#Why!!! LEOLA!!!
httyddragonfox · 1 month
So Aaravos' backstory...
people are saying they are not sure if they can trust it as Aaravos is a manipulator. Yeah, he is one, but since when as he ever lied. The most he does is he leaves out some details.
He did have a daughter, he did love her, and she was executed for giving magic to humans. Everything he said was true.
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greenteaandtattoos · 2 months
the startouch elves be like
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dragonfly1302 · 2 months
Me? Crying? Oh, I’m sorry, it’s just “you’re my daughter” got to me
“They’re all my parents” got to me
“Is that Katolis..?” Got to me
“Daddy I’m scared” got to me
“The castle is just a building, we have to save lives” got to me
“Take care of Hat” got to me
“Take my heart” got to me
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gncbozo · 2 months
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thrandilf · 2 months
The worst thing in the world would be if there was a chance to bring Leola back and I'm sure there isn't but if there WAS and she sees Aaravos again but we get a Viren fever dream parallel where she sees what he's become/what he's done and runs away crying and screaming
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lawchan89 · 2 months
A lot of you just instantly forgot that Aaravos is a master manipulator and blindly believe that he told Claudia the whole truth and nothing but the truth huh
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starry-skies-writes · 1 month
Imagine we get a scene where Aaravos reaches towards the night sky, towards the brightest star that he can never reach never hold while he stares longingly haha wouldn’t that be so fun—
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bat-snake · 30 days
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The Jupiter Chorale from The Planets Suite makes me think of them, so I had to do something about that. Listened to A BUNCH of different versions as I worked on it.
There's a lot of ways to go with interpenetration here, but I mostly went with self indulgent "give back baby"
(Otherwise....I guess Aaravos doesn't NEED to sleep, but when he does, he dreams about Leola. So I guess post-hissy fit about noticing Zym's egg for the first time???)
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lividlivvies · 1 month
Ain’t no way she’s complaining that it’s bright when she’s staring into the sun💀🙏🏻 (sorry for the lag at the first part of the vid)
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emletish-fish · 1 month
Leola has less than 5 minutes of screen time but has been haunting this narrative for six entire seasons. I'm going to have to rewatch to see the full affect. A + narrative haunting and A+ foreshadowing.
Damn this foreshadowing paid off!
(in the most intensely painful way)
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the-cursed-thing · 1 month
I wouldn't be surprised if the reason for there being such a difference between how Aaravos treated Leola and how he treats Sir Sparklepuff is due to how much losing Leola hurt. Like it devastated and destroyed him so much that his mind has just defaulted to the mentality of "If I don't ever get attached to anyone ever again, then I won't experience that pain of loss ever again".
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httyddragonfox · 1 month
Imagine being a parent, and watching your child play outside with her friend. You turn away for just a moment, and suddenly her friend is calling out for help. You go to see what the matter is, and the friend explains your child was taken away. You track them down, and suddenly they are deemed worthy of being put to death.
You try your hardest to save them, even begging to be killed in their place, but the authority is unmoved. Your child is going to die.
The most you can do is reassure them that they'll be okay, even if you know it's a lie, and put on a brave face as they are killed in front of you.
Your child...taken from you in a single moment...for a petty reason.
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kradogsrats · 8 months
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le o la
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lily-lilou · 2 months
Aaravos and his grand plan
Hi everyone, it's my yearly apparition on Tumblr after s6 finally being released. Hope you're all doing okay since last time I was here :D
Hehe! (... sorry I only ever come here every 7th tuesday of the month T.T)
So! Guess you'll have noticed our dear Startouch never actually said anything about his "new purpose" after that trial and its ghastly conclusion, and I'll also guess you (like Terry) can already say it's not something pleasant.
I mean, we all knew, to some extent, that he had to do what he was doing for a "good" reason. I think I remember saying (ages ago >_>’’’) that if he really wanted power, he could have taken it or something. Or more likely that it was uselesss because he already had that power : he was respected, powerful, practically a god amongst mortal.
Now we know why:
First, we have a motive, the cutest little bean ever :
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(the art guys! The ART!!! Leola bring adorableness to new hight and Aaravos is such a dad and it hurts my poor heart u_u)
(also, I'll totally admit I had many ideas but I really didn't see that one coming. I should have, this IS a story about relationships, especially between parents and children)
Second : he acted the way he did, only moving from the shadows, always pushing others to do what he wanted, very probably to avoid triggering the eyes of the cosmic order. They're all about seeing the grand scheme of things, the general picture (Callum's book and also their arguments during Leola's trial are proof of it). Aaravos more than anyone would know their flaws, especially them missing tiny little details.
Anyway! We can guess that whatever happened with Luna Tenebris, Queen Aditi, Sol Regem and a lot of other people was either for vengeance, or, at the very least, a way to remove potential obstacle in said vengeance. And I'm impressed with his way of killing two birds with one stone, like we saw with Sol Regem : Aaravos made him kill his own mate, allowing him to avoid being noticed/reprimanded by the cosmic order by interfering, AND ensuring a hard vengeance on the archdragon (because losing someone you love is hard, learning you killed them yourself is worse).
(We'll have a minute of silence for Mr Witness and the hell of a price he paid for what he did... and we'll remove at least 50 seconds because I had HOPE for him, when he refused the Sun Seed to heal his eyes… and then he went about healing his wings and I thought “Just go die already!” And guess what? He did!)
But now, what about his "new purpose"? His Grand Plan?
Ooooh, nothing, really...
Well, guys... everything is the title.
I mean, the title's panel!
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We learned with the last episode that, apparently, stars can fall, nah?
And in our dear picture above, we have a LOT of stars falling, don't you think so?
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fritoley · 13 days
Tell me why i’m looking through my old school stuff and i find this drawing in my planner from SEPTEMBER 2023 and i’m LITERALLY shitting myself because look
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Someone kill me now—
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theoakleafpancake · 2 months
Am I the only one who still absolutely hates Aaravos, even with the new season?
(Spoilers in tags)
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