#Wendy bro oh my god.
mookmayor · 9 months
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merry christmas if you celebrate!!! otherwise merry day!!!!! i have been artblocked for a while but just scribbled this out to get something to you guys
will probably be able to draw a lot more since i’m already getting ideas from Bowser Jr’s Journey and i have the next two weeks off so woo!!
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here have this one too
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eazy-peazy54 · 1 month
Will update when i find more!! (updates VERY frequently)
everything in bold+italics needs to be spammed for the full effect
Dipper  Mabel Wendy Soos Bill Cipher Bill cipher Pacifica Gravity Falls Robbie GideonStanley Stan Stanford Ford Sixer Mcgucket Hectoring Pinata Rat Divorce Breakup Weird  Alex Hirsch Matpat Giffany  Pines Sorry Skeleton Math Mystery shack Mystery Lies Tad strange Book of bill God One eyed king Blanchin Boyfriend Curse Wittebane Euclid Euclydia Peak  Platinum Paz Fuck  Shit Glass Shard Beach Theory Cray cray Ad Astra Per Aspera Im still on your mind Vallis Cineris  Help me Theraprism Triangle Weirdmageddon Blind eye Dorito Deer teeth Baby bill Baby LALALALALA Journal 1 Journal 2 Journal 3 Blendin History Filbrick Love FBI Waddles Reality Universe Portal T J Eckleburg Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Cursed Scary Abuelita Gun Disney Mickey Mouse Caryn Cryptogram codex Ducktective Toby Determined Irregular Booberry Horror Creepypasta Seven eyes Yes Trigonometry Torture mentally Xyler Craz Tantrum Justblendin Black sheep Baaaa Monster Titans blood Life Death Skibidi Fortnite Gyatt Who are you Fixinit1 R34lity Love ya bro Conspiracy Dippy Fresh Disco girl Liar Lyre Harold's Ramblings Union Made 29121239168518 Grebley hemberdreck 3466554 Tinsel snake XGQRTHX 333 sundapple lane cozy creek IL 60714-94611 naitsuaf mountain don't axolotl morality well well well being Burnside Creepypasta Family matters Forget the past Nothing Something Hey nerd Even his lies are lies Riddle No LLIB When will I die Elon Clone Multilevel mark Goodnight Sally Paper jam Tyrone Fordtramarine Tourist trap Mason The duchess approves shape Scalene Scientology Meow Shave Your Grandma Nacho Rizz Crypto Sevral times Easter Egg Oh yes they both Oroborous Suck it Merlin Just fit in Daddy Mommy Burned Inside Kings of new jersey Destruction is a form of creation They'll see They'll all see I see Unreality Rubberhose You can't kill an idea Card Scrimbles Am i blanchin Fuck Alex Fuck you Alex Fuck you (im not cursing out alex i prommy, these are deadass codes) Hotxolotl Bye gold Ciphertology NSA Globnar Disneyland Rehpic Kook Kubrick Not a phase Paper is book skin Virus Spookemups That's just a You're insane Owl trowel L is real 2401 NFT Question Answer  Occurremus iterum Frilliam Butternubbins Dispense My Treat Dionarap Stod eht tcennoc History Hologram The gun Marry me
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arolesbianism · 10 months
I still find it so funny remembering first being bought dst after years of not being up to date on new stuff and just seeing the character selection and being like who the Fuck are these ppl and then immediately falling in love with Walter after my sibling picked him in our first world and hearing his voice for the first time
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themoonweaversden · 1 month
All 179-244 (or so) codes that were found so far (no spoilers)
333 Sundapple Lane Cozy Creek IL 60714-94611
AUDIOLOG (Knob) (Sell your soul to Bill First)
BUBBLES (knob) (Sell your soul to Bill First)
CLEAR (knob) (Sell your soul to Bill First)
CONTRACT (Knob) (Sell your soul to Bill first)
L IS REAL 2401
Small (knob) (Sell your soul to Bill first)
Will update if more are found
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and now it's time to play WOULD GRAVITY FALLS CHARACTERS RESPECT YOUR PRONOUNS (pre-weirdmageddon) (non gravity falls fans take this as a sign.)
DIPPER PINES - not sure he'd understand the concept immediately, but would catch on quick because he understands what it's like not being called something you want to be called
MABEL PINES - YES. no question about it. there's so many things i could say here. she'd correct herself for THINKING the wrong pronouns.
STANLEY PINES - understands and correctly genders you for all the wrong, crime-related reasons! bro is the king of preferred names. you say "hey i'm actually exam/ple" and he'll be like "AH. I GET IT. WINK. DO YOU ALSO WANT TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN THE COPS ARE IN TOWN" like i cant overstate this. if you say hey i want to change my identity he will pull out a stack of fake IDs and have you pick one. he's a little confused but he got the spirit!
STANFORD PINES - if you ever need a guy to not grasp a modern-day concept, call this guy! he'd do his best, but only because he wants to be nice. he does Not understand. give him a little bit of systematic exposure and he'll get it! he will take a scientific approach! but he'll get it! somebody get this man 2024ccs of woke liberalism stat
SOOS RAMIREZ - calls you dude and bro. does not call you anything but dude and bro. he knows what you are and he respects that! but let's be real honest here.
WENDY CORDUROY - incredibly supportive and super chill. if you were still in the closet, she'd do the mouth zip motion thing. you get it. she's so awesome about you
WADDLES - oink?
GIDEON GLEEFUL - yes to your face! no behind closed doors. he'd probably call you "that queer" while villain monologuing in his room . i can hear it in his voice
BUD GLEEFUL - THE gravity falls homophobic youth pastor let's be for real he'd say "it's not too late to turn to God" as a christian trans person i'm pretty sure God thinks about lgbtq+ kids and fraudulent capitalists on two separate ends of a very long line
SHERIFF BLUBS & DEPUTY DURLAND - do i even have to say it. i'm gonna say it. solid top and DEAD SERIOUS bottom. they ARE the loud and proud gravity falls lgbtq+ community. if they're transphobic i'll eat my socks.
CANDY CHIU - i know what you guys are thinking . "oh candy's so sweet of course she'd respect your pronouns!" CANDY MOTHERFUCKING CHIU WILL NOT ONLY RESPECT YOUR PRONOUNS, BUT SHE WILL GO OUT OF HER WAY TO USE THEM AT ANY POSSIBLE MOMENT. if she sees somewhere to say your pronouns, she will DO it. because she LOVES YOU. and also she'd fight anyone who gets it wrong!
GRENDA GRENDINATOR - trans. she loves you. will help candy fight anybody who gets your pronouns wrong.
FIDDLEFORD MCGUCKET - honestly this is a hard one. he could ACKNOWLEDGE! your pronouns! but other than that i'm not sure. pre-memory wipe, i think he'd feel a little weird about it, but it would become nothing to him eventually
PACIFICA NORTHWEST - "ew. what the fuck." and then suddenly she's asking you how you figured that out. For No Reason
ROBBIE VALENTINO - calls you a faggot. is it because he is homophobic? because he is one? because he hates you specifically? the world will never know
BLENDIN BLANDIN - he lives in the year 207̃012. i find it hard to believe they haven't made respecting pronouns mandatory yet.
AGENTS POWERS & TRIGGER - are the pronouns on your legal documents????? it's not funny stop laughign
TYLER CUTEBIKER - gay. his pronouns are get/it. he will respect you (in his own ways)
LAZY SUSAN - forgets you had the wrong pronouns in the first place. she respects you by default
TIME BABY - does not refer to you
BILL CIPHER - he would call you your preferred pronouns but DON'T get it twisted. he does not respect you as a living thing. it isn't bigoted (that would be ironic considering that whole sixer thing) he just doesn't. maybe he'd make HEAVY fun of you for good measure but he's got to dig at somebody somehow. also were pronouns even real in his dimension anything could happen man ????
SHMEBULOCK - shmebulock
(did i forget anybody? let me know)
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wolsalwastaken · 1 month
So, as you do, I was on the new version of thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and I’ve figured out every. Single. Secret. Code. I. Could.
Now with the help of the community, I am expanding this list! Please post passwords in the comments sections or reblog if I have not yet mentioned them! You will, of course, receive credit for your discoveries! Nerds unite! At the very bottom, you will find a full list of citations I used for the passwords. Any password that is un-cited is one I found myself :)
Spoilers for this version of the website, but I’m mainly posting this as I know it’ll be gone soon. Keep reading at your own discretion, as these are spoilers if you wanted to solve it yourself.
This post will continually be updated as I find new codes and ciphers to solve and new passwords, stay tuned as this is a masterpost of this iteration of the website!
So, here’s all the places to click on screen for Easter eggs:
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And here’s a list of all the different passcodes I’ve found to work on the computer. If multiple words are listed it’s because they activate the same thing. Brackets are not part of the pswd. (c) means that the person I learnt it from is listed below. If there is no (c), then I found it.
Triangle (click 3 times)
Bill/Bill Cipher
Dipper (click 5 times)
Mabel (click 12 times)
Gideon (2 possible results)
The Book Of Bill
Alex Hirsch/Hirsch
Mystery Shack
TJ Eckleburg
Hey nerd
Disney/mickey mouse/disneyland (c)
Stanley/Stan (click 8 times)
Gravity Falls
Geometry/algebra/math/greek/greece/trigonometry/shape (c)
God/help me/frlliam (c)
(Literally any word of profanity, i.e sex or fuck)/Ted Cruz (c)
Dorito/chip/nacho (c)
The universe
Baby/baby bill/lalalalala/mommy/daddy (c)
Urban legends/horror/creepypasta (c)
Blind eye
Crypto/NFT/gyatt/skibidi/fortnite/Elon/rizz (c)
Journal 3
Journal 2
Journal 1
Theory/that’s just a/matpat (c)
Blendin Blandin
Toby Determined
They’ll see/they’ll all see/I see
Cryptogram codex
Curse wittebane
Disco girl
Ad astra per aspera
Forget the past
Torture mentally
Paper is book skin
Dionarap (c)
Booberry (c)
Unreality (c)
Vallis cineris (c)
Euclydia (c)
Scalene (c)
Even his lies are lies (c)
Stodehttcennoc (c)
Emmalinebutternubbins (c)
Dispense my treat
Just fit in (c)
Ciphertology (click 2 times)
Well well well being (c) (click 4 times)
One eyed king (c)
Titans blood (c)
Blanchin (c)
Suck it merlin (c)
Tantrum (c)
You can’t kill an idea (c)
Kook (c)
Naitsuaf (c)
Oroborous (c)
Giffany (click 6 times)
Who are you (c)
Love ya bro (c)
Tad strange (c)
Liar lyre (c)
Xgqrthx (c)
Peak (c)
Platinum peak (c)
Glass shard beach (c)
Cray cray (c)
Deer teeth (c)
Season 1 (c)
Season 2 (c)
Season 3 (c)
Gun (c)
Irregular (c)
Seven eyes (c)
Xyler/Craz (c)
Yes (c)
Justblendin (c)
Black sheep (c)
Baaaa (c)
Union made (c)
29121239168518 (c)
Grebley hemberdreck (c)
3466554 (c)
Tinsel snake (c)
333 sun dapple lane cozy creek IL 60714-94611 (c)
Mountain don't (c)
Riddle (c)
Burnside (c)
No (c)
Llib (c)
When will I die (c) (click once a day)
Clone/paper jam/Tyrone (c)
Multilevel Mark (c)
Goodnight Sally (c)
Tourist trap (c)
The duchess approves (c)
Scientology (c)
Meow (c)
Shave your grandma (c)
Burned inside (c)
Sevral times (c)
Easter egg (c)
Oh yes they both (c)
Kings of new jersey (c)
Destruction is a form of creation (c)
Fuck you Alex/fuck Alex (c)
Rubberhose (c)
Am I blanchin (c)
Card (c)
Bye gold (c)
Globnar (c)
Kubrick (c)
Not a phase (c)
Virus (c)
Spookemups (c)
You're insane (c)
Owl trowl (c)
L is real 2401 (c)
Occurremus iterum (c)
Family matters (c)
Harold’s ramblings (c)
Is hell real (c)
Is there an afterlife (c)
Dippy Fresh (c)
Here’s a link to the entire 15 minute video of me going over all the Easter eggs and codes, so if you don’t wanna bother doing it (fair) then here ya go! Had to post via Instagram because no other social media lets me post long videos, oh well. (As I find more codes, I may make a part 2 video of me solving those on video)
Link here (part 1)
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@sage-nebula (Dionarap, vallis cineris)
@dottyistired (Booberry, unreality)
@vlada-elya (Ted Cruz)
@cloudofcaffeine (Euclydia, Scalene)
@putadapower (Even his lies are lies, oroborous)
@dippers101 (Stodehttcennoc, emmalinebutternubbins)
@ren-is-real (Just fit in)
@hopefully-maybe-abby (I see)
@towacletruck (Well well well being, one eyed king, titans blood, blanchin, suck it merlin, tantrum, you can’t kill an idea, kook)
@cskv11 (Naitsuaf)
@eazy-peazy54 (Breakup, gyatt, who are you, r34lity, fixinit1, love ya bro, tad strange, liar lyre, xgqrthx, giffany, peak, platinum pas, glass shard beach, cray cray, help me, deer teeth, lalalalala, season 1, season 2, season 3, Mickey Mouse, gun, irregular, horror, creepy pasta, seven eyes, yes, trigonometry, xyler, craz, justblendin, black sheep, baaaa, skibidi, Fortnite, union made, 29121239168518, grebley hemberdreck, 3466554, tinsel snake, 333 sun dapple lane cozy creek IL 60714-94611, mountain don't, burnside, riddle, no, llib, when will I die, Elon, clone, multilevel mark, goodnight sally, paper jam, tyrone, tourist trap, the duchess approves, shape, meow, scientology, shave your grandma, nacho, rizz, daddy, mommy, burned inside, sevral times, easter egg, oh yes they both, kings of new jersey, destruction is a form of creation, rubber hose, card, am I blanchin, fuck you Alex, fuck Alex, fuck you, bye gold, nsa, globnar, Disneyland, Kubrick, not a phase, virus, spookemups, that's just a, you're insane, owl trowel, L is real 2401, occurremus iterum, frilliam, family matters, Matpat, Harold’s ramblings)
@delusionalpaper (Is hell real, is there an afterlife)
@thisisnotawebsitedotcom-com (Dippy fresh)
HUGE shoutout to @eazy-peazy54 for providing so many codes! Seriously, thank you so much for your amazing post compiling them!
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jenneyquinn · 6 days
𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
in which the pine tree and llama are the epitome of soulmates (continued) w/c: 10.6k words *not proofread* (actually 2 words shy of 10.6k, but hey, who's counting? masterpost
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once winter had its fun, spring rolls around, and so does that one day that everyone either looks forward to or is dreading with past trauma.
for mabel and dipper, they are one of both outcomes; respectively.
it was so uncharacteristic of mabel to not be excited over a holiday that spreads so much joy and love—regardless if it's platonic, familial, or romantic. as for dipper, he was never really much for luck in that department (love, that is), though not as sociable, let alone well known as his sister, he is very much content with being alone for the most part—especially knowing, deep down, he is grateful to have a family who loves him.
however, dipper felt that this year would be different. he didn't know why, couldn't put a finger on it, but he noticed that something would be stand out amongst the other years as the boy realizes that is isn't as disgusted with valentine's day as he commonly was before.
"duh—it's obvious why you're thinking about that, bro-bro."
"huh? oh, it's because we're technically teenagers and we're at that embarrassing phase in our life where romantic pursuits are more irrational and desperate to compensate for our lack of self-confidence?"
mabel rolls her eyes before answering.
"no, it's because you have a cru~sh! and you just can't wait to call her on valentine's day~"
"what?! that's—"
"don't worry, because being the matchmaker that i am, with the resume of skilled expertise, i can proudly say that i—mabel pines—will get you the valentine's date of your dreams!"
"you can't say no, it's already happening."
given it was already the first of february, it was going to take mabel less than two weeks to pull this off; presuming that she could, that is.
so, on that wednesday night, dipper lies awake at night, thinking about that special someone, despite fighting his feelings for so long. he doesn't want to admit it out loud, but dipper knew, subconsciously, that his sister indeed saw through him, and he is crushing on someone; bad and hard.
the first time dipper had ever lied awake at night, it was about wendy corduroy, the girl he ever seriously crushed on. though, as time passed after his confession, he stopped thinking about her that way. it look him time, fighting all those thoughts during the day while they continued their friendship, and many nights as she remained in his dreams; if he wasn't dreaming about his parents, that is.
however, when dipper lies awake this night, he isn't thinking about wendy. not at all. on the contrary, he's up all night, thinking of another girl—one he knew was perhaps just as (if not more unattainable) than wendy.
eventually, the guy gets some sleep, and mabel has already come up with a whole list of ideas to help her brother in his otherwise, lack of romantic expertise.
however, dipper fights mabel every step of the way, insisting that he has a plan of his own. though he is grateful for the support, the kid genuinely had a clear idea of how he wanted valentine's day to go, and as long as he's got his confidence—dipper is sure he'll have his first good valentine's day yet.
finally, when the big day comes, mabel's nothing short of estatic.
"oh my god, what are you gonna wear? please tell me you're going to wear something good?? what are you planning to do for your date??? it better be something fun! you don't wanna make a bad first impression by doing something lame—in that case, i have to make sure you avoid anything remotely boring!!"
dipper simply blinks, getting everything but also none of the words that just left mabel's mouth right now.
"uh… i guess i'm just going to wear what i usually wear. i mean, i didn't plan to go anywhere fancy anyways. saves time and energy for later, right? i even put together this nice gift and everything…"
"aww, dipper~" mabel coos, clasping her hands together at the last part of her brother's reply, "whatcha get her? actually nevermind, you can tell me later. i'm sure she'll love it anyways!"
then, she takes a quick look up and down at her brother, inspecting his outfit before continuing: "are you really going to wear… that?"
"what's wrong with what i'm wearing? i wear this every day!"
"i know, it's not bad, but that's the point—" mabel pinches the bridge of her nose with impatience, taking dipper by the hand, "look, we still got a couple hours before you're going. surely, there must be something presentable in that closet of yours… that's hopefully been washed."
so, thanks to mabel, dipper was able together a simple, but clean outfit for his first valentine's date: a marine-blue unbuttoned oxford shirt with a cream-white tee underneath, paired with a casual pair of black jeans and his shoes; completely gaining the latter's approval.
"now go on, enjoy your video-chat date with pacifica~"
"w-wait!" dipper exclaims. "how did you know—"
"oh, would you look at the time? candy and grenda must be waiting for me to join their call bye~"
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"look, i apologized, didn't i? i've been trying to be nothing but a do-gooder; no more evil business for me. even gideon is trying to give me a chance. so, sunshine, what is your deal?"
growing impatient with pacifica's rejections, dipper finally corners her at the ballroom of gleeful mansion—speaking in a hushed tone as to not draw any attention from anyone else.
the former, on the other hand, narrows her eyes; frowning deeply.
"you wanna know why i haven't forgiven you, gleeful? i was the first person to trust you, and what did you do with that?? you toyed with my feelings, deceived me—all for your personal gain?! how dare you think my feelings can't be justified when you suddenly decide to turn things around!"
dipper was baffled, to say the least. so, pacifica continues talking.
"what if will decides to return to you guys? what then?? is it the end of you and your family's redemption arc???" she asks, her facial features now beginning to soften as her eyes start to water and her nose going red as she sniffles.
"i don't want you to hurt me again. i'm not going to let you hurt me again."
as pacifica begins to run off, dipper instantly goes after her.
"pacifica, wait!"
then, out of the blue, the blonde is halted in her tracks. a ray of blue flames stike her, thereafter transforming pacifica from her authentic human state to a wooden statue of her likeness.
dipper gasps, reaching out to her: "pacifica!"
mabel cries, redirecting her brother's attention to the now-wooden gideon pines; taking the mage aback even further.
suddenly, the gleeful twins hear a bellowing laughter, the source of them coming around the fireplace. a grandfather clock tolls, as the duo take sight of the ghost staring at the gleeful family portrait.
"a forest of death, a lesson learned, now the gleeful manor will burn!"
as the ghost of nathaniel southeast continues laughing, setting the family portrait aflame, mabel calls out to the entity.
"hey ugly! over here!"
the ghost seizes his laughs, spotting the gleeful twins.
"you want us to let in the townsfolk?" dipper asks, "'cause we'll do it! just change everyone back!"
nathaniel scoffs, "you wish to prove yourself? pull that lever and open the grand gate to the town! fulfill your ancestors' promise!"
pointing to the lever which opens the main gates, dipper looks from the lever to the wooden pacifica. then, for a moment, her voice rings in his head.
"i was the first person to trust you, and what did you do? you toyed with my feelings, you deceived me—all for your personal gain!"
you deceived me.
"she's right," dipper admits to himself.
"huh? who's right??" mabel asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"mabel, our family has been nothing but liars and cheats. how about we do something right for a change?"
without saying anything further, mabel simply gives dipper a nod in the affirmative; grabbing onto the lever with him.
the twins share a look, then look back at the ghost as they pull down the lever together.
nathaniel gasps as the main gates which once divided gleeful mansion and the commonfolk of the town swing open. as the townsfolk swarm into the manor in waves, the ghost is finally appeased.
"YES, YES, IT'S HAPPENING!" the entity rejoices, "MY HEART, ONCE AS HARD AS OAK, now grows soft, like a birch or something."
as the gleeful twins look up at the ghost with satisfaction, the latter looks back down on them, equally satiated.
"dipper, mabel, you two aren't like the other gleefuls." nathaniel says as his spirit begins to ascend, "i feel… lumber… justice…"
with that, everything in the mansion returned how they used to be: the portrait showed no signs it being previously engulfed in flames, all the resurrected animals were back in their deceased state, and most importantly, all the people originally in attendance had been free from their wooden prisons.
even pacifica, who takes a breath of fresh air as soon as she's freed.
dipper runs to pacifica, visibly worried as he pulls her close to him in a tight, protective embrace.
"you're… you're actually safe…" he exasperates, pulling back to look at her, "look, you were right. i was being selfish and i did mess with you just to get what i wanted, but i didn't fully realize how much i've hurt you until now…"
"when you were encased in wood, i… i thought that i lost you. i… i… don't want to see you like that again. i don't ever want to make you sad again."
before he could even notice, a single hot tear runs down dipper's cheek, still holding his gaze at pacifica.
"i… i know it's too late for you to trust me… and i clearly don't deserve your forgiveness… but i do wanna try. i want to be a better person."
while pacifica listens to dipper's impassioned confession, she couldn't help but to focus onto the tear that runs down his face. then she looks back into his eyes—which she finally took in for the first time. though it was a glowing blue when they first met, she noticed how the loss of the amulet and will's emancipation from the gleefuls had effected dipper's eyes from the absence of power.
they were brown. it was nothing special, but it was like pacifica was actually seeing him for the first time. if she thought there was good in him before, it finally shown in his eyes now.
so, pacifica does the only sensible thing she could think of.
holding onto him tightly, pacifica buries her face into dipper's shoulder; trying not to cry.
"thanks, dipper. i… i forgive you."
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"wait! where are you all going?! we're supposed to look for dipper pines, remember?!"
when pacifica sees all the government vehicles backing up and driving away from the mystery shack, she's enraged. after all this time, she finally thought that she would be getting him back—but why were the government guys leaving?!
"ahh!" pacifica yelps in shock as a pig runs past her, chomping on a drive labelled 'PINES'.
so, she looks up to the source of where the pig came from, back to the mystery shack, and simple to say the least—she could have never expected what, or rather who, would be standing before her eyes.
"great-uncle mason, that was amazing!"
pacifica's eyes widen at stan's words, as he approaches the aforementioned man with his brother. but whatever happened to—
"let's not go crazy; it was serviceable."
well, speak of the devil, the blonde thinks as the con-artist walks into the scene with the shack's handywoman, lita. welp, time to get over there and give that lady a piece of my—
yet, the man's chuckles cut off pacifica's thoughts: "thank you kids, but please, call me dipper."
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his eyes crack open the slightest bit before shutting again.
he hears the voice once more, but the weight of his eyelids win another time, drawing him back to unconsciousness.
"wake up, dipper!"
he shoots up, fully awake at the sound of mabel's shouts.
"gah! mabel!" dipper frowns, turning to the digital clock atop his bedside table before shooting her a look. "this better be worth waking me up at seven in the morning for—you know it's apring break, right?"
"exactly—it's spring break, bro-bro. the first day of spring break."
mabel points to the calendar hung on dipper's bedroom wall; specifically on a date that reads 'pacifica visits'.
"yeah, yeah, pacifica's visiting." dipper mumbles, tucking himself back to bed and pulling his covers back up.
it takes him a second to realize the words that just left his mouth, then he really wakes up.
"pacifica's visiting!"
he throws his blanket aside, bolting right up from his bed, scanning his room left and right.
"oh my god, my room! i need to- i gotta-"
"stop hyperventilating, dippingsauce," mabel says, amused at her brother's behaviour, "that's why we're up early. we've got six hours before pacifica, candy, and grenda's bus arrvies at the stop. so, as your personal matchmaker, i'm here to make sure your room's spotless—as well as you. i'll never forgive myself if i let you talk to your girlfriend without taking a shower first."
"a shower? i'm fine, mabel," he rebutes, lifting up his arm to take a sniff from his pits, which he immediately comes to regret, "besides, pacifica's not my girlfriend."
"not if you don't take a shower, she won't." she jokes, poking him. "blop!"
so, after taking a shower while his sister gives him a head start on spring cleaning, dipper rushes to get ready and look decent for his crush special friend.
unbeknownst to the twins, three visitors had already made their way to the pines residence.
"ah, pacifica! so nice to see you again, sweetie." mrs. pines greets, giving the girl a welcoming hug.
"and i believe you two must be candy and grenda," mr. pines points out, also giving a warm welcome to the two girls, "of course, mabel's friends are always welcome here."
"as well as dipper's friends." mrs. pines winks, playfully nudging the blonde's arm; causing the latter to blush.
candy and grenda also giggle, making pacifica more flustered.
"but seriously, our kids have told many stories about you three," mr. pines says, gesturing them inside as he picks up the girls' bags, "pacifica and mabel's golf tournament, grenda's prince boyfriend in austria, and even candy's little crush on dipper."
"oh!" pacifica says, then she leans towards candy, continuing in a teasing tone. "well, i didn't know about this."
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another day of weirdmaggedon dawns upon gravity falls, not that dipper gleeful minds. in fact, it's just like another regular day for him: he gets up from bed, changes out of his pajamas and into his turquoise suit, and walks out into the town.
just as he promised, he makes his way to the giant floating bubble in the sky—the pink one that's branded with an illustration of a llama.
good morning, sunshine, dipper greets pacifica in thought, looking up at the bubble; eyes half-lidded and smiling gleefully.
pulling out the key from his vest pocket, dipper unlocks the bubble and enters the spherical-shaped prison.
"ah! dipper, you came back!" the blonde cheers, donning an off-the-shoulder, spaghetti-strapped turquoise dress and her hair done up in a simple, but cute messy bun.
"sunshine, looking as radiant as ever," dipper replies, "as if i should've expected any different."
he takes her by the hand, pulling her close to him. swinging her along the floor, which has shifted from a bedroom to a ballroom setting, dipper looks into pacifica's eyes with adoration, feeling complete bliss.
"hey, dippington? can i tell you something?" she asks softly.
"anything, sunshine," he answers without hesitation, "shoot."
"i'm so happy here." pacifica confesses, smiling brightly. "being here, in my dreamland, with you... it's like everything i could ever want. i don't ever want to leave... i just want to be happy here, with you, forever..."
dipper returns her smile, looking down at her as she rests her head against his shoulder.
"i'm happy to be here with you too, pacifica," he admits wholeheartedly, "i don't think i'd want to be anywhere else, too."
so, the pair slow-dances in silence, letting the soft melody of the ballroom music fill the space instead.
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ever since dipper's return, pacifica had intended to catch up with her old friend, but she knew that he already had a lot of catching up to do with his own family.
at least she had her own family to tend to, as well as her own career as gravity falls' top realtor, making her way to becoming the ceo of northwest realty from the past twenty years.
although she hated to admit it, pacifica kind of wished she was able to bond with her grandson preston as easily as dipper's twin sister and their two great nephews.
so, while preston is out on a date with his girlfriend priscilla, pacifica is left to her own devices as she finishes up paperwork for her recent client.
that is... until she hears the ever so familiar ring of the doorbell.
"heh... h-hey, paz," dipper greets; in his own, typical, awkward way, "l-long time, no see, huh?"
pacifica blinks once... then twice... three times, even.
"uh... pacifica?" he waves over her face; worry rising in his voice. "are you alright—"
dipper gets cut off abruptly was pacifica leaps toward him; wrapping her arms over his shoulders and enveloping him into a crushing embrace.
"dummy... don't leave me ever again."
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"wait, what?!"
dipper stands in his now-clean bedroom proudly, his hands to his sides.
"you heard me: by the end of spring break, pacifica northwest will be my girlfriend."
mabel clasps her hands over her mouth, trying her best from squealing.
"oh my god, dipper! that's amazing!" she cheers, but then her face blanks—as if she's seen a ghost. "oh no."
"huh? what 'oh-no'? i don't like that 'oh-no'."
"look, it's great that you want to ask pacifica to be your girlfriend and all but.. how do i put this... when it comes to girls... sometimes, you tend to get in your own way."
"mabel, i promise," dipper says, placing a hand to his chest while raising the other, "no lists involved. maybe a plan to reference to from time to time, but no multi-phase lists i need to be following closely."
"okay..." she says hesitantly, narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips, "so... what's the plan then?"
"well..." he starts, rubbing his hands together.
"first, i figured there would be no harm in taking everyone mini-golfing. i can't impress her, but at least it's something she likes to do. pacifica will have a good time, so it'll definitely get things running in the right direction."
"um... mini golf?" pacifica asks, a bit weary.
"i guarantee you, there's no lilliputtians involved."
looking at him quizzically at first, she chuckles right after.
"okay, nerd. i've been looking forward to having a rematch with mabel anyways. she owes me a fair game, anyways."
"next, we'll go to the mall—it's full of stuff that pacifica likes, right? fashion and deep-fried foods!"
"here you go," dipper says, plopping down a tray of food onto the table before pacifica, "an order of french fries with a vanilla milkshake, just like the lady ordered."
he mimics a bow, gesturing to the fast-food before taking his seat: "just like home, huh? um... you still have a butler, right?"
the blonde giggles, nodding as she picks up a single fry and dipping it into the shake.
"only the one, though. we had to let go of a lot of staff after... you know."
"oh yeah..." he says, remembering the previous video-calls they've had, "it seems you've been adjusting well, though. oh yeah—how's greasy's? lazy suzan able to hold fort without you?"
"definitely. i miss her, though." she answers, twirling her straw. "between you and me, it's nice working at the diner. lazy suzan is more like a parent to me than my actual parents, and it keeps me distracted from thinking about home..."
looking up from the tray, pacifica looks at dipper with a gentle smile: "at least things in your home is better, right? i'm totally jealous of your parents."
"i guess you could say that..."
but it wasn't better. things at the pines' residence wasn't getting better at all. though there was still some sort of harmony in the household, it doesn't mean that his parents weren't still fighting almost every night.
but this didn't mean that things wouldn't be different with pacifica. sure, dipper's parents have been together for over almost two decades, and their marriage has still been on the verge of collapse even after their children had come back from their summer vacation in gravity falls, but it didn't mean—
oh, who was he kidding.
"hey, hello~" his friend snaps her fingers in front of his face, "anyone in there? you've been zoning out, wanna tell me what's on your mind?"
"um... heh, heh! you know what? how about we hit the arcade?? lost my appetite, anyways."
before she could have any input, dipper already grabs pacifica's hand, running down and out of the food court.
"there was also the arcade... but i don't know how she'd take it, but hopefully she'll come to like it. i mean—pacifica loves winning, right?"
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"hm?" dipper gives a hum as he opens his eyes, peering up. somebody from the outside is calling.
"hey, sunshine, i gotta take care of something real quick." he explains, pulling away, his hands still on hers. "stay put, alright?"
she nods, still smiling: "okay, just... be careful, dip."
"you know i will." the brunette winks, causing his prisoner princess to giggle.
then, he finally departs, exiting the bubble.
"what the heck, dipper?!" gideon exclaimed. "i thought you turned a new leaf?! you said you were going to change!"
"oh, if it isn't lil' gideon—"
"don't call me that!" the small boy snaps back.
"never mind that! i'll have you know that i did, in fact, change," dipper continues, "i promised my sunshine, pacifica, that i wasn't going to hurt her, and i intend to keep that promise."
he then points to the bubble, wrapped in chains: "in that bubble, pacifica won't be hurt. never again. i was willing to let bygones be bygones, but she told me what you've done—and if you think i'm letting you in there, think again!"
"you can't do that, dipper!" robbie shouts. "you think you're protecting pacifica, but you're only imprisoning her!"
"valentino." dipper grimaces, his eyes narrowing and a threatening glint twinkles in his brown eyes. "you can't be any more wrong—pacifica told me herself! i am her protector! thanks to will, he granted me the power to create a dream world for her. in this world, i can shield her from anyone and everyone who can hurt her! even you!"
"but, dipper..." gideon speaks, his voice softens as he tries to empathize with the brunette, "do you really think this is the right way to protect pacifica? just because she's in that bubble, doesn't mean she'll be safe forever. eventually, one way or another, you'll hurt her too. so, when that happens—where will she go? who will protect her, then??"
dipper's cold expression slightly cracks, allowing his former enemy to reach out to him.
"we know you care for pacifica, we all do, too," the white-haired boy gestures between himself, robbie, and melody, "but we're still human. we make mistakes, and eventually, we will hurt each other—whether we mean to or not."
pulling out the slip of paper from the front pocket of his pants, dipper unfolds the paper to look back at the cut-out newspaper article; staring into the old picture of himself and pacifica.
she gave me another chance... even when i didn't deserve it.
"do the right thing, dipper. if you want to be pacifica's hero, please let us rescue her. please let us make it up to her."
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"so, let me get this straight..." pacifica speaks, pinching the bridge of her nose in a mix of concentration and confusion, "this whole time, you had a twin sister? but you didn't tell me about her because of she wronged you about thirty years ago?? and then ten years later—she accidentally gets you sucked into this portal that you made??? so you've been stuck in there for the past twenty years until she reactivated said portal—in which she fixed, for the sole purpose to bring you back????"
dipper simply stares at pacifica, still struck by her beauty after all these years. yet, when he realizes a tad late that she had stopped speaking, he shakes his head; getting a hold of himself.
"y-yes. that's exactly what happened."
the blonde blinks once. then twice. then takes a long sip from her coffee; setting it down before slamming the empty mug onto the table.
"you never told me you had a twin sister!"
"well, i didn't think it was relevant..." he mumbles, annoyed.
"of course it's flippin' relevant!" she spats, "whatever mabel did to you in the past, she's still your family! i thought i knew everything about you, but you've been still hiding stuff from me!"
dipper sighs, looking at his old friend with a guilt-ridden expression.
"you're right, paz. i should've been more open with you, instead of being all mysterious and keeping stuff from you. i'm really sorry that i scared you and kept you in the dark all this time."
"ah, forget about it," she waves off, no longer upset. "you're lucky that i'm too old to be fussing over small things. besides, i guess i should be used to it by now, right? you never really trusted me, anyways."
"but i do trust you, pacifica," he says, placing a hand over hers, "i was just being an idiot, thinking that i was protecting you by not letting you into my world, but that's not fair. not when you've trusted me with your secrets. i truly am sorry, paz."
as pacifica looks down at his hand on hers, she looks back up to him; her diamond-blue eyes meeting his doe-brown ones. a twinge of pink spreads throughout her cheeks, letting her old feelings for the awkward man resurface; if only for a small moment.
for the first time in twenty years, her guard is let down again, baffled and stammering by the same guy who caught her heart two decades ago.
"it's alright, dipper." pacifica replies, the smallest hint of a smile graces her face.
"you're here now."
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"ha, yeah!" pacifica cheers, pumping a fist up in victory, "in your face!"
though dipper wasn't happy at first that he was once again bested by her, he did have to admit—pacifica looks pretty cute when she gloats over a win. it's rare to see her geek out over an arcade game, after all.
"so, what was that again? didn't you say arcades were for nerds??"
"they're only nerds if they can't win," she corrects, poking his chest, "like you."
"yeah, yeah, you beat me," dipper says, rolling his eyes, "now enter your name for the high score so we can start heading back home. dad must've hooked up the karaoke machine by now."
pacifica giggles, inputting the name 'PAZ' before leaving the arcade with dipper; hand-in-hand.
"so, lovebirds..." mabel teases as she, candy, and grenda reunite with the pair, "ready for some karaoke?"
dipper blushes as pacifica rolls her eyes, smirking amusedly: "yeah, whatever. you wish i was dating your brother, it'll give you something to brag about."
"oh, definitely," mabel replies, "because i'm sure there's a lot of girls out there who are dying to say 'pacifica northwest, walking one-dimensional beached blonde valley girl stereotype, is dating my brother!'"
pacifica gasps, feigning offense...
before she laughs along with her former arch-enemy; walking out of the mall in a side-hug.
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"look, after you said you weren't going to leave with me and move in my parents and i at the end of the summer, i wanted to hide in my sweater forever."
as pacifica explains her choice to stay in pacificaland, gideon feels the guilt rise within him as he is reminded of his promise from the beginning of the summer.
then, the melancholic expression on her face turns into one of resolve as she finishes her story.
"but then i woke up in a place that gives me exactly what i wanted: an endless summer where we'll never have to grow up! here, the sun shines all day, the party never ends, and now that you guys are here—it's finally perfect!"
"listen, pazzy," gideon speaks, "we're not here to party. all of this is crazy!"
yet, the blonde groans, disagreeing with her cousin's sentiment: "ugh! i figured you might say something like that, gid. would it kill you to be more like dipper sometimes? at least he's supportive of me!"
"sunshine..." dipper calls to her softly, placing a hand on her shoulder, "maybe you should go with gideon and the the rest..."
"huh?" pacifica's eyes go wide, suprised by the change in his demeanour.
"what are you talking about, dipper?"
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"wait! hold on..." pacifica pants, trying to catch her breath after doubling down in laughs, "you... dated... a siren?"
blushing madly, dipper frowns: "is it really that hard to believe?"
apparently so, since the woman before him couldn't help but keep laughing; unable to control herself.
"uh—yeah?" she answers between cackles, "whew... oh my god, i'm gonna cry... that's hilarious... hah..."
"but you had two failed marriages!" he points out, still red as a tomato.
that doesn't stop pacifica from laughing herself breathless, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye as she finally starts to settle down.
"true... but i'm an heiress, dipper."
she had a point. twenty years is an awful long time, and it was like pacifica was getting any younger. it was inevitable that her parents wanted to secure their fortune by any means necessary—especially if said means was to marry their daughter off to another rich family.
hence, her two unsuccessful unions with marius von fundhauser and gideon gleeful.
"you never told me... how did you get out of them, again?"
"well, marius and i split because he fell in love with someone else..." pacifica answers, reminscing on her relationship with the austrian prince, "no hard feelings, though. it was for the best."
from the look on her face, dipper could tell that she was being genuine. he always loved seeing her soft side.
"and... gideon?" he winces.
"not as sweet as the papers put it." she replies bluntly. "he was just... too show-ey? even for me, which is crazy. i was able to find an out when i took the reigns on northwest realty—i got the chance to prove to my parents i was more than a pretty face, after all."
dipper chuckles, "as if there was any doubt."
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"disco girl!"
"coming through!"
"that girl is you~!"
ooh-ooh's ring throughout the living room, followed by giggles and more of the musical works of dipper pines and pacifica northwest.
"more punch, kids?" mrs. pines asks as she enters the room; a tray of filled glasses in her hands. "gonna need something to drink so those singing voices won't be strained."
so, without any objections, the five kids take a break—drinking punch and catching up on town gossip.
"what?! you broke up with marius?!"
mabel's jaw drops nearly the same time the news drops, but everyone else remains indifferent. sure, candy and pacifica would have already known about this, but dipper was just plain uninterested.
"it wasn't a big deal, really," grenda explains. "there was only so much clinginess i could take!"
"speak for yourself," pacifica chimes in, checking her nails, "sounds to me like you could've been set for life. you were dating the prince of austria!"
"yeah, and it was a long-distance relationship, too!" mabel exclaims, "emphasis on distance!"
"what's distance if he wanted to fly me out to austria every weekend?! the guy just couldn't leave me alone!"
"yeesh," pacifica cringes; her facial expression in her signature look of disgust, "when you put it like that, maybe dumping the guy was right move. i can't imagine dating someone hovering over me like that, laughing and agreeing at every single thing i say."
"ha-ha!" dipper chokes out, blushing madly, hovering over pacifica, "you're totally right, paz!"
as the blonde in question raises an eyebrow, confused, the three remaining girls shares looks of mischief amongst each other; smirking slyly.
"speaking of your dating life, paz..." mabel begins in a teasing voice, "have you... say, got yourself any boyfriends, lately?"
now, it was pacifica's turn to blush—her cheeks a tinted pink.
"uh... no?" drawing out the confused 'no' in her reply, pacifica looks puzzled once more. "mabel, what—"
"AH-HA-HA-HA-HA~" dipper's forced laughs come out more obnoxious this time around, taking his sister's hand as he leads them out of the living room.
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"no... no... not you, too..."
"pacifica, you know in your heart that gideon's right. summer ends."
"but... i don't want it to end! i don't want to go back and... and..."
losing her words, pacifica looks back into dipper's eyes. deep down, she agreed with him wholeheartedly. she knew he was telling the truth.
but they were in pacificaland now. and the truth is not what she wants. especially if all the truth has done was hurt her and continued to do so.
"you said you wouldn't hurt me, dipper."
then there it was. the ache in his chest had returned. it didn't make sense, though! he was so sure that the guilt had been resolved after that night of the party at his mansion... so, why did it come back? he didn't so anything wrong. dipper made a deal with will so he could be granted full guardianship of the bubble and keep pacifica from harm.
she was all fine until that know-it-all gideon pines got in the way... he thinks he knows what's best for pacifica, and look what that go him—after all, he was the reason why the joyful blonde had felt so down in the first place! dipper didn't hurt pacifica, it was all gideon!
turning away from pacifica, dipper looks into gideon's eyes. if he could glare into them long enough, maybe daggers could materialize out of his brown eyes, shooting straight into gideon's blue ones.
what he didn't expect, however, was for gideon to stand his ground; staring back at dipper with the same amount—if not, more—determination than the once-evil psychic.
then, all at once, dipper's own words have struck him, remembering his promise to pacifica.
"i… i know it's too late for you to trust me… and i clearly don't deserve your forgiveness… but i do wanna try. i want to be a better person."
if i want to be more than pacifica's hero... he thinks to himself, i have to be someone worthy of loving... i have to do the right thing...
i have to be a better person.
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"but, paz, you don't get it... mabel had cost me my dream school."
dipper repeats for the umpteenth time, lamenting over what could have been. he knew better than to be holding resentment over his twin sister for so long, but he just couldn't shake it off.
pacifica clearly notices this, which motivates her all the more to get her old friend to see sense.
"dipper, mabel and i haven't been on good terms this whole time, but after telling me the whole story, i've begun to see her in a different light." she confesses, laying a freshly-manicured hand atop inter-dimension traveller. "what baffles me is that while you can recall having a rich history with her, but it's only the two instances that she's done you wrong that keep a hold in your heart."
"but mabel was the reason i couldn't get into my dream school! she ruined my whole future in the blink of an eye—"
"she ruined your future, huh?" pacifica cuts him off, cocking a brow. "you want to know what i think, dipper?"
"no, maybe that big head of yours has influenced you in the past twenty years, and now it's got to your mouth—but i'm not going to stand for this. mabel is your twin sister. you guys sounded like two inseperable peas in a pod, but you've let that wrinkly brain of yours ruin probably the greatest friendship you've ever had."
pacifica pokes dipper's forehead for effect.
"sure, woe is you that you didn't get accepted to west coast. i'm sorry you didn't get to go into your dream school, but you went to backupsmore. you did the same work you hoped to accomplished at your first choice of school, but you pushed yourself even harder. if anything—you've probably found more success at backupsmore than west coast!"
"but mabel can't just get off scot-free—"
"your parents threw her out on the streets, dipper!" pacifica exclaims, utterly baffled by his sheer audacity, "things might've not have gone your way, but if they did back then, would you have been happier?"
hot tears begin to well up in the blonde's eyes, trying her hardest not to let them fall.
"you would have never come here! you would have never met... me..."
realizing that perhaps he did let his grievances get the better of him yet again, dipper had easily forgotten that he was only wanted to catch up over coffee with an old friend (maybe even get a second date afterwards), but he's blowing it.
blowing it big time.
"pacifica, of course i'm thankful for the way things turned out. meeting you was one of the best things that's ever happened to me."
"well, it sure doesn't feel like it..." she remarks, refusing to back down.
"look, i understand why you would be upset with mabel. sure, she ruined your chances of getting to your dream school, and got you trapped in another dimension for like, two decades, but she didn't mean to hurt you on purpose—and i think, deep down, you know this too."
though he wouldn't admit out loud, dipper did agree with pacifica's words. maybe it was just easier to stay mad at his sister because some part of him, subconsciously, knew that he was also to blame for where he ended up—especially getting himself sucked into the portal that he built himself.
"besides, if mabel was really as bad as you claimed her to be, then she wouldn't have spent all this time fixing your portal—just to get yourself out. in retrospect, what she did would typically require a prayer and a miracle to do: mabel self-educated in sciences, paid off your mortgage, and kept secrets to protect herself and her family. she did all this, her determined solely based on the very slim chance she could fix her mistake and bring you back home."
he wanted so badly to tell her that she was right. his mouth was already open, but with no words coming out, left speechless by the blonde's truth, he disappointed her; yet again.
"you know, i really missed you, dipper—but it turns out i didn't know you as well as i thought. call me when you decide to stop listening to your head and listen to your heart for a change."
with those final words, pacifica pulls out some bills from her wallet, before getting up from the booth, and out of the diner.
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mabel yelps right before her brother frantically slaps a hand over her mouth, then peering over his shoulder to see if her loud reaction drew any attention from their guests.
with dipper's head turned, the other twin takes a chance and licks his hand, causing not only him to retract in disgust, but her as well; forgetting in that brief moment how sweaty her brother really was.
"mabel, seriously?" he asked in a hushed whisper.
spitting out and blowing raspberries with her tongue, she spats: "ugh! when do you ever not sweat?"
"whatever, that's not the point!" dipper replies, still hushed.
after blowing the last raspberries, mabel continues, whispering as well: "you haven't asked pacifica to be your girlfriend yet? spring break's almost over!"
"i know, i know, it's just..." he turns back to the living room, looking solemnly at the blonde; currently laughing along with candy and grenda. "i thought i was ready, i really did..."
seeing the gloom in her brother's face, mabel puts a hand to dipper's shoulder.
"so, what happened bro-bro?"
turning back to face his sister, dipper draws a deep sigh before asking: "mabel, do you think, if pacifica and i start dating... we'll end up arguing more than mom and dad?"
"huh?" she questions, her face puzzled.
"i mean, pacifica and i are just so different... and it's only been almost a year since we've met..." dipper explains, "on the other hand, our parents have known each other for almost twenty years... but that didn't stop them from those big arguments last year... do you think—"
"dipper, let me stop you right there," mabel interrupts, holding her hands up in a 'stop' gesture, "you and pacifica are nothing like mom and dad—and that doesn't have to be a good or bad thing! you guys have an awesome dynamic, whether as friends or as a couple—nudge nudge! the point is, you should ask pacifica to be your girlfriend when you feel you're ready. don't rush it, and definitely don't let other relationships like our parents get to you. after all, there's always summer!"
after giving it some thought, dipper looks away from mabel, turning to pacifica once more, then back to his sister; smiling.
"you make a good point, mabel... thanks. 'sides, there's always summer, right?"
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after breaking free from the bubble in which will has imprisoned pacifica, she—along with the company of dipper, mabel, gideon, melody, and robbie—have made their way back to the tent of telepathy.
though found seemingly empty at first, the battle cries of the townsfolk taking refuge in the shack provokes the group of people who had just came from weirdmaggedon.
that is, until one of the folk—the six-fingered one in particular—had spotted their great niece and nephew, almost immediately standing down.
"grunkle ford!" dipper and mabel cheer, rushing to hug the old man.
"i can’t believe it! i thought i lost you two.” he says, capturing the twins in his arms.
“did you really?” mabel asks smugly.
“no,” ford answers, returning a smug grin back at her, “i was looking forward to not being bothered by you deliquents anymore.”
“you can always try again, grunkle ford.” dipper says.
“so, how did you all get here?”
ford then proceeds to recall the events from his perspective as weirdmaggedon unfolded, noting how the tent was the only place unaffected by will’s powers due to the protection of the unicorn hair.
“eventually, all these injured stragglers show up needing a place to stay. since the mayor got captured, i elected myself de facto chief. the plan's to stay in here and eat brown meat until we run out, then eat the gnomes."
as ford finishes explaining to his niece and nephew impassively, a nearby gnome immediately picked up on the chief's plan and gasped in utter disgust.
"hey! i'm short, not deaf!"
glancing from the kids to the gnome, ford remains indifferent.
"survival of the fittest, pal. sucks to be you, i guess."
"grunkle ford, we can't all just hide inside the tent," mabel reasons, "we have to save the town! gideon, stan, and i tried to do it, but grunkle stan ended up getting captured by will."
"serves that jerk right, it's what you get for trying to be a hero." ford remarks, then gestures to the townsfolk taking refuge in the tent. "besides, look at these people. the reason why they're here is not from the kindness of my heart, they're here out of fear—because people blindly following me would be less torturous than following some all-powerful space demon."
"so, you're really going to let will win?" gideon asks.
"kid, we got the best deal we could possibly get." the elder gleeful says, lounging back on his recliner. "be lucky that my niece is all sweet on you, otherwise i'd be kicking you and your cousin out on the streets with whatever townsfolk were unfortunate to not take refuge."
gideon frowns deeply, disgusted and frustrated with the six-fingered man. pacifica, although offended by the remark, is saddened on her cousin's behalf; considering that her uncle and aunt—despite their significant lack of quality parenting—are still out there amongst the chaos.
so, understandably, mabel is furious, and dipper places a empathetic hand on pacifica's shoulder—sharing in her lament.
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she couldn't believe it... pacifica had waited for so long... she's waited twenty years, just to see him again.
though she would never admit it out loud to anyone else, pacifica's had dreams about reuniting with her former partner, many of them just a grasp away from a happy ending... that is, until she gets pulled back to consciousness at the final moment, and she realises...
he's not there.
after years of hoping, asking whatever external forces in the universe, just for the chance to see dipper pines one more time.
yet, after that lunch at greasy's, when pacifica finally got the chance to catch up with her old friend, she got to really know who dipper actually was... and it was just like in those final moments before she woke up each morning for the past couple decades.
he's still not here.
so, though it pains her heart to do this, pacifica needs to give dipper space. as long as things between him and his sister remain unresolved, how could she begin to think about having their own relationship mended?
but she's waited for twenty years... she won't mind waiting a little bit more.
take the rift...
"huh?" she scans the town around her. "who's there?"
nobody was nearby. in fact, she doesn't remember seeing the town in such a... monochromatic state. it was chilling, to say the very least.
after confirming nothing was behind her, pacifica shook her head rather wildly, trying to get her vision back. she didn't even summon him... she's fully awake... so, how did pacifica end up in the dreamscape?
suddenly, a being manifests before her. yellow, triangle-shaped, demonic. the blonde recognized him from the pages of the notebook, as well as the numerous tapestries she's locked up in one of the many closets in her mansion. after inheriting the property, stowing those demon-tapestries away was just about one of the first thing's she done to northwest manor.
"stay back!" she roars, standing guard.
"oh, llama, i'm sure your family raised you to be more poised than that." bill teases, swarming around her.
"you're nothing but bad news, you triangle goblin." pacifica spats, folding her arms, her hip cocked to one side. "i know you're like some sort of massive psycho, but you'd have to be even more mindless to think i'd make some deal with you."
"no need to be hostile, llama." bill says, backing away and giving her space. "i noticed that you had a lover's quarrel with pine tree lately, and i just want to give you something small to lift up your spirits."
"dipper and i don't have anything together." she states bluntly, clearly uninterested. "and i'm well off on my own, so if you're thinking of making me like, the richest person in the world, forget it."
"what if i gave you a better pine tree?" he offers, floating about and around her again. "in a snap, i can re-wire the old geek..."
with a snap of his fingers, a phantom of dipper appears before the two, walking towards pacifica with a smile on his ghostly face.
"a pine tree that isn't self-absorbed and all-consumed by science."
though he is a phantom, the animated dipper is able to take pacifica's hand in his. bill's probably controlling me, isn't he?
"a pine tree that can listen to his heart."
using his free arm to circle her waist, this dipper pulls pacifica close to him, his ghastly eyes seemingly consumed by her.
maybe, pacifica can't wait any longer. after all, she is getting old. besides, with dipper being the same age, she knows that he's getting old too. he's finally back home, so perhaps he ought to finally get some rest.
but it's not right. if she let herself sank this low, dipper would never forgive her. heck, she doesn't even think she could forgive herself. he wouldn't even be the dipper she fell in grew to like.
"all i need is this galaxy-looking globe of your boyfriend's. it's nothing big, so he won't miss it. so, whattaya say?"
looking from 'dipper' to bill's hand, ready for a shake, pacifica's determination returns to her; hitting her stronger than ever.
"my pine tree is perfect the way he is."
"what?" bill sputters in disbelief.
"you heard me," pacifica pulls away, staring into the demon's eye, "no deal."
"i don't care. i have preston, and i have dipper."
without hesitance, she raises a fist; completely all out of patience.
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"wait, so if the answer to the equation is zero, then why can't x also be zero?" pacifica asks as her eyebrows knit together, staring from the homework spread on her desk back to the dork on video call from her laptop. "anything that's multiplied by zero has to equal zero, right?"
"yeah, but if you applied zero in place of x," dipper explains, amused by the blonde's annoyance. "you'd have two multiplying negative one, making the answer—"
"negative two, yeah, yeah." pacifica cuts him off, waving it aside. "lemme try again, but i need you to shut up for a bit."
on screen, dipper looks deadpanned, but he knew that pacifica was really trying. the school year was almost over, and thanks to insufficient funds to keep her original tutor, pacifica was left to her own devices.
the thing was, he has helped her all year, and she was perfectly confident with her grades... so, why are the stakes so much higher now?
"x equals negative two or one-half!"
"see, i knew you could do it." dipper smiles at her through the monitor.
chuckling at the dopey expression on his face, pacifica feels her cheeks grow warm, smiling back at him. "thanks dipper... but i couldn't have done it without you. actually... i think i might've needed to repeat the eight grade if it wasn't for you."
"you kidding me? you're great at practically anything you put your mind to!"
heh, i hope you're right about that, dip.
what pacifica isn't telling him is how much of a big deal her final math exam really is for her. as far as he knows, it's just her first final exam that she's gotten without an expensive tutor nor the safety net of her parents' fortune to get her into the ninth grade.
"bro-bro! tell your girlfriend ya gotta go! dinner's ready!"
mabel's off-screen call promptly causes her brother to be fully red in the face, momentarily losing his cool; to which pulls a giggle from the other end of his video call.
"sounds like i gotta let you go, bro-bro." pacifica teases, reaching for her laptop, over the sheets and textbooks. "same time, tomorrow?"
"heh, of course." dipper replies, chuckling nervously as he rubs the back of his neck. "sorry about mabel, you know how she is—"
"you don't need to apologize for anything, dork. catch ya later."
the dopey, awkward grin on dipper's face is the last thing she sees before she clicks on the 'end call' button, butterflies swarming in her stomach as she's temporarily allured by the goofiness that is her crush—not that she'd admit it to anyone else, though.
soon enough, those butterflies turn into rumbles, her stomach calling out for food as well.
after shutting her laptop and abandoning post at her desk, pacifica begins to make her way down to the kitchen.
"it's about time you showed up."
preston speaks bluntly as he and his wife are sitting on the dining table, with no food before them.
"we're starving, darling." priscilla says. "we thought we were going to have to wait forever for that... pines boy... to finally end your tutor session."
taking in a deep breath, pacifica sighs just as heavily, walking towards the fridge: "what are you guys going to make me prepare tonight?"
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after viewing toby determined by turned to stone, soon to join will’s throne of subdued townsfolk, the remaining people in the tent of telepathy are finally pushed to the edge—the drive of freeing the town overruling their fear of will’s tyrannic takeover.
led by the team of gideon, pacifica, and the gleeful twins, all of the refuged individuals desperately assist tad mcgucket in turning the tent of telepathy into a force for battle.
days later, their combined efforts resulted in the completion of the remodeled tent of telepathy; much to ford’s dissatisfaction.
"thanks for these apocalyspe sweaters, pacifica." melody praises, physically snug in the cashmere. "the end of the world has never felt so comfortable."
"you were always a girl of many talents, sunshine." dipper chimes in, proudly showing off the sweater with a pine tree in the center.
the rest of the refugees are in agreement; nodding and humming.
hearing a shiver from behind her, pacifica shoots mabel a look as she notices she's still sweaterless. desperate to just warm up.
"ugh!" she whines, caving in as she pulls out a pink sweater with a shooting star in the center. "fine i'll wear it," she says, putting it on, "but i'm not gonna like it."
"admit it, this is the best day of the end of the world." pacifica says, taking a seat between dipper and gideon. "i think we actually have a chance to defeat will and win back our future."
"yeah," gideon adds, "can't believe i'm saying this, but i would much rather want to live to see mabel and dipper turn thirteen."
mabel gives gideon a soft smile, something that not even her twin brother has ever seen from her—and surprisingly, gideon even smiles back at mabel.
"if we're lucky, sunshine, i guarantee we'll throw another party at the manor and invite everyone in town."
though she knew dipper was certain about it, pacifica still raises a brow in suspicion; purely out of testing him.
sighing, he places a hand over his chest: "i promise, pacifica."
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hearing the approaching footsteps from one of his two nephews, dipper sighs, putting aside whatever work he was currently tending to, now tending to his nephew instead.
"let me guess: stanley didn't take it well."
the young stanford pines shakes his head, regret and doubt starting to spread across his face.
"i don't know, maybe i'm making the wrong decision." ford replies, looking up at his grunkle. "i need to think about this."
"ford, right now we need to focus on the mission." dipper says, trying to pacify his nephew's gloom. "now come on, i've got the glue—hand me the rift and let's make history."
turning his frown into a smile, ford reaches into his supposed backpack, only to pull out—a birthday flyer?!
"what? oh no! the rift!"
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it's the last day of exam week, and the weight of the world is on pacifica shoulders... or at least that's how she's feeling right now.
pulling up to the front of the school, the blonde unbuckles her seatbelt, picking up her bag, and is just about to open the door before her father halts her.
"pacifica," preston calls to his daughter, causing her to turn back to him. "you are a northwest. remember, if you don't get a perfect score on that final exam, you can say goodbye to your inheritance."
suddenly, pacifica's taken back to the day of the golf tournament between herself and mabel—and it only makes her feel worse.
so, she doesn't give anything to her dad but an affirmative nod, steps out of the vehicle, and watches as the family car drives off.
once the car was out of view, pacifica rushes into the school and in the washroom, locking herself in a stall.
hyperventilating, the distressed blonde holds a hand to her chest—though it doesn't do anything to slow her breathing nor stabilize the rise and fall of her chest. before she knew it, hot tears stream down her face, and the choked sobs that barely escape from her are just a cork from a full-on piercing cry.
get it together pacifica! she begs in her mind. stop being so weak!
feeling hopeless, the floor in the stall might as well turn into a black hole and swallow pacifica whole. it's still early in the morning, maybe she can just play hooky... and just catch the next bus to piedmont. it's not like her parents would miss her, right? especially when she won't get that perfect score they were hoping for. maybe he was right...
it was only a single ringtone that pulls pacifica from her mind. rubbing her tears away and taking a sniffle, she pulls out her phone and reads the caller id from the screen.
pacifica thinks about answering, she really does, but what could she say? the only person she's ever been vulnerable with was her brother.
before she knew it, pacifica lets her phone ring for too long, letting her enemy-turned-frenemy-turned-friend[ish?] go to voicemail.
"hey pacifica! dipper and i are just about to head to school, so we wanted to give you a call and wish you good luck on your math final! remember, no matter what the result is, our support for you is as long as pi! ha! get it? 'cause it's endless?? eh??? anyways, we'll always be proud of you, paz!"
pacifica rolls her eyes, chuckling at the shooting star's oh-so familiar cheesiness.
"mabel's right," a different voice enters the message, "you've done so well in school this year all by yourself, so don't sweat it, pacifica. you're going to nail that final, and even if you're not happy with the score, you should be proud of all the work you've put in this year."
"psst! dippingsauce!" pacifica can hear mabel call out to him, but her voice is rather hushed, likely due to her being some distance away from her phone. "tell paz you less than three her!"
"'less than three her'? what do you mean, 'less than three'..." dipper's voice dies down at the end, dead air follows the voicemail as he figures out what his sister meant.
just like that, the voicemail ends—or rather, cuts off. pacifica sniffles, but she finds herself smiling. chuckling, actually.
who was she kidding? of course they were right! she's pacifica northwest. the only northwest that ended her family's curse. the same girl who showed up to a family photoshoot because she stopped caring about what others wanted her to be. the llama of bill cipher's zodiac!
bill was wrong, and after all she's done to save their lives—her parents no longer get the privilege to boss her around and treat her like a butler.
so, when pacifica finally cleans herself up, then walks in the classroom to take her final math exam for the school year, she's filled with nothing but confidence. she's pacifica, after all. as if she was going to finish the eight grade with anything less than an A+.
but, her mom and dad can keep that stupid inheritance of hers, she can make her own fortunes.
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"this whole plan is insane, but no one asked the chief what he thinks. after all i've done for everyone!"
"hey dipper? mabel?" pacifica calls to them, but looks in the direction of the twins' grunkle. "shouldn't you guys talk to your grunkle? he doesn't look alright..."
"oh, we already know why he's acting like that," mabel brushes it off, only looking at ford for a second before staring back at pacifica, "don't worry about it, pacifica. he's always been this stubborn, but he'll come around. just needs to blow off some steam, that's all."
then, when mabel turns away to continue chatting with gideon, dipper shakes his head and rolls his eyes before talking to the blonde.
"to make a long story short, sunshine: mabel and i have been helping grunkle ford rescue grunkle stan ever since we could remember. after discovering that will had a connection to stan's dissappearance, understandably, we've tortured him enough to surrender and be subservient to us—using his powers and the tent of telepathy to steer suspeciting eyes away. once we got stan back, he only ever expressed gratitude to mabel and i—holding his grudge against ford."
"oh..." it wasn't pacifica, but gideon reacting to his former enemy's story. "so you guys weren't really evil, after all—just misunderstood?"
"nah, with stan's smarts, and ford's con-man skills, we could've easily turned the falls into gleefulland—ow!"
dipper holds a hand to his side, turning back to pacifica, who looks at him with a dissappointing pout.
"jerk. if neither of you are going to talk to ford, then i will."
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"so, this is how the world ends. not with a bang, but with a boop-boop."
"weirdmaggedon." ford says, he and his grunkle looking up to the x-shaped rip in the sky—which the younger pines could only assume would be the portal to the nightmare realm.
"the rift is shattered." dipper says, lifting his nephew up as he gets run over by various animals and creatures. "bill's world is spilling into ours and every minute his powers grow stronger."
"stanley!" ford panics as eyes go wide. "the rift must've cracked inside his backpack. he must be in danger. i have to go and find him."
rushing towards the walkie-talkie, ford calls out to stan: "stanley! come in, stanley! stanley!"
"ford. listen to me." dipper calls to the boy sternly, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "we can find your brother soon, but right now, we need to stop bill. if we could blast him back through the rip he came out of, we just might be able to stop him before his weirdness spreads across the entire globe."
"are you sure defeating bill is even possible?" ford asks, a hint of uncertainty rises in his voice.
"no. i'm not sure." dipper confesses, but with every bit of courage he could muster from within himself, he looks down at ford. taking a knee down to his nephew's level, the elder pines looks into the eyes of the six-fingered boy—hoping that the next words that leave his mouth transfer a spark of a fight in ford. "but being a hero means fighting back even when it seems impossible. will you follow me?"
"to the ends of the earth."
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a/n: omg FINALLY part 2 is done! i just want to take this moment to thank every single one of you for all the support and praise you have given me since i released the first part. i just want to give a heads up that since school is starting again for me, and balancing that with my job, i clearly won't have as much spare time to be working on this fic—but i'll try my best to have the final part posted within two months from now.
writing ilyieu has been so great for me, not just in terms of engagement and the traction i get from other users, but also for my writing. usually, i don't think i would be posting this much writing in such a short span of time... i haven't been this proactive in my writing since 2020 when all i had was quarantine and wattpad, if i gotta be honest.
i hope that this part is just as good as the first, because the next part is going to be last—as it wraps up the stories i have between dipcifica in all thre au's. your ongoing support means so a lot to me, so please send me lots of likes, reposts, and even asks my way! just about any engagement will likely inspire me to keep writing! here, how about i answer some of those future asks right now:
q: jen, your writing is so awesome! do you think alex hirsch will hire you to help him write any future books for gf?
a: uh—i don't have a degree in english or any related subjects, but if he's still willing to pay me—I SURE FRIGGIN HOPE SO
q: do you actually like gravity falls or are you just writing this because the book of bill came out/you just started watching the series/you know gf is trending on tumblr/you wanted to join the gf hype while it's still trending?
a: yes. definitely. absolutely. (stan pines would be so proud of me :,))
q: ur writing sucks/u take so long to post/u copied [insert name here] so unoriginal
a: this is definitely not a rick roll
anyways, thanks a bunch again for your guys' support! you’ve gotten me my first 200+ notes, my recent dipcifica drabble has already surpassed 100 (despite only writing and posting it yesterday), and i’m actually gaining a following (even if it’s small!) i’ll be posting more soon!
taglist: @wwwritererm @a-messy-flower @stormcloudsarepretty @marii-iana @whosbex @seukymin @vegas96 @caro2004 @ghostlyvisiting @frozzuwuwu @cyanside @mcmymuffin @poorlittlerichgirll @invisible-vampire13 @tielmamon @optimussy @hoatzin2 @janis01127 @platonicallyalone @raccoonchild333 @kagura15 @suckerfordylansstuff @cosmic-peonies @ashisuniverse @automaticpandaoperatorpizza
follow #jw: i love you in every universe for more content!
71 notes · View notes
via-l0ve · 1 year
I'd love to see more Supernatural stuff like "would you love me if I was a worm?", please! c:
Calling The Spn Boys Really Cringey Nicknames (preference!)
a/n: i literally love you sm. when you requested this i was fr begging my brain to come up with ANYTHING and then boom here you are so thank you sm for this :)) i wasn’t sure if you meant like preferences or a funny little chaotic write up so i did both :) hope you enjoy!! (wendy williams is such a meme.)
Warnings: swearing, chaos tbh, not proofread
characters included: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley
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Sam was in the room and you know you gotta mess with the moose man
you walk up to dean all innocent and you hand him a beer you got from the fridge.
“here you go, honey bunches.” insert voice you use when talking to a puppy
dean stared for a second before going
“of course, Schmoopie.”
Sam rn:
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You just walk away like it’s normal and go back to doing whatever you’re doing and sam is literally DISGUSTED
after a couple of seconds he just goes
“schmoopie?” bro is about to cry hes so dead cus wtf is that nickname
“yeah?” you respond, shrugging.
“never say that again.” Sam deadpans and Dean gets up to walk to you.
“what the hell was that nickname.” he asks, a HINT of a blush on his face.
you smiled. “i think it’s cute!”
he literally looks scared.
“stop it. never again.” SHIVER ME TIMBERS
you scarred the poor man and his brother
He’s working late on research for a case you guys are in town for and he’s delirious
you bring him a coffee and decide to fuck with him a little bit
“here’s your coffee, Sammy.”
“oh, thank you y/n”
“anything for my cutie patootie!” you kiss his head and walk away
he’s literally going 👁️👄👁️
maybe he’s delirious but he’s not psycho (maybe)
him rn:
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“y/n.. what?”
you just turn around all innocent
“what? cant i call you my cutie patootie? or would you rather me call you my schnuckums?”
“what the fuck.”
“y/n. go to bed.”
you made him go to bed because he thought he was hallucinating
my precious baby
he totally asked dean all about pet names and stuff and dean was like “STAY AWAY FROM THESE ONES..”
so when you call him your poopsie he’s like 🤨
but he dosent wanna do anything weird so he goes
“love you too, Schmoop.”
he fought back
now it’s your turn to actively cringe
you when he fought back:
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he tells dean about it the next day and dean is in absolute SHAMBLES
i love cas he deserves nothing but love and support
he would totally keep calling you that name just to see you die inside every time
he loves you
i love him
he’d research cringe couple names and come across Petite Chou (small cabbage) in french and call you that
everyone would think it was something cute and meant a lot
Small Cabbage
i honest to god feel like crowley has seen so much and you’re so chaotic he wouldn’t even bat an eye
“i love you baby cakes!!”
“mhm. love you too, y/n.”
“hey my schmoople!”
“hi y/n.”
“how was your day, snuffleuffagus?”
“good. how was yours, love?”
he’s so used to you and your antics tbh he honestly thinks it’s hilarious
but he isn’t even phased anymore lol
you guys are a power couple
810 notes · View notes
alornights · 1 year
⟢ airheads
➜ in which ! stan is head over heels in love with the bimbo girl.
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🌷 ﹫stan marsh.
✩ 🦩 warnings﹗suggestive.
🍧 ⟡ notes — me core somehow.
bro i got so carried away with this its so long, i love this sm.
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masterlist [ check mlist for details ! ] — previous | next
"Who's that?" Stan murmured nodding his head over to a girl who walked through the cafeteria doors dressed in all pink, looking like a lost deer.
Kenny giggled leaning his chin on his head, "The new love of my life, she's new to town. Dumb and pretty I heard."
"You shouldn't degrade people like that..." Kyle murmured taking a sip of his drink, watching her walk around.
"Totally would bang," Cartman yelled with a grin.
"Like she would ever go for you."
Stan tuned them watching you look around, scratching your hair with some pretty long nails. He sighed standing up, walking over to you, "Do you need help?"
You turned around with a big smile but Stan couldn't help but look down at your chest. "Oh, I just don't know where to sit. Why don't you sit with me!"
he doesn't understand it. he just can't wrap his head around why he liked you so much.
it wasn't even because of your looks, something about you just scratched his brain the right way.
the way you talk, the way you moved, the way you do anything is just so addictive to him. even you just writing something makes his head spin because it's you.
anytime you talk to him he just blacks out, to be honest, just being around you makes him so dizzy.
the way you pout when you get a question wrong in class has him gripping the table trying not to react to how adorable it was.
"I don't understand." He groaned laying on the concrete ground. "I can't fucking get her out of my mind. It's like she injected me."
"Whipped." Kenny teased passing the ball to Kyle.
"Shut up."
"Probably because you dated Wendy for so long that you're so used to serious mature people," Kyle concluded with a smirk shooting his basketball. "She's dumb, she's energetic, she's cool, she's hot. You like those stuff but you put them aside for Wendy."
"...God I hate it when your smart and right."
"It's part of my charm."
by this point it's mental. there's not a single second where you're not in his brain, even little things get him thinkin' bout you.
would help you in classes he's good at and no matter how much you don't understand it he'll help you get through it.
he thinks you two are a match made in heaven. the emo kid dating the popular bimbo girl? WHERE COULD IT GO WRONG-
loses his mind when he sees you biting the end of your pencil with narrowed eyes trying to understand the material.
gets very flustered when you actually flirt back with him when he accidentally called you gods best creation.
"God's best creation?" You teased leaning over the desk where you two sat and Stan tried his hardest not to look at your rather revealed chest. "Why that means we may be a match made in heaven."
You giggled taking your hand in his. "You're so cute, Stan."
he got a bit better but not really.
kenny got hella mad when you started being stan's new passenger princess. instead of all his shit in the glove compartment, he finds a bunch of makeup, candy (not that he doesn't mind), hair ties, and some other shit.
would drive you anywhere you wanted. just ask him and he wills, it doesn't matter what he's doing he'll drop everything for you.
loves listening to you ramble about those reality tv shows or all the twitter drama going on, while very confused, he still loves it.
somehow gets you into rock. he doesn't know how.
bro if you two got to the point of kissing, he's obsessed with your lipstick smudging his lips, it's his fav thing ever.
extra points if you kiss him on his neck and shoulder, HE WILL NOT WIPE THAT SHIT OFF.
if tegrady farms is still around and making money will probably use that money to go shopping with you.
"Are you sure?" You questioned clinging onto his arm as you walked around the mall though the smile on your face said you loved this.
Stan smiled, "Of course baby. I wanna treat you right today."
maybe he did get bold.
but seeing the way you lit up when he called you that. so he keeps going with it, and he loves how jealous everyone gets.
his dad may complain about all his money disappearing but stan couldn't care less with the way he gets to see you trying on clothes for him like a runway model.
especially those revealing outfits... lord have mercy on him.
couldnt help but stare at your ass when some of skirts and dresses started hiking up.
and tbh if you beg enough, he will get his nails done with you. he fucking enjoyed it, and went back again with you.
bonus, the first time you went with him, you let him pick out the nails and it was your favorite set ever.
and then you started getting very bold.
The two of you sat on the floor of Stan's living room studying for a science test. Stan got lucky that his parents were out of town for the weekend and his sister was off in college.
Unluckily, you two were getting no progress done.
"I don't understand Stan this is too haaard," You whined out loudly throwing your hands over his neck. "I'm boreeed. Why don't we..." You trailed off letting one of your hand land on his thigh, "Why don't we take a break? Have some fun."
"Huh...?" Stan murmured, eyes widened as his body got hotter and hotter with every second, his mind running to all sorts of thoughts.
"So?" You questioned with a pure smile letting your hand trail up.
494 notes · View notes
rosiehrs · 11 months
YOU DON'T KNOW MY NAME # 29. pent up (written)
word count ; 1.2k
a/n ; hehe happy november and i didnt proof read this
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“aeri! no! you can’t do this to me!” you exclaimed as the older girl dragged you towards the café. the both of you were getting stares from people in the area, but all you cared about was not seeing irene and all aeri cared about was seeing jimin. 
“y/n, no take backs. you said you’d do this with me.” she replied, nonchalantly. “yeah, that was before i found out i was gonna see irene. unnie, think about me, please.” aeri rolled her eyes at you, shaking her head. “you’re so dramatic.” 
she had successfully dragged you in front of the café, stopping. she stared at you like you were an idiot before shoving you, “go!” you whined as you entered the café, the door chiming in the process. your eyes anxiously darted across the whole café, looking for the people you were hoping to avoid. just as you were about to breathe in relief, you saw her face - irene’s face. she was sitting on the same side as jennie, nayeon and yeri, the other three sitting away from you. irene laughed at something wendy said, looking up nonchalantly and freezing when she saw you. yeri followed along, wondering where irene’s eyes had travelled to. her eyes widened when she saw you and felt herself tense up. she turned to irene and back to you, distress clearly written on her face. you looked away quickly, turning to aeri who was looking for someone else. “damn, she’s not here yet.”
“bro, i hate you so fucking much right now. irene unnie and i just made eye contact.” that seemed to catch aeri’s attention as she finally faced you. “oh, shit.. no, she didn’t. pretend she didn’t. come on.” she dragged you away to order, but irene’s eyes hadn’t let your figure. yeri nudged the older girl, finally causing her to look away. 
you and aeri had finished ordering and stood around waiting for your orders. nayeon looked up at the sudden movement from the corner of her eye and lit up at the two of you. “hey, isn’t that y/n and aeri?”
immediately, everyone's heads turned towards the both of you - freezing once you realised they had seen you. irene cursed under her breath as her friends called out for you . 
“oh my god! y/n! aeri!” joy cheered. “come here, come here!” 
you smiled awkwardly as you held onto aeri’s arm and walked towards the group. “uh, hi, unnies.” you greeted sheepishly, aeri repeating your words. “oh my god, y/n. finally, in the flesh!” jennie politely said, throwing you a smile. “you too, unnies. it’s great to finally meet you guys. i’m a huge fan.”
“sit, sit!” they insisted, moving in to make space for the both of you. you ended up sitting next to nayeon, with aeri opposite you, sitting next to wendy. 
“your posts don’t do you justice, y/n.” nayeon slyly commented, taking a sip from her drink. you smiled sheepishly, failing to hide the flustered look on your face. “thank you, unnie. you, too.” you awkwardly replied, completely missing the way irene’s eye twitched. you looked up to see irene staring intently at you, feeling frozen under her gaze. “nayeon unnie, be careful - y/n’s girlfriend is sitting right in front of her.” yeri instigated, causing the both of you to quickly turn to her with a look of shock. she grinned in response, as the reactions of the other girls started to kick in. 
“wait, what?” wendy asked, clearly confused. “aeri, you- you’re dating y/n?”
“i- uh,” she began, not knowing how to explain it to them without embarrassing herself. “well, not ex-” with that, the café’s front door chimed, drawing everyone’s attention. you looked up to see karina who politely greeted the cashier and looked around to find her usual seat. you kicked aeri under the table causing her to stop and look back. the both of you immediately stood up and excused yourselves. 
“we’re so sorry, unnies. we’d love to catch up another day! it’s just we have to meet a friend right now, but it was really nice seeing you all!” she grabbed your hand and laced her fingers through yours, turning the other way and walking towards karina. “fuck my life, let’s just get this over with.”
you and giselle pretend to nonchalantly walk towards the counter to collect your orders, catching the attention of the korean girl. “oh, gigi!..” she took a second to glance at you, the smile slightly dropping from her face. “..and y/n. um, good to see you! what are you two doing here?” 
“oh! hi, rina! i was just taking y/n/n out on a date since she’s been so stressed with volleyball lately, isn’t that right, babe?” 
“i- uh, yeah. riri’s so thoughtful, i’ve been exhausted all week but i’m always looking forward to spending more time with her.” you replied, throwing her a smile which karina returned bitterly. “ha.. right. well.. i hope you guys have a good one!” 
“you, too! it was nice seeing you!” you grabbed your drinks and left the café eagerly. once you were finally out of sight, you dropped her hand, shoving her as hard as you could. “what the fuck, unnie! that couldn’t have gone any worse!”
“stop, stop, i know. did you see her? rina didn’t even give a shit-”
you scoffed at her, not believing how that’s her only concern. “don’t be stupid, she was jealous. she was so evidently jealous, it’s working, unnie. but my problem is seeing the person i emphasised i didn’t want to see. i told you i didn’t want to and you didn’t give a shit. sure, call me dramatic but i seriously didn’t need that, unnie. i didn’t need to see her, i didn’t need to be near her. you know how i felt about this whole thing and you still couldn’t even think about how i felt. all you care about is whatever it is you have going on with karina. so for your sake and mine, just give in and tell her how you feel. she likes you too, but you’re just too blind to see it. i’m leaving, get home safe.” you stormed off, ignoring aeri’s calls of your name. when you got far enough, you took a taxi home with a million different emotions swimming in your chest.
frustration, embarrassment, anger. throughout the long course of your friendship with aeri, you had never snapped at her before - you’ve never even raised your voice at her. perhaps it was years worth of pent up frustration from previous occurrences, but it didn’t matter. it was done and you didn’t regret a single word. 
the sound of your phone dinging snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to feel more frustrated with the thought of aeri texting you. you reached into your pocket to check your notifications and flinched harshly when you saw the words written on your phone.
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SUMMARY ⤻ irene was a private influencer and y/n was an avid follower. you were extremely open about your admiration for the older girl. like every other fangirl, you want her to notice you – but she doesn't know your name. (and you don't know hers)
tag list (closed); @winieter @silantryoo @luvjanexx @perfectsunlight @pandamiswifey @jeindall777 @jimanie @sapphicmemos @slowlydifferentbluebird @jjuncidio @awkwardtoafault @gfriendsapple @cwpiqwon @nasyu-kookies @justme-idle @mightymyo @writingficsblog @archerheejin @yoontoonwhs @jenscx @captivq @ddeulgiheree @urfriendlylocalidiot @juhyunsthirdwife @eccobe @uzumakioden @dni-unavailable @jisooftme @pandafuriosa60 @ehcyps @wiinvrs @eunhhh @lyninabin @sewiouslyz @ryujinbrat @edamboon @ky-yk @orchestralbeats @ludasgf @blooming--warrior @blue4hour @djoenjoyer1 @staryujinnie
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sunny-ssunset · 21 days
💖🐶Stan marsh x a girly female reader🐶💖
I love this series tbh its so fun and silly, If you have any requests or feedback please let me know i am always ready to improve. AGED UP
WARNING: Mentions of s*x
•He is fucking obsessed. Worse than kenny and kyle and cartman.
•Bro probably had to get correction therapy to get him to stop vomitting over you.
•Nah but he will always buy you gifts. He'd save up to get you a chanel purse or anything you want really
•Hes really shit at buying gifts, If you dont give him any ideas on what to get you, He'll buy you really ugly clothes
•Its the thought that counts tbh
•He drives you around everywhere
•He really likes car s*x honestly
•He likes to think you are both Ken and Barbie- No wait it should be Barbie and Ken, Ladies always come first
•He'd love to go to parties with you, seeing you with your flawless makeup and sparkly dresses
•He'd literally do anything to have a converstation with you
•"Oh my god Y/n did you hear? Annie knitts fell over before class!!" "Stan I was right beside you when it happened."
•He has a photo of you in his car. We dont know what photo it is or where it is but its there.
•He loves staying on the phone to you and talking all night
•He really enjoys sleeping on facetime with you, He cant help it you just look so cute
•He'll ditch any plans he has just to be with you tbh
•I mean you guys are clearly meant for eachother
•The only thing getting in the way of you both is the fact he is dating Wendy.
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justyourtypicalwriter · 4 months
I just saw the post SERVICE DOGS HCS PLEASEEE !!!
HERE WE GO GANG! These are the one's I have so far! Feel free to suggest recs for any characters or disabilities y'all wanna see! (feel free to rec it even if it's for a character on the list)
Service Dog: Brown Newfoundland, Delta (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Minor Psychosis 
The hair dye oh my god. He can rarely drag himself out of bed during depressive episodes but occasionally he’ll get a random burst of impulsivity and re-dye his hair. Most of the time he does the same shitty job at bleaching it blonde
Sharon and Randy officially divorced when he was fifteen. He got a little better now that there isn’t constant screaming or the threat of a drunk or high Randy doing something stupid
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a total mess-
Patched his relationship with Shelly
Misdiagnosis club AND public breakdown club
God his entire aura just radiates LOSER energy but he’s somehow insanely popular
Not cousins with Craig & Red in this AU but their parents are insanely close so they hang out a lot
Service Dog: Irish Setter, Saturn (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Epilepsy
Lowkey autistic but Saturn isn’t task trained for anything related to that
Goes non-verbal at times but it’s pretty spontaneous. Most people outside his group can’t tell if he’s actually non-verbal or just not talking to fuck with everyone
Peru drama was secretly worked out when they were twelve. Craig was hospitalized for a while when they were running tests to get a diagnosis, it was roughly a month long stay. He told Stan he’d call it even if Stan looked after Stripe until he was out. Tweek was away for the summer and he knew Stan wouldn’t let anything happen to her since he’s a massive animal lover
Gotta maintain the bitch personality 
Service Dog: Doberman, Latte (M)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Chronic Anxiety,
“Ah fuck, the magic school bus is waiting outside to take me back to rehab-”
I kid you not, he was absolutely terrified of Latte when he first got him
Which is funny because Latte is the sweetest goddamn thing, not at all like Fable whose a fucking demon shit
CPS was called on his parents right before senior year
Placed with the Broflovski’s so he and Kyle got closer
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Boxer, Haven (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black Giant Schnauzer, Noble (M)
Medical & Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Diabetes, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)[This one might be switched]
Tubie Kyle (I fucking LOVE this one)
For once I give Kyle an ED that doesn’t stem from body image issues
Humancentipad trauma bc I love being problematic about the episode
DESPISES his lows because it means he has to eat something
Also goes non-verbal but only during times of high stress
Noble is a program dog. Kyle got him when he was 14 and initially he was so against it. He wants to function independently but he really fucking can’t. As he grows older he learns to accept the help more
HATES mirrors. The Humancentipad incident left him with scars
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Harbor (M)
Medical Response & Mobility Aid Dog
Disabilities: Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Pain
Regularly hospitalized, fucking dies, and revives the next day
He trained Harbor mostly by himself (Wendy, Tolkien, and Kyle pitched in a bit and bought him books on training techniques)
MOM FRIEND! Bro I just love making Kenny one of the parental figures of the group. He’s just got a bag of shit he carries around for both himself and everyone else. Stan forgot to swap his bandages? Boom, Kenny’s got new ones. Kyle’s sugar is low? Boom, he’s got whatever little snack the boy is able to tolerate. Someone needs a distraction? Medical episode causes them to need a vomit bag? Boom, done. Mom friend Kenny
So fucking ADHD
Service Dog: Grey Great Dane, Kitty (F)
Mobility Aid Dog (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Papillon, Jax (M) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black German Shepherd, Nike (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Husky, Fable (F) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Golden Retriever, Bucky (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Misdiagnosis club
Went to multiple doctors from 13-15 who all told her it was all in her head
And she’s just sitting there like “bitch please, the only thing in my head is my girlfriend and how hot she is. Now tell me why I keep experiencing these symptoms-”
Service Dog: Chocolate Labrador, Isa (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Since you've already discussed how OJV Style came to be, how did OJV Bendy come to be?
OOO! honestly? Pretty similarly. Best friends do it better, after all ;)
I feel like Bebe was the one to confess first, like she and Wends were hanging out and she just made that move. And timing wise, it was mid sophomore year, a lil after AFITS takes place. They’ve been super close for years, both Wendy and Bebe are super good friends with Stan and Kyle, bond stronger than ever after stendy break up for good, like Wendy is definitely dealing with comp het for a long time while knowing she doesn’t like men, and that last breakup was the final because that’s ALSO when Stan confided in her that he was down horrendous for his sbf. And coincidentally, she was in the same boat.
Stan absolutely kept urging Wendy to just TELL Bebe, see what happens after, but Wendy was absolutely overthinking it, and the Bendy Moment was LITERALLY at a basketball game, at finals, the girls just finished a cheer and went off the court, Bebe planted a lil kiss on her best friend’s cheek and went “hey u wanna be gfs” lmao Wendy was FLUSTERED and of course Stan WITNESSED THIS in the mascot suit and his hopeless romantic ass was SO EXCITED like my boy fr ran up to hug both of them “hop off my girlfriend, Marsh” “you’re BOTH getting smothered oh my GOD!!! Fuck Kyle’s gonna be so mad he missed this!” Whilst wearing the Stank Ass Cow Suit and BRUH WHEN I SAY KYLE WAS BIG MAD bc he didn’t see the first little Bendy Kiss in person. Poor Ky was still out after fucking up his knee and found it too frustrating to go to games if he couldn’t play, and Stan went to his house after and went “YOU WILL NEVER FUCKING GUESS DUDE HOLY SHIT” and Kyle, who secretly gets into gossip, like excited as hell and jumping up bc hot gossip (he got yelled at by his mother for walking without his crutches and was rather annoyed that Stan was on her side) was BIG MAD that he missed it like “Oh Barbie better call me asap I have been TELLING HER to just tell Wendy she likes her! I fucking MISSED IT?!?” “Dude, dude, all I saw was a cheek kiss and then I got sappy and hugged them and Bebe called Wends her girlfriend and-“ “-WHAT?!?” Bro is so pissed he didn’t see that.
Meanwhile Wendy and Bebe after the game, still in their cheer uniforms, have gone to the local sonic for milkshakes and both are TREMBLING bc holy shit they like each other lmfao like they’re in one of the drive in spots, lit softly by the colorful lights and menus, in Wendy’s car, holding hands and blushing bc this is NEW to them and THEN Bebe sees her phone light up in her purse “damnit it’s Kyle” and then Wendy’s laughing so hard hearing the call like “DUDE you didn’t TELL ME YOU LIKED HER BACK! Stan knew Wendy liked you this could’ve been so much easier and I DIDNT EVEN SEE YOU GUYS TONIGHT?” “A girls gotta have some secrets” lmao and she hangs up and Wendy’s smiling like “so, girlfriends, for real?” “Wanna make up for lost time?” Lol kissing in the car under the neon lights like a movie
Bendy Supremacy
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youngcreamcheese · 6 months
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I decided to get caught up with the rest of season 3 and oml I absolutely ADORE this panel so much Wendy's way of expressing emotions like fear, anger, and confusion is one of my favorite things about Castle Swimmer like the way Siren's eyes are in a craze as the thousands of other eyes are just staring at him while he's holding Kappa tightly is WHATS GETTING ME we know little to nothing about the Sluggi except that they're defensive around literally EVERYONE and Siren seems to be the only one actively showing how he feels about all of them bro I cannot wait until Wendy posts more because I WANNA KNOW SO BADLY WHAT IS THEIR DEAL
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gladdygirl18 · 17 days
Omgggg I just had the absolute BEST labor day weekend with my boyfriend (hope yall had a blessed and fun labor day weekend too 🥰🫶🏾)
Blue me, orange BF
So this Sunday, I was going over to my boyfriend's house because on Labor Day, we were going to a RenFaire! This was gonna be my first ever Renfaire and my boyfriend decided to make it a date! So when we get to his place, his dogs were so happy to me (has 3 really big dogs: Juniper, Boston, and Wendy; all absolutely adorable and very energetic 💖🫶🏾) I knew his parents well since this wasn't the first time at his house
Nothing much happened the first night there, but when morning hit, omgggg what a morning! I am a pretty heavy sleeper, but if an alarm goes off or there's a sudden movement and/or noise, I wake up, and I wake up to my boyfriend straddling me and kissing me, trying to get me up (I'm awake but not up; yes there is a difference)
"Come on, baby girl. Get up, please. Get up sugar" he says in between kisses
I ofc continue to lay like the lazy log I am (alliteration 🤓), and I eventually get up to him tickling me. Bro, I tried to hold in my laughter, but I failed miserably 😅🤭 but it was fun, tho
After getting up and moving around, me, my boyfriend, his mother, and Wendy are in the room where my BF and I were sleeping in just to chat (she is so fucking chill I love that woman God bless her 🥰💖🫶🏾) I am sitting between my boyfriend on the bed while his mother is sitting on a cot. Wendy walks in and starts nuzzling her cold, wet nose on my boyfriend's feet, to which he jerked back in response. His mother, being oh so amazing says "get him, Wendy, get him!" I said, "Don't worry, I got this," and started tickling his feet
He laughs for a bit before saying, "That's it! Come here, you!" And starts tickling my sides and armpits.
Now, for me, depending on if you have nails or not, determines how I respond to being tickled. When I was with my GF, her nails sent shivers down me spine as she traced them all over me. With my boyfriend, he doesn't have nails, and digs into my spots.
His mother only smiled before leaving the room with Wendy in tow, leaving me with the tickle monster I call boyfriend. I fell onto my side but he kept tickling. I haven't laughed that hard in a long fucking time, nor have I ever been tickled like that ever, and it. Was. AMAZING 😆🥰🫶🏾💖
Anytime I tried to twist away, he would only readjust his hands to tickle me more. Now I knew I was ticklish but I didn't know I was this fucking ticklish. The places he got me the most were the spots between my armpits and top ribs (the sides of my boobs I guess you could say), my sides, my belly, behind my knees, and my feet. I was fucking cackling omgggg
"What's wrong baby? What's so funny? What are you laughing at?"
Now ofc, the rule still applied: if it was too much, say grapefruit. Did I say grapefruit? Nope; i was having too much fun!
I'm as serious as a heart attack, if I wanted him to stop, I would have said "grapefruit" but I was enjoying myself so much that I didn't want to say it, nor did I have a desire to. The safeword is mainly for when we're doing "Rated R" stuff, but it applies to EVERYTHING, even tickling, and while yes I was left breathless with laughter, I was having the time of my fucking life that I really saw no reason to say it
After tickling me, I was left panting on the bed with giggles flowing from my lips. After some time before getting dressed to go to the renfaire...
Even now, I still his thumbs in my armpits and fingers squeezing my sides and ribs and belly that made me snort 🤭🫶🏾💖🤭
After that, when we were about to leave, his mother wanted to take a picture of us. I was already smiling, but my boyfriend insisted on tickling me. His mother goes "don't tickle her" "she wasn't smiling big enough" I fucking can't with him I love him 😆💖🤣🤭
Here is a quick Pic of the 2 of us at the renfaire. I was a pirate and he was a druid (iykyk) it was so much fun! And I'm going again in about 2 weeks 😆😁💖
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Throughout the day, I would often poke him cuz all he has is a cloak, and I have a corset so my sides are protected. After I tickled his side and go to walk away like the little innocent pirate I am 🤭💖 he takes me by the back of my corset and pulls me into his chest and whispers "just wait till we get back to the house. You are so gonna fucking get it"
So later that night, we're in the basement watching TV and me being a cheeky little brat, I decided to tickle him, and of he tickles me back. "Told ya id get you for today. Did you think i forgot?" Then I remembered smth "his feet are ticklish"
I go for his feet and omg his starts cackling!
"Wait, plehehease! They're reheheheally sensitiiiihihihihive!"
And he wasn't kidding too. While I don't have nails, I was practically damn near not even dragging my fingers up his sole and all he kept saying was "I can still feel that." THEN HE FUCKING SAID....
"You would need like a feather or a brush to really get me going, but this is already a lot to handle."
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Come this morning, he is once again trying to get me up by kissing me and then he starts tickling me. I really tried hard to jot laugh and squirm but it was so fucking haaaaard 😆😆🥰💖🤭🤭💖
"Huh good to know" and proceeds to tickle the shit outta his feet. He ofc then got his revenge on me
"Come on baby. You know you wanna wake up. If you don't I'll keep tickling you and Mr. Bellybutton."
Yes he says that and shiiiiiit if that's the case, lemme stay my ass in the bed 🤭💖
But yeah, that was my labor day weekend. Once again, I hope yalls labor day weekend was great safe and blessed! Stay tuned for more Tickle Tea Stories
Tagging the fwends (and acquaintances): @giggly-squiggily @sunstone-smiles @burningablaze @cutesmokes @otomiyaa @ticklishthoughts1 @ticklishfanart
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Fairy Tail : Dragon Cry Movie explained
[Dressing room]
[ In a Moment's Time - Michiru Yamane]
Natsu : Okay, guys. Look straight! Gotta be cool for this year's movie!
Gray : I'm getting my bling-blings on for the part of this movie! Gotta look tough, gotta stay cool! Gotta make those eyes sparkle!
Natsu : Hey, man. Vampires don't sparkle, we're gonna play this year's movie, it's going to be a huge hit!
Wendy : You guys are gonna look great. How to explicit this movie's rating, will it be PG-13? Or rated R?
Natsu : You tell me, it's gonna be super chick-flick movie. I'm just making sure that our movie is going to be called the Dragon's Cry, it's a movie about us that will search an artifact called the Dragon's Cry, it's definitely not igneel that is crying like some pokemon, but it's an artifact that is originally a ribbon.
Gray : Yeah, it's probably gonna be set before the final arc.
Wendy : I don't know about this guys. We've come along way to see this part of the movie, but we needed the definite attire if we're going to participate in this year's movie.
Hiro Mashima : I don't know about that much of having a block buster into a movie in the worldwide international release. But, this is going to be a great movie for us. Of course, you'll like it, fans will love it. It's a good deduction on my work on how this movie is officially canon. Hold up, it's my agent. I better make sure that I have get in with a little talk-to-talk with the editors.
Natsu : Yeah, man. Don't forget I'm getting a pair of drips when my movie's released.
Hiro Mashima : It'll come out, eventually.
Gray : Nothing's better than with to chill out with the bros. It's always clear, that mother has taught me the ways of dressed fancy, and I will be that outsmarted by you. Don't get all to cocky of who are you dealing with. Erza and Lucy are going to looking great at the film.
Natsu : Huh. Well, I wonder how that's gonna look great on these two when they have to dress as spies for the clothing.
Happy the Cat : Like one of them spy movies? (imagines himself as James Bond) Think of someone as the most coolest spy in the world where I take actions on stopping a mad scientist or an evil organization.
*Throws tomato+man grunts in pain*
Happy the Cat : That would be so awesome! But you did gave the right outfits as spies did you, dressing like you guys would make you the perfect spies.
Natsu : Yep. And I go like to be...(as James Bond) Dragneel, Natsu Dragneel.
Gray : (as James Bond) And Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster.
Natsu : (normally) Something like that.
Erza : Hey, guys. Does this outfit make me look fat?
Gray : What's the problem now Erza and...Why are you in a bunny girl suit?
Erza : This is not what the director told me about being a spy in the part of the movie. I can't believe Mashima had to make me wear this, as a waitress at a bar? That's real comedy gold for ya, REAL. COMEDY. GOLD!
Gray : What? It looks great, you just had to be the spy of wearing that outfit, and it makes you look good. What's the problem about that? It doesn't make you look fat.
Erza : Well, you're right about that, I do look cool of being a bunny girl at casino, I don't know why Japan loves making girls wear a bunny costume. This is totally not my style.
Gray : I'm sure you'll live with it.
Lucy : Hey, Natsu. I just had to come over here after so many men had to giving their selves a perverted look on this outfit. So I helped Virgo out to clog the nosebleeding. Thank goodness, Mashima had my advice to give me an outfit that make me ook gorgeous in the part of my gig.
Natsu : Looks are gorgeous, Lucy. But looks don't matter when you--
(their jaws drop)
Natsu : Oh. My. God.
Gray : Dude. That is one gorgeous outfit.
(cues Sexy no Jutsu music)
Lucy in her Dancer Outfit : Well, guys. I sure hope this outfit suits me well. What'd you think? Don't I look cute, gorgeous, (in a passionate voice) And very stunning?
Wendy : Wow...That is a gorgeous look.
Erza : (covers Wendy's eyes) Shield eyes, Wendy.
Lucy : This new dancer outfit that Mashima gave me feels so good on my skin, I might feel very attractive. Don't I look cool.
Natsu : Totally. (both him and Gray melts)
Gray : I can sure deal with that!
Natsu : Ow, Erza! The heck did you do that for!?
Gray : Yeah, what gives?!
Natsu : Okay! Okay! Lucy will do your part and you'll play yours in the bar scene.
Gray : Fine, ma! Have it your way, we'll take parts in each of the scenes in the movie, let's get this over with before Edens Zero is going to have it's first adapation by the year 2021, this is going to be a great farewell to the end of Fairy Tail, but we'll come back in a year or two. When I say two, I meant 2024, that's how will get the gang back together again.
Natsu : Agree. Also, that dancer's outfit make you look totally appeal.
Director : Fairy Tail, we need you to be on set!
Natsu : Let's go guys! It's movie time!
*one filming the movie later*
Guy : Fairy Tail Movie : Dragon Cry Final Scene tail slate.
Director : That's a wrap.
Natsu : Woo! That felt good! This could be perfect! Hey, guys! That was great! Awesome, epic movie! Yeah, you all thank us too!
Gray : Dude! We are a hit! So, Mashima. Now that we're ready to show this movie to the world, we will make it to the top! Plus, Lucy's Dancer outfit has now become a fan-favorite, I totally nailed it!
Lucy : Right, it doesn't have to tell why Gray made me wear it.
Gray : Because it looks good, girl! You were dancing amazingly, and you've become very attractive that it went on the internet!
Lucy : You uploaded my dancing scene to make it viral!? Wha--I--How is that even possible!? Great, now I'm gonna be a Belly Dancer for Ara--
Lucy : I mean...Great, now I'm gonna be a belly dancer that is very attractive to drunken men at a bar. This is what I get for alluring with men all the time.
Natsu : Relax, Lucy. You look great in that outfit and it became popular, besides. You were so amazing in that outfit i think it's kinda cute and charmingly.
Lucy : (blushes) You really mean it?
Natsu : Absolutely.
Lucy : Why...Why thank you, Natsu. I could never doubt that you would be amazed in that scene, it's kind perfect that the belly dancing scene would made a total distraction for a bunch of boys who are in a haze attracted to my dancing. Although, I haven't thought of something if I would be attractive to you, Natsu.
Natsu : Oh, that's what I'm talking about.
Happy the Cat : You never told anyone that you were seducing Zash Caine with your seductive dancing, Luce.
Lucy : Uhh, excuse me? Who in the world is Zash?
Erza : Oh yeah, I forgot. I have his ring that took from him. Must've snooping around when we were meddling at Kingdom of Stella's bar.
Lucy : Oh...I get it. You win some, you lose some. Eh, it was totally a shot since you have that ring.
Zash Caine : Hey! I would like to have my ring back, please.
Erza : Ehh, okay. Here. (gives Zash's ring back to him)
Zash Caine : And I never want to see you meddling at Kingdom of Stella's bar again! (leaves) Meddling brats.
Lucy : What a jerk. (to Nastsu) What did you know about the Dragon's Cry artifact?
Natsu : Oh, yeah...about that. Let's just about one thing about the Dragon's Cry. (sighs) The Dragon's Cry artificat we were looking for, is just a ribbon.
Lucy : You mean we went all for that life-threatening adventure in the movie, that nearly costs us all of our lives for a ONE LOUSY RIBBON!?!
Natsu : Well, yes. Actually, this is a girl's ribbon. The Dragon Cry artifact is just a ribbon for Sonya.
Gray : Now I truly understand what this movie is about, it's all about stopping some baddie wanted to use a girl's hair ribbon to destroy the world with magic. How's that surprisingly good?
Sonya : So, can I please have my ribbon back now.
(the gang looks at each other)
Natsu : (Sighs) Fine, you earned it. Here's your ribbon back, Sonya. Hope you have it useful.
Sonya : Thank you.
Natsu : Now that we finally finished the movie, let's just continue to the final arc and just chill out on our pads.
Gray : Great to hear.
Erza : Not so fast, for the damages that Zash Caine caused during the final battle against him, I suggest that I would need some girls that we're needed to pay up.
Lucy : [thinking] *ding* I have a better idea.
[Starlight Carnival Act 2 by Tomoya Ohtani]
Lucy in her Belly Dancer outfit : Yeah! Woooo!
Erza in Belly Dancer outfit : This belly dancing thing is so much fun! I just lost to dance!
Wendy in her Belly Dancer outfit : Totally satisfying!
Juvia in Belly Dancer outfit : This is why the Belly Dancer outfit is very popular even from the movie!
Levy in belly dancer outfit : Stunning and amazing! But this music pumping up! I totally know how to dance like a belly dancing machine!
Lucy in her Belly Dancer Outfit : I know, right?! This is going to be the night of our lives! Too bad Natsu has to wear that attire to make a lot of money for Stella's repairs.
(Natsu is shown wearing bunny suits and is disappointed)
Natsu : This is not what I have to be expected to pay all of this. Making up the money to pay all the damages I caused, no idea how this was gonna turn out.
Gray : Don't get me started on this one, bro. We are totally comfortable in our selves.
Lucy : Come on, guys. Lighten up. I'm sorry that I had to make you clean up the damages that you caused. But this is what you really need to do, helping us by making lots of cash!
Natsu : Worst experience in my life ever.
Gray : Totally.
Happy : It's so thoughtful that we definitely agree that our movie was a hit wonder. Also, the belly dancer outfit Lucy was wearing is now viral on the internet and they're making some dirty adult stuff like NSFW all over the web.
Natsu : What?
Happy : Yep. I just had no idea that this outfit she wore in the movie would be so fan-favorite that wants fanservice in a movie. I didn't even recognize that Mashima wanted the fanservice in the movie. They pictured her booty up in 3D.
Natsu : I have no idea what that means.
(Iris out)
[NSMB : Course clear]
Natsu & Lucy : That's-a so nice!
Mario : Hey! That's my line!
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