ala-hamdan · 2 years
Learn about Palestine!
Must-Read Nonfiction Books About Palestine (recs by sincerelyjia, a Palestinian woman)
Many of these books can be found on Scribd.com; you can read free for a month before you need a paid subscription
The Question of Palestine by Edward W. Said
Ten Myths about Israel by Ilan Pappe
On Palestine by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe
Blaming the Victims, edited by Edward W. Said and Christofer Hitchens
Golda Slept Here by Suad Amiry
Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict by Norman G. Finkelstein
Disappearing Palestine by Jonathan Cook
Catastrophe Remembered, edited by Nur Masalha
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History by Nur Masalha
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi
Palestine: History of a Lost Nation by Karl Sabbagh
The Balfour Declaration by Bernard Regan
Balfour’s Shadow by David Cronin
The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty by Ilan Pappe
A History of Modern Palestine by Ilan Pappe
The Idea of Israel by Ilan Pappe
The Invention of the Land of Israel by Shlomo Sand
Palestinian Village Histories by Rochelle A. Davis
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
The Palestine Nakba by Nur Masalha
An Oral History of the Palestinian Nakba, edited by Nahla Abdo and Nur Masalha
Nakba, edited by Ahmad H. Sa’di and Lila Abu-Lughod
A Map of Absence, edited by Atef Alshaer
Shell-Shocked: On the Ground under Israel’s Gaza Assault by Mohammed Omer
Gaza Writes Back, edited by Refaat Alareer
Gaza Unsilenced, edited by Rafaat Alreer and Laila El-Haddad
Drinking the Sea at Gaza by Amira Hass
The Least of All Possible Evils by Eyal Weizman
The Drone Eats with Me by Atef Abu Saif
Method and Madness: the hidden story of Israel’s assaults on Gaza by Norman G. Finkelstein
Gaza: An Inquest into It’s Martyrdom by Norman G. Finkelstein
My Father Was a Freedom Fighter by Ramzy Baroud
Failing Peace by Sara Roy
‘This Time We Went Too Far’ by Norman G. Finkelstein
West Bank
Living Emergency by Yael Berda
Employing the Enemy by Matthew Vickery
The West Bank Wall: Unmaking Palestine by Ray Dolphin
What Did We Do to Deserve This? by Mark Howell
Life Under Occupation
The Forgotten Palestinians by Ilan Pappe
Stone Men by Andrew Ross
Palestine Speaks: Narratives of Life Under Occupation, compiled and edited by Cate Malek and Mateo Hoke
The Way to the Spring: Life and Death in Palestine by Ben Ehrenreich
Pay No Heed to the Rockets by Marcello Di Cintio
These Chains Will Be Broken by Ramzy Baroud
False Prophets of Peace: Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine by Tikva Honig-Parnass
The Myths of Liberal Zionism by Yitzhak Laor
The Returns of Zionism by Gabriel Piterberg
The Myths of Zionism by John Rose
The Fallacy of Israel by Mohammed Aziz
Laws, Policies, Apartheid
Justice for Some by Noura Erakat
Unfree in Palestine by Nadia Abu-Zahra and Adah Kay
Apartheid Israel by Jon Soske and Sean Jacobs
Israel and South Africa by Ilan Pappe
Imperial Israel and the Palestinians by Nur Masalha
Hollow Land by Eyal Weizman
A Civilian Occupation, edited by Rafi Segal and Eyal Weizman
Space and Mobility in Palestine by Julie Peteet
Courting Conflict by Lisa Hajjar
Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions
BDS: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights by Omar Barghouti
The Case for Sanctions against Israel, edited by Audrea Lim
Against Apartheid: The Case for Boycotting Israeli Universities, edited by Ashley Dawson and Bill V. Mullen
Generation Palestine, edited by Rich Wiles
Palestinian Identity, Nationalism, Statehood
Palestinian Identity by Rashid Khalidi
The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism by Muhammad Y. Muslih
The Politics of Dispossession by Edward W. Said
The Iron Cage by Rashid Khalidi
The Battle for Justice in Palestine by Ali Abunimah
One Country by Ali Abunimah
Palestine’s Horizon Toward a Just Peace by Richard Falk
The Struggle for Palestine, edited by Lance Selfa
Hamas Contained by Tareq Baconi
Under Seige by Rashid Khalidi
My People Shall Live: Autobiography of a Revolutionary by Leila Khaled as told to George Hajjar
A Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine
Captive Revolution by Nahla Abdo
Women in Israel: Race, Gender and Citizenship by Nahla Abdo
Palestinian Women by Fatima Kassem
Palestinian Women of Gaza and the West Bank, edited by Suha Sabbagh
Birthing the Nation by Rhoda Ann Kanaaneh
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ala-hamdan · 2 years
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
إذا ضاقت عليك الأمور وأغلقت في وجهك الأبواب و انقطعت دونك الأسباب وطال انتظارك للفرج فثق أن الله يريد بك الخير ومن أعظم الخير و أحبه إلى الله أن تدعوه بيقين و اضطرار و أن تناجيه بدموع الافتقار اللهم ارزقنا حسن الظن بك اللهم صل على نبينا محمد.
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
هذا الحي لنا …
هذه القدس لنا …
فلسطين … ارضها، بحرها وسماؤها لنا …
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
There once was a land called Palestine!
Owner: Page Emma's World
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
Very simple!
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
A question from Palestine 🇵🇸 to the whole world: is this normal where you live?
سؤال من فلسطين 🇵🇸 إلى كل العالم: هل هذا عادي في المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
فلسطين قضية شرفاء وأحرار العالم
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
من كفرراعي - قضاء جنين
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من اين انت؟
رابط الخريطة
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
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According to BBC: Members of 25 families were ALL killed in Gaza during the last 5 days, and their records were removed from personal status department!!!! (These families don't exist anymore)
This is a massacre and a #GenocideinGaza with the whole world standing as a witness! An ethnic cleansing mission using internationally forbidden weapons to kill civilians, noting that most martyrs are children and women.
حسب مراسل بي بي سي :
أفراد ٢٥ عائلة من غزة استشهدو بالكامل خلال أقل من ٥ أيام فقط ....وسجلاتهم المدنية ألغيت من دائرة الأحوال الشخصية!!!!
عم نحكي عن إبادة جماعية ومجزرة على مرأى ومسمع العالم ....تطهير عرقي وأسلحة محرمة دولياً وإستهداف للمدنيين بدليل أن معظم الشهداء من الأطفال والنساء .
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
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You are not defeated as long as you resist~ Resist, as if it’s the last thing you do in life ~
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
- يقول أنس: "عندما بدأت الغارات كتبت لشيماء على الواتس آب أسألها كيف حالك؟ فردت: بخير الحمدلله بس خايفة، قلت لها: "اختبأي في مكان آمن" فلم تصل الرسالة للأسف، حينها ذهب كل شيء وتدمر المنزل فوق رأسها.".
"أنس اليازجي" ظل ما يقارب 10 ساعات يبحث عن خطيبته "شيماء" تحت ركام منزلها المدمر، أملاً منه أنها ما زالت على قيد الحياة.
أمضى "أنس" 10 ساعات من اللهفة عند كل حجر يتم رفعه وكل صوت يخرج من تحت الأنقاض وكل ركام يتم إزالته، على أمل أن تكون خطيبته من بين هذه الأصوات التي ما زالت متمسكة في الحياة.
أخيراً تمكن رجال الدفاع المدني من الوصول لشيماء وانتشالها، لكنها للأسف كانت قد لفظت أنفاسها الأخيرة تحت الأنقاض، وبين الركام الملتف حولها والغبار والرصاص الذي استنشقتهما.
رحلت "شيماء" التي كانت تترقب عيد الفطر بكل شوق حتى تحتفل بزفافها المقرر عقده خلال هذه الأيام، بعد أكثر من سنتين من الخطوبة، رحلت وبقي خطيبها أنس الذي انتظر طوال هذه السنين تخرجها حتى يتم زفافهما، بقي ليدفن روحه التي انتزعت من جسده ويدعو أمام قبرها أن يجمعهما في الجنة.
رحلت "شيماء أبو العوف" ورحل حلمها في الزواج ممن كتبه الله لها، واندثر حلم أن تصبح طبيبة أسنان بعد سنوات طويلة من الدراسة، والذي ضحت بكل شيء في حياتها من أجل عشقها في طب الأسنان.
- Anas says: “When the raids started, I wrote to Shaima on WhatsApp to ask her how are you?
Anas Al-Yazji spent about 10 hours searching for his fiancée, Shaima, under the rubble of her destroyed home, hoping that she was still alive.
Anas spent 10 hours of eagerness at every stone that was raised, every sound that came out from under the rubble and every rubble removed, hoping that his fiancée would be among those voices that still cling to life.
Finally, the civil defense men managed to reach Shaima and salvage her, but unfortunately she had breathed her last under the rubble, among the rubble wrapped around her, and the dust and bullets that she inhaled.
Shaima, who was eagerly awaiting Eid al-Fitr to celebrate her wedding scheduled for these days, passed away after more than two years of engagement. Her grave that brings them together in heaven.
Shaima Abu Al-Auf passed away, and her dream of marrying someone whom God had written for her passed away, and the dream of becoming a dentist after long years of study, who sacrificed everything in her life for the sake of her love of dentistry, died out.
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
"المكان هو احنا ، وجودنا ، ذكرياتنا ومستقبلنا."
A place is who we are, our existence, our memories and our future.
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
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ala-hamdan · 3 years
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