#Wandering Yokai City Au
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months ago
Still Thinkin of Yokai Amity
Y'know, where all of Amity have pretty much become yokai creatures. I might be weak for Japanese mythology and cryptids. Or really all mythology and cryptids, but Japan has a lot and it's near never-ending meaning it's fun to continue discovering and learning stuff. But anyway!
Amity Park, practically empty of humans now. Not even following the usual rule that things do thanks to how malleable ecto is. Along with how a form usually depends on ones own thoughts, feelings, and Core.
But anyway, Amity? Kind of having some trouble now that, again, no one there counts as human. Visibly so. Which, yeah the GIW is sort of incompetent, but it's also kind of... not?
Let them reiterate, individually or even in pairs, they can easily deal with the Guys in White. Heck, even a small battalion is easy enough- but they have... a lot of people. And the backing of the government. So.
Plan B? Escape. Where to?
Well, see, they've all had to interact more with the Realms, not to mention that well, the entire town was pulled into it at one point. Which was how everyone got that last bit of ecto to push the transformations from contaminated to Liminal.
Which means? Time to escape through the Realms to somewhere, maybe even somewhen else. But they also can't stay in the Realms indefinitely. Because even with their own Cores, most of them are still Living.
But they also can't agree on a World to settle down in, not with how they're still wary of reactions. So what's a city to do?
Why, pop into multiple worlds of course. A wandering city, the entrance shifting through gates and alleys and doorways that appears through time and space.
Sometimes another haunted being finds their way through, sometimes they visit one dimension more than another- sometimes they leave one behind forever. But tales still spread of the wandering city that flickers through existence.
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shreddeddescent · 5 months ago
okay. so. i want to share this for anyone who is like.... cool about this worst case scenario bullshit i keep talking about. i think im writing it kinda good or at least in a compelling way, and honestlyyyy i just wanna post shit to be like hey. im having fun with it, and i think its really interesting to see how it all turns out. i think its been fun every other time ive posted about it, you guys seem to like it, but this is the part that will come off the most weird. if you dont know, ive tagged all previous things in this timeline as #wcs (worst case scenario)
so i think yall get this is like. the fucked up timeline. but like that its the going to be okay timeline too.
to explain more about it if you dont know, lets just say like. shredder did the fucked up thing he wanted. i think ive made that clear in previous posts about this. shredders dead now. they had to deal with the consequences of what he did to them. if the implications of that squick you out its totally fine. if youre not sure what i mean, im sorry. you DO NOT need to read further. but theres nothing specific about it here, this is just alllll the result of that. the results will be made clear by the end.
they went to big mama's hotel to get help from her with said consequences. its been dealt with. theyre now just recovering, being normal kids, still going to therapy. they're coping. but big mama's help always comes with a cost, but they havent figured out what that cost was yet.
so like. its been fun to explore in writing. IF YOURE WILLING to hear me out about all the fucked up shit turning out okay, feel free to read further. even if it sounds weird. i hope everyone can just be like.... respectful.
this doesnt have to be canon to the rest of my au, but if youve enjoyed it when ive talked about it....this is a big reveal shit for that timeline. if you are cool about everything im implying so far.
if youre not, again, you dont have to read forward. this isnt mature rated or anything, its just the implications of what the characters have been through are dark.
but the characters are going to be okay. and this right here is the reason they will be.
okay? okay. please be fucking nice.
missing context would be: raph saw someone in their room the night before, but he thinks he made it up. donnie also saw what he thinks was a ghost.
they went out for breakfast, and raph saw a turtle yokai he couldnt help but chase to the elevator who said her name was jennika, but she really wouldnt look him in the eye. and then they all discussed whether shredder had another experiment done before they existed.
questioning their origins, donnie and mikey scout the pool for recon as leo and raph come back from their joint therapy session with big mama.
The elevator door opened and they stepped out into the pool area. It seemed to be a rooftop pool, but the elevator had felt like it was going down. The view was the highest they’d seen, and yet the air was warmer than it had been in their room. And there was no wind, unlike their room.
They looked around and spotted their brothers, Donnie was sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in, looking at his phone, while Mikey was doing laps.
Leo grabbed Raph’s arm and the two of them wandered over.
“Hey guys.” He said. “How’s the mission going?”
Donnie looked up and looked around. “No other turtles spotted here.”
Mikey jumped out of the water with a splash. “Yeah, just old people really. I don’t think they liked us.”
“You were doing cannonballs, that's why.”
Raph wandered over to the edge of the roof, resting his hands on the railing and staring out at the city. It was so high. Higher than fathers tower was. In fact he could see Foot Tower in the distance, dwarfed by this view.
He was above it. He was beyond it. But god were they ever high.
He felt Leo walk up behind him. “I hate this view.”
He sighed and nodded. “I’m surprised I don’t feel sick. I hate heights.”
He felt him step beside him and press his shoulder against his. “I know what you mean… it’s like it’s not a real height. There’s none of that wind whipping in your face. Like a big realistic dome with a view.”
Raph nodded, squinting out at the view. “The feeling of the window was freezing.. like ice. And here there’s no wind at all.”
“Me and Slash got Big Mama to tell us there’s some kind of cross dimensional portals between the floors.. that there’s protection magic around the floors. I wonder if something broke the one by our window.”
Raph tapped his fingers against the railing.
“You okay..?”
He looked up at him nervously.
“I’m… scared, honestly.. and I’m not sure why.”
Leo smiled down at him. “We’re gonna be okay. We got this, partner.” He held out his fist for a bump.
Raph ignored it to give him a tight hug.
Leo rubbed his back lightly and looked back over at the twins.
“Should we get the raisins out of here? Or do you want more recon?”
Raph sighed and let go. “I think I’d like to stay out of the room for a while. Try and relax.”
“Didn’t bring a bathing suit. Mikeys got those shorts, but you’re wearing jeans.”
Raph shook his head and looked around at what other yokai were wearing. Some were in bathing suits, others looked more naked from what he could tell.
He wasn’t sure if he was comfortable being naked though, shell or not.
“Maybe I’ll just sit.” He said as he spotted a lounge chair to the side.
Leo walked past him to go talk to the twins again and he watched them. He felt like a mom again. Out with her kids. At least he didn’t look like Splinter this time. Bathrobe and all.
It was about noon and the sun was shining, so it was getting busier the longer they stayed out here. But he just sat in the warm sun and let himself feel calm, he watched Mikey try and splash Donnie to coax him in, watched Leo strip down to his sweatpants to wrestle with their baby brother in the pool.
At some point Donnie wandered over to hand him his electronics and he smiled at him.
“You wanna get in?” Raph asked him, surprised.
He shrugged. “Might as well live in the moment for once. It is a nice day, and we’re not too weird here.”
“You want me to help you with your braces?”
“Nah, I’ll need them. I don’t care if they get wet.” He pulled his hoodie off and Raph stared at him. He never went anywhere without something on his chest.
He was surprised how weird it felt to see him like that in public. Donnie was somewhat round like Raph, but had more masculine features, for a turtle. But no muscle definition. Even in the cage he’d been wearing his hoodie. But he was feeling more free right now. Maybe this place was good for them.
Donnie pointed at his phone and headphones.
“If you don’t wanna join, you can like... Read or listen to music. There’s free wifi here.”
Raph hummed and put the headphones on.
“Thanks Donnie…”
He shrugged and made his way into the pool to try doing laps. Which for him was holding the edge the whole time.
Raph eyed the phone and looked through his music. Not much he recognized. He found Queen though, and decided to play that and close his eyes. Letting himself be a turtle basking in the sunlight for about 20 minutes.
He sensed someone sit near him and opened his eyes.
A tall furry lion Yokai was in his sunlight, looking down at him.
And suddenly he felt uncomfortable.
They seemed to be talking to him so he pulled the headphones off.
“I said kinda a weird look for the pool. The jeans.”
Raph looked down at himself and back up.
“Yeah. Wasn’t planning on coming to the pool.”
He gestured over to his brothers with his head.
“Those your kids?”
Raph furrowed his brows and looked over at his brothers. They seemed to be having fun splashing each other.
“Kinda, yeah?”
“Huh. That one your… husband?”
Raph felt his face flush as he looked over at Leo.
“No, that’s my brother.”
He raised his brows and smirked. “So you’re a single mom?”
‘Female female female!’
His body felt cold despite the heat from the sun.
“Sorry, bet they dragged you out here without a bathing suit. Shame, you look like you’ve got a good figure…”
‘You’re going to get assaulted again!’
His heart was pounding in his chest. He looked in Leo’s direction desperately, needing someone to help him.
“Hey kid.” A deep familiar voice behind him said as he felt a hand on his shoulder.
The lion looked over him nervously.
Raph watched as the backside of a tall muscular turtle stepped into view, shielding him from the Lion’s gaze. They were wearing flowery swim trunks.
“That’s my son you’re talking to. He’s 17. Do I need to call security?” The voice said angrily. “Or are you gonna fuck off?”
Raph tried to quiet his beating heart. He felt like he might throw up. He felt like Slash might jump out.
And yet… This turtle made him feel safe.
“U-uh no problem man! My bad!” The lion quickly rose up and left. And the turtle took the chair and sat down beside him.
Raph looked at him nervously.
Broad shouldered and maybe 30 years old, his skin was a dull light green, his plastron wide and pointier than Raph had ever seen. Thick legs and strong arms. He looked tired but smiled warmly at him with wide, kind eyes.
“Are you okay?”
Raph stared at him nervously, pressing his hand to his chest.
“I-I might be having a panic attack…” he said softly.
The turtle reached out to offer his hand.
“You want me to count for breathing?”
Raph nodded quickly, taking his hand.
“In one two three four… out one two three four...”
He closed his eyes and followed the turtle's instructions. After a few minutes he felt okay again and stared down at the hand in his.
Two fingers. Their hands were so similar, but his were much larger.
He looked up at his face. He’d seen those eyes.
In the dark.
“It’s.. it’s you.”
He grunted softly in affirmation.
“You keep trying to get into trouble.”
Raph stared at him hard. He wanted to look away but he was terrified the man would disappear.
“What.. What's your name?”
“W-why are you following me? Why were you…”
“I just said you keep getting into trouble.”
Raph felt his eyes water as he stared at him.
“I-I’m not trying to, I thought I could just… be out in public, but I guess I’m too much of a s-slut…”
Kirby winced and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and holding Raph's hand in both of his, staring at him so kindly.
“You’re not. People always want to take advantage of you. I’m sorry, it’s not fair.”
“W-why do you know that..? W-who are you..?”
He shook his head. “Just someone who cares.”
“D-do you know Jennika..?”
He laughed. A familiar laugh. “Yeah. We know each other.”
“Why… why did she cry when she looked at me?”
He shrugged. “She’s got complicated feelings. Hard to explain.”
“I-I’m not scared of you. I should be, I don’t know you…”
“You kinda know me though.” He said, a weird glint in his eye.
Raph grunted and stared at him frustrated. “Why are you so vague and annoying?”
He laughed and shook his head. “I don’t know. Ah. Leo’s noticed. You should be fine now.” He pulled away from his grasped hand.
“Hey!” They heard Leo yell from the edge of the pool.
Raph didn’t turn. He watched Kirby bolt up and give him a salute before disappearing into the crowd, he presumed to the elevator.
Raph just stared blankly at the space he’d been.
Leo sat in front of him, dripping wet and waving his hand in front of his face.
“Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?!”
Raph looked up at him and shook his head slowly. “No… h-he… uh, saved me..? There was.. a guy trying to…” he closed his eyes and winced. “He saved me.” He looked back at Leo, who looked worried.
“What did he say? Did you get anything out of him?”
Raph rolled onto his back and stared at the pool.
“His name’s Kirby. He says I keep getting into trouble. He pretended he was my dad to make a guy leave… I.. I felt really safe.”
Leo groaned and lay back on the chair. “What the hell is going on…?”
“I-I didn’t want him to leave..” he whispered and held himself. His heart hurt.
Leo looked at him sadly. “Raph..?”
“I-I knew him… h-he said I knew him…”
Leo frowned and rubbed his neck. “Maybe it’s like.. You said he pretended to be your dad. Maybe it’s not pretend. Maybe he’s our real dad. Maybe he’s our dad, and Jennika’s our mom and that’s where we really came from.”
Raph looked up at him. “Jennika wasn’t female… she.. she had a plastron like you, not me. Her tail was long. A-and dad.. dad was so clear our human stuff is his… They couldn’t have made us.”
He sighed. “Let’s just imagine we get to come from somewhere better though, yeah..?”
He looked up at him sadly and nodded.
“Do you want to go back to the room..? Cuz we can go…”
He looked over at the twins and saw they were just splashing each other. It looked fun.
“I.. I wanna join, but…” he looked down at himself. He couldn’t swim in these jeans. It was naked or nothing. And he couldn’t do naked.
Leo smiled and bumped his shoulder.
“Trade pants. These are fine.”
Raph blinked and shook his head.
“Then you’ll be in wet jeans…”
“Eh, it’ll dry.” He picked up a rolled towel from a rack nearby and held it up in front of Raph as a privacy barrier.
“C'mon, you go have fun for a minute.”
He groaned and relented, unzipping his jeans and pulling them off. Leo dropped the towel on his lap for privacy and quickly undid his wet sweatpants and passed them to him. Raph put them on, they were a little snug and too long but it was stretchier than the jeans. Leo put the jeans on and smiled.
“See? Easy. I’ll watch the stuff, you go swim.”
Raph eyed him nervously and unzipped his hoodie.
He wondered if Yokai had weird gender rules even without nipples.
He tried not to let it bother him, Leo was being nice and it would be a waste to make him do all that and then just chicken out.
He tossed the hoodie on the pile and decided to jump in.
He let himself float on his stomach for a while, feeling the refreshing water and the sun on his back. He probably looked like a corpse.
He felt someone jump on him and whipped around, seeing Mikey had decided to clamber on his back.
“Raph’s here!” He cheered and hugged him.
Raph laughed a little and shoved him off. “Careful, I’m not that strong a swimmer.”
He looked around. Leo waved at him from the lounge chair.
Someone splashed him and he turned, seeing Donnie holding on to the side of the pool.
Raph beamed. “Oh? We’re doing a splash off now?”
Donnie yelped and started swimming away.
Raph laughed and chased after him, Mikey was cheering from the center of the pool.
“You can escape Donnie! Kick those legs!”
Raph caught up and waved his arm at him, causing a big splash to hit him in the face.
“Nooooo!” He cried dramatically and pretended to sink.
Raph laughed and dove under water, grabbing him around his middle and standing up straight in the shallow end to carry him over his shoulder.
“I caught you!”
Donnie shrieked and laughed, pounding on the back of his shell. “Stoooop!”
“I’ll save you!” Mikey rammed into Raph who dramatically threw Donnie into the deep end.”
And then Donnie didn’t come back up for too long.
“Shit.” Raph dove down and saw him sinking, he grabbed his arm and swam up, dragging him back to the shallow end of the pool and stood holding him up.
He was sputtering and struggling to breathe.
Raph held him against his chest and climbed out of the pool with him and patted him on his back.
“Cough it up, you’re okay.” Raph tried. He was trying not to freak out and placed him on the ground to sit.
He was still wheezing
Someone touched his shoulder and he turned to see a sweet turtle face smiling sadly at him. “I can help.” She said as she pushed him out of the way and waved her hand in front of Donnie’s chest.
She was gaunt. Her arms and knees were wrapped in some kind of bandages, and she was wearing a strange one piece swimsuit on top that fit around her shell. The shell looked too big for her body, slightly off center.
She waved her two fingered hand from chest up to his nose, and a floating bubble of water came out of Donnie’s mouth and then dissipated on the ground.
Donnie stared at her in awe. “W-water bending?” He was panting and taking croaky breaths.
She laughed a little and smiled, confused.
“I don’t know what that means. Simple magic. Are you okay?”
Donnie was clapping himself on the plastron, trying to breathe without croaking. She rubbed his shoulder.
Raph looked between them. Their skin was the same deep blue green. She looked like she could be his older sister.
“I-I think I’m okay…” he glared up at Raph. “Why would you throw me in the deep end?!”
He kept staring at the woman.
She turned to look at him and gave him a sad smile. “His knees aren’t strong enough to keep himself afloat. Maybe with some practice.”
He kept staring at her. She was his height, and much thinner. But she had the same flat plastron and short tail.
“…how do you know that?” He asked.
She laughed sadly and looked down at her own limbs. “Experience.”
Raph looked down and realized that her feet weren’t actually on the ground. She was hovering 2 inches above it.
Donnie seemed to follow his gaze and his eyes went wide.
“Are.. you the ghost?” He asked quietly.
She turned to look down at him and rolled her eyes. “Do I look like a ghost? I’m quite corporeal.”
Donnie looked up at her frustratedly. “You know what I’m talking about.”
She tapped her chin in thought. “Do I?”
He groaned.
Raph put his hand on her arm gently.
“I.. I know you…” he said quietly.
She turned to look back at him with sad eyes.
“We’ve never met. I’m Venus.”
“I’ve… never met another female turtle…” he couldn’t help but say.
She tilted her head sadly. “No.. I guess you haven’t.”
“I-I’m sorry…” he said suddenly.
He didn’t know why he was sorry.
She laughed a little. “You don’t have to be sorry, it’s not bad to be female.” Then her eyes got sad. “But I guess that’s to be expected…”
Donnie shot up and stepped between them.
“How are you floating? Is that like something you were born with or can you learn? Does it help with weight distribution? Is that why you do it? If I could do that I bet it would help. Oh but then you wouldn’t be exercising your knees…”
She blinked and sighed playfully, placing a hand on her hip. “You are too inquisitive.”
Raph stared between them. They had the same snout. The same smug look on their faces.
“Venus…” he said softly.
She turned to look at him. She saw something in his eye and winced, looking away.
“Anyway, I’m glad you’re okay, kid. Don’t go swimming where you can’t stand up, and keep a brother with you at all times in the water!” She saluted and seemed to float away.
Raph wanted to chase her but he just… let her go.
Donnie groaned and looked at him funny. “She could have taught me magic! Bones don’t hurt magic!”
Raph looked down at him sadly, he knew there were tears in his eyes and Donnie’s expression confirmed it.
“Raph what’s wrong..?”
“Sh-she looked just like you…”
He scoffed and folded his arms. “Hardly. She was thin and agile.”
He shook his head and reached out to touch Donnie’s snout. “She had your snout.. your skin.”
Donnie was looking more nervous as Raph looked at him. He pushed Raph’s hand off him. “She can’t have been my mother. Shredder would have seen her as useless damaged goods. Maybe there’s just.. turtle yokai out there who come in such variety that she somewhat looked like me.”
Raph rubbed his arm. He was right, if she was chronically in pain like Donnie, and small and female like Raph… she would have been dead to their father.
“You’re not sure though…” Raph said. Donnie was making a face.
He sighed. “Hereditary illnesses are a thing, I suppose. But I don’t think she was old enough… unless she was… you know, younger than us when it happened.”
“Which Shredder would never have done, obviously..” Raph rolled his eyes and hugged his arms, turning away.
“Sorry…” Donnie mumbled.
He sighed and looked over. “I’m sorry I threw you in the deep end, I wasn’t thinking about that. I was thinking ‘don’t let him crack his head’ more than I was thinking ‘he needs to hold on to the edge to stay up’.”
Donnie shrugged and leaned against him. “I get it. We’re not used to pools and stuff. Thanks for jumping in after me.”
Raph smiled and rubbed his back. “I mean it would be shitty of me to let you drown don’t you think?”
Donnie grunted and nodded. “Extremely shitty cuz it would have been your fault yeah. Still. Thank you.”
“Are you as done with pool time as I am?”
“Yeeees..” He whined. “Need to recharge.”
Raph laughed and nodded, giving his head a kiss. “Okay.”
They wandered back over to Leo and towelled themselves off, Leo stared up at them questioningly. “How did the recon go? I hope that was what the FAKE drowning was?”
Donnie rolled his eyes as he was letting Raph rub his back dry so he could put his hoodie back on.
“Unfortunately that was a real almost drowning. I am fine, thank you for asking.”
Leo winced and stood up. “Shit, sorry. Are you okay?”
“Fine. She literally water bended the pool water out of my throat. And she was FLOATING! Did you see that?” He couldn’t contain his excitement.
Raph pat his shoulder and decided he should collect Mikey while Donnie got him up to speed.
He turned to the pool and didn’t see him.
Mama turtle went in overdrive.
“Mikey?” He called out, darting between people in the crowd.
The more he looked the more worried he got.
‘Idiot, you almost kill ONE brother and LOSE the other?’
He groaned and smacked his head. “Shut up Slash.”
That was new but he couldn’t blame him.
He did a lap around the pool and saw the backside of a turtle behind the bar to the side. He rushed over and realized this turtle was bigger than him.
“Jennika.” He breathed.
She turned in surprise and he could see Mikey behind her, smiling up at him.
“Oh, hi Raph!”
He whimpered and rushed forward, ignoring her to grab him around his shoulders.
“Where did you go! I was worried!”
He grabbed his arms and pushed him back.
“I’m fine! I made a friend, see?” He held his hand out to Jennika, who was standing awkwardly beside them. She was wearing a big white t shirt and baggy trunks.
“Sorry, you… guys were distracted and I wanted to make sure he was safe somewhere…” she barely looked at him.
That hurt for some reason.
“Thanks…” he stood back up, keeping his hand on Mikey’s shoulder to make sure he knew where he was. “I.. sorry, I shouldn’t.. assume things but. You’re… not female like me, are you..?”
She blinked and shook her head. “Uh… no. I used to be… sad. About that.”
A new emotion came over him and he gave her a look of awe.
“Are you… trans..?”
She gave him a surprised look. “Is that… okay?”
Raph could feel his eyes water but he smiled big. “I… I’ve never met a.. I mean, you’re a turtle like me, and you’re.. trans too! A-and that.. makes me happy, I-I don’t know.. sorry, I’m not… not trying to be weird.”
She smiled and shook her head, her eyes were wet too.
“No, it’s not weird, I really get it…” she rubbed her arm. “I didn’t know uh…” she coughed and shook her head. “No, I guess I’d always hoped you were. I didn’t understand myself.”
Raph was confused by her words but kept smiling at her.
“You’re beautiful.” He told her. He didn’t know why he felt the need to tell her that. It was overwhelming seeing someone like him out in the world.
She stared at him with a shocked smile. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
“O-oh…” she sniffed and then laughed, rubbing her eyes. “F-fuck, can I hug you? Th-this is a lot but..”
Raph reached in instantly to wrap his arms around her. He just wanted to make her feel as happy as he felt seeing her. She was taller than him and thicker up top, but she was just a beautiful turtle girl to him.
She seemed to be crying above him as she held him back.
Mikey wandered over and smiled up at her. “See, she’s a friend Raph!”
The two of them parted and Jennika got down on her knee to idly punch his shoulder.
“You’re a good judge of character, but you still shouldn’t run off with people. Not here. There’s bad guys here. Only trust turtles, got that little man?”
He made a determined face and nodded. “Got it.”
Jennika then leaned in to hug Mikey. It looked like a bone crushing hug. Mikey just took it and tried to hug her back just as strongly.
Raph looked between them. They looked.. so similar. She looked like if Mikey had been well loved as a child and grown up strong.
The idea was making him cry again.
“Jennika!” They heard a voice call out.
Raph looked over and saw Kirby again. He was standing by the elevator and waving her over, he looked frustrated to see Raph again, and maybe a little sad.
Jennika looked up and wiped her eyes. “Shit. That’s my brother, he’s gonna give me a talking to…” She muttered slightly annoyed.
Raphs eyes snapped up at her. “Kirby’s your brother?”
She winced and rubbed her neck. “Uh, it’s been nice talking!”
She shuffled away.
Raph was shaking suddenly.
“W-wait!” He started to run but they both looked at him inside the elevator with a sorrowful look and then disappeared.
And he dropped to his knees.
Mikey put his hands on his shoulders. “Raph? What’s wrong? Is it the voices again?”
But his head was silent, save for a ringing in his ears. He stared at the elevator blankly. It opened again and they weren’t there anymore.
He wasn’t sure how long he was staring, he knew Donnie and Leo had wandered up holding all of their stuff, and it took the three of them to lift him off the ground.
“What happened, Raph?” Leo asked gently as they walked his body towards the elevator.
He just stared inside. He hoped to god they’d just reappear and let him ask the burning question on his mind.
He couldn’t say this out loud until he knew.
The elevator door closed and it was just him and his brothers again.
‘You’re right.’
He whipped his head around to look, but realized the voice was Slash again.
“W-what do you mean I’m right?!”
His brothers looked at him funny but he paid them no mind.
‘You know who they are. And you’re right. Big Mama told me the first time you let me out, she wasn’t gonna crush the eggs. She said we’d never see them again. She lied.’
“B-but that makes no sense Slash! Th-they’re too old! I-it’s been a week!”
‘I don’t know. But you know that’s who they are.’
Raph slammed his head against the wall and shook it hard.
Leo grabbed his shoulder and looked him in the eye. “Raph. Talk to me. What happened?”
Raph looked around the elevator in a panic. Mikey and Donnie looked scared of him, scared of what was happening.
“I-I… not here… I-in the room..”
He didn’t want anyone's secret eyes on him right now. He couldn’t trust Big Mama. Leo was right. Why had they bothered to talk to her at all today? They were better off on their own!
The door opened on their floor and they quickly rushed back inside their freshly cleaned room. Raph checked every room, every cranny. The windows were closed and no one was hiding in the corners.
After his panicked rushing he sat on the freshly cleaned sofa and tried to calm his breathing.
His brothers all stood in front of him in the conversation pit. None of them wanted him out of sight.
“Raph.” Leo said sternly. He looked up and saw them all staring at him with worried eyes.
He looked between them. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “It won’t make sense. But nothing here does. There’s.. magic and portals and dimensional travel…”
“At this point no theory is too out there.” Donnie said.
He opened his eyes and looked at them all seriously.
“They’re our kids.”
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angelpuns · 2 years ago
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Official references with colors/age/extra info for Finch in the Window!
This is more or less a master post to keep everything organized!
These are just the rough refs but lined and properly colored, along with one for Splinter that shows him in his suit ( I'll add a ref of him in his naval uniform later ).
Anyway this is gonna be the master post for this au since the comic is coming out soon!
The ROTTMNT rural au is set in 1930s-40s Japan and is essentially just an au about the boys living in the Japanese countryside and dealing with the effects of pre-war ( and then later postwar) Japan. I'm making it in the same vein as Grave of the Fireflies, This Corner of The World and The Wind Rises in that it mostly deals with the effect of the war on citizens and how it upended their lives in the smaller ways ( rationing, losing loved ones, etc )
I'm putting a lot of research into this au, but of course if there as anything that needs to be changed or is wrong please let me know.
Time to ramble about some design choices!
Starting with Splinter: he's totally human in this au, but has much of the same personality as Rise Splinter, save for the movie star thing. He's a lot more contemplative, I think. His first outfit is a simple suit - Japan in the 1920s and 30s was starting to introduce more westernized fashion, at least for the men. Many women still wore kimonos, even in the cities. Since Splinter is a decently high ranked officer as well as moving from the city to the countryside, he would definitely have a suit. I also think that color wise, he has a more subtle blue-grey palette than everyone else. Because I just thought it looked nice. Later on in the au, as he settles into country life, he typically wears a yukata around the house. He also has another outfit, which is essentially just an old naval uniform that er wears to work in the garden. He's 30 at the beginning of the au, in 1932, but since that's when we see him the most I haven't added his later looks just yet.
Raph: so Raph is kind of the main character in this au. He's the eldest and originally he's the only one who really knows what's going on. In my original design he was a bit shorter, but realistically he's probably a lot bigger than all his brothers. Design choices! So, when they were kids Raph typically didn't wear a shirt at all, though sometimes when they went to the village he would wear a yukata and some simple monpe pants. He prefers just wearing an undershirt and the monpe pants, since he's ripped a lot of yukatas with his spikes. He also tends to roll his pants up because he doesn't like when they touch his ankles.
Donnie: so Donnie is the older twin to me always. He's a little taller than Leo, too, but it's barely noticeable. He has super thick glasses that Splinter had to really work to find when he was young , thankfully the prescription was good enough. Nowadays there's a yokai doctor in the village that can help with that stuff. He gets cold easily and tends to bundle up with a more traditional yukata, except he ties the sleeves up to keep them out of the way. He also typically wears monpe pants to do the housework. He does most of the household chores along with Mikey. They're really close due to spending so much time together. He also sucks at sewing.
Leo: Leo is hard of hearing, but usually only has trouble when someone speaks too quietly or there is too much stimuli, like the rain or thunder or things like that. He also has a tendency to wander around their farm at night and frequently falls asleep on the roof. He wears a combination of undershirt + monpe pants and a regular yukata. Typically its the undershirt and pants combo, even when he goes to the village. He also gets cold easily and has a bad immune system, but he still helps Raph with most of the outside labor. Mostly cause he's reckless. He has a long-standing friendship/rivalry with Usagi Yuichi, who I have left out of this post for now since we won't really see him in the comic til later. Leo is great at sewing and has made most of their clothes/patched them up.
Mikey: baby of the group, and spoilt rotten by EVERYONE. Mikey wears mostly a yukata with monpe pants that he rolls waaaaaaay up. Leo keeps telling him to just wear shorts, but Mikey is stubborn asf. He does a lot of the cooking, since Donnie taught him. He is also the closest with their father, if only because he used to spend the most time with him. Yoshi gave him his hat for safekeeping and Mikey has barely taken it off since. His favorite food is watermelon! Mikey is very interested in humans and likes to sneak away to the nearby human village. He also likes to go into the yokai village with Leo when he can.
So that's just me rambling about design choices, clothing things, stuff like that. If anyone has questions I'd be so willing to answer! Keep an eye out for announcements about the comic within the next week or so!
EDIT: here's some helpful links for this au
Finch in the Window comic
Apples Leosagi fanfic
FITW Comic (social media version)
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bambiraptorx · 1 year ago
Okay, so the setting is more or less Generic Medieval Fantasy Land, but instead of having the standard fantasy races, yokai and humans pretty much coexist alongside each other. The land is currently in a time of peace. Sure there's some conflicts, but those tend to be more based on issues between nobility/ landed gentry than widespread war. Many cities and villages are fairly isolated, and there isn't really an overall ruler, just a scattering of city-states that occasionally try to conquer each other.
That being said, let's get into actual characters!
Leo is something of a traveling bard who wanders from town to town, with a 'magic flute' that can turn into a sword. (It's worth noting that the flute is not actually magic and it's actually Leo's ability to magically transform objects into swords that's at play here. He is not aware of this.) Nobody knows what exactly he's searching for, but he consistently takes an interest in unusual magic and strange occurrences, often offering the villages he stops in to help with their mystic problems if he can. Sometimes the issue is that a slumbering dragon under the hill that the town is built on is waking up, sometimes it's that everyone in town is turning into frogs because their main well got enchanted somehow (and seriously guys, just dig a new well at this point? please?)
Raph is his main traveling companion, often seen as the brawn to Leo's brains. He's actually more of the impulse control to Leo's hare-brained schemes though, except when the hair-brained schemes are coming from him lol. Between the two of them, they've earned a reputation as something of a pair of folk heroes, to the point that people will occasionally seek them out to ask them for help. Raph isn't as fond of the traveling as Leo is; he doesn't like the constant inconsistency and change. But until they find what they're looking for, they have to keep going.
April is something of a travelling storyteller, who's crossed paths with Leo and Raph enough to know that wherever they go, crazy things follow. Sometimes she travels with them, sometimes they split up. Occasionally she does odd jobs in villages, especially if she wants to keep a low profile. Half of storytelling is gathering information, after all, and if there's a shady merchant selling bad potions or a count whose servants keep disappearing, you can bet that April is going to find out about it. (She's kinda like the fantasy/pre-movable-type printing press version of an investigative journalist.) She may or may not be under an oath to never tell a lie.
Donnie doesn't travel with his brothers, partly because he prefers the city life to the open road and partly because, as the youngest master craftsman of his guild, his work is constantly under demand. He's known for having a special touch when it comes to his creations, whether clockwork, iron, or precious metals, and his precision and focus are something to behold. Unlike many metalworkers, he refuses to make weapons (something the rest of the guild is fine with because of the demand his work receives). Rumor has it that the trade coming to his city has doubled since he started selling his work. Also, he draws his eyebrows on with charcoal. They tend to get smudged.
Mikey's just stuck in a magical amulet lmao. Leo and Raph have spent the last several years trying to figure out how to get him out without having to go back to the person that put him in it initially, but hope running slim on that front.
Draxum is... interesting. He lives in a massive forest known for its mystical wildlife and properties. They say that he lives in the exact center of the forest, twenty days' journey from any side, in a decrepit tower as old as the trees themselves. Some call him the forest's witch, others its guardian spirit, still others its god. All anyone knows for sure is that he's been there longer than any of the villages built tentatively on the forest outskirts, and that no one wants to get on his bad side. There are rumors of trophy hunters travelling a bit too deep and coming out irreversibly changed, both physically and mentally. Forest fires may rage for decades, then extinguish themselves in a single night. Paths seem to open between the trees and close at random. There is a saying in many towns on the fringe: as crazy as spending a week in the forest. Locals never explain the meaning, apparently finding it self-evident.
And almost everyone who's spent any length of time within the forest boundaries reports a tall shadowy figure that lurks just outside the boundaries of torchlights and campfires, never engaging, just watching. Sometimes, upon close inspection, the shadow is revealed to simply be a tallish pillar of stone, one so covered in moss and vines that it can't have been touched for centuries. It's unwise to get too close to the pillars, though.
Sometimes they'll follow you. And that's never a good thing.
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apatchedupdoll · 2 years ago
Here's a Story
cw: gore and death
This is a ROTTMNT AU I thought of while at work. Work seems to be the best place to think of all this shit or in my hazy awake sleep state. I hope you enjoy! There's art I swear!
Donatello watched as a kraang hound was tearing through people. He sipped his drink and seemed unfazed by it all while humans and yokai were either running for their lives or desperately trying to fight off the pack that had barged into the underground bar. It was a merciless blood bath. He couldn't care less at the carnage. Good, other people know how he feels. Alone, as everything was torn from them. Their family and friends gone, although he envied the guy that had his head smashed into the wall. The softshell leaned back to avoid gore thrown his way, and now his drink was ruined. His eye twitched. He really needed that drink. He picked up his poor excuse of a metal bo staff and smacked the hound that went for him. It hit the ground with a loud thud before scrambling back up to continue its assault. Donnie was not in the mood for this shit. Seemingly without effort, the ninja got up with his weapon and glass in hand. He smashed the glass into the hound going for his neck before using his bo staff to smash the head open with great force. His legs started to shake as he leaned against the staff, but it was short lived as the other hounds went for him. He deflected and blocked the attacks being able to predict the unpredictable creatures, however the attacks got too much and the ninja had to jump back before grabbing abandoned drinks and throwing them at the hounds. Eventually throwing an entire table at them. He did this a couple times, although he did take a couple chances at getting some free drinks. Maybe after another 30 minutes and the help of a few other survivors the kraang were finally put down. They would have been done in 10 if his brothers were still here.
Without hesitation Donnie took what he deemed worth it from anything dead, even as he got a few glares. He didn't care, who would keep him in check? A necklace, a book, a map, a few watches, and... Despite being the main contributor to taking down the kraang, his vulture behavior was starting to rile up the survivors and he took that as his que to leave. The turtle made his way out, almost passing the tunnel the kraang had made to get into the tunnels. Donnie used what he could to patch up the whole before finally leaving. It became a mindless walk through the tunnel until he found his way to the surface. Well the underground city was very underwhelming to say the least. He found his way to his hidden lab. It was pretty bare all things considered. The exhausted turtle limped his way to his hammock before carelessly falling into it and dropping almost everything he was carrying to the ground. Out of all his brothers, he can't believe he was the one to survive this long. His eyes wandered as sleep didn't bless him as he'd hope. What a shame. He did have a new book. Robot Carnival. Wasn't that an old movie? He mumbles to himself as he reads through the book and finding it somewhat familiar. After some time the technician's mind starts to wander, ideas starting to trickle through his head. He suddenly sat up straight, eyes wide before they start to travel towards his pile of personal items, an old old picture of his family durning younger times. He knew what to do.
Months had passed (maybe a year?) and Donnie was in his lab trying to calm his agitated knee. The brace was starting to fail him and he was having to lean on his bo staff more and more. But it was fine, he was almost done. He stood up and started to limp over to his hyper-fixation. He got down on his braced knee, finding some comfort in the pressure, and started to go through the blue metal shell before him. After a last few adjustments he closed the hatch, making sure it was locked in place. He practically dragged himself to now face the robot turtle. It looked exactly like his brother, younger and more robotic, but it was good enough. Donnie reached out, hesitantly pulling back for a moment. What if it didn't work? Was he replacing his brothers by doing this? What if he fails? Donnie waved away the thoughts with a shake of his head before pressing forward. A blue light flickered and the antenna twitched then perking into the air. Parts of the robot softly glowed blue to show each part was working. Donnie waited with bated breath. The robot looked up to the turtle before tilting its head. Donnie's heart squeezed then broke as the robot flinched and shut down. Frantically the technician scrambled to find the problem. He was so close! He had it! No! He was going to do this, even if it killed him. He couldn't be alone anymore.
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So, I thought this was just going to be a short story. BUT. I am suddenly intrigued by the idea of it all. I've decided I'm going to write this story! For now I'm thinking about calling it Metal Bonds and Love. I can't really think of anything else so it will probably stay that way. The whole idea of Donnie building his family and going on adventures with them while annihilating Kraang is just too heart warming to ignore! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!
Also let me know if you like this idea! I'm already making a document about this story so if you have any questions ask away! It would help me think about things for the story and flesh it out. This goes for any stories I make as I love to share!
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coleyo · 2 years ago
What a beautiful night in the city of New York. street lights are flashing above the dim parts of the city, as the moon helps illuminate everything and everyone. But what's this? Finally, a boy named Michealangelo hamato is, yet again, on the streets alone. after a year, Mikey couldn't take it anymore. this hero stuff was just.. exhausting. so much was expected from him.. especially during the whole shredder situation. What could he had done? he couldn't just tell his brothers that he didn't want to be a hero, if that, what could he had done?.. there was no one to speak to.. but.. April.
unfortunately, after conversing with her, she'd express her disapproval in a polite manner, causing Mikey to speed off, and ran away.. after lurking in the darkness for a bit, he retreats to the hidden city, desperate for a brand new start. soon, he finds draxums lab and takes a look.. to his demise, the mutant is caught by draxums gargoyles, huginn and muninn.. and then by draxum. the boy explains his situation, and out of sheer pity draxum let's him stay. on.. a few conditions though.
meanwhile, a boy named miles is wandering around the dark exterior of the night; swinging rooftop to rooftop. by one small misstep; miles falls into a trash-bin an extremely rough crash ensues..
he finds himself in an odd world, mutants and yokai never seen were all around. they all stared and glanced; soon, a bounty was placed on him.
word spread; and there was a hunt.
fortunately he is pulled by a boy in an orange hoodie, and led to his room..
it was Mikey. he'd promise to keep him safe until this whole thing overblown; but draxum must not know.
The boys soon start feeling for one another, but, such a relationship couldn't be considered normal.
..after getting back onto the surface, they part ways, or so miles thought.
with a cloacking broach; Mikey is able to disguise himself..
it.. doesn't go as planned.
•Slight gore
•Absolutely NO NSFW/TCEST
A   new  path
   Drops of cold rain hit the pavement;. Allowing the moon's reflection to bounce straight off of it. It was a peaceful night in the city of New York, by the time, it was about midnight. All Mikey could do was lie awake in bed;
staring at the ceiling. His fingers glide across one another occasionally; as they'd glance at the clock, time and time again. Suddenly a buzz came from his phone, finally allowing Mikey to take his eyes off of their placement.
Micheal turned and shifted; switching his Device on. The text was from his friend, April.
The text read;
'Mikey, I know you're awake! What's wrong. You can tell me. I'm worried for you.
  Mikey would inhale sharply before getting up from his bed, and grabbing a bag. They'd stuff their valuables inside, anything really. Art supply, a notebook, a sketchpad, before she paused.
A family picture. Hesitant; she'd shove it inside.
  They'd grab a hoodie nearby and put it on, a mask too. In a hurry, they grabbed a peice of paper and a marker, writing a quick note before finally; taking his leave..
As they'd travel through the sewers; he'd realize most lights were off. snoring came from leons room, it took him a bit to finally move himself out of the sewer.
As soon as they left, a wave a guilt hit almost instantly.
But this would end Mikey's constant worry, right?
They'd bite their lip before running away; into the darkness... Then.. where would he go? A chill runs up his spine as the sound of rats scurrying along the sidewalk filled the air, mikey flinched, but kept going.. all the way to April's house..
   Without warning, she'd knock on aprils window, praying that her parents were away. To Angelo's delight; the window was pried open by April Herself.
The two made eye contact for a split second, only for April to immediately notice something was wrong.
"..Mikey, what are you doing here. It's late-- what's wrong!" The girl let Mikey in, Since it was practically pouring.
"..I want to talk. To you! Not my brothers, you have to PROMISE me that you won't say a word." Mikey held April's hands tightly, putting all of their trust into her. The human hesitated before examining him.. "..Mikey, did you run away--" "No!-.. yes.. l- look just promise me.."
"...Mikey.." April's grip tightened on the others hands, feeling slight vibrations coming from him, "if you're running away.. I can't not say anything.." O'Neil froze before letting out a soft sigh, "your brothers need to know that you're okay."
".. April.." Mikey sobbed out, her eyes widened as she hushed the other, "mikey--.. alright, i- I promise!" April
Muttered, in an attempt to calm the other down.
  It took Mikey a moment or two to catch his breath but soon, he'd explain,
"I can't do this anymore, April. Im not fit for this hero stuff i-.. I'm leaving, I don't know where I'm going, I'm just-- I'm going.." he'd cry, before April let go of him, "Mikey, you can't! There's no team without you! Talk to your brothers they can help you--" "-NO! You DONT understand. I have to help.. them! I-.. forget it, it's pointless.. you're the only one I trust." A smile was given to April, but instead, she frowned, knowing if this secret came out, Micheals heart would be shattered into a million pieces.
"Wait, Mikey!--" April shouted, before he sped off. She'd lean from the balcony, letting out a worried whimper. "..Hes insane!" April took her phone out before pausing..
This was.. his choice.
She held the phone tightly, shaking a bit. She couldn't force him into the team, to be miserable..
She should see how this plays out.
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littlemissartemisia · 2 years ago
What’s misa’s au about?
Well initially she’s mutated the morning the boys and April caused the oozesquitos to be released, making her the youngest cognitive mutant in the city that’s known about before she wanders New York like it’s her personal playground, gets kidnapped by someone with a grudge against yokai before being freed when the building the guy’s lab is in is kinda messed up by the Kraang invasion. After that I’m still deciding who finds her. It could be Casey, or April or one of the brothers
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west-tokyo-incidents · 2 years ago
So with the fancy new au I was thinking it was like. Kia is this noble daughter in ye olden Japan and Vice is an Oni who technically owns her due to a deal her father made with the demon. And oni typically rule collectives of other demons and/or yokai. He's obsessed with his prize and, while she dislikes him on a surface level, she's somewhat thankful for his company.
Seven other demons below him in his group have all got their own people--some that were gifts like Kia in exchange for power, money, or pride, and some who exchanged their own souls for the same.
Vice's group or 'clan' basically collectively own this city, because of the people they control. They get to wander the streets pretty much freely. Some call them a blessing because the city is flourishing and some call them a bitter curse necause of their intense demands upon the people, but most hardly know they exist at all... in the beginning.
Ultimo and his group are also under Vice, and Ultimo is even very close to Vice, but gets a little tooooo comfortable with Kia. Kia half complains about Vice a few times too many and Ultimo decides "hey, let's 'save' her and all the others hurt by the seven" and he gathers his six closest friends and poses the idea like they're going to be heros and loved by the city for this.
And they specifically take captive Kia and the seven sins' people in the noble house in the center of the city. They don't think Vice will risk his livelihood and subordinates in the city just to get Kia back...
And boy are they wrong.
And boy, is Ultimo a vindictive, overly righteous leader. The six he's chosen quickly see how poorly he leads, inexperienced and obsessive, and they begin to regret following him.
Then Vice reveals himself to the ENTIRE city and DEMANDS his bride back, threatening to destroy everything if he doesn't. Ultimo attempts to call his bluff and reveals himself as well, posing himself as the savior of them all and coaxing them to his side. While he may be inexperienced, he's very manipulative and easily gets many of them on his side.
Vice is furious at this, he doesn't want his cushy lifestyle to be burnt to the ground, but at this point he has to. He roars his demands again and tells those who still support him are to carve and place a hexagon outside of their doors and they will be spared when he comes to destroy them all in a certain amount of days and disappears off to plot and plan...
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alterwriting · 10 months ago
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secondary - in inazuma by default - au possible - she / her
* // sara headcanons
I write Sara as an adult in human years, around 25 to 27 years old.
As a tengu, Sara may appear similar to her comrades, but still has certain differences from humans. She feels this difference mostly when she watches her soldiers and their families interact. It stirs an emotion deep within her that reminds her of how she always felt when she saw her adoptive father interact with his biological children. She had never been a person of importance to him because she was his daughter; she had always only been a tool to secure the position of the clan. She doesn't resent her adoptive brothers, but finds it troublesome how they were always treated differently.
At times, when she wanders into the wild, she wonders if she should visit her hometown and see if her family still lives there. However, the thought of returning into a Yokai village somehow scares her after spending years after years with the humans.
She has a natural curiosity for games, since she was never allowed to play herself. Others might be able to spot her glimpsing at the toys sold in the city, although it is less frequent to see her purchase one.
The feeling of familial love is a bit abstract to her after not receiving it for so many years. She still remembers how her original family loved her, but it is more of a distant memory than anything. Thus, and as she does not consider it a necessary topic, Sara does not speak much about affection in general.
As a child, she would think that obeying Takayuki would grant her his love, but her hopes were left unfulfilled. In the end, she still has a difficult relationship with loyalty towards those that should care for her. Compared to that, her feelings for the Shogunate are much clearer, not wanting the affection of the Raiden Shogun, but rather having a completely professional relationship with her. It gives her a sense of security.
Being a tengu, she is able to communicate with animals. It's not that she understands what they are saying, but she is more familiar with their body language and way of communication.
Due to her diligent training, Sara is able to split an arrow with another one. Her aim and accuracy is revered among her soldiers.
Her home is not decorated much, she mostly only has her statues and the basic necessities. Decoration in general is a concept she doesn't consider to be of any importance unless there is a good reason for it.
As someone who grew up quite isolated, she has always had much time with herself. This led to her being quite self-reflective, in a good way. She is able to analyze her actions and emotions (albeit being less good at actually feeling emotions), and come to a proper solution for problems.
The animals in the forest seem quite fond of her, giving her the idea of maybe wanting a pet. But would she have the time to invest into such a big responsibility?
If there is one other thing Sara takes seriously aside from her duties as a servant to the Shogunate, it is promises. To her, breaking a promise is like committing an act of perfidy, and she is not one to forgive easily regarding that.
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akito-shinonome-daily · 2 months ago
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🥞 the AU akito variant / outfit poll: results + breakdown! 🎬
final vote count:
total votes: 125
paladin - 25
survivor / post-apocalyptic - 5
sunflower - 20
cyber fighter - 7
dark festa / dark lily - 4
beast / ippiki - 10
wanderer / outlaw - 8
new years 2 / eastern prince - 11
dog / dog boy - 14
partygoer / mafia - 6
fuel / altpunk / aviator - 8
coffee date / winter date - 7
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my picks + bonus stats + breakdown of the initial polls below cut! ⤵️
my picks:
part 1: summer festival
part 2: beast / ippiki
part 3: cr詠zy / endeavour flame
finale: beast / ippiki
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bonus stats:
most voted on poll: part 1 ~ 134 votes
most votes in any one poll: paladin (initial) ~ 57 votes
highest percentage victory in any one poll: paladin (initial) ~ 42.5% of vote
most votes total: paladin ~ 82 votes
options with no votes: blaze walker / winged (in part 2) + birthday 2 ~ timeless suit (in part 2)
most tied: part 1 ~ two 3-way ties and one 2-way tie
with 5 votes each (classical / nocturne, vivid soul, summer festival); with 2 votes each (wedding, street boxer • style, towards legend hoodie); with 1 vote each (sunset city, birthday 1 ~ flowers)
closest victory: part 3 - 1 vote difference (dog / dogboy ~ 19.5% to new years 2 / eastern prince ~ 18.6%)
note: part 2 also concluded with a 1-vote difference: beast / ippiki ~ 21.1% to wanderer / outlaw ~ 20%)
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paladin / western prince / fantasy kingdom AU / whatever you wish to call it!akito stole the show. assuming people actually voted based on AU potential and no just appearances, it’s the favorite akito variant for AUs!
this is probably due to the popularity of the fantasy / white day AUs, the fact this is one of the earlier sets and was continuously added to with each white day, and the versatility of the concept for AUs
additionally, we can conclude that y’all (much like me) enjoy when akito is A Creature™ as evidenced by the success of the beast / ippiki and dog / dogboy variants. that and some of you probably read a sunflower mafia fic that you tell people changed you life (/hj)
the new new years card needs no explanation we all just wanted akito to have a pretty card with a long hair alt
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part 1:
total votes: 134
sunset city - 1
classical / nocturne - 5
vivid soul - 5
wedding - 2
summer festival - 5
street boxer • style - 2
birthday 1 ~ flowers - 1
camp jacket - 10
towards legend hoodie - 2
paladin - 57
ancient guard - 8
survivor / post-apocalyptic - 36
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part 2:
total votes: 90
sunflower - 10
cyber fighter - 13
blaze walker / winged - 0
dark festa / dark lily - 10
birthday 2 ~ timeless suit - 0
kashika / beat riders - 7
yokai / dragon god au - 2
beast / ippiki - 19
spirit of determination / gekokujou - 3
wanderer / outlaw - 18
graffiti / street artist - 2
detective / secret agent - 6
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part 3:
total votes: 118
cr詠zy / endeavour flame - 9
new years 2 / eastern prince - 22
fighting chef / royal chef - 3
sanrio collab - 4
world link / vivid - 4
child - 3
dog / dogboy - 23
rekka / emo band - 1
partygoer / mafia - 15
pro athlete / male model - 8
fuel / altpunk / aviator - 15
coffee date / winter date - 11
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which akito variant / fit do you most like to see in AUs / see AUs based on?
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➥ if you thought making a decision was hard before, it’s gonna be like choosing a favorite child now
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faetaiity · 2 years ago
Senor Heuso trying to help male reader to escape the turtles (Mikey the only love interest tho) and failing so they fuck him up??
sorry that I've been inactive lately, I had (have? idk) writers block, plus life is a shitbag, due to everything that is still plaguing me. Since you didn't specify Dark or Normal AU!, if Mikey is a Yandere, or if Y/N a mutant or not. I went with what I interpreted from your ask (and what would be easier to write, lmao)
Yandere! Dark AU! Michelangelo x Male! Yokai! (Species mostly ambiguous but implied to be a warm-blooded Animal, such as a Mammalian or Avian) Reader.
Story Format: Non-HeadCanon Oneshot(?)
CW: Yandere Behavior, Kidnapping, Mentions of Broken Bones and Blood, Forced Relationship (also bad writing lmaooooo)
P.S: I put some Spanish in here, but it has a translation next to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You fucked up. Big time.
It wasn't a debate, you screwed up the entirety of the past month or so, getting kidnapped by the brothers, the resident nutcase of their... Family falling madly in love with you and basically gluing himself to you.
You didn't know how to respond to Michelangelo, He would shower you in gifts and attention, and, due to you always responding Fearfully neutral, He assumed you felt the same way, no matter how many times you tried to tell him you didn't see him as an acquaintance, much less a Lover.
Because of his duties, he often left you alone in his room, which worked in your favor, as you often thought of escape plans, hundreds have gone through your mind since your kidnapping
And the perfect time to escape was tonight; you knew that if you managed to get free, out of the sewers and into the Hidden City, you'd be gone, you prided yourself on knowing all the entrance ways to said city, and that you know every single road, alley, subdivision and Foot-Clan free places there.
After 15 minutes or so, you managed to get out of the sewer safely, nearly getting caught by Splinter twice.
Sighing in relief as you finally got fresh air after God knows how long you've been down there
'How sad, that I lost count of the days' you thought, mournfully. You wondered if your Friends and Family missed you, because other than escaping, they're the only other thing you've thought about.
Lifting yourself out of the manhole, you instantly bolted into an alley way, your Animal instincts kicking in and telling you to find a safe place to stretch and recuperate, while the sentient and more rational part of your brain told you to just get the fuck out of there and make a plan to get to a safer place other than an Alley way.
You yawned, instantly stretching after what felt like years of being too afraid to move, lest you get hurt.
It took you a few seconds, but you ended up thinking about where you would go, sure, you knew you'd be safest in the Hidden City, but the minute Splinter found you gone, he would alert his sons to hunt you down, and the city would be the first place they look.
Similarly, to the Humans who wander the surface, the Police in the Underground have Corrupted Officials who would tell the Foot Clan the minute you stepped into their Line of Sight, or Worse, into the Station, and in turn, the foot clan would tell the Turtles.
You knew the danger of staying on the surface, but there was equal, if not more, danger underground, you groaned, thinking quickly, as you knew the turtles would be back any minute now
Then it hit you, Run of the Mill Pizza.
Your younger sibling (Or a friend/Family member's younger sibling) was friends with Hueso Jr, so you ended up going to the Pizzeria and ended up getting acquainted with Señor Hueso, his workers, and his family.
Deciding that he would be your best bet, you started sneaking towards the Restuarant. The walk there, as you calculated, was only about 20 minutes, but may be longer if the Turtles come back and start searching for you.
After a while, you ended up making it to the hidden entrance, quickly opening the portal, luckily, the sassy skulls on the portal seemed to understand your distress and opened quicker than they usually would.
Señor Hueso had his back to you, sweeping, before speaking in a mildly irritated tone
"Lo siento, pero estamos cerrados" (I am sorry, but we are closed.)
You stared for a second, you didn't understand Spanish, you knew that Señor Hueso had the habit of Defaulting to Spanish without thinking, as he was previously from The Painted City, it was smaller than the Hidden City, many people didn't know of the other Underground cities around the world, but The Painted City was centered in Mexico City.
"Mr. Hueso...?" you called out, unsure if you should leave or not, Señor Hueso froze at the sound of your voice, dropping the broom and whipping around to look at you
"...Y/N..?" he spoke softly, he knew you mostly from Hueso Jr, but even before his son Introducing you to him, he has known your family/Friends for years as regulars at the Restaurant, ever since he moved from The Painted City to the Hidden City, they would order their pizza from his family.
"Where have you been?! Your familia (Or friends if you have shit family) has torn up the Hidden City in search of you!" he attempted to come off as calm but ended up sounding like a parent Scolding their child.
You looked ashamed; you couldn't get out everything you wanted to say, simply because you couldn't find the courage or the words, so the only words that fell from your mouth were "I was kidnapped...."
He seemed to stay silent for a moment, trying to register your words, once he understood the severity of the situation he sighed
"Come on, Mi Hijo (My Boy), let us call your Friends/Family to bring you home." he grabbed your hand softly and guided you into the kitchen, once you both were in there, he let go of your hand and reached for the phone.
He could only dial the first number or so before a loud crash echoed from the main dining area
"Hijo de Puta..." (Son of a Bitch) he hissed under his breath, snapping his head over to you and (Bluntly) quietly said "Get in the island cabinets, don't come out unless I tell you to." before he shoved you towards the island in the middle of the Kitchen.
You quickly scrambled to get into the cabinet, trying to find a position where you could stay comfortably for as long as it took Señor Hueso to investigate the noise.
There was silence for a few seconds before a series of loud banging, shouting, and what sounded like a crunch happened.
"¡Pedazo de mierda!" (You piece of Shit!) you heard Leo shout, before continuing in Spanish; "¡Dime dónde está el novio de mi hermano pequeño!" (Tell me where my little brother's boyfriend is!)
"¡No sé de qué estás hablando, gilipollas!" (I do not know what you are talking about, asshole!) is all you heard before another crunch and a loud scream, you flinched, you knew if you went out that you would get taken back to the sewers, but if you remained then Hueso would die
'Sorry I didn't listen, Señor Hueso' you thought, but maybe he would forgive you, hopefully.
You stepped out of the cabinet, taking a deep breath before going out and mentally prepare to face possibly the worst scene.
You winced as you saw Señor Hueso's femur + one of his ribs were broken, luckily it would heal quickly as Yokais are known for taking only a few days to a week or two to heal broken bones.
Leo was torn up too, blood oozed from his arm, face, and leg, but without a doubt, Hueso's injuries were worse by Magnitudes.
"Leonardo!" was all you could muster to say to that horrible mutant, he whipped his head around and grinned at you
"Entonces, el niño decidió salir del clóset con su cuñado~" (So, the little boy decided to come out to their brother in law~) He purred out in a sickly-sweet manner.
Señor Hueso looked over at you as well, fury crossed his face for a split second before he saw your face, he knew what you were thinking, that this was the only way everyone would walk out alive, he winced in pity and empathy towards you, knowing that the minute you step out of the Pizzeria, you were at the mercy of the Four brothers, who were rumored (but was accepted as true) to never show kindness, compassion, and most of all; mercy.
The brother in blue walked over to you, grabbing you rather harshly and said, "You're lucky my brother is so head over heels for you, or I already would have put you down like a dog in the street." his tone was emotionless, he was stating a fact; like its cold outside.
He opened up a portal back to the sewer, but before he crossed the threshold, he looked back at Señor Hueso "Haz un truco como ese otra vez, y me aseguraré de que tu hijo no viva más allá de la escuela intermedia." (Pull a stunt like that again, and I will make sure your son doesn't live past middle school.) he said, coldly, as he threw you through the portal, before jumping in after you.
Michelangelo bolted over to you, instantly picking you up and whispering sweet compliments into your ears as he stole your oh-so-warm body heat.
"You couldn't have been a SMIDGE softer with my lover?!" Mikey hissed, already forming plans to baby you and make Hueso pay
"Would you rather me have not gotten him at all?" Leo shot back, which make Mikey shut up
Luckily for you (And rather unluckily for Hueso) Mikey wholeheartedly believes you were kidnapped; he couldn't fathom why you would EVER want to leave him, He's delusional
"Micheal." Donnie said, calmly getting his brother's attention, Mikey made a noise of acknowledgement, not wanting to take his eyes off of you
"Why don't you go get the First Aid Kit out of my lab for Leo" Donnie stated, Mikey sighed and got up, telling you he would be right back
Once Mikey was out of sight, you knew you were dead, Donnie, Leo, and Raph loomed over you, grinning cruelly; Leo squatted down to your height
"Do that again and I'll break both of your legs, you can fool Mikey because he loves you, but not us, we won't fall for your cheap tricks" Leo said with a glare, his brothers nodding
You knew you were never getting out of this.
Sorry it's ass.
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halloweennut · 3 years ago
I know this is the kinda typical au thing but a swap where Draxum and Big Mama swapped roles. Draxum is a very threatening, scary, crime boss running the battle nexus and lou jitsu's ex, still has huginn and muninn that turn into little dogs when using the cloaking magic, and Big Mama is an eccentric warrior alchemist that hates humanity but still uses her weird words and is like unnervingly nice even when she's trying to kill you.
Jokes on you because i love that
Baron Draxum is still violently himself, just bitter still and angry. He rages against the idea of letting the humans rule the surface that was rightfully theirs, but the Council can't be swayed and he certainly doesn't need more scrutiny on him.
He was raised as a weapon and then told to find peace.
His version of peace is running the Battle Nexus. Even if war was declined, he would make sure that the Yokai had worthy warriors at the ready to fight, and make sure they were backed by thousands of loyal fans.
He has his dealings with the shady and seedy underbelly of the Hidden City. Draxum has title, money, and power, and can make even hardened crime bosses bend to his will. Few cross him and his control of certain dealings, and those that do serve as perfect examples as to why they shouldn't.
Even so, he gets *bored*. There's only so much he could do in this role. On a whim, he opens a hotel for the yokai hidden on the surface, and for those who wish to go to the surface with a quick access point in and out. It also expands his territory further and greater. Draxum even lets himself use a cloaking brooch to wander the gilded, elegant hotel he built as humans began to show interest. He has designated floors for them, separate from the yokai, and just nice enough to justify the amount he charges them per night. They don't see any of the grandeur given only to the yokai.
Then, Lou Jitsu walked in the front door, entourage in tow.
Baron Draxum wasn't exactly thrilled to have him there. But he was charming enough to get his way to a private suite out of the designated floors. Draxum wasn't even sure who he was outside of someone famous. Lou, upon hearing that Draxum hadn't seen his movies or anything, forces him to sit and watch a marathon. The yokai knows its not even for his own benefit, really, but for Lou’s own ego.
The movies are drivel, but damn, Lou could fight. Really fight.
"If you're that impressed," Lou said, flipping his coiffed hair, "You should come to see me film tomorrow."
Draxum had no intent to.
He found himself, half-awake, on a sound stage the following morning. He tried not to snarl or make disgusted faces around the humans or their technology, irked as he was. Lou appeared from his trailer, looking every bit classic hero, making his way to his marker. Just before the director called for action, he lowered his sunglasses and winked at Draxum, before slipping into his character and beating the living hell out of stuntmen.
Afterwards he smiled, proud, and asked Draxum what he thought. Draxum cant tell of he's impressed or what, but the ego drops for a second, and the yokai couldnt help but offer praise.
Lou Jitsu would make a fine addition to the Battle Nexus.
And naturally Lou wore him down to the point he dropped his guard. The fighter landed a hit, a confident, ever smiling mouth on his, Draxum was all of 3 things.
1. Shocked at the suddenly
2. Confused by the fact he happily returned the damn kiss
3. Happy to call Lou *his* perfect fighter.
Is Lou kidnapped? I mean, yeah. Draxum’s Like That. But he's Draxum’s, so that lends to more perks than being locked in a cell most of the time. And Lou enjoys the Battle Nexus enough, even while missing home, but Draxum still plies him with praise and lingering hands and kisses. He feels like a bird in a gilded cage, loved but a damn prop. The one exception to Draxum’s hatred of humans, the perfect fighter for all to emulate. It takes the fight out of him and the wind from his wings. All he wants is to retire, and maybe things could go back to how they were between him and Draxum. All he truly craves is peace.
He doesn’t get the chance.
Lou finds himself in a dark lab in a small cage, cocooned in spider webbing bars that he couldn't quite break. There are creatures around him that look to be hybrids of multiple animals, mystic or not. Save a small box of equally small turtles. They're easily within reach and so adorable that he cant help but coo at them. Unfortunately a way to get out of the cage isnt in reach like they are. He shouts out into the echo of the lab, shouting for whoever had taken him to reveal themself and let him go.
Big Mama is still Like That. But instead of becoming a crime boss and all that, she clings to the glory of war, her status and pride as a warrior, and wants nothing more than to raise an army against the surface. She delves into alchemy, dabbling in science, and gets put on the Council watch list. She isnt angry like Draxum is, but she's ruthless, cruel, and doesn’t care if some yokai or her mutated soldiers are lost.
All she had needed was a perfect fighter, and lo, Draxum all but put one at her feet. She watched every single one of his battles, studying every move Lou made until he was one of the only things on her mind. Big Mama had her perfect warriors - little turtles, with their natural armor - now all she had to do was mix their DNA.
Lou knows her well enough as Draxum’s old warrior compatriot. He was his prized fighter and lover, so obviously he was brought to all the post-battle parties and other little things, and had rubbed elbows with the entire gentry and nobility of the Hidden City. Big Mama was always in attendance, sweet, doting, quick with honeyed words between nonsense ones. He chalked her up to being eccentric, even if he felt her eyes on him plenty. It was nothing new, really. He was famous and hot, why wouldn't someone keep their eyes on him.
If he had turned around, he would have seen that the gaze was akin to the look a spider has for a fly in her web. That's all he was to her, really. And similarly to a spider and a fly, she took his life from him.
Lou barely escapes with the turtles, covered in mutagen, leaving her castle engulfed in flames as he felt his body crack and change into a rat. It isn’t the peace he wanted, nor the retirement. But at the very least, he could give his new children the peace he so craved.
Away from limelights, battle arenas, and yokai looking for glory. Away from prophecy and sacrifice. No one would steal that from them, ever.
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dadumtss · 2 years ago
Do you have legends, folktales and/or mythical creatures on your AU? Creatures like Baba Yaga, La Llorona or Yokai for example.
Also, are there more cities or places where cryptids settled down and live in or is 'The City' the only place for that?
Cryptid Species and Cryptid Settlements
Cryptids II
I know the word ‘cryptid’ has a specific meaning that doesn’t cover folktales or mythical creatures (as well as some other supernatural creatures) but in my AU ‘cryptid’ is just a broad term for any supernatural being. 
Specifically, within the AU a cryptid is defined as “any creature that can use magic or who’s origins stem from magic” but you can finagle pretty much every supernatural creature into that definition, including Baba Yaga, La Llorona and Yokai. 
Cryptid Cities & Settlements 
There are tons of cryptid cities! The City is just the largest and most diverse. There are underwater cities for aquatic cryptids, underground cities for Subterranean cryptids, cities all over. 
Most of these are smaller than what we would consider a ‘city’ today, though. In addition, a large chunk of cryptid society also live in even smaller settlements of varying types. Many of these are similar in function to settlements we have today such as villages, rural farming towns, tourist traps, suburbs, etc. 
Usually these settlements are fairly close (or otherwise easily accessible) to a ‘city’ so they can more easily benefit from its resources (and vice versa) but sometimes a small settlement can be largely self-sufficient and mostly turns to other small settlements for anything they may need, therefore they branch out further. 
There are also a few cryptids that prefer to be nomadic as well. They don’t have a permanent settlement and wander the wilderness in groups or alone. While this is fairly rare since The Revolution, it still happens. 
Basically, cryptids live in arrangements as diverse as -or even more diverse than-  humans today!  
Thanks for the ask!
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kurokoros · 3 years ago
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Across a wandering river, a lonely teahouse resides in a town left long forgotten, but as the moon rises and day turns to dusk, a city comes to life in a world unseen. 
An age of history lies written in the walls of the Golden House, the very heart of the Shiratori entertainment district, a land bound by contracts and home to wayward spirits seeking glory, greed, and gold. Known across the spirit realm, the teahouse is the center of tales of vices and violence.
For in Shiratori, all stories begin or end at the Golden House.
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Welcome to the Golden House
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untitled ➤ iwaizumi hajime x reader [wip]
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kuroopaisen · 5 years ago
fireflies. (kuroo tetsurou)
➵  there are people who fall between the cracks, finding themselves stuck in a world halfway between this one and beyond. kuroo doesn’t want you to face it alone. 
wc: 4.7k
warnings: gn!reader, yokai!au, soft angst? 
a/n: somewhat inspired by neverwhere by neil gaiman, and after dark by haruki murukami. somewhat. also, big thank you to ren once again for her support and her beta’ing. and moo, i can’t write a kuroo fic for a celebration week without dedicating it to you :’) thank you for your constant and motivating support!
The city is ageless. It’s a visual cacophony of neon and ramshackle, a collection of buildings tightly packed along skinny alleyways. A wide asphalt road runs through it all like a great river, often glittering under streetlights on rainy evenings. Human beings don’t walk this in-between world that exists between the cracks. But the otherworldly do.
Kuroo used to be afraid of the dark. These days, the night brings him comfort. The night means he gets to exist, slipping through alleyways and hopping across rooftops. The moonlight touches his skin in a way the sun no longer can, whispering him into life on the asphalt. 
It’s not the life he wants, but he makes do. He’s not sure how long he’s been here. He knows next to nothing of his life before this endless night. Just whispers.  
But he’s certain he couldn’t produce these little fires back then. They gather around him like the loose clouds that blot out the stars. 
He enjoys his little cloud, specks of light so small and inconsistent they look like fireflies, hovering around him like he’s the centre of their world. 
These little fireflies dance around him as he watches you across the street.
It’s not the first time Kuroo sees you. He has no grasp on time — not truly — but he remembers your face. He remembers how sad you looked, pacing around the street of an evening, hood pulled over your head. He remembers the apathy hiding underneath. 
It’s an apathy onset by exhaustion, more than anything else. An apathy that’s the result of caring too much for too long, from losing yourself to the dread.
It is only his second time seeing you, but your expression struck him so deeply that he couldn’t help but remember your face. It has been a long time since he’s seen such raw, human emotion. A long time since he’s seen anything sincere. That evident misery of yours carries more significance than you could possibly know. 
Kuroo sees himself in you. The numbness lying beneath your melancholy is as familiar to him as the streets and alleys of this city. What is the purpose of being so numb? He wonders that often. The answer is always something about survival; to be numb is the only way you can live with yourself in the face of unending insignificance. If this truly is purgatory, then it would be wise not to feel anything at all.
Maybe you’re like him. Or, maybe you’re more human. 
Perhaps he’s reading too much into it. It could be the boredom getting to him. There’s not much to entertain himself with out here, as much as he makes his own fun. Maybe it’s best to leave you alone.
But ah, the curiosity is too much.
He waves a hand through his cloud, catching some fireflies in his palm. He blows them your way as a little greeting. Only a handful, a little embassy of light reflecting on the barren asphalt. He can’t control them very well — they always seem to go the opposite direction of where he wants them to go, always sink a little too close to the ground — but with the sheer force of his will they float towards your chest. 
It’s hard to see from the other side of the street, but he swears your eyes follow them. 
But he wonders. He hopes. He follows. 
Not too obviously; he knows he’s a tall guy, and that makes him scarier than most. And truth be told, he’s not sure how human he looks these days. There were no mirrors in the city; only reflections found in windows, half-whispers of the truth. 
“Stop following me.” Your voice is low, as if you’re not sure your words would reach him. 
Kuroo raises his eyebrows, perfect, delighted surprise on his face. 
You can see him. 
“Are you okay?”
“Go away,” you say, your voice slightly louder this time. 
You can hear him. 
“Please,” he murmurs, reaching a hand for your shoulder. “Tell me—”
You turn, slapping his hand away. The feeling echoes through his arm. 
You can touch him. 
“I said, go away.” 
Kuroo stares at you for a moment, trying to take in as much of you as he could. You look young. Maybe just younger than he had once been. Your skin is dull, your eyes distant, your hair lifeless. You look like someone who hasn’t slept in a very long time. You’re clad in a hoodie about three times your size, paired with jeans and ragged trainers. You look like the sort of person one would expect to find wandering the city at night, inoffensive to the point of being forgettable. Kuroo almost believes he’s made a mistake and that you’re not like him at all. 
It’s your scent that gives you away. You smell like burnt toast. It’s not the most pleasant smell, but he won’t knock you for it. He smells much the same, after all. 
“When was the last time you went home?” He asks, looking you straight in the eye. It’s not the best conversation starter, but he hopes it’ll strike some chord. 
You frown. “Fuck off.” You turn around and begin to skulk off. 
“Please,” he swallows, catching up to you with a few long strides, “it’s important.” 
Scowling, you pull your hood over your eyes, hands digging into your pockets as you pick up your pace. 
Kuroo curses, speeding up as well. “I can help you.”
Your step falters. 
He gulps, slowing to a stop. “I know that you can’t find your way home.”
You take another step down the street. 
He doesn’t know what to say. But he wants to get through to you. To offer a hand. 
“You’re probably scared, and, and… overwhelmed, and…” 
A deep breath. And then, words he wishes someone had said to him. 
“You don’t have to do this alone.”  
✧ ✧ ✧
“I can’t sleep at night,” you say softly, “but as soon as the sun rises, it’s like I fall into some sort of coma.” You shiver as you speak, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Nothing can wake me up.” 
Kuroo resists the urge to put an arm around you. 
“That happened to me, too,” he nods, biting his lip. “Eventually I got evicted, but it didn’t really matter at that point. I couldn’t remember sleeping, let alone paying my rent.”
Kuroo realises how silly that statement sounds, but the look you give him tells him you understand. 
The only memories of his life before are braided with the city, with the feeling of losing himself. There are no names, no details, no dreams. There are some faces, but they’re transparent as ghosts. 
“I just…” You take a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut. It’s hard. He can tell. “I just don’t know what to do.” 
He looks at you, tired and sick as you are. You’re afraid. Lonely. Directionless. 
He knows. He’s been there. In many ways, he’s still there. If there is comfort to be found in this strange underworld, he has not yet found it. But, perhaps he can offer it. 
“Just stick with me,” he smiles at you as best he could, hoping the warmth reached his eyes. 
You gaze at him for a long moment, your eyebrows slightly pinched. He understands if you don’t trust him; it’s smart not to, given the circumstances. You were alone, somewhere you didn’t understand. He wouldn’t begrudge you for that. 
“Where am I?” You ask. The words are frail, the question one you’re afraid of. 
Kuroo swallows, unable to meet your gaze. “I don’t know, actually. I just know it’s… strange. And that the people here aren’t human.” 
“Are you human?” You’re quick to ask that question. 
He grins at you. “As far as I know.” 
You bite your lip, looking up at the sky. It’s paler than it was when the two of you first sat down in this little alleyway. He knows there isn’t much time left this evening. 
“That’s enough for me, I guess,” you sigh, closing your eyes. 
He hopes that, at least, brings you some comfort. 
✧ ✧ ✧
“Those cats are walking on their hind legs.” 
“Uh huh,” Kuroo nods, a smile playing at his lips. “Because they’re not cats.”
You turn to him, frowning. 
“I know,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “I don’t know what they are, to be honest. I just know they’re not cats.” 
You sit on the roof of a convenience store, elevated just high enough to see a little clearer. A few nights ago, you wouldn’t have been so bold. 
The not-cats move across the powerline like it's a tightrope, one paw in front of the other as they skitter along with perfect balance. They are too far away and the night is too dark for you to see them clearly, those vaguely feline shadows against the purple sky. The flashes of red that you guess to be their eyes don’t frighten you. Not while Kuroo sits next to you. 
You still don’t know if you trust him. That’s half a lie; you do trust him. You just don’t know if it’s wise to. But it didn’t take you long to realise that this is the world you live in now. 
You had once believed that nobody else existed here in this strange half-awake place. You’d thought it was just you and him. But others flit by now, both frightened and frightening. Even if it’s against your better judgement, you feel safe with him. 
One of the not-cats pauses on a pole, its tail straight as an arrow. It holds an upturned paw in front of its little snout and blows air across it. 
A ghostly little fireball swirls in the air, illuminating the not-cat’s face for the first time. 
You straighten up, tilting your head at this new peculiarity. 
“Look!” You gasp, patting Kuroo’s arm. “They’re like you.” 
He grins. He’s glad for the curiosity in your eyes. “Not quite.” 
He waves his hand and a scatter of fireflies burst into life. They envelop the two of you, a gentle swathe of light falling across your bodies. They’re only little, like white candle flames floating through the air. 
“Yours look like the stars,” you murmur, reaching out to touch them. Your fingertip brushes against one, its warmth spreading through your finger as it disperses. 
“Mhm,” Kuroo nods. Sometimes, if he is lucky, he gets a glimpse of the real thing in the blackest of nights. Most of the time, the sky plays host to nothing but the moon; a pallid, hollow-cheeked watcher, who never waxes nor wanes. 
No, those little ghostly fireballs look something like the moon. Or perhaps the sun. 
You can’t quite recall what the sun feels like. 
✧ ✧ ✧
“Shouldn’t we help him?” 
A small, scrawny child stands in the middle of the road, a straw hat drawn low over their eyes. You and Kuroo stand in an alleyway across the street, huddled together for warmth. 
Kuroo grins. He should’ve expected you’d react like this, your eyes all wide and full of compassion as you watch the child. “Just watch.”
You look up at him, eyes betraying both concern and confusion. He nods at the child, reaching to ruffle your hair. 
You blush, looking away from him quickly. 
The child approaches the bottle shop, each step taken with great deliberation. It glances over its shoulder, and you catch a flash of its eyes. Bright, clever, sharp. A bit like Kuroo’s. 
The child slips through the glass doors, tottering up to the attendant at the front desk. 
You watch through the glass, poking your head out of the alley. 
The child holds its hand out, standing on its tiptoes to be more level with the attendant. The man in question looks deeply unamused; an exhausted replica of a scowl lines his face, and he crosses his arms over his broad chest. 
The man peers at the child, eyes narrowing. He says something. 
Where there once stood a child in a straw hat now stands an otter in a straw hat that is far too big for its head. 
It turns on its tail and flees, the man shouting after it. But, he does not pursue it, letting it skitter off into the night. 
The otter scampers down the asphalt road, the sound of its claws scratching against the rough surface.
Kuroo whistles. The otter skids to an abrupt stop, whipping its head around as its whiskers twitch. 
Kuroo grins, holding out a flask you didn’t even realise he had. The otter scuttles forward on all fours. You realise, perhaps with more surprise than is warranted, that it’s rather cute. 
“Where were you keeping that?” You frown, tilting your head at him. 
Kuroo grins, ruffling your hair. You blush. You’re still growing used to this close proximity between the two of you. 
“Why give it to an otter?” You scoff. 
“Not an otter,” Kuroo smiles. “But, think of it as payment. For the entertainment.” 
You smile, shaking your head. 
He’s relieved. It’s the first time he’s seen your face soften like that. 
✧ ✧ ✧
The streets are full of ghosts. 
And yet, it’s the first time the city has felt truly alive. 
You watch them pass with wonder. 
There is a woman, donning only a blood-stained skirt and an expression of anguish. Another boasts the same look of despair, only this one has no feet, drifting above the ground with arms held out and wrists limp, long blcack hair trailing behind her. Men stalk the streets in golden Heian robes with nothing but pure vengeance in their eyes.  
There are others too. Red trolls roam the street, clad only in tiger skin loincloths and weidling iron clubs. A group of the otters from before totters down the street, straw hats balancing precariously on their heads. Those bipedal cats bolt across rooftops and hop along power lines. 
All these spirits mill about, some mingling, others avoiding everyone else with a certain perseverance. A few slip through doorways and windows, and you wonder if they’re visiting their descendants. You hope that’s all they’re doing. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, dodging a demon as it barrels down the street. 
Kuroo shrugs. “Not entirely sure. But I think it’s some kind of festival.”
“A festival?” You look up at him, your hands dug deep in your pockets. You can’t imagine just how scared you’d be if he wasn’t with you. Honestly, you’re not sure what would’ve happened to you. If you’d even be standing here. 
Kuroo nods. “I think so.” 
He looks up and down the street, a bemused smirk on his face. “Although, they could’ve organised some stalls.”
“I don’t think ghosts have much use for street food,” you hum.
He chuckles, ruffling your hair. “I guess we have to make our own fun, huh?”
You huff as you raise an eyebrow at him. “I’m not giving any more whisky to those otters.”
“Oh, come on.” He nods back at the street with a grin. “What else are we gonna do? Tie that guy’s robe up?”
You look at the man in question. It was one of those men, the ones who look as if they’re devoured by vengeance.
“I don’t think that’s the greatest idea,” you shake your head, shuddering at the thought. Could ghosts hurt you now, in this in-between world?
“What about that guy?” He says, pointing at one of the red trolls. “We could steal his club.”
“I do not want to get on that guy’s bad side,” you say, looking up at Kuroo with a hint of fear in your eyes.
“Live a little!” He grins, poking your cheek.
You pout at him. That only makes his grin grow wider. 
He turns his attention to the procession in front of you, his grin turning devilish. “Do you think ghosts have money?”
“That’s a terrible idea.”
“I’m just saying,” he groans, stepping into the procession without warning. You dash to keep up with him.
“What would you even buy with it?” You ask, falling into step with him – which is easier said than done, considering the length of his legs.
He shrugs. “I dunno. Might be nice to give the guy at the bottle shop real money for once.”
“But it’d be ghost money,” you consider. “Wouldn’t that be cursed?”
“You don’t know that for sure.”
“Like you don’t know for sure that it’s safe.”
He laughs at that, shaking his head. “How have I managed to stay on my own two feet without you, huh?”
You blush, your face suddenly feeling very hot. “It’s a miracle you haven’t gotten yourself killed.”
“I’ve still got time.”
“Don’t joke about that!” You hiss, elbowing in the side. “That’s a bit insensitive given our companions, isn’t it?”
He laughs again. It might not be the prettiest sound, but it’s one you’re rather fond of. “Glad to know you’re that concerned about me.”
There are things you want to say, sitting at the back of your throat. Things like, ‘I’d be so lonely if it weren’t for you,’ and ‘I don’t know if I would’ve been able to find my way if it weren’t you,’ or ‘I don’t know if I would’ve ever smiled again if it weren’t for you.’
But you say none of that. You keep those close to your chest. Maybe you’ll tell him, but not tonight. 
You merely gaze at him. 
He looks different. Sharper, maybe. Or perhaps, you just haven't paid enough attention to him before. 
“What?” He grins, catching your eye. 
You look away quickly, heat rising in your cheeks. 
He grins, leaning down so his face is level with yours. “You sure?” 
You glare at him, hoping your cheeks won’t betray how flustered you really are. 
“Just teasing,” he chuckles, ruffling your hair. 
Your instinct is to roll your eyes, even if that’s not what you really want to do. But you won’t think about that. Not right now. 
Kuroo’s already heading down the street, looking over his shoulder at you with a wild grin. “You coming?”
You tilt your head at him. He nods at the sky, a familiar glint in his eye. You scamper after him with your hands dug in your pockets. The two of you thread through the alleyways, finding your way towards your typical route to the rooftops. It’s almost second-nature now, but you could swear that Kuroo has a more natural talent for it. Perhaps it is just because his legs are so damn long. 
As always, he hops onto the rooftop of the convenience store before you, grinning down at the street below. You pout at him, trying your best to tug on his heartstrings; just like you always do. 
He offers you a hand. You take it, and he pulls you up. The two of you clamper across the rooftop, sitting yourselves down on the edge. Your legs dangle off the side as you look down at the informal procession thin out below you. 
You sit in comfortable silence, letting the world pass the two of you by. You can feel it, in this rare moment; peace. That sense of relief in knowing you’re not alone. In knowing there are still things to smile about. 
You know it’s because of the boy sitting next to you. Of the warmth he brings you in this city of ghosts. 
There is so much you want to say to him. So much you can’t put into words. But as you look up at the pale sky, you know that now is not the time. 
The moon is setting. You think you’ll always dread this moment. 
“Kuroo?” You murmur, laying your head on his shoulder. 
“Can you make some fireflies, please?” Your voice is so gentle, carried away by the light that bleeds across the horizon. 
He nods, holding a hand out. These days, he can’t say no to you. 
✧ ✧ ✧
You hadn’t expected to build half a life. 
And yet here you are, sitting in an abandoned apartment, next to something of an apartment. 
It’s a life half-lived, harbouring in abandoned places, rifling through the trash for scraps of this and that. People throw out perfectly good furniture, you discovered. Perfectly good food, too. 
At the end of the day, you’re just grateful for the shelter. Grateful for the comfort he brings you in this strange underworld. 
Kuroo is grateful for the fantasy. He’s grateful for the fact that sometimes, he can let his mind wander, take him on a journey through the life you could have shared together, should things have been different. A life spent in the sun, full of people and laughter and purpose. 
He wonders, most of all, about what you would look like, under the sun’s gentle warmth. How breathtaking you would be. 
He tells you none of this. He harbours those feelings for himself, for the most part. But he suspects that you feel the same. 
You hold hands, now. He can’t remember when it started, but he’s glad it did. 
The two of you sit at the window, rain pelting against fractured glass as the sky bellows. 
Light splits the sky, and for a second Kuroo almost believes it's daytime. 
A creature springs to life on a rooftop. It’s wolf-like, its pale blue fur crackling with white light. There’s something majestic about it, gleaming amongst rundown rooftops and dodgy power lines. 
Another crack of light, and a second creature joins the first. They glance at each other for a moment, bowing their heads low. And then, they sprint off. 
He chances a look at you. You’re enamoured, eyes bright and full of curiosity as you watch the wolves bound across the rooftops. 
He smiles as he watches you, unable to hold back his fondness. You’ve brought him such joy, such comfort, without even knowing it. No matter how frightened he is, how matter how much he feels like things are slipping away from him, you bring him solace. 
You look at him, tilting your head to the side. There’s such tenderness in your face, such sincere affection. Maybe, just maybe, you feel the same way he does. 
He leans in, pressing his lips to yours. You freeze, but you’re not afraid. It’s soft, and its warmth spreads through you much like his fireflies do. 
He pulls away, eyes unbearably fond as he looks at you. 
You laugh, a new, welcome feeling beating in your chest. “Why did you do that?”
“It felt right,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
You laugh again, shifting to face him properly. 
He thinks it’s a beautiful sound. One he wishes he could hear more often. One he wishes he could hear for a long time coming. Longer than he would, at least. 
You kiss him, hands coming up to cup his face. He relaxes into it, much like any human would. 
He wants to lose himself in this. In you. In this little moment of human intimacy. 
But he’s changing. He can feel it. He’s been dreaming. How, he’s not sure. But in each and every one, he’s a fox. 
He doesn’t know what the dreams mean. But he feels, deep in the part of him that will always be human, that these dreams are a warning. An echo of what’s to come. 
He’s only just found you, only just begun to love you. 
He doesn’t notice the little fireflies popping into existence around you, punctuating the dark with each beat of his heart. They’re bigger than before. 
✧ ✧ ✧
The stars are out. 
It’s a rare sight in this city, which is so bright and vibrant that it tends to blot out the night sky. But tonight, you can see it in all its glory. 
The two of you sit at the window of your apartment, faces turned to the sky. 
“Do you know any of the constellations?” You ask, turning to him with bright eyes. 
Kuroo smiles and shakes his head. “None of the official ones. But it’s fun making them up.”
“Yeah?” You tilt your head at him. 
He looks tired. He’s been acting it, too. Quiet. Reticent. Distant. There’s something unreachable about him that’s never been there before. 
“Point some out to me,” you ask, desperate for anything to fill the silence. 
Kuroo leans closer to the window, running a hand through his hair. 
“Well, that’s a cat,” he says, pointing to one cluster of stars.
If you squint, you can almost see it. 
“And that’s a dick,” he chuckles, pointing to something on the other side of the sky. 
“Very mature of you.”
He ignores you, dragging his finger across the sky to point at the brightest star of all.
“And that’s you,” he grins, turning to look at you. 
“Shut up,” you huff, knocking him with your elbow. 
“Aw, are you all embarrassed?” He snickers, reaching over and ruffling your hair. 
“You’re so cheesy.” 
“I thought you liked it when I was cheesy.”
“When have I ever given you any indication of that?” 
He answers your question with a kiss. His lips smile against yours, and you believe, for a moment, that everything will be okay. 
He pulls away from you too soon, an unreadable look in his eyes. 
“Hey, Tetsu?” You murmur as you bring a hand to his cheek. 
“Are you okay?” You ask, smoothing your thumb over his cheekbone. 
“I’m fine,” he smiles at you as best he can. But even he knows it’s not enough. 
“I’m worried about you.” 
A horrible silence thickens between the two of you, and the fear rooting itself in your chest is starting to blossom. 
“Is there anything I can do for you?” You know there isn’t much you can do in this place between the cracks. But whatever you can do, you will. He’s done so much for you after all. 
His gaze is distant, as if he’s looking at something just beyond you. 
You want to say something — anything. But you don’t know what. You don’t know how to reach him. 
He spreads his legs, patting the floor between them. 
You frown, but you sit on it nonetheless. You turn your back to him for comfort’s sake, wondering what on earth he is getting at. 
He wraps his arms around you, propping his chin on the top of your head as you fall back into his chest. 
“Can we just… stay here a while?” He asks, something very strange, very unfamiliar in his voice. It sounds a bit like regret. 
“Okay.” You comply. 
He’s warm, his arms firm as he holds you close to him. He holds you like he never wants to let go; like if he did, that would be the end. 
That, more than anything else, frightens you.
This wonderful boy, this man who has done all he can to bring you light and joy, is scared of something. Something he doesn’t want to admit to you. You try to glance up at him, but you can’t see his face. 
You bite your lip, casting your eyes to the window once more. 
The moon is setting, and daylight is bleeding through the sky. 
There is no way to know what the next evening will bring. 
✧ ✧ ✧
You’re alone. 
All that’s left are the fireflies, stronger and brighter than before. 
You can’t find the tears. 
But you cry anyway. 
✧ ✧ ✧
The city is ageless. It has changed much, and yet it hasn’t changed at all. It writhes with something deeper, something darker than what meets the eye.   
Someone new is here. A girl, afraid, alone, frightened. 
But she is not alone. 
On the other side of the street, a figure is bent over, hand held flat with an inarizushi sitting in it. A fox eats it eagerly, its fur glistening with something otherworldly. 
The girl wonders if she should approach, if she should ask something, anything. 
You don’t notice the girl on the other side of the street. You are far too focused on the kitsune in front of you, your mind cycling through the same few thoughts. 
You wonder how long it will be until you see the fireflies again. 
You wonder if you’ll still remember him.
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tkpro-scenarios · 7 years ago
i loved the previous 2 ending request, so id like to ask for an another one! this time with mamoru and ryota
Thank you for the request~! We’re happy to know you guys like these kind of scenarios!We decided to use the Hyakki Yakou/Night Parade of a Hundred Demons Yokai AU for this request. You can see the list of what yokai each unit member is over here.Hope you like it~!
- Mods nana and mari
The burgundy-haired Kageboshi adjusted his hat for theumpteenth time, finally earning an exasperated sigh from the blue-haired yokai.
“You’ve been doing that since you got here! I think youshould fix your hair before anything else.” Kensuke commented, crossing hisarms.
“Ken-kun…there’s a reason I wear this hat. My hair has awill of its own…” Mamoru replied in a soft voice, pulling the straw hat down.Shaking his head, he regained his usual vigor. “I can’t help it! Today’s theday [Name] comes over to visit!”
“[Name]? Ah, that human child?” the green-eyed Inugamihummed in understanding, a sly grin on his face. “So that’s why Ryo was sorestless today~!” he stole a glance at the frowning water spirit taking shelterin the shade of a large tree.
“I was not restless. You know I like being tidy.” Thewhite-haired spirit replied calmly, looking away with a pout. “Unlike a certaindog that likes to kick up dirt everywhere he goes…”
“Yes yes I’m sorry.” Kensuke apologized, puffing his cheeksto mutter. “Even though I was the one that brought [Name] over to you in thefirst place…”
“It’s because youbrought her over that I’ve been stuck taking care of all of you! Honestly, whofollows a suspicious dog and then gets lost in the forest on their way back…”Ryota closed his eyes with a vehement sigh.
“But it’s thanks to Ken-kun that we all meet up here everyyear.” Mamoru continued with a wistful smile. “[Name] can only come visit usduring these ‘summer vacation’ and ‘winter holidays’ things but it’s always so much fun when everyone can play together!” he added with a laugh.
“Come to think of it, she hasn’t visited lately…” the wavy-hairedyokai mused, looking up at the sunlight filtered through the tree leaves.
“It’s been three years, I think.” Mamoru replied, glancingat his feet while he twirled his staff.
“Three years? That’s a long time for humans, you know!”Kensuke looked from Ryota to Mamoru, furrowing his brows in concern. “Are yousure she didn’t just forget about you guys?”
The two blinked at the Inugami, then at each other.
“No way! [Name]’s not that kind of person!” Mamoru laughedwith a wave of his hand, though his voice didn’t sound as sure.
“Well if she did then hopefully that means I can go back tomy peaceful days by the riverside.” Ryota mused, resting his head against thetree bark.
“…What happened to ‘[Name]’s not that kind of person’?”Garnet eyes peered to the side at the messy-haired shadow hiding in the bushwith him.
“I-I could say the same thing to you, Ryo-kun! I thought youwere going back to your peaceful days by the riverside…” Brown eyes glancedback at the spirit. “You’re not honest, are you~?”
“What was that?”
“Nothing!” he quickly shifted his gaze back to the roadside,scanning the vicinity for passersby when he found a small group of friendslaughing and chatting—brown eyes sparkling once they found a familiar figure.
“Is that [Name]?” Ken popped his head out, startling the twoyokai.
“Ken-kun, what are you doing here?!” Mamoru exclaimed,placing a hand to his chest to calm his beating heart.
“I just wanted to see!” the Inugami replied with his usualgrin, emerald eyes making their way back to the humans. “So that one over thereis [Name]?”
“I think so. She looks so…different.” Ruby hues watched youlaugh with your friends, recalling the uncouth brat you used to be, always chasingafter him with a bug on the end of a stick.
“She’s an adult now.” Ken mused.
“It’s been three years, after all.” Mamoru reminded with anostalgic look in his eyes as he saw how much you grew up in a seeminglyshort time.
“So [Name], how’s it like in the big city? You didn’t comelast year so we almost thought you forgot about us!” one of your friendschuckled, walking backwards so he could see you properly.
“I was busy with school and exams. I’m in universitynow so I haven’t even gotten time to breathe, let alone visit!” you explained witha short apology while Ryota and Kensuke blinked up at Mamoru as though to ask what a university was. The Kageboshi shrugged, the threeof them returning their attention back to you.
“But man, were you a weird kid back then!” another friendexclaimed, frowning at your confused expression. “You always ran off to theriverside and played by yourself. You kept running around with a stick andshouted random stuff—we thought you actually lost it at one point!” she gaveyou a cheeky grin.
“I never did that! …Did I?” you asked, glancing to the groundas you tried to remember.
“You did!” she continued. “Whenever we invited you to playwith us, you said you promised to play with someone else. But when we foundyou, you looked like you were having a conversation but there wasn’tanyone nearby…”
You frowned, placing a hand under your chin. “I remember playingby the riverside a lot but…it wasn’t with you guys?” you asked to whicheveryone shook their heads.
“When I called you a liar for making stuff up about a waterfairy you gave me this scar, remember?” a boy pointed to his forehead where afaint line was etched onto his skin. “You called me a bunch of nasty names fornot seeing something that was never even there in the first place!”
“I’m so sorry!” you gave a short bow, suddenly recalling howyou got lectured for doing that. But you couldn’t seem to recall by whom. Onlya faint silhouette of a person and a veil blowing in the wind…
Green eyes watched as Ryota’s fingers curled against theleaves, ruby eyes glaring at you.
“I don’t believe it…she actually forgot…?” he mutteredthrough clenched teeth. “All those times she came after me with bugs, all thosebeetles she made me hunt with her…all those times she slipped and fell into theriver…she doesn’t remember anything?!”
“Ryo…” the blue-haired youth began, reaching out to place apaw on his shoulder when he froze at the sight of snakes coiling around thewhite-haired fairy’s arms—their hissing in tune with Ryota’s growl.
“To think she has the nerve to just forget all the grief shecaused me—”
“Ahh Ryo, I get you’re upset but sending snakes after herwon’t change anything!!” Kensuke jumped onto him, trying to prevent the snakesfrom moving.
“Ken, let go!”
“Mamoru, help me out here!”
“Eh? Huh?! Ehhh?!” the panicked Kageboshi fidgeted around,placing his hands up in an attempt to stop the bickering yokai when a stray elbowto the face caused Mamoru to get pushed out of their hiding place and crashinto you.
“[Name], are you alright?!” yourfriend grabbed you by the arm before you fell.
“I’m fine. Thank you!” you regained your footing, turningaround to see a bush rustling. “What was that?!” you watched a faint figureof what looked like a dog-man retreat into the woods.
“What was what?” the others followed your gaze, seeingnothing out of the ordinary.
“There was someone there…” You muttered, glancing down tofind your shadow looking more like that of a man wearing a hat.
“Whoa! What isthis?!” you exclaimed, stumbling back while it glided along the ground and disappeared.
“There she goes again! I thought you grew out ofthat phase, [Name]!”
“Ken, let go of me.”
Ryota yanked his arm out Kensuke’s hold, fixinghis clothes as he turned his back to the Inugami.
“The only time she didn’t visit was last year…” Ryotagrumbled, his head lowered to the side. “That means she regularly came to this town before then…yet she didn’t even bother coming hereat all these past three years.”
“It’s not like [Name] meant to.” Ken jumped back as Mamorucame out of his shadow. “That’s just how humans are…they don’t mean to forgetabout us but sometimes when they grow up, they end up losing the ability to seeus and the memories that came with it.” He lazily twirled his staff,narrowing his eyes as he recalled moments from his travels.
Silence hung in the air while emerald hues looked from oneof his friends to the other.
“It’s fine. If she wants to go ahead and forget about usthen it’s her wish.” Ryota finally spoke, lifting his head. “I’m going home.” Hestated, heading back to the riverside.
“Ryo…” Kensuke held a paw out, bringing it back to look at theequally heartbroken Kageboshi. “Mamoru…”
“Sorry Ken-kun…but I’d like to be alone for a bit too.” He gavea forced smile, excusing himself to head deeper into the forest.
You walked along the path, lost in thought. Your groupdecided to disband, everyone heading home for the day yet you still wanderedaround the town, vague memories and blurry faces of people floating into yourmind ever since your conversation earlier in the afternoon. And before you knewit the sun had already begun to set and you found yourself not too far from theforest you always played in as a kid.
[E/c] hues gazed at the trees, a tightening feeling in your chest for not being able to remember something you knew was very dear to you.
You let out a yelp at the sudden bark derailing yourthoughts, looking down to find a green-eyed dog energetically wagging its tailat you.
“You’re…” you began, eyes widening as the dog stood up and turnedaround to run into the forest.
“Wait!” you chased after it, finding yourself going throughan all too familiar path. With each step you took, all the memories you spenthere came back in clear view.
You jogged to a halt, catching your breath as you lookedaround for the strange dog. [E/c] hues searched the area when you found yourselfat a fork in the road, the forest branching out into two different paths.
You took a step forward, choosing to go down the
> Left path
> Right path
Fujimura Mamoru:
Your footstepssquished against the earth, shoes tracking water from the river you fell into. Thesun had gone down and you found yourself lost in the forest that you had tocross to go back home. Maybe it was because of the darkness but everything lookedmuch more scarier and confusing than it did when you entered and you had no ideawhich way to go.
Should you just headback to the river? But the water spirit that lived there seemed very upset withyou…
You crouched down witha yelp, placing your hands over your head at the sudden cawing of a crow,squeezing your eyes shut at the rustling of shrubs nearby.
“I just wanna gohome!” you cried, tears streaming down your face while you hiccupped.
You lifted your headat the voice, searching around for the owner when it spoke again.
“This is the thirdtime you’ve circle around here… C-Could it be that you’re lost?”
You hesitantly nodded,sniffling when you felt a hand on your head. Peeking up you saw a man wearing black clothes, a straw hat resting atop his messy dark red hair, his face covered by a thin veil. Offering a kind smile, he knelt down to talk to you, brown eyes gazing warmly at you.
“The forest is a scaryplace at night, isn’t it? Let’s get you home, shall we?”
“…After Ryota finally had enough, he kicked me out of theriver and I ended up getting lost on my way back home.” You mused with anostalgic smile, closing your eyes. “That was when youfound me and took me back home, didn’t you Mamoru?”
You turned around to address the bushes behind you whichseemed to jump at your voice. “You’re there, aren’t you?”
“[N]-[Name]…” the Kageboshi came out of hiding, awkwardlysmiling at you. “I-It’s been a while…”
“It really has!” You chuckled, continuing your trip downmemory lane.
“On my way back you told me all sorts of stories about yourtravels and how Ryota really wasn’t as scary as he seemed. After that I ended upvisiting the riverside every day and you always walked me back home once it wastime for me to go.” You walked towards him, smile never fading.
“It was because you were always scared of the dark…” helaughed shyly.
“…All the while lecturing me about not hurting my friends,teaching me new songs and talking about a ‘really cool’ fox spirit you were goodfriends with.” You continued with a wry grin.
He opened his eyes, staring curiously once you placed ahand around his face.
“And yet I stopped visiting…no I completely forgot about ourpromise to meet up here every holiday.” You rubbed his cheek with your thumb,eyes filling with tears. “I forgot about you and Ryota… I’m so sorry! I didn’tmean to, I—”
“No it’s alright! It’s not your fault!” Mamoru ferventlyshook his head, wrapping his hand around yours. “It’s just the way things are.Humans and yokai live very different lives…we shouldn’t have gotten involvedwith each other in the first place but we did. And I’m glad we did! I’m sureRyo-kun feels the same way too.”
“I’m glad we met too.” You smiled when his grip tightened,his brown eyes looking away.
“Actually… [Name]…” you blinked at his downcast expressionwhen Mamoru shook his head. “I-It’s nothing, never mind! More importantly, youremember us now right? I know it’s late but how about we all play togetheragain?!” Mamoru asked, his energy returning as he led you down the path tothe riverside.
After getting thoroughly lectured by a near crying Ryota, hefinally forgave you and you were properly introduced to Kensuke, the ‘dog’ thatled you to the river all those years ago and again now. The four of you had asmall banquet, something Mamoru had apparently been hoping to hold once youwere finally old enough to drink.
After a few rounds of drinks, you excused yourself from a drunkenRyota that was trying to shove more sake down Kensuke’s throat. You searchedfor Mamoru, finding him sitting atop a small rock formation and gazing up atthe stars.
“Mamoru.” He looked over his shoulder at your voice, movingover to make room for you before looking back up at the night sky.
“It really has been a long time, huh?” you mused, tracingyour way through the stars.
He nodded, silence taking over once again while Kensuke andRyota shouted in the distance. You looked away from the stars to catch Mamorustaring at you.
“What?” you quirked an eyebrow.
“A-Ah, i-it’s nothing!” he shook his head to snap out of it,hoping the darkness was able to hide his flushed cheeks. “I was just thinkingabout how much you’ve grown. You were so small not so long ago!” he chuckled.
“I was not!” you argued, offended by his statement. “I’llhave you know I grew a lot over the years!”
“Ah, that’s right! [Name], tell me about what you’ve been doing all these years we haven’t met!” Mamoru requested, shifting to properly face you. “I want toknow everything! Like that ‘university’ thing you were talking to your friendsabout today!”
You leaned back while he leaned forward, Mamoru’s eyes sparkling withanticipation. You looked up in thought, scratching your cheek.“Where do I begin…?”
You decided to start with your life from the last time youvisited the town, giving him a brief explanation about your middle and highschool days before talking about your current life as a college student.
“Heeeh…so this scroll called a ‘degree’ will help you findwork that helps pay for food?” Mamoru placed a hand to his chin in thought. “It’dbe nice if yokai had such a convenient tool! Traveling takes quite the toll onthe body…” he patted his stomach. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve passed outon the roadside from hunger!”
“You never change, do you?” you laughed, slapping his arm. “Takebetter care of yourself! You’re a traveler, aren’t you?!” you chided while hechuckled sheepishly, rubbing his arm.
“And it’s a lot of work to get a degree, you know! Sure youget money from a job but most of it goes into paying back all the loans youtake to get a degree in the first place…” you explained with a tired sigh,scratching your head while the poor Kageboshi only became more confused. “But that’senough about me. What about you, Mamoru? Don’t you have any stories from yourtravels for me?”
“Eh?” he blinked, his mood suddenly going down. “I haven’t goneanywhere recently…for the past two years actually.” He held his tongue, not wantingyou to feel responsible for his own decision to stay and wait for you.
“Then…how about what you were going to say before?” you asked,holding his hand. “Back in the forest, you made a very sad face…is everythingalright?”
He stayed silent for a moment, looking away with a sadsmile. “Actually…I was thinking about traveling again. I decided that if youdidn’t visit again this year, then I would leave the forest and go travelingagain.”
“But you did come…and yet I’m still not sure about staying.” he confessed.
“I’m happy that you actually remembered us this timebut…eventually you really will forget about us. You’ll soon completely lose theability to see us and even if you do remember, you’ll probably just be confused by everything–like you were this afternoon.”He squeezed your hand tight, still refusing to look at your face.
You watched as Mamoru’s shoulders shook, his voice steadilybreaking.
“What happened to Ryo-kun has happened to other yokai. They’vehad their hearts broken by being forgotten by the children they played with so often.Even some of the humans I met on my travels…when I saw them again, they weresuddenly adults and couldn’t even see or hear me anymore.” he took a breath,releasing it with a shaky laugh. “That’s why, I’m thinking of continuing mytravels…before I get too attached to this place.”
“But I’ll miss you.”
Dark brown eyes opened at your words, lifting his head tolook at you.
“I’ll miss you if you leave, Mamoru.” You repeated,squeezing his hand and leaning closer. “I’ll be lonely when I come back herenext year and you’re not there.”
“[Name]…” he glanced down at the ground, shoulders shakingonce more. “Please don’t say things like that…”
“…It makes me want to believe it!”
In an instant you found yourself in his embrace, his lipsmolding against yours. [E/c] hues widened at his action: really quick,desperate kisses as he pulled you closer—as though you would disappear from himif he didn’t hold onto you tight. You closed your eyes, placing a hand to Mamoru’scheek to calm him down and slow his pace as you kissed him back gently. Yourhand moved to his hair, running it through his messy wine-colored locks.
He slowly pulled away, looking into your eyes before huggingyou once more. “[Name], I don’t know if you’ll remember everything aftertoday…but even if you don’t…”
Mamoru kissed your head and pulled you away, a sheepishsmile on his features as he caressed your face.
“…On the chance you happen to see a wandering shadow on theroad in the future, if it feels familiar or reminds you of tonight—even just alittle bit…do you mind giving it a bite to eat?”
Sakuraba Ryota
You ran with all your might as you continued to chase over a dog you had seen while coming home from playing with a few friends of yours. As the dog started to accelerate, so did you. The adrenaline from playing with your friends, and wanting to play with the dog was in your in your system, causing you to run faster.
You chased after the dog up until a river, where the dog started to bark loudly, as if calling for something or someone. As the dog continued to bark at the edge of the river, you slowly crept up from the behind dog, in hopes of catching him.
The dog, however, sensed your presence and jumped into the river and resumed barking. You followed him into the river as well, and this restarted your chasing game with the dog – the dog running away from you (and barking occasionally), and you, still chasing after him.
When you had finally caught the dog, someone shouted, “Stop playing around!”
You released the dog in surprise, as the dog happily barked and went behind a man with silver hair, and a light veil resting on his head, covering up to his mid-back, had appeared before you. You also noticed the light blue gem just below his collarbone, and a horn on his forehead.
The man glared at the dog hiding behind him, before focusing his glare on you.
“Ryota-kun sure was scary…” you fondly remembered as you neared the river where you first met the water fairy. “He glared at me with such intensity before telling me to leave.” you giggled as you stopped to look at the beautiful river before you.
You looked around the vicinity of the river, looking for the silver-haired water fairy that you remembered playing with even after he had told you to leave during your first meeting. “Ryota-kun?” you called out, to which you didn’t hear a single reply, nor a sign of the fairy being in the vicinity.
You then smiled to yourself before picking up a pebble from the ground and threw it on the river, making it skip 2 times, before it submerged into the river. You did this a few more times, and as you were about to throw one more pebble, you heard someone shout, “Stop throwing those pebbles into my river!”
You dropped the pebble as you turned your head to your side, where the water fairy showed himself to you. With a grin in your face, you said, “I knew you’d come out if I did something!”
Ryota looked at you in disbelief before he started to walk away. “Ah! Hey, Ryota-kun! Where are you going? Don’t ignore me!”
Ryota ignored this, and was about to disappear into the river when you threw a pebble at him. “Ah! Hey!” he quickly turned around and glared at you as he rubbed the spot where the pebble had hit him. “Why’d you do that for?!”
“Because you were ignoring me!”
Ryota’s hands clenched into fists as he shouted, “Well you were the–”
“Ryo-kun? What’s wron–”
“–one who didn’t visit for three whole years, [Name]!”
“–g… [Name]?!”
You turned to look at a burgundy haired Kageboshi, “Mamoru!”
You skipped to Mamoru as the Kageboshi started to compliment you, completely forgetting the silver-haired water fairy.
“Hey…” Ryota started as he appeared beside them.
“Ryota-kun/Ryo-kun!” both you and Mamoru shouted, surprised that he had just suddenly appeared beside you two.
Ryota sighed exasperatedly at your reactions before looking at you with an upset expression, “…Shouldn’t you be with your human friends?”
“Ryo-kun… [Name]’s–”
“–Mamoru.” Ryota interrupted Mamoru as he asked you again, “What are you doing here?”
You looked down at your fingers and explained, “I just followed the dog here… And all my memories from before just came rushing back.” you quickly looked the two yokai with desperate expressions, “I really am sorry that I forgot you guys.” you apologized with a bow.
Ryota merely looked at you, still upset.
“Now, now Ryo. Can’t you see a human is bowing before you, clearly sorry for everything.” you looked up to where you heard the voice and saw a blue-haired man with dog-like paws for hands, dog ears and a tail. The color, however, seemed oddly familiar to you.
“Hey [Name]! I’m Ken! I’m that dog you always chased around~”
“Ah!” you quickly remembered, “You were also the one who brought me back here earlier!”
Ken froze as he felt Ryota’s glare on him before slowly explaining, “C’mon Ryo, [Name]’s finally here, and we’ve been waiting for a long time.”
Ryota scoffs and crosses his arms, not giving in to anyone’s explanations. 
“Ryota-kun…” You carefully walked towards him and gently apologized, “I’m really sorry.” you looked down on the ground, hoping to hear from him.
Ryota saw Ken and Mamoru trying to convince him to forgive you, making him sigh before saying, “Forget me one more time, and I’ll never forgive you.”
You looked up at him with a happy smile on your face, “Ryota-kun!”
Ryota let out an exasperated smile before petting your head and let out a light chuckled, “What am I ever going to do with you?”
Years went by and you found yourself in your childhood town. You found yourself a vacation and decided to visit the old town. You mostly just catched up with a few friends who had stayed behind in town instead of finding a job in the city, but on the last day, you found yourself wandering in the forest. You knew you had a connection with it, and vague memories in it. 
You didn’t know it yourself, but you knew you made some kind of promise in the forest. After unconsciously finding yourself in a beautiful river, you found yourself crying and saying a name that you had remembered, “Ryota-kun…”
Knowing the significance of the name and the river, you looked around for any sign of the beautiful silver-haired water fairy you always admired, “Ryota-kun! Where– Where are you?!”
Falling into your knees just by the river, you sadly looked at the river as tears started to fall. Not only because you couldn’t see him anymore, but also because at some point, you had failed to fulfill his promise once more. “Ryota-kun…”
Standing on the river before you, the silver-haired water fairy looks at you with a sad smile as he kneels down and brings his hand to wipe your tears, “Don’t cry, [Name]. I’m right here.”
Feeling a small - almost faint - gesture, your eyes widened; still unable to see him, you cried out in desperation and slight hope that he was there with you, “Ryota-kun…. Ryota-kun…!” 
Ryota tries not to cry as he reminds himself that this was often normal to humans. “Shhh… It’s okay, [Name]. I’m here, I’m here.” he knew that you couldn’t hear him, yet he still said it. He brings his hands to rest on top of yours and he rests his forehead on yours, his touches no longer felt by you, and whispers once more as a lone tear escapes from his eye, “I’m here.”
...we apologize if you guys weren’t expecting any angst.
but we hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless!
- mod mari and nana
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