#Walburga was forced to marry Orion
st3ddie-starchas3r · 5 months
Ik a lot of people hc Walburga resenting Sirius for being like Orion but no… Walburga was once a lot like Sirius. Rebellious, hated the way her family was, Sticking up for those who couldn’t themselves but also Hot headed and never thought things through… They both had had the Protective big sibling dynamic (Reg/Alphard). They both were in love with their best friends (Remus/Euphemia - Yes Walphemia is real and I’ll continue to push this agenda)
What Walburga resented was that he was becoming the person she was too afraid to be. That she was not strong enough to break the generational abuse. That he reminds her to much of herself before allowing her family to rip any individuality she had in herself.
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alwaysmoncheri · 17 days
𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈 | 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
summary: your parents set up an arranged marriage with regulus black and you make an attempt to keep it a secret for as long as possible. through it all, regulus is there for you in a way you wouldn’t ever had thought possible.
cw: fem!reader, arranged marriage, walburga black, angst, comfort,
July 17th, 1977
Following your fifth year attending Hogwarts greater tensions arose between pure-blood families throughout the entirety of the wizarding world. Previously, tensions had already existed between those who supported the joining of the dark lord's forces and those who sought to protect their children from his reign. Your loyalties lie with the latter but your parent's do not, so you keep silent.
The day of your sixteenth birthday your father informed you of his plan to marry you off. The news came to you as a surprise, but not because you didn't believe your parents would do such a thing but rather because it was truly unexpected. Initially, you didn't know how to handle the news and it only became more difficult to understand when your father told you that you would be betrothed to the youngest Black brother, Regulus.
You're a Gryffindor from a line of Slytherin purebloods. You're not surprised by the fact that you're being engaged to a Slytherin but you never would have thought it would be to Sirius's brother. You suppose your parents want someone to keep you in line and according to them, Regulus is perfect for that.
You aren't aware of the complex history and values of the Black family but you aren't naive. You notice the way Sirius and Regulus carry themselves at Hogwarts. From an exterior perspective they are very different. Sirius flaunts his rebellion and appears arrogant while Regulus suffers quietly but much more noticeably. So, from an interior perspective the brothers are very much the same and it's most likely a result of their relationship with their family which is known for being supportive of the dark lord.
The last thing you want is to marry into the house of Black. But you also have no other choice and your father has made his decision on that very clear. He said it was the best decision for your future and the future of the family. (Probably more so the future of the family, he never usually had your best interests at heart). So as soon as your father came in contact with the Blacks they were more than happy to offer up Regulus.
And that is how you find yourself sitting in the drawing room of 12 Grimmauld Place, silent and sat up straight, attempting to tune out the discussion the adults are having on behalf of you and Regulus. Soon to be husband and wife. You cant even imagine yourself as a wife, tending to the home and children. Merlin, you weren't ready for that and you can't even apparate yet let alone hold all the burdens of being a wife. Besides, you have always believed in the notion for marrying for love. Unfortunately, that dream is being cut short by your betrothal to Regulus.
12 Grimmauld Place is cold, all the furniture made of near-black wood and the textiles heavy. Ornate candelabras light the room, although it still has the distinct feeling of overall darkness. The fireplace isn't lit, though it would probably do a lot in the way of comfort. The old piano, shrouded in cobwebs, disguising its elegance, is playing itself, surely enchanted in order to keep your and Regulus's ears distracted from the conversation your parents are having. You and your father are seated on a black couch with an abstract gold print across from Orion and Walburga, seated on an identical couch. Regulus is on a bench in front of the piano eyes glued to the floor. He hasn't even looked at you.
Entirely reassuring.
You on the other hand can't stop sneaking glances at him. He's a good-looking boy, you'll give him that. And it's not as though you never saw him at Hogwarts but you never payed attention to him until now. His features differ from Sirius's but he still exudes that obvious, easy charm and a certain haughty look that they share.
Regulus was just a bit thinner, just a bit shorter. Still with the dark and curly locks, but not as long as Sirius's. His eyes are dark and situated under heavy brows. You get the impression he doesn't know how to do anything but brood, although perhaps that's because it's all you've seen him do. There's a beautiful angularity to his face, reminiscent of a statue. You don't like the idea of him looking at you with those eyes. You know there's no way he could find you nearly as attractive as you find him.
Regulus must've heard your thoughts because before you can tear your gaze away, he looks up, eyes meeting yours.
"(Y/N)?" Your head whips around at your father's voice. He and the Blacks are looking at you.
"Yes, father?"
"You and Regulus are excused while we continue our discussion." His eyebrows raise in a look that means: behave so I can marry you off.
Regulus stands and you follow him out of the room, unknowing of what to say once you've left. The silence feels so loud as neither of you speak and you hope this is not the rhythm you fall into once you've officially married.
The hallways are dusty and suffocating from the sheer amount of unkept vintage furniture lining the floor. Your gaze wanders aimlessly, a reckless move on your behalf, the eerie atmosphere leaving a lingering feeling of despair within your chest. You dread the day you have to move into this wretched house.
At the staircase, Regulus abruptly stops causing you to step on his heels. He turns around and you mumble out a quick apology. His face still betrays no emotion much to your unease.
"Would you like me to show you to my room?" He asks. His voice is different from what you expected. There's a hint of sadness, melancholy hidden beneath his pride. It doesn't take a genius to hear it but it makes you wonder if he's allowing you to.
"I suppose I don't have much of a choice?"
Regulus shakes his head and sends you an almost sympathetic look, as if saying: you have no idea what you're getting into. And truthfully, you don't.
His room is a whole four stories up. The climb is manageable but not entirely enjoyable. You try to keep your breathing level but your curiosity keeps you occupied. You scan the walls mostly made up of portraits, presumably members of their family line. Each exudes a contrasting level of emotion, some were troubling, nightmares of a certain kind, while others carry sorrow heavy on their faces. It was unnerving, this is the family you are to be married into. Soon you'll have your own portrait on the wall.
At the top of the flight are only two doors. Regulus walks in the direction of the one of the left. You pause.
"Is this other room Sirius's?" Regulus turns and for the first time, his expressionless eyes sadden, mirroring the sound of his voice.
"It was."
You close your curious mouth, not meaning to pry, but there's a version of the story that you don't yet know and you intend to find out eventually.
As you approach Regulus's door, you see he's hung a sign. It says: Do Not Enter Without the Express Permission of Regulus Arcturus Black. He enters, but you hang back in the doorway for a moment, lost in a thought.
Your mind reels at the thought of being one of the select few granted access to his room. But the reality of the situation renters your mind and you take a hesitant step forward, feeling the weight of the arrangement pressing down on your shoulders.
Regulus turns, sensing your hesitation and for the first time the ice of his face cracks, and he smiles faintly, "You can come in. Just close the door behind you."
He sits on the only chair in the room, leaving you to awkwardly seat yourself on the edge of his bed. As you pretend to examine his room you can feel the fullness of his gaze. He looks at you now that you're alone and you think he is seeing too much. He can see that you're not the girl he'd marry if he could choose. He sees why your parents think you need controlling, to be steered away from your friendship with his disowned brother and the rest of the Gryffindor house. He can see that you are afraid. His room is surprisingly small, and you can't imagine you are more than three feet from one another.
"So," you break the silence, "Do you think I'll have to live here?"
His eyebrows raise as if he already knows the answer to your question, but his face quickly returns to normalcy. His parents probably told him to be on his best behavior.
"My parents seem to expect you to. It's what a wife does, I suppose."
You nod, making an attempt to pick your brain for something else to say. You can't find anything and silence once again houses itself in the air between you.
"It's not a good idea." He's angry again. Or at least, he looks the way he did when you first stepped foot in this house. Maybe angry is the wrong word. He looks closed off, impenetrable. Maybe angry, too.
"You coming to live here. Us getting married. It's not a good idea." Finally, he looks away from you, focusing instead on a nonexistent point to your right, "You don't deserve to be dragged into this."
You can't mask your shock. The sincerity in his voice is the most you've ever heard from him. You want to believe your father in assuring you this is the right thing, but Regulus's tone makes you wonder if he is telling you the truth. Maybe this isn't such a good idea.
"Dragged into what?" You pry, curiosity besting your manners.
"You do realize which side of the war you now stand with, right?"
You breathe in and hold it for as long as you can. The silence lingers like dust that's taking too long to settle. You're not surprised to feel a knot of terror lodged in your throat.
"Toujours Pur." Your gaze snaps to Regulus whose eyes are directed towards the family crest above his bed, "Always pure. That's what you're getting into. I hope you know what that entails."
Regulus watches closely as you open and close your mouth, unknowing of what the respond with. You've thought about the fact that you're now on the side of the dark lord but you find your mind circling with more worries when the truth is said aloud.
"And I don't know what your father said to convince my parents to allow you, a Gryffindor, to marry me but they won't let anyone know." Regulus sighs, he doesn't mean to come off as rude but you have every right to know everything about the situation, "You'll have to learn how to be one of us."
Your eyebrows furrow and you fight the urge to stand but the space is far too small for you to without being too close.
"I don't know who you think I am but I assure you, I know exactly how to be one of you." You point out, your voice sharp with defiance, yet tinged with a hint of vulnerability, "My parents are just like yours so don't assume that I don't know what it's like."
Your eyes are fixed firmly on Regulus as he remains silent. The tension in the room is palpable, the air crackling with unspoken words and unmet expectations.
Slowly, almost imperceptibly, Regulus shifts his weight, his gaze flickering momentarily away before returning to meet yours. Without a word, he moves closer, his steps deliberate yet hesitant, until he's seated on the edge of the bed beside you. The sudden proximity sends a shiver down your spine, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity toward his actions.
"I'm only trying to help." Regulus admits softly, his voice barely above a whisper, before retreating once more into his stoic demeanor, "But you shouldn't assume this will be any better for you."
Your shoulders sag with the weight of his words, a heavy sigh escaping your lips as you struggle to find the right response. "It might," you murmur, your voice tinged with hope. "In a year, we can leave here."
Regulus's gaze softens slightly, a fleeting glimpse of understanding passing through his eyes before they harden once more. "You're missing a chance to be happy," he offers, the hint of regret hidden in his tone.
A bitter laugh escapes you as you shake your head, the weight of your circumstances pressing down on you like a leaden blanket, "I don't have any other choice."
Regulus's hand finds yours for a moment before his door flies open, clearly without regard for the sign, and your hands fly apart. And there stand your parents.
"Oh lovely," Walburga begins, "They're already getting on."
"(Y/n), you'll be moving in with the Black's, effective tomorrow." Your father explains and under the intense gaze of Walburga you flinch. It doesn't go unnoticed by her or Regulus, "You can pack your bags tonight. Understood?"
"Yes, father, I understand."
Your parents exit the room but Walburga lingers and her icy gaze turns to Regulus, "Our guest will be staying in here, with you," Walburga pauses, eyes narrowing in your direction, "She's your responsibility now."
masterlist . regulus black masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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midnightstargazer · 2 months
In OotP, when Regulus is first mentioned, this is how he's introduced:
"He was younger than me," said Sirius, "and a much better son, as I was constantly reminded."
The juxtaposition of those two things - younger and a better son - stands out because the Blacks are such an old-fashioned family. Sirius and Regulus seem like a typical "heir and a spare" situation, so for the spare to be a "better son" than the heir is a big deal.
In DH, when Harry visits the top floor of Grimmauld Place, one thing he notices is that Sirius had the larger bedroom. To me, this suggests that, at least when they were young children, their parents showed more favoritism to Sirius. He was, after all, the oldest and the heir. Given that Bellatrix and Walburga didn't have quiet, passive temperaments either, I doubt his personality would be seen as a problem until he ended up in Gryffindor, befriending the wrong people and rejecting everything the family stood for.
Regulus's more dutiful and obedient attitude was no doubt something they appreciated once Sirius really started rebelling, and it's easy to imagine them pitting their sons against each other: look at your brother, he's in the right house, he's rarely ever in detention, he's got friends we approve of - why can't you be like him? But still, they didn't disown Sirius until he ran away at sixteen. This suggests to me that any favoritism towards Regulus was, at least at first, an attempt to bring Sirius back into line and get him to behave the way they expected.
Even after Sirius ran away, they kept his room exactly as it was. Even if everything on the walls was attached with a permanent sticking charm, it shouldn't have been too difficult to cover it up. Furniture and personal items could certainly be gotten rid of. The fact that the room was still pretty much untouched tells me they kept holding out hope he might come back.
However, I do think that things would have changed for Regulus after Sirius was Sorted into Gryffindor and after he ran away. In both cases, there would have been more pressure on him to live up to the family's expectations. The impression we're given of Regulus in the books is of someone who didn't really think for himself and was very proud of his conformity. It seems reasonable to me that that would have come from growing up with an older brother who constantly defied their parents and, as a result, had lost their favoritism. And knowing, of course, that their love for him was just as conditional.
(That's not me saying he was forced into anything. I actually don't think Orion and Walburga would have forced either of their sons to join the Death Eaters. But I do think Regulus felt he had something to prove, was taught basically the same ideology at home, and was therefore easier to radicalize. And I think that feeling of having something to prove probably came, at least in part, from watching Sirius go from favorite son and heir to scapegoat to disowned.)
Both brothers, I think, ended up living very different lives than their family would've chosen for them. They would've been expected to marry pure-blood women and have kids, to support the blood purist ideology but not actually risk their lives for it, and either to live off their inherited wealth or to work in relatively safe, prestigious careers. So, in different ways, they both fell short.
I do think there was definitely a scapegoat and golden child dynamic, but I think it's a bit more complicated than that: changing favoritism through the years as it became more and more obvious that Sirius wouldn't fall into line with the family expectations, first to pit them against each other and then to cut Sirius off and replace him with Regulus.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Yandere Orion Black with Young wife that give born to Sirius and Regulus Black at young age how will the boy react when the found out there mother (aka the mistress ) was take by force by there father
(Here drama)
And they one that told Sirius and Regulus about it was Walburga Black beause the hate told their mother (aka the reader)
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Reader is the wife yandere Orion Black. She is the mother of Sirius and Regulus Black. Walburga explains to the children that one day, because of her jealousy, the reader was forced to marry Orion. What would the children's reaction be? Did I understand your question correctly?
I have two theories about how children will react.
They share their father's yandere tendencies. They will justify their father's actions. And they will defend their father's behavior. So they won't see anything wrong with what their father did.
They will be shocked and angry when they learn of their father's work. They will question what their father did. They will demand an explanation. Especially Sirius will try to save his mother. Regulusta will try to save him, but he will do it secretly.
The whole family was gathered at 12 grimmauld places. You are chatting in the living room. Your husband has sat very closely with you. All of a sudden, your sons come running into the room. The sobbing of Regulus worries you. Sirius has an angry expression on his face. Walburga enters the room with a sly smile on her face.
"Mom. Did my father force you to marry him?"
The whole family member looks at each other in fear and anxiety.
"Aunt Walburga told us she never wanted to get married. You don't love my father and you don't. He said so."
The expression on Orion's face makes you tremble with fear to your bones. You make Sirius and his Regulus sit next to you.
"Honey, you misunderstood. Our marriage was arranged. But we both wanted to get married. Besides, I love your father. I love your father, you and your brother more than anything. I feel so lucky to have you in my life."
Sirius turns to face his father as you hug each other.
"Dad, did my mom really want to marry you?"
"Yes. Your Aunt Walburga talks nonsense out of jealousy. After all, she never married and has no family."
You hug Sirius and Regulus tightly. You are sending guests away. Orion will not let this go.
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lexithwrites · 5 months
Just imagine a ‘slipping through my fingers’ montage of Sirius running away and bringing regulus with him to the potters, Effie and Monty setting up the spare rooms for these young boys—they’re still babies to them—and making hot chocolate as James rubs Sirius back and watches regulus as he just quietly sits there.
Then it cuts through the next few years; Sirius relaxing into life at the potters like clockwork because he’s spent summers there and regulus taking a lot longer to settle. Effie being so patient with him and never forcing him to talk until one night he cries to her and she strokes his hair telling him he’s loved. Monty taking the three boys out for lunch once a week and trying new places. James teaching regulus to cook like his mum taught him and Sirius finally learning guitar now he has the time.
Every Christmas they bring the other marauders over and regulus invites his group too. Barty and Pandora gossiping with effie and Dorcas and Evan talking to Monty about music. James and regulus exchanging longing stares that only effie sees. When Sirius and regulus have a blowout and they each go to a different parent for comfort. When regulus first calls Effie ‘mum’. If Walburga or Orion showed up trying to get them back effie and Monty are so damn protective of their kids, their babies.
When James and Sirius go to university and regulus is alone with his parents permanently and he comes out to them both. They already knew. Sirius coming home for the holidays with Remus and Monty nearly cries he’s so proud. Remus baking with effie and Sirius just watching from the door knowing he’s going to marry that man. Monty eventually catching James and regulus sneaking around and he tells them it’s okay. When regulus goes to Uni next and Monty and effie are finally alone after all these years. They both cry that first night.
They raised three boys together, and they couldn’t be prouder of them.
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nightingale2004 · 4 months
Broooooossss, Harry Potter pre marauders headcanon idea
What if before the marauders, when their parents went to school, Eileen Prince, Walburga black, and Euphemia were friends, maybe even coven sisters, but due to the paths they took, they seperated?
So imagine this. Walburga was just like Sirius when she was in hogwarts, except she was in slytherin and toughest snake in all of Slytherin and faced worse abuse from her parents. She was also your typical rebellious sarcastic rich wild child sister and a pain to her older brother Adolphus. Plus, she got away with a lot due to her money and name. And she loves a good fight.
Then there was her friend Eileen, she was the smartest in slytherin. She knew more spells and hexes in her first year than anyone in their 5th year. Plus, gobstones champion. I feel like Eileen would be the knowledgeable yet somewhat shy type. She always focused on her studies and was ahead of her class in almost every subject (sometimes without even trying)
Last but certainly not least, Euphemia ( I don't know her last name, but there are theories on her family). Euphemia was this free spirited, laid-back, extroverted person that everyone liked. She was also a very brave and loyal Gryffindor. To Walburga, Euphemia was everything that represents Gryffindor.
These three together were a force to be reckoned with. If someone messed with one of them, the other two were not far behind, and they wouldn't let any deed go unpunished.
Walburga loved her coven sisters, and she was even fascinated with muggles once. That was until Eileen got pregnant and picked a life of shame with the father of her child instead of a life with her (Walburga definitely had a crush on Eileen, and you can't tell me otherwise).
Then Walburga and Euphemia drifted apart after they both got betrothed and married, and Walburga became just like her mother, who abused her and her brothers on more than one occasion but to Cygnus, she is softer than their mother and their father.
After Sirius went to hogwarts and told her and Orion about his new friends (and she used legilimens on him) and mentioned Severus, she immediately had flashbacks to Euphemia and Eileen and deep down she missed them both but she kills that part of herself almost every day.
Walburga also kept an old photo she, Eileen, and Euphemia took together with their initials written on the back of the photo. She originally meant to burn it, but she always kept it close and hid it so no one could find it.
That's all, let me know what you think and enjoy
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fiendishfyre · 2 months
All your thoughts on Walburga Black please
Thank for this ask, I apologize for the incoherent mess Imma bout to vomit out.
First and foremost, I do not think nor agree with her (and in part Orion) using harmful spells on Sirius and Regulus. Using the cruciatus curse on her own kids???? Sorry we already have villains like Voldy and Umbridge. I hate Walburga being made into some pure evil cartoon level villain to her sons. I think she loved them. I can't say it was healthy but the Black family is complicated, no *family* is complicated. And I am not saying she wasn't abusive in a way, but I lean more it was generational trauma she imposed (orion would have as well), along with emotional/mental abuse. They leave their own marks and can be enough to want to leave a family. I mean look at well intention, for all accounts 'good' parents but are super controlling, people have ended up leaving that family as well (I say this as I've seen people share their personal lives and this be one reason why. Which is valid too.) Like praising the child that was behaving well while also throwing insult to other child, 'why can't you be like X'. But enough about her and how she'd have raised the kids. I love her having aspirations but it was cut short, forced to marry Orion. Keeping blood pure and all that jazz. Though I do also like her wanting Orion as well but I tend to go for the former. She was a potions master or at least wanted to be, it was one of her fav subject. She taught the boys early on how to make potions. She also played with Sirius specifically with the piano. Sirius was her fav child, apple of her eyes. She was so proud of him, even when he rebelled and ran off, part of her was proud of how strong her son was. Though she'd not speak it aloud. (Maybe in time she would have but life didn't allow it.) Her angry dictates her at times, she is more expressive in emotions than Orion. Which annoys her, she wants to see his emotions. Not saying she can't completely hold her emotions back, but just that she is more prone to outward emotions. Orion will look at something with disgust while she'll do the same and say it aloud too. She's a goth queen and Bella so took inspo from her fashion sense. Hahahahhaa. Wally was also an excellent duelist. Ruthless. Her relationship with her brothers is..hm, she is envious of Alphard, getting to be born a man and having different expectations. She was firstborn of her line, told she *must* wed well then must help carry the Black family line. Also Alphard had a more carefree (my hcs okay) personality while she thought too much and couldn't be like him. Cygnus was like an annoying little brother she ignored until he was older and less annoying. But she and Al were highkey mean to him. Taking advantage of their older siblings status. RIP Cygnus.
She totally would have messed with/bullied Tom Riddle, hahahaha. "Knights of Walpurgis? Fucking nerd." /joking, maybe.
She's the most gorgeous woman and knows it. Is a bit of a clean freak which she loosens up for when it comes to potions though she's still; careful not to make a big mess.
Okay, yeah, these are *my* thoughts only, please don't get offended or argue. c':
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saintsenara · 2 months
What if: Sirius's decision to run away from home was because he would be forced to marry one of the Black sisters (since they're in the habit of marrying first cousins).
Imagine if it was Bellatrix.
Thoughts on bella/Sirius?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i've set out some thoughts on siritrix here - and i do generally back it, especially because of the potential for mess it contains as a pairing.
and the idea that pureblood families practise arranged marriage is certainly one of the few bits of "pureblood culture" fanon i accept - and i think that it's entirely plausible that, in some cases, these arranged marriages take place between cousins.
[although i do think it's worth pointing out that orion and walburga are not first cousins - and that we don't actually hear of any pureblood couple in canon, except for the pre-marvolo generations of gaunts, who are so closely related.]
i also think that it's entirely plausible that some of these arranged marriages are forced ones [although arranged and forced marriages are not synonymous inherently], and that sirius causes considerable drama for his parents when he runs away in that his estrangement from his family also results in the breaking of an engagement.
do i think bellatrix would have been in contention to marry sirius? probably not.
the age gap is large enough that, even if they married immediately after sirius left school in 1978, she'd still be twenty-six or twenty-seven - and all the evidence of canon is that this would make her an old maid by wizarding standards...
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i also think that her parents would be unlikely to permit her to be in an engagement which still had several years before it could result in marriage after andromeda ran away from home - which, given that tonks is born in 1973, when sirius is thirteen or fourteen, rules him out. and i think that orion and walburga would be unlikely to be keen on bellatrix if she'd been engaged or married previously - even if she'd been widowed in an unscandalous way.
[i also think that bellatrix is someone whose canon characterisation relies on her having a slight naïveté behind her malevolence - and her not having the opportunity to develop any life experience outside of the restrictive social conventions which govern the pureblood world, other than the life experience she's offered by voldemort, is a key part of this. as i've said here, i like the idea of her and rodolphus marrying when she's barely eighteen - and voldemort being able to groom her by taking advantage of her lack of experience in both life and love.]
and so the sister i think there's a good case for as sirius' unwanted fiancée? narcissa.
the age gap is smaller, she's the most conformist - and so cygnus and druella would probably be less worried about her running off if she wasn't married quickly, and she's the one that sirius would clearly get along with least.
he'd have to dip!
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Regulus couldn't believe it. Arranged marriage shouldn't be a thing anymore. He had to meet Pandora Lovegood. Probably an annoying rich girl that was as superficial as the rest of these people. Walburga hadn't said precisely he was going to marry her. Regulus just had to be nice with her because they were around the same age. And her Uncle was the American  Ambassador. But most of all, Grandpa Pollux and the rest of the bloody family, wanted to make sure he wasn't gay like Sirius. Not that anyone knew exactly if it was true.
That picture of Sirius kissing Lupin had been circulating throughout the Internet. Remus' face could be recognized but Sirius was on his back and it was blurry. Regulus knew it was him. But no one was hundred percent sure. Orion was still refusing to believe it.
Now Regulus had to pretend of course. Not that Regulus knew if he was straight. He hadn't fancied or dated anyone to know. All he knew was that he didn't want to be "forced" to like someone. But Regulus didn't know how to say no. Another burden that Sirius left.
Pandora Lovegood wasn't what he expected. She wasn't dressed with a classic dress. But with a colorful suit that appeared to have Unicorn vomit on it. She had short platinum hair and cool makeup. Surely what concerned Regulus more was the wide smile he was giving him as they were introduced. Regulus didn't know where to look.
Barty certainly would have many comments and jokes about her and her color choices.
"Regulus...." Walburga said, putting an arm around his shoulder and making him flinch "Why don't you show Pandora around?"
Walburga didn't like Pandora. Regulus could tell. But the fact that she was rich and important (and female) would content the rest of the Family. Which was the purpose after all.
"That sounds wicked!" Pandora bounced.
How did this girl have so much energy?
"Pandora, please take it easy. Will you?" Her Uncle implied rather irritated.
Pandora looked down embarrassed by the scolding.
"I would rather die" Regulus whispered.
"Sorry?" Walburga asked.
"I said it would be my pleasure" Regulus faked a smile.
"Care for a drink, Mr. Lovegood?"
As the adults left them alone, Regulus started panicking. There was a reason why he didn't have more friends than Barty. It was because he wasn't very eloquent with words. Barty did all the talking. Regulus hated speaking. And worse, he hated speaking with strangers.
Pandora was still smiling and looking around.
"Do you think we will live here when we get married?"
Regulus blinked. They hadn't talked about it. No one had said anything. They were introducing them that was all.
"What?" he asked "No, we are not... Who told you that?"
Pandora still didn’t seem bothered. She was still smiling.
"Isn't the whole point of this introduction?" she asked "And why I am going to Hogwarts now. To be close to you"
Regulus shook his head as if he could change things like that.
"Didn't your parents tell you? My Uncle keeps saying you are good suitor for me"
"Your Uncle is delusional. I am not going to marry you. I don't know you at all"
Pandora laughed.
"Let's see my future home"
"This is not your..."
And just like that she started walking through the house. Regulus considered leaving her alone and running away. Maybe hiding in the loo, calling Barty while smoking the joint he had hidden in his pocket. This was the most bizarre girl he had met. Who said such things while meeting someone for the first time?
But there was that feeling of guilt. Something that made him follow the rules and stay put. Something Sirius didn't have. But fuck Sirius. Regulus didn't want to think about him. He was angry. All of this was his fault.
Regulus sighed and rolled his eyes before going after Pandora.
Pandora, Regulus reckoned after spending five minutes with her, was like an energetic kid. She asked questions about everything around the house. And when Regulus was about to answer, she asked another one. Regulus found himself taking vases and reliques out of her hands before she broke them.
"No no no no... You're going to break this"
Or forbid her to touch stuff she wasn’t supposed to touch.
"Leave that alone, will you?"
Seriously it was like babysitting. Regulus hated kids. So he rolled his eyes every five seconds. Pandora introduced herself to all the servitude around as if they were Regulus' family or friends. The worst part was that she said: "Hi, I'm Pandora! Regulus' friend" to anyone who listened. Including some guests at the party.
"I want to see your room" Pandora said when they got to the second floor.
'When girls say that.. ' a voice inside his head that sounded too much like Barty said '.. Is because they want to have sex with you'
"No! Why?"
Regulus never understood his own cousins. Worst of all, another girls. He hadn't spoken to one for more than five minutes.
The idea of shagging Pandora made him panic. Even snogging her. Even coming closer.
"The way someone keeps their room says a lot about them" Pandora shrugged "Is it here?"
Pandora was pointing to Sirius' room, which hadn't been touched or opened since he left. Except when Regulus got extremely high and he missed his brother like hell, and he sneaked in.
"No!" Regulus took her arm and pushed her away rather harshly "Don't go in there!"
Pandora looked at him in confusion. Rubbing her arm. And Regulus realized perhaps he had been a bit too harsh. So his expression softened.
"My room is over there" he said pointing down the hall "But you have to promise not to touch anything"
Pandora smiled and nodded.
Pandora kept her promise. She didn't touch anything but she eyed everything with great curiousity. Regulus' room was very tidy in comparison to Sirius'. He didn't use much decorations or posters. Just a My Chemical Romance poster that had skeletons on it and Regulus found cool.
Pandora started singing the lyrics of The Black Parade which was kind of surprising. Regulus didn't know a pinky princess like her would like this type of music.
She eyed the well made bed, and the pile of clothes very well folded on a corner. And the stash of books Regulus owned. And the music sheets stuck by his desk.
"You are a musician?"
"I used to play the piano. Not anymore"
He used to practice daily. It was one of the things he loved doing when he was younger. But he didn't find inspiration anymore. He found all of it silly. Maybe because he was tired and sad all the time.
Pandora didn't answer. She seemed to be occupied with something on Regulus' night table.
"What is this?"
Pandora was holding the box that contained his stash of weed. No one from his family knew he actually smoked. He had forgotten to hide it. Pandora looked like the snitch that would tell her Uncle and the man would tell Regulus' parents. And he didn't want to have that conversation.
"Nothing!" Regulus took the box for himself.
He put the box inside a drawer rather aggressively. He could feel the joint inside his pocket burning.
Regulus might've needed it right now.
Pandora shrugged and moved to grab a picture frame. It was a picture of Sirius and him when they were kids. It was a happy one. Not like the the ones The Black's used for press or put around the house to pretend they were a happy family. Their smiles were genuine. That day their parents had a business trip or something. And Mrs. Syre had been miraculously sick. So they were sent to spend the day with their Uncle Alphard. Regulus remembered it as one of the best days of his life. Their Uncle let them eat all the sugar they wanted and play as much as they wished. Alphard had been into photography at that time. He was always into something new. And he took the picture. Sirius kept it of course. He kept everything cool or nice. And Regulus had found it in his room when he sneaked there to smoke the other day. That picture was before Lupin, before Potter, before everything.
"Is this you brother?" Pandora asked, getting Regulus out of the memory "I heard so much about him. That he is gay now and all... Which is fine. There's nothing wrong about being gay. I am actually thinking perhaps... "
"He is not gay" Regulus found himself spiting , Interrupting Pandora "He is just a bloody douchebag"
Thinking about Sirius made him extremely angry and sad lately. So much that he felt like punching something or breaking down crying. Regulus hated that he had left. Just like that. And suddenly forgot he had a family. That he had a brother. And Regulus had to take care of a lot of things since he left.
He hated that Pandora had an opinion about Sirius, that everyone had an opinion. That everyone was judging him.
Regulus took his stash out of the drawer, grabbed the frame from Pandora's hands and put it down. Hiding the picture.
"If you want to see what this is, I will show you" Regulus said "Follow me"
Pandora followed him very pleased, with a big smile on her face, and even bouncing a little.
"Your room shows you are actually not that though as you look like" Pandora said as she followed "You care too much about things and you are very disciplined with yourself. But you keep everything in layers afraid of showing others"
Regulus stopped walking just to say:
"Don't physicoanalize me based on my room"
Pandora simply laughed.
But she talked a lot on their way to the study where Regulus usually liked to smoke because of its large window so the smell would go away. Pandora talked about a lot of random facts about herself, her Uncle, and a lad named Ralf which apparently was her body guard. Regulus pretended he didn't care. But he listened closely.
By the time they got to the study, Regulus regretted even bringing Pandora here. She seemed like an innocent girl. Regulus didn't want to show her how to smoke weed.
But God, he was so stressed with everything. And Pandora talking and talking. He needed something to ease his mind.
"You can return to the party now"
"But I am having a blast with you!"
Pandora smiled as she began to curiously wonder around the room. Like she had done with all of the others.
"I thought we were smoking weed"
Damn. Perhaps this girl wasn't that innocent.
"I am not stupid" Pandora laughed, watching his face "I know how it smells and looks. Tons of kids used to do it at my school"
"And you?"
Pandora shook her head.
"I had never"
"Well then... I am not going to be the one to corrupt you"
"Is this a thing you would like to do right now?"
He would love to. But preferably alone. Or with Barty.
"Then let's do it!" Pandora exclaimed "I want to like the things you like. Because we are friends..."
They weren't friends.
"Or future spouses"
Pandora smiled as she tried to reach the joint in Regulus' hand but he pulled away.
"No!" he snapped "And we are not going to be spouses ever"
"Come on, Regulus" Pandora begged trying to reach it "Let me try"
"I want to be cool like you!"
Regulus had never considered himself cool but okay...
"I said no!"
"Regulus Henry Black!" Pandora put her hands on her hips.
"My second name is not Henry"
"Whatever, it is the first name that came into my mind" Pandora shrugged. Then she frowned "Give it to me!"
Pandora was now trying to tickle him. Just like Sirius used to do when they were kids. Regulus did his best not to giggle. And kept putting the joint away. Above his head because he was taller.
The next thing that happened was that Pandora had climbed on his waist, trying to grab it.
"Give it here!"
"Get off me!"
"Come on, Regulus!"
"What is wrong with you?!"
Pandora was laughing and Regulus hadn't had a clue of what to do. He was trying to cover himself and avoid the tickles. And Pandora was way heavier than she seems.
"Jesus Christ! Get off me!"
"I won't give up, Regulus"
It got to the point where they dropped to the floor on the carpet.
Regulus was on his back and Pandora was sitting on his waist. She finally grabbed the joint from his hand because Regulus was suddenly too uncomfortable to fight.
"Ha! Got it!" Pandora laughed.
"Honestly, what is wrong with you? You are literally insane!"
Pandora's expression changed. She looked sad and embarassed now which made Regulus feel guilty. But then Pandora added with a smile.
"How do I use this?"
In that second they heard a voice approaching.
"I told you I cannot talk right now, Ulrich!... Yes I am with her... What's the problem?... It's Narcissa, my girlfriend...."
Regulus didn't have time to react before Lucius Malfoy had crossed the door speaking on the phone. He was surprised to see Regulus there. Like he had been caught doing something bad. But then he saw Pandora on his waist and Lucius raised an eyebrow smiling.
"I have to go" he said to the phone. Then he stood by the door, crossing his arms and looking amused between the two.
"Sorry... Am I interrupting something?"
Regulus then realized in the compromised position they were immersed into.
"No! No no no..." he pushed Pandora away and she dropped to the floor letting out a soft shriek.
"No there is nothing going on..." Regulus stood up nervously "Me and her? No... Not at all"
This night had been crazy so far. He didn't want Lucius Malfoy, the bloody king of gossip, to tell Narcissa or worse Bellatrix about this. They would never leave him alone.
Or perhaps this was what the family wanted....
But Regulus would rather die than actually date a girl like this. She was too much.
But Lucius was laughing.
"I didn't know you were a little Casanova, eh Reggie?"
Sirius hated this asshole for a reason. He was a twat. Worth pranking on. Narcissa deserved better.
"Who would have thought?"
"Regulus, you pushed me!" And Pandora was now on his side. Until she noticed Lucius.
"Hi, I am Pandora" she shook his hand "Regulus' friend"
"We are not friends" Regulus said under his breath but there was no use.
"Lucius Malfoy..." he answered "Nice to meet you, sweetheart"
"Regulus and I were about to smoke a joint, Lucius"
Regulus' eyes opened up like plates. This girl was so thick.
"Pandora..." he grunted.
"A joint, you said?" Lucius asked.
Regulus wanted to deny it but Pandora had it in her hands and Regulus wanted to die.
Lucius smiled and closed the door behind him.
"Do you mind sharing that, Reggie?"
"It's Regulus. And no! We are just leaving"
He grabbed Pandora's hand for some reason but Lucius added:.
"If you share I won't tell anyone you smoke"
Regulus stopped.
"Does Cissy know you smoke?"
"Does Cissy know YOU smoke?"
This fucking wanker.
"Who is Ulrich?"
Lucius was surprised by that question.
"A friend from Oslo" he answered nervously "Is she your girlfriend?" Lucius pointed at Pandora.
"No! She is my... friend"
Was she? Pandora smiled at that statement.
"And future wife" she added.
Regulus dropped her hand because he was still holding it.
"No we are not!"
"Yes we are?"
"Says who?"
"Our families"
"Damn..." Lucius added looking between the two "The chemistry"
Regulus wanted to vomit.
They ended up sharing the split. Regulus and Lucius had agreed to not tell what they apparently knew about each other and keep quiet. Somehow Pandora agreed too. Though she wasn't involved but whatever.
Regulus found himself very pendant of Pandora because it was her first time smoking. She coughed a little but then she learned quickly not to. Regulus didn't know if he should be surprised or concerned.
All he knew was that he was starting to relax as he got high. Best feeling in the world lately.
"Is it true you are marrying Narcissa?"
Regulus asked, trying not to be bothered by Pandora's hands running through his hair.
Lucius coughed after he took a drag.
"Who told you that?"
"Everyone is expeculating about it" Regulus shrugged "It is the next move, isn't it? Now that Sirius is not the heir. Probably your father thinks I am not capable. You have to marry Narcissa to be part of the family and therefore be considered an Heir"
Lucius seemed pale and uncomfortable. But perhaps he was also high because he grinned.
"Damn, Reggie. You are too fucking intelligent"
"It's Regulus"
"Who is Narcissa?"
Pandora seemed to be the most high of them all. And Regulus was worried because it was his responsabilty.
"My cousin..." he said "His girlfriend"
Lucius nodded at that.
"Oh that's cool!" Pandora bounced on the couch "I think I actually have cousins but none of them speak to me. No one from my father's side speak to me. Apparently he ran off to marry my mother who was a hippie woman that new about magic... They said she was a witch..."
Regulus and Lucius looked between each other. This girl was insane.
"But I think maybe she was on drugs all the time, you know? Because I feel like magic right now" she touched Regulus' hair again and he flinched "Regulus' hair is magic... So soft and fluffy like a bunny"
Regulus pulled away "Let go"
"Anyway my parents died in a car accident when I was nine..." Pandora continued "I was there. And I like to believe she put a spell on me to keep me protected and save me from death"
Regulus didn't know what to say. Luckily Lucius spoke.
"Hell! You're a miracle then!"
"I am a miracle!" Pandora screamed and then giggled dropping her head on Regulus' shoulder. If he wasn't this high and relaxed he would've probably pushed her away.
"I have the ring, Reggie..." Lucius was saying now.
"It's Regulus"
Lucius ignored him taking a tiny shinny little ring from his pocket. Oh! An engagement ring. Cissy...
"I don't know what to do" Lucius sighed "I love her but I don't know if I want to marry her, you know?"
"Oh! Shinny!" Pandora luckily got off Regulus' shoulder and leaned in to look at that ring up close.
"It was my mother's" Lucius said miserably "Now I have to give it to her, to Cissy"
Regulus thought of Narcissa and the amount of time she talked about Lucius. How she talked about him like he was the best bloke alive, a real prince. How Cissy got so happy when Lucius arrived at Family Gatherings showering him with kisses. Did Lucius feel the same?
Sometimes Regulus didn't understand love. It sounded like a lot compromise. Like something that made people act stupid. Regulus thought of Andromeda and how she left everything for Tonks. He thought about Sirius and how he always preferred Lupin. Was it all worth it?
And now Pandora was speaking.
"If you love her, Lucius. If you truly love her then you should propose and marry her"
Lucius' eyes were watery.
"Sounds easy, eh?"
"It is"
"Have you ever been in love, Pandora?"
"No" Pandora answered immediately "But love is easy. People are the ones who made it complicated"
Perhaps that was true.
Lucius pocketed the ring and leaned back.
"I thought you were going to marry, Reggie"
Regulus blushed for some reason. Mainly because they were talking about him. In front of him.
"Nah..." Pandora gave Regulus a smile than made him blush even more "I don't want to marry, Regulus. I just think he is really cool and I want to be his friend"
Lucius chuckled.
"Friendzoning  him already, eh? Poor Reggie"
Regulus rolled his eyes. Pandora laughed.
"Shut up, Malfoy" he said "And it's Regulus!"
Although he was glad that Pandora didn't have a crush or something. That would be weird.
The door was bursted open. And Regulus almost had a heart attack. But it was only Bellatrix and Narcissa.
"Lucius! There you are!" the latter said.
Regulus hid the joint behind his back but he hadn't realized they were surrounded by smoke until his cousins coughed and cleared it away.
"What the hell is that smell?" Bella asked but her wicked smile and expression showed she already knew everything.
"Cissy!" Lucius tried to grab her waist
"Are you smoking weed?" she asked indignated "And with my little cousin?"
"Reggie is cool"
"Yeah, Reggie is cool" Pandora added.
"It's Regulus..."
"Who is she?" Bellatrix was staring at Pandora with disgust.
"Pandora Lovegood!" she extended her hand "Regulus' friend"
Regulus rolled his eyes.
Bellatrix pursed her lips.
"Oh! The American Ambassador's niece" she told with amusement to her sister. But Narcissa was busy trying to wake Lucius who had apparently fallen asleep.
Regulus didn't know what that meant. He didn't want to ask.
Bellatrix turned to them again.
"Give it to me!" Bellatrix demanded.
"What are you talking ab.... Ah ah ah!" he protested when Bellatrix pulled his ear "Bella!"
"Give it now!"
"Jesus fucking Christ!"
Regulus was embarrassed to be scolded by his older cousin in front of Pandora. Practically a stranger, was she?
Regulus showed Bellatrix the joint. It was almost finished. Bellatrix raised an eyebrow.
"Please don't tell my parents!"
Bella came closer and Regulus flinched.
"The next time, don't invite that wanker" she pointed to Lucius who was on Narcissa's lap "Invite your dear cousin, will you?"
Regulus didn't expect that. So Bella smoked too, ha? He was relieved.
At least this night didn't turn as boring as he had expected. The first New Years Party without Sirius to make mischief. And it didn't turn to be that bad. All thanks to the strange girl next to him.
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I was doing some research on the Black family for a fic and it turns out that Cygnus Black III was born in 1938 and that Bellatrix was born in 1951 which means that Cygnus was canonically thirteen years old when his first daughter was born.
Now we don’t know what year Druella was born in so I have two theories:
1. Cygnus and Druella were the same age and Bella was a complete accident and they had to get married in hurry to avoid a scandal, which probably means that Druella never graduated Hogwarts and spent her childhood raising kids (because we know that Narcissa was born 1955 and Andy was the middle child meaning Druella had them at 17 and 15 respectively) but did Cygnus also quit school or did he ignore his responsibilities and continued going to school until all three of his daughters were already born?
2. Druella was 4 to 5 years older than Cygnus and they were forced into marriage at 12 and 16/17 for a political alliance or something and were expected to consummate the marriage whether or not they wanted to. I feel like this is definitely something the Blacks and the Rosiers would do, but it once again brings the question of whether or not Cygnus graduated cause if he didn’t then he’s probably really bad at magic and that would be hilarious
Upon further research I found out that his sister, Walburga, was born in 1925 making her 13 years older than him yet she still had her first born 8 years after he had his. So Walburga was 34 when she had Sirius, and Orion was 30, which is curious in a world where most people finish their studies at 17 and can be well established in their career by the time they hit 25, and it’s especially curious since we’re talking about the Blacks who probably had a lot of pressure on them to produce an heir and they definitely didn’t need to wait until they were well established in their careers since they are filthy rich and were already pretty notorious even when they had just graduated Hogwarts. Maybe they waited to see if Cygnus and Druella would have a son, but Narcissa was born 4 years before Sirius so maybe Walburga or Orion had fertility problems or maybe having kids with your cousin while your ancestors have been making incest babies for generations is harder than it sounds, who knows?
Obviously, I know this could very well just be JKR’s poor writing but I love thinking about these kinds of things.
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headcanonandburn · 10 months
Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Characters Sexualities, Gender and Stance on LGBTQA+ Pepps
Fantastic Beasts:
Newt Scamader: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Bunty Broadacre: Cisgender, lesbian
Credance Barebone/Aurelius Dumbledore: Cisgender,Gay
Queenie Goldstein: Cisgender, straight ally
Porpetina Goldstain: Cisgender, Gray ace heteromantic
Jacob Kowawski: Cisgender,straight ally
Eulalie "Lally" Hicks: Cisgender,straight ally
Seraphina Picquery: Cisgender,straight Homophobe
Brutus Malfoy: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Gellert Grindelwald: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind. Transphobe
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind. Transphobe.
Aberfooth Dumbledore: Cisgender,Straight....still on the fence if he is Transphobe or not
Nagini: Cisgender,straight ally
Minerva McGonagall: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Lord Voldemort's Era
Tom Marvolo Riddle: Cisgender (tbh if it weren't for him canonically hating his real name i would probably class him as trans MTF but...alas), Aroace Ally
Antonin Dolohov: Cisgender, Straight Transphobe
Corban Yaxley: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe & Transphobe
Mulciber Sr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe & Transphobe
Rosier Sr: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Abraxas Malfoy: Cisgender, Gay with a severe case of internal homophobia that was never adressed. Only married a girl because he was forced to by his father.
Orion Black: Cisgender, Gay with a severe case of internal homophobia that was never adressed. Only married Walburga because he was forced to by his father.
Walburga Black: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Fenrir Greyback: Cisgender, Gay Pedophile Transphobe (if Lycantrophy= Aids as J*ke Rowlling claimed then you can't tell me that he is not a pedo. Besides i'm pretty sure he was, at least partly based on Little Red Riding Hood's werewolf wich, for those who don't know, was actually a representation of real life pedophiles who pray on little girls)
Rubeus Hagrid: Cisgender, Straight ally
Madame Maxine: Cisgender, Straight ally
Euphemia Potter: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Flemmont Potter: Cisgender,straight Ally
Charlus Potter: Cisgender,straight ally
Dorea Black: Cisgender, straight ally
Cygnus Black III : Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Druella Black (Nee Rosier): Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Molly Weasley's Era
Gideon Prewett: Cisgender,Pansexual
Fabian Prewett: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Molly Weasley: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Arthur Weasley: Cisgender, Straight...on the fence about LGBTQA+ peeps
Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody: Cisgender, Aroace
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Bellatrix Black Lestrange: Cisgender, Straight...not exactly an ally she just dosen't care for peeps gender or sexuality. Really as long as they are blood puritsts it's fine by her.
Rabastan Lestrange: Cisgender, Gay
Rodolphus Lestrange: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Dolores Jane Umbridge: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Rita Skeeter: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe (mainly thanks to the popular theory that Rita Skeeter= J*ke Rowlling. Though i do like the ship between her and Lucinda Talkalot)
Lucinda Talkalot: Cisgender,lesbian
Marauders Era
Mary Cattermole (Nee Macdonald ): Cisgender,straight ally
Dorcas Meadowes : Cisgender,Lesbian
Marlene McKinnon: Cisgender,Pansexual
Mulciber Jr: Cissgender, Bissexual & Biromantic
Crabbe Snr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Nott Snr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Igor Karkaroff: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Thorfinn Rowle: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Goyle Snr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Evan Rosier: Cisgender, Ace homoromantic
Barty Crouch Jnr: Cisgender, Gay
Sirius Black: Genderfaun (i've seen people headcanon him as trans MTF or even genderfluid but...i'm sorry...No! He gives me the vibe of someone who, while perfectly confortable in wearing makeup would feel ashamed to be seen in a skirt or wearing red lipstick for exemple. Eyeliner, nail polish, body glitter, chopstick and black lipstick? That is fine. Anything beyond that? No! And since being genderfluid or MTF generally implies being confortable in female clothing it's safe to say that to me he is neither of those things) , Bissexual & Omniromantic with a preference towards males.
Remus Lupin: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
James Potter: Cisgender, Pansexual & Pan romantic .
Regulus Black: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Severus Snape: Transgender FTM (though i do love cisgenderSev headcanons as well.i'm cool either way), Demisexual & Demiromantic
Peter Petigrew: Cisgender, Bisexual Pedophile Transphobe (He could have made sure that he stayed in his cage where it's not very confortable but at least appropriate or at least use his "owners" wand to turn into a human and sleep somewhere else but, no, he chose to sleep next to his "owners" on their bed wich like...BRO! )
Xenopilus Lovegood : transgender FTM, nebularomantic & demisexual
Pandora Lovegood : transgender MTF, nebularomantic & demisexual
Lucius Malfoy: Cisgender, Bissexual with a severe case of internal homophobia that was never adressed.
Narcissa Black Malfoy: Cisgender, straight ally
Andromeda Black: Cisgender, straight ally
Ted Tonks: Cisgender,straight ally
Gilderoy Lockhart: Cisgender, Straight Transphobe & Homophobe (i once said that i thought he was a pedo but i saw a better headcanon somewhere that states he only dates people who help his image (ie conventionally atractive women in his age range) ).
Alecto Carrow: Transgender MTF, Straight Homphobe
Amycus Carrow: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe
Augustus Rookwood: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe
Frank Longbottom: Cisgender,straight ally
Alice Fortescure (nee Longbottom): Cisgender,straight ally.
Cornelius Oswald Fudge: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Rufus Scrimgeour: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe
Charlie Weasley's Era
Charlie Weasley: Cisgender, omnisexual & Omniromantic with a preference towards males.
Nymphadora Tonks: Gender nonconforming (i have seen people headcaning her as genderfluid wich i would be more than fine with IF the reasons for said headcanon didn't boil down to "they are a metamorphamagus who hates their birth name" i mean... Seriously?! while it's true that there can be shapeshifters who are genderfluid (Ie Loki from Thor) not all shapeshifters HAVE to be genderfluid and its perfectly possible to be cisgender and hate your birth name (ie me, one of my cousins and a shit ton of people out there) though if someone ever gives me other reasons for that i may change my mind) , Pansexual & Panromantic
Bill Weasley (i know he is older than Charlie i just didn't know were else to put him): Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Golden Trio Era
Percy Weasley : Cisgender, Gay with a severe case of internal homophobia caused by Molly. only dated & married chicks to please his mom.
Fred & George Weasley: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Neville Longbotoom: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Luna Lovegood: Cisgender, Gray ace & Demiromantic
Ron Weasley: Cisgender (i do love the trans ron headcanon's specially considering is weird as heck that Ginny was the only female in the family but...let's be real with him being one of the main characters as well as a Self-Insert of J*ke's childhood crush/best friend and me headcanoning Molly as transphobe it wouldn't fly), Bissexual with with a severe case of internal homophobia caused by Molly.
Padma Patil: Cisgender,Lesbian
Parvati Patil: Cisgender, straight ally
Pansy Parkinson: Cisgender, Bisexual with internal homophobia caused by her parents. Omniromantic with a preference towards males
Blaise Zabini: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromatic.
Theodore Nott: Cisgender, Demisexual & homoromantic
Hermione Jean Granger: Cisgender,straight ally (i know she is canonically confirmed to be J*ke Rowlling's self insert but honestly....Her?a Homophobe and Transphobe? NO! it would be hipocritical at best like....She will go on a passionate crusade for blood equality and for a better treatment of house elfs but the second a transgender, homosexual and/or homoromantic person crosses her way, she bashes them? I mean, get real: we all know that Transgender,homosexual and/or homoromantic peeps are as marginalized and mistreated as the elfs she so pationally defends and, like any muggle or muggleborn they didn't chose to be born that way. Being a homophobe and transphobe while defending the causes she does would be stupidity and Hermione, as we know, is not stupid)
Harry James Potter: Cisgender (though i love to read transHarry Potter fics but...let's be real: there's no way J*ke rowling would ever make her protagonist transgender,specially since he is the Self-Insert of her dream Husband as ig was canonically confirmed. though if Harry was actually a trans woman, i believe she would choose to name herself Lily, like her mom since Harry does seem to be more inclined to choose names that pay homage to the dead or people he cares about).....tbh still unsure if he is bi,omni or gay but he is definetly not straight, demi,aro or ace.
Draco Malfoy : Cisgender, i'm also unsure if he is bi,omni or gay but he is definetly not straight, demi,aro or ace.
Vincent Crabbe: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Gregory Goyle: Cisgender,He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Millecent Bulstrode: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Tracey Davies: Cisgender,aroace
Astoria Greengrass: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Daphne Greengrass: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Astoria Greengrass: Cisgender, Gray ace & Demiromantic
Hannah Abbot: Cisgender,straight Ally
Susan Bones: Cisgender,straight Ally (My otp for Ron is either her or Hannah Abbot)
Rolf Scamander: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Victor Krum: Cisgender, omnissexual & omniromantic with a preference towards females.
Fleur Delacour: Cisgender, Heterosexual demiromentic
Cedric Digorry: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Cho Chang: Cisgender,straight ally
Lee Jordan: Cisgender,straight ally
Angelina Johnson: Cisgender,straight ally
Katie Bell: Cisgender, Bissexual & Biromantic
Alicia Spinnet: Cisgender,Aroace
Ginny Weasley: Cisgender,ominisexual & ominiromantic with a preference towards males.
Gabrielle Delacour: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Colin Creevy: Cisgender,He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Denis Creevy: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Lavander Brown: Cisgender, Bissexual & ominiromantic with a preference for males.
Hestia Carrow: Cisgender, aroace
Flora Carrow: Cisgender,Gray aroace
Luna Lovegood : Cisgender, Panromantic Gray ace
Neville Longbottom : Cisgender, demisexual & demiromantic
Next Gen Era:
Teddy Lupin: Nonbinary, Pansexual & Panromantic
James Sirius Potter: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Albus Severus Potter (who i would rename as Remus Severus Potter, Cedric Severus Potter, George Severus Potter or Neville Severus Potter.... Or..... Pretty much any name besides Albus ) : Cisgender,He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Lily Luna Potter: Cisgender,straight ally
Lysander Scamander: Transgender FTM,Gay
Lorcan Scamander: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Victorie Delacour: Cisgender,straight ally
Louis Delacour: Cisgender,bissexual & biromantic
Dominique Delacour: Transgender MTF,Lesbian
Hugo Weasley: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Rose Weasley: Cisgender,straight homophobe
Delphini Riddle (who i headcanon is actually Delphini Rokwood): Cisgender,aroace homophobe & transphobe
Frank Longbottom II: Cisgender,demisexual & demiromantic
Alice Longbottom II: Cisgender, straight ally.
....aaaaand...that's it.
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ashshmee · 5 months
marauders renaissance au inspired by the borgias. the black family gains the papacy through nefarious means. orion is the pope, but walburga is truly the mastermind behind his reign and the one pulling the strings. they make sirius, their eldest son into a cardinal. cardinal sirius does not want to be a cardinal, but he must go along with his families wishes. definitely meets cardinal (or maybe just priest) remus who was also forced into a career in the church by his own controlling family. definitely fall in love despite definitely not being supposed to. definitely do some freaky shit in the vatican. the black family decide to use their youngest son, who is also made head of the arms of rome, as a means to gain more power. they marry regulus off to a rich lady in order to earn an alliance with her family and more money to support their power. regulus does not want to be in an arranged marriage for obvious reasons. but for unknown and secret reasons bc he is having an affair with a nobleman, the charismatic and vampish lord james potter who is also involved with the organization of the arms of rome. of course, there are no feelings behind their relations. none at all. regulus just doesn’t want to be forced into a marriage with a girl he’s never met. lady lily evans does not want this in any way either. she wants nothing more than to be desired for herself, not for her name or her dowry. she feels even less desired when she meets her husband-to-be and he wants absolutely nothing to do with her. and when a certain nobleman sees her and falls in love with her at first sight, maybe she falls for his charms just as her husband-to-be had. drama, affairs, and pretty dresses with bows and snoods in hair and many a sword fight ensue. also, barty is that assassin guy. and he definitely gets tasked to take out the lord rosier. which becomes a much harder task once he starts to fall in love with him.
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orbitfalls · 3 months
Hello! I’m a new follower but I would love to hear more about how you view walaburga (I never know how to spell her name). I don’t often see her written as a complex character so that sounds super interesting!!
Hi love, welcome to my blog<33 if there's one single person out there i'm ALWAYS ready to talk about then it's the loml Walburga Black so buckle up!!!!!!
I'm very much with you on that she's rarely depicted as a complex character, which, sure enough, is certainly partly bc she's a horrible person, but robbing her of all complexity simply for the crime of being a bad mother doesn't sit right with me and never has... i feel like there's a lot of depth and anger and fear to be explored in her as a woman raised in a victorian-resembling patriarchal family and forced to marry- and have children with her own cousin. To me, she was - like most abusers - a victim first, and an abuser as a consequence of being so undone by trauma that she's unable to overcome centuries and centuries of generational trauma.
Okay to maintain structure in the rambles here comes some hcs of mine:
the way i view her, i think it makes a lot of sense that her control issues stem from experiencing sexual abuse throughout her childhood
due to this, she's very wary of people having power over her, and her greed for power - as well as her need to assert her power over her children, sirius in particular - is above all else a (deeply twisted obv) way of protecting herself
i think her and bella share some VERY fundamental similarities, HOWEVER the major difference, to me, is that walburga has the mind of a ruler whereas bellatrix will forever be a soldier
walburga's the oldest sister, she's incredibly protective of Alphard and cygnus, however her definition of protecting someone isn't always particularly in line with everyone else's
she's literally the tiniest little medieval princess-type of beauty, yet simultaneously the most absolutely loaded powerhouse of magic seen in a long fucking while in the history of magic
the point above is a well-known but rather shushed upon topic within the pureblood families due to her being the housewife of Orion, who's the real heir, and god forbid a woman outdoes the heir lmao
in relation to that, no one fucks with her. like genuinely, no one ever out right admits the terror she evokes in the pureblood ranks, but boy oh boy.
mountain lion patronus. no one talk to me okay this one's dear to me idk. this one i can't explain without frantically typing out a 2k analyzing essay that i'll spare you from tho ssjdjsjdh<33
ANYWAY if youre interested in walburga as a complex character with plenty of depths to explore (very dark ones tho, so tw!!!!), then she's one of the main characters of my black family character study Ultraviolence, in which all of the hcs above play a major role in her character and her relation to her brothers, children and husband<33 (not to mention to the black sisters, bella in particular!!)
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regulus-books · 6 months
wc: 293
warnings: a little mention of walburga and orions A+ parenting but not too much!
notes: hi everyone! I love you all sooo much, merry christmas if you celebrate, happy hanukkah, or anything else you celebrate. this includes trans!reg and husband!james, christmas at the potter house :)
Regulus paces around the kitchen, making sure everything is perfect, and in place. Regulus used to hate Christmas with every single vein in his body. He was forced to put on a dress, a smile, a corset and he was forced to talk to horrible people, his parents hoping he'd find an eligible suitor. He did, just not the one his parents would've forced him to marry. His mother and father are rolling in their grave right now, Regulus is sure of it.
When he hears his husband clomp down the stairs, stomping as he does in the morning, Regulus rushes towards him.
"You're up early," James says, wrapping an arm around the back of Regulus' neck, pulling him close to kiss his cheek.
"Happy Christmas!" Regulus musters up all of the excitement he can, he wants today perfect for James. Unfortunately, he doesn't get the smile he thinks he will, James' face frowns instead.
"I thought you hated Christmas," James scratches the back of his neck.
"I do, but you don't! It's your favorite," Regulus' smile turns into confusion, "isn't it? I got up early to set everything up for you." Regulus internally sighs.
"It is my favorite, but it's not yours, baby. If it brings up bad memories I don't want you to think you have to do all this for me."
"Do you not like it?" Regulus suddenly feels very small, hugging one of his arms to his body.
"It's beautiful, I love it. I love you more. I want you to be comfortable in your own home." James grabs both of Regulus' cheeks, kissing him softly on the lips.
"I am, Jamie. I wouldn't do it if I wasn't comfortable, I promise."
"Thank you, Reggie. It really is beautiful."
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littlemoonyslife · 1 year
What Sirius and Remus’s relationship would look like:
- They would definitely drink Fire Whiskey. Sirius is a BIG whiskey drinker and Remus wanted to be like his sexy boyfriend so he drank regular whiskey and hated it. So Sirius bought him special whiskey (Fire)
- Lots of soft kisses
- Sirius saying "I love you, remember that" before Remus's full moons. Just in case Remus feels bad when Sirius helps him during the full moons
- There are two different Sirius Black's.... Sirius with friends and Sirius with Remus alone. I SAID WHAT I SAID
- Okay imagine this... You know that scene where Andrew Garfield is screaming at night in the middle of the road in front of his car? (can't remember the film to save my life but bear with me) That's Remus outside the Black household screaming at Walburga because Remus thought that Sirius betrayed James and Lily to become a deatheater. With Walburga crying outside the window while she hears Remus screams because she never wanted to marry Orion Black and have a family like this- (SHE DID WRONG, YES I KNOW BUT I CAN SEE HER BEING THE FEMALE VERSION OF SIRIUS. A REBEL. FORCED UPON MARRIAGE)
- McGonagall highkey shipped them. So whenever they were caught doing pranks together, she gave them a warning because she didn't want to ruin their moments together.
- Sirius REALLY AND I MEAN REALLLLLLLLLY loves his hair. Only person was allowed to touch it besides himself..... Remus.
- Remus was the cooker in the relationship and when Sirius tried to impress Remus by cooking, it always ended up in a disaster
- Okay imagine this..... Sirius and Remus sit in the back of class together. Sirius has his head on the table with his arms resting beneath his head. Sighing dramatically for Remus to pay attention to HIM and not the lesson. Remus gives in but not by much.... REMUS GIVES SIRIUS BACKRUBS IN CLASS AND SIRIUS TRIES NOT TO BLUSH
- Remus would always come back to the dorm with a bag of chocolates on his bed
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mariekavanagh · 1 year
If Sirius ever reconciled with his family, who can you see him reconciling with first? What would the order be for the most important members of the family?
I was thinking (in order of reconciliation): Aunt Lucretia (because she’s a blank slate and I saw her views changing a little after marrying Ignatius but she knew how to keep it quiet), Regulus, Orion, Arcturus, and maybe Walburga. In a world where everyone is alive at least lol. I don’t count Andromeda since she was also disowned and I like the idea Sirius was always in contact with her in one way or another.
I like the idea of Lucretia being one of the first, if not the first, to get back in contact with Sirius. I always see her as someone not particularly passionate about politics and the pureblood cause - she does believe in it but she'd also tease and mock-complain at you for bringing up such dreary topics at a party. She'd certainly relish in the drama of being back in contact with her disgraced nephew before his parents. She'd probably try and make sure she had a good viewing spot from the corner of the room during any potential first meeting between them.
Regulus would probably be a good first target for Sirius if he actively wanted to reach out to his family. He knows that his brother is soft and could probably be won over, if they were both still at school at least. In a canon-compliant situation where Reg is already embroiled with the Death Eaters, this would certainly be harder.
Orion would certainly be the easier parent for Sirius to reconcile with, but that by no means suggests that it would be easy. He is, however, monumentally less prone to angry outbursts than his wife, which means any meeting between him and Sirius is far less likely to break down into a shouting match. If Walburga is ever going to be won over, it's almost certainly going to have to come through Orion.
I feel like what I've written so far suggests that Sirius would be the first one to reach out to the family, but honestly, both sides are as strongly stubborn as each other and I think it could easily go either way in an AU where they reconcile. I always feel like it's something that couldn't just happen on a whim where someone woke up one day and decided to reach out, it would need to be a scenario where they're forced together or the stakes are much higher, as is the case in pretty much everything I've written based on the idea.
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