#White Honey in india
rajivchopra · 2 years
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dymatizeindia · 5 months
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Easily whip up your own delicious honey vanilla egg white oatmeal workout snack or meal right at home with just four simple steps. All you need is ISO100 Gourmet Vanilla protein powder to ensure the best taste and provide the protein and energy you need for your workout. Each satisfying meal packs 465 calories, 38g of protein, 67g of carbs, and 6g of fat, giving you the fuel you need to conquer your workout goals.
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 2.2
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Maybe John's not actually crazy for thinking Hey Jude is to him? “For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder.” fool is, in my tin hat world, often a code name for Paul in their songs. And that description is certainly him to a t actually. I wonder why I've never considered it before. 
John: are you happy here, honey? Paul: I ain't happy here my honey, can you take me back? How many songs does Paul write from 1968 on about trying to go back? One day I'm going to make a list and it'll be a long one. 
And thus begins the phase of they just can't help it, can they? But they really wish they could. They make each other so so happy, but they really wish they didn't. It would hurt less that way. 
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I love the comparison of Linda's pictures of everyone else and then of John. It just shows that it's not a her problem – that's such a lovely one of George, who Hates Yoko – it's how he feels about her.
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John, coming up with every possible weapon to provoke Paul, finally has Yoko sing Paul's part in one of their songs. It really is such a slap in the face. But of course breaking the sanctity of their music is what does it best. And still, all he gets out of him is a look before he walks away. Whatever it is that John wants, I think Paul literally can not give it to him. 
Btw the white album is my favorite, probably. There's just such incredible diversity on it. It's so much fun, you never get tired of it, and it's an excellent display of their genius and versatility. 
He looks like an abandoned puppy. 
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What do we think? John says Paul drummed on WDWDITR. Paul says Ringo did. Who is telling the truth?
“It was getting to be where he wanted to do it like that but he couldn't make the break . . .” So John thinks Paul doing his songs by himself means he wants to break the group up? I personally read it as him not wanting to annoy everyone with his bossiness, but that's just my take. 
John talking about how it's him and Yoko now, but before, it was . . .
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George needs to send them a cease and desist notice or he'll sue them for breech of character the amount of times they drag him into things he's not a part of. Especially if they're not going to even fucking spare him a glance in reality. Please and thank you, Hare Krishna. 
Paul's epigraph on the two virgins cover. “Battles to prove he was a saint”? What kind of passive aggressive shit is that, Paul?
The eternal question: what happened in India? And does John really not know? Or is he just unwilling to tell what happened to rolling stone?
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Somebody please engage with that poor little boy, preferably, you know, his father. Ugh, Cynthia must've had so much anxiety watching that footage, or really any time Julian was with John. And that footage is placed in the doc right after a pic of Paul already being Heather's dad just so naturally. 
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But hell, if I've ever seen attention-seeking behavior, this is it. Singing about wanting to die while seductively undressing the closest thing Paul would've had to career competition at the time. 
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I'm sorry but it will forever be hilarious to me that when John's singing his part of “I've Got a Feeling” with Yoko it's “soft dream” and then with Paul it's “wet dream”. How John and Yoko tricked everyone into believing they were too horny for each other to control themselves is beyond my imagination. 
On the day John plays their sex tape, “Unusually, Yoko is not present.” LMAO girl same. John: I'm going to play our sex tape for the band tomorrow. Yoko: oh was that tomorrow? Damn, I forgot, I have a thing. 
“Well that's an interesting one.” What did John honestly expect, though? Like I know he wanted Paul to be like, “that's it! Enough is enough I'm taking you home and doing you right!” Or whatever. But what did he honestly, realistically expect?
Always saying the same things at the same time, always on the same page, same word. About everything, it seems, except their relationship. 
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Paul: but you won't say anything about it. John: I said what I've been thinking. Paul: Are you still thinking that now? What are you thinking now? John: I'm still thinking about it. Infuriating. Whatever it is John's been thinking, he doesn't want to talk about it in front of cameras. Is it quitting the band? I think it's something more complicated than that but I've no idea what. 
“John, John, joooooohn!” X “Martha my Dear” crossover my beloved. The fact that literally Everyone reacts and tries to get her to stop except Paul is so extremely telling. Yoko: joooooohn! Ringo: He's busy! Yoko: joooooohn! John: Stop that! (And he looks and sounds genuinely pissed) Yoko: joooooohn! Paul: (plinking and pounding away, definitely not thinking thoughts about what he would do right now if he was a girl that will come out of his mouth fifteen years later)
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Everyone's trying to figure out the problem with George vs JohnandYoko and Paul's saying “and like with Yoko, they’re real. They mean it.” Linda laughs. “I don't dig that.” You don't, Linda? What about them isn't real to her, I wonder. Does she think they don't really love each other? Or what?
Linda: *Makes fart noise* Go away! Paul: continues to defend them. Neil: everybody cough. See and this is why it sucks that get back was so edited. Because it's important that Paul's defending them here not just going on and on where nobody asked. He knows he's hurt John, and he feels bad enough about it to let him have his mommy with him at all times if that's what he needs.
If what??? Someone needs to force them to finish their damn sentences. Because I feel like he cuts himself off here when (I swear!!) he's about to say what it is that's hurting John so badly.
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Anyway, here's where (imo) he's kinda wrong. Where he says "if it came to a push between Yoko and the band, it's Yoko." I think I said it in my get back posts, but I'll say it again. Yeah, if it was Yoko or the band, it's Yoko. But if it's Yoko or Paul filling all the gaps Yoko is currently filling? It's Paul. You know? And I think that's what John wants so badly at this time, actually. Is “a push between Yoko and [Paul]” ending with Paul stepping up for him in some way that he wasn't before, you know?
He really does get it though. John wanting to be as close as possible with Yoko so he doesn't lose her and their connection. Don't forget he does put Linda in his band. He gets it because it was the same with him and John. 
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I really do think it's a huge myth that they just never talked about feelings or anything serious. Look at them. This is how they talk in a crowded place with their girlfriends sitting right there. They didn't just get through fifteen years of one of the greatest collaborations in history never actually talking. They talked about deep stuff. And frequently. 
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its-pluto2 · 2 years
A lot of people like to say radical feminists are white women and therefore white supremac*sts and whatnot. Have you not noticed that a lot of radical feminists aren't even white?
We're Mexican. We're Latin American. We're from India, from the Middle East, from Asia. We're from places where it is life and death to be a woman. Where we're targeted as criminals for protesting the injustice we live every day, where one late night might mean we won't return home, where our sex means a difference in how we're treated all our life in every aspect of it. Jobs, socializing, studies. Everything.
Take a look at Iran. At Mexico. At Korea. Do some research before you throw around words like white supremac*st and n*zi around like they mean nothing when you're talking about radical feminists, the women fighting and putting their lives on the line to stop all of this horrible, terrifying violence against us. Literally, google any of these countries next to the word "femicide" and open your eyes a little to the harsh truth (and I must warn you, if you do this, the results will be upsetting).
You guys like to tag radical feminism as this horrible trend that oppresses other movements when in reality, it's a handful of new, "progressive", "liberal" movements that are trying to demerit and oppress feminism and feminists, whether they're aware of it or not.
If your movement has to take away women's rights, you need to revise what it is you're fighting for and how you're doing it.
I am a radical feminist because I am tired of living in fear. I am tired of hearing in the news of another woman whose life was brutally ended simply because she was a woman.
We're not dying out here, we're being murdered. We're being discriminated, we're being denied safety and body autonomy and the right to choose over what happens to our bodies, we're unable to earn the same as a man for doing the same job, we're unable to express a strong character without being called manipulative or hysterical. We have so. much. bullshit to deal with simply because we are women.
And you still think our sole purpose is to target some random movement and some set of pronouns? No, honey, feminists, real feminists, have our priorities very clear.
What we don't like is that now, we have to be reduced to our organs and that we can't even freely call ourselves women because some people will be offended even by that. I cannot fathom how some people still don't realize the slap in the face that is calling women "uterus-havers" just to coddle other people. Use what pronouns you want, but don't take away women's right to call ourselves women - how absurd is that?! I can't call myself a women to not offend certain people!
Are you really telling me that, on top of having to deal with all of the risks that being a woman implies in my life, I have to not call myself a woman and instead use some odd, progressive term just so I don't offend you?
No. Enough is enough.
Women do not deserve to be silenced, on the verge of the year 2023, because other people with very specific needs and wants, want to be coddled by us. Fight for your rights, by all means, but don't try to take away ours just so you can feel better.
Get a grip on what feminism is, what it stands for, and understand that radical feminism only exists because movement after movement tries to crush everything we've fought for and everything we've achieved.
And, if you're a woman and claim to be libfem, or claim to hate feminism, or claim that feminism doesn't represent you, think again. You're only able to have access to a computer or a mobile platform to express your opinion, wear pants, and have access to basic education, among countless other privileges you take for granted, because of feminism.
I mean, come on. A woman wishing for another woman (e.g. "terfs") to be hurt and die? How awful do you have to be to wish that upon another woman? Who's the bad feminist in this scenario?
Women should support and help women before all else, because we're all each other has. You can coddle and favor men all you want, but heaven forbid, if you ever have to deal with sexual harassment, gender violence, anything related, those men you defend won't help you. They will blame you. The men who love women who hate feminism are the men who are most prone to causing harm to a woman for any reason, and you're coddling them by saying "Oh, feminism isn't about me! I believe in not all men! Death to radfems!!"
Think about that if you consider yourself "libfem" - it's a lie. It's a goddamn lie fabricated to coddle and submit to people who feel entitled to our social struggle, people who are so privileged already that they have to find problems and social causes and make up endless terms and pronouns and bullshit to justify it.
Nothing justifies you trying to silence feminism when, all over the world, no matter what country you look into, women are hunted and hurt simply because we are women.
Get that in your heads.
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thatwobblychair · 6 months
141 Bear! Edition
Cause what if 141 were bears?
Including bear facts ! Why? Because bears are cute. 💕
Ghost: Spirit Bear "Kermode Bear"
Ursus americanus kermodei
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A subspecies of the American Black Bear that lives exclusively on the coastal shores of British Columbia, Canada.
They are not actually albinos, but instead have a recessive gene that causes the white pigmentation to their fur and eyes. For example, two black 'kermode bears' with the recessive gene can produce a white furred bear.
The white fur is thought to be advantageous towards hunting salmon, as it is theorised that the white colour makes it harder for fish to evade them.
Soap: Sun Bear
Helarctos malayanus
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An Asiatic bear that stands as the smallest of all bear species, ranging from northeastern India and extending south to Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
They measure between 4-5 ft from tail to snout and weigh between 55- 145 lbs. It is an excellent climber that is known to be the most arboreal of all bears.
Their name is derived from the orangey- cream colour 'sun' crest on their chest. Another name for them is Honey Bear or beruang madu, in Malay/Indonesian due to their love of feeding on honey combs.
Gaz: Cinnamon Bear
Ursus americanus cinnamomum
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Another subspecies and colour morph of the American Black Bear. It is thought to exist and interbreed with the black coloured American Black Bears.
The name is derived from the brown to red-brown fur colour that resembles cinnamon. It's coat colouration is theorised to be a mimic of grizzly bears who may also cohabit the same areas.
Price: Grizzly Bear "North American Brown Bear"
Ursus arctos horribilis
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Despite being known as the 'grizzly bear' or 'grizzly', the bear is categorised as a subspecies or pop. of the Brown Bear, a species that originates in Eurasia. It is thought that this subspecies/pop. migrated to North America between 177,000 BP ~ 111,000 BP.
There are other morphological forms of brown bears in North America also termed as 'grizzly' that were once considered subspecies but is now synonmised with Ursus arctos horribilis, such as the "Kodiak Bear and the "Alaska Peninsular Bear". The 'grizzly bear' historical range starts from Alaska to Mexico, taking in consideration of past subspecies that are now extinct, though it's current population is situated mainly in North America.
It's name came from the descriptor 'grisley' which can be read as 'grizzled' - grey haired, or "grisly" -fearsome, inspiring, though it was formally classified as U. horribilis, for it's terrible character in 1815.
*all facts taken from wiki. If there are any mistakes let me know!
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winterlogysblog · 6 months
Fairy Scents ft. Kiane Kids Scent Headcanons
It's well established that each fairy has a scent that is associated with a flower or a herb. So far we have confirmed scents for each notable fairy we have been introduced to.
So after some quick research I found some info about these flowers and their scents
King - Gold Osmanthus
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Osmanthus Wine tastes same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory XD
Origins: China
In the language of flowers, they carry the meaning of love and romance, symbolising true love and faithfulness
Smells like a mix of juicy peaches, ripe apricots with soft leather or suede.
Elaine - Lavender
Origins: Mediterranean
Represent purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness.
Biblical meaning of lavender symbolizes purity, devotion, and love
Delicate, sweet smell that is floral, herbal, and evergreen woodsy at the same time
Helbram - White Rose
Origins: Ancient Greece
Symbolize loyalty, purity, and innocence.
Combination of floral and fruity notes, with hints of honey and jasmine
Fun fact: A White Rose is what King used to kill Helbram (the first time) it turned red because of the blood
Gerheade - Mint
Origins: Mediterranean
Symbol of Hospitality and Wisdom
Gloxinia - Ginger
Origins: Maritime Southeast Asia
In many cultures, ginger is considered a symbol of love
Used in religious rituals to symbolize cleansing, protection and blessing.
Warm and spicy, with a hint of sweetness
Lancelot - Lemon
Origins: Unknown (said to be first grown in Northeast India, Northern Myanmar, or China)
Symbol of purity and cleansing
Headcanon Time
Since Nakaba hasn't spoken out about their scents I'll give my thoughts on the matter.
Lancelot introduced fruits into the mix of scents and Gloxinia smells like Ginger which is a root so I went ham with this.
Nasiens - Oleander or Sunflower
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Oleander are toxic which is very fitting for our Mad Herbalist
Smells like Vanilla
Oleander symbolizes love, beauty, and resilience
I want one of Kiane's kids to smell like Sunflowers cause you know... Sunflower
Sunflowers also don't have a distinct smell so it's actually fitting for Nasiens since he grew up thinking he's human so there's really no natural fairy-like smell he could have detected from himself
Sunflower represents longevity, lasting happiness, adoration, and loyalty
Sixtus - Peach
Since Sixtus looks extremely like King I think it's only fitting if his scent is close to King's as well
Peaches symbolizes longevity
Belte - Jasmine
Belte gives Helbram energy and he kinda looks like him too so his scent also needs to give Helbram energy
Jasmine stands for purity, simplicity, modesty and strength.
Zana and Zillian - Blackberry and Raspberry
Since they're twins I want their scents to match
Blackberries are mild, sweet and slightly acidic scent, with earthy and woody nuances.
Some believed that blackberries contain properties of abundance and prosperity
Raspberries are fruity, sweet and slightly acidic
Raspberries are symbol of kindness in Christian art.
Tioreh - Pink Hyacinth
Phao - Lily of the Valley
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Symbol of purity, joy, love, sincerity, happiness and luck,
Has a floral and green scent, with fresh and slightly sweet notes
I want one of Kiane's kids scents to come from the earth, something underground. There's an underground Orchid but it smells bad so that won't do so I specifically looked for a flower that has an earthy scent. I also want it to be PINK for Tioreh
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Sweet, robust, and earthy
Pink hyacinths symbolize playful joy.
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yudrein-aile · 3 months
Meta: Qualitea in the Orr Empire
Let’s talk tea customs of the Orr Empire. As an avid lover of tea myself, reading Turning was quite entertaining as I could project all my silly little tea headcanons on the characters (but ask me about those another time). From early on in the novel, we see that the Orr Empire does have a distinct tea culture, so this meta will take a look at what teas they drink, what their tea culture looks like, and how skilled our protagonists are at preparing tea (spoiler: they’re not. Everyone say “thank you, Nathan”, the only one who knows how to make a good cup of tea.)
Tea is a pretty common drink in the Orr Empire, but first, we have to talk about what tea it even is. Now, if you want to be precise and a snob, tea, as per merriam-websters first definition, is “a widely cultivated shrub (Camellia sinensis of the family Theaceae, the tea family) native to China, northern India, and southeastern Asia and having glossy green leaves and fragrant white flowers” and “the leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of the tea plant prepared for use in beverages usually by immediate curing by heat or by such curing following a period of fermentation”. Thus, tea, as a drink, is “an aromatic beverage prepared from tea leaves by soaking them in boiling water”. According to this first definition, tea refers only to the tea plant.
In the Orr Empire, we do know that the tea plant actually exists. In chapter 39, Kishiar makes tea for Yuder specifically using tea leaves and in chapter 51, it is mentioned that Keilusa drinks a “black tea giving off a unique aroma”.
In the Orr Empire, the beverage tea is also made by using “any of various plants“ like tea, which means preparing them “by soaking their parts (such as leaves or roots)“.
So what teas do they drink in the Orr Empire?
Fresh chamomile, which is in season at the start of the novel (Chapter 16)
Black tea (Chapter 51)
Tea made from the leaves of a medicinal herb Rosa Faria la Orr cultivates (Chapter 58)
Tea made from a flower with an “extraordinarily fresh and cool scent” by pouring boiling water over it. The flower grows near Pearl Tower and helps with sleep deprivation, headaches and can be analgesic (Chapter 113, 143).
Tea blends (Chapter 143, 162)
Peppermint tea with honey (Chapter 162)
Tea made of the fluaville flower, which thrives on a barren mountain, devoid of sunlight, rain, and fertile soil (Chapter 167)
Cold tea made of ponegri, which is won by diluting the potent narcotic components of the ponesa plant to edible levels. It reduces pain and has mood-enhancing effects, as well as dulling the surroundings. (Chapter 205)
Bitter herbal teas for medicinal reasons (Chapter 403)
A pale red tea that might be black tea or a rooibos of some kind (Chapter 602)
A Southern tea with mingled sweet fruit and floral scents, rich in aroma and a yellow color. It is probably a green tea blend. (Chapter 919)
If you look at this – dare I say complete – list, you can roughly distinguish between teas drunk for pleasure, which seems to include teas made from the tea plant always, as well as some herbal, predominantly floral teas, and medicinal teas.
The rather high mention of medicinal teas is very much Keilusa la Orr’s fault, who drinks tea predominantly to help with his health condition. It’s also the only time something like honey is added to the tea. Adding milk, for example, isn’t mentioned at all! We also know that there exist teas of varying qualities and that nobles tend to drink higher-quality tea (Chapter 39).
Funnily enough, tea is generally regarded as a warm beverage, you want to drink it hot (Chapter 468). The only exception so far appears to be Katchian’s ponegri tea, which he drinks cold (Chapter 205).
How do you drink tea in the Orr Empire?
Well, first of all, they use teacups and pots! While this might seem like a small detail to you, a proper teacup is shaped to enhance the flavor and fragrance of the tea. Teacups tend to be lighter than coffee mugs and have a broader surface. While they are never particularly described in the novel, besides the note that they are made of porcelain (Chapter 15) the specification that they are for tea is enough to let us conclude that you don’t just drink tea, but that there is a culture associated with it.
Tea Culture in the Orr Empire
Drinking tea, when not for medicinal purposes, is a pleasure drink and appears to be mainly a social convention in the Orr Empire, which also makes it a good gift (Chapter 223). An invitation for tea is an invitation to socialize and get to know another person. Kishiar’s tea sets are made from “beautiful porcelain” (Chapter 15) and there is an art to gracefully preparing tea (Chapter 39, 223, 979). Having tea is not just a nice get-together, even when Duke Diarca enjoys a cup of tea with his close friends (Chapter 385), the preparation method matters. Similarly, even if Kishiar has Nathan fetch cookies, cakes and other sweets because of Yuder’s sweet tooth, it seems to be common to have snacks while having tea. Having popular and famous sweets that complement your tea while you drink it is simply good manners (352).
But the Orr Empire wouldn’t be the Orr Empire if there wasn’t also a class divide about it. Kishiar notes early on that Yuder “won’t have many opportunities to drink tea [he’s] personally prepared” (Chapter 39). Disregarding that this is a fucking lie on Kishiar’s part, the point he, most likely, is trying to refer to here, is that Kishiar, who both as a Duke and thus part of the nobility as well as Yuder’s superior, would not typically make tea for his subordinate.
This holds true for most of the little tea sessions we see in the novel! Nathan prepares Kishiar’s tea (Chapter 16, 58, and most other times Kishiar has tea), the servants of House Apeto prepare the tea for the Cavalry (Chapter 133), Katchian’s servants prepare him his tea (Chapter 205), Yuliver makes Keilusa’s tea (Chapter 303). While all of this is of course also expected of servants, it is also a show of trust as Kishiar points out himself, after all, it would be very easy to poison your employer’s tea (Chapter 16).
We also see that offering tea to your guests is polite, that is if you don’t make them wait for ages as the Apeto do with the Cavalry (Chapter 233). Kiolle also assumes that he’s grown closer to Katchian because they regularly drink tea together (Chapter 586).
So, much like in our world, drinking tea in the Orr Empire is not just necessarily having a cup of tea, but has a rich history.
How do I make a perfect cup of tea aka Kishiyu Cringefail Tea
Kishiar looks graceful preparing tea, but he does not, as far as I can tell, actually make a good cup of tea. Well, so how does one make a good cup of tea?
“Please, take a seat.” After roughly sprinkling the tea leaves that Kanna had once forced onto the two tea cups, a small movement of his finger formed two droplets of water in the air. The droplets divided into two streams, filling each cup. With another flick of his hand, the tea heated to a suitable temperature, steaming in the cups. Looking down at the steamy tea cup, Yuder lightly pushed one toward Kishiar. “Wait until the aroma comes out before you drink.” “You are remarkably efficient in brewing tea. Nathan would be disappointed if he saw this.” “If you have the skill, why not use it?” (Chapter 223)
Well, not like this obviously. Hilariously enough, Kishiar makes tea just the same – scooping leaves into the pot and boiling it after. So according to Nathan’s expert opinion, this is not how you’re supposed to prepare them.
The only prominent life tea culture I could find, by the way, where you boil the tea leaves with the water is the Egyptian Saiidi tea, but that one is sweetened with sugar, and neither Kishiar nor Yuder do that, so I stand by my argument that they both just prepare terrible tea.
Tea Culture (Wikipedia)
Tea Preparation Guide (Teapedia)
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tara's fic masterlist
All my work in one place! and if you like them then support them!-- whether its a comment, reblog or even a like! it keeps me going
18+ blog mdni
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PROMISE: a stranger things rewrite (gn!reader)
summary: you escaped the lab in 1980 at the age of fourteen and after getting sort of adopted and then fully adopted by hopper along with eleven. and now it's the year of our lord, 1985, the lab still haunts you but you live a somewhat peaceful life with your newly acquired boyfriend. things get a little strange.
LIVING FOR THE HOPE OF IT ALL (desi!fem!reader)
Part 1 Part 2 Summary:  a two-parter where your cousin was getting married to a guy in Hawkins, Indiana. While the idea of searching for Bollywood movies in a mostly white town seemed like a fruitless endeavour, you were bored— so, you set foot in family video where you meet Steve Harrington. The cute boy and you quickly become friends. Steve realises that he was falling for you but he also realises that you were only going to be in Hawkins for a few weeks.
WASTING TIME (gn!reader)
summary: its 1986, and given everything that's happening in your town, Steve ends up pushing you away.
YOU, ME, LONELY (fem!reader)
summary: you love steve and steve loves you, but maybe you both wants different things from life
KISS IT AWAY, HONEY (gn!reader)
summary: you have a perfect and loving boyfriend, and everything should be great but something is just not right.
WE'RE WANDERERS, THE LOT OF US. (desi!fem!reader)
Summary: Steve's best friends convince him to travel to a country they know almost next to nothing about for a vacation. so, with clothes in a suitcase, emotional baggage in the carry on and most of the money in their wallet from Steve's dad's earnings and Eddie's recent gig, they fly to India. it is there that Steve keeps bumping into a girl who looks like she has a personal raincloud following her at all times.
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apoemaday · 2 years
The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart
by Jack Gilbert
How astonishing it is that language can almost mean, and frightening that it does not quite. Love, we say, God, we say, Rome and Michiko, we write, and the words get it all wrong. We say bread and it means according to which nation. French has no word for home, and we have no word for strict pleasure. A people in northern India is dying out because their ancient tongue has no words for endearment. I dream of lost vocabularies that might express some of what we no longer can. Maybe the Etruscan texts would finally explain why the couples on their tombs are smiling. And maybe not. When the thousands of mysterious Sumerian tablets were translated, they seemed to be business records. But what if they are poems or psalms? My joy is the same as twelve Ethiopian goats standing silent in the morning light. O Lord, thou art slabs of salt and ingots of copper, as grand as ripe barley lithe under the wind’s labor. Her breasts are six white oxen loaded with bolts of long-fibered Egyptian cotton. My love is a hundred pitchers of honey. Shiploads of thuya are what my body wants to say to your body. Giraffes are this desire in the dark. Perhaps the spiral Minoan script is not language but a map. What we feel most has no name but amber, archers, cinnamon, horses, and birds.
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princesssarisa · 6 months
The last three Love Like Salt tales in Cinderella Tales from Around the World consist of one from Pakistan and two from India.
*These tales stand out in two chief ways from their European counterparts. First, by not following the standard Cinderella or Donkeyskin storyline after the princess is banished, but going in completely different directions until the standard father/daughter reunion ending. Secondly, by handling the meaning of "love like salt" in a different way. Where the European versions emphasize that food without salt is tasteless, these South Asian versions instead skewer the poetic cliché of equating love with sweetness and point out that savory food is just as necessary as sweet food, if not more so.
**The king asks his many children (more than just three, and in one case including sons as well as daughters), how much they love him, and all but the youngest daughter reply "Like sugar," "Like honey," "Like sweetmeats," etc. But the youngest daughter says "Like salt," so her father has her abandoned in the jungle.
**In the end, she invites her father (or her entire family) either to her wedding feast or just to visit her home. She serves no food but sweets, which her father soon tires of, and when she finally serves him salted food instead, he realizes the value of salt.
*As for what happens in the middle of the story...
**The Pakistani tale of The King and His Daughters is the simplest: a prince just finds the princess hiding in a hollow tree, falls in love with her, and marries her.
**In one of the two Indian tales, both titled The Princess Who Loved Her Father Like Salt, the princess comes to a palace where a prince lies dead, with many needles sticking out of his body. One by one she pulls out all the needles, somehow knowing that this will bring him back to life, but one day she pauses to take a bath, and her slave girl pulls out the last two needles instead, reviving the prince. She tells him that she's the princess and marries him, reducing the real princess to a slave. But eventually he learns the truth and replaces the false bride with the true one. And refreshingly for this type of story, the slave girl isn't killed or severely punished, but forgiven by the princess, though she is forced to serve her again.
**In the other Princess Who Loved Her Father Like Salt, the princess is newly wed and pregnant when her father banishes her, and she ends up giving birth and raising her son in a golden palace in the jungle. The boy becomes the protagonist, who goes on a journey that involves rescuing three fairies from a Deo (giant) and winning half the kingdom by granting a wish of the king's. He then takes the king (his grandfather) to see his mother, reuniting the family.
Now for some footnotes from me:
*I'm surprised that this book doesn't include any Love Like Salt variants from the Americas, because I know they exist. There's a picture book from the '80s called Moss Gown, which I remember reading in elementary school, which is based on an oral version from North Carolina. That version is problematic, because it takes place in the South before the Civil War, on plantations full of slaves, and because the white heroine's helper is a a black "witch woman," a literal case of a "magical Negro." But I do like what she gives to the heroine: a dress that by day is a raggedy thing made of moss, but which turns into a beautiful ballgown at night. I wish a European variant or two had shared that detail.
*I'm also surprised and disappointed that this book doesn't include the Ashkenazi Jewish variant How Much Do You Love Me? (a.k.a. The Way Meat Loves Salt), where the father is a rabbi, the heroine's love interest is a rabbi's son, and her magical helper is the prophet Elijah in disguise, who gives her a magic stick that grants her wishes. That version has also been adapted into a picture book, which I've sometimes seen in the gift shop at my local synagogue's annual Jewish Food Festival. @ariel-seagull-wings has also shared it here.
The next set of Cinderella tales in this book are the subtype of One-Eye, Two-Eyes, Three-Eyes.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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Rainbow Magic Fairy Fight
Round 1
Round 1: Abigail the Breeze Fairy, Addison the April Fool's Day Fairy, Adele the Singing Coach Fairy, Aisha the Astronaut Fairy, Aisha the Princess and the Pea Fairy, Alexa the Fashion Reporter Fairy, Alexandra the Royal Baby Fairy, Alice the Tennis Fairy, Alison the Art Fairy, Ally the Dolphin Fairy (August 16)
Round 2: Alyssa the Snow Queen Fairy, Amber the Orange Fairy, Amelia the Singing Fairy, Amelie the Seal Fairy, Amy the Amethyst Fairy, Angelica the Angel Fairy, Anna the Arctic Fox Fairy, Annabelle the Drawing Fairy, Annie the Detective Fairy, Anya the Cuddly Creatures Fairy (August 17)
Round 3: Aria the Synchro Fairy, Ariana the Firefighter Fairy, Ashley the Dragon Fairy, Autumn the Falling Leaves Fairy, Ava the Sunset Fairy, Bea the Buddha Day Fairy, Becky the Best Friend Fairy, Bella the Bunny Fairy, Belle the Birthday Fairy, Bethany the Ballet Fairy (August 18)
Round 4: Billie the Baby Goat Fairy, Blossom the Flower Girl Fairy, Bobbi the Bouncy Castle Fairy, Bonnie the Bike-Riding Fairy, Brianna the Bee Fairy, Brooke the Photographer Fairy, Caitlin the Ice Bear Fairy, Callie the Climbing Fairy, Camilla the Christmas Present Fairy, Cara the Camp Fairy (August 19)
Round 5: Cara the Coding Fairy, Carly the Schoolfriend Fairy, Carmen the Cheerleading Fairy, Carrie the Snow Cap Fairy, Catherine the Fashion Princess Fairy, Charles the Coronation Fairy, Charlie the Sunflower Fairy, Charlotte the Baby Princess Fairy, Chelsea the Chimpanzee Fairy, Chelsea the Congratulations Fairy (August 20)
Round 6: Cherry the Cake Fairy, Cheryl the Christmas Tree Fairy, Chloe the Topaz Fairy, Chrissie the Wish Fairy, Clare the Caring Fairy, Claudia the Accessories Fairy, Coco the Cupcake Fairy, Coral the Reef Fairy, Courtney the Clownfish Fairy, Crystal the Snow Fairy (August 21)
Round 7: Daisy the Festival Fairy, Danielle the Daisy Fairy, Danni the Drum Fairy, Darcey the Dance Diva Fairy, Debbie the Duckling Fairy, Deena the Diwali Fairy, Demi the Dressing-Up Fairy, Destiny the Pop Star Fairy, Edie the Garden Fairy, Eleanor the Snow White Fairy (August 22)
Round 8: Elisa the Adventure Fairy, Elisha the Eid Fairy, Elizabeth the Jubilee Fairy, Ella the Rose Fairy, Elle the Thumbelina Fairy, Ellen the Explorer Fairy, Ellie the Guitar Fairy, Elodie the Lamb Fairy, Elsa the Mistletoe Fairy, Elsie the Engineer Fairy (August 23)
Round 9: Emily the Emerald Fairy, Emma the Easter Fairy, Erin the Firebird Fairy, Esme the Ice Cream Fairy, Esther the Kindness Fairy, Etta the Elephant Fairy, Eva the Enchanted Ball Fairy, Evelyn the Mermicorn Fairy, Evie the Mist Fairy, Faith the Cinderella Fairy (August 24)
Round 10: Fatima the Face-Painting Fairy, Felicia the Fidget Toy Fairy, Fern the Green Fairy, Fiona the Flute Fairy, Fizz the Fireworks Fairy, Flora the Fancy Dress Fairy, Florence the Friendship Fairy, Frances the Royal Family Fairy, Francesca the Football Fairy, Frankie the Make-up Fairy (August 25)
Round 11: Frenchie the Bulldog Fairy, Freya the Friday Fairy, Gabby the Bubble Gum Fairy, Gemma the Gymnastics Fairy, Georgia the Guinea Pig Fairy, Giselle the Christmas Ballet Fairy, Goldie the Sunshine Fairy, Grace the Glitter Fairy, Greta the Earth Fairy, Gwen the Beauty and the Beast Fairy (August 26)
Round 12: Hana the Hanukkah Fairy, Hannah the Happy Ever After Fairy, Harper the Confidence Fairy, Harriet the Hamster Fairy, Hayley the Rain Fairy, Heather the Violet Fairy, Heidi the Vet Fairy, Helen the Sailing Fairy, Helena the Horseriding Fairy, Holly the Christmas Fairy (August 27)
Round 13: Honey the Sweet Fairy, Hope the Welcome Fairy, Imogen the Ice Dance Fairy, India the Moonstone Fairy, Isabella the Air Fairy, Isla the Ice Star Fairy, Ivy the Worry Fairy, Izzy the Indigo fairy, Jacinda the Peace Fairy, Jade the Disco Fairy (August 28)
Round 14: Jae the Boy Band Fairy, Jasmine the Present Fairy, Jayda the Snowboarding Fairy, Jessica the Jazz Fairy, Jessie the Lyrics Fairy, Josie the Jewellery-Making Fairy, Jude the Librarian Fairy, Julia the Sleeping Beauty Fairy, Juliet the Valentine Fairy, Kat the Jungle Fairy (August 29)
Round 15: Kate the Royal Wedding Fairy, Kathryn the PE Fairy, Katie the Kitten Fairy, Kayla the Pottery Fairy, Keiko the Diving Fairy, Keira the Film Star Fairy, Kimberley the Koala Fairy, Kimi the Bubble Tea Fairy, Kitty the Tiger Fairy, Konnie the Christmas Cracker Fairy (August 30)
Round 16: Kylie the Carnival Fairy, Lacey the Little Mermaid Fairy, Lara the Black Cat Fairy, Lauren the Puppy Fairy, Layla the Candyfloss Fairy, Layne the Surfing Fairy, Leah the Theatre Fairy, Leahann the Birthday Present Fairy, Leona the Unicorn Fairy, Lexi the Firefly Fairy (August 31)
Round 17: Li the Labrador Fairy, Libby the Story-Writing Fairy, Lila and Myla the Twins Fairies, Lily the Rainforest Fairy, Lindsay the Luck Fairy, Lisa the Jelly Bean Fairy, Lizzie the Sweet Treats Fairy, Lois the Balloon Fairy, Lola the Fashion Show Fairy, Lottie the Lollipop Fairy (September 1)
Round 18: Louise the Lily Fairy, Lucy the Diamond Fairy, Lulu the Lifeguard Fairy, Luna the Loom Band Fairy, Lydia the Reading Fairy, Maddie the Playtime Fairy, Madeleine the Cookie Fairy, Madison the Magic Show Fairy, Maisie the Moonbeam Fairy, Mara the Meerkat Fairy (September 2)
Round 19: Mariana the Goldilocks Fairy, Marissa the Science Fairy, Martha the Doctor Fairy, Mary the Sharing Fairy, Maryam the Nurse Fairy, Maya the Harp Fairy, Megan the Monday Fairy, Meghan the Wedding Sparkle Fairy, Melissa the Sports Fairy, Melodie the Music Fairy (September 3)
Round 20: Mia the Bridesmaid Fairy, Michelle the Winter Wonderland Fairy, Miley the Stylist Fairy, Milly the River Fairy, Mimi the Laughter Fairy, Molly the Goldfish Fairy, Monica the Marshmallow Fairy, Morgan the Midnight Fairy, Naomi the Netball Fairy, Natalie the Christmas Stocking Fairy (September 4)
Round 21: Niamh the Invitation Fairy, Nicki the Holiday Camp Fairy, Nina the Birthday Cake Fairy, Nur the Vlogger Fairy, Olivia the Orchid Fairy, Orla the Inventor Fairy, Padma the Pirate Fairy, Paige the Pantomime Fairy, Paloma the Dodgems Fairy, Pandora the Poodle Fairy (September 5)
Round 22: Paula the Pumpkin Fairy, Pearl the Cloud Fairy, Penelope the Foal Fairy, Penny the Pony Fairy, Perrie the Paramedic Fairy, Phoebe the Fashion Fairy, Pia the Penguin Fairy, Pippa the Poppy Fairy, Polly the Party Fun Fairy, Poppy the Piano Fairy (September 6)
Round 23: Priya the Polar Bear Fairy, Rae the Rollercoaster Fairy, Rebecca the Rock 'n' Roll Fairy, Rihanna the Seahorse Fairy, Riley the Skateboarding Fairy, Rita the Frog Princess Fairy, Rita the Rollerskating Fairy, Robyn the Christmas Party Fairy, Rochelle the Star Spotter Fairy, Rosalie the Rapunzel Fairy (September 7)
Round 24: Rosie the Honey Bear Fairy, Roxie the Baking Fairy, Ruby the Red Fairy, Ruth the Red Riding Hood Fairy, Sabrina the Sweet Dreams Fairy, Sadie the Saxophone Fairy, Samantha the Swimming Fairy, Samira the Superhero Fairy, Sara the Party Games Fairy, Sarah the Sunday Fairy (September 8)
Round 25: Sasha the Slime Fairy, Saskia the Salsa Fairy, Savannah the Zebra Fairy, Scarlett the Garnet Fairy, Selena the Sleepover Fairy, Selma the Snow Leopard Fairy, Seren the Sausage Dog Fairy, Shannon the Ocean Fairy, Shelley the Sherbet Fairy, Sianne the Butterfly Fairy (September 9)
Round 26: Sienna the Saturday Fairy, Sky the Blue Fairy, Skyler the Fireworks Fairy, Sophia the Snow Swan Fairy, Sophie the Sapphire Fairy, Soraya the Skiing Fairy, Stella the Star Fairy, Storm the Lightning Fairy, Summer the Holiday Fairy, Sunny the Yellow Fairy (September 10)
Round 27: Susie the Sister Fairy, Tallulah the Tuesday Fairy, Tamara the Tooth Fairy, Taylor the Talent Show Fairy, Teri the Trampolining Fairy, Thea the Thursday Fairy, Tia the Tulip Fairy, Tiana the Toy Fairy, Tilly the Teacher Fairy, Trixie the Halloween Fairy (September 11)
Round 28: Tyra the Dress Designer Fairy, Una the Concert Fairy, Vanessa the Dance Steps Fairy, Victoria the Violin Fairy, Violet the Painting Fairy, Whitney the Whale Fairy, Willow the Wednesday Fairy, Yasmeen the Canoeing Fairy, Yasmin the Night Owl Fairy, Zadie the Sewing Fairy (September 12)
Round 29: Zainab the Squishy Toy Fairy, Zara the Starlight Fairy, Zoe the Skating Fairy (September 13)
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ghelgheli · 8 months
The Stuff I Read in January 2024
bold indicates favourites
Death's End, Cixin Liu
The Maze Runner/The Scorch Trials/The Death Cure, James Dashner
Echopraxia, Peter Watts
Other Long-Form
Against the Gendered Nightmare, baedan [anarchist library]
Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, Lenin
What Is To Be Done, Lenin
Ring My Bell, Yeongol
Dallae, Choonae
Now Loading! Mikanuji
Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It / Ichido Dake Demo, Koukai Shitemasu, Miyako Miyahara
Maka-Maka, Torajirou Kishi
Blooming Sequence, Lee Eul
Love Bullet, inee
Honey Latte Girl, Ayu Inui
I'm Sorry I Know / Wakatte Iru No Ni Gomenna, Ayu Inui
Night and Moon / Yoru to Umi, Goumoto
Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl / Ikemen Onna to Hakoiri Musume, Mochi au Lait & majoccoid
The Forbidden Peach / Suimitsutou Ha Shoujo Ni Kajirareru, Iroha Amasaki
Goodbye, My Rose Garden, Dr Pepako
Blood Lust, yoshimired [link]
The Grim Reality of Israel's Corpse Politics, Jaclynn Ashly [jacobin]
Mohammed El-Kurd and Ahmad Alnaouq on the complicity of mainstream media in Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza [link]
Inside Israel's torture camp for Gaza detainees, Yuval Abraham [archive]
The Work of the Witness, Sarah Aziza [link]
Who profits from keeping Gaza on the brink of humanitarian catastrophe? Shir Hever [archive]
Misreading Palestine, Max Ajl [link]
A Pediatrician's Two Weeks Inside a Hospital in Gaza, Isaac Chotiner [link]
A Palestinian Meditation in a Time of Annihilation, Fady Joudah [link]
Assigned Faggot: Gender Roles, Sex, and the Division of Labour, Sophia Burns [link]
Gendered Bodies: The Case of the 'Third Gender' in India, Anuja Agrawal [doi]
Paola Revenioti: The Greek transgender activist on blowing up sexual taboos in the name of art, Hannack Lack [link]
Wages Against Housework, Silvia Federici [pdf]
My Words to Victor Frankenstein above the Village of Chamounix: Performing Transgender Rage, Susan Stryker [pdf]
This is Crap, Hannah Black [link]
Social Constructions, Historical Grounds, Shay-Akil McLean [link]
White Psychodrama, Liam K. Bright [doi]
‘I don’t think you’re going to have any aborigines in your world’: Minecrafting terra nullius, Ligia López López, Lars de Wildt, Nikki Moodie [doi]
Singular Purpose: Calculating the Degree of Ethno-Religious Over-representation in the US No-Fly List, Matteo Garofalo [doi]
Samad Behrangi's Experiences and Thoughts on Rural Teaching and Learning, M. H. Fereshteh [jstor]
The "Westoxication" of Iran: Depictions and Reactions of Behrangi, al-e Ahmad, and Shariati, Brad Hanson [jstor]
Geographies of Capital and Capital of Geographies: Reckoning the Embodied City of Tehran through Cosmetic Surgeries, Marzieh Kaivanara
China in Africa: A Critical Assessment, Ahjamu Umi [link]
Small Scale Farmers and Peasants Still Feed the World, Report by ETC Group [link]
16 Million and Counting: The Collateral Damage of Capital [link]
The Keynesian Counterrevolution, Mike Beggs [jacobin]
Jobs For All, Mike Beggs [jacobin]
How This Climate Activist Justifies Political Violence, David Marchese interviewing Andreas Malm [NYT]
Against Domestication, Jacques Camatte [marxists dot org]
The Annihilation of Caste, B. R. Ambedkar, [archive]
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numberonepeacock · 29 days
Happiness Charge Pretty Cure! Characters as Mobians
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Megumi Aino/Cure Lovely - Magenta Sheep/Hot Pink Sheep
As Cure Lovely, she represented by hearts, and respectively has the power of love
Her Form Changes are Cherry Flamenco and Lollipop Hip Hop
Hime Shirayuki/Cure Princess - Marine Hedgehog/Pastel Blue Hedgehog
She is the princess of the Blue Sky Kingdom
As Cure Princess, she represented by circles and feathers
Her Form Changes are Sherbet Ballet and Macadamia Hula Dance
Yuko Omori/Cure Honey - Caramel Brown Songbird/Blonde Songbird
As Cure Honey, she represented by clovers
Her Form Changes are Popcorn Cheer and Coconuts Samba
Iona Hikawa/Cure Fortune - Dark Purple Porcupine/Bright Lavender Porcupine
As Cure Fortune, she represented by stars
Her Form Changes are Pine Arabian and Anmitsu Komachi
Ribbon - Cure Chao (Hero Chao)
Hime's mediator
Cure Lovely and Cure Princess' fairy partner
Glasan - Cure Chao (Neutral Chao)
Cure Fortune's fairy partner
Magical Allies:
Blue - Light Blue Hippogriff (God)/Light Blue Eagle (Mobian)
Is the god of Earth and the spirit-like deity of Blue Sky Kingdom. He gives the power to the Pretty Cures of Happiness Charge and he gives a pink Love Crystal to Hime so she can find a partner. While Megumi and Hime fight the Saiarks and the Phantom Empire, Blue travels across the world and recruits Pretty Cures from several nations to fight against Queen Mirage and the Phantom Empire's invasion. He and Red are gods and also siblings.
Bomber Girls Pretty Cure - Texas, USA, Pretty Cure team with a theme of the good ol' days of the American Wild West.
Blue Cure - Red Rattlesnake
Pink Cure - Blonde Bald Eagle
Yellow Cure - Silver Buffalo
Wonderful Net Pretty Cure - Mumbai, India, Pretty Cure team with a Technology theme.
Orange Cure - Orange Bengal Tiger
Green Cure - Green Elephant
Cure Art - Blonde Chicken
Paris, France, Pretty Cure with a theme of art and rainbows.
Cure Nile - Blue Steppe Eagle
Cairo, Egypt, Pretty Cure with a water theme.
Ohana/Cure Sunset - Black Monk Seal/Orange Monk Seal
Apart of the Hawaii, USA, Pretty Cure team with a Sunsets theme.
Twin sister to Olina.
Olina/Cure Wave - Black Monk Seal/Turquoise Monk Seal
Apart of the Hawaii, USA, Pretty Cure team with a Wave theme.
Twin sister to Ohana.
Aloalo - Cure Chao (Hero Chao)
Cure Sunset and Cure Wave's fairy partner
Cure Continental - Blonde Lioness
London, England, Pretty Cure with a Alice in Wonderland theme.
Cure Katyusha - Eurasian Brown Bear
Moscow, Russia, Pretty Cure.
Cure Southern Cross - Red Kangaroo
Sydney, Australia, Pretty Cure.
Cure Gonna - Dirty Blonde Italian Wolf
Apart of the Rome, Italy, Pretty Cure team.
Twin sister of Cure Pantaloni.
Cure Pantaloni - Dirty Blonde Italian Wolf
Apart of the Rome, Italy, Pretty Cure team.
Twin sister of Cure Gonna.
Matador Pretty Cure - Purple Cow
Madrid, Spain, Pretty Cure with a Bullfighter theme.
Red/Deep Mirror - Griffin (God)/Red Eagle (Modian/Deep Mirror)
Is the real evil once it is revealed that he is the one who controlled Mirage. He went under the alias Deep Mirror to serve as Queen Mirage's adviser, who locates things for her while secretly controlling her.
He turned out to be Red Planet's god and the younger brother of Blue.
His Saiarks have red scarves.
Queen Mirage/Cure Mirage - Blonde Nine Tailed Fox (Evil)/Black Fox (Mobian)/Coral Red Two Tailed Fox (Cure)
Is the ruler of the Phantom Empire.
Before she became evil, she was a shrine maiden in Pikarigaoka and a Cure named Cure Mirage.
She was once in love with Blue, but his feelings were not as strong because he had many duties as a deity and could not fall in love with a regular human, breaking her heart. She then became evil, rejecting all love and happiness in the world.
Her Saiarks have blue scarves and creates a fog and utter chaos.
Phantom/Cure Unlovely/PhanPhan - Iwakuni White Snake/Dark Pink Sheep/Cure Chao (Dark Chao)
Is the elite general of the Phantom Empire.
He is courageous and unruffled and refers to himself as "The Pretty Cure Hunter."
He is incredibly loyal to Queen Mirage.
He defeated many Pretty Cures worldwide, including Cure Tender, Cure Fortune's elder sister.
When he purifyed it is revealed that he is the former fairy partner of Mirage named PhanPhan, who was brainwashed by Red and turned into Phantom.
His Saiarks have white scarves and spread purple crystals and mines throughout the area.
Oresky - Gila Monster
A general of the Phantom Empire.
He is part of the Oresky Trio with Hosshiwa and Namakelder, serving as their leader.
His Saiarks have yellow scarves and create barren wastelands and dark clouds.
Namakelder - Light Green Grasshopper (Evil)/Dark Green Grasshopper (Good)
A general of the Phantom Empire.
His Saiarks have green scarves and spread mold across the area. 
Hosshiwa - Light Blue Poodle (Evil)/Dark Blue Poodle (Good)
A general of the Phantom Empire.
She is a spoiled, wealthy lady who desires everything, especially her beloved sweets.
Her Saiarks have pink scarves and turn the area into one with chocolate, cakes and other sweets and desserts.
Madam Momere - Purple Arctic Fox
A general of the Phantom Empire.
She is a flamboyant lady who loves it when her opponents argue among each other.
She fights the Alo~ha Pretty Cure in Hawaii.
Her Saiarks have purple scarves and freeze the area around them.
Masaru Aino - Brown Sheep
Megumi’s father.
Kaori Aino - Fandango Pink Sheep
Megumi's mother.
Her health is poor, though it appears to be improving.
King of the Blue Sky Kingdom - Dark Blue Hedgehog
Hime’s father and the king of the Blue Sky Kingdom.
Queen of the Blue Sky Kingdom - Marine Hedgehog
Hime’s mother and the queen of the Blue Sky Kingdom.
Takeo Omori - Brown Wolf
Yuko’s father.
Owner of a lunchbox restaurant, Omori Rice.
Yoko Omori - Brown Songbird
Yuko’s mother.
Co Owner of a lunchbox restaurant, Omori Rice with her husband.
Ai Omori - Caramel Brown Wolf
Yuko’s older sister.
Helps out at her family’s lunchbox restaurant, Omori Rice.
Yonezo Omori - Gray Wolf
Yuko’s grandfather.
He runs a Rice Farm with his wife Ine.
Ine Omori - Brown Frog
Yuko’s grandmother.
She runs a rice farm with her husband Yonezo.
Maria Hikawa/Cure Tender/Dark Tender - Black Tenrec/Grayish-Blue Tenrec/Purple Tenrec with Butterfly wings
Iona's older sister.
When battling against Phantom, with Iona watching them, she was defeated after taking an attack from Phantom intended for Iona.
Later Iona is brainwashed by Queen Mirage and turned into Dark Tender.
Supporting People:
Seiji Sagara - Honey Badger (has brown hair)
Seiji is Megumi's neighbor, and childhood friend.
Seiji loves martial arts and diligently trains every day at the Hikawa Style Karate Dojo.
He harbors a secret crush on Megumi.
Seiji gets brainwashed by Red in order to defeat the Happiness Charge! Cures and Blue but is ultimately saved by them.
Hiroko Sagara - Leopard (has brown hair)
Is Seiji's mother.
Mao Sagara - Leopard (has brown hair)
Is Seiji's younger sister.
Miyo Masuko - Ring-Tailed Lemur
Is a reporter. She is reporting about Japan and other countries' Pretty Cures.
Izumi - Sky Magenta Deer
She is the teacher for Megumi's class in Pikarigaoka Middle School.
Previously: ♥️♦️♠️♣️ | Next: 👸👑
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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ranveer--singh · 2 years
The nights are tasteless without you: part 8 ~ Ari Levinson Fic
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A/N - This is my first proper multiple chapter story which came to me while watching a Bollywood movie. It is set in Mumbai India where Ari is a professor at a university meets a person of colour - Marathi girl at the train station. There will be other Chris Evans characters as professors and Henry Cavill   characters as professors  
Warning: Please read this before reading the story. 18+, smut, sex… etc
Ari had finally finished his last class of the day, he dismissed the class, packing away his stuff when Andy entered the room.
"You ready buddy, Y/N is excited to have you over," Andy said, patting Ari's back. 
"Give me a few minutes," Ari said, putting his laptop and papers away. "Ok I'm ready, so excited to meet Y/N Andy." he said smiling at Andy who was so excited to show off his wife. They left, Ari driving behind Andy, following, Andy quickly shooting his wife a text at the traffic lights that they have left. 
It took them 35 minutes to drive to Andy's apartment, which took longer than usual because of the traffic. Andy parked his car, stepping out and grabbing his bag, Ari parked behind him grabbing a gift for Y/N. 
He followed Andy into the apartment complex, going into the lift and going to the 12th floor. They arrived at the apartment, Andy opening it and stepping inside. He smiled, installing the aromas of spices she was cooking. 
"Honeybun, we are home," Andy said, walking towards the lounge. They waited a few seconds, then Y/N walked in wearing maroon jeans, white friends t-shirt covered by an apron and wearing fluffy brown and black slippers. 
"Jaan," she said, wrapping her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. Andy wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tightly. Y/N looked up at him and smiled as Andy leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss. He parted his lips, turning to face Ari and introduce him,
"Honey, this is Ari. Ari this is my beautiful wife Y/N," y/n moved out of his arms, walking over to give him a hug. She is a hugger and likes to greet people with a hug.
"Nice to meet you Ari, trust my jaan is making you welcome in India," she said, seeing Ari smile and nod his head.
"Mrs. Barber, this is for you," Ari said, landing the box of chocolates to her. 
"Thank you Ari, you can call me Y/N. There was no need for the gift, but thank you once again," Y/N said, looking at Ari with a smile. "Food will be ready in five minutes, please wash your hands," y/n moved back to the kitchen while Andy showed Ari where the bathroom was. 
 They sat down to eat, Y/N plating both men the food, before sitting down to eat herself. One hand was linked with Andy's while they talked. 
"So Ari, how are you finding Mumbai," she asked in-between mouthfuls.
"It is taking me a while to adapt but I am loving the weather," Ari said taking some poppadoms and chutney and putting it in his mouth.
"Honey he has tried vada pau and now loves them," Andy said, making Ari blush thinking of the time he ate done with Maddy at the food stand. They talked, when Andy changed the subject asking about Maddy. "So tell us about Maddy, did you ask her out," Andy said, grabbing himself some more khadi. 
"I did ask her out, she said yes and we are planning a date at my place this Saturday. I am going to make tacos, nachos, some Margarita drinks and we will watch a movie together," Ari said, feeling nervous about the date. 
"That's great man," Andy said watching Y/N take her plate to the sink and start making some chai. Both the men helped clean up the table, putting the food away and washing the dishes. Y/N came back 15 minutes later with some chai and biscuits, and they all moved to the sitting room to talk more and enjoy the chai. 
"What is Maddy like," Y/N asked looking at Ari who smiled,
"She is lovely, very friendly to talk to and I just love her energy," Ari said blushing just thinking of her. "Sometimes we text each other silly memes and other times we send each other songs we like," Ari said, biting his bottom lip. They talked for a while, Y/N excusing herself and going upstairs to answer a call while Andy and Ari played a video game together. Ari left at 10pm, with Y/N sending him food in takeaway containers so he can eat them tomorrow. 
Saturday morning, Ari was panicking, he chose to make more food than he can make. He texted Andy and in half an hour both Andy and Y/N arrived to help him out with the cooking. 
Y/N and Ari worked in the kitchen, while Andy made the margarita drink, as well as cleaning the lounge and heading out to get some flowers and candles. Few hours later, the  taco mixture was made, all the ingredients for the nachos prepared and the lounge decorated with flowers, candles and fairy lights. Andy and Y/N left, hugging Ari and wishing him luck. 
Ari goes to have a quick shower and puts on the denim shirt and jeans. He sprays some cologne - Midnight Musk & Amber Cologne looking at the clock to see that the date will start in 1 hour. 
Ari was nervous and wished the time could speed up so the date could start. One hour later, the doorbell rang; Ari stood up, took a deep breath, opening the door to see Maddy standing outside in black denim jeans and a sparkly green top. 
"Hi, Ari," she said, handing him some sweets and a bottle of wine. Ari smiled, taking the gifts and putting them on the table before hugging Maddy and kissing her cheeks.
"Hi, Maddy, come inside," he said, taking her to the lounge and pouring her some wine. 
"Ari, you smell heavenly," she said, sitting next to him on the sofa. 
"Thank you, Maddy, you smell delightful as ever," he says, enjoying her scent. They talked for a little while; he couldn't help staring at her lips. The way he watched her smile, laugh and talk got his body feeling all types of things. 
He was itching to kiss her, he wanted to pause the moment, grab her head in his hands and passionately kiss her lips making her melt into his arms. 
"I have made tacos, nachos and Margarita drinks for dinner; I confess I had help making this. Andy's wife helped me; I hope you like it," Ari said, looking at Maddy's emerald dangling earrings.  Biting his lip, he needed to remind himself to behave and see how the first date went. 
They ate dinner at the table, Ari pouring her some more wine and talking about movies most of the time. He couldn't stop looking at her hair; it was long and black, French braided to the side. It got his dick twitching thinking of him tugging on it while pounding her. 
Dinner was finished, they both cleared up and went to the lounge to switch on the movie and get comfortable. Ari took a blanket and handed it to Maddy, who slipped her shoes off and sat under the covers. Ari went to the kitchen to grab some more wine, opened a bag of popcorn and put it in a bowl with some chocolate and brought it out. 
"What movie shall we watch," he said, putting down the bowl of popcorn, pouring some wine in Maddy's glass as he sat next to her, covering the blanket around his legs. 
"Let's watch a marvel movie, maybe the first cap movie," she said, taking a sip of her wine and eating some popcorn. 
"First Captain America movie sounds good," Ari said, opening up Hotstar and playing the movie. They both watched in silence, Maddy sneaking glances at Ari who looked hot in denim. 
Half way through the movie, Ari paused the movie, turning to look at Maddy. 
"Hi," he said, looking at her face glow with the light. 
"Hey," she said, feeling her face heat up from the way Ari looked at her. 
"Can I kiss you?" Ari asked and Maddy nodded her head. Heat rose from Maddy's stomach to her chest. Ari's lips were getting closer and her heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of him was hypnotic beyond belief.
Her whole body tingled, his arms wrapped around her. Ari pulled her in, claiming her mouth, hungry and intense, until her knees gave in. By the time Maddy became aware of her fingers, they had already slipped under his denim shirt, his skin smooth and radiating heat. 
It was as if time had stopped, both of them sitting on the sofa glued to one another. As if no one existed but just them together kissing. Ari pulled away, looking at her with a huge smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around her once more, they cuddled as Ari continued the movie. 
It was 11pm when the movie was over, Maddy started to yawn, stretching her arms out. Ari knew it was time for her to go home, he felt a little sad but tonight wasn't the night to ask her to stay over. 
"It's quite late," Ari asked, "Do you want to stay over?" seeing her yawn once again. 
She squirmed and looked away, biting her lip. Ari understood what that meant. He was endearing to see that she was a little shy around him, even now that they had kissed. "I-I mean, I'll give you my bed and I'll take the couch…no pressure." 
"No!" She said a bit too quickly, eyes as wide as saucers I'll. "I-I can't put you out of your own room," she said, getting up and picking up her purse. "I mean, basically what I wanted to say is," Ari blew out a breath at this awkward conversation, "I mean, there will be no funny business," he gulped and cleared his throat, feeling his own cheeks heat up under his beard. 
"No no, but I don't mean to cause you any discomfort," she said. 
"But it's late, let me drop you home at least," he pleaded. 
"Fine," she sighed. 
Ari fetched his car keys and rode the lift down along with Maddy. He drove her to her place and parked his car on the road, idling the engine. Maddy didn't make a move to leave the car immediately. She tucked a strand of hair that had escaped her plait behind her ear and gave Ari a shy smile. "I had a great time tonight, Ari, thanks for everything," she whispered quietly. 
"You're welcome. The pleasure is all mine," he returned her smile, with his palms resting on the steering wheel.
She bit her lip and waited for a moment. Ari guessed that she was looking for a goodbye gesture and was hesitating. He waited, trying not to make her uncomfortable, yet curious at what she would do. 
She patted his hand awkwardly, murmured "goodnight" and tried to open the car door. Her body was yanked back into the seat as she had forgotten to take off her seat belt. Ari bit his lip, trying not to laugh. "S-sorry," she teetered, feeling extremely shy. "Hey, no need to apologize. Here let me help you," he said as he leaned over the console to help her untangle the belt.
He closed his eyes for a moment when he got close to her neck and got a whiff of her perfume. He also saw goosebumps breaking out on her skin at his proximity, her breath getting rougher. "There, all done," he whispered slowly. 
"Th-Thanks," she whispered back. She hesitated for one more moment before quickly leaning forward and planting a swift kiss on his cheek. It landed on his beard instead, but it left Ari stunned nevertheless. Before he could reel from it, she had squirmed out of her seat and left the car. 
Ari moved on a reflex and followed her. She walked a few steps and then turned around and collided into Ar's chest. "Hey! What happened?" He was still not sure what was going on. 
"D-dogs! There are dogs in the street! Help!" 
"Ohhh are you scared of stray dogs?"
"Mm-hmm," she said, hugging him tight. 
"Aww don't worry; I'll walk you to your building's gate. Does that sound good?"
"Yes, please," she squeaked and trembled, making Ari go heart eyes for how cute she was. 
Ari hugged her back, patted her shoulder and then broke free to hold her hand. He walked with her as promised, and when they reached her gate, she looked down at their joined hands and whispered a quiet "thank you."
"Sundar," Ari lifted her chin and smiled at her, "I know you were trying to kiss me goodnight earlier. In the car." 
"Yes," she squirmed and blushed again. 
"Well, you're gonna have to kiss me properly then," he said as he dropped his lips down to kiss her. 
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tubetrading · 7 months
Breaking Down the Labels:  Understanding Hot Sauce Ingredients
In the realm of culinary delight, hot sauce has secured its place as a versatile and flavorful condiment.  As the demand for unique and bold flavors grows, it's crucial to understand the key components that make up this fiery concoction.  In this blog post, we will break down the labels and delve into the intricacies of hot sauce ingredients, shedding light on what goes into crafting this beloved condiment.  Whether you're a hot sauce enthusiast or a curious consumer, join us on a journey to unravel the mysteries behind your favorite spicy companion.
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The Spice Evolution
Hot sauce, a culinary staple in many cultures, has evolved from being a mere condiment to a key ingredient that adds depth and character to a wide range of dishes.  The surge in popularity of hot sauce has given rise to a diverse array of options on the market.  From mild and tangy to explosively spicy, hot sauces cater to a spectrum of taste preferences.
Hot Sauce Ingredients:  A Comprehensive Guide
1.         Peppers – The Heart of the Heat
At the core of any hot sauce is the pepper – the primary source of heat and flavor.  Various pepper varieties contribute to the unique profiles of different hot sauces.  Common peppers used include jalapeños, habaneros, serranos, and Thai chilies.  Each pepper brings its own distinct heat level, flavor nuances, and sometimes even fruity or smoky undertones.
2.         Vinegar – The Tangy Twist
Vinegar plays a dual role in hot sauce, serving as a preservative and contributing a tangy kick.  Distilled white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, and rice vinegar are popular choices among hot sauce manufacturers.  The type of vinegar used can influence the overall flavor profile, with some hot sauces boasting a more pronounced tanginess.
3.         Salt – Balancing Act
Salt is a crucial ingredient that not only enhances the overall flavor but also acts as a natural preservative.  It helps balance the heat of the peppers and the acidity of the vinegar, creating a harmonious blend.  Sea salt, kosher salt, or specialty salts can be used to add depth to the hot sauce's taste.
4.         Sweeteners – Taming the Fire
To counteract the heat and acidity, many hot sauces incorporate sweeteners.  Sugar, honey, or fruit juices are commonly used to add a touch of sweetness.  This not only provides a more rounded flavor but also helps in mellowing out the intense heat, making the hot sauce approachable to a broader audience.
5.         Garlic and Onion – A Flavorful Foundation
Garlic and onion are often included in hot sauce recipes to impart a savory and aromatic base.  The subtle flavors of these ingredients complement the heat of the peppers, contributing to a well-rounded and complex taste profile.  Roasted or raw, garlic and onion can add depth and richness to the hot sauce.
Hot Sauce Manufacturers in India:  Crafting Culinary Excellence
In the vibrant landscape of hot sauce manufacturing, India has emerged as a hub for diverse and innovative flavors.  Hot sauce manufacturers in India are known for infusing traditional spices and regional influences into their creations, offering a wide range of options for spice enthusiasts.
Private Labelling in Vadodara
For those looking to venture into the hot sauce market with their unique twist, private labeling companies in Vadodara provide a valuable service.  These companies specialize in creating customized hot sauce formulations and packaging, allowing businesses to establish their brand identity in the competitive market.
Hot Sauce Supplier in Kuwait:  Global Spice Fusion
Kuwait, with its rich culinary traditions, has also embraced the global fascination with hot sauces.  A hot sauce supplier in Kuwait bridges the gap between the diverse world of hot sauce manufacturing and the Kuwaiti consumer market.  These suppliers ensure a steady flow of premium hot sauces, catering to the diverse taste preferences of the Kuwaiti population.
As we unravel the labels of hot sauce bottles, it becomes evident that this fiery condiment is a harmonious blend of heat, tanginess, sweetness, and savory undertones.  Understanding the intricacies of hot sauce ingredients allows consumers to make informed choices based on their flavor preferences.
For those looking to explore the world of hot sauce beyond the typical offerings, the burgeoning hot sauce manufacturers in India, private labeling companies in Vadodara, and hot sauce suppliers in Kuwait open up exciting possibilities.  Whether you prefer a milder tang or an explosive heat, hot sauce has something for everyone, making it a truly universal culinary delight.
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