#Wei-Lee Yung
soapoperamen · 1 year
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Steven Vincent Leigh (Wei-Lee Yung, Sunset Beach)
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wqp88888 · 2 years
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
1 赵 Zhao Chao Chiu Chio Chow Teoh/ Chew/ Tiew Trieu Jo/Cho
2 钱 Qian Chien Chin Chin Zee Chien/Chen Tien Joen/Chun
3 孙 Sun Sun Suen Sun Soon Soon/Sun/Shun/Song Ton Son
4 李 Li Li / Lee Li / Lee Lei Lee Lee/Li Ly Lee / Rhee/ Yi
5 周 Zhou Chou Chow / Chau Chao Chew Chew / Cheu / Chou / Chow / Chiew Chu Ju/Chu
6 吴 Wu Wu Ng Ng Goh Ng / Goh / Ngo/ Ngu Ngo Oh
7 郑 Zheng Cheng Cheng Cheang Tay Ching / Tang / Tey / Tay / Tee / Teh / Cheng / Chin / Chang / Chung / Chiang Trinh
8 王 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Ong / Wong Ong / Ng / Wong / Wang / Bong / Heng Vuong Wang
9 冯 Feng Feng Fung Fong Foong/Fung/Fong Phung Pung
10 陈 Chen Chen Chan Chan Tan / Chan / Ting Chan / Chin / Chen / Tan / Tang / Ting / Sin Tran Jin/Chin
11 褚 Chu Chu Chu Chu Too/Toh
12 卫 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wee/Wei Vi Ui/Oui
13 蒋 Jiang Chiang Cheung Cheong Chiang/Cheong/Chiong Tuong Jang/Chang
14 沈 Shen Shen Shum / Sum Sam Sim Sim/Shim/Shun/Shum Sim
15 韩 Han Han Hon Hon Hon/Hong Han Han
16 杨 Yang Yang Yeung Ieong Yeo / Yong Yong / Yeo / Yeoh / Eow / Yeong / Yew Duong Yang
17 朱 Zhu Chu Chu Chu Choo Chu/Choo/Jee/Jeh Chau Chu/ Joo
18 秦 Qin Chin Chun Chin/Ch'ng Tan Jin/Chin
19 尤 You Yu Yau Iao Yew/You Vuu
20 许 Xu Hsu Hui Hoi Hee / Koh Khu / Khoo / Khor / Khow / Hoo / Hooi / Khaw / Hii Hu Heo/Huh
21 何 He Ho Ho Ho Hoh Ho/Hoh/Hor Ha Ha
22 吕 Lu Lu Lui Loi Loh/Lei/Lui/Lee La/Lu Yeo/Ryeo
23 施 Shi Shih Sze Si See/Sii/Sih
24 张 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong Cheong / Chong / Teo / Chang / Teoh / Tiong Truong Jang/Chang
25 孔 Kong Kung Hung Hong Kong/Khong/Kung Khong Gong/Kong
26 曹 Cao Tsao Cho / Tso Chou Cheng/Choo/Cho/Chu/Chao Tao Cho/Jo
27 严 Yan Yen Yim Im Yam/Ngim Nghiem Im
28 华 Hua Hua Wa / Wah Wa Hoa Wha/Wah/Wa
29 金 Jin Chin Kam Kam Kim/King Kim Kim
30 魏 Wei Wei Ngai Ngai Ngui/Gui/Woi Nguy Ui/Oui
31 陶 Tao Tao To Tou Tho/To/Too/Toh Dao Do/To
32 姜 Jiang Chiang Keung Keong Khiang/Kiang Giang Kang/Gang
33 戚 Qi Chi Chik Chek Cheok
34 谢 Xie Hsieh Tse Che Cheah / Tay / Chia Cheah / Chiah / Chia / Seah / Sia / See Ta Sa
35 邹 Zou Tsou Chau / Chow Chao Chew/Chou/Chu
36 喻 Yu Yu Yu U Yu/Yho/Yuh You/Yu
37 柏 Bai Pai Pak Pak
38 水 Shui Shui Sui Soi Shu/Tshui
39 窦 Dou Tou Tau Tao
40 章 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chong/Teo/Tiong/Tong
[编辑] 百家姓41-80
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
41 云 Yun Yun Wan Wan Woon/Wun/Yun/Yung
42 苏 Su Su So Sou Soh Soh / Saw / Soo To
43 潘 Pan Pan Poon / Pun Pun Phua Phua / Pan / Pang / Phang Phan Ban
44 葛 Ge Ko Kot Gal
45 奚 Xi Hsi Hai Kai Hae
46 范 Fan Fan Fan Fan Fung / Fam / Fang / Hwang Pham Bum
47 彭 Peng Peng Pang Pang Pang Peng/Pang/Phang Paeng
48 郎 Lang Lang Long Long Lang
49 鲁 Lu Lu Lo Lou Loo Loo/Loh/Lu Noh
50 韦 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wai/Wei/Vei Vi
51 昌 Chang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chang/Cang Xuong
52 马 Ma Ma Ma Ma Beh / Mah / Mha / Ma Ma Ma
53 苗 Miao Miao Miu Mio
54 凤 Feng Feng Fung Fong Fong
55 花 Hua Hua Fa Fa Faa/Fah/Fha Hoa
56 方 Fang Fang Fong Fong Pung / Fang / Fong / Phun / Huong Phuong Bang
57 俞 Yu Yu Yu U Je / Yii You/Yu
58 任 Ren Jen Yam Iam Yam/Ngam/Yim/Ngieng/Ngiam Nham Rim/Yim
59 袁 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun Yuan / Yuen / Ngen Vien Won
60 柳 Liu Liu Lau Lao Liew/Liu/Lew Lieu You/Yu/Ryu
61 酆 Feng Feng Fung Fong
62 鮑 Bao Pao Pau Pao
63 史 Shi Shih Sze Si Sa
64 唐 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thang / Thong / Tang / Tong / Thong Duong
65 費讀「秘」 Pei Pei Pei Pai
66 廉 Lian Lien Lim Lim
67 岑 Cen Tsen Sum / Shum Sam Sim
68 薛 Xue Hsueh Sit Sit Sik / Sit / Silk Seol/Sul
69 雷 Lei Lei Lui Loi Lui / Looi / Lewe / Lei
70 賀 He Ho Ho Ho Hor/Hoo
71 倪 Ni Ni Ngai Ngai Geh / Nga / Ngam
72 湯 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thong / Tang / Thang
73 滕 Teng Teng Tang Tang Thang
74 殷 Yin Yin Yan Ian Yam / Ngam
75 罗 Luo Lo Law / Lo Lo Lo / Lau / Low / Loh La Rah/Na
76 毕 Bi Pi But Pat Tat
77 郝 Hao Hao Kok
78 邬 Wu Wu Wu Vu / Wu Woo / Voo / Woh / Wu / Vu O
79 安 An An On On An An / Ahn
80 常 Chang Chang Sheung Seong
[编辑] 百家姓81-120
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
81 乐 讀「洛」或「惡」 Yue Yueh Lok/ Ok Lok/ Ok
82 于 Yu Yu Yu U
83 时 Shi Shih See / Sze Si
84 傅 Fu Fu Foo Fu Fu/Foo/Foh
85 皮 Pi Pi Pei Pei
86 卞 Bian Pien Pin Pin Byun
87 齐 Qi Chi Chai Chai
88 康 Kang Kang Hong Hong Gang/Kang
89 伍 Wu Wu Ng Ng Ng Ng/Ngo/Ngoh/Wu/Wuh/Woo
90 余 Yu Yu Yu U Yee/Tsia/Tse
91 元 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun
92 卜 Bu Pu Puk Pok/Puu
93 顾 Gu Ku Koo Ku Koe
94 孟 Meng Meng Mang Mang Mang/Meng Maeng
95 平 Ping Ping Ping Peng
96 黄 Huang Huang Wong Vong / Wong Bong / Boong / Ng / Ong / Ooi / Wong / Wee Hwang
97 和 He Ho Wo Vo Hoo/Woh/Woo/Wo Hwa
98 穆 Mu Mu Muk
99 萧 Xiao Hsiao Shiu / Siu Sio Seow/Siew/Siau/Siaw/Sew/Siu/Seu
100 尹 Yin Yin Wan Wan Yoon
101 姚 Yao Yao Yiu Io Yeo Yeo / Yeoh / Yew / Yow
102 邵 Shao Shao Siu / Shiu Sio Shaw Shao/Shaw/Sao/Shau
103 湛 Zhan Chan Cham
104 汪 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Wang/Wong/Vang
105 祁 Qi Chi Kei
106 毛 Mao Mao Mo Mou Bo / Boo / Moh / Moo Mo
107 禹 Yu Yu Yu U
108 狄 Di Ti Tik / Dick Tek
109 米 Mi Mi Mai Mai
110 贝 Bei Pei Pui Pui
111 明 Ming Ming Ming Meng Myeong /Myung
112 臧 Zang Tsang Chong
113 计 Ji Chi Kai Kai
114 伏 Fu Fu Fuk Fok
115 成 Cheng Cheng Shing / Sing Seng Sang/Shang//Tshan/Tshang Sung/ Seong
116 戴 Dai Tai Tai Tai Tai/Thai/Dai/Dhai
117 谈 Tan Tan Tam Tam
118 宋 Song Sung Sung Song Song Shong/Song/Sung Song
119 茅 Mao Mao Mau Mao
120 庞 Pang Pang Pong Pong Phong/Pong/Pang
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympics Taiwan roster
Yu-Hsuan Tai (Taipei)
Chih-Chun Tang (Taipei)
Zih-Siang Lin (Taipei)
Tsai-Chi Li (Taipei)
Yi-Ching Chiu (Taipei)
Chien-Ying Lei (Taipei)
Chun-Han Yang (Yuli Xiāng)
Ming-Yang Peng (Hsinchu Xiàn)
Yu-Tang Lin (Penghu)
Bo-Ya Zhang (Hsinchu)
Tien-Chen Chou (Taipei)
Yang Lee (Kaohsiung)
Chi-Lin Wang (Taipei)
Hong-Wei Ye (Taichung)
Tzu-Ying Tai (Kaohsiung)
Chia-Hsin Lee (Kaohsiung)
Chia-Wei Kan (Taipei)
Chu-En Lai (Pingtung Xiàn)
Hsiao-Wen Huang (Taipei)
Yu-Ting Lin (Taipei Xiàn)
Shih-Yi Wu (Taipei)
Nien-Chin Chen (Hualien Xiàn)
Chen Sun (Taipei)
Shao-Hsuan Wu (Taipei)
Kuan-Chieh Lai (Taipei)
Chu-Han Chang (Taichung)
Yi-Tung Chen (Taipei)
Cheng-Tsung Pan (Bellevue, Washington)
Chun-An Yu (Scottsdale, Arizona)
Pei-Yun Chien (Taipei)
Wei-Ling Hsu (Taipei)
Chia-Hung Tang (Taipei)
Hua-Tien Ting (Taipei)
Yung-Wei Yang (Taichung)
Chen-Hao Lin (Taipei)
Chen-Ling Lien (Taipei)
Meng-Yuan Lee (Taipei)
Kun-Pi Yang (Taipei)
Heng-Yu Liu (Taipei)
Wan-Yu Liu (Taipei)
Ai-Wen Yu (Taoyuan)
Chia-Chen Tien (Hsinchu)
Chia-Ying Wu (Taipei)
Yi-Chun Lin (Taoyuan)
Kuan-Hung Wang (Taipei)
An-Chi Han (Taipei)
Table tennis
Cheng-Jui Kao (Taipei)
Yun-Ju Lin (Taipei)
Chih-Yuan Chuang (Kaohsiung)
Tung-Chuan Chien (Taipei)
I-Ching Cheng (Tainan Chéngshì)
Szu-Yu Chen (Taipei)
Chia-Ling Lo (Taipei)
Su-Wei Hsieh (Taipei)
Chia-Yi Tsao (Taipei)
Hao-Ching Chan (Taipei)
Yung-Jan Chan (Taipei)
Wan-Ling Fang (Taipei)
Hsing-Chun Kuo (Yilan Chéngshì)
Wen-Huei Chen (Taipei)
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judocritics · 4 months
WK Abu Dhabi (epilogue): waarom is weer iedereen verbaasd over een slecht WK ??!
>> 2024 WK Abu Dhabi (uae): results ijf.org
We doen mee met enkele sterkhouders (Matthias, Toma, Jorre, Gaby), maar België (en zeker Vlaanderen) op zich, is al lang geen absoluut sterke judo-natie meer.
Nog vóór dit WK begon zei ik al dat het wellicht één van de zwaarste WK's ooit zou worden (-> link), en Matthias is ook maar een mens, en kan en zal dus ook af en toe verliezen, zeker op dit elite-niveau. "Daar weten we waar de fouten lagen" (dixit Koen Sleeckx) Wel, minstens 4 judoka's zijn van Matthias' niveau vandaag: Tato Grigalashvili (Geo), Joonhwan Lee (Kor), Takanori Nagase (Jpn) en nu kent iedereen dus ook de 20-jarige Timur Arbuzov (Rus). Neem daarbij dat Matthias ook al verloor van Vedat Albayrak (Tur), Frank De Wit (Ned), Sharofiddin Boltaboev (Uzb), Alpha Oumar Djalo (Fra), Sotaro Fujiwara (Jpn), Guilherme Schimidt (Bra), Takeshi Sasaki (Jpn),... dan is logischerwijze, statistisch de kans ook groter dat hij géén Olympisch kampioen wordt, net zoals hij deze week ook géén wereldkampioen werd. Dat lijken onze rijkelijk betaalde bobo's precies te vergeten of niet te snappen ! Daar heeft die "gripping under the belt" mijn inziens maar weinig mee te maken ! De Spelen in Parijs winnen zou zonder meer een ongelooflijke prestatie zijn, en dan kan en mag het niet anders dat hij daaropvolgend ook Sportman van het jaar zou worden ! (hier kunnen we ook nog een boompje over opzetten natuurlijk !) Swat. "11 van de 12 judoka’s werden uitgeschakeld in de voorrondes" “Het WK was niet goed”, "we vertrekken naar elk WK met medaille ambities" reageerde Koen Sleeckx. Wel Koen, "misschien was het gewoon wat we er realistisch konden van verwachten" ?? (-> link) Jullie probleem is dat het ware Vlaamse niveau naar de buitenwereld toe jaren kunstmatig wordt overtrokken door u te verschuilen achter Matthias' ongelooflijke statistieken ! En dat wordt dan doorprikt natuurlijk van zodra Matthias eens niet op het podium staat...
"De overige judoka’s konden niet overtuigen" - "Mag geen excuus zijn" (K. Sleeckx). Dat Mina Libeer en Jorre Verstraeten in 1/16-fin uitkomen tegen de 1st seeded [resp. Christa Deguchi (1°WRL) en Yung Wei Yang (1° WRL) zijn uiteraard wel gerechtvaardigde excuses voor hun vroegtijdige eliminatie !!
Dat Toma, Mina elimineert vind ik persoonlijk dan weer wél een grote blunder, niet noodzakelijk van de atleten maar van de VJF, full stop ! Een kwalificatie-cyclus duurt 2 jaar, dan moet ge niet de laatste 4 maand (Feb-Mei) 7 tornooien door de strot van de atleten gooien ! Toma wordt dan 2x 5°, misschien onder de VJF's verwachting, maar als je dan weet dat Toma na Feb-2022 niet meer op het podium van een WTour stond, wel dan had je misschien ook niet meer kunnen verwachten in deze afgelopen 4 maand (waarin de concurrentie moordend is) ?... Gevolg: geen rechtstreekse kwalificatie. Dat kon vermeden worden, full stop ! Eenvoudigweg omdat Toma normaliter bij die uitgedunde top-17 behoort. Dit zal Jorre Verstraeten bij de Waalse federatie simpelweg NOOIT overkomen !
"Ellen en Amber kunnen niet overtuigen". Wat verwacht je dan van atleten op een WK, als ze al hun hele senior-carrière niet konden overtuigen ? Ik betaal héél veel belastingen; it's a shame dat met dat belastinggeld de groep van VJF-topsporters kunstmatig hoog wordt gehouden, om aldus de schijn van een brede(re) basis te wekken, enkel omdat dat de bobo's goed uitkomt naar Sport Vlaanderen toe !! Voor alle duidelijkheid, alle sympathie voor de overgave en het doorzettingsvermogen van Ellen en Amber, maar het is de logische taak van management om gelden efficient te gebruiken ! Steek dat budget dan eerder in jeugdopleiding en het opsporen en ondersteunen van rastalent !! (ipv. - zoals nog steeds - die jeugd het leven moeilijk te maken met betuttelende regels en procedures, nietwaar ;-)).
"Deelnemen om ervaring op te doen" Dikke bullshit. Dat moet ge eens verkopen aan de Fransen of de Japanners :-). Ik blijf erbij en zeg het al jaren: ieder jaar opnieuw sturen we judoka's naar het WK die daar eigenlijk niet of nog niet thuishoren. (opnieuw: om naar Sport Vlaanderen een budget te justifiëren....). De judo-kalender staat bol van WTour-tornooien om ervaring op te doen. Deelname aan een WK moet je verdienen, zoals dat o.a. vroeger gebeurde onder JM Dedecker. Jarne Duyck (89° WRL) , Alessia Corrao (75° WRL) en Vicky Verschaere (69° WRL) hoorden éénvoudigweg niet thuis op dit WK ! Alleen al niet omwille van hun ranking (> 50° WRL). €€€...
"Tot slot was er nog Toma Nikiforov die vooral conditioneel niet kon overtuigen en daardoor zijn kamp uit handen gaf. Er is dus werk aan de winkel.” Toch één ding Koen waar ik het mee eens kan zijn ;-). Of misschien heeft hij zoveel en té veel last om zijn gewicht te houden, dat uitputting altijd om de hoek loert ?
Ref: -> VJF WK-verslag.
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777wave · 1 year
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According to The Wall Street Journal, the sales growth of Philippine Seven Corporation reached 38.77% in the year 2022.
3 + 8 + 7 + 7
= 25
= 2 + 5
= 7
Lucky 7
( 3 + 8 ) 77
11 77
7-Eleven Philippines
Philippine Seven Corporation
Board of Directors
11 Members
Jose Pardo
Jui-Tien Huang
Jose Victor Paterno
Wen-Chi Wu
Ching-Feng Kuo
Tsung-Hsien Lee
Yung-Wei Lu
Jorge Araneta
Maria Cristina Paterno
Antonio Jose Periquet, Jr.
Michael Zalamea
M - Maria Cristina Paterno
M - Michael Zalamea
A - Antonio Jose Periquet, Jr.
J - Jose Pardo
J - Jui-Tien Huang
J - Jose Victor Paterno
J - Jorge Araneta
E - wEn-chi wu
S - Seven-Eleven
T - Tsung-Hsien Lee
I - yung-weI lu
C - Ching-Feng Kuo
Image credit:
Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd.
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rkausdmldudhkd12 · 1 year
가면의 여왕 다시 보기 1화 2화 채넒A 1회 2회 드
가면의 여왕 다시 보기 1화 2화 채넒A 1회 2회 드 <<
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가면의 여왕 다시 보기 1화 2화 채넒A 1회 2회 드
가면의 여왕 다시 보기 1화 2화 채넒A 1회 2회 드
가면의 여왕 다시 보기 1화 2화 채넒A 1회 2회 드
가면의 여왕 다시 보기 1화 2화 채넒A 1회 2회 드
가면의 여왕 다시 보기 1화 2화 채넒A 1회 2회 드
Takelin High School. It is a literary society founded by seven writers during the military regime in the middle of the Goryeo Dynasty.
The key figure in this group was Yi In-ro, who imitated the Chinese poet Baek Nak-cheon’s four wives and formed a misu-wu. Imchun was called Si-wu, Jo Tong was called San-rim-wu, Lee Dam-ji was called Zhou-wu, and the monk Jong-ryeong was called Gongmun-wu.
Later, it was renamed as the Seven Strings of Bamboo Forest after the Chinese gathering, and is often called the Seven Strings of Bamboo Forest even in modern times. It is also called the Seven Hundreds of Seas.[1]
They were immersed in laissez-faire ideology of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties in China, and held a meeting after the seven sages of Bamboo Forest, who made friends with benefactors, and called it Juklim High School. When tattoos were alienated from the political world during the military regime, they went to the mountains and fields to console their unfortunate situation with poetry and alcohol. Just as the seven sages of China's bamboo forest entered the early night to preserve their lives during the turbulent times of the Jin Dynasty, the bamboo forest school can be seen as a place where military officials came to power and the tyranny of tattooists intensified. Of the 7 prefectures, except for Yi In-ro and Jo Tong, the remaining 5 people lived unfortunate lives as literary masters. It was also that they tried to comfort and forget the feelings of resentment and resentment coming from their situation through literature and alcohol. It is not known to what extent they were aware of Lao-tzu's thought, but it seems that they admired the innocent, worldly, and self-indulgent appearance. However, considering Oh Se-jae's tragic death, etc., it may be more accurate to say that there was nothing they could do during the unmanned regime rather than that they did not actively seek government office. In fact, Lee In-ro or Juklim Gohoe, Lee Gyu-bo, later served in the government of Choe Chung-heon and made a big success, and will hear the sound of being a scholar in the future.
It is said that he represented the literary world at the time of the Goryeo Dynasty and had considerable influence. In addition to writing poetry, he is presumed to have actively discussed poetry, and Lee In-ro's 《Pahanjip》 is an important review book in the history of Korean literature. At the age of 19, Lee Kyu-bo formed a late-year relationship with Oh Se-jae, who was 35 years older, and interacted with them while attending Jukrim High School. However, as they gathered every day to drink alcohol, compose poetry, and behave recklessly, it is said that there were not a few people who criticized this attitude. invited to come in. Then, Lee Gyu-bo said, "What kind of government office is the 7 prefecture, so that it can fill the vacant position? After the death of China's Wanjeok and Hyegang, I have not heard that there is anyone who succeeded them," making the audience laugh. It is said that he made the audience angry by reciting "I still do not know which of the 7 strings is the same as Wang Yung". Tattoo of Goryeo. Gaegyeong faction noble family. He is famous as the author of Samguk Sagi, and is a representative authority in Korean history who controlled the Goryeo court after suppressing the Myocheong Rebellion in 1135 (13th year of King Injong of Goryeo).
His children include Kim Don-jung, who initiated the military coup. Kim Bu-sik's family was a family that fell short of the central aristocracy even until his father's generation. Then, in the era of Kim Bu-sik, he succeeded in rising to fame, and his family prospered greatly, becoming one of the leading nobles in Goryeo. Kim Pu-sik's grandfather and father did not hold high positions, but the family's prestige rose sharply as all five brothers of Kim Bu-sik passed the state examination in the past and succeeded in life. The eldest of Kim Bu-sik's brothers made a contribution during the conquest of Yeojin by Yoon-gwan after passing the state examination in the past, and the five brothers subsequently passed the examination in the past and became a family that leads to legends in the entrance examination. Thanks to this, the mother of the five brothers received a great reward from the Goryeo court. The five brothers, Kim Bu-sik, supported and pulled each other, and quickly emerged as a family that exercised great influence in the court, and had a prestige that was second only to Lee Ja-gyeom[6], a powerful official of the time. However, during Lee Ja-gyeom's reign, he was more of a cooperative rather than a rival. In that Lee Ja-gyeom insisted on Sadae for the Jin Dynasty, he was at odds with the Seogyeong faction that emphasized the Goguryeo succession consciousness, so he cooperated to some extent with the Donggyeong faction belonging to Kim Bu-shik, who was friendly to Song and Silla.
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jokeronthesofa · 4 years
Warrior: Bruce Lee’s Vision Done Right - Cinemax Review
Warrior: Bruce Lee’s Vision Done Right - Cinemax Review This show is amazing and some other network needs to pick it up. #Warrior
This show is amazing and some other network needs to pick it up. SUMMARY Ah Sahm (Andrew Koji) is a Chinese-American martial artist who arrives in San Francisco searching for his sister Xiaojing (Dianne Doan). He quickly runs afoul of local authorities and gains the attention of local black marketer Wang Chao (Hoon Lee) who introduces him to Father Jun (Perry Yung), head of the Hop Wei Tong…
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Warrior: The Real History of the Race Riot that Shook San Francisco
This article contains Warrior spoilers.
In “Enter the Dragon,” the ninth episode of Season 2, Warrior rips a page out from history with its depiction of San Francisco Riot of 1877. On July 23, two nights of racial violence tore through Chinatown, killing four and destroying over $100,000 worth of Chinese-owned property. In Warrior there’s a much higher body count, but the show is “historical fiction” and never set out to be entirely accurate.
According to Warrior’s head writer Jonathan Tropper, “What’s important to us are the themes and the characters of the truths of the racism and the difficulty of the immigrant experience at that time. We’re taking all of our inspiration from historical characters and events, but we’re not telling a any kind of docudrama level, historical story.”
Race Riot in the City of Angels
The San Francisco riot was preceded by other attacks on Chinese Americans in a what is known as the “Driving Out.” In another Californian riot, the Chinese Massacre of 1871 happened in Los Angeles on October 24 when a mob of around 500 white and Hispanic rioters struck in Old Chinatown after hearing that a policeman was shot, and a rancher killed by a Chinese. It is estimated that 20 Chinese were lynched (although a few were shot dead prior to being hanged). In 1850, Los Angeles had a proportionally high number of lynchings for its size. 
Like in Warrior, the Los Angeles massacre was traced to a rivalry between two Chinatown tongs, but instead of the Hop Wei and the Long Zii, they were real tongs: the Hong Chow and the Nin Yung. Prostitution was rampant in Chinatown, an aspect that Warrior depicts with disturbingly accuracy, and Chinese women were commonly kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. Local police might attempt to rescue these women and return them for a fee. The abduction of a woman named Yut Ho sparked a feud between the Hong Chow and the Nin Yung and the policeman and rancher got caught in the crossfire. 
Ten men were prosecuted and eight were convicted of manslaughter for the lynchings, however the convictions were overturned due to “technicalities” after an appeal. In 1863, California law made it so that Asians could not testify against whites in court. That made Chinese easy targets for racial injustice by the time that these anti-Chinese attacks began occurring. 
Other Chinese massacres took place in the wild west. There was the Rock Springs Massacre in Rock Springs, Wyoming in 1885. That left nearly 30 Chinese dead and many homes destroyed. The government did offer some restitution for property loss, but no one was ever arrested or held accountable for the bloodshed. In 1887, same year as the San Francisco riot, there was the Hells Canyon Massacre in Oregon. Some 34 Chinese gold miners were killed. Again no one was ever held accountable. In 2005, the site was renamed Chinese Massacre Cove.
Race Riot in the City by the Bay
Starting in 1873, the United States suffered the “Long Depression,” which was originally called ‘The Great Depression’ until the 1930s when another economic depression usurped the title. Unemployment levels were staggering across the nation and this was long before the U.S. had established any government protections for the unemployed. The Long Depression carried on throughout the 1870s, the period in which Warrior is set. In Episode 17 “If You Wait by the River Long Enough…” the Panic of ’73 is mentioned. That panic was the historic catalyst for the Long Depression. 
San Francisco was hit hard. Unemployment was up to 20% and the Bank of California had failed. On July 23, 1877, a labor strike led by the Workingmen’s Party rallied in a vacant lot – nicknamed a ‘sand-lot’ – near the newly established City Hall of San Francisco. The Workingmen’s Party was founded in 1877 and is often confused with the Workingmen’s Party of the United States (WPUS) which was founded around the same time. The WUPS changed its name soon after to the Socialist Labor Party and it is the oldest socialist political party in the United States.
The Socialist Labor Party still active and is currently headquartered in Mountain View, California, about 30 miles south of San Francisco. The San Francisco Workingmen’s Party, more formally known as the Workingmen’s Party of California eventually rose to enough power to rewrite the state’s constitution. The sand-lot meeting was just the beginning. 
Some 8000 people showed up to that fateful sand-lot gathering strike. Initially, blaming the Chinese was not part of the platform. But then an anti-coolie procession pushed their way in, demanding to be heard. The crowd on the outskirts of the gathering turned on a Chinese passing by, attacking him, and shouting the rallying cry “On to Chinatown!” That launched the San Francisco Riot of 1877.
The mob destroyed property, mostly Chinese laundries. That old stereotype of Chinese laundries was based in fact. Laundry work was difficult prior to industrial washing machines and considered unmanly, but the Chinese were willing to do it. In 1880, San Francisco had some 200 Chinese laundries. The laundries were obvious targets, along with any challengers or bystanders that crossed the mob’s path. 
The next morning, the rioting grew. One of the mob organizers placed an ad in the local newspaper that said “RALLY! RALLY! Great anti-coolie Mass Meeting at the New City Hall, Market street, at 8 o’clock p.m.” On July 24, the Beale Street Wharf was set aflame.  From 1872 to 1907, the Beale Street Wharf was the city’s largest coal dock, and arsonists stoked the fire with 100 barrels of whale oil. However, it was a diversion to draw the city’s emergency resources away from downtown and Chinatown, where the riots would continue. That fire caused some $500,000 worth of damage and lost goods. 
When the mob marched on Chinatown, the Chinese houses in their path had been listed and were complete sacked. Wooden sidewalks were torn up to be used as battering rams. Homes were robbed. Laundries were burned. People were shot. The rampage lasted for two days until it was finally quelled by the combined forces of the SFPD, the California militia, and a thousand members of the Pick-Axe Brigade, a citizen vigilance committee that armed themselves with hickory pick-axe handles. Special 24-hour badges were issue by the SFPD to civilians willing to help. And the police were eager to break out their newly issued police batons, which according to the San Francisco Bulletin were “more effective than any other instrument in the business of skull-cracking.”
The Match that Lit the Fuse
The end of riot was not the end of anti-Chinese sentiments. Quite the opposite, it was just the beginning. Denis Kearny was one of the agitators from the Workingmen’s Party who participated in the sand-lot rally and the riot. He emerged as political leader for the anti-Chinese and anti-capitalist movement, pushing the slogan “The Chinamen Must Go.” Anti-Chinese sentiment kept growing in the United States, culminating in the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 which banned the immigration of Chinese laborers. It remains the only such law to prohibit a specific ethnic group or nationality ever established in the United States and it wasn’t repealed until 1943. However, Chinese immigrants were still restricted to only 105 per year for the entire country. This was upheld until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. 
Warrior has been moving towards the Chinese Exclusion Act throughout the show. It has been brought up several scenes set in San Francisco’s political arena, especially by Buckley (Langley Kirkwood), who has made this Act the focus of his manipulative agenda. Recently there has been rise in anti-Chinese sentiment in the United States as the nation has become more racially divided. Extremists have blamed the pandemic on the Chinese, calling it the China flu or the Kung flu, and attacks on Chinese Americans have been increasing in many major metropolitan cities across the nation. Warrior has been hitting eerily close to home with its depictions of history and its comments on the ramifications. 
Here is where Warrior captures the spirit of Bruce Lee the best. Martial arts aside, Lee transcended race to become one of the world’s greatest icons. In his famous interview by Pierre Berton, Lee was asked if he thought of himself as Chinese or North American. His reply was timeless, “I think of myself as a human being, because under one sky we are but one family, it just so happens we look different.”
As writer and philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Even though it is fiction, Warrior‘s insightful Easter Eggs of these darker times in American history. It reminds us to honor the diversity of our great nation and remain united as Americans.
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goalhofer · 3 years
2020 Olympics Taiwan Roster
Chih-Chun Tang (Taipei)
Jūnháng Wèi (Taipei)
Yu-Cheng Deng (Taipei)
Jiā Lín (Hsinchu)
Yǎtíng Tán (Hsinchu)
Qiangying Lei (Taipei)
Chun-Han Yang (Taoyuan Chéngshì)
Kuei-Ru Chen (Sihu)
Chieh Chen (Taichung Chéngshì)
Chao-Tsun Cheng (Xīn De Taipei Chéngshì)
Shih-Feng Huang (Taipei)
Hsi-En Hsieh (Yuli Xiāng)
Tien-Chen Chou (Taipei)
Tzu-Wei Wang (Taipei)
Yáng Lǐ (Kaohsiung Chéngshì)
Chi-Lin Wang (Taipei)
Tzu-Ying Tai (Kaohsiung Chéngshì)
Hsiao-Wen Huang (Taipei)
Yu-Ting Lin (Xīn De Taipei Chéngshì)
Shih-Yi Wu (Taipei)
Nien-Chin Chen (Hualien Xiàn)
Chu-Han Chang (Taichung Chéngshì)
Jùnjiā Féng (Miaoli Xiàn)
Jasmine Chen (New York, New York)
Cheng-Tsung Pan (Miaoli Chéngshì)
Lee Min (Taipei)
Wei-Ling Hsu (Taipei)
Chih Li (Yilan Chéngshì)
Jiāhóng Táng (Taipei)
Yòurán Xiāo (Taipei)
Yuan-Hsi Hung (Taipei)
Hua-Tien Ting (Taipei)
Yung-Wei Yang (Shizi Xiāng)
Chen-Hao Lin (Taipei)
Chen-Ling Lien (Taipei)
Yìdá Wáng (Taipei)
Tzu-Yun Wen (Taipei)
Yi-Ting Huang (Xīn De Taipei Chéngshì)
Shàoquán Lǚ (Taipei)
Kun-Pi Yang (Taichung Chéngshì)
Yǐngxīn Lín (Taipei)
Chia-Chen Tien (Hsinchu)
Chia-Ying Wu (Taipei)
Hsing-Hao Wang (Taichung Chéngshì)
Kuan-Hung Wang (Taipei)
Mei-Chien Huang (Taipei)
Table Tennis
Yun-Ju Lin (Yuanshu Xiāng)
Zhìyuān Zhuāng (Kaohsiung Chéngshì)
Chien-An Chen (Hsinchu Xiàn)
Yíjìng Zhèng (Tainan Chéngshì)
Sīyǔ Chén (Taipei)
Hsien-Tzu Cheng (Xīn De Taipei Chéngshì)
Yu-Jen Huang (Taipei)
Wēitíng Liú (Changhua Xiàn)
Po-Ya Su (Taoyuan)
Chia-Ling Lo (Taipei)
Yen-Hsun Lu (Taipei)
Hao-Ching Chan (Taipei)
Latisha Chan (Taipei)
Yu-Chieh Hsieh (Kaohsiung Chéngshì)
Jié-Yú Xǔ (Taipei)
Yun-Ting Hsieh (Taipei)
Chan-Hung Kao (Kaohsiung Chéngshì)
Po-Jen Chen (Taipei)
Wen-Huei Chen (Taipei)
Wan-Ling Fang (Taipei)
Nien-Hsin Chiang (Kaohsiung Chéngshì)
Xìngchún Guō (Yilan Chéngshì)
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The theme to 1971′s “The Big Boss” by German Composer Peter Thomas.
(From Wikipedia):
“The Big Boss (Chinese: 唐山大兄, alternately titled Fist of Fury) is a 1971 Hong Kong martial arts action film written and directed by Lo Wei, produced by Raymond Chow, and starring Bruce Lee in his first major film. It stars Lee, Maria Yi, James Tien and Tony Liu. Originally written for Tien, the leading role was given to Lee instead when the film's original director, Ng Kar-seung, was replaced by Lo. The film was a critical success and excelled at the box office.[1] Lee's strong performance overshadowed Tien, already a star in Hong Kong, and made Bruce Lee famous across Asia, and eventually, the world.
Unlike other Lee films, The Big Boss is unique in having not only two, but three completely different music scores. Fist of Fury, Way of the Dragon, Enter the Dragon, and Game of Death all only feature one score with minor alterations.
The first music score for it was composed by Wang Fu-ling, who worked on films such as The Chinese Boxer and One-Armed Swordsman. This was made for the Original Cantonese language version, and was also used in the English export version, in addition to the theatrical French and Turkish versions. It is similar to other martial arts film scores, especially the Shaw Brothers films. Wang was the only one to receive credit, but it is also believed composer Chen Yung-yu assisted with the score. At least one cue from Japanese composer Akira Ifukube's scores for the Daimajin trilogy of films was also utilised as stock music.
The second and most popular of the music scores was by German composer Peter Thomas. This did not become widely known until 2005, when most of the music he composed for the film appeared on iTunes in a Big Boss collection. Thomas's involvement stems from a complete reworking of the English version of the film. The early version featured the British voice actors who worked on all Shaw Brothers films and used Wang Fu-ling's score. It was decided to make a new English version that would stand out from the other martial arts films. New actors were brought in to voice the film in English, and Thomas re-scored the film, abandoning Wang Fu-ling's music. The German dubbed version features his score, especially in the German title of the film (German: Die Todesfaust des Cheng Li English: The Deadly fist of Cheng Li) in the iTunes compilation.
Peter Thomas is a German composer/arranger. He was born in Breslau (Silesia) on 1 December 1925, and his active career spanned more than 50 years between 1955 and 2006.
He is known for his TV and film soundtracks (such as 'Raumpatrouille', the Edgar Wallace movies film series, and the Jerry Cotton film series). The restored Brandenburg Gate in Berlin was re-opened in 2002 with a live version of the main theme of the "Raumpatrouille"-soundtrack.[citation needed]
In his directorial debut, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002), actor George Clooney used three tracks of Peter Thomas' music originally composed for Edgar Wallace movies of the 1960s (in their original mono versions). The 1990s avant-garde band Mr. Bungle performed his piece "Love In Space" on several dates of their 1995/1996 tour for Disco Volante. UK Plunderphonics and avant-garde band, The Perrinormal, name Peter Thomas as one of their main influences, alongside John Barry and Lalo Schifrin.
For some of his exceptional scores Thomas used a self-developed musical instrument called "ThoWiephon", today being exhibited in the "Deutsche Museum" in Munich, standing near the famous Theremin, also being used in many movies."
For Thomas’ score to the German TV series “Raumpatrouille – Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion (literal translation: Space Patrol – The Fantastic Adventures of the Spaceship Orion):”
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judocritics · 4 months
WK Abu Dhabi (day-1): niemand van de drie overleeft de 1/16-fin.
>> 2024 WK Abu Dhabi (uae): results ijf.org
Ellen Salens (°96; JS Merelbeke; 46° WRL): out (1 own) zoals voorspeld dus: eerst winst in 1/32-fin tegen de 19-jarige Kurbanay Kurbanova (°05; Tkm; 63° WRL): na 40"sec een gevaarlijke morote seoi-nage van de Turkmeense, maar wellicht omwille van de discontinuïteit geen score; gelijkopgaande wedstrijd dan, maar Ellen kan haar gestalte uitspelen en halverwege waza-ari scoren met otoshi. Tenslotte maakt Ellen het mooi af met shime-waza na een mislukte seoi nage van Kurbanova. Tegen Wakana Koga (°01; Jpn; 9° WRL) dan is het snel afgelopen: na 10"sec een maki-komi poging van Ellen, 15"sec later ligt ze in houdgreep, en nog 20"sec later is het afgelopen. Exit WK, en als ik een interview mag geloven, wellicht exit als topsporter.
Loïs Petit (°99; Top Niveau Tournai; 49° WRL): out (0 own) de logica wordt inderdaad gerespecteerd en géén verrassing dus: Loïs verliest tegen de Russische Sabina Giliazova (°94; Rus; 11° WRL); o-soto na 1'47"min blijkt voldoende; de waza-ari is na 4'min de enige score.
Amber Ryheul (°98; Neko Ieper; 28° WRL): out (1 own)     wat weet een 18-jarige Indische van "Ryheul en sankaku" ? Helemaal niks dus: Shraddha Kadubal Chopade (°05; Ind; 108° WRL) gaat na 3"sec in verdediging op grond, 12"sec later ligt ze in sankaku, en 8"sec later klopt ze af. Enfin, als Ryheul al eens een wedstrijd wint, dan... enz, enz... (die plaat is al meer dan grijs gedraaid). In 1/16-fin tenslotte tegen Mascha Ballhaus (°00; Ger; 10° WRL): Amber als duracell-batterij zonder artificiële intelligentie: ttz. een ongeleid projectiel vol energie: defensive posture, stepping outside en passivity waren dit keer de 3 shido's na 2'07"min en game over. (die straf voor buitenstappen was er wel over vond ik). Ballhaus pakt hier uiteindelijk brons ten nadele van Hibiki Shiraishi (°01; Jpn; 74° WRL), maar die wedstrijd had alles wat het judo verpest dezer dagen: 1) het wordt tijd dat ze terug 'yuko' invoeren want ik word GEK van waza-ari's voor 2x niks !! en 2) tegenwoordig wordt er enerzijds serieus onterecht met shido's gestrooid, en anderzijds worden er géén gegeven wanneer het wel op zijn plaats is ! Ja, de maki-komi van Ballhaus verdiende géén waza-ari en waar bleef de 3de shido tegen de Duitse in die laatste minuut ?? En nu we het toch over shido's hebben: die 1/2-fin tussen Buchard & Giuffrida : WAT EEN KLUCHT WAS DAT ??? En zoiets beslist dus uiteindelijk over een red backnumber !!! Diyora Keldiyorova (°98; Uzb; 2° WRL) dan domineerde de finale, maar voor de 2de opeenvolgende maal 'slechts' vice-wereldkampioene; Odette Giuffrida (°94; Ita; 4° WRL) pakt de titel; i didn't like it !
Jorre Verstraeten (°97; IGW; 22° WRL): out (1 own)     als voorspeld dus, een walkover in 1/32-fin tegen Arnold Kisoka (°00; Cod; 69° WRL): 3 shido's tegen de Congolees na 2'16"min; in dit geval misschien niet helemaal onterecht, maar dat ze kwamen van Roberta Chyurlia verbaast me helemaal niet ! Van het éne uiterste naar het andere dan: Yung Wei Yang (°97; Tpe; 1° WRL) in 1/16-fin staat dus inderdaad 1° op de WRL: won in heel zijn carrière nog maar 2 GSLs (de laatste in Apr-2022) maar wellicht meer op het podium van WTours dan alle anderen.... (overigens ook huidig vice-Olympisch kampioen, toen hij in Tokyo verloor tegen Naohisa Takato). Héél verdienstelijke kamp van Jorre (as usual), en neen het was geen 'leg wrap' van Yang toen hij waza-ari scoorde, omdat hij altijd de mouw van Jorre vasthield... Yang wordt uiteindelijk vice-wereldkampioen na verlies in een spannende finale tegen de 20-jarige Giorgi Sardalashvili (°02; Geo; 8° WRL), de Georgiër die overigens vorig jaar op het WK Jorre van het brons hield ! Noch Ryuju Nagayama (verloor in 1/16-fin van Bliev), noch Taiki Nakamura (verloor in 1/2-fin van Sardalashvili) stonden dus in finale. Nakamura pakte wel brons (tegen Smetov), net als Harim Lee (opgave Bliev).
0 notes
architectnews · 4 years
Mecanoo cloaks palatial Tainan Public Library with decorative aluminium cladding
Patterned aluminium panels wrap the stepped exterior of the Tainan Public Library, which Dutch studio Mecanoo and local office MAYU Architects have completed in southern Taiwan.
The 37,000-square-metre library, located in the city of Tainan, houses over a million books, alongside collections of music, films and modern art.
Its palatial, staggered form was designed by Mecanoo and MAYU Architects to pay homage to local vernacular, including the city's old temples with cantilevered roofs.
Above: Tainan Public Library references local temples. Top image: it has an inverted stepped form
"The oldest city in Taiwan, Tainan has a rich history influenced by different cultures," explained Mecanoo.
"There are remnants of maritime trade with Europe in the 17th century, of the Chinese Ming Dynasty and Japanese settlements from the beginning of the 20th century."
It is wrapped in decorative aluminium cladding
"The city is rich in temples, including the famous 17th century Confucius Temple with its cantilevered roofs and beautifully carved ceilings," added the studio.
"The new library takes from this history, is inspired by the local culture and has been designed for the tropical climate of Tainan."
Its stepped form creates sheltered outdoor space
From afar, Tainan Public Library is distinguished by its large, overhanging upper floor, which is enclosed by aluminium panels adorned with ornate, floral cut-outs.
According to Mecanoo, these panels are modelled on "latticed windows in the old town" and are designed to filter out light and heat during the day while illuminating the building at night.
Its overhanging over floor distinguishes the building from afar
While referencing local vernacular, the staggered exterior of the building also creates a series of sheltered, outdoor spaces, including four sunken patios for outdoor events.
Here, the slender columns that support the upper floors are arranged in groups of four and are intended to give the feeling of walking through a bamboo forest.
The atrium features an installation by Paul Cocksedge
Inside, Tainan Public Library contains different sections dedicated to multimedia, children, teenagers, adults and the city's heritage.
These stand alongside exhibition spaces, a theatre, offices and maker spaces, as well as a study room that is open twenty-four hours a day.
A sculptural red staircase joins is a centrepiece
Entering the building, visitors are greeted by a large atrium that is overlooked by each floor.
Overhead is an installation by UK designer Paul Cocksedge that is composed of suspended sheets of paper, symbolising "freedom of thought and the pleasure of reading".
The atrium and surrounding ground floor spaces are dominated by a wooden material palette, designed to feel warm and welcoming.
On one side, revealed through openings in a slatted wall, is a contrasting sculptural staircase that is painted bright red. This is a centrepiece within the building, visible from each level.
The library incorporates study spaces
The upper levels of the Tainan Public Library have bolder finishes, including bright yellow floors with contrasting black furnishings and circular pendant lights.
The first space visitors pass through is the multimedia library, which is filled with seating and cosy alcoves to watch the film collections. Above are the general and heritage book collections, with links to the roof gardens the complete the building and provide uninterrupted views over the city.
Yellow floors are contrasted with black furnishings
Mecanoo was founded in the Netherlands in 1984 by Dutch architect Francine Houben. Its collaboration with MAYU Architects on the Tainan Public Library follows its recent completion of a giant red cultural centre in Shenzhen that comprises an art gallery, science museum, youth centre and bookshop.
Mecanoo also designed a city library in Birmingham, England, which also has a distinctive stepped form and an ornate facade clad with metallic rings that nod to the city's jewellery quarter.
Elsewhere, the studio is currently developing a proposal for a copper-coloured tower alongside Frankfurt station as well as a sinuous maritime museum for Rotterdam harbour.
Photography is by Ethan Lee.
Project credits:
Project team: Mecanoo and MAYU Client: Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government, Taiwan Construction: Envision Engineering Consultants Installation advisor: Frontier Tech Institute of Engineering Design & Consultant Wayfinding: Path & Landforms Contractor: Fu Tsu Construction, Shing Tai Hydro-Power Engineering Design principals: Francine Houben, Malone Chang and Yu-lin Chen Mecanoo design team: Rodrigo Louro, Friso van der Steen, Rodrigo Bandini, Johan Hanegraaf, Rachel Lin, Yuli Huang, Yuanyuan Chen, Natalia Leszcynska, George Orfanopoulos, Antonio Sanna, Wanjen Lin, Yunying Chiu, Tsailing Shih, Eliano Felicio and Nienke Andersson MAYU design team: Ting-yi Lo, Yun-shan Huang, Che-sheng Wang, Ting-yi Lo, Che-sheng Wang, Chia-ru Lin, Beatrice Cordella, Meng-yue Ruan, Qi-ping Yang, Li-chi Yeh, Ya-zhi Guo, Che-kang liu, Yun-shan Huang, Chia-ru Lin, Ting-yi Lo, Ya-yun Wang, Wei-chieh Pan, Yun Chen, Ting-yi Li, Cheng-wei Li, Chih-hung Wang, Yung-hsien Fang, Jui-pao Chan, Tien-hsi Hsu, Ya-tieh Yu, Guan-wun Chen and Yu-lun Liang
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Warrior Season 2 Episode 10 Review: Man on the Wall
This Warrior review contains spoilers.
Warrior Season 2 Episode 10
After the brutal depiction of San Francisco’s Riot of 1877 in the previous episode, the Warrior Season 2 finale feels more like an epilogue. There’s lots of ruminating over drinks, a few cliffhangers to tease Season 3, and one long awaited fight. Since Cinemax abandoned its original programming, this may be the final episode of Warrior unless some other network picks it up. Hopefully, Warrior finds new life somewhere else because Season 2 leaves us hanging and wanting more. 
This episode begins with the morning after the Riot. As Chinatown residents recover bodies and tend to their wounded, Mai Ling (Dianne Doan) surveys the damage and discovers that a two-story mural of Ah Sahm (Andrew Koji) has appeared. Clad in a wife-beater shirt with a nunchuck tucked in his armpit, it’s a nod to Bruce Lee’s look in The Way of the Dragon.
It’s a key plot point teasing Ah Sahm’s rise in power, but it’s totally absurd. How the heck did anyone paint that huge mural before the bodies were even picked up? Nonetheless, the mural positions Ah Sahm’s rise for next season. When he crosses paths with Ah Toy (Olivia Cheng) in front of the mural, she tells him “You’re a symbol to your people.”
Again, it’s a nod to Bruce Lee and what he means as a global icon and the first international Asian superstar. “We need a hero,” continues Ah Toy, “someone to remind us who we are, and who we could be.” 
As the SFPD copes with their injured, Lee (Tom Weston-Jones) turns in his badge and gun. O’Hara (Kieran Bew) tries to talk him into staying with the force, but it’s to no avail. After that, there’s a dueling bar scene for the former police partners. At the Banshee, O’Hara drops in to find Leary (Dean Jagger) beating up the bar piano. They have a drink. Meanwhile, Lee returns to the bar that drugged him for another drink from the bartender, Abigail (Gaosi Raditholo). The bar scenes interlace but the results are completely opposite: Leary calls out O’Hara for collecting for the Chinese and threatens an inevitable reckoning while Lee and Abigail have sex. Later, Lucy (Emily Child) shows up at O’Hara’s home to check on him after the riot but says she isn’t coming back. O’Hara confesses his shortcomings to her and asks forgiveness.
Back in Chinatown, Father Jun (Perry Yung) and Young Jun (Jason Tobin) survey the riot damage too. Father offers his son some wisdom and Young Jun apologizes for how the transition of power went down. It’s a solid scene – Yung and Tobin deliver a poignant father and son scene, offering some insight to the intricacies of their crime family dysfunction. “It’s your show now,” says Father Jun.
Buckley (Langley Kirkwood) talks about expelling Chinese to some businessmen at a gentlemen’s club. Penny (Joanna Vanderham) barges in to confront Buckley about Jacob’s (Kenneth Fok) lynching but Buckley blows her off. Penny is furious and leaves. Later, she goes to the newspaper reporter Raice (Martin Munro) with the story of Buckley covering up how Jacob defended her against her husband’s attack in hopes of besmirching Buckley. But after that, Raice goes to Buckley’s office and shows him the story. Buckley pays him off to kill it. Apparently, manipulating the press is something Buckley has been doing all along. After that, Penny confronts Buckley once more in his office about killing the story. Buckley stabs himself to frame Penny. In a later scene, Buckley shows up in the mayoral mansion and tells Sophie (Celine Buckens) that Penny stabbed him. Penny wakes up restrained and screaming in an insane asylum, which is where she is left at the end of Season 2.
Ah Sahm and Young Jun reflect on the riot at Ah Toy’s bordello. Then Ah Sahm goes to Ah Toy’s boudoir to tend to her wounds. Nellie (Miranda Raison) arrives and takes over, surprising Ah Sahm when sees the intimacy of their relationship. Later, Father Jun packs his bags and leaves Chinatown. He sees Chao (Hoon Lee) as he’s leaving and tells him to tell Young Jun. They bow a respectful goodbye.
Young Jun takes an audience with Mai Ling and Li Yong (Joe Taslim). Mai Ling reveals that Ah Sahm is her brother, which infuriates Young Jun. Angry at being deceived for two seasons, Jun punches Ah Sahm in the face. Hong (Chen Tang) tries to placate things between his two Hop Wei brothers, but Young Jun remains uneasy. Later, Young Jun continues to question Ah Sahm’s loyalty but realizes they’ve been through too much together already. Jun says, “The battles you choose not to fight are every bit as important as the ones you do.” Nevertheless, their trust is broken. He asks for advice from Hong. He tells him that there might not have been a right path. 
Ah Sahm ponders his Bruce Lee mural some more then goes to visits Leary in the Banshee. The scene cuts Ah Sahm sitting at a table surrounded by some Irishmen that he knocked out off camera. Leary joins him and they drink together. Then it’s Leary versus Ah Sahm in the Banshee back alley in an old-fashioned fight. There are a few kicks but lots more haymakers to the face until Ah Sahm drops Leary with a Fist of Fury like punch. Ah Sahm tells the Irish that he’ll come back with an army if they mess with Chinatown again, and then walks back to Chinatown all bloody in the San Francisco rain. 
Mai Ling finds Buckley while he’s trolling the streets for prostitutes. She shows him the photo she acquired of him posing with fellow soldiers in front of a confederate flag. She threatens to use it as blackmail, demanding his support, and tells him, ‘I want blood in the streets.’ Later at a governmental meeting, Buckley proposes shutting down Chinatown reviewing laundromats, maximum occupancy of homes and regulation of brothels, all of which were genuine historical acts deployed to oppress the Chinese. For Buckley, it’s about battling the Hop Wei. Leary shows up and says, “I’m Dylan Leary and I’m here on behalf of the Workingmen’s Party of California.”
This is a major tell. The Workingmen’s Party of California was a real organization that was pivotal in the oppression of American Chinese. The founder was a racist demagogue, an Irishman named Denis Kearney who is the inspiration for Leary’s character.  
Young Jun sees the Ah Sahm mural. Their relationship has been key to the entire show so placing that in jeopardy is a harsh season finale cliffhanger. In the final scene, Zing (Dustin Nguyen) is in prison, starting to loosen the bars.
Whether that cliffhanger will ever be resolved or not is another matter. Warrior Season 3 seems unlikely to happen at the moment, but perhaps one day we’ll get closure for this story. To the cast and crew of Warrior, thank you for reminding us who we are, and who we could be. Thank you for keeping Bruce Lee alive. Bruce Lee Forever!
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The post Warrior Season 2 Episode 10 Review: Man on the Wall appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3lLf6qS
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notoriousre-i-d · 4 years
翠菓子TRYGOODZ from whatdafunk on Vimeo.
客戶Client | 豆之家食品科技股份有限公司 Beans Family 製作公司 Production House | 梅花鹿影業股份有限公司 SIKA FILMS CO. LTD 監製 Executive Producer | 李元禎 Bruce Lee 導演 Director | 丁肇輝 Wade Ding 製片 Producer | 黃柏蒼 Po Huang 執行製片 Line Producer|何佳儒 Jia Ru Ho 製片助理 Production Assistant|何芃萱 Peng Hsuan Ho 攝影 Director Of Photographer | 王淳宇 Danny Wang 攝大助 1st Assistant Cameraman|張維廷 Wei Ting Chang 攝影助理 Assistant Photography|葉辰威 Chen Wei Yeh 燈光 Gaffer | 尤泰偉 Tai Wei Yu 燈大助 1st Assistant Gaffer | 張嘉恆 Chia Heng Chang 燈光助理 Lighting Assistants | 黃運延 Yun Yen Huang / 張偉傑 Wei Jie Chang 美術 Production Designer | 紀孫霓 Ji Sun Ni 美術助理 Assistant Art Designer | 陳翔智 Hsiang Chih Chen 造型 Stylist | 邱紫瑄 Tzu Hsuan Chiu 造型助理 Stylist assistant| 王珮綺 Pei Chi Wang 收音 Sound|王子芸 Tzu Yun Wang 場務Grip|任傑 Chieh Jen 選角 Casting | 李向宇 Fish Li 剪接 Editor | 白欣田 Hsin Tien Pai 調光 Colorist | 李芷璇 Chih Hsuan Li 配樂 Music by | 林明學 Mitch Lin 配音 Voice Actor | 洪華笙 Gary Hung / 司可達 Scudder Smith 混音 Mix | 風華錄音室 Feng Hwa studio 錄音室 Studio | 風華錄音室 Feng Hwa studio 九巴 Driver|廖桑車隊 Mr. Liao 演員 Actor|蕭介文 Chieh Wen Hsiao / 邱采妮 Tsai Ni Chiu / 陳永輝 Yung Hui Chen / 傅允希 Yun His Fu / 黃雨晴 Yu Ching Huang / 陽昊恩 Drummond John Mason / 林佳娜 Tatiana / 崔璀璨Tristan / 朱耘麒 Yun Chi Chu / 鄭鈺鈴 Yu Ling Cheng / 戴立群 Li Chun Tai / 島田惠 Shimada Megumi
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goalhofer · 4 years
2020 Fubon Shouhu Zhe Players By Nationality
American: 3 (Ryan Bollinger, Mike Loree & Bryan Woodall)
Taiwanese: 60(Cheng-Wei Chang, Jui-Lin Chang, Keng-Hao Chang, Kuan-Ting Chang, Yung-Han Chang, Hung-Wei Chen, Kai-Lun Chen, Kuan-Chieh Chen, Ming-Hsuan Chen, Pin-Chieh Chen, Shih-Peng Chen, Wei-Chi Chen, Chih-Hsien Chiang, Kuo-Hao Chiang, Yi-Sheng Chu, Pei-Feng Dai, Kuo-Chen Fan, Yu-Yu Fan, Ke-Wei Fang, Yu-Ming Hsiao, Yuan-Hsu Hsin, Chin-Lung Hu, Kuan-Yu Hu, Yi-Chih Huang, Jyun-Long Jhang, Hsiao-Yi Kao, Kuo-Hui Kao, Kuo-Lin Kao, Hung-Cheng Lai, Tsung-Hsien Lee, Chien-Hsun Li, Che-Hsuan Lin, Chen-Hua Lin, Chih-Yang Lin, Sheng-Jung Lin, Wei-Ting Lin, Yi-Chuan Lin, Yi-Hao Lin, Yi-Hao Lin, Yu-Ying Lin, Kuo-Hua Lo, Fu-Te Ni, Shu-Chen Ou, Hsuan-Hung Peng, Hao-Wei Shen, Hsiang-Yu Shih, Yun-Chen Tai, Ming-Jin Tsai, Tsz-En Tseng, Cheng-Tang Wang, Wei-Yung Wang, Shih-Tsung Wang, Shih-Hao Wu, Cheng-Hao Yang, Chin-Hao Yang, Pin Yang, Kuan-Wei Yao, Kuo-Ching Yeh, Sen-Hsu Yu & Ting-Wei Yu)
Dominican: 1 (Henry Sosa)
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powerthaiamulet · 5 years
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🎉2020鼠年開運小秘密♨️點亮前程🛑 點亮整體運勢🉐點亮一整年的好運☯️ 。鼠年開運必點的🔥#開運吉祥光明燈🔥,由🐲北龍王大師於新年期間30/1/2020,親自誦經祈福代點🎊 🐭鼠年開運吉祥光明燈能開啟八大好運💯,為你迎來八方貴人財氣🎉。流年犯太歲的善信除了化太歲之外,點上光明燈更是不二之選🔆,能祈求眾神庇佑自己身體健康💯,豐衣足食🈵,前途光明☀️,化解危機♨️,擋去災劫⚡,扶持運勢長年大旺🛑,鼠年行大運🎉。 ㊙️師傅用以最強祈福開財補運法陣經文呈現⚛️,誦經三日,還能最大限度助您化解漏財窘境🙏,強化您的財富運勢💰,讓你常保旺財好磁場🔥,正偏財通通不錯過❗ ㊙️誠心點燃開運光明燈♨️,能有效提升自己整体运势💯,開運💯,化太歲💯,防小人💯,防口舌是非💯,擋去災劫💯,遠離疾病纏身💯,招八方貴人💯,扶持事業💯,提升本身磁場💯,破流年受阻之運💯,凡是能得心應手💯,提升各方面的優勢💯,財運亨通💯,防止破財漏財等💯。 一份只需XX名額非常有限🎈趕緊報名❗ 祈福法會人無需出席,只需提交姓名,出生年月日等资料即可。 下圖為舊照,只供參考🙏 ㊗️感恩各位參與報名的善信㊗️ 祝各位恭喜發財💰💰💰萬事如意🀄🀄🀄 1。HOH TONG YU 2。soo chai foong 3。soo chai ping 4。soo chai wen 5。YOU YAU KUANG 6。Steven lim zheng Wei 7。lau mei fong 8。Loh yee siang 9。Sylvia Yenny Pui 10。Yung Kwan Lee 11。Dato Chai Kian Wei 12。Teh Siong Wie 13。LAW SIEW LING 14。HANG WEI HEN 15。Lee Chiew Ying 16。Jason Lok Chan Hong 17。Kong pei wen 18。Jap swee tark 19。khor tit sern 20。Ling Yian Jimpo 21。Chiang Min Nyiet 22。Lai Kian Feng 23。OH LEONG YI 24。OH WAT POH 25。HII HIONG SING 26。Pang Guan Hing 27。peh ann gee 28。Wong Mei Lin 29。Chong Chin Hong 30。Koo Yoon Loi 31。ling liang hong 32。Wong Lam Seng 33。LENA TEO LEE NAH 34。Niee Kor Chung 35。Wong Sien Hong 36。Leong Kum Foong 37。CHEAH CHUI FUN 38。tan ying xian 39。Yuen Sook Mun 40。Yuen Yong Keng 41。 42。 43。 45。 46。 48。 49。 50。 51。 52。 53。 54。 55。 56。 57。 58。 59。 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7fvR8HlQM5/?igshid=11wih659wx4ck
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