#We’re slow dancing in a burning room (Queue)
hamiltonaf · 2 years
One More Dance | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x Female Reader
Summary: The job is to lure men and make them spend money at the beach club, but how does it feel to do that when you attract the most famous one of them all.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Slow burn
A/N: This is my very first one shot that’s football related. I’ve always written F1 one shots for so long and thought of doing something different for once. Got inspired by listening to a popular song on replay and idk why I felt it really needed to be written - btw if you wanna set the mood then watch the music video for the song here
This could be turned into a part 2 but all depends on the feedback. Do let me know your thoughts on this one shot and perhaps I’ll get working on the next part if requested. Also, apologies for the gif quality idk what happened. Anywho, enjoyyy .xx
It’s been a little over a year since I moved on my own to Spain and have since been working at an exclusive beach club. I quite liked my job, it was interesting how my work had changed over a couple of months.
It started off as being a waitress, to being ‘upgraded’ to serving only VIP clients and now on top of that, I’m a dancer. So since we have majority rich or famous clientele, my job is to be the main attraction and to lure men to continue wasting their money on drinks. Is that even legal ? I honestly couldn’t care, as long as I’m getting paid well.
If you’re wondering how the dancing came about, let’s just say that some of my friends here just can’t keep their mouth shut after a night out.
We’re told on the day who will be coming to the club so we can do some quick research of our own before the clients are here.
Today we were expecting a few football players, mainly away players from PSG such as Kylian, Sergio, Achraf and a few others. When I noticed the commotion upon their arrival, I got a heads up that in a few minutes it’s my queue to perform. Luckily I have my work friends dancing along with me, it eases the stress of being the lead dancer.
I quickly dropped my work and jogged over to our dressing room to get dressed so I looked the part. As per usual, all of us dancers have to wait in our dressing room until it was our queue. My makeup was already done, just had to touch up my hair from a ponytail to beachy waves and I was ready.
A few minutes later our manager, Megan, had jogged over to give us our queue. The music got louder and the vibe had instantaneously changed from relaxed to people itching to join us to dance.
The girls had set the mood first before the lyrics started and that was my queue. When I say I performed, I mean it.
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The wind was a paid actor because I never felt more like a main character than I did during this performance. With a hundred pairs of eyes on me, I could feel a pair in particular that was burning into me as they watched my every move. For a while I tried to search the crowd for that someone that I could feel a spark with and I knew he was the one when he was staring directly back at me. Mr. Kylian Mbappé.
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I confidently winked at him mid performance before I scurried off back to the dressing room to change yet again, during this time the live singer had taken over the song to prolong it whilst I got dressed.
I peeped out from the dressing room waiting for my queue and noticed everyone was up on their feet dancing, and cheering along to the live singer. Just as the lyrics continued, I stepped out and a path was cleared for me to make my way to the main dance floor. I lip synced along to the lyrics as I made my way to the crowd.
I noticed he was leaning against a pillar at the main dance floor with his arms crossed over his chest. I held eye contact until I walked past him to the empty dance circle. He turned around to look at me, gazing from head to toe. I couldn’t help but make eye contact again as I continued to do my rehearsed dance moves.
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With our intense eye contact, it felt as if this dance was for him and him only. The crowd around us was long forgotten. As the song was nearing the end, all that was left was to freestyle. As my back was turned to him for a second, I felt someone grab my hand and spin me around to bump into a chest. I knew it was him. My hands cautiously placed on his chest, my eyes slowly trailed to meet his.
I was so lost in his eyes and the thought of his next move that I failed to notice everyone around us salsa along to the music. He then spun me around and I followed his lead.
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At the back of my head I couldn’t believe how our moves were in sync as if we rehearsed together or something. My heart was racing and I can honestly say that it’s not the adrenaline rush. He continued to stun me with his smooth moves and his dominance whilst we danced. It felt like something out of a step up movie. The music, the crowd, the location was so unreal to be experiencing a dreamy moment like this.
As the song ended, everyone erupted in applause and screams. My arm wrapped around his neck as he dipped me down and slowly brought us up, my free hand lightly holding his face. The chemistry and the tension was on fire, I could feel it underneath my skin.
“You’re a pretty good dancer” I said with a grin. “I could say the same for you” he smiled as we then loosened our grip off each other. “Well I better be a good dancer, it’s part of the job” I said playfully. “Does the beautiful dancer have a name ?” He raised a brow. “Aww sweet, the name is not interested. Nice to meet you. Ciao” I winked as I scurried off. “Wait” he called after me. Ugh.. I hate myself for doing that but unfortunately I have to get back to my waitress duties, until later when we will have to perform again.
I got changed back into my first dance outfit, the holographic purple and green combo of a bralette, and skirt to make better use of it whilst I can. The girls all started squealing the second I stepped foot into the dressing room. “Oh my gosh guys.. calm down” I said as I placed a hand on my chest in shock. Megan came in to check in on everyone and congratulated us on our performance. “Big ups especially to (Y/N), our girl was out there dancing with Kylian ! Oh my god that was literally epic” she screamed. “I was shocked with the way he moved. Mans is smooth, I’ll give him that” I said as I looked at my reflection and fixed my hair. “Well, what did he say ?” Megan asked as the girls listened eagerly. “Not much really. He asked for my name and I cut him off saying that I’m not interested before running here” I shrugged my shoulders. “(Y/N) are you stupid ? You have an opportunity to be with Kylian and you’re blowing the man off ?” Megan said in disgust.
I looked at her face and immediately started to feel bad. “What are you still doing here looking at me ? Go get him !” Megan yelled at me as she pushed me out the door. I stumbled as I stepped foot outside. I tried to subtly look for him amongst the crowd before my eyes fell on him, for once he was busy chatting to Achraf so obviously wrong time for me to talk to him. I went up to the bar thinking I could give out some orders, but I was shoved with a tray of drinks in my hand by Lexi, my closest work friend. “You were specially requested for VIP table 2” she said as she nodded towards the table. I turned around and of course it’s Kylian’s table. Lovely.
“Hey boys. Who ordered drinks ?” I cheerfully said as I placed their drinks onto the table. I could feel Kylian’s gaze burn into me. “Hey it’s the dancer girl ! You were phenomenal by the way” Achraf said. “Aww thank you, really appreciate it” I smiled at him then stole a glance at Kylian. “Anyways enjoy your drinks boys and let me know if there’s anything else you need” I smiled at them before walking off. “(Y/N) !” He yelled my name which made me stop in my tracks. “You know my name ?” I asked shocked as I furrowed my brows. “Your friend Lexi told me” he said as he looked behind me to wave at her. I turned around to see her waving at us. “Anything you needed ?” I asked. “You” he said confidently with a smirk. “And what could I possibly do to help ?” I raised a brow with a half smile.
“I’d like another dance with you” he said. “I’m working Kylian” I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. I can’t believe I was saying his name so casually as if I knew him all these years. “I like how you say my name” he smirked as he stepped closer. “I like how you’re avoiding the topic ” I smiled. “So how about that dance, (Y/N) ?” He asked as he held out his hand for me. “Hmm…only because I like how you say my name” I said as I answered his question by placing my hand in his.
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deathavoided · 4 years
Random Starter @frozcnlight
It was candy cane season! So perhaps the thing was bittersweet when it came to Miran. To think it had been a whole year since he had more or less forced the other to be his girlfriend. A whole year since he had taken her hostage in his warehouse and proceeded to make her life a living hell. This including stealing her candy cane and stabbing her in the hand with it. Okay, no one said he was perfect or the best boyfriend in the world. Though he had made a ton of progress since then! That surely had to count for something, right?
Seeing all the brightly coloured displays that was filling the area of Yokohama. It made him sort of wish to share this all with his girlfriend, after all didn’t one of the stores he passed say something about ‘Christmas being a time for lovers’ or something like that. Rituals still made no sense to him, and yes that included Christmas. He knew one gave gifts, but what was the obsession with Santa Claus? Why were there several bratty children running about trying to be nice this time of year? Did they fear this Santa Claus? Was he really some villain? Did he threaten children to be good or else? So this was a concept that appealed to the brunette. 
He could be Santa Claus then. Though he didn’t know many kids. Did Chuuya count as one? Elise was a kid technically, she would probably get a kick out of his Santa Claus. The bratty ability of his boss could simply go poof though if he touched her. He walked towards the center of the tower square to see a line of children waiting with their parents. A big man in a red suit was being handed children. He stopped and watched as the man had woman handing him children and putting them on his lap. The man laughed a big hardy ‘ho ho ho’ and asked the child what they wanted for Christmas. Dazai casually licked at his candy cane as he watched and analyzed. The children seemed to tell this man what they wanted and then got their picture taken. Then he heard the woman dressed like some kind of green creature with jingle bells call next for their visit with Santa. 
Santa. Santa! This was this Santa Claus, not what he pictured at all. Yes, the big jolly fellow --- okay check. Though the sitting on the lap and all, it was odd. Rituals were odd. Why did humans wish to celebrate them. He found himself going back to the hotel,  in all honesty he had been shopping for Miran when he had gotten distracted by the display of this Santa Claus. He quickly spotted his girlfriend when he entered the lobby and he jumped over the front desk to get to her. His jump was smooth this time, though other times weren’t. Inside his suit he had brought another candy cane for her. Though that could happen later. He pulled her into a kiss without care for the few guests. “Miiimiiii~” Perhaps he should ask Strelitzia more about Santa Claus, but in the past he had always come to Miran about rituals. 
The brunette took his girlfriend’s hand, lightly brushing his thumb over it. “I don’t get Christmas” the hotel had even looked like it had been put through the glitter and light machine and shaken and stirred a little bit before this had occurred. “So this Santa Claus.... does he kidnap children in the middle of the night or not?!” Dazai should not ever be able to just waltz into the hotel, even if he did technically live in the suite with Miran. 
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unsteadyheathens · 4 years
Listening to Starset when writing replies is now what gives me life. This is very much a Dazai X Garth song if I’ve ever heard one. Yes I did turn it into the tag for them because I just had to \o/ 
Also fits for others,but it is officially my Dazai X Garth song~ 
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mello-jello · 3 years
Levihan Drabble Week - Angst Monday
@levihan-drabbles Prompt: “We’re going down and I know you can see it too. My dear, we’re slow dancing in a burning room”
“I always thought that… if I was going to lose you, it would be to a titan.” He spoke low and slow, fighting the lump forming in his throat. “But… these are people.” He spat as turned to face her, desperation in his eyes. “These people are eating you alive, Hange, and I-” he looked down at his feet. “and I don’t know what to do.”
It wasn’t fair. With the knowledge of the outside world, being Commander of the Survey Corps had become something new entirely, and Hange was thrust into this unprecedented role because her dear friend had died.
It was when she was flung into the opal pillar and crashed to the ground, unconscious and bleeding out, that he knew. It was like he never registered the possibility that she could die. Hange could just die. Of course he understands mortality, but in that split second he saw just how much he had been taking her for granted. That was the moment he realized he loved her. He loved her.
But duty first: Kenny. And then retrieving Eren and Historia. And then Rod Reiss’s titan. And then preparing for Shiganshina. And then Shiganshina. And then the beach. And then Marley. And then and then AND THEN! It never fucking stops.
It aggrieved Levi to watch Hange slowly deteriorate before his eyes. She hardly laughed, she was always tired, and he was certain she had lost weight. Her warm and witty personality was replaced with a sullen, lackluster one. He couldn’t even tease her about hygiene anymore because she was on autopilot; she didn’t have the chance to get carried away and forget to bathe. The burden of being commander had turned Hange into a shell of who she once was.
One night, Levi made an attempt to cuddle her again. She lay on her back, and Levi rested his head on her chest. When her hand didn't instinctively start running through his hair, he picked up her arm and placed it on his head himself. She picked up on the queue, and lazily combed his hair.
But it was half-hearted and mechanical. It felt like he was asking her for another chore. She was physically right here, and yet she felt so far away. After a few minutes he gave up and went to sit on the armchair instead.
He remembers when nights with Hange were what he looked forward to the most. It didn't matter what they were doing, as long as it was with her. That said, he didn’t want to do… this… anymore. He watched her sleep, a pained scowl on his face. If he hadn't just heard her heart beat for himself, he could have mistaken her for a corpse. God, she looked so gaunt. Just like-
He held a hand over his mouth. He didn’t want to finish his thought. He tried to repress it, stuff it back down where it came from. Alas, it regurgitated as his tears spilled over.
She looked just like his mother. And he was the same small boy curled up in the dark, powerless to do anything but watch.
After another long day of meetings, Levi stayed behind in Hange’s office, helping sort through various reports and other paperwork. When Levi was done with his pile, he paused to look at her. She was focussed, but not intensely like she used to get. She got no enjoyment from this type of research. Her one eye was turning red from the fatigue. He could see her eyepatch was too tight and was going to leave marks.
“Hange. We’re having dinner. Tonight”.
“Can’t. Meeting with Onyankopon. Then, I have to get up early to go to Sina,” she stated, not looking up from her work.
“Tch. You still need to eat”.
Again not looking up from the papers, she opened the top drawer of her desk. It was stuffed with those awful, dried ration bars they used on scouting expeditions.
“I’m fine,” she said, matter-of-factly.
“Please,” he nearly whispered.
That was enough to get Hange’s attention. She lowered her papers, her one eye transfixed on him.
He walked over to where she was sitting. He gently took off her eyepatch and lovingly traced his fingers over the scar. Delicately, as if she was made of porcelain that he was terrified to break, with just the very tips of his fingers, he guided her chin upwards and held her face for a moment, staring deep into her good eye. She stared back, her intensity matching his own. Levi slowly pulled towards her and rested his forehead against hers, their lips almost touching.
Breathing heavily, he placed both hands on Hange’s shoulders and gave a light squeeze before tenderly connecting his lips with hers.
In that kiss was the sweetness of passion, and a million loving thoughts condensed into a single moment. He sobbed into her lips, overcome with emotion.
“Levi, stop”. The tone in her voice was a knife in his heart.
“I can’t. We can’t. This was doomed from the start, Levi. We’re going down, and I know you can sense it too. It’s like we’re trying so hard to slow dance in the middle of a burning room. Believe me, I want nothing more than to be in the moment and just stay in your arms. But no matter how hard I try, I just can’t ignore the fires raging around us. I have a duty. We each have a duty”.
She was right. And she had put it so fucking poetically, it make him sick.
Levi closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long, defeated sigh. He turned to leave. His hand firmly grasped the doorknob, but he couldn’t turn it.
“I always thought that… if I was going to lose you, it would be to a titan.” He spoke low and slow, fighting the lump forming in his throat. “But… these are people.” He spat as turned to face her, desperation in his eyes. “These people are eating you alive, Hange, and I-” he looked down at his feet. “and I don’t know what to do.”
She said nothing.
“Tsk. To use your shitty metaphor, we may have stopped dancing together, but you’re still burning...”
He felt silly. Words were not his forte. He waited for her to say something. She drew a deep, unsteady breath. “Wha-” She huffed, rubbing her forehead as she considered her next words carefully.
Levi interrupted, “Give me the Zeke assignment,” it was less of a question and more of a demand.
His words shocked her.
Bitterly, he said, “Send me away. I can’t take this anymore. I understand… I do... ” He slammed his fist on her desk. “But Damn it, Four-Eyes… Don’t make me watch.”
And without another word, he left, slamming the door behind him.
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snackhobi · 4 years
teaser: cream & suga
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coming 19/12/20!
EDIT: out now!!
summary: yoongi is your favourite regular. he’s patient, polite, and predictable, a-large-black-coffee-to-go-please, no cream, no sugar, thank you. rinse and repeat. the seasons might change, but yoongi’s order stays the same.
and then one fateful day in winter, yoongi asks about the weekly specials, orders a cup of christmas and sugary sweetness, and everything starts changing.
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pairing: yoongi x barista f!reader 
word count: 0.6k for this teaser, currently at 13k for the actual story, no idea how long it’s going to be / genre: we’re talking slow burn. we’re talking fluff. we’re talking idiots to lovers. we’re talking coffee shop aus at their most cliché babeeeyy / rating: this teaser is general/sfw BUT the full fic will be... explicit/nsfw 😳
a/n: for our rockin’ around the christmas tropes collab, I had coffeeshop au! I’ve been so incredibly blessed to writing alongside @yeojaa ​ @underthejoon ​ @ladyartemesia ​ @ppersonna ​ @untaemedqueen ​ @xjoonchildx ​; these ladies are all so talented and wonderful! 💖💖 (also this teaser is unbeta’ed so any mistakes are my own dfjsdfjdsf)
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Being a barista isn’t all bad.
Like, okay, you’re on your feet for hours at a time, the pay isn’t exactly the highest in the world, and coffee beans have a tendency to end up in the weirdest places (how did you get the light roast in your bra?)—but it’s not entirely terrible.
Here’s a (totally not comprehensive) list of good things about working at the Paradise coffee shop:
The free drinks (y’know, for taste testing purposes)
The free food (you probably eat more than you’re actually allowed, but who’s telling?)
Your coworkers (like Taehyung, who is—yep—currently shoving a whole mini panettone in his mouth)
Most of the customers are pretty nice, too (you have some lovely regulars)
(If you had to be more specific, there’s one regular in particular that you really, really like—)
(Yoongi appears like clockwork every week. Just after the Tuesday lunch rush, the bell above the door will sing out its greeting as he steps inside, ordering the same drink each and every time he’s here—a large Americano, to go, plain and simple and unadorned, no room for cream or milk, no added sugar or sweetener.)
(Yoongi really is the perfect customer. He has been from the very beginning, a point of quiet in a churning sea of hot, sweaty people all begging for frappés and milkshakes, the hottest point at the very peak of summer. The queue had been growing longer and longer, out of the doors as the blenders whirred their way through a neverending cascade of sugary, iced blends; the counters were a mess and all the baristas were running around and everything was chaos and in had walked this guy, all dark hair and dark eyes and dark clothes, even in the height of summer—you were ready for death at this point, hands sticky with syrup and apron streaked with flecks from almost every drink from the summer menu, and you’d braced yourself for some terse words, impatience and passive aggressive comments on the long wait—)
(—and this intimidating man had just patiently asked for an iced Americano, calm and quiet and polite.)
(You’d fallen a little in love, then and there. Fallen in love with that simple order, quick and easy to make, and fallen a little in love with the dichotomy of the man who looked like nothing but sharp edges being the softest customer you’d had all day. There was nothing rushed about his motions, no desperate need to get his drink and get away, no anger at having waited for so long.)
(He’d been ready to pay, too, no fumbling with his wallet or money; he’d tapped his card, easy and breezy and all lemon squeezy, but he’d left a tip in change, dropped almost thoughtlessly into the jar. He’d collected his cup with the smallest upturn to his lips, a tilt of his head, and then he’d left, other customers parting before him like the Red Sea.)
(The only thing that’s changed over the months is that the iced coffees of summer have changed into hot Americanos for the cooler months, autumn and now almost-winter, warding off the chill in the air. Everything else is the same; his dark eyes and low voice and patient smile, small but ever present, pressed lightly into the surprisingly soft line of his mouth.)
(So, yeah. Yoongi is your favourite customer. Even if you’ve barely spoken, really, the two of you dancing through the same short script each time he comes in—the longest conversation you’ve had so far is the one where you’d tentatively asked if he’d like a rewards card, and after a moment of contemplation, he’d quietly agreed.)
(You like to think that you’re Yoongi’s favourite server, too. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but—)
(Taehyung had been stunned into speechlessness, because, to quote his words exactly: “I tried getting him to sign up for a card last time and I swear he just pretended he couldn’t hear me? He just straight up didn’t respond? What?”)
(—you know Yoongi likes you at least a little bit.)
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
Taking care of you.
Spencer Reid x Reader      Words - 2440
@paracosmoses​ asked - “ Hey, Dylan! I hope you're safe 💚 I absolutely melted while reading "I'll carry you", so I wanted to request a reid imagine (totally fine if you don't feel like it): reader being a bau member who had confessed feelings for reid and he'd rejected them (even tho he felt the same). One night out at a karaoke with the team, reader gets drunk and sings like goodnight n go/imagine/rem (i'm just a sucker for ari but thought i'd be fitting), and they talk.. Idk i'm terrible w plots but i trust you hehe.”
///Thank you so much for this request!! I hope you’re safe too and thank you for the compliment, writing this was a lot of fun and the plot you came up with was great!! So I hope you enjoy it :) ///
Warnings - Alcohol & Vomit
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It had been no surprise when you and Spencer had gotten paired up to do a late shift, paperwork that had been piled up for days, mysteriously placed on your desk just as everybody was rushing out the door to get home. It wasn’t like you minded much though, you practically spent every waking moment with your curly haired teammate, having become close when you had first joined the BAU, and the others had obviously taken notice.
Looking up from the last file in front of you, you were met with a gentle smile and a hand stretched out your way, raising a brow you let out a confused chuckle. “Yes?” 
“I’m going to walk you home,” Spencer stated, his hand still outstretched. Taking a quick glance to the file, you quickly signed off on it before swivelling your chair to look at the man in front of you. Shaking your head amusedly, you took his hand, letting him pull you to your feet. “You don’t need to walk me home, I know we live close, but I imagine you’re wanting to get home as much as I am.” You said, picking up your jacket and bag, looking at him over your shoulder. 
“No, it’s okay, I like knowing you got home safe anyway.” This made you smile, looking back to the ground to avoid him seeing the small flush on your cheeks. “Okay, if you insist,” dramatically you dragged out your words, gazing at the small smile on his face as he pulled on his own jacket. 
You had spent most of the walk joking around with him, trying to ignore the fleeting bumping of hands, or how he’d pull you to the side when you were just away to walk through a puddle. Every little thing making you overthink, although you did your best to dismiss the butterflies in your stomach, although they only continued to build as you contemplated the confession on your mind.
It wasn’t until you finally reached your front door, did you feel your chest begin to ache. “We’re here, and your safe, so I think I’ve done my duties,” Spencer joked, your own little chuckle slipping out.
Taking a deep breath, you felt a surge of confidence. “I uh, I have something to tell you.” The words came out quick, rolling out your mouth before you really had a moment to think about them. Spencer nodded, taking his hands out of his pockets. “I don’t want this to change anything about us, I just need to tell you, to just get it off my chest, okay?”
Reid nodded, his expression soft except the slight furrow of his brow. You took another deep breath. “I have feelings for you.” As soon as the words came out, you wanted to swallow them back up, even more so when Spencer looked to the ground, avoiding your eyes completely as he tried to slink away. For the first time you felt like you couldn’t read him, and it almost hurt. 
“I-I’m sorry.” The words hit you like a truck, a type of blind confusion you weren’t used to smacked across your face. Spencer still hadn’t look back at you, “I can’t, it’s just not—” As he stuttered his way through his words, you cut him off, nausea and embarrassment both taking over your body. 
“It’s fine, never mind,” you weakly laughed, “just pretend I never said anything, I’m tired, that’s all, not thinking straight.” He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Taking that as your queue you turned around to open your front door, the shaking in your hands causing you to fumble with your keys, “shit,” you mumbled in frustration. 
As you got the front door open, you turned to Spencer who stood still in the same place, a look of guilt painting his face, “goodnight, Spence,” voice cracking you smiled at him before closing the door. 
The next few days were difficult, a new type of stiffness now surrounding the both of you, and you had taken every chance you could to avoid being alone with him, in truth you felt guilty, having drove the wedge between the both of you in the first place. Despite the tension, Spencer still sent you soft smiles from across his desk, and you still found a cup of coffee placed on your own desk every morning, the same little smiley face drawn on as he usually did, but things still felt different. 
Your other teammates had also felt the subtle shift of atmosphere, them all send quizzing looks your way, JJ even pulling you to the bathroom at one point to talk. Awkwardly you stumbled through what happened, although instead of the look of awkward sympathy you had been expecting to get, she instead held one of confusion, biting her lip as pushed her hair behind her ear, muttering a quiet, “well that doesn’t make sense.” Though she quickly brushed it off when you brought it up.
“Let’s go to a karaoke night,” Penelope randomly proposed that night, your team all pursing their lips sceptically, “aww, come on, it’ll be fun, and it’ll be a nice change of scenery from our usual bar!” Looking at you almost pleadingly, you titled your head slightly back at her before sighing. 
“Sure, I’m up for it.” Sitting back in your chair, you smiled at Penelope who clapped her hands excitedly, glancing over you caught a pair of brown eyes, Spencer gingerly staring at you before looking over to Penelope.
“I’ll come too,” Spencer said trying to play it off nonchalantly as he was met with the others looks of confusion. Soon enough the others agreed, and you found yourself driving towards the quaint but flashy karaoke place. 
Everybody had ordered drinks as soon as they got in, and you hadn’t held back, practically throwing them down as you sat with the others, causing Derek to pat you on the shoulder, “woah slow down there, kid.” The others also took notice of your quickly emptying glasses, Reid looking at them like he was counting them before shooting a slightly worried glance your way. 
One by one your team went up and sung on the karaoke machine, everybody clapping along with whatever song even if it was slightly out of time and messy. Resting your face in your hand, you smiled happily and slightly drunkenly at Penelope while she sung up on the stage, hollering as your vision danced and blurred.
When she came down, she accepted a round of high fives from everybody at the table, before JJ spoke, “C’mon Y/N it’s your turn now!” They all clapped and gently nudged up to the stage as you staggered slightly, laughing as you clambered on to the stage. 
Absentmindedly you scrolled through the little screen containing the songs until you found one you knew, “I love this one!” You exhaled grinning over at your teammates who were all still shouting their words of encouragement. 
The music kicked in through the speakers and you found yourself swaying to the music, every few moments squinting to look at the screen through fuzzy eyes. “Tell me why you gotta’ look at me that way, you know what it does to me,” you sung into the mic, your gaze searching for a familiar head of curls, locking eyes as you continued. “I got you, I got you dreamin’, close your eyes and your screaming.” Staggering through the words, you still swayed not looking away from Spencer, whose cheeks were almost as red as yours.
Cheering still rung throughout the room, “Oh why’d you have to be so cute, it’s impossible to ignore you, ah,” all shyness was abandoned due to your stomach full of alcohol, “why must you make me laugh so much, it’s bad enough we get along so well, just say goodnight and go, oh, oh, oh.” Spencer hadn’t taken his eyes off you, shifting in his seat as worry slowly furrowed into his brow, stressfully watching as you continued to stagger and sway. 
It wasn’t until you felt a burning in your throat did you pause, stomach churning as you rushed off the stage. You had practically thrown yourself into the bathroom, retching over the toilet for a couple of minutes, before sliding down the wall, dizzy and your body aching all over. 
Catching a glimpse of your self in the mirror, you saw how red and patchy your face as well as how swollen your lips had become. The bitter taste of alcohol and vomit coated your mouth, as you just rested your head against the wall, your eyes fluttering close tiredly. 
A gentle knock from the door, alerted you, “it’s occupied right now,” you croaked out, your throat still scratchy and sore. Despite your words, the handle slowly went down, and Spencer poked his head around it, eyes widening as he looked at the state you were in. 
“Y/N! Are you alright?” Kneeling beside you, he placed his hands on either side of your face, feebly you rolled your eyes open. 
“Hey Spence, not really,” you slurred, “I’m really drunk and really sorry,” as nonchalantly as you spoke, your face still scrunched up in his hands, reaching up to pull on his sleeve you spoke again, “like really sorry that I ruined everything, and I’m really sorry I’m in love with you, it’s okay you don’t love me back, really it is.” Eyes beginning to water, Spencer’s own eyes widened once again. 
“Hey, hey it’s ok,” pushing your hair behind your ear with his finger, his tone was soothing and careful as he spoke again. “Let’s get you home, okay?” Although his words weren’t really registering as you just wanted to fall asleep right there and then, you nodded letting your hand fall to the ground as you let go of his sleeve. 
Practically lifting you to your feet, you put your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes once again, as you both walked out of the bathroom. Placing you on a chair, you heard mumbles coming from him and your other co-workers just being able to make out, “…taking her home…” the rest all sounding garbled in your head. Your jacket being placed over your shoulders, you felt hands calmly pushing your arms into the sleeves before moving away. You could also just make out Penelope’s voice near one ear, as well as feeling a small kiss being placed on top of your head, and even with your eyes closed you pulled a tired smile. 
Before you knew it, you were on your couch, the moments from the karaoke place to your house missing from your memories. Opening your eyes once again you smiled at Spencer who was knelt in front of you his voice fading in, “…Y/N hey, here’s a glass of water, take a few sips for me,” his voice was patient and soft as you took a drink, the water cool against your hot throat. “Awesome,” he said as you placed the glass down. 
Blinking a few times, you surveyed your living room, “How’d I get here?” You asked, looking back to him. 
“I drove you, but you have to get some sleep now, can you get your jacket off while I go and find a bowl?” You nodded in reply pushing the jacket from your shoulders and dumping it on the ground. Hearing some clambering, Spencer emerged back bowl in hand, he placed it down by the couch, hoping you’d take initiative if you were going to be sick again. “Okay, lie down on your side, slowly,” he directed, his tone still patient as you shuffled around and lied down, Spencer adjusting the pillow under your head.
“Are you gonna stay?” You mumbled, struggling to keep your eyes open. “Of course,” you heard just as you slowly slipped to sleep. 
As soon as the sun hit your eyes, you groaned, your head pounding violently as you pushed yourself up onto your elbow. Looking down your eyes squinted at the blanket tucked around you, even more when you looked down to the shoes still on your feet. However, you couldn’t help your expression of shock when you looked over to the other couch in your room, Spencer splayed out across it, yet facing you, fast asleep. 
He also still had his shoes on, his jacket placed neatly over the back of the couch. Swinging your legs over the couch, as silently as possible you pulled off your shoes, before tiptoeing over to where he was. Sitting next to him you softly poked his shoulder, “Spencer,” he continued to sleep, “Spence, wake up.”
Finally, his brown eyes fluttered open, slightly bloodshot, purple bags standing out under his eyes. Sitting up, he rubbed at his eyes, smiling warm-heartedly at you, “hey,” he whispered. 
You couldn’t help but smile back, “good morning.”
“Are you feeling better?” He ran a hand through his hair, eyes narrowed as he looked you up and down. 
“My head feels like it’s on fire,” you laughed timidly, pushing your own hair behind your ear, memories of last night slowly pouring in. Gasping you put your head in your hands. “Oh my god,” your eyes darted back up to him, cheeks red, “I am so sorry about last night, I don’t know what I was thinking, just forget anything I said…or did, oh god.” You placed your face back into your hands, too embarrassed to look at him.
This time he took one of your hands away from your face, “no, I’m sorry.” Looking to the ground in thought, “when you told me about how you felt, I didn’t know how to respond, or how to feel,” slowly he rubbed small circles into your hand, as you listened intently, “I never expected you to feel the same, so I tried to push away how I felt about you.” Gradually, your eyes widened, your mouth dry. 
“You feel the same way?” The words came out slowly, like you were still processing them while you spoke. 
Spencer mumbled, “yeah, and I should’ve told you that night, I don’t even know why I didn’t, it was just all so shocking, and then it felt like you were avoiding me, and then I thought it was too late,” he rambled, your expression softening. Without thought you threw yourself into him, wrapping your arms him in an embrace, “I would totally kiss you right now, but even I don’t wanna taste my own mouth right now.” Laughing, he held you tight, pulling back to push your hair behind your ears with both of his hands, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“This’ll do for now.” He mumbled, matching your grin and soft eyes.
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kilyra · 5 years
Using Your Senses
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) One-Shot from prompts
A/N: My amazing friend @suitsofwo3 came up with an incredibly fun idea and was kind enough to send me a bunch of fun stuff to work with. I literally only started letting my work get a bit saucier from time to time because she started me out with “racy bit training wheels” a while ago and I’m so excited to collaborate with her again. Although, I say collaborate, but with this one, like 90% is all her 💗
After Matt agreed to help you brush up on your self-defense stills, you weren’t expecting the evening to take such a...heated turn.
Warnings: Racy, but stops before smut. So be warned you might want to queue up some smut to read after LOL Totally spoiler free. 
If you want to be on my tag list for this or any character just let me know!
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As you stood in the middle of the ring, the lights suddenly blinked out. All you heard was the click of the fluorescent light above as darkness swallowed you.
“Matt? What the f- what happened? I can't see anything.” You were calm, but the confusion was clear in your voice.
Turning in a careful circle, you tried to gather your bearings without losing your footing. Your ears strained as you listened for Matt's voice, any sign that he knew what was happening. But all you could hear was the faint sound of chains on the boxing bag lightly clinking against each other.
Why wasn't he replying? Why couldn't you at least hear him fumbling for the light switch?
Your heart started racing hard in your chest, the thrumming beating loudly in your ears. When you spoke again, it was more nervous sounding than before as your anxiety rose. "Seriously Matt, what's going on?"
A dark chuckle echoed from somewhere in the gym, lifting the hairs along your arms. Turning your head, you couldn't decide where it was coming from.
“Use your other senses, Y/n. What can you hear?” Matt's voice was low and distant.
“Over my own heartbeat? Nothing,” you admitted as you tried to add a light chuckle. It didn't help your racing pulse.
The city seemed to be going crazier than usual and Matt had promised to help you with your form. For about an hour you'd been doing light moves and getting out some aggression with the punch mitts. It was impossible not to get distracted, your eyes lingering a little too long on his lean form, but you kept going. Until he excused himself, promising to be right back.
Willing your eyes to adjust to the blackness, you were blissfully unaware of the boxing ring dipping under the pressure of the new weight. You also missed Matt's feline movements as he joined you and moved around the ring. “Take a deep breath and try to relax. It'll help.”
His voice soothed from somewhere closer, but you still couldn't tell where he was. After you did as he suggested and let out a deep sigh, he continued. “What else can you hear? What can you smell?”
Smell? A new wave of confusion rolled over you as you reached your arms out, trying to feel for anything. You didn't even know which way you're facing, but you were about done with this game.
“Touch?” Matt breathed out his question against your neck as he wrapped his arms around you.
Gasping, you flinched against him, feeling his bare chest pressing against your back as his lips teasingly brushed against your exposed neck. Groaning quietly against your skin, you knew Matt was aware of how fast your heart was racing as your body reacted to his touch. The light scent of sweat radiated off him, clinging to your own body as he held you close against him.
“Matt...” It came out in a whine as your eyes slowly closed. Everything was heightened.
“I love the way you say my name,” he mumbled low against your neck, his lips ghosting against your skin.
Submitting to his grasp, you were acutely aware of his hand slowly tracing its way up your side as his mouth began softly sucking on your neck. Your breath hitched in your throat as you fought the moan that threatened to escape your lips. As if he could sense your struggle, his mouth latched more roughly on your neck, sucking harder and costing you your battle. A whimper broke free, and you were almost certain he was marking you.
Feeling a weakness spreading to your knees, you reached your hand to Matt's head, his hair sliding between your fingers as you nervously awaited his next move. Letting out a sigh, your back relaxed against him as the familiar scratch of his stubble lulled you into a false sense of security. His foot slowly slid, unnoticed, between your feet until you felt it along the inside of your calf.
And you were suddenly on the boxing ring floor, your feet knocked out from under you. “Jesus Christ, Matt! What the hell?”
“Too slow. We're still practising after all.” His voice was looming from somewhere above you. “And watch your language.”
You could hear the smug grin.
Rolling into your hands and knees, you reached ahead of you, feeling for his legs. Grabbing ahold of his ankles, you tried to gather yourself. “Are you serious? When did this turn into a lesson?”
“Since you decided to be a distraction.” As he spoke, he stood firmly, not backing away from your hold.
“Excuse me? All I did was practice what you told me.” Gripping his calves, you pulled your knees under you and inched closer.
His laughter fell on you from above. “Your heartbeat, Y/n. You make it very hard to ignore y-”
Winning a small victory as you slid your hands up to his thick, muscular thighs, you managed to cut his lecture short. Feeling him flex under your fingertips, you smirked in the dark as you slowly danced your fingers higher. But you were too slow.
Silently bringing his fingers under your chin, Matt tilted your head up. “Hands off. This lesson isn't over yet.”
As he delivered his warning, his hand brushed gently over your throat, your pulse throbbing under his clasped fingers. Your breath came out uneven as he longingly brushed his thumb along your lips. “Get up.”
There was no room for argument.
Holding his waist for support as you stood, you were spun around as Matt's mouth found its way to your neck. Grazing his teeth along your skin, you felt his fingers grabbing onto the back of your tank top, toying with it. Your soft groan died in a gasp as he ripped the material in two.
Ignoring your protests, he firmly pushed his hand against your back, bending you forward until you felt the ring's ropes beneath your fingers. A small rush of panic raced through your chest as things grew more serious and less playful.
“What if someone catches us?” Grabbing the ropes, you weakly tried to shake free of his grasp. But it was hard to ignore the burning between your thighs as his mouth continued to claim your neck, his stubble scratching your skin. Successfully drawing a moan from your lips, you felt him smiling against your neck as he continued to hold you down with one hand.
“They won't. I'll hear them before they even know we're here.” His voice slowly grew distant as his hand kept you firmly in place and you felt him shift his position behind you.
Clinging onto the ropes, you gasped as you felt Matt's tongue at the base of your spine. His hot tongue set your skin on fire as he slowly dragged it up along your back. Arching and pushing yourself against him, you couldn't help your small whimper as your heart hammered in your chest.
As you whispered his name loud enough for only him to hear, his hand trailed up the centre of your chest to clasp your throat, squeezing gently as his free hand firmly gripped your hip. He was pressed so tightly against you, you could feel his heart beating rhythmically against your back, joining the pounding of your own. His tongue continued to glide along your skin as he let out a soft chuckle.
“Matt...” Rolling your hips, you could feel his body responding. Softly, he groaned as his mouth reached your ear. Twisting your head, you attempted to kiss him, desperately trying to find his lips. You'd waited long enough.
Easily sensing your movements in the dark, and the way your body called out for his touch, Matt gently squeezed your neck, keeping you in place. His tongue teased its way along your lips, never fully giving in. Heat rushed through you, settling in your core as he continued to torture you.
“You're killing me here, Murdock.” Your lips brushed against his as you complained.
It was effortless how he spun you around in his arms, pushing your back against the ropes. One arm slid around you as the other gently cupped your face, his fingers softly gripping your hair. Sliding a thigh between your already weak knees, Matt smoothly parted your legs, pulling another moan from you as his knee teasingly hit your sweet spot. “I've barely even started.”
Slipping his tongue between your lips, he didn't hold back. But he didn't need to beg for entry as you instantly drew him in, hungry for the taste of him. Breathing into the kiss, his tongue delved inside your mouth as his thigh continued to work between your legs, his knee pushing harder against you. Moaning against his lips, you clung to his lower back, his muscles tensing under your touch as he drew you closer.
"Let me see you." Pleading against his lips, you were desperate to have his soft brown eyes wander across your face. Even though he couldn't truly see you, he somehow always managed to undress you with those eyes.  
Dragging your bottom lip through his teeth, you softly huffed as he pulled away. Your hands fell from his back as he retreated, leaving you in the darkness again.
Just as frustration rose to take the place of arousal, a thought flashed through your mind. Your phone.
Fumbling to find the phone tucked in your shorts' pocket, your fingers flew to turn on the flashlight. As the light streaked across the ring, it revealed Matt on his knees before you, his face illuminated. Wordlessly, you watched as a grin curled its way onto his lips, the light of your phone making his teeth shine a brilliant white as he gazed up at you. Holding your breath, your pulse spiked, and you watched him tilt his head. His tongue trailed along his lips as he seemed to listen to your racing heartbeat, his eyes slowly scanning over you.
“You might want to put that down,” he said in a liquid voice.
You tightened your grip around your phone. “W-what? Why? I-”
As you questioned him, his hands slid their way up the back of your thighs, resting on the small of your bare back. Your questioned died in a stutter and your knees weakened all over again under his touch as he pulled you closer, his lips just inches from your skin.
"Because love..." He trailed off, his fingers grazed along your hips before sliding under the waistband. "You're going to want your hands free."
Without hesitating, he pulled the fabric down, your hips automatically curving towards his mouth as he leaned into you. You saw his tongue dart out to wet his lips and your heart beat faster as you watched him slowly move closer until his mouth finally reached you. Your skin seemed to burn under his touch as his tongue slid past his lips to edge dangerously close to where you wanted it. Where you needed it.
“And besides, that's not one of the senses we're using right now.” Matt tilted his head towards your phone before he easily pulled it from your grasp and turned off the light. Not that you fought him, you were too desperate for his touch. Darkness fell on you as you heard him slide it somewhere in the ring.
Clinging to the ropes behind you for balance, you felt his stubble roughly moving against your flesh as he finished exposing your body, pulling your clothes down to your feet. As you stepped out of everything, he hardly gave you any space. His mouth was so close to your core, you could feel the heat of his breath against your skin. Your hand found its way to his hair as you lightly tugged.
“Just relax, and tell me what you feel,” he said just before you felt his mouth on your navel, his tongue gently lapping at your soft skin, nipping softly at your flesh. A surprised moan escaped before you could control it. You clenched his hair harder.
“Y-your mouth...against me.” It was hard to form words Matt continued to torture you with his tongue.
He let out an amused hum. “Good. See? You're doing great. But, there's only one problem...all this talk about using your senses, and I forgot the most important one.”
Swallowing heavily, it was all you could do to respond as he dragged his tongue lower. “What's that?”
You could feel his lips curl into a smile against your skin. But before you could react or brace yourself, you felt his mouth greedily descent, claiming you.
Taglist:  @foreverfaeries  @flower-two  @getlostinyourparadise   @selfishkiddo  @angelicshinigami  @pansmexualparker   @natsukitakama @jobean12-blog  @fiction-is-the-new-reality @mysteryoflovve  @emilymarie0422
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venactricisfics · 5 years
Malibu Desert
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Mayans Based Story. Adult Content
Master List
My body found the warmth of Bishop and I curled myself into it. At some point, the fire had burned out and the cabin caught a slight chill. He stirred awake feeling my cold feet rub against his leg. 
"You need socks, querida?" He asks with an exaggerated shiver. 
"Nope, " I snuggle closer, "I have you to keep me warm." 
"Your feet are giving me frostbite, " he kisses the top of my head. "Let me get another fire going. Can't have you getting sick." I tremble a little as he lifts the blanket. 
"I like having you all to myself, " I rest my head on my hand as I watch him move around the room. "I don't like sharing." 
"Good, " he stirs the fire, "I'm all yours for the next few days." 
"I thought we were leaving to go home tomorrow, " I respond. 
"Well sort of, " he says then climbs under the covers with me, "I have a surprise for you tomorrow."
"Now you've got me intrigued. What is it?"
I let him roll me to my back, his lips dancing over my neck while his fingers tangle in my hair causing the thought to vanish from my head. He focuses his attention on the pulse in my neck. Licking and sucking the sensitive skin, igniting every cell in my body.  "What was I saying?" I let out a soft moan as his thumb circles my nipple to hardened peek. 
“You weren’t,” he moves back up to my lips, “you were letting me kiss you.”  I smile into the kiss.  Losing myself in it. I wrap my arms around him.  My hands move over the muscles in his shoulders and my legs wrap around his. My fingers squeeze tight as he slides inside me.  Our lips and bodies moved together slowly, passionately.  In perfect sync with one another.  Skin touching so close it was hard to tell when one stopped and the other began.  
He lifts my leg up so he can sink deeper inside me with a groan. His rhythm was slow and deliberate.  He made me feel every inch of him.  My body trembled beneath him as a white light started to shine behind my eyes. My mouth fell open in a silent moan and I squeezed tight around him.  He keeps moving as the ripples of pleasure course through me.  He thrusts once more hard before filling me full.  He kisses me again, still inside me. “God you are beautiful,” he says brushing my hair from my face.  
I feel my cheeks flush, “Stop.” 
“I’m serious,” he tells me with a smile, “that face you make when you cum. I’d take a picture of that if you’d let me.” 
“You’d show your crew that would you?” I ask letting my hands rest on his face. 
“No, that’s a part of you I want all to myself,” he replies as he lays on his back, pulling me to his side.
“Good,” I rest my head on his chest, letting myself get lulled by the beating of his heart. “I don’t want anyone else seeing me like that but you.”
“Get some sleep, querida, we’re heading back to Santo Padre tomorrow,” he kisses the top of my head.
“And my surprise?” I look up at his face.
“Yes,” he kisses my lips, “and your surprise.”  
"We need to get on the road, " Bishop calls down the hall. 
"I'm almost ready, " I apply a layer of lip gloss as I grab my stuff from the bathroom and stuff in my bag. "I thought we were waiting for Hank and Creeper."
"We're meeting Hank in Oakland, " he says taking the bag from me, "Creeper will be here in an hour or so and get your bags to take home. Let's go." 
"Why are you in such a rush?" I quirk a brow as I slide my arms in my leather jacket. Even though it was a warm day, I had to dress for the slide, not just the ride. 
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, "You'll see." Bishop's hand trails down my arm to take mine, leading me out to his bike. 
Forty-five minutes later we pull to a stop outside of the Oakland clubhouse. My face flushed seeing Angel's bike sitting outside. I knew in my gut he would find some way to tease me. Fortunately, I didn't have to face the Reyes brother, Hank met us outside. 
"Good morning, " I give the biker a warm smile, "do you know where we're going?"
"Yes, " he straps his helmet on and swings a long leg over his bike.
"You want to share that information?" I ask.
"Nope, " he gives me a smile in return, "don't worry, cariña, you'll find out soon enough." 
"Your man is unbreakable, " I rest my hands back on Bishop's side as we pull out again. 
"That's why he's my man, " Bishop calls over the roar of the bike. I knew that smirk of his was spread across his lips, even if I couldn't see it. 
Couple hours into the ride I give Bishop’s side a squeeze, “I need to stop.” I call out over the road noise.  
“Gonna stop for gas in fifteen, can you wait?” he calls back.  I nod in response.  We take the San Bernardino exit and pull into a gas station.  
“I’ll have the guy turn the pumps on for you,” I peck his lips quickly before I start toward the door, “Need anything else?” 
“Pack of smokes,” he reaches for his wallet.  
“I got it,” I didn’t give him time to protest before I pull open the door and step through the door with a jingle then say to the clerk behind the counter, “Hey, my guy and his friend are filling up on two and four.  Will you turn on the pump? I’ll be right back,” I point to the ladies’ room sign.   “Sure thing,” the clerk replies.  A few minutes later I step back out of the bathroom feeling so much better, right into a giant. He wasn’t thick like Hank.  He was just a wall of fucking muscle and hair.  “Excuse me,” I try to step by the guy but he steps in front of me to block my path.  He wore a navy vest, under he had a blue long-sleeved t-shirt with Swole Boys scrolled down the arm. 
“Your ole man didn’t give a courtesy call again when riding through our turf. You need to get the fuck out of here,” he barked. 
“Really?” I quirk a brow and push past him, “So you couldn’t take your bullshit grievance up with him outside,” I motion to the doors, “so you waited to jump me when I came out of the bathroom. Your mother must be so proud.” I walk toward the counter, pulling my wallet from my jacket pocket.  His meaty fingers curl around my arm and squeeze tight.  A bell jingles over the door. “Are you sure you want to do that?” I ask.  
“Take your hand off her,” Bishop’s voice unmistakable, “if you want to keep it attached to your fucking body.”  The Swole Boy dropped his hand and took a step closer to Bishop who was shadowed by Hank. He stood a good six inches taller but Bishop still squared off.  I had zero doubt about who would come out ahead so I paid the clerk for gas and cigarettes as I watched the scene take place in the security mirror.  I dropped a couple twenties in the leave a penny take a penny cup by the cash register, for the inconvenience. 
“Make the fucking call next time,” the muscle head backed down seeing that he was outnumbered he pushed out the door.  
“Call Packer, time to put a fucking end to the Swole Boys,” Bishop says to Hank before turning in my direction, “you ok, querida?”
"I'm fine, baby, " I tell him, "what is a Swole Boy?" I quirk a brow, "And why do you need Packer to take care of him?" 
"He is one of about a dozen, " Hank says, "dealt with them before."
"Should we wait for Taza and the others?" I asked walking back to the bikes. 
"They'll meet us at their gym, " Bishop said. "Just need to stash you somewhere."
"I'm not an old joint or some porn magazine you've got to stuff under your mattress, " I respond narrowing my eyes at him. 
"This is club shit, " he says back sternly. "Not up for fucking discussion." I knew there wouldn’t be a debate when he spoke to me like that. As much as I hated it, I knew he was right.  
“There’s a diner,” I point across the lot one direction, “or there’s a mall.” I point across the road,” Where do you want to stash me? Guess you could put me in the bus station locker.” 
“Your closet is full, hermosa,” he pulls me close, “shouldn’t take too long to handle this shit. Then we’ll be on our way.”  My arms slide around his neck and I press my lips to his, “Alright. Let me know you’re ok.” 
"I'll take care of him, " Hank says giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. 
"Prospect will keep you company while I'm gone, " Bishop says as he mounts his bike and straps on his helmet. On queue, EZ rolls up behind him. I put on my helmet and squeeze behind EZ on his single-seater. 
It was a little harder on the ass than Bishop's but we made it across the lot to the small diner. I didn't realize how hungry I was until the smell of burgers on the grill filled my nose. 
"Order whatever you want, " I tell him as we sit down and I flip open the menu, "I got it."
"Don't think so, " he said, "Bishop would crack my jaw if I let you pay for me." 
"I'll handle Bishop, " I reply. "I was supposed to have him to myself for a few more days and well, the Swole Boys happened."
I tapped out after eating my way through a plate of chili fries. I glanced at my phone, nothing from Bishop or any of the other guys. "Have you heard anything?" 
"Nope, " he wiped his mouth and dropped his napkin on the table. "Nothing, yet. Don't worry it hasn't been that long."
"Don't touch it, " I tell him when the waitress sets the check down, "I'll break your hand." I hand her back the check and my card as EZ's phone vibrates. 
"They just left the Reapers, " he says. 
I look at my phone, "I don't have signal in here. I'm gonna step out for a minute."
"Alright, " he slides out of the booth. I didn't ask for an escort but it seemed as though I was getting one. I signed the slip and tuck my card back in my wallet.  Once I step outside my phone chimes with missed text and messages. 
I bring my phone to my ear to listen to Bishop's voice, "I know you're pissed our plans got sidetracked. I'll be back soon to make it up to you. Love you, querida." I smile hearing various voices in the background teasing him about being pussy whipped.  
My smile fades when a hand clamps over my mouth and pulls me back into a wall of muscle. I drop my phone and dig my manicured nails into his forearm. My hips swivel to the side and I lean forward. Every lesson Gilly thought me racing through my mind. I slam my booted heel on his toe as I turn back slamming my elbow into his face. He released me from his grasp to cup his broken nose in his hand. 
I catch my surroundings seeing that EZ had his own attacker in a headlock. 
Swole Boys. 
"Don't you guys take a fucking hint?" I step back and straighten my shirt. The buzz of sports bikes makes me shudder in disgust.  They didn't hold the raw power of a Harley.  I lift my eyes finding a semicircle of blue sports bikes around us. “Shit,” I mutter feeling slightly less confident when surrounded by a dozen muscle-bound guys.  I take a few steps back so that I’m almost shoulder to shoulder with EZ.  Looking to him for an idea on how to get out of this fucking mess. 
“There are a couple of ways we can play this,” EZ says in a bold voice, “A. You can use your deductive reasoning and ascertain that there is no way you can walk away from this scenario unscathed. Or B. You can avoid all logic and cognitive reason and they’ll,” he nods his head behind them, I smile as the roar of Harley’s comes into earshot, “they’ll put an end to your fucking club.” 
Bishop with the Mayans and Packer with his Reaper Crew entered the lot in an impressive force.  They each had a pistol raised aimed at the backs of the heads of each of the Swole Boys. 
“Which one of you touched her?” Surprisingly the question came from Packer and not Bishop.  He chuckles seeing the blood pouring out of one of their noses looking from me back to EZ.  “Which one of you did that?” 
“That one was her,” EZ answered. 
“You got your ass handed to you by an ole lady?” Packer laughed and turns back to Bishop, “We might not’ve been needed, your girl would have taken out the whole lot of ‘em.” 
“I do appreciate the assist,” I respond, “I would hate to crack a nail.” 
Bishop steps between the bikes and tilts my face up looking me over. “Are you hurt, hermosa?”
“I’m fine,” I glance down at my phone on the ground, screen cracked all to hell, “but my phone isn’t.”  I lean my face into his palm, “But I’m getting better now.”
“That the same fucker from the gas station?” he asks looking at the Swole boy now sporting a broken nose and a limp. 
“That’s him,” I respond.  Bishop raises his gun and pulls the trigger, blowing a hole through his hand. 
“All of you, get the fuck out of here,” Packer shouts then directs his voice at the leader of their group, “we will be meeting soon.”
 After a few bro hugs, I find myself seated again on the back of Bishop’s bike. He brings my palm to his lips before letting it rest on his side, “I was worried when you didn’t answer your phone.” 
“I had no signal inside the diner,” I tell him, “I guess I finally have to get a new one.” 
“You needed it, querida,” he responds as the engine of his motorcycle roars back to life. “We’ll get it tomorrow, we have just enough time to get where we’re going.” 
“Where are we going?” I ask loudly. I give his side a squeeze knowing he was ignoring me with a smile stretched across his face.  We road the rest of the way to Santo Padre in the usual formation with the rest of the Mayans.  It was safer that way.  Just in case.  We passed the turnoff toward my house and head out in the desert toward Vicki’s place. Why was going here such a secret?
The Mayans continue toward Vicki’s and Bishop veered down another desert road.  Then through an open gate.  In the center was a large ranch style house.  And that’s where he pulled to a stop. 
“Why are we here?” I ask, taking his hand to climb off the bike. 
“Go inside, take a look,” he responds.  I give him a look then walk up the steps to the door. Surprised to find the door unlocked when I turned the knob.  I step inside the empty house.  The main room was massive.  Southwest style chandeliers hung from the tall ceilings.  I move through the place trying to figure out why we were here.  The trail of flowers starts in the hall. I follow them further inside the house.  It carries me through the door of what must be the master suite.  And the only room with furniture in it. 
A bed.  
In the center was a folded piece of paper.  My eyes water when I read it, “I want you to live here with me.” I turn back to find him standing in the door waiting for my answer. 
“I didn’t buy it, yet,” he said, “I wanted to make sure you liked it first. But I have to let Antonia know in a few days.” 
“The mayor?” I quirk a brow.  He nods.  I knew they had a history.  I hadn’t asked before.  “You sure you want to live together?”
“Sweetheart, we practically do now,” he smiles, “I don’t have enough room in my house for all your shi… your stuff.  And as much as I love your place it’s very you.” He closes the space between us and slides his arms around me, pulling me close,   “This place we can make ours. Or if you hate it we can find something else, I just want to be with you.” 
“Here,” I tell him, “or wherever you are, is where I want to be.”
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4lix · 6 years
restless nights; lee minho
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[listening to] .... babybaby; suran 
Hi bubs, may I request a college au with Minho where the reader works at the coffee shop on campus (saving money because college is expensive af) and Minho having no sleep needs coffee, bus is awakened by the beauty of the reader?
can you do coffee shop minho but he’s like, totally not coffee shop material haha like he’s a dancer or something and school isn’t his thing and hes just really flirty?? if that makes sense????? thank you!!!! <3 
okay so these two were a bit similar
so me and my third eye decided to combine them 
bc coffee au x college au WITH MINHO? bitch its an experience 
so basically as the struggling college student you are who is living off of ramen noodles and the potato chips you found in the back of your cabinet last semester, you decided to get a job
but lets get real who the hell wants to work 
luckily the sweet old lady who owns the cafe down the block from your campus recently decided to go 24 hours
which meant more shifts available 
and meant you could maybe eat something besides ramen noodles and god was that a blessing. 
luckily you had afternoon classes, so working the night shift wasn’t an issue, plus it was only ever just you and a few customers, so the shift was quiet, peaceful, and you could get extra studying in when customers weren’t bothering you. 
for months working there it was peaceful, almost too peaceful, on the verge of being mind-numbingly boring
the only people who ever came in were miserable college students and old men who played bingo in the back 
until a week before finals, a boy who looked like he hasn’t slept in a billion years came stumbling inside, making all types of noise and heavy rap music blasting through his headphones, ruining the previously peaceful atmosphere
he doesn’t look like the type of boy to be in a coffee shop
he had this rugged look about him, hair an absolute mess and shoved inside of a beanie messily, his clothing a bit oversized and hanging off his body, and an adidas duffel bag alongside his backpack hanging off his shoulders 
probably an athlete of some sort 
he was your only customer you had all night 
the boy clearly lacked sleep, after he threw all his shit on a random table in the corner of the cafe, he stumbled over towards the counter eyes lazily meeting yours
as cliche as it is, the moment his eyes landed on your face, it’s like a surge of energy ran through his body 
he immediately straightened his figure, clearing his throat before trying to smile nicely, his previously pale face warming up to a shade of pretty pink
“h-hi..” he mutters nervously, and you greet him nicely with what you’ve been trained to say to everyone that walks in.
“hello! what can i get for you tonight? we’re doing a promotion for our night owls, free refills on all lattes after midnight!” you say with a bright smile and you swear you see him melt right then and there before he shakes his head and lets out of small laugh
“honestly, i don’t even really like coffee.” he admits and you turn your head in a bit of confusion
“so what exactly are you doing at a coffee shop?” you ask amusedly, and the boy with eye bags deeper than oceans looks up to meet eyes with you and maybe it was you melted that this time
he was... cute, dare you say the cutest boy you’ve ever seen, although you know most people wouldn’t consider this look he was sporting to be too attractive... i mean the boy had a hole in his shirt and his hair looks like it hasn’t been brushed in days
“well there’s one thing i hate more than coffee.” he says simply, taking off his beanie briefly and running his fingers through his hair 
and just fuck it killed you 
“it’s getting kicked off the dance team because i’m failing organic chemistry. also now that i’m here, a pretty face like yours is definitely a reason to stick around” he says with a wink. 
god where the hell did this boy come from 
it was ass o clock and he clearly hadn’t slept in what looked like days but the flirtatious parts of his brain were working harder than the u.s marines.  
you stammered on your next words, cheeks dusting a slight pink, “u-uh-””
“i just need something that will wake me up, i have a quiz at noon tomorrow and i haven’t studied at all, whip me up something real good yeah?”
in with that he drops a bill on the table, saying a quick keep the change babe before he winks one last time, turns around and heads back to his seat
well its safe to say your kidney imploded 
why was he so ridiculously attractive? 
you couldn’t even move for a few moments after he walked away, and you swore you heard chuckles coming from his corner of the cafe, the little shit was amused by it all wasn’t he?
shaking your head, you start queueing up an order for your favorite latte on the menu with the most amount of caffeine possible. the boy looked dead, he’d need lots of it.
how exactly were you going to even give the boy his damn drink
even pushing the buttons for placing his order had your face burning red 
nonetheless you make the drink to the best of your ability, never bothering to care about measurements but fuck when its a customer that beautiful? suddenly you love your job, call you the world’s finest barista. 
while the coffee brewed, you couldn’t help but gaze dazedly at the boy across the room. 
he came here to study but it looked like he was already knocked out cold, head resting in his arms, his face completely exposed and you just abashedly admired his charms and beauty from afar. 
when the drink was finally done, you almost didn’t want to move his figure, but if the mountain of papers next to his body was anything to go by, he needed to be up and working.
you nudge him slightly, “white chocolate mocha with five shots of espresso.” you state simply, proud of yourself for not stuttering
his eyes slowly open, falling onto you and the cup in your hands 
he smiles kindly at you, thanking you before taking the drink out of your hands 
“let me know if you like it, if there’s any changes you want made I can fix it no problem!” thank goodness for all the training and practice you’ve had saying your directed lines, if it wasn’t for the training you’d probably be stumbling over every syllable. 
he takes a sip, and instantly his eyes widen.
“woah, i don’t even like coffee, but this is fucking amazing.” he compliments and you smile at him gratefully before taking your leave back behind the counter
the rest of the night is slow, just the sound of the boy typing away at his computer and the occasional turn of a page as you try to cram through reading a literature essay. 
you look up, it’s the boy again, a mischiveous smile on his face 
“could i get that refill?” he asks but there’s a lilt to his voice, something that makes you feel like he’s onto something, but you just nod regardless, turning around and whipping it up for him
he takes it thankfully and winks again
you go back to your essay 
fifteen minutes pass, and you hear footsteps walking towards the front counter again
“refill?” he says with a grin and you tilt your head slightly, “i just gave you one?” 
“i already finished it, it’s free refills after midnight right?” 
“well yeah but-”
“okay so i’d like a refill on my white chocolate mocha latte with five shots of espresso.” he says with a stupid grin and you find yourself getting slightly annoyed with the boy and his antics but nonetheless you turn around and prepare another drink for him
this goes on for another hour
you’ve made him like eight drinks
and god knows how he hasn’t exploded from all the liquid in his system
it isn’t until 4am, just an hour before your shift ends that the boy finally rises out of his seat, nine drinks later, stretching 
he begins packing up his stuff and you can’t tell if you’re relieved or kind of upset that he’s leaving. 
he stops by the counter one last time before he goes, sliding a paper your way 
“y’know i ordered all those drinks in hopes that you’d write your number down on one of them, but, seems like you didn’t get my drama reference.” that dumb smirk is back on his face and your face is burning up again, a laugh slipping past your lips
“instead of abusing me at work like this, you could’ve just asked for my number, you know that right? i went through like a pound of coffee beans and a carton of creamer because of you.” 
“and to think every cup was delicious to the last drop... you need a raise, really.” he slides a piece of paper toward you, “text me and maybe i can make you coffee next time?”
“you dont even like coffee, do you even know how to make it?” 
“i’ll learn.” 
“just for me? wow what a charmer you are.” 
“i get that a lot.” he winks 
“is your eye okay? you’ve winked like fifty times tonight.” you tease
“technically it’s morning.”
“technically you’re irritating.” 
he chuckles at your sassiness.
“you’re cute. ... y/n?” he reads your nametag 
“hate to say it but you’re kind of cute too.....” you hesitate for a moment, realizing you dont know his name
“minho, lee minho, i gotta get going, but text me, or else i’m coming back here tomorrow and i’m gonna order a hundred cups this time.” 
“i’m going to ban you from ever coming back to this cafe.”
“you’d never.”
“what makes you so sure of that?”
“well, if you did, who would you stare at all night if i wasn’t here?” for fucks sake he winks again and even makes a kissy face before throwing his backpack over his shoulder
“text me!” is all he shouts before leaving and you cup your face trying to calm the heat in your cheeks
you do text him, in fact you talk for hours, but he still decides to come to bother you for another night and it seemingly never ends as minho becomes a regular at the cafe.
you aren’t complaining though, the night shift isn’t so lonely with him here. 
let’s talk! („ᵕᴗᵕ„) [cc] https://curiouscat.me/chansmaid
[twitter] https://twitter.com/9lovelys
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duskholland · 7 years
Leather Jackets Belong At Prom (badboy!Michael)
Summary: After convincing your boyfriend to attend prom with you, you spend a special night together
Word count: 1.4k (I still can’t manage blurbs lmao I’m really sorry!)
A/N: Listen. I know. It’s been months. I’m sorry for going MIA, but on the bright side, there was so much pent-up 5sos in my system that I had to channel it out somehow… (Michael + leather jackets fucking end me)
For @into-the-drummer94 ‘s badboy!5sos blurb week! :)
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there weren’t any good gifs of him by himself so let’s just roll w this one lmao
“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Michael grumbled, eyebrows pulled together. He pulled at the bottom of his tie, a small pout settling on his pink lips. When you let out a short laugh, he glanced up to glare at you. “I’m serious! It’s gonna destroy my image!”
Rolling your eyes at your ridiculous boyfriend, you reached across to pat his shoulder. “No one’s going to think any differently of you,” you consoled, “it’s cute, anyway.”
“Cute,” Michael repeated, tongue curling around the word distastefully. You watched through amused eyes as he reached down to grab his leather jacket from a chair. You opened your mouth to point out that that specific item of clothing wouldn’t match the rest of his formal attire when he interrupted you, “I’m sorry, Y/N. I know prom means a lot to you but I can’t do this without my jacket. Please, let me bring my jacket.”
You smiled, giving in without a fight. He’d already compromised far more than you’d expected. “Of course you can bring it, babe. But hurry up, we’re going to be late.”
When you’d broached the subject of taking Michael, your boyfriend of a year, to prom with you, you’d been pleasantly surprised at how willingly he’d agreed. Michael had never been into those kinds of things, tending to pick to spend his time with his motorbike and friends than hanging out with the rest of your classmates. For one night, however, he’d traded the studs and the piercings for a shirt and tie. You were surprised at how well he’d scrubbed up, actually. He’d really made an effort.
“Okay,” he agreed, grabbing the jacket and tossing it over his arm. You held out your hand, humming contently when he took it and gave your fingers a soft squeeze.
You lived just down the street from your school, meaning it was just a short walk away. In the dim evening light, you found your eyes tracing the purple skyline as you ambled along, head resting on Michael’s shoulder. He kept up a pretty constant commentary, updating you on the upgrades he was installing on his bike. You nodded along, although if you were being honest, you were focused more on the warmth of his arm than his words.
When you arrived at your school’s gym hall, you felt him tense. “Hey,” you mumbled, pulling back. You reached up to link your arm around his, raising your eyebrows at him. “Are you okay?”
Michael nodded, letting out a short gulp. “Yeah,” he muttered, eyes darting around the room. You were in the queue for the hall and there were a lot of people around you. “I can hear all of them talking, though.”
You narrowed your eyes, nudging his side. “Since when does Michael Clifford, resident bad boy, give a shit about anything they have to say?”
He let out a short laugh. “I don’t. It’s just weird, is all. They’re normally running away from me.”
Now, Michael wasn’t mean. He wasn’t a bully - quite the opposite; he had one of the biggest hearts you knew. However, he had a group of rougher friends and tended to hang out at the edge of the crowd. His fashion sense included heavy jackets, black jeans and an assortment of scattered piercings. This had led to him gaining the title of your school’s resident bad boy, something he felt rather impassively about. He was okay with people assuming he was rougher than he was: the people that mattered to him knew who he was beneath his tough exterior. 
“Own it,” you said. “Forget what they’re saying. They wish they were as cool as you.”
You handed your tickets over to one of the dance committee, sweeping into the hall with Michael a moment later. When you were inside, you heard a low wolf-whistle.
“Oi, Mikey!” At the sound of Michael’s best friend, Luke, your boyfriend turned around. “You cleaned up well!”
Michael loosened his grip on your arm, moving to bring Luke into a bro hug. You watched the exchange before making eye contact with Luke’s girlfriend, Trish, to share a flitting look of amusement. “I could say the same to you,” Michael admitted, giving Luke the once over. Luke had also been coerced into attending prom and he’d cleaned up in a similar way to Michael.
“Hi, Y/N,” Luke added, before returning his attention to Michael. 
Before you could listen to the rest of his sentence, Trish was walking up to you. “Do you want to go get drinks? I think they might be a while.” You nodded, agreeing. You pressed a quick kiss to Michael’s cheek before walking off with your friend, navigating your way to the punch line.
As you waited in the line, you found yourself sighing contently. “You alright?” Trish asked, smiling at you.
“Yeah. I just can’t believe I actually got him here. It’s been my dream to come to prom with Michael for the longest time, but I never thought he’d actually agree to it,” you admitted. Trish nodded, humming as if she was in a similar situation. 
“He’s a good guy, Y/N.” You nodded. That was definitely true. You didn’t know anyone that’d put themselves out of their comfort zone so much for you.
Michael and Luke found you a while later. After losing Trish and Luke to the dancefloor, you found yourself leaning up against a wall, Michael looming in front of you. He had one of his hands pressed on a spot just to the side of your head, the other holding his cup of punch. A loose smile was scrawled across his face.
“You look beautiful tonight, Y/N,” he muttered, green eyes skating your face. “Absolutely breathtaking.”
You felt your cheeks warm. “Shut up, Mikey,” you mumbled. “Your flattery will get you nowhere. We’re at a school function.”
It was time for Michael to blush, the apples of his cheeks burning a deep red. “I-I wasn’t trying to- I was just-” he broke off, catching his breath. “I wasn’t trying to get anything, princess.” The hand on the wall wandered across, his slender fingers toying with a few strands of your hair. “I just wanted to compliment you.”
You bit your bottom lip, heart fluttering. “Well, thank you.”
You got the impression Michael was going to say something more, but both of you were distracted by a loud laugh to your side. A group of popular kids were staring at you both, one of them pointing at Michael’s discarded leather jacket. Anger flared through your chest. You were over people judging Michael for his fashion sense, or his hobbies, or his friends. He could be whoever the hell he wanted to be.
“Put it on,” you said, voice hard. When he raised a pierced eyebrow, you pointed at the jacket. It was slung over the back of a chair. “We’re going to go and dance.”
Making very deliberate eye contact with the kids that’d laughed, you waited for Michael to slip into his jacket. They all looked sheepish, clearly mortified at having been caught.
“There we go,” you heard him murmur. You turned around, face splitting into a smile. Although it didn’t exactly match his crisp shirt or ironed tie, Michael looked infinitely better with the jacket; more like Michael and less like a stereotyped teenage clone. “Do I look good?” He asked, tongue slipping from his mouth to moisten his lips as he did a twirl. You let out a small chuckle, nodding enthusiastically.
Taking his hand, you began to make your way to the dancefloor. “Amazing.”
You rested your hands on his shoulders, his hands going to hold your waist as you slowly swayed to the music that flooded the hall. You could feel the gazes of your peers burning holes in your back, but at this point, you were beyond caring.
“They don’t think I belong here,” you heard him murmur. He didn’t sound upset, just a little miffed.
“They’re wrong,” you responded. “You belong wherever you want to belong. It’s not up to them what you do with your life.” Michael smiled, a sincerity shining in his eyes.
The music slowed down further, causing you to step towards him. Michael’s arms went to wrap around your waist, bringing you closer. You rested your head on his jacket, breathing in the familiar scent of smoky cologne. Your eyelids fluttered shut, the entire moment so special you found yourself on the verge of growing emotional.
As his fingers traced over your waist, you heard him mutter a few final words into your ears.
“I’m really glad I could share this with you,” he whispered, lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
Blinking rather quickly, you hummed in agreement. “Me too, Mikey. Me too.”
any feedback? I would love to hear any thoughts you have on this!
taglist ↠ see this post to be added :D
@behind-my-hazeleyes27 @swooncalumswoon
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jabbajambler · 4 years
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x f!OC
Word Count: 2,207
*GIF by @pixelahsoka​*
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         The Razor Crest drifted through space like a canoe on a river, bouncing every once in a while, but floating across gentle waves to its destination. Everyone inside was fast asleep, happy to finally obtain a few blissful moments of sleep before they arrived on Trask.
        Myrah twitched in her sleep, surprisingly not waking the child in her lap. Her foot kicked and her hand clenched into a fist. Her eyes seemed to move in a panic despite them being closed, trying to bring herself out of her slumber to no avail.
         A soft beeping woke Din, a warning that their rest was quickly coming to an end. The large, blue, ocean-covered planet faced them. Its clouds swirled and danced about the planet's surface, making it appear more enticing than it truly was.
         "Myrah," the Mandalorian whispered and turned to face his restless passenger. The child opened his wide brown eyes and watched as Myrah whimpered and tried to pull her arms up as though they were tied down to the armrests. "Myrah," he tried again, trying to shake her leg, "wake up, we're here."
        She continued to struggle against herself, nearly crying out in what Din could only detect as pain until he stood and grabbed her by the shoulders to shake her again. Her eyes shot open, her hands immediately grasping his arms as she struggled to catch her breath.
         "What was that?" he whispered and pulled back his arms, letting her hands fall to her sides.
           "I-" she started, looking around the small cockpit. Her face morphed into confusion as her eyebrows stitched together and her lips pulled down into a frown. "I don't know. I don't remember."
       Din nodded, "looked like a nightmare. You still have those?" Myrah scoffed and tried to turn her head away to hide the sad look that had taken over. "We all get them," he sighed and lowered himself back in his seat.
       "Well," he spoke up again as the frog lady started to wake, "looks like we made it. Get ready for landing." His hand landed against the panel as it failed to respond. "Dank ferrik," he snapped, "the landing array isn't responding. Without the guidance system, it'll be a manual re-entry."
         "Great," Myrah groaned and tossed her head back in her seat.
         Din sighed and readied the ship, "once we get through the atmosphere, there should be enough fuel to slow down. If we don't burn to a crisp," he whispered the last part under his breath.
         The Razor Crest started to fall down towards the planet, beginning to catch fire as it neared the atmosphere. Bright red lights filled the cockpit and the alarm that started to blare was quickly silenced with the flick of a switch.
         "Myrah, come up here. I need your hands," Din grunted as he struggled to pull back the ship's steering. Myrah quickly jumped from her seat, holding the top of his chair as she maneuvered her way to his side. "This lever needs to stay back. Can you do that?" his gaze remained on her until she gave a small nod.
         Myrah grasped the lever and kept it pulled back with some ease thanks to the Force maintaining her balance, but it wasn't easy. Everything in the ship was fighting against them, as though it wanted them to crash into the planet.
         "Keep it steady," Din's voice came out strained, "here we go."
         The ship continued to free-fall as the landing pad came into view. They were still moving much too fast. The sound of the radio sliced through the tense air with a nervous voice speaking, "Razor Crest, this is Trask flight control. Please reduce your speed to port protocol"
         "I'm trying my best here," he bit back, "engage reverse thrusters. Brace!" he shouted as he pushed another lever forward to descend the ship's landing gear.
         "Din, be careful," Myrah's voice was timid as she gripped his chair and let go of the lever once it was no longer needed.
         He groaned and shook his head,"I'm gonna need you to sit down and keep your mouth shut, Princess. Got it? Now hold on."
        Myrah managed to fall back into her seat while holding the child close to her chest. The woman through the radio spoke again, "Razor Crest, do you copy? You have to reduce speed."
         Din mumbled to himself, "almost there," repeatedly while the others held on for dear life.
        "Razor Crest, you are coming in too fast, you have to re-"
         Din switched off the radio, cutting off the lady while the ship slowed, inching closer to the pad. They were home free - almost.
        "Here we go," Din's relieved voice spoke, "nice and easy."
        As if on queue, the thruster sputtered out and forced the ship on an angle. It tilted, hovering in the air and soon hurling itself into the vast ocean. The three let out a short scream as water leaked into the cockpit. It didn't fill much higher than their ankles before it was pulled up and roughly hauled back onto the platform.
         "You have got to be kidding me," Myrah hissed and pulled a small piece of seaweed off her foot. "We could have died!"
         Din huffed, "you think I wanted to knock us into the water?" He stood and spun around to face her as she jumped from her seat.
       "Maker, you're so reckless!" she shouted and waved her hand in front of the doors, sliding them open with little effort through the Force. "How you're still alive is beyond me."
         "Oh, I'm reckless?" Din snapped as he and the frog lady followed Myrah out of the ship. "What about that time where you ran out in the middle of the war zone to play hero?"
         "Please," she shook her head, "Sorgan? You're comparing this to that army of idiots and their robot?"
         They continued to bicker as they left the ship. The frog lady and the child, floating behind in its pod, followed, watching the two argue until they came to face a purple Mon Calamari in a blue, cable knit sweater.
         "So," the alien interrupted the two, "how can I help you?"
         Din grumbled and glared at Myrah behind his visor, "this isn't over." He turned his attention back to the dock worker with a slightly apologetic tone, "can you fix it?"
         "Fix it?" they laughed, "nah. But I can make it fly."
        "Do what you can," he sighed and placed the currency on the small board the worker held.
         "I'll fuel it up. If it still holds fuel," they looked anxiously at the ruined ship while they walked away.
        The frog lady croaked as she wandered around and searched for her husband. They seemed to explore the entire dock, both Din and Myrah continuing to argue as she looked. She shouted desperately, her eyes sinking as all seemed lost.
         At last, another croak floated across the dock, reaching the lady's ears. Her face lit up as she saw her teal counterpart. She ran towards him, squealing with joy. It had been so long since she'd last seen her husband and now they would never have to be apart again.
         He pulled her into a tight embrace, squeezing her like he would never let go again. Din and Myrah stopped to watch them and suddenly all the petty arguments were gone. Instead, a smile graced their faces at the sight of the happy couple.
         Din's stomach dropped as he looked in awe at the frog pair. "I'm sorry," he spoke in a hushed voice.
         Myrah shook her head and swiftly turned to face the Mandalorian, "no, Din, listen. I'm-"
         "Will you ever let me finish?" he interrupted. "I'm sorry. I didn't think this trip would end up like this and I'm sorry I've put you through all of it. I'm glad you're here."
         Myrah tried not to smile, her teeth pulling back her lip as she struggled to disguise the grin on her face. "I am too. If I'm going to have so many near death experiences, I'm just happy you're there."
       Din nodded and glanced back at the frog people. "That's nice, isn't it? What they have?"
       "I can think of better situations," Myrah bumped her hip against his and started walking towards the couple as they peered into their bucket of eggs.
         He took a sharp breath as he watched her walk away. His hand ached to reach for her, but he held it back. There was no one else quite like Myrah and he didn't want to risk losing her ever again. If that meant he had to hold back for a little bit, then he would do it. He would do anything for her.
         The green frog man croaked gratefully and shook Din's hand with a wide smile. "You're welcome," he responded as he was pulled from his thoughts, "I was told you could lead me to others of my kind." The man nodded and pointed towards a worn-down building. "The Inn? Over there?"
        Myrah sighed as she took in the sight of the building with its sinking roof. "We've been to worse," she shrugged and followed the frog couple, but something felt off.
        Din felt it too; the strange shift in the air. They both turned to scan the area, but whatever it was, it was gone. The pair of eyes that watched them disappeared amongst the crowd of people.
         The doors to the Inn slid open to welcome them, allowing them inside the dimly lit room. It was full of all different sorts of people, each minding their own business as they sat with their stew. The frog man croaked and waved at one of the servers then gestured around the area. Din nodded and looked between the pair and spoke a kind, genuine, "thank you."
         "Yes," Myrah agreed, "thank you." She followed behind the Mandalorian, placing her hand appreciatively on the frog lady's shoulder before she fully entered the building. "Good luck with your family."
         An inviting, red Mon Calamari alien looked at the two and pointed towards one of the few empty tables. "Have a seat over there," he spoke and followed them to their table as they settled into their seats. "What can I get you?"
       "Nothing for me," Din looked to Myrah as she shook her head, "a bowl of chowder for my friend."
        "These seats are scarce, buddy," the alien spoke sternly, "everyone seated needs to eat."
        "I can buy something else," he interrupted and tossed a few Mon Calamari credits on the table, "information."
          The alien slid the credits into his palm, staring over them as he tried to decide if it was enough to let them stay. Myrah watched him as he looked over the currency, her eyebrows coming together in equal contemplation.
         "We need to find others that look like him," she nodded towards Din and crossed her arms on the table. "You know of any?"
       He pulled down a hose that dropped the stew in front of the child's bowl, "others with beskar have been through here," he explained in a low tone.
         "Who can take me to them?" Din asked quickly.
         "I know someone who might help," the alien hummed before leaving the table.
         Myrah leaned towards Din, her eyes never leaving the Mon Calamari as he approached another table. "Do you think we should trust them? Maybe we should just search on our own. Who knows, they may find us instead and we don't even need a third party."
        "You're nervous," he whispered with a chuckle.
        "I'm not nervous. I just think there are better ways to handle this," she grumbled. "You can't tell me you don't get a bad vibe from this."
         The child let out a squeal as a small creature jumped from the bowl and stuck to his face. Din sighed, "don't play with your food," he scolded with a gentle tone and poked the creature's leg with his knife, forcing it to slide back into the bowl.
         An orange Quarren sat across from the trio and hummed. His face was downturned and villainous, accompanied by a deep, threatening voice. "You seek others of your kind?" he asked, his facial tentacles moving as he spoke.
        Din nodded, "have you seen them?"
        "Aye," the squid-like alien assured him, "I can bring you to them."
        "Where?" Myrah quickly snapped.
        The Quarren shushed her and chuckled mockingly at her question. "Only a three hours' sail. It'll cost you though. Come find me over there when you're ready to leave," he nodded towards his group of friends, soon joining them in a quiet conversation.
       "I don't like this," Myrah sighed and rubbed a hand down her face.
        "Me neither," Din looked over at her disgruntled expression, "but we don't have a choice. The sooner we leave, the better."
        He stood before Myrah could answer, strutting over towards the alien's table. Myrah groaned and looked over at the child as he ate, seemingly unaware of the goings-on around him.
       "Your dad is a mess, kid. He better hope this doesn't end badly."
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deathavoided · 4 years
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frozcnlight said ✎ { Prompt generator ask meme }
Dazai : I’ve been hiding who I am for a long time. Trust me, you get used to it.
Starter Prompts Status: Accepting
Dazai was a mystery, no one could crack him. That was exactly how he liked it. He didn't need anyone learning things about him that were better forgotten. Yet, here was a part of his past that seemed to have come to surface. Miran Lee. She was his childhood friend, that wasn't just something one forgot. Even if said person tried to claim amnesia just to get out of telling anyone about his past. It wasn't those moments he shared with Miran that he wanted to forget. He wanted to forget his darker past, his family. One would wish to do that when their family was simply put a piece of shit.
He had just happened upon Miran when the Agency had taken him to the hotel which she seemed to run. His brown eyes had easily pinpointed her, his mind going through things to say to pick her up or try to rope her into committing a double suicide with her , when she said her name. So he had hung around , long after the investigation was done. He needed to settle things, he needed to make sure Miran couldn't be used to get to him somehow. "Don't be alarmed" he spoke as he grasped her hand, softly, and pulled her into the nearest place he could. A meeting hall, smaller but it would do. He locked the door and let go of her hand.
"Miran, we need to have a talk. I've been hiding who I am for a long time. Trust me, you get used to it. Though you're the only one who could perhaps be used against me and I can't have that. So time to come clean..." he took in a breath. His body stayed in front of the door, his arms resting at his side. Teeth going to lightly bite his bottom lip. He despised this name so much, but it had to be said. "We have met before. This isn't the first time we have met, Mimi. I know this is weird and I know years have passed... but the name I was born with and ya would know me with was Shuji Tsushima."
It was odd how his words tumbled out, how his mask seem to fall just for a minute as he spoke. Not to mention how he had ended up calling Miran by his childhood nickname for her. This was odd even for him. He had in a way taken the girl hostage , as he wasn't going to let her out of this room until they had their little talk. He grasped her hands , brown eyes meeting blue. "I know it is weird, but Miran I can't just let ya stay in the dark. Not about this. Ya simply can't let anyone know though!" He had been disowned, yet he feared his family. This was the real Dazai behind the mask , a simple dysfunctional mess of a person. 
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unsteadyheathens · 4 years
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@diverse-hearts​ said:
“He’s got to go, Yuan. I know you don’t like it, I don’t either...but what choice have we got?” - Shirase
She had a bad feeling before she even saw him. She had a bad feeling just because Chuuya had disappeared on them and didn’t come back to the hideout. She had a bad feeling when some of their friends had gotten captured by the enemy. Now she had a bad feeling when Shirase had wished to talk to her alone. They were friends and she did have a sense of caring towards him that existed towards only one other. Chuuya. Though without Chuuya here, she ended up clinging to Shirase more. Was she becoming too dependent? Though they had seen him, with that Port Mafia bastard. 
Head shook madly when she heard Shirase’s words. “Shirase, n....no we can’t. We can’t just force him out after everything. Surely there is another way. Maybe we can just l...listen to what he has to say.” She was standing slightly in front of Shirase but now she went to boldly grab his hands. Blue-violet eyes looking into silvery gray. “Please... I’m sure Chu would never betray us like that.” Some might say her feelings of love towards Chuuya was blinding her in that moment, but she couldn’t help it. The first moment she got to talk to Chuuya when they first met, she clung to him.
“If you don’t like it... then let’s not do anything. Please Shirase... I’m sure he is just being hurt... I don’t want to leave Chu out like that. Yes, I know what we saw,,, b...but please let’s not do anything rash.” She was begging and slight tears were beginning to brim in her eyes threatening to fall. “I do have a bad feeling. I do. Though I don’t want our family to fight.... Chu is part of our family.” It truly did show that she was the younger of the two, even if just by a year. She had been alone until she found Sheep. They were her family and Chuuya was one of them, they couldn’t just forsake him. 
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imagine--drv3 · 7 years
May I ask for the boys hearing their s/o singing for the first time? Thank you, and I'm sorry if this has been done before lol
I was so excited to do this request, it’s adorable!!
Korekiyo Shinguuji
Shinguuji’s discovery of your talents was a hugely cliche situation. But, since you were the kind of person to keep your voice to yourself, it was unlikely to happen any other way...
You were taking a shower and happened to forget Shinguuji was in the next room. So, of course, you let loose.
Shinguuji had never heard your singing before, and at first, he thought it wasn’t even you. Edging closer to the bathroom door, he leaned in and started theorizing.
Perhaps you had bought a new speaker? Were you listening to some a capella youtube cover?
But no, it... seemed to be your voice.
Shinguuji was the kind of person to take new information in stride. There were hardly ever moments where he felt taken aback. 
And yet, standing in front of the bathroom door that day, he was genuinely surprised.
Since when did you have such an operatic voice??
He couldn’t help but listen until your voice faded and the water trickling down the drain ebbed away.
Then, he calmly raised his hands and started clapping.
Your surprised squeak only encouraged him. He stood there, clapping for you, until you hesitantly opened the door.
“Human beings sure are wonderful,” he sighed, looking at you fondly. “Some more so than others.”
Rantarou Amami
As Rantarou waited for your return, he balled his wet rag up and heaved a deep sigh.
He was too sick to leave his bed, and worse, he couldn’t sleep a wink. He felt completely tired out; his burning throat and woozy head were all he could focus on. Groaning weakly, he pushed the rag back onto his forehead and tried to clear his mind.
You must have heard his groan; the door creaked open quietly, and Rantarou could see you peering into the room. He grinned at you, but to you, it seemed more like a grimace.
“Can’t sleep?” You asked him, sitting at the edge of his bed.
“No.” Rantarou feebly reached for your hand, seeking comfort. You took it and ran your thumb over his skin, hoping to soothe him somewhat. This time, his smile seemed more peaceful and genuine.
After a few moments of sitting in silence, you had an idea. You cleared your throat and tried to pick something lovely...
“Lullaby, and good night, in the skies stars are bright...”
Rantarou’s eyes flew open as his entire face lit up. This was the first time he’d heard you sing... and you had such a pretty voice
You continued your lullaby, letting go of his hand to stroke his hair instead. His breathing gradually slowed... soon enough, he completely relaxed into the pillows, a content smile lingering on his face.
You stayed by his side until sleep overtook you, too.
Kokichi Ouma
“Hey hey, let’s go check that out!!” Ouma exclaimed, pointing at a karaoke bar that had just opened on your street.
“We can’t go everywhere you decide to go on a whim, you know,” you said, but he was already long gone, pulling you towards the building with the focused determination of a dog going after a treat.
So, you gave up and followed him inside. You were used to following him into unplanned excursions, anyway.
“What shall we sing?!” Ouma flipped through the choices rapidly. “Can you hit high notes or low ones? We have to sing something they won’t expect. Let’s try for that one American song, the one people compare to the ogre!”
“No.” You said firmly. “Please, anything but that.”
“Aaaaaaanything?” he repeated, batting his eyelashes.
"...I already know what song you want me to do, so let’s just get this over with.”
“Hah!” Ouma pumps his fist in the air and pushes you towards the DJ. “Go, make me proud!”
“Wait, you’re not coming with me??” You turned back, but he was already gone.
So, rolling your eyes, you went through the queue and found yourself at the edge of the stage. Ouma stared up at you with practical stars in his eyes. Knowing him, he was probably actually hoping you’d fall on your face or something.
Oh, well. You decided to make the best of it, since he was having so much fun.
“Yo listen up, here’s a story. About a little guy who lives in a blue world...”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Ouma’s jaw drop, and you knew why. You actually sounded really good.
Winking at him, you played into the atmosphere, dramatically posing and dancing along to the song. “Blue his house, with a blue little window and a blue corvette...”
Ouma cheered you on for the rest of the song, bouncing up and down with glee. You finished with a flourish of your wrist, grinning down at your boyfriend with satisfaction. For once, you’d managed to surprise him.
As soon as you were off the stage, he flung himself into your arms. “That’s it. We’re perfect for each other. I’m never letting you go.”
He didn’t even try to pretend he was lying.
Shuuichi Saihara
Saihara already knew you could play the piano. It was one of his favorite things to listen to.
You weren’t perfect; you were never a child prodigy, you had to work hard with your playing. Even so, listening to you practice made him happy. You were so determined to keep going until you had mastered each piece that you would play it over and over, never giving up!
But he didn’t know that you also had a talent for singing until he heard you accompanying the piano with your voice
He had been in the next room over, absentmindedly flipping through an old book, when your voice floated through the quiet house.
“What can I share... with... you? To show my love... is... true?”
He knew your voice was lovely, but your singing was something else. Without even thinking about it, he stood and followed the sound to the next room...
“To show my love... is... true?”
Seemingly caressing the keys, your eyes remained closed as you poured over the piano, rocking in time to the music. The memory of the melody was imprinted into your fingertips... you knew exactly where to play without needing to see the keys. Saihara was enraptured; he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“Love’s all we need... to... share...”
Your voice was sweet, but firm; each note seemed to dance and shimmer over your heads.
“To show how much... we... care,” you finished.
Slowly opening your eyes, you were surprised to find Saihara standing in the doorway, tears spilling down his cheeks.
He would never forget the first time he heard you sing. Never.
Kaito Momota
"Happy biiiiirthdaaaaay toooo yooooou..! Happy biiiirthdaaaay toooooooooo you...!”
Momota played along with you, grinning and rocking back and forth while you waved a cupcake in front of his face.
“Haaaaaappy biiiiiiiiiirthdaaaaaay deeeeeeaaaar Moooomotaaaaaaaa...!”
He pretended to lunge for the treat, and you responded by caking his nose with icing.
Dissolving into giggles at his shocked, sugary face, you somehow managed to finish the last verse.
“Haaappy biiiirthdaaaay tooooo yoooooooouuuu...!”
“I can’t believe I played right into your hands...!” Momota hung his head, pouting over-dramatically. You kept giggling, and the corner of his mouth twitched upwards.
“Didn’t I tell you I would give you something sweet?” You teased him.
“Yeah, but I was thinking you would give it to me instead of smearing it over my nose.” He complained. You only shrugged, smiling ‘innocently’.
“Let’s back up for a moment, though,” he grabbed your wrist, his eyes shining with excitement. “I didn’t know you could sing..!”
“Can’t everyone?” You replied.
“Baaaaaaaabe...” He went back to pouting. “You know what I mean! Your voice is so nice... it’s like, strong, but not forceful... y’know?”
“Awh, thanks.” You took his compliment, genuinely pleased. “I’m glad you think so.”
Can you sing something else for me?” He asked enthusiastically.
“Sure! You just have to do me one favor.”
“What’s that?”
“Wipe the frosting off of your face already. I can’t take you seriously at all.”
He started laughing, and you couldn’t help joining in.
“Alright, alright. To hear that again? No sweat. It’s a promise!”
It wasn’t long before Kiibo heard you sing for the first time. It was a beautiful day, one you didn’t want to waste, so you convinced Kiibo to go on a drive with you.
With the windows rolled down and the radio turned up, you burst into song right then and there. Kiibo glanced over at you with a puzzled look, but focused on driving. 
“Kiibo!” You hold your hand out of the window, letting the breeze flow around your skin. “Sing with me!”
“No, I do not sing. You should enjoy yourself, though,” Kiibo answered politely.
“Come on, party pooper! You’re missing out!” You aren’t too bothered, though. The next song that comes on happens to be one of your favorites, so you let out a loud cheer.
Kiibo smiles at you and listens to you sing for the rest of the drive. When you finally pull into your destination, he waits patiently for the song to finish before turning off the car.
“So?” You pretended to hold a mic in front of his mouth. “What’s the verdict? Will I make it to the next round, or are my Idol dreams forever destined to be crushed?”
He taps his chin. “Well, you went flat on some of the lower notes, but your upper range is really strong. I think with the right song choice, you could -”
You whack his arm. “Hey, I wasn’t really asking you to judge me! Now my confidence is crushed. How can I possibly continue in this competition?”
He looks into your eyes and replies with total innocence. “You can continue because your voice makes me happy. I would listen to you forever, if you wanted me to.”
You weren’t expecting such a serious answer; with heat rising in your cheeks, you manage to stammer out that that would not be necessary,, thank you very much!
Kiibo nods. “Of course, it’s your decision. I’m glad I’m one step closer to knowing the person I love.”
You couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the night.
Gonta Gokuhara
Your monthly hike was going very well. Gonta seemed happy with the wildlife around you (especially the bugs, of course), and you spent some time admiring the scenery. Sunlight was shining through patches of the forest, giving the whole area a holy and peaceful feeling.
Gonta was being the perfect gentleman to you, too, as always. His large hand was holding yours most of the time; he moved branches aside for you, helped you up some of the messier paths, and the two of you were having such a lovely time you felt happiness bubbling up inside you.
You started to hum a tune, an old favorite of yours. It caught Gonta’s attention; he tilted his head and asked, “What is that?”
“It’s one of my favorite songs!” you replied.
“Really? How does it go?” he asked, completely abandoning the hike to stop and listen to you.
“Well - hold on.” you drink some of your water and clear your throat. “Okay, it goes like...”
Gonta was looking so expectant you felt a bit nervous, but you managed to sing it anyway.
“Hush... now... I see a light in the sky... Oh, it’s almost blinding me... I can’t believe I’ve been touched by an angel with love...”
When you finish, Gonta has the biggest smile. “That was so amazing! Wow!” In his enthusiasm, he pulled you into an (almost literally) crushing hug. “You’re incredible!”
You wheeze laugh and return the hug. “That’s so sweet of you, Gonta. Thanks!”
“Promise me I’ll get to hear you sing again?” he asked.
“Of course!” Anything for him. “I promise.”
Ryouma Hoshi
Singing along to your usual playlist, you got started on the kitchen floor. With each beat of the music, you swept the broom back and forth, imagining it was a mic stand.
With the music blaring through the apartment, you didn’t notice Hoshi unlocking the door, and you didn’t notice him stare at you as you started to really get into it. Tossing your hair back and forth, you started to really belt into the broom handle.
“Whoa, well I never meant to brag, but I've gotten what I wanted noooow..!”
Hoshi’s expression softened. You were having so much fun, there was no way he could ruin the moment...
Backing out of the doorway, he closed the door behind him and leaned into it. He could still hear you really wailing over the music, and could tell you were still dancing to the beat. The floor was thumping, and you were starting to get out of breath. But that didn’t surprise him; when it came to the things you loved, you really gave 110%. You inspired him to be a better version of himself, because you always pushed yourself to do better...
He was snapped out of his thoughts when the song ended. Shaking his head, he once more stepped into the apartment, this time making sure to call your name before your next song began.
“How was your day?” you asked cheerfully.
“Not too great, unfortunately.” He paused. “But you know, something made it a lot better just now.”
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fyhyungwon · 7 years
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Additional translation by Dana Hong. © Dazed
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iikxreaboo-blog · 7 years
Dance Practice
Hey guys~ So I've been thinking, it's summer so I shouldn't have an excuse as to why I'm not posting. So for this month I will try to post more frequently. Feel free to send in requests, i look forward to hearing from you! HOPE..you enjoy. Lol, get it hope.. J-hope...cuz it's a J-hope smu- OKAY GUESS NOT. Enjoy, Admin Vicki
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1,352
Pairings: Hoseok and Reader
Group: BTS
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Still. Absolutely still is what you had to be as you strike your finishing pose. Not being sure when it was okay for you to move, you waiting until the dance choreography began to clap his hands.
"Way to go girls! You've all worked hard today and it's getting late so why don't we call it a night?" He spoke as he clapped his hands in congratulations to out hard work. Soon the rest of us slowly released from our positions and joined in on the celebration.
"Should we head out for dinner girls?" Kali, the leader of the girl group asked. Eagerly the rest agreed as they began to pack their bags.
"Actually I was planning on staying back to practice for a few, but you guys go ahead." You tried to speak as calmly as possible, not wanting to give away your true intentions.
After a couple of questionable glances they began to file out of the practice room
It's been 10 minutes worth of waiting alone in the room until you realized how valuable this time could be for you. So you connected you phone to the set of speakers that sat in the corner and began to position yourself in the center.
Once you heard your queue, you began to move you body to the rhythm. Letting the music flow through your body, you began to sensually move your hips freely to the beat. The original choreography long forgotten as you continued to dance around the room in a sexy and slow fashion.
Two hands quickly pulled you into a firm and slightly damp chest. Your eyes shot open as the sudden gesture caused you to freeze. Looking into the mirror your eyes immediately locked with the eyes of a tall and handsome figure that was panting heavily and covered in sweat, making his bangs cling to his forehead.
You did not let his sudden presence stop you from continuing with your dance. Instead you used I as and opportunity as you began to harshly grind your backside into his clothes crotch, teasing it to life.
A low groan emitted from his lips, his grip around your hips righted as he lowered his head to whisper in your ear.
"You're going to regret that." And he then immediately began running his hands up and down your figure in time with the music that still played in the background.
The song now forgotten, Hoseok had you pinned to the mirror and squirming under his towering figure.
"Looks like I win y/n." He purred into the crook of your neck before connecting his lips against your's in a passionate  kiss which soon became a fight for dominance as you tongues became involved.
"I'm sorry I was late." He breathed as he he pulled away. "Practice  was longer than usual today." He said sincerely, not wanting you to be upset with him.
"Then make it up to me." You demanded as you freedom your hands from his grasp in order to pull him in for another heated kiss.
"That, I can do." He spoke confidently as he lifted you up, at which you wrapped your legs around his steady torso.
His wandering hands began to roam higher and higher up your skirt until his fingers delicately teased the hem of you panties. A burning sensation was left on your skin from his touch.
"You're wet baby." He spoke as his fingers ran against your slick folds before reconnecting your lips.
His thumb began to draw hard but painfully slow circles against your throbbing clit, causing a few moans to slip past your kiss swollen lips.
Every sinful nice that filed past you lips sent a delightful rush of heat to Hoseok's already hard and strained cock.
In need for some friction, you began to grind your eager folds into his hand. He knew exactly what your body was asking for, he gladly slipped two of his fingers into your eager heat and began pumping you at a nice pace.
"Hoseok.. ah fuck, please don't stop." You moaned loudly as you kicked your head back, eyes closed and savoring every pleasurable thrust of his fingers that brought you closet and closet to the edge.
"You're so beautiful y/n." He breathed into the crook of your neck, a rush of pleasure coursed through you at his words.
Suddenly Hoseok lifted you up off the wall and carried you to one of the tables along the far wall, removing his fingers from you our entrance. A small whine left your lips at the loss of his touch.
He smirked at your needy state, "Did you forget we're both still fully dressed?" He raised an eyebrow as he slowly began to strip from his clothes. His shirt was the first to go, followed by his pants. You followed close behind, quickly shedding all of your clothing before reaching over to help your boyfriend with his boxers.
Once the last price of clothing was discarded you brought you lips to Hoseok's in a hungry kiss that he returned with just as much force.
Hoseok's tongue ran as long your bottom lip hastily as long sling for entrance and you gladly parted your lips in order to connect your tongue to his. One of his hands settled behind your neck while his other pulled you close to him by the waist before reaching lower to firmly squeeze your ass. You tilted your head to the side, allowing him more access to his mouth as one of your hands trailed down his torso to palm his exposed hard on.
Hoseok quickly pulled away before taking ahold of your wrist, hauling your movements.
"Did you forget that I'm making it up to you?" He teased.
"Doesn't seem like it." You retorted back to him with a smirk.
It all happened so quickly- Hoseok had flipped you around and had you bent over the table. His foot kicked open your legs, giving him clear view of your opening.
"Seems like it to me." He leaned forward to whisper in your ear as his member member brushed over your entrance, causing a small moan to leave your lips. "Just look at how wet you are for me."
"Hoseok please don't - ahhh" you moaned as he began to push his length into your slick folds. He immediately began with a quick pace, buckling his hips into yours, earning a string of curses to fall past your lips.
"Faster Hoseok... I need more of you." You commanded. As if on queue, Hoseok's thrusts got a lot faster a's his hand grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling you back to meet his trusts.
"Don't worry baby," he managed threw constant groans, "I'll take care of it."
With his other hand he snaked it towards your throbbing clit, abusing it with rough circles.
The feeling of over stimulation made it hard to think, so you screamed every single thing that came to mind.
The warm familiar feeling of your release approaching began to pool at the pit of your stomach.
"Hoseok, I'm close." You informed but his ruthless pounding only got faster as he too was close to releasing.
With one final thrust he came deep within your walls. The warm feeling of his seed deep inside of you officially pushed you over the edge. You wailed his name as the power of your release caused you shudder in pleasure.
Hoseok pulled out before collapsing onto the table next to you
You hooded eyes scaled over your boyfriends body, taking in the clear amount of sweat that glistened over his well toned body. Hoseok head been watching you the whole time as your eyes traveled over his exposed and heaving body.
"So?" He asked.
"So what?" You returned. Before answering he leaned down to join your lips together in a sweet kiss.
"So did I make it up to you?" He asked once again.
"Yes, you most certainly did." He was beaming at your answer as his arm snaked around your waist in order to pull your close to him for another love felt kiss.
Did you like? Well I HOPE so. LOL. If you have any requests as to what you'd like me to write for you guys, feel free to leave a request. And if you’re bored checkout some more of our BTS scenario posts on the BTS Masterlist. XOXO, Admin Vicki
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