure he can do so. While he genuinely loves all his students and wishes them to succeed, he is willing to admit he is old-fashioned to a certain extent and can have trouble keeping his views on a topic unbiased, and can occasionally act in unethical ways if it means finding a solution to a problem, though he does not enjoy such measures. He aids Camila in searching for a way to return home for him and his fellows, and often acts as a reasonable authority figure for the students who came with them.
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sirenc0re · 4 years
been thinking about lumity role swap au lol
i can only do so much with the logistics of it because if i did a strictly “everyone who is a human is a witchling, and everyone who is a witchling is a human” then that would leave more than half of the cast out, because the premise is still the same! human falls in to witch world. and that cant really happen when its “like a dozen humans fall in to the witch world” so im gonna do “amity is a human, luz is a witchling, and everyone else stays more or less the same with exceptions”. might change it if i bother to develop this more than i already have lol
read more under the cut LOL!
amity blight as a human:
- She never dyed her hair green. Her backstory is still that shes the youngest daughter of the powerful and rich blight family. since theyre human their hair cant naturally be green. dana revealed in the qna that amity’s hair is green because miss blight likes her children to be “color-coordinated”. this can go one of two ways: amity’s hair is still her natural brown color because everyone in her family has brown hair and thus she has no reason to dye it OR amity dyed her hair blonde, and she still has her roots showing.
- she had to fall in to the human world somehow, right? im thinking at the beginning she still acts as stuck up and closed off as she did before she befriended luz. shes the top student so i can definitely see her getting in to summer extracurricular as a human. maybe as a camp counselor to parallel luz being the one to go to summer camp. the way she gets in to the witch world is also similar to luz.
maybe its like, her parents drop her at camp right. and shes in her cabin getting everything set up and she takes out an azura book she had hidden in her clothes. so she puts it out of the way to fold her clothes or something and when she looks back its GONE. so she starts scrambling around and she turns around to see owlbert making an escapade. hijinks ensues, she runs in to the forest in chase for her book and literally trips in to the witch world.
eda is amity’s mentor in this world. and obviously they have a very different relationship than luz and eda. i feel like after amity gets her book back she chooses to stay in the witch world “for a bit” because at the end of the day, she would still love magic! even as a human, i feel like her love for azura books would have at some level let her fantasized about being a witch. she’s “mature”, sure, but under her prickly exterior amity is still a 14 year old dork. i feel like despite her initial attitude she would be very taken with the idea of being able to do magic for real
this translates in to amity being a whole lot more critical of eda when eda doesnt teach her as a mentor should. for amity, her “witches before wizards” episode wouldnt be her getting tricked in to thinking shes the chosen one, because i feel like unlike luz shes a lot less optimistic about being able to be one. instead i think she would discover hexside a lot quicker, and inadvertently setting the ground for her discovering how to write glyphs and enrolling in to hexside sooner. im thinking her first glyph isnt light, but instead its amity learning how to make an abomination/learning the glyph to summon one, so maybe for amity’s version of “the intruder” eda starts teaching amity how to bake a brand new purple boy, and eda starts doing the magic circle to summon it, but like in the original episode she doesnt finish it. hijinks ensue at the end of the episode and bam!
thats all i have for amity alone. to simplify it, i think her and eda do get a good mother/daughter relationship. assuming amitys mom is a piece of shit, this would work way better with her than with luz bc amity needs it as much as eda. amity is just way more exasperated and critical than luz was
moving on..
luz noceda as a witchling:
- i want to keep her backstory and personality as intact as possible! so im thinking that instead of willow and gus being her main crew, its actually the detention kids who she hangs out with the most, because luz is part of them! i think luz’s youthful and naive optimist, coupled with her “outside the box” thinking while being raised in Witch World, would make her the type of kid to had wanted to mix all types of magic and gotten sent to the (school) slammer for it.
luz has been shown to be smart, a quick thinker, and a really hard worker. so in any other circumstances she would have been a top student. it just might not be that its immediately obvious, and might come off as reckless to her peers (she did let a bunch of snakes loose in canon, imagine what she could have accidentally done in a world where thats small fry stuff?)
- i want luz to hang out with lillith because i think its cute. luz would definitely be enamored with the emperors coven because they can do all types of magic, something she REALLY wants to do. and for all that lillith is “dignified”, i think seeing and meeting luz would hit a soft spot. a fun and excitable kid who wants nothing more than joining the emperors coven would probably remind her of eda before she cursed her. i dont think lillith would take her on as her own apprentice, at least in public, but they have a mentor/student thing going on
- i think luz and amity’s meeting would go something like this:
amity meets willow the same way luz met willow. since they dont have any bad blood they actually get along, showing amity’s softer side. i think willow is on the plant track from the beginning bc from a story sense she was only in the abomination track in the beginning to properly introduce amity. no witch amity, no need for her to be in that track. in this universe amity just sneaks in as a Very Large and Vaguely Person Shaped plant. everything is going great until amity catches a locker opening in a way it shouldnt open. she investigates and falls in to the detention kid’s hideout. she meets luz, she gets mad at luz for spying and being a “cheater”, hijinks ensue. their meeting starts off with a misunderstanding and it takes a while before they get on good terms again
so thats all i have now in general. again i might write more if a get the inspiration. feel free to ask me more stuff or add on to it if youd like lol
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