#When the penny drops
paradoxsun · 4 months
Gentle Reminder that women go through a secondary puberty in their 20s
You get acne you thought you left behind in your teens, your hips may get Wider or your chest bigger. Your features settle. It can be surprising. My entire structure changed in under two months. Suddenly, the face I thought of as myself in my head wasn't what reflected in the mirror. But the new woman who greeted me in the mirror was still lovely, and I look forward to the adventure that awaits us.
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sorkos · 6 days
I love it when in the middle of a D&D session you hear something important that sounds like it might go somewhere and >THIS DUDE< has been writing down notes and can flip back several pages and go "I knew my notes would come in handy! Sorkos has additional information on this!" :D
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fruitageoforanges · 8 months
elia martell character of all time because she was playing the game of thrones AND WINNING — survived aerys, set up an alternate court on dragonstone, universally beloved even by most of robert’s anti-targ regime, was probably at least angling to get rid of aerys — but the literal song of ice and fire was being written around her and well. you can’t outrun your inevitable doom.
like. that’s elia’s tragedy, and what makes me so insane about her. she was in the wrong story. she was playing the game of court politics but ended up yoked to 300 years of targaryen collapse and dynastic rot instead. there’s nothing i love more than characters doing their best with the pieces they can see on the board, while the fact slowly dawns on them that the board is in the process of being swallowed by an eldritch monster.
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laurapetrie · 2 years
She has too much poetry in her.
Thomas Hardy, The Hand of Ethelberta (1876)
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cassafrassie · 6 months
- Mabel, did you know that Pacifica likes me?
- Uh, yeah?
- I didn’t!
- What? You two've been dating for months. 
- I didn’t know we were dating!
- Wow. For someone so smart you really gotta work on your observational skills, bro-bro. 
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ir0n-moon · 4 months
When Toki was caught hanging out with Rockzo late at night it's pretty obviously implied that Charles was woken up and called into the room to help handle it
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But later in the same episode the guys are hanging out in the hot tub (or playing videogames in Toki's case) while Charles is literally just standing there 🧍‍♂️
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The guys are chatting about freeballing and generally pretty relaxed before Rockzo comes barging in. But Charles is just there
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I know that the logical reason for this is that the scene needed him to be there in order to interact with Rockzo but I like to imagine that this was one of the first, if not the first time, that the guys invited him to "pal around" with them. They asked him to be there. "Well, what exactly do you want me to, uh, do here?". "Nothin', just come hang out with us". They probably suggested he get in the tub with them but he's obviously much too professional for that so he just remained outside... watching
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And the thing is the guys are too stupid to even attempt to make him feel included in their conversation and Charles is both too disinterested and too awkward to try and push it. They cannot even fathom that he might feel left out (he doesn't, but it's still impolite of them). They probably assume he's having as much fun as they are... or straight up forgot that he was even there in the first place 😭
Either that or he's practicing observation like a Montessori teacher. Whichever i find funnier at the moment
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vinelark · 1 year
bart thinks kon is maybe stupid for not realizing tim is robin, but kon just respects robin so much that subconsciously he can't allow himself to make that connection until robin tells him himself
yeah! also kon initially met tim (as a civilian) in a situation that made him perceive tim through a certain lens—tim was one of a few rich kids kidnapped for ransom, and at that point, if asked, kon probably wouldn’t be able to imagine robin getting successfully kidnapped by a non-supervillain. like he knows robin is human/not a meta (and understands what this means for robin specifically more and more as time goes on) but the bats still have this carefully cultivated vibe/reputation that masks their vulnerabilities. so when kon interacts with tim after that initial kidnapping, he’s already framed tim as someone normal/vulnerable in a way that he doesn’t see robin. also, he’s extrapolated his idea of tim as a rich kid who does rich kid things with his time (yacht parties, hiring whole actors, living in a penthouse, getting fostered by a gazillionaire) and not vigilante things with his time. like he thinks tim is weird and funny and intriguing and surprisingly kind but he also imagines tim hanging out in expensive boarding school libraries and fancy galas and stuff. and while he’s vein_guy_meme.jpg trying to respect robin’s privacy, when he does idly imagine robin as a civilian he still pictures rob on, like, a roof or in a cave or napping on top of the tower fridge or something. so it’s not like he’s Seeing It and then rationalizing his way out of realizing, but rather that he’s pre-rationalized both tim and robin in a way that already separates them in his mind.
tl;dr kon's a smart guy and could totally put it together with the right prompting, so the watsonian reason he hasn't is all of the above; the doylist reason is because i as the author am having fun and also want the reveal to drop at a certain moment.
meanwhile bart met tim without any of those preconceived notions, and caught on as soon as tim said names (robin's shorthand for "no names in the field") because bart was like, huh, that's a very robin thing to say, and also this guy is having a weird reaction to fear gas so now i'm thinking about gotham, and also we're on a roof, and also his hair looks kinda windblown and spiky, all of which reminds me of ohhhhh shit omg okay that's why robin wasn't answering his messages got it
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nonbinary-morro · 2 years
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a slight Penny redesign because while I like her vol 8 look the early volumes Penny will always have a special place in my heart.
((no reposts please but reblogs are greatly appreciated :DD ))
I added the two tones in her dress and the wide sleeves from her v8 look but mainly keep everything the same since there is little need to fix perfection XP. Though I did lean a bit into a more vocaloid-ish look with the circles and green stripes, I also added her v8 robot legs since I personally prefer robot characters that visually look robotic, or at least off/inhuman.
I also got rid of the ahoge since I just couldn't make it work after I added the big Roxy Lalonde swirl in her hair since there would be too much going on :((.
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She kinda reminds me utatane piko. Thb
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vaguely,,, a little bit,,, 👌
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year
The thing about "two sides of the same coin" is - you can only ever see one side.
Look: the coin is in the air. Flip, flip, flip. One face, then the other. One side up, twinkling in the light; one side down, obscured in shadow.
But at least the coin is still spinning.
At least they're still both there, almost meeting, two parts of a whole - flip, flip, flip.
But the coin was always going to land eventually.
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year
Cannot recommend highly enough the experience of, in the middle of a fae campaign
describing a sense of creeping dread--a combination of the way the ocean recedes before a tsunami, the world pulling back in order to kick you harder in the teeth, and.....eerie silence. the same lizard-brain survival instinct that kicks in when you're walking in the woods when there's a cougar in the area and suddenly the hair on the back of your neck stands up and you just.......you don't know what's wrong, or where the threat is, but something is out there and you know because the world is wrong. 
and that freaks your players out so badly they immediately find a hidden gully and get the fuck off the road and hide themselves completely waiting for it to pass
and then you describe a very, very faint, hoarse, sharp sound--a long way away, barely audible, off in the distance. haor. haor haor. haor. and then you get:
“Jo, you’re making me terrified with just that noise.” “....How many of your characters have ever heard foxhounds?”
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When you have to take off your socks to change into clean socks and your bare feet touch the floor for exactly fifteen seconds and the dry, smooth sensation makes you want to chop your toes off
#It’s awful#I used to think short carpet was bad but vinyl flooring is the literal WORST#They should make socks that are lined with a rubbery nubby texture for people with sensory issues and/or allodynia#who find light or sliding contact painful and need deep pressure to function#This is why my grandma always wore her penny loafers— even in the hospital bed#I know what you were grandma#I KNOW you#She knew the lyrics to every song ever from 1890–1980 and would spontaneously burst into song if something you said reminded her of a song#And her mother used to sit down and read the dictionary for fun and was essentially a walking encyclopedia#despite dropping out of school at a young age because she just absorbed everything she could find#My aunt talks really really fast and for a really long time and constantly crochets to keep her hands busy#and according to my mom would rock in a rocking chair for hours and hours#All of my uncles and my mom are slightly socially awkward and take LOONG pauses between words sometimes#and something about their neutral facial expressions is “off” and guess who else looks “off” when I’m not purposefully grandiose#Moi [frames face with hands]#me#I can’t quite put my finger on it but I look a little too “dreamy” and like a fish out of water simultaneously#Like “the lights are off but someone is definitely in there watching and it’s kind of creeping me out”#And I will also read the dictionary for fun and I also happen to be a walking encyclopedia#Right now I’m into herbalism and mushrooms and psychotropic substances so I will recite paragraphs of information unsolicited#about any of those things#I guess it’s a branch off my main interest in psychology and human biology
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sidetongue · 1 year
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ignore the drool
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b1uedcollar · 4 months
“seth, what IS cody’s faceclaim?”    i don’t know! the guy at the gas station holding three hot dogs and a bigassicecold diet coke.   just the ugliest pitch around. idk!
#and he’s staring at the candy aisle so long that a bystander makes a face because she thinks he’s gawking.#but he’s ACTUALLY looking at them sweedish fishies. that straight ASS candy that his grandfather loved.#and he misses him so he yanks them off the shelf.#yapping away with miss penny behind the counter the whole time he’s in line.#she’s got a new do. (lookin’ good!) and she’s telling him all about her grandson’s homerun from the weekend.#and twenty minutes later he hands the dogs to the homeless guy outside the door#(and his pal chico. even though that’s dawg on dawg crime in some parts.)#shakes his cup and takes a long sip. before yelling cross the way to that gal at the air pump#no way her daddy was around because she ain’t doing this shit right.#(and he knows he wasn’t because she’s someone he graduated with. divorced and back in town. the usual.)#and when he’s done making sure the rest of them tires got enough air#(and hearing the gunshots from his phone signaling the it’s me! text as she’s leaving the lot)#he gets back to his vehicle. tanking up and waving at sixty nine people who pass by.#he’s gotta drop off them green beans he got for maw. an exchange for them empty glasses clanging around on the floor#(he’s bottling up some blackberry wine for boss this weekend)#gonna make a stop at the cemetery to share that damn box of fishies with pop.#and then he’s got the audacity to straighten that no trespassing sign on the fence#before pulling into the long shell driveway to his “boat”house.#but anyway! yeah .. he ugly.#𝙲𝙾𝙳𝚈 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙿𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙴𝚁. 〈 🔩 〉 screwball.
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
seeing asexual characters being depicted as either entirely emotionless or so thoroughly repulsed by the mere mentions of the existence of sex and them flinching and crying about it so everyone has to walk on eggshells when it comes to that topic is genuinely so exhausting because asexuality is not really That and depicting them as prudes that could never even consider is damaging to people on the spectrum who are actually neutral or don't mind talking about it or are fully open to the idea of intercourse but the moment people acknowledge That aspect the characters are lewded to hell and back to the point they read as allo and just
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robotpussy · 1 year
this white woman is threatening to call the police on me after she fucking sprayed bathroom cleaner in my fucking face and lashed out and told her to fuck off
#i know she wont call the police because wtf are they gonna do? im not at home in literally going to class#and i wont get home until the evening but the fact that she's threatening me because she wanted me#to lash out is so evil im manifesting her death idgaf anymore!!!#incase ppl are wondering she was outside spraying the door for a hour and im like im not walking past her#incase she says i did something to her. but then im like nah im gonna be late if i dont leave now#incase she says i did something to her. so i close the door but because she has the front door open my door slams#so she screams 'dont slam the door' and im like it only slammed because of the wind#and then im waiting for her to move and she won't so i just tell her i need to get past and she's like fuck off you piece of shit#and i just get riled up like don't fucking talk to me all i did was tell you i need to get past but you called me names#so im gonna do it back cause im not letting that slide. and she fucking sprays the cleaner at me#and then when im like what the fuck is your problem shes like i can get you arrested for being violent#and im like.... call them cause i haven't touched you 🤷🏾‍♀️ shes been dying to say that to me i know it#that low life penny smelling pile of white flesh will get whats coming to her i say she drop dead soon!#the reason why she was claiming i was being violent was because i kicked the air as a reflex response....#i didnt kick her. i kicked the air but shes going to run with that
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rillette · 1 year
I love being on tumblr and getting into new media bc occasionally I'll see someone in my notes that previously had an innocuous url and go "I Know What You Are" <- (said joyously)
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