#be more specific !!!!
desertduality · 9 months
I've been failing at captchas for like 15 minutes someone sedate me
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ombrathefurry · 5 months
So who are sf’s adoptive parents, assuming he has those
he has like 18 at this point
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scentedluminarysoul · 30 days
"hunt the rich for sport" unless they're the Blue rich i guess. clown
My favorite color is purple. Not sure what you mean, anon
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bengals-barnesbabe · 1 month
pls do a wedding fic
love the idea, but this is very vague anon 😂
who would you like to see get married? we talking Coach Burrow AU, Chase!Sister x Tee AU, a new pairing (I've been wanting to venture out tbh), or do you really just want me to go all out👀
Cause I'll write y/n getting married to Harley Quinn if you're not careful lol (I've been binge-watching the show on MAX can you notice)
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wemlygust · 4 months
Every time I see someone complain about "the [media title here] fanbase", I go on a little mental detour. Which part of the fanbase? Is there another part of the fanbase that you've seen but I haven't seen, or do you just hate these people who see totally fine to me for reasons? Are you mad because some part of the fanbase is tearing each other apart with weird fandom drama fights, or because shippers exist and you don't like their fanart, or because the 1-2 people you know who (you know) are in that fanbase just happen to be assholes, or??? And this problem just gets worse the bigger the fandom is, because the bigger a fandom is the more variety can exist in its fandom, right? Like, I just saw someone diss the MHA (my hero academia) fandom in passing. I mostly associate MHA fandom with fun AU fanfics. Do they hate the fun AU fanfics? :( or is there drama I'm unaware of somewhere else in the fandom and they're just generalizing a tiny piece of a giant fandom to the entirety of it?? Tldr I wish ya'll'd be more specific because 99 times out of 100, when someone says they hate a fandom or "love the [media] but hate the fans" they could mean pretty much anything, and the ambiguity pains me every time. And then I proceed to never ask for clarification and just move on with my life, +1 niggling question about wtf you meant by that thing you said.
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v7lgar · 4 months
Are you accepting friend/bf applications?
bf as in boyfriend? elaborate
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the99thfanboy · 1 year
My mom reminded me it was my brother’s birthday and Dutch got in my head
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faunandfloraas · 6 months
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the way half my drafts are just posts like this
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the-mjolnir-owner · 7 months
Anon is referring to this ask
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“Come on, I know you can do better than that.”
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hibiscuswolverine · 9 months
Ooo the urge to rewrite specific scene(s) in a story because it wasn’t gory or specific enough for you augh. Like you ever just read a passage and go ‘hm. That could’ve been gorier.. or bloodier..’
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Antonio: what else happened to her while all of us were doing other stuff…? If you don’t mind me asking…
Chikao clone:…
Chikao clone: *Tilts head*
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stargirlfeyre · 1 year
How about your stop looking at Anti posts? You realize you stalking her makes you no better, right? If it pisses you off so much, block'm and move on. They're just as entitled to their thoughts and opinions as you. Except they're not being a twat to anyone who isn't bothering them. Why are you so obsessed with them? Do you really have so little to do that you obsess over someone reading a book and having a different opinion than you?
Babes literally what are you talking about? My recent posts are nothing that I haven’t said before so how did you turn me talking about something I’ve already addressed before to me “stalking anti accounts”? Y’all aren’t that important. How about you stop stalking my posts and trying to connect it with your friends’? Just a suggestion. If what I say pisses you off so much and you think I’m shading people then block me and move on? I’m entitled to my opinions just as y’all are. I can say what I want so why are you being so obsessive and coming onto my account just to see what I’m talking about? Even when you know damn well you don’t agree?
Do you have so little to do that you routinely stalk an account, find any little thing to be mad about, and then send hate anons because you’re too pussy to say it with your chest?
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brokenorbornthatway · 2 years
I dislike the term "proship community" because proship is a belief, not a community. There are lots of online communities that are proship (think sects of people who share a myriad of beliefs, interact with each other's content frequently, and get to know each other personally) but being proship, believing that people shouldn't be harassed over fiction, is not what makes them communities. There is no one cohesive proship community and there never will be because proship is a singular belief someone can have. Proshippers disagree on a LOT of other things and form communities with people who share other beliefs with them than just Ship and Let Ship. We've blocked quite a few proshippers because we disagree with other beliefs they have. There are communities based on completely different sets of beliefs where proshippers and antishippers coexist without even knowing it. But being anti harassment in and of itself doesn't make someone a part of a community, communing with people does.
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coolestfinch · 2 years
lets get into ace discourse
this is a very vague ask idk what you want me to say brother
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ottosbigtop · 3 months
I think we as a society should bring back brotps. I think we should be weirder about characters being friends the same way people are weird about ships. Make those two characters who interacted once or twice besties. Make it difficult for them to get rid of each other even if they want to. Go nuts
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iscariotapologist · 4 months
today in church one of the priests referred to trans people as "those who are growing into the gender they were called to be" and i'm kind of enjoying the idea of like....divinely ordained top surgery
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