#Western Economies
tmarshconnors · 1 day
The war between Russia and Ukraine has dragged on for over a year now, and the West, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom, has poured billions into military aid, equipment, and financial assistance for Ukraine. The argument has been that Ukraine needs our support to defend itself against Russian aggression, which, in theory, could pose a broader threat to Europe and even global security. But is this endless funding truly in the best interest of our nations? I argue that it is not.
Unintended Consequences: Economic Strain on the West
Let’s start with the practical issue: the economic toll on our countries. We are facing significant domestic challenges – from economic recessions and rising inflation to unemployment and energy crises. Yet, despite these struggles, billions of taxpayer dollars and pounds continue to flow out to fund a conflict halfway across the world.
Consider the impact on everyday citizens. Energy prices have skyrocketed, in part because of sanctions on Russian oil and gas, but also due to our funding of this seemingly never-ending conflict. Instead of investing in infrastructure, healthcare, or education at home, we’re propping up a country that, quite frankly, needs to take responsibility for its own survival.
What’s Really at Stake?
While it's easy to frame this war as a moral crusade against tyranny, it’s far more complex than that. Ukraine is not a perfect democracy, and its issues with corruption are well-documented. Are we truly supporting a nation based on democratic ideals, or are we merely caught in a geopolitical tug-of-war with Russia? Either way, the continued funneling of funds is draining resources that could be better spent elsewhere.
Moreover, the West has already armed Ukraine to the teeth, providing advanced weaponry and training. The Ukrainian military is now well-equipped to hold its own. So why are we still providing an endless cash flow? At what point do we say, "Enough is enough"?
Ukraine's Responsibility to Defend Itself
At some point, we must allow Ukraine to stand on its own two feet. Nations throughout history have had to fend for themselves in times of crisis, and Ukraine should be no exception. This is their fight, after all. If they wish to preserve their sovereignty and independence, it’s their duty to do so.
One might argue that cutting off funding would be abandoning Ukraine to a Russian takeover. But that's an oversimplified view. Ukraine has proven its resilience time and time again. They have the will to fight; what they now need is the determination to do so without relying on endless Western support. The question isn't whether they can defend themselves – it's whether they will if left to their own devices.
Western Nations Need to Prioritize Their Own Citizens
The well-being of our own citizens should always be our primary concern. Our governments are elected to serve ourinterests, not to act as the world's police force or charity. With millions struggling to make ends meet, is it really fair to continue sending our hard-earned money to a foreign conflict?
We need to refocus on issues that matter at home: rebuilding our economies, strengthening national security, and addressing the energy crisis. Instead of being distracted by far-off wars, let’s direct our efforts toward solving our domestic problems.
The Risk of Prolonging the Conflict
Finally, there's the risk that by continuing to fund Ukraine, we are merely prolonging the conflict. If both sides know that Western money and weapons will keep flowing, where's the incentive for peace? By stepping back, we encourage diplomatic solutions rather than an endless military stalemate.
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It’s time for the West to rethink its role in the Russia-Ukraine war. While supporting Ukraine was initially seen as a moral and strategic necessity, the continued funding is proving to be more of a burden than a benefit. Ukraine has the means to defend itself. Now it must find the resolve to do so independently. Our priorities should shift back to addressing the needs of our citizens, and it's high time we let Ukraine face Russia on its own terms.
After all, every nation must ultimately be responsible for its own survival.
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macklesufficient · 10 days
i know it’s been said a thousand times but why DONT the grossly wealthy do good stuff even if only for the ego trip and/or stunt value? even if you didn’t care about your fellow man at all imagine how fun it’d be to buy up a bunch of rental housing scattered all throughout a given area and slash the rents by half. u get people sucking your dick in the media AND the spectacle of every other landlord screaming and crying and throwing up to compete….that’s good wholesome fun right there
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ignatiusteto · 2 months
i think sacred music in the kryn dynasty would be very cyclical and repetitive in form to symbolize the idea that life is a continuous thing (at least those who are consecuted right right) and is a cycle across lifetimes and yeah
#court rambambles#cr#critical role#kryn dynasty#finishing up my religions class and i've used the last two topics to research non-western music because hi music major western music gets#super fucking boring. and i've been having a Blast listening to classical indian music. this shit slaps. i fucking LOVE music with drones.#but since this is a religions class obvs im researching in in the context of religion so I'm doing music in hinduism and this was something#brought up in like 2 sentences not even in a paper im using a a ref and it reminded me a lot of this and idk yknow. very neat.#ive been thinking a lot about fantasy music as well. okay like using western music and medieval western European music as inspo is fine and#dandy.#but like goodness guys there are so many other amazing cultures and styles and genres of music and subdivisions within cultures and i just.#im so amazed by them. give me that microtonal music give me these awesome instruments give me these great scales and rhythms and just. yes#if anyone comes from some non western European cultures and has neat traditional/folk/classical/whatever music and they want to share it my#dms and ask boxes are/should be open and stuff. please i just like learning about music across the world#*non western-european bc yknow eastern europe has unique things too#FOLLOW ME FOR MORE POSTS LIKE THIS WHERE I RAMBLE ABOUT MUSIC AND MY INTERESTS. SOMETIMES I EVEN POST ART AND TALK ABOUT MY OCS WHOAAAA#please talk to me about music i just really like music. it's not like im majoring in it at all. is it a smart idea in this economy with adh#wellll yknow
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sarroora · 24 days
A Sudanese content creator made this as a reminder for everyone to B O Y C O T T.
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caffeccino · 1 year
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Turnip, the Greatest Prairie Chicken, and chicken chickens (and Hushpuppy)
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mishkakagehishka · 6 months
And forever thinking ab the Hungarian who got sick of arguing with me (ran out of arguments) so he just called me an Albanian in Hungarian. It was really telling on what immigrants he had a problem with.
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escapisminacan · 1 year
Seeing people talk about their country's eurovison performance when yours is too poor to go
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comradecowplant · 4 months
i'm surprised i haven't seen more people talking about the recent kate winslet show that deepthroats NATO & the U.S. state department so passionately that it must make even aaron sorkin blush. it was so incoherent and anti-communist that it even reaches into old school european anti-slav/balkan-coded white-on-white racist at times, twas truly a spectacle to behold!
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eileennatural · 5 months
this is so nothing but i'm reading the false dawn: the delusions of global capitalism by john gray and its really good !! but he repeatedly refers to the US, UK, and "other anglo saxon countries" (what others?) In a way that is both nonspecific and annoying, and also wrong. even if a good case could be made for calling the UK anglo-saxon, I really don't think, in the 21st century, the US can be described that way at all. it feels like what he's really trying to say is "anglophone" or "white" countries-- both of which also not good ways to describe these places !!
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kneedeepincynade · 11 months
The collapse of China is like Biden being pushed to the left,ain't happening, and the muricans should give up on it
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😂 Per mesi, i propagandisti anti-Cinesi hanno diffuso notizie fasulle ed esagerate contro la Cina sul Tema dell'Economia, riproponendo l'imbarazzante "China Collapse Theory" 🤹‍♂️
😂 Ogni ciclo della "China Collapse Theory" si è concluso con il collasso della teoria stessa, e anche questo ciclo non ha fatto eccezione 😄
🤩 这些小丑对所谓的 "中国崩溃 "早有准备。2001 年、2002 年、2003 年......、2023 年都没有发生,但也许 2024 年会发生!是的,它会发生在你们恶心可笑的梦里 😀
🤡 Nonostante tutti gli articoli dei 小丑 d'Occidente in stile terrorismo psicologico, con titoli come «Trema l'Economia Mondiale» o«Una nuova Lehman Brothers», l'Economia Cinese ha continuato a crescere nel Q3 del 2023, superando le aspettative e le previsioni degli economisti occidentali 📈
😂 Persino il FMI, non esattamente il circolo degli economisti di 乌有之乡, non esattamente l'organizzazione legata al Pensiero di 左大培, ha corretto al rialzo le previsioni sulla crescita dell'Economia Cinese per il 2023 nel Documento: "IMF Staff Completes 2023 Article IV Mission to the People’s Republic of China" - «The Chinese economy is projected to grow at 5.4 percent in 2023» 🤣
😂 E il "Collasso"?, e tutti gli articoli anti-Cinesi ricolmi di wishful-thinking su 恒大集团 - Evergrande Group? 哈哈哈哈哈 😂
😭 È davvero un giorno triste per i propagandisti anti-Cinesi. Ai propagandisti anti-Cinesi, dall'Italia del "miracolo economico" alla Germania in ginocchio, passando per gli USA in deficit di trilioni di dollari, consiglio l'articolo: 中医怎么缓解胃痛 中医7大偏方火速解决胃痛 - 7 Rimedi della Medicina Tradizionale Cinese per risolvere il mal di stomaco ☕️
😂 Si attendono con ansia i futuri articoli nello stile "[La Cina ha ottenuto un'altra vittoria], ma a quale prezzo?!" 😂
😀 Al prezzo della sanità mentale degli occidentali anti-Cinesi 🤣
😂 意大利期刊与法国或德国期刊一样,都是美利坚合众国的奴隶。它们不断重复美国对中国的宣传。读意大利期刊对中国经济的 "分析 "非常有趣,因为意大利经济就是个笑话,被债务、可怕的基础设施和糟糕的市场环境摧毁了 🇮🇹 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 😂
🔍 Approfondimenti:
一 Q1: +4,5% | Q2: +6,3% | Q3: +4,9% 📈
二 "China will collapse!" / "China is the biggest World threat!" - il dualismo ridicolo della propaganda anti-Cinese 🤹‍♂️
三 Il (nuovo) collasso della "China Collapse Theory" | La Cina sconfigge la "deflazione" in un solo mese, e continua a crescere 📈
四 La Cina sarà il motore della crescita dell'Economia del Mondo nel 2023 📈
五 Ogni previsione Occidentale sul "Collasso della Cina" è fallita 😂
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
😂 For months, anti-China propagandists have spread fake and exaggerated news against China on the topic of the economy, re-proposing the embarrassing "China Collapse Theory" 🤹‍♂️
😂 Every cycle of the "China Collapse Theory" ended with the collapse of the theory itself, and this cycle was no exception 😄
🤩 这些小丑对所谓的 "中国崩溃 "早有准备。2001 年、2002 年、2003 年......、2023 年都没有发生,但也许 2024 年会发生!是的,它会发生在你们恶心可笑的梦里 😀
🤡 Despite all the articles from the Western 小丑 in the style of psychological terrorism, with titles like "The World Economy is Trembling" or "A New Lehman Brothers", the Chinese Economy continued to grow in Q3 2023, exceeding expectations and the forecasts of Western economists 📈
😂 Even the IMF, not exactly the circle of economists of 乌有之乡, not exactly the organization linked to the Thought of 左大培, has corrected upwards the forecasts on the growth of the Chinese Economy for 2023 in the Document: "IMF Staff Completes 2023 Article IV Mission to the People's Republic of China" - «The Chinese economy is projected to grow at 5.4 percent in 2023» 🤣
😂 And the "Collapse"?, and all the anti-Chinese articles full of wishful-thinking on 恒大集团 - Evergrande Group? 哈哈哈哈哈 😂
😭 It is indeed a sad day for anti-China propagandists. To anti-Chinese propagandists, from the Italy of the "economic miracle" to Germany on its knees, passing through the USA in deficit of trillions of dollars, I recommend the article: Traditional Chinese Medicine to solve stomach ache ☕️
😂 Look forward to future articles in the style of "[China has achieved another victory], but at what cost?!" 😂
😀 At the price of the sanity of anti-Chinese Westerners 🤣
😂 意大利期刊与法国或德国期刊一样,都是美利坚合众国的奴隶。它们不断重复美国对中国的宣传。读意大利期刊对中国经济的 "分析 "非常有趣,因为意大利经济就是个笑话,被债务、可怕的基础设施和糟糕的市场环境摧毁了 🇮🇹 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 😂
🔍 Further information:
一 Q1: +4.5% | Q2: +6.3% | Q3: +4.9% 📈
二 "China will collapse!" / "China is the biggest World threat!" - the ridiculous dualism of anti-Chinese propaganda 🤹‍♂️
三 The (new) collapse of the "China Collapse Theory" | China defeats "deflation" in just one month, and continues to grow 📈
四 China will be the engine of growth of the World Economy in 2023 📈
五 Every Western prediction about the "Collapse of China" has failed 😂
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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reconstructionbaby · 1 year
one thing thats crazy to think about is how the japanese economy has not really grown past its peak in the early 90s, meaning that it has experienced three decades of stagnation. but it was so wealthy then that, even after thirty years without growth, it remains one of the worlds largest economies
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Hmm… Cornish Western story… hm
#OKAY BUT THIS HAS SOME HISTORICAL VALIDATION#bc okay. in the 1830s there was this MASSIVE Cornish emigration#Cornish tin and copper was drying up and the mining business overall in the uk was coming to its heat death#so boom. no more work for a VAST MAJORITY of Cornish folk#so a lot went to South and Cebtral America and a lot went into the US west and Midwest#because westward expansion was also happening (fuck) and so hey#there’s more work out west and in the Americas#just grass valley Cal. was 3/4 Cornish by descent by 1911#so there was a huge Cornish diaspora group in the American west#there were tons of places labelled as “’little Cornwalls’ all throughout the west#and in mexico too!! real de monte!#that’s the only place I can think of atm that retained the status#now clearly there’s way more nuance to it and a far more complex history#especially when talking abt Manifest Destiny and the suchlike#ik that Cornish miners were being PAID to leave Cornwall for Australia to work but I can’t find anything about anything like that happening#re: immigration to america. it’s an incredibly fascinating history bc it did help out the Cornish economy in ways#still quite a few men went over and sent money back to their families#but anyways. to bastardise an entire period in history#cornish western#(multigenerational story? classic revenge ie escaping a past?)#I should be banned from thinking I don’t do anything good with this ability#its actually an idea I’ve had for a while but only in vague shapes#I just think Cornwall is pretty and I’m deep in its history. I also think the American west is pretty and I’m fascinated by ITS history#kicking a tin can around in my brain with my hands in my pockets#anyways
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microwavepopcorn · 1 year
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Note to self this woman's work along with Genevieve Z.'s and Irena G.'s is going to be Essential for the last section of Fake Thesis, she is literally just Tweeting It Out:
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jamaicahomescom · 2 months
Is Jamaica a Rich or Poor Country?
At Jamaica Homes, we are often asked this seemingly simple question: “Is Jamaica a rich or poor country?” The answer, however, is far from straightforward. Jamaica’s economic landscape is a complex tapestry woven with contrasting threads of wealth and poverty. The country’s economic status depends on the perspective you choose to take. Tourism: The Double-Edged Sword Tourism is one of Jamaica’s…
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blogie2705 · 2 months
Bangladesh: Will there be another Pakistan on India’s western border?
There  is more, which is not meeting the eye in the border state. Bangladesh is experiencing significant unrest once more, with nearly 100 fatalities reported on Sunday as demonstrators demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina engaged in confrontations with security personnel and supporters of the ruling party. In the previous month, violence instigated by student organizations opposing reserved quotas in government employment resulted in at least 150 deaths and thousands of injuries. Below are the details regarding the recent protests and their historical context. The well planned and executed plan with possible help from two neighbouring nations, situation provides them with several entry points into India for various activities. Their objective is to see the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) attain power and extend support to another nation. Hasina endeavoured to maintain a balanced relationship with both Neighbouring nation and India; however, her neutral position did not sit well with another capital city. "Notably, several prominent members of the Islamic student organization successfully engaged with Western-affiliated NGOs by employing the language of democracy and rights," was articulated as part of the strategic planning.
What does the spies reported?
Following the deepening relationship between the Indian and Bangladeshi administrations, the Jamaat-e-Islami, which is supported by the ISI, reportedly obtained considerable financial resources earlier this year aimed at undermining the government of Sheikh Hasina. An intelligence official informed TOI that a notable share of this funding is thought to have come from Chinese organizations based in neighbouring nation
The ICS, recognized for its opposition to India and its jihadist objectives, has been monitored by Indian intelligence for a considerable period due to its operations in areas neigh boring Bangladesh and its connections with the ISI-supported Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI). There is substantial evidence indicating that members of the ICS have received training in both Afghanistan and Neighouring nation. The primary aim of Jamaat or ICS is to create a government in Bangladesh akin to that of the Taliban, with the ISI reportedly providing assurances of support to help realize this ambition.
What was the trigger for the bloody protest?
Protests commenced at university campuses in June following the High Court's reestablishment of a quota system for government employment, which reversed a 2018 ruling by Hasina's administration that had abolished it. Subsequently, the Supreme Court stayed the High Court's decision in response to the government's appeal and ultimately annulled the lower court's ruling last month, mandating that 93% of positions be available to candidates based on merit.
Rising levels of unemployment
The current turmoil in Bangladesh is largely linked to the lack of growth in private sector employment, which has rendered public sector positions, characterized by consistent salary increases and benefits, particularly appealing. The introduction of quotas has incited frustration among students facing significant youth unemployment, with approximately 32 million young individuals either unemployed or out of educational institutions in a total population of 170 million. The economy, which was previously one of the fastest-growing globally due to the thriving garment industry, has now stagnated. Inflation rates are approximately 10% annually, and foreign currency reserves are diminishing.
The protests in Bangladesh, which initially aimed to reform the quota system, came to a halt following the Supreme Court's decision to abolish the majority of quotas on July 21. Nevertheless, demonstrators resumed their activities last week, calling for a public apology from Prime Minister Hasina regarding the violence, the restoration of internet services, the reopening of college and university campuses, and the release of individuals who had been detained.
In the recent weeks, the protest’s  , they have since evolved into a broader protest against Prime Minister Hasina and the Awami League Party. The demonstrators have made it clear that their primary demand is for Hasina to resign, while the government claims that the agitation is being orchestrated by the Bangladesh.Demonstrations have persisted even after the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court annulled the High Court's order that had triggered the crisis. The ruling body declared that 93% of positions in government services would be allocated based on merit, with only 5% of jobs set aside for freedom fighters and their descendants. Additionally, a 1% quota has been designated for tribal communities, individuals with disabilities, and sexual minorities.
https://www.businesstoday.in/world/story/bangladesh-unrest-do-isi-neighouring nation-have-a-hand-in-conspiracy-to-oust-sheikh-hasina-heres-what-we-know-440315-2024-08-06
An historic context that dates back to 1972
Following the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, the country underwent significant transformations in its social, economic, and political structures. A fundamental promise underlying the establishment of the state was Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's commitment to ensuring justice for those who had endured sacrifices and hardships in the struggle for freedom against the Neighbouring national military. Upon his return to Dhaka in 1972, Mujib took decisive steps to implement a quota system for freedom fighters, known as Mukti joddhas. Additionally, he established a separate quota for Bangladeshi women who had suffered atrocities at the hands of the Neighbouring national military. However, after Sheikh Mujib's assassination in 1975, the quota system experienced modifications. The provisions for freedom fighters were weakened, and the scope of the quota was broadened to include marginalized groups within society, encompassing women, individuals from underdeveloped regions, and ethnic minorities or tribes
Why were students protesting in Bangladesh?
The protests started in early July, driven by the peaceful demands of university students to eliminate quotas in civil service jobs. These quotas, which reserve one-third of positions for the relatives of veterans from Bangladesh's war for independence from Neighbouring nation in 1971. The foundation of these protests stems from a contentious quota system, which allocates up to 30% of government positions to the relatives of veterans who fought in Bangladesh's 1971 war of independence against Neighbouring nation. The Bangladesh Police have resorted to using tear gas against the protesters.
Protests regarding the quota system have emerged due to a significant decline in the number of freedom fighters eligible to benefit from it over the years. This reduction has resulted in the underutilization of the quota for its intended purpose, thereby increasing the likelihood of its misuse. Critics argue that while it was justifiable to provide reservations to freedom fighters during their active years in the workforce, the practice of extending these reservations to their descendants—first to their children and subsequently to their grandchildren—has raised concerns. This opposition is further fueled by allegations that any shortfalls in the reserved seats are being compensated by granting quotas to members of Ms. Hasina’s Awami League party.
The political landscape of Bangladesh has been predominantly influenced by Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and her political party, the Awami League. Over time, opposition parties and government critics have increasingly expressed concerns that the quota system for freedom fighters serves as a mechanism to cultivate a faction of loyalists within the bureaucracy, thereby securing the Awami League's ongoing governance.
A possible dubious ploy supported by external fore
According to high-level intelligence sources, two nations played a significant role in the crisis in Bangladesh that resulted in Sheikh Hasina's departure. CNN-News18 was the first outlet to report on the potential resignation of Hasina from her position as Prime Minister. Unverified report indicates, David Burgan, based in the United Kingdom, along with activist Pinaki Bhattacharjee, Tarique Rehman of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), and the proprietors of Netra News, were identified as the principal coordinators. They orchestrated a social media campaign targeting her and were responsible for the military maneuvers as well as the initiation of a fabricated narrative on social media platforms.
Reports are emerging that a fabricated narrative regarding Prime Minister Hasina was constructed by the United States concerning the issue of "free and fair elections." Furthermore, the US imposed sanctions on Bangladesh's elite Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) due to allegations of human rights abuses. It is noted that the BNP has significant influence within this context. Additionally, Yunus Hasan, a Nobel laureate associated with Grameen Bank and accused of corruption in Bangladesh, is also active as a lobbyist in the United States, as per the sources. The sources indicated that the lobbying efforts by four to five prominent individuals, combined with Hasina's unwillingness to comply with American demands, contributed to the situation's deterioration.
An additional factor was her geographical closeness to Neighouring nation, as perceived by Western nations. In contrast, Tarique has promised the West that upon regaining power, he will sever connections with Neighouring nation and prioritize Western interests in Bangladesh, according to sources. Another tactic involves maintaining regional instability, which would also pose challenges for India, thereby diverting its attention to Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Maldives, and Neighouring nation, as reported by sources. Furthermore, Neighbouring nation's Inter-Services Intelligence has significantly contributed to these efforts, operating both directly and indirectly in support of Western objectives, according to sources.
Role of neighboring enemy nation which is inimical to India’s growth cannot be ruled out, which expect an anti-India government to be formed in Bangaldesh, to ferment contestant trouble, destabilize the country, possibly create a civil war like situation, which will directly impact India and especially the border stage of Bengal and Assam populated with a sizeable minority community. A foreign intelligence agency is leveraging an anti-India organization along with its student faction to exacerbate the situation in Dhaka. Jamaat is perceived to have strong ties with Neighbouring nation, receiving covert financial support intermittently. Recently, an atypical action was observed, which is generally not undertaken by diplomatic missions. The Neighbouring national embassy encouraged students to seek refuge within the mission if necessary. Such conduct is rarely exhibited by diplomatic entities. As a result, they gain access to various border entry points into India for a wide range of activities. Their objective is to see the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) ascend to power and extend support to Neighbouring nation.
A possible role of another neighboring nation cannot be ruled out which must also be in the scanner of Indian security top-brass. However, they maintain strong business relationships with Hasina. The evident indication is the assault on Hindus, which is also aimed at fostering anti-India sentiments. If this situation is not managed, the next phase will involve the initiation of terrorist activities.
As reported in prominent news channel, the role of a neighbor that is aligned with as more advantageous. An intelligence source cited in a TOI report suggests that "the assistance from Neighouring nation's ministry of state and security is believed to have played a supportive role, given Neighouring nation concerns regarding Hasina's 'balancing act' in her interactions with both India and Neighouring nation. A government in Dhaka that is influenced by Neighouring nation would undoubtedly align more closely with Neighouring nation interests."
What next?
in the wake of Hasina's exit, the chief of the Bangladesh army is scheduled to engage with leaders of the student protest movement, as the nation looks forward to establishing a new government. The Students Against Discrimination initiative has put forth Nobel Prize winner Mohammad Yunus as a candidate to lead an interim administration.
#Notably#several prominent members of the Islamic student organization successfully engaged with Western-affiliated NGOs by employing the language o#There is more#which is not meeting the eye in the border state. Bangladesh is experiencing significant unrest once more#with nearly 100 fatalities reported on Sunday as demonstrators demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina engaged in confron#violence instigated by student organizations opposing reserved quotas in government employment resulted in at least 150 deaths and thousand#situation provides them with several entry points into India for various activities. Their objective is to see the Bangladesh Nationalist P#her neutral position did not sit well with another capital city. was articulated as part of the strategic planning.#What does the spies reported?#Following the deepening relationship between the Indian and Bangladeshi administrations#the Jamaat-e-Islami#which is supported by the ISI#reportedly obtained considerable financial resources earlier this year aimed at undermining the government of Sheikh Hasina. An intelligenc#The ICS#recognized for its opposition to India and its jihadist objectives#has been monitored by Indian intelligence for a considerable period due to its operations in areas neigh boring Bangladesh and its connecti#with the ISI reportedly providing assurances of support to help realize this ambition.#What was the trigger for the bloody protest?#Protests commenced at university campuses in June following the High Court's reestablishment of a quota system for government employment#which reversed a 2018 ruling by Hasina's administration that had abolished it. Subsequently#the Supreme Court stayed the High Court's decision in response to the government's appeal and ultimately annulled the lower court's ruling#mandating that 93% of positions be available to candidates based on merit.#Rising levels of unemployment#FLAGGING ECONOMY#UNEMPLOYMENT#The current turmoil in Bangladesh is largely linked to the lack of growth in private sector employment#which has rendered public sector positions#characterized by consistent salary increases and benefits#particularly appealing. The introduction of quotas has incited frustration among students facing significant youth unemployment#with approximately 32 million young individuals either unemployed or out of educational institutions in a total population of 170 million.
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