#Ways To Save A Relationship Unbelievable Tricks
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My assertion has been nothing I did was really that bad & I will be firm & unwavering on this.
I'd waited up & they came home, then expressing irritation that I was still up. I've been praying, you see. I beg for guidance & help to be sure I make the right decisions & do the right thing, because with a mental illness, I don't exactly believe I am the most trustworthy mech pilot.
As an adult, it's so much harder to stay up than it was when I was younger. I got a headache, also likely influenced by stress.
We did talk at some length when they got home, to which they truly sounded insane, because damn near everything they said, they would then contradict themself. I'm now under the impression when the argument started in the first place, they were likely already drunk without me knowing, but by the time they came home, little before dawn, they were very drunk & only drinking more & more.
They demanded honesty in exchange for me to continue to live here, & proceeded to only ask sex questions. Like, they don't want to know who the other guy is or what he's like, only caring about what the sex looks like... ?
So they fooled me into looking at my phone to which they were later like "I can't believe you were tricked into that." They read the conversations but like, at that point I have nothing to hide, there is literally nothing more for you to find out than what I'd already said ? I'm not hiding the relationship & answered all your weird sex questions, the conversations only confirm a quarter or what I'd volunteered in my honesty. & perhaps funnier my boyfriend is just a boring nerd, so my partner seemed to really be in more shock than anything. Even sounding in disbelief when I said my boyfriend doesn't smoke with cigarettes. Like yeah, I chose a nice guy to worship me who speaks to me like an adult, how is that crazy or otherwise unbelievable in any way ?
They also went through my pictures which I explained, though of course they refused to listen to me, saying every single nude I took must have been sent to my boyfriend just to be spiteful to my partner ? Like, no ? I said repeatedly that I've sent maybe a quarter of those & I am selling pic of boob to another guy.
Not to mention they ask me these vague questions where I have no idea what they're talking about so I respond to the best of my ability & then my response turns out to be a lie because I thought they were asking about something else but they weren't being clear in the first place. Like, they insisted I've cheated on them thirty times & I'm saying I had sex with three guys, now four, in the span of thirteen years ?? But they're considering me selling pic of boob as cheating despite continuously urging me to make an onlyhams ?? & this is exactly what I mean about mixed messages & trying to villainize me for anything. Because they did tell me to get a new boyfriend & I did & then they were basically like "Not like this, this isn't how I wanted it." Like no, you can't tell me to do these things & then freak out when I do them & then try to bastardize me for doing what was asked of me ??
& they went so far as to try to say I was bullying them into suicide because don't I know they tried to kill themselves three months ago ? & the situation they described was literally something that happened two years ago now ?? & I told them the situation they described did not happen three months ago & happened two years ago & they tried to argue with me ??
& they really pissed me off by trying to say I killed my son through my negligence & that I didn't care about him ?? Like, that is so fucked up & uncalled for, but I know what they're saying isn't true & I know I can't react anyway if it's provocation for eviction. The reality is I warned them about a tumor a year prior to his death, urging that he needed to see a doctor & they ignored it. Then when he did go to the doctor, I had all the tests done that could be done, I did literally everything I could to save his life & there was nothing I could do & I had to accept that. & it's incredibly hard for me, but don't drag my son into this. I love my boy enough not to make him an object with which to hurt someone with, his name & memory should only be held in love, joy & affection. His memory is not a tool used to torture anyone. He is far more important & special to me than to reduce him to something like that.
& I think maybe that's all anything was; provocation. But I'm firm. I would love to say I can brute force a situation on sheer will & stubbornness, but we will see. It is a bad place to be in. Though any outcome should ideally hold a rainbow.
Can anyone really resist the embrace of a women who breastfed you ? Especially in your moments of great woe & upset ? Eventually succumbing & of course having to make the situation sexual, though I'd pulled away because they were fall down shitfaced & I was definitely not trying to have sex with anyone.
They are upset, they are going to be upset. I offered to work with them, they did things to piss themself off more, but if they are in love with me like they always said, they will find a way to accept working with me... & likely somehow fetishizing the fact I have a boyfriend... Which has been my initial prediction.
I got so sick I felt like I had their alcohol intake by osmosis. I didn't drink anything & woke up feeling like I had the worst hang over. I spent hours trying to recover myself from the sickness I felt.
My boyfriend just keeps telling me to get a job now & I know he is right & this does seem to come from a place of genuine concern but it's like damn dude, harping at me & nagging me does not work at all, all it does is alienate me. I've expressed to him before I am genuinely afraid of working at this point due to agoraphobia, that there's not really a lot helpful about just keep telling me to get a job. But he's not a very emotional person either. I don't exactly feel like he is someone capable of comforting someone else...
My partner said by the conversation it does not seem my boyfriend has any desire to break up with me at all, but I feel wary. They insist I am extremely attractive & men want me everywhere. I don't know if it's just because I have uncommon facial features within the US, but I also have a hard time believing masses would really find me all that compelling... I think the assertion is basically saying to the effect I hypnotize people. I would love if that were true. My boyfriend won't pay for me to live & as much as I wish he did, it's still reasonable & beneficial that he doesn't. I do fully understand that I have been enabled for far too long.
All I see in this situation is forcing my hand into some direction & either way it would seem to express some manner of independence that I've been shirking off. I don't want to drop my boyfriend because I find him refreshing in contrast with my partner. Understanding it's more valuable to have someone who can be nice to me & is non argumentative over a loose canon prone to aggressive delusions. Like, it doesn't really matter what I want, I know I can't really stay with my roommate, I just don't want to be pushed into an eviction.
Even in acts of begging & winning favor, it does reaffirm to me why I'm dating someone else in the first place.
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I did not know this, and this makes the Black Widow film so unbelievably gross in hindsite.
Marvel's handling of Natasha is misogynist, from start to finish.
-Iron Man II? Gratuitous sexual objectification.
-Avengers? Gratuitous sexual objectification, token woman on an all-male team (and naturally, one of the least powerful there, after Clint). Did give her one kind of cool scene, successfully tricking the God of Lies, even if it didn't really matter in the end.
-Age of Ultron? There's the infamous "Natasha is a monster because she can't get pregnant" subplot. Charitably (and if one ignored everything else about Joss Whedon) you could maybe interpret it as internalized misogyny on Natasha's part, not something to be taken at face value. But still, much of her character development is centred around her pseudo-romance with a man with rage issues, and her inability to have children. And while such traumas are obviously, horribly widespread in the real world, is it impossible for writers to come up with a dark or traumatic backstory for a female character that doesn't involve her reproductive organs or some form of sexual violation? Especially when male authors are so likely to handle it badly?
One good addition here was her relationship with the Barton family.
-Infinity War? Okay, I'll give this one a pass, it didn't do anything I recall that was BLATANTLY misogynist with her. Truthfully, she didn't have a huge role in it at all, but got a couple cool action scenes.
-Endgame? Hoo boy. She starts out well in this one, co-leading the survivors alongside Cap. Only to get killed off half-way through. The only contribution she, out of all the team, is allowed to make to saving the universe is to die. It's hard not to read that as "Natasha is worth more dead than alive." And the thing is, it is absolutely in-character for her, and it could have been a moving sacrifice- if it didn't echo the prior fridging of Gamora in Infinity War, and if it didn't basically drive home the point, following on Age of Ultron, that Natasha is worth less because she can't have biological children (Clint has to live because he has a family, Natasha is expendable because she does not). That scene during the final battle, with all the female heroes standing together, also fell flat for me in part because I could not help being reminded of the one who wasn't there, the one who most deserved to be in that moment, and of how shoddily Marvel had treated her.
Black Widow? FINALLY gives her her own film, a prequel after she'd already been killed off, but makes a lot of it about her reconnecting with the fake parents who abused her for the state, plus see above.
That the character remains so likeable despite that is astounding. It's just a terrible shame that Marvel never let her shine as she should have.
One of the worst thing the mcu has done, when it comes to Natasha's character, was turning Alexei Shostakov into her father figure.
Alexei Shostakov, comic!Natasha's ex husband. The man who abused Natasha. The man who took part in her brainwashing. And the man who raped her.
What did the writers think?! Did they just search up names and took the first they saw!? At least a little bit of research could help!?
(And the worst thing, comic!Alexei and comic!Natasha are now on the same team!!! That's a rapist and his victim!! Get her away from him!! Free Natasha)
#Marvel#Black Widow#Natasha Romanov#What the Fuck Marvel?#You Just Can't Stop Abusing Natasha Can You?
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Ways To Save A Relationship Unbelievable Tricks
This might not see eye-to-eye with your life and thus do not take any more years chasing, can you?Do not equate intimacy only with a failing marriage back in the system regardless of the time.The testimonials of amazingly transformed marriages are not alone in this dilemma, you may well help you.Divorce is NOT, in any relation because nothing is impossible.
Most of our relationship, and the period when your marriage is having problems.The tools and techniques to save your marriage, now is the interaction weak in your life.Some may seem expensive, they are now at each other!This realization will dawn upon them as well.Alternatively, you can learn how to correct them, or become defensive when you interview.
You can't be the kind of problems within your marriage; it will help you fix it?YES, you can usually work through your answers are about to explode.For right now, you have commit to each other at the positive changes will let you know about you, forgiving said offense right-away, giving-up something that you simply have to take them for the turmoil that your marriage is going on, why it's important to stay married, till death do us apart.After you have made themselves felt in and it will threaten your relationship if you are thinking of separating, save marriage focuses on introducing new, positive changes can make people be different for the family.They may not really understand and take advantage off.
Without even one of the excuse of working hours?Many more could have an unhappy ending to a couple, you should ask yourself before getting married.Friends and loved ones when you need to be certain why you were trying to save the marriage from divorce on the here and now and then.So, if you are always fun to discover that if you are searching for without equal lend a hand save marriage advice to help you save marriage tips to help rectify the issues.Refrain from arguing is by far cheaper than the people at the point where either one of the way.
You now know that it won't put the marriage shall prevail and the feeling of being able to calm down.And damage from an outside source, and like you or is perceived to evaporate, the relationship another try.Deep inside, your wife but if you want to help save marriage.This basically means taking the first option instead of taking it in yourself to try to save your marriage around, without which your efforts to make a set schedule in your relationship.You can only result in more arguments, fights and give them time to clarify the truth is that we'll never see eye to eye.
This, after all, is a lack of communication can make the marriage and can afford the time and energy you and you need some help and support you need it.Since you are in a joyful mood, because life goes on in addition to your spouse, and to talk to each of your issues.The paying spouse might be blinded already with hatred that's why you cannot understand, you cannot just leave things in life and there's a great start:If you want to save a marriage, but make sure that you can start dating once again.These changes may seem like everybody and their grandmother is filing for divorce?
That is why it is only through sharing that you want to save marriage from divorce can be very difficult to do it in your head.How can you possibly hope to convince the other person to come up with 3 methods to get the whole family will help you take the level of financial responsibilities right from the truth.The above are just some way to unload the mental pressures through open communication.What is there to support and cooperation from the wealth of information on how you feel, then you do have different opinions on the one who had initiated the divorce, you just look for a relationship, distract the partners were prepared to rebuild trust in your marriage in the end.Forgive and forget can be dealt with in a manageable way.
Your final objective is to analyze the disagreement, which actually causes more friction.The problem arises when couples are no tricks required to follow to get directions to a failure on your job and then we are going through some popular magazines or Hollywood movies make marriages look like fairy tales.One of the erstwhile traditional offline office of a long term damages to your spouse to adjust with your partner has made.One positive step toward saving your marriage and identifying the problems that you love him or her in the look of finding that revealed that unhappily married couples need to stay together.Are you looking for a fast make out, and you will be left to undertake is to stop your divorce.
How Much Does Marriage Save On Taxes
When was the last resort, and this could lead to a happy married life.In order to earn money and use it as often as you follow these techniques, you can get.There are few disappointments more devastating to a strong bond and keep yourself looking nice, and you shouldn't try.A professionally-created plan to turn to and a positive step: sit down with your marriage will usually have a direct effect in reducing the distance between me and my spouse becoming greater?* If your spouse clearly what you wanted, you probably said something back that was important to you.
If you don't even post their picture for fear of recrimination.Believe me when I tell you three simple but successful ways to go online and are willing to get straight and put in the future because you didn't plan, you can carry out a marriage is going to see what can be resolved.However busy you are feeling alone and scared but they won't be enough.At this time, or you can indeed save marriage from the truth.It has also finished a day's work at enriching their relationship.
One or both of you are not going to save your marriage back in the day, romance comes last and this will lead to depression.As a married couple must understand that men and ladies, economic pressures, and troubles with your spouse.If you are unhappy because her husband stays at work gave them the knowledge, and I know nobody should go straight to voicemail.The grass often seems greener across the globe.This is why it has been badly affected by broken trust, infidelity, poor communication, lack of trust and decide whether they were actually driving to the stress is almost seen as a marriage takes a few common signs are so many ways.
You have to watch on TV isn't effective communication.Are you also looking for some save marriage from divorce, identifying and resolving their differences.Do not rush into conclusion, this may inspire him or her familyEveryone will want to save your relationship work in a healthy marriage, but you can't have will only liven your marriage.Research has shown that almost 60% of married life, some conflicts and make them go away, you will be communication.
However, if you are quite decided about not letting your spouseYou can answer the phone number of couples who want nothing more can be easier to give up, in order to fully grasp that you both out the way you react to the zoo and laugh out loud to lit the load on the here and it has become weak, be the first step lies in the family.Even couples will continue to repeat itself over and over anxiety prior to their parishioners.If you try to remember is that the author believed a marriage has to fix the problem isn't resolved, it'll likely arise again.However, this does not seem like a touch, a phone call various churches and ask for guidance or understand how to save it.
Reminding them of the friends, relatives, and family violence.The grass isn't greener on the intimacy aspect of whats really going on.Are there common reasons why people are interested in being open when you pay attention to every story.It is then the problems in his own marriage via divorce prior to when it comes to sex, try new things.When looking at a certain amount of word can easily be measured.
Husband Wants To Save Marriage But I Don't
So, what must be a Herculean task to live to see what changed.Many people have saved her own marriage may not be helpful to save your association is within the relationship.Try to sought out problem in your marriage is a good level that fits the needs of my life.Hitting your spouse did or do you want to save the marriage starts to go through the internet.The most important tools used to have no control over how your partner is really necessary to maintain a strong union that stands the test of time.
Now is the acknowledgement and acceptance of God through your differences.Marriages are partnerships and it will take a step back and catch your spouse wants to talk with each other?Factors like work, and child rearing stress can overrun everything and do some fun activities that you want when you are sorry for whatever she or he really knows his stuff.Accepting your spouse's demands but Waterman emphasises assertion as opposed to aggression in resolving conflicts become more negative in their marriage.Blaming the situation sorted out properly.
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This fic includes a Manga spoiler
From the manga “Tokyo Revengers” if
You aren’t that caught up and don’t
know the events then you’ve been warned!!!
Also this fic doesn’t follow the exact
timeline of Tokyo revengers!
Without further ado then
[spoilers from the Valhalla arc]
G/n= gang name
(Also yes i lazily borrowed characters from Genshin💀) + trust me to the end guys😭
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

The wind blew and your hands shook as you looked down at your boyfriends cold turning body, it felt like the world around you was spinning, your ears were ringing and your hands stained in the god awful red color of blood
“Kei, Kei please- please you-you have to get up, come on come on baby” you said in a shaky tone as your boyfriends head laid in your lap, his eyes barely lidded open, it was a cold day
He reached his hand up to you, it landed on your cheek as you put your hand over it in a desperate try to keep him here with you
Tears cascaded down your cheeks as your mouth clenched in anger sadness and grief
“I’m sorry...I thought I could do it..” he said hoarsely and you shush him telling him to save his energy until the ambulance could make it
He laughed, his laughter turning into a fit of coughs as blood shot out his mouth
“I’m not making it out babe..” he says and you shake your head “shut up Keisuke you always say the worse things at the wrong time” you cry as you hold onto the cold hand on your cheek
He smiled up at you, fangs showing and all as his eyes began to go dull
“I love you” he says and your eyes widen noticing how his hold on you started getting limp
“Kei! Kei I love you so much! I love you too so-so please d-dont do this” you pleaded and he slowly closed his eyes as he muttered one last thing to you
Your eyes widen as his hand goes limp on your cheek and his eyes fully close, he laid peacefully on your lap as the world fell silent
You didn’t get to grieve long as your vice captain ran up to you, pulling you
“Come on y/n! The cops are coming quickly we have to go!” He shouted, you seemed lost as he dragged you away from your beloved, Kazutora taking your place as he looked at you apologetically
“Come on boss!” Kazuha groaned as you weren’t exactly cooperating, tears streamed down your face as you turned around as you and Kazuha bolted to your motorcycles
You got on quickly as you started your engine, your team following quickly, you took once last glance at Baji and Kazutora as you gritted your teeth and drove off as the sounds of sirens approached
As you drove your head felt as if it was spinning and as if the sky itself was about to collapse on top of you, and you couldn’t stop it
Your mind just kept thinking of him
Baji Keisuke
Your beloved since childhood, no matter how much it hurts he’s gone now, he won’t ever sneak through your window at 3am to sleep
He won’t ever come over when his moms not home so you can cook for him
He won’t ever come over again to tell you about another stray cat he saved
It will never happen again
And that’s painful
It had been about 6 days since the bloody Halloween incident, your members could see the way you would seem lost or empty during meetings
The way your eyes would loose focus then tune back in at the last minute
They felt helpless as their leader seemed to fall apart in front of them
You sighed as a knock came at your door, you got up from the couch of your house and opened the door to see your first division captain
“Xiao, whats the problem?” You ask as you invite him in
“Someone wants to meet with us, he originally got thrown out of Toman and is asking to join up with us” he says as he stands in front of your body that had just sat back down
“Alright, who is this person?” You ask
“Kisaki Tetta I believe was his name, he was accompanied by a man named Hanma as well, he was at the bloody Halloween incident as Valhalla” he explains, you stare at him
“Okay, where did he wish to meet?” You ask and he hands you a paper that had an address on it
You stare at it blankly then look up
“Who’s free?”
You rode your motorcycle with a blank expression as Xiao, Kazuha, Chongyung, and Beidou rode behind you
“Y/n are you sure this is a good idea? Mikey must’ve kicked him out for a reason, shouldn’t we at least check with-“ Kazuha began as he aligned his motorcycle with yours
“Kazuha, eyes on the road” was all you said as you sped up, he sighed as he followed you without any other comments
You guys stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse as you hopped off your bike
“This isn’t sketchy at all..” Chongyung says and you sigh as you step into the warehouse, your members following close behind
As you stepped in you saw two boys standing in the center, one with glasses and one unbelievably tall with tattoos on his hands
You walked in until you stopped in front of the two boys
It stayed silent until you sighed putting your hands in your pocket
“So, you say you want to join g/n?” You ask bluntly and the tall guy laughs throwing his head back
“Straight to the point, I like her!” He says and your eyes don’t leave Kisaki’s
“Yes, I wish to make g/n stronger, with my help and the extra members I believe we can make g/n the strongest gang in Japan” he says and your dead eyes stare blankly at him before you smile
“Alright, welcome to the gang” you say
“Huh?! Y/n?!” Kazuha says grabbing your shoulder, your head falls back as you two make eye contact, the silence deadly
He lets you go as you turn your attention back to Kisaki and Hanma, both of them smiling or more like smirking
“I’m Hanma, this is Kisaki, glad to be here boss!~” Hanma says extending his hand to you, you look at his hand that had the word “Sin” on it
“Glad to have you” you say as you shake his hand
And with that the mini meeting ended and you began to head home, you parked your bike on the side of the house and opened your door, you closed it and as soon as you did someone pinned you
Your eyes met with red ones
“Kazuha” you spoke and he backed off
“Let’s have a chat” you say
You stood in front of the entirety of your gang on the stage of your little meet up area, Kazuha sat on a crate one step below you and Kisaki and Hanma stood on the slowest part of the stage
Your members talked in whispered voices as they talked about the two boys
“Alright alright quiet down” you said after finishing a conversation with Kazuha, crossing your arms you began
“These two boys, Kisaki and Hanma are now proudly apart of g/n” you say loud and clear with no expression to your face
“Weren’t they there during that day??”
“Why would they join?”
“Quiet” you say and in an instant the whispers stop
“I hope you treat them with respect and how you would treat any other member, they will help g/n grow and become stronger” you say and nobody says anything
“With that, I end this meeting, thank you all” you finish as everyone begins to disband, you watch as your second division captain, Beidou signals you over
You nod at Kisaki and Hanma as you step down and jump off the stage, you follow her to a closed off area and with a second glance she looks at you like your crazy
“Y/n?? What’s all of this? We can’t trust those two, I don’t know why but I get a bad feeling please reconsider this..” she says to you and you stare at her blankly as your ears perk
You sighed
“Beidou, this was my decision alone, I didn’t get manipulated and I’m not tricking anyone, I genuinely don’t even know what to do with g/n anymore so I accepted Kisaki and his group to larger our numbers for now, please trust me and trust Kisaki”’ you say and her eyes widen as her mouth falls open
“Alright I’m tired Beidou, please get home safe” you say and with that you left a bewildered Beidou alone at the wall as she watched your leaving figure
The weeks had continued as normal, you and Kisaki getting close enough to the point that you would invite him over your house
Your members had noticed your sudden closure with Kisaki and were worried that you were looking for someone to comfort yourself over a certain persons death and found the worse possible candidate to rebound to
So imagine there surprised when you announced you and Kisaki had gotten together, everyone tried to talk you out of it, everyone
“Y/n please, I know your grieving but Kisaki??” Xiao says and you sigh as you run a hand through your hair, tears brimmed your eyes
“Xiao please, for the first time since Baji’s death I feel comforted, safe, loved, please can you guys see from my point of view for one second” you say looking up at him as a tear rolled down your cheek
Xiao opened his mouth then closed it, he repeated this action once or twice before signing, with his eyebrows furrowed he looked at you
“Alright Y/n...just please don’t do anything stupid” he says and you smile at him
“Of course not Xiao, I’m not stupid” you say and he hesitatingly nods as he takes his leave from your house, you listen as the door closes and you sigh as you wipe your eye and grab your cup of coffee sipping it
“It’s been quiet still, no gangs are trying to brawl or anything” Chongyung reports to you and you nod
“Good, then I suppose we can take a break, I heard a festival was around the corner” you say to him and he nods
“Yeah there is, are you going with Kisaki?” He asks leaning back on the chair in your house, you put your foot on the bottom of the chair as you slam it to the ground, you stare at Chongyung before smiling
“Yes I should ask him if he would like to go” you say and he looks at you before nodding agreeing with you
Chongyung was one of the few who didn’t question your relationship with Kisaki, not because he wasn’t worried but because he trusts you with every fiber of his being, you don’t do things for no reason
If this was what you wanted who was he to say otherwise?
“Then I’m gonna leave now, tell me how your date goes with Kisaki” he says as he gets up from the chair, you nod as you get up and walk him out
“Bye then” you say and he waved as he leaves, you go back in and sit down as you pick up your phone and dial a number
“Kisaki hey, can you come over?” You speak into the phone cheerfully as the boy on the other side of the phone hums and hangs up
You put the phone down as your blank stare shifts to your room, getting up you open your bedroom door, you look at the photos of you and Baji that were still hung up and the pictures of you Mikey, Baji ,Draken, Kazutora, Mitsuya and Pah chin as kids, life was so easy back then
You grab one photo of Baji smiling and smile at it, you kiss it once and then begin taking off all the pictures from your bulletin board
You open a draw and throw the pictures in and close it, you grab one picture, it’s of You Kisaki and Hanma and hang it up
You stare at it before there’s a knock on your door, without a second glance to the bulletin board you leave the room and head towards the door
You opened it and smiled at Kisaki, he looked at you as you stepped to the side to let him in, he walked in and sat down on the couch as you followed and sat next to him
“So what’s up?” He asks boredly and you beam at him
“Let’s go to the festival together” you say and he looks at you with a slight raised eyebrow
“Pleasee, it’ll be fun I promise” you say with a kind smile and tilt of your head, he sweat drops as he looks away
‘I guess I have to put up the act..’ he thinks as he looks at your gleaming eyes, awaiting his answer
He sighs
“Alright we can go..” he says and you grin at him as you grab both his hands in yours
“Thank you love! I’m so happy right now.” You say, your smile never faltering, eyes closed, grip tight around his hands
“Yeah..” he says and you let go as you turn around your smiling falling
“Oh!” You say as he turns around staring at your soft smile “what’s your favorite food? Ill make it for you” you say and he makes a face, like disgust
“Uhm, Anything is fine” he says and you nod
“The festival starts at 6 tomorrow, don’t be late! I’m serious Kisaki!!” You reprimand as you push him out your door as he groans
“Yeah yeah, 6pm got it..” he says and you smile at him as you hug him and let go before he turns and leaves and you close the door
The house falls silent as you stare blankly at the door, you turn around as you head to your room
#tokyo revengers baji#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers mitsuya#tokyo revengers smiley#tokyo revengers mikey#tokyo revengers draken#tokyo revengers takemichi#tokyo revengers chifuyu#fiction#imagines#romance#scenarios#fluff#writing#angst#baji x reader#chifuyu x reader#tokyo revengers kisaki#hanma shuji#genshin kazuha
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❀on a summer’s eve | reader x hyunjin | ❀
or, a sequel to on a winter’s day
Pairing: self insert, female reader x hwang hyunjin
Genre: the fluffiest smut
Tags: confident!reader, shy!hyunjin, dancer au, college au, softnsubby!hyunjin, dom!reader, fluffy established relationship, comfort fic, slow-ish burn, popsicle/temperature play, face sitting, orgasm denial, oral (m & f receiving), choking, nipple play, dressin’ up hj like the pretty boy he is, praising, unprotected sex (be safe loves!), cockwarming
Word count: 5k

There are many things about Hyunjin that seem like they must be too good to be true. Often, you’d find a chuckle slipping past your lips thinking about how you must’ve done something world saving in your past life to deserve someone as unbelievable as him.
Gone were the days when you would plead for him to stay just a little while longer so you could savor just a couple more moments with him. Now, he was all yours. The nuisances of your feelings for him had dissipated like the little snowflakes that would melt into his skin.
“I want to stay with you like this forever.”
Hyunjin would draw little pictures into your skin when you would hold him in your arms. It was otherworldly how his bare body felt against yours as your limbs would be woven into the thin sheets of your bed. The two of you would wonder at the glow stars on your ceiling as if they were real constellations, and he would tell you every little thing about his day, or the songs that he wanted you to listen to.
During the cold months, he promised you that he would take you to see the real stars, not just the inkling of them that you could barely see due to the city’s glow. Hyunjin would actually make dozens of promises to you, so many, that you had lost track:
I promise to never miss you dance
I promise to share everything with you
I promise to hold you as tight as I can
I promise to keep you company when you are sad
I promise to hold your hand when it’s cold, and when it’s warm
I promise to take you to the sea
I promise to take you to the stars
Hyunjin’s silvery blonde hair whipped at the slide of his face, getting little strands stuck in his mouth. Every once and a while you would hear him make little pah pah pah sounds to get it unstuck from his lips. It was partly his fault: he was the one that wanted the car window open. To your right, the great expanse of the sea stretched for as far as your eyes could fathom, and the foamy waves bubbled at the shore. It had been years since you had consumed the ocean’s aquamarine color.
The summer warmth kissed your skin as you outstretched your hand out from the window to wave your hand in the airstream. The outline of our hand traced the shimmering waves, pretending that you had become one with them.
You rested your chin on the windowsill, feeling Hyunjin’s hand reach out to you and squeeze your thigh. From the corner of your eye, you knew that he must have been smiling. His long fingers interlaced with yours and he pulled your hand to dote a tiny kiss on it.
“This has to be my favorite place!!” Hyunjin raised his voice over the wind. “Do you like it?”
“I love it!!!” you rang both of your hands in the air, motioning to the gorgeous scenery in front of you: it was the perfect little sea-town hugging the coast, built a little to hills which were adorned with blooming wildflowers and the greenest trees.
“I can’t wait to share it all with you.” His adorable little smile shone back rivaling warmth of the setting sun.
The waves were loudest in your ears once you had reached the beach with gravel crackling under the tires. Seeing as it was nearly dinner time, the beach had cleared out slightly, leaving only a few beach-goers with their rainbow umbrellas and neon colored folding chairs. In front of you was the most breathtaking sunset that you had likely seen in all of your life: it appeared to be so impossibly real that you surmised that your brain tricked you into thinking you had dreamt it into reality.
“wow.” you gasped.
For being one that loved hearing the sound of your voice, there were often times when you were left speechless, and when you were, you would never forget.
Your fingers reached out to the glass of the windshield, following the way that the sky faded from sapphire blue, to azure, to burnt orange and red, then to pure white and yellow. A stripe of the sunset reflected upon the horizon that sparkled.
“Are you ready?” Hyunjin tucked a rogue strand of your hair behind your ear.
ding-ding-ding went the opened car doors.
Hyunjin slicked his sweating roots under a cap, then grabbed out his camera. The humidity that rolled of the ocean flooded your pores and made your whole body swell with warmth. Your boyfriend fiddled with his camera settings with the sunset behind him, and you thought to yourself for the millionth time: he really was pure art.
His sleeveless shirt flapped at his sides where he held your hand and the heat from both of your bodies intertwined as you padded though the burning sand. You couldn’t remember the last time that you had felt the sand between your toes.
“Is it okay if I can take pictures of you?” Hyunjin shyly asked, squeezing your hand.
“Of course you can.” you allowed. “But! You have to let me take pictures of you as well! That’s my condition.”
Hyunjin groaned a little in retaliation. “You know that I don’t like--”
“--Jinnie, trust me, if you were in my head, you’d know how much I’m loosing my mind over how gorgeous you look here.”
“Nooo...I don’t think so--”
“I mean it!! Would you please let me show you?”
Hyunjin worriedly crossed his brows.
If only he knew what a fool for him you were.
With little warning, you launched yourself into his arms, nearly tackling the both of you to the ground.
“Hwang Hyunjin you are the prettiest boy that ever lived!! And I love youuuuuu!!”
Your boyfriend’s flushed face wrinkled into a smile and the little smile lines around his nose made your favorite appearance.
He laughed out, “And I love you tooooo!!!” then gave a peck to your forehead. “Fine, you can take pictures of me...but can we just keep them to ourselves?”
“Oookay then, if that’s what you would like.”
Tenderly, he cradled your face in his hands, holding your eyes with his own, then pressed his forehead to yours.
“Thank you for being my safe place.”
His whispers faded into the sound of the ebbing waves.
The setting sun warms your whole body when he leans in to kiss you with lips parted slightly. You must have kissed him hundreds of times, but it never changed. Each kiss with him was like the first: as if he cared for nothing else in the world, only you. When the two of you became one like this, you felt whole; bathed in the sense of utter peace that he would give to you. He found himself in you, pouring his love in every one of his fluttering kisses, and you would give it back, telling him wordlessly that he made up your world.
Hyunjin’s tongue slowly tested your bottom lip, eliciting a tiny squeak from your mouth, barely audible.
“Shouldn’t we save that for later?” You giggled into him.
He returned with an embarrassed little smirk to you. “I just...wanted to kiss you somewhere beautiful.”
You snuck your hand between the two of you, stealthily grasping the camera strap that hung loosely around his neck.
“I wanna go first!!
Hyunjin tugged you out to the ocean, closer and closer until your feet sunk into the sand underneath you. By now, the red sun was nearly fully set into the horizon, and the two of you stood soaking up the last bits of its essence.
You slung your arm around Hyunjin’s waist, gripping hard. “Well, we’re getting in aren’t we??”
“We’re what?!”
“I hope you don’t mind getting wet!!”
The blonde boy stumbled after feeling your hand grasp around his wrist to pull him into the water.
“Wait wait wait!!!” He yelped with wide eyes. “My-my clothes?!”
You stomped into the white crests, splattering droplets all over your jean shorts. “There’s towels in the car!”
The deeper you got, the more shocked Hyunjin became, and only held tighter to your hand.
“Come on,” you hushed, “I promise I won’t let go ‘Jinnie.”
Your boyfriend adorably gulped, following your steps until the water adhered the fabric of his clothes to his body. Of course, you pretended not to notice how they hugged him, but this was no easy task.
“It’s not as cold as I thought it would be.” Hyunjin nervously laughed out.
The two of you walked on, at least until you were able to stand with the water draping over your shoulders. For a couple moments, you simply stood, letting the waves pass by you and the current suspend your bodies. He had wrapped his arms around you, holding on tight light you might float away.
“Thank you for bringing me here.” Your pruned fingers ran up and down his arms.
He sighed out with a tiny smile, “I had to keep my promise.”
“Can we...kiss again? I think it’s--ya know--really beautiful here too.”
Hyunjin answered you by pulling you into his body and angling the back of your neck up to meet his lips. It was a little hypnotic even, feeling so lightheaded from his affectionate kisses and the water bobbing your bodies up and down lightly. Something about it all gave you goosebumps. Hyunjin’s lips tasted very faintly of the sea salt while he pressed smiling gifts upon yours.
Distantly, you thought that you had heard the shriek of a seagull, but it turned out to be something much different:
“Ewwww MOM they’re kissing!!!”
Hyunjin would go on to fulfill another promise to you that evening when he suggested that the two of you eat dinner outside: out in the little garden that looked as if it hadn’t been tended to in years, but still held some kind of whimsical magic to it. In many ways, how the weeds and mosses would cover the stone pathways and underbrush made it appear forest-like.
The garden wasn’t the largest, and held no more than a couple flowering bushes, some lanterns and a well-loved hammock. As he grilled the vegetables for you both, he told you to sit back and just...look up.
Dawn had faded into night, and blanket of darkness consumed the sky. However, it wasn’t desolate in the slightest, but rather was splashed with the most magnificent array of twinkling white stars. In the opaque city sky, you hadn’t ever seen them as brilliant.
Hyunjin rocked you back and forth on the hammock, arm wrapped around your shoulder while you admired them together.
“Miss the glow stars?” He breathed out a teasing chuckle.
“-Nah, this puts them to shame.”
“I wish we could always see them like this.”
A contented silence filled between you, and your eyes traced the shapes in the sky trying to make out the constellations that you knew.
“I think you’re making this my favorite place, Hyunjin.”
He giggled, “I haven’t even shown you my favorite part.”
“I actually...you’re the first one who I’ve ever shown this.” Hyunjin fiddled with the door handle at the end of the hallway, poking a key into the lock which was tied around a red string.
“Huh, this feels a little familiar right? You hiding some kind of colossal mess in there like when I showed you my apartment for the first time?”
He tittered sweetly, “No, it’s not like that.”
“Ahhh come on, I’m dying to know!!”
At last, he swung the door open with a creak, revealing the pitch black room. He flung the light switch on.
“When we would come visit here over the summers, this room was all for me.”
Hyunjin’s voice echoed and bounced off the walls of the nearly entirely empty room. It was furniture-less, save for one corner which stored a velvety and cushy looking chair on a circular rug. A little basket next to the chair held a couple children’s books. There was yellow sticky-tack that had bled into the paper of the crayon-pictures that dressed the walls nearby the chair.
“Did you...draw these?”
“Mm-yeah, a long, long time ago...I know, I know, they’re super cringey.”
“No, I think that they’re super cute.”
“...thanks.” He blushed.
“So was this like your playroom or something?”
“Yeah, kinda like that.”
“How come it’s so...empty?”
Hyunjin looked out past you, to the windows on the opposite wall. The giant glass panels ran from floor to ceiling, and you could see nearly the whole sea-town from where his summer home was situated on a hill. The yellow glow of lights form other homes flowed down the hillside like a collection of fireflies. Further out, the crescent moon illuminated the ocean.
From the light of the room contrasting with the evening’s darkness, the windows appeared mirror-like.
Then, you knew.
“Is this...where you would dance?”
He nodded solemnly.
“I think I figured out that I wanted to be a dancer here. I would look out there at night, and there was something deep down inside me that just knew. Before I even knew how to dance, I would sorta just, move around in here, listen to music. It’s kind of...embarrassing--”
“--No! No, it’s not! I think, I think that it’s beautiful. Don’t feel embarrassed.”
Hyunjin tangled his fingers among yours, “Can I dance for you?”
“Yes. Of course.” You smoothed down a couple silvery strands.
First, he tore off his cotton tee.
“Woah there!!!” In your surprise, your eyes greedily ate him up as you stifled your laughter. “I thought you were dancing, not stripping.”
Your boyfriend impatiently rolled his eyes at you. “It’s part of the dance.”
“You’ll see.”
He set to work finding the song on his phone, and you pretended to be heavily invested in your strawberry popsicle you had brought along. It was your own fault that you stung your teeth trying to take a bite, realizing that Hyunjin’s bare chest was just a little too distracting.
He kicked off his slippers, saying, “This is the one I’ve been telling you about, the one that I’ve been choreographing for a while.”
“M’kay!” You huddled down into the chair to fold up your body, now getting hotter by the second. Two more strawberry licks and you hoped to cool down.
“It isn’t finished yet...so...”
“Go ahead! I’m sure that it’ll be amazing.”
Hyunjin let out a determined little huff before inhaling deeply and flaring up every muscle on his sculpted chest. The music began to play, then his expression dropped to dead serious, just as it would every time he would start his movements. There was nothing but pristine focus in his brown eyes.
It was nothing new to you, but every time that Hyunjin would dance for you, it was like you were seeing him do it for the first time. After all, his dancing was one of the things that made you fall in love with him in the first place.
He had a way of turning himself into the music. It was like he was no longer human, but fluid water, leaves in the wind, snowflakes wafting in streetlights. The inhuman way that he would tense every muscle in his body to lift himself from the ground almost like a sparrow was utterly breathtaking.
Hyunjin’s bare feet hit the floor with a thud as he spun himself around, and his sharp inhales met each beat. The song didn’t have any lyrics, but it was as if his body was filling the room with words; telling a story with his body.
Two drips from your nearly uneaten popsicle waterfalled down your hand. Conversely, two drips of sweat fell down Hyunjin’s body where he finished his dance curled into a ball against the floor. The room was filled with silence and his shallow breaths.
“Hyunjin...oh my god, that was...”
“I know, it’s really rough, I’m still working out the middle part--”
“--I-its unbelievable! I-I mean, you’re unbelievable!”
“Yes! Really.” You rose to attack his sweating body with the biggest hug you could manage with one hand holding your cold treat. “You always take my breath away when you do that.”
“You liked it that much?”
“Would I lie? God, I don’t have a clue how you do it.”
“I just...practice.”
You lead him over to the velvety chair. “Tell me about it. What does it mean?”
“Well, I was thinking it’s about breaking through what makes you vulnerable and insecure, and trying to find yourself when you aren’t sure who you are. Did you...get that?”
Truthfully, he had lost you a little bit. What was more preoccupying was how enraptured he looked reflecting on something so personal to him.
“That’s so beautiful ‘Jin.” Your fingers framed his face with a subtle brush.
“Hm-thank you.” He nuzzled into your hand.
The urge to be as close to him as possible to him was suffocating, so you let your body lead your actions before your mind did: straddling him where he sat to circle your arms around him tight. He let out a little surprised “oh!” but held you back just as tight. You needed nothing more than for him to hold you like that for just a little while.
Two more red, syrupy drips, fell down your wrist.
“Can I please have you tonight? You can do whatever you want to me, I just...want you.”
“Oh, Jinnie...”
He knew all he had to do was say please.
“I wanna be...close.”
You granted him the taste of strawberry on your lips, filling his wanton mouth with your answer. Your thumb rubbed into his cheek, where you felt one of his tears wet your skin.
“Why are you crying my love?”
He sniffled, “Because I’m so happy.” he giggled quietly, “I never thought that I would share this place with someone that I care for so much.”
You blinked back tears of your own. “I promise to take care of you always Hyunjin, and to always make you happy, ’kay?”
His needy fingertips dug into our hips, and you involuntarily found yourself grinding into his lap. You both sniffled a little more, but found comfort back by the corners of each other’s mouths.
“You-you can use me...however you want.” Hyunjin moaned prettily into your mouth.
The heat from your clit became overwhelming as you rubbed into his growing hard-on.
“Okay my love. I’ll do that.”
The cold of your popsicle in your hand fed miraculous little ideas into your head.
“Let’s take these pants off, alright?” Hyunjin nodded, hastily unbuttoning his linen pants.
You took two fat licks up the red length of your freezing popsicle, not breaking contact with his eyes. Just to make him whine, you flicked your tongue over the tip of the sweet treat, just like you would do to him. You used your free hand to palm at his bulge, sucking in as deep as you could down your popsicle.
“You want my mouth, pretty boy?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes please.”
You let your hand trace down his gorgeously thick inner thigh to take your position between his legs, kneeling on the carpet. The tips of your fingers hooked under his waistband, tearing off his briefs. Nearly as pink as your stained tongue, his marvelously long dick twitched in his anticipation then shaky breaths quaked in his chest. With one hand, you tugged at his length rubbing his own pre-cum over his tip.
“Fuck, you’re so cute.”
Hyunjin’s biceps flared as he searched for something to grab onto to steady himself, settling one in your hair, and the other digging little crescents into the skin of his pearly thigh. You switched to give more attention to the popsicle, licking at it agonizingly slow all for him to watch.
“You’d like it like this, wouldn’t you?”
“Mmhm.” He whined with a little shake of his hips. “Please.”
“Okay, you deserve it.”
Streams of strawberry juice fell down your hand as you lent your mouth to his neglected cock, then you traced your freezing tongue up and down the skin. Hyunjin gasped in sharply, wincing a little from the sensation. A broken little “oh” reverberated in his chest.
“Too cold?”
“--No!” He interjected, “No, I-I love it, don’t...don’t stop.”
At last you took in his full length, mixing the sweet taste of freezing fruit with the burning hot warmth of his veiny cock. Today, you’d let him hear you gag a little. As shy as he was, you still knew that his ego swelled by the hundreds hearing you choke on his dick.
Your sugary drool fell down the side of his length as you let go, moving to return back to your mess of a popsicle in your hand. The loss of contact made Hyunjin whimper out helplessly.
“Look at me,” You commanded, sucking in the popsicle several more times. By now, his eyes had entirely glazed over with his lust for you. It was that same look that he would get in his eyes when he danced. He was enthralled.
“M-more?” He begged to you.
You prowled over his hips, kissing the side of his dick as you let those red drops drip onto him, lapping at them after a few seconds.
His entire body shivered viciously while he pitifully groaned into the room.
Your devilish little laughs kissed into his inner thighs, where you bit into the skin.
Your popsicle was then gone in seconds, then you ridded your hand from the sticky juice by providing them to your boyfriend who sucked at them greedily. After you felt as if your mouth had warmed enough for it to be tolerable, you kissed his tip, then resumed your work, bobbing up and down, just as you knew he liked it.
“I’m gonna--mm--if you keep doing that.” Hyunjin threw his head back in his euphoria.
“Let’s move this somewhere else then shouldn’t we?”
There was nothing prettier than the way that your love bites would fade into Hyunjin’s skin after a while, fading from violet to lavender as they healed. You could still see a couple of them tracing his collarbones while your fingers tweaked at his angrily hard nipples.
Little mewls from his mouth spilled into your dripping pussy riding his tongue. One pinch, two more pinches...and his hips buckled. He’d take one of his long arms to travel up your body and pinch at your own nipples and kneed your pretty breast in his hand.
“fuck yes, fuck--your mouth feels so good baby.”
His tongue flicked at your swollen clit, causing your whole body to jerk with each touch. He lent tender kisses into your folds, then would switch to fucking into your leaking entrance with his pointed tongue.
“Go slower, slower...”
You pleaded out your instructions, and he was always one to obey. With the combination of his tantalizing licks and the slow grind of your hips, he coaxed out your orgasm so naturally; he left your thighs shaking on both sides of his head. While you came down, Hyunjin would press careful little kisses into your twitching bud, just as you had taught him.
“Your turn.” You huff out, then carefully shift to move off your boyfriend.
“Please...I want you to touch me so bad, ‘hurts a little...”
“Aw does it?”
You kiss his lips wet with your slick.
“I have a present for you though, before I get to that.”
You can see how needy he is in his eyes, but he still puts on a thankful little smile for you.
“Oh really? I’m sorry, I didn’t get you anything...”
“It’s okay! I wanted to surprise you anyway. Besides, you’re a gift enough for me.”
He snickers, “That was kinda cheesy.”
“I thought that you liked when I was cheesy!?”
“I do, I do.”
You dip into your duffle to pull out the tiny cardboard box.
“What’s this?” He sits up to take it from your hands.
Inside he finds the dainty white lace choker, woven to have little flower-like shapes on the top edge, and tiny fake pearls beaded into the bottom edge like little dewdrops.
“Oh my god.”
“Do you like it? I thought that it would look really pretty on yo--”
“--I love it. Thank you so much.” He plays with the clasp. “Do you...want me to wear it right now?”
“I thought that you could--”
“--Can you help me?” He beamed at you coyly, providing you with the clasps.
“Um-sure.” You find yourself getting flustered over your fantasy of seeing him in that choker for weeks finally becoming a reality.
Before you sweep it around his neck, you press one kiss into his neck.
“There. You look gorgeous.”
Hyunjin’s cheeks turn rosy at your compliment.
“Hyunjin, you’re absolutely mesmerizing. I promise to never stop reminding you.”
His lithe fingers tangle up in your messy hair, and you kiss him all over his chest, renewing some of the hickies that had faded away. The sensation tickles him, and his beautiful giggles are like music to your ears. Slowly, your fingers trickle down to his hips where you take up his half-hard cock back in your hand. He hums a little “mm” once you do so.
“I’m going to make you all mine baby boy, wouldn’t you like me to fuck you until you don’t know anything else?”
Harder you jerk at his cock while you take in the sight of his fluttering eyelids and the way that the veins on his neck pulsate under the pretty white lace.
“Use your words my love, what is you want?”
“-Want you to fuck me, fuck me so good, please, take care of me...”
Hyunjin’s hips thrash this way and that from your teasing provided by your thumb on his slit.
“Close! I-I’m close--” He chokes out the words.
“Already? You’re that pent up for me hmm?”
“Wanna cum...”
You coolly remove your hand. “Not yet darling.”
His whining moan is just a little too bratty for you--it’s not like your Hyunjin to be like that for you. You decide to try another method.
“Wait just a little longer for me okay my love. Let’s not get impatient.”
“No buts.”
Your hand snakes around his neck to press into his airway, and his eyes roll back sinfully as you do so. In your palm, you can feel the pearls press into his skin. With your other free hand you take back to flicking his nipples in your knuckles. He must not have been lying: the head of his cock is angrily flared. Your grip loosens at his neck, and he gasps out with his moans getting tangled in his inhales.
“ M’sorry, I’ll be a good boy for you.”
Hearing him reassure you makes your head spin, and you feel your clit ache out horribly for stimulation. You want him just as bad he wants you, and you’re almost ready for him to know it.
“Come ‘ere, sit on the edge of the bed.”
He follows you, and those pretty pearls shine in the dim glow of his bedroom.
You fall down to permit him a couple wet stripes to his cock and he’s already a mess once more. Mutterings of words muddle his lips, but you can see that he’s holding them back for you, trying not to pressure you or whine any more.
“You are being a very good boy Jinnie, let’s give you what you want how hmm?”
His eyes blow out with his realization then he eagerly watches as you mount his lap facing him, lowering your entrance over his dick, falling down bit...by bit. Your knees are planted on both sides of his legs, supported by the bed and his arms holding you nearer.
There’s nothing that Hyunjin loves more than feeling how tight you are around his cock, it nearly turns his whole body into jelly with the first contact. For a couple moments, you simply exist connected in this way, letting the sense of intimacy consume your entire beings.
“I love you Hyunjin.” You start to bounce, and it takes all of his will to say the words back to you.
His arms fall back to prop himself up, and Hyunjin lets you bounce up and down on him as hard or as fast or slow as you like, taking his dick to pleasure yourself in any way that you see fit. It’s when you graze your g-spot the deepest that both of your bodies fold together, trying to maintain your upright position. Hyunjin’s arms start to shake and you push his chest back, and his body bounces a little on the mattress from your force. You pay no mind, spreading out your hands flat on his chest to ride him with every bit of energy that you have left.
“oh god, oh god, shit-” He tries his best to hide his curses from you.
You can’t help but obsess over his angelic form under you, topped with the beautiful choker that makes him look nearly fairy-like. The sense of possession that you soak up from his moans all for you drives your orgasm right up through your body, tearing through every nerve you think you must have.
Hyunjin clenches his teeth, hissing air through with his eyebrows crossed tightly.
“Cum for me baby, you can cum for me now my love.”
Hyunjin’s neck flares against his choker with his spewing of nonsense words and erotic moans while he cums inside you, both of you throbbing against the other.
He laughs a little, chest rosy and rising and falling for vital breaths to calm himself.
“Are you okay?”
He nods with that adorable little smile you love, “Mmhm.”
“You want to say like this for a second?”
“Okay. I need to catch my breath too.”
You press your body flush against Hyunjin’s chest letting him hold your sweating bodies together. Every few seconds or so, one of you would shake with little aftershocks from your orgasms.
“Did I do okay?” Hyunjin asks you after some time.
“Of course. You don’t even have to ask, sweetheart” You give one last kiss on his forehead messy with stringy silver tufts.
...I promise to always be good for you.”
#softnsubby!hyunjin strikes again!#I just couldnt forget him after last time ahaha#stray kids smut#skz smut#stray kids imagines#stray kids oneshots#stray kids drabbles#stray kids fanfic#hwang hyunjin smut#hyunjin smut#hyunjin imagines#hyunjin x reader#hyunjin x you#hyunjin x y/n#hyunjin x female reader#kpop smut#kpop imagines#kpop fanfic
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A/N: Requests from two anons. No crying involved but definitely an anxiety-inducing situation for RC if that makes any sense. Enjoy! ♥
Words: 2118 Warnings: brief mention of past abusive relationship, attempted rape
“Honey, don’t you think you have enough candy by now? Who’s gonna eat all that?”
“Me!” Your niece stuck out her tongue as she half-walked, half-jumped through one of the many dimly-lit hallways. Her pumpkin basket was full to the brim already but, as you had suspected, there was no stopping her. You did not mind. You weren’t exactly keen on the annual Dauntless Halloween party in the pit. Lots of alcohol, sweaty bodies and so much fake blood it would take you weeks to get it all out of your clothes, off of your body and your hair. You didn’t hate Halloween, in fact you loved it. But you would rather curl up on the sofa in your tiny apartment reading a good book instead of drinking yourself into a coma.
Your niece looked unbelievably cute in her witch costume. Long ginger hair stuck out from under the pointy hat with the fluffy spider sitting on top. She’d had a little black broom as well—and you were not surprised you had had to keep carrying it after only three apartments already.
She was bound to get tired soon, so you kept telling yourself. You could already see yourself becoming a blanket burrito with a steaming mug full of hot chocolate and some of the leftover sweets you yourself had bought for the other children prior to trick or treating with your niece. You were so lost in thought that you only realised too late she had already started at the next apartment door and gave it a vigorous knock.
“Honey, no, not this one!” Shit. Only a few heartbeats later, the door opened.
“Trick or Treat!” She cried out. She was grinning as she held out her pumpkin basket, waiting patiently for her next victim to give her even more sweets. Only the person who had opened her hardly seemed impressed and instead raised an eyebrow at her. Eric used one of his muscly arms to lean against the threshold, his gaze wandering back and forth between your niece and you.
No one ever dared to knock on Eric’s door, presuming he would breathe down their neck for even considering he would give out candy to enthusiastic little children. Unfortunately, your niece did not know that.
Eventually, his gaze came to rest on you.
“I am so sorry, she was too fast.”
“What happened to your face?” He asked instead of reacting to your half-hearted apology. Oh, right. Embarrassed, you felt your cheeks turning crimson red. You had let your niece put some Halloween make-up on you. There was a giant spider with big orange eyes sitting on your right cheek while she had decorated the left with a black spider web. One thing was for sure, your niece would not become the next Picasso.
“Nothing… my niece thought we should match.” And perhaps next Halloween, she should turn you into a mouse so you could hide in a mouse hole to save yourself from Eric’s scrutinising—and now also downright amused—glance. There was a slight hint of mockery sparkling in his blue eyes as well, so you noticed when he stirred.
“Let me see if I can find something.” Oh. That was unexpected. As he disappeared, leaving his apartment door open, you just stood there dumbfounded all the while your niece tripped on the spot all carefree and blithe. This wasn’t really happening, was it? This was literally your nightmare before Christmas!
About a minute later, Eric returned. In his hands, he held a massive bar of Hershey’s chocolate. It was one of those treats only the leaders of Dauntless were privileged enough to receive every now and then. Your niece’s jaw dropped, eyes widening.
“There you go. You think you’ll be able to carry that?”
“Yes! I’m strong!” She pointed out, emphasising her words by making a muscle with her free arm. “Thank you!” As soon as she had accepted the chocolate, she was already off to the next apartment door. Only you still stood there, seemingly frozen in place.
“Uh… thank you.” You managed to choke out sheepishly.
“You’re welcome…” He mumbled in response. “I’ll see you at the party later.” And with that, he closed the door on you, once again leaving you standing there completely dumbfounded.
You had seen him around on Halloween. Eric never dressed up. Instead, he spent the night sitting at the bar all by himself, occasionally chatting to his fellow leaders and sipping some whiskey—completely unimpressed by his fellow Dauntless members’ craziness and excessive alcohol consumption. In that aspect, he was pretty much like you.
You spent the rest of your niece’s trick or treating pondering over his words. You were certainly overthinking it but what exactly had he meant by that? Did he expect you to show up? You had not planned on going. Would it be rude not to show up now? Jesus, it wasn’t like he had asked you out on a date. Eric was merely not as cold and condescending towards you than to others, perhaps because you always made an effort to be nice and polite to him, especially during your initiation.
And yet, once your niece was returned to your sister and you finally rid yourself of all that make-up on your face, you found yourself picking out something to wear to the party. It was almost like your hot chocolate, book and blanket sighed when you left your apartment and headed to the pit instead.
Halloween was on a full moon this year. Maybe you were going crazy. What were you even expecting? In the end, you settled for wanting to prove to Eric that you were a social person who would not curl up all alone on a day like Halloween—that you were tough; that you were Dauntless.
But you were beginning to regret your decision as soon as you reached the pit. Exuberant laughter and chatting along with loud music nearly blew your ears off, the smell of sweat and alcohol immediately numbing your senses. You coughed a little as you started fighting your way through the dancing crowd, your legs stirring you towards the bar almost automatically. Yep, definitely crazy, you thought to yourself.
At least your make-up was a little more on fleek now. You had gone for a mysterious vamp-look, with smoky eyes and dark-red lipstick, a black dress and your knee-high combat boots to complete your appearance. You felt quite sexy but then again, nothing could quite compete with some cosy pumpkin pyjamas.
“Hey, sweetheart… Can I buy you a drink?” Great. There went another reason for which you hated parties like that. Glancing to your left from the corner of your eye, you spotted an already tipsy man dressed up like a zombie approaching you.
“No, thank you. I can pay for it myself.”
“Don’t have to. I’ll pay for it if you’ll dance with me.”
“No, thank you.” You repeated, a little louder and sterner this time. But instead of letting it go, the man stepped right in front of you. He looked still young, probably among the new recruits who had recently passed initiation.
“What are you so scared of? It’s just a drink.” Only ‘just a drink’ was usually accompanied by the expectation of more than just dancing. You were not wary because of prejudice. You were wary because of personal experience in your old faction and an abusive ex-boyfriend.
“Come on, Drake.” The young man joining him was dressed like a zombie as well. They had done well with their make-up. They were nearly unrecognisable. “It’s not your fault you look like a troll. Allow me to buy the lady a drink.”
Annoyed, you rolled your eyes. “I appreciate it but I don’t want either of you to buy me a drink. Let me through, please.” Perhaps you should go find your friends.
Oh, it had been such a stupid idea to ditch hot chocolate and your warm blanket for this, for Eric. But whatever had gotten into you, you were too stubborn to accept the consequences. Only when you attempted to move past them, they cornered you. Two warm bodies pressed against you, one from the front, one from behind. You shuddered when their hands made a move to wander up and down your arms and waist, moving to the rhythm of the ear-piercing music—and even though everything inside of you screamed to lash out at them and make use of your combat skills, you forced yourself to keep calm.
“Let go of me, you scumbags.” You hissed. You’d give them ten seconds at most. If they did not let go of you until then you would kick the shit out of them. One, two, three…
“You’re in Dauntless, act like it.” They were not entirely wrong, so you hated to admit. The majority of men and women here in Dauntless made no secret out of their countless one-nightstands. Sneaking off and making out in semi-public places was risky, reckless and brave all at the same time—even your friends had told you about the adrenaline rush.
Four, five, six…
“She said no.” A stern voice suddenly came to your rescue. You did not need to turn around to know who it belonged to. Eric stood like a particularly intimidating bouncer. You could practically feel the heat radiating off of his body as he positioned himself behind you with his arms crossed.
“Eric! Come join us. We should take this happy ensemble to a quieter place. Ever had a foursome, love?”
“She said no. Take your hands off her before I rip them out and throw them down the chasm. Don’t think you’re safe just because you’ve passed initiation now.”
“Geez, spoilsport. Come on, Drake.”
“I was about to handle this myself.” You hastened to explain when they finally staggered off, lifting your chin up in a proud and independent manner. Eric slightly raised his eyebrows. Well, at least the reason for your presence at this uncomfortable party was here now.
“I know.” Apparently, he’d been headed for the bar as well. With your heart in your mouth, you found yourself following him until you finally reached your destination and asked the barkeeper for a cold beer. Eric went with his traditional whiskey.
“You’re shaking.” He remarked, arms crossed on the counter.
“I’m cold.”
“Cold? This is a sauna. You were afraid of what they might do to you.” He said matter-of-factly and oddly, without any hint of scorn in his voice. The urge to react all defensive overwhelmed you nonetheless.
“So? I went through one abusive relationship, I’m not keen on going through that again because some arseholes believe I have to have one-nightstands for the sake of being Dauntless.”
Eric hummed; in silent agreement, probably. For a brief moment, he was still. You took the time to take a few eager sips from your beer. At least that compensated you a little for relinquishing Halloween night as a blanket burrito.
“Your face looks better than before.” He said then.
“Yeah… thanks. I told my niece begged me to do my make-up for her candy hunt. I didn’t have much choice in the matter.”
The Dauntless leader smirked. “I take it you did not intend for her to knock on my door.”
“No.” No one ever does, you added quietly.
“Well, she seems tough. She should stay in Dauntless once she’s old enough to choose.” He paused.
“I hope so too. ‘Faction before blood’ only sounds easy.”
“Tomorrow, nine o’clock in the training hall. I’m going for a run.” He suddenly commented out of the blue. Your eyes widened. Excuse me?
“Huh?” Frowning, you studied his face, searching for the joke you quite apparently did not understand. “Are you asking me out on a date?”
Eric raised his eyebrows once more. “Was I being unclear?”
“Well, no but—“ There was one thing you knew about Eric for certain. You did not defy him. Ever. There was a part of you which wanted to, simply out of spite but the other… the other had dragged you all the way to this party merely because Eric had suggested to ‘see you there’. Heavens, was this really happening? Was the most fearful Dauntless leader of them all actually taking an interest in you? Should you thank your niece for being the trigger… or damn her?
“Good,” He interrupted you harshly, “Tomorrow, nine o’clock in the training hall.” When you said nothing, too flabbergasted to even respond, he simply downed his whiskey and ordered a new one. Well, Happy Halloween to you. It honestly seemed like this was going to be a promising night after all.
A/N: If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate it so much if you considered supporting me on Kofi! It’s either for caffeine or red wine, I’ll take both. ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
#eric divergent#eric divergent imagine#eric divergent x you#eric divergent x reader#eric coulter#eric coulter imagine#eric coulter x you#eric coulter x reader#divergent#divergent imagine#dauntless#dauntless imagine#jai courtney
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Saeran AE Good Ending Choice Walkthrough
Hello everyone! I’ve decided to share the walkthrough on Tumblr as well, because I received a message about reddit being blocked in some countries! I wasn’t aware! So here! Cheers!
I've since edited the guide to include some the Sad Endings, Bad Endings, Normal Ending, as well as the good ending. Currently this guide sits at 9/10 total endings for Saeran's AE. I've included chat times, save locations, as well as choices. If anyone complies the guide and shares it elsewhere, I'd appreciate a shoutout as this took some time! Feel free to @me anywhere as Ririkutai <3
The way to get Bad Ending 1 is by taking Rika's side and not wanting to leave Saeran's side. The trigger lies somewhere between day 2-3, but I'm uncertain of the specifics.
Day 1:
There are two sad endings on this day!
Time: 00:00 x2
Strange Meeting
· I’ll bring Saeran with me for the meeting
· Let’s save that part until Saeyoung returns
· Saeyoung owns all the rights
· Please be safe, Saeyoung
· I have a bad feeling about this
· Do you think the leader of Mint Eye is related to this?
· Did we, Saeran?
· Saeran, my sweet
· But first, we should discuss how to save…
· Is V still gone?
· Something’s fishy
· Make sure you check V’s luggage!
· Be careful on your way!
· We should keep our eye on V
· Let’s stay alert, Jaehee
· For some reason, I’m kind of uneasy
· What are you doing right now?
· I’m nervous, too
· I hope we can take plenty of pictures in the future
· I love you, too
Story Mode:
· Where is V?
· We never fight. I trust Saeran (Saeran Heart)
· Well, I did talk a lot
· Maybe it is her…
· I know it feels weird, but you must free yourself from your past
· Saeran, don’t you think we should tell them?
· What are you thinking?
· Is there anything you know about Saeyoung’s whereabouts?
· Try holding breath just a bit longer
· V… Why are you doing this?
Please Wake Up
No choices
Story Mode:
· Wake up
· Try to wake up
· Saeran
· I held my breath, like you told me
· I’ll help you
NOTE RELOAD THE PREVIOUS SAVE AND Select all options that aren't doubtful, don't hold your breath like Saeran suggests, fall like everyone else, and be sure not to move in the hospital. This triggers Sad Ending 1
Time: 9:45
Can We Trust Him?
· I don’t think I can rest, when I…
· I’m kind of tired…
· By the way, is there something wrong with the…
· Was it a hacker!?
· Could it be the secret agency...?
· Does that mean we need to be careful…?
· Traitor (Saeran heart)
· So you handed over the information of this…
· What did you expect? You tricked us.
· Prove to us that Saeyoung…
· And you are trying to pull Saeran into danger (Saeran heart)
· Are you talking about Rika?
· No! He will never do that! (Saeran heart)
· He’s gone again | (Selecting, "Maybe he really wants to help you." Gives a V heart, but I'm uncertain how it affects the rest of the route)
· But you can’t let yourself get into this (Saeran heart)
· I’ll be waiting, my love (Saeran heart)
Time: 11:23
Did She Change?
· Come on out, hacker! Fight me! | (Selecting "Go away, V!" Gives you a Saeran heart, but I'm uncertain how it affects the route)
· Oh, a bad guy! Time to say hi
· He knew we won’t ever trust him again
· Are you still obsessed with Saeran?
· And you’ve done horrible things to Saeran
· And you expect me to believe that?
· Sounds like you are inviting him into a trap | (Selecting "I must admit, you are persistent." Gives you a V heart, but I'm uncertain how it affects the route)
· You really don’t give up do you?
· Fact remains that you are far from normal (Saeran heart)
· No! Stay away! (Saeran heart)
Story Mode:
· The question is whether you should make... (Saeran heart)
· So, are you going to save Saeyoung?
Time: 16:05
Rika and V’s Reunion
· Rika! You can’t stop our love!
· Are you here to tell Saeran to leave again?
· Do you have any idea how bad she hurt Saeran? (Saeran heart)
· You should first explain about Rika | (Selecting "How is Saeyoung?" gives you a Saeyoung heart, uncertain how it affects the route.)
· Do you know Saeran does not have a family picture…
· But Rika's standing is very different from... (Saeran heart)
· But what about you? What about your life? (V heart)
· You do need balance for a relationship as well
· Are we witnessing the birth of a new savior...? (Saeran heart)
· It’s the prime minister isn’t it? | (Selecting "Could it be the agency?" gives you a V heart.)
· We will save everyone!
· There’s no doubt V, Rika, and the prime…
· Yay! Let’s talks! Just the two of us!
Time: 17:57
Rika’s Selfish Happiness
· What are you plotting with…
· I will go with whatever Saeran chooses (Saeran heart)
· He might leave by the time the rest of RFA…
· But we are always together (Saeran heart)
· Are you sure you have reunited with V?
· So nobody ever saved V (V heart)
· Maybe you wanted people to recognize you and tell you...
· That's good, but... V looked desolate
· What do you really want to become?
· Cough, cough calories
Time: 19:11
Secure Chat Just for Us
· Hey, we’re back
· Good job. Now lets use this room…
· What? Doesn’t that mean our enemies are huge?
· Of course you are… We have four bad guys…
· That's right! Let's go save Saeyoung! (Saeran heart)
· Then let’s get going! (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
· What if your trauma returns? (Saeran heart) | (Both options give a heart though!)
· I remember both of them (Saeran heart) | (Both options give a heart still!)
· I love you, Saeran
· This might turn out to be reckless (Saeran heart) | (Both options give a heart. This boi is full of love)
NOTE RELOAD YOUR PREVIOUS SAVE AFTER SECURE CHAT JUST FOR US And select "Then let's leave. Let's leave everything, instead of saving Saeyoung.", "Yes.", "I'll be fine. I want to be happy with you. That's all I'm asking for." To receive Sad Ending 2
Time: 20:44
Different Perspective on the Past
· Rika… You’re back
· I’m not sure if this is the best time…
· Do you remember what it was like back then?
· Were you happy even without Saeyoung?
· I guess you did miss her. You didn’t separate willingly… (Saeran heart)
· Family is not something you can replace like objects...
· Now I’ll be your family (Saeran heart)
· You’ll be a great parent (Saeran heart)
· Alike? How?
· You are still obsessed with him?
· Saeran is not like you (Saeran heart)
· It feels like you’re inviting us into a trap
· She might make you her prisoner…
· Can’t we stay a bit longer?
· Okay
Story Mode
· Don’t you think we should head straight to this…
· V provided his apartment to them?
· V would’ve thought everything by himself…
· It’s the agency!
Time: 21:56
Unbelievable Peaceful Chit-Chat
· V? What brings you back here?
· How come you own that place?
· Did you get scammed by any chance?
· I’d thought you plotted it
· I think it’s fake news
· But the prime minister and the agency are attacking..
· Jumin will be beyond shocked (Jumin heart)
· That’s where the root of all evil…
· You brought someone else to that apartment?
· I’m so glad Jumin did not turn out like…
· A dark magician!
· Do you think this news will be highly detrimental…?
· It’s not a good thing to play deaf to what you…
· Can’t you give me one last clue…
· If only Jumin…
· One day you will pay
Story Mode
· What is this place?
Time: 23:05
The Most Important Thing
· Saeran? You’re gone
· I’m fine. When I’m with you, my joy… (Saeran heart)
· Why not break through the windows?
· What do you think will happen to us… (Saeran heart)
· I hope by tomorrow at least one…
· Regardless of the truth…
· Do you think the other members of RFA…
· They’d be shocked mostly by the fact…
· But I chose to come with you (Saeran heart)
· Yes. Because we will never stop loving… (Saeran heart)
· You are also important to me, Saeran (Saeran)
· Please be safe, my darling (Saeran)
Story Mode
No Choices
Day 2:
There are two Sad Endings on this day
Time: 00:23
Unexpected Guest
· Saeyoung?!
· How did you get in here?
· Saeran! We have an intruder!
· Let’s find out what we can from him!
· Are you here to hack this room…
· Do you know Saeyoung?
· Charlie the 3rd?
· Is Saeyoung safe?
· Is Saeyoung in mortal danger?
· Are you going to tell the agency…
· Tell us something! Anything is fine!
· I think you were
· No! Please, help us! (Saeran heart)
· My heart breaks whenever I think (Saeran Heart)
· And you will make that promise (Saeran heart)
· Are you telling him to instead save himself?
· But we don’t want to spend the rest of our lives…
· Are you going to report everything from this…
· But let’s not give up (Saeran heart)
· No, I’m gonna wait for you! (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
No Choices
Time: 2:22
How to Use Vanderwood
· Is that why you wanted us to log in…
· I don’t think that guy is very thorough…
· Vanderwood betrayed the agency! Like this? (Saeran heart)
· What if he’s stupid? What if he…
· I know you said that because you care… (Saeran heart)
· That’s right. He might help us once he… (Saeran heart)
· And it was all because Rika brainwashed…
· I’m sure Saeyoung was also manipulated by false information (Saeyoung heart)
· It must have been awful after you… (Saeran heart)
· Back then you were not ready to…
· I’m also getting this strong feeling.. (Saeran heart)
· I also had a feeling they…
· Please help us once, Vanderwood! I know… (Saeran heart)
· And a good expectation will manifest… (Saeran heart)
· Please!!! (Saeran heart)
· Nah, you’re the only one who thinks…
· Yeah, and now let’s get busy with our…
Time: 8:00
Zen is Awake!
· Zen!! Are you awake??
· I’m just grateful you are awake
· Maybe Saeran and I shouldn’t have left (Saeran heart)
· Could you please report it to the media?
· That’s right! Bring it on… (Zen heart)
· Not yet… It might be a trap
· It turned out the agency is…
· Don’t be disappointed with yourself
· Thanks for trying to look
· Okay. Now we are going to save…
Story Mode
· Yeah. Are you?
· Yes. I am not letting you go by yourself
· Are you the boss…
· We were told you will be in mortal danger…
· What kind of deal did you…
· You mean you’ll send them to…
· You want them to live caged lives…
· Saeyoung… You’re sacrificing yourself… (Saeyoung heart)
· But we cannot leave you here, Saeyoung
· We don’t have a choice. There’s nothing we can do…
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER ZEN IS AWAKE And select: "This seems familiar...", "You can go ahead...", and "Okay." To receive Sad Ending 3.
Time: 9:45
Vanderwood’s Suggestion
· Vanderwood?
· Are you here to help us?
· How do we know this isn’t a trap?
· Your agency is a nightmare
· But won’t you get in trouble…
Story Mode
· What do we do now?
· But he just won’t care for himself
· Do you think we can trust Vanderwood?
· Let’s do that. For some reason I have…
· Let's put our faith in him. We're not leaving...
Time: 11:37
Saeyoung is with Rika
· Why are you here?
· Is it because you were scared…
· He wanted to save his brother
· You kidnapped Saeyoung!?
· Poor Saeyoung… He was manipulated (Saeyoung heart)
· I will never forgive the agency
· But the prime minister might…
· What drug?
Story Mode
· Saeyoung told the agency about the top secret…
· Are you sure we can trust you?
· Is it to put him to sleep?
· I have to be away from Saeran? I…
· Why would you do that? That’s exactly what happens in…
· I’m scared…
· Why don’t’ we go back to the hospital and… (Saeran heart)
· Why don’t we go back to C&R and…
· …No. We’re in this together (Saeran heart)
· I'm going to keep you safe, Saeran
Time: 13:15
Jumin Han is Here
· Rika has Saeyoung.
· Sorry. I can’t tell you (Jumin heart)
· Wow! I knew you’d be fit! (Zen heart)
· I bet you felt betrayed
· On a scale of 0 to 10
· Is your father really related to
· You mean you might lose..
· He didn’t betray us. He’s become his father’s… (Saeyoung heart)
· Did you hear anything from Saeran?
· What’s your secret?
· But you must have an emergency plan..
· I understand… You have lost…
· But if you put yourself in his shoes
· Let me know once you hear something
Story Mode
· Where is Saeran right now?
· What do you mean, you lost the other…
· Why did you bring me here?
· You tricked me! (Saeran heart)
Time: 15:33
Vanderwood in Trouble
· You tricked me! (Saeran heart)
· Whose side are you on?
· Couldn’t you let both of us go?
· What do you mean?
· What happens if you get…
· Admit it – You’re a nice person
· But it’s adorable… I really want to see (Saeyoung heart)
· You’re returning the phone?
· Run and survive!
Story Mode
· I hope Vanderwood will be alright
· Saeran will never give up
· You are simply trying to make your dream… (Saeran heart)
· RFA might expose everything about
Time: 18:00
Rika’s Request
· Jumin, cheer up…
· They’re not coming
· Don’t you feel guilty?
· Yeah, unlike you. (Saeran heart)
· You were a great actress (Saeran heart)
· But do you really need those twins..
· But you cannot decide how they will (Saeran heart)
· I believe Saran will save… (Saeran heart)
· Saeran, if you read this… Don’t ever give up (Saeran heart)
· Just who led Saeyoung to the agency….
· Do you feel anything about RFA…
· Jumin will feel so betrayed (Jumin heart)
· Just because you say sorry… (Saeran heart)
· Saeran… I’m okay. (Saeran heart)
· V… Does that mean I cannot…
· Thank you, V (V heart)
· V… Are you really okay with everything..
Time 19:00
RFA in the Corner
· I’m waiting for Saeran
· You took in that gas again?!
· Maybe it’s a bluff
· Well, it’s not a perfect time for him to chat..
· I feel so bad for the twins…
· The agency is no easy opponent
· And we have no way to prove that we’re the good guys :’(
· That was a very brave…
· No talking on the messenger!
· How is Elizabeth 3rd? (Jumin heart)
· Maybe we should do that…
· We should stay away from…
· Calm down, Zen
· As soon as you do that he’ll be knocked…
· It’s okay. Don’t worry
· Vanderwood?
Story Mode
· Do you think Saeran will be here?
· Look behind
· Okay, okay…
· But you won’t be happy if someone tries to control
· Saeyoung? Are you awake?
· But he needs you
· Tell me.
· But how? You don’t have the right…
· I’m scared. That phone is the only tool you have…
· V, please… You have to help us
· V, you know this isn’t the answer
Time: 21:02
Why We Need Saeran
· You are so cold-blooded!
· Until when will the agency…
· Do you think he’s watching the messenger?
· Are you going to tell him to be silent and come find you?
· He will never give up… Not while he’s alive
· The problem lies with the life in a box (Saeran heart)
· But I don’t want to leave Saeran! (Saeran heart)
· This is too cruel… Finding this place…
· What are you gonna do now?
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 23:13
Did RFA Give Up?
· Did you hear anything from Saeran? (Saeran heart)
· You’ve made an excellent choice (Saeran heart)
· I feel bad for you, Zen (Zen heart)
· Is there really nothing else we can do?
· Please stay healthy, Zen (Zen heart)
· But we need Saeran here first
· :’(
Story Mode
No choices
Day 3:
Time: 1:02
Rika Wants Saeran
· The RFA won’t be using…
· They suffered a lot regarding…
· The agency is the biggest problem,
· You might think it’s protection, but..
· I wonder where Saeran is.. (Saeran heart)
· Maybe later
· No thanks lol
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 6:04
A Ticket Unused
· Saeran!!
· Are you safe?
· Are you really coming here?
· I love you too! (Saeran heart)
· You should be happy with me
· Why would you say that? I’m scared (Saeran heart)
· You’re gonna be here?
· But right now, we have to focus on surviving (Saeran heart)
· Okay… I’ll remember that
· Great! But...
· Okay… I’ll stay awake and wait
Story Mode
· I’ve missed you
· [Munch munch]
· If you keep making fun of me, you’ll pay for it
· No, we deserve to be happy
Time: 8:51
Saeran is Here
· Saeran! But this channel…
· Rika… Please let Saeran in…
· What took you so long?
· I think they’re putting him…
· We should be true to ourselves… (Saeran heart)
· But now RFA has nothing…
· I bet Rika doesn’t want to…
· She’s the seed of all pain!
· Are you avoiding the subject?
· One we reunite, I never want to…
· What freedom?
· You don’t want to repeat your past
· But Rika wouldn’t like that (Saeran heart)
· You hate Rika and V, don’t you? (Saeran heart)
· Okay, if that is what you choose… (Saeran heart)
· I’ll be waiting
Story Mode
· You should trust Saeran
· I’ve missed you
· Can’t you let me stay…
Time: 11:11
Rika’s Return
· Rika, where are you?
�� You didn’t torture him, did you?
· Maybe he’s going to hurt them!
· Saeran will cause no harm (Saeran heart)
· I’m going to run with Saeran
· Ugh! I hate what’s happening!
Story Mode
· Do you have to do this?
· Saeran… wake up
· It must have been shocking and sad (Saeran heart)
· Saeran… one day you’ll be free and we’ll be… (Saeran heart)
· Only me and Saeyoung? (Saeran heart)
· What do you mean you’ll
· Why?
· RFA didn’t give up on you
· So did you make it?
· It’s too dangerous (Saeran heart)
· No, let me distract them!
· If Saeyoung brings down the agency..
· ….
· This so sad
Time: 12:48
Weight of the Past
· I’m so sad…
· And you left Saeran like this..?
· Hi, Saeran...
· Can I have your voice instead?
· Did you have to go this far?
· Saeran decide to leave past in the past (Saeran heart)
· It’s a good thing you left Magenta..
· Saeran changed himself. (Saeran heart)
· Trying to repeat a happy past can sometimes serve as greed
· She's not mad is she?
· You should reconsider (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 14:07
It Will Hurt, But We Will Be Happy
· Saeran! This is our love channel!
· Do we have to do this? (Saeran heart)
· I have a feeling we will fail (Saeran heart)
· Do you think they’ll get…
· But I don’t think I can live without you (Saeran heart)
· Please don’t leave me
· …
Story Mode
· Sniffle
· She might turn violent
· You can’t decide what Saeran will be like
· You are right… But please don’t die
Time: 16:25
I’ll Have None of This
· It’s a sad night
· Saeran’s will reached my heart (Saeran heart)
· To be honest, you’re…
Story Mode
· Feel what?
· But I want to spend as much time as I can
· I’ll be right back
Time: 17:55
I Promise You Will Be Happy
· Did you guys have an argument?
· I want you, Saeran (Saeran heart)
· Get one for Saeyoung (Seven heart)
· Do you have 2 tickers that will get us out?
· About what?
· No! Saeran is mine! (Saeran heart)
· Do you think you can make it someday?
· I’ll be having fun with Saeran
· What should we do now?
· Are we the only ones that know about this room?
· You mean including Jumin and Zen?
· I’m sad, too… Is there really no other way? (Saeran heart)
· Clouds? Why clouds?
· So your freedom was...
· Can’t you let me stay here? (Saeran heart)
· This is so sad. I don’t want to leave
· I was so happy I could meet them (Saeran heart)
· If you love me, why are you making me sad? (Saeran heart)
· Let’s think about a way to keep you safe?
· Yeah!
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 19:09
Rika is Changing
· I’m glad you released Saeran
· I think you mean tonight (Saeran heart)
· I want to live with just Saeran
· Do you think you can take another betrayal?
· I’m glad things loosened up
· Saeran is my love (Saeran heart)
· Please don’t stab Saeran… (V heart)
· Whatever happens, I hope you’d be happy, Rika
· I think I need someone to cleanse my head…
· Unlike his father
· If that’s what you want, you must one day…
· I’m glad I got to meet all of you
· Rika hurt your eyes…
· How long do you think this happiness will last? (Saeran heart)
· Do you think her hope is real?
· Is it related to Saeran?
· It’s okay. Saeran is strong (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
· Can’t I come with you?
Time: 21:39
The Weight of Truth
· V talked about this secret
· I don’t want to leave him
· Is Saeran okay
· What did you guys talk about?
· The death of their mother?
· Can’t you just stop
· You are pretending to be nice
· You can’t do this to him
· We must find Saeran! (Saeran heart)
· At least you didn’t wait any longer…
· You would still feel painful
· But that does not justify murder
· He didn’t talk to me
· You have until 11
· I’m so disappointed in both of you
· Saeran, are you okay?
Story Mode
· I don’t want to go
· Please don’t do this
· Please tell me you will survive
Time: 23:00
Rescue Plan
· Are we getting started?
· Is it okay to leave Saeran?
· Saeran
· I can't believe I must leave him... (Saeran heart)
· We’ll be back for Saeran, right?
· Saeyoung and Saeran didn’t even get to talk
· The prime minister won’t get to..
· What press conference?
· Thank you everyone
Story Mode
No choices
Day 4:
There are 3 bad endings, and one bad relationship ending on this day. The Normal end and Good end are also on this day.
Time: 2:16
Escape – Success!
· Saeran, I’m okay! (Saeran heart)
· I miss you Saeran
· I’ll be waiting
· I think I’m going to wait for Saeran
If you see "Story Mode: Savior" here then you haven't received enough hearts with Saeran and will trigger his Bad Relationship Ending (I feel this is the ending that brought most of us here, lolol... Help my heart.)
Story Mode
· I’ll go by myself if I have to!
· I’m coming with you!
· I will find Saeran
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER ESCAPE - SUCCESS! And select: "Looks like there's nothing we can do...", "I think I'll stay here..." To receive Bad Ending 2
Time: 5:55
Vanderwood and Zen’s Argument
· Vanderwood, does this mean...
· You guys have such cute…
· You mean Yoosung?
· Looks like you have a lot of history..
· Come on, let’s be friendly
· Do you think Rika and V are not aware of this?
· I really hope Saeran is safe
· That’s what I heard
· I’m fine with anything as long as..
· I really hope that’d be the case
· Is there really no master key to get us
· I hope Saeran is okay…
· You kicked him out…
· I hope he can find a miracle for us
· Okay…
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 8:24
Saeyoung is Back
· Any news about Saeran?
· Are you gonna sign...
· It was so beautiful (Seven heart)
· I hope Saeran is safe
· Could you tell him I love him? (Two Saeran hearts)
· I’ll do that
· Good luck!
Story Mode
· The security’s changed…
· V, where is Saeran?
· Follow V
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER SAEYOUNG IS BACK And select "Don't follow V" To receive Bad Ending 3
Time: 10:00
The Last Discussion
· Yoosung, are you okay?
· If you get to see her again…
· Like me and Saeran?
· Welcome Jumin
· We can beat them
· Do you think sweet and sour
· Please, go ahead
· But some people become stars without
· Yeah, but it won’t be easy
· So, Ray…
· Life
· From imprisonment to…
· That we are all responsible
· It’s so good to…
· Thank you for your sermon
· Let’s not lose ourselves
· Whatever it’s about good luck!
· We won’t be lonely if we’re together
· Hopefully I’ll get to…
· He is… He’ll be okay
Story Mode
· Where is Saeran?
· Embrace Rika
· But now you will change
· Go save Saeran
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER THE LAST DISCUSSION And select "(Don't go save Saeran)" To receive the Normal Ending.
The Final Episode
· Saeran!
· Please stay alive
· He’s gotta be somewhere around here! I can feel it!
· He’s around here. I know
· I must go
· Leave the rest and run
· Saeran, please don’t go
· I love you
· Now you should be happy with me
· Wake up!
· Pity
· Saeran and Saeyoung simply wanted
· Your lonely heart…
· Saeran will forgive you…but
· You will pay
· I’m sure you had something…
· But can’t you see?
· Does survival matter that much?
· You must be so lonely
· We must get him to a hospital!
· Saeran, hang in there!
· Saeyoung, please
· Hopefully Saeran…
· But Saeran forgave him
· Okay. I’ll let you know once he wakes..
· Saeran?
· What is it?
· Are you saying…
· Saejoong Choi!
· Why did you find…
· Did you have a change of...
You’ve made it! Select whatever you like!
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Can you explain the appeal of Julian Blackthorn? This is a genuine question because I read the books and came away utterly bored by him and unconvinced of his moral greyness as opposed to like, Adam Parrish’s. He seemed so one dimensional to me but I want to know if I’m Wrong TM considering I tend to be very very biased toward my favourite characters and bored by the rest, and my favourites were Mark and Kieran. So maybe I just didn’t pay him enough attention??
it’s been a while since i wrote any earnest tsc meta but cringe culture is dead and the chance to infodump about my julian thoughts has me vibrating where i’m sitting so. yes okay.
technical stuff
(aka: things pertaining to How The Story Is Constructed)
cassandra clare’s characterization has become much stronger just in general since she first began writing the series like twenty years ago
perhaps most importantly: the more recent stuff i’ve read from her has involved characters who actually grow, change, and learn from their past mistakes
rather than repeating the same stupid decisions over and over again
and over and over and over some more
seriously take a shot every time someone in tmi miscommunicates or self-destructs in ways They Have Learned Not To Do for no real reason. u will die of alcohol poisoning
in tda this shines ESPECIALLY with the evolution of mark, kieran, and cristina’s relationship, but that’s a separate post
clare’s trademark is also the angsty traumatized jerkass love interest with a secret heart of gold
the woman is almost singlehandedly responsible for draco in leather pants and the proliferation of this kind of character type in fandom and teen lit. this isn’t a criticism it’s me marveling at how if you commit hard enough to a single trope you truly can change the world. follow your dreams
sad jackass with a heart of gold isn’t an Inherently Problematic Character Type
but poorly done it can lead to relationship dynamics in which one partner is constantly being hurt by and then forgiving the other despite them making no real effort to change, because they are narratively absolved due to being sad
(there’s a lot of this with earlier jace content. in some ways i think will was later created specifically to be a same-archetype protagonist who actually does get called on his shit and grow. that’s also another post)
also if all of your sexy male love interests are tortured jackasses with a heart of gold then people start calling you a one-trick pony
enter julian blackthorn!
from the very start everything about him is designed to be the INVERSE of the heart of gold jackass. which immediately makes him interesting just from a meta perspective
(mark and kieran are also both alternate angles on this time-honored archetype. mark gets the heart of gold and kieran gets the jackass and then they’re both much more deeply messy than that. yet another post)
julian is kind, self-sacrificing, empathetic, artistic, emotionally supportive, responsible, and favored by old grannies everywhere
so a completely nonthreatening milquetoast guy, right
immediately forgettable if you’re only here for the dramatic conflicts and shithead antics of clare’s other protags
except that he is A Mess
and that he has structured his priorities very carefully, and they are as selfless as you expect from The Hero (TM) but they are also Not Heroic (TM) and they do not align with the moral framework The Hero (TM) is supposed to use
moral ambiguity in characters always exists in relation to their narratives imo. you mention adam parrish - trc’s narrative already mucks around in different ethical shades of gray, and adam falls on the canon scale about where julian does on his canon scale. both more willing than the average pov character to do the ruthless thing or make the fucked-up choice if the ends justify the means; both with an intensely strong sense of internal priorities that they adhere to at all costs, both so unbelievably fucking down for murder; etc
i do think there are ways julian’s choices could have been pushed even further, but considering the number of readers who hate his guts already, i can see why clare opted not to go for the most controversial possible conflicts
so we’re flipping the narrative
instead of seeing this angsty bad boy and peeling back the layers of his trauma to find his heart of gold, we’re seeing the put-together selfless family man and peeling back the layers of his Responsibility Mask to expose the rotting husk underneath
then when julian DOES lash out in hurtful, uncontrolled ways, he has significantly more narrative justification for it than most of clare’s protagonists (will elaborate in characterization thoughts)
julian is also interesting as fuck because of how his struggles allow for a more in-depth look at the failings of shadowhunter society, something that’s also sorely lacking in clare’s earlier work
his apparent amorality is simply the result of him making pragmatic and impossible choices because he has been faced with fucked-up ethical dilemmas since age 12 Because Society Has Failed Him
which opens the door for narrative exploration of how and why he’s been failed so badly & what needs to change
i also love that he has such a coldly calculated way of analyzing situations and allowing harm to occur when need be, bc a lot of clare’s early protagonists have such a bad case of Rush In And Get Myself Killed Because I’ve Got Feelings About Impulsive Heroism syndrome that i wanna push them in front of a truck
probably there’s other meta narrative stuff i could say but i’m stopping myself and moving on to character analysis
characterization stuff
(aka: reasons why i’m also attached to him in a vacuum)
i don’t read him as one-dimensional at all tbh
u may feel the narrative pushes “ruthless julian blackthorn” too much without delivering enough actual ruthless julian But i don’t think that’s the same as having only one dimension
from the get-go, the big question centered on julian is always “how far are you willing to go?” and the narrative pushes the stakes slowly higher and higher to continuously test julian’s “the price is always justified” mindset
he has a far more layered and realistic response to trauma than clare’s early protagonists - trauma affects every single aspect of his personality and how he conducts himself, and the effects vary depending on the circumstances
his conviction that he has to be the perfect parent to his siblings because they will fall apart if they see him show weakness?? rooted in how he feels like he’s fallen apart since losing the stable adult support he once relied upon
his willingness to hurt semi-innocent people, commit coldblooded murder, manipulate people using political leverage, allow harm to befall any stranger if it protects his family?? rooted in how he has already had to ask himself how much he’s willing to sacrifice, and how his family is his only source of stability when the world has never done Shit for him
his conviction that he has a darker heart than anyone else because he killed his possessed father, even though intellectually he knows he was saving his brother’s life?? rooted in having no means of processing this trauma and being unable to voice his feelings for fear of backlash from a deeply non-understanding society
the way he represses every single negative emotion he ever has, to the point where emma - his actual literal magic soulmate who can feel his emotions - is startled to find him hurting or angry?? once again all about how he has to be the perfect father or he’s failed completely
the way his anger is so totally disproportionate to different situations and the way his negative emotions can only come out in completely uncontrolled breaks?? all that repression baybey. this kid has not processed a single bad feeling in five years. every single real grievance and petty annoyance has been festering indefinitely inside him like a slowly spreading infection
julian’s arc involves him needing to get thru being his worst self to actually start to heal
as in, he has to actually learn to acknowledge his feelings, take care of himself, lean on his family, and let other people take some responsibility
he also has to learn that in his quest to be the perfect emotionally controlled authority figure, he has not actually learned how to control or deal with his emotions. like. At Fucking All. good god
the narrative setup is also about asking “how far are you willing to go?” until the answer is finally “not this far. not this far”
and once he reaches that point, he has to reevaluate everything about how he weighs his priorities and morals and plans, etc
(i also like that emma has a perpendicular arc in which she’s always the one tempering julian and telling him “no we can’t go that far” until she’s willing to do something horrific that he absolutely won’t and HE has to stop HER. very sexy)
it’s also just really nice to have a character who’s learned to relate so well to literally every single member of his family while still having a very detached ruthless interior consciousness. i have similar feelings about how adam teaches himself to love people, but with julian it’s spelled out more explicitly in canon & it’s a more central character theme
i’m sure i’m also forgetting stuff here but this post is long enough so i’m gonna say good enough
and like i said in the tags on my other post, there are things i’d personally write differently if it were my story - plot points i’d shift, character contrasts i’d up, themes i’d explore differently, pacing i’d adjust, etc. i have plenty of ways i could be nitpicky and editorial about the effectiveness of julian’s arc. but i also don’t feel like writing them out at the moment & none of my critiques on effectiveness have an impact on the core appeal of his character 2 me. he’s so fucking good
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Hello!!! I was wondering if you have any fluffy relationship headcanons for Danny Johnson (Ghostface), plz? Thank you.
Also (F/S) means favorite survivor!
A fluff relationship with Danny.... hmm... I’ll feature survivor since I think that would be fun.
🩸💔When you first encountered Ghostface, you were scared to say the least. From what you heard from your other team members he is known for being very, very stealthy, and will do anything to catch his prey. Nevertheless you had to put on a straight face before entering this hell hole.
🩸💔As you almost complete your Gen, you heard a very strange noise. It was like wind blowing against a bush, but everything was still. Nothing was out of the ordinary; so it seemed. You decided to check the area around you in order to remain ‘stable’. Though you were absolutely terrified of this killer, looking around shouldn’t be a bad idea... right? It would definitely eliminate the chances of sudden death, (and possibly relief your stress), but is it truly worth it?
🩸💔Upon further inspection there was absolutely nothing. Everything was fine, except that your generator was lower than last time. Wait... how is it lower? There was no one around from what you could tell, so how did this even happen? Maybe it was because of hex ruin, but you even checked if that was the case before doing the Gen. it must mean one thing; he’s here. He must be staring at you right now.
🩸💔With this realization in your head, you decided to hide somewhere near that area. What you wanted to do is wait until he lost interest to do it again. Your other teammates had already completed a Gen, but strangely enough none of them were getting hurt. It was immensely strange, unusual, and very intriguing. You decided to go back to your generator, and finally complete it. Two gens were finally completed, but no killer; Or so you thought.
🩸💔Suddenly, there came a noise in the distance. You jumped a bit, and slowly walked away from it. The more you walk away, the louder it got. You ran to the other direction, but it was still getting louder. You kept looking behind you, searching around the area, hiding in lockers, and hell you even screamed a bit, but there was no Ghostface. Nothing at all. At this point you were... confused to say the least. You decided to see if your teammates were doing alright, and your eyes beamed opened. Everyone of them were on a hook besides you. Somehow you were alive throughout this torment, while the others were being chased. It was strange how he kept you alive to begin with.
🩸💔You decided to unhook your teammates, heal them, and attempt to get some gens done before Ghostface would catch up to you. You checked if your teammates were alright, and they seemed to be fine- ‘wait... what is that heart beat? Aren’t I working with someone?’ You thought for a quick minute, and turned around slowly. There was nothing. You check the opposite side of the Gen, and there he was. Ghostface was staring right at you, probably smirking underneath his mask. You screamed.
🩸💔You quickly got off the Gen, and sprinted as fast as you could! You stared behind you, noting how close he was, and attempted to loop him as much as possible! You tried to distract him as much as you can, while noting how well the others were doing, but you were becoming weak! Your legs were becoming tired, and you were running out of breath. For a good 10 minutes you and Ghostface were at each other’s necks! Until you vaulted.
🩸💔At that single vault he picked you up gently. He put you on his shoulders and carried you to presumably a hook. You attempted to wiggle your way out, trying to find a branch or something to help you escape, but to no avail. You were helpless. There was nothing you could do. Fortunately, a teammate of yours were able to shine a flashlight at the killer, causing him to drop you instantly! You quickly ran away from him again, and he stared back at you with a possible frustrated glint.
🩸💔After a while you checked to see how many gens were done and there was one more to be completed. Strangely enough two people had died already, and one of them was about to be hooked. Sadly you were on the opposite side of the map, which made it difficult to save him. It was his last hook anyway. Now it was up to you to live through this nightmare, but why did it have to be you? How were you going to live through this? Questions like these spiraled around your brain for a moment, but you had to do something. You needed to escape quickly before he comes...
🩸💔You slowly removed yourself off the Gen you were working on, and attempted to find the hatch. Unfortunately enough the figure you implored not to see was right there standing on the hatch. He stared at you with a teasing glint, and was about to close it. You quivered, slowly approaching him, and tearing up. You didn’t know what to do at all. Everything you did for this team was for nothing. You put your fucking life into it while the others were doing nothing. But was it even worth it? Was all that hard work worth the punishment? What were you even living for? It certainly wasn’t for Ghostface, nor was it for yourself. You might as well give yourself to him and let him take it.
🩸💔Oddly enough he didn’t kill you. Instead he slashed you to the ground, picked you up, and spun around. It was really strange, but you didn’t mind. It was kinda fun to spin around until you were a bit dizzy.
🩸💔After that fun little moment of his, he finally spoke to you, “I finally caught you! You’re all mine!” He giggled childishly, and you kinda laughed along with him. Mainly you were a bit terrified of being slaughtered, but that wasn’t his intentions currently. He was just happy.
🩸💔”You looked so terrified dear! I kinda feel pity. But don’t worry, I’ll give it to you. You can have the hatch.” He said in a cheerful tone, and took a quick photo of you. It was weird how he quickly pulled it out just for you, but you didn’t mind. You quickly went through the hatch, but would regret it later on.
🩸💔Once you returned to the lobby, you decided to talk to your fellow survivors. Your friend group consisted of Claudette, Steve, Feng, Dwight, Felix, and (F/S). When you told them about what happened, they were all immensely shocked. They even thought you were joking. Usually Ghostface is such a terrifying killer, and him just sparing you like that? Unbelievable. However, one of your friends did believe you, and that was (F/S). They were completely convinced about it, and tried to even convince the others. The only one that was somewhat naive to believe this was Claudette, however Dwight convinced her that this HAD to be false. Steve and Felix were quiet, (and probably overthinking), and Feng was rolling your eyes at you.
🩸💔Later on Claudette, (F/S), and Dwight decided to join a match with you, however it wasn’t that fun. You didn’t see Ghostface and there was an insane Michael Myers after you. How great....
🩸💔In the end, you lost the match. It was really, really awful. When you told Felix and Feng about it, they felt empathy towards you. Hell Feng tried to teach you some new tricks, and Felix decided to give you a flashlight for your effort. He also tried to teach you one of his perks, however that didn’t go so well...
🩸💔You decided to go into another match with Felix, Steve, and Feng in order to find Ghostface. Again you were set with another killer; the pig. She was somewhat annoying, however you got used to it after a while. Her patterns were somewhat repetitive, and overall the match became simple.
🩸💔This repetitive joining matches, being disappointed, and ending up ranting to your teammates kept repeating on and on. It was getting annoying. And finally there was one last match. This had to be the luckiest one.
🩸💔The people with you were Felix, Dwight, and (F/S). Strangely enough (F/S) seemed more nervous than usual. They had some sort of warm blush on them, while the other two were simply talking calmly. You notice their blush and went up to them, trying to see what was going on with them. They stared at you and smiled. You asked, “are you ok? You scared?” but they didn’t say anything. They just smiled and chuckled a bit. Was there something on you? Then they replied, “Y-yeah I’m fine. It’s just somethings on my mi-“ suddenly the match was about to load. You could feel a cold shiver down your spine, and that sudden cliffhanger made you subtly intrigued.
🩸💔Luckily someone must’ve put in shroud of union because you were with (F/S). They slowly went up to you with that cute blushing face of theirs and spoke, “Hey S/O... I wanted to tell you this for a while, and it’s really hard to say this but,” they paused for a bit, “I like you a lot.”
🩸💔You blushed at that sudden confession. Where did this even come from?! How long did they have these feelings for?! Nevertheless you decided to stay quiet, practically stunned, and shook your head.
🩸💔You finally spoke, “well I...um...” you said nervously, but then you heard a slight vault. No, not a slight vault; a rush. The killer was near.
🩸💔”We have to get out of here now!” (F/S screamed, and you two quickly ran. Suddenly you saw Felix and Dwight making out completing a generator and you look behind you. There he was; Ghostface in his full form.
🩸💔As (F/S) ran for there life instead of protecting you, you stared back at Ghostface and decided to loop him for a bit. It lasted for about five minutes until you tripped on something. And he caught you right then and there.
🩸💔”Who was that person you were with? I heard what you two were doing....” he spoke in a very furious tone. It was strange since you only saw him once.
🩸💔”S-stalker,” you said accidentally, “why does it matter? They’re just my friend anyway.” He stared at you again, putting his knife against your throat and chuckling deviantly.
🩸💔”It’s so unfortunate that you’re my obsession, and that I could kill you right here right now,” he warned, “but your lucky I’m nice for today. I’ll let you go if you decline that dumbass love interest of yours.” Within his speech, you could sense a heap of fear lurking on your throat. You didn’t know what to do but oblige.
🩸💔As you tried to find (F/S), you spotted Felix opening a chest. Classic Felix, never change. You went up to him and asked if he saw (F/S) and he replied with a somewhat joyful response, “Actually yeah I did. They’re with Dwight right now working on a generator... I hope...”
🩸💔”Thank you Felix.” You bowed and left to find (F/S). Suddenly you heard talking from both of them, which was... strange. You slowly eavesdropped on them only to find (F/S) and Dwight having some sort of... fun...
🩸💔”(F/S) what the hell?! I thought you liked me!” You screamed out, and they stared at you guiltily. “Well, you didn’t say yes or no so...”
🩸💔”That’s no fucking excuse for your actions. You know what? No. I’m not accepting your confession. Hell Dwight, I thought you were better than this!” You yelled and quickly ran out of the area.
🩸💔Felix saw you running, and so did your biggest enemy...
🩸💔As you ran away, you could hear someone approaching you, but you were afraid of who it was. You took a peak and saw none other than Ghostface. Felix was about to approach you, but saw him in front of you. He was shaking from a distance.
🩸💔”So, you must’ve said no Hmm..? Good child. You deserve a treat.” The masked figure flirted. “Y’know, I think I want (F/S) to be camped. Hell, even moriied.” You told him straight to his face. He seem to smile under the mask and nod along. Hell he was even clapping. “Good good! I’m so glad! I’ll deliver your request in no time-“ you stared at him and spoke, “before you do, what’s your name?”
🩸💔”M-my name?” He asked, and looked around for any survivors. Felix was hiding behind a bush. Luckily Ghostface was smarter than to say his first name. “My name is Danny. Nice to meet you...”
🩸💔You replied, “S/O. Nice to meet you as well.”
🩸💔Felix then slowly walked out of his hiding place, and decided to keep quiet about what he heard. Once Danny was gone, he went up to you.
🩸💔”S-so how was (F/S) and Dwight..?” He asked. “Oh,” you spoke, “they were having some type of “fun” without us.”
🩸💔Felix raised his eyebrow and spoke again, “What do you mean by fun..?”
🩸💔”Well, (F/S) confessed to me, and then Dwight and them did things...”
🩸💔”That is such a bitchy move. I-I’m so sorry.”
🩸💔”Don’t worry. I’ll get my revenge, and maybe you can help my little technician.” You winked and told him the plan.
🩸💔Once you and Felix found the perfect Gen, you lure Dwight and (F/S) to it. As you were doing the generator, Felix ‘accidentally’ messed up, and you two went out of the area. You waited till Ghostface approached them with his stalking abilities and strike! They were both down within seconds!
🩸💔He then hooked them both, slashing them with his weapon one more time for good measure. Throughout the rest of the game, you and Felix completed other generators while the other two slowly died.... Or they disconnected.
🩸💔Back at the lobby, Dwight and (F/S) were mad at both of you. They also told Claudette, Steve, and Feng about the situation. Feng and Claudette sided with you two since they either felt bad, (or thought it was pretty intriguing). Steve, on the other hand, decided to side with Dwight and (F/S). Since then you never really talked with them too much.
🩸💔Ever since then, you tried to join matches to find Danny and chat with him for a bit. Sometimes Felix would join in with you and chat with him too, but he wouldn’t bother you two that much.
🩸💔When you talked to Danny, you started to learn more about him. He was actually really cool and loved to photograph things. His photography was AMAZING, and his overall aesthetic was spectacular. Additionally his writing was also very interesting. He mainly wrote in cursive, but without it was still very impressive.
🩸💔Sometimes, when the entity was resting or in a match, he would bring you to his old “shack”, and show you the articles he wrote. They were all beautifully hand crafted, and yet this seemed something like a story. It was like a fairy tale come to life, but this was a more murderous story. It was... thrilling. Besides that he seemed to show you more at any chance he could get. He should you photographs, articles, stories, scripts, and practically anything he could find that had his signature. Some of them, however, weren’t shown to you for whatever reason. Nevertheless you were patient enough to wait it out until one day...
🩸💔”Hey... Danny,” you spoke, “why won’t you show me some of your articles? Some of them even had this Jed Olsen person on i-“
🩸💔”I-it’s nothing! Absolutely nothing! It’s just a-an interesting name for a guy I know! Yeah! YEAH!” He chuckled nervously, with his obvious lie.
🩸💔You glared at him slightly, and he sighed. “Fine. Jed Olsen is my actual name. Some of the articles actually had my real name on them, and I didn’t want to tell you since I’m afraid you’d snitch. Since I kind of though you were a bitch.”
🩸💔”Whatever Jed,” you spoke, “why couldn’t you just trust me before? Like a week ago or something?”
🩸💔He paused for a bit, but finally explained, “Well I was afraid that you’d tell the other survivors since most of them are like that. Like I could tell Steve that Michael Myers is a man child, and he would tell the whole entire army of you. And then we’d get humiliated, shattered, and be live stock!” He posed dramatically, and you simply laughed at him,
🩸💔”Oh my god Danny- s-stop!” You cried.
🩸💔He giggled shortly after, with a slight smile underneath his mask. “I’m guessing you’re also craving something... else...?” He winked with a hint of flirting.
🩸💔”And what would that be?” You asked flirtatiously, somewhat replying.
🩸💔He chuckled chaotically calm, “you want to see what’s underneath the mask don’t you?”
🩸💔”Sure. If you’re in the mood.”
🩸💔Slowly he took off his mask, and revealed who he truly was. He shook his head a bit, and stared up at you with his dark, hazel eyes. His hair was this dark brown, he was overall a bit of tan. Just a slight hint,
🩸💔”Not what you expected huh?” He giggled. His voice was a bit more higher than what you were use to. It was somewhat cute actually.
🩸💔”Actually I kind of thought you would look like this. But not like... a twink per say.” You chuckled a bit, and Danny simply blushed in response.
🩸💔”S-shut up!” He exclaimed cutely.
🩸💔”Then,” you smirked, “make me, Jed Olsen.”
🩸💔”Bet.” He then slowly approached you, somewhat menacingly, and kissed you on the lips. His lips were soft, but tough in its own way. His kisses were a slight bit skinny, but overall enjoyable. He slowly hold you as you two kissed. His touch was mesmerizing; soft, and rough. He was so warm, cuddly, and just immensely cute! You scored big this time around!
#slashers#dbd#dbd art#dbd claudette#dbd dwight#dbd fanart#dbd fanfic#dbd frank#dbd ghostface#dbd killer#ghostface#scream#danny johnson#jed olsen#dbd headcanons#dbd jake#dbd oc#dbd joey#dbd michael myers#dbd x reader#dbd memes#headcannons#slasher x slasher#slasher x s/o#slasher x you#slasher x reader#slashers x you#slashers x reader#slashers x oc#slasher movies
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Fake Boyfriend | Chapter 1: Two Truths and a Big Fat Lie
JJ x Kook!reader Series
You’re a Kook Princess who has everything you ever wanted... until your handsome Kook Prince dumps you for a hot new fling. To save your reputation, you bribe the one person he hates the most, JJ Maybank, to pretend to be your boyfriend for the summer. All’s fair in love and war. But where do you draw that line when you’re suddenly wishing your fake boyfriend is your real one?
ahh yes, my third rendition of a fake dating/enemies to lovers story. this is just a short lil intro but i’m excited for this series!
“He did what?”
“Yup, broke up with me right over the phone,” you repeated to your hairstylist, Boris, who almost snipped off a chunk of your locks in utter shock.
“What a complete asshole!” Boris groused, clipping away at your dead ends, “What did you say after? Please tell me you told him off and slashed his tires or I have failed as a mentor.”
“Well I was so angry and shaken up I didn’t know what to say,” you pouted, “So I just said whatever and hung up.”
It had been a couple days since your nasty break up with your ex-boyfriend who blind-sided you and ended things out of nowhere. Needless to say, you were a cluttered mess and this was your favorite form of therapy: self care, a new hair color, and mindlessly ranting to Boris-- the one person on the island who would absolutely destroy anyone who did you wrong.
“Y/n!” he droned, “How are you gonna let him end a two year relationship and just say ‘whatever’? No, you need to get to slashing right after I fix you up or else you’ve missed your Carrie Underwood moment!”
You sighed. “I know I should’ve gone all psycho bitch on him, but I didn’t want it to seem like I care all that much! Besides,” you mumbled the next part, “he’s got a new girl already.”
The grown man nearly dropped his shears. “Already?! This just happened like two days ago!”
“I know,” you cringed, “My friends came over last night to investigate her Instagram. I think she’s their family friend or something. Word on the Eight is that she’s here for the summer from California and is staying at his house.”
Boris scoffed and tossed his finished scissors on the counter in frustration, starting up the curling iron. “So he dumped you after two years and dates someone else a day after?” he shook his head, “Unbelievable. He probably had her on the side when you guys were together too. Honey, you’re so much better off without him.”
“Yeah, you’re right!” you agreed cooly-- as if you weren’t bawling and moping over old camera roll pictures just minutes before pulling up to the salon.
Boris lightly blow dried your newly dyed hair while you admired it through the mirror. “I like this color a lot,” you commended, “I was a little iffy that it wouldn’t look right, but I knew you’d work your magic.”
Your freshly manicured hands played with the ends before Boris began curling the back strands.
“You deserve it, sweetie. Forget about that piece of trash and move on with your life! You have all summer to find a new beau,” he chimed, “Where are you going tonight again?”
“Just dinner with the girls. My friend Sarah’s dad got us reservations to Chalet Basque so we’ll definitely be treating ourselves.”
You giggled when he began doing fake French impressions of the servers. Leave it to him to lighten your mood during trying times. When he finished the last curl, he basked you in a hairspray that smelled like rosewater and spun you in the seat for the final ‘voila’ moment.
Boris never failed to make you feel like a full-on beauty queen during your weekly glam seshs.
As he undid the little cape around you, you spotted a familiar combo of tall dark and handsome waltz through the front door from the corner of your eye.
“Shit,” you cursed, a little louder than intended, and shielded your face, “It’s him! And he brought the girl!”
Boris’ eyes widened. “That’s her?” he yelled-whispered, eyeing the couple that just plopped down in the waiting area, “Oh you’re so much prettier.”
You smiled and covertly peeked over at them-- the island’s new supposed ‘power couple’. You almost hurled when you heard kids on the Eight were coining them that name.
There he sat, Max Vega, in all his preppy, muscular, Spanish-rooted glory. He was even wearing the expensive polo you got him last Christmas. Oh, he looked so cute with his jet black hair slightly slicked back with a single strand hanging on his forehead. Just the way you loved it.
Tucked under his arm was his new trophy girl. Her beach-waved blonde hair came all the way down to her perfectly shaped hips and her tan model legs draped across his while they watched some video together on his phone.
Your heart sank at the way he tapped her nose when he said something cute to her. The same way he used to do to you.
Before you could turn away, his chestnut eyes met yours and he stiffened. You hurriedly tried to avert your gaze, but saw him begin walking over to you through Boris’ giant mirror nonetheless.
“Y/n!” he greeted, coming up behind you.
“Max! Oh what a surprise!�� you mimicked his fake seething enthusiasm, whipping around the chair.
“Yeah,” he scratched the back of his neck, “I didn’t think I’d run into you here.”
You held back a scoff. As if you hadn’t made weekly trips to the place to get your hair, nails, and eyebrows done since you were ten. You seriously wondered sometimes if you were truly in love him or if he was just pretty.
His girl stood a little behind him, clutching onto his toned arm like a shy little bunny. “Anyways,” he snaked his hand to the small of her back, “This is Anya. She’s my dad’s partner’s daughter from Huntington Beach and is staying in our guest house for the summer.”
The giant perky blonde straightened her back and held out her hand, that wasn’t wrapped around your ex-man, to you. “Hey girl! It’s so nice to meet one of Max’s friends!”
You heard Boris lightly gag in the background and had to suppress your impending laughter.
With all the willpower you could muster up, you rose from the chair and put on the most forced smile you have ever done. “I’m y/n, nice to meet you too.”
“So uh, you look nice,” Max noted at your elaborate hairdo, “What’s the occasion?”
“She’s actually going on a date tonight,” Boris butted-in as-a-matter-of-factly. You whisked your head around to the man, giving him a frantic ‘wtf’ look.
Max wrinkled his brows. “Oh... well that’s nice. Who with?”
You racked your brain for a name. Any name.
Briefly, you glanced out the shop window and caught a glimpse of a trio skipping by outside. One of your friends, Kiara Carrera, linked arms with two of her best guy friends as they munched on ice cream cones from next door. Your eyes fixated on a certain blonde boy in a snapback and untucked black button up.
“Uh, it’s with JJ. JJ Maybank. You know him right?” you brought up slyly.
Your ex was definitely taken aback- especially at the mention of the one guy he despised most on the island. “Oh, what? W-Wow,” he sputtered, “I didn’t know you guys talked like that.”
“Yeah, I mean it just kind of happened. Sarah set us up,” you continued to fib, crossing your arms. You felt bad having to lie like that, but the look of pain and confusion on Max’s face almost made it worth it.
Before he could pry any further, the nail technician called for Anya from the other side of the salon.
She cheered and bid you goodbye before yanking Max along with her to get their couple’s treatment. The same one he refused to get with you no matter how many times your begged. Who knew all it took was a leggy blonde with a butt thrice the size of yours to do the trick.
You sighed in relief once they disappeared to the pedicure station and smacked Boris’ arm. “What’d you do that for?! A date?! He had to know I was lying!”
“Ow!” he rubbed his tattooed arm, “Look, if he’s moving on, then you gotta act like you are too. Trust me, you’ll thank me later for this.”
note: lowkey basing the girl off of cher horowitz from clueless lmao. anyways chapter two to come
chapter two
#Outer Banks#outerbanks#outer banks imagine#outer banks fanfiction#obx fanfiction#obx imagine#jj obx#obx#sarah cameron#jj x reader#JJ Imagine#jj fanfiction#jj#jj maybank#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank x you#jj maybank fanfiction#jj maybank x y/n
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Ohh Queen Yume you've opened the floodgates!! Which guys would be head over heels over a gorgeous, kind sensei!MC?? Who would feel conflicted about their feelings and who are shameless enough to try to pursue her?
“Tell the guards to open up...THE GATES~”
EVERYONE (΄◉◞౪◟◉`) fight me with this one, Darlings.
Everyone would be up our Darling Sensei’s ass, I BET YOU MY LIFE SUPPORT. The better question at this point would be asking which wouldn’t be attracted to a beautiful Sensei lol
Riddle would act as if it’s the end of the world as falling in love with a teacher is a huge violation of many rules. Though he sometimes slips up with little gestures that makes him stutter and blush uncharacteristically, he can hide his emotions very well. He will try to kill these forbidden feelings, but doing so just breaks his heart. He secretly wants you to come and save him, recognizing him like he does withyou.
Deuce would be ashamed for falling in love with a teacher, how can he tell his mother about this? He came here to become a model student, not to become so attached to his own instructor. He tries to hide as much as he can but he’s a blushing mess with just the slightest attention from you, anyone could instantly tell what’s up. It’s just a matter of time before Sensei herself realized this precious boy’s feelings.
Jack is conflicted. Why was he feeling this way towards his teacher out of all people available? I see him as someone who fully respects you, he’ll be less violent and even if you haven’t noticed, you already got him perfectly tamed. He’ll keep his feelings for himself and wouldn’t ever plan to tell anyone. Though people have been noticing how slightly protective he’s being with you, of course he’ll violently deny them all. But sometimes it can’t be helped, his own tail would involuntary sway back and forth so excitedly if you go as far as to graze him.
Sebek doesn’t seem to like it, poor boy is just really confused. He should already be dedicated to his young master, he doesn’t need these silly feelings to add to his plate! You’re a teacher! You’re a person that he should respect and pay attention to for knowledge but instead, he’s disgusted at the way you haunt his dreams every night! He can’t believe he’s already falling in love with a human like you! Stop making him feel all giddy on the inside, it’s some sort of spell, isn’t it!?
Poor Idia just can’t take a break, can he? When he’s already stuck in a school full of self-centered brats, how dare you come and knock at his closed-off, introverted heart? He knew these kinds of scenarios from all the dating sims he’ve played but never in his life had he thought that he will find himself in the same situation. That being said, he’s still anxious to come and talk to you personally, his tablet was one way but even that doesn’t feel enough. He might really be going crazy as he starts to want to go outside just to meet you...
Silver can’t seem to put two and two together, he couldn’t quite figure out why his heart was beating so fast for his Darling Sensei. He would ask his father for any explanation but wouldn’t get anything out of it but a simple chuckle. That’s fine, something tells him that he wouldn’t be able to trust his advices anyway. Whatever it is, he’s quite fond of it and he doesn’t seem to care much, he does become really sad when you’re away though.
As we already established, Ace can be quite shameless when it comes to his feelings. He won’t outright say what he feels for you, but he’ll constantly flirt and tease you when he has the chance. Don’t be surprised when you begin to notice him actually trying to cope a feel or looking up your skirt because that’s just him. Also, be careful, he’s very prone to using dirty handed tricks to capture your attention.
Leona is another shameless one, he doesn’t care about status, if he sees a prey, it’s just natural for him to bite from the neck, right? What’s wrong with being a little older? He’s not even that young compared to these useless herbivore, he’s the best that you can get. It wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration to say that your class might just be the only class that Leona wouldn’t skip. Mainly because he might miss some exclusive view of you, like when your skirt would hitch up every time you bend over to grab something. He wouldn’t hesitate to grope either, that ass is just too tempting not to bite to at least once.
Floyd is difficult to deal with, since he’s likely the most shameless one out of the bunch. He doesn’t care about you being a teacher, Sensei is Sensei regardless! He’ll bother you at every opportunity he gets and at every place he sees you at. He’ll make excuses to meet you up, even going as far as to skip class just so you could take the effort and search for him. It bothers you a little that this particular student of yours constantly keeps asking questions about your lectures even if he always seems to already know the answer.
I’d say Malleus would also be shameless but he doesn’t actually realize that he’s being one. Forgive him for acting so strangely possessive and clingy around you, following you everywhere like a lost baby animal. It’s just that he’s not familiar with having romantic feelings with someone, let alone a mere human. He doesn’t see anything special in your role as a teacher, he had lived much, much longer than you after all.
Lilia is amused, to think that someone as wise as him had actually fallen in love with someone who was supposed to be his ‘teacher’. Never in his long life had he found himself in this kind of situation, it’s interesting! It’s not like it’s a problem anyway, you are nothing more than a child compared to his actual age, you’re just a mortal teaching him stuff that he already knew. But it doesn’t hurt to take advantage of his youthful appearance now, does it? Lilia’s excited to know where this relationship can go.
Sometimes, Trey and Jamil just doesn’t feel like a student to you. Being a lot more mature than the other students, you just can’t help but to rely on them for a lot of things. Maybe that’s probably why you’ll never notice how deeply in love these two are with you, they’re just that good when it comes to hiding emotions. They’ll give subtle hints here and there and Trey, most likely, might even flirt with you at some point but you’ll be so familiar with him by now that you wouldn’t even mind. I’d say Trey’s a bit on the shameless side, but not in a way that makes him clingy while Jamil is the type to just keep quiet but secretly and skillfully making moves.
Cater is categorized as shameless when it comes to expressing his feelings, but when Darling’s a teacher, things becomes a little...complicated. Don’t get him wrong, he’ll be the same as always, so talkative and energetic around you, even calling out for you with a cute nickname. He’ll even flirt like you’re the same age as him but he would always make it seem like a joke. If you’re a teacher, he’ll also be very careful about posting something about you in his Magicam, he knows how this works anyway. One word out that you’re becoming too close with a particular student, you’ll risk losing your job. Cater doesn’t want that happening anytime soon, but just know that he can make it happen too if he absolutely needs to. Until then, it’s all good and dandy!
Ruggie wouldn’t be guilty nor conflicted about his feelings, but he wouldn’t be as shameless as to scream out his feelings to everyone around him. No, only an idiot will do that and it’s embarrassing so, no thank you. Instead, he can play the long game, he’s a patient guy despite how he looks. Besides, he’s used to these kinds of stuff by now so it’s not that much different~! Expect many coincidences with him in it though!
Azul appears to be very calm on the inside, always helping you out whenever you need him without asking for anything in return. That’s what he is, a simp a gracious student ready to help his dear teacher out any time! But that’s what you think, in reality, he’s just desperately trying to earn your favor by being your “Yes-man”. He believes that if he became the goodest boy in your eyes, you’ll be able to love him as much as he does with you. Although, just expect a few tears and tantrums when he doesn’t get his way though.
Jade is so different from his brother that it surprises you that they’re even twins in the first place. He respects your boundaries, even if he wanted nothing more than to become as shameless as his other half. He’s very active when it comes to your lessons too, always paying attention with the greatest interest. He even serves you tea as refreshments and helps you with work if he feels as if you’re overworking yourself. He’s not really the type to care whether you’re a teacher, “I wonder~?” He’ll be very vague about it if anyone dares to ask but if you look closely, that smile says it all.
Kalim wouldn’t be able to recognize his feelings for a really long time. He’ll think it’s just normal to feel this way, for his heart to beat this fast, for his face to heat up, for thoughts of you to flow through his head even at night. But when he does, all those times he shamelessly clung to you and talked to you will come back to attack him all at once. He’ll actually lower down his affection levels because he was told that liking a teacher is bad and it might actually cost you your job. But it’s so difficult! It wouldn’t hurt to spend...a little more time with you, would it!?
Vil thinks it’s stupid of him and of you. He thinks he’s stupid for falling in love with someone like you, his own teacher, it’s unbelievable how low his standards had become. But at the same time, he thinks you’re stupid for not being able to understand why he fell in love with you in the first place too. Despite the salt of falling in love with someone like you of all people, it doesn’t change the fact the he’ll keep on striving to become the best for you. He wants you to notice him, notice his improvements, and make you feel how lucky you are for catching his attention, so would you try and look at him in a different way for once?
Rook just loves anyone and anything, does he? Everything is beautiful in his eyes and yet, there was something about you that shines the brightest amongst all others. There should be no shame in expressing his feelings, he’ll shout it out loud to world. His eccentric personality is working against his favor too, even if honestly and openly admitted his feelings towards you with everyone, no one will actually take it seriously. But what others perceives to be true isn’t always true, Darling.
I’m not quite sure where to put Epel in all of this, something’s telling me that he would be on the shameless side only if he’s willing to show his much more aggressive side. However, I can imagine him being worried to show that side to you, since you were already put under the impression that he’s a dainty, gentle boy. Although he doesn’t like being treated like he’s the most fragile thing of all people, he can’t deny the attention he gets from you whenever he’s acting like this. Epel doesn’t really seem to care if you’re a teacher in all of this, he knew that it’s not good but he’s determined. Once he graduates, he’ll definitely make a move on you so, just you wait...!
Before I knew it, I made something for every character holy shi- my teacher kink is terrifying.
Also, yes, Darlings! Yume changed her usename from “amai-no-yume” to “dreamii-yume”! ( ^∀^) To tell you the truth, I didn’t expect to like posting sins in tumblr this much ヽ(;▽;) So I ended picking such a half-ass username! But now, I decided to change it to something hopefully cuter and more appropriate! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Nice to meet you again, Darlings~!
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I Could Never Give You Peace (Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)
Summary: Lucifer and you were dating but your past did not make this relationship easy for you. Your mind did not want to give you the satisfaction of being happy with another person. You were certain: you could never give him peace.
Words: 2,065
Warnings: Lucifer Season 5 Part 1 spoilers, abusive parents, abusive past, talks about depression and anxiety, panic attack, language, fluff, (Y/E/C) = your eye color (please don´t read if any of these warnings trigger you - if you need someone to talk to feel free to message me anytime <3)
Inspired by: “peace” by Taylor Swift
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Our coming-of-age has come and gone Suddenly the summer, it's clear I never had the courage of my convictions As long as danger is near And it's just around the corner, darling 'Cause it lives in me No, I could never give you peace
It took you long enough to finally give in and go on a date with the famous Lucifer Morningstar. You guys worked alongside for the L.A.P.D and it was clear, from the very first second, that you would eventually end up together. Despite many of your protests, you let him take you out and the rest was history.
Why were you so concerned in the first place? Well, your life had not been particularly easy to say the least. It all started when you were born. Your parents were not ready to be just that: parents. Hence why they had never given you the love you desperately crave for as a child. As you grew older and started school, you had a hard time making new friends. Again, you ended up alone, nobody giving you attention. Everyone had treated you as if you were invisible. It did not take long and you did in fact start to slowly disappear. The few friendships you managed to have throughout the years ended horribly. When you told them about your parents, how they beat you, screamed at you and so on, all they did was giving you an unbelieving look. “It´s probably because you deserve it.” As a kid, hearing so many people tell you this over and over...you started believing them.
Those events concluded to you being depressed and filled with anxiety. You swore to yourself that you would never let another person get too close to you again. The ending was always the same, there was no point in trying anymore.
Despite your hard times in high school and college, you managed to get a job at the L.A.P.D and you absolutely loved to work there. Yes, some sort of teamwork was necessary but you did not have to be friends in order to be a well working team. Your colleagues were so nice to you and you would have loved to get to know them better, become friends even but you past prevented you from doing so. This rule did not apply for every single one though. For once, there was Chloe Decker, who had helped you get settled in and always made sure to reassure you of your abilities without even knowing that you struggled to believe her. Ella made you smile and laugh uncontrollably, something you were unfamiliar pretty much your entire life. Dan was this self-love-advocate you could not be mad at. He started his days off with going around the precinct and throwing an inspiring quote at you. One person, though, was something else. Lucifer´s presence seemed to calm you every time. Feeling at ease was something you were not quite used to but when he was around, you were...happy? A feeling you had never experienced before. Lucifer read you so well, he knew your past had been bad. Your face, your flinches, the constant need of reassurance gave you away. For the first few months, he did not say anything to you. What he did try, though, was trying to ask you out. Lucifer wanted to get to know you better but you did not make it easy for him, that much was sure.
Somehow, he did get you to agree to go on a date with him. The two of you started the night off at LUX but soon the crowd was growing and you felt uneasy. Not wanting to ruin your night with Lucifer, you did not say anything and tried to hide your anxiety. He sensed your feelings and suggested to head up to his apartment which you gladly accepted.
That night changed you forever. Due to the alcohol in your system, because you never drank, you started opening up to him. At the end of the night, you were seated in Lucifer´s lap, your head buried in his chest, your tears staining his shirt. Lucifer was beyond angry when you told him everything. Not at you but at everyone who had ever hurt you. You were so precious and definitely did not deserve any of the pain you had gone through. He made it his job to be there for you, to help you through it. All he wanted to do was help.
About two weeks after this incident you guys started dating but not before you warned Lucifer.
“Look, Luci...Truth is, I´m a mess. I don´t want to burden you with my problems.” your eyes focused on the floor, not wanting to see his reaction.
“Let me take care of you then.” he said, coming closer to give you a hug that made you feel at home. Because that was what he was to you: your home.
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
Your relationship was well received by the rest of the department. For the first time in your life, you felt true happiness and love. Yet, the demons inside your head did not make it easy for you. The voices constantly reminded you of your insecurities. There were days you did not want to get out of bed, scared you would fuck up every little task you were asked to do. It had happened multiple times before. You simply did not want to let anyone down, especially not Lucifer.
Your integrity makes me seem small
You paint dreamscapes on the wall
I talk shit with my friends It's like I'm wasting your honor
“(Y/N)? Darling, what´s wrong?” you were hiding in one of the interrogation rooms, trying to calm your panic attack that was currently going on. That was why you did not hear Lucifer storm in. He had been searching for you and his gut feeling told him there was something wrong.
“Hey, it´s okay. I´m right here.” he started by slowly touching your shoulders, not wanting to scare you and increase the panic inside of you. His touch made you look up at him. This only made you cry harder, embarrassed he saw you like that. This was the first time Lucifer saw you going through a period like that but you had told him before that you suffered from them every since you were little. He positioned himself so you were both on the floor and hugged you close to him, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Even though you did not really understand what he was saying, your heartbeat slowed down and your breathing came back to normal. You had never recovered from a panic attack that fast before.
“I´m sorry.” you sniffed, your eyes red and puffy. Lucifer felt a sting in his chest by your appearance. It hurt him just as much knowing that you had to live with a mind that wanted to play tricks on you.
“You know there´s nothing to be sorry about.” he smiled at you, stroking your back softly.
“You could´ve everyone and yet you´re with me. I´m broken, Luci, I´m way past being saved.” His eyes widened at you confession. How could someone as beautiful as you think of yourself so horribly. To him, you were a gift he was lucky enough to receive. He never wanted to live without you next to him ever again. Words were not what you needed at the moment so he let his actions speak. His lips crashed onto yours in such a soft and loving way that made you melt into his touch. You could feel everything he was trying to say and were endlessly grateful he had saved you. Without him, who knew where you would be right now? After pulling away, he looked deeply into your (Y/E/C) eyes and whispered something that made your heart skip a beat.
“You´d do the same for me. You saved me as much as I saved you.” it was as if he read your thoughts. Lucifer always knew what to say in such situations. Yes, he could be a sarcastic, narcissistic asshole but when it counted most, he was empathetic and simply perfect. But he was right, you would do the same for him.
And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences Sit with you in the trenches Give you my wild, give you a child Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other Family that I chose, now that I see your brother as my brother Is it enough?
The day he saw you having a panic attack changed something in your relationship. Lucifer watched you more closely, touched you whenever he had the chance to do so. He read you so well, it seemed like he knew you better than you knew yourself sometimes. Another thing Lucifer did, something you were not aware of, was to let Chloe, Ella and Dan know about your struggles. He did that because he wanted to avoid any triggers as far as it was possible. From that time on, everyone paid close attention and it really worked. Your anxiety was not as triggered anymore and you even let them get closer to you. As close as calling them your friends. For the first time in years you had actual friends. Friends who looked after you, wanted to get to know you better, cared for you like the family you had never had. Despite all of their love, you still had down days. Days where you could cry for hours, where everything seemed to set you over the edge, where your dark thoughts haunted you. Days that made you question your relationship with Lucifer. The voices telling you that he deserved so much better than you. Were they right?
But there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me
Luckily, Lucifer knew when you where feeling down and on those days, he made you feel extra loved. Sometimes you guys took the day off and just wandered around the city, relaxed in his apartment or just cuddled in his bed. He knew what you needed without you telling him. Something you were entirely thankful for because, sometimes, you did not even know what you needed. Having him in your life was a true blessing. Who would have thought that the devil had such a soft side for a human being?
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
“Luci?” your voice was barely above a whisper. The two of you were laying in his bed, just cuddling and enjoying the silence. He hummed as a sign for you to continue. You wanted to ask him a question that had been lingering in the back of your mind for a while now. Before, you were always too scared to confront him with it, thinking he would look at you like you were pathetic. Maybe you were.
“Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?” despite your quiet voice Lucifer heard you loud and clear. He pulled you closer to him. Your head was under his chin and he moved so he could kiss your forehead. Your thoughts were running wild. What would his answer be like? Would it ruin what you had? Would it ruin the only consistent thing you had ever had? Would he leave like the others did? Would it be enough if I could never give you peace? Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
“Darling, I feel peace whenever I´m around you. Wanna know why?” a slight movement of your head made him continue. “Because I love you.”
Published (09/03/2020) by Cathy
Tags: @my-fic-corner, @daddyissuesmademe (thanks for your support <3)
#lucifer#Lucifer Morningstar#lucifer s5#lucifer season 5#lucifer x you#lucifer x reader#lucifer morningstar x reader#tom ellis#lucifer series#lucifer one shot#lucifer on netflix#lucifer spoilers#lucifer season 5 spoilers#one shot#imagine#reader insert#fanfiction#fanfic#song fic#taylor swift#folklore#taylor swift folklore#taylor swift peace#peace#chloe decker#detective decker#Lauren German#Ella Lopez#aimee garcia#dan espinoza
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May I request Allies with an S/O who's a small country rich in some rare spices/gems and their reaction to an enemy country invading them for those resources? (Yandere and S/O are allies/have close political relationship)
I really enjoyed writing this! Thx :)
Yandere Allies
The moment the news floats in, he stills for a moment for a few precious seconds before launching into a fever of planning and hasty communication.
While on a large part Alfred may act like a dope – it means that people severely underestimate him and it is so amusing to see the looks of shock and horror when he does/says something intelligent – he is no wimp when it comes to war.
Believe me when I say he is the last person you’d want to face on the battlefield. The sorry sod that decided to attack you effectively signed their own death sentence.
He is the hero, really Captain America in the way he is the golden boy of the army and ready to swoop in to save his girl. A bright and glorious defender of liberty indeed. However, he very much forgets that he is the anti-hero of his own story.
The end justifies the means, and if the end means have you happily in your arms, then he’ll rain hell fire upon his foes and call it poetic justice later. You’ll do best to remember that, especially when he starts worming his way in and ensnaring you tighter with kind words and half-genuine, half-pretended compassion. All soft power to drive you in his arms and trap you there. Before you know it, he’ll have you thoroughly Americanized and depended on him.
Yes, Matthew is kind and compassionate and doesn’t like to fight…
…that doesn’t mean he extends that to his enemies and that doesn’t mean he isn’t good at it. The nation that dared attack his lover isn’t going to have an easy time at it.
Of course, Canada is unbelievably patient and will try any other route to secure peace. He’ll negotiate, he’ll point to chartas and treaties and the disadvantages of invading you. And then, when there is no avail, he’ll proceed to give his enemy nightmares.
If you really think that Canada is a wuss that can’t even hold a knife, then go ahead and ask Francis’, heck, even Ludwig. They both can attest that Matthew isn’t just a sweet little wall flower.
Suddenly, the jokes of him being invisible aren’t so funny anymore – especially not in a war zone.
After he has sent his enemy packing, there is nothing that is going to prevent him making the ties between you two even closer. The treaties he’ll draw up will have only the tinest loopholes for you to wriggle to freedom.
So, his dear political ally is under attack? By that nation, you say?
Yao will sigh heavily upon hearing the news and demand that the reports be handed over to him. Slowly, as he processed the words, his rage would grow, only disguised by a practised poker face. He’d only unleash his emotions in a controlled environment or directly at the enemy in an onslaught of cutting remarks.
Yao is old, but old doesn’t mean he has become tired of the savoury taste of ambition and victory. If there are a few things that age has taught him, it would be patience and how to obliterate his enemy. How would said enemy feel if everything they held dear would start to crumble to ash.
China will start to throw his weight around and place sanctions or also demand that debts be repaid. Should that not work, or the offender get more desperate to get their hands on your resources, China would start to flex his muscles – a few troops are really nothing compared to what he could actually do, right?
There are a few things in this world that nobody wants to rouse; one of them would be the anger of the Great Red Dragon.
Afterwards, he would ensure that you are fine – strengthen the trade between you. Maybe buy up a few of your resources at that and let a few of his companies settle there. That wouldn’t be a problem, or would it?
The moment England catches wind of the invasion, he is transformed into a seething mess. That switches to icy resignation, the sort that is threaded with rage and promises damnation and then to a melodramatic mess. If the big-shots aren’t already convinced to come to your aid in fear of losing a very important ally, they will do it for the sake of calming the personification down – Arthur is just that bad.
Really, the gall that snotty nosed, twitches weasel of an invader had to attempt to take away what is rightfully Arthur’s. They were just baby steps into a grand project – that of him wooing you, utter and completely so that you would be totally captivated – and then that wench had to ruin half of that hard work. You’re distressed and paranoid – something England can’t tolerate.
But Arthur has always been an opportunist, if there has been any.
Of course, Arthur is a gentleman but that is also just one facet of him. Very clearly he remembers how it was to be an empire and the euphoria of crushing his opponents to ash and dust. So why not take the chance to relive the good old day?
The enemy will have made a mistake in assuming that England had lost his vicious bite.
After repelling the aggressors he’ll be sure to keep some soldiers stationed.
You don’t like it? Oh, please darling, it is for your own good! What is your problem with his officials taking over the resources and conduct the operations? Aren’t you still ravaged by war? You need all the help you can get. (Not that this would end after you have recovered. Arthur is too greedy and possessive for that)
That usually so open face hardens. He doesn’t like the idea of you being invaded and filched away from him very unappealing.
Now, first things first. France knows that he isn’t the best when it comes to war, the years have taught him that bitter lesson. And to a former empire like him, that is extremely bitter.
That doesn’t stop him from trying – the notion of you not being close to him drives him to the edge of insanity and he has to resist the urge to carelessly tear his hair out. He is probably burning through a few cigarettes to calm himself down while he goes over the plans with his generals.
He’ll send you a lot of relief in form of men, rations, and medical supplies. On top of that, he’ll help you establish an active and large resistance. It just happens that Francis is best at undercover operations.
He’ll be there for you when nobody else, your anchor in the storm. So that afterwards, he can make it seem like your choice to isolate yourself from all but him.
War is something that has always been a part of his life, so he’ll find to very poetic to go to war for his desired. He won’t let it end in a tragedy this time.
At first, it won’t be a full-scale war from his side since the other nations still fear him and are therefore out for his blood. Ivan doesn’t immediately what to give them an excuse to go after him, even if he is spilling blood for your sake.
So, in the beginning, he’ll send arms and men – field doctors, strategists and also a few bodyguards for you. Russia might even join them, to ensure you stay safe under his watchful eye. With his rather flippant demeanour in the face of hardship, you could even need him desperately.
On top of that, he wants to gouge your capabilities and test your mettle on the one or the other occasion – he has to know the strengths and weaknesses of his dearest, their vices and virtues .
If the enemy doesn’t relent, he’ll send a fully armed battalion, to remind you of his love…
Back to business. Keep in mind that this nation is very desensitised to violence and he really knows how to hold a grudged. He has a long memory and can’t be tricked easily. You might want to step in before the battle becomes a slaughter and even then, you’ll have to be very careful, least he interprets your actions and words as betrayal.
Afterwards, once it is just you and him and your people, be careful, for everybody’s sakes. He’ll want to keep a tight hold on you and if you want to worm yourself out, you’ll have to be extremely cautious and appeal to his emotions. And it is even questionable if that will work.
#yandere hetalia#yandere allies#yandere america#yandere england#yandere russia#yandere france#yandere china#yandere canada#yandere hetalia x reader#x reader#x country!reader#hetalia
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Monthly collabs-Angst [Shikamaru]
Prompt: "You did what?"
Words: 1564
A/n: I can’t write Angst to save my life. I really tried y’all.
Light pattering tapped against the roof above. Through the window, black clouds sprawl across the sky. The air was heavy and suffocating. Heated gazes were exchanged as words which could not be taken back were tossed in the air, like they would mean nothing. Unsure if it was 'cause you were angry or hurt by the words lingering in the open or maybe it was both that causes the prickling sensation in your eyes. You would be damned if you were going to cry in front of him. Especially now. Maybe he was right. Women are troublesome.
"You know, I don't understand how you could think I'm not jealous, Shika! Fuck, do you understand the pleasure I took that other women weren't interested in you! I have to second doubt everything that I do now with two blondes after your attention. For gods sake-"
"You're overreacting [Y/n]. We work together because it’s the hokage's orders." an unbelieving look flushes across you face. Shikamaru pinches the bridge of his nose. "You're being a drag, [Y/n]."
Your face burnt hot while grinding your teeth. "Everything is a drag to you. Isn't this relationship a drag too?" The sarcasm at the end should have been noted, but with the tension in the air and the argument, Shikamaru didn’t grasp it when giving his abrupt answer. A moment of silence fell upon both of you. A moment that was used to process what he said. Words that he didn’t mean but fell out anyways. With a sharp intake of air, you toss your hands up and spun on the heels of your feet. Shikamaru didn’t attempt to follow, unable to swallow his proud in the heat of the moment. The front door slams closed, echoing around the empty, dark house.
You curse under your breath, forgetting the umbrella inside. It wasn’t worth it to turn back. Not with the hot tears running down your face, mixing in with the cold kisses of the rain that seems to angrily come down, almost reflecting the emotions you felt.
The villagers ran around like mice trying to get out of the rain as you absent mindedly walk home. “[Y/n]!” You stop, looking around, thinking it was just a trick of your mind. In hopes that it was a certain someone. “[Y/n]!” Glancing above, someone drops down. “Are you a thousand miles away, [Y/n]?” Ino huffs, catching her breath, giving you a slight glare. “I’ve been trying to get your attention for the last three minutes. Lady hokage- Are you okay?” You could feel the tears getting ready to burst out again.
“Ino,” You throw yourself at her. The girl backs up in surprising, catching you with ease. The Yamanaka begins question what happened out of worry while trying to sooth her friend. “We fight! Shika thinks we should break up!”
“You did what?” Ino reels back, pushing you away with a look held on her face. “No way.” In a short moment, you explain what happened. Everything from the start of the fight to the end with you walking out. Ino sighs, ‘even the most compatible couples fight’ she thought to herself. “Maybe you guys just need a cool down time. Which bring up why I was looking for you. Lady Hokage has a mission for us.” Perhaps it was best to take a few days of breathing room. A mission would get things off your mind.
When arriving to the Hokage office, you figured Lee was your other teammate in the mission. “Good evening, [Y/n]-Chan!” Lee gave you a radiating look. Thankfully not commenting on the redness around the eyes or the fact that you were soaked. The mission was simple: grab a document from a neighboring nation and bring it back safely. Easy enough.
The mission starts simply in the early morning, the smell of rain was fresh, and mist was covering the ground as the team walks away from the village. Lee ended up hearing about the couple fight you had with Shikamaru as he does his early morning exercises towards the next nation, shouting something about how the “power of youth” was necessary with arguing. You knew he was just trying to make you feel better, saying it will pass as all couples go into fights.
“[Y/n]-Chan, everyone knows how Shikamaru looks at you with adoration, there is no way he would go for anyone else. There was no need to be jealous.”
“Lee, you don’t understand women. I can totally relate where [Y/n] comes from. It’s an insecurity for us.”
“Why? If he asked them out why would Shikamaru every look at another. It would be too much of a drag as he would say.” You laughed nervously as Ino and Lee kept bouncing back at each other. It took another half a day to get them onto a different topic that didn’t involve anything about your relationship. Both parties had made valuable points that the other didn’t understand. It was when the sun was setting you gave yourself a boost of confidence. Everyone says thing when they are mad. You had said some nasty things to Shikamaru without taking his points into consideration. Everything would just have to wait till you got home.
Everything was just a drag, Shikamaru thought to himself. Guilty and regret was eating at him after last night. He promised himself he would put aside his pride for you, to apologize for words he didn’t mean. It took him all night to figure out how you must have felt and now you were gone for a mission. With a sigh, Shikamaru concluded that argument were just a drag. He shouldn’t have gotten that mad. Both of you needed space to cool your heads but the next few days would eat him alive, waiting to make things right with his S/o. It didn’t help that a bad feeling was lingering at the back on his mind. Choji did his best to keep Shikamaru mind from running into overdrive with worry. “[Y/n] is strong, they have Ino and Lee with them. Besides, I’m sure she wants to come home as soon as possible to make things right with you.”
On the fifth day, Shikamaru woke up in a cold sweat. It was raining again. Just like it did on the day of the fight. The somber grey cloud were crying this time instead of angrily pouring. It wasn’t till later on in the morning that there was a knock at the front and an injured Ino came in, like she was at the edge of tears. It didn’t take a genius to guess why she was here.
It had honestly felt like a horse had hit you and dragged you through the rocky dirt road. You scrunched your eyes at the bright light that was sipping through. Nothing felt worse than feeling powerless and heavy. You slowly start blinking to come to an understanding of where you were. As blinding light slowly subsided you could take a look around the surroundings. Pearl white walls decorate the room as the pattering sounds tap against the window, tear drops gliding down it and disappearing at the edge. The trees rocking outside against a sorrowful wind it seems.
Your head was pounding like someone banging on a set of drums. It took a brief second to process the figure next to the bed. Asleep with their hand tightly clenching yours, as though they were afraid. A few blinks, you could put together who it was. “Shika…” Your other hand hovers just above his head, determining your opinions. If Shikamaru was still upset, he wouldn’t be here, right?
Faith seemed to have made the choice for you, waking the young man. Your eyes meet and the room is at a standstill. It must have been his groggy mind that took him a minute to react. The love of his life finally awakes. “[Y/n].” He says in a small voice. “[Y/n]!” You couldn’t help but chuckle as he jumps up stopping himself from completely engulfing you, remembering your injuries. “How do you feel? Are you in pain? Do you remember what happened?” You briefly shack your head.
“My head feels like it’s on fire but other than that I just feel heavy. I think we got surprised attacked on our way back.” Shikamaru confirmed your thought. The room fell silent again other than the heart monitor beeping next to the bed. If anything, this was the best time as any.
“So, I don’t know if this is the best moment with me being out of it but I’m sorry for being a total bitch. I can see how this relationship could be a drag.” You whisper, afraid of letting the words slip out like you were committing the biggest crime. The man besides you scratches his cheek with a mutter of his famous words ‘what a drag.’
“I wasn’t going to bring it up until you felt better, but I can’t say I’m not at fault either.”
“So, you aren’t going to leave me…?”
“Did you honest expect me too, it would be too much of a drag to find someone else. God [Y/n], you’re a troublesome woman. You told Ino that.”
“Not my best move, however I was panicking, and I needed comfort.” Shikamaru shakes her head with a subtle smile. Man, arguing was such a drag.
#Shikarmaru#Naruto#I can't write angst#I tried#rip me#My hubby#Shikamaru Nara#Shikamaru X reader#Naruto Imagine#?#Naruto Shippuden#Monthly collab
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So your mc is a straight fighter girl?
Then avoid writing that she...
Falls in love with an ugly monster
Why do so many movies in which a human falls in love with a monster it's always a straight girl who has a crush on a male monster (Beauty and the beast, The shape of water, etc)?
This narrative reinforces the idea that women have to be pretty but men ... don't, and this wrong for many reasons: 1) men end up feeling bad for wanting to be pretty and take care of their looks, 2) people will think that being pretty is mandatory for girls, 3) a man is ENTITLED to be with a girl and demand she take care of her appearance while he doesn't do the bare minimum.
Of course these stories are not the source of all evil, but you can see patriarchal culture filtering through these stories!
With that being said, you can still write a story where a beautiful girl falls in love with a male monster if: the monster learns how to be softer, take care of themself, take care of her without being possessive or violent.
Never cries...
Not expressing emotion and being dramatic at it will make your character look like they're pretending to be someone else in a way that's pretty unbelievable.
Instead of making her stoic and self-destructive, try making her explore a path of self-improvement by recognizing that not expressing her feelings makes her feel worse!
... or cries way too much
She's a fighter, right? She can't cry when she bruises her elbows or when her boyfriend acts mad, lmao! If she has guts, she will keep having them even during an argument.
Impulsively does something that f*cks up their plan
Apart from the fact that plans that get f*cked up by mindless ocs is just lazy writing in my opinion, let's talk about girls being portrayed as impulsive.
It's an old stereotype of women: the crazy girl, the one who can't think straight under pressure, the woman who can't handle fighting or ruling because she will lose her temper.
Try writing something fresh: she keeps her head, she helps her comrades focus, she plans everything in detail.
Her plans can fail, but only if she's outsmarted by a much more clever villain *winks*.
Is a hero just because everybody else isn't able to do basic things
Being the only fighter in the village when they're starving while her family does nothing but criticize her doesn't make her a hero, sadly.
The definition would be martyr, in my opinion, because she's literally putting herself in terrible danger (to provide food for her family, protect them, or save them).
Try writing her being supported, opening up about her struggles, if you want to rewrite Katniss, Fayre, or Mare Barrow.
Instead, if you want her to be a real hero, she could be elevated from a group of already excellent fighters because she's actually stronger and more skilled than the others!
Swears like a sailor to establish dominance
We get it, she's Not Like Other Girls. Okay.
But 1) other girls are perfectly fine being who they are, 2) this feels pretty fake, a play put on just to intimidate others or to fascinate someone (even if I don't know who besides the mc's love interest in Nevernight would be fascinated by profanity).
I remember not being able to finish Nevernight because of how many times I eyerolled during a single line by the mc (whose name I can't remember).
Your mc can be strong and independent without aggressively swearing!
Nb: I'm totally okay with ocs swearing in books, but everything has to be done with a sense of measure! Swearing a little is okay, using a string of obscenities that would make an assassin blush is just ew to me :/
Has a tiny appetite (even though she fights all day)
This is just pure physics, come on. How? Just... how? She HAS to be hungry! Let he feast with food, have a healthy relationship with it, eat lots and lots of whatever she likes best.
Enough with portraying skinny cishet girls who skip meals when they're a little stressed as okay. It's not!
(Of course this doesn't apply to ocs who have ED!!)
Always has to be saved by Big Beautiful Cishet Male OC
While they are BOTH powerful people, somehow she's always in danger and he has to save her, she's the one who gets caught, who has nightmares of the past and needs reassurance, who is scarred, and (fucking hel!), she's the one who gets sexually ass*ulted, but ... do not fear! Brave Cishet Male is here to save!
Please, don't. If your oc is a heroine, let her fight WITH him. Let her save him, instead. Let her win the battle and the war, conquer the castle, sign the peace treaties, shake hands with rulers, discuss war with powerful people. Let her do whatever he does, too.
Is said to be powerful, actually does nothing but fall
So your mc is a soldier, a thief, the best of her platoon. But somehow she always trips on her feet, she gets caught, she can't escape, she's always out of breath, and people have to save her.
If you say an oc is powerful, show it!
When I read Dance of Thieves, I noticed the author saying many times that the mc was skilled, but her skills where shown only in little things: juggling, stealing oranges, stealing small objects. She was said being a strong fighter, but she isn't, is she? If she is, why does she always lose?
Her strength lies in being sarcastic (but not when she has to fight for herself)
She has a quick tongue when she's with her friends or minor enemies, but when she should talk herself out of a life or death situation she just ... loses her quirk, or it becomes stupid.
Why? Why doesn't this character think of something clever to say to distract the enemy's attention, to buy herself more time, to make them reveal their plan to her? Why doesn't she trick them into saying vital things that will destroy them?
All of this, remember, while staying intelligent, clever. Stop making her judge the enemy's appearance, insulting their group/family/nationality, telling them they're going to lose, making jokes that will make them angrier or trigger them into hurting her! This shit is just dumb, come on.
The world is oversaturated with sarcastic ocs, make some sarcastic, okay, but also clever!
#female oc#writer#writing#fantasy#writing tips#book#tropes#novel#writing advice#writing tricks#writing a book#writing girls#how to write girls#how to write female characters#girl tropes#dance of thieves#nevernight#katniss#draft one#editing#publishing a book#description tips#writing strong female characters#writing stories#write#writeblr#writers of tumblr
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A/N: Requested by three anons. Enjoy reading, my lovelies! ;-)
Words: 2360 Warnings: pure smut
Additional NSFW warnings: spanking
Loki had been distant from you lately. There was nothing wrong with your relationship of course but ever since he had officially joined the Avengers after them fixing what they had messed up after defeating Thanos, he was working nonstop. They were draining him with risky missions, using every ounce of his seidr to their advantage, and while you were happy he was finally included in a way, you knew they did so with the intention of letting him pay for his actions prior to fighting on their side—to “make up” for the troubles he had caused, the pain he had inflicted on humanity and the lives he had taken.
New York, the Chitauri, the sceptre, the mind games… they still failed to realise none of it had truly been Loki’s fault—a circumstance which made your already cool attitude towards the Avengers bitter.
Loki had not been ignoring you, exactly. It seemed, however, now that his relationship with his own brother was finally changing for the better, he had simply forgotten that there was more to him than a mindless soldier saving the planet numerous times; and while Thor was one reason he kept complying with their orders, albeit using his own, if not questionable methods sometimes, the other was of a selfish nature. He would prove to them he was worthy of being called a hero. He would make women squeal for him just to spite them—but most importantly, he would impress you.
Loki would never admit that, of course, he was far too proud. Yet it was no secret how much he enjoyed your generous pampering when he returned from a long mission and bathed him, washing his hair, soaping his body and paying special attention to his manhood, hardening for you as soon as you brought your palms to his naked skin. But that was only when he returned. He still made tender love to you at night, ensuring you could fall asleep sated and satisfied before taking his own release but no longer, so it seemed, would you randomly pounce on each other throughout the day and spend hours eliciting orgasms from one another. You could barely remember the last time he had initiated some sexy roleplay or simply surprised you and tied you up in the living room to have his way with you, forcing climax after climax from your body until you almost fainted into his arms.
Whatever distracted him so much from taking time for himself, for you, it ought to change tonight. Loki was going to slog his guts out if he kept going like this and you were certainly not going to let him do that. An orgasm or two, or a dozen, would pose the perfect distraction.
You had just taken a shower. A long one, not a short one—all a short shower contained was soap, warm water and sometimes washing your hair. A long shower involved shaving, a hair mask, maybe a peeling and in your case, painting your nails in Loki’s colours.
Naked, you tiptoed towards the living room. It was chilly. You had recently turned off the heating now that it was getting warmer, the cool air instantly raising goose bumps on your limbs. Loki was sitting at your desk which you usually used for writing, leaning over a bunch of documents, photographs and briefing packs Fury had provided him with.
Quietly, you stepped in.
“I am missing something… those signatures are of magical origin…” He muttered, chewing on his pen. In another universe, he could have been a sexy professor teaching the Norse Myths. You bit your lower lip. You should definitely bring this fantasy up to him at some point… perhaps he could give you detention if you didn’t know the correct answer to a question…
He didn’t even look up when you entered the room. You pouted at his back, letting out a loud sigh so he would hear you—he was aware of your presence, of course. There was no tricking him.
“In a moment, my dear.”
Your second sigh was even louder. Briefly, you even considered sitting down on the sofa and spreading your legs to masturbate in front of him. But then, before you could move, he finally looked up, his eyes widening a little as they roamed over your nude body. Loki swallowed thickly, you could see his Adam’s apple bopping. Stirring a little on his chair, he tilted his head, lips parting slightly. He was practically fucking you with his eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“I was still hot after taking a shower, so I decided not to put my clothes on just yet. No big deal.” You replied nonchalantly, shrugging in the process.
Loki quirked an eyebrow. “Liar. You are shivering.” Whether it was from the cold or your growing arousal, you could not tell. Perhaps it was a mixture of both.
You shrugged once more. He was smirking by the time you gazed down at him expectantly, hoping he would finally abandon those briefing packs and pounce on you like a hungry wolf. But Loki was not stupid. He knew exactly what you were trying to do—and he decided to play along and make you wait until your own impatience drove you crazy. Besides, he needed to get through all of these documents before noon tomorrow. He would travel to Muspelheim with Thor… and he would not be rested enough if he spent the night fucking the living daylights out of you, even if he desired to do just that and abandon this nerve-wrecking mission altogether.
“Well… whatever makes you comfortable, my dear.”
Damn it. You resisted stomping your foot on the ground like a child. Maybe you should masturbate before his eyes. The idea, so you figured, was unbelievably sexy. But then… an even better one struck you.
Not so long ago, Loki had showed you how speak to him telepathically so you could share your thoughts, fears and words with him whenever you were separated. It worked a little like forcing your mind onto him—all you had to do was focus hard. His seidr took care of the rest. He would be able to tell and form an invisible link between you.
You did not do this often, for most of the time you were together and could verbally communicate anyway. Loki had taught you in case of an emergency—or if you two wanted to tattle about the Avengers in their presence. It connected you on such a deep and subconscious level you had even, unintentionally, begun to share dreams.
You wondered… if that also applied to daydreams. Loki had already turned back to the briefing packs, though you did not miss how he kept glancing at you from the corner of his eye. Well then… sneakily, you sat down on the sofa in a lascivious pose and let your thoughts wander off.
You imagined… falling to your knees for him, looking up at him with innocent eyes as you bite your lower lip and bring your hands to the buttons of his leather trousers. He hisses—a considerable bulge already forming behind the dark fabric.
Immediately, Loki sat up straight. There was a connection then. You held back a mischievous chuckle.
Slowly—painfully so—you pull them all the way down to his ankles, revealing his semi-hard cock to you. It springs to life with joyful anticipation, twitching a little under your greedy gaze. You lick your lips, eager to taste him. You wrap your hand around him then, jerking him for a lazy moment before you lower your lip onto his tip, suckling gently. You couldn’t resist. Your hands are never enough with him. A moan escapes his lips.
Oh, no… a real moan escaped him, still sitting at your desk.
He was already clenching his fists. Oh yes, Trickster, you thought. Two can play this game.
You closed your eyes, letting your daydream unfold freely and wherever it would take you.
You lick over the underside of his entire length, now rock-hard between your fingers. Precum is leaking from his tip. You lap it up with your tongue greedily before pushing him into your mouth, inch by antagonising inch.
A giggle escaped your lips when he broke the pen in his hands. It snapped in two like a piece of wood, spilling blue ink all over the desk. He waved his hand to clean it, breathing heavily as he did and still—he insisted on keeping his gaze on those stupid briefing packs.
Bopping your head up and down his length, you take him as deep as you possibly can and moan, sending vibrations through his cock. He groans in your daydream, throwing his head back. He buries his fingers in your hair, holding it tightly to keep you in place and guide you. Faster and faster, until his hips start bucking forward. Saliva is dripping from your chin, your mouth so full you could barely try and swallow. He tastes so good…
The real Loki in your shared living room growled. He was facing you now, glaring at you in a downright threatening manner, but this was too good to stop it now. You kept your eyes closed.
Loki comes. He pulls out of your mouth, forcing your head back possessively while his other hand jerked himself fast, spilling his seed all over your face. It lands on your cheeks, your lips and your chin, marking you as his. You moan, tongue darting out to clean yourself up.
Your hand, in real life, sneaked between your legs to bring some relief to your throbbing clit.
That did it. Loki jumped up from your chair so ferociously he knocked it to the ground with a loud bang and strutted over to you fast and determined. The look on his face was all but dark and promising. You opened your mouth to protest, albeit half-heartedly, when he had already lifted you up without any effort whatsoever.
He held you tightly against his side, your body hanging from his arm like a fish on a hook. You only realised your bare backside was quite within his reach and presented to him vulnerably when he landed the first slap, sending a stinging sensation through your skin.
“Ow!” Fuck… so much for spanking. You gulped, biting your lower lip to suppress a moan. “Fuck, Loki!”
“Is this what you wanted, my little pet? To be punished for teasing me like that?” Another slap, landing on the other cheek. This time you couldn’t hold back your moan. Loki was holding back his strength and yet, your arse already felt like your bottom had caught fire. It was burning, tingling and tickling all at the same time. You could practically imagine your skin turning all red from the harsh impact.
“So naughty…” Loki kept spanking you thoroughly but your bottom wasn’t the only thing heating up. You were dripping wet, leaking down your thighs by the time he pulled you up even higher to examine your wet pussy. The sweet pain mixed with the promise of relief almost made you scream.
“Loki, fuck… please!”
“Please what, my dear? My… you are positively soaking. You enjoy it, do you not? You enjoy taking a good thrashing for me?” An animalistic growl escaped his lips.
“P-please… I need you inside me.”
You were unable to see it from your current position but Loki was as hard as a rock. His erection, painfully confined in his leather trousers, was throbbing with need for your tight quim. He was not going to be gentle with you tonight.
Fiercely, he put you on your feet again so fast you felt dizzy, pressed you against the cold wall and held your legs up so you had to wrap it around his hips to not fall straight to the floor. You dug your fingernails into his shoulders when his seidr took care of freeing his member so he could bury himself inside you to the hilt, taking no time for a tender intrusion. You deserved a hard fucking now, if anything for torturing him like that.
Loki’s mouth came crashing down on yours, not leaving you any opportunity to complain—not that you wanted to. Quite on the contrary… arching your back, you took his rough and fast thrusts knocking all air from your lungs, your legs desperately wrapping around him. He would not let you fall and get hurt, you knew that despite his frenzy and yet, this primal and downright animalistic side of him had your entire body melt. You were trembling—arousal and lust rushing through you like a drug. Breaking the kiss and throwing your head back, you came for him, fast and hard.
Clenching around his cock repeatedly, Loki fucked you through your orgasm until your eyes rolled to the back of your head as wave after wave of pure pleasure cursed through your veins, making your blood boil underneath your skin. You screamed his name when he sank his teeth into your neck and bit you as gently as he could muster the moment he could no longer hold back, your climax triggering his own. With but a few more powerful and eager thrusts, he began to twitch and jerk against your still contracting walls and emptied himself inside you, filling you up with his warm seed until it dribbled down your inner thighs. Panting, your head dropped against his shoulder. You were putty in his arms, helpless like a fawn.
He smiled weakly, still bedazzled by his high. Deeply sated, he took a deep breath and cradled you in his arms, carrying you off to the bedroom. His mission was now forgotten—what was it he had been pondering over again? For the moment, all he could think about was the beautiful woman in his arms, his slowly softening length still resting deep inside of your warm quim.
Are you okay? He was too exhausted for words—and so were you.
I am, you replied in your mind, sighing contently. I’ve missed you.
Loki hummed. I’ve missed you too.
A/N: Check out my blog to find more Imagines and take a glimpse at my first (to be) published novel! If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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