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zaynabb90 · 8 months ago
he is always with you listening and seeing just call him once and he will reply you many times he is the one who is saving you from harm he is the only one who wil help you who will not let you down or hurt you just believe his words and have tawaqul he is our lord your lord and the lord of MOOSA AS and ISA AS he is lord of all of us
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universaltrixx · 1 year ago
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bumpytoad · 2 years ago
I'm Alterhuman because I have an Alternative experience and way of being human that the mainstream doesn't recognize as typical or really have a name for, and this involves and affects my self-perception. I also love things on an extremely deep level that most humans don't understand or share the same appreciation for or even much of any appreciation for, and these things have become part of me.
For me, it's neurological and psychological and identity-forming differences, special interests, defense mechanisms, and imprinting that inform how I experience things, and this way of perceiving is something that does make my spiritual sense of the world rather different, but it's not primarily spiritual (Especially not in the same sense as having a bunch of unverifiable beliefs), and imagination and various things that might not be so unusual do definitely play a big part.
I don't think of reincarnation as playing much of a role. I'm not sure about past lives. I don't have some elaborate backstory or memories. I don't have dreams regarding flashbacks as another species, or living in another time period or being on a different planet. I don't have special abilities from being Alt+H. I do, in fact, believe that anything could be possible, including alternate realities and universes, but for me it's more psychological and I'd like to concern myself with the here and now, rather than speculate about past lives or an afterlife.
I am myself, I am me. Through awareness, it's possible to transcend biology, at least to a certain degree, or else not let it limit you. I am ultimately a creature of my own design. My imagination definitely is a big part of what makes me who I am, though this isn't roleplaying or pretending. For me, it's an artistic construct that became an ingrained part of myself, as well as a result of imprinting and, yes, perhaps a certain level of spirituality. It has sociological implications and relates in a major way to me being Autistic. It's part of my self-concept and is a personal identity and subjective experience.
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alice-miri · 2 years ago
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Minimalismus ist für mich eine Reise 🌍
Anfangs sieht man nichts vor lauter Nebel und Bäumen. Je mehr sich auf das loslassen und auf die Dinge konzentriert wird, die wirklich wichtig sind im Leben, desto klarer und eindeutiger wird der Weg und das Ziel.
3, 2, 1 … GO! 🏃‍♀️
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kkakkungsoo · 2 years ago
TDS 2 in Macau - Jeno (230513-14)
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By WayOfLife
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years ago
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पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति | तदहं भक्तयुपहृतमश्र्नामि प्रयतात्मनः || २६ || patraṁ puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyaṁ yo me bhaktyā prayacchati tad ahaṁ bhakty-upahṛtam aśnāmi prayatātmanaḥ If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit a water, I will accept it. Here Lord Kṛṣṇa, having established that He is the only enjoyer, the primeval Lord, and the real object of all sacrificial offerings, reveals what types of sacrifices He desires to be offered. If one wishes to engage in devotional service to the Supreme in order to be purified and to reach the goal of life-the transcendental loving service of God-then he should find out what the Lord desires of him. One who loves Kṛṣṇa will give Him whatever He wants, and he avoids offering anything which is undesirable or unasked for. Thus, meat, fish and eggs should not be offered to Kṛṣṇa. If He desired such things as offerings, He would have said so. Instead He clearly requests that a leaf, fruit, flowers and water be given to Him, and He says of this offering, "I will accept it." Therefore, we should understand that He will not accept meat, fish and eggs. Vegetables, grains, fruits, milk and water are the proper foods for human beings and are prescribed by Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself. Whatever else we eat cannot be offered to Him, since He will not accept it. Thus we cannot be acting on the level of loving devotion if we offer such foods. https://gloriousgita.com/verse/en/9/26 https://bhagavad-gita.org/Gita/verse-09-26.html https://bookchanges.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Bg-Chapter-9-diff.htm https://youtube.com/c/HearSrilaPrabhupada https://www.bhagavad-gita.us/famous-reflections-on-the-bhagavad-gita/ #bhagavatam #srimadbhagavatam #vishnu #vishnupuran #harekrishna #harekrsna #harekrishna #harekrisna #prabhupada #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaasitis #bhagavadgītā #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupad #srilaprabhupadaquotes #asitis #india #indian #wayoflife #religion #goals #goaloflife #spiritual #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #chant #prasadam #picoftheday #photo #beautiful #usa https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPMEqzr74H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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briskwinits · 1 year ago
Unleash the power within! Swami Vivekananda's timeless wisdom reminds us that we are capable of anything and everything.
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ewakx · 2 years ago
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1️⃣ reason to be baptized…
The second death has no power over who’s a part of the first resurrection.
Partaking in water baptism with the understanding of this scripture is important!
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rkrishnamani · 2 years ago
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Delighted about the opportunity to collaborate with @canva on a series of 15 illustrations capturing the diverse windows of India. This collection can now be used in the Canva editor through the ‘Elements’ tab. Stories witnessed both inside and outside through the vantage point. A peek into the Indian way of life, everyday happenings and mundane yet priceless moments, illustrated in a natural and vibrant setting. Stoked about this opportunity. More coming. #canva #collaboration #windowsofindia #stories #everydaylife #pointofview #vantage #modern #vintage #traditional #india #windows #wayoflife #illustration #liquidinkdesign https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqi238IvO8h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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l-edelweis · 2 years ago
A Way of Life: What is Islam?
Perjalanan yang cukup panjang dari kantor ke rumah--maupun sebaliknya--membuatku punya waktu cukup panjang untuk berdzikir dan merenung dan berpikir dan berkontemplasi. Tentu saja yang pertama itu kalau sedang niat dan niat banget. Seringnya melamun, tentu saja, dan memikirkan kamu *astaghfirullah.
Tapi pada suatu pagi, tiba-tiba sekali aku ingat akan sesuatu yang sangat familiar dengan masa kecilku. Ya, begitulah. Seringnya tiba-tiba kepikiran hal random. 
Pagi hari itu, randomly aku teringat dengan lagu Syamil-Nadia, yang sering kuputar waktu kecil dulu, jaman-jaman SD. Judulnya "Cara Hidup". Ngebahas tentang islam. Syamil-Nadia ini lagunya asyik-asyik, ya minimal waktu itu aku seneng (banget!) tiap diputerin di rumah. Masih pake VCD yang diputer di tape gitu haha. Lagunya tentang bismillah, alhamdulillah, bersyukur, dsb. Nah, diantara lagu-lagu lainnya, lagu "Cara Hidup" ini lagu yang, menurutku waktu itu, cukup berat maknanya dan aku enggak paham maksudnya.
Sampai pada sekitar setahun yang lalu, pada suatu acara anak-anak TPA di rumah, iseng aku cari lagu Syamil-Nadia di youtube. Eh ternyata ada. Terus aku puterin lagu itu buat anak-anak. Sampai di lagu "Cara Hidup" ini, aku tiba-tiba tertegun, "Ooohh, maksudnya ternyata begini, Ya Allah deep banget maknanya."
Iya, aku baru paham maknanya setelah sekian tahun kemudian memutar lagunya kembali.
Lebih dari 'sekedar' agama, lewat lagu itu aku jadi sadar, kalau islam adalah juga 'cara hidup'. Semua hal tentang kehidupan ini sudah dituliskan dan diatur oleh Allah di Al-Qur'an, dan dilengkapi dengan hadits-hadits Rasulullah.
Islam adalah cara hidup manusia yang sempurna. Meskipun memang tidak ada manusia yang sempurna, tapi cara hidup dengan 'islam' sepertinya adalah cara hidup yang sempurna(?) Karena kesempurnaan adalah milik Allah, dan Islam adalah agama yang diridhoi Allah.
Islam sudah mengatur semuanya. Soal muamalah (hubungan manusia dengan manusia), tentang hubungan manusia dan alam, hubungan dengan diri sendiri, termasuk hubungan manusia dengan Tuhannya. Lengkap sekali. Beruntunglah sebagai muslim yang beragama islam. Sebab cara hidupnya sudah diatur sedemikian rupa.
Aku jadi ingat, pernah baca tulisan dimana ya, aku lupa. Tapi si penulis menceritakan pengalamannya tinggal di sebuah negara (kalau tidak salah Jepang), kemudian ada salah satu kalimatnya menuliskan begini "Disana saya menemukan islam, tapi tidak menemukan muslim."
Iya, karena di negara itu menerapkan sistem-sistem yang diajarkan islam, kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang diajarkan islam, tapi orang islam jarang sekali ada di sana. Sebetulnya, kebanyakan negara-negara barat, atau negara minoritas muslim, justru lebih 'islam' dibandingkan negara mayoritas muslim, ya(?)
Dia bercerita bagaimana di Jepang (atau negara yang aku lupa mana yang diceritakan itu) lingkungannya sangat bersih sekali. Sampah sangat jarang bahkan tidak ada di trotoar jalanan. Semua orang juga tertib mengantri, menaati peraturan-peraturan jalan yang ditetapkan. Secara sosial, damai deh pokoknya. Bukankah begitu yang diajarkan islam? Keindahan, kebersihan, sosial yang baik, dan hal-hal baik lainnya.
Iya, disana ada 'islam'. Tapi tidak ada muslim. Atau setidaknya, jarang ada muslim.
Begitu juga di beberapa negara lain, yang mayoritas manusianya bukan muslim. Di Singapura, di beberapa negara Eropa, atau negara-negara minoritas muslim lainnya. Hampir kebanyakan mengaplikasikan ajaran-ajaran islam.
Lalu, aku pernah baca di buku apa ya, lupa. Kayaknya sih, Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2. Atau buku lain(?), yang pasti, sedang menceritakan soal Mesir. Ceritanya, ada orang yang berkunjung ke Mesir dan kaget dengan keadaan di sana. Dia bilang ke si tokoh utama, "Katamu, Mesir adalah negara Islam? Tapi kenapa kotor sekali? Bukankah Islam mengajarkan kebersihan? Bukankah Islam sangat mencintai keindahan?"
Aduh, aku sebagai pembaca jadi merasa tersindir sekali. Tapi, benar juga apa yang dia sampaikan, sih.
Aku jadi berkaca dan mencoba melihat negaraku. Indonesia juga kan, mayoritas islam ya. Bahkan sepertinya, Indonesia adalah negara dengan jumlah penduduk muslim terbanyak di dunia. Tapiii, memang mayoritas itu tidak menjamin suasana 'islam' teraplikasikan di dalamnya.
A way of life. Islam tuh lebih dari sekedar agama. Ia adalah juga 'cara hidup', yang barangkali para muslim sendiri belum begitu banyak yang benar-benar mengamalkannya. (dan tentu saja termasuk aku)
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consciouslivingcorner · 2 years ago
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There are numerous benefits to practicing yoga daily, including:
Increased flexibility: One of the most obvious benefits of practicing yoga is improved flexibility. Regular practice can help to increase your range of motion and reduce the risk of injury.
Improved strength: Yoga poses often require you to hold your body weight in different positions, which can help to improve your overall strength and tone your muscles.
Reduced stress and anxiety: Yoga involves deep breathing and relaxation techniques, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, and promote feelings of calm and relaxation.
Improved sleep quality: Practicing yoga regularly can help to improve the quality of your sleep by reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
Better posture: Many yoga poses focus on improving posture by strengthening the muscles that support the spine and neck.
Improved overall health: Regular yoga practice has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, and improved immune function.
Greater self-awareness: Yoga is also a form of mindfulness practice, which can help to improve your self-awareness and self-esteem.
Remember, the benefits of yoga are cumulative, so the more regularly you practice, the more you'll be able to enjoy the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of this ancient practice.
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alkalynefyne · 2 years ago
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When it all falls down, who you gon call now? @kanyewest Funny thing about falling- It takes a lot of strengthening of character to get back up. Now you’re a better you. A wiser you. You know better than you did before. Who would’ve knew. Family of FYNEST🕊✨ Be strong today. Be encouraged today. Be renewed today. Remember with every fall, focus on the names you call. Peace Healing Joy Strength Focus on your inner wo/man. Call it forward. Sooner or later You’ll be walking freely through open doors you didn’t know about before. #becomingaf #becomingalkalynefyne #justfyne #justjump #justjumpbook #thefynest #wayoflife #livin #alkaline #alkalinevegan #alkalinewater #alkalineherbaltea #herbaltea #drippin #alkalinelifestyle #sippin #spiritual #love #joy #peace #affirmations #winning #happytuesday #teachingtuesday #thankfultuesday https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVe0_fOtFn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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plpicz · 2 years ago
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FRISCO'S FINEST . 📸: @plpiczphotography . @arizonasupershow @djmaddrich @Lowrider.times @arizonaevents @statefarmstadium @laculturamagazine @tino61_62 @friscosfinest.carclub . #LaCulturaMagazine #lowridercars #LowriderAddicts #portraitphotography #Lowriders #Lowrider #Arizona #LowriderLife #LowriderAddicts #WayOfLife #LowridersWorldWide #WorldWideLowriders #WorldWidePhotographer #TravelingPhotographer #Lowtographer #ArizonaPhotographer #StreetMedia #instagood #LowriderImages #PLPiczMedia #PLPicz #PLPiczPhotography #CreateYourOwnImage #IAmAz #trending #PhotoOfTheDay #arizonalowriderphotographer (at State Farm Stadium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdRraFvwRE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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giankumar-blog1 · 2 years ago
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Though I've been an atheist and still am one. Being born into a Hindu family has always made me proud. And the reason for this is that, after decades of research on spiritualism, particularly how it began and evolved from India through the Hindus, I've concluded. Hinduism is more than just a religion. So, if you're interested in understanding more about Hinduism and its nuances, let me tell you about my understanding of Hinduism.
In my view, a Hindu is an atheist, polytheist, monotheist, and henotheist. He is henotheistic because he believes in only one God yet acknowledges the presence of other deities and subsidiary gods. For example, while Shiva is the most superior Hindu god, Hindus also worship many other lesser gods to whom there is no end or limit. This means that a Hindu can pray to anything around - a tree, a cow, a mountain, a stone or a river.
This distinguishes Hinduism from all other religions. It is a philosophy, even though now muddled up with supernatural beliefs and traditions. Hinduism cannot be called a religion. It's a way of life for them. It arose from various interconnected thoughts such as demographics, cultural practices, and ancient philosophical scriptures and teachings.
It evolved over thousands of years and is the oldest known religion globally. All beliefs and myths add up from one generation to another—philosophers, pundits, commentators, interpreters, gurus, etc.
Each of them comes up with their names, concepts, and supernatural beliefs. Many religions, including a subset of religions, have been influenced by Hinduism, including Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, etc. I'd go so far as to say it's the mother of all religions.
According to Yajurveda, "All living beings are equally divine." As a result, when all living creatures are equally divine, and the Hindu religion accepts everyone and allows other religions to coexist in its embrace, it must have been the mother of all ideologies.
Add to that the fact that there is no conversion in Hinduism from one religion to another. It also doesn't have a founder or any precepts. It consists solely of Mahavakyas or great sayings.
The Hindus in Hinduism
Let's take a closer look at the term "Hindu." The Persians coined the term "Hindu," which they used to describe the people who lived beyond the Shindus River. They couldn't distinguish between the sounds "SA" and "Ha" when pronouncing the word Sindhu, So Sindhu turned Hindu.
As you must have noticed, there is no -ism in it. The term "Hinduism," which relates to the Hindu people's religion, was coined later. They could not understand its true nature as an outsider looking in and just called it a religion.  Hinduism is a way of life, not a religion, to realise one's full potential.
God in Hinduism is that of pure consciousness. A final destination for Aatma (the soul) to realise absolute awareness. In Hinduism, unlike any other faith, the Creator and creation are the same. There is no distinction. Since you have that divinity within you, you are that potential divine. This means God is the highest state of pure consciousness to liberate the human body and mind we call Moksha.
The above implies that the divine exists because of you, the earth exists because of you, the universe exists because of you, and everything exists because of your aware-conscious energy contained in the soul. You, as the potential divine, came first, and god followed.
The Knowledge of Self
In Hinduism, this is what is divine. So, with this spiritual knowledge, the most crucial thing in life is not to follow traditions but self-knowledge for that self-awakening to realise self-awareness of who we are beyond body and mind. This self-awareness teaches you that God, Guru, and the Self are one. Advaita Vedanta is the name given to that absolute non-dual state of aware energy; the supreme ability of energy - Brahman referred to as Parabrahman or Paramatma; par meaning beyond.
All of this sprang from four Upanishad mahavakyas. When they declared, "Prajnanam Brahma," - Insight is the creator of everything in the cosmos (Brahman). The second, "Ayam Aatman Brahma", is Brahman - the Soul, which contains the spirit. Third, "Tat Tvam Asi" - That art Thou, and the fourth is "Aham Bhramasmi," which means "I am that Brahman, the one in many and the many in One - total energy.
The Vedas are the foundational texts of Hinduism; it concludes with Advaita Vedanta, which is the essence and philosophical knowledge of the Upanishads.
Let us now consider how supreme and sublime the entire concept of Hinduism's scriptures is. Perhaps this is why the Upanishads offered us four life goals to follow.
These four goals in life are Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.
· One of the numerous meanings of Dharma is righteousness, which means the divine order of the human person.
· The second purpose is Artha, which aims for economic growth.
· The Kama is the third. It is to fulfil your essential desires and, finally, to be satisfied.
· The ultimate objective for Hindus is to achieve Moksha or liberation.
Sanatan Dharma is the actual name of Hinduism. Sanatana is Sanskrit for "eternal law." And Dharma is the order of righteousness, formed by combining two words into one.
As to how?
Dharma refers to how you should live, whereas karma refers to how you are already living, with the Sanatan – eternal laws filling in the gaps.
The universal law of eternity, the universal rule of righteousness, the universal law of non-duality, where there is no duality or relativity; because the truth, God, and everything else is related towards duality in our mind to its opposite?
All you need to do now is awaken that God, the Atma, in the centre. So that the soul can check and guide the mind to make it alert, attentive and aware to progress from lower to higher consciousness towards non-duality in absoluteness for that ultimate fulfilment.
Therefore, Hinduism is different from all other religions. It teaches you that salvation is found more in your religiousness, devoutness in religiosity. To awaken and liberate from the clutches of the material mind experiencing to realise that the God Guru and the actual Self are lying dormant within.
Namaste, and thank you once again for giving me your precious time.
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fawazarts · 2 years ago
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Fawaz Arts #steps #stairs #life #paths #wayoflife #destiny #acrylicpainting #studiocanvas #arts #painting #texture https://www.instagram.com/p/CoTOuXcuo9C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kkakkungsoo · 2 years ago
230520 - tds2 in Kuala Lumpur- Jeno
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by WayOfLife
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By Sculptor_0423
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