I am getting midly annoyed now though becuase I keep being asked about my hen do. Okay cool it's exciting but the wedding is over a year away....... I have said I have 2 ideas. Qs it's will solely be based on if I am pregnant or not. As not putting my infertility journey on hold just because of my wedding qnd a hen do. I've been trying for 3 hears qnd we have only just got treatment like 6 weeks ago. So no sorry its not my priority right now
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life update
In June this year eventually qftwr many tests and appointments we started our first part of fertility treatment. This is just medication. Designed to regulate my cycles and convince my body to ovulate. We are on Round 2 Currently and we get 6. Round 1 was successful as it made me ovulate and my cycle came in a practical and what they class as normal time. But as my cycle did arrive it ment also round 1 was un successful. Hopefully by Xmas this will have a different outcome
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This was the year my tattoo game leveled up. See what 2024 brings
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we have our follow up appointment next month qnd I'm very nervous for it as I'm terrified of being discharged even though ive worked super hard. I have got it down it's not where they want it but it's much better than where it was.
We had our follow up qnd I'm being sent for some further tests at the start of next year. I will then have another follow up in april
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We had our fertility clinic appointment the very end of July due to them re arranging it last minute. I was told I would have a follow up in 4 months so I think that's like December time. Where they want me to meet there requirements. So I can start letrozole. I'm so nervous becuase despite trying so hard it's not as easy as you'd think. I've joined mote exercise classes. I even did my first gym session for the first time in years. I eat good but I'm still struggling to get where they want me to be. It's so frustrating. As I'm trying so damn hard. I have lost weight I've lost over half a stone at this point. But it's not enough. I need more and I'm not sure what else I can do
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Holiday can't come fast enough I can't wait to get this break away we need it. Having our appointment the day we go will also but things into a good mood as we have actually know what we are in for, for the next year ect. I just can't wait to have a family
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we did it
Took 39 1/2 weeks bit we finally have our first appointment though!!
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Tattoos 5,6&7
Haddrawn hearts by family. Stars and initial for J. Matching. Then butterfly for transformation and re birth.
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Gender reveal for another baby
we have a gender reveal end of the month. At this point its about as common as it is doing a monthly big shop. I've gone through all the emotions already several times but we are back to just landing on cba just get it over and done with. At this point being told......... is pregnant is about as common as hearing I've put bath on for you
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still waiting
Week 34 and still not heard anything. I'm praying that the email from 10 weeks ago is true and we are seen at the start of May.
In 3 days it will be exactly 8 months of waiting for a letter. Which is insane. I'd basically be due to give birth :(
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I've been on Metformin for nearly a month now, I get waves of dizziness. But is easy to resolve with something with some sugar in it. It's also been over 30 weeks now since we got referred. Only 10+ weeks to go 😞
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CD 3 today not been as bad as I thought, given the fact my last natural cycle was June and my last medical induced one was October
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Yesterday I got Metformin!! It was a bit of a battle but I got there. 2 months to Try it. Praying it works. Or atleast helps
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My last day on Norethindrone today, not felt too bad taking it. Sore 🍒 but nothing too bad. Hopefully when it arrives its not too bad.
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Last baby shower is done it was lovely she looked beautiful. I'm excited for her hut sitting for over 4 hours between 2 babies was mentally draining. I did hold my nephew and rocked him to sleep he's so cute. But god I wish it was my own baby
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Another baby in the family came the other week. We are yet to see them I don't know if I can handle it It's too hard to go through again and again I don't know how much more I can take
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I am so exhausted mentally and physically. Week 24 is almost up and I've just been told that my wait is to go to 40+ weeks I am crushed. I thought it was coming to an end and now it's half way through.
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